2009.01 newsletter

[email protected] (763) 682-1245 www.zionbuffalo.org ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH • BUFFALO, MN JANUARY 2009 p4: New Council Members

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Zion's January 2009 Newsletter


Page 1: 2009.01 Newsletter

o f f i c e @ z i o n b u f f a l o . o r g ( 7 6 3 ) 6 8 2 - 1 2 4 5 w w w . z i o n b u f f a l o . o r g


p4: New

Council M


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Sunday Worship Times

8:30 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, Sunday school, & nursery 9:45 am Family Express in Trinity Hall 10:30 am Jubilee Worship in the Sanctuary, Sunday school, & nursery

Contact Us

Email [email protected] Online www.zionbuffalo.org Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Church Office (763) 682-1245 Chapel Line (763) 682-1312 Fax (763) 684-1967 Street Address 1200 Highway 25 South, Buffalo (across from 13th St S.) Mailing Address PO Box 88, Buffalo, MN 55313

Zion Staff

Chris Hagen Interim Pastor / x304 / [email protected] Rebecca Sogge Pastor / x305 / [email protected] Sherilyn Burgdorf Shared Ministry Director / x 307 / [email protected] Roxie Otten Co-Director of Christian Education / x 331 / [email protected] Holly Husom Co-Director of Christian Education / x331 / [email protected] Myron Crawford Director of Youth Ministries / x308 / [email protected] Jim Onstad Youth Staff Diane Montplaisir Administrative Secretary/ x302 / [email protected] Angela Bengtson Communications & Membership / x325 / [email protected] Sue Stensrud Financial Secretary / x303 / [email protected] Jill Pryor Building & Grounds Manager / [email protected] Tom & Melissa JanzenEvening / Weekend Custodians Michael Walsh Coordinator of Music

Zion Council

Kevin Bergquist 2009-2011 Carol Clark 2008-2010 Secretary /Adult Education (2008) Dirk Foster 2008-2010 Stewardship/Vice President /Foundation (2008) Jud Goerss 2008-2009 Treasurer /Finance (2008) Kelly Hanson 2009-2011 Nicky Haskins 2006-2008 New Member (2008) Debbie Johnson 2007-2009 Social Ministry (2008) Charles Krause 2008-2010 Youth (2008) Kevin Lincicum 2007-2009 Worship & Music (2008) Colleen Manninen 2009-2011 Scott Morin 2009-2011 Steve Peterson 2009-2011 Dave Schmidt 2008-2010 Christian Education (2008) Doug Schmidt 2008-2010 Property (2008) Idella Ziegler 2007-2009 Stewardship (2008)


Pete & Judy Weis Stephen Ministry Leaders Julie Kabe Food For Friends Coordinator Kathy Martinson Food For Friends Coordinator

2 fyi

Prayer Requests

Call the church office at 763.682.1245 or visit Zion‘s Zion community at www.zionbuffalo.org with your prayer requests. If you want a pastoral visit or would like to be included in pastoral prayers during worship, please use a yellow pew card or call the church office.

Address, Phone &

Email Corrections

Zion maintains a database of all its members. If you have had any changes to your address, phone number, marital status, etc. please contact the Membership Secretary with your name, phone number and the changes that need to be made.

If You Are Ill Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members are admitted for care. Call 763.682.1245, and let us know so we can support you with prayer and with presence.

Publishing Deadlines

Weekly Bulletin: Thursday Noon

Newsletter: Monday 1/19 Noon

If you would like to contribute to the church newsletter please send your submissions to Angela in the church office or [email protected].

Zion seeks to share

Christ’s word,

strengthen faith and

serve those in need.

Page 3: 2009.01 Newsletter

3 from the pastor

And he who sits upon the throne


“Behold, I make all things new.”

Revelation 21:5

A new year is upon us. Beginning a new year is a time of hope, of looking ahead, and of new starts. It is also a time of recommitment and renewed effort.

Many new things will happen at Zion in the coming year. My time will end and another Senior Pastor will begin. Only the Lord knows who that person is at this time, but we are assured that the Lord will make this happen. Pastor Becky will take a sabbatical. An interim associate pastor will cover her duties during that time. Again, only the Lord knows who that will be, but we are assured that it will happen.

New people join council, the Zion Foundation Board and committees of the congregation. In the first months of 2009, the council will explore what role the Lord is calling them to fulfill as leaders of Zion. This might mean shifts in how things are planned and carried out. It might mean adjustments in expectations of committees and other groups. New ways of doing things will come about, and again, the Lord will be with us and guide us.

Our Lord has plans for Zion,

“plans for welfare and not for evil,

to give you a future and a hope”

(Jeremiah 29:11). What those plans might be await for us to discover. In the early months of this year we will need to begin wondering and discerning what God is calling Zion to be. We will need to determine this congregation‘s ministry focus. Discovering and discerning will take extensive work as a whole congregation.

Some things will stay the same. Jesus is still Lord here. We will still worship every Sunday. Children and youth will be taught God‘s ways. Adult Bible studies and support groups will continue. The hospitalized will be seen and the homebound visited. Works of mercy and words of comfort will be shared. And God will be in it all.

The Revelation to John continues in verse 6,

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the

beginning and the end.”

In these uncertain times in our nation and in our congregation we are promised that God was with us from the beginning and will be with us after our time is finished. Sure, things change

and the future is uncertain. Just as sure, the Lord is with us and guides us and leads us and makes all things new.

