* take precautions stay positive stay home stay safe save

S U M M E R H O L I D A Y H O M E W O R K ( 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 ) R A S H T R A S H A K T I V I D Y A L A Y A C L A S S I X C h e c k o u t I n s t r u c t i o n s D e a r p a r e n t s , T h i s i s t o i n f o r m y o u t h a t a s p e r t h e g u i d e l i n e s o f D . O . E , O U R S C H O O L w i l l o b s e r v e s u m m e r b r e a k f r o m 1 / 5 / 2 1 t i l l 9 / 6 / 2 1 . 1 . P r e - s c h o o l - V c l a s s e s w i l l r e o p e n f r o m 1 0 / 6 / 2 1 2 . V I - X I I c l a s s e s w i l l r e o p e n f r o m 1 / 6 / 2 1 w h i c h w i l l i n c l u d e o n l y a c t i v i t i e s b a s e d l e a r n i n g . D u r i n g t h e s e u n p r e c e d e n t e d t i m e s w h e n c h i l d r e n a r e m o s t a f f e c t e d , a c t i v i t i e s w i l l n o t o n l y e n g a g e t h e m m e a n i n g f u l l y b u t a l s o e n h a n c e t h e i r c r e a t i v e s k i l l s a n d c r e a t i v e t h i n k i n g a l o n g w i t h t a k i n g c a r e o f t h e i r p s y c h o l o g i c a l h e a l t h . P a r e n t s a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o ( 1 ) M a i n t a i n a p o s i t i v e l e a r n i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a t h o m e . ( 2 ) E n c o u r a g e t h e c h i l d t o r e a d s t o r i e s ( 3 ) l e a r n h o m e g a r d e n i n g ( 4 ) I n d u l g e i n k i n d n e s s d e e d s ( 5 ) Y o u a r e r e q u e s t e d t o p r a c t i c e C o v i d A p p r o p r i a t e b e h a v i o r a n d g e t v a c c i n a t e d a t t h e e a r l i e s t . T h i s w i l l e n s u r e s a f e t y a n d g o o d h e a l t h o f t h e f a m i l y a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y . T o g e t h e r , w e w i l l w i n t h i s b a t t l e . ( 6 ) W r i t t e n h o m e w o r k o f a l l t h e s u b j e c t s : - H i n d i , E n g l i s h , s c i , M a t h s , I T , A r t & Y o g a i s t o b e d o n e a s p e r t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s . ( 7 ) T h e c h i l d w i l l b e a s s e s s e d f o r t h e h a n d w r i t i n g , p r e s e n t a t i o n , n e a t n e s s , c o m p l e t i o n , o f a l l t h e g i v e n q u e s t i o n s , i n d e x i n g o f t h e w o r k . * T a k e p r e c a u t i o n s . . . S t a y p o s i t i v e . . . S t a y h o m e . . . S t a y s a f e . . . S a v e l i v e s . . .

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Post on 11-Feb-2022




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Check out Instructions

Dear parents,

This is to inform you that as per the guidelines of D.O.E, OUR SCHOOL will observesummer break from 1/5/21 till 9/6/21.

1. Pre-school -V classes will reopen from 10/6/21

2. VI -XII classes will reopen from 1/6/21 which will include only activities basedlearning. During these unprecedented times when children are most affected,  activitieswill not only engage them meaningfully but also enhance their creative skills and creativethinking along with taking care of their psychological health.

Parents are encouraged to –

(1) Maintain a positive learning environment at home.

(2) Encourage the child to read stories

(3) learn home gardening

(4) Indulge in kindness deeds

(5) You are requested to practice Covid Appropriate behavior and get vaccinated at theearliest. This will ensure safety and good health of the family and the community. Together,we will win this battle.

(6) Written homework of all the subjects:-Hindi, English, sci, Maths, IT, Art &Yoga is to bedone as per the instructions.

(7) The child will be assessed for the handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion, ofall the given questions, indexing of the work.

* Take precautions... Stay positive...

Stay home... Stay safe... Save lives...

