09 workflows

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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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  • 9-*WorkflowsModule ObjectivesList the benefits of workflowsCreate a workflow templateCreate activities using the Activity InspectorList workflow performer optionsDescribe the benefit of aliases with workflow templatesAdd flows and packages to workflow templatesStart, execute and monitor workflow instances


  • 9-*WorkflowsWhat is a Workflow?A workflow formalizes and automates a business processFor example: approval processes, document creationIt defines who performs what and in what orderThe structure of a workflow matches the complexity of the business process being emulated

    EngineerProject Team ReviewAutomatedPublishAuthorapproverejectProgram ManagerInitiatorWorkflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsBenefits of Workflows EfficiencyAutomates paper-based business processesFormalizes ad hoc business processesMinimizes human/process errorAutomatic task delegationReduces business process completion timeManagementEnterprise scalabilityReal time access to process statusProvides auditability


  • 9-*WorkflowsWhat is a Workflow Template?Defines a workflow in terms of activities that must be performed by specific participants in the order specified by the template designerCreated with Workflow Manager and installed in the repositoryWhen executed, initiates a workflowMany workflow instances can be generated from the workflow template

    Workflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsLaunching Workflow ManagerTo launch Workflow Manager from the Start menu:Click Start > Programs > Documentum > Workflow ManagerTo launch the Workflow Manager from Webtop:In Classic view, click File > New > Workflow Template In Streamline view, click the New Workflow Template linkTo launch Workflow Manager from Desktop:Browse to /System/Desktop Client/Workflow TemplatesRight-click and select New > Workflow Template


  • 9-*WorkflowsWorkflow ManagerUsed to create Workflow TemplatesActivities can be connected in sequence and/or in parallel

    ToolbarPaletteActivityFlowRepository User Template State


  • 9-*WorkflowsPalettesPalettes allow you to reuse existing activities and workflow templates in your templatesClick Change Palette to add other activities or templates from the repository


  • 9-*WorkflowsActivitiesActivities represent the tasks that comprise the business processThe runtime representation of activities are tasksActivities define what is needed to do for the task to finishCreate documentAppend contentReview documentApproveActivities may be:Manualnotification arrives in a users inbox Activitys work done using the task managerAutomatic- performed by a program on behalf of a userWorkflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsDouble click on an activity in Workflow Manager to display the Activity InspectorThe Activity Inspector specifies:The messages displayed to task performersWho performs the taskWhether the task is manual or automaticWhether the task can be forwarded and/or delegatedWhether the task requires electronic signoffThe conditions for the task to startThe conditions for the task to completeWhether notifications should be sent to the workflow supervisor (owner)The tasks priority (mainly for automated tasks)

    The Activity Inspector


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Performer tab provides the following options:Selection of manual or automatic activityDelegationRepeat the activityElectronic signoffThe Performer Tab13421342


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Definition TabThe Definition tab is used for the following:Set the priority of the activity (mostly used for automatic activities)Set the task subject (not shown in task manager)Specify instructions for the tasktask manager at runtime


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Trigger TabThe trigger tab specifies when the activity startsThis can occur when any combination of the previous tasks complete Can also require an event to be sent to the workflow programmaticallyNote that activities can occur more than once in a workflow132


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Notification TabEach workflow instance has a workflow supervisorThe supervisor is usually the initiatorThe supervisor can be notified if the tasks are not being completed in a timely manner12


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Transition TabThe transition tab specifies which activities should follow the current activityFor example, if the current activity has a forward and a reject path, the performer of the current task should choose only one of the subsequent activitiesforwardreject


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe Display TabUse this to specify how the activity looks in Workflow Manager132


  • 9-*WorkflowsSelect Performer (1 of 2)Workflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsSelect Performer (2 of 2)132


  • 9-*Workflows

    When the Performer is DeterminedAssign performers at design timeHard-coding users and groups is the least flexible option Assign performers at runtimeLet the workflow initiator pick the performer(s)Have performer(s) of a previous activity pick the performer(s) (the performer is resolving the alias)Let the server pick the performer by resolving aliases


  • 9-*WorkflowsPerformer Tab- Automatic ActivityAutomatic activities are programs run on behalf of a performer132


  • 9-*WorkflowsFlowsActivities are connected using flows To create a flow, select an icon (straight line, segmented, reject) from the Workflow Manager toolbar and connect two activities

    Workflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsFlow InspectorDouble click on a Flow to bring up the Flow InspectorA Package must be defined for every Flow except the ending FlowA package contains the content (documents or folder) involved with the workflowMultiple packages can be defined for each flowAt run time, the task manager ensures that the packages contain the proper content (package type, version) before allowing the activity to complete


