>» :. i: 1 s s. ; > tioo >ler tea, a. irs w. -«• »im;i ^...

m^^mm :' .-S u 1 ) . t : - 1 >. : . i : 1 s s. ; > tioo >ler tea, A. i r s w. -«• »IM;I ^ '•'"•>• V* v?a M OTfPAIKHJEWa ss. r*nt» ASD Earns -rf"*. Oar worthy pastor was ooabt* to preach ths sermon hurt Soosay aoooaot of a aevero cold. The oaarriage of Miss Catheriue Neraer to Gebhard Sehwars was sotearaixsd at .tins dharca, Wednes- 4*y msniisg by Be? Dr. Sinelair. The bappy couple tsfk on an extended Western tsar. Tb« fsssraj ef Miss Carrie Hartst, who received fetal bora* frees the expluaios offtUtap last Sunday, took place from this osarefc Thoreday versing. A dramatio and aosial entertain- ment ond*r the auspices *f the Knight* 8& Peter MM! Pan!, WM gives at tha Parish Hall, on Litch- field strsst, Monday evening, April S2d. Aaexoallont programme WM rendered before a large «nd appreci- ative audience The member* of tits Rochester Torn Veraiu are coin; to give as athletic exhibition in toe Parish Ball next Tuesday e?6Biog, and «* ele- gant Colombia bicycle i* to bo given to the holder of the lack; samber; at all admission tickets to this exhibition ere numbered. A reception *u held by tbr member* of tbe choir of this perish io the echool bell lest Wednesday evening, a very enjoyable time was bed by all present. Tbe members of the choir expect to attend tbe - Ceoiiian Choir convention in Detroit in July. noacrjujrf. COXCSFTION. Graduates of the Immaculate Can* ceptioD school gave a pleasing eutertainrasnt at the parish ball Tuesday. Tbe _ programme began with s piano due? by tbe Misses Mc- KittrickendJ Madden. Kiss Usrie Bice sang a vocal solo, " Who's at My Window V in a most creditable manner. , Tbe tvro-aot drama, " Amoog tbe Breakers "was then presented, tbe parts all being taken by tbe young students. Tbe oa»t of characters was as follows; Soad, a colored servant, William - Shea; Mother Carey, reputed fortune teller, Miss Laara Quintan; David If array, light boose keeper, Hobart 8betD; Larry Divine, his assistant, Frank Connor; Hon. Bruoe Hunter, Baymoud flay* den; Olarenoe Hooter, Angela Solli- •an; Peter Paragraph, newspaper reporter, John Predrosrsj Miss Minnie Dsse, Emily Major} Bess Sterbrigbt, Agnes Gorman; Biddy IVso, Irish girl, Josephine Quinn. ST. BMDwirs Two weddings took place at St. Bridget's cborobTborsday afternoon, Bsv Father f. A. Hendriok officiat- ing at botb. Thefirst,wbioh was at 4 o'clock, was tbe marriage of Mr John If cGreban, of 35 Monroe ave- one, and Mine Caroline rtobbin, of 566 North St. Paul street. Miaa Mary Theresa Bobbin was brides* maid and Mr. James Brady beBt man. The aecond ceremony, at 6 o'clock, was the marriage of Mr. Obarles J. Oster, of 88 Oonkey avenoe, and Mies Looy M. J add, 99 Clifford street Miss Hattie Jadd was bridesmaid and Mr. Charles Micbaelaoa was beet man. Botb weddings were largely at tended by friends and relatives of tbe contracting parties. . ' lto.«M>«wtly be sees,, tea* tfp *i*t«r* of the *caool did their «i»0*t tik prfp*riog tlw cSHdrea for this os> o»aion Itw«a **rprl*i to tka paxrants to see bow well tbe cbildran, rendered th«ir parts, and the aiugl w ^ s«p*eial}y v«ry .'good ssdeiac- liw*. Tbs clitdrea presented * tbs p»*tor with eet of chairs and m*»J floral offerings. Oo Wedaesiay tbs feast K St. Pidelis was appropriately otbferatad ia tha eiroicli; Tb» f4t«r *tjmt:»**> snoha besntifal appearanoe as on tb*»t morning. At 9 a. m, Fathsr Owerbffaasr ostebrated wolepn high raasi, assisted by Bev. J Hogaa sad Rs>v J. AMiilsr. After mass, bjyte* dietioa witb the Blessed Saorament w«a grron, and then tbs p«tor gave to every one prenewt a picture ia re* •MMnbrajaoe of tb» day. At noon, dinner was served at the pajoobial residence, at which the Bt. Bs»v. Bishop and twenty five priests wpre preaent The following is a list of priests present at th* celebra- tion: ?ery Rev. J. 6*B«r* D. D . Rt. Rev. Ugr H. DeBegge, Bev F Ober- hodser, M. B . , Beve. B Hanos, D. D,, A. Meehnn, D. D., P. Sibert, J. P. Kieruau, C. O'Loaghlin, T. Hi'ckey, P. Ranoer, Leary, Ssrgatber, Ma^ phy. Wartinger, 0 S, 8. B, Smebs, Kwtsal, Hickey, Donnelly, Begeabo* gen, Bopple, Hogao, Notebaert, FitsOerard, Stanb, and ,Miller. Next Soud ay the members of S t PtdeliB' tkiciety will jeceive holy oommoiiiun in a body .at the. S-*. m. m»5i OOirCt CHK5TJ. Ths eotertainueot held in .French H**ll, April 1Tth and 19tb by the children of Oorpoe Ghriitti School, WSM a grsod soccess. Wedoe.eday ereelBg, the d«te flsad for the first appeiraooe of the children, the crowd was «o great that many people were obliged to return to theit hoffisi and wait for Friday evening, aad ultbougb tbe crowd was sot so large. Yet, oo Friday the ball was foil. Tbe programme as rendered by the children was highly appro* oiavted and each number was re. oeivsd with great applause. The excellent work io which tbe children displiyed their uWnts refieott great crssdit on the sisters whs worked so bard is preparing the children for Ibis entertsisment tWWI^ :Wsa«acssAk«ts>.t|M f»a^-et---litiliM<iWl £***?•. thf*'«|'aw' «k«r .SJW tt.siva,- :4Jted at. ,| oVloefc AiiMkr tr««ia« ** ssv two wt<kt^h*b«wl£mZl***»u m intndmvh steady iamnU iaco ak eoaki- ClOUNI^ Wsfii «as2f«tt«iad«ir«b>«o«<Mfcn-ftonti •' H* wMimong theilm to jobt Ih* TWr»«stli 'Begintat, New Yarlt St*t* V*?luai«fTi f *M«h wwi x»cr»it»d itttlm Mty In AfMt. x&a, &* «»Jiite« ia CoWpafty A, Gapt. Ro*>ett F» Tajlar, b« •« a«ou»tH»| »ht aeinority WM aot muswi^tsto tJ» ««rvttw» Undaunttrf, th*i*xtbfttl »tri^ «mr«* the Krvlccla the Pr^>r«t Ma«^>4*p»rt* Hwut, aad was »«ig»«d io d«y snd«r M*J. Gto. A. S, Di»*o, *Btr* lw rtaiilaed aatli Secfittrrot War Su*toa Swwrf ** ordtr .siiippf' igffio** vtnt *% jreara of ag« to b* wmm*iats ths'tf'rtiejt' wi^^oat '«*' ^on» ; scat of their p«renw or ftjardUM. A* thU young Scbooley entertdlnto »ie Engiaeer* Corpt, tnlbtiag in tbefiothHeir 3r1bfti'ISB>". glne«r$ a» a pri«t«. ^ He distlog«i«lied Win- self at the frent and, wt« |>roi*et«<, to b» First LkatsaanU -. ;>'^•-•'-; ^ ...~ Oo hit return from the war CoJ.Schoolejf took up theswdyol U* ia tke oflfce of tbe late County jadit. WUlUm C. Ro«ky, aad fubteqaewly f*»dtt«tad itora the U» d« partment of the Oairertitr of Micldgin with the degree of Lt. B. He b*«tn practice noom afterward io this city an4 lor rawr wanbad hitoSoeta Stukh's Arcade. ColrScfcoolcy for jniw/ytwa took a deep laterett in politictt attira, beta* ia «!• swarirlsg Democrat.< -',-' He waard»wsoD»cted mi\M wany and>«aetolen t orjaBiwtion*. Coi. Scbooky U surtWt4 by hi» wit«, > daajhter of .tin lata Joka McCariea. of New York City, ana »oo, J«»*« Schooky, and three daufhtera, •.•.'"..•,'..' , The (mwnii look ptace tr»nj rhe fataUy retidence, He. too afonroai ave8fte,lat i ijp o'clock, Wedstsday woroiaa. and at o o'clock from St. Mary'e Chnrch. J There w « a krt« attendance of frfead* of the deceteed, amoet ««* metabereef the bar, residenu of the ward » which th«de- ceaeedfeadreeWed, member* of theGraad Army of the Republic. The march from the htass to tbe ckwrch W«a hladed by a ekhmiab line of O'Rourlc* Foit member* under command o* €»pt«io Fleaaiei;. At tha chareh waaan honor detail ; pf- po» ticsasea under Ueat. I^rti«rer, compaUd of Meter*, too*, Loak Nstd, Ktobertaw, and Deranmx. "-"-'."-:•;-; 4* fy*< 8pi#<#^' t0 Th^ni; -&*. V? 8T. Bosriracf. A Solemn anniversary Mass io presence of Bishop McQaaid, D 0., was celebrated for the repose of the soul of Bev. Herman Benker, at St. Boniface obaroh, monday, April '88th,' Bev P. H. Sinclair p. D being cele brant, Jos. Netzel of Anbarn, deacon, Jos. Miller, eab deacon, and J as. P. Kiernan, master of ceremonies. Tbe following priests were in the sanct- uary: Beve., Ed. J. fianna D. D., P, Pascaler, J. J. Leary, M. Hendriok, Avon, J. Donnelly, Victor, P'. Ober> bolzer, M.J Hargather, Wm. Gleasoo, Tbeo. Szadzinsk's, and A. Smelsz. HOLY EtDKBHEB Last Wednesday was the feast of St Fidelia, the patron saint of the venerable pastor of Most Holy Re- deemer parish. Old and young