01-future of irrigation-anik bhaduri

Future of Irrigation in India Anik Bhaduri, Upali Amarasinghe and Tushaar Shah 1. Introduction Over the last century, the global population has tripled, and water consumption has increased threefold (UNESCO 2005). Water use in India is no exception to this general trend. The main cause of the increase are growing population and rising food demand. In an agrarian economy like India, the importance of water for agricultural productivity hardly needs any emphasis. India faces the daunting task of increasing its food production by over 50 percent in the next two decades, and reaching towards the goal of sustainable agriculture requires a crucial role of water (Kumar 1998). Empirical evidence suggests that increase in agricultural production in India mostly has taken place under irrigated conditions; close to three fifths of India’s grain harvest comes from irrigated land (Brown 2003). In this paper, we aim primarily to explore the future of irrigation in India. The  projection for irrigation water demand basically depends on irrigated area, cropping  pattern, crop evapotranspiration requirements, effective rainfall, soil and water quality, irrigation use efficiency and conjunctive use of water (Roy et. al 2004). Assuming ceteris  paribus, gross irrigated area represents the irrigation demand of India 1 There are two main sources of growth in irrigation area: expanding the irrigated area, and increasing the frequency with which it is irrigated (irrigation intensity). India’s irrigated area expanded at a steady rate during the last few decades. The net irrigated area has increased by 24% during 1980-81 to 1990-91 and by 18% from 1990-91 to 2000-01. The inference is that Indian agriculture has clear limits on the extensive margin  because the net irrigated area has been growing at a very slow pace. Irrigation intensity representing the intensive margin has increased by 8.8% over the past two decades (Damodaran 2001). In the paper, we investigate the significance of the factors that may affect the irrigation intensity of the country. Many factors have contributed the growth of irrigation intensity in the last decade. We focus her e only on three cont ribu ting fact ors -agr icul tur e depende nt pop ula tio n, irrigated area and mechanization. We assess their contribution to the irrigation intensity growth in the 1990’s. The most important challenge that most reviews of India’s future irrigation is that of exploding population. India’s current population is 1100 million is expected to stabilize at some stage. The projected population is 1500 million by 2050 with agriculture remaining as the primary source of livelihood in rural areas (Ref). India’s agriculture dependent  population relative to the total population has been decreasing over the last few decades. However, the total agriculture population is increasing, albeit at a decreasing rate of 1.1  percent in the 1980’s and 1.0 percent in the 1990’s. Despite the increasing agriculture dependent population, the net sown area (NSA) has remained more or less constant in the last decade. The NSA per person in the agriculture dependent population has decreased from 0.29 ha/person in 1990 to 0.26 ha/person in 2000. Thus the population pressure and the need for ade quat e liv eli hood opport unit ies for the inc rea sing pop ula tio n on the avai lab le agr icul ture land have incr eas ed sub sta ntia lly ove r thi s per iod. Bos eru pia n 1 ceteris paribus means all other things remaining same. 1

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Future of Irrigation in India

Anik Bhaduri, Upali Amarasinghe and Tushaar Shah

1. Introduction

Over the last century, the global population has tripled, and water consumption has

increased threefold (UNESCO 2005). Water use in India is no exception to this general

trend. The main cause of the increase are growing population and rising food demand. Inan agrarian economy like India, the importance of water for agricultural productivity hardly

needs any emphasis. India faces the daunting task of increasing its food production by over 

50 percent in the next two decades, and reaching towards the goal of sustainable agriculture

requires a crucial role of water (Kumar 1998). Empirical evidence suggests that increase inagricultural production in India mostly has taken place under irrigated conditions; close to

three fifths of India’s grain harvest comes from irrigated land (Brown 2003).

In this paper, we aim primarily to explore the future of irrigation in India. The

 projection for irrigation water demand basically depends on irrigated area, cropping pattern, crop evapotranspiration requirements, effective rainfall, soil and water quality,

irrigation use efficiency and conjunctive use of water (Roy et. al 2004). Assuming ceteris paribus, gross irrigated area represents the irrigation demand of India1 There are two main

sources of growth in irrigation area: expanding the irrigated area, and increasing the

frequency with which it is irrigated (irrigation intensity).India’s irrigated area expanded at a steady rate during the last few decades. The net

irrigated area has increased by 24% during 1980-81 to 1990-91 and by 18% from 1990-91

to 2000-01. The inference is that Indian agriculture has clear limits on the extensive margin

 because the net irrigated area has been growing at a very slow pace. Irrigation intensityrepresenting the intensive margin has increased by 8.8% over the past two decades

(Damodaran 2001). In the paper, we investigate the significance of the factors that mayaffect the irrigation intensity of the country.Many factors have contributed the growth of irrigation intensity in the last decade.

We focus here only on three contributing factors-agriculture dependent population,

irrigated area and mechanization. We assess their contribution to the irrigation intensitygrowth in the 1990’s.

The most important challenge that most reviews of India’s future irrigation is that

of exploding population. India’s current population is 1100 million is expected to stabilize

at some stage. The projected population is 1500 million by 2050 with agriculture remainingas the primary source of livelihood in rural areas (Ref). India’s agriculture dependent

 population relative to the total population has been decreasing over the last few decades.

However, the total agriculture population is increasing, albeit at a decreasing rate of 1.1 percent in the 1980’s and 1.0 percent in the 1990’s. Despite the increasing agriculture

dependent population, the net sown area (NSA) has remained more or less constant in the

last decade. The NSA per person in the agriculture dependent population has decreasedfrom 0.29 ha/person in 1990 to 0.26 ha/person in 2000. Thus the population pressure and

the need for adequate livelihood opportunities for the increasing population on the

available agriculture land have increased substantially over this period. Boserupian

1 ceteris paribus means all other things remaining same.


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hypothesis states that increase in population density increases the intensification of 

agricultural factor use (Boserup 1981). Our paper investigates whether the increase

agricultural dependent population will influence the irrigation intensity of the country infuture and support the Boserupian hypothesis.