Word Search Puzzle from www.geocities.com/lectionarypuzzles/

free to distribute for free with this notice

words in a straight line in all directions

Revelation 21:6












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4 news & views

So, What’s A Sabbatical? On January 16 I will begin a nine month sabbatical. A sabbatical is a period of time during which a pastor sets aside normal responsibilities at a congregation for the purpose of renewal.

I intend to use the nine months as a time to rest and reflect. This will be a time to catch my breath and ―be‖ instead of always ―doing‖. I have not formalized any specific plans although I look forward to some down time with my girls, a chance to read and to continue to experience God‘s work.

Eugene Peterson in The Message paraphrases Psalm 23:1-2

“God, my shepherd! I don’t need a

thing. You have bedded me down

in lush meadows, you find me

quiet pools to drink from. True to

your word, you let me catch my

breath and send me in the right


I thank the congregation for this gift of a sabbatical and thank you for your partnership in ministry, for your trust, respect and support. I continue to hold firm to God‘s grace and guidance in our ministry together.

New Council Members At the Annual Congregational Meeting held December 7, the congregation elected five new council members pictured on the cover.

Kevin Bergquist

Kevin has been a member of Zion for 24 years. He is married to Judy and has two grown children. Kevin is m employed by the Farm Service Agency—US Dept of Agriculture. Kevin is a member of the 10:30 Jubilee worship band. He has served on the council, and as president in the past, as well as in many other musical groups. Committees that currently interest me at Zion included outreach to new members and present members, to strengthen our Zion family; focusing on God‘s grace and worship.

Kelly Hanson

Kelly has been a member of Zion for 4 years. He is married to Beth and has three children. Kelly is a self-employed attorney. Kelly has been a member of the Stewardship Committee, Social Ministry Committee, and serves on the Taco Team for Wednesday Night Suppers.

Colleen Manninen

Colleen has been a member of Zion for 3 years. She is married to Todd and has two children. Colleen is a special education teacher at Tatanka Elementary School in Buffalo. She has volunteered with Sunday School and VBS, and is interested in working more with children‘s Ministry and on the church council to promote unity and mission with Zion Church.

Scott Morin

Scott has been a member of Zion for 12 years. He is married to Joell, and has two children. Scott is a self-employed software designer. Scott has been involved with the Sunday School program and is currently serving as Treasurer of the Zion Foundation. His goal is to help lead Zion by listening to the needs of the congregation .

Steve Peterson

Steve was baptized and confirmed at Zion, and rejoined when he moved back to the area 13 years ago. He is married to Kathy. Steve is employed by Archway. Steve has served as an Usher and Greeter, and on the Stewardship, Capital Funds, Building and Global Mission Committees. He wants to work to keep our focus on understanding and using God‘s many blessings.

Thanks to those Council members who have completed their terms: Kirk Bengtson, Jim Larson, Nicky Haskins, Beth Solberg, and Arnold Rude. Zion appreciates your hard work and dedication over the past three years.

Others Elected

Martha Driscoll-Nelson and Michelle Swenson were elected to the Nominating Committee. Carol Krause, Sharon Schmidt, and Idella Ziegler were elected to serve as Synod Voting Members. There were no candidates for Zion Foundation board members.

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Active Military

Please Pray For

Cody Bauman, stationed at Fort Bragg, NC; Chris Paulsen-Schmidt, at Navy Great Lakes Boot Camp; Ben Pecarina, stationed at Nellis AFB, NV; Jake Swanson, stationed at Fort Bragg, NC; Aaron Hatling, deployed to Baghdad, Iraq; Greg Bremseth, deployed to Iraq; Jon Strommen, deployed to Camp Liberty, Iraq; DeAnna Strommen, deployed to Kuwait.

Blue Star Mothers

The Wright County Area chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America invites you to their upcoming meetings January 12, Feb. 9, March 9, April 13 and May 11 at Zion Lutheran Church beginning at 7pm in the Turtle Room. We are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military, or honorably discharged. We support our children and each other by socializing, sending car packages and service projects. Fundraising is a part of these service projects, for without money we cannot send care packages to our children. If you need additional information please call 612.414.3404.

Family News


Matthew Thomas Babatz November 9 Chase Allan Wisniewski November 9 Eshetu Abreham Smith November 23 Kennedy Louise Menz November 23 Cade Justin Peterson November 23


Candice Davids & Cody Reed November 22 at Zion


Janet Halvorson November 5

December births & pastoral acts will be reported in the February Newsletter.


Council Update

Wednesday, November 12

Pastor Hagen has recruited an advisory team of Dave Wright, Wes Mahlberg and Kevin Bergquist.

Allocation of 3% of income received in the Forward in Faith fund between 5/18/08 and 11/17/08 to fund Hospice Development in Tanzania was approved

Allocation of offerings received through the designated Thanksgiving and Christmas envelopes was approved.

Bridgebuilder – We need to start promoting the process and Jan 10th, 2009 training session soon. How best to accomplish? Announcements from the pulpit, in the newsletter, on the website, and via flyer. We will also promote in conjunction with and at the annual meeting. Dirk will organize a committee to draft key bullets.

Discussion of draft council confidentiality policy was tabled until after the Bridgebuilder process has been initiated.

Pastor Becky did not accept the initial (10/1) offer of sabbatical. A motion from Pastor Hagen to provide Pastor Becky sabbatical leave from January 16, 2009 through October 15, 2009 in thanks for her nearly nine years of ministry to Zion was approved.

The 2009 Budget was reviewed. The current budget incorporates a Senior (Interim Senior) pastor with a package totaling Pastor John‘s, plus provision for Pastor Sogge‘s sabbatical and another associate pastor.

