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Welcome Message from NAHJ President ..........................................................................................................................................2

Welcome Message from the 2010 Convention Programming Co-Chairs...........................................................................................5

Welcome Message from the 2010 Convention Co-Chairs ...............................................................................................................6

Welcome Message from the Mayor of Denver .................................................................................................................................7

Mission of NAHJ ..............................................................................................................................................................................9

Why NAHJ Exists ............................................................................................................................................................................11

Board of Directors ..........................................................................................................................................................................13

Staff ...............................................................................................................................................................................................15

Parity Project ..................................................................................................................................................................................16

Professional Chapters .....................................................................................................................................................................20

Student Chapters ...........................................................................................................................................................................21

Lifetime Members...........................................................................................................................................................................22

Corporate Members .......................................................................................................................................................................25

2010 Convention Sponsors ............................................................................................................................................................26

About the NAHJ Hall ofFame..........................................................................................................................................................27

2010 Hall of Fame Inductees ..........................................................................................................................................................28

2010 President’s Award Recipient ...................................................................................................................................................30

2010 Student Campus ...................................................................................................................................................................31

2010 Student Projects ....................................................................................................................................................................33

2010 Denver Planning/Programming Committee ............................................................................................................................36

Schedule at a Glance......................................................................................................................................................................37

2010 Career Expo ..........................................................................................................................................................................38

Featured Events ..............................................................................................................................................................................40

ñ Media Training Series .................................................................................................................................................................42

Cyberlab@NAHJ .............................................................................................................................................................................47

2010 Convention Programming .....................................................................................................................................................50


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Welcome to the National Association of HispanicJournalists’ 28th Annual Multimedia Convention &Career Expo, appropriately titled “NAHJ En Denver: El Grito Across the Rockies.”

It’s an apt title because there are distinct messages —gritos—we want to reverberate in all directions fromthis conference in Denver.

First, the organization wants to send the messagethat, though 2008 and 2009 exacted a toll on groupslike ours as it worked its woe on the industry, we arestill standing strong.

Second, we have not and will not falter in providingmembers with the training they need to thrive in stillchoppy economic times.

And, third, we will not falter either in being the voicefor Latino journalists and for the kind of fair, accurate,balanced, nuanced and informed coverage that theindustry so very much needs at this moment. Even if itdoesn’t fully realize it. Events in Arizona serve to makethis point.

These have been undeniably difficult times for NAHJand Latino journalists. We have seen too manycolleagues caught up in the economic maelstrom,losing jobs through layoffs or opting out throughbuyouts because of the unpredictability of the times.But, if you’ve come expecting a pity party, you’ll bedisappointed.

As with the 2009 conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico,this conference is about rolling up sleeves and gettingto work on the skills you need to evolve with yourorganizations—or, if you’re out of work, the skillsyou’ll need to land a new job. You will see a decidedemphasis on multimedia journalism precisely becausewe know that these are the skills in demand

But, this conference will also recognize those swirlingissues on which Latino reporters will continue to report.We’ll help you deepen your knowledge on these—fromthe Census to immigration. And we also recognize thatyour professional and personal lives are ever changing.We’ll pitch in with life-skills sessions as well.

This year ends my tenure as president. The stormwe’ve weathered has only deepened my convictionthat NAHJ is vital, not just to Latino journalists, but tothe news industry. When times get tough, diversitysuffers. We’ve seen it before. We’re seeing it again. A strong NAHJ is one of the first lines of defense.We’ve come too far to step back.

I’ve been blessed with committed staff, boardmembers and a sterling convention programmingcommittee. I know new board members will serve justas admirably and with just as much commitment.

It’s been a pleasure serving you. Have a greatconference.

O. Ricardo PimentelPresident, NAHJEditorial Page EditorMilwaukee Journal Sentinel



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Bienvenidos a Denver!

No matter what stage of your career you’re in, you’ve come to the right place to combine what

you know with what you need to know in this rapidly changing profession.

Whether you’re looking to nail down those multimedia skills, want to take your basic skills to the

next level, or are ready to launch your own startup, there are panels and workshops that can get

you where you want to go.

Not sure what you need or where you’re going? We have life coaches and business coaches

available to help you sort through the possibilities you’re weighing.

Photography for wordsmiths, management skills for newbie supervisors, Twitter, Facebook and Skype

for everyone—you’ll find all of them offered in the pages that follow, whether you work in English

language or Spanish language media.

The plenaries are newsy and provocative. The convention kicks off with a town hall discussion

with the community: Latinos, The Newest Demons? The Need for Accurate Coverage to Abate the

Hate. On Thursday the drug wars come home, as we look at how the violence around drug

trafficking is coming across the border. Finally, the Politics of Immigration Reform come under

examination as the issue heats up along with the political campaign season.

But all work would make us a dull lot, and for fun,

receptions and parties abound. On Saturday the World

Cup Lounge returns for the start of Group 2

competition with the Round of 16. And we honor the

contribution of Ray Suarez and Gloria Campos with

their induction into the Hall of Fame.

So get ready for four days of personal and

professional development, El Grito—the cry for

change echoing across the Rockies.




Michele SalcedoEditorThe Associated Press (Washington, D.C.)

Manny SoteloNews ProjectSupervisorKUSA - TV (Denver)

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Welcome to Denver!

The Rocky Mountains can give great perspective. Immovable and rugged, these peaks to the west

put us closer to the natural world. And, for many of us, provide a sense of peace, of harmony, of

our place in the great wide world.

And peace and perspective are in short supply—some of us thought 2010 might be the year the

economy and the industry would turn around.

But not yet. Too many of us are still out of work or squirming in newsrooms worrying about the

next round of buyouts and layoffs. Downsizing is our reality, not just a passing storm. How do we

maintain our journalistic standards with smaller staffs and shrinking budgets? Confusion and

concern greet even the smartest professionals when they sit down to work every day.

NAHJ is still here. We have worked hard to put together the best and most up-to-date training

sessions possible. We know you need meaningful programming. And we hope that you will have

some fun while you're here, too.

Denver and the West. Fresh thinking and endless

possibility. You’ve come to the perfect place to dig

out of your rut, break your mold. If you want to

restake a claim on your journalistic ideals or just

shout that you haven’t given up, this is the place!

We know it takes a truly committed journalist to be

here this year. So our heartfelt thanks for coming.

Come say hi, and let’s get to work—together.




Angie ClemmonsNAHJ Region 7DirectorSports Copy Chief,The Denver Post

Elizabeth AguileraFormer NAHJRegion 7 DirectorAnnenberg Fellow—SpecializedJournalism 2010,University ofSouthern California

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THE MISSION OF NAHJThe National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) isdedicated to the recognition and professional advancement ofHispanics in the news industry. Established in April 1984, NAHJcreated a national voice and unified vision for all Hispanicjournalists.

