20 herbal medicine

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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Akapulko / Acapulco (Cassia alata) -Ever wonder where products we use in our everyday life such as shampoo, soap and lotion came from? Herbal Medicines take a great share in creating these vital things that any of us could not ever imagine.Katanda, Andadasi, or Palochinain, whatever the different regions call it, Acapulco as known...

Lagundi - Scientific name:Vitex negundo Ever see a plant with five pointed leaflets set like a hand? Fear no more because it is a Lagundi plant, a medicinal herb that rises up to five meters tall crossing between a shrub and a tree with a single woody stems that belongs to the family of Verbenaceae. Made by decoction that should be taken orally by individual, this plant that consists of the roots, leaves, flowers and seeds can all be...

Sambong - Scientfic name:Blumea balsamifera Bukadkad in Visayas, Subsob in Ilocos, or Sambong as several folks call it, is a stout aromatic Herbal Medicines from the family of Compositae that develops from one and a half to three meters with stems up to two and a half centimeters long. Blumea balsamifera as its scientific name is approved by the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) as one of the ten herbal medicines in handling particular...

Yerba Buena - Scientific name: Clinopodium douglasii Yerba Buena belongs to the mint family that is known and used as Herbal Medicines worldwide. Its scientific name is Mentha arvensis Linn. It is called Heirba Buena in Spain, Minta in Italy, Minze in Germany, and Po-ho in China. This herb grows throughout the world from Asia to North America. It bears small whitish or sometimes purplish flowers during summers. Its flowers possess both male...

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) or it's scientific name, Momordica charantia has been a folkloric cure for generations but has now been proven to be an effective herbal medicine for many aliments.The Philippine Department of Health has endorsed Ampalaya Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia) as an alternative herbal medicine for liver problems. Research about Ampalaya has shown that Ampalaya increases the production of beta cells by the pancreas, thereby improving the bodys ability to produce insulin, that controls the blood sugar for diabetics.

*Warm lemon (local-calamansi) water serves as the perfect good morning drink, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea from taking place, by ensuring smooth bowel functions. Calamansi is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. Lemon water flushes out body toxins and thus is extremely beneficial for the body.

In the Philippines, leaves used as topicals and applied to the stomach of children suffering from indigestion: The leaves are warmed in open fire and applied to the stomach while still warm, kept in place by an abdominal binder, and renewed every 2 hours. Also used for babies.- The powdered bark used for dysentery and diarrhea.- Fresh leaves used as anthelmintic; externally used as suppurant.- Fruit is antihelmintic; the dried unripe fruit is astringent and used for diarrhea and as vermifuge.- The unripe fruit is dried, pulverized and used for diarrhea and dysentery.- The roots used for epilepsy.- Crushed leaves or paste of the fruit used as poultice for boils, abscesses and ulcers.

Atis or sugar-apple (Annona Squamosa) leaves extract is the main variable in this study. It contains substances that can repel insects or more specifically it can irritate and remove lice.Recently, a pythochemical analysis in the laboratory of DOST was conducted and it was proven that the leaves contain anthraquinones, which is a derivative of anthracene that can be used as an insecticide. This test proves that the atis leaves extract contains an insecticidal property.

The tree is one of the epiphytes, i.e. fruits perhaps transported by birds - can also develop on other host trees. It feeds on the substratum located there. Later, the Balete tree can crush the host tree to death. The Balete tree has a short trunk with a grey smooth bark, a broad tree top and usually grows to a height of height of 10 -20 meters.

Edible fruit is a source of iron (low in calcium) and vitamins B and C, oxalate and potassium.- Because of high potassium content, the fruit should be excluded from the diets of patients with renal failure.- In the Philippines, the fruit is eaten with or without salt; the juice used for seasoning.- Fruit used in making pickles and sweets.- InJava, flowers are used in salads.

Bayabas or guava is used in herbal medicine as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic.

Analyses of the fruit show that it is a good source of calcium and fair source of iron.Burkill states that vinegar is made from the juice of the unripe fruit in Malaya. The procedure for duhat wine making is foundhere. Can also processed to popular products such as jam and juices.Bark contain 19 percent tannin and 1.67 percent garlic acid. Tannin can be useful in protecting kidneys. It also has antiviral, antibacterial and antiparasitic effects. Though intake in large quantities is toxic.

Oregano is known botanically as Origanum vulgare and is called wild marjoram in many parts of Europe since it is closely related to the herb that we know as sweet marjoram. It is a small shrub with multi-branched stems covered with small grayish-green oval leaves and small white or pink flowers.

Malunggay(Moringa Oleifera), is a popular plant known for nutritional value as well as a herbal medicine. Malunggay is a plant that grows in the tropical climates such as the Philippines, India and Africa. Malunggay is widely used as vegetable ingredient in cooking, as herbal medicine for a number of illness and other practical uses.

Kalatsutsi Herbal Plantsrelated alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Also explore information on Kalatsutsi Herbal Plants treatment, health benefits & side effects with Kalatsutsi Herbal Plants products. Many of the sources come from our Encyclopedia of Natural Health and include relevant health topics. Uses vary, but may include Increasing Energy, and Moisturizing Skin and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for Stress, and Insomnia.

Cacao is just like most things in the world of health and nutrition- the information changes fast. You need to keep on top of the news. There are many that believe that chocolate, even in it's purest form of raw cacao, is still not very good for you, perhaps even toxic. The stimulant quality may agitate kidney and liver functioning. Some tests find it to be addictive, leading to mood swings and other withdrawal symptoms when not consumed regularly.

Concoction of leaves are used to wash burn wounds to promote healing.The infusion of leaves are used as purgative in dysentery.Boiled leaves (shoots) are applied to the head and body to treat fever.Boiled leaves (young shoots) are used as gargle for sore throatPounded leaves mixed with coconut oil are applied to the forehead for headaches.Atsuete leaves are used to treat snake bites,Extracts from Atsuete leaves, roots and barks are used as antidote for cassava poisoning. Jatropha poisoning and allergy from sandbox tree.

Garlic has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating at least as far back as the time that the Egyptian pyramids were built. Bawang is claimed to help prevent heart disease including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Makabuhay roots, stems and leaves are used as herbal treatment for fevers, Malaria. Makabuhay leaves and roots are pounded then dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the nape, forehead, underarms and other body parts to bring down the body temperature.Most of the medicinal uses and health benefits of Makabuhay listed are based on traditional beliefs and practices.

The medicinal properties of tawa-tawa and other native herbs is currently a top priority of the agency. Its drug development program looks into natural substances from plants and animals as possible sources of cure for diseases. Natural products research in the country is being refocused and modernized by DOST as competition in the increasingly global industry becomes more intense,