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Cobar High SchoolAnnual Report



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The Annual Report for 2016 is provided to the community of Cobar High School as an account of the school's operationsand achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Ms Safija Bristina


School contact details

Cobar High SchoolWetherell CresCobar, 2835www.cobar-h.schools.nsw.edu.aucobar-h.School@det.nsw.edu.au6836 2705

Message from the Principal

In the past twelve months, Cobar High School has continued to strengthen its resolve to serve our students bestintellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively and sportingly. Our school motto ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’,underpins our school vision on a day–to–day basis.

In the last year, we have seen a leadership change with Ms Francisco retiring at the end of semester one and a newprincipal appointed at the beginning of term four. During this change, staff continued to show passion, dedication andcommitment to promoting student learning. The successes outlined in this report are direct reflections of theresponsibility and earnestness of the teachers and non–teaching staff in this school and students showing courage toseize opportunities offered by the school.

In 2016, the school celebrated 50 years of operation on this site and the support from local business, parents and alumniwas positively overwhelming. The students contributed to the celebration that included a time capsule to capture themoment. We are proud of our great school.

Ms Safija Bristina


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School background

School vision statement

Cobar High School strives for excellence in a safe and respectful environment.

School context

Cobar High School is located in outback NSW in the mining town of Cobar, population approximately 5000.  The nearestregional centre is Dubbo approximately 300 kilometres east.  It has a student population of 255 of whom 25% identify asAboriginal and 8% are from a Non–English Speaking Background.   Family Occupation and Educational Index (FOEI) of111 is in the average range.   Employment rate is approximately 96.5% with over 50% of those employed, working in themining industry.  Students predominantly expect to move from school in to highly paid occupations within the miningsector.  Staff work collaboratively, are enthusiastic and provide a range of extra–curricular activities for students.  70% ofthe teaching staff is within the first five years of their teaching career. Cobar High School has followed the principles ofPBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) since its implementation began in 2012.  

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

For all schools (except those participating in external validation processes):

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

The results of this process demonstrate that we have sustained our position from the previous year in which an externalvalidation was completed.

In the domain of Learning, the schools on–balance judgement for 2016 showed we are predominately sustaining andgrowing.

Staff embrace learning opportunities through participation in professional learning and observation lessons to buildcapacity in order to deliver the school plan. Similarly, the school is actively involved with networks within our school andacross the state in collaboration to maintain currency, knowledge and skills in their field.  A significant proportion ofstudents are recognised for their effort, application and attendance at school through awards assemblies each term.Students also nominate themselves in the self–select class that included the interest to engage in academic externalcompetitions and do more home study. The school is a leader in Positive Behaviour for Learning and this systemunderpins the positive wellbeing of members in our community. Here positive relationships are promoted and this in turnmaximises opportunities for students. The Strategic Direction Team 1 has continued to refine assessment and promotewhole school strategies such as ALARM and Secondary Learning Strategy that underpins effective learning.Simultaneously, Strategic Direction Team 2 has promoted the use of PLP's and the numeracy continuum to understandand know their students well in order to support future student growth. In the way of student performance measures theschool is working towards delivering. The school utilises external data such as SMART and the SEF data reports todetermine future directions in planning for learning. Internal school data is developed that tracks all Year 7 and 8students performance in literacy and numeracy.

In the domain of Teaching, the schools on–balance judgement for 2016 demonstrated that we were sustaining andgrowing consistently across all elements.

All staff engaged in collaborative across KLA teams to consolidate their understanding and knowledge in strategiesidentified to serve our student needs. Staff valued feedback from their peers to strengthen their capacity to deliver schoolvision. Students engaged in feedback with their teachers, especially through assessment and reports. Beginningteachers on both temporary and permanent status were supported with mentoring and were enabled to complete theiraccreditation.

In the domain of Leading, the schools on–balance judgement for 2016 showed we were mostly sustaining and growing

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for all elements and excelling in our management practices and processes.