NAHJ is governed by an 18-member board of directors thatconsists of executive officers and regional directors whorepresent geographic areas of the United States and theCaribbean. The national office is located in the National PressBuilding in Washington, D.C.

NAHJ has approximately 2,300 members, including workingjournalists, journalism students, other media-relatedprofessionals and journalism educators.

The goals of the association are:1. To organize and provide mutual support for Hispanics

involved in the gathering or dissemination of news. 2. To encourage and support the study and practice of

journalism and communications by Hispanics. 3. To foster and promote a fair treatment of Hispanics by the

media. 4. To further the employment and career development of

Hispanics in the media. 5. To foster a greater understanding of Hispanic media

professionals’ special cultural identity, interests, andconcerns.

NAHJ is constantly adding to its list of exciting programs.They include: • Regional workshops and seminars • National Convention and Career Expo • Mid-career and professional development programs • Online job bank • Journalism awards • Internship and fellowship listings • Student journalism workshops • Newsletter • Scholarships

For more information, call the national office at (202) 662-7145or email [email protected]. NAHJ welcome your support andparticipation. The future of our association lies in the effortsand achievements of our members.

TRANSFONDO SOBRE NAHJEl orígen de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos(NAHJ, por sus siglas en inglés) se remonta a una convenciónen San Diego en 1982. Dicha convención, organizada por laAsociación Chicana de Medios Publicitarios en California(CCNMA, por sus siglas en inglés), atrajo trescientosparticipantes. Periodistas hispanos a través del país ya habíanestablecido una red informal, reuniéndose en seminariospatrocinados por otras entidades de la industria, tal como laSociedad Americana de Editores Periodísticos. Sin embargo, lafalta de una organización oficial a nivel nacional era yaevidente cuando se llevó a cabo la convención en San Diego.

En ese entonces, la organización de este tipo más prominenteera la CCNMA, con sede en Los Angeles. Después de laconferencia en San Diego, la CCNMA decidió tomar el papelprincipal en la formación de un grupo nacional. Así, la CCNMAprestó su apoyo administrativo y sus recursos a la ascendenteNAHJ. Luego de obtener $50,000 del Foro de Libertad(entonces la Fundación Gannett), se formó un comitéorganizador. Este incluía quince hombres y mujeres querepresentaban las comunidades Méxicana, Cubana yPuertorriqueña, las tres nacionalidades hispanas máspredominantes en los Estados Unidos.

Demostrando extraordinaria energía y determinación, dichocomité realizó reuniones en Miami, Denver, Chicago y NuevaYork para promover el concepto del grupo nacional y resolverlos detalles de la organización. Después de dos años de arduotrabajo, los artículos de incorporación de la NAHJ se firmaronfinalmente en 1984.

La NAHJ estableció los siguientes cinco propósitos:1. Organizar y apoyar a los periodistas hispanos. 2. Fomentar y apoyar el estudio y la práctica del periodismo

por los hispanos. 3. Promover la representación justa e imparcial de los

hispanos en los medios de comunicación. 4. Avanzar las oportunidades de empleo y el desarrollo

profesional de los hispanos en los medios de comunicación.5. Fomentar un mejor entendimiento de la singular identidad

cultural, intereses y preocupaciones de los periodistashispanos.

Para más información acerca de la NAHJ, favor decommunicarse at 202-662-1745 ó envie un email [email protected]. La NAHJ le agradece su apoyo y participación.El futuro de nuestra organización de nuestros afiliados.


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It’s been four decades since social unrest resulted in riots byblacks and Hispanics in cities nationwide during the summer of1967. The Kerner commission, appointed by President LyndonJohnson to investigate the root causes of the violence, criticizedthe media’s coverage of the riots and found that our nation’sall-white newsrooms contributed to the “white-black schism”in the country.

It was a wake-up call for the news media. The commissioncalled for increased representation of minority journaliststhroughout America’s newsrooms. In the 1970s, the print andbroadcast industries began measuring the movement towarddiversifying newsrooms. But progress, which had been slow tobegin with, has been basically reversed over the past two yearsamidst the dramatic economic and technological shifts that areforcing the country to rethink and reshape journalism for yearsto come.

Latinos and people of color remain underrepresented innewsrooms by alarming margins. Daily newspapers, forexample, lost 5,900 newsroom jobs in 2008 and 5,200 in 2009and, in the process, virtually wiped out the increases ofjournalists of color made over the past decade. While one inthree people in the United States is a person of color—AfricanAmerican, Asian American, Hispanic, Native American, or somecombination thereof—journalists of color make up just 13.41percent of all newsroom employees in daily newspapers, and22 percent of those working at local English-languagetelevision stations.

The Kerner commission warned that the lack of minority voicesin newsrooms and in news coverage would have serious andnegative consequences for our society. Those words of cautionare still relevant today, as our nation’s population becomesincreasingly diverse, with Latinos now the largest ethnicminority. By 2050, most Americans will be people of color. Andby early next century, half of all U.S. residents will be ofHispanic descent.

The warning becomes ever more urgent today as journalists,media activists, the private sector, foundations and thegovernment struggle to find the new ways to financiallysupport journalism crucial to our society’s well being. We are ata political, economic and technological crossroads that forcesAmerica to shape new media policies that will ensure broaderand more equal access, promote minority ownership of media,and redefine and reestablish the goal of producing media inthe public interest.

Latino journalists and our community need to be part of thatconversation and we stand ready to do so. This is why NAHJ’smission remains critical to the future of our nation. Founded in1984, NAHJ seeks to increase representation of Latinos innewsrooms and to improve coverage of the Latino community.Not content with the status quo, NAHJ has created bold newinitiatives toward ensuring that the news media accuratelyinform the public about the country and the world we live in.

We get more young Latinos into the business by offering morescholarships every year. We place more Latinos in newsroomswith the innovative Parity Project and with job placement andreferral services. We raise our collective voice against distortedor unfair coverage to educate all about who Latinos are andthe roles we play as friends, neighbors, competitors andleaders. We gather the resources to provide the multimediajournalism training and other kinds of training needed forLatino journalists to remain in journalism in a newsroom or ontheir own and to compete in an increasingly uncertainmarketplace.

We get Latino community members in cities across the countryto think critically about the media, realize its influence on theirlives, and organize and inspire them to take the lead inadvocating for fair coverage and media literacy. In essence, weposition more Latinos to tell and fight for our stories and weeducate more non-Latinos to include us in their words andimages as an integral part of the multicultural and multilayeredfabric of U.S. society.

