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INTHEUNITEDSTATkSDISTRICTCOURT iHE SOUTHEiNDISTRIG OF FLORIDX FOR NI7V FEDERALSERVICES,LLC Plaintiff 9:18-cv-80994-DLB ARTHUR HERRING 111,AND DEIITORCORPORATION . ' Defendants FILED BY D.C. 02T 3 4 2218 ANGELAE. NOôLE CLERKt) s DISI C7l s.o. oF/L.A. - w.nB, Oisection toPlaintiff's Final Default Judgement andPermanent Injunctionagainst Defendants 1,ArthurHerring111,DefendantfïlingProSeam filingthisReplyto plaintiT sfilingabove. L . . Background' AjudgeONLYhasthepower toenforceIawsandruleonIawsuitsbasedontheConstitution. From the moment thiscasewasfiled bynitvandtheirpaid Iegal ''whores'' have kriowntheir casehadno merit andwasfiledonly towastemymoneyandtrytoputmeoutofbqsinesssonitvcou ' ldhavemoreof theIiedetectionmarket, just asthey havedoneforabout 20years. ThisIawsuithasclearlyviolated the Constitutionand myConstitutional rightsof freedom ofspeech, freedom ofexpressionandfreedom ofthepress. Thislawsuithas centeredonthreethings: meexposingthefraud bynitvfor 30years, theconstitutionand using thecourtsasweaponsbytheplaintiffs/plaintiffsIawyers. Nitv/lawyershavebeenusingthecourtsastheir privatearmy ' ' fordecadestowastepeople'smoneyaqd/or ruintheir business.FakeIawsuitshavemassivefinancial benefits for nitv ownersandnitvIawyers. ThojeIawsuitshelpsupport nitvowner/wivesIavishIlfestyles. ThosesameIavishIifestyles ihat evew conmanwéntswhentheydoanyscam. NitvIawyer:clearlyhaveknownnitvis . ascam andainternational crimlnal business from the bëginningof yhisIawsuitbecausethoseIawyershad readthesamedoqumentstha.t the'ydemanded thecourtorder rempvedfrom myDektor websiteandfrom mynewswebsitewww.nitvcvsaexposedycom . By reading myposted docùments, thosecurrentandformer nit'v IawyersONLY conclusioncould bethatnitvisascam anda criminal businessfor30years. ThosesamecurrentnitvIawyersarefinanciallybenefittingbytheirmassivebillinghours tonitvfor thçcase: those Iawyershayebee'nworkingonand receivingmoneythat wasmadefrom hitv'sinternational criminal business. AfternitvIawyersreadmyfactual documentsprovingnitvwasacriminal business,nitvIawyersshould havewithdrawnfrom the caseasthe ethicsfor lawyersdictatewhentheysaw asfactthatnitvwasonly;criminal business àndnitv's Iawsuit hadnomerit. NitvIawyers hadnoIegal bihàs that demandedtheystayonas Iawyers. But, thosenitvIawyersstayed onthecase out of their greedfor easy moneyfrom criminalswhohadthebankaccount to pay ' i iveIegal bills. Inaddition, theIawyerswerèfulfillingnitv'sobsessipnfor revengeagainstothers. kitvSTILL ther mass ' W h redoes nitvgei themoney topaytheir lawyers in OW ESabout $800,000from thelawsuit theyIost 10years ago. ç thisca ' seandtheother casesfornitv?Nitvlawyer d'Ioughyprobablyknowsbecause hebragson hiswebsitehéisan expertathiding people'smoneyfrom theIRSandfroin Iawsuit judgements. . Fraud, inthiscase, issellingafakeproduqtasareal ''voice Iiedetector'' withoutANYindependentproof thatthe product andtrainïngisreal. A fakeproductisalsocalledacountedeit. Sellingcounterfeitsisafelpny. TheUS vernmentspendshundredsof rhillions of dollarseachyear seizingcounterfeitproducts. Nit'vhasbraggedintheir aàs go for 30yearstheir ''voice Iiedetector' gadgèt called cvsaand itsself-admitted madeuptrainingis'98% accurate''. But, Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 1 of 70

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02T 3 4 2218ANGELA E. NOôLECLERK t) s DISI C7ls.o. oF /L.A. - w.nB,

Oisection to Plaintiff's Final Default Judgement and Permanent Injunction against Defendants

1, Arthur Herring 111, Defendant fïling Pro Se am filing this Reply to plaintiT s filing above.L

. .

Background '

A judge ONLY has the power to enforce Iaws and rule on Iawsuits based on the Constitution. From themoment this case was filed by nitv and their paid Iegal ''whores'' have kriown their case had no merit and was filed only

to waste my money and try to put me out of bqsiness so nitv cou' ld have more of the Iie detection market, just as they

have done for about 20 years. This Iawsuit has clearly violated the Constitution and my Constitutional rights of freedom

of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

This lawsuit has centered on three things: me exposing the fraud by nitv for 30 years, the constitution and using

the courts as weapons by the plaintiffs/plaintiffs Iawyers. Nitv/lawyers have been using the courts as their private army ' '

for decades to waste people's money aqd/or ruin their business. Fake Iawsuits have massive financial benefits for nitvowners and nitv Iawyers. Thoje Iawsuits help support nitv owner/wives Iavish Ilfestyles. Those same Iavish Iifestyles ihatevew conman wénts when they do any scam. Nitv Iawyer: clearly have known nitv is.a scam and a international crimlnalbusiness from the bëginning of yhis Iawsuit because those Iawyers had read the same doquments tha.t the'y demanded

the court order rempved from my Dektor website and from my news website www.nitvcvsaexposedycom . By reading

my posted docùments, those current and former nit'v Iawyers ONLY conclusion could be that nitv is a scam and a

criminal business for 30 years. Those same current nitv Iawyers are financially benefitting by their massive billing hours

to nitv for thç case: those Iawyers haye bee'n working on and receiving money that was made from hitv's international

criminal business. After nitv Iawyers read my factual documents proving nitv was a criminal business, nitv Iawyers should

have withdrawn from the case as the ethics for lawyers dictate when they saw as fact that nitv was only ; criminal

business ànd nitv's Iawsuit had no merit. Nitv Iawyers had no Iegal bihàs that demanded they stay on as Iawyers. But,those nitv Iawyers stayed on the case out of their greed for easy money from criminals who had the bank account to pay


i ive Iegal bills. In addition, the Iawyers werè fulfilling nitv's obsessipn for revenge against others. kitv STILLthe r mass'

W h re does nitv gei the money to pay their lawyers inOW ES about $800,000 from the lawsuit they Iost 10 years ago. çthis ca' se and the other cases for nitv? Nitv lawyer d'Ioughy probably knows because he brags on his website hé is an

expert at hiding people's money from the IRS and froin Iawsuit judgements. .

Fraud, in this case, is selling a fake produqt as a real ''voice Iie detector'' without ANY independent proof that the

product and trainïng is real. A fake product is also called a countedeit. Selling counterfeits is a felpny. The US

vernment spends hundreds of rhillions of dollars each year seizing counterfeit products. Nit'v has bragged in their aàsgo

for 30 years their ''voice Iie detector'' gadgèt called cvsa and its self-admitted made up training is ''98% accurate''. But,

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' .


nitv has never had'ANY independent studies that back that claim. As part of their scam, Nitv only hires former high Ievel

law enforcement to be their sales people, directors and instructors because those 1aw enforcement types convince

otential law enforcement cvsa buyers the cvsa gadget is real and the nitv claims in ads are real. Tàe fad has alwaysP

been, including today, nitv has NO, repeat NO, independent studies that its gadget and.made up training are any bqtter

for Iie detection than a coin toss, about 50%. The original owner of nitv, humble, ADM IU ED on nationwide TV, on the

ABC News investfgation on nitv/cvsa/huinble scam in 2005 that there were NO independent studies proving any cvsaaccuraèy, especially the' ''98%'' accuracy claimed by nitv for 30 years. Humble and his employees have also admitted that

fact in 'various news stùries for the past 30 years. W hen humb. Ie admitled there were nè studies proving his claim of

''98% accurac/' in that 2005 ABC News interview, he was admitting he has been and still was committing fraud. Humbleadvertised his fraud in Iaw enforcement magazines using'massiyp two full page ads each month for 15 years. That is . ' .' .. .

. called false advertisinj, a felony. As recently as 2016, nitv's co-owner kane sent out a signed Ietler claiming cvsa was-98% acctlrate''. Again, NO independent proof to date to back that Iie up. Nitv used the US mail for 30 years promoting

. their fraud. That is calleà mail fraul, a felony. How many millions of times did niw/owners do that? Two federal court. çases in the early 1980's pertained to two different businesses, Telstar and Omnitronics, selling their own type of voice

Iie detectors. Both owners were charged with niail fraud. The judges asked them what independent proof did they have' proving their Iie detectors wprked as they claimed. The ownerà replied they said they worked and that was the proof'.

The two differentjudges found them both guilty of mail fraud. The US government spends hundreds of millions ofdollars each year trying to stop the import and salej of counterfeit products. Most fake products are everyday items that

. have no dangerous results if used. But other fake products cause injury or death, such as fake medicine, car brakes, etc.

- In this case, fake Iie detqctors, having been used by Iaw enforcement for 30 years in criminal investigations and the .

buyers believing the total accuracy lies by nitk, have caused maybe about one million people to be falsely accused, as-

. ' many criminal cases ruined, people had their lives ruined, maybe went to jail, wasted money on Iawyer fees, maybe Iost

their jobs and probably have a criminal reèord for Iife. AII the while, niw/owners are Iiving a erremely wealthy lifestyle,including private hqlicopters, multi-million dollar mansion in Panama, muiti million dollar condo's, new Mercedes andother Iuxury objécts: In a massive civil Iawsuit that nitv Iost în 1999 that was based on the fake cvsa, niw's director,

David Hughes (former police captain), ADMIU ED on record, cvsa was not a Iie detector and should not be used as a lie

detector.. But, that nitv admission has not stopped nitv from still falsely claiming cvsa is a ''voice Iie detector'' to this day.

When a conman has no real proof that his fake Iie detector is real, what doeà he do? He MAKES UP fake studies/surveysto scam buyers. After the 2005 nationwide ABC News investigation PROVING: cvsa was a fraud, humble used a fake title

. of ''Dr'' (PhD) and the US military BANNED th: use of cvsa after it'was prqven cvsa had no reliable accuracy, nitv owners. . :


started toemake up studies that they claimed were done by the U.S. military that ''proved'' cvsa/training was -98%.accurate''. To this day, nitv refuses to disclose who made those so-called studies. Clearly proving they were made up by

nitv to get buyers. About 2005, humble was convided by the U.S. government of selling cvsa's to countries not

considered friendly tp the U.S. Humble paid a enormous fine fpr hoing that. In 2012, nitv made up another fake study, in

a fake, made up ''scientific journal'' (nitv's words) called Criminalistics and Court Expeljse, 2012 Annual Issue, #57. The- ''study'' was ONLY a 14 page article (nicknamed Chapman'study) that NEVER, repeat NEVER mentions cvsa or nit'v at all.

- So how can nitv claim it pröves cvsa and it$ made up training is -98% accurate''? Nitv CANNOT! The article only has

various graphs and talk of how useful Iie detection can be in investigations. Also, Chapman W ORKED at nitv for 20 years

before hç died in 2011. No study can be considered valid if it was done by a person working at a business; especially'for

20 years. Nobody knows if chapman ever wrote tbe aqicle. The fact is, the so-called ''journal'' DOES NOT EXISTANYW HERE! 'Nobody has been able to find it or get the publishers contact information. Nitv AND theïr Iawyers REFUSED

to give me or anyone that contact information. W hy? Because the ''journal'' does not çxist and was made up by nitv onlyto make buyerd THINK the fake study proved cvsa was,a real voice Iie detector. The information about the fake chapman

tudy had been given to this cour't months ago.and that fact alone should havq made the cour't realize niiv was a frauds

d this case had no merit and mqst be thrown out. This court should also have thrown opt niv s Iawsuit beca'use aa nperson cannot be sued for repeating information that had previously been revealed, especially by news stories. Fraud ij

fraud. Independent facts, documents and various news stories submitted ùy me months ago have proven beyond ank

doubt nitv/owners have been commiting fraud, mail fréud, false advertising and using thq Great Seal of the U.S a; nitv'ssymbol (felony) for 30 years. Because of me contading the alorney general's office, since Jpnuarv the Florida attorney

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d and false advelising against nitv/owners. I have been àeposed by them (as. general has been building a case of frauI hours on the phone with them and submitted'about 1,000 docum' ents provingothers have been) and spent count ess

. k A .their case. Those massive documents included those that were posted on my news website that nitv's lawyers

demanded be removed and this court ordered the documents removed. Agàin, violation of my constitutional rights.

The cohstitution and the gross abuse of it in this lawsuit proves why this Iawsuit has NO merit and my

b l l violated by its filing. This case should n'ever have been filed. The courts are for the. constitutional rights have een c ear y

people, notjujt Iawyers. The cour'ts must treat'those without a Iawyer the same as the person with onq. lt is the 'INFORMATION that must be evaluated, no matter who says it and provities it. This cour't refused to read my many filings .and read the documents submitted that proved there was no credibility to this lawsuit and the cour't should have


àismissed the case cpmpletely. The constitution GUARENTEES freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedomof the press. That speech CANNOT be stopped or banned because someone does not Iike it. The news média would not

exist if every person could stop a story about them because they did not Iike it. Politicians would be the first to try.

Slander and Iiable ;re cpuses for legal action, but nitv has never sued me for that. Nitv has NEVER supplied any FACTUAL,

independent documents contradicting any statement or document posted by me. They simply claimed things were not .

true. How can actual documents from nitv own websitez.news articles and other published införmation be claimed by '

nitv/lawyers as being false? The fact is, for the 18 years I have owned Dektor, nitv has posted statements on theirwebsite by a police depaoment that were Iies and lies by a person, dirt bell, on nit'v website under the tïtle ''Posers and

lmposters''. Bell has never met me and had no knowledge about me or my company. But, Nit'v posted dirt bell's Iies only

to make nitv Iook beter. That is liable and defamation of character. Nitv/owners have revealed themselves by theirown words and by news media stories that nitv/owners have been doing a scam on Iaw enforcement and the tax payersfor 30 years. A scam only for a Iavish Iifestyle for themselves and their wives, who also are knowïngly part of the scpm. ln

. .j '

court papers, nitv co-owner humble's wife lourdes was shown to be actively involved in the scam. Th. ey seemed to show

she was trying to put a seller of his voice Iie detector type business to commit possible illegal activities. Co-owner kane's

Russian Fife, olga, is CFO (chief financial ofsïcer) of nitv. Seliing a gadget for Iie detection, with NO independent proofthat it is real is a counterfeit, a fraud. Every word on my Dektor website about niw , owners, cvsa and their training were '

compiled by various news articles, court papers, ex-nitv employees and nitv websites for over 30 year. On my news

websitq: www.nitvcvsaexposed.com ACTUAL documents were always posted. Those documents canriot be disputed and

proves nitv is a scam. Nit'v has refused to sue ANY news media that has also revealed those facts for the past 30 years.

W hy? Because nit'v would be sued by any media nitv tried to silence and the media w'ould always win on the basis of

their rights in the constitution. Nitv has never sued the APA (American Polygraph Association) for their postings ojnitv/cvsa that proved niw/cvsa was a scam for 30 years. Why not? Nitv has never sued another news website, '

itv cvs: and humble for 20 years that proved nitv/cvsa was aantipolygraph.org, for also posting information about n ,scam. Whv not? Suddenlw nîtv sues Dektor/myself last year after I have been posting facts about the nit/cvsa fraud for30 years. It is Iaughable that nitv/owners arq NOW claiming huge losses caused by my exposing them, but IGNORING any

so-called ''harm'' to nitv owners the other news media has caused niw/owners who exposed nitv as a fraud for 30 years.i in 20'05 t'hat he,Nitv/lawyers have totally ignored the harm humble d d himself by admitting nationwide pn ABC News

cvsa and nitv was a scam. The facts are basic and clear: if you sell a product, you must have independent proof it works.

Nitv has never had ?ny such proof for 30 years.

No court orjudge allows their court to be used as a weapon by one person to punish someone else. Thecourt's only purpose is to decide real Iegal maiters that need to be decided. Nitv has used the courts and their Iawyersas we'apons only to financially ruin people and to put them out of busihess in hopes that nitv will be the ONLY seller of

''voice Iie detectorsz'. That is the pnly purpose of this Iawsuit against me. Nitv/lawyers have qued other businessesIling unproven voice Iie detectors ané even ex-employees'to ''get back'' at them and/or to create a monopoly forse

themselves. It has been well documented nitv Iawyers, just Iike nit'v owners, have made many claims before and duringthis fake lawsuit about myself, Dektor and our system PSE. Their money wasting tactics have been used many times

against others. For exalple, about 3 years ago, sued another seller of a unproven ''voice Iie detector'' only because that

person had sued nitv 10 years ago for liable and won about $500,000. Nitv has refused to pay the judgement that istoday abogt $800,000. The Florida' Suprqme cour't ruled nitv had to pay the judgement. Nit'v su/d him only for revenge' to waste his money because he sued nitv for Iiable ?nd won. Another case involves nitv suing another business selling

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another ''voice Iie detector'' in about 2005. Nit'v claimed that business, operated by some former niw employees, stole

nitv's cvsa program. Nitv had NO proof they did, but only wanted to waste the defendents money and eliminate them as

a player in the voice Iie detector market. Thgvice president of that company told me their Iegal fees were about $2million. The result: the judge stated clearly nitv had no case and it was thrown out. But, nitv still got what they wanted: 'wasting money of another business and to eliminate them from competing with nitv. The SAM E thing nitv is dping to me

with this made up case. Many documents provîng the nitv scam were on my news website www.nitvcvsaexposed.com

that nitv Iawyers demanded be shut down and ordered so by this court. A clear violation of my constitutional right of

jfreedom of t e press! This court has constantly ignored the massive amount of factual information and documents that

proved nitv never had any Iegal case. By doing so, this cour't has helped and protected a internatioqal criminal business

to achieve its three goals with this made up lawsuit: wasti my money, put me out of business and revenge against me

for exposing nitv?s scam for 30 years.

Responding to Plaintiffs claims of Findings of Fact

l 1. The truth and facts are what they are. Somebody may not like them, but people, media, etc, cannot be sued

because the information was disciosed. The constitgtion has the Bill of Rights. Plaintiff and their Iegal ''whores''

should read it sometimes. NOTHING done by Defendant has ever been grounds for any Iegal action by plainti/.

False. CVSA and nitv's made up training has NEVER been proven to be a ''Iie detector'', just an expensive coin toss.

Humble admitled that in 2005 on ABC News and nitv/owners still has no independent proof today.False. NO evidence of any t'ype was ever submitted by nitv/lawyers proving as many buyers AND how many stilluse it. Plaintiff REFUSED to provide such proof in discovery. See my Discovery Iist that nitv lawyeés refused to

provide answers ,

B. 5. False. Dektor Counter-lntelligence NEVER went out of business. ln 1989, the sole owner, Allen Bell, CHANGED the

NAME to Allen Bell Enterprises. ln 2000, shortly before his death, Bell gave me the blueprints of the PSE and other

information because he wanted me to continue sales and training of his invention of 1969. Plaintiff has NEVER

known the facts about this matter, only relied on the babbling antics from a person of ver'y unstable mental

health, dirt bell (db), son of PSE co-inventer Allen Bell. Nitv NEVER contacted Dektor in any way to verify db'sinformation. Nitv even gave db his own section on nitv's website to post anything about Dektor/psE/l-lerring dbwanted. To this day, in my business of 18 years owning Dektor, I still use the same proven training, technology,

test formats and chart analysis techniques as the original Dektor business from 1969.

C. 8. FALSE. As explained, l did receive such information and documentation from Allen Bell. Again, plaintiT s lawsuit has

always been based on made-up claimsWithout any facts or documentation to back them up just to waste my

money and to try to put me out of business.

9. FALSE. I/Deklor have NEVER Iied to customers or in our.advertising in any way as to the proven quality of ourtechnology or training since we have always used those proven items created by the original Dektor in 1969. Both

names Dektor and PsE were legally trademarked by a lawyer in 2000. Nitv/lawyers issue about this has po basis.10. True/false. Dektor sells the only PROVEN system of Voice Stress Analysis and the proven training invented by the

original Dektor in 1969. A competitor has something of near equal quality. Nitv has NO proven lie detection

system and NO proven training. A fraud and scam that nitv/cvsa/ow'ners have proven to be for 30 years is NOT acom petitor. '

D. 13. False. The truth is the truth. Hurt feelings by the truth is not a cause of any Iegal acion. Plaintiffs created their

own mess by their lies for 30 years. Those Iies have been independently documented.

14. See #13. Every person atlending the TDLR meeting Was allowed 15 minutes to speak. There were many

.polygraph examiners thege who also condemned nitv, cvsa and humble. Nitv was given 45 minutes to speak

about their scam. Facts are facts. Nit'v cannot erase the Iies they have made for 30 years.

15. For 30 years, the plaintif'f has shown his gadget, business and himself are orkly a scam because of the many n.ew s

stories, Iawsuits and facts about himself, including from his own and nitv's website. Repeating those facts is

NOT a cause for legal action. The constitution makes that point vew clear.

16, 17, 18,19, 20. See #15. .

22. Plaintiff/plaintiff lawyers know as fact niw/cvsa is and has been proven a scam in many ways for 30 years. I

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. have every right of free speech ahd protecting my business from conmen ruining the reputatïon, business and

f business. Nitv's current diredor, disgraced former sherif'f and ICAC investîgator, crott'yincome o myas to speai at a ICAC conference. ICAC learned about Crotly?s disgraced history and decided, on their own,Wnot to Iet drot'ty speak because of Crotly's gross incompetence as a ICAC investigator. Crom 's termination as

' a sherif was documented in a major neWspaper article that I had no involvement in. Crotty was solely: .

responsible for his termination and future fate, not Defendant. His actions were exposed by the news media.J .

23. Niïv still hired crotty as their director of sales aftlr crot'ty was fired/quit. Crotty was allowed to have nitv'svendor table on disnlav, but he was riot allowed to be a speaker baséd on crott/s oistory. Defendant had no

control over any money nitv spent or any decisions by ICAC. ICAC made their own decision bàsed on facts.

24. see #23. Nitv never gave any proof of nitv'd claims or claimed Iosses.

25. Constitutioq states people have frèedom of speech. As stated before, defendant has the rihht to protect hisbusiness and its future reputation from cbnmen selling fake gadgets claiming to be voice lie detedors..

27. See # 25. Plaintiff cleariy Iie's. Defendant has always participated in discovery. It is PLAINTIFF that

REFUSED to submit any documents or information demanded by defendant that would prove the Iies

constantly stated by nitv/lawyers in this Iawsuit. Defendant did send plaintif 2 hard drives plaintiff wanted .'

Defendant demanded, but this court refused, to have a independent IT person analyze the hard drive. Instead,

iw (proven to Iie in evew way for 30 years as a bu' siness) was allowed to pick their own paid person to write anrepor't that cannot be accepted as being factual in any way. In addition, plaintif lawyers refused to allow,

according to the law, to allow me to review ihe Iist of items from the hardd ive' before it was turned over to plaintiff. Because of plaihtiff's total disregard of that rule/law, veryrprivate and business information was obtained by plaintiffthat was not needed in the Iawsuit.

