1. walking towards the future


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Present Simple vs Present Continuous


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When the British talk about “public schools” they don’t mean public schools at all –they mean private schools. And there is no public school more private, more elitist than Eton College. Eton, near London, is for boys aged 13-18. The school dates from 1440 and has many traditions, including its own distinctive uniform. It’s a boarding school –the boys live at Eton and only go home during the holidays. Their parents pay about 11,000 pounds (that’s approximately 19,000 euros a year).

At present, about 700 boys are studying at Eton. Each boy has his own bedroom-study, the classes are small and the standard of education in both humanities and sciences is exceptionally high. The languages that the boys can study, for example, include not only French, Latin, Ancient Greek, German and Spanish, but also Russian, Chinese, Italian and Arabic. Religion, music and sport form an important part of school life. The majority of boys who leave Eton go on to university, many to Oxford and Cambridge. Old Etonians –as former students are called- often have important jobs and hold influential positions. In 1983, for example, the governor of the Bank of England, the editor of the Times and the head of the Diplomatic Service were all Old Etonians. Indeed, almost half of all of Britain’s prime ministers were to Eton.


Roedean College is one of Britain’s most elite public schools. The headmistress takes prides in showing parents around her school to see the chapel, the quiet cloisters, the garden and the laboratories –the science laboratory and the language laboratory- and not just one library, but a whole network of libraries with 20,000 books, and a large collection of CDs, videos and computers linked to the Internet. There is also a theatre, a dance studio, an art studio and a design studio. As for sports, we find netball courts, indoor cricket facilities, an indoor hockey pitch, a gymnasium and, of course, an Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool.

It won’t surprise you to learn that Roedean achieves excellent examination results, occupying a high position in the first division of British schools. Naturally, all this comes at a high price: the parents of a Roedean day girl pay over 10,000 pounds a year and boarders, of course, pay more!


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1. Sometimes different schools vary in the subjects, extra-curricular activities and facilities the offer their students. Put these elements in order, beginning with the one you think might the most important aspect that a school should offer to achieve good levels of education.

Many different subjects Good teachers Sport facilities (football, rugby, basketball, tennis pitches; gymnasium,

…) Music studios and musical activities Good preparation for official exams Libraries, computers and science and language laboratories

2. Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1. Which of the elements from exercise 1 are mentioned in the text?2. How many boys are studying at Eton at present?3. Are Eton and Roedean cheap schools?

3. Read the text again. Answer the questions in your own words (25-30 words).

1. What kind of people can you find among old Etonians?2. Why do you think the headmistress of Roedean is so proud of her school?3. What kind of facilities can you find in both schools?4. How are the results students get at Roedean?

4. Explain the meaning of the words or phrases from the text.

1. Boarding school (line 4)2. Takes pride (line 19)3. Indoor facilities (line 23)a. Achieves excellent results (line 26)

5. Discuss the questions in pairs.

1. Do you think that the school to have attended to is important when you want to get a job?

2. Describe your ideal school.3. Do you think that there are many different between public and private

schools? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of schools?

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a. Regular habits and routinesb. Permanent situationsc. Scientific or general facts

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d. Something that is happening now or around nowe. Temporary situationsf. Future arrangements

1. Match the examples and the uses of the present simple and the present continuous.

1. There is no private school more private, more elitist than Eton College.2. The school dates from 1440.3. The headmistress is showing my parents around the school at the moment.4. My brother is going to Oxford when he finishes at Eton.5. Roedean girls study for six hours from Monday to Saturday.6. I am studying at Eton just for this year.

2. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present simple.

1. They _____(be) always late for school2. She never _____ (worry) about her exam results.3. This lesson _____ (finish) at half past eleven.4. _____ the teacher ______ (give) you much homework.5. I _____ (not have) music lessons today.

3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present continuous.

1. I _____ (read) a book about the French revolution.2. What _____(do) next weekend?3. She _____(learn) to drive.4. I can’t go out. I _____(help) my mother with the dinner.5. They _____(build) a new gym at the moment.

4. Compare what this people do everyday with what they are doing today.


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Everyday she plays golf, but today she is fishing

5. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or

present continuous.

1. Oh, no, it_____ (rain)! Where’s my umbrella?2. _____ (you / believe) there is life in other planets?3. _____ (you / go) to London this weekend?4. I _____ (not enjoy) this book very much.5. I _____ (not think) she is a good teacher.6. What _____ (do) the moment?7. This school ______ (have) more than 20,000 books.8. My mother _____ (meet) Mr Robinson tomorrow.

6. Complete the text with the suitable verbs.

TOM: Bye, Mum! See you later!MUM: What? (you / go) out again?TOM: Yes, why not? It’s Friday. I always (go) out on Fridays.MUM: Where (you / go) tonight?TOM: I (meet) some friends at the cinema. And I (take) your car too!MUM: Oh, no. You’re not. I (use) it tonight. Your dad (take) me to a French restaurant.TOM: What about Dad’s car?MIUM: Your sister (use) it. You know she (have) football training every Friday.TOM: Oh, no. And look, it (rain)! I can’t walk in this weather.

