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Mobility Management Challenges with Government and Public Sector

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Page 1: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Mobility  Management  Challenges  with  Government  and  Public  Sector  


Page 2: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

6,500  customers  


150    countries  


18    languages  


1,200  employees  

Largest  Mobility  SoluGons  Provider  


Largest  EMM  provider  with  1,200+  employees,  400+  focused  on  R&D  

Provides  mobility  soluGons  to  6,500+  global  customers    

Leaders  in  mobile  security,  device,  applica=on  and  content  management  across  mulGple  plaMorms  

First  funding  in  2013,  $200  million  with  $1+  billion  implied  valuaGon  

Our  Mission:  Simplify  Enterprise  MobilityTM  

Page 3: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  


Current  and  Future  Mobile  Landscape  •  Smartphone  vendors  shipped  approximately  477  million  smart  phones  in  2011,  up  56.4%  

from  2010  

•  Currently,  there  are  roughly  5.3  billion  mobile  subscribers  =  77%  of  the  world  populaGon  

•  The  number  of  mobile  workers  accessing  enterprise  systems  worldwide  will  top  1.2  billion  by  2013  

•  By  the  end  of  2014,  the  number  of  global  mobile  users  accessing  the  Internet  is  expected  to  surpass  the  number  of  desktop  Internet  users  

•  Total  smartphone  shipments  worldwide  are  expected  to  reach  1.03  billion  by  2015  

Source:  IDC  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Key  Trends  in  the  EvoluGon  of  Mobility  


Past   Present   Future  

82%  using  personal  smartphones/tablets  for  business  purposes  

56%  businesses  are  looking  at  mobility  to  improve  producGvity  

 Security  infrastructure  Compromised  detecGon  Device  lock  and  wipe  Passcode  policy  App  distribuGon  Email  management  IT  influence    

 App  SDK  App  Wrapping  Content  management  BYOD  IT  infrastructure  integraGon  Granular  privacy  policies  Legal  influence    

Systems  consolidaGon  Business  system  integraGon  Device,  laptop,  peripherals  Content  filtering  Web  gateways  Law  and  regulaGon  influence  

“For  25  years  a  one-­‐size-­‐fits-­‐all  approach  to  workforce  technology  worked  just  fine,  but  those  days  are  fading  fast”  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Current  Market  in  Government  •  Center  for  Digital  Government  Sept  2012  study:  

o  72%  of  state  and  local  agencies  allow  employees  to  use  personal  device  for  work-­‐related  tasks  

o  64%  of  respondents  list  an  increase  in  producGvity  as  greatest  benefit  o  25%  said  policy  creaGon  was  the  most  significant  challenge  to  BYOD  program  

Recent  Breaches  •  Florida  Department  of  Juvenile  JusGce  –  Jan.  2013  

o  Unencrypted  device  lost  containing  data  of  100k  ciGzens  •  NASA  Security  Breach  –  Nov.  2012  

o  Unencrypted  laptop  stolen  out  of  vehicle  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Comprehensive  Mobility  SoluGons    


Secure  Content  LockerTM  

AES-­‐256  bit  encrypGon  SharePoint  integraGon  

Personal  content  Desktop  sync    

Content  collaboraGon  AdministraGve  control  

Enterprise  App  Catalog  App  Wrapping  

Sohware  Development  Kit  Volume  Purchase  

Program  App  raGngs    

Development  workflow  

 OrganizaGon  groups  Simple  enrollment  User  authenGcaGon    Profile  configuraGon  

AirWatch  Hub  Telecom  management  Advanced  reporGng  

End-­‐to-­‐end  Security  

Same  Mobility  SoluGons  in  the  Cloud  or  On-­‐premise  

NaGve  client  support  Email  infrastructure  

integraGon    Advanced  configuraGon  Email  access  control  

Separate  email  container  Secure  akachments  

Bring  Your  Own  Device  (BYOD)  Support  

Devices   Apps   Content   Email  

Page 7: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

State  and  Local  Government  DifferenGators  Focus  team  on  Government  

   Enhanced  Security  

CJIS  Security  Policy  and  FIPS-­‐140  Compliance  

 MulG-­‐tenancy  and  Role-­‐based  Access  

           Mobile  Employee  Enablement  

Audit  and  Compliance  Monitoring    System  InformaGon  and  Event  Management  (SIEM)  