The Christian Education committee expressed concerns that the Finance Committee denied the request to increase the hours of each of the part time Co directors. The amended budget including 30 hours/week year round for both Christian Education co-directors was approved.

Complete minutes are available on the church website at www.zionbuffalo.org/council.

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Altar Guild Members

Lutherans have two sacraments: baptism and communion. Preparing the elements of communion is a behind the scenes task that is one of the most significant needs for worship. Since communion is celebrated at least two times each month at Zion many people are needed to prepare the communion elements and bring them to the altar before worship. The altar guild ―sets the table‖ for the holy meal of communion when they fill the cups with wine and when

they fill the patens (communion dishes) with wafers or bread. They also take special care in

clearing and storing the communion ware after worship has ended.

There is preparation that is needed before worship begins, especially on communion Sundays. The time and care given by the altar guild makes it possible for the whole congregation to join around the altar table as one body to receive holy communion.

Greeters You are one of the first people that members and visitors see when they come to Zion. You welcome people who consider Zion their home church and also those who are visiting or considering Zion as a new ―home.‖ You see to their needs. If people are unfamiliar with the building you are the ones who will direct them to the nursery, bathrooms, water fountains and other needs during the time they‘re at Zion. Go out of your way to greet and meet people. Even when you are not on duty as a greeter we encourage you to take time to learn the names of those you meet at Zion, taking an interest in the community at Zion.

Nursery Volunteers

Even though you are a distance away from the sanctuary during worship you are providing important leadership by caring for young children and infants. Parenting can be stressful

and when parents of young children come to worship they may not be able to concentrate on parenting and worshipping at the same time.

Your hands become the hands of Christ as you care for the children while parents are away.


You are one of the first people that members and visitors see when they come to Zion. You welcome

people and find a ―home‖ for them for the hour of worship. You see to their needs. If

people are unfamiliar with the building you are the ones who will direct them to the nursery,

bathrooms, water fountains and other needs during the time they‘re at Zion. Go out of your way to greet and meet people with the worship bulletin, bringing warmth and welcome to all even before the worship service has begun.


Lectors are often called assisting ministers. Reading scripture and leading prayers during a worship service is not a ministry reserved only for pastors. Worship is the work of the people, the body of Christ who meet together for praise, prayer, and sacraments.

God‘s word and God‘s presence among us is being proclaimed when a lector reads the scripture lessons. Whether it‘s a word of praise, of lament, of trust, or forgiveness depends on the designated scripture for a particular day.

When reading, lectors give the word of God special care and attention. A lector is the cradle, holding the word of God that comes among us when we worship. When lectors read the scripture or lead prayers with care and devotion, even a child or a stranger can know that something profound is happening.

Communion Servers

Those who serve communion are crucial members of the entire communion team who volunteer on the 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month. Between 10-12 people are needed each communion Sunday when intinction (dipping the wafer into the wine in the chalice) is used. In a small congregation the pastor and another worship leader can serve communion together and still maintain the flow of the worship service. In

a congregation of our larger size the service is better suited to having communion available at more

stations, reaching many people at the same time. Once the pastor has spoken the words of

(Worship Leaders continued on page 7)


Volunteer Worship Leaders Thanks to Roger and Sandy Brenny for coordinating a Sunday Morning Ministry Workshop in November to thank existing

volunteers and provide information to new volunteers. If you missed it, check out this brief introduction to Sunday Morning

Ministries, and look for the workshop to be repeated in the spring.

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Helping the World Hunger Appeal

Harvest of Hands

Harvest of Hands is a committee made up of Zion members that meets ever second and fourth Wednesday evening to create crafts and organize an annual bazaar and brunch. The funds raised go to help the World Hunger Appeal.

Changes This Year

One of the biggest changes will be a new session on the second and fourth Tuesday morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in the Wilderness Room. It can be a teaching session or just a session to come and work on the project of the day.

The schedule for the first few months is as follows:

Volunteers are needed to share their talents. If you like to carve, do paper folding, or have any other kind of talent, please contact Joy at 763.658.6124 to connect with other members that would enjoy learning your talents.

The Harvest of Hands Kick Off meeting will be on Wednesday, January 14th in the Wilderness Room at 7:00 PM. Please come to share friendship and a good time. The Harvest of Hands volunteers hope to see some new faces. Please help change the world by ridding the world from hunger.

institution over the bread and the wine, the words ―The body of Christ, given for you‖ and ―The blood of Christ, shed for you‖ need to be heard by all. Seeing people of various ages, men and women, new members and long standing members all volunteering as communion servers reminds us once again that even though the body of Christ has many members there is only one mission.

Coffee Fellowship Hosts

When someone comes to your home one of the first questions asked is ―Can I get you something?‖ We share a cup of coffee or a treat as an act of hospitality. The fellowship time that surrounds the worship services on Sunday morning creates a time of sharing and conversation. The people who sat across from each other in the next pew hearing the stories of Jesus feeding the 5000 or Jesus sharing a meal with his disciples can now sit together and share their own stories. Zion has a wonderful fellowship hall centrally located and ready for conversation. Coffee hosts prepare the space for conversation and coffee: one of the best acts of hospitality especially in a Lutheran church!

How To Get Involved:

Complete a ministry form at the info desk or online at www.zionbuffalo.org (look for the Small Group/Large Group logo).

Contact Sherilyn Burgdorf, Shared Ministry coordinator at 682.1245 or [email protected] or Roger & Sandy Brenny with your questions or interests.

