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Page 1: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put
Page 2: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put

الورقة االولى

Page 3: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put

Test One

Section 1: Reading

A. Answer the following questions below:

1. The area where you feel comfortable.

It's the set of routines and known abilities that make us feel safe

2. Because it is an important factor in helping people feel positive about themselves.

3. Because they are afraid of failing or unsure how to begin.

B. Decide whether the statements are True or False. ( 6 points)

1. ( T ) 2. ( T ) 3. ( F )

C- Complete the following with words or phrases from the text: ( 4 points)

1. unexpected or worrying

2. under stress

3. how to begin

4. force yourself

D-What do these words refer to : ( 4 points)

1. comfort zone 2. people

3. the idea that you can't change yourself 4. doing something new

Passage B:

A: Find words in the text that have these meanings: (3 marks)

1. chance 2. series 3. astonished

B: Say what the following refer to:

1. painting 2. series of CDs 3. passage

C: Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: (2 marks)

1. F 2. T

D: Choose the correct answer:

1. a. coincidence 2. b. musical instruments

Section 2 : Vocabulary ( 25 marks )

Question Number One :

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ( 5 Marks )

1. via

2. straight

3. nowadays

4. set

5. error

Question Number Two:

Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the box: ( 5 points)

1. reward

2. mention

3. colleagues

4. excuse 5. citizens

Page 4: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put

Question Number Three: ( 3 points )

Complete the sentences with a correct phrasal verb (verb + preposition) from the box,

changing the tense if necessary

1. ran into

2. turned out

3. put up

Question Number Four: ( 5 points )

Complete the following with prepositions from the list below:

1. in

2. out

3. on

4. about

5. on

Question Number Five:

Complete the following sentences by using a suitable phrase made with the word job

from the box.

1. job prospects

2. job application

3. job security

Section 3 : Language ( 25 marks )

Question Number One: ( 3 points )

Write the full questions.

1. Have you ever spoken in public ?

2. How often do you go to the cinema?

3. What did you do yesterday ?

Question Number Two : ( 5 points )

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. doesn't like

2. looks

3. has had

4. eating

5. was walking

Question Number Three :

Complete the sentence with the correct modal verbs in the box: ( 3 points )

1. won't

2. could have

3. will

Question Number Four :

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. playing

2. to manage

3. to bring

4. getting

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القسم الثبوي وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عه سؤاليه فقط

Question Number One : ( 2 points )

a. Report the following questions:

1. The manager asked me who I wanted to speak to .

2. She asked him if he had enjoyed the concert .

b. Circle the correct verb forms to complete the sentences. ( 3 marks )

1. lasting

2. winning

3. demanding

Question Number Two : ( 5 points )

a. Rewrite the sentence, keeping the same meaning:

1. I wish I had received an invitation for such festival.

2. They regret not buying a new defender last season.

3. I should have replied to his message soon.

b. Add question tags to the sentences

1. has he ?

2. weren't they?

Question Number Three : ( 5 points )

a. Replace the relative clauses with reduced relative clauses using either past participle

or –ing form:

1. The two men hurt in the accident were taken to hospital.

2. Be careful about emails claiming to offer easy ways to make money.

3. Anyone who finding my lost bag will get a reward

b. Complete the sentences with verbs from the box:

1. avoid

2. would like

Test Two Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks )

Passage One: Question Number One: ( 11 points )

A. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. T

2. F

3. T

B. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. the negative effects of young people's use of communications technology.

2. protect their children from harm.

3 social change and economic development

Question Number Two: ( 9 points ) C. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with

words in the text :

1. network

2. citizens

3. motivated

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D. Answer the following questions:

1. Because the situation is changing so fast.

2. The spread of social media sites and communications apps.

3. In poorer countries without a reliable traditional phone network.

Passage B:

A. Choose the best title for each paragraph above:

1. b

2. a

3. c

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Letters of the alphabet.

2. someone had to carry it.

