1901-1921. popular progressivism popular progressives had some success needed the federal...


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Page 1: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society



Page 2: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Popular Progressivism

Popular progressives had some success

Needed the federal government to regulate society

Page 3: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Theodore Roosevelt1901-1909Assumed the presidency following McKinley’s assassination in Sept., 1901

Youngest president in history (42)

Page 4: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

The Square Deal

Settled the 1902 anthracite coal miners strike

Busted more than 40 “bad” trusts Strengthened the ICC with the Elkins

and Hepburn Acts

Page 5: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Consumer Protection

A new responsibility of the federal government

The Pure Food and Drug Act The Meat Inspection Act Inspired by Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle

Page 6: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Preservation & Conservation

Preserved nature and wildlife by established national parks and sanctuaries

Conserved resources by placing the government in control of timber, mineral, and water resources

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W. H. Taft 1909-1913Increased trustbustingContinued conservation16th Amendment =

graduated income tax

"Big Bill" was the heaviest president at 332 pounds and 6'2". Needing a big bathtub, he had a 7' long 41" wide tub installed that could accommodate 4 normal-sized men

Page 8: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Split in the Republican Party

- Some progressives believed Taft had abandoned the cause- Payne Aldrich – Taft had promised a lower

tariff but did not follow through- Controversy – Pinchot criticized Richard

Ballinger for opening up lands in Alaska for private development so he was fired

Page 9: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Roosevelt Creates the Progressive Party

The “Bull Moose” Party platform supported many old Populist ideas

Page 10: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

The Election of 1912

Debs (Soc.) 6% Taft (Rep.) 23% Roosevelt (Prog./Bull Moose) 27% Wilson (Dem.) 41%

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Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)

• Democrat• From Virginia• Called for a

“New Freedom” from trusts, tariffs, & banks

Page 12: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Example: Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Attacked trusts (before WWI)

Strengthened the provisions of Sherman

Included a clause exempting unions from being prosecuted

Page 13: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Example: The Underwood Tariff

Announced in the first ever in-person State of the Union address

In 1913 Congress substantially lowered tariffs for the first time in over 50 years

Offset by increased income taxes

Page 14: 1901-1921. Popular Progressivism  Popular progressives had some success  Needed the federal government to regulate society

Example: The Federal Reserve Act, 1914

Reformed banking Created12 district

banks supervised by a Federal Reserve Board

Federal Reserve Notes used as paper money

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Failed Attempt to RegulateChild Labor

The Child Labor Act prohibited interstate commerce by laborers under 14

The Supreme Court struck it down in Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918)

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WWI Looms…

• Wilson won a close re-election in 1916

• The progressive movement lost momentum as the nation’s attention turned to the war in Europe