20 day membership selling campaign - succeed with...

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign Sean Mize Introduction 3 Intro email: 3 2nd Email (Followup Email) 3 3rd Email (Homework assignment) 4 4th Email (Followup Homework) 4 5th Email (question) 6 6th Email (how would it feel?) 6 7th Email 7 Email 8 8 Email 9 9 Email 10 9 Email 10 10 Email 11 12 Email 12 14 Email 13: 15 Email 14 15 Email 15 16 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign Copyright Sean Mize

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Page 1: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

20 Day Membership Selling CampaignSean Mize

Introduction! 3

Intro email:! 3

2nd Email (Followup Email)! 3

3rd Email (Homework assignment)! 4

4th Email (Followup Homework)! 4

5th Email (question)! 6

6th Email (how would it feel?)! 6

7th Email! 7

Email 8! 8

Email 9! 9

Email 10! 9

Email 10! 10

Email 11! 12

Email 12! 14

Email 13:! 15

Email 14! 15

Email 15! 16

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 2: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Email 16! 18

Email 17! 18

Email 18! 20

Email 19! 22

Email 20! 24

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 3: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

IntroductionIn this doc, I am going to write a sample 20 day entry campaign.

In theory, you can just copy and paste it and use it just like it is.

But subscribers are savvy . . . they will be able to tell it’s not you!

It just won’t have the same “voice” as your youtubes and your articles and your website.

So I highly recommend you use it as a guide to write your own.

Also, I recommend - HIGHLY recommend - writing a daily email to your list - here is a training I did that teaches you how to easily do that:

How to Write an Email Campaign From Scratch (From Your Daily Emails)

Now, let’s get to work:

Intro email:Subject line: your access to (name of the free item you gave them to optin)


(firstname code)

Here is your access to (name of the free item you gave them to optin)

(link to the free item)

I hope this helps you with your (topic of item)

Your name

2nd Email (Followup Email)Subject line: How are things going with your (topic of item)?

(firstname code)

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 4: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Hey, just wanted to touch base and see how are things going with your (topic of item)?

Yesterday I sent you my (name of the free item you gave them to optin)

(link to the free item)and frankly just wanted to see if you have any questions or need any help . .

To your success,

Your name

3rd Email (Homework assignment)Subject line: a homework assignment for you


(firstname code)

here’s a homework assignment for you:

Write down the 3 things you want to accomplish this year.

Look at the list and write a 1, 2, or 3 beside each item for which is most important.

Then ask yourself, how would it feel if you accomplished each of those items this year?

What would be the best part about that?

Would you be willing to pull out all the stops to make that happen?

Why or why not?

To your success,

Your name

4th Email (Followup Homework)Subject line: more homework for you

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 5: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for


(firstname code)

yes, yes, I know, this sounds too much like school

But maybe that’s okay, because I think that’s one reason internet marketing is so hard, is those gooroos that keep telling folks it’s easy.

it’s not easy, or everyone could figure it out

but only like 1% or less can figure it out!

So it’s NOT easy!

Back to your homework . . .

now that you’ve identified the 3 biggest goals for you for this year, why not choose 1 of them and write down each step that is required to make that goal happen.

Then next to each of those steps write down how long it will take to do that step (1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, and so on)

Then add up the time.

How long is that in months?

Would it be willing to invest that kind of time to achieve that goal?

If so, what if you just started today on the first step and checked it off, and then tomorrow the next step and checked it off . . . how long would it take to complete your goal?

Does this sound easy?

Easier than winging it?

Worth the study??

To your success,

Your name

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 6: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

5th Email (question)

Subject line: What’s missing from your model?


(firstname code)

What’s missing from your model?

I mean, you see, you are reading my emails (this is my 5th one to you) and so you must be searching for something . . . some help, an answer (hit reply and let me know if you want)

Cause if you had it all figured out YOU’D be the one writing these emails!!!

So . . . based on what you want to accomplish in im, what’s missing to get you there?

You see, until you identify what’s missing . . . it’s going to be hard to get where you want to go!

It’s like if you are getting a skin rash or a headache because you are missing some nutrient in your diet . . .until you figure out what’s missing to put it back into your diet, your skin is going to keep rashing and your head is going to keep aching . . .