The Head Teachers leverage their expertise and lead strategic direction teams (every three weeks) and PL teammeetings (weekly). They engage other teaching staff who demonstrate expertise in 2LS, ALARM, PLP's, numeracycontinuum, Positive Behaviour for Learning and the Student Leadership Challenge to lead professional learning as well.At the end of the year all staff engaged in an evaluation of our PL model to ensure a shared vision was sustained anddelivered with integrity. All staff through their strategic direction teams reviewed milestones and defined data to becollected in the final year of the school plan to identify evidence and articulate positive impact of implementation ofschool strategy. Partnerships are sustained in the wider community, for example Glencore CSA Mine sponsor ourHomework Centre and other local businesses support leadership opportunities for our students. Similarly, the widercommunity supports future pathways for our students through their involvement in Careers Expo and University visits.School resources are managed to ensure we maximise teacher resources and are able to deliver a comprehensiveeducation for all our students that is inclusive, equitable and accessible. The school has a comprehensive managementsystem to communicate, share resources and sustain accurate record keeping.

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine the strategic priorities in our School Plan, leading to furtherimprovements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Strategic Direction 1

Curriculum Engagement


The development and implementation of high quality curriculum, assessment, and reporting, designed to engagestudents, has high expectations and adds value to literacy and numeracy.

Overall summary of progress

The two main focus areas for Strategic Direction 1, included:

1. Whole school teaching strategies using A Learning and Response Matrix (ALARM) to unpack content and respond inwriting a sophisticated response. As well as, Secondary Learning Strategies (2LS), a derivative from 'Focus on Reading'that promotes skills in comprehension using the super six strategies for understanding. The Focus on Writing programusing the shifty six strategies targeted Stage 5 specifically to think and write in academic voice.

2. Assessment Practice and Procedures. An across KLA quality control committee led and created consistent proceduresfor Assessment that related to effective reporting.

With reference to whole school teaching strategies, professional learning was delivered to staff throughout the year andobservation lessons were utilised to see in action the delivery of these strategies. However, change in staffing has seenleaders of the ALARM strategy not accessible to staff to sustain the learning. On the other hand, 2LS is growing fromstrength to strength and its success is reflected by improved student engagement.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Measure student growth in preand post testing in writing.

In 2016 Stage 5 students attended studies lessonsone period a week based on the Focus on Writingprogram. This built on students skills from the Stage4 Secondary Learning Strategy program (2LS). InFocus on Writing students were taught, using theShifty 6 strategies, to think and write in anacademic voice. No baseline data was collected,but anecdotal evidence from teachers was that thisprogram enhanced students writing ability movingthem along the continuum from a spoken mode toacademic mode.   


Increased attendance of Stage 5students by 1.5%.

Overall, Stage 5 attendance increased by 0.1%.Year 9 and Year 10 increased attendance rates by1.1% and 0.1% respectively. However, this is stillbelow the target of 1.5%.

Next Steps

In 2017, a comprehensive model of professional learning is to be articulated so that staff have multiple and variousaccess points to develop their capacity to deliver on these whole school strategies in their classes. We plan to haveexternal experts deliver to our school ALARM strategy and create a sustainable team of in–school experts to sustainALARM training in the future. The across KLA quality control assessment team has achieved their milestones forestablishing procedures and will spend 2017 leading quality rich tasks that have a  strength–based approach to learningthat reflects the needs of our students, endeavouring to see increased submission rates and growth in student overallgrades. In 2017 with the curriculum structure moving to Stage 4 and 5 classes, this program was changed due to Year10 already completing the Focus on Writing Program in 2016. The focus for the year is the Writing in the Middle YearsProgram, which focuses on before you write, as you write and after you write.  The improvement measures will bereviewed to ensure we are able to collect relevant evidence that demonstrates the impact of our programs.

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Strategic Direction 2

Student Voice


The development and implementation of systems to enable students to identify and set the direction of their learning ingeneral capabilities (literacy, numeracy, critical and creative thinking, intercultural understanding).

Overall summary of progress

The two main focus areas for Strategic Direction 2, included:

1. All staff access Personalised Learning Plans (PLP) for students in their class and use this information and strategies togrow students performance in their subject. Secondly, have the same students reflect on their achievement and articulatefor themselves if goals have been achieved.

2. Trial methods to assess all students against the numeracy continuum and develop focus areas for each aspect. AllKey Learning Areas would use this data to inform and deliver their programs to strengthen student capacity innumeracy.  

By the end of 2016, the team developing PLP's had created a framework for accountability. They provided training to allstaff  to use these plans and record progress transparently over a period of time. This has yet to be implementedeffectively as a whole school. All students who required PLP's had one in place and other students at risk had IndividualEducation Plans (IEP) developed too. The milestones were reviewed and updated at the end of the year to ensure thatthe PLP and IEP were indeed effective and valued by the students themselves.

