16 surah an nahl (the bee)

Surah al-Nahl (The Bee) ِ ِ م يِ حَ ّ ر ل اِ ن مْ حَ ّ ر ل اِ ه ل ل اِ مْ سِ بIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

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Page 1: 16   Surah An Nahl (The Bee)

Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�� ح�يم الر� ح�من� الر� الله� � م �س� ب

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

��وه ل #ع�ج� ت #س� ت # ف#ال )ه� الل �م�ر# أ #ى #ت أ

�ون# ر�ك �ش� ي ع#م�ا #ع#ال#ى و#ت �#ه ان �ح# ب � س

[16:1] Allah's commandment has come, therefore do not desire to hasten it; glory be to Him, and highly exalted be He above what they associate

(with Him).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ع#ل#ى م�ر�ه�# أ م�ن� وح� �ر8 �ال ب #ة# �ك �م#آلئ ال �ل #ز< �ن ي

# ال ��ه ن# أ � وا �#نذ�ر أ #ن� أ #اد�ه� ب ع� م�ن� اء #ش# ي م#ن

�ق�ون� ف#ات � #ا #ن أ � �ال إ ه# ـ# �ل إ

[16:2] He sends down the angels with the inspiration by His commandment on whom He pleases of His servants, saying: Give the warning that there is no god but Me, therefore be careful (of your duty) to


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ح#ق< �ال ب ر�ض## و#األ م#او#ات� الس� خ#ل#ق#

�ون# ر�ك �ش� ي ع#م�ا #ع#ال#ى ت

[16:3] He created the heavens and the earth with the truth, highly exalted be He above what they

associate (with Him).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ه�و# �ذ#ا ف#إ Q8ط�ف#ة ن م�ن ان# �نس# اإل خ#ل#ق# Uين� م8ب Uخ#ص�يم

[16:4] He created man from a small seed and lo! he is an open contender.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

Uء د�ف� ف�يه#ا �م� #ك ل #ق#ه#ا ل خ# �ع#ام# #ن و#األ�ون# �ل �ك #أ ت �ه#ا و#م�ن �#اف�ع و#م#ن

[16:5] And He created the cattle for you; you have in them warm clothing and (many) advantages,

and of them do you eat.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ح�ين# �ر�يح�ون# ت ح�ين# Uج#م#ال ف�يه#ا �م� #ك و#لح�ون# ر# #س� ت

[16:6] And there is beauty in them for you when you drive them back (to home), and when you

send them forth (to pasture).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

� �وا �ون #ك ت �م� ل Qد# #ل ب #ى �ل إ �م� #ك �ق#ال #ث أ �#ح�م�ل و#ت�م� �ك ب ر# �ن� إ #نف�س� األ �ش�ق< ب � �ال إ �غ�يه� #ال ب

Uح�يم ر� Uوف�ؤ #ر# ل

[16:7] And they carry your heavy loads to regions which you could not reach but with distress of the souls; most surely your Lord is Compassionate,


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�وه#ا #ب ك #ر� �ت ل �ح#م�ير# و#ال �غ#ال# �ب و#ال �ل# ي �خ# و#ال#م�ون# #ع�ل ت # ال م#ا �ل�ق #خ� و#ي dة# و#ز�ين

[16:8] And (He made) horses and mules and donkeys that you might ride upon them and as an ornament; and He creates what you do not know.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

Uر� آئ ج# �ه#ا و#م�ن �يل� ب الس� �ق#ص�د )ه� الل و#ع#ل#ى#ج�م#ع�ين# أ �م� #ه#د#اك ل اء ش# #و� و#ل

[16:9] And upon Allah it rests to show the right way, and there are some deviating (ways); and if

He please He would certainly guide you all aright.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ك�م ل م#اء م#اء الس� م�ن# ل# #نز# أ �ذ�ي ال ه�و#ف�يه� Uج#ر ش# ��ه و#م�ن Uاب ر# ش# ��ه م<ن

يم�ون# �س� ت

[16:10] He it is Who sends down water from the cloud for you; it gives drink, and by it (grow) the

trees upon which you pasture.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�خ�يل# و#الن �ون# �ت ي و#الز� ع# ر� الز� �ه� ب �م #ك ل ��ت �نب يف�ي �ن� إ ات� �م#ر# الث �ل< ك و#م�ن #اب# #ع�ن و#األ

ون# ��ر #ف#ك #ت ي Q <ق#و�م ل dة# آلي ذ#ل�ك#

[16:11] He causes to grow for you thereby herbage, and the olives, and the palm trees, and the grapes, and of all the fruits; most surely there is a sign in

this for a people who reflect.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م�س# و#الش� �ه#ار# �ن و#ال �ل# �ي الل ��م #ك ل خ�ر# و#س#م�ر�ه�

# �أ ب Uات خ�ر# م�س# �8ج�وم �ن و#ال �ق#م#ر# و#ال�ون# #ع�ق�ل ي Q <ق#و�م ل Qات# ي آل# �ك# ذ#ل ف�ي �ن� إ

[16:12] And He has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, and

the stars are made subservient by His commandment; most surely there are signs in this

for a people who ponder;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�فdا #ل ت م�خ� ر�ض�# األ ف�ي �م� #ك ل # أ ذ#ر# و#م#ا

Q <ق#و�م ل dة# آلي �ك# ذ#ل ف�ي �ن� إ ��ه �و#ان ل# أ

ون# ��ر #ذ�ك ي

[16:13] And what He has created in the earth of varied hues most surely there is a sign in this for

a people who are mindful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ح�مdا ل ��ه م�ن � �وا �ل �ك #أ �ت ل #ح�ر# �ب ال خ�ر# س# �ذ�ي ال و#ه�و##ه#ا ون �#س �ب #ل ت dة# �ي ل ح� ��ه م�ن � #خ�ر�ج�وا ت #س� و#ت qا ط#ر�يم�ن � #غ�وا �ت #ب �ت و#ل ف�يه� م#و#اخ�ر# �ف�ل�ك# ال ى #ر# و#ت

ون# ��ر ك #ش� ت �م� �ك #ع#ل و#ل �ه� ف#ض�ل

[16:14] And He it is Who has made the sea subservient that you may eat fresh flesh from it and bring forth from it

ornaments which you wear, and you see the ships cleaving through it, and that you might seek of His bounty and that

you may give thanks.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#م�يد# ت #ن أ و#اس�ي# ر# ر�ض�# األ ف�ي �ق#ى #ل و#أ

#د�ون# #ه�ت ت �م� �ك �ع#ل ل d �ال ب �و#س ا dه#ار� ن# و#أ �م� �ك ب

[16:15] And He has cast great mountains in the earth lest it might be convulsed with you, and

rivers and roads that you may go aright,

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#د�ون# #ه�ت ي ه�م� � �ج�م �الن و#ب Qو#ع#الم#ات

[16:16] And landmarks; and by the stars they find the right way.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ف#ال أ �ل�ق #خ� ي � ال #م#ن ك �#خ�ل�ق ي #ف#م#ن أون# ��ر #ذ#ك ت

[16:17] Is He then Who creates like him who does not create? Do you not then mind?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ن� إ �ح�ص�وه#ا ت # ال )ه� الل �ع�م#ة# ن � #ع�د8وا ت �ن و#إ Uح�يم ر� Uور�#غ#ف ل )ه# الل

[16:18] And if you would count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely

Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ون# �ن �ع�ل ت و#م#ا ون# ر8 �س� ت م#ا �#م #ع�ل ي �)ه و#الل

[16:19] And Allah knows what you conceal and what you do openly.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال )ه� الل د�ون� م�ن #د�ع�ون# ي �ذ�ين# و#ال#ق�ون# ل �خ� ي و#ه�م� dا �ئ ي ش# �ق�ون# ل #خ� ي