Only then can the news media cease to be a contributingfactor to the racial, ethnic and social unrest that continues, andthat fails to educate those ill-informed people who commitviolence against Muslims raising families according to theirfaith, against Mexicans waiting alongside the road for work, oragainst gay men who simply go out for a drink. Only then canthe discrimination reinforced by distorted and unbalanced newsreports be diminished, allowing all people to reach theirpotential and claim their rightful place in American society.

NAHJ’s work is clearly needed as our multicultural societybecomes ever more complex. Our children must learn to coexistand to foster the mutual respect essential to a peacefuldemocracy. With information, with images, we can—and oftendo—shape minds and change lives. With NAHJ’s work, we doso together.


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O. Ricardo PimentelEditorial Page EditorMilwaukee Journal Sentinel

Vice President, Broadcast

Hugo BaltaFreelance MSNBC

Vice President, Print

Elizabeth ZavalaReporterFort Worth Star-Telegram

Financial Officer

Dino ChiecchiHispanic Publications EditorSan Antonio Express-News


Gustavo Reveles Acosta ReporterEl Paso Times

General At-Large Officer

Brandon Benavides News Content ProducerWRC TV NBC 4

Spanish LanguageAt-Large Officer

Patricio Espinoza Digital EditorAlamoCityTimes.com

Online At-Large Officer

Robert HernandezAssistant Professor ofProfessional PracticeUSC Annenberg School forCommunication & Journalism

Student Representative

Ada Alvarez Florida International University

Region 1 Director(Puerto Rico, Mexico, Virgin Islands)

Miguel Angel Rosa Camarógrafo/EditorWIPR Canal 6 Noticias

Region 2 Director(Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H.,N.Y., N.J., R.I., Vt.)

Maria Burns OrtizSports Writer/Freelance J ournalist ESPN.com

Region 3 Director(Del., Ky., Md., Pa., Va., W.Va., D.C.)

Jessica Durkin Freelance Reporter

Region 4 Director(Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tenn.)

Roberto PazosEditor De AsignacionesCNN Español

Region 5 Director(Ark., La., Okla., Texas)

Manuel De La RosaReporterKIII-TV (Corpus Christi, TX)

Region 6 Director(Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Mich., Minn., Miss., Mo., NEB., N.D.,Ohio, S.D., Wis.)

Fernando Diaz Managing EditorHoy (Chicago)

Region 7 Director(Ariz., Colo., Nev., N.M., Utah,Wyo.)

Angela ClemmonsSports Copy ChiefThe Denver Post

Region 8 Director(Alaska, Calif., Hawaii, Idaho, Ore., Wash.)

Elaine Aradillas ReporterPeople Magazine


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Iván RománExecutive Director

Azuree SalazarDevelopment Director

Kevin OlivasParity Project Director

Michele GonzalezParity Project AssociateDirector/ConventionManager

Paulo LuizagaMembership andChapters Coordinator

Erwin DiazEducation ProgramsManager/ProgramAssistant



Program Book Editors ....................................................................Iván Román & Azuree Salazar

Program Book Design and Layout .........................................................Paul Fisher, Fisher Design

Convention Logo Design.......................................................................Paul Fisher, Fisher Design

Printing..........................................................................Professional Graphics Printing Company


29th Annual Multimedia Convention & Career Expo.....................Orlando, Florida, June 15-18, 2011

UNITY 2012.................................................................Las Vegas, Nevada, July 31 – August 4, 2012

Rosemarie SalgueroBooth and AdvertisingSales Manager

Yaneth Guillen-DiazExecutive Assistant

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Valerie Castro hired as a reporter at KCNC-TV CBS 4 in Denver. Valerie is a Denvernative, a graduate of the University ofColorado-Boulder and is an alumna of the2006 NAHJ El Noticiero convention TVstudent project during that year’s conventionin Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She went on to

become a reporter at KOB-TV in Albuquerque, New Mexicobefore returning to Denver at KCNC.

Dominic Garcia hired as a reporter atKCNC-TV CBS 4 in Denver. He hadpreviously been a reporter at KOAT-TV inAlbuquerque, NM. Dominic is a graduate ofColorado State University.

Robert Garcia hired as Executive Producerof Newscasts at National Public Radio inWashington, D.C. Robert had previouslybeen with ABC Radio News and, prior tothat, was a Vice President at CNN Radio.

Marci Gonzalez promoted to weekendanchor at WPTV NewsChannel 5 in WestPalm Beach, Fla. Marci was hired at WPTV inOctober 2006, about six months after thelaunch of the Parity Project at that E.W.Scripps Co.-owned station. She waspreviously a reporter at News 12 The Bronx.

Michelle Griego promoted from reporter toweekend anchor at KCNC-TV CBS 4 inDenver. Michelle is a graduate of Denver’sMetro State College. She started as an onlineeditor-newscaster write after attending theinitial Parity Project town hall with KCNC inOctober 2004.

NAHJ student member Carla Kerstens,who is a recent graduate of the University ofMiami, was placed into a multimediajournalism internship at the Scripps TreasureCoast Newspapers in Florida, with NAHJproviding her pay. That happened thanks toa generous grant from the Chicago Tribune

Foundation. Carla has since been accepted into theNewspaper Association of America Foundation’s NewsChallenge to learn cutting edge multimedia storytelling skillsat the Univ. of Nevada-Reno.

WHAT IS THE PARITY PROJECT?NAHJ’s Parity Project serves as a model for the entire newsindustry when it comes to improving newsroom diversityand coverage of, as well as interaction with, diversecommunities, especially Latinos.

These goals are accomplished through several holisticmethods: town hall meetings, newsroom cultural awarenesssessions, online surveys to gauge opinions of both newsstaff and Hispanic community leaders on coverage ofLatinos, community advisory committees and establishing a“pipeline” of Latino journalism talent through schools.

The Chicago-based McCormick Foundation is the Parity Project’s major funder.



• Date Parity Project launched: April 2003• Companies currently in the Parity Project: 24 (19

newspapers, 4 television stations, National Public Radio)• Project launches: 24• Full-time Latino journalists employed at participating

companies when Parity Project started: 166

• Number hired since Parity Project began: 196• Number for whom this was their first professional full-

time newsroom job: 37• Number of part-time journalists and interns hired through

Parity Project: 57

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NAHJ academic member Dr.Manuel Flores of Texas A & MUniversity, Kingsville workedwith his graduate students to

conduct a content audit on the Parity Project’seffectiveness with the Corpus Christi Caller-Times.

Dr. Flores is chair of the university’s Communications andTheatre Arts Department. The report focused on the Caller-Times’ coverage of Hispanics from 2003 to 2007. NAHJ’sParity Project was launched at that publication in Sept. 2004.