3. In less than a second.

C. Choose the best answer.

1. b

2. a

D. What do the highlighted words in the text refer to ?

1. using short and long electrical sounds instead of letters of the alphabet

2. satellites

Section 2 : Vocabulary ( 25 marks )

Question Number One: Write the correct meaning next to its definition:

1. outweighs

2. objectives

3. breakthrough

4. acquaintance

5. in common

Question Number Two: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ( 5 Marks )

1. impatient

2. genuine

3. creative

4. addicted

5. loyal

Question Number Three: Match words in the box to make fixed phrases

1. like minded

2. market share

3. high priority

Question Number Four:

a. Use the noun in the box to make on / in +noun phrase in the sentences below:

1. on purpose

2. in danger

3. on duty

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b. Complete the sentences using the words in the box with either (co/ mis/ under / over )

as prefixes.

1. co pilot

2. mislead

3. overcharge

Question Number Five: Complete the sentences with correct prepositions: (5 points )

1. on

2. with

3. about

4. in

5. of

Section 3 : Language ( 25 marks )

Question Number One: Circle the correct verb forms: ( 5 marks )

1. are you thinking

2. might have been

3. have been driving

4. doesn't accept

5. did you study

Question Number Two: ( 5 marks )

a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ).

1. having

2. to turn off

3. giving

b. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense ( past simple, past cont. or past perfect)

1. were talking / mentioned

2. was barking / had heard

Question Number Three:

a. Report the following questions:

1. The teacher asked me how I had managed to do the work so quickly.

2. I asked him if he could speak any foreign languages.

3. They asked me what my best hobby was.

b. Rewrite the sentences using the words between brackets:

1. He rang me while I was watching my favourite TV programme .

2. I passed the exam easily because I had spent long time studying this subject.

القسم الثبوي: يتكون مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عه سؤاليه فقط

Question Number One:

a. Correct the mistakes in these sentences :

1. to thank

2. treated

3. won't

Page 8: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put

b. Replace the relative clauses with reduced relative clauses using past participle or –ing


1. The boy attacked by a dog was taken to the hospital.

2. Anyone who finding my lost ring will get a reward.

Question Number Two:

a. Rewrite these sentences using causative structure ( have/ get + the object + the past


1. They had to have the kitchen redecorated because of water damage.

2. We'd better get the car repaired because it's stopped working.

b. Add question tags to the sentences:

1. isn't she ?

2. didn't you?

3. doesn't she?

Question Number Three:

a. Report the pieces of advice in two different ways.

1. My teacher advised me to do much revision before exams.

2. An expert warned him not to put all his profits into developing new ideas.

b. Complete the sentences using will / going to or the present continuous tense with the

verbs in brackets

1. is travelling

2. is going to rain

3. will call

Test Three Passage One:

A: Decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE according to the text.

1. T

2. F

3. T

B: Answer the following questions:

1. There were 28 sports

2. It is international popularity.

3. It is squash

4. very silly

C : Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the text.

1. Criteria

2. Combination

D. Complete the following sentences:

1. geography and political

E: What do the pronouns highlighted in the text refer to?

1. sports 2. Baseball

3. athletes

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Passage B:

Read the text then choose the best title (a-d) for each tip:-

Tip 1: ( d )

Tip 2 : ( b )

Tip 3 : ( a )

Tip 4: ( c )

Read the four situations, then write the suggestions depending on the tips above:-

1. Learn to appreciate that love for friends.

2. a. Don't take your friends for granted.

b. Take the time to thank your friends.

3. a. Ensure you make friendship an important priority

b. Actively listen to your friends

c. Show your interest and enthusiasm in their lives.

4. If a friend tells you a secret, keep it to yourself.

Section 2 : Vocabulary ( 25 marks )

Question Number One:

Write the correct meaning next to its definition

1. impatient

2. optional

3. perception

4. patting

Question Number Two:

a. Complete the sentences with words from the box:

1. trend

2. inevitable

3. promising

4. infuriated

5. impress

b. Choose a suitable phrasal verb in the box to complete these sentences.