28, 29,30. FALSE. Facts are facts. Making lies and repeating lies many times by nitv about their cvsa and

themselves do not make then? facts. That tadic was Jnvented and used often by Joseph . '

Goebbels, Hitlers propaganda Qnister. Dektor website sections and nitvcvsaexposed aboutniw/cvsa/humble were taken down,ONLY because of a judge's order, even though it violated my rightsof speech, NOT because any information was false. All statements made were stated before in the

Ii domain by the news imedia and in other forms. ' .pub c

30. Plaintiff FAILS to admit, at any time, during this fake lawsuit that nitv's website, for 18 years and still does

today, have Iïes about Deldor, PSE and Defendant. Examples are atlached. Nit'v also FAILS to mention at

any time that THEY had sent out, at least a million times, for-18 years various Iies to various entit/s, its 'members and others using ema' ils

, faxes and letters about Dektor, PSE and Herring. For example, one

' doiument nitv calls a ''Iaw enforcement alert'' Ietter was sent out about Dektor, PSE and Herring.

31 . The judge and/or a clerk handling this case for the judge has not seemed to have read 4nd evaluate thedefendants manv, manv documents submitted based on the courts actions and decisions. Neither have

- the varîous weàsites that have been Iooked at in questïon, ïncluding the plainiiffs to see their Iies aboutDektor, PSE and myself. Those various documents and their credibility could not -

be challenged in any way. This courts actions have clearly denied my right to a fair and'

impartial trial. This court and plaintiff only realized in July of this year that the Florida attorney general's

office was actively pursuing a case of fraud and false adveoising against nitv/owners. I and many other-'' people were deposed and I submited hundreds of documents and spent many, many hours on tle

phone with her investigators about the scam, W hy would the AG's office pursue the case if nitv was a

honest and ethical business??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The AG's actions PROVE I never was guilty of any claims made by plaintiff in their Iawsuit and its only'

fe was, as witll nitv's Iawsuits against others, to waste my money and to try to put me out opurpos. business. Again proving nit'v is and has used the couris only as weapons.

' 3R. FALSE. Those documents CANNOT be challenged.in any way becausè their sources are Iisted and were ,

published for years. They prove nitv, cvsa and owners have been a scam for its 30 years of operation.

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1. Plaintiffs have constantlf failed for this entire case to establish ANY facts to claim the Lanham Act fordamages. The Lanham hct refers to ''competitor''. A competitor cannot be'a take product claiming to be a realone. They are called counterfeits. Lawyers would not accept fake Iawyers pretending to be real ones. Plaintiff

has NEVER known the business operations of Dektor for 18 years and is in NO positio; to claim it has such

knowledge. In 1986, humble claimed he was trained as a polygraph examiner. The APA (American Polygraph

Association) stated that school NEVER existed. The facts prove nitv has claimed for 30 years it invented a''new'' type of ''voice Iie detector''. But, it has no proof it ever did ot has a ''perfected'' trpining course or

proven terms and ideas as nitv has claimed for 30 years. Humble has always used a fake title of ''D/' (PhD)that he bought from a one room store in 1987 called ''lndiana Christian University. That Iie Fas documented'

on the 2005 ABC News story on humble, nitv and cvsa and at many other Iocations. Plainti'ff claims it was a

''honorar/' degree. Copy of diploma attached proves diploma was NOT honoraw, just a fake, store bought

paper. A major news website archived Dektor's news website www.nitvcvsaexposed.com that plaintif'fdemanded be removed and had been ordered removed by this court. But, aII of its docnments can still be

seen and the full 16 minute 2005 ABC News investigation exposing the nitv scam can also be seen. Humble

also was found guilty of copyright fraud in 1988. That same year he started to sell his first cvsa analog gadget

that he claimed was a ''computer'' voice stress analyzer (cvsa). Computers are digital, NOT analog. That isfraud and false advefising, b0th felonies. Humble finally admitted years later the first cvsa model was only

analog that he sold for 10 years. Humble also admitted years ago the PSE he always said was poor quality, he

admitted on his website he simply bought a oId PSE, hired a electronics person, Nick Torfino, and Torfino

TRIED, repeat TRIED, to duplicate the PSE so humble could sell a voice Iie detector as humbles new

''invention''. That analog cvsa gadget did not have the abilities to do true Voice Stress Analysis or have any

quality compared to the original PSE. That unreliable cvsa was sold for 10 years before humble had someone

try to make a software program, also called cvsa, from that analog cvsa. That cvsa prograqyhas been

documented as very poor quality. As stated before, Dektor/Herring uses the exact sa'me technology as the

original PSE (with Allen Bell's permission in 2000), the same exact training as original Dektor, the same exacttest formats as orîginal Dektor and the same exact chart analysis techniques as original Dektor. I did increase

training to 10 days (original Dektor training was 5 days), l increased chapters to 21 (original Dektor had 5) andmade the technology a software program that will last forever. Dektor is a far superior and proven 'system of

Iie detection than the fake nitv's cvsa.

B. DENIED. Plaintiff still has NOT proven any of its claims in its Iawsuit. It only makes accusations, with NO facts to back

them up. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the press is Iegal and CANNOT be a

basîs of a Iawsuit because someone does not Iike it.


D.DENIED. See B. Documents prove at nitvcvsaexposed.com that it has been nitv/owners that had lied about Dektor/Herring/psE for 18 years and sent out varîpus emails and Ietters telling potential buyers do not buy fromDektor, only buy nitv.

E. DENIED. Such horse shit from lawyers. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of d'sousa and dloughy with their made

up lawsuit. As they say ''Anybody can sue anybody for anythinf'. This case PROVES how true that

expression is. When will nitv/owners PROVE their gadget and made up training is better than a coin toss forIie detection with REAL independent studies, not nitv's made up ''studies/surveys/journals? When will

nitv/lawyers disclose the full contact information for the publisher of the made up''journal ''Criminalistics and Court Expertise'' that ntt'v claims the 2012 Chapman study (article) is in from???????????????????????????? Nobody can find the publisher, the Libr'ary of Congress says the ''journal''does not exist, google says it does not exist and 12 major university Iibraw databases says it does not exist.Nitv/lawyers REFUSED to provide that information and ALL information that l demanded in my 51 itemdiscovew Iist 7 months ago. W hy do nitv Iawyers want to hide the truth?

Ill A, B, C, D MUST BE DENIED. Speech is protected under federal law. Plaintiffs continùe to refuse to provide proof of'

ANY claims that ha; Iegal standing for a Iawsuit. It has been establldhed that plaintiff has done the sameactions and far worse against the defendant for 18 years using emails, Ietters, postings on niw websites for

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. 18 years and in other ways. Nitv lawyers must go baik to Iaw school to realize that their demands here are

beyond the abilities of the defendant. lnformation is on the internet and cannot be removed. Nitv keeps

proving they are using the courts only as weapons against others to reshape their soiled and corrupt image

of 30 years. If nitv thought the news reports about them were damaging to them, it was niw/owners directibility to ''cle'an up their act'' Nitv/owners failed to do so. AlI financial Iosses and any badrespons .

reputation nitv received was the result of nitv/owners actions and was THEIR responsibility, nobody elses.

Nitv has not sued any news organization that gublished facts about nitv/cvsa/owners, thus allowing for thatinformation to spread over 30 years. They have not sued ABC News in 2006 or Vancouver Sup's massive

three part story in 2011 proving nitv/cvsa/owners are a scam. Last month, nitv/lawyers threatened a majornews website, www.antipolvgranh.org with a federal lawsuit unless owner Maschke remove aII items

about nitv, cvsa, humble from his website. Maschke's Iawyer sent nitv Iawyers a very firm ''go stul it''

response. Nïtv has never sued the APA (American Polygraph Associatïon) for their postings on their websiteabout cvsa being a fake lie dltector for 30 years. Niw/lawyers hever sued NAS (National Academies of

Science) for their 2003 book that said cvsa was not a real Iie detecor. Has nitv/lawyers ever sued all theother neWs media when they did stories proving cvsa was not a real Iie detector? If not, why not? W hy only

stie me, but not aIl the others that have also been stating the same facts? The clear answer is nitv would Iose

d be counter- sued for filing a fake lawsuit that liad no Iegal g'rounds. The court must remember, this jokean

has only gone this far becpuse I ran out of money many months ago and have no Iawyer. The other news .

media have Iawyers for free that would put nitv/owners into bankruptcy.'

If my documents and ïnformation on my website, emails and brochures have been Iies for 18 years, why ii' niw NöW claiming it sulered these Iosses that they claim are millions of dollars. The average person would

have sued many years ago when the Iosses were much, much less. The court must also remember

. nitv/lawyers REFUSED to provide any documents I demanded in my Discovery. If nitv has nothing to hide,why not provide the documents? Copy of my Discovew is attached.


IV DENIED Plaintis is NOT entitled to any damages or awards. They caused their own problems being a scam

promotïng and selling a unproven ''voice Iie detedor'', nitv's made up training, various claims about

I d their business for 30 years. Plaintif'f has constantly failed to show how my publication ofthemse ves anpreviously published and proven documents and informatïon caused any of their Ioses of sales.

Plaintiff has totally failed throughout this made up Iawsuit to show what imjact other publishedfacts by other news sources had on their sales. Nitv is putling ALL of their losses on me and disregarding

those othér publications, including on the internet. People are free to evaluate any information and make'

their own decisions. Plaintiff has totally failed to consider the fact that those buyers of cvsa talk to others in. . 1

Iaw enforcement and they had told them not to buy cvsa because of cvsa coin toss accuracy. Plaintiff has

refused, since 2006, to publish their cvsa buyers àecause the word was spreading that cvsa and trainingwas not' reliable for lie detection. Sales of cvsa were dropping off dramatically. That is why nitv stopped

their monthly 2 page ads for 15 years in the international Police Chief magazine (25,000 members). But,à ds evewniw Iawyers put that quote from my Dektor we site that nitv stopped their huge two page a

month in Police chief magazine because of a huge drop of cvsa sales because of poor cvsa accuracy andV .

' '

h tated I had Iied about nitv Iosing sales to law enforcement.put that in their complaint. Nitv Iawyers t en s

since nitv ONLY sells to Iaw enforcement, then W HER.E are nitv Iosses they are suing me for??????????

Niw is now using a person who wrote a paper, using only 'GUESS W ORK and MAYBFS, trying to guess'

cvsa projected sales and the losseà becausë of me. That entire paper ' '

and ALL conclusions MUST be rejected. First, sales figures of cvsa buyers are constantiy difserent. Nitvsays 2,500 cvsa buyers. Other places in this Iawsuit says 2,000. NO TIME, repeat NO TIM E, has nitv provided

his court or in that paper the NAMES and CONTACT information of ALL the cvsa duyers to. VERIFY.to m e, to t

W ithout an# PROOF of how many aitually bought cvsa and how many still use cvsa, any financial awardshave NO basis to be given. As this court knows, t'he fact is, nitv and their Iawyers constantly Iie. As the court

knows, nitv/lawyers submited a fake alidavit in the beginning of this trial under penalty of perjury in aFEDERAL trial. This court refused to sandion, fine or even condemn Iawyers d'sousa or d'Ioughy in any way.

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Based on the constant Iiks and false information submited by plaintiff/lawyers in this lawsuit? NOinformation or documentj submitted by them should be considered as factual without independent

documents suppoàing them, especially for damage awards.

As per any hard drive deletions, proof was submitted that my hard drive did fail and a new one was

bought weeks before this Iawsuit was fïled. I cooperated fully in sending both hard drives to the so-called IT

person that the court allowed nitv to pick. l strongly objected to allow a well-known, média establishedconman to pick their person that niw knew would say what niw wanted them to sayf Nitv carefully Ehose

bits and pieces of emails to make the court think certain conversations were about destroying evidence..

Nitv ''created'' the impression they wanted the cour't to believe. As per the Vanderhof signed document,

he had no choice. Hç had to sign anything nitv wanted because they threatened him, a single parent of two

small children, with a federal. Iawsuit ONLY to waste his money and put him on welfare if he did'not sign

what they wanted. Basically, none of that information in that document was true or accurate.

This cùurt M UST Iook at and seriously REVIEW the various documents and exhibits submitted by

Defendant during this trial that proves this lawsuit NEVER had any merit, the couls were used by Plaintis

in this case and other Iawsuits by niw only as weapons to fight nitv's fight tb eliminate other businesses so

nitv could be a monopoly as the only seller of ''voice Iie detectorf'.Celainly, nitv is NOT entitled to any damage awards because of the independent proof from other

news sources that prove nitv/cvsa/owners are only a scam selling a fake ''voice Iie detector'' and made upin t cvsa has any accuracy better than a cointraining that after 30 years still has NO independent proof t a

toss (50%) for 30 years or the ''98% accuracy'' nitv has claimed, (including in co-owner kanes signed letter in

2016). Nit'v also claims cvsa is ''not asected by drugs, alcohol or countermeasures'' for 30 years, but stillhas NO independent proof for that claim. Nitv, cvsa and owners are only a money making scam and my

k d ts enclosed and independent news stories, for 30 years about niw, cvsa and owners,mas ive ocumen .PROVE it. Nitv Iawyers PROVE nitv is a scam by REFUSING to gike documents in Dïscovery or now that

would prove otherwis.e.


Many, many news media quotes about humble, cvsa and nitv proving niw/cvsa/owners is a scam.Greatseal of the U.S; that is a felony

.to use, but nitv has u'sed it as there sym bol for 30 years making people

think nitv is a federal agency and cksa was real.

b ht fake diploma for his ''Dr'' (PhD) in 1987. Copy of diploma PROVES it was NOTHumble with Store otlg

honorary as nitv/lawyers claimed, but was supposed to look Iike a real diploma of ''D/' (PhD).4. Nitv suïng vipre. Documents proved nitv hired tom golden, former army intelligence colonel, to plant false

stories about vipre in a major news website to take sales away from vipre.t I ffidavit under penalty of perjury. Niw Iawyers5. Nitv Iawyers knowingly commitled perjury by submitting a a se a , .

tried to say mosquèra had no contact with nitv to keep the lawsuit in Florida. Qpsquerea was in fad in charge of

nitv international sales.

6. Letter sent by nitv co-owner kane claiming in 2016 cvsa was -98% accurate'' in lie detection.

t demanding, using extortion techniques, my PsE source co' des for free or they would sue him in7. Lawyers. or niw

federal cour't just to waste his money. This Iawsuit Fas to try to get my PSE program so nitv could sell itthemselves because their cvsa had many operating problems. '

8. ln 2006, US government founj humblë/nitv guilty of selling cvsa's to unfriendly countries for several years.Nitv/humble paid a huge fine. . ' '

9. Independent evaluatioi of Chapman ''stud/' proving it was a fake and the ''journal'' it was in did noy exist.10. Nitv website, for 10 years posted Iiès about Dektor, PSE and Herring by Groveport Police who were flunked in

the Dektor course bçcause the dètectives were drpnk every night and fluqked thefinal exam. Nitv gàve

Groveport a free cvsa and training in exchange for their testimony agpinst Dektor and PSE.

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11. Nitv website, for 15 years, used many disgusting emails by dirt bell (db), son of PSE inventer Allen Bell, to makepeople think Dektor/lierring were not honest. DB NEVER met me and NEVER'had any infotmation about theoperations of Dektor! Nitv gave Db his own sedïon on the nitv websïte called Posers an.d lmposters for db to

post anything db wanted against Dektor/Herririg for 15 years.

12. Nitv director Hughes (former police captain) admits in cour't cvsa is NOT a lie dstector and says cvsa should notbe used as one.

13. Nitv demanded a 20 year news website, antïpolygraph.oqg (owner is Maschke) to remove aII information abouthumble, niw and cvsa that made them loék bad or nitv would sue Maschke. M aschke's Iawyer sent niw a Ietter

to ''stuff it''. Nitv is using the courts as weapons to try reshape and remold ihe 30 year image of '

nitv/cvsa/owners that proved it is only a scam to try tù get sales.14. Nitv sent this Ietter to millions of people stating lies about Dektor, PSE and Herring.

15. Remade cvsa from the original PSE that humble/nitv had made so humble could claim his cvsa as a ''new'' t'ypeof voice Iie detector. The fact is humble only hired a electronics person, Nick Torfino, to try to copy the PSE. He

did not succeed to copy it correctly and thus it produced faulty patterns and was not mechanically reliaile.z . . . . '

K(. .% ' ..: . . .

17. News arlïcle showing current nitv director crot'iy was fired.as a disgraced, 20 year sheriff, ICXC (children's

crîmes) investigator. Nitv hired crotty j,ust after he was terminated. Nitv was proud of that hiring. ICAC refusedto have crot'ty as a speaker at their conference in Texas last year after they found out about crotly.

18. Nitv hires crotty and glorifies him. .

19. Article on nitv website claiming chapman study is 95% accurate. Chapman article NEVER mentions nitv or cvsa,.

.but nitv claims the chapman study prozves cvsa is accurate. No independen't proof ever to back tip that claim of

acy. Study proved to be maàe up by nitv to get sqles.accur

20. My email to nitv Iawyer d'sousa wanting contact information of fake journal Criminalistics and Court Expertisethat nitv claims chapman study was in. D'sousa REFUSED to provide that information PROVING ''journal'' wasmade up by nitv because nitv had no accuracy study for cvsa and nitv's made up training of 30 years.

21. Nitv claims 1,900 departments stopped using polygraph and switched to cvsa. NO facts ever to back that claim.

22. Article stating the person who 'gave nitv $1 million for cvsa's and training for the US military pled guilty to taking'bribes. ' ï


23. Nitv had dirt bell some how Iocate some of my customers worldwide and tell them they were lied to by

Dektor/Herring about their PSE and they should demand their money back'. Bell had never met me or had anyinibrmation for him to mak'i any claims.. Nitv gave bell his own section on nitv's website called Poserscompany

and Imposters for any postings bell wanted to write.' Bell and his family wrote posiings on many internet sites

using Iies and were finally banned by the internet.

24. Major aoicle by Canada newspaper Vancouver Sun in 2011 exposing the nitv/cvsa/humble scam.'' '' l tler sent to millions of people condemning seldor, PSE pnd Herring with many25. Nitv Law Enforcement Alert e

lies. Nitv sent out the same type of letter about another seller of Iie detectors that was false and that person

sued nitv and won almost $800,000 10 years ago that njtv refuses to pay.26. Nitv always had lie about Dektorzpse and Herring on their website. .

27. Letler sent by nit'v Iawyer to Dektor/Herring shoflly afler I took oyer dektor threatening me with a.lawsuit if Isaid anything about nitv, humble or cvsa that they did not Iike. Facts are facts and I had every right to post

anlhing factual: freedom of speech.28. Nitv Iawyers stating in their complaint that I had Iied bn my websîte that nitv had stopped spending money for

adds because niw sales had dropped dramatically. lf nitv never lost any cvsa dales, then why is nitv suing me for

loss of saIes????????????????????

'' ' k his section to post any Iies bell wanted a' bout dektor PSE and29. Nitv website qllowéd craz/ di bell to have ,. Herring with full permission of hum ble.

30. Many lies by humble. Humble NEVER said who wanted him to niake q new training coqrse or p new Iie detectork

Humble Iater çhanged the story and took full credit as it was HIS idea to make.a new Iie detector and training.

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31. ln 2000, humble finally admitled he never invented a ''new'' voice Iie detedor. He simply bought a oId PSE. , had

Torfino remake it to Iook different so humble could sell it as his own. The first cvsa (''computer'' voice stress

analyzer) model sold for 10 years NEVER had any computer as humble had always claimed. That is called fraud

32. Article in 2005 humble admitted then he had NO studies that said cvsa wàs accurate betler than a coin toss. He

claimed he never had the money for a study, but at that time he had two private, helicopters, million dollar

mansions on the beach and Iiving a very Iuxurious Iifestyle, just like other conmen d,o with money from a scam.

33. Court documents in 2014 proving nitv owners AND their wives were part of the scam and were transferring

money to avoid paying judgements.

Arthur Herring 111, Defen' dant

400 E. Station Ave. #225

Coopersburg, PA 18036

Phone: 215.631.1448

Email: Admin@ dektornse.comJ


I certifv that on October 26, 2019 I filed this document with the Clerk of Cour't by certified mail and served this

document by U.S. mail to Plaintiff's Iawyers, D'sousa and D'Ioughy, to their addresses listed on their documents.

A/hur Herring 1!1

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NITV agreed to pmy.... Civil penzlty ('almost $1f0,000)... in conpeuion withunauthorizèd exports of UVSA to countries not considered friendly to the U.S.

Dept of Commerce, 2006' . #. .


''NITV acknowiedges that the CVSA is not capable of lie deteitionr't...*


Indianapolis Star, Novembqr 2004 '. '

Wïlliam E. Burke, 49, of Odessa, a defense contractor at Socom, pleaded guiltv to briberv... The tvpe of Federal contrads

Burke would have overseen ranged.... To $690,000 for a field interiogation tool (CVSA) that would analyze strehs in 1he', ' '


!/ () i (: (? .. . .

St Petersburg Times, Od. 15, 2005

Oklahoma Department of Mental HeaIth, 2007

Another study, using real çrimes, that showed the accuracy of the CVSA

was only chance Ievel and the system had serious design.flaws.. k

''The Pentagon is also actively halting the use of the CVSA in the fieldr'.

Am erican Spectator', Dec. 15 2005

''W hatever the CVSA may record, it is nèt stresf'

IACP (International Association Chiefs of Polïce) Arizona Republic, 0ct.2005

''...no independent testing has demonstrated the machïnes integrit/'x

' '

Charies Humble, owner.Nl-rv, referring to his CVSA; Arizona Republic,

0d. 2005

''there is no one Iike that/'

Charles Humble, ownel NITV, when asked for thAnanie of any person that did a validity jtudy on his CVSA. .

g. .ABA M agazine, 1995

''No validit'y fropn the scientific communit'y''FBI, KTNV-W , 1597

''...we have found no credîble evfdenc(CVS/),.. for determining deceptionr'.

Department of Defense letter, 1996

''11 is an honoraw degree...awarded by a storefront college'' ,

Referring to the titje of ''DI-'' of ''Dr'' humble, owner of NITV.

John W ilkens, Union Trïbune, 19. 98

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&trJ,/''...the analyzer ('CVSA) results were close to chance leveI..''

National Academy of Sciences, 2003, referring to th1 s'tudy by JohnPalmalier, Certified CVSA examiner and scientist.

''NITV opted out of the ëtudy''

M i e 2001 referring to NIW refusing to allowSecurity Management ag'az rl , ,CVSA to be used in a validity study by the Air Force Research Lab

''charles Humble, former ISSA member #399, was expelled from the Sodety for unethical conducto...

Intèrnational Society for Stress Analysts newsletter, 1987 ' . '

''Armstrong vj M aricopa County sherîf'f, 2005

Another lawsuit involving CVSA and unreliable training

. ' .xr'Jz'-7. Virus-free. vhjfbv. avast.com


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About v ' ptoducts v Traihing v Blog contéu .us Viàit Ub

The CVSA i# söld only to Iaw enforcemenugovernment agenciesk.. The CVSA is n'. .ë .. . u . . . . . : . . . z : . . . . . . . ; : . . . . r 6 . S;FQ'F'.''I!J

' . iJ

' s .

