1 principles of biorefinery

Biorefineryprinciplesand cascadinguseofbiomass CapacityBuilding Programme smallscale biorefineries 24-25 June2013 Putrajaya ©istockphoto/annakuzilina

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  • Biorefinery principles and

    cascading use of biomass

    Capacity Building Programme

    small scale biorefineries24-25 June 2013 Putrajaya

    istockphoto/anna kuzilina

  • Definition of IEA Bioenergy Task 42

    Biorefinery is the sustainable processing of biomass

    into a spectrum of marketable products

    Biorefinery: concepts, facilities, processes, clusters of industries

    Sustainable: maximising economics & social aspects, minimising

    environmental impacts, fossil fuel replacement, closed cycles

    Processing: upstream processing, transformation, fractionation, Processing: upstream processing, transformation, fractionation,

    thermo-chemical and biochemical conversion, extraction,

    separation, downstream processing

    Biomass: wood & agricultural crops, organic residues, forest

    residues, aquatic biomass

    Spectrum: multiple energy and non-energy products

    Marketable: Present and forecasted

    Products: both intermediates and final products

    (i.e. food, feed, materials, chemicals, fuels, power, heat)


  • http://www.iea-bioenergy.task42-biorefineries.com/


    Biomass is a precious resource, renewable but also limited.

    Prices and demand for biomass are increasing.

    Biomass and bioenergy must be produced and processed sustainably and valorized to

    their full potentials.

    This way bioenergy can contribute significantly to feeding the growing global This way bioenergy can contribute significantly to feeding the growing global

    population and providing a short cut to substitute for many of the products we now get

    from fossil fuels.

    Building new value chains from biomass (e.g. forestry and crop residues; waste and

    byproducts from agroindustry; municipality waste) is the basic building blocks for

    building the bioeconomy.

    This area offers unique opportunities and potentials for the creation of new jobs

    Source: L.Lange BE-Sustainable No.3

  • The biomass composition is highly complex;

    it holds several types of components, which can be developed into many types of

    products, not only in the bottom of the value pyramid, but also products higher up the

    value chain.

    Depending on the conversion process we can move from a downgrading (producing

    low value products as electricity and heat) to an upgrade to higher value products (e.g.

    food and feed ingredients, speciality chemicals etc).


    food and feed ingredients, speciality chemicals etc).

    Currently most focus has been invested into developing logistics, equipment and

    technologies for efficient combustion, increasing the percentage of renewables in the

    energy system, but producing the lowest value products only.

    However, we must already now start planning for how we can move towards

    unlocking the full potentials of the biomass through optimized biorefinery


    Source: L.Lange BE-Sustainable No.3

  • The Biomass Value Pyramid: Biomass

    holds potentials for being converted into

    also higher level value chains.

    Combustion for production of heat and

    electricity gives the lowest value only,

    while production of biomass based fuel,

    Cascading principle

    while production of biomass based fuel,

    fine chemicals, functional biomaterials,

    feed and food ingredients give higher


    Source: L.Lange BE-Sustainable No.3

  • Biorefinery

    Bioproductbased (e.g.


    Biofueldriven (e.g. bioethanol)

  • Classification: the 4 features to characterise a biorefinery

    system IEA Bioenergy Task 42

    1. Platforms 2. Products


    3. Feedstocks 4. Processes


    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Platforms

    Platforms can be intermediate products towards products or linkages

    between different biorefinery concepts or final products

    Dominant platforms for biobased chemicals

    C6 Sugar platform

    Plant-based oil platform

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • 1-platform (oil) biorefinery using oilseed crops for biodiesel, glycering and

    feed via pressing, esterification and distillation Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Classic 1G bioethanol plant

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Integrated cane ethanol refinery

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • 2G Ethanol refinery

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Bioethanol from wood

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Biomethane from grass and manure

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • Biomethane from wood

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • FT-fuels from Straw

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • FT-fuels from woodchips

    Source. IEA-Bioenergy task 42

  • 14 Most Promising Biofuel-driven Biorefineries until 2025

  • New types of Biorefineries

    There will be many types of biorefineries, designed to unlock the potentials of

    different types of feed stock:

    The Yellow biorefinery (Feedstock: cereal straw and stover)

    The Green Biorefinery (Feedstock: fresh green leaves of e.g. grasses, after crops

    and beet roots)

    The Grey Biorefinery (Feedstock: sludge; wet, composite and dirty biomass)

    The Blue Biorefinery (Feedstock: marine biomass; seafood waste, sea weeds and The Blue Biorefinery (Feedstock: marine biomass; seafood waste, sea weeds and

    macro algae)

    The White Biorefinery (Feed stock: agroindustrial waste)

    Among these types of biorefineries, the most low hanging fruit is

    probably the valorization of selected types of byproducts and waste from

    agroindustrial food processing

    Source: L.Lange BE-Sustainable No.3


    1.Parts of each feedstock, e.g. crop residues,

    could also be used in other routes

    2.Each route also gives co-products

    3.Biomass upgrading includes any one of the densitication

    processes (pelletisation, pyrolysis, torrefaction, etc.)