made their best efforts to extend their sin- cere congratulations and heartfelt gratitude, to Father Oberholzer on this festive day, as a token of esteem and love in which the Rev, pastor ie held among his people. Monday even- ing, tbe members of the yonng ladies' sodality, connected with the church, held a select concert in Maeonerchor Liedertafel Halt. The programme consisted of addresses and recitations and vocal and instrumental numbers by the yonng people of the parish, assisted by an orchestra. The eveni- ing's entertainment concluded with a drama entitled "The ApgSle of Nations," by twelve yous^g women. The yonng ladies presented Father Oberholzer with a set of chairs, and several beautiful baskets of flowers. Tuesday evening, the* children o^ the Tmrocbia!. school tendered their congratulations to Father Oberholzer. OoLgratalating exercises were held , in the school hall, to which the pa rests were specially invited. You Waat Soft and tmltbiaf Coal. For tbs best Scranton sod Pittstoi brsvnde go to Lonis Bislmao, 40 North avenue, near railroad.. Ton wtfJ llks him to deal with, and will go ageia. ^ FURNITURE MOVSXS. Furaltore Moved, Packed sad stored by Sam Gottry St Oo. Orders taken at BrieoCSoe, 13 Exchange street, or house, 1 Thomp- »oa strsot. Telephone 361 and 648. Always Foremoet, Always in the front rank in teas, coffees, spices, baking powder, ex- tracts, condensed milk and sugars. Yon not only get tbe best and purest goods, bat you will save money by dealing with us. We are first bands. The Great Atlantic sod Pacific Tea Co., 210 East Main street, opposite Wbitcomb house; 164 State street, 74 West Main street, 894 North street. N, B.—Sugar sold in any qu svntity at wholesale prices. Jfbe Syndicate In. Meat Broke Rostst Beef .......... 8o to IS) Ho •<,.*. 8c to••tOo- ... .80 to iOp ... ,. >. 13 1*80 ".. * '•..* • • .'--.voe. ... 4C;tO OO llO We will plesee .4Mtfcf.psacja,m * S I «a?4*W »^«SllkBroo«§4|8diiA!iUlal valM 4SS?fiSr$T* l ^* ,P T#mMm S«« *a»ple» In o.r»bow w $ . 4os\ ^msia e>eap hit*, food *H*e loo. The Psopie's Credit fig, *,! it ^ hi < \TY~. IW ®*®*b &**•&&§*torn%miik> RlbhoMmake* wh*Je mooatain <$ \' ^S* H!# * * ^ wtl^kt-Jilf. «quialU RiWx>ca are aJiks on either i- »bto for dr»s» trimoHitga, i»UUowy W* Itaft them at SSSm M*k i .. , irflt^jMr^ifs^d^^^ __ our word all rlgbtt . prioes tip there o« ths seoood ioe* ^*«f% m front, Ijadws i*u,nder*d Shirt' is 1 #• w-m Roaet V e a l ..... Roast Pork .... Sirloin Steak. Shoulder S t e a k .... Ronnd S t e a k .... Boiling Beef Sugar Oared Hams. Gome and see us. you ID price and quality. Brown's Market, 61-65 Front street. On May 1st, I will remove to 99 WestMain St., cor., Plymouth Ave. Will be glad to see you in our hew location after that date. . J. M. BEDDINGTON. , Fishing at tbe Bay. The largest strings of peroh that are now being brought to the city on the afternoon trains over the Bay railroad is positive evidence that the fisherman's long-looked-for day has arrived. Trailing arbutus is also being gathered in abundance along the shoreB of tbe Bay. Bay railroad trains leave 7, 9, 11, a. m., 1,2, 3, 4, 8, 6, Ip. m. Ail grocers keep TJ.S. Baking Oo.'s Oolnmbia bread. Try it. Trusseeat,Cot Prices. TheDftkeprug Co. will for the next sixty days sell you a trass and fit eame fsr $1. Don't bay until yon oallonas. Have you tried Marvin's Ginger Snaps, Reception Flakes, Keception OraJbamer* They have no-eqaat. For sale at your g^roeere. Ask for them. Oon'tWaitforaCoilirtc:. to esil. i f yoor snDscription is due. Send it to ibis office. t Soleam requiem H^k Mass wa$ 'celebe ted by R«r. Father Andrew. 5«ali«, aleSi aat pastor ef &M&vWi^9Jl!Mln Raw: Fatber Felli O'Haekw, deaooo, iand Faiher Alpbotwo Notabatrt, pattor of Bt Mdy.of VJoory's . j C s ^ i j j ^ Q ^ e s s t Rev. Fathers T. jR, Hiclcey, Thoeaa Has- dricki, aad Joaeph Haudricka ware ao<h p«»e«t .'Rev. Father rarnm waa:a»«ter ofoeremaalw. . Joh* •iMt/ttt jboiral A n1Mm^ tmJm- Sylreiter, C. $8i Jt»^4,f*l' ; «toiida*'*t*$|: Franklin etreet,' ani & : fmti< -"Tha '"&« ceaaed was born In Hanover,,.Pr8»aa# fa 1858. HebMbeene brotbar for tbe Jatt "fifteaa year* and hai.lived-In thit w-"'**! y<ari.i Two brothsra, Bersard and Fred lagar. Of Pitt«bur(f,anda aUter whaliVee in Germany aju*Mhb»« The fa^rat waji held at 9 a. m* Tueiday awening fronjt,^t«. Joieprt'e Church. ' *.