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Leading change

Vivienne Cox at BP Alternative Energy

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Leading change

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Background – Vivienne Cox

BP Alternative Energy

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Kotter’s 8 steps to successful change

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1. Increase urgency

Vivienne Cox increased urgency by inviting 150 unit leaders to a strategy meeting: Beyond Petroleum The world was facing a huge energy demand, there was an increasing public concern over climate change. This could create tremendous opportunities for the BP Alternative Energy business.

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One of Cox’s core qualities as a leader is to build teams and to give them space and opportunity.

Cox did not believe in ‘command & control’ leadership, instead she used the network of human relationship to built trust.

Gas, Power and Renewables was merged into one business: BP Alternative Energy.

Cox assigned leaders for the different AE businesses.

She managed AE by being a catalyst and an orchestrator.

2. Build guiding teams

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3. Creating a visionVivienne Cox anchored AE’s vision with BP ‘s CEO John Brown.

Her main concerns was of the environment and the climate change. Cox wanted to create sustainable power sources which were fundamental important for the world.

Cox used her open approach to let a vision emerge out of the process. In a 150 unit leader meeting she depicted three waves of energy: The current oil wave, the natural gas wave and finally the renewable wave.

By doing this she established a common vision of tremendous opportunities for the AE business.

BP AE’s vision:

Sustainable energy – sustainable business

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4. Communicating the Vision“BP Alternative Energy is an important step towards meeting the desire of people to use energy in a way which is sustainable”.

Vivienne Cox - Introducing BP alternative energy - 29 November 2005

Cox asked her team to activate their networks to spread sound bites across BP.

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5. Enable action!

Cox wanted action when launching BP AE. She involved her managers as change agents in order to remove obstacles in mindsets. She also created a buzz and played her part in getting the word out. She went to several road shows and investor presentations with BP CEO Browne.Cox presented a case asking for at least $8 billion over 10 years for BP AE.

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6. Create short-term wins

During an investor presentation with Brown she let him in on some financial gains: “Did you know you can get a 10-12% risk free return on wind farms?”

The management team in AE was very clear about their performance improvements. One example of short-term wins was a $110M state-of-the art turbines purchase.

AE exceeded its first year financial targets and important strategic alliances were established.

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7. Don’t let-up

One of the pitfalls when leading change is declaring ‘the war won’, when celebrating the first improvement.

Critics within BP were questioning the AE model and why it was necessary to detach it from the traditional E&P core business.

However, after the first year Cox built on the success by going back to CEO Browne, addressing the rapid growth in the market and asking for $16 billion over 10 years.

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8. Make it stick

Cox always looked beyond the borders of what she understood and constantly challenged the established truths.

To ensure the succession of BP AE Vivienne Cox hired 150 employees, 40 % were recruited outside BP.

Cox and her leadership team also attended several environmental conferences to address the need of sustainable energy.

BP Alternative Energy, launched in November 2005, is a portfolio of some of the fastest growing energy businesses in the world today.

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Kotter’s 8 steps to successful change

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Leadership core qualities and challenges

Core qualities:1. Entrepreneur/innovative

2. Emphatetic____________

3. Interactive/inclusive

Pitfalls:1. Impulsive/erratic________

2. Too “soft”___________

3. Lack of direction

Challenges: 1. Quality control2. Indecisive (ineffective

decision-making)3. Operational focus

Allergies: 1. Command & control

(‘Creativity killers’)_

2. Dictatorial Leadership

3. Detail focus

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A Tale of Two Companies:Organizational Exploration & Exploitation

Federico LozanoTromsø University Business School

May 25th, 2012GRA8141: LeadershipBI Norwegian Business SchoolOslo, Norway

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Hei Fed! Have a proposition for you, call me. Woohoo! Kjetil

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San Bernardino, California (1948)

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Ray Kroc

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“McDonald’s Hamburger Hell” March 3rd, 2003

It will take nothing short of a marketing miracle, though, to return McDonald’s to its youthful vigor…As McDonald’s settles into middle age, [its top management] may have to settle for stable and reliable.

“ “

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Fast forward 4 years…

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“Innovation: A Happy Meal For McDonald’s” Clayton Christensen, October 26th, 2007

By exploring untapped avenues for expansion beyond simply opening more stores, McDonald’s created new opportunities for innovation.“ “

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McDonald’s Stock Price

Source: Yahoo Finance

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ExplorationSearchVariationRisk takingExperimentationPlayFlexibilityDiscoveryInnovation

Source: March, J. G., Exploration & Exploitation in Organizational Learning, Organizational Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1991

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Source: March, J. G., Exploration & Exploitation in Organizational Learning, Organizational Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1991


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Organizational Exploration

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Organizational Exploitation

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Organizational Exploration & Exploitation

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Okay, but wasn’t this presentation

about BP?

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• World’s second largest gas and oil company

• Tripled its stock price

• Twice reported the largest quarterly profit ever by an energy company

Source: Yahoo Finance

Gargantuan GrowthJohn Browne’s Leadership

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Lord John Browne“Climate Change: The New Agenda”

Stanford Graduate School of BusinessMay 19th, 1997

bp beyond petroleum

We are all citizens of one world, and we must take shared responsibility for its future.

…a balance between the needs of development and the need for environmental protection.

“ “

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BP Exploration

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Texas CitySeptember 2004 (2 dead)March 2005 (15 dead)

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Thunder Horse accidentJuly 2005

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Prudhoe Bay oil spill200 milesMarch 2006

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Joseph H. BryantHead of BP Angola (2000 -2004) CEO Cobalt International Energy

If you are going to ask people to innovate, you’d better make sure that they know that any risks they take are manageable.

Too much of a good thing?

Source: The New York Times, “In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders,” July 12, 2010

“ “

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May 2007: Out goes Browne, in comes Hayward

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Lord John BrowneBP CEO, 1995-2007MS in Management, Stanford

Tony HaywardBP CEO, 2007-2010PhD in Geosciences, Edinburgh

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• Alternative Energy (AE) investments drop by $400M in 2009

• 2009: Hayward publicly questioned future of solar energy

• April 2009: BP closes solar- power plants in Spain and U.S.

• June 2009: BP shuts AE HQs

bp back to petroleum?

Sources: The Guardian, Bloomberg.com, Foreign Policy

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Some companies respond to crisis by ‘innovating forwards’ and push women into new roles, others ‘hunker down backwards’ and focus on the core businesses and teams that made them successful…yesterday.

Financial Times“Vivienne Cox to leave BP”

June 9th, 2009


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BP Exploitation?

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Tony HaywardStanford Graduate School of Business

May 12th, 2009

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Tony HaywardStanford Graduate School of Business

May 12th, 2009

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Loud and clear, Tony:

So it’s back to basics?

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Deepwater Horizon“The Titanic of Rigs”April 10th, 2010

Too late?

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Leadership lessons?

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Don’t let short-termism keep you from exploring—

challengers are always around the corner

Exploration can be like drinking Jägermeister—you have to know when to say “enough is enough”

Exploitation is essential to reach scale, but remember to lift your head and “peek over the horizon”—often


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Tusen Takk!Questions or comments?

Federico Lozano

[email protected]