2012 11 latipat-cpc_epo

1 LATIPAT November 5-7, 2012 Medellin (CO) Medellin, 5 November 2012 Citaciones : Formato, Flujo y Significado Wistre Rodriguez Del Amo PD-PG - Information Acquisition European Patent Office

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  • 1. LATIPATNovember 5-7, 2012Medellin (CO)Citaciones : Formato, Flujo ySignificadoWistre Rodriguez Del AmoMedellin, 5 November 2012PD-PG - Information AcquisitionEuropean Patent Office1

2. Project Start-up USPTO/EPOagreed to co-operate on a jointUSPTO and EPO Work Toward Joint Patent Classification Systemclassification"In view of the significant benefit to stakeholders of developing a transparent and harmonizedsystem basedapproach to a global classification system for patent documents; in order to make the search processinitially on the IPC- more effective; and in the belief that cooperation between their two offices will facilitate progress inundertaking classification harmonization projects under the IP5 Common Hybrid Classificationbased ECLAinitiative, the USPTO and the EPO have agreed together to work toward the formation of a(October 2010)partnership to explore the development of a joint classification system based on the EuropeanClassification system (ECLA) that will incorporate the best classification practices of the two offices.This system would be aligned with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) classificationstandards and the International Patent Classification (IPC) structure. Accordingly, they have initiated USPTO to move discussions on governance and operational aspects of such a partnership.from USPC to CPCThe IP5 partner offices will be continually apprised of progress at appropriate IP5 forums.Stakeholders will receive regular updates on the substance and progress of classification partnershipdiscussions between the two offices." EPO to move fromECLA to CPCOctober 25, 2010 CPC planned to bebi-laterallyoperational at EPOand USPTO byJanuary 2013 2 3. CPC scheme In one scheme, CPC will include: the former ECLA (~140K entries) the former ICO (EPO indexing codes) the most important KW (EPO controlled keywords) migrated to ECLA or ICO further refinements of the G06Q scheme for Business Methods so as to incorporate most of former USPC 705 subdivisions (about 375 subdivisions vs. 50 currently available in ECLA/IPC) US special collections and digests Y section of ICO (CCMTs and smart grids) All-in-all around 250 000 subdivisions3 4. CPC numbering: IPC-like The "root" of the hierarchically closest IPC symbol is keptIPC ECLA CPCH01L21/027 H01L21/027 H01L21/027 H01L21/027BH01L21/02709 H01L21/027B2 H01L21/02718 H01L21/027B6 H01L21/02727 H01L21/027B6BH01L21/02736 H01L21/027B6B2 H01L21/02745 H01L21/027B6B4 H01L21/02754 H01L21/027B6CH01L21/02763 H01L21/027B6DH01L21/02772 H01L21/027B6EH01L21/02781H01L21/033 H01L21/033 H01L21/0334 5. Sections A-H H01L21/285... H01L21/28504 . . . . Origin: H01L21/28508 . . . . IPC H01L21/28512 . . . .Classification(INV/ADD) ... ECLA H01L21/28524 . . . .Main trunk "mirrored" ICO H01L21/28528 . . . . H01L21/28532 . . . . -------------------- H01L2021/28528.... "further breakdown" ICO H01L2021/285285 ..... Indexing... (ADD) H01L2925/065...2000-seriesH01L2925/06504.... "orthogonal" ICO H01L2925/06508.....5 6. Y section General tagging of new technological developments;general tagging of cross-cutting technologies spanningover several sections of the IPC Y02: Climate change mitigation technologies (CCMTs) Y04: Smart grids Technical subjects covered by former USPC cross-reference art collections [XRACs] and Digests: Y10S 7. CPC scheme statistics 18 Sept 2012Sections AH Section Y Main trunk (includes formerInvention or Additional informationUSPC XRACs~ 160 500 symbolsand digests) AdditionalInformationonly~ 7 500 Indexing codes (2000-series)symbols(former "further breakdown" and "orthogonal" ICOs; IPC indexing codes)Additional information only ~ 82 000 symbols 8. CPC DefinitionsUnderstanding the technical coverage of CPC entries8 9. CPC Definitions The CPC scheme will be supported by a set ofinstructions on how to search and classify in eachspecific technical area They have been designed along the lines of the IPCDefinitions Completed CPC Definitions will (progressively) bepublished after 1 October 2012 and will finally cover: all subclasses all main groups, and some subgroups 9 10. Quality Assurance (QA) Robust QA in place to ensure quality of classificationdata and harmonization of classification practicebetween the USPTO and EPO EPO will continue classifying US documents into theCPC for a transition period. Reclassification of documents following a revisionprocess will be shared (from 2013 onwards) 10 11. Quality Assurance (QA) (2) Establish Points of Contact (PoC) per technical areabetween EPO-USPTO Establish feedback mechanisms: "Raise Hand" flags to signal non-compliances Sample batches of classification products to check, e.g. ISO2859 norm Check, find non-compliances, correct them, sendfeedback to PoC and record findings Monitor and analyse data Take corrective actions 11 12. Training E-learning modules for USPTO staff and contractor Field-specific training provided by EPO examinersand recorded Extensive use of CPC Definitions Examiner visits12 13. CPC timeline Develop training IT implementation at USPTO andQuality Assurance EPOprocess in place Document classification practices (CPC Definitions) Collaborative environment CPC used by EPO andUSPTO ECLA housekeeping CPC Scheme launch version publicly available on 1 Oct 2012Harmonized Design ITclassification practices DOC-DB back-file converted to Design collaborativeCPC on 15 Nov 2012Joint CPC revisions environment Conduct trainingCPC available for useby other IP offices Prepare for launch of CPCJan 2011 Jan 2012 1 Oct 2012 1 Jan 2013 1 Apr 2013Start of project CPC launchdiscussionsversion Launch of CPC No more ECLA-to- between EPOavailable CPC mapping inand USPTO1 Oct 2012revised areas 13 14. 1 October 2012 - CPC package CPC scheme in XML and PDF Agreed CPC Definitions in XML and PDF ECLA-CPC-IPC concordance tablein XML, PDF and TXTDelivered via www.cpcinfo.org 15. Scheme maintenance prior to 1 Oct 2012 Removal of outdated text: ECLA Reform (ECLA and ICO mirrored schemes) IDT, +IDT (old pre-EPO scheme) ECLA transfer notes (groups deleted from ECLA) EPO internal databases (e.g. RM25) CIS, COMBI (now Combination Sets) Warnings such as "reclassification in progress" stayin the scheme until reclassification is completed ! Some "critical" trademarks have been removedfrom titles, e.g. Velcro 16. Draft CPC Definitions 18 Sept 2012 A47J D01G H01M 17. AND THEN? 18. End of November 2012: Full DOCDB-XML delivery(ECLA+CPC) Early December 2012: Espacenet will switch to fullCPC mode. Classification search not possible inECLA anymore End 2012: CPC services available: CPC-to-ECLA concordance service ECLA-to-CPC concordance service CPC-to-IPC concordance service CPC validity service 19. 1 January 2013: CPC enters into force February 2013: Full DOCDB-XML delivery, no ECLA data anymore From April 2013: First CPC revisions 20. Support for the transition to CPC CPC Definitions E-learning modules (cooperation European PatentAcademy) Events: EPO Patent Information Conference6-8 November 2012, Hamburg, Germany Etc ... 21. Thank you for your attention! For more CPC info, regularly visit:http://[email protected] 21