•'.": the fuaerai of Anna WatersoiUi, daughter of Alden and Muggic Wttereou, tppje place from the hon»e Monday morning »t 8.30 o'clock, and from St. Mary't church at 9 o'clock. The funeral of Mrs, Carrie Sattei toolr place from her late rwidettce* -;-«o*.'<4,x; Wilder etreet,-at Q o'clock Tnuraday taoru* iig. and from S8j Peter aftd Paul'* Chorch »t 0:30 o'clock. . ; *;..'_ .''.'•'"•'' The funeral of Julia, deughter of Geotjje and Magdalena Schmitt, was held Iron the family residence, No. 99 Orchard street, at 0 o'clock Thurtdty morning, and at 9:30 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Church, Be Prepartdir Don't imagine that because Spring has come we are to bftve no more cold weather.' Tnere" wffi be dayi when a fire will feel comfortable and there will be raw, cold days—day* when it will be an- aotaal necessity; It is well to be prepared for all kinds of weather since tbe w> ather clerk may'consider it necessary to give us blizxarda clear into May. Just fool bim, fill op your coal bin with the best cost yon- can hay for the money, end let him send alt the blizzards he wants to. The best coal for the least money, is sold bv, L. C. Langie, «>hose main office is at the corner of Bast Main street and Bast avenae. tarda on Kortfc -*** nufi, near railroad and on Soath Clinton street, near Alexander. £ think we hare tbe : Nit;'^^' f^o#'..pi?,i*4'tt lft ; ^wn-'vl|v|'^vjii ^ toe—Raxor, Opora, Pari*, . ^fSi^a/^WWRt' ""S." ^p.wSj" • _ s#^sWT"#av' "^*'P|S?%^- ^ttlOeljr*'"; JjMw^|B6lV^ well with |4,(K) ahosp sold •sls>wh«fe.;-. •• -';' ^_.; •'''• Showing tbo largest stock of Tsn' sod CwiTai shoes : It*. - Rochester* cjft: IOLJ^.- tbe demand* of tiie Mtm. pier <|hoHlck L#©i '4S5W ml Waist* ware locHtsd User* y«*t*r- Fo»M»at. *wx*S«P.« *«<?**>' 1 aus^daJksV J L a u a ^ O 1 Shaves art filled with •SW^WS ^^ *• ^"''W*W^B( i'SWS^BT'SFSS^B/w «flt^W WUHpBI Wliyiu map. Ni^bt Robes wbei marlydst Here's ths wity thiag* wsjafcrnxed Ustnight; - lOOdoaenLndise'Sfeirt Waist*, "tft^ gtaflaBslit y .stiMjass^ ^KhMash^^i *S*lw 7# . *(W*SSBHSiSjSj' _ ^^wS^tfrcC^P ^p ^ " J ^ l fT"*^F Wajsti, ragulir S6c good*^ **«. -•'<Ni»»'Mtt9s«t-' 4f* J> 'H% t&H oomiHste lias oi doiasstfc M imp^rW mitsjHsis e m ritwrn ia ^fijyj-jij. f - -. >.."«•• XM-W*^--. white* mid b&p* rWy S*S* mmmm •*•" mm ,, : ^:We:aw;fto#*(WfeK «faoJfef #fk„-, • • '-''•, Southern Whit*- »Ad' $t* Charla* m Cob Cmn for eniiltfe, AleoallkitKkof Feed and Be'o leaned Cat» For A No. t Ooodn, give «< ' - ' •> « c*lLor telephone 346. FERQUSOM & LEWIS. P*{J •j*. i<g: : m '.*(M* -S*-^'.;i 41 When ytm do anythiog do Jt well. The Manhattan sac to ft Btbr Shoes toe at J. W. Mtiert We make this offer to acquaint the newest edition of the coming genei atiou with oar bargains. J. W. laLMwa/ , 196 Bast Main etreet. •.-K..B.* Bring oa ^our habfe*. Catholic Prayer Books At Weidman's, 126 State St. Of New York lissue* the bestgpolioy' cofttra^of: $ny. &Mj>m\\ "38a '.lift *S$it It has paid to ifei pDlfojrJioj^Brs since, ISoO, 0Ver*3?,00,0 t 0#/ Addr^nf*. £' BOHACHEHv itB IP and SO BLW0OB BVTLDi^ti, The Syndicate in Meat Broke; Boast Beef.,, .. ,80 to 13 l^te Boast-Veal'.; ,.-, . * . ; . ; . . ,8c to 10c Boast Pork,, * ........... 8 0 io t t e Sirloin Steak, . . , . • ; ........ U l-Se Sbonlder, S t e a k ........... I..;.%g Bdond$teak; . . . . . . . . Boiling Beef .............. 46 to M SagarOttred Ham**.» ...... Itb Gome and see as. We will please f ou in price and ^oali^r. Brown's (arket, 61 65 Front Street. •i^i^sP v& l^ 5 'M0m^ Sf&m&hfc^r I'-j^ -: *^ k£J2&^*fck*$fc^^ Roaarfea and other Get hoik Ooode At Weidmin%, 186 Ststs St, v ^M ~ • ' * >SS»i(|St'S^Tsr«