  • 9-*WorkflowsPackage ExampleThe first flow contains a package named Plan, which in this case is an empty project planThe initiator of the workflow is required to attach a document before the workflow can startThe remaining flows all have a package named Plan associated with themThe author edits the plan before sending it for review


  • 9-*WorkflowsTemplate PropertiesSelect File > Template Properties to set properties for the entire templateChange the template ownerSpecify the default alias setTurn on auditing

    Workflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsWorkflow Template StatesWorkflow templates can be in one of three states:Draft- The state while developing the templateMust save the template in the repository before it can be validatedValidated- The Workflow Template has no process definition errorsInstalled- The Workflow Templates can be instantiated as workflowsMust uninstall the template before modifying it



  • 9-*WorkflowsIn Webtop, the initiator can start a workflow without selecting content first (you will add content to the package(s) later)

    Or they can select the initial content, then select Start Attachments Starting a Workflow (1 of 3)streamlineclassicWorkflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe initiator then selects the appropriate workflow templateStarting a Workflow (2 of 3)


  • 9-*WorkflowsThe initiator provides some required information for the workflowThe textbox is for a description seen on all subsequent tasksThe package is filled with content if the workflow was started using Start Attachments, otherwise it must be addedIf performers need to be assigned, there will also be a Performers tabThe Comments tab is used to assign a comment specific to this workflow instanceClicking Finish sends tasks to the performers of the first activitiesStarting a Workflow (3 of 3)


  • 9-*WorkflowsHere is the authors task shown in WebtopThe author sees the content added by the initiatorClicking on Finish completes the taskThe Task Manager


  • 9-*WorkflowsWorkflow Reporting in Webtop


  • 9-*WorkflowsDesignating a ProxyYou can designate a proxy to manage your workflow tasks A proxy is someone who acts on your behalfTo designate a proxy in Documentum WebtopIn Classic view, click the, I am available linkOn the Workflow Tasks page, check I am currently unavailable and click edit to select the user to whom tasks will be forwarded To designate a proxy in Documentum DesktopFrom the menu, select Tools > Workflow AvailabilitySelect the user to whom tasks will be forwarded when you are not available to receive them


  • 9-*WorkflowsSend To Distribution List WorkflowAn ad-hoc workflow started from menu options in Webtop and Desktop by specifying Performers at workflow initiationIf performers receive a task In parallel Sequentially

    If performer should sign off Priority: Low, Medium or HighInstructions for performers


  • 9-*WorkflowsQuickflow in WebtopProvides Send To Distribution List functionality in Webtop


  • 9-*WorkflowsWorkflows vs. BPMBasic workflow (included with the core license)Workflow Manager for designing workflowsTasks exposed through Documentum clientsNotifications sent through emailBusiness Process Management (BPM)Similar interface to Workflow ManagerExtends workflows outside of the enterprise Using protocols like email, Web Services, HTTPConnects to enterprise applications inside or outside the firewallIncorporates XML forms (XForms) in workflow tasksHandles high volume workflow tasks using workqueues


  • 9-*WorkflowsTest Your KnowledgeTrue/False: A workflow emulates the structure of a business process only if the business process is linear.True/False: There can be many workflow instances based on a single workflow template.True/False: Activities can be reused in multiple workflow templates.True/False: Activities can be automatically completed using server methods.True/False: A package must be defined for every flow, except the final flow.

    Workflow OverviewWorkflow TemplatesActivitiesPerformersFlows and PackagesInstallationRuntime


  • 9-*WorkflowsClassroom Exercise: Lab 9During the exercise, you will:Use the Workflow Manager to design a workflow templateCreate a document and attach it to your workflow templateReceive and forward workflow tasksPlan_Approval_xActivity 1=AuthorActivity 2=ReviewActivity 3=PublishstudentxProjectxWorking DocsProjectx New Plan 1.0


    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Workflow Template IconsWorkflow templates appear in the repository with the icon:Activities appear in the repository with the icon:

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Placing Workflow Templates on the Desktop MenuTo place a workflow template on the Desktop menu so that all users can see it, copy or create the workflow in the \System\Desktop Client\Workflow Templates folder. You can then find it by right-clicking on a folder. You should see any saved Workflow Templates at the bottom of the menu.To save the Workflow Templates for the use of specific groups of users save it in the \System\groupname\Desktop Client\Workflow Templates folder.To save the Workflow Template for your own use save it in the \yourhomecabinet\Desktop Client\Workflow Templates folder.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Activities PaletteContains pre-defined activitiesTo add an activity to the palette, click Change Palette