[16:20] And those whom they call on besides Allah have not created anything while they are

themselves created;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ان# #ي أ ون# �ع�ر #ش� ي و#م#ا #اء ي #ح� أ ��ر غ#ي Uم�وات# أ

�ون# �ع#ث �ب ي

[16:21] Dead (are they), not living, and they know not when they shall be raised.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي # ال �ذ�ين# ف#ال Uو#اح�د Uه# �ل إ �م� #ه�ك �ل إو#ه�م Uة م8نك�ر# �ه�م �وب ق�ل ة� �اآلخ�ر# ب

ون# ��ر �ب #ك ت م8س�

[16:22] Your Allah is one Allah; so (as for) those who do not believe m the hereafter, their hearts

are ignorant and they are proud.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#م#ا ون# ر8 �س� ي م#ا �#م #ع�ل ي )ه# الل #ن� أ م# ج#ر# # ال�ر�ين# �ب #ك ت �م�س� ال �ح�ب8 ي # ال ��ه �ن إ �ون# �ن �ع�ل ي

[16:23] Truly Allah knows what they hide and what they manifest; surely He does not love the proud.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

� �وا ق#ال �م� 8ك ب ر# ل# #نز# أ م�اذ#ا #ه�م ل ق�يل# �ذ#ا و#إ�ين# و�ل

# األ �اط�ير س## أ

[16:24] And when it is said to them, what is it that your Lord has revealed? They say: Stories of the


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ام#ة� �ق�ي ال #و�م# ي dة# #ام�ل ك ه�م� ار# و�ز## أ � �وا #ح�م�ل �ي ل

�ر� �غ#ي ب #ه�م 8ون �ض�ل ي �ذ�ين# ال ار� و�ز## أ و#م�ن�

ون# �#ز�ر ي م#ا اء #س# #ال أ Q �م ل ع�

[16:25] That they may bear their burdens entirely on the day of resurrection and also of the burdens

of those whom they lead astray without knowledge; now surely evil is what they bear.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�)ه الل #ى #ت ف#أ �ه�م� �ل ق#ب م�ن �ذ�ين# ال #ر# م#ك ق#د� ��ه�م #ي ع#ل ف#خ#ر� �ق#و#اع�د� ال م<ن# #ه�م #ان �ي �ن ب

��ع#ذ#اب ال �#اه�م #ت و#أ ف#و�ق�ه�م� م�ن �ق�ف الس�ون# �ع�ر #ش� ي # ال ��ث ح#ي م�ن�

[16:26] Those before them did indeed devise plans, but Allah demolished their building from the

foundations, so the roof fell down on them from above them, and the punishment came to them

from whence they did not perceive.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ن# #ي أ �#ق�ول و#ي �خ�ز�يه�م� ي #ام#ة� �ق�ي ال #و�م# ي �م� ثف�يه�م� اق8ون# �ش# ت �م� �نت ك �ذ�ين# ال �ي# #آئ ك ر# �ش

#و�م# �ي ال ي# �خ�ز� ال �ن� إ �م# �ع�ل ال � �وا �وت أ �ذ�ين# ال ق#ال##اف�ر�ين# �ك ال ع#ل#ى وء# و#ال�س8

[16:27] Then on the resurrection day He will bring them to disgrace and say: Where are the associates you gave Me, for whose sake you became hostile? Those who are given the knowledge will say: Surely the disgrace

and the evil are this day upon the unbelievers:

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م�ي ظ#ال �#ة �ك �م#الئ ال �#و#ف�اه�م #ت ت �ذ�ين# ال �#ع�م#ل ن �ا �ن ك م#ا #م# ل الس� � �ق#و�ا #ل ف#أ ه�م� #نف�س� أ�م� �نت ك �م#ا ب Uيم� ع#ل )ه# الل �ن� إ #ل#ى ب Qوء �س م�ن

#ع�م#ل�ون# ت

[16:28] Those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to themselves. Then would they offer

submission: We used not to do any evil. Aye! surely Allah knows what you did.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ف�يه#ا �د�ين# ال خ# �م# ج#ه#ن �و#اب# ب# أ � �وا ل �ف#اد�خ

<ر�ين# #ب #ك �م�ت ال �و#ى م#ث �س# �ئ #ب ف#ل

[16:29] Therefore enter the gates of hell, to abide therein; so certainly evil is the dwelling place of

the proud.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

� �وا ق#ال �م� 8ك ب ر# ل# #نز# أ م#اذ#ا � �ق#و�ا ات �ذ�ين# �ل ل و#ق�يل##ا �ي الد8ن ه#ذ�ه� ف�ي � �وا ن #ح�س# أ �ذ�ين# <ل ل ا dر� ي خ# �د#ار �ع�م# #ن و#ل Uر� ي خ# ة� اآلخ�ر# �#د#ار و#ل Uة# ن ح#س#

�ق�ين# �م�ت ال

[16:30] And it is said to those who guard (against evil): What is it that your Lord has revealed? They say,

Good. For those who do good in this world is good, and certainly the abode of the hereafter is better; and

certainly most excellent is the abode of those who guard (against evil);

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ه#ا ت #ح� ت م�ن #ج�ر�ي ت #ه#ا �ون ل �#د�خ ي Qع#د�ن ��ات ن ج#�ك# #ذ#ل ك آؤ�ون# #ش# ي م#ا ف�يه#ا #ه�م� ل ��ه#ار ن

# األ�ق�ين# �م�ت ال �)ه الل #ج�ز�ي ي

[16:31] The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please. Thus does Allah reward those

who guard (against evil),

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ين# <ب ط#ي �#ة �ك �م#آلئ ال �#و#ف�اه�م #ت ت �ذ�ين# ال�ة# ن �ج# ال � �وا ل �اد�خ ��م �ك #ي ع#ل Uس#الم �ون# #ق�ول ي

�ون# #ع�م#ل ت �م� �نت ك �م#ا ب

[16:32] Those whom the angels cause to die in a good state, saying: Peace be on you: enter the

garden for what you did.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و� # أ �#ة �ك �م#الئ ال �#ه�م �ي ت

� #أ ت #ن أ � �ال إ ون# �#نظ�ر ي ه#ل�م�ن �ذ�ين# ال ف#ع#ل# �ك# #ذ#ل ك <ك# ب ر# �م�ر

# أ �ي# �ت #أ ي � �وا #ان ك و#لـك�ن �)ه الل �#م#ه�م ظ#ل و#م#ا �ه�م� �ل ق#ب

�م�ون# #ظ�ل ي ه�م� #نف�س# أ

[16:33] They do not wait aught but that the angels should come to them or that the commandment of

your Lord should come to pass. Thus did those before them; and Allah was not unjust to them, but

they were unjust to themselves.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ح#اق# � �وا ع#م�ل م#ا �#ات <ئ ي س# #ه�م� ص#اب# ف#أ

�ون# #ه�ز�ئ ت #س� ي �ه� ب � �وا #ان ك م�ا �ه�م ب

[16:34] So the evil (consequences) of what they did shall afflict them and that which they mocked

shall encompass them.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م#ا �)ه الل اء ش# #و� ل � �وا ك ر# #ش� أ �ذ�ين# ال و#ق#ال#و#ال ��ح�ن ن Qي�ء ش# م�ن �ه� د�ون م�ن #ا #د�ن ع#ب

Qء ي� ش# م�ن �ه� د�ون م�ن #ا م�ن ح#ر� # و#ال #ا #اؤ�ن آبع#ل#ى ف#ه#ل� �ه�م� �ل ق#ب م�ن �ذ�ين# ال ف#ع#ل# �ك# #ذ#ل ك