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MUM: Well, stay at home then. They (show) a good documentary on TV tonight. TOM: Oh, mum!

7. Read the grammar rule and put the adverbs into the correct form.

Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, never, etc) are often used with the present simple.

They normally come:

a) after the verb TO BEb) after the auxiliary verbs, including modal auxiliaries like MUST, CAN… If

the verb has more than one auxiliary, after the first one.c) Before all other verbs

1. I argue with my parents. (sometimes)2. He is tired. (often)3. My sister stays out until 3 a.m. (never)4. He is telling me what I have to do (always)5. When I visit him, he is studying (seldom)6. I can go out because I have many things to do (never)7. Do you surf the net? (often)

8. Put the adverb of frequency in order. If you think different adverbs are similar, write them next to each other.


________________ Occasionally ________________ Often ________________ Rarely ________________ Never ________________ Hardly ever

________________ Always ________________ Frequently ________________ Sometimes

_______________ Usually



1. Write the third person singular and the –ing form of the following verbs.

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2. Circle the right verb form from the two alternatives.

1. My parents lives / live in a big village.2. I study / studies at Eton College3. Luisa and her friends understand / understands more than one language4. There is / are many libraries at Roedean School5. When my sister leaves / leave school, she want / wants to be a doctor

3. Write questions with the words below. Don’t forget to use do or does.

1. Where / your grandparents / live2. What time / you / get up3. What / you / do / on Sundays4. You / pass / all your exams5. Your sister / go / to the same school

4. Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

1. Put a warm coat on. It snows / is snowing2. In Spain we usually have / are having a big lunch on Christmas day3. He is not here at the moment. He stays / is staying in France for three days on

business.4. Joe plays / is playing the guitar when he wants to relax5. What time do schools finish / are schools finishing in your country?

5. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.

1. I _____ you are right (think)2. He _____ a computer in his bedroom (have)3. They _____lunch early today (have)4. _____you _____ a cup of tea? (want) I _____ some (make)5. He _____ very well tonight (sing)


1. Do you think the following things are common at your school? Put them in order, from the most to the less common one.

Have Has HavingSleepCatchStayHurryEatPassTravelReferGoApply

Have has HavingSayWashDryStandMixStudySwimBuzzRobPlay

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To cheat in an exam To pass an exam with flying

colours. To repeat a grade To fail an exam To drop out of school

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions from exercise 1.

1. Many people have to _____________ because the fail too many subjects.2. My sister __________________next year. She doesn’t like studying.3. I always _______________. I am a hard-working person, and get very

good results.4. Don’t __________. If the teacher sees you, you will be expelled.5. Many people ____________ because they have not studied enough.

3. What do you want to do when you finish at school? Fill in the blanks with the name of some professions or occupations.

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EducationEducation crossword - Subjects studied in a British school.

Click on a number to get the clue.Type the answer in the box - all from the Vocabulary - Education page and press [Enter].Ask for a hint to get a letter - be warned you will lose points.When you think you have finished press [Check].

      1                2                     3                                                               4                                            5                    6                 

7                                                                                        8                     

9                            10                                 11                 12        13                                                 14        15           

                                                 16                                   17                18           

    19                                                                        20                                                                                                       


Clues accross >3. The study of past events.6. The study of the language that is

spoken in the UK.7. The study of the weather,

Clues down v1. The study of living things.2. Preparing food for eating.4. The study of the buying and selling

of goods or services = 4 down and

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mountains, seas, lakes, etc.9. The study and activity of using

computers = 9 across + 5 down11. The study of numbers, shapes and

space (UK short form)12. The study of communication used

by the people of a particular country.

15. Study relating to plays and acting.16. The study of the structure and

behaviour of the physical world.18. The playing of games at school.19. The activity of painting, drawing

and making sculptures.20. The study of natural forces, such

as energy, heat, light, etc..

10 down.5. The study and activity of using

computers = 9 across + 5 down8. The ability to read and write.

10. The study of the buying and selling of goods or services = 4 down and 10 down.

13. The study of arithmetic that deals with points, lines, angles and shapes

14. The study of substances and how they change when they combine.

17. The study of of sounds that are made by playing instruments or singing.

Match It - EducationThings you may find in a classroom

Match the pictures on the left, with the words on the right.For more pictures and words play the game again.

 Check  Principio del formulario

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1. Look at the photographs. Which person do you think would have more problems to find a job?

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2. Listen to an interview with the responsible of Human Resources of a Multinational company talking about the characteristics they look for when recruiting people for the company. Choose the correct answer.

