1. project charter: vision, goals, measures for success ...€¦  · web viewproject charter:...

Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide Agile Team Pre-Launch Checklist Getting the team ready to launch Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams! 1. Project Charter: vision, goals, measures for success identified 2. Project epics/ initial product backlog complete *Program backlog alignment if needed 3. Team Members & Stakeholders (external, business, tech escalation) identified 4. Agile training session scheduled (include stakeholders) 5. Project Kick-Off date scheduled 7. * Project funding approved 8. Dependencies and impediments identified (Envirnoments, source control, resources, etc) 9. Co-located team space identified and ready to execute 10. Identify tools to be used and schedule training 11. Leadership Triangle Preparation (ScrumMaster, PO, Solution Lead) via role modeling, coaching day, shadowing 12. Team re-allocation plan executed 13. Stakeholder awareness (Business, IT)

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Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide

Agile Team Pre-Launch Checklist – Getting the team ready to launch

Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams!

1. Project Charter: vision, goals, measures for success identified

2. Project epics/ initial product backlog complete *Program backlog alignment if needed

3. Team Members & Stakeholders (external, business, tech escalation) identified

4. Agile training session scheduled (include stakeholders)

5. Project Kick-Off date scheduled

7. * Project funding approved

8. Dependencies and impediments identified (Envirnoments, source control, resources, etc)

9. Co-located team space identified and ready to execute

10. Identify tools to be used and schedule training

11. Leadership Triangle Preparation (ScrumMaster, PO, Solution Lead) via role modeling, coaching day, shadowing

12. Team re-allocation plan executed

13. Stakeholder awareness (Business, IT)

Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide

Agile Team Launch Backlog - Getting the team stood-up and on the right track

Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams!

Schedule future meetings and ceremonies Setup tools (collaboration, development, doc sharing, CM, Agile mgmt ..etc) Setup team Scrum/ Kanban wall Coaching on visioning, backlog creation and ranking Coaching on Agile estimating and release/iteration planning Coaching on effective Agile meetings (planning, standup, demo, retrospective, grooming, pre-planning) Coaching on self-organization and sustainable pace


Kick-off visioning and backlog building session Release planning and estimation session Team forming and charter setup session


Coaching on story point estimation and velocity tracking Create release burn-up chart (points) Create sprint burn-down chart (points or # of items)


One on one and group coaching for the leadership triangle (ScrumMaster, Product Owner, Solution, Lead(s)) One on one and group coaching for Managers


Initial team building and coaching on healthy team dynamics Coaching on collaboration, pairing, trust & respect, accountability


Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide

Sample Checklist for Standing-up a Team

* See Agile Meetings Cheatsheet

Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams!

1.Project Kick-Off Meeting - Product Owner & Sponsor to provide overview of the vision, charter, desired roadmap, deliverables and success criteria.

2. Team Training & Space Setup Task Board, Meeting Calendar, Burn-Down/Up Wall, Value Steam Mapping for Kanban Team

*3. Team Kick-Off Meeting - Facilitate forming activities (team & meetings norms, roles & responsibilities, Definition of Ready & Done (Story, Sprint, Release) if Kanban per lane

4. *AgilityHealth baseline surveyRecommended after 1-2 sprints for new teams

*5. Visioning - User Roles & Personas - Possible Artifcats - Use Case Diagram, Process Diagram, UI Flow, Personas are identified and discussed with team

6. Story Writing Workshop

7. Dependency Chart & Technical StoriesN/A for Kanban Teams

8. Backlog Prioritization (Assist PO with Identifing MVP)

9. Planning & Estimating - Assist team with Release Planning, first iteration planning & estimation

10. Daily Stand-Ups - Coach scrum-master on facilitating stand-ups and improving it.

11. Team Metrics- Assist Scrum-Master with estabishing and making team metrics visible (Burn-Up Chart, Burn-Down Chart, Commit to Complete Ratio, Initial WIP Limits)

12. Retrospective - Coach Scrum-Master on different techniques to facilitate retro and ensure improvements are made visible during iteration

13. DEMO - Assist Scrum-Master & PO with DEMO format & presentation and key metrics to share with stakeholders and sponsor.

14. Optional Manager Retrospective - To share AgilityHealth Assessment Results and communicate organizational growth items and conduct a managment retrospective

Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide

12 Week Team Coaching Plan – Standing Up a New Agile TeamUse the plan below as an initial guide for how to standup an Agile Team, feel free to change it to fit your own needs. Remember, the team pre-launch checklist should have been completed prior to this.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri









Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams!

Visioning, Story Writing Workshop (technical stories and dependency chart

Complete Release Planning, Iteration zero Planning and Estimation

Daily Stand-up Coaching & One on One Coaching with Leadership Triangle & Team

Coaching PO on Pre-Planning Preparation (AC)

Pre-Planning for Iteration 2

One on one coaching Cont. & Kick-Off Communities of practice

Backlog Prioritization, Acceptance Criteria, Release Planning & Estimation

*Manager Retrospective

Pre Planning Iteration 3

1 Day Overview for Leaders

Daily Stand-ups & Metrics

DEMO & Retrospective

Iteration 1 Planning & Estimation

Update Metrics and Burn-up Chart

DEMO & Retrospective

Servant Leadership

Iteration 2 Planning & Estimation

DEMO & Retrospective

Review WIP Limits Mgmt. Coaching

Real World Agile for Teams Project & Team Kick-Off, Team Space Setup

Standing Up Agile Teams - Guide





Copyright© Agile Transformation Inc. | Building Lean High Performing Teams!

Iteration 3 Planning & Estimation

Iteration 4 Planning & Estimation

Pre Planning Iteration 4

DEMO & Retrospective

DEMO & Retrospective

Coach PO & SM on Program & Scrum of Scrum engagement, Escalate Organizational Impediments

Effective Facilitation & Collaboration

Technical assessment & recommendations

Mid-Iteration Coaching

Pre Planning Iteration 5

Update Metrics/ Burn-up Chart

Quarterly Agility Health Assessment & Growth Roadmap

Prepare Quarterly Assessment