10g ocw upgrade to 11g on linux

10g OCW, ASM and RAC Upgrade to 11g on Linux 1/1 Alejandro Vargas | Principal Support Consultant Oracle Advanced Customer Services Part I Oracle Clusterware Upgrade Summary............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 The Environment................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Upgrade 10g Clusterware to 4 Rolling Upgrade Clusterware to 12 Stop CRS and Run root111.sh on Node 1.................................................................................................................... 15 After stoping CRS on Node 1 RAC will be still running on the second node................................................................. 15 Execute root111.sh on Node 1...................................................................................................................................... 16 While one node is on the old version that will be the cluster version:........................................................................... 19 Now we need to stop RAC on Node 2 and run root111.sh........................................................................................... 19 Checkup........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Check that all components started................................................................................................................................ 21

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Page 1: 10g OCW Upgrade to 11g on Linux

10g OCW, ASM and RAC Upgrade to 11g on Linux


Alejandro Vargas | Principal Support ConsultantOracle Advanced Customer Services

Part I Oracle Clusterware Upgrade

Summary............................................................................................................................................................................2The Environment................................................................................................................................................................2Upgrade 10g Clusterware to Upgrade Clusterware to

Stop CRS and Run root111.sh on Node 1....................................................................................................................15After stoping CRS on Node 1 RAC will be still running on the second node.................................................................15Execute root111.sh on Node 1......................................................................................................................................16While one node is on the old version that will be the cluster version:...........................................................................19Now we need to stop RAC on Node 2 and run root111.sh...........................................................................................19Checkup........................................................................................................................................................................21Check that all components started................................................................................................................................21

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10g OCW, ASM and RAC Upgrade to 11g on Linux



This document describes the procedure to upgrade Oracle Clusterware, ASM and RAC database from to11.1.0.7 step by step.

The CRS and ASM upgrades are straightforward and were completed without any inconvenient. The database upgradetook longer and required more manual intervention, there are several preupgrade tasks that must be completed, evenusing the database upgrade assistant.

Usually I do prefere manual upgrades but this time I wanted to check how well DBUA worked on 11g and it did the jobquite well.

The Environment

The environment consisted of 2 nodes running Red Hat Linux Version 4, Oracle clusterware and database version10.2.0.3

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ uname -aLinux rac1.av.com 2.6.9- #1 Wed May 2 14:55:28 PDT 2007 i686 i686 i386GNU/Linux

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ cat /etc/issueEnterprise Linux Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (October Update 5)Kernel \r on an \m

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ chkcrsHA Resource Target State----------- ------ -----ora.rac1.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC1.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac1

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ora.rac1.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac2.ASM2.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.db ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.dbserv.cs ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.dbserv.sati1.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.dbserv.sati2.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.sati1.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.sati2.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac2

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs softwareversionCRS software version on node [rac1] is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs activeversionCRS active version on the cluster is []

SQL> select * from v$version;

BANNER----------------------------------------------------------------Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ProdPL/SQL Release - Production

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CORE ProductionTNS for Linux: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - Production

Upgrade 10g Clusterware to

Mount the 11g Oracle Clusterware and Database DVD

[root@rac1 oracle]# umount /dev/hdc[root@rac1 oracle]# chmod 777 /media/cdrom[root@rac1 oracle]# mount /dev/hdc -t iso9660 -r /media/cdrom

Before starting the upgrade connect as root and run the preupgrade script on each node of the cluster. Executing thescript without parameters show a sintax description:

[root@rac1 ~]# /media/cdrom/clusterware/upgrade/preupdate.sh

Specify Oracle CRS home path using the command line optionUsage:/media/cdrom/clusterware/upgrade/preupdate.sh -crshome <Oracle CRS home location> -crsuser <CRS username> [-noshutdown]

[root@rac1 ~]# /media/cdrom/clusterware/upgrade/preupdate.sh -crshome/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1 -crsuser oracleShutting down Oracle Cluster Ready Services (CRS):/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.26370: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.crsd: line 81: /tmp/oratz.26421: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.26495: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.26552: No such file or directoryStopping resources. This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped CRS resources.

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Stopping CSSD.Shutting down CSS daemon.Shutdown request successfully issued.Shutdown has begun. The daemons should exit soon.Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is down...Oracle CRS stack is down now.