1. get on well

2. work out

3. stand out

4. pass on

Question Number Three:

a. Add (co / mis / over / under ) to the following words to complete the sentences below:

1. misbehave

2. co worker

3. overpaid

b. Complete each sentence by using a suitable noun phrase from the box:

1. upmarket

2. marketing

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Question Number Four:

a. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

1. for

2. in

3. on

4. by

5. out

b. Match words 1-4 with a-d in the boxes to make fixed phrases:

1. Central point 2. Financial problems 3. Job security 4. Exam revision

Section 3 : Language ( 25 marks )

Question Number One:

Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. realized / had forgotten

2. have been cleaning / have cleaned

Question Number Two:

a. Circle the correct verb forms.

1. reading

2. waiting

3. trying

b. Report the questions :

1. I asked him if he didn't know the answer.

2. He asked me which one I preferred.

Question Number Three:

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. making

2. don't they ?

3. the best

4. investing

5. times

القسم الثبوي: يتكون مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عه سؤاليه فقط

Question Number One:

a. Complete the sentence with the correct modal verbs in the box:

1. will

2. might have

3. may

b. Rewrite these sentences using reduced relative clauses:

1. Books borrowed from the library must be returned before the end of this term.

2. The students answering the question will be rewarded.

Question Number Two:

a. Rewrite the sentences, keep the same meaning:

1. I wish I had followed my parents' advice.

2. He shouldn't have accepted the offer of a low-paid job.

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b. Complete the sentences with ( a / an, the or ( – )no article).

1. an

2. the

3. x

Question Number Three:

a. Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets

1. Someone stole my mobile yesterday While I was writing a report .

2. I went home back early because I had been too tired.

b. Add question tags to the sentences.

1. will you ?

2. didn't you ?

3. is he ?

Test Four Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks )

Passage One

Question Number One: ( 11 points )

A- Write the best title for each tip above: ( 4 Marks )

1. c

2. a

B- Answer the following questions:- ( 5 Marks )

1. They have shown that becoming friends with another person is a complex process.

2. a. show an interest in their lives b. Ask them questions

c. listen to their answers

3. An honest apology and making the effort not to let it happen again are usually all that's


C. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words in the text : ( 2 Marks )

1. inevitable

2. initial

Question Number Two: ( 9 marks )

D. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False: ( 6 Marks )

1. T

2. F

3. T

A. What do the pronouns highlighted in the text refer to? ( 3 Marks )

1. making friends 2. acquaintances

3. tell a joke that annoyed your friend

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Passage B :

A. Answer the following questions:

1. they revealed that the number of teenagers who use social media sites

2. The number of teenagers who use social media sites will continue to rise.

3. a. young people are quite capable of telling the difference between the online world and the

real world. b. They are aware of the possible negative effects of technology.

B. Decide if the statements are True or False according to the text: ( 4 points )

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

C. What do the underlined pronouns and phrases refer to? ( 2 marks )

1. figures 2. Dr Amy Lehane

3. panic reaction 4. young people

Section 2 : Vocabulary ( 25 marks )

Question Number One :

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ( 5 points )

1. excuse

2. roughly

3. bald

4. currently

5. charity

Question Number Two :

Match the words in the box with their meanings below. ( 5 points )

1. guarantee 2. stuck

3. inevitable 4. in confidence

5. stranger

Question Number Three :

Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. ( 5 points)

1. to

2. in

3. into

4. on

5. out

Question Number Four :

a. Rewrite the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box.

1. choose between

2. carry on

3. catch up

Page 13: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put

b. Complete the sentences using the prefix ( co/ mis/ under /over ) with a correct word in

the box below . ( 2 Marks )

1. co- founder

2. overcharged

3. misuse

4. undercooked

Question Number Five : Circle the correct answer:-

1. take over

2. market value

3. like- minded

4. satisfaction

5. in

Section 3 : Language

Question Number One: Correct the verb between the brackets: ( 5 points )

1. is reading

2. looks

3. was raining

4. waiting

5. have accepted

Question Number Two:

a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). ( 3 points

1. talking

2. to post

3. to buy

b. Replace the relative clauses with reduced relative clauses using either past participle

or –ing form: ( 2 points )

1. The conference planned by non-governmental organisations was about globalisation.

2. People answering the question correctly were very unusual.

Question Number Three: a. Complete the sentence with the correct modal verbs in the

box: ( 3 points )

1. will probably

2. mayn't

3. may well

4. won't

b. Complete the sentences with a / an, the or – (= no article). ( 3 points )

1. x / x

2. the

3. x / the

:القسم الثبوي: يتكون مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عه سؤاليه فقط

Question Number One: ( 5 points )

a. Report the questions.

