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  • 7/27/2019 000 Obesity Final + Ref.


    Be slim again forever, permanently

    How to loose lose the overweight and never get it back again

    In my family on my mother's side all the eleven children, including my mother, tend to be overweight. Mygenetic profile shows I have failing genes that make me at high risk of having excessive appetite (which I

    have up to bulimia), increased fat production (which is the case in my hormone non-treated uncles and

    aunts on my mother side), reduced fat breakdown (which would be my case if I was hormonally not

    treated and didnt regularly exercise) and a fatty silhouette (in stress conditions I can start swelling up over

    my body). Despite that my genes push me towards overweight and obesity, I'm not obese, nor overweight

    and my fat mass oscillates around 6% on average when measured as an athlete (I jog every day) on the

    bio-impedance weight scale (a weight scale that permits to measure the percentage of water, muscle

    mass and fat mass in the body) and 14% on average when measured as sedentary person, which is not

    bad for a man of 56 years of age. This leanness or slimness is also possible for you with less effort and

    more pleasure then you think. Let me explain you how in the next paragraphs.

    First, it is very important to control your appetite

    How can people such as me normally unable to control my appetite have nearly complete control of my

    appetite? First of all, let me admit to you that I do not always control my appetite. Once I start eating, I

    tend to eat too much. But recently I have acquired much less appetite and am slimmer than ever before.

    Above all it is important to sleep sufficiently, seven to eight hours per night. A too short sleep isindependently associated with weight gain, particularly in younger age groups. In contrast, a longer sleepduration is associated with decreased weight and body mass index. People who through their family arepredisposed to obesity are twice more easier overweight if they sleep less than 7 hours than if they sleep9 hours or more. Researchers such as the Belgian professor Eva Van Cauter attribute the obesity

    epidemic in the USA and other westernized countries to the - on average- one to two hours of lack ofsleep in people living nowadays. A great part of the population looks at TV up too late in the night,depriving them from the necessary seven or eight hours of sleep to have a normal appetite. People whoare sleep-deprived have more appetite and eat more, especially sweet food, which makes them increasein weight. While during many years I slept for four to five hours, I sleep now on average seven to eighthours, the average nighttime sleep observed in centenarians. If you're unable to sleep 7-8 hours, becauseyou wake up too early and cannot fall back asleep, 50 to 100 mg 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) and or 150to 1000 mg of tryptophan before bedtime may help well to keep happily sleeping the whole night through,also the last four hours. Why four hours later? Both 5-HTP and tryptophan convert into melatonin, thehormone that makes us fall asleep, four hours later after intake. The days I experience bulimia - anintense uncontrollable appetite - I nearly always have slept insufficiently the night before. Sleeping thewhole night well reduces the appetite by increasing the blood and tissue level of the appetite-increasinghormone ghrelin and while lowering that of the appetite-reducing hormone leptin, an imbalance that

    strongly stimulates appetite.Two micronutrients may have fundamental importance for you to reduce your appetite as it has for me: 5-

    HTP and chromium. 5-HTP blocks the hunger you get when you are under pressure, anxious, feel

    frustrated or just nervous about something, while chromium, especially GTF (glucose tolerance factor))

    chromium, important for control of the blood sugar level, can substantially reduce the appetite for sugar

    and sweet foods. GTF chromium is the naturally-occurring form of chromium, also called dinicotinic-acid

    glutathione complex. GTF is different from simple chromium compounds because it is more easily

    absorbed by your body and safer than other forms.

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    How does 5-HTP work? 5-HTP converts into serotonin, the neurotransmitter that calms down the appetite

    for all types of foods and in particular for sweet food. It does this by reducing frustration and making you

    feel happier about events. Many people get hungry when they are under pressure and eating relaxes

    them, calming down the anxiety or nervousness by doubling or tripling their level of cortisol, the stress-

    reducing hormone that provides energy and reduces sufferance, and by providing in the food some

    substances with opioid (morphine-like) action, also called exorphins, as has been shown in cereals. The

    best way to administer 5-HTP is to swallow 25 mg tablets or capsules in the morning at wakeup and then

    every two or three hours 10 to 15 mg of 5-HTP in stressful periods. You should try to take 5-HTP before or

    at the moment of frustration so that it starts working half an hour later, neutralizing both stress feelings and