Similarly, the numeracy team have completed all required assessment to map students against the numeracy continuum.After teaching programs throughout the year they were able to see significant growth when comparisons were made fromthe original baseline data. The 2016 NAPLAN results showed  average scaled score growth in our school for Year 9 tobe 49.9, well above the state average and overall NSW DoE average of 40.7 and 40.1 respectively. 

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Increase the number of Aboriginalstudents with PLP’s to 100%.

100% Aboriginal students had completed a PLP,meeting the improvement measure.

See Aboriginal backgroundfunding andsocio–economic funding.

5% increase in number ofstudents gaining Year 9 NAPLANexpected growth compared.

       Year 7 2014

       Reading      50%

      Writing        52.8%

      Spelling       80.6%

      Grammar     52.8%

      Numeracy   41.2%

In the Year 9 NAPLAN we had exceptional resultsfor numeracy and increased student growth by25.5% with 66.7% of students achieving expectedgrowth. No growth data was available for writing.Reading increased by 2%. Grammar decreased by2.8% and Spelling decreased by 30.6%.

Next Steps

In 2017, the PLP team will provide on–going professional learning to staff to use the plans and report progresstransparently. A staff member will be employed specifically to write and review plans in partnership with the AboriginalEducation Officer, families and students. They will also develop opportunities for students to be surveyed to reportachievement of goals and seek feedback from parents. Improvement measures will be reviewed to reflect sustainability

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and effectiveness of the PLP's.

The numeracy team will also continue to provide on–going professional learning for staff to sustain and  increase theirunderstanding of the numeracy continuum for the purpose to use this information in their own programs and lessons  toconsolidate student numeracy skills. We will continue to sustain the Quicksmart program which has proven to beeffective for students to grow their numeric skills.

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Strategic Direction 3

Community and World Connection


To engender a school community that operates in a collaborative and sustainable manner that embeds a system ofvalues, a wider world perspective, and a culture of wellbeing.

Overall summary of progress

 The two main focus areas for Strategic Direction 3, included:

1. To provide a strength–based approach to student wellbeing by sustaining Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)across all areas of the school that underpins effective learning in the classroom and a positive connection with allmembers in the community.

2. Increase student involvement in extra–curricular activities in order to promote further opportunity and pathways postschooling. A plan to launch and deliver the Student Leadership Challenge as the vehicle to articulate opportunities withinthe school community. 

The PBL team continue to grow from strength to strength with evaluations of SAS and Benchmark of Quality datameasured by the external coach showing sustainability and improvement on the previous years data. The schooldelivered explicit lessons in context that were driven by internal school data. The school is recognised widely as a leaderin PBL. By the end of 2016, the team established  an Advanced Tiers Team that is linked to the Learning Support teamto support students at risk of disconnecting with school.

The team leading the Student Leadership Challenge were planning at the end of last year the official launch andimplementation to be rolled out in 2017.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Using PBL Evaluation tools BoQ(Benchmark of Quality) and SAS(Self–Assessment Survey)increase the percentagemeasuring classroom systemsfrom 64% and 45% respectively.

The Benchmark of Quality data measured by ourexternal coach increased from 64% to 93%demonstrating a 29% increase of effectiveclassroom practices. The SAS completed by allstaff showed an increase from 45% to 89%belief from all staff that school wide systems are inplace and working effectively.

$7, 985.43

Number of students involved inextra–curricular activities willincrease by 10%

The school offers a broad range of extra–curricularactivities that include activities related to: sport,academia, community and cultural. Since 2015 to2016 students involvement in extra–curricularactivities increased by 22.5%, exceeding ourtarget despite a decrease in student enrolments. 

$18, 632.60

Next Steps

In 2017, the PBL team will review the Wellbeing and Discipline procedure, including the anti–bullying procedure toensure it is strength–based and in–line with our PBL values. The Advanced Tiers Team will trial and review a systematicand strategic procedure to identify and intervene effectively for the purpose to improve student connectedness andengagement with school.

Finally, the Student Leadership Challenge will be explicitly unpacked with students, staff, parents and the widercommunity to show the link for: formal leadership positions, accumulation of points to the house cup that promotes teamspirit and belonging as well as promote opportunities post schooling.

