2017 annual parish meeting - st. paul's episcopal church · 2018-05-01 · 2017 annual parish...

1 | Page 2017 Annual Parish Meeting January 28, 2018 9:00 A.M. AGENDA A. Call meeting to order and opening prayer B. Approval of agenda for the Annual Meeting C. Approval of the minutes of the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting on January 29, 2017 D. Reception and File for Audit of the 2017 Treasurer’s Report (separate document) E. Reception and Approval of the 2018 Budget F. Report of the Rector – Father Ed G. Report of the Senior Warden with Nominating Committee Report – Peg Newby H. Election of new member of the Vestry –Maureen Gerrity (term ending in 2021) I. Election of the Junior Warden – Marv Kombrink J. Nominations and election for the delegates to the Diocesan Convention November 16- 17, 2018– 3 delegates and 1 alternate—Freyja Rasmussen Johns, Marv Kombrink, Jennie Cummings; alternate delegate – Bill Cummings K. Election of Board Members of the Endowment Fund Committee—Dick Dowen, Jamie Stubblefield, to end 2021 L. Reception of the Reports from the Subcommittees of the Vestry and Ministries of St. Paul’s M. Thank you and presentations: Retiring from Vestry, Peg Newby, Julie Stubblefield; 2017 Convention Delegates, Peg Newby, Pam Kombrink, Freyja Rasmussen-Johns, Jocelyn Prall; Thank you to Peg Newby for serving as our Senior Warden N. Adjournment and closing prayer

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2017 Annual Parish Meeting January 28, 2018 9:00 A.M.


A. Call meeting to order and opening prayer

B. Approval of agenda for the Annual Meeting

C. Approval of the minutes of the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting on January 29, 2017

D. Reception and File for Audit of the 2017 Treasurer’s Report (separate document)

E. Reception and Approval of the 2018 Budget

F. Report of the Rector – Father Ed

G. Report of the Senior Warden with Nominating Committee Report – Peg Newby

H. Election of new member of the Vestry –Maureen Gerrity (term ending in 2021)

I. Election of the Junior Warden – Marv Kombrink

J. Nominations and election for the delegates to the Diocesan Convention November 16-

17, 2018– 3 delegates and 1 alternate—Freyja Rasmussen Johns, Marv Kombrink,

Jennie Cummings; alternate delegate – Bill Cummings

K. Election of Board Members of the Endowment Fund Committee—Dick Dowen, Jamie

Stubblefield, to end 2021

L. Reception of the Reports from the Subcommittees of the Vestry and Ministries of St.


M. Thank you and presentations: Retiring from Vestry, Peg Newby, Julie Stubblefield;

2017 Convention Delegates, Peg Newby, Pam Kombrink, Freyja Rasmussen-Johns,

Jocelyn Prall; Thank you to Peg Newby for serving as our Senior Warden

N. Adjournment and closing prayer

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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The Episcopal Church of St. Paul

DeKalb, Illinois

Minutes of the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting

January 29, 2017

Rick Johns called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. and began with a prayer. The agenda for the 2016 Annual

Parish Meeting was approved.

The Minutes of the previous annual meeting were presented for approval. Terry Dickow moved to approve;

Jamie Stubblefield seconded; and the Minutes were approved.

Pat Brown presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2016. Roy Mason moved to receive the report and file it for

audit; Dick Dowen seconded. The motion passed unanimously by acclamation.

The budget for 2017 was presented. Pat McMahon moved to approve; Marilyn Cleland seconded. The 2017

budget was approved unanimously by acclamation.

Turning to the Senior Warden’s report, Rick Johns addressed the need for leadership in the church, noting

especially the need for a junior warden for 2017. Rick agreed to continue as Senior Warden for one month until

a new warden is able to take over the duties.

New members of the vestry were nominated and elected to replace retiring members. Pat Brown, who will also

continue to serve as Treasurer, and Marv Kombrink were appointed by acclamation.


Peggy Newby’s appointment as Senior Warden for 2017 was unanimously approved.

Three nominated delegates and one alternate—Peggy Newby, Marv Kombrink , Pam Kombrink, and Jocelyn

Prall (alternate)—were elected by acclamation to attend the Diocesan Convention, November 17-18, 2017.

Rick stated that Mary Lincoln had been nominated for the Endowment Committee to replace Doug Roberts,

who resigned; the appointment was approved by acclamation.

Rick called attention to the printed reports from the subcommittees of the vestry and ministries and invited

comments. He thanked Pat McMahon for sending birthday and Christmas cards to all the members. He also

asked whether anyone would object if Marv and Pam Kombrink were to bring a service dog in training to

church; no one objected.

Pat Brown pointed out it is not too late for pledges for 2017 to be received.

Rick summarized the results of the search for an interim priest and, eventually, a new rector. He noted that the

“discernment process” could be useful, since the congregation has changed during the past 7 years.

