(1883) herrick's almanac


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1883 - L.W.Warner, New York, N.Y.


Page 1: (1883) Herrick's Almanac
Page 2: (1883) Herrick's Almanac



THIS we wish most heartily to all our friends and patrons the wide world over;

and as one of the most important questions to young and old, rich and poor,

high and low is, *' How may a happy new year be attained?" we shall just say a

few words on the subject. In the first place, then, without a true regard for reli-

gion and morals, there can be no such thing as a happy new year, nor can it be

attained, without the utmost caution and circumspection with regard to our health.

We all know our duty in relation to the former, and how vital its performance to

our well-being both here and hereafter ; but are we so clear, in respect to it, so far

as the latter is concerned ? Are we given to moderate eating, to temperance and to

cleanliness ? When we find it necessary to take medicine, d» we swallow the first

pills that are handed to us, without knowing whether they are compounded of dam-aged drugs or mineral poisons, by disreputable parties, who set no value uponhuman life or suflfering so long as they can make twenty-five cents out of either, or

whether—as in the case of the celebrated DR. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATEDVEGETABLE LIVER PILLS—they are compounded of precious and life-giving

Ingredients by men of exalted character and profound medical skill, who for manylong years have enjoyed the respect and confidence not only of the citizens of this

great Republic, but of the people of every civilized land ? When we are about to

take a draught to alleviate some sudden pain or ache, or to purge the stomach,

blood or kidneys free of all impurities, do we first satisfy ourselves that it is somesuch famous distillation as RENNETS PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, that has for

years stood in the very first rank of all great human remedies, or one of those vile

drastic abominations that ruin the digestive organs, destroy the coating of the

stomach, and consign the patient to a life of hopeless misery ? Before you buy or

use a draught, a lotion, a pill or a plaster, look well to the antecedents and charac-

ter of the manufacturer and that of the vender. One single omission in this relation

may embitter your whole life, and leave you a confirmed invalid to the latest hour

of your existence. A single dose of new-fangled pills, like that of some new-fangled decoction, has been known to destroy the health of a person *-eyond redemp-

tion ; while a worthless plaster has resulted in the death of a patient from its having

failed to arrest in time an ailment not necessarily fatal. Look well to this ! What-ever your illness, avoid startling nostrums, and all medicines and remedies that are

not well authenticated, as you would avoid poison. Whether pills, draughts, lotions

or plasters, they are in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred got up by unprincipled,

poverty-stricken speculators, who deal in the refuse of drug stores, and who have

not got a single cent, to live upon beyond what they realize from the vile traffic in

which they are engaged. Look well to it, and to your duty toward God and your

neighbor, and rest assured that we shall not have wished in vain, A HAPPY NEWYEAR TO ALL I

Page 3: (1883) Herrick's Almanac


By BJEMJLIK H. WBIGST, Penn Ymn, jr,T,

ECLIPSES— 1888.There will be A>ar Bollpses.thls year, two of tht Snn and two of the Moon, as foUowitL A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, April 22, visible in Oalifornia, invisible In the Battem StaiMiII. A Total Eclipse of the San. Maj 6 invisible in the United States.

UL A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, Oot. 15-16, visible throughout the United States, aa fbllowf


Btgint, ifiddU.ST. M. H. M.

Albany, N.T 1 3Morn... 1 69Morn..Boston, Mass 1 li " .. 3 10 "Charleston, 8. 0. ... 38 " .. 1 84 " ,

Chicago, III 7 " ..1 3 " .

Cincinnati, 20 " .. I 16 " .

Denver, Colo 10 58 Eve. ..11 54 Eve. .

Hew Orleans, La...


58 " ..0 54 Mora.



a* 65'Mora.,86", 2 30 "1 59 "2 12 "

80 ", 1 50 "

Btgint. MiddU.

NewTork City l' 2Mora... I 58* Mora... 3 641f<qni«Omaha.Neb 11 84Eve,.. * 30 '• ..12$ "Philadelphia, Pa... 67 Morn... I 63 " .. « « ••

Ban Franolsoo, Cal. 9 48 Eve. ..10 44 Eve. ..11 40 ffrvSt.Loai8,Mo 11 57 " ..0 eSMorn... 1 49 Mem.

D.C..0 50 Morn... 1 46 <• .. » « **

Size of Eclipse-l.Se IhgitB.Washington,


» ii

An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, Oot SO. Sun tetf partially eollpsed on the Paoiflo Ooait.










ols and AlDTsreviations used in this Almanao.

)n. ^ Mercur)\ 9 Venus. $ Mars. X Jupiter,

eptune. (^ Conjunction, or close to. D Quadrature,

\, or iSo^" from. ^ Degrees, SI Ascending Nodej

Mova'ble Feasts.Easter Sunday March 25

Ix)w Sunday April 1

Rogation Sunday April 29Ascension Day May .3

Whit-Sunday (Pentecost) May 13

Trinity Sunday May 20Corpus Christi May 24Advent Sunday Deo. 2

Chronological Cycles.Dominical Letter .. OEpact(Moon's Age, Jan. 1) tlLunar Cycle (Golden No.) tSolarCycle 16Roman Indiotion UJewish Lunar Cycle •Dionysian Period tDJulianPeriod :&

(Washington Mean Time.)

Movahle Feasts.Sepluagesima Sunday Jan. 21

Bexagesima Sunday Jan. 28Qninquagesima Sunday Feb. 11

Ash Wednesday Feb. 7

Quadragesima Sunday Feb. 11

Mid-Lent Sunday Feb. 25Palm Sunday March 18

Good Friday March 23



r. H- M.

A ntumn begins 1883, Sept. 23, 4 98 morn., andlasta 89 18 1$Winter " 1883, Deo. 21, 10 <4eve. tropio'lyT,8«& » M

EMBER DAYS.Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after 1st Sunday in Lent February 14, 18 and 17.

" •• " " Pentecost May 16, 18 and 19.» " » " 14th of September Sept. 19, 21 and 22.

x • " " 13th of December Deo. 19, 2i and 22.

MOON PERIGEE, APOGEE, HIGHEST & LOWEST. ^Jan. Feb. Mob. Apl. May. June. Jnl/. Aug. Sept. Oot. NoF. I^ran. Feb. Mob. Apl.13 .... 9 .... 9 .... 7 ...

jnly. Aug. eepi,

.... 25 .... 21 .... 18Per4ge« 13 .... » .... 9 .... 7 ... 5 .... 2-30 .... - ....

Apogee 28 ....25 ....24 ....20 ....17 ... 14 .... 12 .... 9 .... 6 ....»-»....Lo^st « .... 2 ....2-2» .... 25 ....23 .... 19 .... 16. .... IS .... 8 .... 6 .... "-«

Highest 19 .... 16 .... 14 .... 11 .... 8 .... 6 .... 2-29 .... 28 .... 22 .... 1% .... W

Page 4: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Br. L R. Herrlcrs Siar-Goateil feptaMe Liver Pills

THE GREAT CATHARTICS.FOR almost fifty years no medicine in this

country or in Europe has conferred moreblessings upon all classes of society, or held amore prominent or enviable position than DR.L. R. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGE-TABLE LIVER PILLS. Every age and sexand condition of life has had reason to bless them—from the infant in its mother's arms, to the manbowed beneath the weight of three score yearsand ten. There is no internal ailment or derange-ment of the system beyond their reach ! Theyare the great purifiers and regulators of the bile,

the stomach and the bowels. No affection of the

Th« True Purgative is always vegetableand always gentle. Rapid action, with fierce

griping pains, is a sure inaication of the presenceof mineral poisons. As a gentle and purifyingcathartic—as a remedy that purges the system of

all impurities—as a restorative to health andstrength, DR. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATEDVEGETABLE PILLS are without a rival.

Chills and Fever arise from a derangejmentof the liver and digestive organs. For so far, nocase of this distressing malady has been dis-

covered able to withstand the searching qualities

and extraordinary curative powers of HER-RICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLELIVER PILLS. When taken according to the

directions accompanying each box, they neverfail!

" Dors this razor take hold well ? " asked thesmiling barber. "Yes," replied the unhappyvictim, " it takes hold well, but it don't let goworth a cent."

What is to be said of a cat's appearance whenshe is so mad that her hair stands on end ? Why,that she has a fur-straight appearance, of coxirse.

vital organs or obstruction of the secretions canwithstand their searching and healing influences.

Health, strength and a cheerful spirit wait uponthem, as can be testified by thousands of livingwitnesses. They are admitted, in all civilized

countries, to be the gentlest, and yet the mostpowerful, safe and effective medicine before thepublic to-day. They are compounded of the mostprecious life-giving ingredients in the light of themost consummate medical experience and skill.

They are sold by all druggists, country merchantsand dealers in medicine.

Dyspepsia.—This dreadf-ul complaint, whichrenders the lives of so many thousands utterlymiserable at the present moment, can be over-come totally by a judicious and persistent use ofHERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLEPILLS. A deficiency of bile, together with aserious derangement of the digestive organs, a-


the true cause of the malady, and until theseorgans and the bile, as well as the other secre-tions, are thoroughly cleansed and purged of all

impurities, a permanent cure is out of the ques-tion. No other medicine now before the publiccan compete successfully with these famous Pills

in ridding the system of this terrible scourge.Try them. They have never failed yet whenused according to the printed directions accom-panying each box.

A BUTCHER was lamenting to his Irish landlordthat the people of his village were so few and so

poor, that he was unable, as formerly, to find cus-

tomers for a whole bullock. " Kill half a one at atime," replied the squire.

Excited Frenchman at Niagara Falls—" Ah !

dis is de grand spectakel ! Supaarb ! Magnif-ique I By gar, he is come down first-rate I


Page 5: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

1st Month. JANUARY, 1888. 8} Days.

Page 6: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Ketiralgla, which, as the name indicat^Js anervous affection, always experiences Teherjrom.the use of HERRICK'S SUGAR-CO^EDPILLS. These great cathartics, which are totally.

free from all mineral substances, so tend to purify*

the system, the blood and other secretions, that

the nerves speedily become restored to their

normal condition, and all pain removed If the

secretions are not kept pure and flowing freely,

not only neuralgia but other oainful anections

may be the result. DR. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED PILLS are sold everywhere.

lilver Complaint.—All the dangers and dis-

comforts arising from this serious and very com-mon disease may be removed completely throughthe ag-ency of those world-wide remedies, HER-RICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLELIVER PILLS, which urify the secretions andcleanse the bile and liver so speedily and thor-

oughly that, after a dose or two, the patient be-comes possessed of new life an energies, so to

speak. Once these great cathartics take a hold of

the system, all lowness of spirits and sallowness

of complexion disappear, wni . the bodily health

generally becomes re-established on a broader

and surer foundation. Try these wonderful rem-edies. They aresold everywhere.

Rheumatism.—This painful and universal

disease manifests itself for the most part in the

larger joints, such as the knees, hips and shoul-

ders, although frequently in the back. It is

simply an inflammation of the muscles, and anobstruction of the secretions belonging to these

parts, and must therefore be subjected to sometreatment that will take hold of the entire systemand cool and purify it throughout all its ramifica-

tions. No agents have yet been found to accom-plish this with greater speed and abiding efficacy


tics never fail, and hence their universal fame.

Consumption.—This dreadful disease, whichso often results from neglected colds and a care-less observance of the laws of health, can, in its

early stages, be overcome invariably by the use ofDR. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGE-TABLE LIVER PILLS. These great cathar-tics purge the system clear of all impurities,cleanse the secretions, and, as a consequence, re-lieve and invigorate the lungs. In this relation

there is no remedy in the world more potent andtrustworthy. Let this be noted by all who suffer

from weak or oppressed lungs. These pills aresold everywhere.

Mark Well.—A furred tongue, a bad taste ofthe mouth, a flagging appetite, or heaviness aboutthe head or eyes, are each and all the foundationstones of disease, and, if not attended to, fre-

quently result fatally. When assailed by suchsymptoms, or any of them, seek relief instantlyin HERRICK'S PILLS, a single dose of whichwill act like a charm upon your whole system,and give you new life and energy.

"Why is a specimen of handwriting like a deadpig ? Because it is done with the pen.

A BOY says in his composition that " Onions arethe vegetables that make you sick if you don'teat them yourself."

A PARISHIONER inquired of his pastor the mean-ing of this line of Scripture •.

" He was clothed with curses as with a gar-ment?"" It signifies," replied the divine, " that the in-

diriduafhad a bad haiit of swearing^."

The Kidneys are situated on each side of theback-bone near the lumbar vertebrae. When dis-eased they are a source of the most terrible anddangerous suffering. Among other ailments theyare subject to that fatal and frightful malady.Bright's Disease. No medicine yet discovereddeals with them more speedily and effectivelythan HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGE-TABLE PILLS which purify the secretions asif by magic and relieve these organs of all painand discomfort.

Old Sores and Ulcers, when permitted toeat into the system, frequently so sap its foun-dations that their removal becomes diflScult, if

not impossible. If we would overcome themand eradicate them thoroughly, we must assailthem with pure new blood, and crowd them outof the system with new tissues, causing the latterto take their place. This is the only way to getrid of them, as they are to be traced solely tovitiated secretions. No case of ulcers or old orrunning sores can withstand the active and puri-fying influences of HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE PILLS. These greatCathartics are sold and known everywhere.

Affections of the Skin arise from impureblood or impaired digestion. They are most un-sightly, and besides being a source of great dis-comfort,destroy all personal comeliness or beauty.To keep the skin and scalp free from all disease,and the complexion pure, all that is necessary is

to take an occasional dose of HERRICK'SSUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE LIVERPILLS, which so act upon the blood and all thesecretions as to purge them of every impurity,and set them flowing with renewed health andvigor throughout the whole system,

liOok Ahead I—There is no truer saying thanthat "an ounce of prevention is worth a poundof cure." If, therefore, you would preserve yourhealth and bodily strength intact, you must alwayskeep your system cool and free from anythingsavoring of constipation or an obstruction of thesecretions. This object is best effected throughthe occasional use of HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED LIVER PILLS, which, while gentlepurgatives, are also tonics, and great purifiers ofthe blood. They are sold by all druggists, coun-try merchants and dealers in medicines.

Indigestion, while dangerous of itself, is afruitful source of various other maladies. If ourdigestive organs are deranged, our health andstrength must fail, as the food we eat cannotsupply the waste of our system. HERRICK'SSUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE LIVERPILLS never fail to remove this complaint byfreeing the stomach and bowels of all crudities.

The English language is supposed to consist ofabout 60,000 distinct words. Of these, ordinarypeople use only from 500 to 3,000 ;

great oratorsperhaps as many as 10,000, and lightning rodagents and directory canvassers 59,963.

A sTUMP-ORATOR exclaimed, " I know no north|no south, no east, no west, fellow citizens!''

'^Then," exclaimed an old farmer in the crowd,"it's time you went to school and larnt jog--


A BOY having.complained to his father that Bill

had thrown the Bible at him, and hurt him on thehead, the father replied :

" Well, you are the onlymember of my family on whom the Bible evermade the least impression."

Page 7: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

2d Month. FEBRUARY, 1883. 28 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

No C o n g h


Cold or Hoarse-

ness can with-

stand a dozen

drops mixedwith a little


Sore Throat,Diphtheria,Croup, Stiff

Neck, Cramps,etc., yield at

once to it whentaken internally

or applied ex-

ternally as the

case requires.


D. H. M. H. M.

New Moon 7 114b. 11 51m.First Quarter.... 14 4 59ji. 4 36m.Full Moon., 21 7 22a. B 59b.

Do D.

