· omaha da...

OMAHA DA LFRIDAY MAY HO , 1684. DUFRENE & MENDELSOHN.H- TKKilOVKD . TO OMAHA NATIONAL HANK DI'ILOINO. DISEASES OF THE 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , . . . . - Un'll olUcei are rep ! rcJ Irom result ot fire , oin with Dr. Parker , lloora 6, Crcl liton Block 1Mb Mia l otUiM < tr eon.- X1 . .SX3M : MANUFACTUllEIl OF GALVANIZE , . , . , CORNICES. WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC. " - - 4LGlatla WHITTIER C17 St. Chnrlcs St. . St. J.onli , Mo. Aricul.rcr.lnittorinolltillr.tCi'llrtei t i , n lonjer find Ili-opft tli.i.Matliaii .nr ulhir rh .lelMnlo 8tLouli. wellI I iptr * ihtwniid nilnli ] .MenlMkDoK Nervous Prostration. Debility. Menial nnd Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec ¬ tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , mo itt.ic.i nh tinf.riHeia- lutensonuuitxlciiiincprlnc'fln. ' ft lr I'rli.telr. Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Excess, Exposure or Indulgence , tMtii rroJntr iom > or tin Ini"di'i ell"eliVinol'r"l"11" | "" ' Jll'"f' dlmo ' " of iljhl- icnlonlolbe or rcmtlo , conruilii ielt I rendering MarrlAo Improper or unhappy , rerniiiiiijcured. r.mphl.tW ( iMjf.lon the ao'e , Dt InieilrJ fiittloH' | , frrf to mr > ddrr i. Coniulullou to (. Bee mill free , utl IrnltoJ Urlle forquctlloni. A Positive Wriuen Guarantee rtTf In > ll eur blcMI UpJIelnes lent evcrjnher *. Tamphlrii. EnslLh or German , 04 p ee , de- criblne - above dlieaics , in male or female , FJUJK. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! , Onerl !c . llloilrilcil In tlolhin . Me , inoncjur i est Ke : i.uir | cetrr , 23e. Tbl. b.ok- conutoi .11 the eurloui , tloutttlul or luqul.ltlre to now- .lUppln . A book ct grc.t liunr.l lo .11 , lli.ltn , llc.air. are proaiikdj Ji , larlco. PEINCIPAL LINE ritoM CHICAGO , rEOIHA & ST. LOUIS , II V WAV OK OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DE1IVSB , Olt VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER iiK In Union Depots nt Kiin-iisCl y, iiiil Dcnvur with thrtui li liiiln.lor Anil nil points In the GicutVust. . Connecting In Unuut Union Depot : it Chicago with tln-oii 'li tmltis lor NEW YORK , IJOSFOy , And nil Kustoni Cillci- .AtPcorln . with tliionuh tmlns tor Iiullanap.- ollB . , Clnclnnutl , Colnnibna , ami nil points in- tlioSontli. . | : st. At St. J.ouia with tluon h trains lor nil polnla South.- Elcjjiint . Day Conches , 1'nrlor Cars , with Ho- .cllnliin . Oluili-H ( scats li co) , SniolcliiK Curs with Jiovolviii Chaii-s , rullninii I'nluco Slreplng Cars anil the Iniiinns U. H. ftQ. Dining Cars rnnilally toiuicl from Chicago niul Kaiisns City , ChtciiKOiiiul Council Jilnlls : mill Dos Molncs , Chicago , St. Jobupli , Atfhlsnn nnd- Ttipukit wliliont clmngc. Only through line running thclnwn trains hctwcen Chlrano , Lincoln anil Denver , untl Chicago , Kansas City and Denver. Throii li curs hotwoen Indianapolis mid Council lllulls , via I'cortn. COINOVOHTH ANI > SOUTH. Solid Tmlns of Klojunt Day Coauhcs nnd rnlhnan rnlncoSlccpliiK Cars mo inn iliuly to and fioin St. I.ouls ; via llnnnllml ; Qiilncy , Kcoknk , lliiilliiKton , Co < lnr Itanlda and Albeit l.rtitoSt. Paul and MlnncanollH ; PailorCara with ItrcllnliiK Chaiis lo nnd lioni St. Louis mid I'corla. ( July ono chungo of cars between Ft , I.onlsiind DCS Mninca , Iowa , Lincoln , No. bmskit , and Denver , Colomdo. It I3id8o the only Tluongli Line helwoon- ST. . LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL- .It . is known as the Kieut TIIUOIUJII CAU I.INL of America , niut is imivcradly iiilinit.- fcil . to ho thu- Jinost Equipped Ha51road In ths World for all classes of Travel. Through Tlckrta via this line tor wiio n. IE. coupon ticket onlcca lu tno UnHcastiitCh- f.nCaninlii. . V. 1. POTTEIt , PKUOKVAL LOWKLL. VlM-V" " _ IJtnM i ir-r Orn , < ' ' Poison Oak FceTstoyltld cvrry lime to treatment with 8 If , 'a- pclc. !( . Rpsrtnnburir. H. P. , M-rch 13 , 1R8I. Your mostvol laMe "ril'clne ' ( Sultt'H Kpoi irt ) ht- donn ,, e H , innch ifiKl thtt I 'col like H)1 if t * 8 for tlio bm'c'lt oi III uho niilTrr HKO I illil. I w n- pimono I by I'nlmn Oak. and saw n"t a wi iliy ( or- nx yarn , intl' ' I line I Bvllt'ii X | ci-na | Inlhn nil > rarn I u cd almrwt every ' Ind of inedldnp , but nnnn had 'he 'e lr d ell ct. Alt r uiln.' ulx h tt'cs ' of- Hr Kt'a Sec'llo 1 am rettorikl ti perfect health with i "f hit iwtul p Uon led I Yourn Tru- lyPOISON OAK.t- fatf . for thlrtv ekht yo rumfTercd cvfty spring and tim-nor with HoUon Half , which I etnlinftei- 'Inti'fin , hei ahov. I trl'd cvcrjlhlnfr ( or It , In- clU'lin ra nyn > iy Iclinii. ut without any tomtit I took elx hotlhs ot swltt' * 8iecino | (S H B) four jroir * n'<o , and It cured mn ion il and w-K Th co- tumriicrs passid , and I ha'ohnln return n'lt.- Jen . mi llBinLEV , 0 lumhiix , Oa- .OiirTroatlsa . on Blood tud Skin UUeasei mallod Iree. THE SWIFT HPECIFIO CO- .Orawer . 3 , Atlanta , Oa.- N . T. Office , IB9W.23 St. , let B'h ' ad 7lh a > a DIRECT LINK FOH ENUMND , FIIANCK AND Th" stfa-nshlpn of thl well-krown line are bulit ot Iron , In wa'er-tUht ' conpt t-nent' , and are lurnlnh- cdwiti - ot-erf r quiiitu to m k t'.e iit migo both cafe nd agrera le Thev ctrry the Uolteil fl atrn- nd Kur potn m IU , air' I av i New Vorki Tim a- .ilavsaii'l M nrlay < for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher- kouiy ( I- IIIa "I HAMiltlMU- ll'ttnt : PI ' C.vtiln.l 6. 87unJJSO. Htter.e. ( 2'- i.llenryl'umlt . , Mark llanimii , F. K. JIoToi.M. Toll , .rente'ii Ointha , Oranculc & Hcho'iitycnaenUli :: Council IlluRt. 0. U: IIICIIAUL ) a, CO. , (Jen. I'm.- AKla . , lHrovl ay. N. Y- .ITotice . to Cattle Mon 000 UATTLE FOR SALE.I- 'O . Head of Btofri Tliree Years Old 2Q , 11. i Two " U' ' " " llellers , T o " 160 " ' 'tfcni , Ouo " 0 " " Holf' ' r , One " Tb abov dese'lb d cattle are all well bred Iniia- eittU itrxlvht and .lumth Thou cattle will be told In '" n uit nii'chvter * , And at reasonable lirieo *. For further partiular , call on " Waverlv. Ilremir Co , Iowa , JAS , H. PEABOJJX M , u , PHYSICIAK & BURGEON , Bwllenso , No. , 1407 Jonof Bt. O'Flce , No. 16- 0a'ltn ntrjit OB'ihWM' * m ti I p m vi 4 9 . 1. iVlw uJU * i w i J JJ * * 1 'JC -WITII- * ad. year work is done for nil time to tnno to couio- .WE . CHALLENGE o produce a more durnrlo material for street pnvement than the Sioux Falls Gra- nite.CXRIDEIRS . FOR ANY AMOUNT OF -OR filled promptly. Samples sent nnrl estimates given upon application- .WM.MoBAIN&CO. . . . imuilillE THE BRUNSWICK , BALKF , COL- iENDER - COMPANY , [ SUCCKSSOI1S TO TIIK J , M. 11 A. U CO. ] . .f THE MONARCH The moitcxtonBlvon.aiuricturcraot- IN THE WOULD. 609 S. Tenth Street , . . . . . OMUIA , NEB t II lllrd and Foul Tables fti.d mttcrlils , l nn M ) li'at- lnnBEUNSWICK&GO Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALL OTIIKU OA1IINO TAHLK3. TEN PIN BALLS , CIIKCKS. t-.TC. 18 South 3d Street , St. Louis , 411 Do'awaro Street Kansas City , Mo. , 1321 1'GUgluB St. . Omaha , Neb 11ENRY HORNIiERGER , Write for CaUIntnie and I'rlco T.U * . ST , LOUIS PAPEHWAREHOUSB , G-raham Paper Co. , S17 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- I'OOK. NEWS . , } PAPERS , ! WHITINO WKAI- TINOPRINTER'S IMVKLOPE8 , CABD BOAUD STOCK oal'l for Ilaira of Nebraska Cornice - AND- MANUFACTVBEHS - OK GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN, IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIC SKYUQIIT , Iron Fencing ! Ciesttntrg , Daluiitradet , Verandas , OWooand Ilanl- lUilinga , Window and Cellar Ouardg , Kto. neil rv ivni-f , . BTIIKK1' . UNWII.N NEM. ALONG THE LINE OF THE , Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this line from Wakefleld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OANl- leachea through Concord and Coleridge the beat portion of the Btato. Special ex- cunlon ra'iu for ! > nd leeken over thin line t Wayne, Norfolk and Ilurtlngtou , and via Illalr to all principal po'ntii ' on the SIOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Tr .Ini over tht 0. . tit. P. M. * 0. Railway t 0 v- ngton , slouz i.lty , I'onca , Haitlngton , Wayne anJ.- Voifolk , OOXl.XI.OOt At J&1n.lY- Ki r Fremont , Oakda o , Nellgb , and through to Val entino- .larfor . tatci ind alllnfonnatlon call on- F, I1. WHIT NEY , General Arcnt , Western Cornice-Works , IIION AND BLATE HOOFING. 0 , SPECHT , PEOP , 1U1 Uoujlai Bt. Omaha , Neb- .UANUFACTUKEK . OF Galvanized Iron Cornices m , .v..v , Wlmlo i , rinti1" , Tin , Iron arid Slate 111.11 tr HitHit'n I'ttui.t SltUI lo Hkyl'.ht , l-ten' ' nlJu.tH lUlchet Uir v U llrickct "hehli.Lr , I am t thu t a oral for Uio aim e Him of KUO u Ir n i ten IIIK Cr.ftlii llalu truilix V ran'Unmil ( Dink , Iloillnir * . Wli t w IllmHf , Co hr Ojunli ; 1 a xcucr&l I OHtOAOO'S M.VHKHIS.C- ATTLK. . . CHIOAOO , Mi y 2 ! ) . The catllo trndo continues nctivo nnd prices rotunin firm nt the ndvnnco of 'J uosdny niulVcdncs - day. In noting the ndvnucu of 1C t ( _ 0 cents it should bo borne in mind tliiu it- t > nbout nil on clunco nnd fancy Litllo corn fed steers , of 950 to 1050 tunings nnd upwards , big cnttlo and roiif.1 ' uvcn atock nnd nil descriptions ol- gr s CN' ' ' ° ' 'mvo scnr-coly ndvntpcd : n- nioklo the pa. * ' H"oo or four dnjs Foid- or - , howovt-r , nw n. ; or oirK to iho- ecnrcity of Toxnti coKsunrt ui cr detcripl- ions. - . lititchors1 stock nro ( ciliiip t> * hi h pricn Oood to clioiVrt klilitpd 1200 to 11)50 ) ll's. , fl 15 lo 0 30" } common to medium. 1000 to 1200 Ibt , f > 7f to 0 nO rnsi Tuxuns 4 25 to R OOj corn fed Tcxans 5 00 to 0 00.1- 1OOM. . . The market closed dull with nbout hnlf the 24.0CO unsold ; skips nnd li ht- lipht - sold nt 4 50 to 5 15 ; a * sorted llijht , 5 15 to C 50 ; pnckur * nntl shippers 5 20 to 2 75. niovistoxs. Prices wore well Bintni-.od Jo-day , with the oxcuption of provisions , whuro n- shnrp duclino occurred. W1I1SA- Tlucluixtod very vidoly within n range of- l _ cents nnd closed with vury little : lmngo from yostordny on the regular xmrd. On the nftornoon board nnotluit- idvnnco occurred. The Intost prices of- ho , dy wi-ro J to J over those of yestorl- iiy. . Unfnvurablii ropnrtt wore recmvcd- 'rom n nttmbor of winter whaat gr.uving- ntatt'8 , nnd Inter the firmtu-i in stocks HSO assisted to pivu n firinur tone to tin- nnrkot. . Juno cloaed at 89 , Jnly nt 1)2 ) , August at D2J. ruled modcr.ttoly quiet nnd closed on the cgulnr bonrd n sliudo under josterduy , jut milled on the iificrncon buird niul- climod stondy. Juno closed nt 55 ] , July t G7g nud August nl 59. Firm nnd n slmde higher ; Juno c'oscd- nt 31 J July at 2 and Au u.t at 29 ] . I'OUK sustained a decline of CO to 80c , but closed steady. Oa tlio nftornoi'ii board tlio August option ndvnticiid 15o , nnd Juno and July closed nt 10 20 , Aujjustnt 1925. LAUD declined 10 to 15o on the regular bonrd , ) Ut rallied 2 * to 5 , n tlui nfurnndii- i >i nr < l. Jiinu ol ( -l ut8 10 , July nt 8 30 , and August at 8 47A. Tao o aid tiua uuj aimed to Monday next. SEAL of North Carolina Tobicco is the ) ont. FOKTY FOURTH CONGRESS. SENATK- .WASIIINOTO.V . , May 29 Mr. Allison reported , from the committee , np | rnpri- .iting . § 100,000 for the relief of tullorors- y > the ovifli w of the Miseissippi river and its tributaries. The sonnto commit- oa - do not favor the appropriation in the 'orm preaented. No amount ia mon.