Marilyn Cleland called attention to Lorraine Langer’s special talent in working with children.

Vince McMahon noted that another columbarium may soon be needed and that it could be installed on the back

wall of the sanctuary.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Rick expressed his appreciation for the work Susan King, administrative assistant, has done to keep track of

church business during the period of transition. He also offered special thanks to Bill Cummings for his

management of the sanctuary roof repairs and replacement.

Pat Brown reported total (corrected) receipts of $5,377.45 from the 2016 Lobster Boil and announced that

Saturday, May 20, will be the date for the 2017 Lobster Boil.

Rick received a gift of appreciation and applause for his service as Senior Warden. He offered a closing prayer;

and, there being no objections, the meeting adjourned at 12:38 p.m.


Mary Lincoln

Secretary pro tem

Attached Committee and Program Reports

• Rector’s Report

• Senior Warden’s Report

• Junior Warden’s Report

• Altar Guild

• Art and Music Ministry

• Building and Grounds Report

• Endowment Fund Report

• Episcopal Church Women

• Flower Guild

• Greeting Cards

• Mission and Outreach

• On Line Giving Report

• Rector Search Report

• Sanctuary Reconfiguration Committee Report

• Social /Fellowship

• Stewardship

• Sunday School

• Thrive Report

• ECW Financial Report

• Lobster Boil Financial Report2017

• Annual Budget for 2017


• Treasurer’s Report (separate document)

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Rector’s Report

A lot has transpired at St Paul’s in 2017. We said goodbye to one priest and hello to another while saying “Hi” to a small handful of supply clergy. St Paul’s continued most of our normative liturgical traditions. A handful of our ministries waned as many of our members moved away or moved on in 2016 while so many of our ministries continue with a flourish. As your priest in this transitional time (so much more accurate than referring to this as an interim period) I worked to meet with each of you in the early days so we could begin to get to know each other and to start building our relationships as clergy and congregants. I was immediately struck with a few things about St Paul’s. First, at St Paul’s you truly love God and one another, very much as “Christ has loved you.” You love being with each other and you love being St Paul’s. Next, you are who you say you are and present yourselves as you see yourselves. There are no airs among you; what you see, or who you see, at St Paul’s, is who you get. Third, you love being for the larger community who God needs you to be. The geographic area around us is richer for St Paul’s presence and activities. St Paul’s, it seems, embodies the paraphrase, “Be the change GOD wants to see in the world around you.” Perhaps most noteworthy, when St Paul’s says “You are welcome here” St Paul’s means it. You are radically welcoming in a way many churches could only dream of being. I became aware early on as well that over the last couple of years, in very dramatic fashion, you all have had to say far too many goodbyes for a parish our size. Too large a percentage of the faith community either moved away to be with family and warmer climes, while more than our share moved on to be with our God. Too many goodbyes in too short a period; we have had a lot of grieving to do. Grief takes more time, more intention and more effort than our larger culture would allow. However, St Paul’s faithfully continue our efforts to experience holy grief in the midst of the holy ones who remain here with us. One effort we made together was on All Saints’ Day, where we honored all of “those we love but see no more”. It was truly powerful to read what you wrote about-- and to-- those amazing and wonderful people who helped each of you become who you are today. I was honored to be with you as we all gave our grief – and love and joy--the space they deserved on that holy All Saints’ Day. Achievements have included: the exuberant response to the Church Assessment Tool [CAT] survey; forming a rector search team full of some of St Paul’s best and brightest; and completing a very successful and joyous annual giving campaign (aka stewardship; see the Annual Giving report). It is rare for a congregation who are

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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officially in a transitional phase to have such enthusiastic response to annual giving efforts. We have welcomed and embraced a number of newcomers who have found their way to us, and who have found in us a place and a people with whom to connect. We just held our first baptism in several years (okay that was technically in 2018 but Olivia Terese Meyers was born in Sep 2017!) We hosted our 49th awesome Lobster Boil, the best party in town, complete with a man in a kilt! We built a Children’s PrayGround that is the envy of at least 3 other parishes! Our Music and Children’s programs may be relatively small in size but large in quality and commitment; Music and Children’s Ministries far outperform any and all expectations consistently. We hosted parties, and picnics, and community events. Everyone who came through our doors learned the meaning of the Celtic saying, “You are a stranger in this house but once.” We have kept up our regular ministries without fanfare. There is nothing that gets done inside these walls, nor on behalf of St Paul’s outside these walls, but that each of you does it. Each of you to a person blesses this community with many unsung activities and the true blessing of your presence. You have done more things than a litany on this document would begin to honor. I could with awe go on, and on, and on. Each of you is St Paul’s Church. You make St Paul’s who we are. You give this community the space and the room and the strength to continue growing into who God made us to be, to continue becoming rather than just being. The Holy Spirit is truly up to something here, and St Paul’s is up to something right alongside Her. It is a blessing and honor to be with you as we gather, pray and share with one another; as we listen, invite and trust the Holy Spirit; and as we experience and share our gratitude, joy and hope for the world, with the world around us. I can’t wait for what God and we come up with next. Faithfully and humbly submitted,


Senior Warden’s Annual Report

I pondered how to make this report different from those I have done in the recent past. It has certainly been a

note-worthy year! The calling of The Reverend Ed Bird as our Interim Priest filled the immediate goal of

having a full-time priest to lead and guide us as our Search Committee looks for our next permanent rector.

