2014-03-16 bulletin


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FIRST ENGLISI{ EV. LUTIIERAN CHURCH800 Vernier Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, NII 4g236-1350

(313) 88+5040 Fax: (313) 894-4460 www.feelc.orgRev. christina veres Dr. Walter A. Schmidt Rev. paul F. Keppler

Associate Ptstor

Renata CongerE du c atio rdYoath C o o rdi n alor

Senior PastorRobert H. FosterCoordinalor of Music

Pastor Em*itusChristina JudsonDirector of Bell Choin

Prelude "How Firm a Foundation" G. youngWelcome and Announcements

Confession and ForgivenessP: ln the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy spirit. c: AmenP: God of all mercy and consolation, come to the help of your people, turning us fromour sin to Iive for you alone. Give us the power of your Holy Spirit that we miy confessour sin, receive your forgiveness, and grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ our Saviorand Lord. C: AmenP: You may kneelfor confession. Most merciful God,C: We confess thatwe are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We havesinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and bywhat we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we havenot loved our neighborc as ourselves. For the eake of your Son, Jesus Ghrist,have mercy on ug.- Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, io thatwe may delight inyour will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. AmLnP: ln the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to Oie for us, and for his sakeGod forgives us all our sins. As a called and ordained minister of the church of Christ,and by his authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins, inthe name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy spirit. c: Amen

Hymn #660 .Lift High fhe Cross" (EMPage 203 The Pastoral Greeting and KyriePage 204 "Glory be to God"lnsert Prayer of the DayChildren's TimeChildren's Song "Do Lard" (see back of the bultetin)

lnsert First Reading Genesis l2:1-4a Response: Thanks be to God!lnsert Psalm 121

Insert second Reading Romans 4:1-i,13-1T Response: Thanks be to God!Page 205 GospeiAcclamation - o6'We are Turning, Lord,

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lnsert Gospel Reading: John 3:1-17

sermon "The parabte of thewedding Feasf" Dr. walter A. schmidt

Hymn t?Ml .O Happy Day When We ShaltStand,, (EtM.The Apostles'Creed - Page 10S

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus ch_rist,-God's, only son, our Lord, who was conceived by theHoly Spirit, born of !h9 virgin Mary,-suffered under Pontius pilate, was cricified,died and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third da/ fre rose again;he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Fjther, ana he willcome to iudge the living and the dead.I believe in the HolySpirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, theforgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AmenThe Prayers of The Church

OfferingOffertory "l've Got peace Like a River',

Good News Ringersarr. - Stephenson

Hymn#184 conqreg3tigy offertory .lgtthe vineyards Be Fruitfut,' GLWLet the vineyards be fruitful, Lord, and fillto the biim our cup of bleie-ffi Gathera harvest from the seeds that were sown, that we may be feti with the brEad of life.Gatherthe hopes and dreams of all; unite them with ihe prayers we offer. Graceour table with your presence, and give us a foretaste of the ieast to come.

Page 206 The Great ThanksgivingPage 207 *Holy, Holy, Holy,Page 207 wordsof lnstitution (sung Response; .christ

has diedlAmen,,)Page 208 Lord's Prayer and,,Lamb Of GoO;

The CommunionPage 209 The Communion BlessingHymn #313 Post communion Hymn -.o Lord, Now Let your seruant' vs. I ELW)

o Lord, now let your servant depaft in heav'nly peace, for I have seen the glory ofyour redeeming grace: a light to lead the nationi unto your holy hill, the giorybfyour people, your chosen Israel.

Page 208 Prayer after CommunionPage 209 Blessing and DismissalHymn #796 "How Firm a Foundation, (EW

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Sharing of the Peace

Postlude -'Lift High the Gross" G. Young

SPEAKEB SYSTEM for the hearing impaired is available. Please speak to one of the ushers.

OUR HYMN BOARDS show the hymn numbers being sung today. They are found in the backportion of the Evanoelical Lutheran Worship red book. The front portion of the book containingthe liturgies and resources are noted by page numbers at the bottom of each page. We use"Holy Communion," Setting 10 today beginning on page 203.

lN HOLY GOMMUNION we believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine forgiving oursins. We welcome you to such a table of presence and forgiveness. Martin Luther said: "Thatperson is well prepared and worthy (to reieive Communion) who believes these words, 'givenand shed for you for the remission of sins.' lf you cannot drink the wine, it is appropriate toreceive just the bread, or just touch the glass of wine to one's lips, also glasses of white grapejuice are placed in the middle of the tray. Younger children are invited to come fonrard to receivea blessing.