HINDI1. आपने कभी �कसी पशु या प�ी को पालतू बनाया है या होगा तो उसके साथ �बताएअपने खाली समय के अनभुव�को�� करते �ए एक कहानी लखेन क��जएl(श�द-सीमा80.

2. �ह�द� महीन� के सभी नाम� को �म से �ल�खए l

3 ' जीवन सघंष�मय है, इससे घबराकर थमना नह� है ' इस �वषय से सबं�ंधत एक �वयरं�चतक�वता �ल�खए l

�नद�श - उपरो� सभी काय� आप अपनी �ह�द� क�काय� -प�ु�तका म � ही कर�ग � l

ENGLISH 1. Students will read the following topics carefully andMake an interactive and impressive PPT.

Then transform it into video.


The fun They Had (Roll no 1-10).

My Childhood from Beehive ( Roll no 11-20)

Packing Beehive (Roll no 21-30)

The last leaf from Moments (Roll no 31- 40)


Choose 10-12 poetic devices and make their beautifulcollage in Scrape Book. Then describe them withdefinition and their examples.

All the questions are compulsory and do the work in yourEnglish notebook (no separate copy required)

3.Read the following passage carefully and answer thequestions that follow in the space provided:

High up among the mountains of Switzerland, there lived aman called William Tell. He was known far and wide as abrave man, a great hunter and an excellent archer.Switzerland at that time was ruled by Governor Gessler.He was a cruel, vain man who wanted his subjects toworship him. He passed harsh laws, some of which werefunny.

Once he placed his hat on a high pole by a roadside andordered all who passes by to bow before it. The Swiss

were brave and proud. They thought it ridiculous to bowbefore a hat. Not a single Swiss went past the road wherethe pole was fixed. So no one ever bowed to the hatbecause no one ever passed it.

One morning William Tell came into town with his smallson. He had not heard of this strange law, so holding hisson’s hand, he went past the pole. “Stop,” cried the soldierwho was on guard near the pole.

“What’s the matter?’’ asked Tell.

“Why do you not bow before the hat of your master?”asked the soldier.

William Tell burst out laughing ad said, “I have never heardof a man bowing before a hat? I am not going to do it.”

While they were arguing, Gessler rode up with hiscompany of soldiers.

“What is the matter?” he asked.

“This man will not bow before your hat sir,” said thesoldier.

Gessler frowned and looked angry and he asked his name.

“William Tell”

“So you are William Tell, the finest archer in the country,”said Gessler sarcastically. “I will give you a test. If youpass it, you shall go free. Gessler dismounted, went up tothe small boy and asked him, “Are you William Tell’s son?”

“Yes I am,” the boy replied proudly.

Gessler dragged the boy to an oak tree, placed an appleon his head and turned to Tell. “Hit the apple with yourarrow and prove to me what a great archer you are.”William Tell was speechless and the soldiers were alsohorrified.

“How can I shoot my own son?” William Tell asked


Tell’s son gazed at his father with love and trust in hiseyes. He said, “Father please hit the apple and prove thatyou are an excellent marksman. I promise I’ll stand still.”

William Tell had no choice. He took out two arrows-one heput in his belt and the other he strung to his bow. He tookthe aim and shot-the apple split into two. Tell’s son camerunning into the waiting arms of his father and the clungto each other.

“Before you go”, called out Gessler, “Why did you take outtwo arrows? Why did you put the second arrow in yourbelt?”

Looking into Gessler’s eyes fearlessly, Tell replied, “Thesecond arrow was for your heart. If the first arrow hadhurt my son, I would have used the second arrow.”


a) Answer the following questions briefly:

(i)Why was Tell horrified? Who gave him the courage toshoot?

ii) Was Gessler a vain man? Give an example to supportyour answer.

b) Choose the correct option.

i) The Swiss refused to bow because they

1) did not know about the rule 2) were friends ofGessler

3) were new in the town 4) were braveand proud

ii) Tell was famous for his

1) archery 2) travelling

3) kind heartedness 4) pride

c) Find the antonyms of the given words from thepassage:

i) sensible ………………………………………………………………………………..

ii) coward………………………………………………………………………………….

d) Complete the following lines:

Gessler wanted William Tell to shoot………………………………………………… which left

him speechless and even thesoldiers…………………………………………………………….

