10 spring 20

Improve your productivity, effectiveness, and success with workshops in: • Supervising Change Management • Leadership Communica tion Skills  Spr  ing  2  01  0 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

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Improve your productivity,

effectiveness, and success with

workshops in:

• Supervising• Change Management

• Leadership

• Communication Skills

 Spr ing  2 01 0


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Cornell ILR has been designated as a Human ResourcesCertification Institute (HRCI) approved provider. For moreinformation about recertification credits toward your PHRor SPHR, please visit www.hrci.org or our website.

This symbol throughout the catalog indicates approved workshops.

Training Locat ions

New York City: 16 East 34th Street, 6th Floor

Ithaca, NY: ILR Conference Center, Garden Avenue(one block from the Statler Hotel)

THE BUSINESS CLIMATE CONTINUES TO CHANGE, and we’re changing the Cornell

ILR Management Development programs to provide the tools that managers need

to move their organizations with those changes – or, ahead of them.

More management programs in Ithaca and Albany – As the economy gets

back on its feet, organizations will expect managers to adjust the work processes to

suit new market needs, changing client expectations and different

staffing/performance issues. To help you handle these changes, we’re bringing more

supervision and management programs to Ithaca, and increasing the Public Sector

Management program offerings in New York City and Albany.

New Delivery Methods – Get 4 days of training in only 2 days in the classroom!

We’ll be testing a new training approach that will combine 2 days of asynchronous

on-line learning with 2 days of in-class practice and application exercises. You’ll be

able to get the tools at your own pace (on-line) and then have the option to

sharpen them in interactive class-room practice with our faculty.

New Programs –

• Proactive Coaching • Emotional Intelligence for Leaders• Proactive Negotiating • Customer Service Coaching

• Proactive Focusing • Brain-Based Time Management

Keep an eye on the web page for the return of the Breakfast Series, our short-format

morning sessions on workplace topics, at www.ilr.cornell.edu/mgmtprog/md.

And, as always, we’d be happy to talk with you about developing a custom

workshop, training series or Cornell ILR Certificate program for the staff at your

organization. Call today to start the process.

Tom WillettDirector,Management Development ProgramsCornell University ILR – NYC(212) [email protected]

William G. WilkinsProgram Coordinator,Management Development ProgramsCornell University ILR – NYC(212) [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Certificate Programs

Supervisory Certificates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

• Classroom

• On-Line

• Blended

Management Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Public Sector Management Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Leadership Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Change Leader Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Proactive Leader Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

About Cornell ILR Management Development

Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Workshops

Leading Teams, Organizations and Change

8 workshops starting on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Managing People and Performance

9 workshops starting on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Managing Self

8 workshops starting on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Communicating and Influencing

10 workshops starting on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Working Smarter

13 workshops starting on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

More Programs available at the Cornell ILR School . . . . . . . . . 27

Master of Professional Studies (MPS)

Graduate Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

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2 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

Certificate Programs

Supervisory CertificateThis certificate is designed for supervisors/managers looking to build a solid foundationand better understanding of what is needed to succeed as a supervisor, and for moreexperienced managers looking to refine their skills. Five core workshops and twoelectives must be taken to total a minimum of 60 units. This certificate is also offeredonline (see our Web site).

Core Curriculum Page Units Classroom On-Line

Supervising and Managing People 14 12 ✓

or Supervising for Success 11 12 ✓

Managing Employee Performance 12 6✓

Legal Issues for Managers 26 6 ✓

Managerial Interviewing Skills 25 6 ✓

Managing Multiple Priorities 17 12 ✓

Electives (see below) 18Total 60

Electives Page Units Classroom On-LineNavigating Difficult Conversations 18 6 ✓

Managing Up 15 6 ✓

Basic Tools of Project Management 24 6 ✓

Leading High-Return Meetings 25 6✓

Brain-Based Time Management 16 6 ✓

Managing a Diverse Workforce 14 6 ✓

Writing for Business 26 12 ✓

Managing Stress 17 6 ✓

Customer Service Coaching for Managers 13 6 ✓

Making Better Decisions 24 6 ✓

Understanding Team Dynamics † 6

Note: On-Line workshops are adapted versions of the classroom programs, or different programs

created for distance learning. The subject areas are the same, but the titles and instructional design

will be different in class vs. on-line.

New Blended Management CertificatesTake courses on-line, in class, or both!

We know your time is valuable, and getting out of the office to attend training can beinconvenient. Now, you can practice skills and share knowledge with experienced

instructors and fellow professionals in the classroom, or complete an entire Cornell ILRCertificate on-line whenever you can fit it in. Mix it up, and take some programs on-lineand some in NYC – whatever fits your schedule. Look for the icon next to theworkshop titles throughout this brochure to see which courses are now available on-line!

Certificates Available 100% On-Line or Blended:

• Supervisory Certificate (above)

• Proactive Leader Certificate (page 5)

Need help planning your certificate? Call William Wilkins at 212-340-2823 or e-mail [email protected].

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Not sure which workshop is for you? Cal l Wil l iam G. Wilk ins @ 212-340-2823 | 3

Management CertificateThis certificate is for managers with solid supervisory experience and/or training who

want to strengthen their managerial abilities. Six core workshops and one to two

electives totaling a minimum of 72 units must be completed to earn this certificate.

Core Curriculum Page Units Classroom On-Line

Leading with Focus and Intention 10 12 ✓

Leading High-Performance Teams 14 12 ✓

Generational Diversity 11 6 ✓

Legal Issues for Managers* 26 6 ✓

Negotiating Effectively 21 12 ✓

or Resolving Conflict 19 12 ✓

Developing Effective Communication Skills 22 12 ✓

Elective(s) (see below) 12

Total 72

Electives Page Units Classroom On-Line

Creating a Culture of Service Excellence 7 6 ✓

Problem Solving and Decision Making 26 12 ✓

Enhancing Your People Skills 19 12 ✓

Coaching for Managers 20 12 ✓

Finance for Nonfinancial Managers 26 12 ✓

Perfecting Your Presentation Skills 20 12 ✓

Harassment Prevention in the Workplace † 6 ✓

Public Sector Management CertificateMid- and upper-level managers employed by New York State and its political

subdivisions can focus on issues that are unique to managing in the public sector. This

customized management certificate curriculum will teach you how to effectively

provide deliverables and services, comply with civil service law, work with political

stakeholders, manage in a unionized environment, and leverage limited resources.

Core Curriculum Page Units Classroom On-Line

Leading with Focus and Intention 10 12 ✓

Generational Diversity 11 6 ✓

Labor Relations for Managers 12 12 ✓

Managerial Interviewing Skills 25 6 ✓

NY State Civil Service Law 26 6 ✓

Developing Effective Communication Skills 22 12 ✓

Strategies for Getting Things Done 17 6 ✓

2 days of electives from

Management Certificate list 12

Total 72

† Please visit www.ilr.cornell.edu/mgmtprog/md/new for complete workshop descriptions for these

courses and for future dates.