[root@rac2 ~]# /media/cdrom/clusterware/upgrade/preupdate.sh -crshome/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1 -crsuser oracleShutting down Oracle Cluster Ready Services (CRS):/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.1275: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.crsd: line 81: /tmp/oratz.1332: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.1411: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 236: /tmp/oratz.1482: No such file or directoryStopping resources. This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped CRS resources.Stopping CSSD.Shutting down CSS daemon.Shutdown request successfully issued.Shutdown has begun. The daemons should exit soon.Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is down...Oracle CRS stack is down now.

Execute the CRS Installer

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ /media/cdrom/clusterware/runInstaller

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Run rootupgrade on Node 1

[root@rac1 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/rootupgradeChecking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already up...

copying ONS config file to 11.1 CRS home/bin/cp: `/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config' and `/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config'are the same file/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config was copied successfully to/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.configWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by root

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WARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by rootOracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfullyAdding daemons to inittabAttempting to start Oracle Clusterware stackWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startCluster Synchronization Services daemon has startedWaiting for Event Manager daemon to startEvent Manager daemon has startedCluster Ready Services daemon has startedOracle CRS stack is running under init(1M)clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 3 detected.clscfg: version 3 is 10G Release 2.Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.node <nodenumber>: <nodename> <private interconnect name> <hostname>node 1: rac1 rac1-priv rac1Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..Operation successful.clscfg -upgrade completed successfullyCRS stack on this node, is successfully upgraded to the existence of nodeapps on this nodeCreating '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs' with data used for CRS configurationSetting CRS configuration values in /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs

Run rootupgrade on Node 2

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[root@rac2 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/rootupgradeChecking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already up...

copying ONS config file to 11.1 CRS home/bin/cp: `/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config' and `/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config'are the same file/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.config was copied successfully to/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/opmn/conf/ons.configWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by rootOracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfullyAdding daemons to inittabAttempting to start Oracle Clusterware stackWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startCluster Synchronization Services daemon has startedWaiting for Event Manager daemon to startEvent Manager daemon has startedCluster Ready Services daemon has startedOracle CRS stack is running under init(1M)clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.

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node <nodenumber>: <nodename> <private interconnect name> <hostname>node 2: rac2 rac2-priv rac2Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..Operation successful.clscfg -upgrade completed successfullyCRS stack on this node, is successfully upgraded to the existence of nodeapps on this nodeCreating '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs' with data used for CRS configurationSetting CRS configuration values in /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs

Check status after upgrade

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ chkcrsHA Resource Target State----------- ------ -----ora.rac1.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC1.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac1

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ora.rac1.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac2.ASM2.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.db ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.dbserv.cs ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.dbserv.sati1.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.dbserv.sati2.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.sati1.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.sati2.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac2

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs softwareversionCRS software version on node [rac1] is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs activeversionCRS active version on the cluster is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs softwareversion rac2CRS software version on node [rac2] is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs activeversion rac2CRS active version on the cluster is []

Rolling Upgrade Clusterware to

Mount the patch cd

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[root@rac1 oracle]# umount /dev/hdc[root@rac1 oracle]# chmod 777 /media/cdrom[root@rac1 oracle]# mount /dev/hdc -t iso9660 -r /media/cdrom

[root@rac1 ~]# ls -l /media/cdrom/11gpatch1/Disk1/total 148-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 15047 Sep 18 15:24 11107_buglist.htmdr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Sep 12 01:21 install-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 122444 Sep 18 15:24 patch_note.htmdr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Sep 12 01:21 response-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 6204 Sep 12 01:21 runInstallerdr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Sep 12 01:21 stage

[oracle@rac1 ~]> /media/cdrom/11gpatch1/Disk1/runInstaller

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Stop CRS and Run root111.sh on Node 1

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ su -Password:[root@rac1 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/crsctl stop crsStopping resources.This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped Oracle Clusterware resourcesStopping Cluster Synchronization Services.Shutting down the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.Shutdown request successfully issued.

