21. semiology of external bleeding and internal...


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Page 1: 21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal ...chirurgiesemiologie.old.usmf.md/wp-content/blogs...21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnostic
Page 2: 21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal ...chirurgiesemiologie.old.usmf.md/wp-content/blogs...21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnostic

21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnosticmethods and laboratory tests.

22. Semiology of internal intraluminal bleeding. Diagnostic methods and laboratorytests.

23. Semiology of internal intracavitary bleeding. Diagnostic methods and laboratorytests.

24. Estimation of blood loss volume: by Allgdwer shock index, by red blood cells count,by gravimetric method, by Gross formula.

Hemostasis25. Blood coagulation (spontaneous hemostasis): definition, main phases and

pathways of fibrin clot formation. l\.4echan jsms of local coagulation limitation.26. Synd rome of disseminated intravascula r coagulation: etiology and pathogenesis,

semiology, laboratory diagnosis. principles of treatment.27. Methods of temporary surgical hemostasis. Rules of hemostatic tourniquet

aDolication.28. Mechanical, physical, chemical and biological methods of definitive surgical


Blood groups and blood transfusion29. Blood antigen systems and its role in blood transfusion. Blood groups

characteristic. Rh blood group system.30. Blood agglutination. Types of agglutination. l\i lethods for determination of blood

groups. Determination of Rh factor.31. Indications and contraindications for blood transfusion. Indirect and direct methods

of blood transfusion, autotransfusion. Measures to reduce the number of bloodtransfusions.

32. Blood components and plasma derivatives: indications, methods of administration.33. Blood substitutes: definition, classification, indications for administration,

mechanisms of action.34. Consequence of physicians' action during blood transfusion. Transfusion report.35. Posttransfusion reactions and posttransfusion complications: definition,

classifications, symptomatology.36. Hemol).tic (transfusion) shock: periods, semiology, treatment and prophylaxis.37. TRALI (Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury) syndrome. Mechanical and

infectious complications of blood transfusion.

Surgical intervention38. Surgical intervention: definition, classification. Basic steps of surgical intervention.

Protocol of surgical intervention39. Preoperative period. Surgical risk. Preparing of patient for surgery. Preoperative

concluston.40. Postoperative management of su rg ical patient. Complications of postoperative


Surgical instruments. Sutures and knots41. Surgical instruments: general concept, requirements and classification.

Requirements and types of operating room table and surgical l ight.42. Suture materials: brief historyand requirements. Classifications of suture materials

by structure and source from which they are produced.

Semiology of nutritional disturbances

Page 3: 21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal ...chirurgiesemiologie.old.usmf.md/wp-content/blogs...21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnostic

43. Semiology of nutritional disturbances and its importance in surgery.Anthropomethrics in assessment of surgical patient's nutritional status.

44. Enteral feeding; indications, methods and protocols, feeding products,complications.

45. Parenteral nutrition: indications, types and complications.46. N,4orbid obesity: definition, classification. Problem of obesity in surgery.

Semiology and treatment of wounds47. Wounds: definition, local symptoms and its description.48. Classification of wounds. Features of gunshot wounds.49. Wound healing process: definition, phases. Pathological and clinical description of

phases.50. Types of wound healing. Structure and function of granulation tissue.51. First aid in case of wound. Complications of wounds and wound's healing. Topical

medication and general treatment of purulent wounds in the different phases ofwound healing.

52. Surgical treatment of contaminated and purulent wounds. Primary surgicalprocessing of wound. Additional physical methods of purulent wounds' cleaning.

53. Primary, primary deferred, early secondary and late secondary sutures for woundclosure. Skin grafting.

Surgical infection54. Concept of surgical infection. Classification ofsurgical infection by etiology, clinical

evolution and location.55. Pathogenesis of surgical infection: pathogenic germs and source of infection,

specific and nonspecific reactions of organism. Factors that diminish protectivereacttons.

56. Semiology of surgical infection: local and general symptoms. Physical andinstrumental methods for diagnosis of pus accumulation.

57. Principles of local and general treatment in case of purulent surgical infection ofsoft tissue.

58. Furuncle and carbuncle: defjnitjon, symptoms and treatment. Cavernous sinusthrombosis.

59. Abscess and phlegmon: definition, symptoms. Principles of su rg ical treatment.60. Paraproctitis: definition, classification, sympioms and treatment. Pilonidal abscess:

definition, symptoms and treatment.61. Erysipelas: definition, clinical forms, symptoms and treatment. Erysipeloid.62. Hydradenitis, lymphangitjs, lymphadenitis, adenophlegmon; definition, symptoms

and treatment.

Felon and phlegmon of hand63. Felon: definition, classification, symptomatology, general principles of surgical

treatment.64. Cutaneous felon, subcutaneous felon and paronychia: definition, symptoms and

treatment.65. Purulent tenosynovitis, osseous felon, articular felon and pandactylitis: deiinition,

symptoms and treatment. Classic signs of Kanavel.66. Phlegmon of hand: definition, classification, symptoms and treatment.

Semiology of traumatic injuries and inflammatory conditions of bones and joints67. Fracture: definition, class;fication. First aid in case offracture. Methods of splinting.

General orincioles of treatment.