So what’s missing in your model?

To your success,

Your name

6th Email (how would it feel?)Subject line: How would it feel to have 100% step by step directions for building your infobusiness?


(firstname code),

How would it feel to have 100% step by step directions for building your infobusiness?

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 7: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

I mean, let’s face it, most training is not complete. It’s one part of the big picture. You buy the training, learn one step, and then it’s like you don’t have the rest of the puzzle.

In short, you are missing the puzzle pieces to build your infobusiness . . .

So . . . How would it feel to have 100% step by step directions for building your infobusiness?

No puzzle pieces missing . . .

No steps missing.

Everything’s there, learn step by step exactly what to do and how to do it?

Hit reply if something like that would be helpful . .

To your success,

Your name

(note: this kind of email allows folks to think for themselves if or that they want what you are going to be presenting them soon. Notice also that I haven’t suggested telling them about the membership until about the 7th or 8th day . . . )

7th EmailSubject line: Are you sick and tired of doing the same steps over and over but not getting different results?


(firstname code)

Are you sick and tired of doing the same steps over and over but not getting different results?

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 8: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

I mean, here’s what happens is you try to build your business and one part works so you keep going, following the steps, but then you have to adapt it to your business and then it doesn’t work.

What happens is that you are following some cookie cutter program that isn’t a good fit for what YOU want to teach . . .

Great in theory, but in reality . . . it doesn’t work.

So how do you create your own system from scratch . . .

while still following proven rules?

The way I see it, you first have to identify exactly how you want to help folks - really define that -

And THEN learn how to put what YOU want to do into a system . . . a proven system

Anyhow, tomorrow I am revealing to you a brand new training concept that is going to make it easy for you to do!

To your success,

Your name

Now at this point I’ll launch the membership, using my personal product launch email sequence, except I am going to add in content emails in the sequence as well -

Email 8

Subject line: Announcing my Brand New InfoBusiness Training Center!


Announcing my Brand New InfoBusiness Training Center:

link to membership sales letter

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 9: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

To your success with building your infobusiness!

My name

Email 9

Subject line: Discover the Complete Info-Entrepreneurs Formula - That Gets You Total Lifestyle Freedom


Discover the Complete Info-Entrepreneurs Formula - That Gets You Total Lifestyle Freedom

link to membership sales letter

To your success with building your infobusiness!

My name

Email 10

Subject line: Here’s what you get with the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center


Here’s what you get with the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

--> The exact business model I personally use and almost anyone making $100k a year uses

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 10: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

--> The exact traffic platform method I personally use and my most successful clients use to get the traffic they need

--> My personal method of eliminating distractions so I can focus relentlessly on success and my goals

--> The most amazing way to create content and products fast - in just 30 minutes a day!

--> A total overview of the most profitable online business model that works like crazy to generate the presence you need to get the credibility and sales you need--> And much, much more!!!

 You get it all here: Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

To your success with building your infobusiness!

My name

Email 10

Subject line:

are you angry that for all the time and money you've put in, you don't have a simple business up and running yet?


(firstname code)

Are you frustrated because you have spent $1000s or even $5k or $10k or more and 3-5 years to figure out how to build your business, and you see some others start with $200 and build a business fast?

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 11: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

If that's the case, not only should you be frustrated - but frankly: ANYGRY!!!!

You see, if you've even invested $1000 and haven't figured it out - something is wrong.

Something is WRONG if you've been plugging away and spending money and NOT making $1000 or $2000 or $10,000 a month online.

And I get it, the thing is, so many of the teachers out there are telling you you have to have THIS traffic source, or do it THIS WAY.

And you try that traffic source or that way, and it doesn't.

So you try something else.

And something else.

And you get into a pattern of just trying new things, but you aren't really building a real business.

I know because so many people who have told me what they've invested, when I ask them if they have a central website with all their content they say: NO

I ask them if they are building a list of people who want what they teach and they say: NO

I ask them if they are mailing a daily email (like this one) and they say: NO

They have spent $1000s or $5k or $10k or more and aren't building a business.