��ين �م�ب ال �#الغ �ب ال � �ال إ ل� �س الر8

[16:35] And they who give associates (to Allah) say: If Allah had pleased, we would not have served anything

besides Allah, (neither) we nor our fathers, nor would we have prohibited anything without (order from) Him. Thus did those before them; is then aught incumbent upon the

messengers except a plain delivery (of the message)?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

� �د�وا اع�ب ن�# أ d وال �س ر� Qم�ة

� أ �ل< ك ف�ي #ا �ن #ع#ث ب #ق#د� و#لم�ن� �ه�م ف#م�ن الط�اغ�وت# � �وا �ب #ن ت و#اج� )ه# الل�ه� #ي ع#ل ح#ق�ت� م�ن� �ه�م و#م�ن �)ه الل ه#د#ى

� وا �ف#انظ�ر ر�ض�# األ ف�ي � وا �ير ف#س� �#ة الض�الل

�ين# #ذ<ب �م�ك ال �#ة ع#اق�ب #ان# ك �ف# #ي ك

[16:36] And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger saying: Serve Allah and shun the Shaitan. So there were some of them whom Allah guided and there were others against whom error was due; therefore travel in the land,

then see what was the end of the rejecters.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال )ه# الل �ن� ف#إ ه�د#اه�م� ع#ل#ى #ح�ر�ص� ت �ن إم<ن #ه�م ل و#م#ا �ض�ل8 ي م#ن #ه�د�ي ي

�اص�ر�ين# ن

[16:37] If you desire for their guidance, yet surely Allah does not guide him who leads astray, nor

shall they have any helpers.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

��ع#ث #ب ي # ال �ه�م� �م#ان ي# أ ج#ه�د# )ه� �الل ب � م�وا #ق�س# و#أ

ح#قqا �ه� #ي ع#ل و#ع�دdا #ل#ى ب �#م�وت ي م#ن �)ه الل#م�ون# #ع�ل ي # ال �اس� الن #ر# �ث ك

# أ و#لـك�ن�

[16:38] And they swear by Allah with the most energetic of their oaths: Allah will not raise up him who dies. Yea! it is a promise binding on Him, quite true, but most people do not know;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#م# #ع�ل �ي و#ل ف�يه� �ف�ون# #ل ت #خ� ي �ذ�ي ال �#ه�م ل <ن# #ي �ب �ي ل�ين# #اذ�ب ك � �وا #ان ك �ه�م� ن

# أ � وا �#ف#ر ك �ذ�ين# ال

[16:39] So that He might make manifest to them that about which they differ, and that those who

disbelieve might know that they were liars.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ق�ول# ن #ن أ �#اه د�ن ر## أ �ذ#ا إ Qء ي� ل�ش# #ا �ن ق#و�ل �م#ا �ن إ

��ون #ك ف#ي �ن ك �#ه ل

[16:40] Our word for a thing when We intend it, is only that We say to it, Be, and it is.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م#ا #ع�د� ب م�ن )ه� الل ف�ي � وا �ه#اج#ر �ذ�ين# و#ال dة# ن ح#س# #ا �ي الد8ن ف�ي �ه�م� #ن #و<ئ �ب #ن ل � �م�وا ظ�ل

#م�ون# #ع�ل ي � �وا #ان ك #و� ل �#ر �ب ك# أ ة� اآلخ�ر# �#ج�ر و#أل#

[16:41] And those who fly for Allah's sake after they are oppressed, We will most certainly give them a good abode in the world, and the reward

of the hereafter is certainly much greater, did they but know;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ون# �ل #و#ك #ت ي <ه�م� ب ر# و#ع#ل#ى � وا �#ر ص#ب �ذ�ين# ال

[16:42] Those who are patient and on their Lord do they rely.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

8وح�ي ن d ر�ج#اال � �ال إ �ك# �ل ق#ب م�ن #ا �ن ل س# ر�# أ و#م#ا

�م� �نت ك �ن إ �ر� الذ<ك #ه�ل# أ � �وا #ل أ ف#اس� �ه�م� #ي �ل إ#م�ون# #ع�ل ت # ال

[16:43] And We did not send before you any but men to whom We sent revelation-- so ask the

followers of the Reminder if you do not know--

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ر# الذ<ك �ك# #ي �ل إ #ا �ن ل #نز# و#أ �ر� ب و#الز8 #ات� <ن #ي �ب �ال ب�ه�م� #ع#ل و#ل �ه�م� #ي �ل إ ل# �ز< ن م#ا �اس� �لن ل <ن# #ي �ب �ت ل

ون# ��ر #ف#ك #ت ي

[16:44] With clear arguments and scriptures; and We have revealed to you the Reminder that you may

make clear to men what has been revealed to them, and that haply they may reflect.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ن أ #ات� <ئ ي الس� � وا �#ر م#ك �ذ�ين# ال #م�ن# #ف#أ أ �#ه�م �ي ت

� #أ ي و�# أ ر�ض#

# األ ��ه�م ب �)ه الل #خ�س�ف# يون# �ع�ر #ش� ي # ال ��ث ح#ي م�ن� ��ع#ذ#اب ال

[16:45] Do they then who plan evil (deeds) feel secure (of this) that Allah will not cause the earth

to swallow them or that punishment may not overtake them from whence they do not


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ه�م ف#م#ا �ه�م� 8ب #ق#ل ت ف�ي �خ�ذ#ه�م� #أ ي و�# أ

�م�ع�ج�ز�ين# ب

[16:46] Or that He may not seize them in the course of their journeys, then shall they not escape;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م� �ك ب ر# �ن� ف#إ Qخ#و8ف# ت ع#ل#ى �خ�ذ#ه�م� #أ ي و�# أ

Uح�يم ر� Uوف�#رؤ ل

[16:47] Or that He may not seize them by causing them to suffer gradual loss, for your Lord is most

surely Compassionate, Merciful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م�ن �)ه الل خ#ل#ق# م#ا �ل#ى إ � و�ا #ر# ي #م� ل و## أ

#م�ين� �ي ال ع#ن� ��ه #ل ظ�ال � �أ #ف#ي #ت ي Qء ي� ش#ون# �د#اخ�ر و#ه�م� )ه� �ل ل ج�دdا �س �ل� م#آئ و#ال�ش�

[16:48] Do they not consider every thing that Allah has created? Its (very) shadows return from right and left, making obeisance to Allah while they

are in utter abasement.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ف�ي و#م#ا م#او#ات� الس� ف�ي م#ا �ج�د #س� ي )ه� �ل و#ل # ال و#ه�م� �#ة �ك �م#آلئ و#ال Qة� د#آب م�ن ر�ض�

# األون# ��ر �ب #ك ت #س� ي

[16:49] And whatever creature that is in the heavens and that is in the earth makes obeisance to Allah (only), and the angels (too) and they do not show


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ون# #ف�ع#ل و#ي ف#و�ق�ه�م� م<ن �ه�م ب ر# #خ#اف�ون# يون## م#ا ��ؤ�م#ر ي ############## #

[16:50] They fear their Lord above them and do what they are commanded. (mandatory


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م#ا �ن إ �ن� #ي �ن اث �ن� �لـه#ي إ � �خ�ذ�وا #ت ت # ال �)ه الل و#ق#ال#�ون� ه#ب ف#ار� �اي# ف#إي Uو#اح�د Uله� إ ه�و#

[16:51] And Allah has said: Take not two gods, He is only one Allah; so of Me alone should you be


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#ه و#ل ر�ض�# و#األ م#او#ات� ال�س� ف�ي م#ا �#ه و#ل�ق�ون# #ت ت )ه� الل �ر# #ف#غ#ي أ dا و#اص�ب � الد<ين

[16:52] And whatever is in the heavens and the earth is His, and to Him should obedience be