During the 3 months without a priest in residence, I worked alongside Lorraine Langer and Susan King to

ensure smooth sailing. I believe we did that. Our staff is so valuable to the life of our parish. Julie Rogers and

the nursery staff are also a vital part of our family, and I thank them for their cheerful and competent care of our

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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youngest members. If you look around the church building and property, you will see that this has not been a

year of inactivity. The Sanctuary Reconfiguration Committee (SRC) completed their mission of research into

and implementation of changes in our worship space. There are more improvements to be considered (please

see the list in Parish Hall), but for now the work is finished. If additional projects are considered, the Vestry

and parish members will need to step up. The SRC did a lot of work, and we owe them our gratitude. For the

first time in anyone’s recent memory, we had a “greening” of the sanctuary/nave during Advent. I believe we

did this beautifully and respectfully, and I thank everyone who helped with this project. We certainly are not

just marking time here at St. Paul’s!

Here’s where my report begins to sound familiar. In fact, some of it is probably word for word from previous

reports. I continue to encourage parishioners to take an active role in the life of our church. Via news

newsletter articles and in-person conversations, I have tried to make everyone feel they have a role and are

important. Welcome the newcomers! Invite them to participate in our ministries! Try a new ministry yourself!

The bottom line is that people need to assume responsibilities. This is an ongoing concern. There are a lot of

opportunities to serve, ranging from hosting coffee hour to serving on committees and Vestry. Please step up

and do what you can. Together, we make things happen!

And we are making things happen. We held our 49th Annual Lobster Boil. The Vestry held a retreat (thanks to

Julie Stubblefield for hosting). The Garden was a success again this year (thank you Linda Lorbach, for

chairing). Altar Guild and Flower Guild performed tirelessly, 52 weeks a year (and twice this Christmas Eve!).

Building and Grounds works relentlessly. Outreach ministries like Grace Place meals, Salvation Army food

collection, and Thanksgiving baskets don’t happen without volunteers (thanks to the McMahons, Jennie

Cummings, Jocelyn Prall, and Maureen Gerrity and others too numerous to name). Inreach ministries come

naturally to us, and our care and concern for each other is obvious. Thank you to Pat McMahon for her card

ministry. It is nice to be remembered by the church on our special days.

I have, without much success, tried to get parishioners updated in their Keeping God’s People Safe training.

This training is required for Vestry members, staff, and employees, as well as some parishioners who provide

direct ministries. The Diocese no longer offers an on-site training for Level 1. This is too bad, as the online

training proved to be problematic for many of our parishioners. If you have been unsuccessful in completing

your training, please keep performing your ministries. It is my goal in 2018 to see this training through to


We started this year with no Junior Warden. When approached, Freyja Rasmussen-Johns agreed to fill this role,

stating that if she wanted others to step up, she needed to set that example. I am ever so grateful to Freyja, and

have every confidence that she will continue to lead by example. It is so important (and helpful!) that

parishioners fill roles as they are able. I thankful for the Vestry members and their commitment.

As I step back a bit from my “church duties,” I look forward to continuing my work on the Altar Guild,

participating in fellowship activities, and ringing bells. As I said earlier, I am committed to helping folks

complete the Keeping God’s People Safe training. And I have an interest in Bylaws, and hope to participate in

a review/revision of ours as time goes on. I am going to be away the month of February, but look forward to

hitting the ground running in March.

Please participate and serve whenever possible, read the Proclaimer and Vestry minutes to keep up on what’s

happening, and invite others to join us in worship and activities. And one more time.

See You Sunday!

Peggy Newby

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Junior Warden’s Annual Report I came on board as Junior Warden in the middle of 2017 (June), and many Vestry projects were already underway. I believe we have made many strides forward this year and have implemented several positive changes in the life of St. Paul’s. I was fortunate enough to be able to participate as a member of a subcommittee of the Sanctuary Reconfiguration Committee (SRC), on which we worked specifically to finalize plans for the Prayground area in the back of the sanctuary. Due to the diligent efforts and hard work of the SRC and Vestry members, we were able to make several positive changes. We now have an attractive, inviting space for our children in the sanctuary, some comfortable cushions for our pews, new mats to soften the hard concrete floors in the back of the sanctuary, and a much improved handicapped-accessible space. We are also moving forward in our search for a new rector (although we all love Father Ed), and I was happy to attend the first organizational meeting of the search committee led by Andrea Mysen and Victor Conrado of the Diocese. The second meeting of the search committee that also included Vestry members was the CAT interpretation meeting. The search committee is now moving forward in the process, and I look forward to working with them in the coming year as they discern possible candidates for our congregation. A few of the other things I have been involved in this year are listed below.