1. He asked me where I was planning to go this weekend.

2. I asked her if the children have finished watching cartoon film.

3. A friend asked me what I would do this evening.

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b. Write the full questions:

1. Do you enjoy this job often ?

2. How many cups of coffee have you drunk today ?

Question Number Two: ( 5 points )

a. Add question tags to the sentences.

1. has she ?

2. didn't it ?

3. aren't we ?

b. Circle the correct verb forms to complete the sentences. ( 2 marks )

1. convincing

2. disappointed

Question Number Three: ( 5 points )

a. Complete the sentences with verbs from the box:

1. decide to

2. would like

3. avoid

b. Rewrite the sentences as single sentences, changing the tense of one verb and the

order of the events if necessary.

1. When his colleagues came to collect him, he was in the middle of eating his breakfast.

2. I passed the exam easily because I had spent long time studying this subject.

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Test Five

Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks )

Passage One:

1- Decide if the statements are true or false. Then write the part of the text showing

that.( 3 Marks)

1. False . In one way, names aren't important.

2. False . It turned out that large numbers of people were loyal to brands that no longer existed.

3. True . The result is often to cheapen the original brand in the public's eyes, so that it loses its

luxury appeal.

2- Complete the following. ( 3 Marks)

1. to build up a brand with a good public image.

2. a. It is introduced under the same overall name that are cheaper

b. is by overusing special offers like „10% off this week

3. Answer the following questions: ( 6 Marks)

1. He means that names aren't important.

2. It showed that large numbers of people were loyal to brands that no longer existed.

3. He should protect his brand, at all costs.

4. What do the following refer to : ( 8 Marks )

1. Shakespeare 2. American consumers

3. various ways 4. original brand

Passage B

A) Answer the following questions: ( 4 Marks)

1. Text 2

2. Text 1

3. Because he made some expensive mistakes at first.

4. a. Be determined

b. Don't give up

B) Decide True ( T ) or False ( F ) : ( 3 Marks)

1. False

2. True

3. False

C) What do the underlined words refer to? ( 3 Marks)

1. His Parents 2. Advice

3. things

Section 2 : Vocabulary ( 25 marks )

Question Number One : ( 5 Marks)

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1. dropped

2. conform

3. trial

4. wealth

5. loyalty

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Question Number Two : ( 5 Marks ) Circle the correct answer:-

1. security

2. cut back

3. research

4. underpaid

5. selfishness

Question Number Three :

A- Match the words in the box with their meanings below. ( 5 Marks )

1. in confidence 2. consensus

3. amateur 4. controversial

5. potential

B- Complete the sentences with ( co / mis / over / under ):- ( 2 Marks )

1. mis 2. under

3. co 4. over

Question Number Four : ( 5 Marks )

A- Complete the sentences using a correct phrasal verbs in the box.

1. work out 2. Pass on

3. broke down 4. Suitable for

5. put up

B- Match words in the box to make fixed phrases. ( 3 Marks)

1. make a living 2. Job prospects 3. Stage fright

Section 3 : Language ( 25 Marks)

Question Number One:

Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs between the brackets:

1. didn't answer

2. have been talking

3. have got

4. came

Question Number Two: ( 3 Marks)

A- Rewrite these sentences , keeping the same meaning :-

1. They advised me to consult my teacher.

2. I regret accepting a low-paid job.

B- Circle the correct answer: ( 2 Marks)

1. smoking 2. to study

3. to bring 4. Participating

Question Number Three : ( 3 Marks)

A- Complete these sentences with a correct modal verb from the box .