(rendered) constantly; will you then guard against other than (the punishment of) Allah?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ذ#ا إ �م� ث )ه� الل ف#م�ن# Qع�م#ة> ن م<ن �م �ك ب و#م#اون# �ر

# أ #ج� ت �ه� #ي �ل ف#إ الض8ر8 ��م ك م#س�

[16:53] And whatever favor is (bestowed) on you it is from Allah; then when evil afflicts you, to Him

do you cry for aid.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

Uف#ر�يق �ذ#ا إ �م� ع#نك الض8ر� ف# #ش# ك �ذ#ا إ �م� ث�ون# ر�ك �ش� ي <ه�م� ب �ر# ب �م م<نك

[16:54] Yet when He removes the evil from you, lo ! a party of you associate others with their Lord;

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و�ف# ف#س# � �ع�وا #م#ت ف#ت #اه�م� �ن #ي آت �م#ا ب � وا ��ف�ر #ك �ي ل#م�ون# #ع�ل ت

[16:55] So that they be ungrateful for what We have given them; then enjoy yourselves; for soon

will you know

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م<م�ا dا #ص�يب ن #م�ون# #ع�ل ي # ال �م#ا ل �ون# #ج�ع#ل و#ي�م� �نت ك ع#م�ا �ن� #ل أ �س� #ت ل )ه� #الل ت #اه�م� ق�ن ز# ر#

ون# �#ر #ف�ت ت

[16:56] And they set apart for what they do not know a portion of what We have given them. By Allah, you shall most certainly be questioned about that which

you forged.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ه�م و#ل �#ه ان �ح# ب �س #ات� #ن �ب ال )ه� �ل ل �ون# #ج�ع#ل و#ي#ه�ون# ت #ش� ي م�ا

[16:57] And they ascribe daughters to Allah, glory be to Him; and for themselves (they would have)

what they desire.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�و#ج�ه�ه ظ#ل� #ى �نث �األ ب #ح#د�ه�م� أ ر# �ش< ب �ذ#ا و#إ Uظ�يم# ك و#ه�و# و#دqا م�س�

[16:58] And when a daughter is announced to one of them his face becomes black and he is full of


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ر# �ش< ب م#ا وء� �س م�ن � �ق#و�م ال م�ن# ى #و#ار# #ت يف�ي �ه #د�س8 ي #م� أ Qون�ه ع#ل#ى ��ه ك �م�س� ي

# أ �ه� ب�م�ون# #ح�ك ي م#ا اء #س# #ال أ اب� 8ر# الت

[16:59] He hides himself from the people because of the evil of that which is announced to him.

Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و�ء� الس� �#ل م#ث ة� �اآلخ�ر# ب �ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي # ال �ذ�ين# �ل ل ��ع#ز�يز ال و#ه�و# #ع�ل#ى# األ �#ل �م#ث ال )ه� �ل و#ل

��ح#ك�يم ال

[16:60] For those who do not believe in the hereafter is an evil attribute, and Allah's is the

loftiest attribute; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ك# #ر# ت م�ا �م�ه�م �ظ�ل ب �اس# الن �)ه الل ��ؤ#اخ�ذ ي #و� و#لإل#ى ه�م� ��ؤ#خ<ر ي #ك�ن و#ل Qة� د#آب م�ن �ه#ا #ي ع#ل

# ال �ه�م� ل ج## أ ج#اء �ذ#ا ف#إ مqى م8س# Qج#ل# أ

#ق�د�م�ون# ت #س� ي # و#ال dاع#ة س# ون# ��خ�ر #أ ت #س� ي

[16:61] And if Allah had destroyed men for their iniquity, He would not leave on the earth a single creature, but He respites them till an appointed time; so when their doom will come they shall not be able to delay (it) an hour nor

can they bring (it) on (before its time).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#ص�ف و#ت ه�ون# �ر# #ك ي م#ا )ه� �ل ل �ون# #ج�ع#ل و#ي # ال #ى ن �ح�س� ال �#ه�م ل #ن� أ #ذ�ب# �ك ال ��ه�م #ت ن �س� #ل أ

ط�ون# م8ف�ر# �ه�م ن# و#أ �ار# �ن ال �#ه�م ل #ن� أ م# ج#ر#

[16:62] And they ascribe to Allah what they (themselves) hate and their tongues relate the lie

that they shall have the good; there is no avoiding it that for them is the fire and that they shall be

sent before.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ك# �ل ق#ب م<ن Q م#م� أ #ى �ل إ #ا �ن ل س# ر�

# أ #ق#د� ل )ه� #الل تف#ه�و# #ه�م� #ع�م#ال أ ��ط#ان ي الش� �#ه�م ل �ن# ي ف#ز#

Uيم� #ل أ Uع#ذ#اب #ه�م� و#ل #و�م# �ي ال �8ه�م �ي و#ل

[16:63] By Allah, most certainly We sent (messengers) to nations before you, but the

Shaitan made their deeds fair-seeming to them, so he is their guardian today, and they shall have a

painful punishment.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#ه�م ل <ن# #ي �ب �ت ل � �ال إ #اب# �ت �ك ال �ك# #ي ع#ل #ا �ن ل #نز# أ و#م#ا Q <ق#و�م ل dح�م#ة و#ر# و#ه�دdى ف�يه� � #ف�وا #ل ت اخ� �ذ�ي ال

�ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي

[16:64] And We have not revealed to you the Book except that you may make clear to them that about which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy

for a people who believe.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ه� ب #ا ي ح�# ف#أ م#اء م#اء ال�س� م�ن# ل# #نز# أ �)ه و#الل

dة# آلي �ك# ذ#ل ف�ي �ن� إ �ه#ا م#و�ت #ع�د# ب ر�ض## األ

م#ع�ون# #س� ي Q <ق#و�م ل

[16:65] And Allah has sent down water from the cloud and therewith given life to the earth after its death; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who

would listen.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ق�يك�م 8س� ن dة �ر# #ع�ب ل � �ع#ام #ن األ ف�ي �م� #ك ل �ن� و#إ Q و#د#م Qث ف#ر� �ن� #ي ب م�ن �ه� �ط�ون ب ف�ي م<م�ا

�ين# ار�ب �لش� ل �غdا آئ س# �صdا خ#ال dا #ن �ب ل

[16:66] And most surely there is a lesson for you in the cattle; We give you to drink of what is in their

bellies-- from betwixt the feces and the blood-- pure milk, easy and agreeable to swallow for

those who drink.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#اب� #ع�ن و#األ �خ�يل� الن ات� #م#ر# ث و#م�ن�ن� إ dا ن ح#س# قdا و#ر�ز� ا dر# ك س# ��ه م�ن �خ�ذ�ون# #ت ت

�ون# #ع�ق�ل ي Q <ق#و�م ل dة# آلي �ك# ذ#ل ف�ي

[16:67] And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes-- you obtain from them intoxication and goodly provision; most surely there is a sign in

this for a people who ponder.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�خ�ذ�ي ات ن�# أ �ح�ل� الن �ل#ى إ 8ك# ب ر# و�ح#ى

# و#أو#م�م�ا ج#ر� الش� و#م�ن# dا �وت �ي ب #ال� ب �ج� ال م�ن#

ون# �#ع�ر�ش ي

[16:68] And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and

in what they build:

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ل# ب �س �ك�ي ل ف#اس� ات� �م#ر# الث �ل< ك م�ن �ل�ي ك �م� ث Uاب ر# ش# �ه#ا �ط�ون ب م�ن �ج �#خ�ر ي d �ال ذ�ل <ك� ب ر#�ن� إ �اس� �لن ل ف#اء ش� ف�يه� ��ه �و#ان ل