Because a real business must have:

1) a central website

2) a list of interested people in YOU (not some flimsy list you bought from someone, but one YOU build cause they opted in for something from YOU

3) a daily email (imagine having a marriage or a relationship but you never talk == it's not a relationship) email is the same - it's the way you talk to your subscribers (JUST like I am doing here)

Now, your problem is that everyone makes it complicated.

And you think you have to create hundreds of hours of products YOURSELF.

And you have to figure it all out.

And that's frustrating, isn't it?

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 12: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

So let me ask you this:

Are you ready for something simple?

What if you could literally build a website in a day, and put 1000 pages of pre-made high-quality training on it?

And what if you were GIVEN a sales page and all you have to do is put your name and paypal payment button on it?

And you were GIVEN a 20 day email campaign that sold access to that website?

So you'd have the whole starter business ready- made and ALL you had to do was start writing your own daily email (like this, I'm writing this in a coffeeshop with my mac laptop on my . . . . lap)

And you'd simply write little articles, facebook posts, blog snippets, etc and invite people to your optin page and when they get your 20 day email campaign, they would enroll in your membership and start paying you $20/$30/$40 a month?

And of course, if you wanted, you could start doing a weekly live training of your own to add to it to personalize it - but you wouldn't HAVE to?

Would something like that make a difference in your life?

If so, reply to this email and tell me so . . . .

Tell me why it would make a difference - what would be better about that than the way you are doing it?

Your name

Email 11

Subject line: Here’s what you get with the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center


Here’s what you get with the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 13: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

--> Exactly what to do each day of the week to get the results YOU want in your business

--> How to Structure your workload so that you aren't burned out and still get the work done you need to each week/day

--> How to Create a High End Reverse Funnel Business - Basing your business on high ticket coaching/consulting (even if you primarily sell low-ticket, just HAVING a high - ticket offer, even if you never enroll or selling anyone, lifts sales)

--> How to Write the Easiest Email Campaign You Can Ever Imagine - and Have it Get Results Like Crazy!

--> How to Create Your 10 x 10 Matrix For Your Business To Make Brainstorming Your Entire Business Super-Easy

--> High-Level Super-Tips on Creating New Products Fast (New Products Are the Lifeblood of Quick Cash Infusion in Your Business (Do you Need a Quick Cash Infusion?)

--> How to Create Massive Levels of Content in Just 30 Minutes a Day to Super-Charge SEO and Google Results

--> How to Eliminate Distractions So That You Can Focus Relentlessly (Is a Lack of Focus Holding You Back From Successs??)

--> How to Start a Coaching Program From Scratch (Complete With the Real-Life Example of How I Started My Own Coaching Program Back When I Didn't Have a Clue!)--> How to Create a System That Gets Unlimited Traffic From The Web

--> And much, much more!!!

 You get it all here: Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

To your success with building your infobusiness!

Your name

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 14: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Email 12

Subject line: you are working too hard:


(firstname code)

Seriously, if you are trying new thing after new thing to get your business up and running and it’s not up and running . . .

you are working too hard

do you want my personal business model?

Here it is:

1) Do whatever it takes to get people to fill out a form that gets them on my email list (NOT buying lists or anything like that, a real honest squeeze page that gives something of value away and puts them on my list)

2) Write them an email (like this) everyday

3) Create one training each week (either a one hour training, or a 10 page ebook or a live training call and ask everyone on my list if they want to buy it). The ones who need that topic buy it, the others might buy something next week.

And an optional 4) Over time, build up a site with 100 or 500 or 1000 lessons on it as a membership

That's it, that's my entire business model in a nutshell.

How would it feel to have a business that operates EXACTLY like that?

no bells and whistles?

No fancy graphics (notice how simple my web pages are, most of what I do is so simple that people frequently ask me if they can help me improve the way my websites look! and of course I turn them down, because then my business wouldn't be so simple!!)

Would it change things for you if you only had to do those 3 things each day?

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 15: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

What would it mean for you if you could get off the merry-go-round and only do 3 things each day and make a full time income and stop doing a zillion things that aren't working?


P.S. If it would change things for you, please hit reply and tell me what it would change.

Also tell me if you would like to build a business like that, and if you would be willing to let everything else go, since it isn't working anyway, and just build a simple business like that (like mine)

Email 13:Subject line: questions about the Info Entrepreneur’s Training Center?