(Worship Leaders continued from page 6)

AM Sessions PM Sessions

second and fourth Tuesday at 9:00 am

second and fourth Wednesday at 7:00 pm

January Knitting Tree Ornaments

February Crocheting Wine Bottles with Lights and Wine Bottle Candles

March Painting Bead Works – Jewelry & Book Marks

April Bead Works To be determined

May Quilting To be determined

June Tree Skirts To be determined

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Facing Your Giants

A David and Goliath Story for Everyday People

Women United in Faith invites you to Bible Study on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month starting January 13, 2009 at Zion from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. The study for 2009 will be based on Max Lucado‘s book Facing your Giants. Like David we can face our giants. Bills we can‘t pay, habits we can‘t break, failures we can‘t forget, and a future we can‘t face.

This group uses the study guide in the Serendipity Study Bible. This Bible is not a requirement; bring your own Bible, as different versions can give us different insight. If you‘ve never been in a bible study before, don‘t let that keep you from coming. Many participants are just beginners. Bring a friend and come when you can. Contact Cheryl Mager (682-3777) or Judy Weis (682-7014) for more details.

Cold Mountain by Charles Frasier

The Zion Book Club

The book club will meet on Monday, January 12 at 7pm in the Zion Library to discuss Cold Mountain by Charles Frasier.

The hero of Charles Frazier's beautifully written and deeply-imagined first novel is Inman, a disillusioned Confederate soldier who has failed to die as expected after being seriously wounded in battle during the last days of the Civil War. Rather than waiting to be redeployed to the front, the soul-sick Inman deserts, and embarks on a dangerous and lonely odyssey through the devastated South, heading home to North Carolina, and seeking only to be reunited with his beloved, Ada, who has herself been struggling to maintain the family farm she inherited. Cold Mountain is an unforgettable addition to the literature of one of the most important and transformational periods in American history. (amazon.com)

This is a low pressure book club. Readers are encouraged to simply come for discussion with no preparation, they are not obligated to agree on (or even finish) the books. Come when you have interest and time, so that book club will enrich your life, and not become another stress or obligation.

Upcoming books are Cold Mountain on January 12, So Brave, So Young and So Handsome on February 9, Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society on March 9, and Camel Bookmobile on May 11. The book for April 13 has not been chosen yet.

fellowship & study

Job Adult Bible Study

Thursday Evenings with Pastor Mortvedt

Pastor Mortvedt will be leading a study on the Book of Job on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm for 10 weeks from January 22—April 2, 2009.

Sign up online or at the information desk so that space and materials can be planned accordingly.

Wednesday Menu December 3: Pasta

December 10: Sub Sandwiches

December 17: Chicken Kiev

December 24: No Meal

(Christmas Eve)

December 31: No Meal

(New Year‘s Eve)

“The Book of Job has to do with the most painful and unavoidable questions which can arise in human experience. These questions arise in connection with experiences of arbitrary suffering. The questions begin by asking after the meaning of such suffering, but in their

(Job Adult Bible Study continued on page 18)

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Building Bridges

What is Bridgebuilder?

On Wednesday, October 1, the Church council, following the recommendations of the Minneapolis Synod, approved a motion to follow the Bridgebuilder process for congregations that are experiencing anxiety and conflict.

(Bridgebuilder continued on page 13)

Scrapbooking & Crafts Zion‘s Scrapbooking & Crafts group meets on the 3rd Friday of each month during the school year. Scrapbookers and other crafters of all ages are welcome to come and work on your scrapbook or other projects. Friends and beginners are welcome too!

There‘s no cost, no need to RSVP, and nobody selling anything, just plenty of room to spread out in Fellowship Hall and a few hours to spend with other Zion scrappers and crafters.

If you‘ve not checked out the scrapbooking and crafts group before, please stop by on January 16.

Bring all your supplies, and a snack to share. If you have other questions, please contact Angela or Diane in the office at 682.1245 or Angela at [email protected].

Family Game Night Bring a snack to share, your favorite board games and your family and friends, and join other Zion friends for a Family Game Night. It‗s a terrific way to spend a cold winter evening and meet new families and friends at Zion.

If you have other questions, please contact Beth Hanson, Vicki Schenk, or the church office. The movie room and /or gym could also be available for activities if there is a volunteer to supervise.

Friday, January 16

The Hidden Hand of God

Wisdom Stories from Ruth, Daniel, and Esther

Three Women of Zion Circles are studying the wisdom stories of Ruth, Daniel 1-6, and Esther, and thinking about their call to discipleship in the complexity of today's world, the risks God calls us to take as a part of faithful discipleship, how God sometimes seems hidden in our lives or in the lives of those we love, and how we are called to live through such times.

In January and February, the study focuses on Daniel‘s Fiery Faith. Have you ever found yourself in a "fiery furnace"? God was there with you.

Groups meet on the 3rd Tuesday morning, Thursday evening, and Sunday evening of each month.

Book Of Faith If you followed the blue Gospel of Mark Advent reading guide that was distributed at Zion, you have already joined the Book of Faith initiative.

What is Book of Faith?

Book of Faith is an initiative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This program invites the whole church to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, empowered, and sent by the Word.