Page 4: 21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal ...chirurgiesemiologie.old.usmf.md/wp-content/blogs...21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnostic

68. Semiology of limb fractures. Absolute and relative symptoms of fracture. X-raysigns of fracture.

69. Dislocation: definition, classification, semiology. X-ray signs of dislocation.70. Osteomyelitis: definition, classificat;on, ways of contamination, pathogenesis.71 . Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis: clinical forms, symptoms, X-ray signs,

Drincioles of treatment.72. Chronic osteomyelitis: definition, causes, symptoms, X-ray signs and principles of

treatment.73. Acute purulent arthritis: definition, classification, symptoms and principles of

treatment. Acute purulent bursitis.

Anaerobic infection and sepsis74. Sepsis: definition, classification, systemic inflammatory response syndrome

(srRS).75. Pathophysiology of surgical sepsis. C!'tokines and their role in pathogenesis of

sepsis.76. Clinical signs, diagnosis, local and general treatment of surgical sepsis.77. Anaerobic closhidial infection of soft tissues (gas gangrene): characteristics of

microorganisms, conditjons for infection development, classification according toorigin and clinical features.

78. Pathophysiology of anaerobic clostridial infection of soft tissues (gas gangrene).79. Clinical signs, diagnosis, medical and sufgical treatment of anaerobic clostridial

infection of soft tissues (gas gangrene).80. Anaerobic non-clostridial surgical infection: causative organisms, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment.81. Surgical aspects of tetanus: causative microorganism and source of infection.

Pathophysiology and classification of tetanus.82. Clinical features of neonatal, cephalic, local, and generalized tetanus. Role of

surgical treatment, principles of medical care and prevention of tetanus.

Introduction in semiology. Semiology of neck83. Phases of diagnostic process. Concepts of symptom, syndrome and semiology.

Particularities of surgical history of djsease.84. Surgical semiology of thyroid gland.

Semiology of thorax and breast85. Semiology of congenital and acquired deformities of thorax.86. Semiology of thoracic spinal column deformities.87. General semiology of breast. Methods of inspection and palpation of mammary

gland. Semiology of congenital breast anomalies.88. Palpatory characteristics of breast mass. Method of palpation of regional lymph

nodes.89. Semiology of breast cancer. Male breast cancer.90. Semjology of benign breast diseases. Mastopathy. Gynecomastia.91. N/astitis: definition, classification, symptoms, prophylaxis and treatment.

Semiology of acute abdomen92. Acute abdomen: concept, groups of diseases.93. Patient complaints and history in case of acute abdomen. Inspection of patient with

acute abdomen.94. Technique of abdomen palpation in case of acute abdomen: main symptoms.

Percussion and auscultation in case of acute abdomen.

Page 5: 21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal ...chirurgiesemiologie.old.usmf.md/wp-content/blogs...21. Semiology of external bleeding and internal intratisular bleeding. Diagnostic

95. Semiology of acute inflammatory diseases of abdominal organs. lnstrumentaldiagnosis.

96. Semiology of hollow viscus perforation into abdominal cavity. Instrumentaldiagnosis.

97. Semiology of acute intestinal obstruction. Instrumental diagnosis.

Semiology of trauma98. Trauma: concept, classification. Definition of isolated, multiple, associated and

combined trauma.99. General semiology of head injury. General and focal signs, Glasgow Coma Scale.

Primary and secondary brain injury. Semiology of specialtypes of head trauma.100. Semiology of chest injury: rib and sternum fractures.101. Semiology of pleural injury: pneumothorax, hemothorax.102. Semiology of medjastinal jnjuries: tracheobronchial injuries, traumatic

diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal injury.103. Semiology of mediastinal injuries: cardiac tamponade, traumatic aortic rupture.104. Abdominal trauma: classification, main clinical syndromes.

Semiology of peripheral blood vessels105. Semiology of acute arterial insufficiency (acute ischemia) of extremities.106. Semiology of chronic arterial insufficiency (chronic ischemia) of extremities.'107. Semiology of chronic venous insufficiency of lower limbs.'108. Semiology of deep vein thrombosis.

Necrosis and gangrene109. Necrosis: concept, classification. Semiology of dry and damp gangrene.

Treatment.1 10. Trophic ulcer: concept, causes. Semiology of ischemic, venous and neuropathic

ulcers.111. Fistulas: definition, classification, semiology, principles of diagnosis and treatment.

Diabetic foot112. Definition oi diabetic foot syndrome. Epidemiology. [,,Iedical and public importance

of diabetic foot.1 13. Pathogenesis of diabetic foot. Pathophysiology and forms of disease. Factors

which contribute to septic comDlicaiions of diabetic foot.1'14. Wagner and another classifications of diabetic foot syndrome.1 15. Principles of physical examination of a patient with diabetic foot. Role of

instrumental studies and laboratory tests.116. Differential diagnosis between the ischemic and neuropathic form of diabetic foot

syndrome.117. Diagnosis of diabetic foot infection: symptoms, tests, laboratory, lmaging.

Principles of treatment.118. Principles oftreatment of ischemic and neuropathic diabetic foot. The ways for

prevention of diabetic foot syndrome.

Transplantology1 19. Transplantology: definition, history, common terminology. The concept of autograft,

singraft, allograft, and xenograft. Definition of orthotopic and heterotopictransplantation. Prosthetics and replantation.

120. Transplant rejection. Prevention and treatment of transplant rejection.lmmunosuppressive therapy.