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  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Welcome to my Presentation

    Name-Sanjida Kamal MituId-1120575

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    A Study OnJob satisfaction of Bank Officers in Bangladesh

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Background of the Study

    Title of the Journal : Job Satisfaction Author : Dr. P. K. Mishra Published On : Sep. - Oct. 2013

    Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is one of the mostimportant factors in any organization, especially in servecompetitive banking sector across the world. Many companiesare having problems with high labor turnover and difficulty inhiring new employees. So companies are seeking ways to

    improve productivity and reduce turnover without having to hiremore employees. This can only be done if the company can keeptheir existing employees satisfied. As the saying goes "a happyworker is a contented worker"

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Objectives of the Study

    To ascertain the degree of overall jobsatisfaction prevailing among the bankemployees.

    To focus on the relative importance of jobsatisfaction.

    To give suggestions to improve the level of job satisfaction, if required.

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    HRM & Its Importance

    HRM increase the level of employee performance. Employees feel more comfortable and secure where HR practices are

    implemented. HRM plays an important role in the performance of organizations. HRM is interlinked with all the managerial functions involved in the

    practices of recruitment & selection, training & development,organizational commitment and compensation and these practicesincrease the potential of employees.

    HRM have an impact on operational performance as well as onemployee commitment .

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    HRM & Job Satisfaction

    Job satisfaction refers to the attitude and feeling peoplehave about their work.

    To achieve business targets employers need to make surethat their employees are satisfied with current facilities because unhappy workers will never work for progress and prosperity.

    Job dissatisfaction raises workers voice and creates unrestin the industry.

    Job satisfaction is essential to enhance peace and harmonyat work place as well as to ensure higher productivity.

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    HRM & Job Satisfaction

    Taseem & Soeters (2006) has studied about eight HR practicesand their relation with job satisfaction.

    These HR practices are recruitment and selection practices,

    placement practices, training practices, compensation practices,employee performance evaluation practices, promotion

    practices, empowerment and social security or pension. Current study divided this HRM practices into two factors

    financial and non- financial. Financial factors are salary, promotion, bonus and incentive. Non-financial factors are clearly defined job description during

    recruitment and orientation, training, flexibility, job security andgood working condition.

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Limitation of the study

    Lack of time only 74 hours working day allotted. Lack of my experience and efficiency to prepare the

    standard report. Unavailability to required published documents. Bank limitation and security problem.

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    It is a Descriptive and Explorative study design, which had enabled toknow the level of job satisfaction among the executives working atBanks.

    The scope of the study is limited to the Employees of the Bank. The result of the study was characterized on the basis of:

    a) Total Respondent b) Departmental wise

    Structured Questionnaire Method has been selected for the Collectionof data. Both primary and secondary methods were used for data collection.

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation



    The findings of this study offer directions for furtherinvestigations in this area.

    Future studies should be designed longitudinally tomeasure increases in job involvement, sense ofcompetence, promotion opportunities, benefits and jobsatisfaction over time.

    Empirical studies should also be designed to establishthe relationship between sense of competence and job performance.

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Conclusio n

    Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facingtodays managers when it comes to managing their employees.

    Banking sector in Bangladesh is contributing major role play to theeconomy, but this sector is facing business challenges due to the

    suspension of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). The main reason behind this unrest is employees job dissatisfaction in

    absence of proper financial and non financial job factors. If the organization can provide appropriate financial and non financial

    benefits to the employees, they are going to be satisfied and also lesslikely to involve in labor unrest.

    It can be concluded that job satisfaction through proper HRM practicescan be an alternative solution for reducing unrest in banking sector ofBangladesh.

  • 8/10/2019 Anik Presentation


    Thank you