2009 town of atherton parcel tax survey - 6-23 presentation

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  • 7/29/2019 2009 Town of Atherton Parcel Tax Survey - 6-23 Presentation


    Town of Atherton2009 Parcel Tax Feasibility SurveyJune 2009

  • 7/29/2019 2009 Town of Atherton Parcel Tax Survey - 6-23 Presentation


    Page 2

    June 2009

    Overview and Research Objectives

    Conduct a survey of voters to understand feasibility of continuingexpiring parcel tax, including:

    Optimal tax rate

    Optimal measure duration

    Optimal election

    Assess voter priorities vis--vis funding needs;

    Test influence of supporting and opposing arguments on potential

    voter support.

    Identify any differences in voter support due to demographic

    and/or voter behavioral characteristics

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    Page 3

    June 2009

    Methodology Overview

    Data Collection Telephone Interviewing

    Universe Approximately 2,200 Atherton voters

    who are estimated to be likely voters in

    the November 2009 election, with

    adjustment for off-year election for a

    tax measure

    Fielding Dates June 3 to 14, 2009

    Interview Length 15 minutes

    Sample Size 300

    Margin of Error 5.3%

    Note: The data have been weighted to reflect the actual population characteristics of the likely voters in the Town of Athert on in terms of their

    gender, age, political party type, and the actual proportion of respondents on record as homeowners.

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    June 2009

    Initial Ballot Test

    To continue providing funding for

    Town general purposes, such as, but

    not limited to,


    A. police and public safety services

    B. park facility maintenance and


    C. street and sidewalk

    maintenance and improvements;


    D. storm drain construction and


    Shall an ordinance be adopted to

    continue the existing Town of

    Atherton Parcel Tax, plus a 10

    percent increase?

    Probably no


    Definitely no



    Definitely yes30%

    Probably yes29%

    Total Support59%

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    June 2009

    Initial Ballot TestDifferences in Election Timing

    * These are registered voters who are likely to vote in the November 2009 election, but have been adjusted for turnout in an off-year election for a tax measure.

    Likely Off-YearTax Voters*

    Likely November2009 Voters

    Likely Mail Ballot2010 Voters

    Likely June 2010Voters

    Sample size 300 201 220 254

    Margin of error + 5.3% + 6.5% + 6.3% + 5.8%

    Definitely Yes 30% 37% 36% 32%

    Probably Yes 29% 27% 27% 29%

    Probably No 13% 10% 11% 13%

    Definitely No 19% 16% 16% 17%

    DK/NA 9% 11% 10% 10%

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    June 2009

    Support for Different Rates of Tax Increases











    15% increase 10% increase 5% increase

    Probably yes

    Definitely yes

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    June 2009

    Support for Different Tax IncreasesVarious Dwelling Sizes

    Less than acre(n = 13)

    Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no DK/NA

    15% increase to $518 per year 17% 25% 15% 38% 5%

    10% increase to $495 per year 29% 22% 6% 43% 0%

    5% increase to $473 per year 42% 15% 0% 43% 0%

    Between and acre(n = 42)

    Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no DK/NA

    15% increase to $656 per year 10% 15% 25% 42% 8%

    10% increase to $627 per year 17% 34% 15% 30% 5%

    5% increase to $599 per year 39% 11% 13% 30% 7%

    Between acre and 2 acres(n = 243)

    Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no DK/NA

    15% increase to $863 per year 18% 24% 18% 29% 11%

    10% increase to $825 per year 25% 30% 12% 22% 10%

    5% increase to $788 per year 38% 29% 9% 18% 7%

    * There were too few responses to report support at various tax increases for respondents with a dwelling size of 2 acres or more.

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    June 2009

    Support for Continuation without Increase

    Probably no6%

    Definitely no13%



    Definitely yes48%

    Probably yes21%

    Total Support69%

    One alternative to this measurewould be simply to continue the

    existing parcel tax, which is due

    to expire in June 2010, without

    an increase. This will allow the

    Town to continue funding some,

    but not all, of the current and

    planned resident services.

    If the election were held today,

    would you vote yes or no on

    this measure?

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    June 2009

    Support for Renewal without IncreaseDifferences in Election Timing

    * These are registered voters, who are likely to vote in the November 2009 election, but have been adjusted for turnout in an off-year election for a tax measure.

    Likely Off-YearTax Voters*

    Likely November2009 Voters

    Likely Mail Ballot2010 Voters

    Likely June 2010Voters

    Sample size 300 201 220 254Margin of error + 5.3% + 6.5% + 6.3% + 5.8%

    Definitely Yes 48% 51% 52% 51%

    Probably Yes 21% 18% 18% 20%

    Probably No 6% 5% 5% 6%

    Definitely No 13% 14% 14% 13%

    DK/NA 12% 12% 11% 10%

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    June 2009

    Support for Different Durations

    34% 36% 36% 36%38%

    24% 19% 20%24%







    Ongoing 12 years 9 years 7 years 5 years

    Probably yes

    Definitely yes

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    June 2009

    Measure Features

    Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes. The responses were recoded to calculate mean scores:

    Much More Likely = +2, Somewhat More Likely = +1, and No Effect = 0, Somewhat Less Likely = -1, and Much Less Likely = -2.