Over the past 15 years, increase in irrigated area has mainly taken place from

groundwater source. There are two main reasons for higher expansion of groundwater irrigation. First, due to slow down in the growth of public investments in large-scale

irrigation infrastructure and incompletion of on going projects, the surface irrigated area

has not increased in the 1990’s. The most severe problem facing Indian canal irrigation,however, is the rapid deterioration of systems that have already been created. Maintenance

is being woefully neglected, leading to poor capacity utilization, rising incidence of water 

logging and salinity and lower water use efficiency (WUE). On the whole large canal based

irrigation is threatening to become unsustainable physically, environmentally as well asfinancially (Gulati 1999). In the absence of new large-scale surface irrigation schemes, and

the availability of low cost electric and diesel pumps coupled with little or no electricity

charges, the groundwater has been a major driver in the irrigated area expansion. Second,

yields in areas irrigated by groundwater are often substantially higher than the yield fromsurface water sources. FAO research indicates that yields in groundwater irrigated areas are

higher by one third to one half than in areas irrigated from surface sources, and as much as70-80% of India’s agricultural output may be groundwater dependent (FAO 2005). Higher 

yields from groundwater-irrigated areas are in large part due to increase in the reliability of 

water supply. In the paper, we explore how irrigated area driven by groundwater irrigationexpansion will contribute in increasing the irrigation intensity.

There has been considerable growth of mechanization in agriculture during the last

decade. Mechanization is higher in states where labour employment is lower and

 proportion of irrigated area is higher. In future, with growing urbanization and outmigration, mechanization will play a vital role in achieving higher agricultural production

in irrigated area. In this paper, we assess the significance of mechanization in increasing

the cropping intensity under irrigated condition.We hypothesize both time series and cross section variation in irrigation intensity

and the factors influencing the latter across the states in India. Using a panel data, we

investigate the irrigation intensity, and assess the future impacts of increasing agricultural population, grain orientation of agriculture in terms of area for foodgrain cultivation and

irrigated area. We also assess the influence of mechanization in increasing the irrigation

intensity. We have used annual time series and cross section data of 15 major states in

India, which constitutes more than 95 % of the agrarian economy of India, for the period1990-2001. Based on the regression results, we analyze the contribution of the different

factors in the relative changes in irrigation intensity growth.

It is essential to project India’s future irrigation scenarios, as now India is on a crossroad to decide about the ways to meet future water demand. The most relevant question is

regarding the magnitude of the change in irrigated area India is expecting in future. The

 proportion irrigated area and other factors are determined using a quadratic time trend of the last decade; and then based on the regression results and time trend values of the

factors, we project the irrigation intensity of India in 2010, 2025 and 2050.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In the first section, we discuss about the

 past irrigation scenarios .In the next section, we explore the irrigation intensity and the


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relative contribution of the factors in changing it’s growth. In the fourth section, we make

future projections of irrigation intensity, net and gross irrigated area. Finally, the last

section summarizes the findings and results of the paper.

2. Irrigation Scenario in India.

In the last forty years, the share of Indian agriculture in gross domestic product hasdecreased, but extensive use of HYV seeds, modern irrigation tech, and fertilizer have

contributed in increasing the agricultural productivity and achieving self sufficiency in

meeting food demand. Given increasing trend of population, policy makers find itimperative for India to achieve higher agriculture production and continue to meet the food

security objective of the country; and indicated that irrigation will play a key role in future

in achieving higher yield and sustaining the food security (Persaud et al . 2003). During the

last fifty years, gross irrigated area (GIA) of India has increased more than three fold from22 to 76 million Hectares. Gross irrigated area is a straightforward multiplicative function

of net irrigated area (NIA) and irrigation intensity (IRI), and thus the relevant question

which may arise is regarding the contribution of net irrigated area (NIA) relative to the

irrigation intensity (IRI) in increasing the GIA. Figure 2.1 shows the change in net andgross irrigated area .The vertical distance between the two curves signifies the irrigation

intensity. The figure below illustrates the increasing role of irrigation intensity which hasincreases by more than 4 % in the last decade.











  1   9   5   0

  -   5  1

  1   9   5  4

  -   5   5

  1   9   5   8

  -   5   9

  1   9   6   2

  -   6   3

  1   9   6   6

  -   6   7

  1   9   7   0

  -   7  1

  1   9   7  4

  -   7   5

  1   9   7   8

  -   7   9

  1   9   8   2

  -   8   3

  1   9   8   6

  -   8   7

  1   9   9   0

  -   9  1

  1   9   9  4

  -   9   5

  1   9   9   8

  -   9   9


   M   i   l   l   i  o  n   H  a







 Figure 2.1: Gross and Net irrigated area of India during 1950-2000

There are state wise variation in irrigation, and is reflected in figure 2.2. It shows the state

wise position of irrigation in year 2000-01.The level of irrigation is measured in terms of irrigation intensity and irrigation ratio, defined as NIA/NSA .

Figure 2.2 shows high proportion of irrigated land of more than 70% in agricultural states

like Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh where agriculture constitutes more than 30% of the

state GDP. Among the southern states, proportion of irrigated land is below 30% inKarnataka and Kerala; while in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, NIA/NSA is above 40%.

Among the western states, Maharashtra has the lowest proportion of irrigated land where

only 17% of the net cropped area is irrigated.


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Most of the eastern states are well endowed with irrigation where average NIA/NSA is

0.40.In the north-eastern state of Assam, however, less than 10% of net cropped area is

irrigated.We analyze the growth of irrigation intensity, NIA, GIA and IR ratio across states

in the last decade. Many climatic factors like rainfall, drought affects irrigation. So, we

have taken a four-year average for the period 1990-1993 and 1997-2000.Table 2.1 showsthe average of IR, NIA, IRI and the corresponding growth rate.