    appetite. What side effects can come up with 5-HTP? If more than 25 mg of 5-HTP is taken at once during

    daytime, a strong desire to yawn and sleep may come up. Taking during daytime more than 75 mg in total

    through repeated intakes may considerably reduce your brain levels of oxytocin. The resulting oxytocin

    deficiency may make you appear as a relaxed person but too cold and introvert, feeling okay inside but

    not sufficiently communicating with others, characteristics that may make your partner and children

    unhappy, feeling neglected. I have done the experience myself and learned my lesson well. Noteworthy is

    the capacity of 5-HTP to increase the levels of the energy hormone and sugar-craving-reducing hormone

    cortisol/ at high dose of 100 mg, an increase of 50% is obtained, while 90% and 125% higher levels are

    during many hours after obtained at doses of 200 and 300 mg respectively. It is logic to believe that 10 to25 % increases are obtained at lower doses, what might provide increases of energy and a lower appetite

    for sweets.

    How does chromium work? Chromium helps the hormone insulin put the blood sugar inside of the target

    cells where energy is required. It does this by sensitizing the insulin receptor that is at the surface of target

    cells, for the action of insulin. Supplementing chromium with other nutrients may boost its action and these

    stimulating nutrients are often added to chromium into a preparation called GTF chromium. The GTF

    stands for glucose tolerance factors, the nutrients that improve glucose tolerance or sensitivity to insulin.

    People who suffer from prediabetes, a condition that precedes diabetes, have a certain degree of glucose

    intolerance or insensitivity to insulin. They may benefit from GTF chromium supplementation. How much

    chromium is required to reduce appetite for sweets? At least two intakes of 400 g per intake are

    necessary. In stressful conditions, I need 800 g twice a day. The second intake is taken in the lateafternoon, beforehand, before sugar cravings may come up at supper or later in the evening.

    The appetite can also be decreased by drinking more water. Many people eat when their body is thirsty.

    They do not recognize their thirst anymore well and misinterpret thirst as hunger. Others drink the wrong

    drinks, soft drinks or alcohol, full of calories, when they are thirsty. There is on average 20 g of sugar per a

    33 cc of soft drink. We should drink a minimum of one and a half to 2 L of still water a day. Possibly you

    could put in your glass a bottom of unsweetened fresh fruit juice such as cranberry juice so that only about

    one eighth to 1/10 of your glass or bottle is filled up with the not too sweet juice and the rest is water. Also

    drinks other than water than to increase additional intake of foods. When milk was given with the meals to

    Swedish school children, a mean additional energy intake of 17% was found compare d to water. The

    pattern was similar among boys and girls and irrespective of the lunch dish served. For the least preferred

    dish (fish with potatoes), milk helped to increase the energy intake by 26%.

    By choosing a better kind of food you can also decrease your appetite: Eat protein-rich or fat-rich foods

    as they can calm down appetite. There is even a diet called the Atkins diet where mainly protein-rich and

    fat-rich foods are consumed. In these diets the patients lose weight because their appetite declines. Try

    eating a whole quarter of a liter of butter, you probably wont have appetite for a day or two. Fat-rich foods

    are foods such as butter, egg yolk, boiled lard or boiled bacon (dont cook them in oil or butter or the fat

    becomes toxic), fatty fish, liver but also less recommendable foods such as fatty cheese and fat-rich milk,

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    which you should better avoid as they may considerably irritate your gut. On the other hand, foods rich in

    starch such as bread, pasta and muesli or porridge, or foods and drinks rich in sugar such as chocolate,

    ice creams and soft drinks open up the appetite and make for some people it almost impossible to stop

    consuming them. This irresistible attraction to sweet food may be due to food compounds that have

    morphine-like action. Avoid these carbohydrate-rich foods five days or more a week if you want to control

    your appetite.

    Another method that seems to have a lot of success to reduce appetite is to chew much more: chew five

    to 10 times more so that satiety comes up and leaves you with a lower appetite. I have managed to chew

    two times more, but still needs some learning to chew 5 to 10 times more. Furthermore, slow eating

    reduces hunger and increases satiety.

    As television viewing increases appetite and food consumption and thus weight

    gain, possibly because of the suspense it originates or the food commercials

    for snacks, it may be wise to limit TV use to two to three days a week maximum

    and not more than two hours each time.

