2012.06.07 - marché et tendances du cloud vus par des analystes et par ibm

Marché et Tendances du Cloud vus par des Analystes et par IBM

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Collection de slides sur le marché et les tendances du Cloud Computing


Page 1: 2012.06.07 - Marché et tendances du Cloud vus par des analystes et par IBM

Marché et Tendances du Cloud vus par des Analystes et par IBM

Page 2: 2012.06.07 - Marché et tendances du Cloud vus par des analystes et par IBM

The Cloud Computing market is expected to go over € 2 billion in France in 2012 (source: Agence française pour les

investissements internationaux)

• Cloud Computing will represent 8% of the IT spending by 2015 (Xerfi)

• Moved beyond the first phase of early adopters into the mainstream group of companies : IDC's research in Western Europe shows a growing uptake of cloud. 48% use cloud to some extent — an increase of 20% over last year's forecast.

• Private cloud is much more popular as strategic direction than it was last year at the expense of public cloud, which is declining as strategic direction.

– Increased awareness of security, data location, and other issues contribute to this

• When service providers push virtual private cloud (VPC) more — public cloud solutions with additional security and enterprise qualities — most of the business market will over time converge on VPC.Sources: Gartner, Agenda for Cloud Computing, Feb 2012 ; IDC Cloud Services:

The Professional Services Opportunity: Market Analysis, June 2012 ; Xerfi

IDC estimates that cloud services spending will continue to grow at double-digit rates for the next few years. Spending worldwide on professional services related to building or implementing cloud services will increase

to $20 billion in 2016 — a growth rate of 29.2%.

EMEA representing 42.4% of spending and is forecast to grow by almost 31%.

IDC estimates that cloud services spending will continue to grow at double-digit rates for the next few years. Spending worldwide on professional services related to building or implementing cloud services will increase

to $20 billion in 2016 — a growth rate of 29.2%.

EMEA representing 42.4% of spending and is forecast to grow by almost 31%.

Page 3: 2012.06.07 - Marché et tendances du Cloud vus par des analystes et par IBM

Gartner: Five Cloud Computing Trends that will affect your Cloud strategy through 2015

Impacts Formal decision frameworks facilitate cloud investment optimization.

Hybrid cloud computing is an imperative.

Cloud brokerage will facilitate cloud consumption.

Cloud-centric design becomes a necessity.

Cloud computing influences future data center and operational models.

Recommendations Develop a model to identify the legal, compliance and corporate sensitivity with regard to your data (e.g., data classification


For particular workload/data combinations, map the anticipated benefits against the associated risks for public cloud services.

Establish security, management and governance models to coordinate the use of internal and external services.

Position IT as an internal cloud services broker providing advice, guidance and intermediary service for the consumption of cloud services.

Evaluate third-party cloud services brokers that can facilitate the consumption of cloud services.

Look beyond the migration of enterprise workloads to the creation of cloud-optimized applications that fully exploit the potential of the cloud to deliver global-class applications.

Apply the concepts of cloud computing to future data center and infrastructure investments to increase agility and efficiency.

Source: Gartner, Five Cloud Computing Trends That Will Affect Your Cloud Strategy Through 2015, Feb 2012

Page 4: 2012.06.07 - Marché et tendances du Cloud vus par des analystes et par IBM

Industries aim to evolve Cloud Computing beyond support functions to more strategic uses


Banking Private cloud — SaaS and IaaS ++

Education Email, collaborative and back-office SaaS/IaaS


Energy and


Not much happening, delivery model for consumption data and billing or managing asset related GIS data


Government Private cloud, email and some SaaS


Healthcare Payers

Administration, care transformation


Healthcare Providers

Collaboration, imaging, medical records


Insurance Noncore applications and limited SaaS for vertical solutions


Media Content management, distribution and analytics


Manufacturing SaaS mostly +

Retail Iaas, PaaS and SaaS +

Source: Gartner, Industries Aim to Evolve Cloud Computing Beyond Support Functions to More Strategic Uses, May 2012

Most industries today are using cloud computing for noncompetitive, but necessary, office and support functions via SaaS. Banks, insurers, governments and retailers use the cloud for email and other business support functions (such as sales and service support, collaboration, file-sharing and Web conferencing).

Other industries are more advanced in exploiting the opportunities and potential cost savings of the cloud, using the cloud for IaaS and PaaS purposes

The media industry uses the cloud for content management, content distribution and analytics.

Retailers are tapping the cloud via PaaS for e-commerce applications to smooth out the surges of demand due to holiday shopping, and IaaS for on-demand data centers used as development and testing environments.