Among its findings:

1) “The number of stories on Hispanic perpetrating crimesor being victims of crime fell from 203 to 130 on A1between 2003 and 2007.”

2) “The coverage of Hispanics in education increased from51 to 194 stories, when comparing 2003 and 2007.”

3) “The percentage of stories (about) Hispanics on page A1of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times improved from a lowof 21.3 percent prior to the inception of the NAHJ ParityProject to more than 40 percent in 2006 and 2007.”

4) The research team recommended, given massive layoffsthroughout the news industry, that the Parity Projectemphasize “cultural understanding and how (it) cansucceed by reporting on important issues revolvingaround community.”

Corpus Christi plays a key role in the history of Hispanics inthe U.S. as it is the city where the League of United LatinAmerican Citizens (LULAC) and the American G.I. Forumwere founded. It is also the hometown of the late Tejanasinger Selena Quintanilla-Pérez and performer Eva LongoriaParker.

The Orlando Sentinel’sHispanoSphere blogcelebrated its one-year

anniversary with a meet-up of its fans that attracted more than80 Latino community leaders from throughout Central Florida.

It is the brainchild of NAHJ member and Sentinel staff writerVíctor Manuel Ramos. The blog was launched in the aftermathof a follow-up Parity Project town hall at the Sentinel in the fallof 2008. During that town hall, several Latino communityleaders called on the paper to provide more instantaneousupdates on news about Hispanics in Central Florida as well asthe areas they are decided from throughout Latin America.

Since its launch, the HispanoSphere blog has featuredextensive online coverage of: Supreme Court Justice SoniaSotomayor, astronaut José Hernández, Chile’s devastatingearthquake, Arizona’s new immigration law and a mandaterequiring people born in Puerto Rico get new birth certificates.

According to Sentinel editors, the HispanoSphere blog hadmore than 200,000 page views in its first year, has apopular existence on Facebook and Twitter and the numberof people visiting the blog is growing.

Los Abogados is the Phoenixchapter of the National HispanicBar Association. In 2008, Los

Abogados used a news release from NAHJ calling on mediaorganizations to examine use of terms like “illegal alien” aspart of its own argument to Arizona’s State Supreme Courtto review use of such phrases in legal filings.

During the fall 2009 NAHJ Count Me In Campaign to bringin much needed funding for the organization, Los Abogadosof Phoenix provided a helping hand. It donated $500 toNAHJ’s cause.

Josie Tizcareño-Pereira promoted to editorof the Salt Lake Tribune’s Spanish-languageweekly publication, Ahora Utah. Thatpublication was started not long after theApril 2006 launch of the Parity Project at theSalt Lake Tribune in Utah. That paper hadpreviously published a version of the

syndicated, México-based La Frontera, but discontinued thatpublication because it did not allow much space or time forlocal news. Josie had previously been managing editor of theVentura County (Calif.) Star’s weekly Mi Estrella Spanish-language publication, which has since been discontinued.

Napa Valley (Calif.) Register reporter CarlosVillatoro named Hispanic Citizen of theYear by the Napa Valley Cinco de Mayoorganization. Villatoro has been at the papersince 2003 and was editor of its now-

defunct bilingual publication, Hispanos Unidos. NAHJ’sParity Project was launched at the Napa Valley Register inJanuary 2005.



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PARITY PROJECT IN 2010 AND BEYOND:Thanks to a generous grant from the McCormick Foundation,NAHJ will conduct a national survey to determine the newsconsumption habits of Latinos throughout the U.S.

Through its efforts nationwide, the Parity Project hasdeveloped contacts with more than 8,000 Latino businessowners, health care providers, educators, communityadvocates/activists, retirees and students.

They will be at the core of the Parity Project’s survey todetermine where Latinos are getting their news from, whatstories are of utmost importance to Latinos and essentialcoverage that the mainstream media is missing when itcomes to depicting Hispanics.

Part of this effort includes the formation of focus groups,including one in Denver. Members of the former RockyMountain News’ Hispanic Community Advisory Committeecontinue to remain in contact with the Parity Project,despite that paper having folded in February 2009.

Similar focus groups will be conducted during the 2011NAHJ convention in Orlando and other cities as well.

NAHJ is also launching a re-vamped Parity Project Web siteat: www.parityproject.org. Among the features of this sitewill be profiles of Latino journalists as well as Latinocommunity leaders who have worked with the Parity Project.

NAHJ’s PARITY PROJECT CORPORATE MEMBERS:Three of NAHJ’s Parity Project mediacompanies are among NAHJ’s corporatemembers:

KNXV-TV ABC 15, the E.W. ScrippsBroadcast Group-owned station in Phoenix.

National Public Radio, the firstnational news organization to

join the Parity Project. NPR is a premium corporate member ofNAHJ.

The Virginian-Pilot, where NAHJ launched the firstmulticultural version of the Parity Project. It is owned byLandmark Media Enterprises.

PARITY PROJECT MEDIA COMPANIES:As of May 2010, NAHJ’s Parity Project media companiesinclude:

National Public Radio

Arizona:KNXV-TV ABC 15 (Phoenix)

California:Hanford SentinelLos Angeles Daily NewsNapa Valley RegisterNorth County Times (north San Diego County)Santa Maria TimesVentura County Star

Colorado:Daily Camera (Boulder)KCNC-TV CBS 4 (Denver)*The Rocky Mountain News was the first partner inNAHJ’s Parity Project and, at one point, had doubled thenumber of full-time Latino journalists in its newsroombefore it was closed in February 2009. It had alsohosted the Scripps Academy for Hispanic Journalism.

Florida:Naples Daily NewsOrlando SentinelScripps Treasure Coast NewspapersThe Tampa TribuneWFLA-TV News Channel 8 (Tampa)WPTV NewsChannel 5 (West Palm Beach)

Texas:Abilene Reporter-NewsCorpus Christi Caller-TimesSan Angelo Standard-TimesTimes Record News (Wichita Falls)

Utah:Salt Lake Tribune

Virginia:The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk)


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ATLANTA CHAPTER• Website: www.nahjatlanta.org

AUSTIN CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: President: Isadora Vail

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER• Chapter Contacts: President: Rafael Prieto, EFE News Services:

Vice President: Alexandra Vilchez, Que Pasa: General E-mail:[email protected]

• Website: www.nahjcharlotte.org

DALLAS/FORT WORTH CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: Gary Piña • Website: www.dfwhispanic.org

DENVER CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: Angela Clemmons

NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: Interim President: Russell Contreras



NORTHERN NEW JERSEY CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: Manuel Avendano

OKLAHOMA CHAPTER• Website: www.nahj-okc.org

ORLANDO CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: President: Sarykarmen Rivera

RIO GRANDE VALLEY CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: President: Sergio Chapa

SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: President: David Plazas, The News-Press

WASHINGTON D.C. CHAPTER• Chapter Contact: President: Diana Marrero, Gannett News





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ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY• Chapter Contact: President: Gitzel Puente • Website: nahjasu.webs.com


CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH• Chapter Contact: Student Advisor: Danny Paskin

COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO• Chapter Contacts: President: Cristina Aguire, Vice President of

Print: Alejandra Silva, Vice President of Broadcast: EvelynOropeza

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contact: President: Mariana Cristancho-Ahn

FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contacts: President: Vanessa Grisalez, Vice President

of Print: Ivan Rodriguez, Vice President of Broadcast: CarolinaMaggi

LEHMAN COLLEGE • Website: http://www.myspace.com/NAHJLehman

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contacts: President: Elisa Santana; Co-Vice President:

Cristy Gimbel; Co-Vice President: Cristy Gimbel • Website: http://www.wix.com/gabbygonzalez/NAHJ-NU

STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contact: President: Christine Vargas

SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contact: President: Ghislaine Leon

TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY • Chapter Contact: President: Ashley Flores

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA • Chapter Contact: Past President: Amanda Portillo

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES • Chapter Contacts: President: Eliana Perez ,Vice President:

Jennifer Lopez • Website: http://www.freewebs.com/nahjucla/index.htm

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON• Chapter Contact: Raymond Ruiz


UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI – COLUMBIA • Chapter Contacts: President: Cecilia Garza, Vice President:

Monica Chavez • Website: http://students.missouri.edu/~nahj

UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO • Chapter Contacts: President: Bibiana Sarriera , Vice President

of Print: Angélica M. Andujar De Jesús , Vice President ofBroadcast: José Antonio Acevedo-Cuevas

• Website: http://nahjupr.wordpress.com


UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN• Chapter Contact: Student Advisor: Frederick Mann


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Kathy Aaronson, The Sales AthleteVicki Adame Elizabeth Aguilera, University of Southern CaliforniaJavier Aldape, E.W. Scripps CompanyClaudio Alvarez Dunn, Contenidos Corp. (Puerto Rico)Cecilia Alvear, NBC Network News (retired)Alfredo Araiza, Arizona Daily StarRogelio Aranda, The Charlotte ObserverRose Arce, CNNGustavo Arroyo, California State SenateJim Avila, ABC NewsNancy BacaGilbert Bailón, St. Louis Post-DispatchHugo Balta, WNJU Telemundo 47Margarita Bauza, University of Michigan Health SystemGeraldine BerriosMary Kay Blake, The Freedom ForumFrank Blethen, The Seattle TimesRay Bradford, American Federation of Television and Radio ArtistsYbeth Bruzual, Central Florida News 13Gloria Campos Brown, WFAA-TV (Dallas)Romeo Cantu, KGBT-TV (Harlingen, TX)Alfredo Carbajal-Madrid, Al Día (Dallas)Jose Carreño, El Universal (Mexico City)Dora Casanova de Toro, La Prensa (Longwood, Florida)Nelson Castillo, Nelson A. Castillo – Immigration AttorneyDavid CazaresSergio Chapa, KGBT-TV (Harlingen, TX)Gary ClarkAngela Clemmons, The Denver PostYamila Constantino-Méndez, BloombergPeter Copeland, Scripps Media CenterAlfredo Corchado, The Dallas Morning NewsChristopher Crommett, CNN en EspañolLuis Cruz, KYMA-TV (Yuma, AZ)Carolyn Curiel, The New York TimesAlicia De Jong-Davis, Telemundo ArizonaGeorge de LamaManuel De La Rosa, KIII-TV (Corpus Christi, TX)Araceli De Leon, KWHY-TV (Glendale, CA)*Frank del OlmoSam Diaz, ZDNet.comCeleste Diaz Ferraro, PaxMundi Strategy ConsultantsLou Dobbs, CNNCharles Ericksen, Hispanic Link News ServiceVictor Escobedo, Cortazar (Fairfield, CA)Cathleen Farrell, Vista MagazineMichele Fazekas, NBCLuis Alberto Ferre Rangel, El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico)Angelo Figueroa, TuCiudad (Port Orange, Florida)Veronica Flores, San Antonio Express-NewsJuan Forero, National Public Radio

Diana Fuentes, Laredo Morning TimesTania Fuentez, The Associated PressErnie Garcia, The Journal NewsVeronica Garcia, BuildLACCDEldra GillmanFrank Gómez, Educational Testing ServiceRaymond Gomez, KGNS-TV (Laredo, TX)Vince GonzalesJuan Gonzalez, New York Daily NewsJoe Grimm, Michigan State UniversityLiza Gross, International Women’s Media FoundationHernán Guaracao-Calderón, Al Día (Philadelphia)Félix Gutiérrez, USC Annenberg School of JournalismEvelyn HernandezJoanna Hernandez, The Washington PostJodi Hernandez, KNTV/NBC 11 (San Jose, CA)Robert Hernandez, USC Annenberg School for Communication

& JournalismJorge Hidalgo, TelemundoJonathan Higuera, SFC ArizonaMarina Hinestrosa, County of Santa ClaraClaudia Hinojosa, KXTX Telemundo 39 (Dallas)Mark Hinojosa, Detroit NewsAlberto Ibargüen, John S. and James L. Knight FoundationMaite Junco, New York Daily NewsElio Leturia, Columbia College ChicagoMichael Limón, Salt Lake TribuneJacqueline Llamas Espinoza, KWHY-KVEA Telemundo (Los Angeles)Anna Lopez, American Red CrossDelton Lowery, The Fresno BeeRuben Luna, The Detroit NewsLavonne LuquisEdna Málaga, KSWT-TV CBS 13 (Yuma, AZ)Tony Marcano, National Public RadioMekahlo Medina, KNBC-TV NBC 4 (Los Angeles)Regina Medina, Philadelphia Daily NewsRuth Merino, El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico)Oralia Michel, OMAGEN Inc. Marketing & Public RelationsWalter Middlebrook, The Detroit NewsSteve Montiel, Institute for Justice and JournalismAntonio Mora, WFOR-TV (Miami)Frank MoragaIbra MoralesRosa Morales, MiGente MagazineSylvia MorenoMireya Navarro, The New York TimesEdna Negrón, The Ramapo College of New JerseySoledad O’Brien, CNNRafael Olmeda, South Florida Sun-SentinelLarry Olmstead, Leading Edge AssociatesRalph Ortega, Star-LedgerEdgar Ortega-Barrales, Bloomberg News

LIFETIME MEMBERSMUCHISIMAS GRACIAS! to our Lifetime Members. Thank you for your generous support and your commitment to NAHJ.

