2012 june frontlines

2 4 Teaching by Pat Robertson; Pure water, Story of Ali In this issue: Superbook update Life’s Rewards JUNE 2012 GO-TELL / CBN AFRICA Your Partnership Report Rewards and Awards in following and serving Jesus 3 Fiona’s miraculous story VILLAGE REWARDED WITH FRESH, IN PLACE OF, DIRTY WATER ( SEE STORY ON PAGE 3 ) Fiona receives the book (See story on page 2) Reading the book enhances Fiona’s recovery (See story on page 2) If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded. (Mahew 10:42 - NLT)

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2012 June frontlines


Page 1: 2012 June Frontlines



Teaching by Pat Robertson; Pure water, Story of Ali

In this issue:

Superbook updateLife’s Rewards


Your Partnership Report

Rewards and Awards in following and serving Jesus

3Fiona’s miraculous story


Fiona receives the book (See story on page 2)

Reading the book enhances Fiona’s recovery (See story on page 2)

If you give even a

cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you

will surely berewarded.

(Matthew 10:42 - NLT)

Page 2: 2012 June Frontlines

My name is Fiona (not her real name), 23 years old. I

was born and raised in [East Africa] in a strictly

[religious] family. My father is a strong adherent to [a

particular religion]. He dictates everything at home and

in our lives. Everything we do is guided by [his

religious] doctrines and principles. He does all in his

capacity to bar us from any Christian influence. We

have no Christian friends, we cannot read Christian

materials, etc; the list is endless, and if one is caught

doing the opposite to what is [his religious slant], the

punishment is fierce.

I was forced to enroll at [his religious] Teachers’

Training College and my father’s plan was to send me to

[the Middle East] to further my studies in [his dogma].

His vision for me was to become a strong [religious]

woman spiritual leader in order to be teaching ...

women to strengthen their faith in [this religion].

Life became monotonous and boring and full of

frustration as I could not do anything from my own

will. Not for long; I started exploring the internet, of

course without my father’s knowledge. I was searching

for information about other religions ... and much of

my search was focused on Christ. I was curious and

wanted to know more about Christ. I came across so

many websites. Sincerely; I learned a lot about Christ

but still was not satisfied. One day in my search, I came

across the website of Go-Tell Communications. I went

through it, and found it’s good. At the home page I saw

an ad of a book with a beautiful cover entitled THIS IS

THE VICTORY. It raised my interest when I read a

sentence near the ad that states: “A collection of

teachings for new believers.” But somehow, I convinced

myself that there’s nothing I can do to get the book. I

left the website and went on with my search.

Two days later, while walking on a street [near my home],

two gentlemen approached me and told me: “Hi, siz! Have a

look at this book!” I looked at the cover of the book and

something clicked in my mind: “Wait a minute! Isn’t this the

book I saw on that website?” Without hesitating and saying

anything to those gentlemen, I took the book and went

straight to a nearby cyber café. I logged on to that website

that I could remember and guess what? It was the very book

that I was holding in my hand. I was very interested. The

book happens to be the very information I was searching for

on the internet, with questions and answers.

My only challenge was how and when I could read this

book since I have to do it at home with all these restrictions

from my father. All in all, I succeeded to read the first 155

pages secretly right at home, but then I suspected my father

was spying on me. He must have noticed that I was reading

something regularly and wanted to know what it was.

As usual, I was in my room that afternoon. I was

reading about Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill. My father

suddenly popped in the room and grabbed the book

and said: “ What do you always read here? Let me see.”

After few minutes of going through the book he

shouted: “Fiona, you’ve betrayed [our religion], I must

punish you.” He then started beating me up so hard and

non-stop until I fainted. When I became conscious, I

realized I was in the hospital bed with my mother near

me. I remember the first question I asked my mother:

“Where is the book I was reading?” and my mother

answered me, while smiling: “Here it is; I knew you’ll

need it.” And indeed that was all I needed. I didn’t care

about asking what happened.