The phrqsq ls usqd both for the phytlcal seal itself, kvhlch lt

kept by ihé United States èsecretary of State. and moregenetally fprthe design im pres>ûd ujon It. The Great ZealvIts lrst tjsed publlèly jn 1 782. The obb/erse of the Great Sèalis used as the national coat of arrùs of the Unlted Vtates.

R'eàl Céses Solkek. Rvsihurces' w. . Scferïce' v . .AIS .cbutse .v

U 5e t)f the Great Seal. of the Unlted states 'lS governed bjl P ubitc Lahyv 91 -.651 . , TltEe 1 8 of. the '.

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Un'ited Statej C'ode. Thjs..is a crlp lnal statlakte $1/8th. raenal orov. lsloné,' srohlbiling c'ertaln uje's. c.'f the 'Great Seaz ih. -at k'/oulci .conàgrey' ' o r. reasonablu'' ' be calculat. ed. to conve

-/ a felse Impresslos-

of sp. ol.nsotsh'lp 'o. r. a ppro. val b'g. tl7s Governm ent of the U n Ited States. ör' a nv department?

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Yotl can u:.ticnately t. ae fined' and l nlo' rlsoned f or u kb to' fn nao nths f or 'tl se of the sea l kxëlthout

w rltten pernniisslon- You ca n read the detajfs of tn' e Ie'rdslatjon here: '& .

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 13 of 70

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Humble Bonjht Fake ''Dr'' Title From Fake Upiversity Using Fake Accreditation Sold By Fake AccreditalionBusinêss

ln 1987 Humble, now only co-owner of Nitv, bought a fake title of ''DK' (PhD) from a fake universitycalled Indiana Christian Universitytlcu) in Jndiana. lt W!s NOT any kind of scliool. lt was only a one room store

in the same shopping mall as Humble's Iii detection business that sold various unearned education degrees, a.


so-called ''diplom a m ilI''-

ICU could claim it was acçredited. But, it bought its ''accreditation'' certificate from a fake business in

Southern California called Transworld Accreditation Commission InterpationallTAcl). TACI sells fakeaccreditation certificates to apyone who has a business with a narrie of school, college, university, etc-, for'a

priqe. Then, that business-sells fake educ4tion diploma titles, such as Masters, PhD and others just to make

m oney. .. , '

Rictured here is Humble hotding his fake diploma at the fake Auniversitg in 19:7.

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Case 9:06-cv-8. 1027-* M

ê-x $ f /a I 1-y

Document 27O Entered on FLSD Docket 12/04/2007 Page 1 of 8




Plaintiff, -



$ CONSULTING INC., a Florida corporatio pn'VIPRE SYSTEMS, LLC a Florida Iimited Iiability

. vlpRE-volci sTREss SALES aCompanyTRAININù, uuc a Florida Iimited liability



LLC, a Florida Iim ited liability companyz'

Defendants.' /



Defendant, VIPRE Syst>ms, LLC; (N IPRF) through counsel, hereby responds.


in bpposition to Plaintiff, NITV, LLC (''NITV'')

Proteçtive Order and to Quash Subpoena (Docket No. 268), and states as follows:


and third-party W illiam Golden's Motion for

and the earlier-sled VIPRE Action.


pending in the Middle District of Florida, VIPRE seeks the. deposition of NITV agent,

William Golden. The deposition has been noticed in both case>, and because the

As part of its discovery in both this action

actiops mirror each other, the parties agreed to use discovery 'interchangeably in the


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Ryan Jand Mr. Flood were

NITV NITV has taken the position in the past tiat 'Mr. Flood along with Mr. Ryan and

how involved ii a RICO conspiracy with VIPRE and the other'his company were some

x '

former defendants in this action' but recently settled with

defendants to infringe Nl-rv's copyrights.

t f access and non- 'Ryan for NITV - William Golden - is relevant to the ssues o

infringement. VIPRE seeks to close the door qn

Cedainly the individual who investigaied Mr.

iheory NITV might offer thqtany

VIPRE obtained NITV source code from Mr. Ryan, and this deposition is relevant to that

pursuit. This is an issue that is directjy and indisputably tied to the tore issue i'n this

case - NlIv s'claim of copyright infringement.

Mt. Golden was apparently disingenuous with this Court when he stated in his

sworn declaration that he has ''never heprd of' VIPRE. VIPRE has obtained evidence of

t Mr Golden has engaged in against VIPRE which Will provide evidencenumqrou: ac s . ,

in suppod of an unclean hands defense and num erous claims for affirmative relief. For

example., on Septem ber 14, 2007, M r. Golden went onto a popular Internet blog for a

website, www.antipolygraph.org, on which polygraph and voice stress products are

. '

discussed. M r. Golden registered himself under the nam e Cape- canaveral- Kid. Mr.

Golèen stpded a new thread with the message: '

Anyone know what the real deal is with VIPRE System s?W e are hearing a lot of negative comments about their

skstem' and their people and they may be out of businessshodjy. My department is considqring VIPE alonj with twocompetitors. ' Does anyone have any real expenence withVIPRE Systems?

(Excerpt of Web Blog, E. x. 2). Mr.

other user nam es and had a ''conversatïon'' about VIPRE w ith his ow n new ly created

identities. Of Course, those reading the posts wou'ld believe the comments h@d come

Golden then went on to create at Iepst seyen .(7)


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case 9:o6-cv-81027-KAM

from multiple usérs. ln MK Golden's responses to his own query about VIPRE, and

a .. . '

Document 270 Entered on FLSD Dpcket 12/04/2007 Page 4 Of 8

acting às NI.TV's agent, he states that thç VIPRE product is a 'tknodk öf of the CVSA,

that QPRE ' is under federal investigation, and that VIPRE is expected to go out of. . .


business soon. (/d.). Mr. Golden then attacks the owners of VIPRE calling them ''con''. .


men. These communications suppod an unclean hands defensè in this case,.

' .

. . J

amrmative claims pending' in the Middle District and a/rmative claims to be assertek.

. '


administrator and . Iéarned that the posts

attacking VIPRE, while posted under dilerent names, originated from the same IP

address. VIPRE then subpoepaed AT&T for the customer information associated with.


that IP address and discovered that it was Mr., Goldeh, Nl-rv's *investigator.r (AT&T

Response to subpoena, Ex. 3). So while Mr. Golden has represented to the Coud in his.


November 28, 2007 sworn declaration that he unever heard oc VIPRE, discovery has

M PRE subpoenqed the website

shown a digerent story -,he, acting on Nl'rv's behalf, tortiopsly intelered with vlpRE's

customers, pgblicized false statements ané attempted to use the Iawsuit ai a œprovénnGa ,

claim of infringement.

ln addition to acts discussed above, VIPRE h'as learned

retained by NITV to dispahagq VIPRE

Golden has pretended to be third party

ihat Mr. Golden waà

and its owners in numer:us other ways. Mr.' 1 . .

compëtitors an8 polièe departmei ts in

' distributing defamatory Ietters about VIPRE. Mr. Golden felies on Jones v. Hershfeld,'

. . a; ' : . . .

219 . F;R.D. 71 (S.D.N.Y. 2003), for the proposition that a swom stateMent regarding

Iack of relevant knowledgç can be cronsidered in the context of a Motion for Proteciive

O d r' however the Jones câse involved a sworn statement fröm Presidenl Clinton andr # , , .


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Case 9:06-ck-81O27-KAM Docum ent 270


, ' .


. . . -' ,

Entered 'On FLSD Docket )2/04/2007 Page 5 Of 8

. )

there was cedainly no evideiçe of. the' Presidènt e'nqaqinq in' the Wpe of coriduct Mr... l ' '' . ' ' .

. l . .

' Golden has'on behalf of NITV. The acts of Mr. Golden for NITV clearly establish NlTv's. .

' ' ''*' '

. . '

. ' ' ' . . , . .

misuse of its' O pyrights and uhclean hands as..well és tortious i'nterference and unfair

competition. ' This is not as Mr, Golden sugge'sts a ''fishihg expedition,'' since Vr. Golde'n

hjs already been caught.

for NIlN . There i: no

dispute between VIPRE ahd NIW .

' ' claim of Undue BurdehB . Golden ;' ''

. .

Mr. Gqlden did not appeqr ùohcemeu with the undue burden placed on VIPRE ihip ' .

. '

having to .investigate his aèts agiinst the company and its'.owners.' Moreoker, Fhilë

. NlTv's' attomeys also répresent Mr'. Goldenj'. thëy refused to atcépt sefvice of a

' )subpo:na on his behalf claiming he had not authorized them to do so, ànd even

'i '

X. '


suggested thét it mijht be difficult to serve' Mr. 'Golden. (Coiréspondence, Exr 4). Of. 1

. '

cdurse, once VIPRE located an: served Mr. Gotden, ùlW 's attorneys are suddenly

V/PRE seeks téstimony on the acts Mr. Golden engaged in

Iigitimzte argument that Mr. Golden hat no kpowledge of the@ ''

. .

authorized to represent him again.

discovery. Nonetheless, VIPRE did clear th-e dàte 'of the denosition with Mr. Gol-den'sg


' .

It appears they were playing a Iikle game to avoid .

attornevs before serving the subpoena. (çörresppndence, F-x. 4)..

' ; . ' '

VIPRE alio would have been willing. to'work with M r. Golden's attorneys to set a

* .

place for the deposition, however, Mr. Golden and his attomey's refused to cooperate

, '

aside frdm prokiding an available date to uàe'''if' VIPRE could serve Mr. Golde'n. Tht/s,.

' * . . '

. . '

;kthe depôéitjon waé set in Little Roc , AR, wiich is wetl within 10Q Mile,s from M. r.

iGolden's residence ii Hot Sprinqs, AR, a-nd thus within the distance dictated by kule''*'K


, - ' ' .

. , . . j .

45, Fq#.R.Civ.Proc, Mr. Gölden has made every' atempt to bbfusdate djscovery, even


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NTTV FED ERA 1 . 5 E. RVICE tl y LLt-''.t

Pktimlj fr,

D E- K T O R C.O R PC) 91 ..,1, T1 ON :.:146 ARTH U RH E P 5. R IN. - ( 1 . . I l l ,

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t ' ' - j t ratbatl ('zI t-'œ4u+lz- Qq! l'kR' a' '-rr-w -v '-vt kn v-s-kN ' - a 1>. *. I1' l .:5 t 4.C C ,7 a . . . . , ç. .. . . . ,. . - o ,,a , ..L'L r.% I

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flt-,slk'resl f V3S/)e<O

h/l'llltel Mosquerat,

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1 1 ,104 Ftlrlt-lno Ciîc'cr I I/VC.EII P' :lm 37!t!:11- FL j3.'1 1z1

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. < .Vt .. Muc'.x p. -4 . .r

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' . . . ' ?'

c? . . 4.

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; ; / -'FA g. . , ' ' . ' . . . .r . Nu .vc . ,

J' '- ' ' '..' : ' z.x$ .' ! - : . . 1.. %b*** . d . 4 ' .. - t ., j .c . . .


January 1, 2016

Dear Customer,

Please be advised that the National lnstitute for Truth Verilkation Federal Service (NFSI isCVSAO 1I) and its trainingthe Sole Source for the Computer Voice Stzess Analyzer 11 (


b tor ofboththç cvsAe/cvsA*u and has no usNFS is the exclusive manufacturer/distd u

distributors. The CVSAII incorporaies two US Patents: US Patent Nllmber 7,321,855''Methodfor Quantljkingpscholqgical s'frc-u f evels Using Voice 'Jrlc?'n Tamplesv'' and USPatent Nllmber 7,571,101 ''Quanhh ingpsychological s'frcâ'.ç f evels Using Voice Patterns. ''NFS. is the only Voice Skess M alysis (VSA) manlzfacmrer holding patents for its VSAteclmologies. The FACTO Scoring System is only offered by

.NFS, and can precisely quantify

in the human voice and evaluate CVSX examination chazts as Deceptive or Non-stressDeceptive with an accurac le eater than 98% . Additionally, the CVSA is an approvedGSA item for al1 US Federal Agencies, has been approved by the US Federal Court System,

and is used by approximately 2,000 US and Intemational Law Enforcem ent Agencies as well

as elements of the US Militaly and other US Fedelal Agencies,

For more information please visit our company website at www.cvsal.com.


. . '

James A. Kane

Executive Director

1140ù Fortune circlb .west Palm Beach, Florida 33414 .(561) 792-6280 . Fax (561) 798-1594 * Email [email protected]. . : '

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CZVZX (IRIQSSZgC ------Fzom: Daniel Desotlza 'QdesolzàattildesoktzalaNk.copk .

Date: 6/1/19 2:35 PM (GMT-05:00)C=: 'tlames D'Louly - Advisor Law PLLC (TDLOUGH-YQ- advisorlawwcomll'

. '

rlfll,ok/tlFlqftoadvisorlaNv.com>Subject: NITV - FOk. SETTLEO NT PURPOSES ONLY

Mr. Vanderhoftl

' s e-mail Y,1Y1

js s mattel,azdk'ag u yoxusxhez Teg sy * 1

ntàdxoll qxefeTae sot 10 tt caze'ft'tW osj. g that w u ew sttgaia;s askm that yoq TC asic in'gerioz e-m my hope xutcg the foxe ceysjsg

eot yO1'lI P t and i1 (S (uced cl uenicg c0pand <eSp be sen ts p<o js > . (!T yeoognize ail ueeds 10 Jooumen oss taken bothyou anly tbis e-m vuw of the . w: yosii ainstvttmate om ze , c! N ve, complaini ag oy aîdi'ng 3Il

'tmfo p. w ough q zamaged haz oa p çau a sttia oéyqorida sTegal C'OII'aSC the kvtecl oi xts . lqeaoe jmd yegazdin; tt is oul tue southel'n uch actitoxus Teac mal pyopeliy, com't foT agage in S k azlïjcondqs s inteklec otstrkt wîtu)atm to e wuu you bac

fthe PS ted states kving se w int joy seTshi'p O k.a the Uni d jo: consp to axgkw ooupan'yom atîos tutus an ugut oy (j yowon C01TOï s ous act t ske axe s4 you anvandezs tas s to ou ma (y ygaiaMx.llefl'iW akl to conNi:x e Y it to be fkleab:ltin% tu s e-m (à o x a la+su

t sendin: uas pusheote l acl n0 otieptTl tkue is that 0G , osition.tb,e botlom th ovv client S P

- éWC 2VY6 Wlkm e 110AN *Il

Mr Q'iK XWKW ' /

tu's mate:dmozemone, oc ,,,jtg.;jgcliecllo S'Pen d ot ag:tlookitg fOT m'X xvuh a moneto ju gmThal said, 1 am nO ocbe o'vez, . uoektoz's b

Herri'ag 'Wi2 SO ! of Mz. Herrmg =wsuitwithvi' waiti'ng dismissa /that'the la (j vd aze a o pwceeâ yanùs.t tcjxmclion entere . : v: 2 choicts on hcwand Aperm iu ocve, %z a ,, , ,uat mammez, Oiven . ' y);n(j gjbefore we pxoceed in t j x: jguy pg u ,,


i bre tuis e-mac (youz riltto do !c) andlwe VIC'' . , 'is you gn

, ., . - .

# . ,'


rrizng. T:e second option twhj ch 1 sincerely hope you /vè Bedolll thbhteshtj '1! tïât W!,'He will exchange putlgl releases with y0u =2 Vmteraon (</agzeemenl whereinNl'fv ,

' s't ou) in exchauge foz: '(a) the iausfer of any owne'zs''

#ou or judo ent enteTed agalm yhave i'n the PSE softwaze/ildellecblal property/soilrce 'codes etc. to =J plgpezmanent injuuction that prohîbits y>u om flzrther asststmg Mr. Heeg <$gllrnAnlrlslefl damaqes provision i'a the pvent Of a doladon). W e woald n:ùd lo


sent puzsuaat to Fed. k. civ?.40Sand is for settlement purposes only.

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 24 of 70

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- -sk-y,- -( .j.j..)-..

tl S' Deparl nlent of CommcrccBlS Export Enforccmenl '

violation of the EAR. In 2'(X).1 ., Lo'gicacklc'a -s predccesso'r col-npa. rp', .CMIG Tttccu'lnnl4Rtlltiöntl'olns-expodcd teleconlmun ica. tions cqtlipnlzz' 174 to C.tlba via .Pa. nama wi thout the rilquirud cxport I iccnse.Logicac. N.1G a. 1so a gftltltl to pal' a $ 9 9.()()0 adn) in istl-ati ve pena. ltN' to sett'lc charg c. s 111 connccsionwitln tlnis cxport. This relccomrnunica. tions cquipment was controlled foc nationa. 1 securitl': anti-

terrorism- amd tmcrvptiol: rcasons.' '

N'Ia)' 2f )08- l 6 -

. ' . ' *

' n .,.v '

Eneryvv' Ffyzfr.pa7tl/p/ //7 Iran , Iruq , Ltbl'u, tsp/./ ( uba - On N''fav -9-a. 2(;(36. Drizsser Inc. and ltSbsidi a nes wcre ordcrcd to pa. -$' $ l . l m 1* tl-ion in a. drn 1 ni strrlti vkl t-lrltcs Or EA R A'l-èlatl'tlns . 'su

. - . . .

Betwee n Ju nc 2 ( )( )( ) and A pnl 2 ()04 . Dmsscr a nd 1 ts su bsidi an' es made 1 6 L) expo ns ot- c ne rg)relatcd cqui pl-ncnt froi'n thc I.J .S . to l ra. n- lcaq- Li bè-a. . and Ctlba v,.i tl,ltntlt the I-klu-l u irtzd liccnscs .

Drcssc r h'oltuntan' 1'k' stl lt--disclosw-dr- i hcsc vi o 1.al. i o'ns and coopkl'ra. ted ftl I l 'h' u'ith thkl i l-1à. csligtlt ion .. '*

. - ,

. . . f . . y . yy . y . y : .. (; u sat y.yr; jyy j ) q; (. (F(1l ./IJê*f t() V'' b 11t/(! b )' 1.. lC'J37tVJF1# L. 4.7/1 (Iltï0lIS tll7 (. RLICTSCLI i tl/7/7&?ezG tjU /P/11( /7 j .-,'ï1f)6. V/estcmGect-' LLC.. was ordered to pax. 'p,.n admini strative ocnal'rv 1 11 tl:e amoklnt t7f$ t) 2 5.()() () a. 'ld B. 'ks tern Gcopln'si ca l C om pa. nR' of. zk mc ri ca was also o rd ered to pa's adll) ! 1, I st ra : 1 '$ ecn al ti t)s total. i ng 1.,. I 965 604 ) for fm ' 1.1 ng to atni d e b: I 1 ccp sing condi ti ons 'bitu een .4 tlgtls. t 1 klt; )!p , - . . .'' . . . x . . . .

and Jalluao' 200 l - Durin.q thls tim.fa pcnod. l'loth com pal. alk'ws iallcd to ab. Idtl bx.' condltlon:s placedex l0rt lictlllses issued for undenyatcr giloohq.'sica!. mappi ng equipment cxpolqed to fhe ( 'hina.on l

t ..

This cquipnpent wnx controllt:d fbr n'à.. ('iona. 1 sccuritl' rca sons.

- . .. : ' -a - . y .:) ()4.)6 tjae s priu q,u r. xja. (; rx. . ,1a c' oju p a. 11.$..Q rime (. fpptnnt ltens ffp hotall --l./WfJfJ . 0n Se pttmn t%- Nr , . ..u . ......, . .

c' to a ch - lni na l fine ot- < --i ( ) ()( )() tbr klli2Aq'inglA' and Milltu- 1 lv exportinq cn'l'ne control'.h c.s scntence & w- . .. a . -'

telns to S 01.: tl) Africa. 'B'îthotl t the reqt! 1 red uxro r't 1- 1 ce nse froln B 1 wq . Splinger MaGrath a. .1 so paid1 - .2 . . .. . ' . .4 . xan admlnlslratlvc fl nt2 of' $45- l -:9(.24 $ Lo BIS and rccclvcd a (hrtzu q-ca. r suspendcd utmtal ot- cxportpnA. 1 Iugus.

lYortlt f .-ftl-t.llina ( h.llllpull-b' fh-tlxif/tfn/ L'onvict t!J' Jilr 1IIeg(lI Exp. tpr/ of (--ri%?c Q-ontrol .F5n:?#l/tT.'./.: -.t . .On s'Iarch 22. 2() ()6- .1017,1 Canington. thc formcr Prcsident of Sirchie Fingeprint Labora torie sand a formcr Nol4ll ('arollna statc Senator. u'r's: sentenccd to 1 2 months- probation and agreed to

pal' an $lUlJ-()(R' crilninal lxnaltp'. On Dectnmbc:r l 5- 26X)5- Carrington entcrad a guiltè' plca .fbrhis par't in illcgall). cxponing a. pproximately $ l .2 million dollars in crimtn control cquipnpellt toChina throtlgh intermcdiaries in 1 ta !). and Hong Kong. ln Septcmber 2005. Carrington stlttlcdv. *

a. dministrative cha. rgcs b: agrcc ing lo a t5Arc ls'ca. r denia. l of expol't priz ilcges- Srdlie tnlst:l scrtlcd'' : .

adln i n istra. ti ve clla. rges an. d agrced to pay $4 00.000 and aeceptcd a 15 y e N'ear suspend tpd dkllt ! al .

Polj'graplg ,'J.f athinex &p (Lnhinu - In Februarj' 2005 . S Loel t ing Conn panq'. of 'kl.z'ootl Dalc . I 1 1 l nois.ancl its !? rcsidcntz Lavern N1il Ier: u'ere scntcnced for cri minal exporl v iola. (ions in connccti on uil'h

thc iilcgal cxport ofpolygmph machines 'ro China uithout requlred export lictmses. 'These itemsarkl rcstlictcd to China for human rights' rcasons. Stoelting n'as senlcllccd to t'u'o m-id half l'cars-comcratc probation and a$.-2D.D()I) crinlinal fintl-'' u'll-lle Nlillklr u'as sentenced to two m'ltl a half:.c. ars' probation. incltldina six months ofclcctronicallA' monitorcd homc conflncment. 5()0 lnotlrscommunity stln icc. tmd a criminal fine cquivalcnt to the costs of his probation and moniton-ng-estinlatibd to bc $ I 8-()()t). ln Junc 2004 . Stoelting rmd .sliller each agreed to pal' , ' .t)t)0 111

ndfninistra ti: e ptnla. Itics to BIS and Stoclting agredd to a t-ivc l'izar stlspended dtznial 'of exportpriv-llegcs as part of agrcelnents t'o settle charges related to these unlicumscd Lransaclions.

> a '

* x'Q rin?tr Control ltems to xçfJfz//; Afriea /7/74./ sierico .-on Apri l 7, 20()6. the Natîonal Instltutc forTnltll Vcrifcation (NI7Ar) M rced to pal' a $77 ()()() adm inistrative penaltv to settle charges that it. . C .