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OTfPAIKHJEWa ss. r*nt» ASD Earns


Oar worthy pastor was ooabt* to preach ths sermon hurt Soosay o» aoooaot of a aevero cold.

The oaarriage of Miss Catheriue Neraer to Gebhard Sehwars was sotearaixsd at .tins dharca, Wednes-4*y msniisg by Be? Dr. Sinelair. The bappy couple tsfk on an extended Western tsar.

Tb« fsssraj ef Miss Carrie Hartst, who received fetal bora* frees the expluaios of ft Utap last Sunday, took place from this osarefc Thoreday versing.

A dramatio and aosial entertain­ment ond*r the auspices *f the Knight* 8& Peter MM! Pan!, WM gives at tha Parish Hall, on Litch­field strsst, Monday evening, April S2d. Aaexoallont programme WM rendered before a large «nd appreci­ative audience

The member* of tits Rochester Torn Veraiu are co in ; to give a s athletic exhibition in toe Parish Ball next Tuesday e?6Biog, and «* ele­gant Colombia bicycle i* to bo given to the holder of the lack; samber; at all admission tickets t o this exhibition ere numbered.

A reception * u held by tbr member* of tbe choir of this perish io the echool bell lest Wednesday evening, a very enjoyable time was bed by all present. Tbe members of the choir expect to attend tbe

- Ceoiiian Choir convention in Detroit in July.

noacrjujrf. COXCSFTION. Graduates of the Immaculate Can*

ceptioD school gave a pleasing eutertainrasnt at the parish ball Tuesday. Tbe _ programme began with s piano due? by tbe Misses Mc-KittrickendJ Madden. Kiss Usrie Bice sang a vocal solo, " Who's at My Window V in a most creditable manner.

, Tbe tvro-aot drama, " Amoog tbe Breakers "was then presented, tbe parts all being taken by tbe young students. Tbe oa»t of characters was as follows; Soad, a colored servant, William - Shea; Mother Carey, reputed fortune teller, Miss Laara Quintan; David If array, light boose keeper, Hobart 8betD; Larry Divine, his assistant, Frank Connor; Hon. Bruoe Hunter, Baymoud flay* den; Olarenoe Hooter, Angela Solli-•an; Peter Paragraph, newspaper reporter, John Predrosrsj Miss Minnie Dsse, Emily Major} Bess Sterbrigbt, Agnes Gorman; Biddy IVso, Irish girl, Josephine Quinn.

ST. BMDwirs

Two weddings took place at St. Bridget's cborobTborsday afternoon, Bsv Father f. A. Hendriok officiat­ing at botb. The first, wbioh was at 4 o'clock, was tbe marriage of Mr John If cGreban, of 35 Monroe ave-one, and Mine Caroline rtobbin, of 566 North St. Paul street. Miaa Mary Theresa Bobbin was brides* maid and Mr. James Brady beBt man.

The aecond ceremony, at 6 o'clock, was the marriage of Mr. Obarles J. Oster, of 88 Oonkey avenoe, and Mies Looy M. J add, 99 Clifford street Miss Hattie Jadd was bridesmaid and Mr. Charles Micbaelaoa was beet man.

Botb weddings were largely at tended by friends and relatives of tbe contracting parties.

. ' lto.«M>«wtly be sees, , tea* tfp *i*t«r* of the *caool did their «i»0*t tik prfp*riog tlw cSHdrea for this os> o»aion I t w « a **rprl*i to tka paxrants to see bow well tbe cbildran, rendered th«ir parts, and the aiugl w ^ s«p*eial}y v«ry .'good ssdeiac-liw*. Tbs clitdrea presented * tbs p»*tor with • eet of chairs and m*»J floral offerings.

Oo Wedaesiay tbs feast K St. Pidelis was appropriately otbferatad ia tha eiroicli; Tb» f4t«r *tjmt:»**> snoha besntifal appearanoe as on tb*»t morning. At 9 a. m, Fathsr Owerbffaasr ostebrated wolepn high raasi, assisted by Bev. J Hogaa sad Rs>v J. AMiilsr. After mass, bjyte* dietioa witb the Blessed Saorament w«a grron, and then tbs p«tor gave to every one prenewt a picture ia re* •MMnbrajaoe of tb» day.

At noon, dinner was served at the pajoobial residence, at which the Bt. Bs»v. Bishop and twenty five priests wpre preaent The following is a list of priests present at th* celebra­tion: ?ery Rev. J. 6*B«r* D. D. Rt. Rev. Ugr H. DeBegge, Bev F Ober-hodser, M. B . , Beve. B Hanos, D. D,, A. Meehnn, D. D., P. Sibert, J. P. Kieruau, C. O'Loaghlin, T. Hi'ckey, P. Ranoer, Leary, Ssrgatber, Ma^ phy. Wartinger, 0 S, 8. B , Smebs, Kwtsal, Hickey, Donnelly, Begeabo* gen, Bopple, Hogao, Notebaert, FitsOerard, Stanb, and ,Miller.