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Maria Padilla, Orlando LatinoMinerva Perez, Minerva Perez Media LLCO. Ricardo Pimentel, Milwaukee Journal SentinelGary Piña, Fort Worth Star-TelegramDavid Plazas, The News-Press (Ft. Myers, FL)Fernando Quintero, Orlando SentinelJohn Quiñones, ABC News*Max Ramirez, Max Ramirez PhotographyGeorge Ramos, Cal Poly San Luis ObispoEli Reyes, The Washington PostDiego Ribadeneira, The New York TimesDenice Rios, National Public RadioRobert Rivard, San Antonio Express-NewsElaine Rivera, WNYC RadioGeraldo Rivera, Fox News ChannelFrances Robles, The Miami HeraldCindy Rodriguez, Columbia MagazineMaggie Rodriguez, CBSRick Rodriguez, Arizona State UniversityIván Román, National Association of Hispanic JournalistsRossana Rosado, el diario/LA PRENSAAlbor Ruiz, New York Daily NewsInez Russell, The New MexicanMichele Salcedo, The Associated Press

Maria Elena Salinas, Univision NetworkNancy San Martin, The Miami HeraldEvelyn Santa Cruz-Tipacti, NASDAQ OMXRoberto Santiago,Fernanda Santos, The New York TimesClemson Smith Muñiz, Smith Muñiz Productions, Inc.Dianne Solís, Dallas Morning NewsSheila Solomon, Chicago TribuneAlicia Sotomayor Ernest Sotomayor, Columbia University Graduate School

of JournalismRafael Suarez, The NewsHour Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., The New York TimesJohn Temple, PeerNews.com (Hawai’i)Mercedes Torres, CNN Larry King LiveGeorge VazquezRicardo Vazquez, University of CaliforniaVerónica Villafañe, Media MovesRoberto Vizcón, GENTV (Miami)Xochitl Yañez, State FarmJeorge Zarazua, San Antonio Express-NewsElizabeth Zavala, Fort Worth Star-Telegram




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A special thanks to our Corporate Members:

Want to take advantage of our Corporate Membership? NAHJ’s 12-month Corporate Membership is designed to give companies that are serious about diversity a way toattract talented Hispanic professionals via the Career Center’s suite of comprehensive tools. Benefits include, but are not limited to:

• Unlimited Job Postings

• Unlimited Access to Resume Bank

• Corporate Profile Page

• Multiple Sub-recruiter accounts

• 1 – 728 x 90 Run of Site Banner ad for six months

• 1 – 125 x 125 Featured Employer Button ad for one month

Please visit www.nahj.org for a complete listing of corporate member benefits, rates and an application.



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2010 CONVENTION SPONSORSNAHJ would like to recognize the generous support of our 2010 Convention Sponsors, without their support and

participation this convention would not be possible.



GlobeNewswireThe Denver Post




Gannett FoundationMicrosoft



NBC UniversalRent-A-Center


General MotorsMcDonald’s

USC Annenberg School for Communication and JournalismThe Washington Post



In-kind support also provided by:General MotorsThe Denver Post

University of Colorado at Boulder

Official Airline of NAHJ Special Events

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Created in 2000, NAHJ’s Hall of Fame honors those journalistswhose pioneering efforts have resulted in more Latinosentering the journalism profession or have helped improvenews coverage of the nation’s Latino community.

This year, NAHJ is proud to induct Ray Suarez, seniorcorrespondent for PBS’ “The NewsHour,” and Gloria Campos,anchor for Dallas’ WFAA-TV into the association‘s Hall of Fame.

In the last 10 years, NAHJ has inducted 25 other leaders into itsHall of Fame. NAHJ will honor its newest inductees next year atthe 2011 Hall of Fame Gala during its 29th Annual MultimediaConvention & Career Expo in Orlando, Florida June 15-18, 2011.

2009 HONOREESGeraldo Rivera, host, Fox’s newsmagazine “Geraldo-at-Large”

Ysabel Durón, anchor, KRON-TV (San Francisco) “WeekendMorning News”

Juan Gonzales, founder and editor, El Tecolote; professor ofjournalism, City College of San Francisco

2008 HONOREESJuan Gonzalez, columnist, New York Daily News; formerpresident, NAHJ

Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, professor, University of Texas atAustin; media activist

Francisco P. Ramirez, founder, El Clamor Público (Los Angeles)

2007 HONOREESCecilia Alvear, retired producer, NBC; former president, NAHJ

Rigo Chacón, three-time Emmy winner; president, RigoChacón and Associates (RCA)

George Ramos, a three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter,The Los Angeles Times; professor, California Polytechnic StateUniversity Journalism Department (San Luis Obispo Calif.)

2006 HONOREESMaría Elena Salinas, veteran anchor, “Noticiero Univision”;founding member, NAHJ

Henry Alfaro, one of the first Mexican-American TV reporters,worked for 35 years at KABC7 (Los Angeles)

2005 HONOREEGerald Garcia Jr., former publisher, Tucson Citizen (Arizona);founding member and first president of NAHJ

2004 HONOREEIgnacio E. Lozano, Sr., founder, La Opinión

2003 HONOREESDr. Mary Adelaide Gardner, former professor of journalism,Michigan State University; journalism scholar

Albor Ruiz, columnist, New York Daily News

2002 HONOREESPaul Espinosa, independent producer, writer and director

Félix Gutiérrez, author, educator and activist

Frank del Olmo, former associate editor, The Los Angeles Times

Frank O. Sotomayor, assistant METPRO director and hiringeditor, The Los Angeles Times

2001 HONOREESCharlie Ericksen, founder, Hispanic Link News Service

Edith Sayre Auslander, former reporter and editor, ArizonaDaily Star; former professor, University of Arizona

Peter Moraga, a pioneer in radio journalism in California andArizona

2000 HONOREES Rubén Salazar, columnist, The Los Angeles Times; newsdirector, KMEX

Elma Barrera, reporter, ABC Channel 13—first Hispanic femalereporter in the Houston market in 1972

Sylvan Rodríguez, former anchor, KHOU-TV 11 (Houston)



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Gloria CamposAnchor, WFAA-TV (Dallas)

Newly minted with a degree injournalism from Southwest Texas StateUniversity in San Marcos, GloriaCampos landed her first job intelevision news at KGBT-TV in herhometown of Harlingen, Texas.There, she performed a myriad of

duties—including photographer, producer, reporter and anchor.Then, in 1984, the call came from WFAA-TV, Dallas’ ABCaffiliate, and Campos signed on to become the station’s firstLatino weekday anchor.

A mainstay at the station for 25 years, she has been part ofacclaimed WFAA anchor teams that have earned a bounty ofhonors, including the Edward R. Murrow Award from theRadio/ Television News Director’s Association; the AssociatedPress and the Lone Star Emmys.

