12th annual welsh physics teachers conference 12fed ...12th annual welsh physics teachers conference...

12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru A free day of presentations and workshops for teachers and technicians Wednesday 2 October 2013 9.15 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Christ College, Brecon Diwrnod am ddim o gyflwyniadau a gweithdai ar gyfer athrawon a thechnegwyr Dydd Mercher 2 Hydref 2013 9.15 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Coleg Crist, Aberhonddu

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Page 1: 12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed ...12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru A free day of presentations and

12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference

12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg CymruA free day of presentations and workshops for teachers and technicians

Wednesday 2 October 20139.15 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.Christ College, Brecon

Diwrnod am ddim o gyflwyniadau a gweithdai ar gyfer athrawon a thechnegwyr

Dydd Mercher 2 Hydref 20139.15 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Coleg Crist, Aberhonddu

Page 2: 12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed ...12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru A free day of presentations and

A wonderful opportunity for teachers and technicians to take part in a wide variety of physics CPD. This free day of workshops is open to all teachers, technicians, newly qualified teachers and trainee teachers.

During the day Dr Ceri Brenner will give a presentation and you will have the opportunity to attend workshops exploring a diverse range of physics topics.

Cyfle arbennig i athrawon a thechnegwyr gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth eang o Ddatblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus ffiseg. Mae’r diwrnod rhad ac am ddim yma yn agored i athrawon, technegwyr, athrawon newydd gymhwyso a myfyrwyr TAR.

Yn ystod y dydd mi fydd cyflwyniad gan Dr Ceri Brenner a chyfle i fynychu gweithdai fydd yn ymwneud ag amryw o wahanol bynciau ffiseg.


Registration, tea/coffee 9:15 Cofrestru, te/coffiWelcome 9:30 CroesoKey-note speech 9:45 Prif gyflwyniadChoice of workshops: E1, S1, T1 10:45 Dewis o weithdai: E1, S1, T1News Slot for Teachers / Technicians Meeting 11:45 Newyddion i Athrawon / Cyfarfod TechnegwyrLunch Demonstrations in labs/Exhibition Area of physics equipment with opportunities to share ideas.

12:15 CinioArddangosfeydd yn y labordai/Ardal Arddangos o gyfarpar ffiseg gyda chyfleoedd i rannu syniadau.

Choice of workshops: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 13:15 Dewis o weithdai: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5Choice of workshops: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 14:30 Dewis o weithdai: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5Closing session 15:45 Sesiwn CloiDepart 16:15 Gadael

Programme ChangesThe Institute reserves the right to make alterations to the programme, date and/or venue at any time without prior notice.

Newidiadau i’r RhaglenCedwir yr hawl gan y Sefydliad Ffiseg i wneud newidiadau i’r rhaglen, dyddiad a/neu lleoliad ar unrhyw adeg.

Workshops/GweithdaiThe following workshops have all proved to be popular and useful. They are presented by experienced physics teachers and workshop providers. We recommend that you register and select your preferred workshops as the number of places available on certain workshops will be limited.

Page 3: 12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed ...12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru A free day of presentations and

E1 Examination bodies• E1a – AQA • E1b – Edexcel• E1c – OCR• E1d – WJEC

S1 What can the IOP offer ITT students? +To help support your physics teaching, the IOP offers free resources to all student science teachers at all secondary levels through our Student Teacher Affiliation Scheme. During this presentation you will learn about all the different IOP resources, the online community website, Talkphysics.org, and the USB stick that all ITT students receive after they become a Student Teacher Affiliate. Institute of Physics

T1/A5 Wobblers and Whistlers and Wink This workshop is intended to prepare you for demonstrating transverse and longitudinal waves. You will make a small wave generator (The Wobbler) that packs as big a punch as much dearer models, you will receive a 2m-long rod (The Whistler) with which you can astound your students (or just irritate their hearing) and you will assemble an I.o.P. designed reflection spectroscope. There will be an opportunity to try your creations and to ask questions about their use.Lee White and Frank Lane (ex Holywell High School)