* “Legal Issues for Managers” can be credited to both the Management and Supervisory Certificates.

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Certificate Programs

4 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

Leadership CertificateThis certificate addresses the operational and personal needs of a higher-level manager

whose roles include identifying and communicating organizational direction, the

dynamics of large-group management, thinking strategically within and beyond the

organization, and advanced communication techniques. Five core workshops and two

electives (one from each pair) must be completed to total a minimum of 72 units.

Core Curriculum Page Units

Proactive Leader I†† 5 12

or Women in Leadership 8 18Organizational Culture and Change 9 12

Vision and Organizational Performance 8 6

Strategic Business Thinking 23 12

Influence Strategies 21 6

Electives (one from each pair) 24

Total 72

Electives Page Units

Adapting to and Leading Change 10 12or Situational Decision Making 7 12


Emotional Intelligence: An Edge for Leaders 18 12

or Power of Listening 22 12

Change Leader CertificateThis series of workshops is for directors and managers responsible for hands-onleadership and organization of change efforts. You will gain the skills and learn the

frameworks to understand the dynamics unleashed by change, plan and launch a

change effort with greater impact, navigate the perils of implementing change, and

stay true to your role as change leader. Three workshops taken within a one-year

time period are required to earn this certificate.

Core Curriculum Page Units

Managing Self as Change Leader 16 12

Making Change Happen 23 12Organizational Change: The Fundamentals 9 12

Total 36

†† “Proactive Leader I” can be applied to both the Leadership Certificate and the ProactiveLeader Certificate.

For specific questions about program content, contact C. Thomas Willett at 212-340-2894 or [email protected] or William Wilkins at 212-340-2823 or e-mail [email protected].

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Proactive Leader Certificate


GOOD IDEA IS NOT ENOUGH. A leader must get things done. The Proactive Leader

series builds your leadership capabilities to initiate, implement and sustain your ideas to


$1495 | Course MD401

Proactive Leader I: Develop an EffectiveAgenda, Build Support and Gain TractionNew York City: • February 11-12, 2010 • October 14-15, 2010

Successful leaders begin by carefully focusing on their agenda. Once you develop andprioritize your agenda for action, you will need to develop political competence totake the next steps toward building support and gaining traction for your idea.

Key Topics• Identify the Spheres of an Effective Agenda: Mission, goals and organizational

culture, organizational design and job design• Assess allies and resistors• Evaluate your organization’s receptiveness to change• Negotiate support for your agenda

$1495 | Course MD412

Proactive Leader II: Maintain the Coalitionand Sustain the MomentumNew York City: • April 14-15, 2010 • November 8-9, 2010

A proactive leader must continually adapt the agenda and build support to be able tofollow through. Your challenge is to make sure things move forward. You have tothink in terms of contingencies, reformulate your agenda and position, and keepothers in your corner.

Key Topics• Negotiate for Consensus – Retain support while winning resistors over to your side• Lead Your Coalition – Balance your leadership styles to advance your coalition• Sustain Your Initiative – Maintain progress and keep your idea relevant to the

organization by mapping the four dimensions of momentum

$795 | Course MD415

Proactive Leader Coaching (By appointment)

New York City: • June 7, 2010

Unique to this certificate curriculum is the Proactive Leader Coaching module. Onceparticipants have completed Parts I and II, they prepare a written review of theirexperiences in applying the Proactive model to a particular work initiative. Workingwith Professor Bacharach, a custom plan for continued learning and application of

the Proactive tools will be tailored to meet each participant’s certificate goals.Who Should Attend the Proactive Leader SeriesLeaders and managers at public, private, and not-for-profit organizations who arecharged with devising and executing business plans, strategies, and corporate initiatives.

Please see professor Samuel Bacharach’s blog: www.bacharachblog.comfor more information.

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6 | Check out other Cornel l ILR learning opportunit ies on pp. 27-28

Management Development Workshop Locations:

Newly renovated ILR Conference Center in New York City: 16 East 34th Street,6th Floor. Upgraded to enhance your learning with:

• Expanded distance learning technologies • Redesigned food service center

• Smart classrooms • Natural and specialized lighting• More courtesy computers

ILR Conference Center in Ithaca, NY: ILR Conference Center, Garden Avenue (oneblock from the Statler Hotel), with nine state-of-the-art meeting rooms toaccommodate groups from 2 to 110.

On-Site Workplace Programs

Each year, organizations from across the country and around the world turn to theCornell ILR School to provide them with powerful solutions to meet the learning anddevelopment needs of their workforces. Cornell’s On-Site Training offers organizationsof all sizes dynamic programs that align with their staff and organizational developmentgoals.

Advantages of Cornell ILR On-Site Training:

• Over 40 Management Development workshops to choose from

• On-Site workshops count toward Cornell ILR Certificate completion

• Customizable to suit the specifics of your workplace and work processes• The per-person cost for on-site training is usually less than attending our

open-enrollment workshops – and more convenient

For information on bringing Cornell ILR On-Site Training to your staff, please contactSandra Acevedo at [email protected] or 212-340-2819.

Distance Learning Many management development classes and certificates are available on-line; seewww.ecornell.com/ilr to view a complete listing, or look for this symbolthroughout this brochure.


In addition to Cornell ILR extension faculty, workshop instructors include executives,practitioners, consultants, and attorneys who bring academic expertise and real-worldexperience into the classroom. ILR’s faculty and experts on current issues, along with

participant evaluations and feedback ensure that you receive the best instruction in thefield.

Read about our instructors at www.ilr.cornell.edu/mgmtprog/ instructorbios.html.

Many of our workshops can be applied toward your Human Resource CertificationInstitute (HRCI) recertification credits for a PHR, SPHR, or GPHR. HRCI is aprofessional accreditation program for human resource professionals and is affiliatedwith the Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM). Each one day of training

equals six hours of recertification credit. Please visit www.hrci.org or our web site formore information.

This symbol indicates the workshop has been approved for HRCI credit.

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You may also want t o consider “Making Better Decisions” on p. 24 | 7

$1495 | Course MD325

Situational Decision-Making for LeadersNew York City: • March 24-25, 2010

We all have years of experience in getting things done, and in making business

decisions that work. Adapting your decision making style for more effective leadership

is not easy since we all tend to default to learned behaviors from prior settings such

as family life, school, or other work environments.

How you frame, delegate, communicate and implement leadership decisions carries

an ever-growing risk to you and your organization. This workshop will not only identify

your personal decision making style, but also set a course for utilizing your personal

strengths and weaknesses to create a bridge between your style and the leadership

decisions you need to make to maximize results.