• Rick and I ordered a reusable banner for the Parish Picnic/Rally Day.

• Attended a meeting in June of Lobster Boil coordinators to go over plans for next year’s boil.

• Attended several garden meetings and assisted with weeding and harvesting.

• Visited Gail Piper and Jennifer, and took them a bag of our garden produce.

• Along with Rev. Ed, Peg Newby and others, worked on coordinating and setting up our first-ever town hall meetings.

• Attended the search committee organizational meeting. Coordinated a meal for and attended the CAT interpretation meeting with search committee and vestry members.

• Interviewed Father Ed and typed up a little publicity article for the local newspapers in the hope of promoting Rally Day. Unfortunately, it never made print, but I learned a lot about Father Ed!

• Met with Rev. Ed and Julie Stubblefield to coordinate plans for the picnic and Rally Day and worked out a schedule of events, for which Julie made sign-up sheets. Set up the Rally Day banner with Rick (with a reminder and a little assistance from Rev. Ed).

• The pet blessing was again a big success with about 30 or so pets in attendance. Rick and I spent an afternoon distributing flyers to local businesses and putting up the pet blessing banner in the church yard.

• On October 4th, Jennie Cummings, Maureen Gerrity and I coordinated and delivered a taco bar meal to Grace Place.

• Covered the office on Oct. 16 & 17 while Susan King was out on medical leave and Rev. Ed attended the Clergy Conference.

• Rev. Ed, Jocelyn Prall and I met to coordinate an overall general parish calendar to include all the activities, events, special services, etc. on a single calendar.

• Peg and I served as the nominating committee this year.

• Attended the Diocesan Convention on November 17 and 18. It was my first experience doing so, and I found it to be quite interesting. The Mass on Saturday was particularly inspiring with Bishop Lee officiating.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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• Attended the Blue Christmas service and the bonfire following the service. I was especially touched and warmed by this year’s service. Many thanks to Father Ed and Mother Heidi for officiating this lovely, calming service, and to Hannah Buckle for her beautiful musical selections.

• Attended the festive St. Nick party hosted by Jane and George Nenonen, which was well attended and lots of fun.

• Maureen and I delivered wrapped Christmas gifts from St. Paul’s to the Piper-Sitzes family in mid-December. Many thanks to Maureen Gerrity for coordinating this much needed effort.

• Attended the children’s Christmas party with our grandchildren on Dec. 10th. More thanks to Maureen for coordinating this annual event. There were several children in attendance, and all seemed to be having a joyous time.

In addition to these activities and responsibilities, I love singing in the choir, led by our awesome and untiring director, Lorraine Langer, and I continue to enjoy my work on the altar guild. I am extremely grateful to Peg Newby who is a model of professionalism in her role as Senior Warden, to Father Ed who absolutely goes far above and beyond his responsibilities as interim priest, and to all our Vestry members who take their leadership roles so seriously. And, of course, a huge thank you to all parish members who participate in so many ways to make St. Paul’s a wonderful and beautiful place to be. -Freyja Rasmussen-Johns, Junior Warden

Altar Guild Report

January 2018

About the Altar Guild

The Altar Guild members help prepare our worship space for Sunday, weekday, and special services. Their

ministry is carried out under the direction and guidance of the rector. In addition to preparing the altar, the

group cares for the sacred vessels, linens, vestments, and candles. Hymn posting is another responsibility.

The Altar Guild works in close coordination with the Flower Guild, especially during the Christmas and

Easter seasons. Both groups make our sanctuary festive and beautiful on these occasions.

Thank you to parishioners who served in this ministry during this past year both routinely as well as

occasionally----Peggy Newby, Jane Nenonen, Jocelyn Prall, Pat Brown, Pat McMahon, Linda Kelley, Ellen

Stuart, Freyja Rassmussen-Johns, and others who assisted with the weekday service. New members are always


Four members of the Altar Guild again visited the church supply store in Wheaton. We were able to choose

material for a second altar cloth (a less festive cloth than the previous one purchased). It is nice to have two

altar cloths to use that are in good condition. After our store visit, we enjoyed fellowship while dining out for


Very special thanks go out to the volunteers who stayed after the 10:30 Advent IV service on

December 24th to help set the sanctuary for Christmas. The many hands really helped make this process

go faster. What a great team and what a beautiful result!

Jocelyn Prall

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Art and Music Ministries

The Adult/Youth and Children’s Choirs continue to thrive!