Next Soud ay the members of S t PtdeliB' tkiciety will jeceive holy oommoiiiun in a body .at the. S-*. m. m»5i


Ths eotertainueot held in .French H**ll, April 1Tth and 19tb by the children of Oorpoe Ghriitti School, WSM a grsod soccess. Wedoe.eday ereelBg, the d«te flsad for the first appeiraooe of the children, the crowd was «o great that many people were obliged to return to theit hoffisi and wait for Friday evening, aad ultbougb tbe crowd was sot so large. Yet, oo Friday the ball was foil. Tbe programme as rendered by the children was highly appro* oiavted and each number was re. oeivsd with great applause. The excellent work io which tbe children displiyed their uWnts refieott great crssdit on the sisters whs worked so bard is preparing the children for Ibis entertsisment

t W W I ^ :Wsa«acssAk«ts>.t|M f»a -et---litiliM<iWl £***?•. s» thf*'«|'aw' «k«r .SJW tt.siva,-:4Jted at. , | oVloefc AiiMkr tr««ia« ** ssv

twowt<kt^h*b«wl£mZl***»u m

intndmvh steady iamnU iaco ak eoaki-


Wsfii «as2f«tt«iad«ir«b>«o«<Mfcn-ftonti•' H* wMimong theilm to jobt Ih* TWr»«stli 'Begintat, New Yarlt St*t* V*?luai«fTif *M«h wwi x»cr»it»d itttlm Mty In AfMt. x&a, &* «»Jiite« ia CoWpafty A, Gapt. Ro*>ett F» Tajlar, b« •« a«ou»tH»| »ht aeinority WM aot muswi^tsto tJ» ««rvttw»

Undaunttrf, th*i*xtbfttl »tri^ «mr«* the Krvlccla the Pr >r«t Ma«^>4*p»rt* Hwut, aad was »«ig»«d io d«y snd«r M*J. Gto. A. S, Di»*o, *Btr* lw rtaiilaed aatli Secfittrrot War Su*toa Swwrf ** ordtr .siiippf' igffio** vtnt *% jreara of ag« to b* wmm*iats ths'tf'rtiejt' wi oat '«*' on»; scat of their p«renw or ftjardUM. A* thU young Scbooley entertdlnto »ie Engiaeer* Corpt, tnlbtiag in tbe fioth Heir 3r1bfti'ISB>". glne«r$ a» a pri«t«. ^ He distlog«i«lied Win-self at the frent and, wt« |>roi*et«<, to b» First LkatsaanU -. ;>'^•-•'-; ^ ...~

Oo hit return from the war CoJ.Schoolejf took up theswdyol U* ia tke oflfce of tbe late County jadit. WUlUm C. Ro«ky, aad fubteqaewly f*»dtt«tad itora the U» d« partment of the Oairertitr of Micldgin with the degree of Lt. B. He b*«tn practice noom afterward io this city an4 lor rawr wanbad hitoSoeta Stukh's Arcade. ColrScfcoolcy for jniw/ytwa took a deep laterett in politictt attira, beta* ia «!• swarirlsg Democrat.< - ' , - '

He waard»wsoD»cted mi\M wany and>«aetolen t orjaBiwtion*.

Coi. Scbooky U surtWt4 by hi» wit«, > daajhter of .tin lata Joka McCariea. of New York City, ana »oo, J«»*« Schooky, and three daufhtera, • . • . '" . . • , ' . . ' , The (mwnii look ptace tr»nj rhe fataUy retidence, He. too afonroai ave8fte,lat i ijp o'clock, Wedstsday woroiaa. and at o o'clock from St. Mary'e Chnrch. J

There w« a krt« attendance of frfead* of the deceteed, amoet ««* metabereef the bar, residenu of the ward » which th«de-ceaeedfeadreeWed, member* of theGraad Army of the Republic.

The march from the htass to tbe ckwrch W«a hladed by a ekhmiab line of O'Rourlc* Foit member* under command o* €»pt«io Fleaaiei;.

At tha chareh waaan honor detail ;pf- po» ticsasea under Ueat. I^rti«rer, compaUd of Meter*, too*, Loak Nstd, Ktobertaw, and Deranmx. "-"-'."-:•;-;

4* fy*< 8pi#<# '

t0 Th^ni; -&*. V ?

8T. Bosriracf. A Solemn anniversary Mass io

presence of Bishop McQaaid, D 0., was celebrated for the repose of the soul of Bev. Herman Benker, at St. Boniface obaroh, monday, April '88th,' Bev P. H. Sinclair p . D being cele brant, Jos. Netzel of Anbarn, deacon, Jos. Miller, eab deacon, and J as. P. Kiernan, master of ceremonies. Tbe following priests were in the sanct­uary: Beve., Ed. J. fianna D. D., P, Pascaler, J. J. Leary, M. Hendriok, Avon, J. Donnelly, Victor, P'. Ober> bolzer, M.J Hargather, Wm. Gleasoo, Tbeo. Szadzinsk's, and A. Smelsz.


Last Wednesday was the feast of St Fidelia, the patron saint of the venerable pastor of Most Holy Re­deemer parish. Old and young made their best efforts to extend their sin-cere congratulations and heartfelt gratitude, to Father Oberholzer on this festive day, as a token of esteem and love in which the Rev, pastor ie held among his people. Monday even­ing, tbe members of the yonng ladies' sodality, connected with the church, held a select concert in Maeonerchor Liedertafel Halt. The programme consisted of addresses and recitations and vocal and instrumental numbers by the yonng people of the parish, assisted by an orchestra. The eveni-ing's entertainment concluded with a drama entitled "The ApgSle of Nations," by twelve yous^g women.