4. Read the following poem carefully and answer thequestions that follow in the space provided:

Law of the JungleI have heardThere is a law of the jungleI have heard when the lion has eaten his fillHe never attacksHe goes to lie under dense shady treesAnd when the rough gustShakes branches of treesThe mynah leaving her own youngCover the frail crow’s eggsWith her protective wings.I have heardWhen any bird-young falls out of the nestThe entire jungle wakes to rescue.I have heardWhen the weaver bird’s nestReflects on the lakeThe silvery fishes adopt it as neighbourAnd if the rough storm breaks the foot-bridge

Then on a wooden plankSquirrel, snake, goat and cheetah walk in a file.I have heardThere is a law of the jungleO God! All Powerful. All Seeing. All WiseIn my cityProclaim a law,Even the law of the jungle.

Questions:Read the questions given below and choose the correctoption:

a. Where does the lion rest?i) near a lakeii) under dense shady treesiii) in a caveiv) near a river

b. Whose eggs does the mynah protect?i) eggs of crowii) eggs of eagleiii) eggs of sparrowiv) eggs of pigeon

c. The poet finds the law of the junglei) cruelii) unfairiii) justiv) biased

d. “Proclaim a law” meansi) declare a lawii) break a lawiii) cancel a law iv) criticize a law

e. Whose shadow is reflected on the lake?i) shadow of the weaver birdii) shadow of the crowiii) shadow of the weaver bird’s nestiv) shadow of the trees

f. What does the rough storm break?

i) the foot bridgeii) the wooden plankiii) branches of treesiv) habitats of animals

g. To “walk in a file” meansi) to walk in a lineii) to walk in pairsiii) to walk aloneiv) to move in circular motion


5. Rewrite the following words in correct order and rewritethe sentences.

i) already/ arrived/ finished/ work/ had/ Rama/ her/sister/ when/ her

ii) raining/ friends/ decided/ was/ heavily/ I/ since/ with/my/ it/ meeting/ to/ my/ call off/

iii) submitted/ application/ you/ the/ have/ form/

iv) wisdom/ fight/ the/ not/ avoiding/ and/ cowardice/

v) coming/ work/ finish/ house/ to/ Sadhna/ to/ her/ the/in/ my/ be/ evening/ will

vi) game/ interesting/ is/ this/ how

vii) before/ Rahim/ consult/ forget/ any/ parents/ never/important/ his/ to/ decision/ taking

viii) racial/ importance/ trying/ poet/ through/ tell/ the/poem/ to/ of/ this/ harmony/ the

ix) run/ valuables/ thief/ away/ the/ all/ the/ with/ police/when/ had/ the/ arrived

x) Understand/ clear/ her/ much/ not/ I/ neither/ was/as/ audible/ nor/ voice/ could



2.PPT on the topic

“Number System”

(15 Slides )

1.Hands on experiments at home ; Try out anyone separation technique given in lesson 2 ofyour NCERT. Take the help of your parents inunderstanding that technique. Write it in a pieceof paper or you can make your video in support ofthat. (hint : separating cream from milk-centrifugation)

2.Character depiction : choose yourself to beany one colloid, mixture , element, solution etc.and prepare with props your presentation.(prepare only one presentation)

3.Art Frame : (Learning from nature)- make aplacard (like a jam bottle), draw / paste pop up ofany animal/insect on one side and write itscharacteristics on the other side of the jar placard.

4.Prepare a Power point / scrap: file on anyscientists of your choice (from your syllabus) Keepslides minimum to 4 & maximum to 6.

5.Complete the assignment uploaded on GCL

SOCIAL SCIENCE . Prepare a project file with following details:

1. The total length of the project report should not be more than 15written pages of foolscap size (A-4 size) sheet.

2. The project report should be handwritten and credit will beawarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of eco-friendly material.

3. The project report should be presented in a neatly bound simplefolder.

4. The project report should be developed and presented in this order

a) Cover page showing project title, student information, school and


b) List of contents with page numbers.

c) Certificate page

d) Acknowledgements (acknowledging the institution, offices andlibraries visited and persons who have helped).

e) Chapters with relevant headings.

f) Summary and conclusions based on findings.

g) Bibliography: should have the Title, author, publisher and if awebsite the name of the website with the specific website link whichhas been used.