# أ Uل�ف# ت م8خ�ون# ��ر #ف#ك #ت ي Q <ق#و�م ل dة# آلي ذ#ل�ك# ف�ي

[16:69] Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it a beverage of many colours, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people

who reflect.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م�ن �م و#م�نك �م� #و#ف�اك #ت ي �م� ث �م� #ق#ك ل خ# �)ه و#الل#م# #ع�ل ي # ال #ي� �ك ل �ع�م�ر� ال ذ#ل� ر�

# أ #ى �ل إ د8 �ر# ي Uق#د�ير Uيم� ع#ل )ه# الل �ن� إ dا �ئ ي ش# Qم� ل ع� #ع�د# ب

[16:70] And Allah has created you, then He causes you to die, and of you is he who is brought back

to the worst part of life, so that after having knowledge he does not know anything; surely

Allah is Knowing, Powerful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ف�ي Qع�ض# ب ع#ل#ى �م� #ع�ض#ك ب ف#ض�ل# �)ه و#اللق�ه�م� ر�ز� آد<ي �ر# ب � �وا ف�ض<ل �ذ�ين# ال ف#م#ا ق� ز� �ر< الو#اء س# ف�يه� ف#ه�م� �ه�م� �م#ان ي

# أ #ت� #ك م#ل م#ا ع#ل#ى#ج�ح#د�ون# ي )ه� الل �ع�م#ة� �ن ف#ب

# أ

[16:71] And Allah has made some of you excel others in the means of subsistence, so those who are made to

excel do not give away their sustenance to those whom their right hands possess so that they should be equal therein; is it then the favor of Allah which they deny?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ا dو#اج #ز� أ �م� ك #نف�س� أ م<ن� �م #ك ل ج#ع#ل# �)ه و#الل dو#ح#ف#د#ة �ين# #ن ب �م و#اج�ك #ز� أ م<ن� �م #ك ل و#ج#ع#ل#

#اط�ل� �ب �ال ف#ب# أ #ات� <ب الط�ي م<ن# �م ق#ك ز# و#ر#

ون# ��ف�ر #ك ي ه�م� )ه� الل �ع�م#ت� �ن و#ب �ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي

[16:72] And Allah has made wives for you from among yourselves, and has given you sons and grandchildren from your wives, and has given you of the good things; is it then in the falsehood that they believe while it is in the favor of

Allah that they disbelieve?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ه�م� ل �#م�ل�ك ي # ال م#ا )ه� الل د�ون� م�ن �د�ون# #ع�ب و#يdا �ئ ي ش# ر�ض�

# و#األ م#او#ات� الس� م<ن# قdا ر�ز�#ط�يع�ون# ت #س� ي # و#ال

[16:73] And they serve besides Allah that which does not control for them any sustenance at all from the heavens and the earth, nor have they any power.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#م #ع�ل ي )ه# الل �ن� إ #ال# #م�ث األ )ه� �ل ل � �وا #ض�ر�ب ت # ف#ال#م�ون# #ع�ل ت # ال �م� #نت و#أ

[16:74] Therefore do not give likenesses to Allah; surely Allah knows and you do not know.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#ق�د�ر ي � ال dا �وك م�م�ل �دdا ع#ب d #ال م#ث �)ه الل ب# ض#ر#قdا ر�ز� �ا م�ن �#اه ق�ن ز# ر� و#م#ن Qي�ء ش# ع#ل#ىا dو#ج#ه�ر ا qر س� ��ه م�ن ��نف�ق ي ف#ه�و# dا ن ح#س#

ه�م� �#ر �ث ك# أ #ل� ب )ه� �ل ل ��ح#م�د ال #و�ون# ت #س� ي ه#ل�

#م�ون# #ع�ل ي # ال

[16:75] Allah sets forth a parable: (consider) a slave, the property of another, (who) has no power over anything,

and one whom We have granted from Ourselves a goodly sustenance so he spends from it secretly and openly; are the two alike? (All) praise is due to Allah! Nay, most of

them do not know.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال �#م �ك #ب أ #ح#د�ه�م#ا أ �ن� #ي ل �ج ر� d #ال م#ث �)ه الل ب# و#ض#ر# �م#و�اله ع#ل#ى #ل� ك و#ه�و# Qي�ء ش# ع#ل#ى# �#ق�د�ر ي

ه�و# #و�ي ت #س� ي ه#ل� Qر� ي �خ# ب �ت� #أ ي # ال �و#ج<هه8 ي #م#ا �ن ي# أ

Qاط ص�ر# ع#ل#ى و#ه�و# �ع#د�ل� �ال ب �م�ر� #أ ي و#م#ن

Q #ق�يم ت م8س�

[16:76] And Allah sets forth a parable of two men; one of them is dumb, not able to do anything, and he is a burden to his master; wherever he sends him, he brings no good; can he be held equal with him who enjoins what is just,

and he (himself) is on the right path?

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#م#ا ر�ض�# و#األ م#او#ات� الس� ��ب غ#ي )ه� �ل و#ل

ه�و# و�# أ #ص#ر� �ب ال #م�ح� #ل ك � �ال إ اع#ة� الس� �م�ر

# أ Uق#د�ير Qي�ء ش# �ل< ك ع#ل#ى )ه# الل �ن� إ �ب #ق�ر# أ

[16:77] And Allah's is the unseen of the heavens and the earth; and the matter of the hour is but as the twinkling of an eye or it is higher still; surely

Allah has power over all things.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال �م� �ك م�ه#ات� أ �ط�ون� ب م<ن �م ج#ك #خ�ر# أ �)ه و#الل

م�ع# ال�س� ��م #ك ل و#ج#ع#ل# dا �ئ ي ش# #م�ون# #ع�ل تون# ��ر ك #ش� ت �م� �ك #ع#ل ل �د#ة# #ف�ئ و#األ �ص#ار# #ب و#األ

[16:78] And Allah has brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers-- you did not know

anything-- and He gave you hearing and sight and hearts that you may give thanks.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ف�ي Qات خ�ر# م�س# �ر� الط�ي �ل#ى إ � و�ا #ر# ي #م� #ل أ�ن� إ �)ه الل � �ال إ �ه�ن� ك �م�س� ي م#ا م#اء الس� ج#و<

�ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي Q <ق#و�م ل Qات# ي آل# �ك# ذ#ل ف�ي

[16:79] Do they not see the birds, constrained in the middle of the sky? None withholds them but Allah; most surely there are signs in this for a

people who believe.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ج#ع#ل# dا #ن ك س# �م� �ك �وت �ي ب م<ن �م #ك ل ج#ع#ل# �)ه و#الل#ه#ا #خ�ف8ون ت #س� ت dا �وت �ي ب � �ع#ام #ن األ �ود� ل �ج م<ن �م #ك ل

و#م�ن� �م� �ك �ق#ام#ت إ #و�م# و#ي �م� �ك ظ#ع�ن #و�م# يdا #اث #ث أ ع#ار�ه#ا #ش� و#أ #ار�ه#ا و�ب

# و#أ ص�و#اف�ه#ا# أ

Qح�ين �ل#ى إ #اعdا و#م#ت

[16:80] And Allah has given you a place to abide in your houses, and He has given you tents of the skins of cattle which you find light to carry on the day of your march and on the day of your halting, and of their wool and their fur and their hair (He has given you) household

stuff and a provision for a time.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ج#ع#ل# d #ال ظ�ال خ#ل#ق# م<م�ا �م #ك ل ج#ع#ل# �)ه و#الل�م� #ك ل و#ج#ع#ل# dا #ان �ن #ك أ #ال� ب �ج� ال م<ن# �م #ك ل