I have received many positive responses from the congregation, as well as visitors, in regard to the choir’s presence, sound, literature and spiritual inspiration. At Christmas Eve services, we had a return visitor that shared “…the music and choirs are always wonderful, and this was the best year yet…thank you…” St. Paul’s is very fortunate to have such dedicated and talented volunteers. The choirs continue to grow musically & spiritually. They are a blessing to work with, and I thank them for their continued gifts of talent, time and spirit!

We are equally fortunate to have two staff musicians that continue to grow, improve, and also return for another year: Kathleen Johnson, Pipe Organist (Year 10), and Hannah Buckle, Pianist (Year 3).

A few highlights from 2017:

The Adult/Youth and Children’s Choirs auditioned and participated in the Community Kiwanis Talent Show in April that showcased talent in the community. This was the first time for our choirs to be heard outside of the church and they were well received. It was a wonderful experience for all. St. Paul’s received good free publicity with this outreach.

The Adult/Youth choir continues to thrive with nine core members. The Children’s Choir also continues to thrive with a core group of three, and has significantly increased their presence and participation in the worship services.

The Sanctus Bells continue to be a wonderful opportunity to bring children (members and visitors) into the worship service.

We also added occasional Hand Bells to the music for worship services this year.

Administrative Accomplishments include the (first time ever at St. Paul’s) completion of documents for our Five Music Job Positions (organist, pianist, adult/youth and children’s choir directors, and director of music):

• Music Job Descriptions

• Music Job Responsibilities (Use for open posting and starting position)

• Music Job Letters of Offering Position

• Music Job Contractual Letters of Agreement

• Music Job Review Templates and

• A History of Music Salaries from 2005-2018

For more detailed information shared throughout the year about music ministries and our parishioner’s artistic contributions in the DeKalb community at large, I defer to the 2017 Proclaimers (St. Paul’s Monthly Newsletter archived on the website) and The monthly Vestry Reports (also archived on our church website).

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music Ministries (Year 14)

Building and Grounds Report Building and Grounds

2017 Report

Thanks to Rick, Rhys, and others for help with many B & G projects listed below.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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• Church Clean-up Day

• Gravel added to walking path on South side of church grounds

• Light bulbs replaced

• Miscellanies small repairs inside church building

• Removed Skunk and Groundhog from Church and Rectory

• Assisted with Sanctuary Reconfiguration

• Reconfigured pews to provided wheelchair assessibility and room for Prayground

• Purchase of heavy duty vacuum cleaner for our housekeeper.

• Repair minor water leaks above door 3.

• Build and installed gate to Thrive garden

Submitted by Brad Smith

Endowment Fund Report

Fellow parishioners and clergy;

The Endowment Committee is pleased to report that the calendar year 2017 began with a balance of $1,930,560

and ended the year with a balance of $2,123,680. The fund experienced a rate of return before fees and

withdrawals 14.82%. In accordance with the bylaws of the Endowment, $90,000 was withdrawn to support the

activities of the parish making up for shortfalls in income from pledges, Lobster Boil and other activities. The

role of the Endowment Fund Board is to oversee the activities of Edward Jones, our investment advisor,

insuring that investments are made in accordance with the policies established by the board and are in the best

interest of our church. We also act in a fiduciary role for the church insuring that funds are expended in

accordance with the budget set by the Vestry and the Parish.

We should all be very pleased that we have had such a good year. We should also be concerned that the

transfers from the Endowment Fund are becoming an increasing portion of the church budget and that we are

approaching the limits set in the fund bylaws for expenditures. The Endowment Board will continue to work

with the investment manager to insure low trading costs and low turnover in assets. We will also be working on

ways to build the fund through increased donations and bequests. If you have any questions please see any

member of the Endowment Fund Board.

Richard Dowen, Chair

Summary of activity St. Pauls Endowm,entr Fund


Balance 1,930,560.26$


Balance 2,123,680.10$

Change 193,119.84$

Add Back

Withdrawn 90,000.00$

Fees 17,328.80$



Contributions -$

Gain 300,448.64$


Balance 2,027,120.18$


Return 14.82%

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Episcopal Church Women's Report for 2017 St. Paul's ECW sponsors the annual Lobster Boil. Half of the proceeds are donated to local charities. Proceeds from the 2016 boil were disbursed in May 2017 as follows: $500 each to: The Children's Waiting Room Safe Passage Women's Shelter Hope Haven Homeless Shelter Voluntary Action Center Family Service Agency $1,129 to St. Paul's for General Parish Support

$847 to St. Paul's Discretionary Fund

Thank you to all members of the congregation for your hard work during Lobster Boil "season".

St.Paul’s ECW also collected $220.10 for the annual United Thank Offering.