1. will 2. may well

3. may

B- Change these questions into reported speech : ( 2 Marks)

1. I asked if the guest had enjoyed the meal.

2. They asked me which sport my father preferred.

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Question Number Four: ( 4 Marks)

A- Complete the sentences with the suitable articles: (a / an, the or zero article)

1. the 2. X

3. an 4. X

B- Change the following sentences into reduced relative clause :- ( 2 Marks)

1. The man carrying a heavy bag seems stranger.

2. Books borrowed from the library must be returned within two weeks.

:القسم الثبوي: يتكون مه ثالثة اسئلة وعلى المشترك ان يجيب عه سؤاليه فقط

Question Number Five: ( 5 Marks)

A- Add a suitable question tag :-

1. was he ?

2. didn't it ?

3. didn't it ?

B: Use the correct form of be going to / present continuous or will with a verb from the

box to complete these sentences :-

1. is going to

2. will

Question Number Sex: ( 5 Marks)

A: Correct the mistakes in these sentences . ( There is one mistake in each sentence ):-

1. information

2. on business

3. They asked me what I was planning to do in the holiday.

B- Circle the correct answer:

1. Written

2. Interesting

Question Number Seven: ( 5 Marks)

A- Use Who or What to write questions for answers in the brackets:

1. What did the storm destroy ? ( The crops )

2. Who corrected the exam ? ( My teacher )

B- Rewrite the sentences using causative structure ( have/get + object + past participle ).

1. I should have my hair cut before I go for the interview .

2. Don't forget to have your application checked by a specialist before you send it.

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الورقة الثبوية

Test One

Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks )

Question Number One : ( 12 points )

A: Answer the following questions:

1. Because red is the symbol of fire, which is believed to drive away bad luck.

2. Families get together and people often travel long distances to be with their families and

have a big family meal in the evening.

3. It begins on the first day of the month and continues till the full moon 15 days later.

B: Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

1. True 2. True 3. False

C. Complete the statements :

1. people wear red clothes and children are given red envelopes containing" lucky money".

2. frighten away bad spirits.

3. Food

Question Number Two: ( 9 points )

A: Write what the following pronouns refer to:

1. New Year 2. Traditions

3. fireworks

B: Choose the correct answer :

1. films that have big names

2. animals that eat fish

3. wherever

4. but

5. vary

Passage B:

Question Number Three : ( 15 points )

A: Choose the correct answer from a, b or c : ( 3 points )

1. b. little attention

2. a. couldn't be forgotten

3. c. peace

B: Decide whether the statements are True or False: ( 3 points )

1. True 2. True 3. True

C. Answer the following questions: ( 6 points )

1. President Yassir Arafat, stepped onto the world's political stage to speak to the United Nations.

2. Peace or war

3. more and more countries have officially recognised Palestine as an independent state.

D. What do the following words refer to : ( 3 points )

1. The Palestinian cause received little attention 2. Yassir Arafat

3. Arafat's words

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Literature ( 15 points )

King Lear

Question Number Four: ( 6 points)

A: Decide whether the statements are True or False: ( 3 points)

1. True 2. False 3. False

B: Put the statements in the correct order. Number them from ( 1 -6 ) : ( 3 points)

3 / 5 / 1 / 4 / 2 / 6

Question Number Five : ( 9 points)

A: Read the quotation then answer the questions: ( 3 points)

1. King Lear 2. To Cordelia

3. Because he will go with Cordelia.

B: Answer the following questions: ( 6 points)

1. She asked Edmund to kill her husband Albany in order to marry her .

2. He couldn't bear the cruelty of Cornwall .

3. They came to save / rescue / help King Lear.

Test Two

Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks )

Question Number One: ( 11 points )

A : Circle the sentence that is the best summary of what the text says about globalization:

2. Despite what some people argue, there are important differences between recent developments

and what happened in the past.

B : Decide if the statements are True or False :

1. True

2. False

3. False

C : Answer the following questions:

1. It is the scale and speed of the changes that have taken place in the last thirty years.

2. It is helped to move vast amounts of money around the world in seconds.

3. Because it affects all aspects of our life.

Question Number Two: ( 4 points )

A : What do these words refer to ?