In Punjab and Kerala, there is decrease in the proportion of irrigated area, even with

an increase in NIA. It suggests that in post 1997 period, more rainfed area has been broughtunder cultivation in both the states. In the northern zone, there is no further room for 

irrigation development as 75% of the net cropped is irrigated, and is reflected in lower 

growth. The growth of irrigation area is striking in the western zone where NIA has grown

 by 46% from 1990-1993 to 1997-2000.Eastern states register a much slower growth of irrigation except West Bengal. Among the southern states, higher growth in NIA took place

in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.














Irrigation statewise -2000-01

Irrigation intensity

irrigation ratio

Figure2.2: state wise irrigation intensity and proportional area during the year 2000-01.

Many states register a decrease in irrigation intensity( IRI), and much of thedecrease are noticed in states like Himachal Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.

In these states, the proportional irrigated area is not high except in Tamil Nadu. The

opportunity cost of increasing the irrigation intensity is higher than increasing the net

irrigated area. As a result, NIA has increased in these states with the development of minor irrigation.

In West Bengal, however, IRI has increased by 39% in the post 1997 period. Onemay argue that the higher opportunity cost of increasing the extensive margin leads to

higher irrigation intensity. The alternative hypothesis is that high endowment of irrigation

land increases the reliability of irrigation water and induces higher irrigation intensity. Wetest the hypothesis using regression whether increase in irrigated area could be the cause of 


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higher irrigation intensity. We also hypothesize whether endowment of irrigated area is

factor in the marginal effect on irrigation intensity.

Groundwater Irrigation: Groundwater irrigation in India developed during the period of 

green revolution and contributed much in increasing the gross irrigated area of the country.

In the last five decades, groundwater irrigation has increased from 5 million hectares to35million hectares. Figure 2.3 illustrates the growth in groundwater in the last fifty years.

The proportional area of groundwater to the net irrigated area has increased by 22% alone

during the period 1990-2000.The figure also highlight the groundwater irrigation expansionrelative to that of the net irrigated area; and not major difference in the slopes of the two

curves is reflected in the last few decades.








        1        9        5        0    -        5        1

        1        9        5        5    -        5        6

        1        9        6        0    -        6        1

        1        9        6        5    -        6        6

        1        9        7        0    -        7        1

        1        9        7        5    -        7        6

        1        9        8        0    -        8        1

        1        9        8        5    -        8        6

        1        9        9        0    -        9        1

        1        9        9        5    -        9        6

        2        0        0        0    -        0        1


  m   i   l   l   i  o  n   H  a .


Net Irrigated Area

surface water 

Figure 2.3: Groundwater and surface irrigated area during the last fifty years.2

2  Note: surface water includes both canal and tank irrigated area


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States 1990-1993 1997-2000 Growth Rates (Per Cent 1997-2000 over 1990-1993)


Haryana 2.61 1.62 0.74 2.87 1.76 0.80 9.82 8.91 7.90

Punjab 3.89 1.80 0.95 4.00 1.92 0.94 2.89 6.71 -0.82

Himachal Pradesh 0.10 2.24 0.17 0.11 1.67 0.20 9.32 -25.61 13.81

Uttar Pradesh 10.40 1.40 0.61 12.57 1.42 0.71 20.87 1.39 17.29

North Zone 17.00 1.53 0.67 19.54 1.57 0.75 15.00 2.87 11.83West Bengal 1.91 1.00 0.35 2.13 1.39 0.39 11.59 39.18 11.37

Bihar- 3.34 1.25 0.46 3.56 1.33 0.48 6.58 6.21 4.94

Orissa 1.88 1.27 0.32 2.01 1.16 0.33 6.88 -8.68 4.96

  Assam 0.57 1.00 0.21 0.57 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.06

East Zone 7.70 1.17 0.36 8.27 1.28 0.38 7.41 9.06 6.40

Karnataka 2.15 1.23 0.20 2.51 1.24 0.24 16.58 0.69 22.33

Kerala 0.33 1.20 0.17 0.37 1.19 0.17 13.18 -0.74 -0.01

Tamil Nadu 2.46 1.23 0.43 2.96 1.20 0.54 20.04 -1.78 24.69

  Andhra Pradesh 4.30 1.26 0.39 4.35 1.32 0.41 1.12 4.70 4.51

South Zone 9.25 1.24 0.31 10.19 1.26 0.36 10.19 1.57 13.33

Gujarat 2.17 1.19 0.23 2.98 1.22 0.31 37.39 3.00 37.06

Maharashtra 1.97 1.28 0.11 2.95 1.25 0.17 49.85 -1.51 52.46

MP 3.98 1.05 0.20 6.18 1.04 0.31 55.41 -0.82 53.68

Rajasthan 3.85 1.22 0.24 5.36 1.24 0.33 39.13 1.83 41.29

West Zone 11.97 1.16 0.19 17.47 1.17 0.28 45.99 0.03 46.73INDIA 49.82 1.32 0.35 55.91 1.35 0.39 12.21 1.87 12.77

 Table 2.1: Irrigation scenario during the period 1990-1993 and 19997-2000



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In the past, surface water irrigation played a significant role in increasing the net

irrigated area. However from mid sixties, the proportion of surface water to net irrigated

area has decreased and in the last decade alone it has decreased largely by 23%.This islargely due to incompletion of planned irrigation projects and poor maintenance of the

existing surface irrigation infrastructure.

State wise there is wide variation in the source of net irrigated area. In the northern andwestern states, the proportional of groundwater irrigation to net irrigated area is more than

70% in the post period 1997 while the share of groundwater and surface water is equal in

the southern zone during the same period. Groundwater expansion growth is higher in thestates like Assam and West Bengal. Assam has abundant and untapped ground water 

 potential and the state Government has prioritised massive irrigation facility with the

concept of Participatory Irrigation Management.

