1. monthly membership sos sequence

www.TaylorWelch.co Subject: [NL 1 of 3] The Day My Life Changed Forever (Betrayed By My Disease) Heyya, Ryan hereOn a “normal” day in late August, 2012my life changed forever. I’d just settled down in my officeAnd booted up the old laptop. Gearing up for another busy day of writing, consulting, brainstormingAnd my phone rang. I picked up. It was my doctor. And I sensed instantly something was very wrong. His tone of voice, what he said, all of itI’ll never forget it: “Ryan. Where are you? You need to come to the ER now* * * Pause. Ok, so some (quick) backstoryA few weeks ago, I’d applied for life insuranceBut when I got the letter back from them it’d been stamped at the top in big red Anticipation - the story is left at a hook...

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Subject: [NL 1 of 3] The Day My Life Changed Forever (Betrayed By My Disease)

Heyya, Ryan here…

On a “normal” day in late August, 2012… my life changed forever.

I’d just settled down in my office…

And booted up the old laptop.

Gearing up for another busy day of writing, consulting, brainstorming…

And my phone rang.

I picked up. It was my doctor.

And I sensed instantly something was very wrong.

His tone of voice, what he said, all of it…

I’ll never forget it:

“Ryan. Where are you? You need to come to the ER now…”

* * *Pause.

Ok, so some (quick) backstory…

A few weeks ago, I’d applied for life insurance…

But when I got the letter back from them it’d been stamped at the top in big red

Anticipation - the story is left at a hook...

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“Who gets denied for life insurance?” I thought.

Especially a healthy guy in his 30s… Had to be a mistake.

Long story short, called up the insurance company and told them about their “mistake”…

“It’s not a mistake, Ryan… I’m no doctor, but your lab tests are off the charts.”

So I took it to my doctor to corroborate.

And now he was calling me, telling me I needed to go to the ER immediately.

But… what happened after I arrived was even worse…

I almost died that day (and quite honestly probably should have)…

Things got nasty real quick…

I’ll tell ya what happened tomorrow…

But first, I want to get something off my chest…

You know what I believe?

I believe every day is a day your life could change forever.

For better.

Or for worse.

You might never even see it coming…

(But the most “successful” among us are the ones who consciously orchestrate life

Setting up the "hook" below

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changing moments into their lives… More on this in a bit)

Listen, I’m guessing you’re in this biz (marketing and business) for the same reasons I am.

Because you desire freedom.

To live on your own terms.

To make a difference.

To sit at the helm of your destiny.

But the reality is this:

Sometimes entrepreneurship just plain sucks.

It can be hella confusing.

A million (or more) things to do…

And every course under the sun promising you the latest/greatest “secret” to unlocking breakthrough…

Problem is… there is no “secret”…

If there *really* is a “hack” to success, I sure as hell haven’t found it yet.

Everybody wants to find that “silver bullet”…

But guess what?

You don’t build great businesses with silver bullets…

You build great businesses with plain old lead bullets (and lots of em).

Consistently executing on the “little” things…

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Adds up real quick.

Okay, so here’s the deal…

While there is no “secret” - there are a few proven roadmaps.

Things that, if you execute faithfully, will produce results…

Proven stuff…

Gonna be sending you some of these strategies over the next few days…

So look out for a note from me tomorrow (where I’ll tell you the single most important discovery of my entire career - and how I almost died discovering it)

For now:

I believe every day is a day your life could change forever…

Moral of the story: If you want today to be the day your business takes a turn (for the better), you can make that happen:


Discounted pricing on the mastermind ends Friday…

No room for dilly dally.


P.S. Extraordinary people orchestrate these life changing moments… It’s true.

If you’ve been looking for a “life changing/business improving” moment, here ’tis: www.NextLevelGroupMastermind.com

P.P.S. Stay tuned to hear about what happened next that fateful day in 2012. It got way worse before it got better… And it’s gonna get personal. Talk tomorrow.

"Hook" into the CTA

Remember the story from beginning of email? It never resolved - massive open loop.This almost "forces" them to read the next email.

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Subject: [NL 2 of 3] Real Life Walking Dead (and why you should just put yourself out of your misery)

I left you just before I hung up the phone with my doctor…

We rushed to the ER, and next thing I know I’m lying flat on my back in the Intensive Care Unit…

Hooked up to life support.

Suddenly… It all made so much sense.

