"20 simple ways to find happiness in everyday life" by stephanie chan, life coach

20 simple ways to find appiness in everyday life

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Post on 17-Jan-2017



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Page 1: "20 simple ways to find happiness in everyday life" by Stephanie Chan, Life Coach

20 simple ways to find happiness in everyday life

Page 2: "20 simple ways to find happiness in everyday life" by Stephanie Chan, Life Coach

Ask many people what they want in life and they’ll say “I just want to be happy”

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But what is happiness?

1. An accident?2. An achievement?3. A delusion?

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Happiness doesn’t rely on gaining more things – that’s just gratification.And the problem with gratification is that it’s temporary.

You’ll always want more.

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Happiness is those moments in the vacuum between unease, dissatisfaction or suffering. Buddhists refer to it as

the absence of desire.

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Learning to manage your emotions and desires can dramatically increase your time spent in the happiness vacuum.

These 20 tips will help you lead a happier life

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Our demands are endless and cannot be satisfied. If you are runningafter something today, tomorrow you’ll be chasing something else. Stop chasing & start BEING

Stop Chasing

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Comparing yourself to others is untruthful. NO ONE is as happy asthey appear. Don’t be fooled, give yourself a break from all the ways that you compare.

Don’t Compare

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Refuse to accept negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are not the truth, merely your brain being “unhelpfully helpful”. Your thoughts are not reality, and you have a choice of which ones to accept.

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Stop making Everything about you

Being self-deprecating or concerned about what others think of you is actually self-centred – you’re making it all about you.

Instead think of how you can help and serve others.

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Be mindful

Accept your present without being judgmental of yourself or others.There is immense joy and peace in just BEING.

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Forget ThePast

Hanging on to the past is just hanging on to a hope that it could have been different. It can’t. See it as an opportunity to learn to do something different next time, and set your focus firmly on your future.

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Expand your mind and your life by exploring new places. Explore new cultures and meet new people.

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Be Responsible

Don’t blame others for the difficulties you are going through or the state of your life. We often blame everyone or everything

else. Only when you accept responsibility can you begin to control the results.

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Meditation allows you that small interval in your day when you can just BE. In an ever faster world it is essential to find these

moments. Make time.

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Spend time with loved ones

Life is about meaningful connections. Make them happen.

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Help others

All humans feel a strong need to contribute, add value, and thereby feel valued. You’ll be amazed how much perspective you’ll gain, and how much better you’ll feel, when you start

helping other people.

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Surround yourself with positive people

You will soak up what you are surrounded by, so filter your friends and acquaintances and make sure they pass your

standards for positivity.

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Do what you love

Let passion be your compass. When we do things we love, we feel “on purpose”. If you don’t yet know, you won’t find out

sitting on the couch – just try a heap of new things and you’ll stumble across your passions.

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Don’t Expect

Ever noticed that people with the best of everything seem to be the most fussy and dissatisfied? The difference between our

expectation and the outcome is the source of misery.

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Always Smile

Just the act of smiling can change your mood. Add good body posture and a great song to dance to, and you’ll be in the

happy zone!

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Accept the change

Change is inevitable. You can choose how you view it – is it fearful or is it opportunity? See all change as something that will bring about a better state of being, and focus on a great


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Watch Your Words

Language is everything. Especially the language in our heads. Be aware of what your inner voice is telling you, and

consciously swap words that are not helpful to ones that support you.

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Care for your body

Happiness and health are inseparable. You cannot reach your potential if your body is fighting an endless bombardment of

toxins and you feel sluggish and tired.

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Stop looking for the “one big thing”:

Unfortunately most people are looking for that one, massive thing that will change their life – it doesn’t exist. Happiness

comes in the thousands of tiny things you do each day.

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Guard what you let into your mind

TV and media will always present doom and gloom or unachievable states because that’s what sells. Be careful what

you watch and read, it affects you more than you know.

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Stephanie Chan

Sydney ,NSW, Australia

Life Coach, Personal Coach, Relationship Coach

Personal coaching to fast-track your success in any area of life

Website: www.stephaniechanlifecoaching.com.au

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