Key Topics

• Validated leadership decision-making model from studies of thousands of managers

• Using situational factors to assess decision-making strategies quickly

• Leadership through flexible decision-making: pitfalls and payoffs

Special Feature

Each participant will receive a customized report outlining his or her strengths andweaknesses around group decision-making processes. Participants will also have the

opportunity to explore a situation in their own organization and determine which

management style would best serve in that circumstance. Registration for this program

closes three weeks in advance to allow for completion of individual assessments.

$795 | Course MD375

Creating a Culture of Service ExcellenceNew York City: • October 15, 2010

In today’s competitive world, differentiating your service is the key to attracting and

retaining customers while driving bottom-line results. World-class service is more than

  just employees smiling and making good eye contact. It is an all-encompassing

approach to making service delivery excellence your “business as usual.” Everything

a customer sees, hears, or touches impacts the experience.

Key Topics

• Understanding the importance of creating loyal customers vs. satisfied customers

• Developing a common vision and service delivery standards for all employees

• Practical tools to assist in forming delightful experiences for your customers

• Bridging the gap between your business processes and your customer experiences

• Leadership actions to engrain the principles of service excellence into your

organization’s culture

• Techniques to maintain employee involvement and engagement at all levels


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8 | Both these workshops are part of the Leadership Certif icate on p. 4

$1995 | Course MD361

Women in LeadershipNew York City: • July 14-16, 2010 • September 20-22, 2010

• November 15-17, 2010

Follow-up Dates:

New York City: • May 17, 2010 • December 1, 2010

Women face unique challenges as they move higher in organizations. This workshop

explores these challenges and teaches participants how to think and behave

strategically when meeting leadership’s demands.

The learning experience combines individual leadership assessment, experiential

learning, and frank discussion about obstacles in the workplace with a facilitated

process for professional development and career planning. You will examine:

• Your perception of your leadership; the perceptions of key constituents

• How to align your leadership skills with your organizational culture

• The choices and trade-offs that may be necessary to attain, regain, or maintain

work/life balance

Special Features

• Completion of the pre-course Leadership 360™ feedback instrument (registration

ends two weeks early to accommodate)

DAY 4 – Follow-upA critical part of the program is the fourth-day follow-up to share your on-the-job

experiences in applying the skills and strategies learned (scheduled 60+ days after the

workshop). You will be contacted after you attend the main workshop to sign up for

the follow-up session that best fits your schedule.

$795 | Course MD381

Vision and Organizational PerformanceNew York City: • October 4, 2010

What does your organization’s vision statement say? Does it impact your daily function,

or even your annual goals? Many vision statements are misconstrued as advertising, or

a plan for “the higher-ups,” or something that’s a little unrealistic or unachievable. For

most managers, vision statements don’t play a role in getting work done. Yet, a visionstatement can be a powerful part of an organizational strategy that can focus work

efforts, assist in difficult decision-making, and supplement performance standards.

Key Topics

• The impact a shared vision can have on group achievement

• Why visions fail to “move” organizations and their people

• The characteristics of successful visionary organizations – and their leaders

• Strategic vision – and vision as part of strategy

• Building a strategy: mission, vision, and values• How vision can direct behavior – and performance

• Identifying your work group’s role in the organization’s vision

• Setting and communicating a vision for your work group

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| 9People who took these workshops a lso took

“Managing Self as Change Leader” on p. 16

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$1495 | Course OC382

Organizational Change: The FundamentalsNew York City: • April 28-29, 2010 • October 12-13, 2010 .

• December 6-7, 2010

The way change is managed makes a difference in how well it is implemented. Some

changes can be handled in a straightforward “get it done” way. But overused or

misapplied, and this approach to change can give rise to many different forms of

resistance – some visible, some not so easy to pin down.

This workshop explores the reasons that sophisticated and engaging approaches to

change are often needed for success. It highlights the dynamics that can be expected

when change is introduced, what contributes to or prevents “unfreezing,” and why

a compelling case is so crucial.

Key Topics

• Understanding the dynamics of change

– Resistance and compliance

– Unfreezing, learning, and adaptation

– The “priming” role of trust and justice

– Differences in individual change styles

• Creating and delivering a compelling case

• Techniques for engaging the organization• A brief introduction to the Logic Model, to connect action to outcomes

$1495 | Course OC370

Organizational Culture and ChangeNew York City: • April 19-20, 2010 • October 14-15, 2010

Increasingly, business leaders are advocating for culture change in their organizations.

Yet, how can this happen given that organizational culture is the organic accumulation

of behaviors over time? This workshop introduces conceptual frameworks to better

understand organizational culture and how they work with your strategic business


Key Topics

• Cultural frameworks (drawing from Schein, Gagliardi, and others)

• Characteristics and implications of loose and tight cultures• Taboos and sacred cows: Are they open or hidden? Positive or negative in impact?

• Diagnosing organizational culture

• Cultural anchoring and alignment with environment

Change Leader Certificate (Curriculum on page 4)

Who Wil l Benefit

Directors and managers responsible for hands-on leadership and organization of

change efforts. Provides change leaders with the understanding of the dynamics

released by change initiatives, and the skills to plan, launch and navigate the perils

of a change process.

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10 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

$1495 | Course MD303

Leading with Focus and IntentionNew York City: • January 19-20, 2010 • November 10-11, 2010Albany: • May 17-18, 2010

Today’s leaders must determine how they can add value to their organizations, gain

the commitment of others, and develop and deploy the talents of employees –

all while sustaining the loyalty of an increasingly demanding workforce.

Key Topics

• Setting direction

– Aligning your goals to your organization’s key challenges

– Identifying values to lead by

– Identifying and influencing key stakeholders

• Mobilizing others

– When to control and when to share power

– Building and maintaining productive relationships

– Coaching others for sustained development

• Focusing forward

– Managing your time around your key initiatives

– How to keep the team focused on results

– Avoiding blame, crises, and negative energy• Self-mastery

– Discovering your strengths and unique contributions

– Where does self-improvement matter?

– Identifying your intentions as a leader

$1495 | Course MD304

Adapting to and Leading ChangeNew York City: • April 6-7, 2010 • December 2-3, 2010

Leaders must be flexible, agile, and adaptable in the face of change, manage others

through it, and be champions of change themselves. This workshop focuses on the

challenges of leading in a changing world.