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Key Initiatives Impact achieved this year Resources (annual)

Aboriginal background loading Equity funding was used to partially employthree additional School Learning SupportOfficers (SLSO) to facilitate the administrationof the numeracy program, Quicksmart. 

The school contributed funds to celebrateNAIDOC week.

A teacher was employed to completepersonalised learning plans (PLP's) and tutorsenior students in Year 11 and 12.

As a result, every Aboriginal student had apersonalised learning plan developed inpartnership with the students and parentsalike.  Local diagnostic testing wasimplemented to assess students reading andnumeracy skills prior and post implementationof programs. The Quicksmart program wasdelivered with success.

Positive relationships were sustained in thecommunity. Student engagement andattendance increased. Senior studentsincreased the rate of submission of tasks.

$36, 113.42


$21, 138.62

$27, 762.74

Low level adjustment for disability School Learning Support Officers wereemployed to support students who requiredadjustments in the school. The students thatrequired support were identified by theLearning and Support Team. As a result,more students were able to access learning.

$36, 574.41

Socio–economic background A teacher was employed to provide teacherrelease time so that teachers could accessprofessional learning periods and observationlessons for the purpose to build teachercapacity in order to deliver the school plan.

Flexible learning space was created in thelibrary to suit student needs.

Resources were purchased that included standardised testing including PAT tests.

A contribution was made to the PositiveBehaviour for Learning rewards program.

Assistance was provided to students toaccess excursions, uniform, food andequipment.

As a result, more students accessedopportunities offered by the school andengaged in learning. Staff engaged in PL andhad increased capacity to deliver the schoolvision.

$57, 762.89

$8 739.08

$2 956.57

$1 000

$2 069.57

Support for beginning teachers In 2016, we had one permanent teacher intheir 2nd year of teaching. We had 70% ofstaff in their first 5 years of teaching including8 temporary teachers seeking accreditation atproficiency level.

$46 752.47

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Support for beginning teachers As a result, staff were given release time toaccess extra professional learning. Staff werementored successfully in which 1 teacherreceived accreditation at proficiency and threeothers submitted their accreditationdocuments with success before theconclusion of the year. An Induction Leaderwas appointed by the end of the year to offerstructured support.

$46 752.47

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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2013 2014 2015 2016

Boys 122 136 144 136

Girls 143 140 137 119

Enrolments had decreased from 2015 to 2016 and thisreflected the reduction in employment in one of the fourmajor mining companies that caused families to moveout of town to relocate for parent work opportunities.

Student attendance profile


Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

7 94.9 93.4 92.6 93

8 90.3 88.9 88.4 88.9

9 90 86.4 86 87.1

10 86.6 88.1 87.6 86.7

11 82.3 79.4 87.8 91.3

12 84.9 84.9 89.1 90.2

All Years 89.3 87.8 88.5 89

State DoE

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

7 93.2 93.3 92.7 92.8

8 90.9 91.1 90.6 90.5

9 89.4 89.7 89.3 89.1

10 87.7 88.1 87.7 87.6

11 88.3 88.8 88.2 88.2

12 90.1 90.3 89.9 90.1

All Years 89.9 90.2 89.7 89.7

Management of non-attendance

Administration staff monitored class rolls. They checkedthey were marked and explained daily. The school usedSentral Truancy Wizard to identify any disparities andthis was followed up by staff using school proceduresoutlined for lateness and/or truancy. Emailnotifications were sent to parents for unexplainedabsences from class and/or school the very next dayafter disparities were checked and verified.Letters were sent home on a weekly basis to addressany outstanding non–attendance issues. The schoolalso had a Home School Liaison Officer and AboriginalSchool Liaison Officer to work in partnership with

schools and families to support school attendance. As aresult, our attendance rates were above state averagefor Years 7, 11 and 12 and marginally below averagefor Years 8, 9 and 10.

Post-school destinations

Proportion ofstudents movinginto post-schooleducation, trainingor employment





11 17

Employment 86

TAFE entry 1

University Entry 31

Other 13


41% of Year 12 students  elected to follow a studypattern to receive an ATAR to access university. 50%of these students were successful with theirapplications into university via the UniversityAdmissions Centre, Schools RecommendationScheme. 83% of these students are attendinguniversity in 2017. A number of students have opted fora GAP year for various reasons including employmentand travel. 55% of students are currently employed inthe local community either in part–time and full–timepositions.