    Second, make your body firmer

    It is not healthy to lose weight at the expense of muscles and skin that become more loose and thinner. To

    lose weight on the right body areas, where there is excessive fat, and at the same time strengthen your

    muscles, skin and even hair, you should optimize the levels of anabolic hormones, the hormones that

    make the body strong with firm muscles and solid bones. Anabolic hormones have gotten bad press with

    their abusive use as synthetic derivatives of testosterone called anabolic steroids by body builders.

    Anabolic hormones, however, are key hormones for health and to reduce the excessive fat on the breasts,

    belly and thighs, and provide you with a younger outlook of the body by making the muscles and the skin

    tighter and thicker. Which are these precious hormones that make us firmer?

    Growth hormone: Growth hormone determines together with IGF-1 your final body height. The more

    growth hormone and IGF-1 you had in childhood, the taller you are. Growth hormone thickens and

    tightens the skin, providing it elasticity, while substantially limiting any excess fat and body weight. It is

    next to testosterone the major hormone to reduce abdominal fat and cellulite.

    IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor I): IGF-1, whose production by the liver depends on growth hormone that

    is secreted by the pituitary gland, thickens the skin and muscles more than growth hormone. Therapies

    that associate IGF-1 to growth hormone reduce further the fat mass compared to what growth hormone

    can do alone. When IGF-1 is supplemented in the presence of low levels of growth hormone and high

    levels of insulin, it may on the contrary increase fat mass. So I tend to prescribe IGF-1 to my IGF-1

    deficient patients in association with growth hormone therapy, and not alone.

    Testosterone: The male hormone shapes with its super active masculinizing metabolite

    dihydrotestosterone the male body into an attractive masculine appearance. It is typically the muscle

    hormone, overused by bodybuilders to acquire a more male or even a super male outlook. Interestingly, in

    one study it has been reported that if the administration of testosterone clearly reduces abdominal fat,

    dihydrotestosterone treatment does the opposite: it increases abdominal fat mass. In women, testosterone

    levels are 20 times lower than in men, but nevertheless, this level is sufficient to shape their body too in a

    firm, rather athletic, young female body. Without high enough levels of testosterone, a woman loses her


    DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone): DHEA therapy at the physiological (normal) dose of 50 mg by mouth

    has been shown to reduce fat mass by approximately 1 kg and increase lean mass (which is mainly made

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    of muscles) by one kilo too, about four times less potently than testosterone could do it, or seven times

    less potently than growth hormone would do it. Thus, DHEA makes the body firmer but moderately.

    The female hormones, oestradiol and progesterone: In contradiction with what is generally thought,

    female hormones, when given the right way, reduce fat mass. In fact, fat mass reductions are mainly

    obtained with the use of transdermal (through application through the skin) preparation of bioidentical

    oestradiol and generally not by the use of oral (by mouth) oestrogens, even if the oral estrogens isbioidentical oestradiol. Why would oral oestrogens not be very efficient for fat mass reduction and why

    might they even increase fat mass? Because of their accumulation in the liver after oral ingestion and

    intestinal absorption. When the liver is overloaded with oestrogens, it overproduces hormone transporting

    proteins that are secreted in the blood and strongly bind there to the hormones, keeping hormones much

    longer in the blood, depriving thereby the target cells from essential hormones, including anabolic

    hormones. The lack of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone in the target cells of

    women taking the birth control pill, for example, explains why these women see their body change and

    become looser, less muscled and fatter. In a study researchers have shown that women with overweight

    had lower progesterone levels. This suggests a possible weight-reducing effect of progesterone. Woman

    with progesterone deficiency suffer generally from breast and belly tenderness. Progesterone reduces the

    fluid retention in breasts and belly in the premenstrual period by increasing the excretion of water into the


    Can hormones also make the body looser? Yes, insulin is a hormone that may make the body looser by

    increasing fat mass. However, insulin is of a bivalent hormone. In slim people, insulin therapy usually

    thickens and tightens the skin and muscle, in particular to my experience in the triceps and buttocks. It

    does this by sharply increasing the absorption of amino acids into skin and muscle cells. In overweight

    people, however, insulin may further make people gain weight by making them fatter. In these people

    everything should be done to keep the insulin low. One of the most important ways is to avoid consuming

    foods that trigger the secretion of insulin such as pure sugar, sweets, chocolate, and foods made from

    cereals that are not sprouted such as bread, pasta, muesli, and porridge. A high consumption of these

    foods may increase the levels of insulin and trigger insulin resistance, a condition characterized by high

    levels of insulin that are not any more efficient for brain, skin, muscle and heart cells;

    Some nutritional supplements may increase muscle mass, in particular amino acids such as the three

    branched-chain amino acids valine, isoleucine, leucine. Leucine is the most efficient to improve muscle

    mass. The branched-chain amino acids compromise together 70% of the amino acid content in muscles.