Key Topics

• Understanding and adapting to change

– Surviving change with credibility and confidence

– Learning the skills of personal flexibility and resilience

• Creating change

– Finding new solutions to old problems

– Gaining commitment to initiatives that require change

• Implementing change

– How to overcome team morale and productivity problems

– Anticipating and avoiding the land mines of leading change

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$795 | Course DV238

Generational DiversityNew York City: • March 8, 2010 • November 17, 2010Albany: • October 21, 2010

For the first time in U.S. history, the workplace will be teeming with four generations

of employees. Americans are living longer and working longer than ever before. The

vast diversity in the ages of workers will bring many opportunities and challenges. Are

you ready to maximize the talent of your millennials and Generation X employees

while using the experience of your baby boomers and matures? Are your baby

boomers prepared to be managed by millennials? Does your organization have a

strategy for retention and succession planning that considers the unique needs of

each generation?

This workshop will examine:

• The unique characteristics and perspectives of the four generations

• The essentials of communicating with the four generations

• A strategy to maximize the talents of each generation

Specia l Features

Case study, Job aids, Action planning, Skills practice

$1495 | Course MD102

Supervising for SuccessNew York City: • April 29-30, 2010 • October 28-29, 2010Ithaca: • June 14-15, 2010

New skills from a different tool kit are needed when you have direct reports. Thisworkshop examines basic supervisory skills of setting an environment, training,

delegating, and giving effective feedback that improves productivity. Day 2 focuses on

methods for creating work groups, setting group goals and working through

roadblocks as the group matures. Course materials include case studies and interactive


Key Topics

• Understanding and applying directive vs. supportive management approaches

• Delegating without guilt• Motivation

• Fixing problems instead of blame to set a productive team environment

• Looking at the myth of content (expert) leadership vs. process (facilitation)


• How and when to delegate to get the job done

• How to give effective feedback

• Bad teams are bad for a reason

• Structured method to set group goals and work through road blocks

• The typical traps of solving a problem in a group and how to avoid them

People who registered for Generational Diversity a lso considered “Managing a

Diverse Workforce” – look for it at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

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$695 | Course MD201

Managing Employee PerformanceNew York City: • March 3, 2010Ithaca: • July 15, 2010

Directing employee performance is the responsibility of the supervisor or manager.

However, the manager cannot make the best use of employees’ capabilities and efforts

without ensuring that his/her directions are making the greatest contribution possible

to organizational objectives. This workshop explores effective employee goal-setting

techniques, performance feedback, and the Performance Dialogue Model© to confirm

that the combined efforts of your staff will support the organization’s long-term plans.

Key Topics

• Understanding the performance management system

• Clarifying performance expectations and setting better ones

• Motivation and employee productivity

• Setting performance standards that are fair to the organization and the employees

• Proper use of a performance rating scale

• Turning organizational vision into guidelines for productivity

• Involving your manager in the goal-setting process

$1495 | Course LR309

Labor Relations for Managers: ManagingEffectively in a Unionized EnvironmentAlbany: • April 22-23, 2010New York City: • November 3-4, 2010

Managers in a unionized workplace are challenged to manage effectively within legal

and contractual parameters. This custom program addresses the specific needs of

managers working in a unionized environment, giving them a solid understanding of

labor relations. Case studies and interactive real-world training exercises provide the

opportunity to put your newly acquired skills to work, assuring the transition from the

classroom to the workplace.

Key Topics

• Core principles of the NLRA

• The relationship between the law and the collective bargaining agreement

• Understanding and managing within the collective bargaining agreement

• The scope and breadth of management rights

• The meaning and application of “past practices”

• The components of “just cause” including due process and the right for union


• Do’s and don’ts of counseling employees• Fact-finding and investigation

• Progressive discipline

• Grievance handling and resolution

Some people took “Managing Employee Performance” on-l ineat www.eCornel l .com/i lr

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Resister by phone at 866-470-1922 | 13

$795 | Course MD175

Customer Service Coaching for Managers:Only Satisfied Customers Come Back

New York City: • October 6, 2010Ithaca: • July 14, 2010

In every industry, it’s a buyers market. You need every sale, and the customer knows it.

For internal customers and service providers, the same is true. To ensure your customers

get what they need, and they appreciate the service experience, you must present a

good first impression and provide exemplary service. Your business depends on it.

This program provides the service manager with the essential coaching skills and quality

service delivery knowledge to create positive interactions between your customer

contact staff and your customers. It will build your ability to guide and encourage yourstaff to manage their customer’s attitudes, focus on the client’s needs, communicate

effectively and provide “customer first” behavior.

Key Topics

• Maintaining an attitude of service quality

• Managing customer attitudes and communication

• Being the ambassador of your company

• Understanding the value of probing questions

• Identifying and staying focused on your customer’s needs

• The importance of validating, acknowledging and respecting your customer

• Creating a customer service strategy

• Handling and understanding difficult customers without getting emotionally hijacked

• 20 coaching principals that can be used with the customer

$1495 | Course MD301

Critical Skills for Managers: The Next StepNew York City: • July 6-7, 2010 • October 18-19, 2010

• November 15-16, 2010

Demands on today’s managers are changing – and increasing. Managers are required

to implement and manage change, maintain morale, increase productivity, reduce

costs, and be accountable for an ever-broader range of responsibilities. They are

expected to learn and implement a wide array of new policies and procedures, manageprocess improvement initiatives, cross-functional work teams, and many other


Key Topics

• The building blocks of peak performance

• Communicating and clarifying performance expectations

• Defining your Delegation Quotient

• Making sure the right things get delegated and get delegated right

• Conducting constructive performance reviews• Dealing with difficult employee reactions to performance feedback

• Understanding and preventing unnecessary conflict

• Negotiating win/win resolutions to conflict


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14 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

$1495 | Course MD101

Supervising and Managing PeopleNew York City: • February 3-4, 2010 • May 26-27, 2010

• July 12-13, 2010 • September 9-10, 2010

• November 10-11, 2010

Proven, straightforward, and powerful, this workshop takes the complexity and

confusion out of how to supervise your people more effectively. The skills taught in this

workshop are based on an in-depth analysis of what hundreds of supervisors and their

managers need most to be top performers.

Key Topics

• Your role as a successful manager

• Understanding what your company (and your people) expect from you• Importance of balancing people skills with technical skills

• Powerful techniques for motivating people

• Using a situational approach to influence staff positively

• Keys to improving communication effectiveness

• Dealing with employee problems and problem employees

$1495 | Course MD314

Leading High-Performance TeamsNew York City: • March 22-23, 2010 • October 12-13, 2010

This workshop builds awareness and skill in the areas of team dynamics, group

problem-solving and decision-making. You will develop leadership skills applicable to

self-directed work teams, employee participation teams, interdepartmental task

groups, and insights into planning, chartering, developmental, and maintenancephases of the team “life cycle.”