M W PlitJfloiii6Da and Mponant Events.






Calendar for Calendar for

New England, N. New York City, Phila

Y. State, Miclii- delphia, Conn., New Jer-

gan, Wisconsin, sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio

Iowa & Oregon. Indiana and Illinois.

Gt. floods Italy, '80. JSnowUse Herrick's Plas. MuchHorace Greely b.,'ll. snow^uinquagesima Sunday.Carlyle d., 1881. ClearErupt. Mt.Vesuv.,'80. (Hid

Ash "Wednesday.TryR.'s Magic Oil. mild.Theater dest. fire Dub., '80

French occupy Rome, 1798

Q,uadragesima Sunday.Kant d., 1804. TeryEthan Allen d.,1781. severe

Ember Day. UseH.-sP.Engrrav. dis. B. C. 1000 yrs

Ember Day. Cold.

Ember Day. Clear.

Luther d., 1546Sun dial discov., 550 B.C.Joseph Hume d.,'55. HighCardinal Newman b., '1807

Washington b., 1733. zvind

Use H.'s Plasters. Clear,

Ct. de Lessep- at N.Y., '80

Mid-Lent Sunday.Thos. Moored., 1852. VeryLongfellow b., '07. muchLamartine d., '69. milder.






7 14^5 147 18 5 15

7 12 5 167 115 18

7 10 5 19

9 5 218:5 226 5 236 5 244 5 252 5 2615 285 29

6 59 5 806 57,5 826 56:5 836 545 856 53l5 366 52j5 38o0;5 3948^5 40

6 4715 426 45 5 436 445 456 42:5 466 416 396 38

5 475 495 50


h. m.



1 862 353 804 245 12

5 58sets

6 598 11

9 2410 86U 46morn

531 552 548 454 305 10

5 47rises

6 897 868 849 31

10 2811 26morn 6 37


5T85 19

5 205 21

5 225 235 255 265 275 285 3U

5 81

5 825 845 855 365 375 395 405 41

5 435 445 455 465 485 495 505 51

Moonrisesh. m.

H. :W.NY.h. m.

1 322 303 204 196 7

5 65sets

78 11

9 2210 33U 42morn

491 602 603 404 265 6

5 54rises

6 407 868 839 2910 2511 22morn

)i 503 494 625 526 497 408 269 1610 1

10 4611 35morn

291 282 323 874 425 426 847 19

7 578 359 149 4910 2611 1

11 42eve28

Calendar for

''^exas, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

&c., La., Ala.,

Miss,, Ga. & Fla.



6516 606 496 486 486 476 466 456 416 436 426 416 416 406 396 386 376 866 856 846 336 326 31

6 306 296 286 276 26


5375 885 395 405 41

5 425 435 445 445 455 465 475 485 485 495 505 505 51

5 525 535 635 645 555 655 66^6,75 685 59

Moonrisesh. m.




7 58 109 1510 2011 24morn

261 252 233 154 34 475 29

6 427 338 259 1610 811 1

11 54

COMMON COLDSy Hoarseness, Bronchial affections and all diseases of the lungs and

tlbroat experience instant relief from the use of RENTE'S MAGIC OIL., mixed with molasses.

Thousands have been plucked from the jaws of death through the agency of this wonderous medicine.

No family, factory, workshop or public institution, should be without a supply o| it. It is soMtrtrywhert.

Page 8: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

I<OM of Appetite and Sleep is generallyindicated in advance by a furred tongue and abad taste in the mouth on risin|^ in the morning.This must be seen to at once. The digestive or-gans are deranged or the liver affected, and if

health is to be restored, the bile, stomach andbowels must be purged of all crudities and viti -

ated matter. In no other case do HERRICK'SSUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE LIVERPILLS show their great virtues more speedilyor effectively than in the one under considera-tion. A dose of from two to six, according tothe severity of the symptoms, never falls to affordpermanent relief.

Diseases of Children.—The extraordinaryeffect of a dose or two of HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE PILLS in cases wherechildren are aiTecte<i with COUGHS, COLDS,FEVERS, WORMSfSKIN DISEASES, RICK-ETS, WHOOPING COUGH, etc., has longbeen a subject of grateful remark. These search-ing, gentle and soothing purgatives, when usedaccording to the printed directions accompany-ing each Twenty-fave cent box, never fail of theirpurpose. They purify, cool and invigorate thesystem so rapidly that the patient is restored tohealth as if by magic. These famous catharticsare sold everywhere.

Indies who use DR. HERRICK'S PILLSat stated periods are invariably relieved of manydiscomforts. They never fall a victim to lan-guor, constipation or headache. These gentlecathartics are possessed of rare virtues, as can beattested by thousands of the fair sex who havebeen restored to vigorous health and strengththrough their extraordinary purifying and heal-ing powers. In all complaints incident to thesex they have no successful rival in the world.No matter how weak, distressed or delicate thepatient may be, they act like a charm. They aresold everywhere.

General Debility.—This term is usuallyapplied to that failing condition of our healthwhere no individual ailment or discomfort standsout in bold relief. Its meaning and character arebest comprehended by ladies, who are affectedmore generally by i-t than are the opposite sex.

Languor, loss of app>etite, lowness of spirits anda repugn'ance to exercise, are some of its char-acteristics ; and to remove the cause of these, wemust strike at its very root, and rout it out of thesystem by a course of such purifying, strength-ening and life-giving cathartics as HERRICK'SVEGETABLE LIVER PILLS, that have longcommanded the confidence and admiration ofboth hemispheres. These pills are sold every-where. They are a blessing to both young andold, irrespective of sex.

Headache.—For this common and distress-

ing complaint, a dose of HERRICK'S SUQAR-COATED VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS is aninfallible remedy. When the head aches the bile

or the stomach is deranged. These pills correctboth at once.

It IS getting to be aesthetic for ladies to thankgentlemen who arise and offer them a seat in astreet car. We received one thank this morning,being the first in five years. To be sure, wehaven't got up much.

A COUNTRYMAN who had never paid more thantwenty-five cents to see an exhibition went to

Tiew the " Forty Thieves." The ticket-seller

charged him seventy-five cents for a ticket. Pass-ing the pasteboard back, he quietly remarked •.

" Keep it. Mister, I don't want to see the otherthirty-nine," and out he marched.

Costiveness.—This common ailment althoughsometimes thought lightly of, is a very prolificsource of headache and many other disagreeableaffections. To permit it to obtain for any lengthof time would be to undermine the system, andlay the foundations of permanent disease. Ityields invariably to the purifying and gentle pur-gative qualities of DR. HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE PILLS. These fa-mous cathartics are sold everywhere.

"Worms are only possible in the system whenthe circulation if deranged and the stomach andintestines are out of order. Their symptoms inchildren are manifested by emaciation, disturbedsleep, pale or sallow complexion, grinding of theteeth while asleep, dry cough, and uncertain ap-petite though sometimes voracious, etc. Gentlepurgatives and food easy of digestion are theonly true remedies here. HERRICK'S PILLShave been found invaluable in this disease, inas-much as they are compounded of ingredients thatpurge the system clear at once of all cruditiesand parasites and restore it to full vigor, speedily.

Boils.—These painful torments have theirsource in a vitiated condition of the blood, aswell as in obstructions of the circulation, and ofa free flow of the secretions. The only remedyis found in the use of gentle yet searching cathar-tics, which cleanse the stomach, bowels and liver.

Where these organs are purged of all impurities,and the blood kept cool and rich, anything like aboil is totally out of the question. The judicioususe of HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGE-TABLE LIVER PILLS is all that is necessaryto prevent the presence of boils, or to rout themout of the system when they do appear.

Dropsy.—Among the most powerful and effec-tive preventives and cures for Dropsy, HER-RICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLEPILLS, hold a most distinguished place. This is

owing to the fact that these famous catharticspromote digestion in a marked degree, and excitethe absorbents to healthy action, so that all en-largements of the abdomen, etc., are reduced andthe watery and other deposits gradually disposedof. Where the stomach, bowels and absorbentsare in a healthy condition. Dropsy becomes im-possible. How necessary then an occasionaldose of HERRICK'S PILLS to even personswho are in apparent good health.


SO all-reaching, all-powerful, and all-healing,are DR. L. R. HERRICK'S SUGAR-

COATED VEGETABLE PILLS, they relieveat once, or cure permanently, the following well-known diseases


Chills and Fever; Dyspepsia; Liver Com-plaint ; Diseases of the Blood ; Indip^estion


Headache ; Consumption ; Affections of the Kid-

neys ; Rheumatism ; Lowness of Spirits ; Costive-

ness ; Old or Running Sores ; Piles ; Loss of

Appetite or Sleep; Jaundice; Erysipelas; Dropsy;

Worms ; Boils ; Neuralgia ; Pleurisy; all diseases

incident to Children or Ladies ; Affections of the

Skin ; Coughs and Colds ; General Debility


Female Irregularities, etc.

These great cathartics are sold by all druggists,dealers in medicine and country merchants.

Page 9: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

3d Month MARCH, 1883. 31 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

All diseases :>f

the skin give

way before it ;

as do old and


it so purifier

the blood.

It has no equal

in cases ofscalds, bums,

wounds, cuts,

or bruises.Here it actslike magic.

moon's phases, n. y.

Last Quarter.New Moon . .


First Qnarter.Full Moon.

d. h. m.2 30m8 11 35 B.

15 3 35 K.

23 1 9eLast Quarter.. 31 3 25

GALVESTON.h. m.10 7e. iBt

10 12 B.

2 12E.11 4o M.2 2 b.









Plieflomena M MDor^ant Events.

Use Herrick s Pl&stevsUold

John Wesley d.. '91. winds

« Greatest Elon. W.JefEerson, Pres. U. S. 1801

(^ 9 ]) Use Herrick's Pills

Grevy, elect life Sen'or '80

6^1)' 6 $ 1> R^^''^ ^^^^

Battle of Aboukir, 1801

Use Herrick's Plasters.

Mazzini d., 1872. heavy

^ Aphelion, mnd turning

<?60. 6^1> to snow.

Plus VII elect. Pope 1800.

Caesar assas. B. C. 44

(^ ^ ^ St. Patrick's DayPalm Sunday, weather.

Air-guns invented, 1656

Newton d., Spring J., 1727.

Air-pump invented 1672

(^ § Goethe d.,'32 Driving

Good Friday. sleet andErap. Paul assas., 1801


9 Stationary. Milder andBruce crowned 1306

9 in t5 Usie Renne's MagicUse Herrick's Plasters

New Ministry in Brazil *80

J. C. Calhoun d.,1850. still.

Calendar fof

New England, NY. State, Michi-gan, Wisconsin.Iowa & Oregon

Calendar for Calendar for

iNew York City, Phila-

delphia, Conn.. NewJersey, Pennsylvania,

Ohio. Indiana & Illinois.

Sun Sun I Moonrises : sets



h. m h. mh. m.

6 86 5

6 35 5

6 33 5

6 31:5

6 3015

6 28,5

6 26 5

6 25|5

6 23;5

6 2l|6

6 2066 18 ;6

6 16,6

6 1416

6 13;6

6 116




5 525 505 48

5 465 4416

221 17

2 11

33 454 285 65 42sets

8 13

9 3810 89

4111 45mom

461 352 19

2 593 474 184 475 15


7 248 21

9 19

10 15

11 10


h. m6356 346 326 306 296 276 25

6 246 226 206 19

6 17

6 16

6 146 12

6 11

6 9






5 595 585 565 545 525 51

5 495 475 45

bun Moonsets



h. mih. m.


1 13

2 6

2 563 424 255 45 41


8 11

9 25

10 3511 41morn



7 228 18

9 1610 11

11 6

11 58morn


H. WN. Y.h. m

.Texas, Galveston,Houston, Anstizi,ifec, La., Ala..Miss., Ga. & FlA.


Sunrises) setsh. m h. m6 266 256 23^6

6 236 226 21

6 20 6

1 202 16

3 17

4 235 266 24

7 16

8 1

8 529 39IQ 2611 17 6 14

morn 6 13

12 6 12

12 6 10

14 6 9

17 6 8

18 6 7

15 6 646 5

6 48 6 3

7 28 6 2

8 26 1

8 40 5 599 19 5 589 56 5 5710 83 5 5611 14 5 55eve li5 54

52 5 531 48 5 51

6 19

6 18

5 166 15

Moonrisesh. m.



8 1

9 910 1411 17morn

161 51 512 358 284 44 895 13rises

7 11

8 3

8 569 4810 41

U 82mom


RHEUM-ATIC AFFECTIONS never fan lo disappear before the searching and heaK

ing powers of Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil. Rub well into the joints or suffering parts


and reiiet will be aii out instantaneous. A tew drops taken internally, at the same time.wUl be of

great benefit

Page 10: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Dr. Derrick's Perforated Strengthening Plasters.

SPREAD ON WHITE MUSLIN.THERE are but two channels

through which all portionsof our system can be reached by-

medical agents, and these areour digiestive organs and ourpores. In the one case the ap-plication must be internal ; mthe other, external. The wholesurface of the human body, is

covered with millions upon mil»lions of minute orifices or poresthrough which, when in a heal-thy condition, the perspirationexudes fixely and which absorbwith greZt readiness the vir-tues or the injurious essencesof any external application. Inview of this capacity, plasters

and lotions have been com-pounded and decocted withoutend, and put upon the marketfor good or for evil.

Among all the plasters com-pounded of late years, DR. L.R. HERRICK'S PERFORA-TED STRENGTHENINGPLASTERS spread upon whitemuslin., hold the most distin-guished place as great heaiers


and strengtheners; the ingredi-ents of which they are com-pounded being purely vegetableand possessed of such marvel-ous virtues as to evoke universalgratitude and wonder. Theelectrical currents and preciousessences continually flowingfrom them and passing into thesystem through the pores, havein countless cases wroughtcures, considered all but mira-culous. In chest complaints,weak-back, loins or kidneys, aswell as in all spinal affections,or swollen or rheumatic joints,they stand in the front rank ofabsolute excellence. In likemanner, their efficacy is unri-valled in cases of broken orfractured limbs, bones or ribs,where they add to their otherremarkable features the qualityof being supports and bandag:es.The manner of their applicationwill suggest itself to any per-son; and the fact of the^perspir-ation being permitted to exudethrough their own i>ores.

Note.—These Plasters do not soil even the most delicate underclothes and are patronized bythe fair sex universally. Although, unlike the CAPSICUM OR RED PEPPER PLASTERS, theyare intended to be worn for a considerable length of time, they can be removed when thought neces-sary ; and on being lightly sponged with cold water, can be reapplied without the slightest diminutionof their virtues. They are beautifully done up singly or in quantities or by the yard to meet thedemand of customers and are sold by all druggists, country merchants, and dealers in medicine.

Weak Chest.—No matter how free from ail-ments in other respects, a weak chest is a con-stant menace and cause of alarm to those who aneafflicted with it, and who are not conversant withthe proper mode of treating it. A weak or con-tracted ohest can be strengthened and expandedthrough the use of DR. HERRICK'S PER-FORATED STRENGTHENING PLASTERS,applied according to the printed directions.