Groundwater expansion growth rate is insignificant in Bihar while in Karnataka weobserve decline in the proportion of groundwater-irrigated area. With NIA has increased by

10% the decline in groundwater proportion has caused by declining groundwater level.

Figure 2.4 shows the composition of groundwater and surface water across states. During

the year 2000-2001, groundwater accounts for 67% of the net irrigated area. Groundwater expansion has been growing at an exceptional rate in the recent decades. More reliable

water delivery and declining extraction costs due to advances in technology and, in manyinstances, government subsidies for power and pump installation have encourages private

investment in tube wells.

States 1990-1993 1997-2000Growth Rates (Per Cent 1997-2000 over 1990-1993)


Haryana 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.52 -7.77 8.41

Punjab 0.38 0.62 0.25 0.75 -34.49 20.81

Himachal Pradesh 0.16 0.84 0.03 0.97 -78.22 14.75

Uttar Pradesh 0.32 0.68 0.25 0.75 -20.51 9.55

North Zone 0.36 0.64 0.28 0.72 -21.55 12.19

West Bengal 0.51 0.49 0.33 0.67 -35.35 37.21

Bihar- 0.36 0.64 0.35 0.65 -2.27 1.25

Orissa 0.65 0.35 0.60 0.40 -7.36 13.53

  Assam 0.63 0.37 0.45 0.55 -29.56 50

East Zone 0.49 0.51 0.41 0.59 -15.40 14.61

Karnataka 0.30 0.70 0.48 0.52 62.06 -26.07

Kerala 0.47 0.53 0.40 0.60 -16.47 14.83

Tamil Nadu 0.58 0.42 0.50 0.50 -12.63 17.22

  Andhra Pradesh 0.68 0.32 0.53 0.47 -22.30 47

South Zone 0.56 0.44 0.50 0.50 -9.25 11.59

Gujarat 0.25 0.75 0.19 0.81 -21.37 7.02

Maharashtra 0.42 0.58 0.35 0.65 -15.82 11.46

MP 0.38 0.62 0.31 0.69 -18.26 10.96

Rajasthan 0.41 0.59 0.30 0.70 -27.03 18.94

West Zone 0.37 0.63 0.29 0.71 -20.91 12.35

INDIA 0.41 0.59 0.35 0.65 -14.79 10.33

Table 2.2: State wise source of irrigation during the period 1990-1993 and 1997-2000.

 Note: SWA denotes =Area irrigated from canals and tanks/net irrigated area; GWA= Area irrigated from

tube wells and other wells/net irrigated area


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Groundwater irrigation, due to its lesser variation in its supply and higher the

reliability in irrigated water supply, reduces the risk of investment in labour, seed,

fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs and induces farmers to increase the irrigationintensity. Some states has experienced fast decline in groundwater level which leads to

lower productivity of water and cause a decrease in irrigation intensity. Irrigation intensity

is lower among southern states where the groundwater depletion problem is severe.

Groundwater and Surface water irrigation 2000-01












Table 2.4: State wise source of irrigation during the year 2000-01.Mechanization:

The mechanization involves judicious application of inputs by using agricultural

machinery/equipment e.g. hand tools, bullock drawn equipment, power driven machines

including the prime movers for performing various operations required for crop production

activities. The mechanization ensures reduction of drudgery associated with various farmoperations as also economize the utilization of inputs and thereby harnessing the potential

of available resources. The table 2.3 shows the level of mechanization in different parts of 

the country. The adoption of mechanization is linked with endowment of irrigation. Thestates with adequate irrigation facilities, the mechanization has progressed at faster rate in

comparison to States that have scant irrigation facilities and dependent on monsoon.Irrigation reduces the farmer’s risk in investment on land and thus encourages adoptingmechanization to increase production. Mechanization is a key factor, which can help in

increasing the cropping intensity under irrigated conditions. Our hypothesis is that higher 

 proportional irrigated area encourages farmers to adopt mechanization, which facilitates inincreasing the irrigation intensity. 


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States 1990-1993 1997-2000


North Zone

Haryana 239.74 402.53

Punjab 372.39 530.78

Uttar Pradesh 145.00 280.90

East Zone

West Bengal 59.99 90.58

Orissa 34.59 44.51

  Assam 9.82 23.52

South Zone

Karnataka 34.89 79.34

Tamil Nadu 66.70 144.24

  Andhra Pradesh 240.43 209.72

West Zone

Gujarat 92.71 197.15

Maharashtra 73.88 172.75

MP 97.77 153.07

Rajasthan 190.24 321.09


Table 2.3: State wise level of mechanization during the period 1990-1993 and 1997-2000.

*Expressed in real terms -deflated by consumer price index of agricultural labour.

Agricultural dependent Population:

In India, 54% of the population is dependent on agriculture according to the 2001census. The agricultural dependent population (ADP) has increased from 500 million to

539 million during the last decade with a decadal growth rate of 7.95%.As net cropped areahas stayed nearly same, ADP per hectare has increased by 8.49%.Table 2.4 shows that

agricultural dependent population has increased in most of the states. Zone wise, we

observe the highest growth of ADP in east zone, and a negative growth in southern zone.

However, agricultural dependent population per hectare of cropped area has increased in allstates. Proportion of ADP to total population has decreased in most of the states; however,

it has increased in Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.

There could be two possible effects of increasing agricultural dependent populationat a macro level. First, increase in agricultural dependent population increases the demand

for food to maintain rural livelihood. With limits on increasing the extensive margin of 

irrigation, intensity in irrigated area could increase to increase the agricultural productionand to meet the food demand. Second, agricultural dependent population constitutes higher 

 proportion of agricultural labour. Increase in agricultural labour force reduce the wage rate

and could induce to increase the intensity.