Campos currently anchors WFAA’s “News 8 at 5,” “News 8 at6” and “The News 8 Update.”

She also hosts and serves as co-producer of “Wednesday'sChild,” a feature segment airing three-times weekly whichhelps find adoptive, permanent homes for Texas’ fosterchildren. Its success is evident by its growing numbers.According to Campos, she’s been told the adoption rate foryoungsters featured on her broadcasts is nearly 65 percent.

A Lifetime Member of both NAHJ and the Texas PTA, and aNational Life Member of the League of United Latin AmericanCitizens, she is an avid volunteer for a number of nonprofitorganizations centering on education, women and familyissues.

Campos’ numerous honors include: her recognition as a three-time winner of the Broadcast News Personality Award ofExcellence from the American Women in Radio and Television,Dallas-Ft Worth Chapter; the recipient of the Latina LivingLegend Award from Hispanic 100, a Latina leadershiporganization; inclusion in The Dallas 25 as one of the NorthTexas region's most influential residents; the 2007 Ft WorthStar-Telegram Reader's Choice Best TV Newswoman; and the2007 “Women of Spirit” award from the American Congressof Jewish Women Dallas Chapter.

The celebrated newswoman also was a winner of the 2002Mother of the Year Award (one of three recipients) from DallasCan! Academy; winner of the 2001 Buck Marryat Award forcareer achievement from the Press Club of Dallas; winner ofthe 2001 Woman of the Year Award from Les Femmes DuMonde; winner of the Lifetime Achievement award fromWomen in Film: Dallas; winner of the 1995 Maura Award; theWomen Helping Women Award from the Women's Center ofDallas; and the 1991 “She Knows Where She’s Going” Awardfrom Girls Inc.

Most recently, Campos was awarded the 2010 Excellence inPublic Service Award from the Texas Tech University College ofMass Communications for her 20 years of “Wednesday’sChild” reports, which seek to find adoptive homes for childrenin foster care across a 19 county area of North Texas.In 2011, Campos’ tradition of honors and “firsts” will continuewith her induction as the first Latino into the TexasIntercollegiate Press Association’s Hall of Fame.

Additionally, she continues to personally fund the GloriaCampos Brown Endowed Scholarship—which she established—at her alma mater, Texas State University in San Marcos.

Campos and her husband, Lance Brown, a freelance TVsporstcaster, are the parents of twin sons, Greg and Tony, now16. The family lives in Dallas.


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Ray SuarezSenior Correspondent “The NewsHour,” PBS

A seasoned journalist with more than35 years in the news business, RaySuarez joined PBS’ weeknight program,"The NewsHour," in 1999 following asix-year stint as host of National PublicRadio’s nationwide call-in news show,

“Talk of the Nation.”

Prior to his role at NPR, he spent seven years covering local,national, and international stories for WMAQ-TV, Chicago’sNBC affiliate.

Earlier in his career, Suarez was a Los Angeles correspondentfor CNN, a producer for the ABC Radio Network in New York,a reporter for CBS Radio in Rome, and a reporter for variousAmerican and British news services in London.

Over the years he has narrated, anchored or reported manydocumentaries for public radio and television including thenationally-broadcast “Anatomy of a Pandemic” (2009, PBS)and “Jerusalem: The Center of the World" (2009, PBS), aweekly series; “Follow the Money” (1997, PBS), and programsincluding “Yesterday" (2006, WETA),“Who Speaks for Islam?”(2005 & 2009, LinkTV), “By The People” (2004-2007, PBS),“The Journey Home” (2004, WETA), “The Execution Tapes”(2001, Public Radio) and “Through Our Own Eye’s” (2000,KQED).

He also hosts "America Abroad," the monthly foreign affairsprogram heard on Public Radio International stationsnationwide—and globally on NPR Worldwide—and"Destination Casa Blanca," the weekly program on Latinopolitics, for HITN-TV.

The author of several books, Suarez’s most recent work is "TheHoly Vote: The Politics of Faith in America," an examination ofthe tightening relationship between religion and politics inAmerica.

Suarez earned a B.A. in African History from New YorkUniversity and an M.A. in Social Sciences from the University ofChicago. He has been awarded honorary doctorates by manycolleges and universities, most recently by Lewis and ClarkCollege in Oregon. He is a winner of the Benton Fellowship inBroadcast Journalism at the University of Chicago and also hasbeen honored with a Distinguished Alumnus Award from NYU,and a Professional Achievement Award from the University ofChicago.

A Lifetime Member of the National Association of HispanicJournalists, Suarez was also a founding member of the ChicagoAssociation of Hispanic Journalists.

A native of Brooklyn, New York, he currently lives inWashington, D.C. with his wife and three children.


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Rodolfo José Cárdenas Rodolfo José Cárdenas is an Emmywinning journalist and one of the mostwell known Spanish televisionpersonalities in the state of Colorado. Hewas part of Telemundo’s news team inDenver, from 1989 to 1995 and ofUnivision Colorado from 1995 until hisdeparture in 2009. A native of

Venezuela, Rodolfo has been the recipient of numerous prestigiousawards for his excellence in journalism as well as for his dedicationand commitment to the Hispanic Community of Colorado,especially in the area of education.

In 2003, Rodolfo became the first Hispanic Journalist in Colorado tobe recognized as Broadcaster of the Year by the ColoradoBroadcasters Association. He also was recognized in 2002, 2003 andin 2007 as one of the most influential Hispanic journalists in the U.S.

On February 2007, The Hispanic Salute Organization awardedCárdenas with the Humanitarian Award for his work and

dedication to the Hispanic Community; and in May of that sameyear Escuela Tlatelolco presented him the "Champion of Change"award in the media category.

On April 2009 Rodolfo became the first Hispanic journalist inColorado to be recognized by the City and County of Denver witha Proclamation for his successful career in Spanish-languagebroadcast journalism. He also was inducted on July 2009 to theSilver Circle of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciencesfor his 25 years of service to the industry, his pursuit of excellenceand his passion, creativity and commitment to his profession.

Highlighting his outstanding career are exclusive interviews withtwo Presidents of The United States, a vast number of NorthAmerican and Latin American politicians, and celebrated membersof the entertainment world. Cárdenas has been recognized as atrue role model to the Hispanic youth for his successful anddedicated career in television broadcasting.

Rodolfo is married to Elsa Monsalve-Cardenas and has twochildren: Rodolfo Jr. and David Alexander Cardenas Monsalve.




