reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. you will learn how to read...


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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick


Page 2: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick out particular facts and details from your reading material, giving you a better understanding of the author’s thoughts.


Page 3: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

You will learn about the various genres of literature including picture books, folktales, myths and legends, multi-cultural literature, realistic fiction, poetry, historical fiction, biographies, and fantasy. You will learn and strengthen your reading to develop life-long learning skills to enhance your interests, grades, and future plans.



Page 4: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

It is my responsibility to inform you of the content area set by Turner Middle School, Douglas County, and the state of Georgia. It is also my responsibility to protect, care, respect, love, and guide you through this year. I need to prepare you for the upcoming Reading classes and I will help you learn if you also help yourself. With this plan, I will help you prepare for life and successes in your future.



Page 5: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

It is your responsibility to complete warm-ups, class work, homework, projects, and other assessments (tests) along with keeping a reading log and a journal. You are expected to follow the classroom rules. It is also your responsibility to complete any work that was missed by your absence from any of the class periods.



Page 6: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Bring a reading book and class materials, including pencil and paper, to class every day.

Complete Warm-ups and organize Reading/Social Studies folder using the TOC.

Listen while others are talking.Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.

Respect your teacher and your classmates.

Bring a positive attitude to class each day.



Page 7: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

I will respect you and I expect you to do the same!

I expect that you will treat others as you would like to be treated.

I expect for you to be on time to class and with all assignments.

I expect for you to come to school everyday motivated to succeed!

I expect for you to take responsibility for your own actions.

I expect for you to take pride in all of your assignments that are given to you.



Page 8: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

I expect you not to impede someone else’s learning, health, and/or safety.

I expect for you not to take anything that does not belong to you. (teacher or student supplies)

I expect greatness out of every single one of you! You can achieve whatever goals you set forth.


Page 9: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Students are required to keep their work in a 3-pronged folder (neatly)-Grades are collected from the assignments in the folders.

The students are required to read for at least two hours a week. The student will use the AR systems to keep up with points and word counts. The time can be broken up throughout the week.

Student Requirements

Page 10: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

The students are required to complete all assignments in a timely manner.

Bring all daily supplies. Invest into your own learning!

Student Requirements

Page 11: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

During each week, the class will be given an Essential question to write down in your Composition notebook.

The purpose of the Essential Question is to focus the concepts that are being taught. You will respond to the question that has been assigned. There will be different questions each day.


Page 12: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Warm-ups will be found on the left hand side of the board. They are called E?

The E? will be written down daily in your Composition notebook/Reading or/and Social Studies folder.

The Reading E? will be the first question on top (usually a different color)


Page 13: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

The Social Studies E? will be the second question on the bottom (usually a different color than the first.

Collect 10 Warm-ups/E? per grading period (per progress report/and report card). Each Warm-up entry is worth 10 points.


Page 14: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

All Warm-ups should be written down exactly as it is written on the board, dated and answered.

If it is not written down exactly as it is written on the board, dated and answered, it will not be counted as part of your grade. Example: if one warm up is not done correctly or is missing you will receive a 90% instead of 100%.


Page 15: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

The Table of Contents is an organizing tool for you, your parents, and me. It is a chart that lists all assignments that are being graded for that grading period. Located on the right hand side of the board.

You are required to keep all assignments in that folder until it is due (approximately a week before my grades are due). I will grade the folders as a portfolio and give about 7-9 grades from the portfolio.



Page 16: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Then I will give the Portfolio back. Those grades accumulate to make the progress report grades and final nine week grades.

Your responsibility is to keep the folder organized and in your possession before/during/after class.

The reasons why you should keep your assignments are to teach you responsibility and to study for quizzes/tests. It is also a communication tool between the parent and me.



Page 17: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

The responsibility of the parent is to review the Table of Contents and the Contents of the folders/portfolio daily. Make sure that you are completing your assignments and are organized.

Once your parents have reviewed the assignments in your folders (or assignments not in your folders), please have your parents sign the Table of Contents to show that they have looked at it.



Page 18: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Once your parents sign your Table of Contents, I will in exchange replace a lower or missing grade with a 100%.

This is a communication bonus that will benefit you because they the TOC communicates what we are doing in the classroom. However, tests and quizzes are exempt from this bonus. Also, have your parents to check and sign your Agenda calendar for updates on homework, messages, and assignments/projects/quizzes.



Page 19: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Each student is required to participate in each activity and lesson presented. Some activities will be an individual effort, a part of a collaborative pair, or a part of a 5 member group. If your student has an issue with group work, please let me know. Students will be graded based on how well they work with others and how they respond to the tasks given to them as individual and as a group member.




Page 20: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

In Middle school, independent reading students should:Read at least 25 books (or book equivalents) each year from a diverse collection of material that includes at least three different literary forms and at least five different writers (ELA6RC1 )



Page 21: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Grades and Parents Contact can be delivered multiple ways:TOCPhone CallsEmails (Preferred Contact)



Page 22: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Parents should check and sign your agendas daily.

If they need to communicate with me, have them write a note in the Agenda.

It is your responsibility to have me to acknowledge the message and sign back to parent.


Page 23: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Please sign the wall before going to the bathroom.

Sign in pen-completelyYou can only go to the bathroom during class 2x’s a week per class.

If you violate that privilege, loss of motivational day, a citation, a phone call home, may occur.


Page 24: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Projects: The will be a requirement sheet and a rubric given for each project. The students will have ample time to complete the project. Once the project is completed the students will be required to present their project to the class.

Class work: Work is done in class. You will be graded on your achievement and progress on the standard taught.


Page 25: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

There is a daily requirement that you read a minimum of one (1) hr. The reading can be done silently or read aloud to a sibling or an adult. You need to maintain the log and have it signed by a parent each day. There are two parts to grading homework: Is the homework complete?Have you done the required reading and is the log signed by an adult?

Is any written homework completed using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation?


Page 26: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

For those students who wish to bring up a failing grades, plans can be made with your parents and teacher for extra credit.

Students wishing for extra credit should advise the me at least three weeks before the end of the particular grading period. Optional projects may be given to you for additional grades.


Page 27: Reading is directly related to everything a person does in life. You will learn how to read thoughtfully and with a purpose. You will learn how to pick

Summaries and Current events are counted the same way as Warm-ups.

They are required weekly.Collect 10 Summaries and Current Events per grading period (per progress report/and report card).They are worth 10 points per summary/current event.

Each entry will answer the 5 w’s and how in sentence format (approx. 6 sentences). Failure to do so will result in lower grades.

Summaries and Current events