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tates 1991 2001 Decadal Growth Rates





%Agriculturedependentpopulation tototal


agriculturedependentpopulationper hectare of netcropped






%Agriculturedependentpopulation tototal


agriculturedependentpopulationper hectare of netcropped







arearyana 16.50 7.83 47.46 2.22 21.14 10.97 51.88 3.06 28.15 40.09

unjab 20.30 9.63 47.45 2.35 24.36 11.61 47.66 2.73 20.00 20.52

imachal Pradesh 5.20 3.40 65.35 5.89 6.08 4.53 74.55 8.18 16.88 33.35

ttar Pradesh 139.10 74.66 53.68 4.38 174.69 80.16 45.89 4.56 25.58 7.37

orth Zone 181.10 95.53 52.75 3.78 226.27 107.27 47.41 4.13 24.94 12.30

West Bengal 68.10 32.82 48.19 6.03 80.18 38.00 47.39 6.97 17.73 15.79

ihar- 86.40 48.46 56.08 6.63 109.94 58.54 53.25 7.88 27.25 20.81 Orissa 31.70 19.46 61.38 3.29 36.80 20.66 56.13 3.43 16.10 6.17

Assam 22.40 12.49 55.77 4.53 26.66 14.45 54.20 5.29 19.00 15.64

ast Zone 208.60 113.22 54.28 5.29 253.58 131.64 51.91 6.09 21.56 16.27

arnataka 45.00 29.80 66.23 2.76 52.85 30.59 57.88 2.97 17.45 2.64

erala 29.10 12.28 42.21 6.20 31.84 13.67 42.93 6.09 9.42 11.30

amil Nadu 55.90 37.75 67.54 6.61 62.41 33.82 54.19 6.15 11.64 -10.42

Andhra Pradesh 66.50 49.48 74.40 4.50 76.21 51.15 67.12 4.81 14.60 3.38

outh Zone 196.50 129.32 65.81 4.38 223.31 129.23 57.87 4.51 13.64 -0.07

Gujarat 41.30 24.56 59.46 2.58 50.67 26.11 51.52 2.73 22.69 6.32

Maharashtra 78.90 52.40 66.41 2.91 96.88 49.12 50.70 2.77 22.79 -6.26

MP 66.20 47.11 71.16 2.41 81.18 49.94 61.51 2.53 22.63 6.01

Rajasthan 44.00 26.68 60.63 1.63 56.51 33.82 59.85 2.10 28.43 26.77

West Zone 230.40 150.74 65.42 2.38 285.24 158.98 55.74 2.52 23.80 5.47

NDIA 846.30 499.43 59.01 3.51 1028.61 539.14 52.41 3.80 21.54 7.95

Table 2.4: State wise agricultural and total population during the period 1990-1993 and 1997-2000.


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We hypothesize that increase in agricultural dependent population will increase the

irrigation intensity, which supports the Boserupian hypothesis that increase in population

density increases the agricultural factor use intensification.

Table 2.4 also shows some exceptions to the general trend of increasing agricultural

dependent population. Agricultural dependent population has decreased in Maharashtra and

Tamil Nadu. In addition ADP per hectare of cropped area has decreased in Orissa andKerala that is mainly contributed higher proportional increase in NSA. The decrease in

agricultural dependent population is mainly contributed by migration for other non-agricultural activities.

Development economists view the gap in rural and urban wages as the main pull

factor for migration. Urbanization coupled with slow growth rate in the agricultural sector 

has been the major driver of internal migration. Studies in Bihar suggest that migrationfrom the latter state is now mainly to urban areas and not to traditional destinations in

irrigated urban incomes Punjab where work availability has declined (Karan 2003). Also,

in dry parts of Gujarat the urban income are so lucrative that not even irrigation couldreduce migration (Shylendra et al.1994). In Tamil Nadu, where more than 50% of the

cropped area is irrigated, out migration took place to such a extent such that the agriculturaldependent population has declined in absolute number. So lack of irrigation may not be the

only reason for decline in agricultural dependent population. 3

3.Irrigtion intensity:

Intensity of irrigation is a crucial indicator reflecting effective gross availability of water  per unit area of cultivable land. If a unit area could be provided with irrigation for more

than one crop season, then the irrigation intensity naturally increases. Also, raising more

than one irrigated crop in any area leads to a better use of inputs and also better utilizationof residual soil moisture available from the previous crop resulting in higher crop yield and

output levels. During the last decade, irrigation intensity of India has increased from 1.32

to 1.37, and 4.6 % increase in irrigation intensity contributes 33% in the gross irrigated areaof India. As part of the objective to estimate the gross irrigated area in India, we firstestimate irrigation intensity. In this section using regression analysis, we have attempted to

review the relationship of irrigation intensity with irrigated area, agricultural dependent

  population and mechanization.Using regression analysis we test the following hypothesis

a) Higher irrigated area increases the reliability of water and induces higher irrigation

intensity. b) Increase in agricultural dependent population per hectare of cropped area will increases

the demand for food and supply of labour and increases the irrigation intensity.

c) Mechanization is dependent on irrigated conditions and increases irrigation intensity.

Table 3.1: Description of variables

3 One may argue that higher irrigation intensity may provide continuous gainful employment and thus

irrigation intensity may influence the agricultural dependent population, which constitutes a growing

 proportion of agricultural labour. We have performed granger causality test. The results of the test indicate

irrigation intensity does not granger – cause agricultural dependent population at 10% level of significance.

The result holds for one to three period lags.Detail results are provided in the appendix.

Variables Definitions

Irrigation intensity (IRI) Ratio of gross irrigated area (GIA) to net irrigated area


Irrigation ratio ( IR) Proportion of irrigated area to net cropped area (NIA/NSA)

Agricultural dependent population


 Number of agricultural dependent population per Ha of net

sown area

Mechanisation (Mech) Use of tractors, threshers and baler in cultivation for 

substitution of labour. It is expressed in real terms.

Ground water irrigation (Gwater)Prop proportion of irrigated area from wells to net irrigated area.