    4.AD = Anaerobic Digestion

  • Thermochemical value-chains

    Source: European Biofuels Technology Platform

  • Biological value-chains

    Source: European Biofuels Technology Platform

  • Thermo-chemical processes

    Thermo-chemical conversion processes are sub-processes in a biorefinery, which aim to

    convert raw materials to a uniform intermediate product which can be further processed

    into a final value-added product using biochemical, catalytic or thermal methods.

    Thermo-chemical biomass conversion processes can be broadly classified as




    hydrothermal liquefaction

    Combustion processes are applied for power, heat or combined heat and power (CHP)


  • Torrefaction is a thermal process which operates at temperatures between 200 and

    300C in the absence of oxygen.

    In general, torrefaction is combined with pelletisation, giving torrefied pellets (TO P) as

    the end product. Biomass is dried and partly decomposed to give a grindable,

    hydrophobic solid with high energy value.

    More like a pre-treatment than a conversion technology suitable for small scale


    More like a pre-treatment than a conversion technology suitable for small scale


    Several technologies available. Not standardized yet

  • Benefits and advantages of biomass torrefaction

    Torrefaction (+ densification) enables energy-efficient (>90%) upgrading of

    biomass into commodity solid biofuels with favourable properties in view of

    logistics and end-use

    Favourable properties

    higher energy density,

    better water resistance, better water resistance,

    slower biodegradation,

    good grindability and flowability,

    homogenised material properties

    Enables cost savings in handling and transport, capex savings at end-user (e.g.

    outside storage, direct co-milling and co-feeding), higher co-firing percentages

    and enabling technology for gasification-based biofuels and biochemicals


    Applicable to a wide range of ligno-cellulosic biomass feedstock, even mixed waste


  • Fuel characteristics

    Source: SECTOR project

  • State of the art of torrefaction technology development

    Many technology developers (>50) due to strong market pull

    Torrefaction technology is not yet fully commercially available for this application.

    Often application of reactor technology proven for other applications (drying,

    pyrolysis, combustion)

    Often limited bench-/pilot-scale testing, limited attention to energy efficiency

    and impact of exothermicity underestimated

    Good process control is essential for good performance and product quality


    Overall energy efficiency is strongly dependent on heat integration design

    In general: torrefaction technology in demonstration phase with >10 demo-units

    and first commercial units in operation and under construction

  • BIOMASS PYROLYSISPyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of biomass

    occurring in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic

    environment) that produces a solid (charcoal), a liquid

    (pyrolysis oil or bio-oil) and a gas product.

    The relative amounts of the three co-products depend on

    the operating temperature and the residence time used in

    the process.

    High heating rates of the biomass feedstocks at moderate

    temperatures (450C to 550C) result in oxygenated oils as

    the major products (70 to 80%), with the remainder split

    between a biochar and gases.

    Slow pyrolysis (also known as carbonization) is practiced

    throughout the world, for the production of charcoal.

    Fast Pyrolysis and flash pyrolysis are more advanced

    technologies and still under development.


    Rapid thermal decomposition of organic compounds in

    the absence of oxygen to produce liquids, char, and gas

    Dry feedstock:

  • Pyrolysis

    Use of various wood feedstocks has been demonstrated at a pilot scale. Many

    lignocellulosic biomass types (including agricultural wastes like straw, food processing

    residues etc.) may also be used as feedstocks, but some of them are more challenging

    to use than wood

    A number of fast pyrolysis technologies are all currently at various stages of A number of fast pyrolysis technologies are all currently at various stages of

    development. Most processes employ fluidised- bed reactors, although other systems

    have also been designed.

    The largest existing commercial-scale units are

    used to produce chemicals for the food flavouring industry.

    However, these units would only be considered pilot-scale for fuel production.

