11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 assumptions/ history theorists key concepts application critical eval

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theorists Key concepts Application

Critical Eval

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100What is the

behaviourist view of human nature?

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People LEARN to making ASSOCIATIONS between two

events, etc.


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500Behaviorism can be

said to be a reaction to what?

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200Psychology should

concentrate on what?

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Observable Phenomenon


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100The inventor of the

Operant Conditioning


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Who was Skinner


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The Father of American


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William James


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500 The Austrian

inventor of Classical Conditioning

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Who was John Watson


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100Used dogs and saliva

to experiment withClassical conditioning?

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Who was Pavlov


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200What is the law of

effect? And who coined it?

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Who was Thorndyke; he postulated that pleasant

reinforcement would lead to a continuation of the behavior and


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100What is operant

conditioning? And who coined it

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The use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form

of behavior


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400Bandura is best known

for _____

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Social Observational Learning


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100Describe Watson’s famous experiment and its importance

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Little Albert; conditioned response to fear all white furry things. Creates the science of



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200What does the neutral item always become

in classical Conditioning.

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The CS


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200In operant conditioning, bar pressing behaviour

that is not ___ will undergo extinction.

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Rewarded with a CS


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400State the two of the four

reward schedules of reinforcement. Which ones will result in the

steadiest rate of learning?

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1. Fixed Interval2. Fixed Ratio

3. Variable Interval4. Variable Ratio



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300Describe the difference

between negative reinforcement and

punishment. State an example of each

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Negative Reinforcement = removing an unwanted stimulus

to focus on good behavior.

Punishment = supplying an unwanted stimulus by focusing

on the BAD behaviorBack

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300What is a token


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Giving secondary reinforcers for good behavior as in: AA


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300What is drive reduction


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We are motivated to fix an imbalance in homeosasis


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The Question

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100What is another (besides drive

reduction) to explain motivation?

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1. Intrinsic Motivation 2. Expectation Theory

3. Cognitive Dissonance Theory4. Investment Theory


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500How does skinner

account for the speed with which an infant learns a language ?

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An inherited module of the brain he called a

Language Acquisition Device or



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200Bobby flinches every time he hears a high-pitched whining

sound b/c his childhood dentist did not use novacane when drilling cavities. The high-pitched sound is NOW a:

UCS, CS, CR, UCR, Neutral

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What is a conditioned response


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400Squirrels can be taught to water ski using either

operant or classical conditioning.

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What is Operant Conditioning


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300slowing modifying

behavior by getting closer and closer approximations of a desired goal behavior

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What is Shaping


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400Learned responses in a consecutive order, each

reaction signaling the start of the next


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What is Chaining


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400A child imitates (w/o being told) a parent’s


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What is Modeling


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A slot machine is an example of this type of reinforcement


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What is variable ratio


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Place your wagers!!


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State 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses

aspects of Behaviourism.

State 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses

aspects of Behaviourism.