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The Data Set and Methodology

We have used annual time series and cross section data of 15 major states in India,which constitutes more than 95 % of the agrarian economy of India, for the period 1990-

2001. Unlike earlier studies, instead of using aggregate time series data for these crops , weuse panel data , where the cross sectional units are the different states. This allows for state

 –specific variation in all the variables included, as compared to all- India data which couldreduce such variation by aggregating some variables and averaging others.

Panel estimation allows us to incorporate sources of variation which can be

incorporated otherwise. Furthermore, panel data facilitate with a large number of data points, and thus increasing the degrees of freedom and reducing the collinearity among

explanatory variables. Hence, it improves the efficiency of estimates. Irrigation intensity

depends on many unobserved variables. Panel data reduce the endogeniety or the

heteroscedasticity problem, inherent in the estimation, by utilizing the information on both

the intertemporal dynamic and the individuality of the entries, which are the different stateshere. However, as we are estimating variance parameters for each panel (or possibly

covariances between panels), the estimates require many time-periods per panel for consistency; and in our data set we have included ten years long time frame for each panel

to gain consistency in estimation.

All the data were available from various sources in the public domain. In regards to

the agricultural dependent population there is lack of time series data between the censusyears 1991 and 2001. We have used FAO projections of all India agricultural dependent

 population. Using the FAO projected trend and the state –wise population during the

census years 1991 and 2001,we have derived the time series data of agricultural dependent

 population state-wise. We have used number of agricultural dependent population per Haof net sown area as an explanatory variable to capture the influence of increasing pressure

of population on agricultural land.

We have also adopted different approaches to reduce the endogeniety problem and toachieve unbiased consistent estimates. We have used four different regression techniques

for estimation. First we have used panel-corrected standard error (PCSE) estimates for 

linear cross-sectional time-series models where the parameters are estimated by Prais-Winsten regression. When computing the standard errors and the variance-covariance

estimates, the estimation assumes that the disturbances are, by default, heteroscedasticity

and contemporaneously correlated across panels. Second, we have used random effect

model where the individual state specific effects were treated as random variables. Agrowing body of literature shows that this technique is superior to alternative techniques

such as fixed effect model where the omitted individual specific effects as fixed constants

over time. Using Hausman test, we test the structural differences in estimation, anddetermine the best technique in estimation of irrigation intensity. The wide use of different

techniques provide us an array of results and help us in selecting the best approach in

accordance with the unbiasedness, efficiency and consistency of the estimators.


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Our estimates suggest that proportional irrigated area (IR), agricultural dependent

 population per Ha of cropped area (AP), are significant in explaining the irrigation intensity(IRI) of the country across 15 states during the period 1990-2000. The irrigated ratio (IR),

agricultural dependent population per Ha of cropped area influence irrigation intensity

 positively. The between R sqr in the random effect model also suggests high significanceof the variables in explaining the irrigation intensity between the states.

To get the further insights we have estimated the irrigation intensity in two time periods

1990-1995 and 1996-2000. The value of R square is higher in the period 1996-2000 than inthe period 1990-1994.It suggests high explanatory power of the independent variables over 

time. The marginal effect of agricultural dependent population decreases slightly in the

 period 1996-2000. It may be caused by growing migration pf agricultural dependent

 population for non agricultural activities. The influence of IR on irrigation intensity,however, has increased in the post 1995, which is due to growing groundwater irrigation.

This is evident from the regression results of table 3.3.

Table 3.5 shows the quadratic relationship between irrigation intensity and irrigated area.

The regression results indicate 02




 IRI which implies that the marginal effect on

irrigation intensity is higher with higher irrigation endowment. It explains that in stateswith low irrigation endowment, more risk are involved in increasing the irrigation intensity

while the opportunity cost of increasing the increasing the extensive margin or the net

irrigated area is lower which induces to increase the irrigated area. If the change in irrigated

area is cropped only once, then it decreases the overall irrigated intensity.In states with high endowment of irrigated area, the risk involved in

increasing the intensity is much less because of higher reliability of water supply. Also the

opportunity cost of increasing the extensive margin is higher. It leads to higher irrigationintensity.




Irrigation Ratio(IR)




Population per 

Ha of croppedarea (AP)

Constant R  2

1990-2000 0.707832(11.71)




1990-1995 0.631849






1996-2000 0.76945(36.71)




Table 3.2: Regression results of Irrigation Intensity as dependent variable.


GWA constant R  2


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1990-2000 0.913891(7.46)

1.111991(39.54) 0.54

1990-1995 0.759401(8.63)



1996-2000 1.14119(7.01)



Table 3.3: Regression results : Relationship between Irrigation intensity and groundwater irrigation.

Table 3.4: Random Effect regression results of Irrigation Intensity as dependent variable.






IR-sqr Constant R  2

1990-2000 -1.33436(-3.52) 1.992773(5.6) 1.442766(17.42) .38

Table 3.5: Regression results: Quadratic Relationship between Irrigation intensity and area.

Mechanization is one key factor, which facilitates in increasing the irrigation intensity or the cropping intensity under irrigated conditions. Mechanization helps to crop a land

several times. There is a general hypothesis that mechanization takes place mostly under 

irrigated conditions. Our regression results are consistent with the findings of the earlier 

studies, and suggest that mechanization in cultivation has positive influence on irrigationintensity. There has substantive growth of mechanization in agriculture over the last

decade. It is largely due to expansion of irrigated area. Expansion of irrigated area

increases income and reduces the associated risk in agricultural production and encourages

farmers to adopt higher mechanization for cultivation. Table 3.6 shows the recursiveregression results explaining the relationship between irrigation and mechanization. The

results indicate the growing role of mechanization in influencing the irrigation intensity.The marginal effects of irrigated area on mechanization and mechanization on irrigation

intensity have increased during the period 1997-2000 compare to 1990-1993.