Key Topics

• Structural issues in team development

• Targeted development activities for different stages

• Job design in an empowered team

• Four fundamentals of team empowerment

• A process model for effective team meetings

• Team-building experience

– The collaborative decision-making process

– Team action analysis

– Feedback on individual and team behaviors

• Core competencies for team leaders

– Modeling positive communication

– Giving and receiving feedback

– Dealing with difficult situations

Managing a Diverse Workforce (MD355) $795New York City: • February 3, 2010 • October 5, 2010

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Sharpen your thinking ski l ls with “Proactive Focusing” on p. 17 | 15

$795 | Course MD107

Managing Up: Working More Effectivelywith Authority Figures

New York City: • May 25, 2010 • October 15, 2010• December 17, 2010

“Managing Up” is not about telling your managers what to do. Rather, it’s about

learning your style in relating to them, and learning when your style is not effective

and how to change it to suit the situation.

The techniques presented in this workshop are based on 12 years of research with

practicing managers and 25 years of consulting in management and organizational

behavior with major organizations and every branch of the U.S. military.

Key Topics

• Identifying key moments and opportunities in your relationship with your manager

• Identify your style (among nine different ones)

• Clarify when and how your style works well

• Identify and eliminate barriers to working together

• Learn communication techniques that get the message through

• Effectively responding to requests with the needed information and clarity

• Action plans to change “the way we do things”

$1495 | Course MD347

Thinking Outside the Box:Creativity and Innovation

New York City: • May 19-20, 2010 • October 18-19, 2010

Today’s global marketplace provides challenges for managers in every type of business

or organization. A key to meeting these challenges is the ability to “think outside the

box” – to tap into your personal creativity to produce corporate innovation. This highly

interactive, experiential workshop relates practical creativity and innovation concepts

to the profitability of your work and organization.

Key Topics

• Concepts, definitions, and models of creativity and innovation• Creative roles: explorer, artist, judge, and warrior

• KAI Assessment: cognitive styles of creativity

• Identifying your own personal creative style

• Divergent and convergent thinking tools

• The creative process

• The innovation process

• Four types of innovation

Special Feature

You will develop a 30-day Creativity Workout Plan that focuses on exercises to continue

enhancing your creative skills.


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16 | Not sure which workshop is for you? Call Will iam G. Wilkins @ 212-340-2823

$1495 | Course OC385

Managing Self as Change LeaderNew York City: • June 2-3, 2010 • November 16-17, 2010

Effective leaders of change draw on their clarity, credibility, and authenticity to build a

following. Consultants and facilitators must read the pulse of an organization through

an understanding of their own experience and empathy with others. Often they lack

authority over the participants in change and must use influence, collaboration, and

other strategies to accomplish their objectives.

This workshop explores strategies to manage the emotional and interpersonal stress

often generated by change and to perform more effectively as a true leader of change.

Key Topics• The change agent and change leader roles

• Your role in leading change in your work environment

• Change-agent competencies

• Looking in the mirror: exploring strategies to build on personal strengths and

overcoming weaknesses

• Understanding others: exploring strategies to help others manage the personal

and interpersonal dynamics of change

• Inspirational leadership and serving as a change catalyst

$795 | Course MD245

Brain-Based Time ManagementNew York City: • June 16, 2010 • October 25, 2010

Managing time effectively is an essential skill for today’s professionals. It seems as if

Time is shrinking: organizational change initiatives, an increasingly competitive market,

technology overload, reduced staffing situations and a greater emphasis on faultless

performance, and more! As the workplace changes as a result of current events, we

are all finding ourselves required to accomplish more in less time, with limited, reduced

or no resources.

The challenge: The work you do or the way you do it may not always align with your

brain’s natural thinking preferences, requiring more effort on your part. This increased

effort reduces your productivity, tires you out quickly, and takes more time thannecessary to complete your tasks and projects.

The solution: There are 4 Time Types, or approaches to handling time, that contribute

to how you manage tasks and activities. By identifying and understanding your

personal Time Type, you can identify the approach to Time Management that can

work best for you.

This one-day workshop will enable you to:

• Determine your Time Type

• Understand how you accomplish your work

• Develop strategies to maximize your Time Type

• Apply Time Type strategies to daily tasks and activities


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Call for Information 866-470-1922 | 17

$1495 | Course MD378

Proactive Focusing: Are You Standing in Your Own Way?

New York City: • March 8-9, 2010 • December 2-3, 2010

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew exactly what had to be done, but,

for some reason, felt as if you couldn’t move ahead? Emotional obstacles frequently

emerge at the very moment we have to make a difficult decision. Decision makers

need a methodology that will allow them to overcome these emotional blocks in order

to make solid decisions and take action. Proactive Focusing is a self-reflective technique

that will improve focus, decrease overreactions, increase your ability to examine and

manage your feelings and emotions, and help you remove blocks that delay action and

impede your success.

Key Topics• Develop self-awareness, using the skills of internal reflection and examination

• Learn to: Stop, Reflect, and Act

• Identify and change negative behavior patterns

• Learn skills to assess and remove emotional barriers to taking action

• Recognize the sources of your emotions, ideas, and motivations

• Balance, prioritize, and blend your personal and workplace identities to get the

results you want

• Prevent your emotional experiences from directing your actions

• Learn the ‘positive self-regard’ attitude to sustain personal momentum

$1495 | Course MD247

Managing Multiple PrioritiesNew York City: • March 18-19, 2010 • July 14-15, 2010

• September 27-28, 2010 • December 15-16, 2010

Developing your ability to set goals, focus on priorities, and manage simultaneous

responsibilities and activities is essential in today’s fast-paced work environment. Taking

control of your workday is crucial for reducing your stress level and enhancing

productivity and success.

Key Topics

• Identifying time wasters and developing techniques for reducing them

• Setting goals with speed and focus

• Realistic ways to decrease interruptions

• Learning to say “no”

• Getting and staying organized

• Knowing what your responsibility is and is not

• Communication skills to enhance work flow

• Delegating up and down

• Managing stress and conflict

Managing Stress (MD237) $795New York City: • June 17, 2010 • October 26, 2010

Strategies for Getting Things Done (MD312) $795New York City: • March 10, 2010

Albany: • November 8, 2010


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18 | Get more Communications sk i l ls in the 2-day “Developing Effective

Communication Ski l ls” on p. 22

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$1495 | Course MD363

Emotional Intelligence: An Edge for LeadersNew York City: • March 15-16, 2010 • October 4-5, 2010

Emotional Intelligence (“EI”), also known as “EQ”, is the ability to harness your emotions

in sensing, understanding, and responding to social cues in your environment. It is

often referred to as the “common sense” that allows one to relate to people and get

along in the world.