(firstname code)

do you have any questions for me about the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center?

If so, just hit reply and ask . . here’s the thing, it’s the most powerful infobusiness membership I know of . . .and if you are hesitating because you aren’t sure . . I want to help!

So . . any questions?

just hit reply . .

Your name

Email 14Subject line: questions and answers about the Info Entrepreneur’s Training Center


(firstname code)

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 16: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Here are some questions others have asked about the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center:

List 3 questions folks have asked, and then answer their questions in this email

like this

q 1 (write it out)

your answer (write it out)

q 2 (write it out)

your answer (write it out)

q 3 (write it out)

your answer (write it out)

Ready to get in and start learning?

Get in here --> Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

Email 15Info Entrepreneurs Promotion Coming to An End


(firstname code)

First off, congratulations to everyone who has joined the Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

We’ve been having a great time!

But this is coming to an end . . . . I’l be closing this promotional window soon, so if you want to get in, do it now:

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 17: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

And if you have any questions, just hit reply :-)

To your success

Your name

okay, at this point in my own campaign, I would probably do a final chance email and be done.

but in this sequence that would make this 16 emails, and I promised to write 20 :-)

so the last 4 will be content emails with a PS at the end . ..

or you could create a product and then write a 3 email product launch sequence (this is what I would probably personally do)

keep in mind, each time I write an email campaign, they are different - maybe because of the mood I am in, the creativeness I have, etc.

what I want to sell or not sell, etc.

but content is a big part of the puzzle!

so I’ll show you what that can look like.

Notice I said “can”

because in my own campaigns I rarely mix content with selling

an email is either 100% content

or 100% selling

and a mix of about 50/50 seems to work well for me

Before I write email 16 - a note about final chances . . you have to have a real reason

so if you launched it as a charter price, the price is going up

or a bonus is going away

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 18: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

or something else real

or something like “final chance to enroll in this and get started this week” which if you think about it, is evergreen :-)

Email 16Subject line:

Final notice to get into my Info Entrepreneurs Training Center before . . .


Final notice to get into my Info Entrepreneurs Training Center before (your urgency)

Info-Entrepreneurs Training Center

I look forward to helping you!

Your Name

Emails 17-20 are ACTUAL content emails I have sent to my own list . . .

Email 17Subject line: I hope this makes you mad as a hornet


(firstname code)


Ok, first, before I purposefully try to make you mad as a hornet . . I want to tell you that I find that some of the most successful clients I have had a "I got angry or mad' moment.

A fed up moment.

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 19: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

I'm want to make you mad, angry, fed up, whatever it takes to get your juices flowing.

So now, I'll call you on something:

You are floundering in your business not because you don't know what to do but because you are trying to do too much.

You are not focused even though you think you are.

You are chasing your tail, chasing every gooroo that makes a new promise.

Here’s the business model I personally use;

1) Do whatever it takes to get people to fill out a form that gets them on my email list (NOT buying lists or anything like that, a real honest squeeze page that gives something of value away and puts them on my list)

2) Write them an email (like this) everyday

3) Create one training each week (either a one hour training, or a 10 page ebook or a live training call and ask everyone on my list if they want to buy it). The ones who need that topic buy it, the others might buy something next week.

And an optional 4) Over time, build up a site with 100 or 500 or 1000 lessons on it as a membership

If you are missing any one of the first 3 on that list, no matter how much of anything else you do, you have nothing.


You can work 10000 hours a week or be laser focused like a hounddog chasing a rabbit . . .

And all you'll do is chase and chase and chase.

That may be how you are feeling now, you are chasing and not catching.

Mad yet?

I hope.

Be mad at me.

It will be worth it when you write and tell me you are going to do it the simple way:

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

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1) Build a real list of real people (not bought leads, etc.)

2) Do a weekly teleseminar call

3) Write a daily email

4) Each week, teach on something the folks on your list tell you they want to learn

It's that easy.

Anymore than that without those steps, you are wasting your time, energy, money.

You might as well be playing golf or writing a novel.

Your business isn't getting off the ground.

So . .. are you ready?

Are you ready to JUST DO THESE 4 THINGS?

Are you ready to stop doing everything and start building a simple business that changes lives and makes you a profit?