After stoping CRS on Node 1 RAC will be still running on the second node

[oracle@rac2 ~]$ chkcrs

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HA Resource Target State----------- ------ -----ora.rac1.ASM1.asm ONLINE OFFLINEora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC1.lsnr ONLINE OFFLINEora.rac1.gsd ONLINE OFFLINEora.rac1.ons ONLINE OFFLINEora.rac1.vip ONLINE OFFLINEora.rac2.ASM2.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.db ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.dbserv.cs ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.dbserv.sati1.srv ONLINE OFFLINEora.sati.dbserv.sati2.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.sati1.inst ONLINE OFFLINEora.sati.sati2.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac2

Execute root111.sh on Node 1

[root@rac1 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/root111.shCreating pre-patch directory for saving pre-patch clusterware filesCompleted patching clusterware files to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1Relinking some shared libraries.Relinking of patched files is complete.WARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by root

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Preparing to recopy patched init and RC scripts.Recopying init and RC scripts.Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds./etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6072: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6106: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6140: No such file or directoryStarting up the CRS daemons.Waiting for the patched CRS daemons to start.This may take a while on some systems..11107 patch successfully applied.clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.node <nodenumber>: <nodename> <private interconnect name> <hostname>node 1: rac1 rac1-priv rac1Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..Operation successful.clscfg -upgrade completed successfullyCreating '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs' with data used forCRS configurationSetting CRS configuration values in/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crsSetting cluster unique identifierRestarting Oracle clusterwareStopping Oracle clusterwareStopping resources.This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped Oracle Clusterware resourcesStopping Cluster Synchronization Services.Shutting down the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.

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Shutdown request successfully issued.Waiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to stopWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to stopCluster Synchronization Services daemon has stoppedStarting Oracle clusterwareAttempting to start Oracle Clusterware stackWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to startCluster Synchronization Services daemon has startedWaiting for Event Manager daemon to startEvent Manager daemon has startedWaiting for Cluster Ready Services daemon to startWaiting for Cluster Ready Services daemon to startCluster Ready Services daemon has started

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While one node is on the old version that will be the cluster version:

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs softwareversion rac1CRS software version on node [rac1] is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs softwareversion rac2CRS software version on node [rac2] is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs activeversion rac1CRS active version on the cluster is []

[oracle@rac1 bin]$ crsctl query crs activeversion rac2CRS active version on the cluster is []

Now we need to stop RAC on Node 2 and run root111.sh

[root@rac2 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/crsctl stop crsStopping resources.This could take several minutes.Successfully stopped Oracle Clusterware resourcesStopping Cluster Synchronization Services.Shutting down the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.Shutdown request successfully issued.

[root@rac2 ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/root111.shCreating pre-patch directory for saving pre-patch clusterware filesCompleted patching clusterware files to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1Relinking some shared libraries.Relinking of patched files is complete.

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WARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by rootPreparing to recopy patched init and RC scripts.Recopying init and RC scripts.Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds./etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6022: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6056: No such file or directory/etc/init.d/init.cssd: line 289: /tmp/oratz.6090: No such file or directoryStarting up the CRS daemons.Waiting for the patched CRS daemons to start.This may take a while on some systems..11107 patch successfully applied.clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.node <nodenumber>: <nodename> <private interconnect name> <hostname>node 2: rac2 rac2-priv rac2Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..Operation successful.clscfg -upgrade completed successfullyCreating '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs' with data used forCRS configurationSetting CRS configuration values in/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install/paramfile.crs

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[root@rac2 ~]# crsctl query crs softwareversion rac1Oracle Clusterware version on node [rac1] is []

[root@rac2 ~]# crsctl query crs softwareversion rac2Oracle Clusterware version on node [rac2] is []

[root@rac2 ~]# crsctl query crs activeversion rac1Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

[root@rac2 ~]# crsctl query crs activeversion rac2Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

Check that all components started

[oracle@rac2 crs_1]$ chkcrsHA Resource Target State----------- ------ -----ora.rac1.ASM1.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC1.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac1.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.rac2.ASM2.asm ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.gsd ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.ons ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.rac2.vip ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.db ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.dbserv.cs ONLINE ONLINE on rac2

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ora.sati.dbserv.sati1.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.dbserv.sati2.srv ONLINE ONLINE on rac2ora.sati.sati1.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac1ora.sati.sati2.inst ONLINE ONLINE on rac2

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