Year 12 students undertaking vocational or tradetraining

Over 50% of the students in Year 12 were enrolled inone or more of the following Board DevelopedVocational Education and Training (VET) courses:Hospitality, Metal and Engineering and Construction.

Year 12 students attaining HSC or equivalentvocational education qualification

76% students attained their Higher SchoolCertificate. 100% of students enrolled in the AboriginalEducation Support Traineeship had successfullycompleted the course. 

Workforce information

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Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1.4

Deputy Principal(s) 1

Head Teacher(s) 4

Classroom Teacher(s) 14.2

Learning and Support Teacher(s) 1.2

Teacher Librarian 1

School Counsellor 1

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 5.2

*Full Time Equivalent

Cobar High School has one staff member that identifiesas Aboriginal.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 91

Postgraduate degree 9

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

In 2016 the school was allocated $4080.73 forbeginning teachers and $48, 131.39 for all staff toaccess professional learning to build capacity. Anabove establishment position was created for a HeadTeacher Teaching and Learning position to drive anagenda related to learning across the school.Periodically the school reviewed the milestones and theschool plan. Throughout the year a focus on teacherquality was sustained. Professional learning wasfocussed on: syllabus implementation and wellbeingprograms. School Development Days included: literacy,numeracy, Positive Behaviour for Learning and careerdevelopment. Significant school funding from theNational Education Reform Agenda monies was spenton an in–school professional learning model in whichtime for staff to network and learn together as well asaccess observation lessons was sustained from theprevious year. Three staff acted as mentors for staffseeking accreditation at proficiency levels. One staffmember attained accreditation in that year and threeothers had successfully submitted their application foraccreditation for approval. No teachers actively applied

for accreditation at higher levels but one staffexpressed interest. Afternoon workshops forcollaboration and networking was sustained throughoutthe year to drive strategic directions for the school.100% of staff engaged in professional learningthroughout 2016.

Financial information (for schoolsusing OASIS for the whole year)

Financial information

This summary of financial information covers funds foroperating costs to 30 November 2016 and does notinvolve expenditure areas such as permanent salaries,building and major maintenance.

Income $

Balance brought forward 619 933.26

Global funds 537 372.09

Tied funds 290 658.54

School & community sources 179 187.28

Interest 13 958.16

Trust receipts 34 380.70

Canteen 0.00

Total income 1 675 490.03


Teaching & learning

Key learning areas 190 375.50

Excursions 26 493.69

Extracurricular dissections 83 482.32

Library 5 834.94

Training & development 8 599.28

Tied funds 346 491.20

Short term relief 2 058.49

Administration & office 70 447.26

School-operated canteen 0.00

Utilities 115 872.22

Maintenance 37 174.14

Trust accounts 47 877.16

Capital programs 63 844.17

Total expenditure 998 550.37

Balance carried forward 676 939.66

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning the

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statement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skills and understandings demonstrated in these assessments.

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Higher School Certificate (HSC)

The performance of students in the HSC is reported inbands ranging from Band 1 (lowest) to Band 6(highest).

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Through surveys, discussions, parent teacher nights,P&C Committee meetings and other events throughoutthe year parents expressed support for the school. TheP&C have supported the school through merit selectionpanels in 2016. Similarly, staff have expressed throughfeedback and surveys their satisfaction with working atCobar High School – staff were extended manyopportunities to develop leadership capacity. Thestudents mostly enjoyed school however there were asmall proportion of students that were keen to leaveschool and engage in alternative pathways thatincluded work.

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

Cobar High School received Aboriginal backgroundfunding in 2016. A permanent Aboriginal EducationOfficer was employed all of the year to assist studentswith academic, social and cultural activities. NAIDOCday was celebrated and the entire school population

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participated. Personalised Learning Plan's weredeveloped and completed for 100% of Aboriginalstudents. A tutor was employed to assist seniorstudents with their studies. In the Year 9 NAPLAN test60% of Aboriginal students achieved expected growthin reading and grammar and punctuation. Similarly,40% of Aboriginal students in Year 9 had attainedexpected growth in spelling and 70% of Aboriginalstudents achieved expected growth in numeracy.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

The school has one trained Anti–Racism ContactOfficer within the school. In 2016, nil reports were madeto the officer. The school used emails, newsletters andFacebook to promote and provide information oncultural and community events that included NAIDOCweek.

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