Maureen Gerrity

Flower Guild Report

The Flower Guild had a productive year. The altar flowers every week enhance the worship experience and this

ministry gives our members a creative way to contribute to St. Paul's. The special celebrations of Easter and

Christmas during the church year are other ways to make our worship space festive. Flowers for these special

events are ordered from Shady Hill Nursery. The funds come from donations, celebrations and memorials given

by parishioners. Our members include: Marilyn Cleland, Lori Judkins, Linda Kelley, Mary Lincoln, Jane

Nenonen, Betsy Pool, and Rebecca Smith. We always welcome anyone who would like to be part of this

ministry. This year we have a very special “Thank You” for all of our parish family who helped with decorating

the altar with the beautiful poinsettias on Christmas Eve Day!

Submitted by Rebecca Smith

Greeting Card Report 2017 Mailings -St. Paul’s Church

Birthday, Anniversary,

Get Well, Sympathy, Christmas


A Nenonens

A Newbys

B de Oliveira, D.

B McLane, Q.

B Stubblefield, L.

B Roberts, L.

B Smith, R.

B Larson, J.

B DeGolier, J.

Total: 9


B Gerrity, M.

B Mason, R.

B Russell, B.

B McMahon, K.

B Schlabach, G.

B Rasmussen-Johns, F.

Total: 6


B Russell, J.

B Russell, E.

B Nenonen, J.

B Russell, D.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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B Stubblefield, J.

B Dickow, J.

B Lincoln, M.

B Piper, G.

GW Mounts, J.

Total: 9


A Mounts

B Russell, M.

B Johns, R.

B Wright, G

B Roberts, D.

Total: 5


A Judkins

B McLane, E.

B Buckle

B Dickow, T

B Mason, N.

B Biundo, A

Total: 6


A Biundos

A Clelands

B Biundo, F.

GW Ava Stubblefield

Total: 4


A Pralls

B Bird, E.

B Prall, J.

B Bird, Rev.

B Graham, J

B Beth Lee.

B Cleland, M.

B Biundo, N.

B King, S.

B DeGolier, S.

Total: 9


A Johns

A DeGoliers

A Masons

A Goodenoughs

Total: 4


A Cummings

A Stubblefields

B Cummings, W.

B Russell, P.

B Russell, R.

B Langer, L.

B George, E.

B Brown, P.

B Newby, P.

B Stuibblefield, J.

B McMahon, V

B Cummings, J.

Total: 12


A Roberts

A Kombrinks

B Dowen, R.

B Piper, L.

B Meyers.D.

B Meyers, J.

B Leonard, H.

B Lorbach, L.

B Prall, R.

GW King

GW Ostberg

A.S. Convent – card order

A.S. Convent – check

Total: 13


A Pipers

B Cleland, C.

B Nenonen, G.

B Harkness, B.

B Sitzes, J.

B Stubblefield, L.

B Johnson, K.

B Mounts, J.

B Judkins, L.

B Biundo, M.

B Judkins, D.

B Kombrink, M.

Total: 12


A Dickows

A Russells

A Kellley-Nissens

B Kelley, L.

B Stubblefield, A.

B Pool, B.

B Kombrink, P.

B Bach, J.

B Goodenough, M.

B Mounts, M.

B Stuart, E.

Total: 11






Bird & Lee

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 28, 2018

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Leonard, A&B.

Leonard, H.





McMahon, K.















Russell, B.

Russell, R.








Total: 69

Summary of 2017 Mailings

Stamps remaining 12/31/16 = 10

Stamps purchase 1/10/17 100

Total = 110

2017 B,A,GW mailings = 100

Stamps remaining 12/3/17= 10

Stamps purchase 12/4/17 100

Total = 110

Christmas mailings 69

Stamps remaining 12/31/17

St. Paul’s Church

2017 mailings = 172

Stamps remaining 12/31/17 41

Pat McMahon

Mission and Outreach Report

St. Paul’s continued its outreach project with the Salvation Army Food Pantry in 2017. Parish volunteers assisted at the pantry on the first Thursday of each month. Parishioners who volunteered in 2017 included Bill Cummings, Dick Dowen, Mary Lincoln, Vince and Pat McMahon, and George Nenonen. Contributions collected on Food Pantry Sundays during the year totaled 7883 items (2482 diapers, 5000 wipes, and 401 food /personal items). The total number of donations in 2017 represents an increase of approximately 30% over 2016. In addition to these donated items, monetary contributions were made to the pantry by a number of St. Paul’s parishioners.

Pat McMahon

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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On-Line Giving Report The On-Line Giving committee is a work in progress. We will be looking more into formalizing this process in the early part of 2017. Making Electronic and On-Line Giving easier for parishioners and the community at large, may include:

✓ Setting up direct payments of annual pledges (monthly, quarterly, yearly) [Bank to Bank]

✓ Donate buttons on our church website using a Secure Socket Link (SSL) [Website]

Consultants: Lorraine Langer, Pat Brown, Jamie Stubblefield, Rick Johns, Peg Newby (01/25/2017)

Rector Search Report January 22, 2018

As you all know we have been involved in an extensive exercise to conduct the research in order to construct a

profile of the Parish which will be useful in attracting clergy interest from Priests who will potentially be good

fits with the needs and desires of all of us. That phase is nearing a conclusion. The Committee had a three hour

meeting last Saturday with a representative of the Diocese who aided us in taking all of the information we have

gathered and compiling it into a meaningful summary.