As a leader, you have most likely spent significant time developing your intellectual,

analytical and logical thinking abilities, while investigating the latest leadership and

management theories/tools to improve your performance. These are all important IQ

related criteria, but research has shown that EI is a far better predictor of success than IQ.

Special Feature

Prior to the workshop, each participant completes the Bar-On EQ-I Questionnaire, the

first scientifically developed and validated measure of EI.

Key Topics

• Utilizing EI to boost staff morale and motivation, performance, feedback and

talent retention

• Your EI Profile: Debrief the Results and Develop an Action Plan to enhance your EQ

• Scientific findings in detecting social cues

• Emotions and Logic: their combined affect on logic and judgment

$795 | Course MD125

Navigating Difficult ConversationsNew York City: • January 25, 2010

Managers are not only responsible for business functions, but also for the productive

interactions of the people within those business functions. As any manager well knows,

a host of interpersonal situations frequently arise that require “straightening out.”

Successfully handling difficult conversations requires analyzing the roles and

expectations of the people involved, understanding the organizational impact of the

situation, and planning a strategy for successfully resolving these issues – before the

conversation begins.

Key Topics

• Understanding the roles of the participants – and the organization – in the


• Setting goals for successful results

• The impact of communication style in difficult conversations

• Learning from examples of real-world difficult conversations

• Practice conducting difficult conversations, working with the tools of planningand contracting for successful results


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20 | Writing is a critical presentation skill – check out “Writing for Business” on p. 26

$1495 | Course MD323

Perfecting Your Presentation SkillsNew York City: • February 1-2, 2010 • June 14-15, 2010

• September 27-28, 2010 • December 2-3, 2010

Excellent ideas alone do not guarantee successful presentations. Success is determined

by the combined impact of words, voice, and body on your listeners. This workshop

will teach you how to manage anxiety, construct effective messages, develop dynamic

delivery skills, connect with and focus on your listeners, gain confidence and become

comfortable in front of an audience.

Key Topics

• Identifying speaking assets

• Recognizing attitudinal road blocks

• Tips to reduce tension

• Perfecting your visual image

• Analyzing your listeners

• Capturing and holding listener attention

• The power of silence

• Building blocks of message construction

• Making your voice work for you

• Painting pictures with words

• Productive use of visual aids

• Speaking effectively on short notice

$1495 | Course MD302

Coaching for ManagersNew York City: • April 8-9, 2010 • October 21-22, 2010

Remember the result when someone in your life pushed you to a higher level by

strategically raising the bar? You exceeded...even your own expectations. This

workshop introduces effective coaching skills that can have a strong impact on the

productivity of your employees. Knowing how to be a good coach in different

situations is an art. This workshop gives you the tools, skills, and practice you’ll need

to be the artist. You will learn:

• What you already do well, and how you can improve it

• Spotting next steps for each employee

• Your coaching style impacts your communications

• Powerful questions guaranteed to get a person thinking, learning, and growing

• Using “popcorn” feedback to prevent difficult employee conversations

• Ways to say what you need to say without hurting feelings

• Coaching methods that are appropriate for employees and peers – and even bosses

• The role of coaching in good leadership

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Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new | 21

$795 | Course MD372

Influence StrategiesNew York City: • April 13, 2010 • October 6, 2010

• November 3, 2010

Ithaca: • June 14, 2010

This one-day workshop provides greater understanding of personal motive preferences,

and application of this dynamic in specific work situations. At the core of this workshop

are nine specific influence tactics that can have a positive impact on the achievement

of organizational objectives.

Key Topics

• Your style, and recognizing the styles of others

• Situational appropriateness in influencing

• Nine specific influence tactics

• Using influence to achieve objectives

• Targeting your influence approach

• Understanding motives that influence behavior

• Learning the power bases of influence

• Influencing up, down, and across the organization

• Developing proven influence tactics

• Creating an influence plan of action

$1495 | Course MD335

Negotiating Effectively

New York City: • May 11-12, 2010 • October 6-7, 2010

Business professionals spend as much as 60 percent of their time in situations that

require negotiating with others. As an effective negotiator, you can transform

contention and stalemate into dynamic, productive results...results not only in terms

of influencing people but also in exerting better control over time and resources.

Key Topics

• Key factors in successful negotiation

• Dealing with open and hidden conflict

• Responding effectively to different conflict styles

• Interdependence, motivation, and goals in negotiation

• Using interdependence to advance negotiation

• Developing effective negotiation goals

• Distributive versus integrative negotiation approaches

• Using negotiation approaches to best effect

• Increasing success through effective communication• Recognizing and avoiding perception and attribution errors

• Maintaining personal power and self-control

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22 | Take your communications lear ning to the next s tep with“Coaching for Managers” on p. 20

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$1495 | Course MD321

The Power of Listening: Unlocking YourCommunication Potential

New York City: • March 15-16, 2010 • May 27-28, 2010• September 23-24, 2010 • October 21-22, 2010• December 6-7, 2010

Ithaca: • July 21-22, 2010

When sharing information, coordinating projects, working in teams, or coaching and

empowering others, listening to what others are saying is a critically important, vastly

underdeveloped skill. This participatory workshop explores the knowledge, attitudes,

and skills you need to become more effective in verbal communications.

Key Topics

• Getting and staying focused

• Hearing what others are not saying

• Listening to difficult people

• Examining misconceptions about listening

• Increasing your concentration

• Making the most of the speech/thought gap

• Benefiting from selective silence• Identifying your preferred listening style

• Uncovering hidden/dangerous assumptions

$1495 | Course MD322

Developing Effective Communication SkillsNew York City: • March 1-2, 2010 • May 24-25, 2010

• September 29-30, 2010 • November 17-18, 2010Ithaca: • July 19-20, 2010Albany: • October 26-27, 2010

This course will increase your awareness of communication behaviors and build your

confidence and ability in managing workplace communications. You will learn skills to

communicate powerfully, send clear messages, and conduct challenging conversations

while maintaining effective working relationships.

Key Topics

• Personality type and its influence on communication

• The power of perception and perspective taking

• Building listening effectiveness

• Communication competencies

• The role of empathy in communication

• Rapport and how to build it

• Managing nonverbal messages

• Assertive communication skills

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Not sure which workshop is for you? Call Will i am G. Wilkins @ 212-340-2823 | 23

$1495 | Course MD348

Strategic Business ThinkingNew York City: • May 13-14, 2010 • October 28-29, 2010

• December 9-10, 2010

Ithaca: • June 15-16, 2010

As global competitive pressures force businesses to become more responsive, effective

organizational performance has become tied more closely to an organization-wide

capacity for strategic thinking. Strategic thinking has become a necessary component

of everyone’s job. This workshop helps you hone your capacity for strategic thinking.

Using a highly interactive, case-based format, you will:

Key Topics

• How does strategy fit in the management process?