What is it going to take for YOU to stop doing everything and start doing EXACTLY what I just shared?

I hope I made you mad as a hornet!


Email 18Subject line: What if it’s time to stop dreaming and start doing?


(firstname code)


Here's the thing, I'm big on dreaming.

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 21: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

In fact, if you don't dream, then you probably won't do much.

I'm a dreamer, in fact.

And some of what I'm working on now is the result of a years-long dream :-)

But . . .you have to couple DOING with dreaming.

If you have been dreaming about doing something for 5 years, and haven't done it . . the dreaming is getting stale.

Your wife is tired of your dreaming.

Your husband is tired of your dreaming.

They see it for what it is - pie in the sky swooning.

If you want to actually see the dream come true, you have to stop looking at the stars and get into your spaceship.

Even if you don't know what to do.

Start pushing buttons.

Do something.

(don't try it on a space ship, though)

but seriously, you may not know how to build a list - but why not try something - get optin ninja or instabuilder and make a squeeze page and start telling everyone about it.

you may not know how to build a membership - but seriously, if all you do is get a wordpress site and memberpress and start writing lessons, you can have a membership.

Whatever you are dreaming of, start doing,

You must go from dreaming to doing for your dreams to come true!!!

I believe in you!

Your name

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 22: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Email 19Subject line: I had an idea . . .


(firstname code)


I had an idea a few days ago.

Forgive me for not sharing it sooner.

As you may know, one of the things I've been working on lately is how to simplify the "how to make your first $1000 online" process -

It seems like no matter how much you try, study, implement, it's like there's always something more.

But it's not that way for me, and I struggle with how to impart to you and others what's easy for me.

And a few days ago it came to me . .

Bear with me.

First, a question for you: if I could show you a simple way - IN THIS EMAIL - to start having money come in THIS WEEK and not have to do anything complicated, just a really simple process, would you want to hear about it?

I'll assume you said "yes" and I'll just give it to you . . .

Second question: in your topic online, could you teach for 45 minutes each week from the knowledge you already have?

And if not, could you take 2 hours a week to research so you could teach for 45 minutes each week?

If you COULD teach for 45 minutes each week (and if you are serious about helping people and making money doing that, you should be able to, if you can't, THAT is your biggest problem, and until you solve THAT, your efforts in building your business online will be fruitless)

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

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So assuming you COULD teach for 45 minutes each week . . . could you then send out a post in facebook and to your email contacts, and to any other contacts you have . . .

And invite everyone you know to come to your 45 minute training?

If so, you have your first live training + an audience.

And of course, if you don't know ANYBODY, then you need to start meeting people!!!

But seriously, so far so easy, right?

Now . . . what if you recorded that 45 minute session . . . could that become your first training product for sale?

Imagine if you did that each week for a year . . .in one year you would have 50 trainings to sell!

Plus, you could start charging for access to your weekly training . . . perhaps $10 for one call, or $30 for monthly access to everything.

Could you do this?

If so, it's really, really simple, and you hardly need any tools to do it.

All you really need is instantteleseminar or similar, a simple autoresponder account, paypal . . . .

You don't even need a website! You could just send the download links DIRECTLY from instantteleseminar in your autoresponder account!

That's ALL you would need!

Can you see how easy this is?

Can you FEEL how easy this is?

Do you like this?

If so, what's stopping you from starting to do this THIS WEEK????

Your name

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

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Email 20Subject line: Simplest Business Model Forever


(firstname code)


I shared about this earlier today . . .and I want to dig deeper.

You see, what folks are telling me is that they've been trying for a long time to build their business and they keep getting stuck on the complicated steps.

But what if you could do this:

Each week schedule a live teleseminar training that you charge $7 - $20 for.

You write a short sales page using my simple sales letter template.

Then you put it everywhere you have contacts - facebook, all your email contacts, anywhere (yes, even some of your friends might join your first teleseminar)

Maybe 3 people sign up. You make $30.

You re-invest that $30 and have 3 articles written and you write 3 more, and maybe record a youtube video and tell everyone you know about them all (with a P.S. that says, if you don't need this, but you know someone who does, please pass this on)

Next week you get 6 people on the call. $60. Leverage again.

Easy enough?