. '

vlolated th: .EA R iu cchancction with unak-kthon'z-ed export- s o-f vo-i c4 s.-srcss analq'zcr equipment and. techllolooA' controllcd for crimc controi rca. x-ons to Mexico a1. 3d South Africa . BctAh een Ma rch

2043 an. d January 2006- thc NITV causcd tlttl cxpor't of computcrs eontaining voicc strcss ' '

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( J S Di pal-l lnent of- CommcrceBlS Exporl Enfnrccintcnl

:1 1 a -i - 2 ( ) t ) 81 V '


mAa. Ivzm' softwarc and tecbnologs speeit-icalv 13' deiig'ncxi for tlrtn usil of the '$ oiee strcss anal? 2erequipnlent'-

.z1J' nlilïixirutb'e Fiz/ea/br Chemicals Erp/'pr/ to zkrfzd/ -. On N'lart:h 2.2- 2.(.'106. Amcribrol-n- lnc. o fFor't. Lcc. Nmv Jeneh' wa.s f-ncdw- $t!2-5()() bô' B IS for l 1 violations of thc EA R ibr 6.3.. ilure to obtrgn

'J stlbmit required tmd-tlsc certiiicates 113 ctplptpcction u'i rh 1 I shi' me: nls of a chloropicn-n basetllmu . ppesticidu and soil fl.f- ngicidc- m. .1 item c Ia ssffc' d tlndcr ECCN' 1 C.335. to Isra c!. EA R Section 74 5 .2rcquires that a n cnd-tlsc ecrtifictu c f rom the gos kzl-nrnkmt of thc rccipiunt of the applica. Llt) itcm' s

bc su bn-littcd to B I S foc cxpo l4s of Cllemi cal àveapons Convcntièn ( C.W'C) Sched uj'c 3 chcm ica l s

to countlies not pal'o.' to the C,%b'C.

Fal-/prt! to Flle u$'H- 1- 7/?t!r % fi'-rfpt'?r/ 'D tlc-/lrfz/i-tp/?-q. #a .4 ircraft 'fWr/.N - O n F' cb rua. la' l 6 2 ()() 7l . - r -

& v iacsa Ai rli nizs of Houston Tcxas B':ls o rde red to pa% an ad ïrii n 1 stra tivc 'lrlne $45 O .000 . Bctwtxn4 r . .

Fcbruazo. .2 (102 and. ' :' las 2003 ,4.. viacsa ,,: 1 rli ltes fb-i 1 ed to fl7,e qh 1 ppcr- s Export Declaotions on 7-5' -r-* ' 1 ' d 1 & lklI4s u'Cl-k7 Tbr ai rcraft l.XU-Lîl Su 'DJ' tl(l1' (t'l tht,separatc occaslons . l ncsc lmpropcr 'h otztllnenlk;t b:. I , . .

Ez.'.s R tha t u-eré va lucd a t $.* 2-500 pe. r H an'n (.7:7 1 zed - I 'ari ff Gc hedu I o/schedul t: B num xwer to N' 1 exi co .

b% 'J/-I?a? Lifanlvi- e ztp u'Youtll ./,1. frlk'a r - w'-'v-ln 'Ot.a crt) buxr '-5 . .2 f. ?( ) -î P (-t) (J.'1'1e1)) ( Pro 1) ri eta la ')- I .'tt-l . . n:.1succcssor ctprporaticn to Protca û%-l'3krl-n icv-lls ( Prop rlkl tala ) . I .td . . b ascd i!7 Ciatl tcl'tg. 5 (,)11 t1: .A fnca .a. id a Hl-ninistfative pena. ltics lota. l 1 n:z ),;' I 52, n-l i I l 1 on to sdrrlc chc rqcé pclca 11.1 il-ly tt7 tlilatlthçll-lirct!()

uz x.. . x. .

lt 7:17 U q -origin sodi un'i (n'anitlur and zzmsslun-l tz,s'ulll'kl,.: lo 'cnd tlsrul rs ! 1 1 .ik.&'i !111 ..*& I 1'1 ct'l (')!,fkysa.. S t $ .w . . -

1 i 2 Occt'l. s 1 O I1s bctn'ce 13 Ntn'%-clM bktr l gtlt ) hnd L3ec cn-l b ua 1- .D. ( 1f ) .R . P. rl.)tca. rklscl l d U : .<a .-k')13- g 1 1'1 StMj 1 1.11Mx 'a. ni dtl and potassi un:. c' 'N'a-l ide to '$ c riotls tlTlcli thori zed btlsi nuss u-n ti t! 'cs i 1-: S('3tI t h -k. fr! lja B ) S 'C. -

' f'tlrLhcr c ha rgcd tha t Protea. conl 1u 1 t Lu-d :1.1) atld '1 t 1 on al I l 2 h 1 f.:h l at 1* (..411 s kt I ' t 'I) u- E .A R bN rtlsk- l I i ng th'u-.sc -' led conu-nc'di tics 3-.. i th k'noAb lutdgc rhat co-n-d 1 1.1 ons ol1 1 t.s Illeparll'nc-ll t (.' t- ( '( ,11-1 n'l ercu- l 1 ccnsescolltrol . .

d 1 cj not authorize resal c to the end u se rs . These. re s.a les u'sl re !-n ad ua 4 11 : lt7 1 -wRtl on o t- t7 o. nd 1 !:i ons st'tforth -11) Departnlcnl 0f ('oinnllcrcu- licunsk)s 1- ssucd to P rotca and ll1 '$ 1 o 1 ation ot- the EA R .

'1 ' 13 ' ) ) j ./ j / l , ' . i' j. ' - lf ) j.. / j. - tt .yjJ/j) .**.) '.'! 4 . '? 3) i(// ) $: l.j .b ),j . h j v (J/(.)cs (? () I,. .. ( )' t (: J. f t 2 t f' ( / t .A 1. . . - - ' () # . . . .

1-- 77- 7?7f')?-u' ?77/f'.l ?-/)?in/,'f.)p'; (-( 11 ?Jr lL '?' .(B 1 b - Pub l 1 c .A' '- -ai rs 9 ( ) -) -4 %(' '? - -.' 7 7 l ' o r %..''h5 M.' .b 1 s .t-I oe . aov

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 26 of 70

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k--vi r J,'ï-

V e chapm an study

bylim> - t

Hurv ofprcsreleases,pm poneiy

originating from the 'Nadonal. . spçiadon of C-om puter Voice

Stress Analysts (NACN SAIa has recentlyromoted a Y ew?' stildy showing 96P

per cent valiclip for voice stress anclysis.

som etim es referred to a-sthe =chapman

Study'? it is described by NACVSA in

OnC Of their Press releases as:

R'he 18-year feld sm dy Fa5

conducted by Professor Jnmes L.Chapm= , the world's forem ost

authority on dle application of

Voice Strass Analysis technölogies.

Rhe peer-reviewed sm dy, tided

f'Lông-Term Field Evallîation

of Voice Stress Analysis ln a

North American Criminz JusdceSetting': was grolmd-brenking in

that it validated the yrem endous

decades-long success pf the CVSA

in the criminal justice vstem.

'lYt study was p' ublished in a jouznal'


idenY ed as ''Crimiv lijtics azzz/ Court

f'x.perijla'' Altholagh it is cbimed by

NACVSA to be a once-a-year, peer

reviewed scienV c journal, no trace of apublicadon by that nnme cxn be found

on the Internet, Zi ough copies of the.


articlè itself are kvailable. '

James L. Chapman died in 2011 at theeof69 afterspendingm m yyearsusingM

and advomting voice stress analysis. His

sm dy, published in 2012, is oFered as

a counter to abundant research papers

ublished in recognized peer reviewedP

jotlrnals, repeatedly showing resultsat chance levels, as good as K pping a

coin, when used to assess deception.

Chapmaffs study is sometimes

m isrepresented as being drawn from.


tlzousands of cwses oyer nearly two

decades. In rexlio Chapm arfà selecdon

process from his cases wotzld pfobably

. . . * . I . . *. ' . ' . . : .'

. . . . : . .. j r . . . .

. .

. . .. -

. . . .

. ..

. .. . . . . . ;' .

. ' . . . . . : .. . : ,

. y . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .. . . . . . : . . . . . : . r ) :. ... . . . .

Jiin Wygahifhàs been a jrivaie # bly' jvtap' la evnm. 'l'nt> 1: .'the. Vàw. ùfloièjolz för ôyep'35'yi* J: Hè. , .. . . . . : r . 2 .( . ' .. . .. . . . . . '. ) . . . z J . ' . . . .' - 2 . . . . : . ë . ' ' ' ' . ' . .is abd' an.wtlzor 'and 'ha's contfigutèdr many ardp-kk sittat'have appêqired 'Z,iic.pttbi-cadoii! è/ ilw

. ' '

. .. , . ' -'

. . . : ' : . .. . . z: - . ' : u J.': : uq'.y ' è. .. ) ' .

' è . u.' . . ' . . .. . F. : . . '

..MW ' %. v cvirzioluq.ezpwsscdj.ù thss ài'ti. cl.é.n'lày. r/ bt peéé-ks.àrlly Jèpètséut itlose, iùf .tiE Ameiiccp' l % . . .

' ..

'. . . ., . . ' .

' ' J '. .j . ( . . . . . .. . , . .' ' . g. . . ' . .11 ' . . . . , .'t%lygiàpll Aksodàdpnl ' , .

56 APA Magazine 2014, 4744)

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ziot be acceptable to m ost known peer

iewed jotlrnals.rev

As Chapm an explained in his report,

Tf'1%e origi.nal group of total case subjects(n > 3,000) tested over an 18-yea.rperipd was tnllled for those that cpttld

. : .

be retrospectively sm died, such that .

tlley met the fpllowing requirements: a- .. .. .

' ( . .corlfe-ssion h>d beeh a potential putcome 'Ihe testing procedure did not follow any

(i.e., a crime had been commiued in förmal routine. He described tla.e te-st

which the ihdividual was implicated); proceds ms ainitial VSA quesdons asked

iere was no involvement with non- (9-31 questions, yes/np answerslr, whichcriminal statement veraciv tesdng; no was followed by Pretest, a.s required, '

em ploym ent clearance was involved; using reformulated quesdons for dlose

the case was not used as a cov rm ation issues where stress was observed = t11 po

of witness testimony; and controlled stress was observed pr stress cottld not be

testing had occnlrred (i.e., responses eliminatecr' V ere were only two posàible

cotlld be veréed by dze VSA (voice stress conclusions to a test: ''no stress illdicated''

analysisq proeess by means of structared meant that he had Kcleared subjectn,re-quesdoning). Following the excluded while 'fstress indicgzed'' led to ''post-exam

group, the case.s that remained wefe interview of subject to deterznine reason(n=2,109)J Chapman then M mbered for strejs.7' 'Ihe lack of a rigd, repetidvethose cases at)d conducted a ra dom test form at, as is customary in most

sa pling using the nllmbers alone as a kalidity studies, is again contrary to usual

f selecling fllej. He wrote, ''From practica. 'meâns o

this fIIIZ set of cases (n=236), there were(n=529) possible. confession outcomesc Chapman concluded,' Kln each of the

j '''' ' '

'lhere is some donGlxqion regpling cases reviesed ttere (n=23@, inclusivehis colmts, since it appears thxt some of (n=329) confession possibli 'des?cçase-s'' m ust have induded m ore tllan stress was indicated in 92 per cent of

è ' .one examinadon. Chapman excluded tlae exnmpnations (n=503), lmving . 8

ç ' .

&om his cotmt of 'possible confessiop per cent of the exams O T.II a no-stress

outcom' es'' xny confessions to something result (n=26). Confessions were obtainedther than the issue geing tested. &om 89 per cent of the intervieweeso

Tô add to the confusion about how many

evpm. inadons and how many people he

included in his staldyg he reported that

the number of people was 279, ranging

in agefrom 5 to 74, and 84 per cent mnle.

Of 'that total zulmhe.r of people tated,

259 were suspects and 20 were alleged

victim s.

i.e 2014, 47(41APA Magaz

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(n=292), leavipg an overall 1 1 per cent that the standard for what consdmtes ano-coafesjion mte (n=37). Most notablyj f'confession'' varies among interrogators,am öng all interviews conducted, where . who have a stake .1 èstablishing their

stresswa: indicateda gts.ziperceùtrksulted expertise and nligllt '' incltzde partiz

in stispects making self-incriminatihg aclmissions or even non-denials that helpe. . .


colzfessions.'' bolster theiz confession rates. Bedausenearly no one in this study was reported

W ithin the small numher of no-stress as truthfl,l, tlie selection prùcass and' . . ''* .

restllts (26), appamndy 19 of those came the determination of the . accuracyâom one case in which 20 people were of individual tests is quesdonable.

exnm ined for thé sa e theft. . One wc.s Ultimatelp grolm d truth was not

2f d blished for these cases. Legitimatereported as stretss and then co e-sse , rstawhich would vertfy' the n' o-stress resultj sp dies of VSA vclidiv published in

of tlae other 19. repùtable scienM c jouznals have beendpne by disintemsted êhird parties, such

If a polygraph evnminvr wrore a repott as acaderaic institudons and the federal' ' blish the validity' os ' government, Fllic,h have no stake inclnlmlng to esta

his work based upon his review of his establishing or refuting the validity of

own work, no one wotlld believe him. VSA) Chapm= 's report of 96 per cent

Polygraph wlidity studies that rely accurav is based endrely on llis arlzysis

upon test resttlts veréed by confejsion of a jm all portion of his own work, in

are typically reviewed in a doublezblind which he prevlmnbly m aintained an' '

gfaslaion: the review being done by a intereast in establishlng hhnself as an

diFerent exnminer t11= ttw one who expert. N o study exis-ts, published in

conducted the test, vho also does not any conventional scienM c journz, thatknow whattlle origitlal G nm iser decided. supports Chapman's conclusion or even

ln other words, the chm s them selves.are com es close to the re-sttlts he reponed.

reviewed, not just the conclusions of theorlginal examiner. 'The results of this'ççst-udy'' are frequently

nzi ted- .w e have heard clxims tùatsquo

f althöusynd cases,It seems odd that 49 per cent of all of this was a smdy o saer'

l ded in Chapmarfs study which is tmtrue. 'Tk have also lward thetlaose inc u

made Rselfuincriminatiùj confessionsc oft repeated clnim that it proves 96 per

since that fgare far exmeds that norin in dent aczuracy, .wltich c>n not reusonably

crim inal itweàtigations. It is well known be çoncluded 9om tîe methods. used.

58 APA Magazine 2014, *47(4)

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Repeatdd ffpress releasesr from NACVSA

have idenM ed Chàpm?.n as the w, orld's

forem ost àuthùri'ty on voicè- stiess

analysio and have eniphasized ,96 per.. (

ceùt accuracy. M y claim.s by NACVSA

are suspect, sihce it appears , to be an

aèm of the National lnstitùte of Tm th

Verifcadoh INI-IV), ithe prime. ' -

marketer of voiçe stw sà anal. ysis de 'vlces

!. . '

: ' .

.in the tlrûted States. IqJVITAJSJV reqtures

+ at m em bers buy clgsses from NIW tb

m aintain m em ber&hip. If the American

Polys aph Atsociadpu Teqtzired that

memben bvyclmssesEfzom anyrquipmentm atattfacrurer to maintain m embezship,

tla mi ht be spme smpicion' fere g p

collusipn between dle m arketer and dw

Associatipn. '

M àké sure your contact inform atioq is

jEmàil:, mànagèr@ polygrap .org)

or call 1-800-APA-8037 .

%%- rx*hm. . ... z r .r- . . yt x . . 'u N ..'. :L'' . . ' .t . . ' ';' ' . ' '# .. o ek J .' . n %i' - ' . 4 l . C ' '.1 1F. V ' Vkr.. r' I ' T '. 3 ' '* V '< . . . f r ' .. . . ' 'q t Q w). f i ' * '' . PK dl ' ,X' * k * $. . ,.b.Zce' :7 . C5 z A ' . .' 'N < * #zpmy .I. z. . ,. . . .. ' 'fryAr zt k . œz ' ' .% ' t . .-. . ic.s yr .v .:. .,et. . .. ,, .) s . . . , .. .&- o J w .'Q . j ' ' .3 # : ''j ' . *' . ' 'X . $ ' ' % J Z**'l +


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''t 1 l J> J ' : ' t ' ' L -a: .. i - ' l ' - r r zm

& r- x .d u: '. '' '. '..12 ..J -p--- . vr ilx.!. < sj::l ..1. l J. r.. .. -. . u. r c x'. z ..1. . ,.( @ ...... .y J - . . . z p . t. - s ,. -! w..'. : . Nrz, '. ç ' . 2 45. t -. . ., x ' * a ' T .. w k . . . -1 - ' '. ') : :r '' J . . ..; ' :2 U .';JJD/ ' x. .. . C..1 . ,y .1 % . ;. ' . - o . z . ' ..7 . .'i7 '1 t .u ' ' ' 5 r > .' '. % :'.2.*.5. taxv -* .t' 'J: . ..m.;é . :2.-c YW<

Sc n capture cf a Matte Quedp.- Truc' k ZCT Sub* is masked lo yrolect 'Ns iden ' ' -ïe .

. . 02014 DAMK MMGAN APAID Pcl-rnce AllvFmsEM ..


APA Makaèihe 2014, 47(4)


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& l nUf7Z'.?'/h'.n;VmLYx;a.LL'UI'r1/r1er. z -& #@rOV> ,' t egJ.5.mt!TteI)k-QI5(:(;f1I14N1Jt; -IJILl -/JV-TOCVCVU dlI/ W- R* V W ; ux DCWCS

. . . - . .- x . - . ..' w : - : . . ::r. . . . , v u..o . . x . .t, ''-a x.....% z - 'ta .. -.-.s;' à' 'e - - - , . - . . . '-

* . zgw%. . ,/% .:-;j . - .p ' - * 9 ' -'.. . . ,2 1t. . . v.#-.6Jq . .j.jo:p+ . . '-- ' m x. w. . -# . m. . .

.. . ., . .D .. . .- - w., m$ . ;. , . .s. u. . ..v. . szjj . . .. . . jt''lldddli .. !jj.. .17'.,

' ,r '' jél 11 ' ,. '11111. rr * > ' . .. . ' @ '. s

:1 -k*' % m' K' 1'> .

Homi About v Products v Training v .ReaI Cases Solved Resources v 5c' ieh ce' v AI5 Course v . Bto' g- Co' nta' ct' Us' Vis' it Us

aroveport HO IICQ Departm ent DlSCOntInUeS UICd ' 'i Gen. j o commenz ' 'f a min I occ 1 5. 2615 1 Ne//

Hb* êOr tVbA f Il

rovepèrt P.D., Grovepon OH. The Ctzmgtfter h'/lzic: Stress Analylër ICVSAk'.!JI qontinue.s to dtaminate the Erlath verjficatjon mafkat as agencies SUC/I as the Gr'ovepoi

31ica Denarlment abandon ourdated and far less accurate technologjes in favor of the patenEed and mora technologically adt/anced WSA II. R e >lITkY Trade-ln

rogram allckvs depar-tn; ents. such as Grdveport that are not satlstled with older or less technologjcally advanced truth verilcation systems to acquire the new CV.

' . ' ' '

at a slgnifican: discount- ' ' -

ne c'-roveior't chief of Polica stated, ''1 appreclace the Nlr/'s willlngness to work kvlth the Vlllagë taf Gf-ovepor't and the Grcvep (?r-l P' lalice Oepafument. AAer rny

' i , vr4 h the PSE ard it.s o'Nnec 1 ari confidant thal the CI/SA wfll bettar assl.'R the Detectp/e Bureau in dcfng theîrjob bet-tër for the residen?.s and busineEs'e .fper ence ,

f our commu nity.- . ' '

allowing graduatfon frc.m the NI7X''5 kvorld-centnvnef:l Certjced Examiners Cfûurse, Detecive DeI ber: Daiton o=, t'he G rovëpoct P.D . b'Trote tc' the h.1 1734 Ml-laving had d

fpefience goîng thrcugh PSE trai ni ng '.?''ïdth D Eh:T. 0 R, N ID/ as 'p/ell as It ins-trludors a.r e head and shculders ab.ove. Tile tëclnnblogy 15 up-tc-daEek bvith 1 5t ûiass,

ncwladgeable instruaors- afld lllzmatd professlonalism ccmpany-hpide. .% very pleasing experiefnce... Thanh yoll.l''

lr additiona I details, DetEûnxve Daltran can be contaced by telephona aE 6'1 4-856-5301 .. . . ''

nce the introd uctjon of the CVSA 1.1 . with the pacented Fina I Analysis Clanf irmation Tool(!.I(FACP-!'z) sccring algofjthm i n 2007, the NI7V has ad ded Over 506 new la'p/

aforcement agencies tc it.s Iist cf US clients. 7his brings the total number of US agencies utilizing tha CVSA to c'ver 1,8C'C', inciuding many U5 Federal agencies as $/h

5 thxa US Militaf'y. The accuracy c? the CVSA 1I, alflng 'p/1th it ease cf cperatjon' the hllp/'s superlor trëinlng, and around -the-clock suppol-t by the hll-rv s-taff, ha5

qsured Nl7N's kontfnuet hp/flrldtp/ide Ieadership and: dominance în the field Of Truth Verificaton.

. * .

ecentfy, tKhnical eitpef-kts frorn the Ndtfcnal M sccijtion of Cofmputer Volce Stress Analvst.s (NACVSA) conduced a rnrofëss3onal :s/aluaticn of the cId PSE. The

ACVSA is nokv the Iargest professicnal truth ve/ltlca Lft)ri organizatlon in the world, wlth 'pvell over 1 ,000 members, and has mora members than all other US trut.h

Drificatjon organizations cornbined, To view the results of the hIAO/'SA'S technical evd Iuadon cf tuhe o4d PSE, dick here. .

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17 œ I7WP'5*.,,;'''ze.'7r'/1,*k.WSa2.COm1*'Reî*/G-Qei7/QC0l/6C'0 ;Q- COlICë-l7eCudG5-1QO(-CISCO;1Qf1UC3-OlC -r7SQ-'Xr'.-C'/F3l!/ . ' L71- *** V Lf Wx DCCCCO

:f.- : f;: :' . * - . - . * . @ '

, u v . . . .A . . .. . . L>J = R .l. r. ' 1F Q% .L .. ,- -.9/ ,e . . . -b:z.uhu<s:r'. . , = r' ztl j -. .>.- . .dIk.. ra- - z ' ='a. - -*œ-SJ;>ù;r* .- =. fc '! - R.