The yonng ladies presented Father Oberholzer with a set of chairs, and several beautiful baskets of flowers.

Tuesday evening, the* children o^ the Tmrocbia!. school tendered their congratulations to Father Oberholzer. OoLgratalating exercises were held

, in the school hall, to which the pa rests were specially invited.

You Waat Soft and tmltbiaf Coal. For tbs best Scranton sod Pittstoi

brsvnde go to Lonis Bislmao, 40 North avenue, near railroad.. Ton wtfJ llks him to deal with, and will go ageia. ^

FURNITURE MOVSXS. Furaltore Moved,

Packed sad stored by Sam Gottry St Oo. Orders taken at BrieoCSoe, 13 Exchange street, or house, 1 Thomp-»oa strsot. Telephone 361 and 648.

Always Foremoet, Always in the front rank in teas,

coffees, spices, baking powder, ex­tracts, condensed milk and sugars. Yon not only get tbe best and purest goods, bat you will save money by dealing with us. We are first bands. The Great Atlantic sod Pacific Tea Co., 210 East Main street, opposite Wbitcomb house; 164 State street, 74 West Main street, 894 North street. N, B.—Sugar sold in any qu svntity at wholesale prices.

Jfbe Syndicate In. Meat Broke

Rostst B e e f . . . . . . . . . . 8o to IS) H o •<,.*. 8c to••tOo-. . . .80 to iOp . . . , . >. 13 1*80

".. * '•..* • • .'--.voe.

. . . 4C;tO OO l l O

We will plesee

.4Mtfcf.psacja,m * S I « a ? 4 * W »^«SllkBroo«§4|8diiA!iUlal valM


T#mMm S«« *a»ple» In o.r»bow w$. 4os\ ^msia e>eap hit*, food *H*e loo.

The Psopie's Credit fig,

*,! it

^ hi

< \TY~.

IW ®*®*b &**•&&§* torn %miik> RlbhoMmake* wh*Je mooatain <$ \' ^S* H!# * * ^ wtl^kt-Jilf. «quialU RiWx>ca are aJiks on either i-»bto for dr»s» trimoHitga, i»UUowy W* Itaft them at SSSm M*k i

.. , i r f l t ^ j M r ^ i f s ^ d ^ ^ ^ __ our word all rlgbtt

. prioes tip there o« ths seoood ioe* *«f% m front, Ijadws i*u,nder*d Shirt'


1 #• • w-m .» •

Roaet V e a l . . . . . Roast Pork. . . . Sirloin Steak. Shoulder Steak. . . . Ronnd S teak . . . . Boiling Beef Sugar Oared Hams.

Gome and see us. you ID price and quality. Brown's Market, 61-65 Front street.

On May 1st, I will remove to 99 WestMain St., cor., Plymouth Ave. Will be glad to see you in our hew location after that date. .


Fishing at tbe Bay. The largest strings of peroh that

are now being brought to the city on the afternoon • trains over the Bay railroad is positive evidence that the fisherman's long-looked-for day has arrived. Trailing arbutus is also being gathered in abundance along the shoreB of tbe Bay. Bay railroad trains leave 7, 9, 11, a. m., 1,2, 3, 4, 8, 6 , Ip . m.

Ail grocers keep TJ.S. Baking Oo.'s Oolnmbia bread. Try it.

Trusseeat,Cot Prices.

TheDftkeprug Co. will for the next sixty days sell you a trass and fit eame fsr $1. Don't bay until yon oallonas.

Have you tried Marvin's Ginger Snaps, Reception Flakes, Keception OraJbamer* They have no-eqaat. For sale at your g^roeere. Ask for them.

Oon'tWaitforaCoilirtc:. to esil. i f yoor snDscription is due. Send it to ibis office.


Soleam requiem H^k Mass wa$ 'celebe ted by R«r. Father Andrew. 5«ali«, aleSi aat pastor ef &M&vWi^9Jl!Mln Raw: Fatber Felli O'Haekw, deaooo, iand Faiher Alpbotwo Notabatrt, pattor of Bt Mdy.of VJoory's . jCs^ij j^Q^esst Rev. Fathers T. jR, Hiclcey, Thoeaa Has-dricki, aad Joaeph Haudricka ware ao<h p«»e«t .'Rev. Father rarnm waa:a»«ter ofoeremaalw.

. Joh* •iMt/ttt jboiral A n1Mm^ tmJm-Sylreiter, C. $8i Jt»^4,f*l';«toiida*'*t*$|: Franklin etreet,' a n i & :fmti< • -"Tha '"&« ceaaed was born In Hanover,,.Pr8»aa# fa 1858. HebMbeene brotbar for tbe Jatt "fifteaa year* and hai.lived-In thit w-"'**! y<ari.i Two brothsra, Bersard and Fred lagar. Of Pitt«bur(f,anda aUter whaliVee in Germany aju*Mhb»« The fa^rat waji held at 9 a. m* Tueiday awening fronjt, t«. Joieprt'e Church. ' *.•'.":

the fuaerai of Anna WatersoiUi, daughter of Alden and Muggic Wttereou, tppje place from the hon»e Monday morning »t 8.30 o'clock, and from St. Mary't church at 9 o'clock.