History of Book of Faith:

The 2007 Churchwide Assembly called upon ―members, congregations, synods, churchwide ministries, and institutions and agencies of the

(Book of Faith continued on page 13)

6-10 pm Fellowship Hall

7-9 pm Fellowship Hall

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Thursday 1 Happy New Year Office Closed Friday 2 Saturday 3 Sunday 4 8:30 am, Traditional Service 8:30am, Sunday School 9:45 am, Family Express 10:30 am, Jubilee Service 10:30am, Sunday School Monday 5 9:30 am, Lakeridge Bible Study 3:45 pm, Sonshine Choir 7:00 pm, First Sunday Rehearsal 7:30 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday 6 12:00 pm, LSS Counseling 6:15 pm, Rock N U 7:00 pm, Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00 pm, Overeaters Anonymous Wednesday 7 6:30 am, Men of Zion Bible Study 2:45 pm, Class Ring 3:45 pm, Kids' Club 3:45 pm, Ring Forth 4:45 pm, Joy Choir 6:00 pm, Christian Education Meeting 6:00 pm, Baptism Class 6:00 pm, Confirmation 6:00 pm, Mission Trip Meeting 7:00 pm, Senior Choir 7:30 pm, Graceland Thursday 8 8:00 am, Men of Wisdom Bible Study 6:30 pm, Women United in Faith Friday 9 Saturday 10 8:30 am, Bridgebuilder Learning Event

Sunday 11 8:30 am, Traditional Service 8:30am, Sunday School 9:45 am, Family Express 10:30 am, Jubilee Service 10:30 am, Sunday School 11:30 am, New Member Meeting Monday 12 9:30 am, Lakeridge Bible Study 3:45 pm, Sonshine Choir 7:00 pm, First Sunday Rehearsal 7:30 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday 13 9:00 am, Kitchen Cleaning 12:00 pm, LSS Counseling 6:15 pm, Rock N U 6:30 pm, Women United in Faith 7:00 pm, Book Club 7:00 pm, Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00 pm, Overeaters Anonymous Wednesday 14 10:00 am, Parkview Devotions 2:45 pm, Class Ring 3:45 pm, Kids' Club 3:45 pm, Ring Forth 4:30 pm, Sr. High Leadership Team 4:45 pm, Joy Choir 4:30 pm, Confirmation Snow tubing 5:15 pm, Youth Choir 7:00 pm, Harvest of Hands Kick Off

Meeting 7:00 pm, Senior Choir Thursday 15 8:00 am, Men of Wisdom Bible Study 7:30 pm, Rebecca Circle Friday 16 6:00 pm, Scrapbooking & Crafts 7:00 pm, Board Game Night Saturday 17

Sunday 18 8:30 am, Traditional Service 8:30am, Sunday School 9:45 am, Family Express 10:30 am, Jubilee Service 12:00 pm, Children‘s Ministry

Appreciation Event 7:00 pm, Esther Circle Monday 19 Office Closed 7:00 pm, First Sunday Rehearsal 7:30 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday 20 9:30 am, Naomi Circle 12:00 pm, LSS Counseling 6:00 pm, Stephen Ministries

Meeting 6:15 pm, Rock N U 7:00 pm, Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00 pm, Overeaters Anonymous 7:00 pm, Property Meeting Wednesday 21 6:30 am, Men of Zion Bible Study 2:45 pm, Class Ring 3:45 pm, Kids' Club 3:45 pm, Ring Forth 4:45 pm, Joy Choir 5:15 pm, Youth Choir 6:00 pm, Confirmation 6:30 pm, Confirmation Small Group 7:00 pm, Senior Choir 7:30 pm, Council Meeting 7:30 pm, Graceland Thursday 22 8:00 am, Men of Wisdom Bible Study 9:30 am, Faith in Action Meeting 7:00 pm, Book of Job Adult Bible Study Friday 23 Saturday 24 6:00 pm, Italian Dinner/Varity Show

look for updates & links at: www.zionbuffalo.org

10 January calendar

Page 11: 2009.01 Newsletter

Sunday 25 Sanctuary Sunday 8:30 am, Traditional Service 9:45 am, Family Express 10:30 am, Jubilee Service Monday 26 9:30 am, Lakeridge Bible Study 3:45 pm, Sonshine Choir 7:00 pm, First Sunday Rehearsal 7:30 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday 27 12:00 pm, LSS Counseling 6:15 pm, Rock N U 6:30 pm, Women United in Faith 7:00 pm, Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00 pm, Overeaters Anonymous Wednesday 28 9:30 am, Lakeridge Care Center 10:30 am, Parkview Care Center 2:45 pm, Class Ring 3:45 pm, Kids' Club 3:45 pm, Ring Forth 4:45 pm, Joy Choir 5:15 pm, Youth Choir 6:00 pm, Confirmation 6:00 pm, Internet Safety Seminar 6:30 pm, Confirmation Small Group 7:00 pm, Harvest of Hands 7:00 pm, Senior Choir 7:30 pm, Graceland Thursday 29 8:00 am, Men of Wisdom Bible Study 7:00 pm, Book of Job Adult Bible Study Friday 30 Saturday 31

Bridgebuilder Learning Event

Challenges? Anxiety? Rumors?

Saturday January 10th

8:30 AM to 1:00 PM



Small group discussions

Open forum

Brunch will be served

Childcare will be available

Sign Up Today!

More info on page 9

Page 12: 2009.01 Newsletter


Memorials In memorial to the Zion Foundation in memory of Janet Halvorson from James and Julie Seward.

In memory of Marie Jo Elsenpeter and Kenneth Schmidt to the General Fund, Choirs, Middle School Youth Program, and Cemetery Funds from Pat Schmidt and her sister.

2009 Newsletter Deadlines Tentative deadlines for 2009 newsletters are as follows:

Advertizing In This Newsletter Zion‘s newsletter is published by Liturgical Publications, who publish newsletters and bulletins for many congregations across the country. The entire expense for printing is covered by the members and other local businesses who place ads on pages 18 and 19. Please consider these businesses when you are looking for services.