    Others amino acids that also appear to be efficient to improve muscle mass are glutamine and carnitine.

    Glutamine also makes arm firmer, while carnitine to my experience inpatients makes the pelvis and

    buttocks stronger. At least two to five grams of each of these amino acids should be taken daily to see a

    difference. Individual amino acids are easier to absorb under form of supplements as they are already

    separated, while the amino acids contained in proteins of meat, have to be separated by a good working

    digestive tract into amino acids. For this reason, some people will improve better their muscles by amino

    acid supplements. Nevertheless, eating fresh meat offers a full panel of amino acids and young people

    with good digestive system develop beautiful muscles with a diet rich in meat, poultry and fish. Over the200 grams a day may help to improve the body well. Pure vegan food devoid of any animal-derived foods

    often offer poorly digestible vegetable proteins that do not suffice to develop a firm body. Humans have a

    meat-eating type of intestinal tract not that of a plant-eater that is much longer and differently equipped

    than ours. Following professor Khavinson from Leningrad, an expert in gerontology he is the actual

    president of the large European society of geriatrics and gerontology there are no vegan (no animal food

    whatsoever) or vegetarians (fish, eggs, milk products may be allowed) that become old enough to be a

    centenarian due to the many nutritional deficiencies including in amino acids of these philosophically

    super but practically maladapted diets.

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    So the second strategy is to make the body firmer, which increases muscle mass and skin tightness. How

    then to reduce fat mass?

    Third, reduce fat mass and weight

    What types of diet should you follow? There are three types of diets that in my experience may help you

    lose weight.

    The high-protein low-carb diet

    The HCG fasting diet

    Total fasting with nutritional supplementation

    In the first two diets the food that should be consumed is of the Paleolithic-type, the diet of our ancestors

    who lived in the Paleolithic period, the time in human history before agriculture was invented. It is a dietfull of low sugar-containing fruits such as berries, easy to digest vegetables and meat, fish, poultry or eggs

    cooked at low temperature. No cooked fats, no milk products, no sugar-containing foods, no grains that

    are not sprouted, nor alcohol, no caffeine. When people switch from a conventional diet to a paleolithic

    diet they usually lose a little more than 2 kg weight in three week time, partially because it makes them eat

    more low-calorie foods such as vegetables. Privilege the consumption of fresh and raw products as they

    help more to lose weight than non-fresh and cooked foods, and are usually anyway healthier.

    The high-protein low-carb diet: This diet is based on 2 to 3 days of consumption of exclusively

    protein-rich food without vegetables and fruits or any sweet food. After two to three days people

    get fed up with this diet and then go to eat the same but add fruits with low sugar content and

    vegetables for 2-3 days. The person on diet could then restart a sole protein diet, followed after 2-

    3 days again by a short period of a less strict, but still fresh food diet. The continuous alternation

    in diet can go on and on in cycles of only protein-rich foods followed for a short period of time by

    the same diet with fruits and vegetables until the weight loss has been obtained. Proponents of

    this type of diet claim people lose about half a kilo a day by eating so, at least during the only

    dietary protein days. Theoretically, you can eat as much protein-rich foods as you want. Whatever

    the amount of protein-rich food you eat, you lose weight. I advise to add potassium supplements

    and drink a lot of water on days where only protein-rich food is consumed. Indication: people who

    have a hard time eating less, and must have the opportunity to eat more. Weight loss to expect:

    2 to 6 kg per month.