The Lungs.—When from sudden colds orother causes there is any oppression of the chest,or difficultv of breathing, the lungs are tem-porarily affected. Here are frequently laid theterrible foundations of consumption, but onlywhen those symptoms are neglected and per-mitted to settle into positive disease. On theirfirst appearance, therefore, recourse should behad to one of HERRICK'S PERFORATEDSTRENGTHENING PLASTERS at once. Thisshould be applied to the chest in the ordinaryway, and should the attack be severe one shouldbe applied a little below each shoulder blade.The result of this treatment would be an almostimmediate relaxation of the muscles of the chestand opening of the pores, to the instant relief ofthe lungs, that would now begin to expand andto obsorb the purifying and healing virtues of thePlasters. £)nce this course is adopted the patientis safe. Note this well

Two physicians at the bedside of a patient dis^puted as to the nature of the disease. At last oneof them ended the discussion by saying : "Verywell, have it your own way nowj,but the post-mortem will show that I am right. The patientwas not much encouraged.

Rheumatism of the Joints. When thejoints become stiff and painful all our movementsare restricted, and our bodily health suffers seri-ously from want of proper or sufficient exercise,not to speak of the great discomfort that con-stant pain engenders. The speediest and mosteffective remedy for this common but distressingaffection is to be found in the application of oneof HERRICK'S PERFORATED STRENGTH-ENING PLASTERS to the suffering part. Wherepracticable the Plaster should be wrapped roundthe joint after the manner of a bandage, other-wise it should be applied in the ordinary way,when reUef is certain within a very few minutes.

Aft'ection of the Back or Spine.—If theBack or the Spinal Column becomes weakenedor affected through cold or from any other cause,to avert the most disastrous consequences thetreatment must be prompt and free from anythinglike uncertainty. If we permit this column, com-monly called the back bone, to become diseasedpermanently, the last vestige of health, strengthand happiness has disappeared from us in this

world When, therefore, the^re are any indicationsof pain or weakness in this regjon, fiy at once toHERRICK'S PERFORATED STllENGTH-ENING PLASTERS and be healed. They aresold everywhere.

O'Learv, gazing with astonishment upon anelephant in a menagerie, asked the keeper:" What kind of a baste is that atin' hay with histail ?


At St. Anne's Sunday School, in Lowell, in

answer to the question, " What is the greatestchurch festival ?

" a little orphan of six yearspromptly responded, " The Strawberry festival,''

Page 11: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

4th Month. APRIL, 1883. 80 Days.

Renne s Pain-Killing Magic OilCleanses the sto-

mach and bow-

els;purifies the

secretions and

leaves thebreath as sweet

as the rose.

It seizes upon

the bile and

purges it of all

^ impurities, and

5 restores healthy

action to the li-

ver and bowels.^3=«r"^'


D. H. M.


H. M.New Moon.... 7 8 40m. 7 17m.First Quarter.. 14 3 53 m. 2 30m.Full Moon. ...22 6 31m. 5 8m.Last Quarter.. 30 2 7m. 44 m.

Plenomena anil Importajit Events.

1 Su Low Sunday. Quite

2 Mo Cobden d. 1865. warm.3 Tu Grant takes Rich'd, 1865,

4 We c^ 9 ]) Use Herrick's Pills

5 '^h. 6 $1) and Plasters.

6 Fri 6^D Bismark resgs., '80

7 Sat French invade Spam, 1823.

8 Su Humboldt d. 1835. Rain.9 Uo 6^D.6hl>^^^ sur. '65

10 Tu Use Renne's Magic Oil.

11 We Napoleon abdicates, 1814.

12 Th 6X1) Handel d., 1759.13 Fri $ in Perihelion. Snow.14 Sat Pres. Lincoln assass'ed, 6515 Su Forest Fires, N. J., 1880.

16 Mo (^ ^0 Superior. Clea.

17 Tu Franklin d. 1790. & mild18 We (^ § ]) Liebig d. 1873.

19 Th Disraeli d. 1881. Rain20 Fri Beaconsfield resigns, 188021 Sat G't Fire at Hull, Ont., '80

22 Su D Eclipsed, invis. in U. S.

23 Mo Shakespeare d. 1663.

24 Tu Gladstone in power, 1880.

25 We Printing invented, 1414.

26 Th Use Renne's Magic Oil.

27 Fri 9^^ Macready d. 1873.

28 Sat Use Herrick's Pills. Rain29 Su Rogation Sunday. Warm30 Mo U. S. buys Lousiana, 1803

Calendar for

New England, N.

Y. State, Michi-

gan, Wisconsin,

Iowa & Oregon,






6 296 306 31

6 326 336 346 366 376 386 396 4C6 41

5 18 6 425 16:6 435 15 6 455 13 6 465 1216 475 10 6 485 9 6 49

716 506 6 51

5 485 415 405 385 365 355 335 315 305 285 265 255 236 21

5 20


h^ m.





8 169 2610 3211 31

Calendar for

New York City, Phila-

delphia, Conn., New Jer-

sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Indiana & Illinois.


5 445 425 41

5 395 375 365 345 335 31

5 305 28

morn j5 262 4 5 25

95 2446 5 2220 5 20 6 4060 5 19 6 41

18 5 17 6 4246,5 16 6 43125 14 6 4456 5 13 6 45



h. m.

6 246 266 276 286 296 306 31

6 326 336 346 356 366 376 386 39

rises 5 11 6 468 8 5 10 6 47


4 584 57

4 6 528 6 536 556 566 576 58

9 7,5

9 59|510 49 5

H. W,N.Y.h. m

11 35morn


8 6 487 6 496 6 504 6 518 6 532 6 536 55

4 34

2 16

2 553 344 9

4 47sets

8 9

9 2210 2711 27morn

201 6

1 432 182 493 173 464 134 58rises

8 5

9 29 5510 4411 80morn


Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

&c.. La., Ala.,

Miss., Gac & Fla.


2~515T03 52 5 494 55 5 475 55 5 466 50 5 457 39 5 448 26 5 439 21 5 4110 11 5 4010 59 5 3911 54'5 38morn

521 502 493 454 385 286 13

6 54

7 338 9

8 499 2910 12

10 51

11 38eve301 252 22


6196 206 21

6 21

6 226 226 226 236 236 246 216 256 266 266 276 27

5 32,6 285 31,6 295 30i6 295 29 6 305 28 6 305 27 6 31

5 26:6 31

5 375 365 355 345 33


h. m.

5 255 245 235 21

5 205 19

5 18

6 326 336 336 346 356 356 36

1 M1 572 413 284 74 51


7 518 5910 211 1

11 56morn



7 438 378 2910 16i: 711 63morn


WEAKNESS AND LANGUOR arise from impaired digestion as well as from other

causes. They indicate a running down of the system generally. Kenne's Magic^remedy. It gives new life to all the internal organs, promotes appetite and purges the


Lc Oil is a sure

secretions of all I


Page 12: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Stlir Neck or Shoulders are relieved atonce by one of DR. HERRICK'S PERFOR-ATED STRENGTHENING PLASTERS whenapplied to the affected part. No more certainor speedy remedy can be adopted in either ofthese cases. When once it is applied the musclesbegin to resume their wonted vigor, flexibilityand smoothness of action, and all inflammatorysymptoms begin to disappear. These Plasterscan be worn with great advantage by even themost delicate child or grown person. They areinvaluable, as all the world knows. Try themand Judge for yourself. They are for sale every-where.

Pain In the Side.—Whenever there -^re anysymptoms of an attack of this kind, or when theattack itself manifests itself fully, HERRICK'SPERFORATED STRENGTHENING PLAST-ERS are the surest, the least troublesome and thespeediest remedy that can be applied to the case.The relaxation of the pores induced by their ap-plication, and the readiness with which they drawthe virus out of the system through those minuteorifices afford relTef at once, and quickly restorethe secretions and the tissues to their wonted flowand healthiness, through the agency of the heal-ing, magnetic currents continually passing fromthem into the system.

liumbago.—This painful and mischievous ail-ment all but paralyzes the whole system for thetime being, and prevents the patient from indulg-ing in any exercise or manual labor whatever.The surest and speediest relief for it is found inHERRICK'S PERFORATED STRENGTH-ENING PLASTERS, which remove all the strainand inflammation from the muscles of the suffer-ing part, and absorb all the deleterious secretionsthrough the relaxed pores. Try them. They arecertain to effect a cure.

liocal Weakness.—Sometimes we experiencesymptoms of local weakness without much if anysuffering. But when suffering sets in is not thebest time for action on our part. Whenever thereare any indications of weakness in any of ourjoints, or in our back or loins, we should at onceapply to the particular spot one of HERRICK'SPERFORATED STRENGTHENING PLAS-TERS, and restoration to health and strengthwill be the speedy result. These Plasters are soldeverywhere ; and never fail.

Spitting of Blood.—This serious ailmentproceeds, as a general thing, from weak lungs, orthe rupture of small blood vessels, occasioned bycoughing or other spasmodic exertion. Thestrengthening and healing of the lungs are, ofcourse, of the most vital importance. These endsare best assured by inhaling copious draughts ofpure, fresh air; rubbing the chest briskly fromtime to time, and applying to it one of DR. HER-RICK'S PERFORATED STRENGTHENINGPLASTERS, which can be removed and reap-plied at pleasure.

Pai. ^lysls.—In all cases of this alarming affec-tion ru the spinal column from time to timeuntil the ~urface of the flesh is greatly excited


then appiy between the shoulders and to thesmall of^ the back one of HERRICK'S PER-FORATED STRENGTHENING PLASTERS,which can be removed. and reapplied at pleasure,after having been sponged lightly with cold wa-ter. This course will result beneficially, andafford speedy relief in most cases ; as it tends tostimulate the circulation and the action of thepores.

A GOOD looking lass lores a good looking-glass.

Asthma.—This distressing disease is greatlyalleviated, and finally overcome totally throughthe agency of HERRICK'S PERFORATEDSTRENGTHENING PLASTERS when ap-plied to the chest. Thest remedies not onlystimulate the action of the pores, and therebyrelieve the lungs and the bronchial tubes, but in-ject into the system, so to speak, those healingand electrical essences which have long sincemade them famous in all civilized lands, andwhich, in countless cases, have effected cureslooked upon as miraculous. Try them. Theynever fail


Swellings of any description or character arereduced speedily and removed permanently byan application of HERRICK'S PERFORATEDSTRENGTHENING PLASTERS, spread onwhite muslin. These famous specifics draw outgradually through the pores of the skin thesluggish or inactive humors which cause the swell-ings, and inject through the same channels themagnetic currents that restore the circulationthrough the affected parts, and cleanse the tissuesof all deleterious secretions. In this relationthese plasters are without an equal.

Contraction of the Muscles.—It will bereadily understood that any application thattends to increase the circulation, to excite pefspir-ation and to subdue inflammatory symptoms andsoften the contracted tendons or muscles must beinvaluable in this distressing ailment. Speedyrelief is invariably the result when, after excitingthe surface of the skin, one of HERRICK'S PER-FORATED STRENGTHENING PLASTERSis applied to the suffering part. These greatremedies which are a purely vegetable compound,are sold and used everywhere.

A Great Desideratum.—It is a well-knownfact that some plasters are stiff, pitchy and un-pleasant to wear, and that on their removal—theaccomplishment of which is generally disagree-able—the patient is very liable to take cold, anddrift into bronchial or chest affections. In thecase of Dr. HERRICK'S PLASTERS we havequite an opposite state of affairs. They lie closeto the flesh, but yet so smooth and easy that theyinstantly so adapt themselves to all the sinuositiesof the surface that their presence, after a fewmoments, is not felt at all. Add to this the factthat, owing to the nature of the ingredients ofwhich they are compounded, the patient nevertakes cold on their removal—that the perspirationexudes freely through them—that they can be re-moved, sponged and re-applied when deemednecessary, without the slightest diminution oftheir efficacy, and we may form some idea of theirvalue. They are done up beautifully, and soldin any quantity to suit purchasers.

When used according to the printed direc-

tions accompanying them, either singly or other-


white musiin, work wonders in all cases of Af-

fections of the Back or Spine, Rheumatism or

Stiff Joints, Weak Lungs or Chest, Swelling of

any sort. Weakness of the Loins, Lumbago, Lo-cal Weakness, Pain in the Side or Chest, Stiff

Neck or Shoulders, Paralysis, Asthma or Spitting

of Blood, Contraction of the Muscles, Difficulty

of Breathing, and all affections of the Chest aris-

ing from a cold or from other causes. Thesegreat preparations are sold everywhere.


Page 13: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Sth Month. MAY, 1883. 31 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

It is a markedblessing to chil-

dren ; removesall their Pains

and Aches, andgradually over-

comes Dysen-tery.

It is the gent-

lest and sur-

est of nurses

when given in

a little sweet-

ened water to

children of the

tenderest years*

moon's phases.


New Moon «

First Quarter.... 13

Full Moon 21

Last Quarter.,.. 29

N. Y.




M. H. M.

2b. 3 89e.

58b. 4 36e,




















Plenoieaa and Imponaiit Events

Calendar for Calendar for

New England. N New York City, Phlla-

Y. State, Michi-jdelpMa, Conn., New Jer-

ganj Wisconsin, sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Iowa and Oregon. Indiana and Illinois.


SunC. irises

h m.

Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Honston, Austin,

&c,t La., Ala.,

Miss., Ga. & Fla.


4 56 7

4 5453

4 524 514 494 484 44 46

nj4 44

ni4 43







7 87 97 10

Moon Sunrises risesh. m. |h. m.

(^ 5 )2 9 Aphelion. VeryHudson Bay Co. inc. 1670.

Ascension Tay. »wi.7rf

6 9D' 6 Sl>(6) d W 3 Napoleon d.l821.

Tot. ec. Sun., inv. in U.S.

(^\2J) Ld.Brou'md.l868

(^ ^ 3) Use Renne's Magic

6 9$' GroiinngramsGrt. Cyclone 111. 1880.

Meyerbeer d. 1864. WarmWb'A 42

Pentecost. (Whit Sunday). |g5,4 41 7-12

b grt. elon. East. CUar.

(16) 6 S D Connel d. '47

Ember Day. Quite cold.^

(18) % in SI. UseHerriek's

Ember Day. [Plasters.

Ember Day. Clear.

Trinity Sunday.(20) 6 1L(d* o^<* warm.Gr. fire Edinb'g, Pa. 1880.

Grt. R. R. ace. Santa Cruz,

Corpus Christi. [1880

93 deg. in shade N.Y. 1880

5 stationary. Very heavy

h stationary- thunder

^iny. EriRusseld. 1878

Remember Herrick's Pills,

Lafayette d. 1834. storm.

Fenian raid Canada 1866.

1 32 4 592 6 4 582 40 4 563 16 4 5516 59

3 54 4 54 7


6 576 58

SI 4 40 7 13

Slk39 7 14

Q ;4 38 7 15

^'4 37 7 16

nr 4 36 7 17^'4 3517 18-- 4 3417 19

:^4 3:V;7 20ni'4 32i7 2l

nL43l|722/ 4 3117 23

4 86sets

9 14

10 1511 211 45

7 11 morn2051

/ 4 30VJ 4 29

VJ 4 29V5 4 285^5-4 27^'A 27

x!4 26

7 247 257 267 277

7 287 29






7 55

8 459 3410 1710 5811 33morn


401 14

4 534 524 514 4944 474 464 454 4444


h. m.

H.W.N.Y.h. m.

4 42 7 11

4 417124 404 894 394 384 374 364 364 354 344 344 334 324 324 31

7137 147 157167 177187 19

7 207 207 217 227 237 237 24

1 802 52 403 17

8 564 40sets

9 101010 58U 41


1 201 492 162 438 15

3 49rises

7 508 41

9 3010 1410 5511 81


1 15



8 254 265 286 257 18

8 899 53'5 12


5155145145 13512r

10 41

11 88morn

261 182 11

3 1

3 534 435 826 18

7 2

7 428 229 89 5110 8411 18eve 91 21 562 564

5115 1(i

5 10

5 9

5 85 8













636 36 396 406 406 416 426 426 436446 446 456 456 466 4747

6 486 486 4949

6 506 506 51

2 6 51

216 52116 5216 5316 586 53

0!6 54018 54

Moonrisesh m.