If you own a business and would like to help support the newsletter, please contact Liturgical Publications directly at 1.800.678.4574.

finance & stewardship

Financial Report

November 2008

General Services Fund Income Nov 2008 YTD 2008 General Offering $56,954.43 $576,641.77 Rent and Sunday School $1,150.49 $26,040.49 Missions and Hunger $1,538.75 $12,190.00 Other Designations $200.00 $3,368.75 Total $59,843.67 $618,241.01 Expenses Synod Benevolence $1,250.00 $13,750.00 Other General Services $48,886.28 $622,992.76 Total $50,136.28 $636,742.76 Bank Balance as of 11-30-08: $776.37

Forward in Faith Fund Income Nov 2008 YTD 2008 Offerings and Interest $14,854.43 $162,562.80 Other Receipts 0.00 $1,000.00 Total $14,854.43 $163,562.80 Expenses Building Mortgage $17,087.30 $191,281.96 Roof/Parking Lot Loan $268.42 $502.20 Other Expense $215.63 $587.23 Total $17,571.35 $192,371.39 Bank Balance as of 11-30-08: $68,871.79

Other Benevolence Nov 2008 YTD 2008 Tanzania Missionary Support $417.00 $4,587.00

February Issue Monday, January 19

March Issue Sunday, February 15

April Issue Monday, March 16

May Issue Monday, April 13

June Issue Monday, May 18

July Issue Monday, June 15

August Issue Monday, July 20

September Issue Monday, August 17

October Issue Monday, September 14

November Issue Monday, October 12

December Issue Monday, November 16

January 2010 Issue Monday, December 7

Page 13: 2009.01 Newsletter

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to engage in a five-year collaborative initiative—identified as Book of Faith: Lutherans Read the Bible—with the goal of raising to a new level this church's individual and collective engagement with the Bible and its teaching, yielding greater biblical fluency and a more profound appreciation of Lutheran principles and approaches for the use of Scripture.‖

The ELCA then formulated the Book of Faith: Open Scripture, Join the Conversation initiative, inviting everyone to join the conversation, to make a commitment, and to become part of the effort. A five-year collaborative initiative, it began in 2008 and leads up to the ELCA's 25th anniversary in 2012 and to the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017.

In the Minneapolis Area Synod

The Minneapolis Area Synod task force on Book of Faith has been working hard to aid congregations to help people access the Scriptures so that lives can be inspired and we can grasp the great gift of grace provided for us in the person of Jesus. The MAS task force chair is Pastor Mark Wegener, Woodlake Lutheran Church, Richfield.

Join the Online Network

Be a part of the Book of Faith conversation by joining the online network. At this site, you can meet other Lutherans excited about Book of Faith, learn what they're doing, share what you're doing, and keep up to date with our NC Synod plans. Make your own Book of Faith page, join the NC Synod group, and meet others from across our synod and the wider church. Find the network at http://bookoffaith.ning.com/.


Unlike other programs, Book of Faith does not rest on a specific course or resource. Rather, it aims simply to make folks feel more at home with and comfortable using the Bible and it language that expresses our faith. There are many ways to do this. New ideas emerge all the time – and the social networking site is the place to share them! What‘s your idea?

Besides the interactive online network, there are a wide variety of other Book of Faith resources available online at www.bookoffaith.org, and www.augsburgfortress.org.

(Book of Faith continued from page 9)


Bridgebuilder is a team of specially trained individuals endorsed by the Synod that will come to Zion, listen to our comments and concerns and help us develop a plan to relieve some of our anxiety and to refocus our efforts on our mission and our ministry.

The Bridgebuilder process was created by Peter Steinke, a well-known church consultant and author of several books on church conflict. After working with hundreds of churches experiencing the effects of conflict, Steinke created a process for assisting churches in working through their anxiety and moving in the directions they want, toward health and growth.

Please Attend Zion’s Bridgebuilder Learning Event

On Saturday, January 10 members of the congregation are invited to a discussion on how congregations get into conflict, a discussion on Zion's situation, and an opportunity to share your own thoughts.

This event begins at 8:30 am with a presentation by our Bridgebuilding consultants, Pastor Mary Halvorson from Grace University Lutheran Church and Al Perry, Director of Human Resources at Black Box Network Services. Participants will share a time of fellowship and a delicious brunch provided by the council before breaking into small groups for structured small group discussion. The day will end with a regulated open forum for individuals to express their thoughts with the consultants and the entire group. The length of the open forum will depend on the number of individuals wishing to speak, but will probably end around 1:00pm.

Mark your calendar today; and plan to attend this important event. Then sign up online or at the information desk so caterers will get an accurate brunch count. Childcare and supervision for unconfirmed youth will be available. Please watch the website, bulletins and other announcements for more information.

Throughout the rest of January, Pastor Halvorson and Mr. Perry will interview council, staff and members. Sign-up for requesting a private interview is also available online and at the information desk. The consultants also welcome written comments or email. After all congregational input, they will return to present a formal written report and initiate a strategic action plan for Zion. If you have further questions about the January 10 event or the Bridgebuilder process please contact Pastor Hagen.

(Bridgebuilder continued from page 9)

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Redeemer Lutheran Church

A Beacon of Hope

Many Christian denominations celebrate Epiphany each year on or near January 6. ―Epiphany,‖ which means ―showing forth,‖ celebrates the visit of the magi, or wise men, to the baby Jesus. These men, also known as kings, saw the star that led them to Bethlehem. The fact that these wise men were Gentiles, not Jews, teaches us an important theological lesson: Their search for the Savior shows that Jesus came for all people. In 1875, Philip Bliss wrote the hymn ―The Light of the World Is Jesus.‖ The first stanza captures the meaning of Epiphany, a season of light:

The whole world was lost

In the darkness of sin,

The Light of the world is Jesus!