A1/B1 Smart MaterialsMaterials Science has had a huge impact on our society as materials have been developed to meet specific needs notably in the fields of metallurgy and plastics technology. In the future Smart Materials will change society in ways we can’t envisage.This workshop looks at a range of Smart Materials, materials with novel mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Many of these materials are set to become part of our everyday lives in the near future, some of them already are, but they will become much more common in the future! Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a hands-on session of investigations and demonstrations based on a variety of these materials which are suitable for classroom use, including muscle wires, thermochromic film, foamed ceramic sheet, smart grease, slime and others. Each of the activities includes some existing practical applications of the material, but new applications are being found all the time. Brian Redman

A2/B2 Hands On Particle PhysicsIn this workshop we look at a variety of ideas centered around the Standard Model particles which all involve getting your hands on something rather than it being a theoretical exercise. From atomic models of gold foil to cuddly particles to books. If your particle physics teaching needs a bit of sparkle then come along; and if it doesn’t need it then come along and share your good ideas!Gary Williams

A3/B3 Mathematics for A level Physics Many A level students have a need for a maths course companion for A level physics: AS students making the transition from GCSE; those not doing A level maths; those wanting a good maths grounding for degree courses in physics and engineering. Mathematics for A level Physics (pub. July 2013), by Gareth Kelly and Nigel Wood, aims to cater for these students and their teachers. Gareth Kelly andNigel Wood (authors of Mathematics for A level Physics)

A4/B4 Mystery Boxes – How DOES science work?Uses Science Museum Mystery Boxes kit to support “How Science Works” in a very practical and thoughtful way. For KS3, KS4 and A-level - not specifically any one science, more about the scientific method. In spite of its simplicity, it offers students and teachers a powerful hands-on way to explore this important question.Alex Marsh

B5 The Electromagnetic SpectrumThis workshop covers the electromagnetic spectrum at KS4 and KS5. Topics include the uses and properties of the EM spectrum from radio waves to x-rays, covering aspects of communication, medical and space physics and some A level material. The workshop introduces teaching approaches, difficult concepts, practical activities, demonstrations, and computer resources to help you make the topic more relevant and interactive for pupils. Freebies to take away, include a make-and-take spectroscope.TBC

+ for ITT students

Page 4: 12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed ...12th Annual Welsh Physics Teachers Conference 12fed Cynhadledd Blynyddol Athrawon Ffiseg Cymru A free day of presentations and

“Advances personal understanding on subjects as well as providing practical ideas and resources for use in school”

To register and for more information, go to https://www.iopconferences.org/wales13

I gofrestru ac am fwy o wybodaeth ewch ihttps://www.iopconferences.org/wales13

Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London W1B 1NTTel +44 (0) 20 7470 4800 Fax +44 (0) 20 7637 4266E-mail [email protected] www.iop.org

The event includes a day full of activities that can directly benefit your work as a physics teacher, including:

• Finding out all there is to know about the changes in specifications and examinations from expert Examination Officers.

• A presentation by Dr Ceri Brenner.

• A choice of practical workshops in the afternoon and an opportunity to try out new equipment, including practical demonstrations for teaching of physics at all levels. We also encourage you to bring any of your own ideas and equipment and share them with colleagues.

• An exhibition area with many of the instrument and booksellers exhibiting.

Mae’r gynhadledd yn cynnwys diwrnod yn llawn o weithgareddau a fydd o fudd uniongyrchol i’ch gwaith fel athro ffiseg, yn cynnwys:

• Swyddogion y Byrddau Arholiad yn trafod newidiadau a datblygiadau yn y manylebau ac arholiadau.

• Cyflwyniad gan Dr Ceri Brenner.

• Dewis o amrywiaeth o weithdai ymarferol yn y prynhawn ynghyd a chyfle i edrych ar offer newydd, yn cynnwys arddangosiadau ar gyfer addysgu ffiseg ar bob lefel. ‘Rydym hefyd yn eich annog i ddod a unrhyw offer a syniadau eich hun i rannu gyda’ch cydweithwyr.

• Ardal arddangos gyda nifer o gwmnïau a gwerthwyr llyfrau yn bresennol.

Organised by Cerian Angharad, Teacher Network Coordinator in South Wales and the Institute of Physics in Wales

Trefnwyd gan Cerian Angharad, Cydlynydd Rhwydwaith Ffiseg De Cymru a’r Sefydliad Ffiseg yng Nghymru

Booking is essential, so respond no later than 27 September 2013.

Mae’n rhaid sicrhau lle, dim hwyrach na 27 Medi 2013.