TT922 413 244 94 58sets

8 449 4610 85U 22mom


1 15

1 492 21

2 533 294 7rises

7 258 15

9 5

9 5210 8711 1811 57morn

381 19

SKIN DISEASES oi wliatever character give way at once before the wondrom influence

of Kenne'8 Magic Oil, When used according to the directions, it cools and purifies the blood,

opens the pores and so purges the secretions of all impurities, that the skin b«co««t m 4««©tii and

fair as that of a child.

Page 14: (1883) Herrick's Almanac


IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM!MILLIONS of the human family od this con-

tinent and in the Old World are ready tobear joyful witness to the fact that there hasnever, to their knowledge, been discovered orcompounded by man any other medicine pos-sessed of such miraculous healing and purifyingg)wers as RENNE'S PAIN-KltLING MAGICIL. This precious life-giving preparation,which

is wholly vegetable, and which never deterioratesfrom exposure or age in any climate, is decoctedfrom some of the rarest and most costly roots,resins, gums and plants known to the botany ofthis country and the East. No language is suffi-

ciently copious or powerful to depict its vir-tues adequately. As if by some special dispens-ation of Providence, all ailments, external andinternal, seem to come within its reach. In all

Wounds, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Bites of veno-mous insects, Scalds or Burns, it has nev^r hadits equal in the world ; while in removing sud-

' Orlping Pains, no matter how violent, orwhether in the case of young or oy , are mstantlyremoved by a few drops of RENNE'S MAGICOIL in one-fourth ot a wine glass of watersweetened or otherwise. From ten to twelvedrops is a fair dose ; although in the case of grownpersons half a teaspoonful may be administeredquite agreeably when properly diluted. In fact,no matter what the dose, no evil results can ac-crue from it, so precious and life-giving the vege-table ingredients from which it is prepared.Among ail medicines it stands forth without arivaL Try it for yourself. It never fails.

A COUNTRYMAN Walking alonff the streets of atown found his process stopped by a close barri-cade of boards. "What is that lor? "he askedto a person in the street. " Oh. that's to stop thecholera." "Ah, I have often heard of a Board•f Health, bat I never saw one before."

demy all internal Pains, Aches, Cramps, Spasms,and other discomforts, its powers are absolutelymiraculous. In Coughs, Colds, Rheumatic Affec-tions, Swollen Joints, Throat or Lung ailments,as well aj anything pertaining to diseases of theSkin or Scalp, its virtues have long since passedinto a proverb. In fact, for instant and perma-nent relief in any cases of accident or suddenailment, and for purifying the Blood, the Bile andcleansing the skin, scalp and pores, as well as forgiving tone to the stomach and whole system, it

heads the long list of remedies now before thepublic, and stands out in bold relief from themall. This is no vain or empty boast, for bothhemispheres have borne witness to the truth ofwhat is here stated, while its further verificationis within the reach of any person or household inthe land who may not have yet tested the match-less virtues of this extraordinary remedy, althoughit is sold in every comer of the land.

Common Colds.—There is no other medicinein the world that deals so speedily and effectivelywith common coughs and colds as RENNE'SPAIN-KTLLING MAGIC OIL when mixedwith a little molasses. No matter how slight orhow severe the affection, it disappears before themiraculous influences of this famous discovery asif by enchantment. To verify the truth of this

broad assertion, it is only necessary to test thiscelebrated preparation in any given case or num-ber of cases. When used according to the printeddirections accompanying each bottle, failure is

out of the question.

" Ma, am I all made now ? " said a little missof three and one-half years at the breakfast tableyesterday morning, ''Why, dear?" said thefond mother. "Because I have had my earspierced, and was vaccinated yesterday," said Httle


Page 15: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

6th Month. JUNE, 1883. SO Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic OilIs without a ri-

val in earache

or face ache.

When applied

in these cases

it should be di-

luted withwater.

Such are iti

effects in oases

of sudden aeci-

dents that gun-shot w o u n dand lacerated

limbs have beenfreed of all pain

by a single ap-



P. H. M.

New Moon 5 1 16m.First Quarter.... 12 9 45m.Full Moon 20 11 35m.Last Quarter 27 2 42b.






9SatlOSullMo12Tu13jWe14,Th15Frilesat17Su18Mo19;Tu30 We2l|Th23Pri23 Sat24 Su25 Mo26 Tu27We28 Th29 Fri30 Sat

Plenomena and Important Evfints.

Calendar for

New England, N.

Y. State, Michi-

gan, Wisconsin,

J'^wa & Oregon.

Calendar for

New York City, Phlla

delphia. Conn., New Jer-

sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Indiana and Illinois.


Port of Bos. closed, 1774.

9 ^ D' 6 9 D' Fine6 \|;3)Mex. War dec, '46

(^ ij '])'UsqR:&V. growing

i § DWeberd., '26. time.

^ ]/])xMemphis6ur., 1862

§ (^ 0, Inferior. Light5 t^ 9Gen. Jackson d., '45

Dickens' d., 1870. winds.

n §.0Bat. Big Bethel, '61

SirJ.Frank'n d.,'470loudy

(5 § ]) Take R.'s Mag. Oil

Gen. Scott b., 1786. Bain.Am. Flag adopted., 1777.

Pres. Polk d., '49 Cooler.

Bt. Quatre Bras, '15. MainBattle of Cowpens, 1781.

Cobbett d., 1835. Warm(^ \l 9 Maximilian shot, '67

Hat. of Stone Ferry, 1779.

Swmmer begins.

Philadelphia evacu., 1778Akinside, poet, d, 1 770 VeryNativity Jno. Baptist, fine

Ob.lv. Gibraltar for U.S.'SO

6 <?t|;Gt.dro. Hud.R.,'80Intense ht. in N.Y.city,'80 X.Try R.'s Magic Oil. LightHenry Clay d., 1852. rain.

(^ ^ j) Jesuits expel. Fr.'SO

4 254 254 254 244 244 2417 334 23] 7 33

_4 23 7 34

OS 4 23 7 35


7 307 307 31

7 327 32

7 367 367 377 377 38


h. m.

4 234.22

4 224 224 224 32|7 384 2217 38

4 22j7 394 22i7 39

4 23 7 39

4 23 7 404 23|7 40

4 237 404 23(7 404 23 7 40

7 41

7 41

7 41

1 493 273 11

4 3sets

8 509 3710 1710 5111 2311 50morn


1 141 452 18

Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

&c., La., Ala.,

Miss,, Oa. & Fla.





4 244 244 244 25|7 40

Ti4 25 7 40

tI4 26 7 40

3 43rises

8 178 59

4 31

4 304 304 804 294 29

4 294 29

4 284 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 28

58'4 384 384 294 294 29

9 36|4 2910 10 4 2910 4414 3011 16|4 3011 5014 30morn 4 29

27:4 291 8 4 29

7 247 257 267 267 277 287 2

727 307 307 31

7 31

7 327 327 337 337 337 337 347 347 347 347 347 357 357 357 357 357 357 35


b. m.

1 51

3 303 15

4 6sets

8 469 3310 1410 49

H. W.NXh.m;



56 3

7 1

7 528 459 3510 2411

11 5411 22 morn11 50mom


1 161 482 323 23 48rises

8 13

8 559 331010 4311 1611 52morn

291 11



6 31

7 188 3

8 479 3410 1711

11 47eve381 332 333 354 43



54 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 5944 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 595

6 556 556 566 566 571

6 576 576 5859

6 59


h. i^.

2 1

2 468 864 30sets

8 229 129 6710 8T11 IS11 48mom


1 292 52 433 264 13rises

7 508 869 199 5C10 8911 1912morn

481 80

DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS, even in their mildest form»

are fraught with great danger. The Magic Oil acts like a charm in arresting and removing these ail-

ments. Use the medicia« according to the printed directions, and a cure follows &• certainly u the

day follows the night.

Page 16: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

,f^Pciine> ^In Killing Magic Oil is a re-

fined JuidaroQ^ic^spiritv as clear as the crystal'

spring-, and toafiy free from even the semblanceof greasiness or stickiness, ^t'does not soil eventhe &Q^t cambric, and in this relation alone its

use firyiadies has been rendered most agreeablewhere its application is external. So safe andpure and harmless is it, it may be taken by eventhe most delicate children or invalids; while,

strange to say, it is equally effective and applica-ble in relation to the most robust constitutions.

It JS sold by all druggists, dealers in medicineand country merchants.

A Matchless Tonic—On the slightest indi-cation of illness or the running down of the sys-tem' ; ^hen there is any sourness of the stomachor anything savoring of heartburn, a few drops ofRENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL,taken in a little water, is as certain to afford re-

lief as the sun is to rise to-morrow. No insunceof failure is possible. Take the famous specific

according to the printed directions, and you arecured. Hundreds of thousands can bear witnessto this fact. Test it for yourself. The greatRemedy is sold everywhere.

Earache.—For this painful ailment sponge theear well first with luke warm water and then witha little of RENNE'S MAGIC OIL diluted withthe same. Upon this, fill the orifice of the earwith some cotton wool slightly moistened withthe diluted remedy, and the discomfort and painwill disappear speedily. Any neglect of this ail-

ment is liable to lead to a gathering in the ear,involving pain of the most excruciating character,and not unfrequentlv resulting in deafness, orpartial deafness of that organ. See to this if anecessity should arise.

Cntaneons AflFections of whatever charac-ter are unable to withstand for any length of Lime,the searching- and purifying qualities of REN-NE'S MAGIC OIL. When taken internally andat the same time applied externally, this famousvegetable decoction, absorbed through the poresof the skin, and taken up by the lymphatics, socools and purifies the blood, and so cleanses all

the secretions, that pustule, blotch, or pimple onthe surface of the body becomes impossible , whilethe skin and flesh acquire the softness and fairnessof those of a child. Try this great remedy ; forall such affections. It is infalhble.

Singers and Public Speakers.—The or-gans of the human voice are so delicate and fre-quently so susceptible of injury arising from evena very slight change of temperature, every publicspeaker and singer should keep within his or herreach a bottle of RENNE'S MAGIC OIL. a fewdrops of which in a little water instantly allay allirritation and hoarseness, and clear the throat andvocal organs of all impedimenrs. The magicaland instantaneous effects of this invaluable rem-edy are known all the wodd over in this relation,so that it is almost superfluous to speak of it here.

A 'Westchester parent is so high-toned that•when he cuts a switch from a birch tree, anamotions his son towards the woodshed, he politelysays, " Drop into the branch office."

The woman who made a pound of butter fromthe cream of a joke, and a cheese from the milkof human kindness, has since washed the close ofa year, and hung 'em to dry on a bee-line.

Wife—" But my dear, I shall catch cold comingdo-jyn so late to let you in." Husband—" Oh no,my love, I'll rap you up well before you comedown."

Disease of the Stomach.—When the stom-ach is out of order, the whole of the system suffersat once. To interrupt or vitiate the process ofdigestion is to sow the seetdsof disease and death.Hence the stomach must always be kept in ahealthy condition ; and this can be accomplishedonly by cleansing it, on the slightest intimation ofdiscomfort, of all impurities, and restoring it toits wonted vigor. To accomplish this at once,and effectually, no medicine can compete withRENNE'S MAGIC OIL.

Bronchial AfTections.-The virtues ofRENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL havelong since passed into a proverb in relation tothose diseases which are, for the most part, theresult of neglected colds. The power of this

celebrated-preparation over the throat and bron-chial tubes, is most manvellous. It allays all irri-

tation, cleanses the passages of mucous, and healsthe surfaces speedily. All bronchial and throatdiseases are dangerous and must be seen to atonce.

Biliousness.—When the bile becomes impurein any degree, or is obstructed in its channels,headache, loss of appetite, nausea, lowness oispirits or any one of various other ailments is sureto be the result. On the first appearance of affec-

tions of this character, we may safely set themdown to derangement of the liver; and hencethe stomach and this vital organ must be purgedof all impurities at once. RENNE'S MAGICOIL has for many long years been working won-drous cures in this relation, and has never failed

yet in a single instance.

Constipation.-This ailment which is causedby a derangement of the digestive organs is afruitful source of many other discomforts besidesits own. If the stomach and bowels are not keptin a state of healthy action, the result may be theappearance of any one of a number of diseases ofthe most serious character. Any prolongedaffection of these vital organs, manifesting itself

at first in constipation, could not fail to resultfatally. We must, therefore, have recourse atonce to that fountain head of all true remedies

RENNE'S MAGIC OIL—and cleanse the greatlaboratory of our system, without delay, accord-ing to the printed directions accompanying eachbottle.

All Factories, Families and BoardingSchools should keep constantly on hand a supplyof RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL,as an instantaneous and infallible remedy for anyof the painful accidents to which their inmatesare liable at any moment ; and as an unfailingspecific for any of the sudden internal pains oraches to which we are all subject. The heads offamilies and the proprietors of such establishmentsas we have just named, would be able to recog-nize in this famous discovery, a saving of time,health, strength, and money, and not unfrequent-ly, that of life also.

At a debating society the other evening, twomembers wrangled as to who had the floor. Ina few minutes both had it by turns, with tlie

chairman as referee.

" I't I. give that girl a piece ol my mind,'' ex-claimed a certHJn voung fellow. " I would not,"replied his uncle, '' j^ou ve none to spare."

A t>oy solicited charity from an aged man ol

wealth but met with a rough refusal, whereuponhe replied :

'' You are not very young, and youcannot carry any of your gold with you, but if

you could it would melt in five minutes."

Page 17: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

7th Month. JULY, 1883. 81 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

Mosquito bites,

and the stings of

venomous in-

sects, are instant-

ly cured by a

single applica


Colic, Cholera

Morbus and Di-

arrhoea are in-

stantly arrested

by it and speedi-

ly driven out of

the system.


D. H.^M.New Moon.... 4 10 7mFirst Quarter.. 12 2 53 mFiill Moon... 19 10 25 »Last Quarter. .2(J 7 19


H. M.8 44 m,1 30 m.9 12 b.

5 66 b.

D. D.









Plianoienam Immm Eyents.w.





2(1 gt. fire at Chicago, "74.

Su" " . , . - ^ ^ .

^ Greatest Eiong., W.O A{)ogee 6^9 -Bot

6 11 j)Indep'nce Day. a/nd

^ :^ Bt, Wagram, '09. sul

Sir T. Moore beh'ded, 1535 _Use R's Magic Oil Cloudy\q^

(^ ^ 9 Adam Smith d, 1790!g^|4 J^O..

, ' -^^SI 4 81

Calendar for Calendar for

New England, NJNew York City, Phlla-

Y. State, Michi- delphia. Conn., New Jer-

gan, Wisconsin, sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Iowa & Oregon, Indiana & Illmois.


Sunrises ritses


6 6 DPr'iS' Taylor d '50.

135 d. of s'stroke N= Y., '80

J. Q. Adam8b.l767, Violent

Alex. Hamilton k, 'OAAhunMarat assas. 1793. storms

16 M.)niT.i18 WThFiiSit


Use Herrick's S. V.' Cooler

^inSt Berangerd, '57. C/r

9 in S^FrancO'Ger.war '70

E'np. Brazil crowned, '41.

Bat. Winchester, '64. and6 ^11-6 $\ mild^ in Perihelion. Cloudy.R. Barnes d, 1796.