PLEASE FILL OUT a visitor or member card found in the pews. Place the nametag on your lapeland the card in the offering plate. We are blessed to have Christian friends from other places andcongregations visiting at worship today.


Refrain: Do Lord, oh, do Lord, ohi do remember me,Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me,Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me,

Look away heyond the blue.

I've got a home in glory land that (clap) outshines the sun,I've got a home in glory land that (clap) outshines the sun.I've got a home in glory land that (clap) outshines the suno

Look away beyond the blue. (Refrain)


Covor: Ascensio, 2 by DeAnne Parks. Copyright O DeAnne Parks. All rights reserved. Used by permission of the artist.

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www.augsburgfortress.org.Copyright @ 20'13 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S-A

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Today's ReadingsSecond Sunday in Lent

March 16,2014

Prayer of the Day

O God, our leader and guide, in the waters of baptism you bring us to new birthto live as your children. Strengthen our faith in your promises, that by your Spiritwe may lift up your life to all the world through your Son,Jesus Christ, our Saviorand Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now andforever. Amen.

First Reading Genesis 12:1-4a

The Lono said to Abram, "Go fromyour country and your kindred andyour father's house to the land thatI will show you. 2I will make of you agreat nation, and I will bless you, andmake your name great, so that you will


be a blessing. 'I will bless those whobless you, and the one who curses you Iwill curse; and in you all the families ofthe earth shall be blessed."

aSo Abram went, as the Lonn hadtold him; and Lotwentwith him.

Psalm 12'l; tone 9

I lift up my eyes I to the hills;from where is myl help to come?

2Myhelp comesl from the Lono,the maker of heav-len and earth.

3The Lono will not letyour I foot be moved

nor will the onewho watches over you I fall asleep.

aBehold, the keep- | er of Israelwill neither slum- | ber nor sleep;

Second Reading

sthe Lono watches I over you;the Lono is your shadeatlyour right hand;

6the sun will not strike lyou by day,nor the I moon bynight.-

TThe Lono will preserve youI from all evil

and will I keep your life.8The Lono will watch overyour going out and your I coming in,

from this time forthfor- | evermore.

Romans 4:1-5,13-17

What are we to say was gained by Ab-raham, our ancestor according to theflesh? 2For if Abraham was justifiedby works, he has something to boastabout, but not before God. 3For what

does the scripture say? 'Abraham be-lieved God, and it was reckoned to himas righteousness.'o aNow to one whoworks, wages are not reckoned as a giftbut as something due. 5But to one who


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Second Reading, continued

without works trusts him who justifiesthe ungodly, such faith is reckoned asrighteousness.

l3For the promise that he wouldinherit the world did not come toAbraham or to his descendants throughthe law but through the righteousnessof faith. ralf it is the adherents of thelaw who are to be the heirs, faith is nulland the promise is void. rsFor the lawbrings wrath; but where there is no lawneither is there violation.


l6For this reason it depends on faith,in order that the promise may rest ongrace and be guaranteed to all his de-scendants, not only to the adherents ofthe law but also to those who share thefaith ofAbraham (for he is the father ofall of us, rTas it is written, "I have madeyou the father of many nations")-inthe presence of the God in whom hebelieved, who gives life to the dead andcalls into existence the things that donot exist.

John 3:1-17

Now there was a Pharisee namedNicodemus, a leader of the Jews.


came toJesus by night and said to him,"Rabbi, we know that you are a teacherwho has come from God; for no one cando these signs that you do apart fromthe presence of God." Jesus answeredhim, "Very truly, I tell you, no one cansee the kingdom of God without beingborn from above." aNicodemus said tohim, "How can anyone be born afterhaving grown old? Can one enter a sec-ond time into the mother's womb andbe born?" Jesus answered, "Very truly,I tell you, no one can enter the kingdomof God without being born of waterand Spirit. 6What is born of the fleshis flesh, and what is born of the Spirit isspirit. 7Do not be astonished that I saidto you, 'You must be born from above.'8The wind blows where it chooses, andyou hear the sound ofit, butyou do notknow where it comes from or where itgoes. So it is with everyone who is bornof the Spirit." eNicodemus said to him,