  • Pyrolysis applications

    Pyrolysis oil can be utilised in a large number of applications, which can be divided in

    four main groups being heat, power, transport fuels and chemicals.

    Pyrolysis oil combustion in a boiler or furnace for heat is the most simple and

    straightforward application.

    Pyrolysis oil can replace both heavy and light fuel oils in industrial boiler applications.

    Pyrolysis oil co-combustion in an industrial, natural gas-fired power plant has been

    successfully demonstrated.

    Diesel engines and gas turbines for power production have been tested on pyrolysisDiesel engines and gas turbines for power production have been tested on pyrolysis

    oil, but some development is still required. Commercially available engines and/or gas

    turbines are stated to become available within several years.

    Transport fuels can be derived from pyrolysis oil either by direct upgrading or by

    gasification combined with gas-to-liquid synthesis to produce Methanol, Fischer-

    Tropsch diesel or DME.

    Potentially high-value chemicals can be extracted like adhesives for wood,

    preservatives, browning/flavouring of food and more. Economic attractive recovery of

    chemicals from pyrolysis oil needs further development.


    Source: Biomass Technology Group


    EMPYRO is a polygeneration plant that will produce

    pyrolysis oil, process steam, and electricity from

    woody biomass. The produced oil is the main product

    and will be sold commercially on the market.

    Steam will be delivered to the neighbouring factory of

    AkzoNobel and electricity to the grid.

    Developing and demonstrating the recovery of acetic

    acid from biomass is part of the project.


    acid from biomass is part of the project.

    The main aim of EMPYRO is the local commercial

    demonstration of the fast pyrolysis concept from

    biomass supply, through the pyrolysis conversion step,

    to oil application.

    Plant capacity: 120 ton of


    Plant feedstock: Local wood


    Plant output per year:

    > Oil: 22,500 ton

    > Electricity: 6,000 MWh

    Steam: 80,000 ton

    Location: Enschede NL

    BTG constructed a 5 tonne/day pilot pyrolysis

    unit in early 2000. Shortly after, a 50

    tonne/day semi-commercial plant was built in

    Genting Malaysia.


    Source: Biomass Technology Group


    Gasification is a high temperature (>700C) conversion of

    solid, carbonaceous fuels into combustible product gas

    which is used commercially in heat, power and CHP


    The gaseous intermediate fuel, consisting primarily of

    carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which can be used for

    the production of heat, power, liquid fuels, and chemicals.the production of heat, power, liquid fuels, and chemicals.

    The gas made in this process is cleaned and processed to

    form a so-called syngas, whose composition can be


    The importance of this technology lies in the fact that it

    can take advantage of advanced turbine designs and heat-

    recovery steam generators to achieve high energy


    Example: NOTAR gasifier by Xylowatt

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • Since several decades biomass gasification offers the perspective of resource-

    efficient production of energy and co-products in poly-generation systems.

    More recently, biomass gasification has come to be seen as a central part of

    integrated biorefineries.

    The shift in interest to integrated biorefineries has led to an associated shift in the

    targeted application of the synthesis gas that is produced in biomass gasification.


    targeted application of the synthesis gas that is produced in biomass gasification.

    Pure syngas is the building block for organic chemistry, and in principle all

    products now being produced from fossil fuels can also be produced from syngas

    made from renewable biomass.

    Therefore, biomass gasification is becoming less focused on energy production but

    more on the production of high-added value products including transportation

    fuels, chemicals, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), etc.

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • The conversion of biomass in gasification processes is often combined with

    pyrolysis, combustion or both like in multi-stage gasifcation concepts.

    In these concepts, the gasification, pyrolysis and/or combustion processes are

    Combination of gasification with other processes

    Combined effect of the amount air supplied to the wood and the 3 Ts

    (temperature, turbulence and time).

    To explain and predict the gas composition an equivalence ratio is introduced. This is

    the amount of oxygen used relative to the amount required for complete


    The exact amount of air needed for complete conversion of wood to carbondioxide

    and water is called the stochiometric air.

    In these concepts, the gasification, pyrolysis and/or combustion processes are

    physically separated.

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • Gasification products at different ER

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • Producergas cleaning

    Syngas from biomass gasification is used for power production and synthesis of fuels

    and commodity chemicals.

    Impurities in gasification feedstocks, especially sulfur, nitrogen, chlorine, and ash, often

    find their way into syngas and can interfere with downstream applications.