Mo Insurec. in Dub. '03. Ram.24|Tii |Pres. V'anBuren d, 1862=25!VVo'Pam. In Ireland ends, '80.

26jTh \6 9 :^ Try RVM.O, Thmi27 FrirRt'iirn of Terror ends, 179428iSat (t>^^ Use H^s P storms.

J29iSu|6 hD-6 $ I^GLfireBu^-80|Mo|(29)c< ^0, Supers I faio/80

iSljTu ' Lafayette eommsj 777 Clr.





ri>e8' sets !

h.m h.m.

4^)7l0.4 26 7 404 27; 7 404 28,7 404 29' 7 394 29; 7 3v*

4 30,7 397 387


7 377 377 367 367 357 347 34

ti. m. h.m„

F5.3 4 322 47 4 823 42 4 33sf ts |4 888 10 4 348 49 4 35



4 351364 374 374 88 7 334 39 7 324 40 7 31

4 41 7 304 42 7 304 43 7 294 44 7 28

X 4 45 7 274 46 7 264 47 7 254 48 7 244 49 7 23

4 354 364 37

9 21

9 5210 19

10 4714 3711 15 4 3811 45 4 39morn 4 39

17 4 40" 551 372 258 19


7 358 12

8 47

4 41

4 424 484 444 444 454 464 47

9 20 4 489 62 4 4810 29 4 4911 8 4 5011 51


H i4 50 7 22 1 33

n!4 51i7 21 2 81

4 51

4 524 534 544 55




h.m. h. m.

7 357 357 347 347 847 347 887 337 337 327 327 31

7 81

7 307 807 297 297 287 277 267 267 257 247 237 237 227 21

7 207197187 17

1 672 498 46sets

8 7

8 469 199 51

10 19

10 4811 1711 48morn


591 412 293 23rises

7 838 10

8 469 209 5410 81

11 11

11 54mom

431 372 35

H, w.NY.h. m.

Calendar for

TexaB, Galveston,

Houston, Anstin,

&c., La., Ala.,

Miss., Ga. A Fla.

6 3315 18

















6 696 596 586 676 676 666 556b56 64•6 646 53

Moonrisesh. m.

2 208 144 12sets

7 488 329 109 4710 2010 6411 28morn

3^ 401 212 62 653 48rises

7 16

7 598 409 201010 4311 28mom

161 82 38

SUMMER COMPLAINT is arrested gradually and speedily cured by Bennm'i MagloOil taken from time tc time, according to directions. From the mildness and purity of thit Tegetable

decoction, n is especiallv adapted tc children and ladies. It never fails.'


Page 18: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Face" Ache.—The acute suffering which sofrequently accompanies this common ailment canbe alleviated at once by bathing the affected partswithRENNE'S PAm-KILLING MAGIC X)ILdiluted with water. This remedy is infallible andmay therefore be resorted to with the most un-bounded confidence. In truth, the powers ofthis famous discovery are so varied and so farreaching, that there does not appear to be a singleailment of the human body beyond its control.Hence it should be found in every household, fac-tory and public institution in the land. Its virtuesarsC beyond all price.

Scalds and Bums.—There is no languagetufficiently copious to depict faithfully the in-stantaneous and miraculous effects of RENNE'SPAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL in the cases ofScalds or Bums. The sudden cessation of allpain after the first few moments on applying theremedy, and the mysterious healing process thatat once sets in, are almost beyond the belief ofeven the sufferer himself or herseif, as the casemay be. In this relation the world can produceno equal to this famous Remedy—this marvellousdiscovery. Try it ; and you wih say it is one ofthe greatest benefactors of the human family.

Internal Pains and Aches.—Wheo-youngror old are assailed by internal pains or aches, orby any inward discomfort whatever, these ail-ments can instantly be put to route by a singledose of RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGICOIL. So numerous and instantaneous the curesin this relation, and so all-powerful, certain andagreeable the remedy, no other specific now be-fore the public can at all compare with this magi-cal preparation. It works like a charm when takenaccording to the printed directions accompanyingeach bottle. Those who have tried it once arenever to be found without a full supply of it Testit. It is for sale everywhere.

Rheumatic Affections.-So penetrating,stimulating and healing the powers and virtuesof RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL it atonce assails, alleviates and finally overthrows allrheumatic -affections. When rubbed briskly intothe suffering parts it is so absorbed by the poresand tissues that the circulation is stimulated, in-flammation allayed and the secretions cleansed andpurified. Rub the joints or parts affected withthe great remedy, and take a few drops internallyat the same time. The result will be a more co-pious flow of the perspiration, and the speedyalleviation of all pain.

Wounds Piid Bruises.-Nothing that hasyet been discovered in medical research, has beenable to compete successfully for a single instantwith RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OILin the case of Wounds or Bruises. No matterhow severe or painful these casualties, they areinstantly reUeved by a single application of thisremarkable discovery. Under its soothing, cool-ing and healing influence inflammation is at oncearrested, and all pain utterly destroyed. Itspowers in this relation are incredible and canonly be understood fully from personal experi-ence or ocular demonstration. Test it in the hourof need ; it never fails.

An honest Hibernian, in recommending a cow,said she would give milk year after year withouthaving calves. " Because," said he, "•

it runs inthe breed, for she came of a cow that never hada calf."

Why are young ladies, at the breaking up of aparty, like arrows? Because they can't go offwithout beaux, and are in a quiver until they getthem.

Travelers who carry in their satchels a bottleof RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OILAave a doctor for a companion. Whenever orwhenever attacked by any sudden ailment, painor ache—wherever or whenever they meet withany accident, the remedy is ready at their righthand, and within instant reach. This is ma^erfor serious consideration ; and he or she ;rhodoes not regard it as such, and profit by it, i«guilty of criminal neglect. RENNE'S MAGICOIL is sold everywhere, and is the greatest spe-cific known in the annals of medicine.

Sportsmen, whether with gun or rod, shouldnever leave home without a bottie of RENNE'SMAGIC OIL in their pocket. Their sports ne-cessarily taking them some distance from the busyhaunts of men, they should keep within theirreach this famous remedy, so as to be able to ap-ply it at once in case that any wound, cut, bruise,sprain, or other accidenf should mar their enjoy-ment. The value of this marvellous specific hasbeen tested both on the land and on the water,when no other relief was at hand ; and with suchresults as accord to it the first place in the veryfront rank of all ready remedies, for sudden andpainful casualties.

Coughs and Hoarseness.—These rf' Tce-able concomitants of humanity can ' -livedand removed with speed and certaiivvy \...r'^ ighthe use of RENNE'S MAGIC OIL mixed with alittle syrup of any description, So soothing andhealing, so grateful to the throat and mucousmembrane this mixture, that its beneficial effectswill be experienced at once, and all symptoms ofdiscomfort and irritation speedily allayed andfinally removed totally. RENNE'S MAGIC OILis used all the world over ; and is to be found inevery prudent and well-regulated household inthe land.

Sour Stomach.—The acidity arising from in-digestion, and creating sourness of the stomach, is

corrected at once by a dose of RENNE'S MAGICOIL which cleanses the coatings of the stomach,dissolves all crudities in that organ, and forcesthem out of the system, through the ordinarychannels. This is one of the special missions ofRENNE'S great discovery ; and one in whichit never fails. Let this be noted carefully ; assourness of the stomach is not only most distress-ing, but at times fraught with no small danger.

Mosquito Bites.—These pests of all classesof society—rich and poor, high and low— canbe instantly deprived of all their vicious and irri-

tating painfulness by applying a few drops ofRENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL tothe punctured part, rubbing them in well. Therelief is instantaneous and permanent ; and asmosquiios are to be found in almost ever>- i>art ofthis country, it is of no small moment to be ableto counteract at once the effects of their bites.

RENNE'S MAGIC OIL is sold by all druggists,country merchants and dealers in medicines -andat the general depot, 69 Murray Street, NewYork.

An old miser, wno was notorious for self-denial,was one day asked why he was so thin, " I donot know," said the miser, " I have tried variousmeans for getting fatter, but without success." Have you tried victuals, inquired a friend.

A New Hampshire editor, who has been keep-ing a record of big beets, announces at last that" the beet that beat the beet that beat the otherbeet is now beaten by a beet that beats all thebeets, whether the original beet, the beet thatbeat the beet, or the beet that beat the beet thatbeat the other beet."

Page 19: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

8th Month. AUGUST, 1883. 31 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

It is indispen-

sable in all fac-

tories and in

all workshopswhere acci-

dents are o f

such constantoccurrence.

It is the trav-

elers true andtrusty friend

at a moment*8notice, and is

an abiding ble6-

sing in all fami-



D. H. M. H. M.

New Moon 2 8 30b. 7 7b.

First Quarter.... 10 8 33b. 7 IOe.Full Moon 18 7 58m. 6 35m.Last Quarter 25 86h. 11 13b.*





9Th10 Fri





Phenomena and Important ETents.

Gt. fire Portland, '81. Still

(5 5 ;DColumb'lstv. 1492Use Herrick's Pills. HotFirst Atlan. cable laid. '58.

(5 S DDu.Edinb.b.,'44. SBat.Thermopylae, B.C.480Dr.Tan. fasts 40 d. , '80. dryMadame Vestris d., 1856.

Swiss grds. masacred, 1792Davis Strait disc, 1855.

Great heat, 1876. Very(5 I2 Aldebaran. hot.

(Jalifornia admitted, 1850Ben Jonson d., 1637. iVbGreat comet, 1682.First steamboat, '07. rain.Frigate Guerirere cap. '12

Bat. of Cherabusco, 1847.Royalty abol. in Fran., 1792

9 in Perihelion. Clear.

(^4)(^ <? ^.^ Stationary.

^ ^nt5' 6 ^ D6kD Herschel d., 1822.LouisPhilippe d.,'50. Wind6 ^ DLdg.Julius C.,55b.cDelaware dih. , 1609. Cloudy

6 ^ D Brig. Young d., '77.

Wm. Pennd., 1718. LightBunyan d., 1688. ram.






Calendar for Calendar forNew England, N.JNew York City, PMla-Y. State, Michi- delphia. Conn., New, Jer-

gan, Wisconsin,

Iowa & Oregon.


SunC. rises ! sets

h. m ih.m.











7 207 18

7 17

55!7 16

56;7 155717 14587 12

59 7 11

7 10




8 6 5s10 6 57

6 55

6 546 52

14 6 51

TT8«nn25055SI 5

5 15i6 495 16 6 48

17;6 4618 6 4419 6 4320:6 412l!e 3022i6 3823 6 36


h. m.

3 334 34sets

7 428 228 509 17

9 4'

10 1910 5211 32morn


eey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Indiana ard Illinois.

Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

«Sfcc., La., Ala,,

Miss., Ga. & Fla.


h. m.






7 207 548 31

9 99 5210 3711 30^

morn's26 5

1 24 5

2 26 5

3 26 5

4 28 5

7 16

7 147 13

7 12

7 11

7 107 9






6 586 576 556 546 536 51

6 506 486 476 456 446 426 41

6 396 376 366 34

Moonrisesh. m.

3 374 37sets

7 418 21

8 519 19

9 4910 2010 5611 37morn

101 11

2 73 9

4 11


7 19

7 558 329 12

9 5510 4211 34morn

301 282 293 294 30

H. W.N.Y.h. m.


7 248 5

8 509 3110 1010 4411 22mom


1 402 348 324 345 336 297 19

8 38 519 3610 2211 712

eve571 593 8








6 31

5 325 325 335 345 345 855 855 36



6 536 526 51

6 506 496 496 486 476 466 456 446 436 426 426 41

6 406 396 386 376 366 356 346 336 826 316 306 296 286 276 266 24

Moonrisesh. m.

3 594 56sets

7 848 208 549 2710 210 8911 1712


1 862 818 804 28rises

7 177 598 429 2710 1511 1511 59mom

551 612 493 454 41

CHILLS AND FEVER are speedily overcome by RENNE'S MAGIC OIL if the greatremedy is used according to directions. This disease has its foundation in a morbid condition of th«bile and of the secretions. These must be purified at once, else recovery will become mere and sortdifficmlt daily. The remedy is within your reack.

Page 20: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

'Summer Complaint is relieved at once andchecked graduallv m oic ar youiiff, by RENNE'SMAGIC OIL. When this common, thouffh dis-

tressing ailment, is permitted to remain uncneckedfor any ienghth of time, its removal often be-comes a matter of difficulty. Because, when it

first appears, it may not be acctmpai'ied by anyabsolute siiffering, it is frequent]y allowed torun on until its virus has ramified ii seif through-out the whole system, and thtn the natter be-comes serious indeed. When assailed -y it meetit speedily with that great Remedy—i, SNNE'SMAGIC OIL—which is sold everywhere

Nearalgia and Sciatica.—These dreadftU

and prevalent afflictions, no matter how aggra-

vated their form, yield ultimately to the search-

ing powers and purifyijig influence* of RENNE'SPAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL when used ex-

ternally and internally in accordance with theprinted directions accompanying each bottle. Inthese terrible ailments the great Remedy has nosuccessful rival in the world. Foment the affectedpart with the preparation, and take a few dropsinternally at the same time^ and relief is certain.

Information for the People.Benne'B Paln-kllllng: Magic Oil is wholly

extracted from rare and healing plants, leaves androots. It never deteriorates through age, ex-posure, or change of climate. It is as harmlessas new milk, as aromatic as rose water, and as

pure and clear as the limpid spring. It is free

from all greasiness or stickiness, does not soil

even the finest underclothes, and can be takenwith perfect safety by persons of any age or sex—from the infant in the cradle to the man or womanof three score years and ten. It i a speedy andcertain alleviation or cure for;—

Colds, Coughs, Griping Pains, Bro, .vhial Affec-

tions, Diseases of Stomach and Bowds, Bilious-

ness, Constipation, Face Ache, Scrofula, Internal

Pains and Aches, Cuts, Wounds and Bruises,

Sour Stomach, Ear Ache, Cutaneous Affections,

Summer Complaint, Scald or Sore Head, Languorand Sleeplessness, Aucarides and Measles, Scalds

and Bums, Rheumatic Affections, Cough andHoarseness, Mosquito Bites, Ringworm, Shoot-

ing Pains, Sore Throat, Nervous Headache, Night

Sweats, Consumption, Sprains, Neuralgia andSciatica ; Bites of venomous insects, auid almost

every other disease in the category of human ail-


IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM!and is sold by all druggists, country merchants,and dealers in medicine, and by the proprietorsand manufacturers,

L. W. Warner & Co.,

69 Murray St., New York*

Dr. L. R. Herrick's Kid Strengthening Plasters,

SPREAD ON WHITE LAMB-SKIN.If we were asked to point out the difference be-V en DR. L. R. HERRICK'S PERFORATEDSTkENGTHENINQ PLASTERS spread onwhite -nuslin and his KID STRENGTHENINGPLASTERS spread on ivhite lambskin^ weshould be inclined to answer, " Just the differ-

ence between white muslin and white lambskin—nothing more ; for the simple reason that bothPlasters rre compounded of precisely the sameingredients. ' This reply woull not be verysatisfactory although perfectly true ; but if we

should go farther and say that in relation to thesePlasters we have two classes of customers-theone in the hey day of youth and beauty, whoprefer die light and airy white muslin ; the other,of more staid and advanced years, who set all

store by the more substantial but not less plea-sant lambskin. This is the whole secret of thedifference ; and we leave it to the keeping of ourkind friends, with the additional information,that both these famous remedies are sold every-where on this continent and in Europe.