    The HCG fasting diet: HCG needs human chorionic gonadotrophin, the hormone that is

    increased in pregnancy and serves as a pregnancy marker. Following Dr Simeons who firststarted the method in the 1960s, HCG supplementation at doses of 150 units of HCG per day by

    injection under the skin reduces the appetite and makes people lose weight exactly where they

    have excessive fat. The cure consists of a minimum of 26 days, starting with three days of HCG

    injections without any dietary restriction and then 23 days of simultaneous daily HCG injections

    with a 500-calorie diet. Finally, the cure ends with three days of low-calorie diet without any HCG

    injections anymore. People who do well on this diet, may continue for about two weeks longer, for

    a maximum of 42 days in total. Dieting for a longer time may trigger the rise of antibodies against

    HCG and thus allergies against it as HCG usually comes from another person, a pregnant

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    women. If a new cure has to be undertaken, you should wait six weeks after the end of the

    previous diet before starting or results will not be satisfying. If a third diet will be undertaken, it

    should take place eight weeks after the second one, a fourth HCG diet 10 weeks of the previous

    diet, etc. Each time adding two additional weeks to the interval period to avoid the creation of

    allergy (that most of the time presents as the absence of any beneficial effect on weight loss) and

    to obtain optimal results in weight loss. Several but not all double-blind placebo-controlled studies

    have not reported any beneficial loss on weight loss compared to placebo. Studies that do show a

    difference, report a near doubling of the weight loss compared to placebo (-11.5 kg versus 6.8 kg

    weight loss) in the Asher and Harper 1973 study for example. The difference in results might be

    due to the use of a new vial every week or when used for more than 7 days the product seems to

    have perished. Indication: patients with an overweight of 7 kilos or more; also for very massively

    obese patients. Weight loss to expect: 5 (women) to 10 (men) kg per 26 days of cure

    Total fasting with nutritional supplementation: Total fasting with nutritional supplementation: I

    have recently fasted (complete stop of food ingestion) for 16 days and a half without ever suffering

    from hunger and remaining dynamic all the timeenough energy to remain able to do run for half

    an hour to two hours a day and to allow me to accomplish all daily professional tasks.

    Restriction: The patient should be healthy. This type of diet is only to do under strict physicians

    supervision or experienced health professional and with the intake of a large amount of

    supplements, including amino acid supplementation. Indication: Rare patients who have

    digestive troubles; patients who may benefit from providing their gut a rest or people who want to

    make a spiritual experience while losing weight. Weight loss to expect: 2 to 3 kg for 5 days; 3 to

    5 kg for 10 days; 4 to 7 kilos for 15 days depending if there is daily physical exercise or not. An

    intake of a mixture of 3 to 5 grams of purified amino acids with additional amounts of branched

    chain amino acids; Aim of this type of diet with additional supply of amino acids and high

    dosed minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium but also some sodium): Possibility to increase

    muscle mass and body water, while reducing only fat mass in the absence of uptake of any food!

    This beneficial change in body composition reflects a rejuvenation of the body composition equalto 5 to to 10 years back in time.

    Finally, fifthly, how not to regain the weight loss

    Several methods can be applied, but must aim at definitive improvement, that means that you stay in the

    future - years long at the desired lower weight with a firmer body.

    1. Be in control of your appetite most of the time

    If you are the person who is genetically programmed to be hungry and crave for the wrong foods,

    a bit as I am, you have no choice, you need to add nutrients such as 5-HTP and or chromium to

    calm down your appetite and sleep enough.

    2. Eat Paleolithic-type of foods at least five days per week.

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    3. Learn to avoid foods that make you fatter and take foods that make you slimmer

    Basically, people should eat Paleolithic-type foods such as discussed above, and particularly be

    attentive ofavoiding the consumption:

    Sugar and sweet foods, and soft drinks: as said before, they increase appetite and fat

    production: to avoid. Weight gain has been shown to be greater with soft drinks containingartificial sweeteners such as aspartame, cyclamates, etc. than with drinks containing

    regular sugar, because these sweeteners offer generally a stronger sweet flavor than

    sugar that creates addiction. Alternative: stevia, add a spoon of fresh fruit juice to


    Cereal-type foods: Although they have no or poor fat content, bread, pastas and junk

    foods increase fat production by elevating the level of the fat-increasing hormone, insulin:

    try to avoid them at least 5 days per week. As alternative: sprouted grains, sprouted

    bread, sprouted muesli, sprouted rice that you can find in some health food stores or

    through the Internet.