The previous 3 months had been “nightmarish.”

I’d lost over 30 pounds…

Wasn’t eating… Wasn’t hungry…

Couldn’t walk down the hallway without sitting down for 45 minutes to catch my breath.

I had (literally) turned into the walking dead…

And thought it was all just because I’d been “busy.”

The life of an entrepreneur, right?

I knew it was taking it’s toll on me.

But never in a million years would I have guessed it would have gotten this bad…

It got worse.

Over the next 4 days they pumped me full of 25 pounds of fluids and electrolytes.

Turns out, when my doctor called me just days before, I had been mere moments

Continuing the story

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from slipping into a comma.

Diagnosed with an extremely rare type of diabetes…

My world had just come into very clear focus, friend.

When something like that happens to you, important things rise to the top quickly…

And everything else tends to dissipate.

I should have died in my office.

Would have passed out in a comma and never come back.

My organs were shutting down…

My pancreas didn’t work.

A few more moments could have ended me.

But here is the “kicker”:

I’d known for a while something was wrong…

But I just thought my symptoms were a result of “working too hard.”

Which brings up a very important lesson in business and in marketing…

A lesson you HAVE to hack if you ever want to see real breakthrough:

NEVER assume you know the problems your market’s facing…

You gotta be for damn sure…

You cannot grow wealthy (or successful) by solving the wrong problems.

Read that again…

Setting up for the "hook" below

"Hooks" into the theme of the email

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It’s the cornerstone of my (now) famous “Ask” method…

And it’s the reason 8 and 9-figure businesses hire me to jack up their marketing machines…

Guessing it’s okay to tell you this now…

But back in the day they used to sneak me in through the back door…

Because they were terrified their competition would find out about me.

Fact is, I discovered the “Ask” method on accident.

Out of desperation, really.

Years before I wound up in the ICU fighting for my life…

My wife and I owned a tiny little business selling…

Wait for it…

Scrabble tile jewelry…

Well, actually, we sold tutorials on how to make the stuff.

Crazy little niche… But people were buying up scrabble tile jewelry like mad dogs.

Our business was struggling, not making much (if any) money…

So one day I “snapped” and just asked my prospects…

“Why are you not buying? What are you waiting for?”

And what happened next totally changed my outlook on marketing and business…

In fact, what happened next took my business from making a couple hundred bucks a month to…

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Over $10,000 per month in less than 6 weeks.

And the Ask method was born…

So what happened next?

Look for my email tomorrow, I’ll tell ya then.

Today the point is this:

You cannot solve the problems your prospects are facing if you aren’t deeply aware of what those problems are.

Essentially, before I discovered this method, I was trying my darnedest to feed everyone the same medicine…

But… my market? They didn’t all face the same problems…

There were different “camps” and they all had different dreams.

You hack into this idea and you can grow any business beyond your wildest dreams.


Big takeaway:

Ask yourself, “Am I 100% sure I’m solving the right problems for my market? Or am I just guessing at it?”

Your answer will define how far you can go…


P.S. I survived that day in the hospital… And now am healthier than ever…

Simply because we correctly diagnosed the real problem and are solving it accordingly… (Hint: it involves lots of green veggies :)

Continuation of the "hook"

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P.P.S. The best “insurance” for your business?

Having a crew of business/marketer masterminds around you…

Other people tend to see your blind spots, which is usually the difference between success and failure in today’s day and age.

That’s why I created this: www.NextLevelGroupMastermind.com

This group is where I put my best material…

You can test drive it for $97, then if you like it, stick around…

After that, if you don’t like making money (cause that’s what we teach you to do in the group), you can cancel (no hard feelings)…

“Test drive” ends in a few days, go here: www.NextLevelGroupMastermind.com

Subject: [NL 3 of 3] Rockefeller’s Depression-Proofing Secret to Winning And Pissing On Your Competition

Heyya player,

Ryan here.

Told you yesterday about how I first (accidentally) discovered the Survey Funnel…

Turns out, I was trying to treat all of my customers the way I “thought” they wanted to be treated.

But I was wrong.

They all had different problems…

As soon as I sent that email (out of sheer desperation), something unique happened…


Keeps playing off the story, the hook,and adds a CTA.

When you reference previous emails it creates a full "story" - causing people to re-read old emails, and / or pay more attention to the sequence of emails you're sending outWhen you reference previous emails it creates a full "story" - causing people to re-read old emails, and / or pay more attention to the sequence of emails you're sending out

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They told me what they were *really* interested in.