Being in hospital not only provided proper medical care

for me, it’s presented a serene environment for me to finish

reading the book without any harassment. I was reading the

book everyday for long hours and didn’t even realize that I

was getting healed. Ada (not her eal name), a new believer

herself, brought me a Bible and the missionaries visited me

every day, even teaching me the lessons. What I accomplished

while in hospital could have been very difficult for me to

accomplish while at home. Now I’m just waiting for my

operation wound to get healed completely so that I can be

baptized. I chose Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour. The

wrath on my father will not prevent me from walking with




Page 3: 2012 June Frontlines

TEACHING by Pat RobeRtson

Knowing god’s will thRough his woRd

How can we recognize God’s voice speaking to us? The key is to know His Word. Psalm 119:89 says, Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. And Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:35, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

The Bible is God’s accurate and eternal Word for all people, everywhere, forever. But sometimes, a passage we are reading may leap off the page and come alive in our hearts, giving us God’s specific direction for a certain situation. This can be in relation to things like healing, or an anointing of faith for a particular ministry, or new direction, or special guidance.

Of course, we cannot take Scripture out of context. That’s why it is important to know what it says in Genesis as well as Revelation. The

Holy Spirit will never lead us contrary to the Bible or tell us to break one of God’s commandments.

The Bible is life’s most reliable handbook. Proverbs, for example, is full of practical advice. It isn’t always easy to obey God’s commands, such as loving our enemies, but it is always the way of true success and blessing.

If we seek to please the Lord according to the Scriptures, then any areas of confusion in our lives will be made clear as He speaks to us and brings His Word alive in our hearts. Psalm 119:105 says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. When we walk in His Word, we walk in the light—giving us guidance to see the path ahead. God bless you.

All Scripture is quoted from the NIV.

Frontlines is the monthly newsletter of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., a non-profit religious corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Copyright 2010 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. All rights reserved, including permission to reprint in whole or in part any of the material within this publication,except by written permission from the publisher. In South Africa, Go-Tell Communications is the registered Section 21 Company that is incorporated to represent The Christian Broadcasting Network.

GO-TELL Communications / CBNAFRICA, P.O. Box 751213, Gardenview 2047.Telephone: +27-11-622-4608/9; Faximile +27-11-622-4142 – e-mail: [email protected] – website: www.go-tell.org

NO MORE DIRTY WATERThe Zikhali family used to collect water from a shallow, hand-made pond. They shared the pond with animals and, as a result, often found the pond covered in mud. Without proper sanitation, human waste would be washed into the pond whenever it rained! Most people in the village rely on farming and selling crops to put food on the table, and send their children to school. Dirty water, and often no water at all, makes farming difficult! Under these conditions, the Zikhali family’s future was not secure. But their sadness turned into joy when CBN built new wells for the village! Now they no longer suffer from diseases such as cholera, because the water is clean. They cultivate more crops, even during dry season. Therefore, they rejoice not only for this new source of water, but for a good supply of food! Now their children will have a good future because they can guarantee finances from their farming. Without CBN, they would still be struggling to get by. Thank God for our partners.You’ve changed lives.

Missionary love pays off A letter of testimony from a new Jesus follower to publisher

I’m Ali (not his real name), a [former leader of a religious group] from [a country in the Middle East]. I’ve been residing here in [East Africa] for the last three years. I’ve come to know these missionaries who are spread-ing the gospel [here]. They stay within my neighbourhood. I had a lot of hatred toward what they do and toward them-selves too, but since I’m in [East Africa] and not in my coun-try ..., I chose not to take any violent action against them. As a result, I developed an idea to befriend them and later on convert them to [my religion]. I succeeded to become their friend but contrary to what I thought, I found them to be kind and easy going; they had no hatred towards other people and they were not even talking ill about [my religion]. I don’t know what came over me; I completely abandoned my intention of converting them to [my faith] but rather they were the ones who were now teaching me the gospel. I watched the dvd More than Dreams, I read the book This is the Victory and continue to read the Bible, I’m inspired. I was baptised last evening and re-nounced [my former faith] in my life. Jesus is my way.Happy to join you.EDITOR’S NOTE: There is no greater reward than to witness trophies of God’s grace, like Ali and Fiona plus more, coming to salvation in Christ!