    Workflow PaletteContains pre-defined workflow templatesTo add a workflow template to the palette, click Change Palette

    Change Palette WindowUse this to search for pre-defined activities or workflow templatesThe search criteria may be specified using the following attributes of the activities or workflow template:Cabinet locationOwner nameObject nameStateThe search criteria may also be specified using a DQL query.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*ActivitiesActivities may be reused in multiple templates Activities may be reused in the same workflow templateOnly one instance of an activity can be used at any time (cant have parallel activities that use the same activity definition)Activities must be uniquely named in the workflowIf reusing an existing activity, drag it into the workflow, then rename it before adding another instance of that same activity (if desired)

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Performer TabAllows the activity to be performed manually by one or more performers. Click Select Performer to specify a performer.Allows the performer to re-assign the activity to another user or group of users. In this case the performer does not have to perform the task but can allocate it to someone else. If the delegation fails (For example, if the delegated user no longer exists), you have the choice of sending the task to:Workflow SupervisorOriginally intended performerAllows the performer once they have completed the activity to specify a user or groups of users who must repeat the activity. In this case the performer must perform the activity first and only then will they be able to have someone else perform the activity as well.Requires the performer to sign off the activity before it is passed on. The performer enters the password they use to login to Documentum.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Definition TabThe activity reference ID field displays the activitys object ID and its current state. The template must be saved first before a reference ID can appear in this field. Each of the templates activities is an object instance of the type dm activity and therefore has a unique object id. Priority is used to determine the level of importance of the task, Low, Medium, High or Dynamic. The priority will show up in the users Inbox along with activity. Setting the priority to Dynamic in the Activity Inspector allows a custom application to set the priority of the task during runtime.Enter instructions for the activitys performer. Instructions will be displayed with the activity in the performers Inbox both in the Desktop and Webtop.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Trigger TabThe Trigger tab allows you to decide when the activity is to be triggered to start. For example, in the diagram above we could set the trigger options so that the Edit task was only started when either or both the Reviewer tasks have finished.

    Input flows refer to the lines that send packages to this activity.

    Allows this activity to be triggered only when all activities immediately before this one have been completed.Allows this activity to be triggered only when a specified number of activities immediately before this one are completed.Allows this activity to be triggered when an event with the specified name arrives in the performers Inbox and either of the above two conditions are true. Both system and user-defined events may be specified in the field.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Notification TabSpecify a time in days and hours for the activity to start after which a notification is sent to the supervisor. Specify a time in days and hours for the activity to finish after which a notification is sent to the supervisor.

    The notifications or messages are sent to the supervisors Inbox.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Transition TabThe Transition tab allows you to specify which activities are to be triggered after the current activity is finished. For example, as shown in the diagram above, you can allow the performer of the Review activity to choose to forward or reject the plan. If this is not done, both the forward AND reject activities would be selected, creating conflicting tasks.All activities following the current activity may be triggered. For a group activity, specify if the tasks associated with this activity must be completedBy all performersBy a specified number of performersThe next activity may be determined automatically using transition logic. The logic may be specified using a wizard and consists of a value test based on the property/properties of the workflow,work item or document determining which activities are to be triggered.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Display TabSpecify the location and size of the image to use as an icon for the activity.Specify the font type, size, and style for the label of the activity.Specify whether you want to display the name of the activity or the performer below the activitys icon.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Performers of an Activitys WorkWorkflow Initiator Activity is performed by the Initiator of the workflow instance.Docbase OwnerActivity is performed by the Docbase owner specified when the Docbase wassetup. The Docbase owner by default is has SUPERUSER privileges.Previous Activitys PerformerActivity is performed by the previous activity's performer.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Performers of an Activitys Work

    Specific UserA single specified user performs the activity. The user may also be specified as an alias resolved when the workflow is underway.

    All Users in GroupAll the users in a specified group must perform the activity. The next activity will not become active until all users in the group have finished this activity. The group may also be specified as an alias resolved when the workflow is underway.

