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Name:____________________________________________ Weathering and Erosion Unit This is a notebook grade Appetizer 60% Date Assigned Possible Earned Intro into Weathering 25 Mechanical Weathering Investigation 1 25 Chemical Weathering Investigation 1 25 Entrée Vocabulary 15 Dessert 10% Date Completed Possible Earned Focus Questions 10 Comments/ Grade: _______________________________ Teacher Initials: ________________________________

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Weathering and Erosion UnitThis is a notebook grade

Appetizer 60%

Date Assigned

Possible Earned

Intro into Weathering 25

Mechanical Weathering Investigation 1 25

Chemical Weathering Investigation 1 25


Vocabulary 15

Dessert 10%

Date Completed

Possible Earned

Focus Questions 10

Comments/ Grade: _______________________________Teacher Initials: ________________________________

Focus Questions Weathering and ErosionInvestigation

1 Claim:

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Focus Question:What is




Investigation 2

Focus Question: How does

mechanical weathering break down




Investigation 3

Focus Question:How does chemical

weathering break down





Mechanical Weathering


Abrasion ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Ice Wedging ______________________________________________

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Chemical Weathering


Oxidation ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Intro to Weathering Investigation 1State Science Standards MA 7. MS-ESS2-2 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how Earth surface has changed over scales that range from local to global in size

Focus Question What is weathering?

Prediction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Academic Discourse

Rotate around the room and fill in the boxes below for each station.

Station 1: What do the pictures have in common?___________________________________________

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What do you think happened to make these rocks look this way?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Station 2: What do the pictures have in common?______________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think happened to make these rocks look this way?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Station 3: What do the pictures have in common?______________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think happened to make these rocks look this way?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Station 4: What do the pictures have in common?______________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think happened as a result of the plant life in the pictures?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Station 5: What do the pictures have in common?______________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think happened to make this metal

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look this way?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Station 6: What do the pictures have in common?______________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think happened to make these items look this way?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Build Backgroun

d Knowledge

Mechanical Weathering Video Clip https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/8ae9e2de-bfb5-4df7-a469-115e5eae3f9f?hasLocalHost=falseChemical Weathering Video Cliphttps://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/eafa229d-91a0-423f-8483-7cb6c10f3e09

1. Give an example of chemical weathering.

2. Give an example of mechanical weathering.

Mechanical Weathering Investigation 1State Science Standards MA 7. MS-ESS2-2 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how Earth surface has changed over scales that range from local to global in size

Focus Question How does mechanical weathering break down rock?

Prediction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Question:Is it easier to weather a material with more or less surface area?


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1. _____ Take one whole alka seltzer tablet and drop it into beaker A

2. _____Time how long it takes for the alka seltzer tablet to completely dissolve

3. _____Record the time it took to dissolve in the table below4. _____Take another alka seltzer tablet and crush it and break it

up with your hands5. _____Pour all of the pieces of the tablet into beaker B6. _____Time how long it takes for the alka seltzer tablet to

completely dissolve7. _____Record the time it took to dissolve in the table below

Beaker A(whole tablet)

Beaker B(broken tablet)


Which one dissolved quicker? The whole tablet or the broken tablet?_________________________________________________________Why?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Build Backgroun

d Knowledge

Read pages 40-41 and fill in the two column notes

Mechanical Weathering

The type of weathering in which rock is _______________________________ into smaller pieces is called ______________________________.

These smaller pieces of rock have the _____________________________________ as the rock they came from.

Mechanical weathering works __________________.

Causes of Mechanical Weathering

List the causes of mechanical weathering:1. _________________________________________2. _________________________________________3. _________________________________________

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4. _________________________________________5._________________________________________

The term abrasion refers to the ____________________________________________________________By rock particles carried by water, ice, wind, or gravity.

ActivityList the picture numbers that you put in each category below.

Animal Actions Weathering

Plant Actions Weathering

Abrasion Weathering

Freeze and Thawing Weathering Sort


Release of Pressure Weathering

Apply Solid rock Crushed rock

1. Assuming the rocks in the pictures above are both made of granite, which one will weather faster? Provide your claim and evidence below.





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2. Look at the samples at the table labeled A and B.

Which of the two samples do you think has experienced more mechanical weathering? Provide your claim and evidence below.





3. In this scene, many agents of weathering are changing the rocks along the coastline. How many agents of weathering can you identify?

Types of weathering occurring in the picture:_____________________


Chemical Weathering Investigation 1

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State Science Standards MA 7. MS-ESS2-2 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how Earth surface has changed over scales that range from local to global in size

Focus Question How does chemical weathering break down rock?

Prediction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 1Inquiry

Materials:White chalk 4 Beakers 100 ml vinegar (acid)100 ml water Graduated cylinder Pennies

1. ____Place 50 ml of water in one of the beakers2. ____Place 50 ml of vinegar in the other beaker3. ____Place a piece of chalk in each of the beakers4. ____Observe and record your findings

Beaker with Water and Chalk Beaker with Vinegar and Chalk

1. ____Place 50 ml of water in one of the beakers2. ____Place 50 ml of vinegar in the other beaker3. ____Place a penny in each of the beakers4. ____Observe and record your findings

Beaker with Water and Penny Beaker with Vinegar and Penny

Which weathered faster in the acid, the penny or the chalk?_________________________________________________________Why? _________________________________________________________

Build Backgroun

Read pages 42-43 and fill in the two column notesChemical Chemical weathering is the process that

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d Knowledge

Weathering __________________________________________________________________________________

Each rock is made up of one or more ______________________________.

Chemical weathering can produce _____________________________________ as it breaks down _________________________.

Chemical and ______________________________ often work together.

Water How does water weather rock?_________________________________________

Oxygen Iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water in a process called __________________________.

The product of oxidation is __________________.

Carbon Dioxide

When carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater the result is a weak acid called what?_________________________________________

Carbonic acid easily weathers rocks such as______________________ and limestone.

Living Organisms

Plant roots can produce ________________________ that slowly dissolve rock around the roots.

Acid Rain True or False: Pollution causes acid rain_________________________________________

Acids mix with ________________________and fall as acid rain.

Apply 1. How does the inquiry activity we did today relate to the topic you read about?


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2. Classifying: classify each as chemical or mechanical weathering:a. _______________freezing and thawingb. _______________oxidationc. _______________dissolving chemicals into rockd. _______________abrasione. _______________acid rain

In our inquiry activity we noticed that certain types of materials will weather faster with acids then others.

Look at the pictures below of the two gravestones. One is made of marble and the other is made of granite. They are both about the same age.

Granite Marble

Which of the type of stone weathered faster, granite or marble?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Extension Analyzing DataThe graph shows the rate of weathering for two identical pieces of limestone that weathered in different locations.

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What does the x axis of the graph represent?_____________________________________

How much thickness did Stone A lose in 1000 years? How much thickness did Stone B lose in the same period?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which stone weathered at a faster rate?_________________________________________________________

Since the two identical pieces of limestone weathered at different rates, what can you infer caused the difference in their rates of weathering?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________