The funeral of Mrs, Carrie Sattei toolr place from her late rwidettce* -;-«o*.'<4,x; Wilder etreet,-at Q o'clock Tnuraday taoru* iig. and from S8j Peter aftd Paul'* Chorch »t 0:30 o'clock. . ; *;..'_ .''.'•'"•''

The funeral of Julia, deughter of Geotjje and Magdalena Schmitt, was held Iron the family residence, No. 99 Orchard street, at 0 o'clock Thurtdty morning, and at 9:30 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Church,

Be Prepartdir Don't imagine that because Spring

has come we are to bftve no more cold weather.' Tnere" wffi be dayi when a fire will feel comfortable and there will be raw, cold days—day* when it will be an- aotaal necessity; It is well to be prepared for all kinds of weather since tbe w> ather clerk may'consider it necessary to give us blizxarda clear into May.

Just fool bim, f i l l op your coal bin with the best cost yon- can hay for the money, end let him send alt the blizzards he wants to. The best coal for the least money, is sold bv, L. C. Langie, «>hose main office is at the corner of Bast Main street and Bast avenae. tarda on Kortfc -*** nufi, near railroad and on Soath Clinton street, near Alexander.

£ think we hare tbe

: Nit;'^^' f o#'..pi?,i*4'tt lft;^wn-'vl|v|'^vjii ^ toe—Raxor, Opora, Pari*,

. ^fSi^a/^WWRt' ""S." p.wSj" • _ s#^sWT"#av' "^*'P|S?%^-

ttlOeljr*'"; JjMw^|B6lV^ well with |4,(K) ahosp sold

•sls>wh«fe.;-. •• -';' ^_.; •'''• Showing tbo largest stock of Tsn' sod CwiTai shoes

: It*. - Rochester* cjft: IOLJ^.-

tbe demand* of tiie Mtm. pier

<|hoHlck L#©i


ml Waist* ware locHtsd User* y«*t*r- Fo»M»at.



1 aus^daJksV J L a u a ^ O 1

Shaves art filled with

• S W ^ W S ^ ^ *• " ' 'W*W^B( i'SWS^BT'SFSS^B/w «flt^W


Wliyiu map. Ni bt Robes wbei


Here's ths wity thiag* wsjafcrnxed Ustnight; - lOOdoaenLndise'Sfeirt Waist*,

" t f t ^ gtaflaBslit y .stiMjass^ ^KhMash^^i *S*lw 7# . *(W*SSBHSiSjSj' _ ^ ^ w S ^ t f r c C ^ P ^ p ^ " J ^ l f T " * ^ F •

Wajsti, ragulir S6c good* **«. -•'<Ni»»'Mtt9s«t-' 4 f * J > 'H% t&H

oomiHste lias oi doiasstfc M imp^rW mitsjHsis e m ritwrn ia

^ f i j y j - j i j . f -

- . > . . " « • •



mid b&p* rWy


mmmm •*•" mm

,, : ^:We:aw;fto#*(WfeK «faoJfef #fk„-, • • '-''•, Southern Whit*- »Ad' $t* Charla* m

Cob Cmn for eniiltfe,


Feed and Be'o leaned Cat»

For A No. t Ooodn, give «< ' - ' •> « c*lLor telephone 346.


P*{J • j * .

i<g:: m '.*(M* -S*-^'.;i


When ytm do anythiog do Jt well.

The Manhattan

sac to ft Btbr Shoes toe at J. W. Mtiert We make this offer to acquaint

the newest edition of the coming genei atiou with oar bargains.

J. W. laLMwa/ , 196 Bast Main etreet.

•.-K..B.* Bring oa ^our habfe*.

Catholic Prayer Books At Weidman's, 126 State St.

Of New York

lissue* the bestgpolioy' cofttra^of: $ny. &Mj>m\\ "38a '.lift *S$it

I t has paid to ifei pDlfojrJioj^Brs since, ISoO, 0Ver*3?,00,0 t0#/

Addr nf*.

£' BOHACHEHv i t B V » IP and SO BLW0OB BVTLDi^ti,

The Syndicate in Meat Broke; Boast Beef.,, . . ,80 to 13 l^te Boast-Veal'.; ,.-, . * . ; . ; . . ,8c to 10c Boast Pork,, * . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 io t t e Sirloin Steak, . . , . • ; . . . . . . . . U l-Se Sbonlder, S t e a k . . . . . . . . . . . I..;.%g Bdond$teak;. . . . . . . . Boiling B e e f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 t o M SagarOttred Ham**.».. . . . . I t b

Gome and see as. We will please

fou in price and ^oali^r. Brown's (arket, 61 65 Front Street.

•i^i^sP v& l^5


Sf&m&hfc^r I ' - j ^ -: * ^ k £ J 2 & ^ * f c k * $ f c ^ ^

Roaarfea and other Get hoik Ooode At Weidmin%, 186 Ststs St,

v ^M ~ • ' * >SS»i(|St'S^Tsr«