- lonoJ. - . . Tnoy recommend appropria- tion of the unoxpirod balance of the op- iruprhuioii niad for the Ohio river st.f.- ferora . which is about 40000. Thu com- mitten's - rtcumtnendatioii was agreed to- yuus 32 , nays 15. The conlerenco report on the agricul- tural ¬ nppriiprmtion bill was agreed to- Llio houao jiuldud to the wialua of the utnuto relating to nppropriutiuii for the cultivation of raw silk , and ixporimunta- regarditip the extraction of sugar from fioighum. The aeuato recedes relating to- trtuman wells. The Dibtrict of Columbia appropriation jill was pasnod. After executive session , adjourned till Monday. HOUBS. Bills wore reported and placed on the calendar : Regulating the forms of bills of lading ; regulating the exportation of imitation butier nnd chocso , nd to divide the judicial district of Kansas.- Ainu . n joint resolution proposing the Following us article 1(5 ( of the constitution : ' The right of citizens of the United Status to vote ahull not bo abridged by the United 8 tut IB or by any state , on ac- count ¬ of nativity. " A bill was reported increasing to SI- 300,1100 ,- i ho limit of tlio apimipimtiun lor- rlio public building nt Louisville , Ky- .lforrvd . [ to the cmamiUou of the whulo. The house went into committee of the whulo , , JN. Y. ) 111 chair , on the legiulalivo bill. When the panigrnph for the appoint- ment ¬ of an iidilHniiiiil torce of opecinl ox- miinura - fir the pcnnion office waa- renchid ; , Mr llindull ( .lem. , P.t ) HVrod- an anitndinent , which , after a long de- bate , wua .idoptt-d , Btrikltig out thu pro- viaio - that these exammorH bo appointed hy the BtorHtary of the interior. Upon the recommendation of the commioaioiitT- f penuuiiH. i Ins IIUVHH the [ ) | ) ( ) liitiiioiit4 subject to the civil service rules.- Air. . . Thouipaonlljred un amendment i ruvidnig ti'tu ' limn Juno 30 , 1884 , ilicn : bu no more than 43 internal ruvenuu tlii- nets This authorize !) the preiidunt to- c itiRolidaio nnd rearrange the cnatoma- oiillection des ricts ot the Uuitod Suites m or btiforo the first of O.tobur , 1881 xo they ahull not exceed 07 in number.- MJ . Ki-Bon ( 'op Iowa ) mndo u strong speech upon the unwisdom of acting upon n proposition which upsets thu whole A } stem of the customs ani o with- out ¬ proper consideration by the wpya and means committee.- Mr. . . Ilandull said the proposition had been substantially recommended by the secretary of the treasury.- Tlio . amendment was agreed to , Mr. Thompson offered nn amendment directing the secretary of the treasury to exempt all distilleries which masli 10 bushels of grain or Icsa per (Uy from the operat'on of the provinions of title 35 re- vised ¬ statutes , except as to the payment of txcB , nud authorizing these dis illurios- to run as fruit distilleries , provided store- keepers nnd gaugers who are unsigned to- distilli'iies with n capacity of 25 bustuln- or I RS .hull receive $2 per flay when actually employed. Agreed to. The amendment reducing the number of internal revenue agents to five was agreed to- .On . motion of Mr , Bland , nn amend- ment - was udopted prohibiting any gov- ernment ¬ cleik or employe fron perform- ing ¬ any private service for any sunnier , member , head ( if a nr cam- paign ¬ committee Thu committee to- ported thu bill to the hoiinn , and tvut pro VIOUH ( juestion was oriltred , Without o'inn ' the houiu adjourned until Sat ¬ urday. _ _____ A Haul lllilo , "Train Tulk" In Chlt so llirjltl. 1 liut I once had iho (( iicerrst railroad ride over known in the world'remarked the brikemun , as ho and the train boy ! Hnlthd down into the corner for a chat It waa about ten ynan ago , when I was a1- yau'm.n ' , On" T ) u " _ ci outw 4Ji' : pilol of nn outgoing freight to ride out to- my cabin. It wns snowy nnd slippy , nntl when I went to got IT 1 lost my foot- hold ¬ tuid came nonr fnllint ; right in front of her , but I straddled out my logs nnd- my toes ctuight the bira that run from thti mint to BUiort | { the headlight frame , Thpro I hung by my foot , with my head clear down on the nuso of the pilot 1 hnd- to use my Imnds to keep my hend up- ctenr < f thi > tits I yi'llcd , but 1 could not Jinko myself hrnrd. The cnginocr- couldn't too mo for the boiler , nud though ho had'nt seen mo jump oil , sup- p - > sod I hnd done so on thu other side , rhrro I hung , getting stiff niul cold with my bones nnd joints nchmg ns if 1 liiui- iho gout , the snow thrown up by the cl 'c tchcr covering ntul fn'iE'iig me , my- n'os'o ski.lnm'"B ' "long within nn inch or- tivo of the tito , * * nlu * noM | ° > t nwful ptins- in : the cords of iu. " lll .ck known. Eveiy niinuto .H ; 'ouu-d to mi- thnt > I mint drop to my 00 th , but 1 hung on to her for eight miles , whou wo stopped nt Woodstock for ornVrs , I- couldn't walk for n wnuk , nnd I bi lfnvo- my neck i * n little ntiiryot , I'd rather 500 miles than ride another eight in- thnt fnthiou ItKKOIlM- .AtlilrtiH . lo thn 1'ooplo Ity tlio The executive committee of the Mas- sachusetts Tar ill' Reform Lengm * , through Jojiith Quincy , its aucrolnry , hns issued the following address to the people of Massachusetts : To the J'coplc of Massachusetts Mara tlmn 20 yeura ago , to meutthu exigencies f the great civil war , congress imposed n tariff of duties on import !) higher than this country had over tmfuro known , nnd higher than any civihztd nation now imuntains. The protective features of the war tnrifl hnvo been kipt in force without ossotitial changes up to the pr s out time. The act of lust year , framed by the representatives of protected in- dustriep - , and enacted by cnngrexs for the purpose of evading the demand for tnrifl' reform , has given no rulfcf. So far from mnteiiitlly reducing duties , it 1ms in sumo cases increased then : The taiifT has diverted labor.aud cupital from thoau- iiiduiitrics in which they produce thu greatest results. lu muiy branchua of- mnnnfacturo wo load the world ; iu ngri culture wo hnvo nn inooinpantbly rich fii'ld. Tlio industries which can bo car- ried ¬ on to the best advantage in tlii * cu n try are checked , nnd are in many (MHOS nhut. out from foreign markets , iu order that others less prolitnblo mnv bo artificially stimulated. Che war tariff , no longer required for purposes of revenue , ! m Uid lurdons nn thu COIIKUII- Iots - by raising tlio prices not only of thu imported nniclea taxed , but also of n- jriat mass of similar articles which are in ulo at home. The higher prices of the latter givn no roveuuu to thu govern ment. They simply add permanently or temporarily to the profits of thu produc- ers. ¬ . Where thfauunfits { hnvu been per- manent ¬ , ns they have been iu many cases ot monopolythey merely represent n con- tribution ¬ taken hy the out of thu pockets of ono class nnd put into the p ckuts c f another class. Moro i f'en- i ho nigh profits are only temporary.- Tnoy . give nn unhealthy mimuhia to the industries assisted , and family mult iu over product.m , stagnation of trade , fail- ures ¬ among employers , distress among the employed. Tiny burden consttmera , and eventually benefit nobody. The defenders of our present extrava- gant ¬ system of protection assert that it brings t.1) > ut the general high wages in tins country , liut it is abautd to sup- pose ¬ that tuxes on thn necoss ines of lite and on the inatiumcnts of production cause high wages. As n fact , wages nro higher in this country In thu industries not afloat cd by protection , in agriculture , the mechanic trades , nnd in the self sup- porting manufactures. They are lowest m the protected industries , and wretch- edly ¬ low in many of thene. As consum- ers , the laboring classes are the chief sufferers from the existing taxes It U| they who near the heavy burdens on arti- cles nf universal rnuiiunption. Thu high tariff has kept down the international cummer .u ot tnu cuuntiy. It is a vow id- ly ¬ intended to check imports nnd ob- struct foreign trndo. Exports nnd im- ports ¬ bring deptmoent on ench other, in checking the latter wo necessarily cut down the former. Wo cannot sell unless we buy. The result of our present poli- cy ¬ is seen in the fait that our inturnaiion- al commerce cannot now c impure with that of other nations. For thu ten youra ending in 1881) ) , the combined impiinu and exports of England were annually each inhabitant. S !) . " ) , of Franci- of - , $ ! ; Germany , S3 ! 40 , out of the Uni'id- Statea ' , § 22 80. Thu lommercd of Ger- many , with a ( miller population , was nearly 40 percent greater. Although un- able - to prevent entirely the growth of- uur commerce , thu tariff hat clearly de- prived ¬ us ( if tlio great cunmiaion which moro laws would hivu aecured. Nit content with giving pro ectum to- thu limahed products i f thu manufacture , tlio trnli raieua tliu piic-i i f mnat of the raw materials upon which the manufna- turut - di pcnd. In order to maintain our iirtilictai poiioy , its supiortura are ob- liged to inng all cUm-os of producers uithin its scope. Wool growera and thu owners of ir m minus are brought within the protective Aystom , Eveiy other in- dustrial nation , whatever ita guieinl pol- icy iiuy bo , recognizes the expediency of allowing free trade in raw material. Wo however , tex iron ore , pig iron , lend , copper , wool , coal , lumber , hemp , flax , jute , dyo-ntuffi and many other raw ma- teriala Hosidca raw materials , wo tax many finished products which are essen- tial ¬ to domestic industry. Those taxes fetter thu very industiies which iho pro- tective ¬ policy is chiefly intended to benef- it. ¬ . Growing whenever a profit is mudu- at any Btago of manufacture they finally full nn the consumer with incruasid fure They korvo no possible uaeful purpose , and sluuld bu entirely abolished at the earli'ifct practicable moment. Our dutiia on imports , arangod not for the purpose of raising revenue , but nolel ) with reference to protection , pour iiiinii- ally into the treasury at leant $100,000- 000 ,- more than is needed fur any legiti- mate public purpose. This immunsii BUT- plus is n temptation to a wastful and tx- travngant spendinof thu public monuy- .It . is demoiuliziii alike to lo.ialatora and to thoao who buliuvo thenmelvea to liave any titlu to government aid It tlmuld- bu cut down shortly and stmrply. It ha < been in the interest of protcc lion to ruduco thu revenuu by nb ilialimg- t'io ' internal taxes on ipirits , Itir , and t ibacco. These taxes mu ruco iiiK.d and 1 opoHcd ai fit uliu projier by every civil- zjd - government. They have thu advun- tigu - nf ukmg nothing from tn pitiiH over and above wlmt ( hi y yield t" thu public treasury. U wnuul lu iii'ini'roiii- iti ubolish or reduciuniy of tluao whilf- riilaining the prottetivo tax as wh'di ' affect the neceaianea of hfu imp ue- a ululoji biuduu on o'uiiuiner i, and foti i t ter the tradit nnd iinlusiry of tlio country , i The league is not formed for thu pur- po - v t f vb i _ h" > _ it onuu i ll p dultoi without giving time for industries which have boon nttillcinlly stimulated to adjust themselves to now nnd better con ditions. Hut protection should no longer ' ' 0 maintained nt the oxtDWAgiuit point where it stands. The present ex- treme tntiff , with duties rancimj from 40- tv ) 100 per cent , nnd more , is indotomi bio , nnd the sooner it is reduced to n reasonable ba is tlio better. A great re ¬ duction of duties , if wisely mndo , can bo bjrno by the industries which nro now protected. The league believes that it is time that the great abuses uf our Unit system should bo put nn end to ; lint wnr- tnxoa , nftor 20 years of profound prnco should bo reduced ; thnt tlio should bo brought down to the sum re- quired for the It kititunto expense's of the government ; tlut the profits of indi- viduals nt the rprnso of tlio public should bo cut ofTj all ;' , that thii o 'iiniry should bo enntilitl to tnku its proper ahnro- of trndo nntl commerce of the world. The special interests which Imvo com blned together for the purpose of resist- ing ¬ any subitnntinl changes in iho tariff have succeeded , by perfect or aniznlioii- nnd constant pressure , in treating n f Uao impression ntVnshington natothoopin- ions of the po.'plo upon this question This impression cnn only bo corrected by- Drgmiir.uion nna wolUhrocU'tl notion on- tlio part of those who behevo thnt tlio present policy is unsound , nnd nro willing to enforce ( heir opinions , if need be , nt the polls. The league invites nil poi > oia who sympathize with its objocls t ) be- come ¬ meiubers , nnd to aid actively in the work of local orgnnir.ition. JOSIAH QUINUV , Secretary. How VmuliTlillf.Coulil. O'Connor nntl- Itai'iiiiin Sit lor I'lclurcH.- Intervt.w . In N , V. Sun , " .Mr. Vnndorbilt who is ono of my boat customers , throws off all roservu when hu comes huro , and talks nnd nets us jolly as n yachtsman. Thu lait time lie gave mu n sitting 1 caught him on thu broad smile , nnd In.s friends were so de- lighted with the picture thnt they aotit- d iwn nuil ordered a largo unmoor from Llui aauiu negativo. They said they luul ' 'kun nil the other photogtaplis iif Mr. Vanderbilt out of thu albums and roplai- i'd ilium with thu amilora 1 think thnt- n good many of thuse photographs of Mr- .Vaudorbilt . have gone to Euro ] ) . . 1 lever had Jay Goulil hero but oneo nnd- iero'a ' the picture I made of him " "It's n very atrnngo looking picture , " wo said- ."Of . oourso it is. But how do you think it waa mndc ? Ho presented hun- dolf - ono day und said : 'Well , Mr. . they have got mo here at last. Ho quick , ileasu , for I'm in an awful hurry. ' Mint,1 raid I , * 1't take your picture in thosu- nd culouo light clothes , It'll como nut ul lima t wluto. Yi.uil butter go home and go Ion a black coat. " "You must do it now or never , ' hu said , and nbout to walk out again , when 1 collared him and look him up to- thu operating-room. It's ono of the worst pictures I have over mndo. The inly blaek about it ia thu beard and eyes L aent the picture homo , nud he'd never been hnre since , "Hut heru'd n splendid picture of- Chniles O'O.inor. 1 shall novur forget hat ho said the last time hu w-a hero A Bhort time buforo that the nowsnapera had all niilioilnqeil that ho wns dead. Hu- cfimu in looking very solemn , nnd said : 'Mr. , buforo 1 died jou made oomo photographs for me. I'd like to have seine moro of the same kind. ' There wis just the sign of a smile upon hN face after hu said it , nud it struck mo ns bein odd."When Birnum sends for n lot of pict- ures ¬ it ia always with thu unduratanding that if they look too much like him hu will send them back. Bob Inguraoll makes a first-rail ) sitter , except that hu makes mo laugh too much. lie's full nf- fun. . The lost time ho was hero there wns n good dual of talk going on as to who was going to be the next secretary of the interior. Ingeraoll brought a friend whom ho introduced na the 'coming secretary of the exterior. " Ingersoll'H bend ia almost ns round ns a bullet- ."The . last time that Senator Lngnn was hero I naked him to stand up and strike a military attitude. lie said ho didn't want it too military , but stood up , and thrust one hand under thu bruait < f his coat , whilu hu rested thu other on the arm of a chair- .'Who . nro your best-paying custo- tnorn1" - ' Just now , Iho politicians , especially presidential candidates. E oiy time a great eleclic n approaches thu pictures be- gin ¬ to fly. 1'vo been getting orders for Mr. Bl.iino'a pictures by the hundred from different parts of the cuuntiy.- liluinu . has a remarkably handaomi ) head and m.ikes n line pictures. There Imiialao- houn a great demund for photographs of Senator Logan , who is an old cuatomnr of- mine. . Koscoo Conkling won't sit for love or money. Not long ngo I sent a man to invituhim to como and givu us a- Silling. . Mr Conkling said thuro weru too many pictures nf him extant ulrundy 'Tf 1 sit at all I will ait for you , ' uaid he ; 'hut , ' hu ndded , 'I ahull not Hit at all.1 I tell you pictures do a great deal to nniku- a man popular , especially if IIO'M good looking. Not long ago a handsomu mini from a neighboring city cumo huro for photrgrapha. Buforo lie left I asrorlnin- ed - that ho waa a candidate for a bi oflic- o'Lutine make you enough pictures Mid I will elect you , ' I mid , fur ho matin a very taking picture. Hu ordered an extra lot but not enough I bftorwnnj hoard thnt ho win beaten by about sixty muj irity. " llnrtlo Front Doiitl , LONDON , May 20 Sir Bartlo Froro is- dead. . SPECIAL NOTICES.iV- Bpeclala . will Poaltlvelynot be inserted nnloBH paid in advance TO tOAKUonnV.- MONKY . Loantd on chattel property by H T. . I Mil and luu < Uj. 172-lm TO LOAN III uu.n ol | 30U and upward * at low rattm on tint claw ) real mtato ncurlty3- HMI I'OITKIl &COIIII- .f OxKV IX) iNBO-Oo chMwl property u > J- .ItrAITY . .VI , .I1 i itli Utn.lreot. _77ft.lin- yf O.> C.- IiVl . Uemli' Loan Aifeuov , * Uth <> Dou la J4-tl TO IXAN In luuin of 1500. anj upward MONKY . Dull and (Jo. , ll al Eutate anil IMU KIIII' * , IMF Ftrnaui Ht 8' 811. HELP WANTED.- T . NI'KI ) A ( iorn'co linker , ono t nt undo.- ttai.d . > > * Tin W rk pKlidtd , Inquire ul W, II , Ilurim, .tioiu Cl y , I iua 6,8 itlp , NIKII-H 11 rveniral liuu.twnk I a tmnlly > lit four (. ' !! % 610 J.nk nn HI , HO 3 A u ilfjr ucn ral | | iii'i.w rklnaln'i ' ' lit of two. 129 , I4tli tl ol , btt. DouiU | In ), ' to handle u nuwly > i put' ' ntod nr'lco ' duet' hto un bo n Id In j o'.ery fu'ii Iv u I on of udJicn "rJittriirlMi " No.1 Cr'iiiilit'Ii rlock , 63 tl"- IfANTKII Hi iu or t u bj.ii lo Irani linok- V - > i.c nix ( j'vi-tu.tiju . ciiia itiio '< t OKMrs WANTr.t-F ltl.Miln . I'.tmcr k Co _V piMMicrNiw Y < 'rk anil Chlfl.go , nt at- oi.cxtlltmujfiiUlhr luhoul Neliiatka. Totncner- trrllxannt - iliit will iKi the 01111 wurk , eie'm tcrrUorjft'.l extra tonmwllltiovhe' . Ainili atonr * to ( lowe Mlttlicll , 0 rural Stili A | nt , On aim , .Voi. l > o k In olllc of iUimul Uurnii , 13H Ktrimin trcot. J35 3 n- VrASTr.DA ROO.I COOK lo ork In a |nlv.itrf m- .J . > llyvtlilaiiinlrra4 Mid locond girl , n c-i twenty do l r a month. Mt , A. 1'. 1opplcton. If flj Shrrnm airnuc , HS7-3 ; II-V n at rla drcM under oji > ho * * Ihoroitjhly vindcratandii draplnif. > | ply at 1.M7 lo K'n..St MSOp ) A ill Ing room prl mill te m > tr at thoOrrlilcntitl. Hi if VSTKnA K'wl ' m it b-i | no n mull In take ' Inl r t In A iilco ImVm-i In the wrot , L rK IT tilt m competition , onlv m Mi amount t mnn.y rtqulreil. Ailiiro * II. I.11 life olll . fi .SO | > Hen at nuttlnn.i of 1 < IS Rl- f I oW-lljl If IB- l 1-utiilty thl A O.n.hkllouir , ll.vnc ) St. 5M- > O- pAVANIKInitilrncol | Mloi l ily In ir.llllnerv J iiittnnilaiK. KnqulM ot nr adilr m JJ , Si8 Ilroml j' , Council IllulU f. 31 31. * NTMA l one icllfti In tin I Inttlllcciit liiv , 'S rmo'0)c r lUtocanyinptrt. Arii'rat ' llee olllw , 8 , m. WANTr.D-a-o.J gill t I8l J Howitil. V.VNTHO A K IHMint | brick mouUer , I T til 'nuudmHt. A t cftjy I li lor cnod nun. 8'i-sflp J. K. i UTim ANTKOAno I'O'lciioM g tl 11 ibhouio wntk OOMIUM | i l ncil ttt ISUvbitorht , do..3- 1WANTKI1 A owk womvi jirelerrM. ( lot"l w . . , il , Ncliratkn lloum? , North 1'lallr , Ndi- M Olio ' , | i Ol | lo.- . 47'3l | l ANTKO-riritrhM lisiticr None o her iirctl > M'plyWhltoorcoloinl , 210 14 li St. < 93a- UTANTKO | A j-oiinKfJerniMi gill , ono nc t tint In rcrnmnrnt ( ilto ik'ul iruoivIKC Mo H lt ) , 3cnitlici o. kiul Liau'iiworth. i3lil- l ANTKD-A KOCH ! Rtl | clildly for Lllchoi work ' Ilr4. 1. It ll.t.liouc-k. 410M.I AOI'.NTS or Inlinet.plo il inurAi'lillv. lluiiliiolltilit , Ditrtra lo- ftintiui lylu4 nwl. K ixirton o not nccin.Kry. Piun * llultio. It W. MO.XTitO H. Unll II , Jllcli. 70- ( A R.wil cxpoilcncoil tlniml'li Inmieill- a i'ly. Hloulv w ik with if ol WHRD < Ail- IICK - , 0 I ) I1AHI , Unl , ull. 44-20' liy a ) mnnuhcrc thrro- IT In * cli.i co lor nilMk'ieiiirviit. Itiruuncoi- lr tcli a. AilJui F. A. C'lminnan , Lincoln N'cti , KagD.- iIV _ ANir.D HitHitluli niilotk III (j'urcry t ' 'Ic l y- T * a Otitlcin'iii ' fn 'U the iti 3 > un oipoiluncu.- Oooil . r loiencca AiKIn M ' O. II " lion utllo. 6 0 lfli ! | x'TAVFl'Nluuil"ii ! M phoit liaiiil nritir I- nli nllicu Can lion t'Q | ' nrltcr.iMto * ' , MAt.l.V.II I- . OoliMC I II ulTn n 31-31 rm ll li fti clerk In tulal ilrv nco1' 11 or irr'ci'ry bt r . It f nn firnnlioil , 10- on ncxnirlcuoj Aililrt'ai lui SO, Coin IuvtKS TOp KUBUBU.&NHOUB WANTS- .7VKTii . : > V 1'elit ' ono horro tnp l.nrgy. Milnt ' i 1)0 In Kooil rep Ir , Aililical "SI " euro ll'o ni- ce. . i llniuv ol 4 nr f r.virn lllilr. S or 10- I li LI; of I . 0. Aililroan "J. H. 0. " IDI'i I'mifa- HSt. . tM3- 0Al ntleiinn wniiln it oinrfipnm with n Inily Im * 10 mnku liorn n II Inir Ncnuotlior- ii'itl n | | ily. lly I1 O. inMto li C'rolKton Kuux County , .Ndimuv box SO II. H. " 177SD- jiW < Mhl ) l' "tin I lie gripi.imnnco o n true go llcmun ot 4 or over with nioatin 11 p'ovlilo- ' > Kon'lhon Mil ) liclU' up lo.11J Klnn tul liu , , vo klinliio'H on. luilii > try in ruturii Aililroti KiS euro I Iliu olllcc * 7-V p A lirr o nr pony ft' il |h itnn , II ll'o- i ' * run ooin bo 1ml on ftlrailo I ir n K oil In- In- Uuimrom T.tco. at C3l aouili V tli itro. t , Mlor- l . in. 8SS tl- lirvNlHillimri'ciHt.tUnow tl.oSt , i h tlo. H , Id mi Ilnriiuv Ht , li t c litli anil inch will t up th1 limLtaMo Innul fur Si 00 fcr week or BUJ- TIniima lutlio o'ty ot n toirirponcllnic pilov , I Oil Jll JiT"lil DH'f HBO LOt- hI OIt 1IKNF Tiirnulicil front ro m 1721 607 U- IT'OllltKNT Nluoly finnlit rU fmnt | iailor , lth I nr with n liimnl , run'ral locatcil. InKYii- 1I01TI H , H. W cor , l&tu and Knrtmm. 