. .. < . .0 '. . yzpexxsujxjrw

Home o' ut 'e Produds v Training' v Real. Cases solved Resources v Bcience v AlS Co'u' rse' v Blo' g t-nn. tad U.s Visit Us'

irovêporl POIIC: Departm ent Dlscöntlntles U 1U PSE $Or CVSAX II'' admln p 0Q 15e 2015 1 NeMzs Gen. J O commer!ts

-ovepor't P.D,, Grovegort OH. The Corap. uter $,/oice Stress Jgnalyzer (C%v'SA@) continue.s tn dcminate the trtfth velVcatf.cn markat as ajencies such as the Grtlvëpc!

lllce Derartment alnandon ctltddted and faf' less accurate i et-hnologies tn favcr Of the patanted and mcre technclcmgcatly advanced. O/SA lI. Tl7e NITV% TrEtte-ln

'cgrarn allcws deparr efnts, such as Grovepcrt thzt are not satissed wth 'ahder or less technclcgjcaqy. advartced tr'. ath 'zarifi' caticn sysrterns to am tire the l7ew Qxl.u' .

at a slgnificant discounL .

le Grovepor't Chief of Polica Statad. ''l aovredate the NI7R/'' 5 wii Iinr,n eS5 to work wi-int' ti3e Vlqage ot- Gros/enfar't and the Grmfen01q Poilce Depaf-tment Af':er mh/

(perlefica '.a/i1'h' the PSE and it.s nwner' l al'i-f confidant tha't the CS/SA. . 'a'i1! bet-ter assist the E'etectjve Burea. u in d'cing '-ht eir I'ob betlar for tahe rasident.:s and busfness:

7 c lJr c o rn m Ia n i.ty. e' '

' l 1 vl'n o- o'rad t; a'r, o a. w'- G rn ':h e 71 1-p 7's '''z(.';rt d-ren iaszh/rl e d Cer7rlu''-'e d t?- ca :'rl. ;' n ef-5 Cf.'l ui-se nu etectr' ' .ze D e I b e rt D-a.'I;an oe '-i-t? 1 e G .-rlvep','a r-c P.D $:,r-tw e t'z- m' e N r-l 61 â'F ëvincr 'na d u) j O z


o o . - . . e , . . - . z l ..o

'cer ienca 'c'op,nu' th roup''n Ps'-c trai ni ne '.'vl'''ln Di72z.' -1 'w'3P. Nl l 1-0 1 a5 well as *1u' 'Inst -L'Ct'3l-5 are head and sho tllder.s abcls/ra . Vne t e'Ch- inc.llDi-iy. Is t.i p-tc-data' '0J'II' 'ct ! St t:!.aS:i.% . w. w .D w. - - =. '

) ovs/led-.'r ea. c' ' I e i?7st r'act of'5, a$n d IJ Ii:ï ma Ee p L''-n=b iiss 1 c. n a l -1 h; m cc ('n oa àbloh '1 d t'i . z'a, . bl'otA; p (e a 5.1 n c 15.-,4 p Qfj r'i r: (: e.. . Th, . a Ink.x yb *4..) t.il.''D ' ' .' T

) r ad t iti (:1 na 1 :1 l,9 % -1 15, D e t:za 'Ne D alto n Ga n be C :3 f'tt: u'-tof-!w 'J7%..,' toiJ.i ç) h . 0tD i! iit (S 1 4 -886 -53 OJ 1 .

n c e I-...I-I e i n trod u k-rl on of th e CVSA' fi , wlt'n th e palented Fila ;a l A n aly 5't5 t-lncl'F/ lrmdti O n T (1xD 1;.**- ( FAk.-I7:Q- ) 5t: J:) ri r,g a ICf:l rlt.h i'n 1 n 2''w3nw7 , tl3e N 17R./ has ; dd ed ok'e r 5 C 0 nekv l &3.h.', . - (7

nfclrcefrlent acencles to 'rY 11:i-t Of US u-lienc. T'his ''tir'ln= the t/tal. nl-lmr' er Or- US alencfe's utjllzin'ar th e ID/?!5A If.a cver 1,d00, inciudlnr manv US Fedtral agencies a:s MtD d:r- w C) w u

. . . = u, . . . ' .n . js , x . a jj j pj ..t j, & . t -jn j t j .-''vj st a = %; Ehe tJS lzillt. ark , The actzurao/ 0t tf ve CVSA 1 I , alcn,,$2 lb.lttr1 ItE ea ..5e i3k Oflcrztcin. t .e hl 1-775 stlk.erkf.l r trafnlng, anïa ar0 ullw-t e<.0C, Euppol J ;':! l I , nas

hslared N, .i 17-$7'5 co' nt'i nued hzvoridv/'tde lead ershi p ii nd. ....-1lnr- 1 na nce 'In t'he n-esd of -1 n=4h Verlflcat-l cn-

u-1% tecn' nica ' exjaert.s =b rcm tl-le N' .at'l nflal zûsst-lciat'on .eJ= C.3m p ut ëf V0lce StR-:.S5 % nall .s't5 (NI .IACVSA) c'talld ucnzd a prorl :5:56 orla l 6pq'luatifaln of tn' 'e old PS L T:- e:'CQt''I t-#z , , . < I a ,/ ( . l $

P<.mlS.''n% Is n 1:3.:/ the. Iarle-ct profesijcaal trklth k/fjt-icatf.on Or>an'tzatjinrl in Lh i'l s?b'or1'd, Witb 'pk/ell (mer 1 ,0t3O mernbers, al-ltl' h,35 r'flore meml:' .ers than aiai other U''7 tr 11t.hY c . Q Y ' *

or' 'Ii-lca.tign ccçrainizatjcms comtine'd -1 o ï'ievz tlne' rasu Its ozt J-u'-e lqz% &rc.A's Kecn' n.'Ic.al eval uat-on of tH'. te old P'q'-c dick h. ere

s, s f) ( ;, , -j-

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 33 of 70

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Arthur Herring. III , - .

. 4 . .

From: Me' <bellda'[email protected]

sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 7:34 AM

To: ' [email protected]'subièct: - H:y Turd Face ' ' '

. '' . '''

Hey Arthur the Turd,

- . '

. . .. . .

I like how you misidentified me as dirt bell in an offièial document. W hat a dnmb ass you Jre. Of course that..is not new s,

.''ïïiéà6'bbbb?3$''.ç3'b-'-(i: ' . 'ls it time you find a PA bridge and see if Turds float? . .. .

Best Regards,

dirt. z'):..

Sent from my iphone

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 34 of 70

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I JArthur Herring III

Frbe :





Dirk Bell <belldazoos@gmail-com>Saturday May 18, 2019 5:16 PMrDektorpsE

Chartes Humblef Dirk (me1*Authur You Pathètic Liar

bear Authtm

1 heard about yotlr nlisfoeme with N1-1-V. Suck.s to be you. Q '

I also fotmd yotlr rçlatively new website (www.nitvcvsaexposed.com) where you blatantly slrder me (and NITV ofcomse). When I write things about people I write the tz'uth apd let the tnlth lead the reader to the right


copclusions. Never'a lie in anything l say. l knbw you fotmd the tt'uth about yourseifto be objectionable,because it showed you for who you are, or maybe you were aâaid it would cost you business you should never

' have had. Wkat you said about me was totally slr derous. Full of the ''A14Aur Hern'ng the Ttud'' demented


Ifthere is anything of substance left of you whenNlW gets Mnished O IIA you, I will hire an altorney to wringthe last drop öf youz livelihood out you. Unforttm arely, I suspect you will be left as withered as a centenadazfs


Y0u are traly a pathetic little man. You have given new .mfuning to the classo cation of LOSER.

Don't bother to eras: anythirlg on your websites, it is pr:servèd fot pôstet'ity oh The W ayback M aclh ine websitea1$ itesas are the previous versio= of yotlr we s .



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CVSA Maker Admits Device Cnnnot Detect Lies! Page ) 0i-3

ox,- k . y . -t--.' .

/ 2,In addition, the manufacturer conceded in a product liablllt'y

Iawsuit In Californja that the machine can't measure whether

someone is lying .

In San Diego, m urder dharge: were dropped against two

teenagers after ft byas determ ined their cènfession: were

coerced aoer they flunked voice stress tests.

One of the boys sued the National Institute for TruthVerîfgcation, clalmlng the analyzer was used to get the false

confessiqn. -

ln a court filing, the m anufactu/er said : HNFFV acknowledgesthat thm CVSA. is not capable of 11e detection aad specificallycautîons its ubers regarding the proper use of the device.''

:r.:.1.>. j p u o g g e d

George WL Maschke '

''Too Hot G'f a Potato''PGP Public Key: 20 12AAF6Skype (lnternet Pbonef-rext Chat) : GeorgeMaschke

ô >: . ' - J =

i W R cvsA M aker Adm its Device Canno:Georg . e:

Masghke J.;''i. Detect Lies!-'

llq'senior user xpeplv v':. po: oec ard, zoow, z:zpar.o o Ji.' quote 'i'i''?u Moaio,q

spscia .. 1 . . Ar ,,1 .jwtvk i'-'e.irs. rTv ? ' .

: ' /.:., J

i .(: g K ;p. ' . .' 'Li .;< ' 't .i: . z.r4Q'=/!i.> .' =. u .:*..r:v . .Pkg..i ' ''k 41' '> .%F ...-. - ù'.l&-. *4.t: '. '

W ho wilf polyg ra phthe polygra phec?

-?p$d4i,.,?.- 'V D.

hlote that .aithough the National Institute of Truth Verification 'has

adm itted in ccurt that the Com puter Voice Stress Analyzer ''is notcapable of lie detectionz'' it continues to represent the opposite to thepublic via its website, which provides illustrations that purport to show

the difference between lying and truth-tellirig and avers that ''EtqheCVSATM gets :to the truth arld accurately identifies decepkibn, orvalidates statem ents in the sholtest possible tim e. . .N

http ://wkVw .cvsa l.com/product.ph p

nr' IP Logged

2 **/#

V -

Post : 3090 George * . Maschke ''T/JJ Hot of a foéa to MPGP Public Key: 20 12.4.AF6Skyge tlnau-enn'ei Plnonecext Chat) : GeorgeMaschke .' '-1 '.. L e' - ' . -

Pagèsl 1 k u'h.w l U r - .Q =Regly. . Nociry OR replïes .' Seru . cgl'c -' Prln-

= > c'ksA and omer koice stress Analysls Apjlpcations ' ..:F.1

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' j-)' k.l

'A= .=N E' = * -;''A ' =&..c RS * T' '' ' '. l J ..% w n - <. u...-.1M. rA LAW

June 17, 2019

Via E-matl' : antipolygraph.orglW rotonmal' .com' '

Antp olypaph.orgc/o G.W . M aschke

Else M auhslaan 39

2597 HA The H ague

The Netherlapds


NllyFederalsewices, f)1C. v. Dektor Corpome n andArthzlrHerring SfUnited States District Coult Southem District of Flodda

CaseNo. 9:18-cv-80994 (V awsuit'')

Dear Mr. M aschke:

The tmdersir ed represents M TV Federal Services, LLC a'ad its Presidçnt, Dr. Chades

Humble. As the sole owner and publisher of Antipolyraph.org, we are writing yoti 'concerning thefollowing twelve web links hosted throilgh Antipolyr aph.org:

hûps://rtipolypaph.oro lo#zolg/os/-lg-/-fede-ral-q'udge-orders-l'mmediate-removal-of-website-critical-of-computer-voice-skess-r alvsis/

2. hr s://rtipolvwaph.oro loszol8/o7/3l/oN-hl'res-dislaced-ex-cop-l'er -&v-cro> -i-%-dkector-of-law-ee orcement-operations/ '

hdps://antipolvr aoy h.orWcg'-bH fo>msW V B.pl?n11==1263627833/3

hr sr//rtipolylaph.oro lostascvsi.


h'dps://antipolvr aph.orc/blog/

. 6. ' hdps://Ktipolycaph.orcA loc/zo lB/o7/o8/nailha-tie-pretest-hteNiew-a-presentalion-bv-Sldp-webb/ ' '


7. hups://rtipolylaphaoro loscategoa/voice-stess/

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CkW ..M aschke


June 17, 2019

Page 2,


8. ho s://M tim lvraph.orz/cai-bW fonmsN e B.pl?nllm=lzg8 124269

9. hr s://rtipolvwaph.org+loWzoog/o3/lz+A er-dvsa-loses-a-customer/

10. hos://Otipolvwaph.orscci-bWfon= WG B.pl?actionrM jbord&bord=cvsa

11. ho s://mntim lycaph.oro lo#?s- vsae


hr itors-it-consultant-with-.12. htps://=tipolywaph.or& 1o#2019/06/06/1W-t eatens-competfedëral-lawsuit/ '

' k being hösted in violation of the Court's May 17, 2019 Urder andThe foregoing web 11n s are.: .


Permanent Injtmction (t:Order'') entered in the above referenced case whereby it prohibits thepublishing or posting of any website, blog, br other writing accessible via the intem et which containsany false or disparaging remarks or ' statements abou, NITV, its CVSA product, or Dr. Charles

H'lmàle. For a detailed description of the injunction, you should refer to pûges 16 through 18 of theV h is attached hereto. 'Order w c

As such, jou are required to permanently remove Ge above referenced offending web linksand afly other web llnks or materials that are govem ed lmder the Order. ln additiono you are requiredby the Order to immediately forward a copy of this letter to a11 other persons or companie,s with

custodial resppnsibilities to ensure compliance V 'tIA the Order.

. . '

Last you are also requested to reply to the undersir ed to confsmm oompliance with the Order. ,

within ten (10) days of your receipt of this letter.'. . .



. '

W e look forward to your written notG cation of compliancè with tlle Court's Order. Thnnk youin advance for yotlr cooperation.

e ly yoc s,.. J :G -!::: 7::t:7 *.: -n- ..4.w. . .. . m.a

ASKKONV lx '-v-s .w..... .rs. . x *hK. ./ .1 ... .,-. w.. .. .... z..zjy .. jj qyq .wx x x )Y W -wu%...> &. k' ., Ns !.- %. ;k. . ux. . !m .& N X J%. . - = v Xk - Nw x X *2, .'*... ..

X$ .

'.-:'Nv... ''-v - 1 Q'=*. .(1.. l ' ' -- ''

Jnnnes D'Loughy

D D/da

Enclosure: May 17, 2019 Order.and Permanent'lnjunction


T +1-561..622-7788F +1-800-734-5284)



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L i /-' ?,)& f t

A leM:

M TV'S Respense To N ktor Flyer

Quitt A rtw llw thfotçemtn! agtnties havt reçeived iyer: fwm a company called Dzk-ter, Lr sdale,PA, conçtmlng voic: streis Oalysig'and have requeg:ed a. M ponqe. Lfnfbdunately, th: oyers.contzinfalse *md migleadi,ê infonnl on thgt m u should be awo cf ''

. . .

lt ' i eess MAlrer (PSE) that M hur HzMng a private investigater, is gelling i: uxtd by veryhe &; c. s ,

few, lf = y, 1aw enfomement agencies. l'a--&dq-eezz/av elevte, #e of-u naal.. #A. ...4..18-.

> a>2*J- P.b. e elsp/t.- Hqm'Ae's-PAE. f#o n ftke CU 2j lt is Elso ucfM unate that He nghas a hi:ton' of G = pting tû digcredit the CVSA, NIW , and the NITk''S foundqr

, Dr. Humble.

It i: Kxo interltzg to nôte *at when the zderal govrnlment recently decide to test voice stres:wmAlysis u a tnlth vericmtion ddvieè in three gepvâte xtudieg, thev chox-e' th: mngt wld' z1v u:ed an dactpt:d voit: stztu *M*1w c. tbe-C-V-îA. not He=ing': M E, Tbtx studie: A bting coeueted athe Air Fc= Laboratoryj le Ugiv- ity pf Florid': and at the Univ' ersit of Okl*oma.t .. ïAditi

onally. many elements ûfth: Rd> l xove= e u9e the CVSA. no! Hecint's PsBs

. '

, '

' n e oh/nêl company nc ed D:ktor F% the muufrtarer of the P4ychologkal Stregs Evgluator(PSE), bKk in *t 70'3, Howevtr, bectu&e the ownen did not kep up with the advmwes intxlmology ând due to the seice atlackl. by tbe polygraphels, thvy sled bznkmlptcy in 19$4. Anertbe ewnet pâlged Kway, Hee g Btarted his own voit: $t.!.,:: r alysis cempany ând namM it Dektor.Likvwise, hll voice st- Malyztr is not tbg origlnal PSE.. Hvsing's litœatua glaims to have atrademrk ôn 'Voice Stft4d M alysig' Dd tFilter-scan, ' A cvck of tile trademarkg g:ows thâî heh&: neither.

Fxm hig lit- iure, it appeo tbat the lyltem that Hening 'is trying to sell is a, %'nö primitive voices% : K alyzd' tbat still requires the exnminer to tp e rtcord the interview and the run eachrespoaa: throuw & laptop computer (not rezl-time analpisl.' It also appem that the computer

- ! ont respens: at a. time. 'dieplays cn y

H4A ng touts the fact thqt he rm uife: N0 le-certiflcation/continviùg ducation. M y exlminer thztis w' oA hi: or her szlt will tell yôu that continuing educatipn/re-certiscâdnn ig e- tial t:-lh-e l--sre . -lean zuc-cpge of coudtmtm' q exqminâti-ô.at and îo not recuira- -it- I-ould be cocsld' :ee i= sponsible.Addiuonily, tx.-inen tzained 8y the NITV may re-celify at any of the four rtgiontl Mv iauo= 'rg-uedl6eation 'cour- for a vgry neminal fee, not the 'ttens ot- thousend: ôf dollars'' thEt HeM ng

mentiong. '

2rrring algo claim: that imitaton ('anyehz but Herring) l1* itcompensated'' ltetimonials. The NITVlists a11 Qf oc usen e'n our W e6 site $: lhat Mw ne may call tc check hcw sàtieiied Qur customer!

ni dt- not ' ' '. are. He ng .

. ln concluk lon. you may want lo ask He ng why, aher hàving th* PSE on thr mazkz! since 1970.thd' re ax Rw, if =y; lo' tnfortemtnt agenciee ulinj lt and tbere are mere thu 1.400 using theCVSA (hi: Mnwer ghould b. interesting). ' You may al&o wan! to ask him why the Us. Milito ' andthe intm oggto- at OTM O use the CVSA :xetugively, not the PSE. You may Klgo want to check

HeM ng's orgdentiab t; telh 1aw enfotc:mert personnel..

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Form ér

sheriff's thild

supervisör pf C..v( 2 4 û-t-- / yM aùatee


dem otion

division öpt

ùk facingAto rçtire âRqr'

. .

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.c. r . . rv-=e . . . . .xv tzm.

' t .'*. : *'' .- '- '- * -. -'. ,- .5 . . :. . , . 1. ' ' % u - 7 (:: $ ';' .t- ; .! i' . ' ( .1 .:-J r ' '.. l 1 : -. '- ,' .r l - t I ' Q. l ': ,.'.

A 4 A'' 'h C 4, T E F w'h i -o t' n7 e. 'r s uy' 7 e t-sn.. ' s o. r L t-l tfn' = 5l 'uc 13. a 1. e e C o 5 u'lzo -, S 17 e rl-t' -10 ' O ff m C hi 1 d P r o t e. c esi o :N 2. ....a œ - .. -. .w <. w ; -. S -C u 1 z. w

, q j : * . > . * $ x . * * j -w w j( jen j-n 1ln 4, e .s u, gik I -7 v e D -, rvn. - , s -! o -t z 1.1 a .-q r e t-' -v e d t o a z.- o -; d a d e m - o r- 1 o z' .1 a -.,7. d d -' s c :.r , r'.l e au z t e r ,7...-.,.-0 - -1

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-k- e r' s H !- g .qn 11n e naq' .s o' r -.) v a s masp e ru d e. d uqn d r ,= 'a..c q 7- c'n e d :a.*. k e -' a.' 'r' e 1 Jle. d 1- nc e :-n au l a-Lz--'Q. 1- r s5V O 1 . - . - - .. .- - .r, - - , u. - .- ..a - . - - - - X ..- '

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: . . j *mve szuc cc u-: on c on clu U.M e d ne c-- d 1 '1 o uz-ung no s top tne b .=.17 a z.''l 0 r a 17. d p. e.1- klcl pua Eed m mqe. b er- ala!

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F o r rne s- S g c .. J. e z. rv C r o t t's, an zn- o un c 0- d 1,-1 e x.!J o d b e t e ==- 'i- L n c L q a 1 e tte 1- d al t. e ..'.1 ' F e b . 4 ' r- o (-R un yn t .. @ . *&

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B n an ub c. lun e la.la g -: -n- tne P r- o -# a uq 's 2 o 1-1 a. 1 S t a n d a -.r d s S e c '-u o z' n - -4- c c o r .il.. n .c t o a-.n- ?-J'I t e r-s - a 1 . - xqar s'

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-t'l . bw ., e, - - . -., ou' . .

' .v. - g v- e-qt o 1-1. t.1 7 ,.p tn lc s i s o r'- d 1 a.'.o 1 1 1 tq r c .0+7 .+ c .- t kzt-z b .n ..- o trskk n.' c c. tz k'l, fa. 1- Izk ' c. t o a . '1. z:z 1- = t o cza. n e r c.13

-2.., 1.- .S-iz - -.w -,S. -- y , .- wwu. w w o - - O-o u. - w tuau

d * 5 A r e 1- ...'..4 s7J ,s t J 1* t7 ed % 0: :,:1 1- -r') q'I- 13 -1 .z'n'0*J t2 e 1 i.s -- . , . . - --- . c o - - - .

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E l E F E l

hll7R/ Federal 5erNIfie5 INF'-J) i; pleisefj. 10 Welcorne Detecih.a Jej-rv' Crrlpty' a: its DirectDr ûrl taw Enforternenl Operëtlcns- leP) 'aI1I oversee aI1 aspects cf l.J3w

enfoccernent oper-atfcn's for NFS and prlrzlde dlre':'t ad'zfce and asslr5tance to I.5v:. enf ercemept agentnes ytlzdçt-. ide, as wefl .7q'. oversee our Technfcaf skrn/lkes .Div1SlC

JQFO/ joirls tho NSV team frdDm thQ Manate: Cfluntv SherifDl :$ 'Qt-fico in F. lolida Whero he sërved. fcr 70 syqars '1n Varlotls fitnsl''t-lorns. 'lncl'ufJ-lnG Suiperi/isl3oi XSk('IOlV in 5IJu *- p mw ecielîzed cllisci pI-ln:5 as Crimeti Ageln'.st u-hlld. re n, oomestlk Viœlefnce a nc' lrbt.e m- et C r'Icnt?: 4,gel17:4t Chiid cen (!CA.C1. Lhl' hilz assig'flz.ztj t() 1..he S r.:g t: and F-evlwef'zl ICAC T..a.

15 .Fcrcq- Jerrs' ddveloped zrotincl-breaking Lechnlques for utnrz the (L-VSA (c identlfy und bring rcl 'justice Gerial chaild pretarors, sâkhlcln are now taught nationally. 7hfa w . w. Q I . .. *

.techniques '.s.'er: 51:1 signjfican't antj effectjve thu t ln ...71;.: &:.; he receivecj ttne ls-latTonmi A3s-ociatiorl ()r- Compuler Voice RreG5 .,Q..n'a)yst3 (NACVSA) annllal Professor Ja me5Chapmun Awar.d f,.c)r zzcellence. 'ercy is cgnsroxaere'j, an e-xpuer: i.rl ifqzrviewtfl' n'u aod ifn te r'rln.u.e tioo .a n(.i has a ci;to r'essc-a rate we'l abov'e 9 12% He i5 Jiso can e.-.rp.ef-$ .

. ) . . . B .a .

usj Iizsnmc thq (DJSA ancl.e '1*5 hioo-hlv z:(p. erienced ln ctarh Uuçting x'-.p ecial ized c'mzer'r Alnx'-l s l.F'llc1'dlr'.9(j e-wt il rain./ tions. lerry ho 1cl. :. a Mae:cqr''s Dec-cree ln :.5 cience f'rori-l th eUniverfiirg of f-enlral çloriki ' - ' ' '

(: h a rle $ i.1 u m ble, Frlu nde r o y IN I l n. l ped e f' a I % qlag. c q's. anlj Eiqtn d eve l t7 ree r o f t'at:i O/I-aA. 5ta t e s ''3?h/e a rt!t ve In/ e.:4 ci ta :j t f) hal/e v1. n 1 nd. ivid ua I kvi tl ) . rhe. q! .1 al I flca tion -5 anluvl '; t r 1-). .. $ .


mor a 1 c n a ra c:e r ta r J'e rrv C r bz t:y Jo ! nlng our : ea m . t.Nl t h hl s Ia tht enf o r c e r'n er) r b a '--k G: 1'o IJ nd . aas De cia ls'y' i!7 1).3 e 1 C.A (: a r 'a n a , trEzl'n/ wi 11 b r in-n F2 netrv d irn r3n: :;:l n t o a in. ... . s.!;l , . . 1. .. .