#ق�يك�م ت �يل# اب ر# و#س# �ح#ر� ال ��م #ق�يك ت �يل# اب ر# س#�م� �ك #ع#ل ل �م� �ك #ي ع#ل �#ه �ع�م#ت ن �م8 �ت ي �ك# #ذ#ل ك �م� ك س#

� #أ ب�م�ون# ل �س� ت

[16:81] And Allah has made for you of what He has created shelters, and He has given you in the mountains

places of retreat, and He has given you garments to preserve you from the heat and coats of mail to preserve

you in your fighting; even thus does He complete His favor upon you, that haply you may submit.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

��ين �م�ب ال �#غ #ال �ب ال �ك# #ي ع#ل �م#ا �ن ف#إ � �و�ا #و#ل ت �ن ف#إ

[16:82] But if they turn back, then on you devolves only the clear deliverance (of the message).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ه#ا ون ��نك�ر ي �م� ث )ه� الل �ع�م#ت# ن #ع�ر�ف�ون# يون# �#اف�ر �ك ال �ه�م �#ر �ث ك

# و#أ

[16:83] They recognize the favor of Allah, yet they deny it, and most of them are ungrateful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال �م� ث ه�يدdا ش# Qم�ة� أ �ل< ك م�ن ��ع#ث #ب ن #و�م# و#ي

�ون# #ب #ع�ت ت �س� ي ه�م� # و#ال � وا �#ف#ر ك �ذ�ين# �ل ل ��ؤ�ذ#ن ي

[16:84] And on the day when We will raise up a witness out of every nation, then shall no

permission be given to those who disbelieve, nor shall they be made to solicit favor.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ف#ال �ع#ذ#اب# ال � #م�وا ظ#ل �ذ�ين# ال أى ر# �ذ#ا و#إون# ��نظ#ر ي ه�م� # و#ال �ه�م� ع#ن ��خ#ف�ف ي

[16:85] And when those who are unjust shall see the chastisement, it shall not be lightened for

them, nor shall they be respited.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#اءه�م� ك ر# �ش � �وا ك ر# #ش� أ �ذ�ين# ال أى ر# �ذ#ا و#إ�ا �ن ك �ذ�ين# ال #ا #آؤ�ن ك ر# �ش ؤ�الء هـ# #ا �ن ب ر# � �وا ق#ال�ق#و�ل# ال ��ه�م #ي �ل إ �ق#و�ا ف#أل �ك# د�ون م�ن #د�ع�و� ن

�ون# #اذ�ب #ك ل �م� �ك �ن إ

[16:86] And when those who associate (others with Allah) shall see their associate-gods, they shall say: Our Lord, these are our associate-gods on

whom we called besides Thee. But they will give them back the reply: Most surely you are liars.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ض#ل� #م# ل الس� Qذ� #و�م#ئ ي )ه� الل �ل#ى إ � �ق#و�ا #ل و#أون# �#ر #ف�ت ي � �وا #ان ك م�ا �ه�م ع#ن

[16:87] And they shall tender submission to Allah on that day; and what they used to forge shall

depart from them.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

)ه� الل �يل� ب س# ع#ن � و#ص#د8وا � وا �#ف#ر ك �ذ�ين# ال�م#ا ب �ع#ذ#اب� ال ف#و�ق# dا ع#ذ#اب #اه�م� ز�د�ن

د�ون# �ف�س� ي � �وا #ان ك

[16:88] (As for) those who disbelieve and turn away from Allah's way, We will add chastisement to their chastisement because they made mischief.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ه�م #ي ع#ل ه�يدdا ش# Qم�ة� أ �ل< ك ف�ي ��ع#ث #ب ن #و�م# و#ي

ع#ل#ى ه�يدdا ش# �ك# ب #ا �ن ئ و#ج� ه�م� #نف�س� أ م<ن��ل< <ك ل dا #ان �ي �ب ت #اب# �ت �ك ال �ك# #ي ع#ل #ا �ن ل #ز� و#ن ؤ�الء هـ#

ر#ى �ش� و#ب dح�م#ة و#ر# و#ه�دdى Qي�ء ش#�م�ين# ل �م�س� �ل ل

[16:89] And on the day when We will raise up in every people a witness against them from among themselves, and bring you as a witness against these-- and We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything, and a guidance and mercy and good news for those who


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#اء �يت و#إ ان� �ح�س# و#اإل �ع#د�ل� �ال ب �م�ر� #أ ي )ه# الل �ن� إ

اء �ف#ح�ش# ال ع#ن� �ه#ى #ن و#ي #ى ب �ق�ر� ال ذ�ي�م� �ك #ع#ل ل �م� #ع�ظ�ك ي #غ�ي� �ب و#ال #ر� �م�نك و#ال

ون# ��ر #ذ#ك ت

[16:90] Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others) and the giving to the

kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# و#ال 8م� ع#اه#دت �ذ#ا إ )ه� الل �ع#ه�د� ب � و�ف�وا# و#أ

و#ق#د� �يد�ه#ا #و�ك ت #ع�د# ب �م#ان# #ي األ � #نق�ض�وا ت)ه# الل �ن� إ d #ف�يال ك �م� �ك #ي ع#ل )ه# الل ��م �ت ج#ع#ل

�ون# #ف�ع#ل ت م#ا �#م #ع�ل ي

[16:91] And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have made a covenant, and do not break the oaths after making them fast, and you have indeed made Allah a surety for you; surely Allah I . knows what

you do.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ع�د� ب م�ن #ه#ا ل غ#ز� #ق#ض#ت� ن �ي �ت #ال ك � �وا �ون #ك ت # و#ال�م� #ك �ن #ي ب d د#خ#ال �م� #ك �م#ان ي

# أ �خ�ذ�ون# #ت ت dا #اث #نك أ Qو�ة�ق�م#ا �ن إ Qم�ة

� أ م�ن� #ى ب ر�# أ ه�ي# Uم�ة

� أ �ون# #ك ت #ن أ#ام#ة� �ق�ي ال #و�م# ي �م� #ك ل #ن� <ن #ي �ب #ي و#ل �ه� ب �)ه الل ��م �وك �ل #ب ي

�ف�ون# #ل ت #خ� ت ف�يه� �م� �نت ك م#ا

[16:92] And be not like her who unravels her yarn, disintegrating it into pieces after she has spun it strongly. You make your oaths to be means of deceit between you

because (one) nation is more numerous than (another) nation. Allah only tries you by this; and He will most

certainly make clear to you on the resurrection day that about which you differed.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

dو#اح�د#ة dم�ة� أ �م� #ك #ج#ع#ل ل �)ه الل اء ش# #و� و#ل

م#ن #ه�د�ي و#ي اء #ش# ي م#ن �ض�ل8 ي و#لك�ن�ون# #ع�م#ل ت �م� �نت ك ع#م�ا �ن� #ل أ �س� #ت و#ل اء #ش# ي

[16:93] And if Allah please He would certainly make you a single nation, but He causes to err

whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases; and most certainly you will be questioned as to

what you did.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ز�ل� ف#ت �م� #ك �ن #ي ب d د#خ#ال �م� #ك �م#ان ي# أ � �خ�ذ�وا #ت ت # و#ال

�م#ا ب وء# ال�س8 � #ذ�وق�وا و#ت �ه#ا �وت �ب ث #ع�د# ب Uق#د#م Uع#ذ#اب �م� #ك و#ل )ه� الل �يل� ب س# ع#ن 8م� ص#د#دت


[16:94] And do not make your oaths a means of deceit between you, lest a foot should slip after its

stability and you should taste evil because you turned away from Allah's way and grievous

punishment be your (lot).