611031 171 11 IIKKT-A imb'lo lull incr I' . T. Anilrewt Hoot ami Hiiro ttnir , nl'2 . litth HL 1059- 1F IOIl IlKNr-Furnlahod room 1118 Jarkton Ft- .j . Uit HKN'l lieu o witli ruoina and k t hen 1 Inquire at 7.1 Ho ilh IGt i tit. r J330p- 17UU IlKNT Two olcuant ( runt roonn nicely fn . cd. Connected * llh lath ruoin. hot and culnatcr Ono ol the i Iceat cation * In the city , i lilooiifrom at. ilaiy'navo , B'U 1lo.iAiit Bt. ' IStf- IpOH IIFNT rno dinall houau on Ccntro Ht ln IMhoin ai d MskBOu'n MO EO- iOlt IlKNT ( IniKlro.uii.ultalil lor two Iricudu , with board , 3S2 a SOili bt , cor. Ilariuy 1,33 29p | , - ( 'U IlKNT-Fiirnt-hcd roonn nt 1023 8t 1 Ooi tltlimnp'iferrid. MIS Bp- 17IOK HKf i'- ' 'lio n lllri'lbll d tuj loiini No- X1 cookl K, H OHI'li K" otiott. 123 3i- IrOll | IlKNT-To (fonllunien o If , fiirnlilicJ r nm prlVdli family , nn II u of liornu cuu AiUlium- "Il utuil , ' 110-intil Klhitrrut. fit -'I | I OH lied room 1017 ChlciKu fit. 6131- 1IpOH Itr.ST-LirKofrout nHVeii 1301 Pu'iiaiii 81- .I1 . Bultili't lor iltiillat o lixror. Apply tu John II V. In Inn.n ai il Co , Now York Dri g d ft re , laiO an 11912 FarnaS Ut. ! tl. !, ' ' . - iiltli front pnrch- A | ply : OI1 C'ailfjinU Ht. i'Jt aipI- XABi : On Inn trrr , nlulit loti i n 'o t- K.riiain tt. > ir > kljlilly. Iiiiiliu | ul II , U. nia k- .4'Jl . ' a ? Oil IlKNT I'urnliitivd rooDia 2 . () I INTA ; ' 'iirnlxlivd ID in and tw i inr 1 1 ' 'iirnl-hi'il rooinH , llir ( Ci KI KI .irotf 401 Hup J.'MJ'i mr I <TK' il Bunily furnlthud trout tuitaliljfor tno or tvto icuiit'timn Ifiu HUNT -Thrio larif * liouim of a 10 21 rcnina J7II llolruhlo I oitlon Hidiab o for unaidli- hou.u or l. ( tel llAIIKICIli HAYNr , 4U7-t ( * IlKNl IIVKO finnlii cil rcom to K " 'I1" " ' " 1 only , N. W cor. Ibtli m l Karimiu. 435 tl'l- l'.NTNlctly furnliliodruomi 1W N. 18th II KENT- Clio ip ono iil > no , ono o'ati. A, Ho pc , 1610 liodge Bt. 4101m 1F 1011 i ENT-rurnUhod ( roonn kti < 0 d ttrtet.- p . With board. Onu lar 'o front imrlor FOIl Nuinc-ly luriiUhudIso u few table board- em - dolr d. WWJ Cn-nKl. 802tl- IT'OllltlJST 'IVofiirnldliod roonn fur light home -1 kocpln. llu.mvr HlocU corner btli and llmv rd , i7itfI- JiOIl ! Ilk NT Furultliiiil room Z2Z N. IBtb. 535 I7 > Olt HKNT-IIoii u0 room , . Inquire if J I * . Koo 6t Ht. JSn-f 7 011 IlKNT Ono turn thud ro m to Rviitltiiian ] 1 and wife , with buarJ 1911 Webblvr Bt 7lm- If OH lir.NT-ln ilodl k' hlfKk. Stoiero-m 12. I1 fttt ileu ai d Kood oltlcti room, i'aulaen k Co. , F mam , room 3 700-if 011 ItKNT I'lano. ' luqulra at KJIiolm It Kilch- KOiiV 17 < 033tf- ITMill IUNI' ht'iio ' room 161)9 ) Fan am Hi. , br 1 Ul.iKN&CO. 4iOtf- I . miM rull'l-IKil OH'IK Uli llm nurilixr I'I. , IStbandCapltolavenun , forinorly Cn l.titnil- lonwi < < " t KENT liouuu lu Nchrauua Natloua Uai L- lliilldlutr. F'O . UOft deulralle olflcea In tre oil ) iupplod wltn hydraullo vlifttnr au ted I .t..Vm lei ,. . M-I. nv CllKAl'-'lli c.nlUr | ) ii | , 4 in n In ITiOlldAIi B.OIJ on Keith 13th utittt , No. 418. 650 I- I1n ) '< HAI.l : Uo ? () HALV ( ) o ( lrclaM ( lin o ultall'J lor any 1 P'acu. T, O HUU.SNKll , 14i f-ruam 81 F ° JI12T P A.l0 'orJ' inmobulMlnR rery T. 0 IlllUNNKIl. HOI I'arnam St , 47-80 10-000 T- MS33 - ° , HU4 F.rnam at. rl rre i gen and hat.- cip. . . T. 0. UhU K i ,I 04 Fa , l m 81. 641)30- l ) l < ' " -h l retail I mine * In cknilllnc flVO'dr lni biw , IntM . ,( of rtrr tH, K a jour. PrnHH la-ira. Qood reason for tellli g. Addte.s "n T " lieu tinco. COM hTinvii l <, t , all o- Th. . . h li lll imk- .nlful . . rcildeno,3 r. ur. 13 hand HarcT. _ teaifjr- pOfiaMKsooVHhar ( ) | lmrnc.1 hrlck or boAr.1 i tliorarant O-nahaor rinrcnii Howe tmnlet 'tlco , AddrcM Hoicnce llrlot and TlloCo , , Omahx lo ll&Sch llcr , I KO Is 1FO Im- II SAM-Iniin : | ! ltra pioe | , on monlhlj H.MM lit * HIKY _ HOTTKH , UO 1'arnam- 1JVll ) SLK .1 acrcf on tf vn "'rlh SI , rplcndld , and a good bticalnat J'.CflO- .B16.ll . TJ llKFIlftJIAYNK Airontt for llameom place , 1J Mai Mto JI.S Oras.v terns Ihirnlmrir p' co m , 'line nf nelt road Infttt Oiiiain lots IS5 to *ffl ) K milh > jwynnntii.- Itellalr . , VJ arro ntuS'fO oirh.inonlhlrpaymcnl" . Norwoml , ncro lots f 4 o 100 innnthlypftj mcilti. I.nlslnnll t.rt rf thnrlty licit to * and beak cm. . IHllKKHt MAiMlStliA d Farnam 610U- nfill xALK-ltalf Hero lots Iruld * the o tr rmtl' , 1 for JOOO cn mi.ntnly payment *. Parker tillayna. 517tf- 1r OK NAI.K ( (13 ) NIW K room rolLer , lot tm g , ' 0ea < icrm . ( U3) ) N.w a loomhouii , lot (Utl60 ) 1'ark ato. 1.10 . ( H ) Clrgint 0 rooii oMt R full lot IDtU St near I.taiiimorin :ux,0 , ( any toinn ( 3S ) Ntw7 r.niin cotlairo RO Mln'ii Ac. , bt75t 140 i.purvl av.i. , one li.ock f'lim St. wr 4,0i , ( (1C ) Full lot uli i :t hcnwo" ol J , & ami 0 room*, IHtliM mar liauiiMoitli pi15pr otnldi In- citno - _ . ( IW ) KUantSi | toryhoU9ii Brooms 10th St. be i H li tir and Hurt J4tni- MO ( ) Full lot now 7 room cott RO , ? 11 cksfrom- strcutikr , In Ilintconipla oJliWca ( y 'nltriO- (43J ( Niatott.Kulot40xlvill mm Si. l ctween- Elst _nd sal Hfl o. IIAUKEH & HAYNi : , IS'.h aid tatnnm tilStt irOll AI.V A almrc liihnti oof 4 looms I linrn , laro | ; lot l-ciig 'ii llninlton > nd Cnailoi < ton bloo MGstut Uuiiicntun lla-iltt n Rt < p- .I'yrn . tin p cmlmii. 494-3lp OIt SU.31lie .. . . ill ami flihiim of tha 17 Ur lEhtiin Ilo PC , or will pell any pnrt of tlio din * Inirnumi orkl rlirn furniture epnraU y. Kai ytcinn- Aiiy | | on picmlmw. i83tf- J70II HAIi" A ( lri lcluui 8cx.k 01 fumy (foods. ' opportunity for i | rr hdy i rircntleman- mallmittal , K o. trailueiUlilUlud. Adilrc1. . 1W. " Hoe union. " " " > 0ll HAI.K rtimt | , Tioii'l h ml 1j | ir > rtn . IncuiioV42A | Dodge.- oTi" . | "Xl.i : I , l T"fl , ' Mid 8, b' ' < ck I Iwau'H and I1 Mitli'oii nttlttloiM K (0 South Mid Kiutt , ittj'- Klitly Imiulrn. I II. 0. Clark. - - - SO- IT Oll HAI.U-At n bargain , 1101 pound work horse In K <Knl order A. J HA 'KMi , 41M 316 Ilr nilnay , ( limn II Ul"ft , Iowa- .443SOp . OUSM.K Sco'iul ha d llijhl ton bny ami t 1 cintH riilln ); lailillo luipnrc at Tirn'll a, u- Cook's tilioo ttoio 1801) ) Farnaui UW-tl 7 0ll o ttor ) Iranio lion e. H rooms nu- et. lull on- oTU.U . i oir Ifllti Cash price , SI , 0- iiam ft LOII. stiuit ' * SAl.KVory dwatilr rumduaoa lor smal , ITVW , O'lo liiocn oT ( St M ry'H voiiiu , In blocK from ( HiKlollUio I. ' o thn line , f.160 Kaiy tcrml- I'OT Kit ft. COUIl lilli h'lni'J'ii nirM' . 'l j 8ALK Two opjn Hocouit-naiid biiggloj and on. ' delUcry wagon , eho.p , t 181l Haniey 81- .833tt . i [ 7IOK8ALK-A miull lloalor , UalimiQ &Co. , I1 proof uaf , almoat now , at this ofllro. U- I , Oil S LK-A llrjt clwH irn il 'ra pony , itooil for V taild'u ' or olnul ami d ulilttlurnuM ! Mo5. ' &. cull. all at Cailt | 1 ave IMUI , 4 ' 'I'll- 1J OH 8Ai K The | rtl wl'l ' anil lUUI'oa of th l'rolilitoii ) 11 cms- . Will full the dining room and ilti'hon ( urnl inotcpa atoly or anv'II * t of either. ' Will I'uh.nwo for lamlK , I. U or any > la bU com.i- ntjiilty , or will take tcciireil notusou lony liuo In'- liiiro at Cnliliton Iloiuo. KJ5tf- OKSALl : no Voe and H"ii pu'io ata bur- K - lii. Inqnl'O at Ednolm ami hrlckson'n ronilo [ _ _ 17 ) ll nlfonu of jo un caril'Ro her t- at Kor lalo to-uy only , Bloplun ou'a- Mi tabled. > 8p . 'Oil SA1 B A clio co Imiirned fn ol V40 norca, j { well wat ro'l , Koixl liiilMlnirlarKo nrrhtnl 80- rren Itiicol , vltlil lmllo < of ntw tock jan'u.ind ' nly 6 , l rnfr incliv mf..r. 10 i or tern. Alto 240- lo < o julnliiKllKi.riove , thatcan iM-rcll InSOarr * ' ririBOt H5auiil7 ( (0 , or a ro lermacuy. POTj j TKH&O III ! l51iK-rnMU lrcot 4C4 tf- FOH S 1.K II u'o R roomiIn T'xHI. birn. d - , trreoto Thoini ll vlillilon , Just MI t- .lari'n . ttioet car line Irco II.BOo. I'OTTH it ( COUI ), IH6 Karnain s'ro-t , 4 lo It FiR HALK Onn , a good an new. Cl o p.. IlMe.lDiaUidie- air | 4091- mFOIIS U: riicaptsfc IIOI'BO anil lot In Omaha , In ' H..II , Mro nm , wul 0 barnl tin- crn - ' oj two | .t < , 1 n fret In nt 1 13i ) loit nep , Ifr i- IUO',0 1111 l&Lf. I'-rnum St. 460 U- I ; ( illH LK 8iwk-idn _ urn , t y , 'ti'lu-cry , iiMlo'H , ito.'Ofl N. 18th ftto t , no r Can. On'o- ii.niitn t ml to It and will I h an 473 tl li : Onin nv xtr tl pmioitv. UtliiWal- 1 nut Illll ,K Hior'Hmiil Daiiiioontii'Hadllllo ' aiiU- Vfirt rniiilnif I. U ell npand on easy turlin. PUT- 1ICII - AstOI'll , ID 6 r-n.'aiii klru t. UU.t- fIpOll HAM ! A new lioiite , co'iBtslliifr of H roin-B , ami IIMI'IJ , il dbtj i; wi'li'utandal- iall ' nl irauii'i til t ut v HI , fruit trt , |traxi | i- ilncs. . In njil'iiddo n lilon. enl ) HO ) Gnu t ud mull , lial n < olii6.iva || N. K. cor. lOtli .nil Duicat ricl , nuiilli niiulm 441 f- iITIl K-Cheaii lolH In Hliliiti'a 2nd Ion , I ml I'l Invluw. POflKIt it COIIU , i.iin rani'inft ca 4ZBir ' < 0 wiofarm at HI * . I70U-AI.KOHKXCIIANOK 10 loom IIUUHV , Inr o- Intn Mid niitlmmoi. J i , Hilvln , hlkhuin H'afon , ornpplv IU14 Dndiiu Kt. iMKtalM S7ri-2 | ' BALK-We ull-r lo r iictuiion and clura , JL1 7vu iliolco loua llclfir lijinrjtfd , ( J01 " ' ' I " Tl- ti'U " Btecru 2 " " M' ' " " 1 " " HU 1 and ? year old xradu nulls Our catlluaio vnrdtd nnd wu Invlto Inspection. , 2" < . || HtriiniB ! Hn , S'oux Mty. lo a- .vraii . to 3W uiid an tlo ant lot In llmnooni- I'lacu , on nioutlily i njnieiitH , If y n tr to.- II . V .Kiil&UAYNK. : a L.K lla'f ' ucru lo H witliMi mu block "I Iron H . V"f nla ) ground , (5JO un in th.- ly . jiiuiicnUthut | jj * tha , unall I it are gelling fur liali a inllo further cut , Darker & Mayne.- JM . If- IilUlt H vLf.'iwiniy ttc'cuol the or.Bm lu'ui , 3 | ( roii the I'ontnlllco and cnly two blocks ( run I'ratfttub-dlvUlon. Will bo sc.UI | u2 | , fi or 11 .TO Intii Intiulro Ouiaha Carptt Co. , 151- 1trect 270 tf HALK Farm tl mllea from city , near Union Block sards. Inqiuro at Mrs. Meyer , over lloo- Icr'it ( Druir i-Uirn. irth anil Weh t r. 7 ? . HAI.K3 beautiful lo'i , 7BxH' near the head FOK Bt. ilary'H ave at (1,10 nn ter i 8. Also 3 < le < aiit louon park avounlv ) ll SO onii. Darker Si N. E. Curlier lath and . . t6-tf FIIHA1 K-At a barKtln houtoofO roomi rn i N , ISIIlBt. SCOS- pF line lot lu Hanscom Vlaco Will taka homo i nd- KA or ptia.ton In trade If- at you want lo trade , cull tin touth 2Ui , flrcrt , urUp m tfOltI- 71OII SALE < luap , duo drlvlnK hone , LngL-y and , Apply rouin24 , uumlm Natlouul Hank lIullduiK. 26 tf- HOMtDI O To I roii t conimunl a'Inr unfir- wu 10 nut llh board in pilirtta f'lnl- Iv - lltl gin i cw re Monoftlth ath ri'nin , tto. A' o- aiil'dy lurnlilitid bljo room hirtx.vitd , | lo nt- iciuo t run iiasoimblu Utifoioncm rtiul ) ul. &J- SI'.eai nt Irtci , ( HXOIUNUBlock f-rmif 40 tent , hu 1 good bullJlnt aiidlm.MOi iiniit , IWIBS ktock and inni'tiuKn c, want tiick il m ich dl a ol about * LH ? '. Addrem 1. llun i. to I1JQ9 M- STtt I'K HTiJl.KS A whl v loan it w about 7 old , thoit tall aii'l ' b ntf Invo aralf.- Tin'luUnrt . r.aid * HI I e p. d I r her r. turn ta J.m- Hrriihniio V U f re Hal In. 'HhSt. uali " " " rpiKKN lll'-niio tiay nd ro n her e 8p.r oll.- JL . Call at A H. n.troiuV coruur Caintilull and t luiUu ,N, W Om h' ' . ___ ! _ T' ' KM .VAO o , IIAU-s-o. , UEALEIIS in Hull K tat and Mntfago L"au ,Hi m romotd- to N 1MJ r'trnaiunect. . up tUirs room 13 , vc- Uourea.tof thvt'lorui r louition , wliuio Ihej niay- be fuuua until oonu-klloii < ! their now building CS i iiAIIKWAUU for any mo el Ulpbtbei- USplUUtlut c-unot b curai by Ut. JiQrlu * (roun U lulicuthcaud ) ! ) | 'ut Scud I ( it.