Important Directions.In the case of any broken bone, fracture, seri-

ous sprain or contusion, bathe the part or partsgently with warm water, and then wipe dry witha soft cloth. Upon this apply whole or in strips,

as the case may require, one of HERRICK'SPERFORATED STRENGTHENING PLAST-ERS, whether spread on muslin or on lamb skin.

If a bone should be broken, it must be re-set be-fore the plaster is applied, when the remedy will

not only soothe the pain, but serve as a bandageand support to keep the parts in their proper po-sition until they becona* united and healed, so

that no deformity will result from the accident.

Fractures and sprains are more easily dealt with,although their treatment are mainly the same.The freedom with which the Perforated Plastersallow the perspiration to escape through their

multidinous perforations is a very marked desid-eratudhndeed, and permits their being worn withgreat comfort in whatever case they may be used.Hence, one element of their universal popularity,and one that is supplementary of the fact thatthey have been /ong, in more vital relations, re-

farded as without a tuccesilul riral ia citheremisphere.

Page 21: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

9th Month. SEPTEMBER, 1883. SO Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

It works like a

charm in tooth-

a c h e, canker,

sore mouth, and

in salt rheum.


in all rheumatic

affections and

pains in the

joints when ap-

plied to the suf-

fering parts.


d. h. m.New Moon 1 9 18 m.First Quarter .9 1 42 b.Fall Moon 16 4 45 b,

Last Quarter. .23 7 55 m.


h. m.

7 55 M.]9,B.

3 22 b.

6 32 m.











Plienofflena aM liDortait Eysms.

c^ 9 ])Use K.'s Magic Oil.

^ in Aphelion. Cooler.

{S)6 ^ 3)FrenchRep.,'70Gt. fire at Mobile, A) a., '80.

Mayfl'r sails, 1620. CloudyQu'Elizabeth b.,15S2.Still

Ba^ Eutaw Springs, 1781Cal^admitted, 1850. i^a^'^.

Invasion of Canada, 1775.

^ Greatest Elong., E.iJse R.'s Magic Oil. VeryGen. Burnsidad, '81. MildFenimore Cooper d., '51.

Use H.'s Perforated Plas.

6 ^(D Moscow burnt, '12.

6 9^ Bat. Antietara, '62

Fugit. slave lavy sign., '50

Pres. Garfield d., '81. Light6^D,6 9 0, Superior, r.

6kl> (30&21) Emb. Days\l Stationary.

, WarmAutumn begins. ^ and^ Stationary. 6 ^ 'J), pleas

6 :^D Pacific discov.,1513Battle of Mesilla, 1861.Steamer Arctic lost, 1854.

Conq. of Can., 1760. SeavyNelson born, 1758.

(j ^ DTJse H.'s Pills, rain

1 1 Calendar for ! Calendar for

S^New England, N New York City, Phila-

MicM- delphia, Conn., NewWisconsin,! Jersey, Pennsylvania,

S Iowa & Oregon. Ohio, Indiana & Illinois.

^^ Y. State

i gan







Sunrisesh. m2426272829803

Ti^iS 32

TTtlS 3:i

i5 345 355 305 37








435 445 454647

Sunsetsh. m6 356 336 31

6 296 286 266 246 2;

6 21

6 19

616 15

6 14

6 12

6 10

6 8


5 585

5 545 535 51

5 495 475 465 44

Moon Sun Sunrises 'rises sets

h m. h. m h. m5 '28 5Y6'6¥3sets |5 27 6 31

7 19 5 28 6 297 48 5 29:6 288 19 5 30 6 268 515 316 259 29 5 32 6 2310 115 83 6 21

10 58 5 34:6 2011 50 5 85,6 18

morn 5 36 6 16

48 5 37 6 15

1 515 38 6 13


4 7rises

6 277 67 47

58 5 895 405 41

5 425 43

9 2610 2j

11 20morn


1 21

2 23


5 505 51

5 523 21 5 534 19;5 545 17o 54

6 1

5 595 585 565 545 535 525 505 485 465 44

Moonrisesh. m.


7 21

7 508 21

8 55

9 3310 15

11 2

11 54mojii

621 653

4 9


6 287 8

7 51

8 899 8010 2511 25morn

231 242 253 224 19

5 16

Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

&c., La., Ala..

Miss., Ga, & Fla.

H. W. SunI

SunN. Y. rises


h. m. h. m h. m

CONSUMPTION. This scourge of the human family has been successfully treated withBonne's Magic Oil. Rub well into the chest, take a few drops internally from time to time, andbreatbe plenty of fresh, pure air while taking gentle exercise, and the resuit will be all but miraculous.

Page 22: (1883) Herrick's Almanac


Perforated Capsicum, or Red Pepper Plasters.


These wondrous RUBEFACIENTS•r COUNTER IRRITANTS have nowuperseded almost wholly the old, cruel,

painful and scarifying blister, so longthe dread of all ranks and conditions,and which may be regarded as one ofthe most barbarous instruments of tor-

ture that had ever pertained to themedical profession. The CAPSICUMor RED PEPPER PLASTERS, whichare compounded of the most search-ing though healing ingredients, nevergive the slightest pain or inconveni-ence, their mission being to graduallyexcite the surface of the body and to

draw out through the pores of the skinthe vitiated humors which are thesource of pain and disease, and whoseremoval from the system can be mostSECURELY and speedily affectedthrough the pores, without causing HOW TO WEAR THEMthe slightest rawness or abrasion ofthe skin. They are soft, pliaii:. free from all

unpleasant stickiness, and do not soil the under-clothes or surface of the body. Nor is their pre-sence manifested, after being once applied, savethrough a warm and grateful ^low which will in-

dicate by its gradually increasing intensity, after

some time, the period when they may be removedshould the patient deem it necessary. In all cases

of inflammation or acute suflferingrfrom

pain, the CAPSICUM OR RED PEP-PER PLASTERS stand at the head ofall other similar applications. A s

GREAT COUNTER-IRRITANTSthey haye not their equal in the world,as may be verified at any moment.Through their wondrous powers they,absorb the disease of any peculiar partof the body through the pores ; and,more mysterious still, inject into thesystem through the same avenues, thehealing and purifying essences which


have rendered them so universally fam-ous. They are applicable to every age


and sex, and can be removed and re-;

applied at pleasure, without tne slight- '

est danger of taking cold on the part

of the patient. Of 2he rapidity of


their action in any case it is only neces-|sary to say that they afford certain i

lief m from Five to Seven Minutes,!and that, too, without even the remotest sensation


of discomfort ; the warm glow or excitement theysuperinduce being agreeable rather than otherwise.

They are beautifully done up either singly or bythe quantity or in yard rolls to suit all purchas-

ers, and are sold by all Druggists, Country Mcr-^

chants, and dealers in Medicine.

liameness, whether of the back^ joints orlimbs, experiences great relief from HERRICK'SCAPSICUM or RED PEPPER PLASTERS.If the ailment should be but of recent origin,

the difficulties attending a radical cure will berreatly obviated ; but if of old standing, the case

IS widely different. Under any circumstances,however, these great Rubefacients will prove of

^indoubted advantage to the sufferer ; and if notcapable of restoring his limbs to their wontedvigor, will, at least, facilitate their action in amarked degree and render them more pliant.

There is no mystery about this. These Plasters

are counter irritants and great healers, andhence their universal popularity. Ask for them.They are sold everywhere

Inflammation of the Stomach or anyacute pain in that region succumbs at once to anapplication of HERRICK'S CAPSICUM orRED PEPPER PLASTERS, which may besupplemented with advantage by a dose of HER-RICK'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLEPILLS. Not only is this disease most painful, butextremely dangerous : therefore it must be treated

with the greatest promptness and intelligence.

Of course, to allay the fever and absorb theheated humors is of the first importance. Andthis these Plasters do in a manner the most won-derful and grateful. In any case of inflammationthey have no successful rival.

An old farmer said of his pastor, who was ex-ceedingly mild in his preaching—" He's a goodnan, but he always rakes with the teeth up.^

A BALD-HEADED professor reproving a youthfor the exercises of the fist :

" "We fight with ourkeads at this college." The youth reflected aMoment and then replied, " Ah, I sec, and youkaT« bvtt«d all yoor hair ofiL"

Inflammation of the Throat or of the

elands of the neck can be alleviated at once by5ne of HERRICK'S CAPSICUM or REDPEPPER PLASTERS applied in the manner of

a bandage to the suffering parts. The irritation

set up by these great Remedies on the surface ofthe skin, allays at once the fever within, and con-sequently relieves the patient. Any ailment of

the neck or throat must be seen to at once ; for

they, so to speak, are very important avenues of

the system, and must be kept in free and healthyaction. To permit inflammation, however slight,

to obtain in relation to them for any time, wouldbe to court permanent disease or death.

Sciatica.—To grapple successfully with this i

merciless complaint, requires a remedy the most :

active and positive, and one which has already

done good service in the field. In this relation

we can say with truth that Dr. L. R. HER-RICK'S CAPSICUM or RED PEPPERPLASTERS occupy the very first place, and af-

ford relief to those attacked by this demon morespeedily than can be obtained through any other

means. Where the pain seems most acute,

whether in joint or limb, apply the remedy ; andwhen the counter in itation set up by it antago-

nizes with ihe cause of the disease within, relief

is, of course, experienced immediately. HER-RICK'S CAPSICUM PLASTERS are for sale

everywhere. They are without a successful rival.

Little Gertie (after waiting some time for des-

sert.) " Uncle, don't you have anything after

dinner?" " Yes, dear, dyspepsia.

A MAN in Pawtucket made application for in-

surance on a building situated in a village wherethere Was no fire engine. He was asked, " Whatare the means in your village for extinguishing

fires ?" " Well, it rains sometimes," he replied.

Page 23: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

lOth Month. OCTOBER, 1888. 81 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

It is certain

relief in Neu-ralgia,Sciatica,

and all other

nervous affec-

tions, whenused accordingto directions.

Its powers are

marvelous in all

bronchial d i s-

eases and affec-

tions. Takeninternally andapplied to thechest it worksmiracles.


D. H. M. H. M.

New Moon 1 58b. 11 35e.*First Quarter..,. 9 5 83if. 4 Om,Full Moon 16 1 49k. 26m.Last Quarter.... 23 6 22b, 4 59e.'New Moon 30 7 lE. 5 38b.

M. w". Plenoiejia and Importaiit Events.







6 9 1>' 6 ^D' MuchMaj. Andre execu., 1780.Use Herrick's Pills, cooler

(^ ^ 9R. B. Hayes b., '23.

Bat. of Thames, '13. Heavy6^0, Inferior, clouds.

Wm. Penn landed, 1683.

Use H.'s Strength. Plas.Chicago Fire, 1871. RainFirst Overland Mail, 1858Bahamas disc, 1492. with^ in Sl^ R.Stephenson d.,'59

Burgoyne sur., 1777. muchWm. Penn b., 1644. wind.(16) J) Eclipsed, visible.

^ Stationary. Clear^ in Perihelion. and(^t|;])Cornwallis sur. 1781

6hl>' 6 $ 1> mild.Battle of Navarino, 1837,Dan'l Webster d., 1852.

§ Gr. Elonga. W. Fine6 11D-6 $ Dlr.Reb.,1641$\\tV raBsepe. FallPhiladelphia setteld, 1683,

Hogarth d., 1764. weather.

6 $D' n:^0, w.Cuba discov. 1493. Much(^ ^ ])Metz sur., '70. wind(31 )c^ 9 DJohn Adams b.

0Eclip8ed, invis. [1735

Calendar for

New England. N.

^ Y. State, Michi-

§ 'gan, Wisconsin,

Iowa and Oregon.



h m.












256SI 6



5 435 405 395 375 35

3 5 335 335 305 285 275 255235 235 201917









4 574 55


h. m.


6 21

6 537 298 88 539 4210 8711 36morn



6 34



23456 2sets

Calendar for

New York City, Phila-

delphia. Conn., New Jer-

sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,

Indiana and Illinois.








5l35 415 395 385 365 355 335 31

5 305 385 275 255 235 225 2019





4 594 58

Moonrisesh. m.


6 236 537 338 138 579 4610 4111 39morn

411 462 544 45 16rises

6 387 218 16

9 1510 11

11 19morn

181 162 143 124 75 45 59sets

H.W.N. Y.h. m.

T269 69 4410 3211

11 45mom


6 247 16

8 38 569 4610 3611 81




6 407 207 568 35

Calendar for

lexae, Galveston,

Houston, Austin,

&c., La., Ala..

Miss., Ga. & Fla.



5 535 545 545 555 565 565 575 585 585 596

66 1

6 26 2









6 86 86 9

6 106 10

6 11

6 12-

6 13

6 13


5 465 455445 435 435 41

5 405 385 375 365 355 345 335 335 315 305 295 27

5 5 206|5 35

6i5 347 5 23


h m.

5 335 21

5 205 19

5 18

5 17

5 175 165 15


6 377 147 548 369 2210 11

11 0411 59mom


1 572 594 35 9rises

6 587 448 41

9 3910 3311 87morn



B I LIOUSN ESS is a fruitful source of many dangerous ailments, and of great discomfort to

thousands. If the liver does not act, and the bile is not pure and sufficiently copious, anything like

health is out of the question. One of the most potent and safe remedies known for this complaint is

Renne's Magic Oil. Try it.

Page 24: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

_ Imflaataaativm ^f the liangs.—It is un-

meccsiary to dwell upon the dangerous character

of this disease, or upon the vital importance of

treating it at once with the utmost decision and

intelligence. The lungs are the bellows of life.

Through them the blood is oxygenized and re-ivitied. Any embarrassment of their action, orclogging of their cells, must result fatally, unless

they are relieved speedily. The swiftest andsurest mode of restoring them to healthy action

lies in the instant application of one of HEK-RICK'S CAPSICUM OR RED PEPPERPLASTERS over the chest, or rather over theregions they occupy. It can be seen at a glance,that the counter irritation set up by the greatRubefacients will relieve the patient at once.

Difficulty of Breathing, or stuffing of

the chest, experiences immediate relief from

HERRICK'S CAPSICUM OR RED PEPPERPLASTERS. Spread one of these warm Counter

Irritants over the affected region, and soon aloosening of the mucous, and a copious flow ofperspiration will break up the attack in fits ofexpectoration. This ailment generally results

from colds or exposure, and when permitted to

root itself in the chest or bronchial tubes, it notunfrequently leads to most disastrous results.

Therefore, to root it out of the system at oncebecomes an imperative duty. This is easily

effected if it is only taken in time, and the greatremedy now mentioned applied in accordancewith the printed directions accompanying eachPlaster.

Not* This.—WheB Dr. L. R. Herrick'sf REDPEPPER PLASTERS hare done their work in

any special case, on being removed from the sur-face of the body and sponged lightly with a little

cold water, they can be used anew in any suitable

case, and that too without having deteriorated in

strength or efficacy in even the slightest degree.

The Capsicum and other ingredients of whichthey are compounded unite and blend in such away as to render them almost imperishable. Thisis a matter of great moment to those who live in

thinly populated districts or remote from townsor villages.

THESE PLASTERSNEVER scald, bum or blister even the most

delicate skin.

Never fail to afford relief in from FIVE to

SEVEN minutes.

Never fail to allay the pains arising from Neu-ralgia or Sciatica.

Never fail to reliere Pleurisy and all inflam-

matory symptoms.

Never fail to overcome inflammation of the

Chest, Stomach, Bowels or Kidneys.

Never fail to remove acute pains of whateverdescription.

Never fail to overcome all acute rheuinatic

affections and to relieve stiff back, limbs or joints.

They may be used without the slightest fear of

taking cold after their removal, and by aH ages

and every sex. They are sold by all druggists,

country merchants and dealers in medicine.