Our next task is to draft the profile which will be published in appropriate forums to attract applications. At this

stage you not be hearing a great deal from the committee, but the committee will be very busy reviewing

applications, possibly conducting incognito visits to certain applicants churches, gathering data to decide the

finalist applicants to be invited to visit with the committee and the Vestry, and making a final recommendation

to the Vestry about the individual we believe should receive a call to St. Paul’s. Those activities will of course

be private in order to protect the privacy of the applicants.

I and all of the members of the Search Committee would like to extend our sincere thanks to the members of the

parish for their cooperation so far. As Chair I also extend my thanks to all members of the Committee for their

work and dedication. In this task we all have the goal of selecting the best possible Rector for St. Paul’s. We ask

for your prayers as we go forward.

Dick Dowen


Sanctuary Reconfiguration Committee We now have more wheelchair and walker Access-Ability, a larger area for our children to comfortably attend and participate in our services with our new Pray Ground, and a more Centralized Music Area for the piano and choirs to better assist in the quality and flow of the liturgy. Based on feedback from the parish over time, with the support from the vestry, and initiative from several parishioners, the SRC was formed. Many suggestions and concerns about the worship space were collectively reviewed and researched over a two-year period.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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In the spirit of enhancing our worship service experiences, the SRC’s charge was to explore our current worship space, specifically looking at ways to improve the functionality relative to our worship services, and to consider the possibility of using it for the greater community of DeKalb. We were very mindful of our current parish budget concerns and you will find that most of our projects to date have had very small budgets and little expenses. The seven areas listed below seem to be the most important to the congregation. The Vestry approved four upgrades for better functionality in the sanctuary. The remaining project ideas are open to any parishioner and vestry member to further explore. 1. Accessibility: Wheel Chairs, Walkers, Kneeler Pads The removal and carpentry of several pews to

better accommodate wheel-chairs and walkers (one of two completed) Cost: $229.00 Labor: In-Kind $0.00 2. Centralize Musical Instruments: Piano, Organ, Choirs The back three pews on the right side were removed so

that the piano and choir could come out from under the overhang and can be heard better. Cost: $0.00 Labor: In-Kind $0.00

3. Children’s Pray Ground Area: All Ages, Nursery is for Infanst-5Yrs. The back two pews on the left side were removed for the expansion of the Children's Pray Ground area. The budget and cost for these changes included the following. Cost: $ 1,045.29 Labor: In-Kind $0.00

4. Worship Area: Altar, Baptismal Font, Columbarium Four floor mats were added to the back of the Nave covering the cement floor to make it safer and appealing. Cost: $ 2,917.55 Labor: In-Kind $0.00 Snacks: $ 65.59

5. Lighting for All Areas: Altar, Overhang, Nave 6. Sound & Hearing: Microphones, Speakers, Monitors 7. Greater Community: Worship, Concerts, Lectures

Thank you! SRC: Lorraine Langer, Julie Stubblefield, Jocelyn Prall, Terry Dickow, Jackie Dickow

Social/Fellowship Committee Report The fellowship committee oversees the coordination of social events that occur throughout the year, most which coincide with the liturgical calendar. Additionally, the committee assists with other occasions as they present themselves (i.e.: pumpkin decorating, crêpes-on-the-patio, Bishop’s Visit etc.). In 2017, we had numerous activities that the people of St. Paul’s came together and enjoyed fellowship. Events included: Epiphany Pageant and Dinner, Ash Wednesday Soup Supper, Chili Cook-Off, Easter Vigil, Low Sunday Brunch, Ascension Potluck, Parish Picnic, Pet Blessing, Bonfire and Christmas Eve.

These pre-scheduled fellowship gatherings are posted in advance, giving parishioners the opportunity sign up to coordinate a particular event. The coordinator does just that, coordinates by asking others to help bring food, help set up and /or decorate, and help clean up. Spreading the work involved helps, so we can all enjoy these gatherings.

Coffee hour continues to be a thriving fellowship opportunity to visit, catch up with each other, give each other support, as well as to welcome visitors. Welcoming others is a great strength of St. Paul’s people. To continue this great fellowship, we are in real need of people to assist with coffee hour. You do not have to take on the entire duty for a Sunday. Volunteering to bring one snack, partner with someone, help clean up, help set up are all possible opportunities that by themselves don’t take much time.