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Post on 03-Jul-2018




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. . . . -Un'll olUcei are rep !rcJ Irom result ot fire , oin

with Dr. Parker , lloora 6 , Crcl liton Block 1MbMia l otUiM < tr eon.-



.SX3M :




WHITTIERC17 St. Chnrlcs St. . St. J.onli , Mo.

Aricul.rcr.lnittorinolltillr.tCi'llrtei t i , n lonjer

find Ili-opft tli.i.Matliaii .nr ulhir rh .lelMnlo 8tLouli.wellII iptr * ihtwniid nilnli ] .MenlMkDoK

Nervous Prostration. Debility. Menial nndPhysical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec ¬

tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,old Sores and Ulcers , mo itt.ic.i nh tinf.riHeia-lutensonuuitxlciiiincprlnc'fln.' ft lr I'rli.telr.Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Excess,

Exposure or Indulgence , tMtii rroJntr iom > or tinIni"di'i ell"eliVinol'r"l"11"| "" ' Jll'"f' dlmo

'" of iljhl-

icnlonlolbe or rcmtlo , conruilii ielt Irendering MarrlAo Improper or unhappy ,rerniiiiiijcured. r.mphl.tW( iMjf.lon the ao'e , DtInieilrJ fiittloH'| , frrf to mr > ddrr i. Coniulullou to (.Bee mill free , utl IrnltoJ Urlle forquctlloni.A Positive Wriuen Guarantee

rtTf In > ll eur blcMI UpJIelnes lent evcrjnher * .Tamphlrii. EnslLh or German , 04 p ee , de-criblne

-above dlieaics , in male or female , FJUJK.

MARRIAGE GUIDE !, Onerl ! c . llloilrilcil In tlolhin .

Me , inoncjur i est Ke : i.uir| cetrr , 23e. Tbl. b.ok-conutoi .11 the eurloui , tloutttlul or luqul.ltlre to


. A book ct grc.t liunr.l lo .11 , lli.ltn , llc.air.are proaiikdj Ji , larlco.




KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVERiiK In Union Depots nt Kiin-iisCl y ,iiiil Dcnvur with thrtui li liiiln.lor

Anil nil points In the GicutVust. .

Connecting In Unuut Union Depot :it Chicagowith tln-oii 'li tmltis lor

NEW YORK , IJOSFOy ,And nil Kustoni Cillci-


with tliionuh tmlns tor Iiullanap.-ollB

., Clnclnnutl , Colnnibna , ami nil points in-

tlioSontli. . | : st. At St. J.ouia with tluon htrains lor nil polnla South.-



Day Conches , 1'nrlor Cars , with Ho-.cllnliin

.Oluili-H ( scats li co) , SniolcliiK Curs with

Jiovolviii Chaii-s , rullninii I'nluco SlreplngCars anil the Iniiinns U. H. ftQ. Dining Carsrnnilally toiuicl from Chicago niul Kaiisns City ,ChtciiKOiiiul Council Jilnlls : mill DosMolncs , Chicago , St. Jobupli , Atfhlsnn nnd-Ttipukit wliliont clmngc. Only through linerunning thclnwn trains hctwcen Chlrano ,Lincoln anil Denver , untl Chicago , KansasCity and Denver. Throii li curs hotwoenIndianapolis mid Council lllulls , via I'cortn.

COINOVOHTH ANI > SOUTH.Solid Tmlns of Klojunt Day Coauhcs nnd

rnlhnan rnlncoSlccpliiK Cars mo inn iliuly toand fioin St. I.ouls ; via llnnnllml ; Qiilncy ,Kcoknk , lliiilliiKton , Co < lnr Itanlda and Albeitl.rtitoSt. Paul and MlnncanollH ; PailorCarawith ItrcllnliiK Chaiis lo nnd lioni St. Louismid I'corla. ( July ono chungo of cars betweenFt, I.onlsiind DCS Mninca , Iowa , Lincoln , No.bmskit , and Denver , Colomdo.

It I3id8o the only Tluongli Line helwoon-ST. . LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL-



is known as the Kieut TIIUOIUJII CAUI.INL of America , niut is imivcradly iiilinit.-fcil

.to ho thu-

Jinost Equipped Ha51road In ths World forall classes of Travel.

Through Tlckrta via this line tor wiion. IE. coupon ticket onlcca lu tno UnHcastiitCh-f.nCaninlii. .

V. 1. POTTEIt , PKUOKVAL LOWKLL.VlM-V"" _ IJtnM i ir-r Orn , < ' '

Poison OakFceTstoyltld cvrry lime to treatment with 8 If , 'a-

pclc.! ( .

Rpsrtnnburir. H. P. , M-rch 13 , 1R8I.Your mostvol laMe "ril'clne' (Sultt'H Kpoi irt ) ht-

donn , , e H , innch ifiKl thtt I 'col like H)1 if t * 8 fortlio bm'c'lt oi III uho niilTrr HKO I illil. I w n-

pimono I by I'nlmn Oak. and saw n"t a wi iliy ( or-

nx yarn , intl'' I line I Bvllt'ii X | ci-na| Inlhn nil> rarn I u cd almrwt every ' Ind of inedldnp , but nnnnhad 'he 'e lr d ell ct. Alt r uiln.' ulx h tt'cs' of-

Hr Kt'a Sec'llo 1 am rettorikl ti perfect health withi "f hit iwtul p Uon led I

Yourn Tru-lyPOISON OAK.t-


for thlrtv ekht yo rumfTercd cvfty springand tim-nor with HoUon Half , which I etnlinftei-'Inti'fin , hei ahov. I trl'd cvcrjlhlnfr ( or It , In-

clU'lin ra nyn >iy Iclinii. ut without any tomtit Itook elx hotlhs ot swltt' * 8iecino| ( S H B ) fourjroir * n'<o , and It cured mn ion il and w-K Th co-

tumriicrs passid , and I ha'ohnln return n'lt.-Jen


mi llBinLEV , 0 lumhiix , Oa-.OiirTroatlsa


on Blood tud Skin UUeasei mallod Iree.THE SWIFT HPECIFIO CO-


3 , Atlanta , Oa.-


T. Office , IB9W.23 St. , let B'h' ad 7lh a > a


Th" stfa-nshlpn of thl well-krown line are bulit otIron , In wa'er-tUht' conpt t-nent' , and are lurnlnh-cdwiti


ot-erf r quiiitu to m k t'.e iit migo bothcafe nd agrera le Thev ctrry the Uolteil fl atrn-

nd Kur potn m IU , air' I av i New Vorki Tim a-

.ilavsaii'l M nrlay < for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-kouiy ( I- IIIa "I HAMiltlMU-

ll'ttnt : PI ' C.vtiln.l 6. 87unJJSO. Htter.e.( 2'-i.llenryl'umlt

., Mark llanimii , F. K. JIoToi.M. Toll ,

.rente'ii Ointha , Oranculc & Hcho'iitycnaenUli::Council IlluRt. 0. U : IIICIIAUL ) a, CO. , (Jen. I'm.-AKla

., lHrovl ay. N. Y-



to Cattle Mon000 UATTLE FOR SALE.I-



Head of Btofri Tliree Years Old2Q, 11. i Two "U'' " " llellers , T o "

160 " ' 'tfcni , Ouo "0 " " Holf' ' r , One "

Tb abov dese'lb d cattle are all well bred Iniia-

eittU itrxlvht and .lumth Thou cattle will betold In ' " n uit nii'chvter * , And at reasonablelirieo *. For further partiular , call on "

Waverlv. Ilremir Co , Iowa ,



Bwllenso , No. , 1407 Jonof Bt. O'Flce , No. 16-

0a'ltn ntrjit OB'ihWM' * m ti I p m vi4 9 . 1. iVlw uJU * i w i J JJ * * 1 'JC


* ad. year work is done for nil timeto tnno to couio-



o produce a more durnrlo materialfor street pnvement than the

Sioux Falls Gra-nite.CXRIDEIRS




filled promptly. Samples sent nnrlestimates given upon application-



. .





..fTHE MONARCHThe moitcxtonBlvon.aiuricturcraot-


609 S. Tenth Street , . . . . . OMUIA , NEBt II lllrd and Foul Tables fti.d mttcrlils ,

l nn M ) li'at-lnnBEUNSWICK&GO

Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom ,AND ALL OTIIKU OA1IINO TAHLK3. TEN PIN


18 South 3d Street , St. Louis , 411 Do'awaro StreetKansas City , Mo. , 1321 1'GUgluB St. . Omaha , Neb


Write for CaUIntnie and I'rlco T.U * .


G-raham Paper Co. ,S17 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis.







STOCKoal'l for Ilaira of

Nebraska Cornice-AND-








Iron Fencing !

Ciesttntrg , Daluiitradet , Verandas , OWooand Ilanl-lUilinga , Window and Cellar Ouardg , Kto.

neil rv ivni-f , . BTIIKK1' . UNWII.N NEM.


Chicago , St.. Paul , Minneapolis and

OMAHA RAILWAY.The now extension of this line from Wakefleld up



through Concord and Coleridge

the beat portion of the Btato. Special ex-

cunlon ra'iu for ! > nd leeken over thin line tWayne, Norfolk and Ilurtlngtou , and via Illalr to allprincipal po'ntii' on the

SIOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROADTr .Ini over tht 0. . tit. P. M. * 0. Railway t 0 v-

ngton , slouz i.lty , I'onca , Haitlngton , Wayne anJ.-

Voifolk ,

OOXl.XI.OOt At J&1n.lY-Ki r Fremont , Oakda o , Nellgb , and through to Val



tatci ind alllnfonnatlon call on-

F, I1. WHIT NEY , General Arcnt ,

Western Cornice-Works,



1U1 Uoujlai Bt. Omaha , Neb-




Galvanized Iron Cornices

m , .v..v , Wlmlo i , rinti1" , Tin , Iron arid Slate111.11 tr HitHit'n I'ttui.t SltUI lo Hkyl'.ht , l-ten' 'nlJu.tH lUlchet Uir v U llrickct "hehli.Lr , I am tthu t a oral for Uio aim e Him of KUO u Ir n iten IIIK Cr.ftlii llalu truilix V ran'Unmil( Dink ,Iloillnir * . Wli t w IllmHf , Co hr Ojunli ; 1 a xcucr&l I





CHIOAOO , Mi y 2 !). The catllo trndocontinues nctivo nnd prices rotunin firm

nt the ndvnnco of 'J uosdny niulVcdncs -

day. In noting the ndvnucu of 1C t ( _ 0

cents it should bo borne in mind tliiu it-

tt> nbout nil on clunco nnd fancyLitllo corn fed steers , of 950 to 1050tunings nnd upwards , big cnttlo androiif.1' uvcn atock nnd nil descriptions ol-

gr s CN' ' ' ° ''mvo scnr-coly ndvntpcd: n-

nioklo the pa. *' H"oo or four dnjs Foid-


, howovt-r , nw n. ; or oirK to iho-

ecnrcity of Toxnti coKsunrt ui cr detcripl-ions.


. lititchors1 stock nro (ciliiip t>*

hi h pricn Oood to clioiVrt klilitpd1200 to 11)50) ll's. , fl 15 lo 0 30" } commonto medium. 1000 to 1200 Ibt , f> 7f to0 nO rnsi Tuxuns 4 25 to R OOj corn fedTcxans 5 00 to 0 00.1-



The market closed dull with nbout hnlfthe 24.0CO unsold ; skips nnd li ht-lipht


sold nt 4 50 to 5 15 ; a * sorted llijht ,5 15 to C 50 ; pnckur* nntl shippers 5 20 to2 75.

niovistoxs.Prices wore well Bintni-.od Jo-day ,

with the oxcuption of provisions , whuro n-

shnrp duclino occurred.W1I1SA-

Tlucluixtod very vidoly within n range of-ll _ cents nnd closed with vury little: lmngo from yostordny on the regularxmrd. On the nftornoon board nnotluit-idvnnco occurred. The Intost prices of-ho, d y wi-ro J to J over those of yestorl-iiy. . Unfnvurablii ropnrtt wore recmvcd-'rom n nttmbor of winter whaat gr.uving-

ntatt'8 , nnd Inter the firmtu-i in stocksHSO assisted to pivu n firinur tone to tin-nnrkot. . Juno cloaed at 89 , Jnly nt 1)2) ,August at D2J.

ruled modcr.ttoly quiet nnd closed on thecgulnr bonrd n sliudo under josterduy ,jut milled on the iificrncon buird niul-climod stondy. Juno closed nt 55] , Julyt G7g nud August nl 59.

Firm nnd n slmde higher ; Juno c'oscd-nt 31 J July at 2 and Au u.t at 29] .


sustained a decline of CO to 80c , butclosed steady. Oa tlio nftornoi'ii boardtlio August option ndvnticiid 15o , nndJuno and July closed nt 10 20 , Aujjustnt1925.


declined 10 to 15o on the regular bonrd ,) Ut rallied 2* to 5 , n tlui nfurnndii-

i> i nr < l. Jiinu ol ( -l ut8 10 , July nt 8 30 ,and August at 8 47A.

Tao o aid tiua uuj aimed to Mondaynext.

SEAL of North Carolina Tobicco is the) ont.