13 r ry--q n 1 ,, a ( 1 c n ( h .) t 1 c; J- ! r e a d '.l r ,x? c o 'o'' n 1 .u- Q'J .a .5 t h c G 'a I d S ( a rl d a r ,.:1 f'.--*. r ka u f '1 n d P.J *.. t r'?'.-'t: -

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i'-y ) s 1) 1-4--/f

àrthur Herring III

From: Arlhur Herring III <[email protected] Saturday, June 8, 2019 9:49 AM

To: [email protected]

Subjett: nitv chapman study other.claims

Hom . About v Products v Training v Real Cases Solved

.M : . t'... -' z x. .zvaw a c w*z-u' - =..' . +

' ; i t .wkv ... j j. .. l

=. ''X V'Ml''hlu' AL $.E 1't% IC 1*..::

Resources v Scienc'. .

* . * .@ @ * '

1 - ear IeI tu all ates rut erl lcatlon ec. . .


. . ' ' ' ' .. '

' DE - CSBP/I R:7 A newb-k v'ubpl'shmd' research *1 1 - --' th2 '2.012' dnnuai' ee-i'itl cn of th e'' 'ScferstFT 11.- -curlLe1z'/eS, x v . v. . . 1n. '

. . w . . . , . w J. . ) -: ) .u. - -. . . - ..; .

rateo' f th e Computer vokce Str'eszs Anahwzer OI%xAK ls7 rerer , n 9531, âri asserton Itmg mace bythe's- 12 . , .. .- t . k . , .. ' .

bolstered by' cu' r'rent US Gcpzernm ent -711 and ed ï/ojce alnaly sis resea rch wnl'ch h as es'ta bll'shed voice t echnc;;

...a -r.-* J... . -. .. , f . . . < . . .

I ne . .. , l has De'en available to lamg' enforcem ent agencjes in i't-ine US slnce 1 988, firs't as an analog dey Ice.' ''Q---stress A' Jlalk'z er i

.n th e îp/orlfj 'o1Eh twO U S P atenmus an d th e o n ''y, sayste;'n wo rlcbv! d e in c orpora tj ng th eVolcr

orocesses to rel ia blv. a nd. Dracp.sel'-/' eval uate tn' e results of QmI%-rk exa mlnations. -1 n e CVSA' . is nobv. used by c

. ..n . u . . .j. y mW FI11LCDQO13 Sys-ttem In tfle UD.

'I-hê l8myearlneld'study, wo codduded by the retently deceased ProfesscrlameN L. Chapmanz R7rIe=<14 th',... . ..-.x j(*ï? . u .=.z.. . . g . , . zr p g '

ln,' a'No' rth AI=1. . erfcg-n.. ..C.' nmlnal Jtlsocer Setti. ..7r î.s th e cropzvnlng a cnI evem ent o l Prof essor Cna pma n s legaq

a 1..11:130r11-* y on th. e a pp l iacati :) n of Voi ce Stvess 7- na Iysls techn ol ogiesa a nd at the ti m e 0f hIs passi ng he a ls0 E' ' h.

N ationa'l 'Ass ociatl o'n of i-wo.m p I.u4er b/olce Stress An alys't.s ( NI 'A CVSAI; th e l//orld's l.aro'es-t prof essional assodl.&

soanned over 4O. year's as a cr. 1 minoiocjst ed ucator and researdner, dun'no m/h'lc'n h'e conduq ed more tindz & &

. ' ' y c .' é . . . . yx . x . -

. . aurtn p.. rm&lgrlgc' atamattls. a neuroscen tst and researcvr 'analysv has been the rnrl.m ary os io-alathor of 2;- pl- '''''' - ' - - ' '' ''' ' ..

. y. . . .. - o u -- ?. -. . . p N . . 'toplc.s- refated to tnenum an orain and blology.


Prof essor Chao, maa used th', le CVSA to cond 0,14 the resea rcgp 1 a nd' the resu I1s at--hl .l'e..'eU- 'J/el-e hl'ghly consis'ti-


-1 ne st ud/s s -'n n dj n gs revea I ed tn' e CVSA ' , wln e n used a s a n i nhzeiustioo.atA/e su (). po rt too 1, Gc''-n ecuriu rateqy p red i, (

- . ...s... .. ... . - . . .y -- . . .-. ;.. . .

. . - zw . . é yw ' , . . . . . .. . -. '

d ec eptêp ,'e. The.o ld%/scfindînaq are supported by scierrlt 17-0. lly,.a ccepted st-aAu--ta Ical moi=kltyl.5..u. . ')%. -d #..y th.. .e. taEJ. w. . ; . 4;.u . .

dun.ngth. ,1e course df the 11y* ear Studya.Accord ing ta current sclenm lc researcfl and meta-anatzses, pp'llci.

' ' . -' '

. ' . .


ï th t exoen' encer'i ;) tz l Ice .1 nte r%'t. z'+ik rs o r7ly ac'n 1 e'vj ncr a b-.0-5Q% co nfess-! 'on rate ru...rn pin' ca1 data ce lej'j e mOS a -, - .ca w z .

''' ' 'n - I = uooorted such n- nd incx, hoe.p,z'e'-zer' th is ls ttne 'h 'rsi 'lndepend/nt antand Us mjdltary. e,. S.A. users ! ,,a ..?e on. s , , . - . , c-- .. , . . . . . . .. . .

Ad c-! lt. i. o n. a -1 (7Q u f<u.i. a s a n d r il's e avrc h a r. e p I a n n e (-=! fo r Ih e f utu r e ,2 .

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lxzt ),-/; . a. pA

rthtlr Herrlng Ill . .. q %

. w

' From: Arthur Herring IIl <admin@ d.ektorpsè.comr

Sent: . Thursday, June 6, 2019 1:32 PM

To: 'Dqniel Desouza'

Subject: chapiman study

M r Desousa' ' .* . # . '

. Please contakt nitv and find out the contact information fpr the so-called''zscientific journal'' called Criminalisticsh t the Chapman Siudy of 2012 was published in. Nobody, jncluding Library ofand Court Expertise, Annual Issue, #S7 t a


Google and various library huge data bases at major universities have been able to find itsCongress, many hours o.n

Iôcation, phone number, address and/of email since hitv claimed the 14 page study was in. For that mater, ncne of anyother îssues of that ''journal'' can be found. . -' If that informatiori cannot be provided, than there can be no doubt that the ''journal'' is a complete fake and it

was madê up in 2012 by nitv only to make buyers (Iaw enforcement) think cvsa is ''98T4'' accurate'' as Kane had stated in

a Ietter about two years ago. I am sure that would be conside/ed false advertising (lying).Arthur herrîng 1lI '

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I < I ï U I u y I I ,> w R ' ' Y ' %Y W * M Y v M * > *' * * *,, sv ;, g ), ? .yNew er Technology by US LaW

, '


Enforcem ent

. F:C r:è 1%1 (23 'v-.' f-s'ç./zi r' t!l

L E b $ 7 E S , D e 1 . : J a n 2 7. 2 0 1 4

L EI/A/F %-' D t? ( t a n , '-.') i' 9 1-%' ': ,.v'' :.' P C, x' NI .t kb.b' S'k./ l re :' -- *1 xl 6 a r I b) 1 CJ,..) 0 L,l C.y , l a 'k':' (!! nf () '-i-.e 1-r1 6 (-1 t a tsn .6. 1-I (-- :. ti??z-1 t 1 ' - .-'

d r d l'he tnld olyg raof)' 117 favor of tf7: Cc.n' 'lptliter Voic: Strass p. nalyzer ''CV$-7A 1''!.'*'l ) a v e / o p p e p , , r - w )

-r..1 k n S.'

.'J t (3 th i-9 iN: a t *1 (-) f3 a l ,A.' .t:R s c? (- 1 a t 1 () f-l i) f (-' () 47) '$ i 11e- r 5$/C) 1 c. E! S1 I-e.s s ,..a,5 n a I A . Fzst S (. N +% C h ,''Q u'% 'h t; r&CCOT I - . - -. u j - t 1 . . u . .=, s , : = . l

- ' .. ,

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Arcflo Ves: b't. f. elersbk'lfg llm es

I'J-t s>C-

. #

#.. - 1 - .

SOCQm briberv sçandal w ideninql (SOUTHPAUL Df IA GARZA: JSNNJFSR LIBERTO. St, Petersburg Tim es,

'Aàstract (Document summary)

PIN ELLASSt- Petersburg,

Ed itio n -1F 1 a ' : O c't. 1 .5 r

h//illiam E. Burke,'49, of Odessa, a defense contrador at Sozccm. pleaded guilty to bribery in a plea.deal and'agreed to

i h cheme' He could faca up to 1S yeers in prison.cboperate with federal investigatorp and idéntjfy associates n 1 e s .

- f dorhtrad. s Mr. Burke was involved with and receïfves informatlon' from any criminalonce socom comp letes its revçew o

investigattens, we will zecide the appropriate cour'se of adjon cn a case-by-case basis,n lam Taytorj said.

(Steve Colel smid Socom initimted the investbgation, but declined to say when R began cr what prompted it. 7he agenciesingolved includp the Pentagon inspedor generat, criminal investigators at Socom and the FBI. : '

Full Text ( 936 words)

Copyright Tlmes Publlshing Co. Ocè 15, 2005

Faced with à widening bribery scandal, officials at Special Operations Comm and said Friday theywould revi/w aI1 contract.s to determ ine if the k ickback scheme leQ the natjon's yecret m llltaryco m m a ndos with i nferio r wa r- fig hti ng equ' i p r'ne n t .

W ïlliam E. Burkex4g, of Odessar a defense rt ntractor t (Q n . eaded ui.l.W' to briberv i.n aplea deal and agreed to cocperate w1t federal ïnvestigators and identip/- assoclates ln theschem e. i-) e could face up to 16 years in prison ,

As word spread of other crirninal targets in the' Investjgation, pénic spread arfnong em ployees andprivate consultani. . '

Some scram bjed to r.etain iegal counsel, according to high- proffie attorneys, inciudir?g PatrickDoherty of Palm Harbor. ''lnnocent people are concerrjedp'' said Doherty, who has been hired torepresent a consultant. =.

Late Friday, Socom - base'd at MacDîl! Air Force Base - said it would review a'Il contracts handled

by Burke; v/lno was in charge of deterrnining which weapens and rnilitary equiprnent would betested 'and used by special operations forces.

N T.he typ. e of federal cohtracts Burke kvould have clverseén ranged f, rom $ 115,000 for a gunfiredetection system to $690,000 for a field interroqation too, that would analyze stress in the voice,. ' . . . u =' o -- x ' nx -

En an e-mall to the St. Petersburg Times, Socom . spokesm an Col. Sam Taylor said that Burkè''worked on what can best be described as soldier systems, which.incltjdes. thtngs llke Iîjhtweightcom munlcations systems, am m unitjon, srrlall a/m s, etc.''

S'Ocom oversees special .'ops forces' such as the Green Berets and lslavy SEALS, and Jnas been atthe forefrontxof the war on terror' since Sept. 11. '

''SOCom takes el1 elleg-atjora,.s of wrongdoing seriousty aln.d wjll, =. .=, it dîd in this cese, ensu re t-heya re thoroug h ly i nve' stigated and the a pp roprjate actio (!. is takén , '' Ta.y' !or wrote in the e- ma l l .

Bu rke worked 21 or Vicginla-based Sentel CorDx, a rn ultimllllon- dolla r comoanv that. Ymolovs about300 people natlonwlde/ with ernp Ioyees Iike Burk e on specle! assignments-

' Burk e st& r'ted kvork ing at Sof-wo m in Ta rfn pa i n'- 19 9 9 , H js job was to test a nd eva luate eq b? i pment

. '

http-/' /pco%b.pqac1 .

az'er.coO pti=es/91185258)-b>n1?1M C=33:cX 5c6056ef6b1 7d4z1.-93e-- 2/1.9/2006

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Alcilives: 5t. Pdersburg llm eG

'. . . . '

and'rank. which private defense contractors deserved federal cootracts.

H ve preferential treatm ent t6 defensè corripanies that were represanted by an unindicted co-e g aconspirator in exchange for. a $3,000 brfbe in Januar'y, according to federal prcsecutory. He alsoaccepted another $9,000 in exchange for prokldîng both market research and also preferentjaltreatment for the co-conspirator, they àaid, . .

r'tlk? l U1 J

t , 1, t

Burke's Sugfestfons opened doors.K ' '-

. .' e.. ' .

if a propdsa' l was not placed ofn thq Socorn '' nomination list'' to the Office of the Secr' etary ofDefense, it could not recejve congressional fu nding, the' plea dea! saidx-

z '

In his e-mall to the Tkrines, Taylor said socom was conductin'g a review to deterrnine which

contracts Burke hmd lnanzlez,/


. ''Onc'e Socom completes r-ts revlew of c'on-t'r-a'ci:s Mr. Burke was lna/olved wit'h and receîvesinform ation. from any crim inal investigatjons, vle wil.l decide the approp riate courbe of adion on acase-by-case basisrN Taylor said .

% 'In addition? Taylcr said SO'Com 'aes trying to determ ine if special operatjohs forces had been IeQwith' inferjor equipment as a result of the bribery' schem e . .

''SOCOm will not be able to answer this question/'' he said, ''until vle have completed ou r reviewetnd received the a pplicable i. nform ation from crim inel investigations. '' . '

Steve Coler. a spokesMan for the U,S. Attorney's Office jn Tam pa, said the ongoing investigationsought to answer Several questions.

. J

For examp' :e, kvhat will- happen to the com paoiu thet were .g ive.n preferential treatment o.cawérded.contract's as a result of the brtbery scam ? Vlere the com panies aware that they werepaying à bi-ïbe, and whjch connpanies were involved?

''Many of these questions conce/n the ongoing investigation we have and at this time vle can'tcom ment/'' Cole saîd in a statement. ,

Cole sald Socom initiated .the investigation, but decllned to say when it began or what prom ptqdIt.uThe agencies involved include the Pentagon inspector general, crirlniàal investigators at Socomand the FBI. ' '

Doherty, the Pafm Harbor Iawyer, said one question people at Socorn are asking ls whatconstitu tes a bribe , .

''The charge m ay depend on whether you had wine or not. Et m ight come down to that, andpeople are concerned. ..-


. .

. socom 'Burke s.aid in court Friday that he worked as a systems analyst and projed manager at

. 'for Sentel, a prlvate. englneerqng 'flrrn 'ranked am ong thB 'top minorlty-ox/s/ned flrms 1'n the country,

He stopped working for Sentel in June. ln a sta.tem ent, Sentel presàdent Jam e? Ga rrett saidBurke's actlvîties dId net lnvolve the company . ' '

. '

' .

. ' . . .

' . .

1 ' ' ' '

Hunbeknownst to Sentel Corp- , Mr. Burke was workîn'g independently from h1s house Mh/îth hfs çt/vn .businessg'' Gerrez:t said? ''Sentel has a Iong? su. ccessful 'history of working' wîth the fed eralgovern. m ent and 'vA/.e d o not tolerate unethïcal or lilega! behavlor from olr!r em ployeesz''

Burke dtdh 't appear to Ihze a Iavlsh Jîfe. He owns a house va ltled at $ 200,000 in Farmfngton

hr r'/pqub.pqrfe eT.com/snp''meWgl 1 852581 .h> 1?DM C.=338cO c6056ef6b17d44.93e... 2/19/2006

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ronz: Dirk B ë1 I Enlailb:, : L ell CI a 20 ()5f'J)u (?- nlail .co 177(1ierlt: 26 Aujust 2014 11: 27 PM ' ' :0-z N ee Is Era s IT1 tIs '

lu'bject: Re:


haa.'e apparently upset Artlltlr with a copy of an e-znait tllat I nrrotea as nrell tllis comm ent on llis x'ri'den1 - ' J ' - '

ttps :. .'pltls .qo o qle-conl .'1 04j 7, 0f 69 09 20 zt O 3 05.4 2 1i'' ,t, o s CS..TD () 7. F' q L ct ?N9 -

Ee actually contacted his local police depanm ent, and tllel- contacted me 'v'ia e-rnail, but tlley llave no autllozityz nrhich

Jere qlzite pleasantz no problems tllere.

have t'wo questiotzs for you. Firsta did .A.z-tllur sell you softsvare alld a compurerz or just softAvare? Second l'our Lilzketkfrica- Ipterestingly there a-re US export regtzictions of RToice Srress AnalA-sis eqspment lo Sottth Aflica. Did Az-tllurpecial govenuùent approval t-beyond nonual exponing) to bring l-ou or sllip you tlle PSE equipluent? I 'lclloA'v 1.11..3.- fatlleIoutll Africa in tlle 1 990s, so I believe it cnn be d one, J am Just illterested if w>.tt4lltu- botllered to get the reqllired altthol

. '

dofz'i see =1..3, nrale tllis im pacts you-


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Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 50 of 70

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B.C. Corrections llsing 'trutà veritjcatlon' devlcë to screen Job appllcan'rs. : .

'ritgq 2 U1 *

j ), fg oyF,

4' .

''Even if thère were, there are simply too many factors to foul up reliable results. O at

might be viewed as voice stress might actually be due to pathological speech, natural or.

' .

medicatibn-induced tremor, illicit narcotics and so on. For all we know, a .mild dase of hay

fever could inte/ere with vocal stress.d'

8 d: ''No product, method 'or technique that has the potential to alter the courseShe conclu e.


of someone's Iife should be on the.market without rigorous testing.'' On its website, ITV .

claims that clinical studiés show the dqvice, used in conjunctfon with the ''exped

interrogation techniques used and taught by ITV,'' is 98-per-çent accùrate ''with ro

i I ives .'' ' ' . -.. .

But neithér lTV,. nor the.N 'onal lnstitute of Truth Verification -the Florida company that' ' . .

licenses th# technolo and makes the same boast -can roduce an inde èndent

study to back up this assertion.

rFadden éismisses their clai!p as ''jreposterous .q The polygraph is probabiy the best we

have, butthere is darn good reason it's not admissible in court, either.''

Despite its dubious accuracy, the device has proved to be popular, particular after the

9/1 1 terrorist attacks. '

.. NITV çlaims the CVSA device ''is used by 1 ,800 Iocal, state and fedqryl agenciesj'' but it

doesn't name the a encies, which makes this figure im possible to Donfirm .

NITV also claims the dèvice is used by ''U.S. Military Special Operations and lntëlligence

unitsv'' However, the U. . Deoartm ent of Defense prohibited the use of voice stress

analyzers in 2005. , .

''Merely getting' peojle to talk is not sufficient,'' Robert Rogalski, Acting Depu Under ..

Secretary of Defense (Counterintelligence and Security), explained in 'a March 2006 Iettèr. . ' '

. --

to the American Specttor. ..

.. %

''That informàtion must be assessed for accuracy and truthfulnest. . Until sçientifc testing

adequately proves.the reliability and accuracy of CVSA, the Depadment of. Defense would

be irresponsible tö condone the acquisition of such an instrum ent.''


j < . tudy of' Ro alski noted that re>earchers at the Unikersity o Florida had just complete a s

voice stress a'nalysis ''and we await the oppodunity to revlew :n4! study.''

III/SI lint ht'1n1?i(à=z1a447644&sjo>oNhttp://Nvww.vancouverskm.co gvy..jt . 3/21/2011

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c èorrections using. 'triatla verilcation' device io screenjob applic=tsB . . Page 4 of 4

hat study was released. It concluded 'th'at ''neither CUSA nor (a similarW thin da s, t

device) showed any sefisitivi 'to the prqsenm of deception or.stress.l' '.. . . ' .


' '

,Despite all these concemà, CVSA teéts i re beirig youtinely administeted in, B.C. In

6 ' i f Mctoria uses the devic'e to sçreenadditiön to the correctiohs ranch, the Univers ty .o

secuiity personnel', the Saanich and Oak ;. ay police forces use it to screen prospective,


poliœ recruitj; and sundry financial inttiiutions use it to ferret out malfeasance.

' . ,

[email protected] Read David Baines' blog at www.vanèouversun.com/baines

)' 'M.arch 12:, Comput:rized Voice Stress Analyzers. a#e increasingly popular, but théit

. .usefulness is being questioned.

' . .

March 1 5: W e Iearn that Nllrv's founderj' Dr' Charles Humble, obtained' his 'doctorate' frpm'

a diploma mill in lndiana.

' A?e job applicants being unfai.rly disqua'lïed? 'today.

@ Copyright (c) Tpe Vancruver Sun '

'//m vvv.vancouvez-sun.conl/stoa pe t.h:ml'?id=c 47G 4&sp'onsoNhttp. 3/21/201 1

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 52 of 70

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'ifather' 01 vOlCe SQ'e'SS analyms gOt FII1J U er Slx DOUTS OT Dlple Sruçy al S'ITT mall

. ; ' . . ' ': ' . . .

I asked N ebe what he thoqght when Humble prövided details of his doctorate:

r 'd.ïr .7 iJ1 *

'tl thought it waS a personal thing o!n him . I didn't think it had .anything to dö with the CVSA

itself,'' he laid.


During the ABC interview, Humble re eated the g8-per-cent accuracy claim .

Ross asked whethèr there had been an independent study to corrobprate th4t.


ul don't believe that there has been an independent scientific study that shows this adually

'' 61 'admited 'works, Hum e .

2 ..

- lt does not appear ihat any corroborating studies have been done since the ABC

interview . NITV lists 1 5 ''studies validating voice stru s analysis,'' but they aII predate the. : .

interview. Zzonderinj whether any studfes had been done since the Interviebv, l calledsllk's office în west palm Beach. A shod while later, I receivéd a call from somebody


who introduced himself as ''prcfessor emeritus'' Jim Chaùman.

Chapman said he has no real conriection to NITV. Hobvever, he is a director = along. N

with B/iebe and severai other cedifed CVSA exam iners - of the National Association of

Computerized Voice Stress Analysts. '

The asàociation is dedîcated to promoting the CVSA device. Qiven that NITV is thet ' ''

manufactyrer and sole sourcen for the device, the association essentially acts as Nl-rv's

prom6tional arm.


told me he has just completei a lg-year study confirming that the CVSA deviceChapman

is 96.4-per-cent accurate. He also said the stud hab been peer reviewed, but when I

asked'for a cojy, he said it has not yet been publiihed, and until it is, he could not provide

One . ' '

W hen l asked Whether he could refer me to any otner stud confirrhing a g8-per-cent

accufacy rate, as advedised by NIW , he suddenly became quite angry:

''You are a danjerous man,'' he said. ''O at you are doing is puting people's Iives in. ' . '


b I resent that you are trying to put U..S'. troops :nd people in (criminaljeosar y.

f tj in jeopardy by cadting aspersions Eo' n the CVàA device.ln'en orcemen

One of the studies refèrenced on both Nl-rv's and Ilv's websites was copductpd in 2005

by the U.S. . air force Research Laboratory on behalf of the U.S National lnstitute of


hr .'//wpwm .vr couver= .coo tovr e t.hM lg.id< 3:8o3&spoc oN 3/2 1/2011

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'Father' of voice stess analysis got PbD O er six hours of bib'le smdy at stlip mall Page 2 01'4. q


. . '

* o . . . .