And (more importantly) why they weren’t buying.

I’d assumed I was dealing with one market (scrabble tile jewelry makers)…

But in reality, I was dealing with 4 separate markets…

4 main “buckets” of people who all wanted different things.

As soon as I re-organized my marketing to segment these people (on the front end) and speak directly to them, my business went from 3 figures, to 4 figures, on to 5 figures…

Almost overnight.

How do you do the same in your business?

For that, go here: www.NextLevelGroupMastermind.com

(Inside is a literal treasure chest of case studies of hundreds of different businesses who’ve used the Survey Funnel to boost profits…)

But fair word of warning: the mastermind ain’t cheap… (nor should it be)…

Membership is guarded…

And if you want “in” you should go now, price is going up again after today…

But real quick:

You might be wondering why I’m “pushing” this so hard…

And the truth is, if you don’t already see the opportunity in what I’m laying down in front of you…

Please don’t join…

Early CTA-nearing the endof the SOS sequence

Addressing price early and explaining WHY

The "Anti Sale"

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If you are “wondering” if this group is worth the $97 a month…

Please don’t join…

Only aces allowed…

People who recognize the level of opportunity here and are ready (and willing) to take it.

At one point, Rockefeller (arguably one of the most successful entrepreneurs in history) sat down to plan out the future of his business…

He wasn’t making hardly any money…

The oil business hadn’t quite “taken off” - and he was just barely breaking even.

The young entrepreneur recognized that if something didn’t change, he’d never “break through” to the next level…

Enter Vanderbilt… The “Commodore” who owned most of the railroads at the time…

Genius entrepreneur and business man…

When Vanderbilt asked Rockefeller if he’d be interested in partnering up, Rockefeller saw it as the opportunity he needed to stay in the game…

And he took it.

It is not enough to have opportunity… You’ve gotta be ready to take it.

For years I debated over whether to share this “Ask” method with anyone.

When you find something making you literally hundreds of millions of dollars, and nobody else knows how to do what you do…

It’s hella tempting to just hang on to it and profit from it…


Historical correlation storyHistorical correlation story


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When I almost died on that bed in 2012, I realized something…

I want to leave a legacy…

And to make a difference.

My wife and I decided then and there to get this out to the world.

But, we’re keeping it “in the family”…


Inside the mastermind group is the culmination of my life’s work.

7, 8 and 9-figure business owners sharing freely what’s working (and what’s not)…

Monthly one-on-one coaching calls with me, personally…

And weekly expert calls with genius marketers…

Sharing marketing strategies you can literally rip off and profit from the very same day.

It’s not for the “wannabe” player… It’s for the hardcore entrepreneurs who’re in this for the long haul.

Modern day Rockefellers, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts…

You might never get a swing at this again, because frankly, I don’t want just “anyone” to join…

At some point, we’ll cap it…

Makes no sense to have a mastermind with 10,000 people inside…

That takes the personal element away (and I can’t do coaching calls with 10,000

Tie in the story

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people a month)…

All I ask is that you take the investment seriously…

When you begin to implement the methods and strategies inside, you’ll see some crazy results…

But, I can’t tell you how many people rub shoulders with opportunities and decide now isn’t the right time…

Or they’ll just wait until they “can afford it”…

Or that, at some point in the future, it will make sense to invest into something that will grow themselves and their business…

Like when?

If you aren’t ready to invest in yourself now, you probably never will be.

All I’m saying is this:

You are one good relationship… One good opportunity away from changing your life forever…

Any day could be that day…

Today could be.

There’s plenty of opportunity (especially inside the mastermind)…

But opportunity does no good if you aren’t set to take it…

Stop wasting time…

Take your dreams seriously…


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P.S. I hardly ever do this, but I’m feeling extra generous.

The single most important “breakthrough” moment for me came at a time when I was failing miserably…

Trying to get my business off the ground and realizing it was going to be a lot of work…

That realization?

It’s two-fold… And both build on each other…

First realization: failure is not a bad thing… Everything is an experiment. Embrace it.

The second realization is perhaps even more important…

And it’s one of the first things I teach you when you get inside the mastermind…

To get it, go here: www.NextLevelGroupMastermind.com

Here's another"Open Loop"-But it doesn't"Pay Off"Unless theyJoin the group