Constant R  2









Population per Ha of 

cropped area

constant Wald Chi



R sqr 

1990-2000 0.2801193(3.44)



.44 .55


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Mechanization -NIA/NSA

1990-2000 0.115495(10.25)

-0.02338(-7.34) 0.64

1990-1995 0.0976904(4.9)

-0.178853(-3.51) 0.58

1996-2000 0.133526



(-14.77) 0.69Dependentvariable-


Intensity (IRI)

Mechanization Constant R  2

1990-2000 5.959596(11.28)

1.149645(23.32) 0.7

1990-1995 5.590811(4.66)

1.161696(8.43) 0.55

1996-2000 6.064338(18.66)

1.133419(13.63) 0.78

Table 3.6: Regression results: Relationship between Irrigation and Mechanization.

Source of Irrigation Intensity growth

Here in this section, we analyse the sources of changes in irrigation intensity, which

has increased by 4.7% during the last decade. The computation of the source of irrigationintensity growth is based on the sensitivity analysis. Table 3.7 shows the contribution of 

different sources to the relative change in average irrigation intensity. The first shows the

factor contributing to irrigation intensity change. The second and the third column indicate

absolute and percentage contribution of different factors to the relative change in averageyield during the period 1990-2000. The table 3.7 shows that growth in irrigated area

explains the irrigation intensity growth to a significant extent during the period 1990-2000.

The last decade witnessed a significant growth in ground water irrigation, and is reflectedin nearly 90% of the change in irrigation intensity from irrigated area. Increase in irrigated

area creates appropriate condition for the adoption of mechanization, which is another 

important contributing factor in the relative change in irrigation intensity.The increase in agricultural population only contributes around 10% of the change

in irrigation intensity. After the 1991 economic reform, there has been an increased

employment opportunities in the non-farm rural sector and urban sector, which has

attracted the surplus labour from agriculture, and contributes lesser pressure on land than inthe pre –1990 period. However, in the east zone, with high population density, increase in

agricultural dependent population contributes 55% of the change in irrigation intensity. In

the south and west zone, with lesser growth of rural population, agricultural dependent population accounts less than 10% of the change in irrigation intensity.

  Change Contribution (%)


Irrigated ratio ( IR=NIA/NSA) 0.026769 89.23

 Agricultural dependent population per Ha croppedarea (AP) 0.003231 10.77


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Total 0.03 100.00

North Zone  Irrigated ratio ( IR=NIA/NSA) 0.035184 87.96

 Agricultural dependent population per Ha croppedarea (AP) 0.004816 12.04

Total 0.04 100.00

East Zone  Irrigated ratio ( IR=NIA/NSA) 0.04884 44.40

 Agricultural dependent population per Ha croppedarea (AP) 0.061160 55.60

Total 0.11 100.00

South Zone  Irrigated ratio ( IR=NIA/NSA) 0.018494 92.47

 Agricultural dependent population per Ha croppedarea (AP) 0.001506 7.53

Total 0.02 100.00

West Zone  

Irrigated ratio ( IR=NIA/NSA) 0.009013 90.13 Agricultural dependent population per Ha croppedarea (AP) 0.000987 9.87

Total 0.01 100.00

Table 3.7: Contribution to relative change of irrigation intensity from different sources in India

4. Projection:

The question that plays in the mind of policy makers is the future of irrigation in

India. Increasing population will cause an increase in demand for foodgrain in future. Is the

current irrigation infrastructure enough to feed the growing population? Answering thequestion requires us to know the future gross irrigated area of India. Based on the

estimation results and the projected values of the explanatory variables, we project theirrigation scenario of India in year 2010, 2025 and 2050. The time dimension for the projections has also been adopted by both National Commission on Integrated Water 

Resource Development Plan (NCIWDP) and the Indian Water resource Society (IWRS). A

longer time frame with target year, 2050 has been chosen as many water development projects involve a long gestation period, while a shorter time span with 2025 as a target

year has been chosen to allow institutional changes in Indian irrigation scenario. Year 2010

represent closer to present scenario as much growth in factors influencing irrigation are notexpected to take place during the next five years.

From the regression results, we have determined the marginal effect of the factors

influencing irrigation intensity. The growth rates of agricultural dependent population per 

hectare of cropped area and proportional irrigated area are determined using a quadratictime trend from the last decade. Then using the regression results explaining the irrigation

intensity, we project the latter. Such estimation procedure has been taken to achieve

realistic and reasonable growth rates of the factors determining irrigation intensity.

Variable constant trend Trend-sqr


Ratio(IR) 0.352967 0.006351 -0.000029


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Population per Ha

of cropped area

(AP) 3.756353 0.019055 -0.000040

Table 4.1: Regression Results: Quadratic time trend

Table 4.2 shows the different scenarios that may guide the development of irrigated water 

demand in India in future. The first scenario, which may be looked as a business as usual

scenario, illustrates the growth of the factors based according to the time trend during the period 1990-2000.Such scenario is plausible with no major changes in the government

agricultural and irrigation policy in the next 45 years. In a longer time frame, many may

view this as unreasonable given India had experienced two major structural economic policy changes in the first fifty years of its independence. Keeping the possibility of some

changes in policy with the potential of altering the factors responsible for changes in

irrigation intensity, we have developed alternative scenarios. The alternative scenarios aredeveloped based on the faster rate of change the factors, irrigation ratio (NIA/NSA),

agricultural dependent population per hectare of cropped area.4

In the last decade groundwater irrigation has played a crucial role in influencing the

net irrigated area and meeting the irrigated water demand of India in the past. With goodgroundwater governance, and higher productivity of groundwater, the contribution of 

groundwater may increase in future. The role of surface water irrigation may also increase

with the implementation of national interlinking of rivers project. In the fourth scenarioanalysis, we assume a 50% per year faster growth of irrigated area.

Economic growth driven by secondary and tertiary sectors may induce a change in

growth rate of agricultural dependent population in future. The second scenario assumesthe condition if the growth of agriculture dependent population per hectare of cropped area

is 50% lower per year, with all other factors maintaining the time trend.

In the final scenario, we consider the case where both the factors may change at a

faster rate specified by scenario 2and 3.