   Mobile  Applica=on  Management  

     Secure  Content  LockerTM  

                 Mobile  Email  Management    

AirWatch  Browser™      Bring  Your  Own  Device  (BYOD)  

 Global  Support  and  Services  


Page 8: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

RepresentaGve  Public  Safety  Customers  

•  South  Metro  Fire  is  using  iPads  on  engines  to  drive  a  paperless  environment  •  SMF  is  replacing  40  different  paper  systems  with  the  iPad  and  AirWatch  is  

enabling  the  deployment  •  Paper  based  forms  for  incident  tracking  are  being  replaced  with  electronic  

forms  with  workflow  rouOng  to  the  proper  individuals  •  AddiOonal  applicaOons  will  include:  medical  applicaOons    for  reports,  preplans,  

routes,  etc.    

Page 9: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

AirWatch  Secures  New  Zealand  Police  Force  •  Deploying  over  10,000  devices  for  frontline  staff    

•  Seamless  over-­‐the-­‐air  distribuGon  of  approved  applicaGons    

•  Enforcing  compliance  rules  such  as  unauthorized  applicaGons  and  websites  

•  Time  savings  of  520,000  hours  over  1  year  

•  ProducGvity  benefits  of  $304.8  million  over  10  years  


"Our  long  term  vision  is  for  frontline  officers  to  be  empowered,  informed,  tech-­‐savvy,  visible  and  safe  in  the  community  prevenOng  crime,  and  not  in  staOons  filling  in  forms.  The  use  of  mobile  

devices  goes  a  long  way  toward  achieving  this  vision.”  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

AirWatch  is  the  Top  Choice  for  Government  


The  Broadest  Choice  of  Devices  1 The  Most  Comprehensive  Solu=ons  2

Simplest  Experience  for  You  and  Users  3

Seamless  Integra=on  with  Enterprise  Systems  4

Fastest  and  Most  Flexible  Deployment  Op=ons  5

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

The  FoundaGon  for  Your  Mobility  Strategy  Now  and  in  the  Future                        

Integrated  Mobility  PlaMorm  


Simplified  user  enrollment  Dashboards  and  wizards  

Device  ownership  flexibility  Policy  management  Device  configuraGon  

Corporate  email,  Wi-­‐Fi,  VPN  networks  Enterprise  App  Catalog  

AirWatch  Cloud  Connector  Mobile  Content  Management  

Self-­‐service  Portal  

 Telecom  policies  

MulG-­‐user  management  Sohware  Development  Kit  (SDK)  

App  Wrapping  AirWatch  Browser  

Content  collaboraGon  Mobile  Access  Gateway  (MAG)  

Secure  email  container  Enterprise  integraGon  

CerGficate  and  PKI  integraGon  API  integraGon  


Core     Advanced  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Managed  by    County  Police    Department  


Users  &    Devices  

Business  Units  

MulG-­‐tenancy  for  Government  


EnGre  County   County  

County  Police  Dept  

County  Water  Dept  

Criminal  InvesGgaGons  

Parking  Enforcement  

Government-­‐owned  Devices  

BYOD  Users  

Managed  by  County  Water  Department  

Maintain  control    at  a  county  level  

Water  Department  enterprise  systems    and  applicaGons  

County  Police  enterprise  systems,  content  and  apps  

 User  1    User  2    LOB  1    User  3    LOB  2  

Global  policies  deployed  to  all  departments  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Most  Advanced  BYOD  Support  


Enable  Device  Choice  Support  all  operaGng  systems  and  latest  models  to  allow  users  to  choose  the  most  producGve  device  

Customize  Privacy  Policies  Configure  policies  and  seqngs  based  on  device  ownership  to  isolate  personal  info  

Enforce  Custom  Terms  of  Use  Require  users  to  accept  a  customized  Terms  of  Use  agreement  that  specifies  info  collected  and  acGons  IT  is  allowed  to  take  

Enable  Self-­‐service  Management  Allow  users  to  perform  device  acGons  and  view  details  from  self-­‐service  portal  

Page 14: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Simple  User  Experience  for  Employees  


Agent-­‐based   QR  Code  

Self-­‐service  Device  Management  

Flexible  Enrollment  Op=ons  

Empower  end  users  to  manage  their  own  devices  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

•  GPS  locaGon  •  User  info  

•  Name  •  Phone  number  •  Email  account  

•  Public  apps    •  Telecom  data  

•  Calls  •  Messages  •  Data  usage  

Protect  Employee  Privacy  


Ensure  privacy  of  personal  data  •  Set  privacy  policies  that  do  not    

collect  personal  data  •  Set  custom  policies  for  employee-­‐  

owned  devices  

Define  granular  privacy  policies  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