    Cooked fats: Cooking foods in oil or butter, or just bring fatty foods at high temperatures

    (above the temperature of boiling water 100 degrees Celsius) changes the structure of

    the fats, making polyunsaturated fatty acids become more rigid and be called trans fatty

    acids. A high intake of trans fatty acids has been reported in a primate study to increase

    by four any weight gain, especially fat gain. It is not any fat that makes you fat, but

    (over)cooked fat. Alternative: use other cooking methods that do not bring food and in

    particular fats at high temperature such as steaming, boiling in water, oven at 85 Celsius

    maximum (185 degrees Fahrenheit), Carpaccio or tartarsteak,

    Alcohol: increases insulin and estrogens, hormones that can increase weight, while

    reducing many fat-reducing hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone, melatonin,

    etc.: to avoid at least 5 days a week. Alternative: Alcohol-free aperitifs, but they often are

    rich in sugar.

    Caffeine: Drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and cola, increases insulin

    and cortisol, two hormones that can make you fatter, while reducing two hormones thatcan make you thinner, growth hormone and thyroid. It is nearly impossible to make heavy

    coffee drinkers lose weight and if ever they do they regain it quickly because of their

    caffeine intake.

    Preservatives in food: these preservatives may reduce your metabolism, in other words

    your calorie-consumption. Even when less food and less calories are consumed, weight

    gain may appear if the food contains preservatives. Alternative: Prefer the consumption

    of fresh foods such as organic vegetables that are devoid of preservatives and better to

    stay or become slim.

    4. Fast each time you do slippers

    Each time you do a dietary excess eat too much of the food, drink several glasses of alcohol,get into an irresistible and major chocolate craving, compensate by skipping the next one or two


    When you go out to see friends in parties or have dinner with them and you know it beforehand

    the food will be maladapted, why not fast a meal or two beforehand and may be after, while eating

    something light at home a salad or a fruit meal beforehand with abundant water intake in order

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    not to be too hungry or too thirsty while at the party so that you can easily restrain yourself from

    bad foods or compensate by fasting before or after.

    5. You can also compensate by doing more physical exercise - adding a longer sport session to

    your program, but be aware that the amount of calories consumed with even heavy exercise is

    often much less than the amount of calories eaten in one meal where you eat too much. A hard

    training session may consume 500 extra calories, while a copious meal may be 1200 calories ormore. Additionally intensive training can also make you more hungry. Thius, it is easier to lose

    weight by eating less than by intensively exercising.

    Train your body, do sports. A body that does not exercise, does not move, rusts and increases

    in weight. 95% of sedentary people who followed a weight loss program regain the weight they

    lost in the previous year. Why? Because they do not move enough. About 35% only of physically

    exercising people regain the weight they lost in the previous year. Why? Because they have

    increased their amount of physical exercise compared to before. I do every day a jogging

    usually 25 minutes, sometimes two hours, but when I really dont have time I do at least 15

    minutes of running, this keeps me not only fit, but probably also slimmer. If every day you

    consume 100 calories more, this is 365 times 100 calories, so 36 500 calories more consumed

    per year, thus as every gram of fat = 6 calories, 6 kilos less weight per year.

    How long should you do daily exercise? One study showed that overweight people lost more

    weight when they exercised half an hour a day than when they exercised one hour a day,

    apparently because those how exercised more had greater appetite.

    What type of exercise makes you lose weight most? Aerobic exercise where one can easily

    breath and even talk is linked to more weight loss, while high intensity anaerobic exercise (where

    you have to catch your breath a bit) is linked with an increase in lean mass (mainly muscles) that

    slows down the weight loss, but does increase advantageously the lean mass/fat mass ratio,

    making the body more athletic. The fat mass loos in both types of exercise is similar. To obtain a

    mix of the two, besides the slower long runs I do, I several times a week run interval or fartlektraining sessions. In this type of exercise several sessions every 200 meters of fast running

    alternate with 200 meters of slow running in order to recover. As the forest roads where I run are

    continuously up and downhill, it already tends to be a fartlek. Fartlek is an irregular way of

    alternating high with low intensity exercise, going fast and then slow following your desire, while

    interval training is a set of fixed distances of fast and slow running such as you is easily to

    determine on a fast track or in a gym on running machines).

    Do not eat one hour before and one hour after a training session as this speeds up the

    metabolism/calorie consumption in the presence of not calorie intake and helps to lose more


    Major treatments to lose weight

    In the table below is an overview of all the major treatments to lose weight, and not regain it afterwards.