    SomewhatLess Likely

    SomewhatMore Likely


    No Effect

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    June 2009

    Positive Arguments I

    Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes. The responses were recoded to calculate mean score s: Much More

    Likely = +2, Somewhat More Likely = +1, and No Effect = 0.

    No Effect SomewhatMore Likely

    Much MoreLikely

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    June 2009

    Positive Arguments II

    Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes. The responses were recoded to calculate mean score s: Much More

    Likely = +2, Somewhat More Likely = +1, and No Effect = 0.

    No Effect SomewhatMore Likely


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    June 2009

    Negative Arguments

    Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes. The responses were recoded to calculate mean score s: Much More

    Likely = +2, Somewhat More Likely = +1, and No Effect = 0.


    SomewhatMore Likely

    Much MoreLikely

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    June 2009

    Final Ballot Test

    To continue providing funding for

    Town general purposes, such as, but

    not limited to,


    A. police and public safety services

    B. park facility maintenance and


    C. street and sidewalk

    maintenance and improvements;


    D. storm drain construction and


    Shall an ordinance be adopted to

    continue the existing Town of

    Atherton Parcel Tax, plus a 10

    percent increase?

    0% 50% 100%

    Final Ballot Test

    Initial Ballot Test











    Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no

    Definitely no DK/NA

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    June 2009

    Final Ballot TestDifferences in Election Timing

    Likely Off-YearTax Voters*

    Likely November2009 Voters

    Likely Mail Ballot2010 Voters

    Likely June 2010Voters

    Sample size 300 201 220 254Margin of error + 5.3% + 6.5% + 6.3% + 5.8%

    Definitely Yes 26% 33% 30% 30%

    Probably Yes 25% 23% 24% 23%

    Probably No 15% 11% 13% 14%

    Definitely No 25% 21% 22% 22%

    DK/NA 9% 12% 11% 11%

    * These are registered voters, who are likely to vote in the November 2009 election, but have been adjusted for turnout in an off-year election for a tax measure.

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    June 2009

    Voter Support Classification

    The above classification is based on responses to the initial and final ballot questions: Voters classified under the Strong Support group supported themeasure in both ballot tests, while their Strong Opposition counterparts opposed the measure in both tests, or declined to state an opinion in the final test.

    Those classified under Potential Support changed their minds about support between the initial and final ballot tests.

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    June 2009

    Voter Support ClassificationDifferences in Election Timing

    * These are registered voters, who are likely to vote in the November 2009 election, but have been adjusted for turnout in an off-year election for a tax measure.

    Likely Off-YearTax Voters*

    Likely November2009 Voters

    Likely Mail Ballot2010 Voters

    Likely June 2010Voters

    Sample size 300 201 220 254

    Margin of error + 5.3% + 6.5% + 6.3% + 5.8%

    Strong Support 27% 35% 32% 30%

    Potential Support 42% 39% 41% 40%

    Strong Opposition 31% 26% 27% 29%

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    June 2009

    Summary and Recommendations I

    Survey found continuing parcel tax with no increase to be a viable option.

    69 percent total support (48% definite and 21% probable), which could

    be as low as 64 percent or as high as 74 percent, with a 5-percent

    margin of error.

    Parcel tax continuation plus 10 percent increase did not get sufficient

    support (59% and 51% in initial and final ballot tests, respectively). Lowest tested annual increase of 5 percent did not get the requisite

    two-thirds support, at 65 percent (39% definite ad 26% probable),

    which could be as low as 60 percent or as high as 70 percent.

    Optimal duration for the parcel tax would be no more than 5 years, and

    would also depend on the annual tax rate.

    Total support for 5 years was at 64 percent, which could be as low as

    59 percent or as high as 69 percent.

    November 2009 is a viable election for a no-increase renewal.

    Similar support levels to a mail ballot 2010 or June 2010 election.

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    June 2009

    Summary and Recommendations II

    Sizeable potential support segment (42%) suggests need for votereducation about Towns funding needs.

    Substantial communications are needed to educate voters about funding

    needs during the pre-electoral phase AND by an independent campaign

    committee after the measure has been placed on the ballot.

    Funding needs of highest priority to Atherton voters:

    Maintaining the Towns emergency response operations

    Maintaining neighborhood police patrols

    Repairing and constructing streets

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    June 2009

    Summary and Recommendations III

    Benefits of the measure most salient to Atherton voters:

    This measure is not a new tax, but simply the continuation of an

    existing parcel tax to fund critical town services

    Without the money from this measure, the Town's public works budget

    to maintain streets, sidewalks, storm drains and park facilities will be

    cut by over 30 percent

    Funding from this measure is needed to improve streets, many of

    which are below standard

    Funding from this measure effectively enables every police car to be a

    mobile emergency response center

    The measure allows the Town to qualify for matching funds to install

    traffic lights at Encinal and Middlefield, a joint project with the City of

    Menlo Park

  • 7/29/2019 2009 Town of Atherton Parcel Tax Survey - 6-23 Presentation


    Town of Atherton2009 Parcel Tax Feasibility SurveyJune 2009