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م#ا �ن إ d �يال ق#ل dا #م#ن ث )ه� الل �ع#ه�د� ب � وا �#ر ت #ش� ت # و#ال�م� �نت ك �ن إ �م� �ك ل Uر� ي خ# ه�و# )ه� الل ع�ند#

#م�ون# #ع�ل ت

[16:95] And do not take a small price in exchange for Allah's covenant; surely what is with Allah is

better for you, did you but know.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

Qاق# ب )ه� الل ع�ند# و#م#ا �#نف#د ي �م� ع�ند#ك م#اه�م #ج�ر# أ � وا �#ر ص#ب �ذ�ين# ال #ن� #ج�ز�ي #ن و#ل

�ون# #ع�م#ل ي � �وا #ان ك م#ا ح�س#ن�# �أ ب

[16:96] What is with you passes away and what is with Allah is enduring; and We will most

certainly give to those who are patient their reward for the best of what they did.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

و#ه�و# #ى �نث أ و�# أ Qر# ذ#ك م<ن �حdا ص#ال ع#م�ل# م#ن�

dة# <ب ط#ي dاة# ي ح# ��ه #ن �ي ي �ح� #ن ف#ل Uؤ�م�ن�م � �وا #ان ك م#ا ح�س#ن�

# �أ ب ه�م #ج�ر# أ �ه�م� #ن #ج�ز�ي #ن و#ل#ع�م#ل�ون# ي

[16:97] Whoever does good whether male or female and he is a believer, We will most certainly make him live a happy life, and We will most certainly give them their reward for the best of what they


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م�ن# )ه� �الل ب #ع�ذ� ت ف#اس� آن# �ق�ر� ال ت#� أ ق#ر# �ذ#ا ف#إ

� ج�يم الر� �ط#ان� ي الش�

[16:98] So when you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaitan,

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ذ�ين# ال ع#ل#ى Uل�ط#ان �س �#ه ل �س# #ي ل ��ه �ن إ�ون# �ل #و#ك #ت ي <ه�م� ب ر# و#ع#ل#ى � �وا آم#ن

[16:99] Surely he has no authority over those who believe and rely on their Lord.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#ه �و�ن #و#ل #ت ي �ذ�ين# ال ع#ل#ى ��ه �ط#ان ل �س �م#ا �ن إ�ون# ر�ك م�ش� �ه� ب ه�م �ذ�ين# و#ال

[16:100] His authority is only over those who befriend him and those who associate others with


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�#م #ع�ل أ �)ه و#الل Qة# آي #ان# م�ك dة# آي #ا �ن #د�ل ب �ذ#ا و#إ#ل� ب Qر# م�ف�ت #نت# أ �م#ا �ن إ � �وا ق#ال �ل #ز< �ن ي �م#ا ب

#م�ون# #ع�ل ي # ال ه�م� �#ر �ث ك# أ

[16:101] And when We change (one) communication for (another) communication, and Allah knows best what He reveals, they say: You are only a forger. Nay, most of them do not know.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ح#ق< �ال ب <ك# ب ر� م�ن �ق�د�س� ال �وح �ر �#ه ل #ز� ن ق�ل�ر#ى �ش� و#ب و#ه�دdى � �وا آم#ن �ذ�ين# ال <ت# #ب �ث �ي ل

�م�ين# ل �م�س� �ل ل

[16:102] Say: The Holy spirit has revealed it from your Lord with the truth, that it may establish those who believe and as a guidance and good news for those

who submit.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�<م�ه �ع#ل ي �م#ا �ن إ �ون# #ق�ول ي �ه�م� ن# أ �#م #ع�ل ن #ق#د� و#ل

�ه� #ي �ل إ �ح�د�ون# �ل ي �ذ�ي ال �ان ل<س# Uر #ش# ب Uين� م8ب �ي� ب ع#ر# Uان ل�س# ذ#ا و#هـ# #ع�ج#م�ي� أ

[16:103] And certainly We know that they say: Only a mortal teaches him. The tongue of him whom they reproach is barbarous, and this is

clear Arabic tongue.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

# ال )ه� الل #ات� �آي ب �ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي # ال �ذ�ين# ال �ن� إ Uيم� #ل أ Uع#ذ#اب #ه�م� و#ل �)ه الل �#ه�د�يه�م ي

[16:104] (As for) those who do not believe in Allah's communications, surely Allah will not

guide them, and they shall have a painful punishment.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ون# �ؤ�م�ن ي # ال �ذ�ين# ال #ذ�ب# �ك ال #ر�ي #ف�ت ي �م#ا �ن إ�ون# #اذ�ب �ك ال �ه�م �ك# و�لـئ

� و#أ )ه� الل #ات� �آي ب

[16:105] Only they forge the lie who do not believe in Allah's communications, and these are the


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م#ن� � �ال إ �ه� إيم#ان #ع�د� ب م�ن )ه� �الل ب #ف#ر# ك م#نك�ن ـ# و#ل �يم#ان� �اإل ب �ن� م�ط�م#ئ ��ه �ب و#ق#ل �ر�ه# ك

� أ Uغ#ض#ب �ه�م� #ي ف#ع#ل ا dص#د�ر �ف�ر� �ك �ال ب ح# ر# ش# م�ن

Uع#ظ�يم Uع#ذ#اب #ه�م� و#ل )ه� الل م<ن#

[16:106] He who disbelieves in Allah after his having believed, not he who is compelled while his heart is at

rest on account of faith, but he who opens (his) breast to disbelief-- on these is the wrath of Allah, and they shall

have a grievous chastisement.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ا �ي �د8ن ال #اة# ي �ح# ال � 8وا ب #ح# ت اس� ��ه�م ن# �أ ب �ك# ذ#ل

#ه�د�ي ي # ال )ه# الل #ن� و#أ ة� اآلخ�ر# ع#ل#ى#اف�ر�ين# �ك ال �ق#و�م# ال

[16:107] This is because they love this world's life more than the hereafter, and because Allah does

not guide the unbelieving people.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ه�م� �وب ق�ل ع#ل#ى �)ه الل #ع# ط#ب �ذ�ين# ال �ك# ئ ـ# �ول أ �ه�م �ك# ئ ـ# �ول و#أ �ص#ار�ه�م� #ب و#أ م�ع�ه�م� و#س#

�غ#اف�ل�ون# ال

[16:108] These are they on whose hearts and their hearing and their eyes Allah has set a seal, and

these are the heedless ones.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ه�م ة� اآلخ�ر# ف�ي �ه�م� ن# أ م# ج#ر# # ال

�خ#اس�رون# ال

[16:109] No doubt that in the hereafter they will be the losers.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

م#ا #ع�د� ب م�ن � وا �ه#اج#ر �ذ�ين# �ل ل �ك# ب ر# �ن� إ �م� ث�ك# ب ر# �ن� إ � وا �#ر و#ص#ب � ج#اه#د�وا �م� ث � �وا �ن ف�ت

Uح�يم ر� Uور�#غ#ف ل #ع�د�ه#ا ب م�ن

[16:110] Yet surely your Lord, with respect to those who fly after they are persecuted, then they

struggle hard and are patient, most surely your Lord after that is Forgiving, Merciful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ه#ا �ف�س� ن ع#ن ��ج#اد�ل ت Qف�س# ن �ل8 ك �ي �ت #أ ت #و�م# ي # ال و#ه�م� ع#م�ل#ت� م�ا Qف�س# ن �ل8 ك �و#ف�ى و#ت

#م�ون# �ظ�ل ي

[16:111] (Remember) the day when every soul shall come, pleading for itself and every soul shall be paid in full what it has done, and they shall not be dealt

with unjustly.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

dة# آم�ن #ت� #ان ك dة# ي ق#ر� d #ال م#ث �)ه الل ب# و#ض#ر#�ل< ك م<ن غ#دdا ر# ق�ه#ا ر�ز� �يه#ا ت