Like sunshine at noonday,

His glory shone in.

The Light of the world is Jesus!

―The meaning of the Greek word epiphany is ―to make manifest,‖ ―to reveal,‖ or ―to show.‖ The liturgical color for January 6 remains white for our joy in the light of Christ. Green is the color for the season of Epiphany, symbolizing our growth in faith.

(Epiphany continued on page 18)

missions & social ministry

Redeemer Lutheran Church is a unique contributor to the lives of the people of

the Harrison Neighborhood and beyond. Very few churches have Redeemer‘s

vision to include the wider community in its embrace. And very few

congregations become such effective advocates in the civic life of their


This would be admirable in any place and time, but here in North Minneapolis,

even more so. Here, the fabric of our community is tattered after many years of

out-migration as our most progressive residents literally graduate from our

community to pursue the American Dream in other, more prosperous

communities. In addition, we continue to be a Gateway Community as

disparate strangers arrive from faraway lands to learn our culture, customs,

with intense needs for service and orientation. But perhaps our greatest broken

threads are those of arriving families seeking a better life from troubled

communities around the country. They arrive here as single family units, often

just mother and kids, without the support of extended family, without church

affiliation and isolated by poverty and disorientation. This concentration of

disparity creates unsustainable communities and demands infusions of good

will and capacity to balance the our predictable deficits. Our families require

intense outreach, authentic hospitality and sustained spiritual support. This is

the role redeemer plays and that is why, as council member for this community,

I appreciate the work of this compassionate pastor, congregation and all the

caring supporters that surround them. Don Samuels,

Minneapolis City Council Fifth Ward

When I became engaged to Eddie Halonen, life long member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, having been confirmed in 1936, I took classes at church to learn about Lutheranism. I joined Redeemer Lutheran Church on Palm Sunday in 1948. I had been raised Catholic but had the blessing of my parents and my godmother who was a Nun. They agreed that a married couple who would have children were better off being of one Christian religion. We married in May of 1948 and except for going two years to other churches in our neighborhood at that time, we have been members of Redeemer Lutheran Church. Redeemer is the only Lutheran Church West of downtown Minneapolis until you reach golden Valley. This gives us the unique opportunity to reach many people. Redeemer reaches out to seniors, adults, teens and children with its many programs. We are blessed to have Mission Partner Churches and other organizations that recognize what we do for our neighbors in the Harrison Neighborhood of North Minneapolis and support us with workers, leaders, their prayers and also financial support. Praise God!!! I pray that when I am no longer here, Redeemer will still be ―A Beacon of Hope in the Harrison Neighborhood‖. Isn‘t that a great Mission Statement? In God‘s Love,

Jeanne Halonen

Page 15: 2009.01 Newsletter

A Zion handbell ensemble providing Christmas music at BJ’s Deli in downtown Buffalo.

Class Ring middle school students at handbell rehearsal.

Kids’ Club, Joy Choir, & Ring Forth elementary students caroling at Sunrise Assisted Living.

Prayer Sisters making a craft project at their Christmas Tea.

Friends enjoying the sub sandwich menu at Wednesday Night Supper.


Page 16: 2009.01 Newsletter



1 Timothy 4:12 Don‘t let anyone look down on you

because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Director of Youth Ministries Myron Crawford

763-682-1245 ext. 308

[email protected]

Zion Youth Ministries We exist to reach out to youth, to come to-

gether and learn how to be for God and others through worship, study, fellowship and service.

youth ministries

Don‘t forget your Bible, Lutheran

Handbook and pen!

Confirmation Schedule (Grade 7-8)

Weekly Topics:

Jan 7: Magi

Jan 14: NO CLASS - Snow tubing

Jan 21: Beatitudes

Jan 28: Gerasene Demoniac - Lesson On-line

Middle School Dates

Jan 10 - All Church Food Drive Jan 14 - Snow tubing Jan 28 - Internet Safety Seminar Feb 7 - All Church Food Drive Feb 7 - Father/Daughter Dance

Senior High Dates

Jan 10 - All Church Food Drive Jan 14 - Snow tubing Jan 28 - Internet Safety Seminar Feb 7 - All Church Food Drive Feb 7 - Father/Daughter Dance

Middle School

Rock N U Schedule

Practices are Tues 6:15pm-8pm in the Youth Room Jan 6, 13 & 20

Performances Jan 7 & 21

Internet Safety Seminar

On Wed Jan 28 @ 6pm, Blue Line Safety will be here to lead a seminar on internet safety. This will be during Confirmation in Trinity Hall. This is open to all Confirmation and Sr High students and adults that could not make the last seminar in Nov.

Senior High


Graceland is open to all Senior High Youth to come and explore their faith through games, media, studies and discussion. Kaleo Worship - 7-7:30pm on Wed

Graceland - 7:30-9pm on Wed

- Jan 7 - Graceland - 7:30pm - Jan 14 - Snow tubing - 4:30-9:30 - Jan 21 - Graceland - 7:30pm - Jan 28 - Graceland Don‘t forget Bible and notebooks!

Adult Leaders Needed

Zion is looking for qualified adults to help out with Senior High programs.

Qualifications: - Be willing to test your faith

- Be willing to drive for events

- Be willing to listen and share

- Be willing to hang out on Weds

- Be willing to help lead events

- Be willing to have fun

- Be willing to eat pizza

Contact Myron if interested!

Snow tubing - Jan 14

This is open to all Confirmation and Senior High students!

Leave Zion @ 4:30 Return @ 9:30

Cost is $20 - This covers admission and transportation.