Manufacturers look to the cloud for product development, life cycle management and some key manufacturing operations.

Healthcare providers and payers are adopting the cloud for claims processing, care management applications, medical records and medical image archives.

Most industries today are using cloud computing for noncompetitive, but necessary, office and support functions via SaaS. Banks, insurers, governments and retailers use the cloud for email and other business support functions (such as sales and service support, collaboration, file-sharing and Web conferencing).

Other industries are more advanced in exploiting the opportunities and potential cost savings of the cloud, using the cloud for IaaS and PaaS purposes

The media industry uses the cloud for content management, content distribution and analytics.

Retailers are tapping the cloud via PaaS for e-commerce applications to smooth out the surges of demand due to holiday shopping, and IaaS for on-demand data centers used as development and testing environments.

Manufacturers look to the cloud for product development, life cycle management and some key manufacturing operations.

Healthcare providers and payers are adopting the cloud for claims processing, care management applications, medical records and medical image archives.

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Cloud computing marketplace dynamics

Control Complexity

“80% focused on cloud processes and management processes [#1]

Cloud: Need to speed storage agility“40% loss of

control & governance is a top concern”

Speed & Ease Delivery

“43% want more efficiency in cloud delivery, 25% developing new Cloud apps”

“21% [#2 rank] need Cloud to align to the velocity of the business”

Optimize Quality of Service

“55% of enterprises are connecting mobile devices to back-end cloud services”

“48% lack visibility into cloud operations inhibits analysis of compliance, performance, and ROI”

“54% were unsure of how many cloud services were being used, affecting optimal business operations.”

“Nearly 70% of active cloud users report little confidence monitoring their cloud services”



*IBM Institute for Business Value

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Le paysage Cloud évolue

2010 : • Montée en puissance du Cloud Computing sur le marché poussée par les économies et les gains en efficacité informatique procurés.• Sécurité, Disponibilité et Indépendance envers les fournisseurs sont les principales préoccupations des DSI.• Mise en place des applications non critiques dans un environnement de test.

D’ici 2015* :D’ici 2015* :

Le Cloud Computing est un vecteur d’innovation pour les entreprises.

Le Cloud Computing est un vecteur d’innovation pour les entreprises.

Le Cloud Computing va jouer un rôle significatif dans l’élaboration des propositions de valeur client.

Les entreprises vont, à travers le Cloud, guider l'innovation au sein de l'écosystème.

Le Cloud va être de plus en plus recherché pour favoriser la collaboration et réduire la complexité business.

* Sondage Economist Intelligence - Octobre 2011

Page 14: 2012.06.07 - Marché et tendances du Cloud vus par des analystes et par IBM

IBM Confidential

90% des entreprises passeront au Cloud d’ici 2015

Cloud, a leading priority for

entire company

38%Le Cloud, une priorité

première pour l’entreprise dans sa


62%Le Cloud, une priorité

première pour les organisations IT

Echantillon dans le monde entier : 572 Business & IT Leaders, tous secteurs d’activités confondus.Source : Etude « The Power of Cloud » conjointe entre Economist Intelligence Unit et IBM Institut for Business Value, mars 2012

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IBM Confidential

Les entreprises les plus avant-gardistes voient aussi le Cloud comme une force qui impactera leurs modèles de business

Quel est l’objectif principal de votre stratégie d’adoption du Cloud?

% de Répondants

Plus d'un tiers (35%) des organisations sondées prévoient d'exploiter le Cloud dans les 3 ans pour une innovation radicale des modèles business



Changer le rôle de l’industrie

Redessiner l’industrie

Nouvelle industrie

Nouveau business








Today 3 yrs

Echantillon dans le monde entier : 572 Business & IT Leaders, tous secteurs d’activités confondus.Source : Etude « The Power of Cloud » conjointe entre Economist Intelligence Unit et IBM Institut for Business Value, mars 2012

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IBM Confidential










Améliorer Etendre Inventer



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Proposition de valeur client




…permettant aux organisations d’optimiser, d’innover ou d’agiter les modèles business.

Les organisations ont besoin de s'auto-évaluer en utilisant le "Cloud Enablement Framework" et d'évaluer leur potentiel d'innovation via les leviers du Cloud

Le Cloud: 6 leviers business pour 3 catégories de décideurs

Complexité masquée


Adaptabilité au changement du marché


Adaptabilité du Business


Connexion aux écosystèmes


Flexibilité des coûts


Leviers du Cloud

Le Cloud offre 6 leviers business (“game changing”)...

Agilité en fonction du contexte