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    Major treatments to lose weight


    CauseWhat to do on yourself

    or with a nutritionistWhat to do with a



    Leptin (appetitereducer) deficiency

    Still only for research

    purposes : Leptin(hormone) by injection: 0.5to 1.5 mg/day

    to +++

    MSH (appetitereducer) deficiency

    Still only for research:Melanotan II: 0.5 to 1.5mg/day

    Lack of sleepSleep more than 7 h to ++

    Melatonin (sublingual) 0.1to0.2 mg before bedtime

    to +

    Low blood sugar(hypoglycemia)produces sugarcravings

    Avoid sweets +

    GTF chromium: 800 g at wake-up, 400-800 g at 16h

    to ++

    5-HTP (5-hydroxytrytophan): 25

    mg in morning, then 10 -15 mgevery 2-3 h

    to ++

    Overweight persons:methylprednisolone 2 to 4mg/day Medrol; Nonoverweight persons:hydrocortisone : 20 mg(women) and 30 mg(men)/day in two or moredivided doses (wake-upand lunch)

    to +

    Oxytocin 5 to 10 IU/day at2 to 3 PM

    Low protein intake Increase protein intake: meat,fish, poultry,

    to +

    Low fat intakeIncrease fat intake: butter, eggyolk, bolide bacon, lard, liver,

    to +

    Frustration, stress5-HTP (5-hydroxytrytophan): readabove

    to ++

    Anxiety, tensenessGABA: 500 to 1500 mg at wake-up

    to +

    Inability to

    lose weight,even with lowcalorie dietfor extendedperiods


    deficit,due tooraggra-vated by

    Genetics,aging orlesions

    For weight loss: Prefer athyroid treatment containingT4 and T3 ( such as Erfa,Armour, Euthyral,Novothyral, Thyrolar, ..;

    doses: 30 to 150 mg/day or50 to 150 g T4 and 10 to30 g T3/day)

    to +++

    Insufficientfruit intake

    Increase fruits, eat more lowsugar fruits (berries,...)

    to +


    Eat more vegetables (but lesscauliflower, which in highamounts is antithyroid)

    to +

    Excessive Reduce protein intake

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    grams/meat or poultry a day, asprotein reduces the conversion ofthyroid hormone T4 into T3

    Iron deficit:Ferritin 4 kg (9 pounds)

    + to +++


    T3-T4 preparation suchdesiccated thyroid: 30 to150 mg/day orsyntheticT3-T4: 50 to 150 g T4 and10 to 30 g T3/day

    to +



    Men: transdermal 10%testosterone liposomalgel or injectabletestosterone

    to +


    Women: transdermal 0.6%estradiol gel andmicronized progesterone

    to +

    GH &/orIGF-1deficits

    Subcutaneous injections of0.1 to 0.3 mg/day GH &/or0.2 to 0.5 mg IGF-1

    to +


    n-shaped face


    due to oraggravated by

    Fat intakeReduce intake of fatty foods,which increase cortisol production

    to +


    Eat less often (as mealstransiently increase cortisol)

    to +


    Relax, avoid stressful situations

    (as they increase cortisol levels) to +


    Subcutaneous injections of0.1 to0.3 mg/day growth hormone(GH) &/or 0.2 to 0.5 mg IGF-1

    to ++


    Sublingual melatonin (0.05 to 0.2mg before bedtime)

    to +

    Fatty Neck

    Growth and IGF-1hormone deficits

    Read above Read above to ++

    Insulin excess Read above Read above to ++




    Estradiol excess

    Avoid drinking alcohol andcaffeinated beverages (cola,coffee, tea, ..) as they increaseestradiol levels

    to +

    Lose weight: reduces fat cells andtheir aromatase enzyme thatconverts testosterone to thefemale hormone estradiol

    to +

    Progesterone 100 mgbefore bedtime in men andwomen: reduces estradiolby increasing its conversionto the much less potent

    to +

  • 7/27/2019 000 Obesity Final + Ref.