• Explore the process through which strategic thinking leads to strategic insight,

which leads to strategy definition and strategic action

• What is strategic thinking and how is it different from strategic planning?

• What are your strategic thinking strengths and potential limitations?

• How might your personality or your learning style play a role in your capacity for

strategic thinking?

• Why is strategic thinking often flawed: how can smart people do dumb things?

• If I wanted to become a more effective strategic thinker, where would I start?

$1495 | Course OC389

Making Change Happen:Implementing in ComplexityNew York City: • April 26-27, 2010

This workshop addresses the particular challenge of moving from a strategy to actual

implementation. While planning is essential, the best-laid plans soon meet

organizational realities. Resistance, politics, uncertainty, capacity for discipline and

follow-through, and an ever-changing landscape can all be problematic. This workshop

addresses the critical “how-to’s” of implementing and sustaining organizational

change while the organizational environment continues to shift. You will consider your

current change effort from both strategic and tactical perspectives.

Key Topics

• The campaign analogy: maneuvering through political, cultural, and technical


• Aligning change with the organization’s strategy and key stakeholder interests

• The guideposts of vision, values, purpose

• Using milestones, events, and symbolism to foster momentum

• Understanding the principles of participation, diffusion, and process

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24 | Improve the rol l -out of your projects with “Managing Projects Without

Projects Managing You” at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

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$795 | Course MD148

Making Better DecisionsNew York City: • April 28, 2010 • October 19, 2010

Whether we’re developing strategies for a merger or coping with a career change,

we’re always making decisions. As the complexity and uncertainty of the world appear

to increase, we often feel as though decisions are becoming more difficult. Over the

long term however, better decision making processes will give us more of what we

want, greater feelings of confidence in our decisions and control over the results. This

workshop will increase your ability to make better decisions today, and tools to

continue your decision-making improvement into the future.

Key Topics

• Identifying and defining your ultimate objective

• Working backward for efficiency and effectiveness

• Evaluating the likelihood of particular outcomes

• Reducing complexities in the decision making process

• Predicting behavior

• Unbundling outcomes

• Selective memory and its impact

• Avoiding the “sunk costs” trap

• Distinguishing between data and opinion

• When rationality and intuition conflict

$795 | Course MD142

Basic Tools of Project Management

New York City: • January 14, 2010 • April 19, 2010• September 29, 2009

A common difficulty for managers is balancing their day-to-day workload while trying

to complete high-priority “special” projects. If managers are unable to balance the

impact of these special projects, both the project and other productivity fall short of

expectations. The keys to completing projects are clarification of the goals, planning

to meet those goals, and managing the project according to the plan.

Key Topics• Understanding your role

• Confirming and documenting project parameters and deliverables

• Creating manageable phases and defining tasks (Work Breakdown Structure)

• Sequencing tasks and realistic project scheduling (PERT/CPM)

• Establishing priorities and critical path

• Allocating shared resources and staff

• Managing the project using a Gantt chart

• Accommodating project changes and upsets• Overview of cost control

• Project reporting

• Capturing the lessons of each project to become a better project manager


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| 25Can’t get to the conference center? Take “Interviewing”

on-l ine at www.eCornel l .com/i lr

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$795 | Course MD243

Leading High-Return MeetingsNew York City: • May 25, 2010 • October 26, 2010

Meetings are often major time-wasters. Experts tell us that many professionals waste

up to 30% of their time in meetings. What’s the solution? Streamlining the information

exchange process and improving facilitation techniques to ensure that your meetings

meet your bottom-line objectives.

This workshop provides proven methods for improving your “ROM” (return on

meetings). From results-based planning through facilitation leadership and assignment

follow-through, this program provides both the techniques and the practice to allow

you to learn and apply these skills. Your meetings will become a place where your

team can solve problems, create practical plans, and motivate each other to take action.

Key Topics

• Identify areas for improving your meeting management and facilitation skills

• Analyze and resolve barriers to productive meetings using the P.A.L. model

• Cultivate a more productive meeting mind-set

• Develop a master plan to ensure meeting priorities are met

• Create a focused agenda that leads you to results

• Practice translation/active listening

• Use “buy-in” techniques to ensure participation• Manage hidden agendas and resolve conflicts

• Motivate participants to take action and implement assignments

$795 | Course MD208

Managerial Interviewing SkillsNew York City: • March 10, 2010 • November 12, 2010Ithaca: • July 16, 2010Albany: • November 9, 2010

Increasingly, a manager’s success is predicated on putting together the right team of

people to achieve organizational goals. This highly interactive workshop gives managers

the interviewing skills needed to form a winning team with the necessary abilities and

work styles.

Key Topics• Essential interviewing skills

– Active listening

– Communicating with different types of communicators

• Planning for the interview

– Determining selection criteria for the job

– Creating an interview environment conducive to the exchange of information

– Developing rapport with candidates

• Developing interview questions

– The different types of questions and how to use them– Probing for additional information

• Legal do’s and don’ts

• Evaluating and comparing candidates


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   M  a  n  a  g  e  m  e  n   t   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n

   t   |     W  o  r   k  s   h  o  p  s

26 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

Legal Issues for Managers (MD353) $795New York City: • May 28, 2010 • September 28, 2010

Essentials for Successful Project Management (MD342) $1995

New York City: • March 24-26, 2010

Introduction to New York State Civil Service Law (MD231) $795

New York City: • March 11, 2010

Albany: • April 10, 2010 • October 22, 2010

Problem Solving and Decision Making (MD344) $1495

New York City: • October 14-15, 2009

Managing Projects without Projects Managing You (MD144) $795

New York City: • April 20, 2010 • September 30, 2010

Finance for Nonfinancial Managers (MD271) $1495New York City: • March 17-18, 2010 • November 4-5, 2010

Ithaca: • June 24-25, 2010

$1495 | Course MD221

Writing for BusinessNew York City: • March 8-9, 2010 • June 7-8, 2010

• September 9-10, 2010 • November 8-9, 2010

Ithaca: • June 21-22, 2010

Impressions of you and your organization often depend on how well you communicate

in writing. We are all called upon to communicate important messages in writing to

inspire action or response, and it’s often difficult to assess how these messages are

received. Effective writing always requires careful consideration of the reader and how

you present your message, even in e-mails.