You don't even need a website, just instantteleseminar and an autoresponder.

What if you did 9 callers the 3 week and 12 the 4th week?

Talk about starting from scratch and from practically zero investment.

Could you do this, even if nothing else has worked for you?

Your name

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 25: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

P.S. When I mentioned this earlier today, several people told me essentially that they had failed at everything else they had done and this sounded too good to be true.

All I can say is this has essentially been my own personal business model, with a few tweaks, for 8++ years!

It's really easy, you really CAN do it.

And if you already have a thriving business, if you add this on (3 hours a week) you'll possibly increase sales by 30% or more . . .

Here's one question if you are afraid of doing something new: if you do the same thing this week as you've been doing, what will you have to show for it? And if you do THIS and NOTHING happens, what's the difference?

Look, yes, I'm prodding you, I wish I could prod you into doing this. it's easy, and it's amazing how fast it will leverage when you focus on nothing else!

Your name

Now, you’ll notice I kept those as pure content emails

pure content emails re-energize your list after a product launch, so they trust you again and are ready to hear about the next thing you produce!

And they also can be used to warm folks up for the next topic!

Here is a bonus training to show you how to write a daily email:

How to Write An Email Campaign From Scratch With Daily Emails

And if you want to see how I write a product launch campaign, this contains a 36 email product launch campaign:

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 26: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

Discover my Personal Secret Method for Writing a 90 Day Email Campaign From Scratch and have it Perform Like Gangbusters on Autopilot!


Here’s what you get with the 90 Day Email Campaign A-Z Training

--> The EXACT proven formula for writing a powerful 90 day email campaign

--> The 3 keys you MUST have in place to get write emails people WANT TO READ--> How to create a constantly-improving email campaign (think kaizen for email campaigns)

By the way: I give you behind-the-scenes info from my own email campaign journey - how I learned it, what works for me, +++++

This is real - world stuff that will change your email writing forever!

Here's what else you'll discover:

--> The Key Issue that MUST be happen to know what your subscribers want so you can write the RIGHT Email for the RIGHT LIST and the RIGHT TIME- --> Exactly how to write your 90 day email campaign regardless of the size of the list, big or small

--> A secret key to targeting your squeeze page to get the right subscribers and, more importantly, make sure your

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 27: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

email campaign is the RIGHT campaign for YOUR squeeze page--> How to determine if you are using the DECOY EFFECT in your email campaign, and if you are killing your sales because of it

--> Why writing your email campaign for one traffic source and using it for another traffic source maybe be killing your profits (you may not realize how powerful this is, but I'll show you)--> Step by step how to write the emails in your email campaign

--> How to figure out which emails are making you money and which you should, frankly speaking, DUMP!!!!

==> One of the most important lessons I ever learned in writing email campaigns - the key to writing to __________ but sending it to ____________. Without this key lesson, I might have failed online!

Are you ready to get started? --> 90 Day Email Campaign A-Z Training

In addition, you learn all this:

==> How to Make your Emails Sound REALLY PERSONAL (without being cheesy) - my personal formula!==> How to get your subscribers personally involved in your email campaign and waiting for your daily email (I've had people before write and ask me if I am okay, if I skip a few days of emails) YOU can get your subscribers to care like that!!!

20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize

Page 28: 20 Day Membership Selling Campaign - Succeed With Seansucceedwithsean.com/ebooks/20daymembershipselling... · 2016. 10. 24. · (note: this kind of email allows folks to think for

==> How to Embed your product launches in your 90 day email campaign so that they feel really natural in the campaign, and appear totally live instead of automated==> A key secret to writing amazing content that is EXACTLY what your subscribers need and are looking for - and your competition is probably NOT doing this!!! (and they'll probably NEVER figure out you are and why YOU may be making more sales than they are!!)

Get started now: 90 Day Email Campaign A-Z Training

To your success with writing your 90 day email campaign!

Sean Mize

notice how email is the backbone of my business - it’s how I communicate, it’s how I sell, and writing emails is natural to me, not because I was born that way but because I have written around 2 emails per working day for the last 9 or so years (do the math)

You can do it, start today writing a daily email to your list!


20 Day Membership Selling Campaign

Copyright Sean Mize