Scenario 1 Agricultural dependent population, irrigated area and proportional area for foodgrain all changing according to the

time trend

Scenario 2The rate of increase in the proportional irrigated area is 5%

more than time trend.

Scenario 3 The growth rate of Agricultural dependent population per 

hectare of cropped area is 50% less than time trend.Scenario 4-all factors


Both factors changing more than time trend.

4 The arbitrariness lies in the addition rate of the change of the factors in future. With more information

such arbitrariness can be reduced to great extent and can facilitate a better projection.


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Table 4.2: Description of scenarios

In the past, India’s groundwater irrigation has played an influencing role in

increasing the irrigated area. According to the time trend, the growth rate of proportional

irrigated area driven by groundwater irrigation would be 0.51% in 2010,0.43% in 2025 and0.28% in 2050,and at those growth rates the proportional irrigated area would be 0.47, 0.54

and 0.63 respectively. The growth assumes no major changes in surface water. However, if 

we assume 50% higher growth rate in proportional irrigated area for exogenous reasons,

the proportional irrigated area will increase to 0.77 in 2050.Our projection suggest in India, the agricultural dependent population will decrease

at the rate of 1.73% in 2010,1.62% in 2025 and by 1.42% in 2050 following the 1990-2000

time trend. Given such growth rate, the agricultural dependent population per hectare isexpected to be 4.14 and 4.77 in 2025 and 2050 respectively. In the scenario with 50%

lower growth rate the corresponding figures would be 3.95 in 2010 and 4.26 in 2050.

Year Irrigation Ratio




Population per Ha

of cropped area


20100.512858 1.738674

2025 0.425528 1.619484

2050 0.279978 1.420834

Table 4.3: Growth rate according to time trend

Table 4.4: Projected values of proportional irrigation ratio, agricultural dependent population per hectare of 

Scenarios Irrigation Ratio (IR) Agricultural DependentPopulation per Ha of 

cropped area (AP)

Irrigation Intensity (IRI

2010 2025 2050 2010 2025 2050 2010 2025 205


Scenario 1—time trend 0.47 0.54 0.63 4.14 4.39 4.77 1.46 1.52

Scenario 2- proportionalirrigated area changing at

a faster rate 0.53 0.64 0.77 4.14 4.39 4.77 1.51 1.59

Scenario 3-agrcultural

dependent population per hectare of cropped area

increasing at a decreasing

rate 0.47 0.54 0.63 3.95 4.07 4.26 1.46 1.51

Scenario 4-both factors

changing at faster rate.

0.53 0.64 0.77 3.95 4.07 4.26 1.50 1.58


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Projected values:

Given the projected irrigated area and agricultural dependent population per hectare

of cropped area, we have estimated the irrigation intensity of India in 2010, 2025 and 2050.

In 1999-2000 the irrigation intensity of all the major states in India was 1.37. Our  projection results suggest that under business as usual scenario, irrigation intensity will

increase to 1.46 in 2010 and to 1.60 million hectares in 2050. In scenario 2 with higher 

contribution of irrigated area, the irrigation intensity will increase to 1.69. Slower change inagricultural dependent population, however, would not change the projected irrigation

intensity much.

In the recent past, we observe no change in the net sown area. Taking the average

net-cropped area as 140 million hectares, the NIA of India will be 66, 76 and 88 millionhectares in 2010, 2025 and 2050 respectively. Groundwater irrigation has contributed more

than 90% of the change in NIA during the past decade. If similar trend continues and

assuming 70% of the irrigated area is from groundwater irrigation, then the groundwater 

net irrigated area would be 61 million Ha in 2050. The projected irrigated area, however,depends on the sustainability of the groundwater irrigation. Over exploitation of 

groundwater, however, could lead to lower level of projected NIA and lower irrigationintensity.

year NIA GIA

201066.29 96.96

2025 76.14 115.58

2050 88.49 140.60Table 4.4: Projected values of net and gross irrigated area in 2010, 2025 and 2050.


In this paper, we have explored irrigation scenario in India, and sensitivitiesof the factors determining the irrigation intensity of India based on the data of the previous

decade. As Indian economy witnessed no major structural changes in policy after 1990, our 

data captures only the endogenous changes and is free of exogenous shocks to great extent.

Our regressions estimates suggest that agricultural dependent population per hectare of 

cropped area and irrigated area are significant in explaining the irrigation intensity of thecountry. Our results indicate that agricultural dependent on per hectare population per Ha

of cropped area and proportional irrigated area influence irrigation intensity positively.Much of the increase in net irrigated area is contributed by ground water 

development, which has taken place all over the country. Groundwater irrigation, due to its

lesser variation in its supply and higher reliability, reduces the risk of agriculturalinvestment and induces farmers to increase the irrigation intensity. Also, higher 


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Security. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, page


9. Shylendra H.S and P. Thomas 1995. Non –Farm Employment: nature, magnitudeand determinants in a semi arid village of western India. Indian Journal of 

agricultural Economics 50(3): 410-416.

10. Gulati, A, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Raju , K. V 1999. From Top Down to Bottoms Up:Institutional Reforms in Indian Canal Irrigation. Delhi: Institute of Economic



Table A.1: States and the geographical zones

North Punjab


Uttar Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh

East Assam



West Bengal

South Karnataka

KeralaTamil Nadu

Andhra Pradesh

West Madhya Pradesh





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Table A.1: Granger Causality Test explaining the relationship between Irrigation Intensity

(IRI) and Agricultural Dependent Population per hectare of cropped area (AP).

H0: AP does not Granger-cause IRI H0: IRI does not Granger-cause AP

Lags (1) Lags (2) Lags (3) Lags (1) Lags (2) Lags (3)

Chi-sqr 9.78 10.23 10.57 1.63 3.98 4.99

Probability> chi-sqr 

0.0018 0.0060 0.0143 0.2017 0.1364 0.1721