*How can these things be?" Itesusanswered him, "Are you a teacher ofIsrael, and yet you do not understandthese things?

rl"Very truly, I tell you, we speak ofwhat we know and testify to what wehave seen; yet you do not receive ourtestimony. 12If I have told you aboutearthly things and you do not believe,how can you believe if I tell you aboutheavenly things? 13No one has ascend-ed into heaven except the one who de-scended from heaven, the Son of Man.raAnd just as Moses lifted up the ser-pent in the wilderness, so must the Sonof Man be lifted up, tsthat whoever be-lieves in him may have eternal life.

16"For God so loved the world that hegave his only Son, so that everyone whobelieves in him may not perish but mayhave eternal life.

rT"Indeed, God did not send the Soninto the world to condemn the world,but in order that the world might besaved through him."

TODAY'S READINGS March 16,2014 Volume 45, Number 2

Next Sunday's Readings: Exodus l7:1-7; Psalm 95; Romans 5:1-11; John 4:5-42.

TODAY'S READINGS 0SSN 't 069{1 66, USPS 009628) is publis*Ed quaderly by Augsburg For16, 1 0O S slh St, Suite 6(n, Minn€polis, MN, 55402. Periodicals

postage paid at SL Paul, MN ed additimd of66. Pctna$6 Ssd addl6 ctEog6 to Todayt R€dings, Augsbqq Fottr$ Publishss" PO. Box 1553,

MinHpolis, MN 55440-8730. Printed in U.SA Pri€ p€r weddy pan $.g) ps 1OO @pi6 postpaid; pri@ in Canada subj@t to exclEnge rat6. Minimum qds50 @pbs o, €ch ise; all qdm mud be h mhid6 of 50. Copyright @ 2013 Augsbrirg Fort6. Afl rights t@ed. May not be €prcduced. Rryised CommonLectioary @ 1992 Cmsltatim on CmtM Texts. R@dirEs frm Nw Rwtsd Standard VeEion Bible with Apocrypha O 1989 DMsim ot Chrislia Edu€tion ofhe National C@ndf of Churcie of Christ in lhe U.SA. Prayq ot the day and Fdm iom Evangeli€, LdtE@ VbreW @ 2006, admin. AugsbuE Fort6. Pslmtone aMpanimst is in Psa,lts fol t4l2lship, )6arA (Augsbue Fort6, 2004. Plee visit ou. Web site at egsburgfortres.org. Le'timary ys d 3 of 15

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Sunday Worship Schedule9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. Sunday School

1 I :00a.m. Traditional Worshipwith Holy Communion the first and third-sundays

0ffice Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a-m.- l2:30a.m. *+ 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

News and Notes Concerning the Ministry of First English Lutheran Church

GOOD MORNING! Welcome to First English! If you are interested in learning more about theministry of First English or would like to join our family, please fill out the Yisitor Card'in the pewrac( check the appropriate response, and place in the offering plate. We will gladlycontact you and attempt to answer your questions. Thank you! l

WE WETCOME CHILDREI{ at worship. If you need the cry room it is located off the backnafthex. A nursery for children 4 & under is located next to the office, We ask that the nursery beused for children in this age group only. Thank you for your cooperation.

FIOWERS ON THE ALTAR have been placed by the Altar Guild in memory of Bill Bedard andMary Anderson.

THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY - Killino Jesus - Most of us have heard of BillO'Reilly's latest book, Killing tqsus as it has been on the best setler list for some time now.Our Thursday Morning Bible Study has chosen to study this book as we have completed ourstudy of "Luther and the Lutheran Reformation.'l so... ... .we started Thursday, March 13, 2014,we began our overview of this book; very timely for a book called Killino Jesus as we will be inthe Season of Lent! We meet Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in the Lounge and we woutd loveto have you join with us. You may get a copy of the book at the discounted rate of $15.00 ($28retail). See Pastoi Schmidt.