C»tarrh may be term-ed a cankerous and vi-cious discharge from themucous membrane espe-cially that of the nose,fauces, and bronchialtubes. In the whole cate-

gory of human ailmentsthere is not a more loath-some or frightful disease.Although it is but the re-

sult of a neglected cold,once it burrows into thehead and system it be-

fl'ins to destroy everyeature of the humanform divine, until at last

we drop piece-meal intothe grave. The only re-

medy for this terriblemaladv is PERRIN'SFUMIGATOR — a di&.covery which has res-cued countless sufferersfrom the very jaws of the

I most frightful of all deaths.SMOKING THE CIGARSTTS.

The Pipe and Cig-arette. — In smokingeither of these for AS-THMA, MINISTERS'SORE THROAT, orany other bronchial af-

fection, occasionally re-

tain the smoke for sometime in the mouth, andthen blow it slowly thro-ugh the nostrils. Thereis nothing in any de-

gree offensive o r un-pleasant in the FUMI-GATOR. If the smokecannot be readily dis-

posed of through the

nostrils let it escape framthe mouth in the ordin-

ary wav. While using

PERRIN'S FUMIGA-TOR, should the patient

suffer in any degree froni

constipation, a dose of


Perrin'i Famintor is also an infallibleremedy for Asthma, Ministers' Sort Throat, andvarious other bronchisd affections. It is smokedin a clay pipe after the manner of ordinary to-bacco, or as cigarettes beautifully done up in thefar-famed rice paper. In its odor it bears nosemblance whatever to anything like medicine orcommon tobacco and may be smoked privatelywithout fear of detection by ladies, ana openlyby gentlemen.

TABLE PILLS will be found of rreatThis invaluable remedy for Catariv which maybe used with the utmost safety by persons of any

sold everywhcrt. It issold in looseage or sexform or aamerchants

I cigarettes by all druggist*,and dealers in medicines.


L. W. WARNER ft CO.,<9 Murray Street,

Prom-ietors of N«w iwh.Dr. Merrick's Family Medicinta.

and Renne's Pala^KUling- Magic OA.

Page 25: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

11th Month. NOVEMBER, 1883. 30 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil

Crick, pains in

Stomach and

loss of appetite

yield to its be-

nign and wond-

r o u s influence

at once.

Rickets, Stiff

Joints, LameBack, and gen-

eral discomfort

and debility fly

before its mag-

ical powers.


d. h. m. h. m.

First Quarter. .778b. 5 45 e.

Full Moon 14 11 41 K. 10 18 m.Last Quarter. .21 8 47 M. 7 24 M.New :^oon....2d 158». 35 s.


Page 26: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

USEFUL RECEIPTS AND MEMORANDA.MississiEj>i Corn Bread.—One pint of boiled

rice, mastied fine, one pint of com meal, one tea-spoonful of butter or lard ; bake in a pan like apound cake, in a hot oven.

Short Cake.—Two tablespoonsful of butter,two cups sugar, two eggs, one teaspoonful soda,two of cream tartar, one cup milk, and three offlour.

Puff Pudding.—Eight eggs beaten lightly:

eight tablespoonsful sifted flour' one quart ofmuk, a little salt. Bake half an aour in a quickoven. Eat with sauce.

Potato Puff,—Two cups of cold mashed pota-toes,^ sUr in two tablespoonsful of melted butter,

beating to a cream ; add two well-beaten egg9,one cup of cream or milk

;pour into a deep dish,

bake in a quick oven.

Quick Loaf Cakk.—One cup of sugar^ half cupof b.'tter, one egg, one cup of milk, two tea-spoons of baking powder, two cups of flour, onecup of raisins.

Perfect Biscuit.—One pound flour, half tea-spoonful salt, two teaspoonsful baking powder.Sift together flour, salt, and powder, then addthree-quarters pint milk or water. Bake imme-diately in a hot oven.

Potato Rolls.—Boil one pint of sliced andpeeled potatoes, pour off the water, mash [fine,

add one and a half pints of water, then strain,

half cup sugar, one tablespoonful lard, one tea-

cup of yeast. Rise over night. This makes oneloaf and one pan of rolls.

Pbrfect Silver Cake.—Three-quartercup but-ter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, one cupsweet milk, two teaspoonsful baking powder,whites of five eggs ; flavor to taste.

To Make Tough Meat Tender.—Soak it inrinegar and water, if a very large piece, forabout twelve hours. For ten pounds of beef usethree quarts of water to three-quarters of a pintof vinegar, and soak it for six or seven hours.

Brown Bread.—Three cups of yellow Indianmeal, one and a half cups of rye meal, threecups of sour milk, half cup of molasses, one tea-tpoonful of saleratus. Steam thren hours, thenbake three hours slowly.

Suet Pudding.—One pint of milk, one pint ofsyrup, half pound of raisins, half pound of cur-rants, half pound of suet ; add prepared flour asstiff as pound-cake. Spice to suit taste.

Succotash.—^Time. one hour and a half. Cutoff tj^ com from tne cobs, and put the cobs in

just Water enough to cover them, and boil onehour ; then remove the cobs and put in the cornand a quart of Lima beans, and boil thirty min-utes. When boiled add some cream or miUc, salt

and butter. /^

Lemon Pie.—Juice and g^ted rind of threelemons, small lump of butter, two cups of sugar,thi'ee hot water, three ublespoonsiul of comstarch : let them come to a boil, set them o^ tocool, then add three eggs well beaten. This wHjmake two pies.

To Broil Fish.—A clear fire is required. Rubthe bars of your gridiron with dripping or a pieceof beef suet, to prevent the fish from stickin-' toit. Put a good piece of butterfinto a dish, workinto it enough salt and pepper to season the fish

Lay the fish on it wheL it is broiled, and with aknife blade put the butter over every part. Servevery hot.

To Take Ink out of Linen.—Dip the inksspot

in pure melted taiiow, then wash out the tallowand the ink will come out with it. This is saidto be unfaiUng.

Butter-Making in Winter.—Keep the animalswarm, feed three times a day, give some roots,

and plenty of corn-meal, or the provender madeby grinding oats and marrowfat peas together.When the milk is strained, set the pans on thestove and warm the milk slowly; when as hot asthe finger can easily bear, set the pans away in aroom not cold enough to freeze. Keep the cream-pot moderately warm.

Keeping Apples and Pears.—They should bekept from air and light. Shutters should be 3

placed in the windows to exclude the air. A fewdays before using, dessert apples and pears shouldbe removed to a somewhat warmer atmosphere,and have air and light to give flavor.

Keeping Potatoes.—Experience proves thatpotatoes should be kept through the winter in adry and cold atmosphere—the drier the better,provided it be above the freezing-point. Allchanges of temperature or of the degrees of mois-ture are unfavorable. Where only small quantitiesare to be stored, as for family use, they should beassorted into barrels, the interstices filled withsun-dried sand, and the whole covered with nicelyfitted turfs. Sprouting or shrivelling is thus pre-vented, and much of the original freshness of thepotato is retained.

Elderberry Ink,—A correspondent of the Set- [

t'ttific American fumishes the following recipe :

'' One half gallon of juice of elderberries, oneounce copperas, two drachms alum, twenty dropscreosote, dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol.

The ink keeps a violet color several years, apdthen becomes of a brownish tint.


A Useful Cement.—The Railway Times sajrs

that a useful cement for closing up cracks in stove-plates, stove-doors, etc., is prepared by mixingfinely pulverized iron, such as can be secured at

the dmggist's, with liquid water-glass, to a thick

Kaste, and then coating the cracks with it. Theotter the fire then becomes, the more does the

cement melt and combine with its metal ingre-dients, and the more completely will the crackbecome closed.

How TO Cleanse Water,—The editor of HalTsJournal 0/ Health has often in times past''settled" Mississippi water, and made it look" as clear as a bell, by tying a bit of alum to astring and twirling 1' around for a few secondsbeneath the surface of a glassful. The same au-thority further states that if a .amp of alum as

large as the thumb-joint is thrown into four or

five gallons of boiling soap-suds, the scum mnsover and leaves the water clean and soft and use-

ful for washing.

Useful Memoranda.—A box 14 inches by i6

inches square and 8 inches deep will contain abarrel, or 5 bush Is, ^r 10,752 cubic inches,

A box 24 inch s by i_ inches souare and 14

inches deep will contain a half barrel, or aji bush-els, or 5,376 cubic inches.A box 16 inches by 16.8 inches square and 8 1

inches deep will contain one bushel,or 2,150.4 cubic J


A box 12 inches by 11. 2 inches square and 8 1inches deep will contain half a bushel, or 1,075.2

cubic inohes.A box 8 inches by 8.4 inches square and 8

inches deep will contain one peck, or 537.6 cubicinches.A box 8 inches by 8 inches square and 4.2

inches deep will contain half a peck, or 268.8

cubic inches.A box 7 inches by 4 inches square and 4.!

inches deep will contain half a gallon, or 134.4cubic inches. C

Page 27: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

12th Month DECEMBER, 1883. 31 Days.

Renne's Pain-Killing Magic OilChills and Fe-

ver, Sore Eyes, a

Erys i p e 1 a s,|

Ring Worm, II

Tape Worm,and worms of

every descrip-

tion are curedby it.

For all inter-

n a 1 ailments,

take a f ewdrops in a lit-

tle water. Forall external

ailments rubwell into the

affected parts.

moon's phases. N. Y. GALVESTON,

d. h. m. h. m.

First Quarter. . 7 6 50 x. 5 27 m.Full Moon 13 10 32 2. 9 9 e.

Last Quarter 21 3 12 m. 1 49 M.New Moon.... 39 8 4m. 6 41m.















Pleflomena and Important Events.

6 9 1) Use Herrick's Pills

Advent Sunday. EeavjBelzoni d., 1823. clouds

Spanish Inquis. abol. 1808

Van Buren b 1782. andChase app. Ch. Jus. 1864.

(Jicero d. B. C. 43. winds.

Washington cros Del. 1776Milton b. 1608. DrivingMississippi admitted 1817.

6^D Indiana admit. '16

9 in Aphelion. 6 k DBank of U. a estab. 1790.

Washington d. 1799. rainUse Kenne's Magic Oil.

6 H DUse Herrick's Plas.Use Perrin's Pumigators.

6^1) Sara'l Rogers, d '55

Ember Day. turning to

SO. W. (21) Winter b.

Ember Day. <^ ^ D sleet

Ember Day. and snow$ Stationary. Clear andNapoleon first cons, 1799.

ChristmaSc cold.

Battle of Trenton. SnowUse Herrick's Pills. OoodUse Perrin's Pumigator.Wm. E. Gladstone b. 1809.

Marshal Prim d.'70 sleigh-

dW®. 6 9D- i^ff-

Calendar for Calendar for

New England, N.JNew York City, Phlla-

Y. State, Michi- delphla, Conn., Newa, Wisconsin,

S Iowa & Oregon.

Sunrisesh. m











cr7i7 242425




7-i=|7 28Tn,!7 28n\,|7 28

f\7 29

/|7 29

/ 7 29V:jl7 30

Sunsetsh- m4 294 294284 284 284 2844 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 294 294 294 294 304 304 31

4 81

4 824 824 334 834 344 354 364 374 37

Jersey, Pennsylvania,

Ohio, Indiana & lUinoifl.

Calendar for

Texas, Galveston,

Houston, Aastin,

&c., La.,, AlMiss., Ga. ft Fla.

Moon Sunsets


risesh. m. h. m6 26;7

7 21 7

8 21 7

9 22710 25 7

11 39 7 10morn 7 11

35 7 12

1 44 7 13

2 52 7 14

4 5 7 15

5 146 23rises

6 41

7 478 51

9 5310 5411 52morn

501 472 453 41

4 365 296 21


6 127 14

7 157 167 167 177 18

7 187 19

7 207 207 21

7 21

7 227 227 237 237 237 237 247 247 24

Sunsetsh. m4 344 334 334 334 324 824 824 324 824 824 824 324 334 833 383 834 334 844 844 354 854 864 874 374 384 394 394 404 404 41

4 42

Moonsetsh. m.

T307 258 249 24

10 2611 81morn

851 432 504 25 11

6 19rises

6 447 508 549 5510 5511 52morn



6 16

7 16

H. W.N. Y.h^ m.

9 8510 1710 5911 45morn



6 827 298 209 1610 410 4811 36eve23




488 299 15

9 58

Sunrisesh. m6386 896 406 416 426 426 486 446 456 466 476 486 486 496 496 506 506 516 51

6 526 526 536 536 546 54|5

6 55 66 55 5

6 56 5


h. m

6 56 5 9

6 57 5 106 57i5 10


h. m.

6 547 478 439 8910 8611 35morn

841 862 383 444 495 55rises

7 68 89 710 310 5811 50mom

421 842 268 184 105 1

5 52sets

6 867 83

NOTA BENE .—Neither Cough, Cold. Bruise, Cut, Scald nor Bum—Neither Pain, Ache, nor

any internal or external ailment can withstand the miraculous powers of Renne's Magic Oil. Afew drops applied outwardly or taken inwardly, as the case may be, acts like a charm.

Page 28: (1883) Herrick's Almanac
Page 29: (1883) Herrick's Almanac




FEED your horse regularly and with proper food, in sufficient quantity,

TREAT your horse kindly at all times. Give him pure water to drink.

KEEP your horse in a well-venttlated and dry stable.

CLEAN and wash down your horse's limbs after his day's work.

NEVER allow your horse to drink cold water when he is heated, unless in small

quantities, and even then his exercise must be continued till he gets cool.

WHEN your horse is very warm, walk him about till he cools before placing him

in the stable.

NEVER leave your horse's legs wet. Always rub them and his feet dry.

KEEP your horse well groomed, and free from all dirt, so as to promote healthy

action of the skin.

WHEN 3'our Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs or Poultry require medicine, give HAR-VELL'S CONDITION POWDERSonly. Bewcire ofLABGETACK-AGES OF HOUSEMEDICINE, which are offered CHEAP.They usually contain Coal Ashes^ Cottonseed Meal^ Damaged Drugs^ and various

inert materials^ to make them appec^r bulky. If your Stock is worth giving med-icine to, give the BEST, and that is HARVELL'S POWDERS. If you can-

not get it at your nearest store, write to L. W. WARNER & CO., Pro-prietors, 69 Murray Street, New York* who will fill orders


Page 30: (1883) Herrick's Almanac


Thb Horsx Owner's Friknd is a work intended as a guide for owners of horses and cattle, to |enable them to treat the diseases of the same with success, and at a trifling cost. Owing to the large

number of remedies offered for sale, many of which are actually injurious when used for diseases

they profess to cure, the public must be particular and obtain HARVELL'S CONDITION POW-DERS and DR. HERRICK'S GERMAN LINIMENT only.

In consequence of mismanagement and ill-treatment, horses are exposed to a.aumber of formidable

diseases. A description of some of the most important of these diseases is given in this work and

their remedies pointed out. In horses, as in men, " prevention is better than cure ;" but, whendiseas*

does come, it is best to have HARVELL'S CONDITION POWDERS and DR. HERRICK'S GER-MAN LINIMENT in the suble for immediate use. Many valuable horses have been saved by them ;

and the mass of testimonials forwarded to us, show that»'44ithe range of treatment of diseases in horse*

these remedies have no superior. But not alone for horses are the CONDITION POWDERS ser-

riceable ; for in all affections of Cattle, Sheep, HogtA^ Poultry, they are most salutary and economic


^""Thk Horsk Ow»er*s Friend" will be maile^^

•tamp. Write for HORSE OWNER'S FRIEND.Published"by DR. L.

t^m^ay addr^^pm receipt of a three cent

R. HERRICK,Box 241 P. O., Nkw Yorx.

The Horse Owner's Friend.

envlnff ft description of the Internal and External Diseases and Ailmonta of

Horses, Cattle, Mules, Sheep, Hogs and Poiiltry, with a Sure

and Safe Method of Curingr them.