. ' '

The B.c. Corrections branih, which administers thb province's correctionai facilities and. ' .

programs, says I'X has conducted 645 UVSA tests to screen job applicants during the

past three years.

' . .



ù i ity depadment says 17N hàs conduqted about 50Thè Univprsity of Vict r a campus secur

similar tests on prospective secuiity personnel during the past five years.

Sundry finpncial institutions have also used I-FV to test employqe: who are sqspected of

internal malfqasance. I'TV says it hassconduded 15 to 20 suçh tests. .

.x : ' .

Saanich policë also use the device to screen prospective recruits.

, . . z-'-x. on it, webstté, ITV states that clinical studies show the device, usqd i.n conjunction with

the ''exped interrogàtion technique: used and taught by I-rV,n is g8-per-cent accurate ''with

no inconclusiv .''

I ' . .

However, when I asked W ebe for scientific proof, he vias unable to prpvide any. He said

hè was simjly relying on NITV, from which it licenses the r'ights to kell the device and

administyr the tests in Canada.

NITV lists as its founder Charles Hum ble, .''widely considered the 'fathe/ of .modern day'

' ice stress analysis.''vo' , .

. . '

Humble is a formèr U.S. army omcer and Indianapolis police ofscer. In Qarch 2006, he

. was the subject of an ABC Primetime News eypose.. .

jf '

s '

Pr'essed by ABC repoder Brian Ross, Humble adm itted he got his ''doctorate'' in

psycholog# from jq unaccredited university, lndiana Christian University - which at the

time was .located in the same strip mall that N'ITV had itb office = after just six hours of

bible study.

u . , r.) thatp'' Ro' ss asksdAnd you call yourself Dr. Humble based o .

t.Yes,'' Humble re lied.

''ls that honest, do you ihink?''

$1 l lt i-l i r-l 14: il: i t!p . ''

Nl-rv'mùst also think il's honest, becaùse it continue? to refer to him as ''Dr.'' Humblp, and

he ii still listed as an NI7N director. '

.. ' . .

' ra/stor/ prim ll'hvhl?idc-4al388o3&sponsoNht-to://snvw .vancouvelsuruco . 3/21/201 1 o

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 54 of 70

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Contovelsial device poptllar with publlc, phvate employers- (

luv e 4 01 6


> en he is n'd available, the fo= hire' s I7& fo Kreen prcqvective apple nts. To date,

I7V has condugted seven such tests. al1 in 2Q09.

Sampson also contrads his serviœs to IW on an as-needed basis. (He has written'

penmission from the Saanich Polics Boas to perform this outside work and, in any event,he doe,s not do any wOI'k for IW that involves Saanich police.) '

k, .

Insp. Rob Mccoll, who is head of Saapidl's detective division (and Sammon's boss) said '; .

the force stopped using the CVSA device for cnminal inveM gations in 2:07, not b-rmuse

they lost faith in its ability to deted lieé, but becau- the RCMP inétalled a mlygraphoperatof in Qdofia, which madp it more ecnomical to use that device. . . .

He rsaid Saanich polics sdll u- 'ihe CVSA device tc screen prospedive recruitq.

' '

! asked Mccoll whether he haS sizen any scienc c Gtudy to suppod ITVS dail:n that thedevica is g8-per-cent acaarate. '

- ''Personally, no.'' he reglied. ''I have no technicl dat.a in *,a(78: it up or tske issue w1t:h it. %t9' view of the..% instnlmeO fpolygraphs aid CVSA devices! is that any of them are cnly as

good as the bperators. Ts a tcol we use. and in my view irs an effective tcol-''

NI asked Wiebe to show me one ''diniœ l studies'' th+ shcw the device is s8...per..c'af7t

' ' accurate, as he adverjses on his website.

To my surprise, he said he had neyer seen an7 of them. He said he simply tcok the clairn

at face value from the National Institkrte'of Trtfth Verific tîon, the Flofida œmpany that

manufactur'es the device and sold IW the iicensing riglnts in Canada.

Y'Yx. NEXT: We Ie'arn that th: founder of the National lnstitute of Tfuth Vee cation, Dr. Chade.s

Uumblej eamed hiS PhD in a Strip matl In lndiana afte/ :ix houf's of bible study.

(ibainesttivancouversun.cm Resd David Baines' blog at www.vancuvefBun.œm/baines

* Gopyfiçtrt (c) no Vancawer :un

ho ://m m .vr couversu .coe stovr e t.hMnlTid=44zg768&sponsoN 3/21/2011

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li b- f'Flctfoçx ! -.. CX û . w .<

txi cxtive psrevte .

jj yCàpt. D avid Hkighes ( et.)Wit Palp B'iach' P 13 !West Pal,m Beachx/t

Acard J f öizectoxi..

chwrman A èz/Dg. ctarles HuliitluCnzmkiologstwestpalmhBeich,.Fl-

br. Hùyh Ridlpplxr,R reztslc Ps'y. ùhlatrist.

. Beimouk CA

Dr. JamesèNàitely.I4gu 's:Fbrensic Pcçbo

7aï:1c$;,7- twillk, FL '

Dr.n olcaj Josephcémjnoyopsts't. tcuisrMo

Artltè James Chapman.Ce lolods'tE Lm int NY-

d'-u.k, / t,65x* 34'.E1@J lJ ZGDW JMWZZYZ F'GYY EZ1

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j. xjerj j .Law Enforeemen.. !T i

. . - . t. . . . , . . ,

.)z , . . ;,k' i a'ptiàte of'néw' voiçestfa analydsdevices were ihtrcdu. ued' tntothe. whh4crlsmlutxnng. ' . . . c . . . ' .. : ). . . . :. . . . . . ! . .k ' . . 1 ' - 1 ' : ' '' . ' J j, ' ' ' A ' vtlàe DNki 63 lâ . n i tutâ.tu> out to be +at the.< are note g more t qm eldsf

akled %':y s +tt 15* bœka èd in éa een t to capitxlime on ie huge vn maiu criated by thz s Cem 'trter Yoice SeessrYae . g. .p


-me (cvsAl. Aa'txck. iey p. out peoous 'avqies' oqxuvxteubk. pozvpw-t vlimtba. 'ie. cvsxh. ''.L'' . . . . ,

d- lt *t* +e?, fail to explxih w'by more tbwaù'l/oo, hw euforcement atid tG Z Ajcéikzsé clùdmgtke U.S.' :x!-.1,..r,. -..n. g it ' .. ' '' ' '!. '

. (''bfili>sare'-' '


. . . 1n'

: e T'M . ter (LVA) 1r. 1

. . l . . . . . .4 7lthas'cpàç:to'gut atte. ù.t= tut durmMtlfatttm s ofthé'Trkuitdthùyx now uaètlzngG (b4 nnv ! pf tkek sastemtaa

. ..

J . ' . . V. '' .h ,i ttbcvyiqzit po4l a&-d- 'r.zcplllr.g.ltv'lm'emlzvo'i'ci,t 's'' (LV>.) - Sc et % 1' 1or* nwt'rz' p' 1gy.* . rne- .@ . . . . . . z . . . . . .. . . - x .. . . :.. . . . -

. Iiz.:.die tlpls, b- e:lk=eet. â. mA.t'q1ve zd çcgjzpaiw to intrcvhw t'x. 'v 'nesv. spetzm' Ln t:oéts of ton. e calg'. --, o . .. . . . . , z! . .' k &= rtm' eqté k' ' Y :aSZUV è agen'ts tLt they art yxm' g the 'Nm% late

.st kl 4'A ttcqo' lop' '..' HdWdver!,*.1.7. . . . . ' j . . . P . . . P . . e . . . . - . . . aterllev'elltm huw 'e' '/odtbùti e W u in is tbe old T= er, !n re ty, thzy àrqo'' ' # thi rqznrhtsyûtmo t

decle %. t: BfI1nc, llte. '?WM tilliùê fhe thezz:wlien he zsaid 'that Fa .: .nLawiek

Chiet-W'illia'n Mrîther-sN.ew qqittlalz' d P.Ei: ..Ncw Nvhitelandt P'i'

. t S- ##.i. i)i la stumtirsr'

Dx mui. Bbb Maitin 7, #;)' Lower Twp, P.D.t-owdr Turp,, NJ

l( j j. . ...% . . j . .A

yèav aeate tpaid $ 1'49:.* for ctr Trtlstm' bm thc are avatlâb' lp ror as'litlle %k$29.* (&. .fm lfcv ) , Hjmre , ù'vdtavv- tl 'ht+.4.! vc ièn', it wijl costyeu 316,* .00, iz sdd t)). nxr. aM maatjtlxù u'bylq oz4srrv in Isvael'' . . J . ' . ' ' . .. . . ..

( . . . . j .rie otrWàbrxite). llone of te pùciples huke arzyexpwavnqe Lntuthv' erhqcatiox Tl%. deveW ers claimthattl:e' . . . . ' . 1. .T

rasteot'/x is ''rnm'x' tle D&A of tkoùe o la cthèr wpids. it ce read vp* m,'na ( Nemevzaxo al>marzumabreitlx dt:7%' txtmtor' (* their Aveb site: wvvw.reravlscp.ce l. ( j

jD iogè'no Laatfra 1

.. , . : I.' 1

. . . . . . : l . '

A!M ,F. Stérewkk Vlke Pr'cie t of 'iN Dib> es CA uu, C/an'lnal JusEke Dh#ii< m tfxmlers cf tbe


i . i,a uftu' saos,mw ouo wfr ' ' .s+-. ' byNDiùgdt. es îanttrnv rm # Apmardl f-frthqddense ma . , , ,dzenq- alcwngo'onallv rœoenllrd retM ià m 1174 stlss kmalpis. Mz. Starewk: W ixwicwe a videotape of a' jv*

. j ..'k . . . . .g , . jj. . yj . e ' . . ,Cfài sA.

. exa'nxùe czwA',t-te4bx-zeLt ierrs't: cf ce. hnàuu-k:f P.D. c.n czl imdivû. aul -ulW %'ea ,x4, ot >ixdz'r.' ' ' . a

: ( . ' . 'The i'usM a Y 'fA?1M two CVSA fnrnnls':v snzb- # = 1--4 tothe mncder.

Mr. starewic: was h'lrdxti,y ttle defv.v to review mc.d criu' que tlx videotape of ufe ex. . Azfr àticiwia wrste a' *11d% Hthe'ta-ing tichnlqtaés tgughtb/tev l'v and.utl' iZM WLt J- ttas ' . ** 411* as40Ga4 tlmt . .

, .

,1 the exam invana ' .l% k-oumewas, '

dfzg to :/!'T,u é !.1r slas- dih's '. ' uy as '.#.'e- k. wppzu t%iorenZ err . .e&hnf' r'lon- .l'lli4bFcmddfqhav/''> >'!*+z' I tke rlz.eê- zm'i, to'wm ! F 1 '' . *S .

. . . . .. . . . . . . . . r . . .

' .

- ' . .. .

. - .

. . . . ,

. .. . .

. pf jj. . . . . ! . . . . . ' . - , ' . , . . 1. 't '

.W.e w<a cpnœv.

by tlir S, ' ' ' P,D, jugt mi& :o,(hç slzppçostonbzmqmk ild'J. ol ea ajs. isl'l couaterêmg- ' . , ' . .' C.

. . ' ' ' . '

.. '''. ''' . . '' ' . ''''. '' ' ' E) .

à ' 'Ne. surt-wichlà.teevmexv.z; XFVVE''VAiI'? a.réb,.,>--) io laty.starmkicyaèreport, wé..e #!- lo #ptore N LEXV. . ' ' . ' g . . . g . . . 2 j, . .' . . . > ''Witœxs ' ' çàtion:credvn'tialk .. rovl'di by.si. staimvich. '

: I. . . . . p . . . .. .


. . . . . . . . (' . . . , 1 ; j. , , . . : s .

l.. Mn.stgr*iviclz claini -. #'..d# '1ï# had beci uhe Chef E.v..%v,'rzef foru% DeteetivlDi%/k m-d -1 pf dW'' Rlrlingarm P,D)Q 'J .' . ' .' :


. . . . . .. ' . Q .' '

. , 1 . .

y.(uA> Sia> ieB+lki. gAmeP.D, UA mtheCQSA, wecottvfezr. eazkzggtbucv andwe *ldlypàt . s. . ' w ' . ' . ' ' '

:. - - -. '- ' 1* ' q - 1œ ef mr*mlneràai.al W . Stmw 4ch did.candùct a , ' . i 1ë .)' .


Lt. M ichael. Vtoljillv. (Ret)P 'cnce Grot z's Co. P.O.Lacdover. N

ô/cmdc' :ill EnkeltrlaléRrtzb'

Hmmilton Co. S.E4 u *' : ' . .C 'incinn ats 0. H

. Chief Wîlli-a:k Endlvrllq ef.)syrakmse P; D.. -

. s-yzacusc, F).I.

D . G. tep Fi)s:er,.M ,A.Atlakz=''p.D.. ., A ( I ba tz y G- h'

Cerporate Pllnt


C aptyin Takafhi Yama'rttki.


. . . ' ' . . . . '. . . .

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' ' . '

l l 4(.)0 Fortune L ërclt * %Vrosr Palm B'kmeh. , Flo. rida': 54.14 - (.56 l i '*? 93-6280 '. Fak (56 ! 3 7 93.- f 59g - E-hlai 1 N IT5'TIAC*M''S A l .com % W ww S :T.%' 1 .conl. : . . .

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l L ' / 1. D 'i' 2 $5tI 1:1, O b : l 1 .ï'.2l l %.j tf .Ilb xï 'ti L1 15 /-l ,' l.J I/.kIGIJI?IW rd.tc l'emknt K3 .J

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' ' .K,d. . .., 'A'%> % :!CNd'Exe * . Additionaly'she

. mqerbeaw eamdltzztlg exams'fg'i,V asG -).vIji wo *aesvfv' byie8e l7eFê.tv charge wii Aylicita:œ to Crmkml't M=* Mr stxw ichwx ><' ccnde z V +' 'e ) yx drmixoftv Ce Hcv to Mikk M N Hknt Wi+ ,4 ke y Ww cm, (Mr. *wojth qpxwb # ?xllai M . :G îhxt cm u' ExNWieM f* ) # ' ' i ' '

i . . . 6. r .' '. ; . . .. . . . : . .2 Mr St- d A e*hvlee,- K4.qtâ.e Chiefôf/rrhx:tf Ihr St EN H U/VV S# PD . i/T- . *% M a- e

' ld:G t/ iixer4t: ebas œ ) te a pœtedw,xda t ffx tm yeo SZ?QI t:e re mA e'ktn q/EMlde le ie' Ttftte e $ J - r. .. . '; ' ; . ' ' ' ' ' > 'tbe e * N Md%#* t.' eM' O t Qwp' > r.p rmtx; of W. S tmw q-ch Khag' Y ' lf P< H . i. . . . $ .

. .

<. j . . . . , .

jl : . . . j.. ' . . . . . . . . ' . $; . 1. .t-ls * z. j.t àcgtjv ' 1e #0* of* , sl.lrce vk'à backgx,tund. A A e z- we'ld > by m œ le uœalH

o= jtiià; Pu'''Jx-z-' 1: bêfkalkbœ + yoyLAM kj tY o= t kk st- 'v o v. lwœjwiztcéon > %g tocN'-' 1M' < re#< Wi- ? Fofe-G vf.xrjaéon '. ' W , 8:.+ % (x ';& . ' ; %. ap you mc z0/1%4' Pm. h , , . , . . . .

'h-. at 773:*4-:.779; ' l '.j . ,

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. i1>d1u>!-' acè'- lno ,ee. YyaâlprcNolowcal:s- fEkzluatxl- -.- e Hneavwrvwi ,v-1 ebx u uv.e bya

pdvàlelinkwljv x-àteéser.ix nt,lxate iu y=> ),... pA. yotî zasyv an% tovktoz isrr.bz 'a = , 'tu: ?r ',r.r-*. A mlc-t . . v . ' . . v . x . v' . i .vtiice *:G *''>. ' 's. Unf> .àN, Y rvY l=e Choier I ! . tcv in * ctd' ,&n G nm/d vœv 'tvdayr did Qxl mvwte e t- oluu bgpsE. i

. .

j. .: . . l .Mr HH 11*:* + e out ïtu qa ciaùmmgmat' O PSE 4&2 t'e.alog .lY : mA- pape àtl RWfMtb cvnèyprwv s!-- -. ' . .

,of Ade4 - G Zz * Hf ches lAltzz A Ytrcium .(qxd tbe ed.t-1<z 7jJ' z.$' 1. .! .

1.!:- + :- .,b' .: dieorbmz is.'tN:tMm.' ' - çlétma iu bks um rrelsat 'Y= eqwiotrnv t m. 've' xyRsl tx you-h ve i -. . . . # :- : .a !i11r)!. - 1!1 . .. - * e .

- a . - . . T .

tbàt is 'Mn'' 4 tb Au ed rxv - ,-, . lf your ev. m '= .were ru trxirwl > 1 mxriEe bv Eke , 1:* a'4 ;xx <)% o pcfrrm+ ? . . , . . ,. K œ x



.: i . . j . xs..u .v. x.t . k. k.'.k .k.,. : a ......y .. a a. .. . $ t. ., .,,..wx s.W . . .1F,6+. = ' r= . mc %M.2 P, Q..t' is XW r.ot gW' .

' 37.- tn 11*8 tmf ' u . = ro t = Xe. LV r./ 1 , 6:,AJ > 1k3.' . . . . . . ,e ' . . y : .'b iij 4 ' ' z. , . . . ' ' ' ; . q . ' ' . .mq.h.v!e .th U.%. Vaa< '.m,

: i

. & ' CVSA H< zlmlmn îbt aay 'z..=ra.mc (A*: +*n t%. ?% p.a g fr? uxi1. '

' .; ; ' .' '

l'tf . ' . - ihve pdrx dthèpV hud inqmr' ' e a: to > mamr uw Kfo-rtmne o i= &r4 evM'.s'1>'

.3xct7' '#. ' w O PSEevY' li* lili .e Y 1r''1 .ym .k>y h'riv'lb l+. Hmtsg < 642 Cowpaà Ftwi . !. .

.*-, .'& fA1<. PA 1944$. .gz' cal. 1 ram s1 2 i 5V3 1.- l Q:.. .

j w S.. / utm . ?s.o.. .. . p- o vx; ussr- q!w cys/uY t)u ' :'p Av R xh , . <m>, - . t . .s . r : ' '

.Bâkee PVSA )è

CrRr.f Bèkd', 4.p4,i1+' e J.tlvœ gesw. ldt tM empltpltxnt of> Dibamee Czttmp kk jm. ' 2 a*g o-* ue .>.J's cv 5 V SAwkicbb s'nnt i tv' %' ' ' lh , p' : ' : -


' <' ' RA' ' m'' , >' vs . - c. +. < . xkttw ar' e d' NN e rc= o f z ' px!x ' e' + ,

.t> n.' wti' . ( p qy k: 1 4-dX) 2 œ ;,. ' F'-,xhr' w kc ,..<. . . ; .: . ' . s . ' .t&e'e id.'',Bxk' è't'iI1i. to YL prl-x- ivecliitz 1at lzisxhw. = i: ôet to 'tirkte mx. ' ai>' cw ye.r e + cû=t 4ù. isxw ko . ' f' . v ' . .- . . .

' 1 pdue ytà 'àe-xw:s-ie 11 Bac: unvl-x rttêl :.&k. .zr eal=. .. mraû pay to be re-oa4ifu ee .'qar. r% f ' - ' , ' t*a BukerD. VSA =.d

'ktduée ' i*oreekfiu = h'sis.ôf tbetsiN wb. We deî= kiuH eit the literztare r>.'.r,= 'b-' rlx àyK= 'eéo' .'?<y e slea'dtrzg.m . : co.;

. . j ., . . : . . .

. .

Ju< aA#--m@ wveY ,>+*fe> (Ct> !, Mek j't thç Hagex tM s Nilrk 3 ar.d rvvval at* ) we rzu o<G ..: tbà y,*r*'' e = M iq me dq we:'m8 e m: i v atof tts' 'kcdav. n e Naù' ant.t'e mte FtT 7ra'a Vml' ' Y' sxfiat''ee .

e dkvdqe lt>w/rleveetsdga markdrrbllrmlg voieL- és mv tG- O je u uhtcecvœs?Dt'zliawr . . . . .. . .

. ' . . . . . . .. . , ;

. iHJY'.a-X<rZt 3 at 1:,1% Ia% èrfar= v aY N .erel Age jk's zlzt<gbor tàd U.: '1+ Cx- -is uo ;<t <.x .*4 gpyed wai .: . & . . . . . . ( '. . . . : .. mujto , ' . ' ropz,.mp't!ea wz.lmap.iz==u. njsusaq a hasi: t pjww ,atrh. '=f.,.a. ' e wJ, cw dw v-hpj' î,!.-' o .q'' . 3 . .fèf IM'l'b 4+ fu r:. d:tl N> . remm-ea e >d#w< levz! :f H LULN. g #uaadkrfd =u Y' H dopwd' 42 =q, 'xe 'tanbdrxvutàu- fcv. z . . . l .! . . . .

. . : ' ltém tj'. ' . 1. ' ' ' ' .. . J . .

. .

' . . y . . ' ' : . , , , j' ' 7. .

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r ' ' .5d* oe 'ae' . m> uz ùwv in:i t* 4<t5ea:. p'sltm and t:z * g. tat !1 rj.citiL'ki to N..qXUXA 'mmg' . p'm oxful. - : :. : . ' ' . - '' '

. . . ' j, .' : . . 1 . . . . : .. ' ' ' . & j ' . ' .. .: exO. ,. . :iz , ve that' Jtyu as. k t%' to'agb q'Ap c'm e Mr rllnt;e tM s)'.stm tlyé'cr-mqe p. zid *,R . ta'.lur-:. mr'. a-kmk.to mGàt' g, :he '

' açquisidtr Fooww e ir-#m r-alfcr- sn râé Compmec lroice &r= Jm xr''re cr t%. ciwéxt numhr's' tN'yt!y 'vYACœ Jbst= .ke ifw-m' , .. i . . - ' : . .

? *' aslt' ' m. ** yi tè e t b *1 T 'V I . = . t' . . ;j . .