    Anastrozole, whichincreases the conversion oftestosterone to estradiol: 2x to 3X 1 tablet of 1 mg inwomen with breast cancerand in men with erectiledysfunction risk

    to +


    Men only: dihydrotesto-sterone 2.5% gel onbreasts

    to +


    Growth hormonedeficit

    Read above Read above to +

    Testosterone deficit(men)

    Read above Read above to +

    Insulin excess Read above Read above to +


    Genetics, aging, HCG-diet: read above inprevious chapter 150 to200 IU/day of HCG

    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Testosterone deficit

    Eating more protein: > 200 g/dayof meat, fish or poultry

    to +

    Eat more fat (egg yolk, (clarified)butter, boiled bacon and lard liver,etc.), rich in cholesterol,necessary to build the steroidhormones (= hormones buildupon the structure of cholesterol),such as the sex and adrenalhormones: equivalent to 1 soupspoon/day of butter

    Avoid consuming sweets,chocolate, starch (bread, pasta,

    muesli, ..), soft drinks that reducesteroid hormone production

    to +

    Avoid whole grain carbs (bread,all bran flakes) as they reduce sexhormone levels

    to +

    Avoid alcohol to +

    Men: Testosteroneliposomal gel 10% ( to 3g/day); testosteroneenanthate injections 1 per 2weeks

    to +

    Women: Testosterone gel

    0.5% (1/3 to 2/3 g/day) to +

    DHEA deficitDHEA : 20 mg (women)and 30 mg (men)/day in atwake-up

    Thyroid deficit Read above Read above to +

    Insulin excess Read above Read above to +


    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Fatty Insulin excess Read above Read above to +

  • 7/27/2019 000 Obesity Final + Ref.





    Insulin deficit

    After weight loss and beingslim: Long-acting insulinmixed with growth hormone(GH) and IGF-1: from 0.2mg/0.2 mg/ 1IU/day to0.3mg GH/0.5mg IGF-1/2-3IU long-acting insulin/day

    to ++

    Growth hormone and IGF-1deficits

    from 0.2 mg/day of each to0.3mg GH and 0.5mg IGF-1 /day

    to +


    Testosterone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Insulin excess Read above Read above to +


    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Testosterone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Insulin deficiencyInsulin mixed with growthhormone (GH) and IGF-1:Read above

    to ++


    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Testosterone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Insulin excess Read above Read above to +

    HCG-diet: Read above

    Sagging innersides ofthethighs

    Growth hormone deficit Read above Read above to +

    Testosterone deficit Read above Read above to +

    MSH (Melanocyte-stimulatinghormone) deficit

    Still only for research:melanotan II: 0.5 to 1.5mg/day

    to +

    Avoid alcohol, which reducesMSH

    Insulin deficit Read above Read above


    With nonpittingedema

    Thyroid deficit Read above Read above to ++

    + pittingedema ( apit appearsafter fingerpressure)

    Salt excess

    Reduce salt in the food to +Take potassium supplements: 1to 3 g/day (!! avoid if kidneydisease)

    to +


    Take potassium supplements: 1to 3 g/day (!! avoid if kidneydisease)

    to +

    Avoid stressful situations andprolonged standing as theyincrease aldosterone

    to +

    Several times a day 10 to 15minute naps laying down withfeet in higher position

    to +

    Exceptionally:spironolactone (diuretic thatspares potassium) 50 to100 mg/day

    to +

    Women: Testosterone gel0.5% (

    1/3 to

    2/3 g/day)&

  • 7/27/2019 000 Obesity Final + Ref.


    References: Be slim again forever, permanently

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    Third, reduce fat mass and weight

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    Finally, fifthly, how not to regain the weight loss

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    Major treatments to lose weight

    63. Schurgin S, Canavan B, Koutkia P, Depaoli AM, Grinspoon S. Endocrine and metabolic effects of physiologic r-metHuLeptin administration during acute caloric deprivation in normal-weight women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2004 Nov;89(11):5402-9.

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    65. Heymsfield SB, Greenberg AS, Fujioka K, Dixon RM, Kushner R, Hunt T, Lubina JA, Patane J, Self B, Hunt P,McCamish M. Recombinant leptin for weight loss in obese and lean adults: a randomized,controlled, dose-escalation trial. JAMA. 1999 Oct 27;282(16):1568-75.

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    67. De Jonghe BC, Hayes MR, Zimmer DJ, Kanoski SE, Grill HJ, Bence KK. Food intake reductions and increases inenergetic responses by hindbrain leptin and melanotan II are enhanced in mice with POMC-specific PTP1Bdeficiency. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Sep 1;303(5):E644-51.

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