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" THIS.WEEK AT FIRST ENGLISH - March 16 - 23, 2O14

SUN 15 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Traditional Worship Service

6:30 Sports

6:30 Board and Council Meetings

MON 17 B:45 Preschool

9:30 Exercise Class

3:30 Music Lessons

6:30 Sports

TUES 18 10:00 GPN Pizza lunch

3:30 Music Lessons

4:30 Sports

5:30 Exercise Class

WED 19 8:45 Preschool

9:30 Exercise Class

10:30 Lenten Worship Seruice

11:30 Lenten Lunch

3:30 Music Lessons

4:30 Sports

5:15 Lord's Company Ringers

5:40 Lord's Company Singers

6:00 Lenten Dinner

7:00 Lenten Worship Service

THURS 20 9:30 Bible Study

3:00 Music Lessons

4:30+ Sports

5:30 Exercise Class

6:30 Good News Singers

6:30 HS Youth Group

8:10 Good News Ringers

FRI21 8:45 Preschool

SUil 23 9:30 Contemporary Worship Seruice

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Traditional Worship Service

t2.45+ Sports




Luther Center



Fellowship Hall


Luther Center

Fellowship Hall


Luther Center

Fellowship Hall


Fellowship Hall




Luther Center

Bell Choir Room

Choir Room

Fellowship Hall




Luther Center

Fellowship Hall

Choir Room

Youth Room

Bell Choir Room





Luther Center

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9:3O a,m.

Judy Leo

Haley Rozycki

Wed. tlar. 19 Anna Jackson/Andrew Bezel

USHER Team #1Mike Guest

COMMUNION Shirley LamarPam Southard

1fu00 a.m.

Dan Rustmann

Tom KohlerParker Rustmann

Team #3Mark Fett

llYed. Man 19 Team #2 tlark Berkesch

COUNTERS Team #1 Waynette Hostetler

Ruth EnglePatty Jackson

LAY READERS Jackie Tambourine Jayne Blohm

ATTAR GUITD Anna Unit: Carol MackenzieLydia UniU Kay Butler Berkesch/Kristen LaMagno

COFFEE HOUR Faith.Clrcle


"JESUS' LAST WORDS IN HI$ LAST WEEK" is our LENTEN PREACHING SERIES for thisyear as we look at Jesus' teaching during Holy Week. Lent began on Ash Wednesday,March 5,2A14 and our preaching series will include both the Wednesday and Sunday -

services. We will have two midweek Wednesday services throughout Lent at 10:30 a.m.followed by lunch and 7:00 p.m. preceded by supper at 6:00 p.m. You wi!! find the entire Lentand Holy Week schedule in your CLEF and on the table across from the church office. Wethank all of the groups and individuals who are hosting our meals. Please join with us eachweek as we prepare our hearts and lives for our Lord's suffering, death and resurrection on ourbehalf.

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SERVING NEXT WEEK: March 23. 2014

9r3O a.m. 1I;00 a.m.GREETERS Sue Reck Nancy McCarthy

- ACOLYTES Katie Link Daniel Feldman

wed. iltar.26 Nora smith/Ksisten s*iffm Kohler

USHER Team #4 Team #5Marc Simone Marion McClendon

Wed. Mar. 26 Team #61 ark Balle

COUNTERS Team #2 Nancy Heaphy

COMMUNION Mike GarrisiMargot Kahl

tAY READERS Mike Garrisi loe Warnez

ATTAR GUILD Anna Unit: Carol MackenzieLydia Unit: Kay Butler Berkesch/Kristen LaMagno



BULTETIN DEADLINE: Please submit any information to be published in the Sundaybulletin before 12:00 p.m. the prcding Tueilay. Thankyou.

BE SILENT' BE REVERENT; for this is the House of God. BEFORE the service, speakto the Lord: DURTNG the service; let the Lord speak to you: AFTER thesewice, speakto one another,


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ffi 'ffi

Faith Circleis sponsoring a


Women will make shawls for those who arehomebound, living at a health care facility, orperhaps, handling various health afflictions.

The shawls, and an occasional afghan or laprobe, will be blessed during our worship service

on various Sunday mornings throughout theyear. ltems will then be gift wrapped and

delivered by members of Faith Circle.

Our first blessing will held on March 23, 2014at both worship services.


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Invites You to Lunch

March l9r20l411:30 a.m.

Hot Dogs

ChipsVeggie Plate


Beverage &Dessert

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Members of the Chorr

Invite You to Dinner

March 1912014

6:00 p.m.

ed Ham