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s' ,v t ( ( jr z y

N AT.X & s n xvo D AM C , .mrroqhdefrs AT u w

tl .S . & à N'FER N/G I O N,hL


R E LATC D L I CE N S l N G & L I Tl Gr ! O N

eAL.M erAch

r ) R 2 T kp N l o N c E N T'E Nsu I7$L eo2

, ++4o pG'x Bo tauEvoao


e-frail: pelmbeech*mspatentaucom

TELEPHONE (YeI 1 62E-1675Fxcisl MILE (sel ) eas-es? a

M lJk&! 1

e-mall: mlai-ni*mspatsnts.com '

TEL Ep8 (D NC 1.aG!5J a 7 .% . aa l ;

.ù ( acs ) a 7 i ..s a a aFehc l M lLE


e-rnal4' chlcagcqmsçatenlacpc,-rE L L p >1 o p1 ê: (.3 l a ) 939 - eE l s

May 2- 20j) '


RFTURN RECXIPT REOUESTEDV ' ' ' ' 'r. Arthur Herring

Dektor Cop . ' '. 462 CoAvpath- Suite 3 58. Lamsdale, P.A 1 9446

Dear M r. Herring:

W e represent National Institùte for Truth Veritication in intell'ectual property m atters,

Tl7e coriapàny has recently f-iied a civil action against The Baker Group as a reskllt of false statem entsbeing m ade in interstate clnm' merce, (A copy of our Complaint is enclosed.h

You have previously made false statenpenrs aga.inst the interests o.f the com pany and its founder, Dr.

' . .


. .

Charles Humble. I'hese statements are dep7onstrabl). false and v/ili subject yob to civil penaltiesa

as well as punitive danaages, for the malicious nature of the statements. '

The companv. is prepared to l'ile l':R çivil action against you, however- i t is willing to resolve 'thi's' . a *'

nlatter in the iorm of a Nvritten agreernentn whereby you will agree to immediately ce. asc al 1 sutzh .

further statem entà. '

I wou. ld ask that you or your attorneys

that w1- .m av. k no: ur intenti ons.. .. wr 4

S incerdv': . 71

1 -' .. '

l .h -.N Vn A.. ' S L A V IN , A .

. - '>


* 1.' .z

- - . cHale.

EFA/f --cac


c.ontact mewithin seven (7) daysof receipt of' Ihis let-ter so

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 60 of 70

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, '

79. rWs he D cktor vebsite ftlrtller states: t'Il1 late 2006, N ITV .5 .

vb .

instlraiace l'nagazines w itl.

l I7tlll . 'nage adg'. It appears

. they Nyere tryillg to n'1

, . ê



' .

' , .

drop in CV SA sales to law elllorcelnent. N ITV tried to get illsurallce coI'- V -

. '. .

and tlse it as a overcthe-plzolle 1 1- e dtatectol- 1:-01- . r .. ; jja tjljzy Ji IIstll aIICC 11 at1 .

. '

clail-nj w-ould t)e .clenied becatlsé ' of tlle 13001- IlCCtll-aCj/ aused by unreliac

' ' m m

and unrelia.ble Nl 1 V training. D elctor contaèted the luagazine and ddtiça'

, '

Soolï- NITV w as banned ti-ol'n advertisilbg in

I yf ' '

je '' 3. '' ë 1 -1-1 t t-I),-


,/ ,... 'y&,''y;$,h-h.. ..


. (.1 (--. Ik t(.) 1.-1) s. (.) . (.t.!t) 17) I l 1-) j-t.è 1-1-)1 ;.l f' 5 (.'.) 11.7 t--.A.., ui-,- -c1/, ) .. , ..k.- .:.-. . ..-..

' , .

, , '

80 This stateluent is falsc. Plai Ilti ff did llot experiellcc al'1y'

. . . , ' ' .

' .

. 5 . ' x . . . . '


enförcel-llent and N5?a''s llever balllltb- d l'i-ol'n aclvertls l 1, fz 1.1) l l)s t-lrallct lllatazil'. ' . ' . . '

. .


. . ' ' .

those lnstlrance l'nagl

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1-1 cknqe ''-ib o u t 'x, Products v Training v llt-lal dases solvecl f1. esotlrces v science v Al5 Coul-se v

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'> In 19:6 a nadonallprecognized œmpany made the decision to produce anew voice stress rajyzer utilizing the Iatest in technology. ln searcàingfor an individual with thq expertlsq to head u: the project, they choseCharles Humbte, a kdice stress and potygraph examfner #omIn lanapolis, 'l. , who had nct only bullt a sl rressful Iie deted Dnbusiness, lqt who had also discovered 'delayed stress readion' whiiefonming his bwn training sehool fot votce slress anaiysis In 1981 . Humble

publfshed his sndings and restructured test formats accor4. lngly,dramatically changing the face of voice stress analysiï by' grea

.-tly .

increasin its a= uracy rate (5:% of a1I deceptive readtbns. displav. ed jn-the pattem of .the o owlng questlon . um e a so developed aninter/bwing tecàinique which he œ lled Deënse Bafrier Reiioval (b8R).

DBR.inœrporated the Kinesic Interviewing Technijue and utilizing itgreatly increased the int.erviewer'd ability to ideqti'ly guilty subjeds atld tothen elicit' confu sions from them. The combination Qf an accuritqsystem, validated formats and. testing protocols, as well as a dynamictralning program wa# the formula f'or the futuf'e suctx's's cf 4-oic,e stressanalysis in the law enforcement communibg.

In 198: .tàe Compuze.r Voice Stress Azmlyzer'rlkl was debuted by the

Naiional Institute for Truth Verification to a market that had Iess than fondI'nem/ries of voice stress analysis. Although it was initially diïcult toconvince law enforcement to take the CVSATM seriously. many in theMldwest Iaw enforcement community were so convînced by their previousexperience with. Humble that th. ey gave it a try. Very slowly word spreadtroughout Iaw enforcement that the CVSA, along wîth the outslnding

training at4he NI7V, was repta. cing the polygraph in e'eery agency whichpurchased it Because the NITV did not advertise and relied solely onwordef-mouth for its sales, the polygraph community, disbrganized by the

ho ://www.cvsal.comAistoa.php


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: l ! . ! .-4;.'L $ ) l.1

W ,


Dkvt'ce: Computçr 'kbice Stress -/ulalyzer ICVSAI ,'''. ''' '' '' ' %

a'fanufttcturev: The Kational Institute for Tnltll Verification INITVI, Svest Palzn Beach, FLDate farrpfh/cdz/l Nfarch, 1988 '

' aNutnbc' r t//.f(-/zolf//: Labv f/l-/brcturlc/l/ Users: 800' Prlcc: $9,250.00

C ost tlad Letlgtlt of Trfl!/1.fa.#.- $ 1,215.00 per student. 6 days. Re-cel-tiiication required evely 3 years ,n Voicc: 56 1 -798262.80

Fax: 56'1-798-1594 .Conuklcnts: Tilis s, st'e wa velo )ed from the ol'i inal PSE ancl has evolved over tlle years frofzï an analo to 1

. a notebook computen.lt is the only voice sfréss analyzer whose accuracy and. easç of use llas allowed it to be widd

colm nunity. The CVSA is sold only to cel-tified law ellforcem ent agencies, Recel-tit-ication it'required for a1l U .S.

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à'-k/f// '/--


Ar gtlp, , e 11 t s '

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lle deteçtbrBy Deunlq W aR er

THR ARlzopluk RzevBlalc

' At least 20 Arizona law en-

forcementagengiesarerel#mg'on a voice-measliring iie detecntor for cmrrninat invesdgatons 'evpnthougil experts say.the de' -vice does not stand up' to scienlùfic scrutiny and may promptkfnpcent buspecu to makefalse corffeèsions.n e Computer Voic,e Stress

M alyzep or . W SA, parpoz't-èdly measm-es W1 nadio.wwesproduced by muscies arotmdthe 1ak vyp-x. Deceptike answers'cause stw sskftzl Gmièro-'trem-ors'' in the . voicd. thnt ' ak-ezcharted by the dèvice's soft-

. wa/e prorram ! the m antlfac.tmrer says.Yet, indepecdent experts

have consistently. fouqd thê in-

See CVSA Page M 4

. r . r .

;, J // o to go/o rke,y ,- - w - v . v v v = v >

CVSAJContmuedhnm ,4J

strtunentto be dubious, at bestwhen it comes to separatingt'J'U?.IA from lies. M d, while in-creasingly more police agen-i in it to interrogate' ' 'c es are us gsuspecrs.and àssesg Avitnesses,tàey dcn't qse the machine foriri ternal iévestrigations or ' to

.'sereen. recruits.Tl3-e Deparc ent of Defense

Pdlygraph Instit-ute concluded.tha.t CVSA produéed 'Cdismelresults'' and f'no evnrniner did .better than Lhe cbnnce level.''Two years ayo, tàe Nationat'

Academ# of Sèlences reviewedvoice-stress studies qnd con-cltzded there is ttttle or .nô scl-entific basis'' to consider thedevice an alternative to poly-raph machl-nes. .gAnd a report done forthe 1n-

' ' terhational Associpdon ofChiefs of Police fèund: tfsvhat-eker'the C'VSA may recbrd it isnot scess. ... The poor valldi'ty'for the cttrrent voice stress-teclmolog'y shouldprovidea (2a-vea; t0 . agencies considerzg

' adtiing voice stess to' their in-ve>dgative toolboxqs.''Despiêe. those crit-iques, the

company behind CVSA clni'rns. its demce is more accuratel11r a polygraph inachine andl

. .c. has solvçd hundreds of crcnes'

acros's the cokm tryCharles ' Humble, chairman

ali.d cilief executive officer ofthe busineos lm own as National

. Jn stitutefor Truthverific tion,said ' voice-stress technologyhelpg dçtectives target the badguys duringinvestigations, and. 'clears inneceny suspects whomight oierwise remain tpdersuspicion. It al

.so is used to.check wimesses' veracity'

. SfWe beli#ve the system isloo.percent qccurate,'' H urfibleaddedk .

m despre' ad popularif'y.According to the institute,

1,400. .AY. erican laW ecdbrce-men: agendes have p'tlrchasedCnmputer'voice Stress M alyz-ers .in recent years, at $10,760er m achine. - .

The device is . purportedlyused i:l fraq by courzerinte'lli-gebre forces arld at rhe Inili-'tary's terrorism dt''zention cen-

<v v v x A x A v v > v a

iu Guantana' mo Bay cuja.ter ,1.11 Arazona, it is employed by.

the state Department of 'Publicsafety, M- copa cqtuitv sher-iff's Ofnce and police in Mqèsa,Glendaie; Gl7 bert and 'Afyön-. '

. (:dale, to rèame a fèw. It a.léc h a;

becnlusedint're irgpx gre i'at Fol.t Huachuca, th. e' Azv yl'sintelligence enining centék' insouthern Arizona. ..'Irhe' insdtute's literamre

idpàtifies research work.s thatseem to endorse ràe instru-ment. One strdy fotmd.P100 percent agreement be-twyen CVSA and the pol.y-graph.'' Jmother czmcluded it is.'taccurate when utilized as a

. tnzth 'verficatlon deWce, and

. produced a confessioa rate of. .N 94.8 percenl.

Htlmble acknowledged,

however, that no independenttesting bas ' demonscated themachine's integrity Heclnirned CVSA rmnnot be evatApated ander labaratoa coadl-tions because stressful' devia-tions'occur only when an jnter-rogation subject Ls afraid ofprlon or the death penalry.'fW e never really had the

funding to do That, to take it to atlniversity a'ad pay for all'thereéearchers,'' he said.

Com petes M4th polyp-aphPeoria police Detective Totn

Stewart, who has administereddozens of CV'SA exarns, saidsuspects often crack whert tolcl'

. they are facing a foolproof de-c'eptorsdetector. .

'q don't know ' i.f this rbin gworks,'' Stewatfadfnitted. ''Butit worki for mçsin geruing peo-ple. to see the light. ... Theydeny doirfg'' it right trp' to thepoint of me asldng Lhe firytquestion. Tken they breakdoNvnand say, 'Youdon'tneedtodo ttte test I'm gklll* tT'-' ''Before CVSA, Stewaz't said, '

police deparùnents iad to pay$150 for private poly-graph ek-nrns or wait days for state ex-nnniners 'to b'e available. Withvcice-stress testing. he ' said,f4'' f ssions is fasterge 1ng con e ,

cheaper &nd e-asier. 'CVSA technology isbased on

reséarch f-lrs't conducted by. 2heA-rm-y- fou.r decades ago. A. pairof retjred off kcers toctk theîrfindings Lo the public in 1970

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La $ r ) l -/-.




. ':M

j ' ' .

Plaiptif incoporates 1b.8 Gçneqal .< legatiorss in parag-aphs l -1 1 a-q set.forth aboz'e.

' f dantp YZ'LL-V FED Ipdlc't ZLUMBLE and KAN.E12..Third PartA Re en , , ,'

. . .

are liable gnder 'the ACT for tke D RB-T by lrirtue' .ofany oz al) of the following: ''i.

. . ..!j . Sj. . . . . ..).;u.) ;..

. . f v.

The fzaudulent transfez of m oney, or other mssets fzom the R-D6N' fRNTJ''.

. .. ,JJ .j;r .sg . , .' . j .(x

DEBTOR io the LNSIDER.S m ut/or SUCCESSOW ALTER'EGO' atker the'

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y ., .,. z/ ' ,*-e*' ' ê * -' ou'

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AC'l' withotll lhe :QP.DGI.ZL..IEN' T DEB. R.'0.R 7 S 'fééçipt of reasczsably' . . .

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. .r. . .T( . ''The iraudulent tnm sfer of Inoneyr.or.othùy assets from the J'L'DG' N..IEN. T

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. rjDATE; Aqrithout Tlce . GIVff,'v''f DE BTOR S receipt of reasonably' . Jr. . . : . . :' r j . r ;k1. .. . y' . . '

eqtlik'alent value fo' ''? lhe 'Vansfer. orllich tranifer catzsed The JLIDGNZIENT. . '

' -.j.

DEBTOR to beckpnAe l'nqohrent tmder the ACT, ancl tlle TN SIDE R.S knew' the

transfet- .!)'oq1d mak' cdbs JUDONIENT DEBTOR lns' olvent; œ'


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- tl i nsiders conspi rcd amocgsL tlleluselxres to jk audulently transferc. .zT tu''tl')e l , 'le 1 .


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.. I-CD GN '' TT.DEBTOR assets either to thmnselvtjs or tc SUCCESSOW'. .*)ï ' . ' ' '

. . . * , ' ' . e .

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. ' ' ' '

' A. I..T.ER EGO Lo carry on the JLFDGNIENT DEBTOR' s busincss.

V. . '

I 3 . Thù foregoing cond.uct dolates e.i thez F -S . 7. 26.1.0 5 tu'lcb'.'.tarz F..S. 72 6. 1 O6o 'sdbj ecting the$


5r.1 s'?lde'rs to liabilitv.*' ,

B./TITI- I.RId..FONE Plaitltiff.- BA F:.' ER, request Judgnnnen't plus interestz costs and suclè fees as are

. . *

. '

allowable against the Thîrd Pal-ty Defendallts, N-ITV FED, TlUs'flA; IILL' 'JBLE and K-A-NE, and

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LNSJDERS. ra e L'XTSD F,R. I-IUNZfBLE, breached his duty to Plaintiff by allowing

the m isayproyùation of 1Le nqqetks-

e. The Y SIDER, I-IUM BLE , had an ao rmative duty to acquire kmonrledge aud

expeziezlce to 'pezform' l'lis tsiz- ector duiscsc arzd 'a continuio.g obkgation to keep. .

' .

-'''' '

. 1 . * e @ ..::t'lnformed about '..he JLI-DO'A z T DEBTOR S buasuess aat) vlt-le, a'nd zto: ore'. . y. x,

. .w. . . m.o'.=z4w. . . . .JN- 'f& ' Wjte + '

the lllegal conduct of other INSIDE. RS. srys 4t,J . ..'. .

. i x'Mu. wcs-csxx us-w

-SID-'R ' 1 zfBl F failed to pzoperh'' caoitall-z'e the . , CzN'' ', 1.e 'fhl t, , . v - - - s . .,

- ka- 'îLtbt':', ';,..-.-13 . -tI..yj jlyLz. , eyrts ...z:Y&o4,

DEBTOR. ' '?. )L:l ;.

. bh. .:J:kk.tz.'m=-

B Ps request Jud-vm ent plut mteqest, cosls and such fees

..x!t .p.y:b. kkczj, . ..:;' .: '.- - 5:7-.z'

aze allo wable agains''t the Thlkv'd P Defendanta FILRv'IBLECI..X. nd s'tlkbln other zelief as the Couzt$ u ;F Lt ' 218 '

.. .. ,. z t)wqi ., . ;. . ...L?,, . :,.. vjy-. --

tm -f-a. :.;

, . ..

,.u ..; . . .

. . j, .deem s equatable and J us- g . ..:.1.,-.

. z ; ' p'jjc..j y;(;:.z x .,. . LLjb.. - ,

. 't:z., zlï.

zI.. t-?,c- 4:2). )((J;'Nf' 'u .,jL' 1r,

B U S - S S .C O N T 1 A T I O N

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. ::- ,9;ry-l 2. Plaindf incorpozales tb.e (J&''e.V ' al .kll:galioc-s ic paragTaphs )-1 1 as set fczth above.

.' ' ', . hs z . , -f-4:'J' ): sr.

- - '' ;'

...2.s . . . ' a''.y.'w .. q:s, ..

19. The SUCCESSOW ALTEK. EGO was seI up by ttke I7;EI.l.3EPx.S, IR.12kfI.A.: IBLE and4rs

. *. . / '

Yv--bkx r..:'i .jg).';'.:,&-- .

NE, for the p'typpse of engacYrtg i:rt sub. stanti. all-v the sazne business actjvities as' the' . . . ' e) .' ; , .

R 'DGNJ-ENT' DFaBTOR.. . : Jljjy% . ... -;.., .


. ' ' '''

20. 'l-ile SUC CESSOPJALTER EOO was capitaliz ed svith the assets fzaudutentlv tra= ferredJz =1: 1 *lu.:x. i

. ...1 ' .u! ' ,. ;.'L u .s

. .frdl'n HA TLTDGM ENT DEBTOR.z,.qL?kï. .;-..-::--.Fj:i,::.,r?..,jj.- .,..-e- .'.


2 1 . D e SUCCESSOR/LG TER EG' O refeds a contiuuitlz of JLTDGkVIFNT DEBTOR

chAraersb-ip, buslness opezations, pezsonm, .G officezs a-ud d. izectors, and of pfoduc't sold or

senrice rendered-

Case 9:18-cv-80994-DLB Document 138 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/31/2019 Page 67 of 70

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22. By virtue of the toregoing, the SUCCESSOW ALTER ECJO is either a blzsinessp* . ' ' ' , ' ' .

kbntinuation, a succe-qsor corpirationo or the sprdving corporation of a de fador merger

be> een SUCCESSOW ALTER EGO and thç JUDGMNE. T DEBTOR, and ip liable for

. b


WHEREFOM Plaintiffa BzG F-lky Tequcm judgncnt pl=


zrp K> 4 << *.- à:Q.u= '%'''''...'rrr'f':.,..l;....




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w % H'LQ'- t!D-t ' %...-%M.k=25 ..=k '' .2 ax z.':'= G -. ..rr we

ilowable against tbe Thizd Party Defendant, JRJMJAV HLTMXLE

relief as the Court deems equiuble andjust.

Dated:-M ay 5, 2014

. -: .. . t j:,z ..2:yj----ài. Cr-- --;. ïkU Jz

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. 86 ' . > . ':. .. . . - y-.j or. - . 0-ï;... n,..0.. t.ï .1; . à , rrkè;B

... tj4:. Ratom FL 33487

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j j&,,v r fJ

Arthur Herftng.lll . .


-............- CSaOS Z EXCSSZgC --------

Fzom : Dnni'elDesotzza 'czldesotuzatzdesotlzalaw.comm

Date: 6/1/19 2:35 PM (GMT-05:O0)

Cc: ''James D'Loughy - Advisor L.aw PLLC (Jlll-outlllllt'lîadvisorlaw.coml''. 'ccrfllwoutElFl'Yttiladvisorlasv.comr


Foà. SETTLEMBNT pknlposEs Olc.-fSubject: NITV -

M z. Vandezhof,

'T'his e-mail is sent ptlrsiln'nt to Fed. R. Civ. P. 408 and is f0r setllement puzposes only.

1 recogaize aud respect youz prior e-mails asking that we not conlact you fllrther regarding tlkis mater, but

lmfortunately tllis e-mail needs to be sent and it is In.y hope that you redew il cazefully (prefezably with yourlegal counsel). 'Fhroug,h ollr review of the èocllrnents produced dèqring the forensic investigation,O5Vn

conclusions reached regazding the ûdamaged; hard ddve, and yositions taken by Mz. Hezri'ng copcennimgownership of 'the PSE intellect'ual property, it is ou'r htention tp flle a Complainl agm'lnst both you a'adVanderson Corporation in the United States DisG ct Court for tàe Southern D istdct of Flodda foz aiding and

abetting 511. Hening i.n his tortious activities a'ad for conspiring 'GIII birn to engage iu such activity. Please

note l acl not sending this e-mail to conyinbe you that we a're light or to argue 'the point W 't.IA you back aud forth

- tlae botlom line is that ou'r client has pushed for a lawsuil to be fled :gainstyou and your company for som etim e now aud w e agree witk ot'lr client's position. '

That said, l am not lookimg for my client to spend more money on this m atter thau necessary. My expectation is

that tke lawsuit wit'll Mr. Henirg will soon be ovez, Nkith a monetary judr ent agslinslbpth Dektor and Herrinéand a permanènt injunction entezed. W e aTe awaiting dislaissal of Mz. Hezri'ng aud Dektor's bankrnptcy casesbefore we proceed i'a that mnnner. Given tke above, we have 2 choices on how to proceed here. The flrst opdon

is you ignbre this e-mail (youz rigxht to do so) and we proceed with slqimg you i'a Florida as we iid wit.h Mz.Hezring. The second opdon (which 1 sincezely hope you give sezious thought) is that we enter inlo a settlementagreement wherein NCl'V will exchange putual relea-ses W 'LII ypu aud Vanderson 'G'tII no mone to be paîd by

e *

#ou or judo ent enléred agnlmst you) in exchange for: (a) 'the t'acsfer of ry ownershi or use ri ts ou mayhave in the PSE softwaze/intellectllnl propeo /sokrce coàes elc. lo NI'I'V and (b) the agreed entry iuto a .pezmanent izjuuction that prohibits you om fue er assls-tirg M.r. Hezmirg with his anti-Nfl-v activities twith aliquidated damages provision in the rvent of a violation). W e would neèd to apee on the language and otherterial terms but that is 'tile gist of whz'l m# clîentwi'il accept i'a lieu of Glimg a lawskét agaic.st yo' u andma


seekimg a moneyjudr ept therein. The above would also be contingent on the Couzt allowiug entry' of a'a

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' j

4. . .

i'nju ction against you as a non-party - If' not, we would probably need to ftle a lawsuit with agreement toirnmediately dibe ss i! upon entry of a'n injunction. '

Again, I encourage you to review this W 'tIA copmsel, but uuderstand that we are poised to move forwazd with thelawsuit ifyou aze not wilt'ing to settle along tb.e above terms. Ifyou are im erested', plea-se let m: know byW ednesday, Juué' 5 at the latest. 1f1 do not heaz back fzom you by then, we will proceed w11.h the lawsuil.


Daniel Desluza

Desouza Law, P.A.' .' 31 1 1 N: U'àiversity Drive I Suite 301 I Cora' l Spfjngs, FL 33065 (Mailing Address)

- - . , 101 NE Third Avenue l Suite 1500 I Fcrt Laudefdale, FL 33301

954.603.1 34O (office) 1 954.561 .5320 (mobile)ddesouzaadesouzalaw.com 1 h'vww.desouzalaw.com

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