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  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Speaker : Dr. Nay Zin Latt

    Chairman Business Group Business Group

    Hotel Group. Hotel Group.

    Venue : India

    Date : 10.10.10

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Leadership is the capacity

    to translate vision intoreality

    Leadership Leadership is not in wordis not in word

    but in action but in action

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader



    Manage through Emotional


    They are self-aware and can

    manage their emotions

    They are also attuned to the

    feelings of others and are able

    to gauge their organizations

    emotional state

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Emotional Intelligence can be learned andEmotional Intelligence can be learned and

    improved at any ageimproved at any age

    But Emotional Intelligence does notBut Emotional Intelligence does not

    necessarily only come from lifenecessarily only come from life--experienceexperience

    For .. e.g., many newly promotedFor .. e.g., many newly promoted

    employees lack empathy because theyemployees lack empathy because theywere successful as individual performerswere successful as individual performers

    but did not have the skills forbut did not have the skills forunderstanding othersunderstanding others

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Sustained leadership is gettingSustained leadership is getting

    others to perform well and high IQothers to perform well and high IQalone is not enoughalone is not enough

    Some people are born with the emotionalSome people are born with the emotional

    awareness to read peopleawareness to read people -- to know the moodto know the mood

    of people and their expectations.of people and their expectations.

    This ability can be enhanced through experienceThis ability can be enhanced through experience

    and learningand learning

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Effective leadership development requires aEffective leadership development requires apositive desire, rather than a negativepositive desire, rather than a negativemotivation on the part of the individualmotivation on the part of the individual

    You have to want to changeYou have to want to change

    Change driven by fear will not lastChange driven by fear will not last

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Emotional Intelligence isEmotional Intelligence isimportantimportant for effective leadersfor effective leaders

    But there are people with limitedBut there are people with limitedemotional Intelligence who can beemotional Intelligence who can besuccessfulsuccessful the onethe one--hit wondershit wonders

    However, they cannot transfer theirHowever, they cannot transfer theirsuccess to other organizations, i.e.,success to other organizations, i.e.,

    they cant replicate their successthey cant replicate their success

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    CEOs must hear things which areCEOs must hear things which are

    hardest to hearhardest to hear the bad and the uglythe bad and the uglyabout the organizationabout the organization

    The use of Emotional IntelligenceThe use of Emotional Intelligenceby leaders is important for theirby leaders is important for their

    success as well to the success ofsuccess as well to the success of

    their organizationstheir organizations

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Emotional Intelligence is important forEmotional Intelligence is important for

    political leaders and can be enhancedpolitical leaders and can be enhanced

    through sustained effortthrough sustained effort

    George Washington learned to control hisGeorge Washington learned to control histempertemper

    Abraham Lincoln overcame deep melancholia toAbraham Lincoln overcame deep melancholia to

    show bravery and warm countenanceshow bravery and warm countenance

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    FDR transformed himself from a polioFDR transformed himself from a polio--

    stricken invalid to a leader of empathy,stricken invalid to a leader of empathy,patience and selfpatience and self--awarenessawareness

    Richard Nixon cannot fully control hisRichard Nixon cannot fully control his

    demons and was finally brought downdemons and was finally brought downafter Watergateafter Watergate

    Bill Clinton struggled for selfBill Clinton struggled for self--masterymastery

    but cannot control the cracks in hisbut cannot control the cracks in his


  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Leadership involves selfLeadership involves self--awareness,awareness,the ability to know yourself deeply; thethe ability to know yourself deeply; the

    understanding of our strengths andunderstanding of our strengths andweaknesses; your purpose in life,weaknesses; your purpose in life,values and aspirations; how and whyvalues and aspirations; how and why

    you respond to a situation in ayou respond to a situation in aparticular wayparticular way

    This is an ability which can beThis is an ability which can bedeveloped throughout your lifetimedeveloped throughout your lifetime

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Leaders are not born but madeLeaders are not born but made

    It takes years of hard work and to learnIt takes years of hard work and to learnfrom extreme difficulties andfrom extreme difficulties and


    Many wouldMany would--be leaders do not focus onbe leaders do not focus on

    this personal development and becamethis personal development and becamedestructive when they became leadersdestructive when they became leaders

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    SelfSelf--awareness and other Emotionalawareness and other Emotional

    Intelligence skills come naturally toIntelligence skills come naturally tosome and less so to otherssome and less so to others but theybut they

    can be learned.can be learned.