The most important feature he takes into account when selecting a person is…a. His / her physical appearanceb. His / her personalityc. His / her curriculum

3. Listen to the interview again. Are the following sentences true or false?

1. Many people with a brilliant curriculum have problems to get a job because of their external appearance.

2. Most companies look for people who can speak at least three languages and have knowledge about computers.

3. Some people are successful in the personal interview because they know what the interviewer is going to ask them.

4. In order to recruit people many companies design a difficult exam for candidates.

5. Companies prefer reliable, self-confident, hard-working people.SPEAKING

1. You are the headmaster of a school and want to recruit new teachers for the next course. Write a list of questions you are going to ask. You can use the following tips:

First name and surname

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Age Hobbies Languages you can speak Previous jobs Personal opinions (about controversial issues (e.g. education, abortion,

death penalty…) Salary the candidate wants to earn Personal abilities and faults

2. Ask your questions to two different people, and decide which one is the best candidate for your job according to his or her answers. Justify your decision.


In English we have to differentiate between the sound / s / (takes) and the sound /z/ (finds).

1. Listen and repeat these pairs of words.

/ s / / z / / s / / z /Rice Rise Use UseIce Eyes Loose Lose

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Close (adj) Close (verb) Niece KneesPlace Plays Once Onespeace Peas Race Raise

3. Put these words into the correct column according to the pronunciation of the final –s.

/ s / / z / / iz /books schools classes

Books – parents – finishes – boxes – brushes – schools – holidays – maps – continues – classes – languages – boys – universities – traditions – students – Etonians – cassettes.


Begin your letter Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms… Do not use contractions in a formal letter Divide your letter into clear paragraphs Finish with Yours faithfully / sincerelly

1. Nuria is looking for a summer job. Read the advertisement she sees in The Times newspaper.

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2. Nuria decides to apply for the job. This is her letter. Some important parts are missing. What are they? Choose from the following.

Dear Sir or Madam 25th May 2006 Yours faithfully Nuria Jiménez The Manager

UK AirlinesRegent Street 124W1Y 8DT

Avda. de España 7, 4ºB10002 Cáceres


Hostess in our airline UK Airline!See the world and make money!

For our holiday season flights we need:

Air hostesses:Requirements:Smart appearanceFluent in three languagesNo experience necessary. Full training given.

Competitive salary

Write to:UK Airlines

Regent Street 124W1Y 8DT

Regent Road 26W1Y 8DT

( A ) ____________( B ) ____________

( C ) ______( D ) ______

In answer to your advertisement in The times for hostesses on your Airline, I would like to apply for one of the vacant posts. I am interested in working in summer from June to September.

I am sixteen years old and speak Spanish and English. I have a smart appearance, as you can see from the photographs I enclose. I have some experience as a waitress. Last summer, I worked in a restaurant in Mallorca. I am available for an interview at any time in May.

I look forward to hearing from you.( E ) ______

( F ) ______

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3. Write your own letter applying for the job in the advert in exercise 1 (80-100 words). Divide the letter into the three paragraphs shown below:

Introduction (useful phrases: In answer to / I see from your advertisement / I would like to apply…)

Some personal information Ending (useful phrases: I look forward to your reply / to

hearing from you)


1. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs,

Sell – interview – stay – have – fix – come – talk – eat – run - blow

1. He _____ at the hotel for two nights only.2. I _____ five kilometres every day.

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3. Steve _____swimming classes on Saturdays.4. Close the window! The rain _____in.5. They can’t rescue the ship because the wind _____ too strongly.6. James is busy at the moment. He _____ his bike.7. They _____ lots of interesting things in that shop.8. Dolphins _____ sardines.9. Can you ring later? The director _____ somebody right now.10. Listen to me. I _____ to you.

2. Put the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.

Everyday Tom’s father (work) ______ hard to save money for the summer holidays. Usually, they (take) ______ their holidays in England, but this year they (go) ______ abroad. Tom’s schools holidays (begin) ______ next week. The day after, Tom and his parents (go) ______ to Greece. The plane (leave) ______ at 9.30 on Saturday morning. None of them (speak) ______ Greek, so now Tom (try) ______ to learn a little of the language. He (study) ______ a Greek phrase book, but he (think) ______ it is quite difficult.

3. Write a sentence containing the following words and expressions.

Cheat in an exam – bricklayer – chimney sweeper – pass an exam with flying colours – drop out of school – bee keeper.

4. 4. Write a short letter to the school next to your house applying for a job as an English teacher.



1. Match the revision tips and reasons

1. Work out a revision timetable.2. Read through your notes and highlight the most important information.3. Prepare for the questions you find difficult. Use the Exam strategies sections in

the book.4. Make a list of your most common grammar mistakes and learn the rules.


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a. This will help you to make fewer mistakes.b. This will help you to organize your time and revise systematically.c. This will make your work clearer and easier to use when you’re revising.d. This will help you to feel more confident about questions that you are worried



2. When you take the exam, which things should you do? Which things shouldn’t you do? Write YES or NO.

1. Make sure how many marks each question is worth. Decide how long to spend on each question.

2. Spend a long time on the first question.3. Start with the question that you feel confident about. If you aren’t sure of an

answer, go onto another question and come back to it later.4. Check that you have answered all the questions.5. Look at the context to guess the meaning of any important words that you don’t

know.6. Try to translate every word in the reading text.7. Spend a few minutes planning your essay.8. Write an essay longer than the number of words given in the essay question.9. Leave time at the end to check your answers and do any questions that you left