MiGgate  Business  Risks  •  Require  users  to  accept  Terms  of  Use  to  access  corporate  services      

•  Enforce  agreements  when  users  enroll  their  device  with  AirWatch  

•  Inform  users  about  data  captured  and  acGons  allowed  on  the  device  

•  Track,  report  on  compliance  and  update  agreements  over  Gme  

•  Assign  and  enforce  different  agreements  based  on:  o  User  role  –  End  users  vs.  administrators  

o  Ownership  –  Corporate  vs.  employee    

o  PlaMorm  –  iOS  vs.  Android  

o  Department,  business  unit  or  country    

•  Support  mulG-­‐lingual  agreements  across  the  company  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Automated  Tools  to  Do  More  With  Less  


Setup  Wizards     Automated  Compliance  Engine  

Customizable  AirWatch  HubTM   Pre-­‐defined  Templates  

Minimize  burden  on  IT  resources  and  drive  efficiency  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Enhanced  Security  


Enable  mulG-­‐factor  user  authenGcaGon  Encrypt  sensiGve  organizaGon  informaGon  Manage  user  access  to  corporate  resources  Establish  network  access  controls  


Protect  organizaGon  data  through  advanced  security  capabiliGes  Monitor  compliance  in  accordance  with  CJIS,  NIST  and  DISA  regulaGons  Secure  access  to  government  resources,  including  Email,  Wi-­‐Fi  and                            VPN  networks  Ad


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

FIPS-­‐140-­‐2  and  CJIS  Security  Policy  Compliance  FIPS-­‐140  Compliance  Devices  •  Leverage  naGve  device  encrypGon  •  Support  plaMorms  which  offer  addiGonal  APIs  for    

security  and  have  received  FIPS-­‐140  approval  

Servers  •  Configure  servers  with  necessary  cryptographic  modules  •  Use  encrypGon  and  hashing  for  three  purposes  •  Configure  servers  to  uGlize  only  FIPS-­‐140  approved  

cryptographic  modules  o  Store  hashes  of  passwords  associated    

with  AirWatch  user  accounts  (SHA-­‐  512)  o  Encrypt  of  documents  for  AirWatch    

Secure  Content  LockerTM  on  mobile  devices  (AES-­‐  256)    o  Transmit  encrypted  data  between  AirWatch  and  

mobile  devices  (TLSv1)  

CJIS  Security  Policy  Compliance    Manage  all  devices  in  real-­‐Gme,  over-­‐the-­‐air  

Remotely  wipe  data,  uGlize  secondary  authenGcaGon,  encrypt  data  and  content  

Automate  escalaGon  of  acGons  for  non-­‐compliant  devices  

Prevent  installaGon  of  malicious  apps  with  whitelists/blacklists  

Detect  rooted  and  jailbroken  devices  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Compliance  Engine  


Build  Policies  ApplicaGon  list  Compromised  status  EncrypGon  Model,  OS  version  Passcode  Roaming  

Define  Escala=on  Time  based:  •  Minutes  •  Hours  •  Days  Tiered  acGons  Repeat  acGons  

Specify  Ac=ons  Send  SMS,  email,  push  noGficaGon  Request  device  check-­‐in  Remove    or  block  specific  profiles  Install  compliance  profile  Remove  all  profiles  Remove  or  block  apps  Enterprise  wipe  

1   2   3  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Seamless  IntegraGon  with  Enterprise  Systems  


Directory  Services    

Email  Infrastructure  

Cer=ficates  and  PKI  

Corporate  Networks  

Content  Repositories    


Page 22: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Seamless  IntegraGon  with  Enterprise  Systems  AirWatch  Cloud  Connector  Secure  communicaGon  between  AirWatch  and  enterprise  systems    


Mobile  Access  Gateway  Secure  communicaGon  between  mobile  devices  and  enterprise  systems    


Content  Repositories  Corporate  Networks  AirWatch  App  Wrapping    AirWatch  SDK  

Corporate  Email  

CerGficates  and  PKI        

System  InformaGon  and  Event  Management  

Business  Systems  AirWatch  

Mobile  Devices   Mobile  Access    Gateway  (MAG)  

Cloud  Connector  (ACC)  