    Incomplete gasification can also produce undesirable products in the syngas in the

    form of tar and particulate char. Several technologies for removing contaminants from form of tar and particulate char. Several technologies for removing contaminants from

    syngas are available and are classified according to the gas temperature exiting the

    cleanup device: hot (T > 300oC), cold (T < ~100oC), and warm gas cleaning regimes.

    Cold gas cleanup uses relatively mature techniques that are highly effective although

    they often generate waste water streams and may suffer from energy inefficiencies. The

    majority of these techniques are based on using wet scrubbers.

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • Producergas utilization

    Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • synthetic natural gas applications (SNG)

    Co-firing: percentages up to 10% (on energy basis) are feasible without the need for

    substantial modifications of the coal boiler.

    Combined heat and power (CHP): in CHP plants the product gas is fired in engines or


    Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC): for electricity production on larger

    scales, integrated gasification combined cycles are preferred in which the gas is fired

    on a gas turbine.on a gas turbine.

    Fuel cells: for the production of electricity still in early development

    Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG): SNG is a gas with similar properties as natural gas but

    produced by methanation of H2 and CO in gasification product gas.

    Transportation fuels: biosyngas important for the production of fuel from GTL

    processes, Fischer-Tropsch diesel and methanol/DME.

    Methanol: methanol can be produced by means of the catalytic reaction of carbon

    monoxide and some carbon dioxide with hydrogen.

    Finally, the product gas can be used in the chemical synthesis like ammonia for

    fertiliser production, hydroformylation of olefins, hydrogen in refineries, mixed

    alcohols, carbon monoxide, olefins and aromatics.Source: H.Knoef BE-Sustainable issue 1

  • IGCC Plant in Guessing Austria

  • Stable plant availability since many years

  • Harbore CHP Plant in Denmark

  • Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)

    The HTL process converts biomass to biocrude by means of water at a temperature

    of 300-350C and at 120-180 bars pressure . Other products are gases (predominantly

    CO 2), water and dissolved organics.

    The fundamental biological building blocks are broken down and reformed during the

    process. Initially, these macromolecules are broken down into their monomer units.

    Oxygen and N, S, P are removed leaving behind the initial carbon and hydrogen atoms

    in the form of low molecular weight compounds.in the form of low molecular weight compounds.

    Biocrude may be utilised in co-combustion in coal- and oil-fired power stations or it

    may be upgraded by catalytic hydro-de-oxygenation (HDO) processing, for example

    into premium diesel fuel, kerosene and feedstock for chemical manufacturing.

  • Biochemical Conversion processes

    Biochemical processes are based on the catalytic function of specific proteins called


    Fermentation processes using living microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, etc.) are the

    most common form of biochemical processing. The process typically takes place in a

    contained reactor (a bioreactor or fermenter).

    Enzymes can also be isolated from cells, and used either in processes such as the Enzymes can also be isolated from cells, and used either in processes such as the

    conversion of starch to iso-glucose (the main sweetener used in soft drinks) or in end

    products like washing detergents.

    Today, biochemical processes are used in many parts of existing biorefineries.

    Biochemical processing is used to make, for example, bioethanol and chemicals like

    lactic and citric

    acids. One of the main advantages is that processing is carried

    out typically under very mild conditions (low temperature,

    low pressure and moderate pH values). Biochemical

    processes are also usually water-based.

  • Biological value-chains

    Source: European Biofuels Technology Platform

  • Products obtained by fermentation

  • Biochemical Conversion processes

    Biochemical processing is used to make, for example, bioethanol and chemicals like

    lactic and citric acids.

    One of the main advantages is that processing is carried out typically under very

    mild conditions (low temperature, low pressure and moderate pH values).

    Biochemical processes are also usually water-based. A bottleneck for biochemical

    processes is the fact that product concentrations are typically relatively lowprocesses is the fact that product concentrations are typically relatively low

    Also, it is common for several by-products to be produced during fermentation


    These two factors make downstream processing (isolation and purification) of products

    comparatively expensive and energy-intensive (e.g. distillation dehydration)

    Source: star-colibri .eu

  • The general challenges for biochemical processes are therefore:

    To increase yield and overall productivity.

    Reducing material loss during the different processes to maximise their sustainability and

    economic viability.

    To develop processes working at high concentrations of both raw material and end-


    Biochemical Conversion processes


    To develop cheaper and more efficient processes for downstream processing (DSP) after

    biochemical processes: DSP has a big impact on the economics of the system, in most

    cases being the critical factor.

    Source: star-colibri .eu