    One of the most useful techniques forOne of the most useful techniques for

    improving your selfimproving your self--awareness isawareness is

    meditationmeditation -- by listening to your innerby listening to your inner

    voice you can develop a deepvoice you can develop a deep--awarenessawareness

    of yourself.of yourself.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    It is important to be in tune with peopleIt is important to be in tune with people

    andand to know those who needsto know those who needs

    encouragementencouragement and those who needand those who need


    The objectivity and perspective of theThe objectivity and perspective of the

    conductor as the only person who isconductor as the only person who islistening is critical to help the orchestralistening is critical to help the orchestra

    reach its goals.reach its goals.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Empathy and compassion must beEmpathy and compassion must be

    balanced with honesty.balanced with honesty.

    If people are given an honest opinion andIf people are given an honest opinion and

    if they are willing to learn they will exceptif they are willing to learn they will exceptthe hard truth; if not they are not suitablethe hard truth; if not they are not suitable

    for the organization.for the organization.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    In Asia, selfIn Asia, self--awareness, selfawareness, self--

    control, empathy, humility andcontrol, empathy, humility and

    other Emotional Intelligenceother Emotional Intelligencecompetencies are very importantcompetencies are very important

    They are part of the ConfucianThey are part of the Confucianwahwah, i.e., social harmony, where, i.e., social harmony, where

    everyone seeks consensus.everyone seeks consensus.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Emotional Intelligence is powerfulEmotional Intelligence is powerful

    and but it can be dangerous.and but it can be dangerous.

    Empathy is an extraordinaryEmpathy is an extraordinary

    relationshiprelationship--building tool but mustbuilding tool but mustbe used very carefully and might dobe used very carefully and might do

    serious damage to the person whoserious damage to the person who


    Overdoing empathy can take aOverdoing empathy can take a

    physical toll.physical toll.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Empathy must be tempered andEmpathy must be tempered andrelationshiprelationship--building emphasizedbuilding emphasized

    The balanced use of empathy is veryThe balanced use of empathy is veryeffective and less stressfuleffective and less stressful

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Emotional Intelligence is necessaryEmotional Intelligence is necessary

    but not sufficient for leadership.but not sufficient for leadership.

    If Emotional Intelligence is usedIf Emotional Intelligence is used

    merely to gain formal or informalmerely to gain formal or informalauthority, it is not leadership.authority, it is not leadership.

    This is the abuse of EmotionalThis is the abuse of EmotionalIntelligence.Intelligence.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Leadership involves usingLeadership involves usingemotional Intelligence while havingemotional Intelligence while havingthe courage to raise toughthe courage to raise toughquestions, challenge widelyquestions, challenge widely--heldheldassumptionsassumptions

    It demands commitment to serveIt demands commitment to serveothers; diagnostic skills; tacticalothers; diagnostic skills; tactical

    and strategic reasoning; courage toand strategic reasoning; courage toget beneath the surface and theget beneath the surface and theheart to bear the heat and grief.heart to bear the heat and grief.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    When you know a thing,When you know a thing,

    toto holdhold that you know it;that you know it;

    and when you do not know a thing,and when you do not know a thing,

    toto allowallow that you do not know it,that you do not know it,

    this is knowledge.this is knowledge.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    NEEDWhat drives


    TALENTWhat can you be

    the best?

    PASSIONWhat are you




    CONSCIENCEWhat does it tell you?

    VOICEUnique personal


    How do we achieve greatness in any

    position and in any setting?

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Whole Person Paradigm




  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Two Roads In Life



    from Finding & Using

    Their Voice

    FINDYOURVOICEInspire Others

    to Find Their Voice

    road less traveled

    road traveled by many

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Find Your Voice: Summary







    4 Needs

    To live

    To Learn

    To Love

    To Leave a















    4 Attributes





    Discover Your Voice Express Your Voice

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    IQ IntelligentQuotient is important..but.. EQ Emotional Intelligence is

    more important.

    Without EQ.. The one who gets IQ cannot go further.

  • 8/8/2019 12.Intelligence & Leader


    Dr. NayDr. Nay ZinZin LattLatt