Key Topics

• Express your personality on the page• Focus on your key strategic message

• Make the writing process faster and more comfortable

• Plan and organize the document

• Identify and clarify the strategic message

• Select information the reader needs to make a decision

• Create sentences that are readable and clear

• Grab the reader in the opening and the closing• Use the appropriate format to help your readers navigate your documents

• Select words that move the reader to action

• Get rid of excess words

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More Programsat the Cornell ILR School

M an a g em

 en t D ev el   o pm en t  |    O t  h  e r P r  o gr  a m s  a  t   t  h  e  C 

 or n e l  l   I  L R  S  c h  o ol  

Call for Information 866-470-1922 | 27

Workplace Health and Safety Program

This program conducts training on technical issues including ergonomics, occupational stress, shift

work and long hours of work, hazard analysis techniques, indoor air quality, violence prevention,

crisis management, and workplace exposure to chemicals and diseases. Field technical assistance

and train-the-trainer programs are also available.


Nellie J. Brown, C.I.H., Director

716-852-4191; e-mail [email protected]

Employment and Disability

(EDI) is a leading resource on employment and disability information for businesses, law makers,

federal and state agencies, educational institutions, unions, and service providers and

practitioners. The faculty and staff help clarify major issues related to disability as part of the

overall management of diversity within organizations and communities.


Thomas Golden, Associate Director

607-255-7727 or 607-255-2891 (TTY); e-mail [email protected]

Labor and Employment Law Program

This program provides essential resources for attorneys, judges, legislators, policy makers, labor

and management officials, and neutrals on workplace law and its impact on the needs of

workers, employers, and unions both in the U.S. and abroad. The program offers conferences,

training programs, and research on topics ranging from wages to social security, equal

employment to collective bargaining, and health care to pensions.

Contact:Esta R. Bigler, Director

212-340-2865; e-mail [email protected]

Labor Programs

Cornell ILR offers a variety of programs to assist labor leaders and activists in learning the skills

and acquiring the knowledge their organizations require. Cornell’s labor experts assist local and

national unions with research, consulting, and technical assistance on union, industry, and

occupational issues.

Contact:Sally Alvarez, Director, Cornell Labor Programs

212-340-2821; e-mail [email protected]

Conflict, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Labor Relations

Cornell ILR provides a variety of conflict resolution services, including workshops in formal dispute

resolution processes such as mediation, arbitration, and negotiation as well as needs analysis,

installation, maintenance, and evaluation of in-house systems. Clients have access to a range of

knowledge and expertise that can help them identify and rectify the causes of conflict in their


Rocco Scanza, Director

607-255-1124; e-mail [email protected]

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MPS ProgramMaster of Professional StudiesIn Industrial and Labor Relations

in New York City

   M  a  n  a  g  e  m  e  n   t   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

   |     M   P   S   P  r  o  g  r  a  m

28 | Register on-l ine at www.i lr .cornel l .edu/mgmtprog/md/new

Did you know…you can get your master’s degree

at Cornell…in New York City?• A unique opportunity for working adults

• Pursue a master’s degree without interrupting your career

• Weekend classes for serious professionals

The part-time MPS Program offers a unique opportunity for working professionals to earn a

Master's degree from the leading school of industrial and labor relations in the country, taughtby full-time faculty from the main Cornell campus.

The success of the MPS program is that it provides an environment in which academically

motivated working adults can engage in serious study of, and spirited discussions about, the

complex and ever-changing world of work. Through the interdisciplinary curriculum and an

individual research project, students gain a framework through which they can analyze the world

of work, examine new concepts and ideas for pushing themselves and their organizations to

higher levels, and discover new directions in which their careers can evolve.


• Collective Bargaining • Organizational Behavior

• Human Resource Management • Labor/Employment Law & Policy

• Labor Economics • Research Methods

About our Students

The MPS degree is geared toward experienced professionals from a broad range of

occupational backgrounds who share an interest in the dynamics of the workplace. Successful

MPS students possess professional proficiency as well as a lively curiosity that motivates them to

dig more deeply into the issues that influence the work environment.

About the Program

The MPS program draws on the strength of the ILR School as a center for applicable social science

in introducing students to, and expanding their knowledge of, subjects such as workplace

processes, labor-management relations, organizational structures, labor markets, dispute

resolution, and relevant law and public policy. A Saturday class schedule in Manhattan and two-

week summer sessions in Ithaca allow working professionals to pursue a graduate degree,

without interrupting their careers.

For more information, or to apply, please visit our website: www.ilr.cornell.edu/mpsnyc

Questions? 212-340-2808 • [email protected]

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M an a g em

 en t D ev el   o pm en t  |   R  e  gi   s  t  r  a  t  i   onF  or m

Part ic ipant Information

Name ___________________________________________________________________________

Title ____________________________________________________________________________

Organization _____________________________________________________________________

Address (Office)___________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________________

Phone (_______) ________________________ Fax (_______) _____________________________

E-mail ___________________________________________________________________________

Address (Home) __________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________________

Student I.D. No. ___ ___ ___ – ___ ___ – ___ ___ ___ ___

❏ Check here to receive a 15% discount off the registration fee for government andnot-for-profit organizations

❏ Check here if you have previously attended a workshop

Workshop Select ion

Course # Course Title Date Location Price




Total Price $ ____________________

M K S 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M

Payment Method

Late cancellations/transfers incur a 25% charge. No-shows and cancellations not inwriting incur a 100% charge. Cancellations and transfers must be in writing and arriveat Cornell 5 business days before the workshop date to avoid a charge.

Signature of Registrant__________________________________________________________

Please check one of the below payment methods:

❏ CHECK ENCLOSED, payable to Cornell University ILR, for $ ___________________________


CREDIT CARD: ❏ AMEX ❏ Discover ❏ MasterCard ❏ Visa

TYPE OF CREDIT CARD: ❏ Personal ❏ Corporate

Card # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

3-Digit Code (back of card) ___ ___ ___ 4-Digit Code (AMEX only) ___ ___ ___ ___

Name as on Card ___________________________________________ Exp. Date___________

Signature__________________________________________________ Amount $ __________


Payment or payment guarantee (such as a Purchase Order) is expected at the time of registration. If a PO

or other guarantee of payment will be submitted from your organization, your manager must sign theregistration form taking responsibility of payment. You may pay by credit card or check. Please makechecks payable to CORNELL UNIVERSITY ILR.

Name of Registrant’s Manager (Type or Print) _________________________________________

Title of Registrant’s Manager (Type or Print) __________________________________________

Signature of Approving Manager__________________________________________________

(The signing manager accepts the full terms of the cancellation policy above)

Discount Code __________________________________________________________________________

(Please enter your Social Security number if you wish to obtain CEUs)

Registration Form(Please copy to register additional people)

Mail to: ILR Customer Service CenterCornell University, ILR School, Ives HallIthaca, NY 14853-3901 Fax to: 607-255-9826



FOR DETAILS GO TO:www.ilr.cornell.edu/mgmtprog/mdDiscount.html

For workshop content questions: Call or e-mail William G. Wilkins,MD Program Coordinator, 212-340-2823 or [email protected]

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