    Single User From GroupA single user from a specified group must perform the activity. All users in the group will receive the activity in their Inbox. The first user to accept the activity is the user who must perform the activity. Activity is removed from the Inbox of all group members when it has been accepted. The user receiving the activity can be either the first to acquire the work item or the one with the least amount of unfinished work items.Assign performer now: The performer is chosen from a list.Dynamic performer selection: All of the above types of performers can be determined by the performers of a specific preceding activity.Performer alias: All of the above types of performers can be specified as aliases

    Some Users From a GroupSpecific users and/or groups must perform the activity. The users may also be specified as aliases resolved at run time by the workflow initiator or from a specified alias set.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Performer TabAllows the activity to be performed automatically by using a method. Select the performer on whose behalf the method will carry out the activitys work. Such performers include the Workflow supervisor, Docbase owner, Previous activitys performer, and a Specific user.Select a method from the drop-down list. If you select Yes to save execution results, then the results are written to a file in the Docbase. If you select No, then the results are written to the server log. Specify a time out period in seconds for the method. The method MUST be a valid workflow method. When you create the method in Application Builder, make sure that the Use As Workflow Method checkbox is selected. (To view this setting using Application Builder, right-click the object. From the pop-up menu, select View.)Specify whether the workflow must continue if the activitys method fails. What is a method?A method is an object of type, dm_method which allows the execution of an external program.Consider a Java program that generates copies of documents in pdf format and then via DFC imports those pdfs into Documentum as renditions of existing documents. To launch this program from within Documentum (say as part of a workflow) you would create a Documentum method object which would call the Java program for execution.Method ServerThe Method Server is a process that takes over Docbasic method execution from the Content Server. It reduces CPU overhead and execution time by handling connections to the Content Server efficiently.For more information on method objects refer to the System Administration I course.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*PackagesA package is a container holding the object to pass via the input flow. A flow may have multiple packages with each package containing different objects.

    The Packages tab of the flow inspector allows you to specify the following for the package:NameObject type: If the same package is to be used on multiple flows then the type specified for the package must be the same on all flows.Version: The symbolic version label is case sensitive so be sure the version you enter matches the version of the document in the repository.Operation at destination: This is not currently used The Display tab of the flow inspector allows you to specify the following for the flow lines:Line type: single segmented or multi-segmented lineLabel font type, size and styleWhether the name of the package appears over the flow line

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*The description and workflow template instructions are not exposed in Webtops task manager.

    AuditingAuditing must be enabled to access completed workflows when viewing workflow reports.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Save the workflow template into a cabinet or folder within the repository you initially connected to.Validate the workflow template to ensure all flows/activities and packages are defined correctly.Install the workflow template. This makes it available for use from within the repository in which it is stored.Uninstall the workflow template. This allows you to modify the workflow template. This will halt any existing workflow instances.

    Workflow templates can be created by users with Coordinators client capability or SUPERUSER or SYSADMIN privileges. To save, install or uninstall a template, you must have at least WRITE permission on the template, or have SUPERUSER or SYSADMIN privileges.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Workflow instances can be created by users with Contributor client capability or higher. Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-* Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Time and CostNote that the task manager may show time and cost values. This is a configuration setting of the task manager component that can be turned off in Webtop. Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Clicking Tools > Workflow > Workflow Reporting in Classic view of Webtop launches a workflow report containing details of current and overdue tasks. In Streamline view, you can see the report by selecting Inbox, then the Workflow Reporting link. In the list of workflows, check the name of the workflow whose details you want to view. The following options are available to you:Change the supervisor, halt, resume or terminate the workflowSave the task report as an Excel spreadsheetClicking the name of the workflow launches a summary of the workflow. The Summary tab lists the details of past and future tasks. Check the name of a task and the following options are available to you:Change the performer of the task, if it is a future taskSave the task report as an Excel spreadsheetHalt, resume or terminate the workflowHalt or resume the taskThe Audit tab allows you to view an audit trail of workflow events. The Map tab allows you to view the workflow instance in the Workflow Manager applet in which each activity is accompanied by a progress indicator.

    Note that a workflow shows up under Completed Workflows after the workflow completes only if auditing is turned on for the workflow template.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Send To Distribution List Workflow in WebtopSelect one or more documents in Webtop, and then select the menu options Tools > Workflow > Quick Flow, to instantiate a workflow. On the Quickflow page, you can select users or groups as recipients of the document(s). These performer will receive workflow tasks in their Inbox containing the document(s) that were routed.Select Priority as Low, Medium or High for the tasks in the workflow.If the recipients are sequential, you can specify whether a reject sends the task back to the initiator (reject1) or to the previous sequential performer (reject2).Check this option if you should be notified when a performer finishes a task.Check this option if the performer should sign off after completing the task.

    Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*This module covers the basics of Documentum workflows. For more complete coverage, consider attending the Workflow Management or Business Process Management courses (depending on your license). Workflow related programming concepts are discussed in DFC Fundamentals and DFC Advanced.Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*False. Linear or nonlinear business processes can be emulated.TrueTrueTrueTrueTechnical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*Technical Fundamentals of Documentum9-*