Suggested Projects Class IX

1. Project on natural disaster (Uttarakhand Flood 2021)(Roll no.1-15)

i. Causes and Damagesii. Mitigation strategy for natural disastersiii. Community gets the first -hand experience of

sufferings at the time of a disaster andbecomes a Savior of lives at the same time.Discuss the community’s disasterpreparedness and response plan withsuitable case studies

iv. Relevant images and newspaper cut-outsshould be used

2. Project-Socio-Economic Impact of the Pandemic COVID-19 (Whatissues arise due to the pandemic COVID19 (locally and globally)

(Roll no. 16-30)

i. How this pandemic is different from earlierone

ii. What problems faced by the citizens andgovernment

iii. Comparison should be shown of 2020-2021pandemic.

iv. How it is more deadlier than the previousone.

v. Mitigation strategy for human induceddisasters

vi. Community gets the first- hand experience ofsufferings at the time of a disaster andbecomes a savior of lives at the same time.Discuss the community’s disasterpreparedness and response plan withsuitable case studies

3. From where this “double mutant” Covid variant came first andwhat its affect, how it spreads, Is this Covid is more deadlier thanthe earlier one, show in a statistical way by comparing with theearlier one. Read and collect some news items to find out themeasures taken by the different countries to combat this

pandemic and paste and write those information in a scrapbook

2. Objectives: The main objectives of giving project work on DisasterManagement to the students are to:(a) create awareness in them about different disasters, theirconsequences and management

(b) prepare them in advance to face such situations

(c) ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans

(d) enable them to create awareness and preparedness among thecommunity.

3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to ProjectWork is as follows:

S. No. Aspects Marks

a Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2

b Presentation and creativity 2

c Viva Voce 1

4. The Project Report should be handwritten by the studentsthemselves.

2. Make a map file (scrapbook) covered with handmade sheet andpaste all the maps and label it till you have covered.

3. Learn the covered syllabus.

4. Complete all the notebook work and AIL activities which has beengiven.


1. Make a Hand-made/Digital Poster using ChartPaper/any word processing software on followingTopic as per your roll no:

Roll No Topic

1-5 Cyber Crime & Security

5-10 Cyber Bullying/ Cyber Attacks

11-15 IT Act/ Internet or Web Ethics

16-20 Hacking

21-25 Online/Internet Safety

26-30 Digital Footprints

31-35 Computer & Its Invention

36-40 Types of Programming Language

2. Create a Video/short film using Plot agonStory/Kine Master/ any other Video makingapplication on following Topics:

Note : Video limit can be of 2 to 5 minutes inlandscape mode ONLY.



1-5 Computer Literacy/ ICT used In Covid-19/ HowComputer Invented/ Classification ofComputers

5-10 Internet Glossary/ Internet Safety rules or tips/Internet & its invention/ Uses of Internet

11-15 Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing/ Robotics

16-20 IoT(Internet of Things)/ WOT(Web of Things)/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality / Big Data

21-25 Cybercrime & Security/ Cyber Bullying/Phishing / IT act rules/Hacking

26-30 Password Protection Techniques/ DigitalFootprints/ Mobile addiction/ Web Ethics

31-35 Programming language- Java/ Python/MySQL/ HTML/ PHP

36-40 (Phishing attack/ Data Breach /Cyberattack)-how to be secure from this attacks

Note: After Completion, Submit all the activitiesmentioning your name, class & roll no in subject line tothe following email id: [email protected]

ART1. Create a useful item by using waste materials available at

home create a small video while creating it.

2.Create two textures sheets with different design usingcolours or ink.

3. Make a paper bag and do Sikkim painting on it.

YOGA1.Write at least 2 asanas and Pranayama’s which is

beneficial in the following diseases/disorders.

High blood pressure

Respiratory disorders


Burning sensation in chest


2. Do at least 5 asana and 2 pranayama’s daily with yoursiblings and parents and share the experience.