Bring money for concessions.

Must be registered/paid by Jan 7!

No late entries can be accepted!

All Church Food Drive

Sat Feb 7 8:30am-1pm

This is open to all Confirmation, Sr High students and parents!

Start and finish at Buffalo Covenant

All food collected will go to support the Buffalo Food Shelf.

Adults are needed to help drive!

Must be registered by Jan 31

Mission Trip Update

Zion has 23 students and 5 adults registered for the Mission Trip to Wind River, WY for July 18 - 26, 2009. The following are important dates to mark on your calendars:

Jan 4 & 18 - Cinnamon Rolls

Jan 20 - Monthly payment due!

Jan 23 - Italian Dinner Setup - 6pm

Jan 24 - Italian Dinner - 4-10pm

Feb 1 & 15 - Cinnamon Rolls

Page 17: 2009.01 Newsletter

Sunday School Schedule Sunday, January 4th: Sunday School (Abraham)

Sunday, January 11th: Sunday School (Abraham)

Sunday, January 18th: Sunday School (Abraham)

Sunday, January 25th: Sanctuary Sunday ; Let‘s Worship Together!

If you‘d like to be involved with the Sunday school program, there are always volunteer opportunities available. Come join the fun!

CLUB 45 The second club 45 event was held on Friday, December, 19th from 6-8 PM. Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants who make these activities so successful.

These events are great opportunities designed for 4th and 5th graders. The next Club 45 event will be on Saturday, February 21st. Watch for details!

Thank YOU Event WHO: The amazing people who volunteer with the children‘s ministries at Zion.

WHAT: An Appreciation Event (including lunch)

WHERE: Zion Fellowship Hall

WHEN: Sunday, January 18th beginning at 12:00 until approximately 1:30

Co-Directors of Christian Education Roxie Otten

[email protected]

Holly Husom [email protected]

763-682-1245 ext. 331



children’s ministries


Open Your Bible Challenge:

Please come to the Sunday school office and tell one of the office staff, to receive a treat or prize.

Kindergarten, first and second grade question: After Abraham moved, Lots helpers were always fighting. How did Abraham solve this problem?

Third-grade through sixth-grade question: Look up Genesis chapter 13, verse 11. Which direction did Lot go, when he separated from Abram?

Kids Club First, second and third-grade children are welcome to attend kids club on Wednesdays from 3:45 until 5:30. Participants need not be Zion members. We share a snack, some games and music along with a Bible lesson.

On Wednesday, December, 3rd, we went to Sunrise Assisted Living, to sing and ring, with Ring Forth and Joy Choir! The children really did a great job, and the residents seemed to really enjoy their performance.

Photos page 17

Sanctuary Sunday Sunday, January, 25th, will be our next Sanctuary Sunday. We look forward to seeing you in worship!

Father Daughter Sweetheart Dance Girls ages 4 years and up are invited to

bring that special man in their life (Grandpa, uncle, neighbor, friend) for dancing, games, treats and fun at Zion

Lutheran Church on Saturday February 7th from 6-8 pm.

Semi-formal attire is requested (NOT required). There is no cost and no RSVP needed. For more

Details contact Myron Crawford or Holly Husom in the church office.

Page 18: 2009.01 Newsletter


People in many Spanish-speaking countries call January 6 El dia de los reyes or the day of the kings. The traditional food is the Rosca de Reyes, a sweet bread decorated with candied fruit. Baked inside the bread is a plastic figurine of the Baby Jesus, hidden because it symbolizes the need to be protected from King Herod. The knife that cuts the bread stands for the danger Jesus faced. The person who gets the figurine in their slice is the host for a party on February 2. Similar customs gather around cakes in other cultures as well.

In Puerto Rico children put bowls of water and grass under their beds the night before Epiphany as treats for the Magi‘s camels. In other places, children put handfuls of hay in their shoes under their beds for the three kings‘ horses. And generous children find little presents left behind for them by the kings the next morning.

The Irish refer to Epiphany as ―Little Christmas‖ and celebrate it much as we do Mother‘s Day. Men take on the household duties for the day and children give gifts to their mothers‖.

From A Journey: Advent, Christmas, Easter by Susan Greeley in the December 2008 issue of Lutheran Women Today

(Epiphany continued from page 14)

most extreme form they go on to call into question the meaningfulness of life and of the existence as such. The sufferer begins to suspect that the fabric of meanings and the pervasive and undergirding sense of worth whileness which normally attends our days are only something we have fabricated to mask from ourselves the pointlessness of all our days.

Focusing as it does on issues of suffering and the questions it raises, the Book of Job has a universal appeal, in some respects unique in the Scriptures of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.

Of all the books of the Bible, this one requires the least by way of pre-requisite knowledge and information to make a beginning. There is hardly a person who does not have personal acquaintance with the questions to which the book is addressed. Another evidence of its universal appeal lies in its grip on the imagination of writers and thinkers who otherwise find the biblical tradition uncongenial and unhelpful.”

Job (Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching) by J. Gerald Janzen

(Job Adult Bible Study continued from page 8)

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What is a Sabbatical? 4

Volunteer Worship Leaders 6

Facing Your Giants 8

Book Club: Cold Mountain 8

Job Adult Bible Study 8

Family Game Night 9

Book of Faith 9

Bridgebuilder Learning Event 11

Epiphany 14

Youth Ministries 16

Children‘s Ministries 17

Out of Town? You can hear sermons, read the

weekly program, newsletter, and get other information on our website:


Ring Forth, Joy Choir, and Kids’ Club caroling at Sunrise Assisted Living (more on p. 15)