Julie Stubblefield

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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Sunday School Reports


St. Paul's Sunday School Program for children and youth served 8 students from 4 families Adult volunteers serve as teachers and greeters. The Godly Play curriculum offers children the opportunity to place themselves in the sacred stories and traditions of Christianity.

Thank you to all of the adults who volunteer their time to this important ministry.

Maureen Gerrity

Adult Sunday School This has been a year of exploration of clarifying a curriculum for Our morning group. A primary question that has arisen is whether our conversation should center around the Bible, theology, or living the Christian life. As a resource for conversation, Sunday School has used the Living Well booklets from the diocese. Living Well provides Christian spiritual insights and practices during the seasons of the church. The basic premise is that Christian spirituality practices, sourced from biblical and Episcopal insights, can support greater social, psychological, and physical well-being, thus attempting to respond to the primary question. While the group that meets has been small, (with a break during the post-Christmas period), Adult Sunday School continues to meet. Participants will look with interest on the results of the Adult Formation Survey for implications for Adult Sunday School. — Marilyn Cleland

Stewardship Report Annual Giving 2017

The people of St Paul’s give a lot of themselves to this wonderful community of faith. Be reminded that your presence, what you do and who you are is a blessing to this parish. While the parish needs funds to continue ministering to the larger community, we must never lose sight that who we are and what we do with and for each other is and are our greatest gifts. Hence we tried to elicit your thoughts and feelings about what you give and receive in joy, hope and thanksgiving. Ed Bird and Maureen Gerrity wrote the letter you received that accompanied the “Giving in joy, hope and thanks” sheet. Here is what you all said in your responses in regards to giving in joy, hope, and thanks [Note: these are mostly verbatim quotes, many of the below items were mentioned several times over and we removed the duplicates for clarity and brevity]:

In joy, I/we have been blessed most by St Paul’s: in social interaction, support in hard times; music; liturgy, and worship; our loving church/parish family, and atmosphere; relationships; the caring atmosphere; deepening my commitment to praise God unceasingly; leadership, getting to know a new community of people; the loving friendships; adult class; serving as lector and intercessor on Sunday’s; fellowship with parishioners, especially Altar Guild; relationships with others; ministries and outreach; hospitality; love of Christ; music especially our children’s choir (a number of you mentioned specific people by name)

In gratitude, I/we would like to offer our time and/or talent in: choir; photography; Sunday ministries including bell ringing, Eucharistic minister, usher, lector, greeter, & intercessor; help with projects; Children's Christian formation, community outreach; adult education; altar guild; food pantry; fellowship groups/events; flower guild, ongoing sanctuary/ nave issues; minor maintenance; coffee hour; vestry, rector search, building & grounds, garden; finance commission; endowment commission; making smiles and laughs.

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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In hopefulness, I/we wish to see (& would help bring it about), through St Paul’s, something to offer our parish and/or our community: more use of the building for outside groups; a bigger membership; increased ecumenical understanding and partnerships in community; monthly fellowship dinners in parish hall; an Organ Recital; outreach to neighbors with perhaps fewer ministries but greater focus and impact; inreach, fellowship, outreach to parishioners; outreach to neighbors; school supply drive for children in need; resume hosting produce market.

In thanksgiving for God’s many blessings, and to support the work of the Church in this parish, in our diocese, and throughout the world, I/we pledge to contribute the following amount, to the annual fund, during calendar year 2018:

• 100% of those who received the letter replied • 100% of those who pledged financially last year did so again this year; we lost no one in that

regard! • 75% of those who pledged last year INCREASED their pledge • Pledged dollars last year $102,079; this year, $115,323 for an increased total dollars pledged of

$13,244 or just under 13% • Your individual increases ranged from 2% to 116% over last year • We have four (4) new pledgers over last year.

Thrive Garden Report

The garden year commenced with a March 26th meeting to discuss plans. The beds were readied with the help

of the NIU Cares Day students on April 22nd, and the planted garden was blessed after the May 21st service.

Brad Smith made a gate for the fence around the garden that made exits and entries much easier.

There were no weekly garden nights this year as schedules were scattered but there was a sign up sheet posted

in the Parish Hall for people to come weed and harvest. We supplied two different food pantries that the DeKalb

Community Gardens could not get to, so that was appreciated. This year, produce was taken directly to food

pantries instead of having monthly garden markets.

The crops this year included eight different heirloom tomatoes and some purple tomatillos, two beds full of

jalapeno, cayenne, poblano, habanero and sweet peppers. For greens, there was a bed mixed with arugula,

spinach, butter lettuce and lacinato kale. Collard greens had a bed of their own. Radishes, beans, carrots and

cucumbers were included. We enjoyed borscht soup one Sunday made with the beets from the garden.

Thank you to all who helped the garden grow!

Linda Lorbach

Lobster Boil Financial Report

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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2018 Annual Budget

Annual Meeting, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, DeKalb, Illinois. January 29, 2017

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