, May 29 Mr. Allisonreported , from the committee , np | rnpri-.iting


§ 100,000 for the relief of tullorors-y> the ovifli w of the Miseissippi river

and its tributaries. The sonnto commit-oa


do not favor the appropriation in the'orm preaented. No amount ia mon.-


. . Tnoy recommend appropria-tion of the unoxpirod balance of the op-iruprhuioii niad for the Ohio river st.f.-ferora

.which is about 40000. Thu com-


rtcumtnendatioii was agreed to-yuus 32 , nays 15.

The conlerenco report on the agricul-tural


nppriiprmtion bill was agreed to-Llio houao jiuldud to the wialua of theutnuto relating to nppropriutiuii for thecultivation of raw silk , and ixporimunta-regarditip the extraction of sugar fromfioighum. The aeuato recedes relating to-

trtuman wells.The Dibtrict of Columbia appropriation

jill was pasnod.After executive session , adjourned till


Bills wore reported and placed on thecalendar : Regulating the forms of billsof lading ; regulating the exportation ofimitation butier nnd chocso , nd to dividethe judicial district of Kansas.-


n joint resolution proposing theFollowing us article 1(5( of the constitution :' The right of citizens of the UnitedStatus to vote ahull not bo abridged bythe United 8 tut IB or by any state , on ac-count


of nativity. "A bill was reported increasing to SI-

300,1100, -

i ho limit of tlio apimipimtiun lor-rlio public building nt Louisville , Ky-.lforrvd

.[ to the cmamiUou of the whulo.

The house went into committee of thewhulo , , JN. Y. ) 111 chair , onthe legiulalivo bill.

When the panigrnph for the appoint-ment


of an iidilHniiiiil torce of opecinl ox-miinura


fir the pcnnion office waa-renchid; , Mr llindull ( .lem. , P.t ) HVrod-

an anitndinent , which , after a long de-

bate , wua .idoptt-d , Btrikltig out thu pro-viaio


that these exammorH bo appointedhy the BtorHtary of the interior. Uponthe recommendation of the commioaioiitT-f penuuiiH. i Ins IIUVHH the [ ) | ) ( ) liitiiioiit4

subject to the civil service rules.-Air.

.. Thouipaonlljred un amendment

i ruvidnig ti'tu' limn Juno 30 , 1884 , ilicn :

bu no more than 43 internal ruvenuu tlii-nets This authorize !) the preiidunt to-

c itiRolidaio nnd rearrange the cnatoma-oiillection des ricts ot the Uuitod Suitesm or btiforo the first of O.tobur , 1881

xo they ahull not exceed 07 in number.-MJ

.Ki-Bon ( 'op Iowa ) mndo u strong

speech upon the unwisdom of actingupon n proposition which upsets thuwhole A } stem of the customs ani o with-out


proper consideration by the wpya andmeans committee.-


. Ilandull said the proposition hadbeen substantially recommended by thesecretary of the treasury.-


amendment was agreed to ,

Mr. Thompson offered nn amendmentdirecting the secretary of the treasury toexempt all distilleries which masli 10bushels of grain or Icsa per (Uy from theoperat'on of the provinions of title 35 re-vised


statutes , except as to the paymentof txcB , nud authorizing these dis illurios-to run as fruit distilleries , provided store-keepers nnd gaugers who are unsigned to-

distilli'iies with n capacity of 25 bustuln-or I RS .hull receive $2 per flay whenactually employed. Agreed to.

The amendment reducing the numberof internal revenue agents to five wasagreed to-


motion of Mr , Bland , nn amend-ment


was udopted prohibiting any gov-ernment


cleik or employe fron perform-ing


any private service for any sunnier ,member , head ( if a nr cam-paign


committee Thu committee to-ported thu bill to the hoiinn , and tvut proVIOUH (juestion was oriltred , Withouto'inn' the houiu adjourned until Sat¬

urday. _ _____A Haul lllilo ,

"Train Tulk" In Chlt so llirjltl.1 liut I once had iho ( ( iicerrst railroad

ride over known in the world'remarkedthe brikemun , as ho and the train boy !

Hnlthd down into the corner for a chatIt waa about ten ynan ago , when I was a1-

yau'm.n' , On" T ) u " _ ci outw 4Ji':

pilol of nn outgoing freight to ride out to-

my cabin. It wns snowy nnd slippy , nntlwhen I went to got IT 1 lost my foot-hold


tuid came nonr fnllint ; right in frontof her , but I straddled out my logs nnd-my toes ctuight the bira that run fromthti mint to BUiort| { the headlight frame ,

Thpro I hung by my foot , with my headclear down on the nuso of the pilot 1 hnd-

to use my Imnds to keep my hend up-

ctenr < f thi > tits I yi'llcd , but 1 couldnot Jinko myself hrnrd. The cnginocr-couldn't too mo for the boiler , nudthough ho had'nt seen mo jump oil , sup-p


> sod I hnd done so on thu other side ,

rhrro I hung , getting stiff niul cold withmy bones nnd joints nchmg ns if 1 liiui-

iho gout , the snow thrown up by thecl 'c tchcr covering ntul fn'iE'iig me , my-

n'os'o ski.lnm'"B' "long within nn inch or-

tivo of the tito ,* * nlu * noM | ° > t nwful ptins-



the cords of iu." lll .ck

known. Eveiy niinuto .H ;'ouu-d to mi-


I mint drop to my 00 th , but 1

hung on to her for eight miles , whou wostopped nt Woodstock for ornVrs , I-

couldn't walk for n wnuk , nnd I bi lfnvo-

my neck i * n little ntiiryot , I'd rather500 miles than ride another eight in-

thnt fnthiou




lo thn 1'ooplo Ity tlio

The executive committee of the Mas-sachusetts Tar ill' Reform Lengm * , throughJojiith Quincy , its aucrolnry , hns issuedthe following address to the people ofMassachusetts :

To the J'coplc of Massachusetts Maratlmn 20 yeura ago , to meutthu exigencies

f the great civil war , congress imposed ntariff of duties on import !) higher thanthis country had over tmfuro known , nndhigher than any civihztd nation nowimuntains. The protective features ofthe war tnrifl hnvo been kipt in forcewithout ossotitial changes up to the pr sout time. The act of lust year , framedby the representatives of protected in-


, and enacted by cnngrexs for thepurpose of evading the demand for tnrifl'reform , has given no rulfcf. So far frommnteiiitlly reducing duties , it 1ms insumo cases increased then : The taiifThas diverted labor.aud cupital from thoau-iiiduiitrics in which they produce thugreatest results. lu muiy branchua of-

mnnnfacturo wo load the world ; iu ngriculture wo hnvo nn inooinpantbly richfii'ld. Tlio industries which can bo car-


on to the best advantage in tlii *

c u n try are checked , nnd are in many(MHOS nhut. out from foreign markets , iuorder that others less prolitnblo mnv boartificially stimulated. Che war tariff, nolonger required for purposes of revenue ,! m Uid lurdons nn thu COIIKUII-



by raising tlio prices not only of thuimported nniclea taxed , but also of n-

jriat mass of similar articles which arein ulo at home. The higher prices of thelatter givn no roveuuu to thu government. They simply add permanently ortemporarily to the profits of thu produc-ers.


. Where thfauunfits{ hnvu been per-manent


, ns they have been iu many casesot monopolythey merely represent n con-tribution


taken hy the outof thu pockets of ono class nnd put intothe p ckuts c f another class. Moro i f'en-ii ho nigh profits are only temporary.-Tnoy


give nn unhealthy mimuhia to theindustries assisted , and family mult iuover product.m , stagnation of trade , fail-ures


among employers , distress amongthe employed. Tiny burden consttmera ,

and eventually benefit nobody.The defenders of our present extrava-


system of protection assert that itbrings t.1) > ut the general high wages intins country , liut it is abautd to sup-pose


that tuxes on thn necoss ines of liteand on the inatiumcnts of productioncause high wages. As n fact , wages nrohigher in this country In thu industriesnot afloat cd by protection , in agriculture ,the mechanic trades , nnd in the self sup-

porting manufactures. They are lowestm the protected industries , and wretch-edly


low in many of thene. As consum-ers , the laboring classes are the chiefsufferers from the existing taxes It U |they who near the heavy burdens on arti-cles nf universal rnuiiunption. Thu hightariff has kept down the internationalcummer .u ot tnu cuuntiy. It is avow id-ly


intended to check imports nnd ob-

struct foreign trndo. Exports nnd im-


bring deptmoent on ench other, inchecking the latter wo necessarily cutdown the former. Wo cannot sell unlesswe buy. The result of our present poli-cy


is seen in the fait that our inturnaiion-al commerce cannot now c impure withthat of other nations. For thu ten youraending in 1881)) , the combined impiinuand exports of England were each inhabitant. S ! ) .

") , of Franci-of

- , $ ! ;

Germany , S3 ! 40 , out of the Uni'id-Statea


, §22 80. Thu lommercd of Ger-

many , with a ( miller population , wasnearly 40 percent greater. Although un-


to prevent entirely the growth of-

uur commerce , thu tariff hat clearly de-


us ( if tlio great cunmiaion whichmoro laws would hivu aecured.

Nit content with giving pro ectum to-

thu limahed products i f thu manufacture ,

tlio trnli raieua tliu piic-i i f mnat of theraw materials upon which the manufna-turut


di pcnd. In order to maintain ouriirtilictai poiioy , its supiortura are ob-

liged to inng all cUm-os of producersuithin its scope. Wool growera and thuowners of ir m minus are brought withinthe protective Aystom , Eveiy other in-

dustrial nation , whatever ita guieinl pol-

icy iiuy bo , recognizes the expediency ofallowing free trade in raw material. Wohowever , tex iron ore , pig iron , lend ,

copper , wool , coal , lumber , hemp , flax ,

jute , dyo-ntuffi and many other raw ma-teriala Hosidca raw materials , wo taxmany finished products which are essen-tial


to domestic industry. Those taxesfetter thu very industiies which iho pro-tective


policy is chiefly intended to benef-


. Growing whenever a profit is mudu-at any Btago of manufacture they finallyfull nn the consumer with incruasid fureThey korvo no possible uaeful purpose ,

and sluuld bu entirely abolished at theearli'ifct practicable moment.

Our dutiia on imports , arangod not forthe purpose of raising revenue , but nolel )with reference to protection , pour iiiinii-ally into the treasury at leant $100,000-000

, -

more than is needed fur any legiti-mate public purpose. This immunsii BUT-

plus is n temptation to a wastful and tx-travngant spendinof thu public monuy-.It


is demoiuliziii alike to lo.ialatora andto thoao who buliuvo thenmelvea to liaveany titlu to government aid It tlmuld-bu cut down shortly and stmrply. It ha <

been in the interest of protcclion to ruduco thu revenuu by nb ilialimg-t'io' internal taxes on ipirits , Itir , andt ibacco. These taxes mu ruco iiiK.d and1 opoHcd ai fit uliu projier by every civil-zjd


government. They have thu advun-tigu


nf ukmg nothing from tn pitiiHover and above wlmt ( hi y yield t" thupublic treasury. U wnuul lu iii'ini'roiii-iti ubolish or reduciuniy of tluao whilf-riilaining the prottetivo tax as wh'di'

affect the neceaianea of hfu imp ue-

a ululoji biuduu on o'uiiuiner i , and foti it

ter the tradit nnd iinlusiry of tlio country , i

The league is not formed for thu pur-po


v t f vb i _ h" >_ it onuu i ll p

dultoi without giving time for industrieswhich have boon nttillcinlly stimulated toadjust themselves to now nnd better conditions. Hut protection should no longer' '0 maintained nt the oxtDWAgiuit pointwhere it stands. The present ex-treme tntiff , with duties rancimj from 40-tv ) 100 per cent , nnd more , is indotomibio , nnd the sooner it is reduced to nreasonable ba is tlio better. A great re ¬

duction of duties , if wisely mndo , can bobjrno by the industries which nro nowprotected. The league believes that it istime that the great abuses uf our Unitsystem should bo put nn end to ; lint wnr-tnxoa , nftor 20 years of profound prncoshould bo reduced ; thnt tlioshould bo brought down to the sum re-quired for the It kititunto expense's of thegovernment ; tlut the profits of indi-viduals nt the rprnso of tlio publicshould bo cut ofTj all ;', that thii o 'iiniryshould bo enntilitl to tnku its proper ahnro-of trndo nntl commerce of the world.

The special interests which Imvo comblned together for the purpose of resist-ing


any subitnntinl changes in iho tariffhave succeeded , by perfect or aniznlioii-nnd constant pressure , in treating n f Uaoimpression ntVnshington natothoopin-ions of the po.'plo upon this questionThis impression cnn only bo corrected by-Drgmiir.uion nna wolUhrocU'tl notion on-tlio part of those who behevo thnt tliopresent policy is unsound , nnd nro willingto enforce ( heir opinions , if need be , ntthe polls. The league invites nil poi> oiawho sympathize with its objocls t ) be-


meiubers , nnd to aid actively in thework of local orgnnir.ition.

JOSIAH QUINUV , Secretary.