Page 4: 2012 June Frontlines


by Keith stRugnell, Director

The Best RewardsWell done, good and faithful servant (Matt 25: 21, 23)

Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.


ThereisnogreaterrewardthantohearourMastersay“Welldone”(Matt25:21,23).Suchacommendationshouldnotbeasaresultofourownstriv-ingandworkasourheartoffaith,believingthatthevisionGodgaveushasbornefruitinourlives.Thescripturedeclares“thefirewilltesteachone’swork,ofwhatsortitis”(1Cor3:13). Whileweshouldneverdwellonourachievements,theawardsthatcomefromourpeersinthislifearealsoacceptedwithappreciation.AttherecentNRBConventionofwhichIwasapartinNashville,Tennessee,CBN’sCEOand700Clubhost,GordonRobertson,acceptedtheprestigiousMile-stoneAwardonbehalfofCBN,tellingtheaudience“Ithasbeenanamazingjourney”. FrankWright,NRBpresidentandCEO,saidinastatement,“For50years,CBNhasevange-lizedanddisciplednewbelieversthroughmediaandhasbeeninvolvedinhumanitarianaidandreliefefforts.Throughtelevisionandonlineevangelismoutreaches,aswellasmedicalanddisasterreliefefforts,CBNhasfaithfullyservedasthehandsandfeetofChrist.” AsaregionalofficeofCBNInternationalweendeavourunderGodtomaintainthesameinnovation,excellenceandintegrityasourseniorpartnersinthegospel.Wehaveseveralprojectsaroundthecountrythatdemandourattention,thushelpingorphans,unemployedandspirituallylostindividu-alstofindthesolutiontotheirgreatestneeds.Inthefirst3monthsofthisyear29,586peopleinourMMCscommittedtheirlivestotheLordJesus.OurproductiondepartmentproducesinsertsforthetwomagazineprogramsofCBN,700 Club andTurning Point,portrayingthemovingtestimoniesoffollowersofJesusandbeneficiariesofourhumanitarianprograms.OurteamwasinvolvedinshootingandeditingstorieswithourOperationBless-ingpartnersinKenyarecently,storiesyouwillseesoononyourscreen.Asapartneryouareasmuchapartofthisexcitingventureasweare.ThankyousomuchforyourprayersandsupportthatenableustodowhatGodhascalledustodo. MovedbythewonderfulspiritualresultsofourmissionactivityinEastAfrica(seesampletestimoniesonpages2&3),apartnerhasgener-ouslydonatedfundsforthetranslationofTHISISTHEVICTORYintoKiswahili.Translationiswellunderway,andthechallengeisnowtoprintenoughcopiesofthebooktomeetdemandinKenyaespecially.IthasalsobecomeapparentthatweneedbothTHISISTHEVICTORYandMORETHANDREAMSintheSomalilanguageasSomaliaandothercountriesinEastAfrica-andevenSouthAfrica-haveunreachedSomalipeoplegroupsasrefugeeswithintheirborders.ShouldtheLordsopromptyoutocontrib-utetosuchafundpleasegiveliberally.

CBN’s Superbook presents fa-vourite Bible stories in a for-mat kids love—exciting stories, memorable characters, and cutting-edge animation. These DVDs will become family favor-ites for years to come. For instance in the episode, “The Test!”- the story of Abra-ham and Isaac - your kids will learn about God’s faithfulness and how He always keeps His promises, even when circum-stances seem impossible! Although the DVD series will only be received in the East and Southern Africa region next year, after the TV release, churches can get ready even now for an amazing explosion of children’s ministry. Please send your church’s name and contact details to us to be among the first to be equipped with mate-rials for your launch. In the meantime interest can be maintained by going to the following website: http://superbook.cbn.com/kids_



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Left for dead

Afteransweringaknockatthedoor,Sharonwasgrippedbyfearastwofriendspushedtheirwayinandviciouslyattackedher.Lyingonthefloortraumatized,shewaitedtodie.CheckouttheunbelievableendingondemandatCBN.com/frontlines.Let this true story lift your spirit and build your faith.