Examine diagram to locate the disease, and follow fully the directions as set forth under eaca Ch.<'»

responding number. The Treatment for each disease will be found in the '' Horse Owner's Friend.''

Page 31: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

Nos. 1, 2 and 3.—Glanders.Causes.—Bad lodging, stimulating food, and

excessive work operating upon young life.

Symptoms.—Staring coat ; lungs or air-passagesalways affected ; flesh fades

; glands swell


spirits low ; appetite bad ; a lymphatic gland ad-heres to the inside of the jaw ; the membrane in-side the nose ulcerates ; a slight discharge fromone nostril ; this becomes thicker, and adheres tothe margin of the nostril, exhibiting white threadsand bits of mucus.-^ then it changes to a full streamof foul pus; next the nasal membrane grows dulland dropsical ; the margins of the nostrils en-large ; the horse breathes with difficulty ; the dis-charge turns discolored and abhorrent; farcybreaks forth, and the animal dies of suffocation.Treatment.—There is no known cure, but the

constant use of Harvell's Condition Fowderswill prevent the disease.

No. 4.—Caries and Diseases of the Jaw.Causes.—Maltreatment

;pulling the snaffle ;

abuse of the bit ; too tight a curb-chain.

No. 5.—Fistula of the Parotid Gland.Causes.—Hay-seeds or other substances getting

into the mouth of the duct during mastication ;

stones being found within the can^.

No. 6.-Diseases of the Eye.Causes.— /arious ; often brutality, foreign

bodies, as hay-seed, chaff, or dirt in the eye,whitCTTasbed walls, small, dark, and filthy stables,an^- .a. » ui» exhalation of ammonia.

No. 7.—Scars on Forehead and overthe Eyes.

Causes.—Oi en ill usage; knocking the headwhen in pain, or when blind, or bites from otherhorses.

No. 8.—Scjars from Old Fontanels andDiseases of the Brain.

Among the causes known in producing diseasesof the brain, are hard usage, over-work, and badfeeding. Some horses are more subject lo thesediseases than others, and are liable to have anattack whenever the st-mach or digestive organsare out of order. Therefore prevention is betterthan cure, and the best plan is to give occasionaldoses of Harvell's Condition Powders.

No, Q.-Poll EvilCauses,—Hanging back in the halter, hitting

the poll against the top of the stable or door,blows on the head, and any external injury.

No. 10.—Prurigo or Mane Scab.Causes.—Starvation, bad food, lodging and

grooming, filth and dirt, turning out to grass.

No. 11.—Fistulous Withers,Cause.—External injury; often caused by the


No. 12.—Saddle-Galls, etc.

Causes.—Ill-fitting or old saddles, exceuiveriding or working.

No. 13.—Fistulous TaiLNo. 14.-Rat TaiL

Causes.—The foolish practice of pulling thetail, excessive and uncured mange and worms,causing the horse to rub his tail violently; badhealth and dirt.

No. 1 5.—Fallingr of the Fundament.No. 16.—Liixation of the Patella, or

Whirl Bone Displaced.Causes.-Accident, but oftener bad manage-

ment j short and bad food causing weakness, andespecially in young horses.

No. 17.—Hernia, or Rupture.The intestines protruding through a natural or

artificial opening of the belly.

No. 18.—Broken Ribs.Cause.—Ill-usage, the result of carelessness or


No. 10.—Farcy.Cause.—Excessive labor, poor food, and bad

lodging, acting upon old age.

No. 20.—Sores from Constant Bleedlngrs.Cause and Symptoms.—Nearly similar to No.


No. 21.-Bridle SwelUngr,Cause.—Ill-fitting bridles.

No. 22.—Fistula, and Inflamed ParotidGland.

Cause.—The after effects of No. $ and inflam-mation of the throat.

No. 23.—Inflamed Jugular Vein, orPhlebitis,

Cause.—The abuse of a practice only requiredin nine cases ou*- 0/ ten ; that is : Bleeding.

No. 24.-Sore Throat.Causes.-Close stables, standing in cold or rain

while sweating, and after hard work or driving.

No. 25.—Tumors Caused by Collars.Causes.—Ill-fitting, badly made, and old, worn-

out collars ; also over-work.

No. 26.—Capped Elbow, or Shoe Tumor.Cause.—Injury to the pnjint of the elbow.

No. 27.-Wind Galls.Cause.-Hard work.

No. 28.—Mallenders and Sallendera.Cause.—Neglect.Mallenders, a scurfy patch at the back of the

knee : sallenders^ a scurfy patch in front of thebock.

No. 29.—SplintCauses.—Early and too hard work ; blows,

kicks, etc.

No. SO,—Capped Kne«.Caus«.—Injury to point of calcis or front of


No. 81.—Broken Knee and 0];>en Joint.Cause.-Falls or kicks.

No. 82.—Clap of the Back Slnewa.Causb.—Extra exertion.

No. 33.—Ringrbone.Cause.—Dragging heavy loads up steep hills.

No. 34.—Acute and Chronic Founder, orContracted Ring Foot.

Cause.—An inflammation of parts of the foot,originating in too hard work or in cold. It is notalways confined to the hoof, but sometimes at-tacks the sensible fleshy ?

No. 85.—Sprung Kixees and KnuckledFetlocks.

Cause.—Excessive driving and work, with care-lessness.

No. 36 —Quittor.Causes.—Confined matter of a com ; or, prick

of the sole : or from injuries to the coronet, caus-ing it to form matter ; this often works down-ward, as it cannot pierce the skin of the coronet


it often attacks the cartilages and causes greatlameness.

Page 32: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

No. 87.—Tread on the Coronet andOver-Reach.

Causes.—Of tread, fatigue and overwei|:ht.Over-Reach—When a good stepper is very tired

this accident sometimes happens—the coronet (or

part over the top of the hoof) of the fore foot onthe outer side being severely wounded by the in-side of the hind shoe.

No. 38.—Sand, Cow, Toe, and QuarterCracks.

Causes.—Want of cleanliness, bad health, caus-ing imf>erfect secretion, and treading for anylength of time on a dry soil.

No. 30 —Girth Swelllngrs.

Causes.—Over-riding or taking heavy loadsdown hill with very tight girths.

No. 40.—Wind Colic, or Belly-Ache.Causes.—Fast driving ; change of water or

food, getting wet, giving water or large feedswhile hot ; fatiguing journeys ; aloes ; and oftenwhen no cause can be traced, but the symptomsare known to almost every one.

No. 41—ThorougrhplB.Cause.—Excessive labor.

No. 42.—Capped Hocks.Cause, symptoms and treatment same as for

capped knee. (See Noi 30.)

No. 43.—Swelled and Sprungr Sinews.Causes.—Hard work on uneven ground; plung-

ing, or a sudden twist or jerk while ridden ordriven.

No. 44.—Scratches.Causes —Age, debility, excessive labor, ne-

glect, filth, and cutting the hair off the heels.

No. 45.—Spavin.Cause.—Hard work.Symptoms.— A bony enlargement upon the

lower and inner side of the hock prevents the legbeing properly placed, and hinders the hoof beingturned outward, causes the front of the shoe tobe worn, and the toe of the hoof to be bluntedby dragging the foot/*along the ground, leavesthe stable limping, but is better with exercise.Sickle or cow-nocked horses are most subject toSpavin.

No. 46.—Curb.Causes,—Galloping on uneven ground; wrench-

ing the limb witn rearing, prancing, leaping, orbeing pulled up suddenly on the haunches.

No. 47—Swollen Leers.

Foment with salt and hot water; rub with Dr*Hbrrick's German Horse Liniment; give Har-vbll's Condition Powders.

Influenza or Distemper.Cause.—Unknown.SvMHTOMS —Loss of appetite, sore throat, dis-

charge from the nostrils, deep-seated cough anddebility.

Cougrhs or Colds.Causes.—Exposure, neglect, foul stables, etc.

Diseases of the Urinary Orir*&8>Causes.—Animal out of condition ; improper

food ; exposure ; strong physics, etc.

Rheumatism.Cause.—Exposure ; sometimes hereditary.Symptoms.—Stiffness of joints, want of flex-

ibility of muscles and tendons, swelling of limbsand Its shifting from one part of the body to

another. Some animals will be very bad one dayand the next will be entirely over it.

Treatment.—Bathe the parts affected severaltimes a day with Dr. Herrick's German HorshLiniment, and give a tablespoonful of Harvell'sCondition Powders night and morning for seve-ral weeks ; it will entirely remove the cause ofthe disease.

Worms.Cause.—Often the result of unsound food, and

derangement of digestive organs.

Slavering" or Foaming at the Mouth.Slavering, slobbering, or foaming at the mouth

is easily cured by a few doSk.s of Harvell's Con-dition Powders ; a change of diet is often neces-sary. Horses fed on new grass will slaver


always give good food if you wish a healthyanimal.

Inflammation of the Stomach andIntestines.

Cause.—Irritation from local causes producedby improper food, sudden checking of perspira-tion, such as throwing cold water upon the legsand back after a hard ride, standing in a highwind or a draught.

Corns.Cause.—Bruises to a tender or sensitive sole.

Broken Wind.Causes.—Old age; prolonged work, and bad


Symptoms.—Short, dry, backing cough, causedby irritability of the larynx ; ravenous appetite -

insatiable thirst ; abundant flatus. Dung haltdigested ; belly pendulous ; coat ragged ; aspectdejected ; respiration is performed by a triple

effort ; inspiration is spasmodic and single ; ex-piration is labored and double.

Treatment.—Relief is possible ; never givewater before work, and give but half a pail at atime, about four times in twenty-four hours


feed morning and night Harvell's ConditionPowders, always dry^ mixed with the feed

Caked Udder in Cows.Bathe freely with Dr. Herrick's German

Horse Liniment. It will either scatter the com-plaint or bring it to the surface ; if treated prop-erly and attentively for a few days a speedy cur*will result.

Murrain In Cattle.

Cattle in newly settled sections of the countryare more liable to disease than those grazing onold farm lands, because the new laidnsut farmsare not properly drained.Symptoms.—The limbs become swollen a little

at first, but increasing each day, until the animalseems oppressed for breath ; the pulse is accel-

erated ; It staggers ; the respirations are short

and quick ; tumors and swellings show in everypart of the body, and unless speedy relief is given

death ensues within a few days.

Treatment.—Give two heaping tablespoonfuls

of Harvell's Condition Powders in a warmbran mash, in order to drench the animal. Re-peat this night and morning until the stomachand bowels are thoroughly emptied, and whenthe droppings cease, care must be taken to see

the animal does not stand exposed to cold winds.

Bathe the ulcers or sores with Herrick's Ger-man Horse Liniment ; they will heal up as soon

as the inflammation in the blood subsides.

f Thi$ Liniment will, oi an external applica-

tion, be found to relieve all r?uumati4 pains tn

either man wr Iteaei.)

Page 33: (1883) Herrick's Almanac

BEEVESA ND all meat bearing stock, are improved In health, weight

•Al. and fatness through the use of HARVELL'S CONDI-TION POWDERS. Nay more, their flesh becomes finer andof better flavor, so that their market value will always be thehighest. Growers and dealers can satisfy themselves of thisfact, by giving these great specifics a fair trial—specificswhich, when properly understood, have become an abidingsource of wealth. The evidences of their genuineness are to befound in every portion of this country and of Canada. In-quire, and be guided by the result.

THE HOG.THIS animal fonns so important an article of food in this country,

and of commerce also, that any treatment that would enhance hiiweight and the flavor and quality of his flesh, must be of grave conse-quence indeed. To be brief, then, o make the hog healthy and re-munerative he must be well fed, kept in a clean pen, with a dry bed,ai d with clci n water. It is an error to suppose that the hog is thefilthy animal he is said to be ; all that he has been charged with in thisrelation, are but simple evidences of the neglect with which he hasbeen treated. Give him fair play, and mix his food with HARVELL'SCONDITION POWDERS, and he will not only be kept free of everydisease, but become an abidin source of wealth. These Powdersare sold everywhere.

SHEEP.THESE animals are a most important factor in our material

prosperity. The prominent place they occupy in the manu-facture of clothing would, in this relation alone, entitle them tothe most careful consideration ; but when we come to examine thefact that, in addition, they furnish an indispensable and favoritearticle of our food for our tables, we will perceive at once how es-sential it is to so manage them as to realize from their raising thelargest amount of the best meat and wool. To injure this theymust be kept in a state of perfect health through the agency ofHARVELL'S CONDITION POWDERS, mi.xed occasionally with(their food. This course pursued, we will soon have finer mutton,finer wool and finer lambs. Test the great specifics, and judge foryourselves.

IMPORTANT TO POULTRY GROWERS.IF fowls are kept clean, and well sheltered from wind and wet


are not overfed, and have a due proportion of both soft andgreen food, with a never-failing supply of clean water, they will re-main free from disease, unless infected by other fowls.

Bad Fledging.—Chickens often droop, and suffer much whilsttheir feathers are growing, especially in cold, wet weather, andthe breeds which feather most rapidly suffer most. This crisis

seldom lasts more than a week or ten days ; the chicks recover their

health and vigor.

Gapes is a fatal disease of chickens. It never occurs except therehas been foul water exposure to wet, and want of nourishing food.The disease consists, at least so far as actual symptoms extend, in anumber of small worms vi'hich infest the windpipe, and cause thepoor chicken to gasp for breath

Bcup is always caused by wet or very cold winds. It begins with a common cold, and ter-

minates in an offensive discharge from the nostrils and eyes. It is most highly amtagious, let all

fowls affected by it be at once put by themselves, and have a separate water vessel. Keep themwarm, and feed with meaJ only, mixed with a table-spoonful of KARVELL'S CONDITION POW-DERS m wapn watet.

Pip is analogous to a " foul tongue " in human beings,thickening of the tongue will disappear.

Dianhcea may be caused either by cold, wet weather, with inadequate shelter, neglect in

cleaning the house and run, or from the reaction afur constipation cans, d by too little green food.Feed on warm barley meal give some green food, but not very much ; and at first administer a tea-

spoonful of HARVELL'S CONDITION POWDERS in their food twice a day.Insect Verihin, which can only be troublesome from gross neglect either of the fowls or of their

habitations. The remedy is a dust-baih, of equal parts powdered charcoal aud coal ashes well mixed.and an energetic lime-washing of the house and sheds will get nd of the annoyance.

It will be seen that by far the greater proportion of poultry diseases arise either from cold andwet, or neglect in preserving cleanhness. Give the invahd warmth and good shelter, with HAR-VELL'S CONDITION POWDER in its food

Note.— \ general rule for keeping fowls healthy is to tnho one pint of Indian meal and one table-spoonful HARVELL'S CONDITION POWDERS, mixed together thoroughly, and then mois-tened witn water enougn to make it quite a stiff mixture, occasionally adding a small quantityground Cayenne pepper; give the mixture twice a week. Vary the quantity of powder used to ageand requirements of the fowls. Harvell's Condition Powders can be had at all druggists and deal-ers in medicine, and at the Manufacturers and Proprietors, L. W, Warner & Co., 69 Murray Street,New York.

Cure the roup, or bad digestion, and the

Page 34: (1883) Herrick's Almanac