How VmuliTlillf.Coulil. O'Connor nntl-Itai'iiiiin Sit lor I'lclurcH.-



In N , V. Sun ,

" .Mr. Vnndorbilt who is ono of myboat customers , throws off all roservuwhen hu comes huro , and talks nnd netsus jolly as n yachtsman. Thu lait timelie gave mu n sitting 1 caught him on thubroad smile , nnd In.s friends were so de-lighted with the picture thnt they aotit-d iwn nuil ordered a largo unmoor fromLlui aauiu negativo. They said they luul' 'kun nil the other photogtaplis iif Mr.Vanderbilt out of thu albums and roplai-i'd ilium with thu amilora 1 think thnt-n good many of thuse photographs of Mr-.Vaudorbilt


have gone to Euro ] ) . . 1

lever had Jay Goulil hero but oneo nnd-iero'a' the picture I made of him "

"It's n very atrnngo looking picture , "wo said-

."Of.oourso it is. But how do you

think it waa mndc ? Ho presented hun-dolf

-ono day und said : 'Well , Mr. .

they have got mo here at last. Ho quick ,ileasu , for I'm in an awful hurry. ' Mint,1

raid I , * 1't take your picture in thosu-nd culouo light clothes , It'll como nutul lima t wluto. Yi.uil butter go home andgo Ion a black coat. "

"You must do it now or never , ' husaid , and nbout to walk out again ,when 1 collared him and look him up to-

thu operating-room. It's ono of theworst pictures I have over mndo. Theinly blaek about it ia thu beard and eyes

L aent the picture homo , nud he'd neverbeen hnre since ,

"Hut heru'd n splendid picture of-

Chniles O'O.inor. 1 shall novur forgethat ho said the last time hu w-a hero

A Bhort time buforo that the nowsnaperahad all niilioilnqeil that ho wns dead. Hu-

cfimu in looking very solemn , nnd said :

'Mr. , buforo 1 died jou made oomophotographs for me. I'd like to haveseine moro of the same kind. ' Therewis just the sign of a smile upon hN faceafter hu said it , nud it struck mo ns beinodd."When Birnum sends for n lot of pict-ures


it ia always with thu unduratandingthat if they look too much like him huwill send them back. Bob Inguraollmakes a first-rail ) sitter , except that humakes mo laugh too much. lie's full nf-fun. . The lost time ho was hero therewns n good dual of talk going on as to whowas going to be the next secretary of theinterior. Ingeraoll brought a friendwhom ho introduced na the 'comingsecretary of the exterior. " Ingersoll'Hbend ia almost ns round ns a bullet-


last time that Senator Lngnn washero I naked him to stand up and strike amilitary attitude. lie said ho didn't wantit too military , but stood up , and thrustone hand under thu bruait < f his coat ,whilu hu rested thu other on the arm of achair-


nro your best-paying custo-tnorn1"


' Just now , Iho politicians , especiallypresidential candidates. E oiy time agreat eleclic n approaches thu pictures be-


to fly. 1'vo been getting orders forMr. Bl.iino'a pictures by the hundredfrom different parts of the cuuntiy.-liluinu


has a remarkably handaomi ) headand m.ikes n line pictures. There Imiialao-houn a great demund for photographs ofSenator Logan , who is an old cuatomnr of-

mine. . Koscoo Conkling won't sit forlove or money. Not long ngo I sent aman to invituhim to como and givu us a-

Silling. . Mr Conkling said thuro werutoo many pictures nf him extant ulrundy'Tf 1 sit at all I will ait for you , ' uaid he ;

'hut , ' hu ndded , 'I ahull not Hit at all.1 Itell you pictures do a great deal to nniku-a man popular , especially if IIO'M goodlooking. Not long ago a handsomu minifrom a neighboring city cumo huro forphotrgrapha. Buforo lie left I asrorlnin-ed

-that ho waa a candidate for a bi oflic-

o'Lutine make you enough pictures Mid Iwill elect you , ' I mid , fur ho matin a verytaking picture. Hu ordered an extra lotbut not enough I bftorwnnj hoard thnt howin beaten by about sixty muj irity. "

llnrtlo Front Doiitl ,

LONDON , May 20 Sir Bartlo Froro is-

dead. .




will Poaltlvelynot be insertednnloBH paid in advance

TO tOAKUonnV.-



Loantd on chattel property by H T.. I Mil and luu < Uj. 172-lm

TO LOAN III uu.n ol | 30U and upward * atlow rattm on tint claw ) real mtato ncurlty3-


.f OxKV IX ) iNBO-Oo chMwl property u> J-


.VI , .I1 i itli Utn.lreot._77ft.lin-

yf O.> C.-IiVl


Uemli' Loan Aifeuov ,* Uth <> Dou la J4-tl

TO IXAN In luuin of 1500. anj upwardMONKY. Dull and (Jo. , ll al Eutate anil IMU

KIIII' * , IMF Ftrnaui Ht 8 '811.




NI'KI ) A ( iorn'co linker , ono t nt undo.-ttai.d

.> > * Tin W rk pKlidtd , Inquire ul W,

II , Ilurim , .tioiu Cl y , I iua 6,8 itlp

, NIKII-H 11 rveniral liuu.twnk I a tmnlly> lit four (.' ! ! % 610 J.nk nn HI , HO 3

A u ilfjr ucn ral | | iii'i.w rklnaln'i' ' lit of two. 129 , I4tli tl ol , btt. DouiU| In ),' to handle u nuwly> i put'' ntod nr'lco' duet' hto u n bo n Id In j

o'.ery fu'ii Iv u I on of udJicn "rJittriirlMi " No.1Cr'iiiilit'Ii rlock , 63 tl"-

IfANTKII Hi iu or t u bj.ii lo Irani linok-V

-> i.c nix (j'vi-tu.tiju . ciiia itiio ' <

t OKMrs WANTr.t-F ltl.Miln . I'.tmcr k Co_ V piMMicrNiw Y < 'rk anil Chlfl.go , nt at-oi.cxtlltmujfiiUlhr luhoul Neliiatka. Totncner-trrllxannt


iliit will iKi the 01111 wurk , eie'mtcrrUorjft'.l extra tonmwllltiovhe' . Ainili atonr *to (lowe Mlttlicll , 0 rural Stili A | nt , On aim ,.Voi. l > o k In olllc of iUimul Uurnii , 13H Ktrimintrcot. J35 3 n-

VrASTr.DA ROO.I COOK lo ork In a |nlv.itrf m-.J

.> llyvtlilaiiinlrra4 Mid locond girl , n c-itwenty do l r a month. Mt , A. 1' . 1opplcton. If flj

Shrrnm airnuc , HS7-3

; II-V n at rla drcM under oji > ho* * Ihoroitjhly vindcratandii draplnif. > | ply at

1.M7 lo K'n..St MSOp) A ill Ing room prl mill te m > tr at

thoOrrlilcntitl. Hi if

VSTKnA K'wl' m it b-i |no n mull In take' Inl r t In A iilco ImVm-i In the wrot , L rKIT tilt m competition , onlv m Mi amount t mnn.yrtqulreil. Ailiiro * II. I.11 life olll . fi .SO |>

Hen at nuttlnn.i of 1 < IS Rl-f I oW-lljl If IB-

ll 1-utiilty thl AO.n.hkllouir , ll.vnc ) St. 5M- > O-

pAVANIKInitilrncol| Mloi l ily In ir.llllnervJ iiittnnilaiK. KnqulM ot nr adilr m JJ ,

Si8 Ilroml j', Council IllulU f. 31 31.

* NTMA l one icllfti In tin I Inttlllcciit liiv ,

'S rmo'0)c r lUtocanyinptrt. Arii'rat'llee olllw , 8 , m.

WANTr.D-a-o.J gill t I8l J Howitil.

V.VNTHO A K IHMint| brick mouUer ,I T til 'nuudmHt. A t cftjy I li lor cnod nun.

8'i-sflp J. K. i UTimANTKOAno I'O'lciioM g tl 11 ibhouio wntkOOMIUM | i l ncil ttt ISUvbitorht , do..3-

1WANTKI1 A owk womvi jirelerrM. ( lot"l w .. , il , Ncliratkn lloum? , North 1'lallr , Ndi-

M Olio ' , | i Ol| lo.-. 47'3l |

l ANTKO-riritrhM lisiticr None o her iirctl> M'plyWhltoorcoloinl , 210 14 li St. < 93a-



A j-oiinKfJerniMi gill , ono nc t tint Inrcrnmnrnt ( ilto ik'ul iruoivIKC

Mo H lt ) , 3cnitlici o. kiul Liau'iiworth. i3lil-

l ANTKD-A KOCH ! Rtl| clildly for Lllchoi work' Ilr4. 1. It ll.t.liouc-k. 410M.I

AOI'.NTS or Inlinet.ploil inurAi'lillv. lluiiliiolltilit , Ditrtra lo-

ftintiui lylu4 nwl. K ixirton o not nccin.Kry. Piun *

llultio. It W. MO.XTitO H. Unll II , Jllcli. 70- (

A R.wil cxpoilcncoil tlniml'li Inmieill-a i'ly. Hloulv w ik with if ol WHRD < Ail-


, 0 I ) I1AHI , Unl , ull. 44-20'

liy a ) mnnuhcrc thrro-IT In * cli.i co lor nilMk'ieiiirviit. Itiruuncoi-

lr tcli a. AilJui F. A. C'lminnan , Lincoln N'cti ,



_ANir.D HitHitluli niilotk III (j'urcry t ''Ic l y-

T* a Otitlcin'iii' fn 'U the iti 3 > un oipoiluncu.-Oooil


r loiencca AiKIn M ' O. II " lion utllo.6 0 lfli! |

x'TAVFl'Nluuil"ii! M phoit liaiiil nritir I-nli nllicu Can lion t'Q| ' nrltcr.iMto *' ,

MAt.l.V.III- .

OoliMC I II ulTn n 31-31

rm ll li fti clerk In tulal ilrv nco1'11 or irr'ci'ry bt r . It f nn firnnlioil , 10-

on ncxnirlcuoj Aililrt'ai lui SO, Coin IuvtKSTOp




: > V 1'elit' ono horro tnp l.nrgy. Milnt' i 1)0 In Kooil rep Ir , Aililical "SI " euro ll'o ni-

ce. .

i llniuv ol 4 nr f r.virn lllilr. S or 10-

I li LI; of I . 0. Aililroan "J. H. 0. " IDI'i I'mifa-HSt. . tM3-

0Al ntleiinn wniiln it oinrfipnm with n InilyIm * 10 mnku liorn n II Inir Ncnuotlior-

ii'itl n | | ily. lly I1 O. inMto li C'rolKton KuuxCounty , .Ndimuv box SO II. H. " 177SD-

jiW < Mhl ) l' "tin I lie gripi.imnnco o n truego llcmun ot 4 or over with nioatin 11 p'ovlilo-'

> Kon'lhon Mil ) liclU' up lo.11J Klnn tul liu ,, vo klinliio'H on. luilii > try in ruturii Aililroti KiS

euro I Iliu olllcc * 7-V p

A lirr o nr pony ft' il | h itnn , II ll'o-i


* run ooin bo 1ml on ftlrailo I ir n K oil In- In-

Uuimrom T.tco. at C3l aouili V tli itro. t , Mlor-ll . in. 8SS tl-

lirvNlHillimri'ciHt.tUnow tl.oSt , i h tlo. H ,

Id mi Ilnriiuv Ht , li t c litli anil inch willt up th1 limLtaMo Innul fur Si 00 fcr week or BUJ-

TIniima lutlio o'ty ot n toirirponcllnic pilov ,

I Oil Jll JiT"lil DH'f HBO LOt-

hI OIt 1IKNF Tiirnulicil front ro m 1721 U-

IT'OllltKNT Nluoly finnlit rU fmnt | iailor , lthI nr with n liimnl , run'ral locatcil. InKYii-

1I01TI H , H. W cor , l&tu and Knrtmm. 611031

17111 IIKKT-A imb'lo lull incr I' . T. Anilrewt

Hoot ami Hiiro ttnir , nl'2 . litth HL 1059-

1FIOIl IlKNr-Furnlahod room 1118 Jarkton Ft-



Uit HKN'l lieu o witli ruoina and k t hen1 Inquire at 7.1 Ho ilh IGt i tit. r J330p-

17UU IlKNT Two olcuant ( runt roonn nicely fn .

cd. Connected * llh lath ruoin. hot andculnatcr Ono ol the i Iceat cation * In the city ,

i lilooiifrom at. ilaiy'navo , B'U 1lo.iAiit Bt.' IStf-

IpOH IIFNT rno dinall houau on Ccntro Ht lnIMhoin ai d MskBOu'n MO EO-

iOlt IlKNT ( IniKlro.uii.ultalil lor two Iricudu ,

with board , 3S2 a SOili bt , cor. Ilariuy1,33 29p

| ,- ( 'U IlKNT-Fiirnt-hcd roonn nt 1023 8t1 Ooi tltlimnp'iferrid. MIS Bp-

17IOK HKf i'- ' 'lio n lllri'lbll d tuj loiini No-X1 cookl K , H OHI'li K" otiott. 123 3i-


|IlKNT-To (fonllunien o If , fiirnlilicJ r nm

prlVdli family , nn II u of liornu cuu AiUlium-

"Il utuil , ' 110-intil Klhitrrut. fit -'I |

I OH lied room 1017 ChlciKu fit.6131-

1IpOH Itr.ST-LirKofrout nHVeii 1301 Pu'iiaiii 81-


Bultili't lor iltiillat o lixror. Apply tu JohnII V. In Inn.n ai il Co , Now York Dri g d ft re ,laiO an 11912 FarnaS Ut. ! tl. ! , '

'. - iiltli front pnrch-A | ply : OI1 C'ailfjinU Ht. i'Jt aipI-

XABi : On Inn trrr , nlulit loti i n 'o t-

K.riiain tt. > i r > kljlilly. Iiiiiliu| ul II , U. nia k-


' a

? Oil IlKNT I'urnliitivd rooDia 2

. ( ) I INTA; ''iirnlxlivd ID in and tw i inr1 1 ''iirnl-hi'il rooinH , llir( Ci KI KI .irotf 401 Hup

J.'MJ'i mr I <TK' il Bunily furnlthud trouttuitaliljfor tno or tvto icuiit'timn Ifiu

HUNT -Thrio larif * liouim of a 10 21 rcninaJ7II llolruhlo I oitlon Hidiab o for unaidli-hou.u or l. ( tel llAIIKICIli HAYNr , 4U7-t (

* IlKNl IIVKO finnlii cil rcom to K " ''I1" " '"1 only , N. W cor. Ibtli m l Karimiu. 435 tl'l-

l'.NTNlctly furnliliodruomi 1W N. 18th

II KENT- Clio ip ono iil > no , ono o'ati. A ,Ho pc , 1610 liodge Bt. 4101m

1F1011 i ENT-rurnUhod(

roonn kti < 0 d ttrtet.-p


With board. Onu lar 'o front imrlorFOIl Nuinc-ly luriiUhudIso u few table board-em


dolr d. WWJ Cn-nKl. 802tl-

IT'OllltlJST 'IVofiirnldliod roonn fur light home-1 kocpln. llu.mvr HlocU corner btli and llmv rd ,




Ilk NT Furultliiiil room Z2Z N. IBtb.535

I7> Olt HKNT-IIoii u 0 room , . Inquire i f J I *. Koo

6t Ht. JSn-f7 011 IlKNT Ono turn thud ro m to Rviitltiiian] 1 and wife , with buarJ 1911 Webblvr Bt 7lm-

If OH lir.NT-ln ilodl k' hlfKk. Stoiero-m 12.I1 fttt ileu ai d Kood oltlcti room, i'aulaen k Co. ,

F mam , room 3 700-if

011 ItKNT I'lano.' luqulra at KJIiolm It Kilch-KOiiV17< 033tf-

ITMill IUNI' ht'iio' room 161)9) Fan am Hi. , br1 Ul.iKN&CO. 4iOtf-

I. miM rull'l-IKil OH'IK Uli llm nurilixrI'I. , IStbandCapltolavenun , forinorly Cn l.titnil-

lonwi < < "

t KENT liouuu lu Nchrauua Natloua Uai L-

lliilldlutr.F'O . UOft deulralle olflcea In tre oil )iupplod wltn hydraullo vlifttnr au ted I

.t..Vm lei , . . M-I. nv

CllKAl'-'lli c.nlUr |) ii| , 4 in n InITiOlldAIiB.OIJ on Keith 13th utittt , No. 418.