1. raw materials 2. computer technology

3. people / readers

B: Circle the correct answer : ( 5 points )

1. not enough

2. dark-haired

3. themselves

4. whenever

5. as a result

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Passage B:

Question Number One: ( 15 points )

A: Write the sentences (a-d) in the correct places ( 1-4)

1. b. varying from country to country, or from culture to culture

2. d. Red is the symbol of fire, which is believed to drive away bad luck.

3. a. These symbolise warmth, flavour and of course food.

4. c. concentrating on what you have done wrong in the past year and how you need to change in

the next.

B:Complete the table with examples in the text of customs that show the idea of ' a new


China : a. people wear red clothes

b. children are given red envelopes containing „lucky money

c. people paid back any money they owe to others before midnight.

d. families get together in New Year.

Australia: a. joining hands and singing the Scottish song

b. first-footing custom

Egypt : a. visits to family and friends

b. special religious chanting troupes organise performances in praise of Prophet


c. is a time for prayer and quiet thought

A: Answer the following questions:

1. To frighten away bad spirits.

2. From Scotland

3. a. to clean the whole house on the day before New Year

b. to make sure you have paid back any money you owe to others before midnight.

4. It coincides with The Hijra of prophet Mohammed .

Literature: ( 15 points)

King Lear

Question Number Four: ( 6 points )

A: Decide whether the statements are True or False.

1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

B : Choose the correct answer:

1. b- His daughters have treated him so badly that his mind cannot bear his feelings of anger and


2. c- He wants his father to believe that Edgar has tried to kill him.

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Question Number Five: ( 6 points )

A : Answer the following questions :

1. In order to share the country between them.

2. To take his brother Edgar place.

3. By blinding him.

B : Read the quotation then answer the questions:

a. Gloucester to poor Tom.

b. It refers to his son Edgar.

c. Because he is blind.

Test Three

Section 1: Reading ( 30 marks ): Passage One

Question Number One: ( 11 points )

A: Write the missing sentences in the correct blanks.

1. b. But this only worked on two conditions.

2. a. It didn't have to be something that they needed, just something desirable.

3. e. Other countries soon followed, making their own coins with agreed values.

4. d. This is why it is known as representative money.

5. c. More recent developments have moved even further in this direction.

B: Decide whether the statements are True or False:

1. True 2. False 3. True

Question Number Two:

A: Complete these statements.

1. the exchange of one thing or service for another.

2. salt, chocolate and cows.

B: Answer the following questions.

1. a. each had to want what the other person was offering

b. each had to agree that the two things were of equal value.

2. Because it is only important because of what it represents, or stands for.

C : Circle the correct answer :

1. was supposed to

2. the condition

3. take

4. yourselves

5. old-fashioned

Passage Two :

Question Number Three :

A: Match the highlighted pronouns with the nouns that they refer to: ( 3 points )

1. C. Marshall McLuhan

2. A. globalization

3. B. business students

B: Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE: ( 3 points )

1. True 2. False 3. True

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C: Answer the following questions: ( 6 points )

1. It appeared in the early 1960s.

2. It became common, at first in the area of economics and business.

3. Because it has become part of our lives that we no longer think about it very much.

D: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the text : ( 3 points )

1. widely

2. Far from

Literature: ( 15 points)

King Lear

Question Number Four: ( 6 points )

A: Circle the correct answer. ( 3 points )

1. b. He is angry with Goneril.

2. c. She told the truth and did not care about land and money.

B: Decide whether the statements are True or False. ( 3 points )

1. True 2. False 3. True

Question Number Five : ( 6 points )

A : Answer the following questions :

1. They found poor Tom.

2. In order she could marry Edmund.

3. a. He dismisses / sends Cordelia out .

b. He gives Cordelia's share to her sisters.

B : Read the quotation then answer the questions: ( 3 points )

a. Poor Tom ( Edgar )

b. It refers to Goneril.

c. When he killed Oswald and found with him a letter.

Page 23: ىلولاا ةقرولاgu.edu.ps/uploads/E_Answers.pdf · a. Circle the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( to infinitive / ing ). 1. having 2. to turn off 3. giving b. Put