Page 23: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation · Title: 20130506 CDM CIO Event Presentation.pptx Author: Gavin Harris Created Date: 5/6/2013 1:23:10 PM

Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Mobile  Access  Gateway  (MAG)  •  Enable  and  secure  communicaGon  

between  mobile  devices  and  enterprise  systems  

•  Configure  access  to  enterprise  systems  automaGcally  by  user,  device  and  applicaGon  

•  Allow  access  to  only  approved    and  authenGcated  apps  with    App  Wrapping  and  AppTunnel  

•  UGlize  with  AirWatch  BrowserTM,  Secure  Content  LockerTM  and    other  enterprise  applicaGons  

•  View  devices  accessing  enterprise  systems  from  the  AirWatch  console  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

AirWatch  Browser  •  Block  naGve  browsers  and  public  browser  apps  •  Enable  browsing  through  AirWatch  Browser™    •  AuthenGcate  users  before  granGng  web  access  •  Enforce  whitelists  for  approved  websites  •  Enforce  blacklists  for  restricted  websites  

•  Bookmark  websites  for  easy  browsing  •  Define  cookie  acceptance,  copy,  paste  or  print  •  Navigate  websites  with  gestures  •  App  tunneling  provides  a  secure  connecGon  without  VPN  


Restricted  Mode  Limit  browsing  via  site  blacklists  and  whitelists  

Kiosk  Mode  Restrict  browsing  to  a  specific  page  and  remove  navigaGon  

Proxy  Mode  Proxy  browsing  through  a  corporate  server    

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Advanced  Mobile  ApplicaGon  Management  So`ware  Development  Kit  (SDK)  •  Development  and  code  change  required  •  Integrate  AirWatch  features  into  custom-­‐

built  applicaGons  o  User  authenGcaGon  o  Compromised  status  detecGon  o  CerGficates  o  Geofencing  o  Branding  o  AnalyGcs  o  Logging  o  App  restricGons  o  ReporGng  o  Custom  seqngs  

App  Wrapping  •  Development  and  code  change  not  required  •  Wrap  exisGng  applicaGons  with  AirWatch  

features  from  the  console  o  User  authenGcaGon  

o  Compromised  status  

o  Access  control  

o  App  restricGons  

o  AppTunnel  o  EncrypGon  

o  ContainerizaGon  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

AirWatch  Mobile  Content  Management  Secure  Content  LockerTM  

Protect  sensiGve  content  in  a  corporate  container  

Secure  document  distribuGon  and  mobile  access  

Ensure  end  users  have  the  latest  materials  

Anywhere,  anyGme  access  to  criGcal  content  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Personal  Sync  and  Storage    Personal  content  storage    

Back-­‐up  to  cloud;  sync  across  devices  

Flexible  folder  creaGon  and  administraGon  

Define  storage  limits  by  group  or  user  

Sync  integraGon  to  self-­‐service  portal    

Desktop  sync  folder  for  Mac  &  Windows  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

AirWatch  Email  ContainerTM  for  Android  Benefits  •  Secure,  sandboxed  email  client  •  BYOD  soluGon  •  Only  allow  AirWatch  provisioned  EAS  

and  POP  email  accounts  •  Silently  configure  and  update  email  

profiles  over-­‐the-­‐air  User  Experience  •  Support  naGve  Android  user  experience  •  AddiGonal  usability  enhancements  


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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

MulG-­‐OS  support  



Highly  scalable  

Role-­‐based  access  

Enterprise  integraGon  


Enterprise  Mobility  Checklist  


SDK  library  

Intelligent  noGficaGons  

Robust  reporGng  

Compliance  Engine  

Custom  branding  

Flexible  delivery  

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Copyright  ©  2013  AirWatch,  LLC.  All  rights  reserved.  Proprietary  &  ConfidenGal.  

Join  the  AirWatch  Community  


ASK  forums  to  discuss  mobile  iniGaGves  with  other  AirWatch  users  

ASK  AirWatch  is  a  complete  knowledge  base  with  product  documentaGon  and  FAQs,    

Dedicated  account  managers  and  industry  experts  

Request  AirWatch  product  features  

AirWatch  Connect    AirWatch  Connect  represents  a  global  community  of  business  innovators  and  is  the  leading  user  

group  for  enterprise  mobility    

Connect  Local    AirWatch  Connect  Local  events  are  one  day  

conferences  in  ciGes  around  the  world  packed  with  insight  on  key  industries  and  markets  to  

address  challenges  specific  to  you