650 I-

I1n ) ' < HAI.l : Uo

? ( ) HALV ( ) o (lrclaM( lin o ultall'J lor any1

P'acu. T, O HUU.SNKll , 14i f-ruam 81

F°JI12T P A.l0 'orJ' inmobulMlnR reryT. 0 IlllUNNKIl. HOI I'arnam St , 47-80

10-000 T-

MS33- °

, HU4 F.rnam at.

rl rre i gen and hat.-cip.

.. T. 0. UhU K i , I 04 Fa ,l m 81.




l < ' " -h l retail I mine * Incknilllnc flVO'dr lni biw,IntM . , ( of rtrr tH , K a jour. PrnHH la-ira. Qoodreason for tellli g. Addte.s "n T " lieu tinco.COM

hTinvii l < ,t, all o-


. h li lll imk-.nlful.. rcildeno,3 r. ur. 13 hand HarcT._ teaifjr-

pOfiaMKsooVHhar( ) | lmrnc.1 hrlck or boAr.1i tliorarant O-nahaor rinrcnii Howe tmnlet'tlco , AddrcM Hoicnce llrlot and TlloCo , , Omahxlo ll&Sch llcr , I KO Is 1FO Im-

II SAM-Iniin: | ! ltra pioe| , on monlhljH.MM lit* HIKY _ HOTTKH , UO 1'arnam-

1JVll) SLK .1 acrcf on tf v n "'rlh SI , rplcndld

, and a good bticalnat J'.CflO-.B16.ll


TJ llKFIlftJIAYNK Airontt for llameom place ,1J Mai Mto JI.S Oras.v terns

Ihirnlmrir p' co m , 'line nf nelt road InftttOiiiain lots IS5 to *ffl ) K milh > jwynnntii.-Itellalr

., VJ arro ntuS'fO oirh.inonlhlrpaymcnl".

Norwoml , ncro lots f4 o 100 innnthlypftj mcilti.I.nlslnnll t.rt rf thnrlty licit to * and beak

cm. . IHllKKHt MAiMlStliA d Farnam610U-

nfill xALK-ltalf Hero lots Iruld * the o tr rmtl' ,1 for JOOO cn mi.ntnly payment *. Parker tillayna.


1r OK NAI.K ((13 ) NIW K room rolLer ,lot tm g , ' 0ea < icrm .

( U3)) N.w a loomhouii , lot (Utl60) 1'ark ato.1.10 .

( H ) Clrgint 0 rooii oMt R full lot IDtU St nearI.taiiimorin :ux,0 , ( any toinn

( 3S ) Ntw7 r.niin cotlairo RO Mln'ii Ac. , bt75t140 i.purvl av.i. , one li.ock f'lim St. wr 4,0i ,

((1C ) Full lot uli i :t hcnwo" ol J , & ami 0 room*,IHtliM mar liauiiMoitli pi15pr otnldi In-citno

-_ .

( IW ) KUantSi| toryhoU9ii Brooms 10th St. be iH li tir and Hurt J4tni-

MO( ) Full lot now 7 room cott RO , ? 11 cksfrom-strcutikr , In Ilintconipla oJliWca( y 'nltriO-

(43J( Niatott.Kulot40xlvill mm Si. l ctween-Elst _nd sal Hfl o. IIAUKEH & HAYNi : , IS'.h aidtatnnm tilStt

irOll AI.V A almrc liihnti oof 4 loomsI linrn , laro|; lot l-ciig 'ii llninlton > nd Cnailoi

< ton bloo MGstut Uuiiicntun lla-iltt n Rt < p-


tin p cmlmii. 494-3lp

OIt SU.31lie . . . . ill ami flihiim of tha17 Ur lEhtiin Ilo PC , or will pell any pnrt of tlio din*

Inirnumi orkl rlirn furniture epnraU y. Kai ytcinn-Aiiy| | on picmlmw. i83tf-

J70II HAIi" A (lri lcluui 8cx.k 01 fumy (foods.' opportunity for i | rr hdy i rircntleman-

mallmittal , K o. trailueiUlilUlud. Adilrc1. .1W. " Hoe union. " " "

> 0ll HAI.K rtimt | , Tioii'l h ml1j|ir>rtn . IncuiioV42A| Dodge.-



| "Xl.i : I , l T"fl , ' Mid 8, b'' < ck I Iwau'H andI1 Mitli'oii nttlttloiM K (0 South Mid Kiutt , ittj'-Klitly Imiulrn. I II. 0. Clark. - - - SO-

IT Oll HAI.U-At n bargain , 1101 pound work horseIn K <Knl order A. J HA 'KMi ,

41M 316 Ilr nilnay , ( limn II Ul"ft , Iowa-



OUSM.K Sco'iul ha d llijhl ton bny amit1 cintH riilln ); lailillo luipnrc at Tirn'll a, u-

Cook's tilioo ttoio 1801)) Farnaui UW-tl

7 0ll o ttor) Iranio lion e. H rooms nu-et.lull on-

oTU.U. i oir Ifllti Cash price , SI , 0-

iiamft LOII. stiuit ' *

SAl.KVory dwatilr rumduaoa lor smal ,ITVW, O'lo liiocn oT( St M ry'H voiiiu , In blocK

from ( HiKlollUio I. ' o thn line , f.160 Kaiy tcrml-I'OT Kit ft. COUIl lilli h'lni'J'ii nirM' . 'l

j 8ALK Two opjn Hocouit-naiid biiggloj andon. ' delUcry wagon , eho.p , t 181l Haniey 81-



[ 7IOK8ALK-A miull lloalor , UalimiQ &Co. ,I1 proof uaf , almoat now , at this ofllro. U-

II , Oil S LK-A llrjt clwH irn il 'ra pony , itooil forV taild'u' or olnul ami d ulilttlurnuM ! Mo5.' &.cull. all at Cailt| 1 ave IMUI , 4 ''I'll-

1J OH 8Ai K The |rtl wl'l' anil lUUI'oa of thl'rolilitoii) 1 1 cms- . Will full the dining room and

ilti'hon ( urnl inotcpa atoly or anv'II * t of either. 'Will I'uh.nwo for lamlK , I. U or any > la bU com.i-ntjiilty , or will take tcciireil notusou lony liuo In'-

liiiro at Cnliliton Iloiuo. KJ5tf-

OKSALl : no Voe and H"ii pu'io ata bur-


-lii. Inqnl'O at Ednolm ami hrlckson'n ronilo [

_ _17

) ll nlfonu of jo un caril'Ro her t-atKor lalo to-uy only , Bloplun ou'a-

Mitabled. > 8p

.'Oil SA1 B A clio co Imiirned fn ol V40 norca, j{well wat ro'l , Koixl liiilMlnirlarKo nrrhtnl 80-

rren Itiicol , vltlil lmllo < of ntw tock jan'u.ind 'nly 6 , l rnfr incliv mf..r. 10 i or tern. Alto 240-

lo < o julnliiKllKi.riove , thatcan iM-rcll InSOarr * 'ririBOt H5auiil7 ((0 , or a ro lermacuy. POTjj

TKH&O III ! l51iK-rnMU lrcot 4C4 tf-

FOH S 1.K II u'o R roomiIn T'xHI. birn. d -, trreoto Thoini ll vlillilon , Just MI t-


ttioet car line Irco II.BOo. I'OTTH it (COUI ) , IH6 Karnain s'ro-t , 4 lo It

FiR HALK Onn , a good an new. Cl o p..IlMe.lDiaUidie-

air| 4091-

mFOIIS U : riicaptsfc IIOI'BO anil lot In Omaha , In' H..II , Mro nm , wul 0 barnl tin-

crn- '

oj two | .t < , 1 n fret In nt 1 13i ) loit nep , Ifr i-

IUO',0 1111 l&Lf. I'-rnum St. 460 U-

I; ( illH LK 8iwk-idn _ urn , t y , 'ti'lu-cry ,iiMlo'H , ito.'Ofl N. 18th ftto t , no r Can. On'o-

ii.niitn t ml to It and will I h an 473 tl

li : Onin nv xtr tl pmioitv. UtliiWal-1 nut Illll , K Hior'Hmiil Daiiiioontii'Hadllllo ' aiiU-

Vfirt rniiilnif I. U ell npand on easy turlin. PUT-


AstOI'll , ID 6 r-n.'aiii klru t. UU.t-

fIpOll HAM ! A new lioiite , co'iBtslliifr of H roin-B ,ami IIMI'IJ , il dbtj i ; wi'li'utandal-


nl irauii'i til t ut v HI , fruit trt , |traxi| i-

ilncs. . In njil'iiddo n lilon. enl ) HO ) Gnu t udmull , lial n < olii6.iva| | N. K. cor. lOtli .nilDuicat ricl , nuiilli niiulm 441 f-

iITIl K-Cheaii lolH In Hliliiti'a 2nd Ion , Iml I'l Invluw. POflKIt it COIIU ,

i.iin rani'inft ca 4ZBir '

< 0 wiofarm at HI *.I70U-AI.KOHKXCIIANOK 10 loom IIUUHV , Inr o-

Intn Mid niitlmmoi. J i , Hilvln , hlkhuin H'afon ,ornpplv IU14 Dndiiu Kt. iMKtalM S7ri-2 | '

BALK-We ull-r lo r iictuiion and clura ,JL1 7vu iliolco loua llclfir lijinrjtfd , (

J01 " ' ' I " Tl-

ti'U " Btecru 2 " "M'' " " 1 " "HU 1 and ? year old xradu nullsOur catlluaio vnrdtd nnd wu Invlto Inspection. ,

2" < . | | HtriiniB! Hn , S'oux Mty. lo a-



to 3W uiid an tlo ant lot In llmnooni-I'lacu , on nioutlily i njnieiitH , If y n tr to.-


V .Kiil&UAYNK.:

a L.K lla'f' ucru lo H witliMi mu block "IIron H . V"f nla ) ground , (5JO un in th.-


jiiuiicnUthut |jj* tha , unall I it are gellingfur liali a inllo further cut , Darker & Mayne.-



IilUlt H vLf.'iwiniy ttc'cuol the or.Bm lu'ui , 3 |( roii the I'ontnlllco and cnly two blocks

( run I'ratfttub-dlvUlon. Will bo sc.UI |u 2 | , fi or11 .TO Intii Intiulro Ouiaha Carptt Co. , 151-

1trect 270 tf

HALK Farm tl mllea from city , near UnionBlock sards. Inqiuro at Mrs. Meyer , over lloo-

Icr'it( Druir i-Uirn. irth anil Weh t r. 7? .

HAI.K3 beautiful lo'i , 7BxH' near the headFOK Bt. ilary'H ave at (1,10 nn ter i 8. Also3 < le < aiit louon park avounlv )ll SO onii. DarkerSi N. E. Curlier lath and .. t6-tf

FIIHA1 K-At a barKtln houtoofO roomi rn iN , ISIIlBt. SCOS-

pF line lot lu Hanscom Vlaco Willtaka homo i nd-

KAor ptia.ton In trade If-

atyou want lo trade , cull tin touth 2Ui , flrcrt ,urUp m tfOltI-

71OII SALE < luap , duo drlvlnK hone , LngL-y and, Apply rouin24 , uumlm Natlouul Hank

lIullduiK. 2 6 tf-

HOMtDI O To I roii t conimunl a'Inr unfir-wu 10 nut llh board in pilirtta f'lnl-


lltl gin i cw re Monoftlth ath ri'nin , tto. A' o-

aiil'dy lurnlilitid bljo room hirtx.vitd , | lo nt-

iciuo t run iiasoimblu Utifoioncm rtiul) ul. &J-SI'.eai nt Irtci ,

( HXOIUNUBlock f-rmif 40 tent , hu1 good bullJlnt aiidlm.MOi iiniit , IWIBS ktock and

inni'tiuKn c , want tiick il m ich dl a ol about* LH ? '. Addrem 1. llun i. to I1JQ9 M-

STtt I'K HTiJl.KS A whl v loan it w about 7old , thoit tall aii'l' b ntf Invo aralf.-


r.aid *HI I e p. d I r her r. turn ta J.m-Hrriihniio V U f re Hal In. 'HhSt. uali "" "rpiKKN lll'-niio tiay nd ro n her e 8p.r oll.-


Call at A H. n.troiuV coruur Caintilull andt luiUu , N , W Om h'' . ___ !_ T''

KM .VAO o , IIAU-s-o. , UEALEIIS inHull K tat and Mntfago L"au ,Hi m romotd-

to N 1MJ r'trnaiunect. . up tUirs room 13 , vc-

Uourea.tof thvt'lorui r louition , wliuio Ihej niay-be fuuua until oonu-klloii < ! their now building

CS i iiAIIKWAUU for any mo el Ulpbtbei-USplUUtlut c-unot b curai by Ut. JiQrlu *(roun U lulicuthcaud) ! ) | 'ut Scud I ( it.