� #أ ي dة� �ن م8ط�م#ئ �)ه الل #ذ#اق#ه#ا ف#أ )ه� الل � �ع�م ن

# �أ ب ت� #ف#ر# ف#ك Qان# م#ك � �وا #ان ك �م#ا ب �خ#و�ف� و#ال �ج�وع� ال #اس# �ب ل

#ع�ون# #ص�ن ي

[16:112] And Allah sets forth a parable: (Consider) a town safe and secure to which its means of subsistence come

in abundance from every quarter; but it became ungrateful to Allah's favors, therefore Allah made it to taste the utmost degree of hunger and fear because of

what they wrought.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

��وه #ذ�ب ف#ك �ه�م� م<ن Uول�س ر# ج#اءه�م� #ق#د� و#ل�م�ون# ظ#ال و#ه�م� ��ع#ذ#اب ال �#خ#ذ#ه�م ف#أ

[16:113] And certainly there came to them a Messenger from among them, but they rejected

him, so the punishment overtook them while they were unjust.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

dا <ب ط#ي d ح#الال �)ه الل ��م ق#ك ز# ر# م�م�ا � �وا �ل ف#ك ��اه �ي إ �م� �نت ك �ن إ )ه� الل �ع�م#ت# ن � وا ��ر ك و#اش�

�د�ون# #ع�ب ت

[16:114] Therefore eat of what Allah has given you, lawful and good (things), and give thanks

for Allah's favor if Him do you serve.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ح�م# و#ل �د�م# و#ال #ة# �ت �م#ي ال ��م �ك #ي ع#ل م# ح#ر� �م#ا �ن إف#م#ن� �ه� ب )ه� الل �ر� �غ#ي ل �ه�ل� أ و#م#ا �خ#نز�ير� ال

Uور�غ#ف )ه# الل �ن� ف#إ Qع#اد # و#ال Qاغ# ب �ر# غ#ي اض�ط�ر�Uح�يم ر�

[16:115] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, but

whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is Forgiving,


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ذ�ب# �ك ال ��م �ك #ت ن �س� #ل أ �#ص�ف ت �م#ا ل � �وا #ق�ول ت # و#الع#ل#ى � وا �#ر #ف�ت <ت ل Uام ح#ر# ذ#ا و#هـ# Uل# ح#ال ذ#ا هـ#ع#ل#ى ون# �#ر #ف�ت ي �ذ�ين# ال �ن� إ #ذ�ب# �ك ال )ه� الل

�ح�ون# �ف�ل ي # ال #ذ�ب# �ك ال )ه� الل

[16:116] And, for what your tongues describe, do not utter the lie, (saying) This is lawful and this is unlawful, in order to forge a lie against Allah;

surely those who forge the lie against Allah shall not prosper.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

Uيم� #ل أ Uع#ذ#اب #ه�م� و#ل Uيل� ق#ل Uاع# م#ت

[16:117] A little enjoyment and they shall have a painful punishment.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

#ا ق#ص#ص�ن م#ا #ا م�ن ح#ر� � ه#اد�وا �ذ�ين# ال و#ع#ل#ىك�ن ـ# و#ل #اه�م� #م�ن ظ#ل و#م#ا ��ل ق#ب م�ن �ك# #ي ع#ل

�م�ون# #ظ�ل ي ه�م� #نف�س# أ � �وا #ان ك

[16:118] And for those who were Jews We prohibited what We have related to you already,

and We did them no injustice, but they were unjust to themselves.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

وء# الس8 � �وا ع#م�ل �ذ�ين# �ل ل �ك# ب ر# �ن� إ �م� ث�ك# ذ#ل #ع�د� ب م�ن � �وا #اب ت �م� ث Qة# �ج#ه#ال ب

Uور�#غ#ف ل #ع�د�ه#ا ب م�ن �ك# ب ر# �ن� إ � #ح�وا ص�ل# و#أ

Uح�يم ر�

[16:119] Yet surely your Lord, with respect to those who do an evil in ignorance, then turn after that

and make amends, most surely your Lord after that is Forgiving, Merciful.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�يفdا ن ح# )ه� �ل ل dا �ت ق#ان dم�ة� أ #ان# ك اه�يم# �ر# �ب إ �ن� إ�ين# ر�ك �م�ش� ال م�ن# �#ك ي #م� و#ل

[16:120] Surely Ibrahim was an exemplar, obedient to Allah, upright, and he was not of the


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�ل#ى إ �و#ه#د#اه �#اه #ب ت اج� �ع�م�ه� #ن أل< ا dر� اك ش# Q #ق�يم ت م8س� Qاط ص�ر#

[16:121] Grateful for His favors; He chose him and guided him on the right path.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ف�ي ��ه �ن و#إ dة# ن ح#س# #ا �ي �د8ن ال ف�ي �#اه �ن #ي و#آت�ح�ين# الص�ال #م�ن# ل ة� اآلخ�ر#

[16:122] And We gave him good in this world, and in the next he will most surely be among the


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

اه�يم# �ر# �ب إ �ة# م�ل �ع� �ب ات ن�# أ �ك# #ي �ل إ #ا �ن ي و�ح#

# أ �م� ث�ين# ر�ك �م�ش� ال م�ن# #ان# ك و#م#ا �يفdا ن ح#

[16:123] Then We revealed to you: Follow the faith of Ibrahim, the upright one, and he was not of the


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

� #ف�وا #ل ت اخ� �ذ�ين# ال ع#ل#ى ��ت ب الس� ج�ع�ل# �م#ا �ن إ#و�م# ي #ه�م� �ن #ي ب ��م #ح�ك #ي ل �ك# ب ر# �ن� و#إ ف�يه�

�ف�ون# #ل ت #خ� ي ف�يه� � �وا #ان ك ف�يم#ا #ام#ة� �ق�ي ال

[16:124] The Sabbath was ordained only for those who differed about it, and most surely your Lord will judge between them on the resurrection day

concerning that about which they differed.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م#و�ع�ظ#ة� و#ال �م#ة� �ح�ك �ال ب <ك# ب ر# �يل� ب س# �ل�ى إ �اد�ع�ن� إ �ن #ح�س# أ ه�ي# �ي �ت �ال ب �ه�م اد�ل و#ج# #ة� ن �ح#س# الو#ه�و# �ه� �يل ب س# ع#ن ض#ل� �م#ن ب �#م #ع�ل أ ه�و# �ك# ب ر#

#د�ين# �م�ه�ت �ال ب �#م #ع�ل أ

[16:125] Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best

manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who follow the right


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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

�م �ت ع�وق�ب م#ا �ل� �م�ث ب � �وا ف#ع#اق�ب �م� �ت ع#اق#ب �ن� و#إ�رين# <لص�اب ل Uر� ي خ# #ه�و# ل �م� ت #ر� ص#ب �ن #ئ و#ل �ه� ب

[16:126] And if you take your turn, then retaliate with the like of that with which you were

afflicted; but if you are patient, it will certainly be best for those who are patient.

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Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ن� #ح�ز# ت # و#ال )ه� �الل ب � �ال إ ك# ��ر ص#ب و#م#ا �ر� و#اص�بون# ��ر #م�ك ي م<م�ا Qق� ض#ي ف�ي �#ك ت # و#ال �ه�م� #ي ع#ل

[16:127] And be patient and your patience is not but by (the assistance of) Allah, and grieve not for

them, and do not distress yourself at what they plan.

Page 129: 16   Surah An Nahl (The Bee)

Surah al-Nahl (The Bee)

ه�م �ذ�ين# و�ال � �ق#وا ات �ذ�ين# ال م#ع# )ه# الل �ن� إ�ون# ن م8ح�س�

[16:128] Surely Allah is with those who guard (against evil) and those who do good (to others).