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Student CampusSPONSORED BY:

The Student Campus during the annual convention isdesigned for college students interested in learningmore about the changing world of journalism in the

early stages of their career development. The 20 students in thisprogram participate in intensive training, tours, mock pressconferences and career-building exercises in classrooms, televisionstudios, media outlets, the streets and neighborhoods of Denver,and government or other types of institutions. The program alsofeatures workshops and seminars on journalism ethics, obtainingnewsroom internships, how to make the most out of thenetworking experience at the convention, and on various ways towrite a good story in this age of multimedia journalism. Thefaculty of journalism professors and professionals offers thestudents a real perspective on the working world of journalismand helps them gain awareness of their respective communities.

Student Campus MentorsAlfredo E. AraizaArizona Daily Star

Mary K. Bowannie, MANative American Studies, University of New Mexico

Valerie CastroCBS4 Denver

Dave MartinezUniversity of Colorado - Boulder

Rosa E. MoralesMultimedia Bilingual Freelancer and Educator

George M. RamosCalifornia Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo

Jessica Bralish TreviñoColorado House of Representatives

Marshall ZelingerKMGH-TV 7News (Denver)

Student Campus ParticipantsJesus Acevedo, University of HoustonLauren Archuletta, University of Colorado-BoulderMelissa Caskey, University of Southern CaliforniaJulian Esquer, Scottsdale Community CollegeCecilia Garza, University of Missouri - ColumbiaBianca Graulau, Syracuse UniversityRita Gutierrez, University of New MexicoEsteban Hernandez, University of Colorado-BoulderPaula Machado, University of Central FloridaCristina Martinez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio PiedrasRubi Martinez, Los Angeles Valley CollegeSamuel Olivares Bonilla, University of Puerto RicoAmanda Orozco, New Mexico State UniversityHeisy Padilla, Johnson County Community CollegeBrandi Parrell, New Mexico State UniversityMarisset Pastrana, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Edgar Ramirez Veliz, University of HoustonNatalia Rodríguez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Diana Rojas, University of Texas at ArlingtonNicole Sandoval, University of Colorado-Boulder

In -kind support provided by:General MotorsUniversity of Colorado—Boulder


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About the Student ProjectsNAHJ is offering a converged media training project for collegestudents at the convention. Thirty media professionals have beenselected to run the intensive one-week project.Latinoreporterdigital.org will deliver constantly updatedbreaking news and information produced by the projects, whichwill operate as a single newsroom. Thirty-four student journalistswill get front-end training in the skills needed to create anddistribute news and information in today’s changing environment.The students will focus on producing content for the interactivewebsite, but will also produce a TV newscast, “El Noticiero” and radio podcasts, “Radio Ondas”, that willstream on-demand over the Web. Students will also produce twoissues of a newspaper, The Latino Reporter/El ReporteroLatino, on Thursday and Saturday. The project team willproduce blogs, videos, slide shows and deliver news via mobileand social networking technologies, all while sharpening theirjournalistic skills.

Radio Ondas Sponsored by:

In -kind support provided by:General MotorsThe Denver Post

Student Projects Professional StaffProject Director:Mekahlo MedinaNBC Los Angeles

Deputy Director:Manuelita N. BeckNBCDFW.com

Social Media Director:Doug Mitchell“The New U: News Entrepreneurs Working Through UNITY”

Managing Editor:Maury VasquezSomerset Independent School District

Online Platform Lead: Michelle JohnsonBoston University

Print Platform Lead(s):Rafael MatosUniversidad de Sagrado Corazón, Caribbean Multimedia Center(San Juan, Puerto Rico)

David E. PlazasThe News-Press (Fort Myers, FL)

Monica RhorFreelance Journalist/Educator (Houston)

Video Platform Lead:Jim ManleyManley Media Productions

Photo Platform Lead: Carlos Avila GonzalezSan Francisco Chronicle

Audio Platform Lead:Elaine Marie HeinzmanNational Public Radio


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Student Project MentorsHector AmezcuaThe Sacramento Bee

Tony ArranagaThe Sacramento Bee

Adrian Jeffrey BaschukCurrent TV

Nick CalderoneReal Stories

Martina CastroKALW News 91.7FM (San Francisco)

Elizabeth ChavollaTelemundo (Los Angeles)

John deDiosUniversity of Arizona

Marvin FonsecaAgence France Press (AFP)

Jason FritzUniversity of Texas at Austin

Ana María HanssenIndependent Journalist/Web Producer (North Bay Village, FL)

Tom KrymkowskiAudio Engineer/Cinematographer (San Francisco)

Art MarroquinDaily Breeze (Torrance, CA)

Carmen Milagros Diaz PerezEl Vocero (San Juan, PR)

Eric OrtizNew England Sports Network

Mónica Ortiz UribeFreelance Radio Reporter (El Paso, TX)

Rick RamirezKNXV (Phoenix, AZ)

Jose Miguel RomeroFreelance Sport/News Reporter/Online (Phoenix)

Kevin TorresKUSA-TV (Denver)

Frida A. VillalobosHouston Area Women's Center

Ray VilledaWFSB-TV (Syracuse, NY)

Student Project ParticipantsJose Antonio Acevedo, University of Puerto RicoJeffrey Acevedo Gomez, University of Puerto RicoPaul Barron, University of HoustonJacqueline Baylon, Texas State University- San MarcosGiselle Bueno, University of HoustonNancy Bulacio, California State University, NorthridgeRaisa Camargo, University of Central FloridaNicole Chavez, University of Texas at El PasoDanielle Chavira, New Mexico State UniversityJuana Esquivel, California State University, NorthridgeDavina Ferrerira, University of California, Los AngelesKristopher Fortin, California State University, NorthridgeLynn Marie Franco, Boston UniversityAnna Gallegos, University of HoustonJason Gonzales, University of Colorado-BoulderRobert Guaderrama, California State University, FullertonAndres Gutierrez, New York UniversityMarlene Jauregui, Kean UniversityErnesto Lopez, San Diego City CollegeRicardo Lopez, University of Nevada, RenoAntonio Lucero, New Mexico State UniversityMelissa Macaya, The University of Texas at AustinAlejandra Matos, University of Texas at El PasoLaura Morel, Emerson CollegeBryan Munoz, Northwestern UniversityElisa Ramos, California State University, Long BeachAmanda Rivas, University of San FranciscoMartha Rivera, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río PiedrasSalvador Rodriguez, Arizona State UniversityMarlene Salinas, California State University NorthridgeGenesis Samayoa, University of Colorado-BoulderElisa Santana, Northwestern UniversityGrace Varela, University of HoustonFatimah Zulhifli, California State University Northridge

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Broadcast (Radio/TV/Video)Manny Sotelo, Jr.

News Project SupervisorKUSA - TV (Denver)

EntrepreneurialJessica Durkin

Freelance News Journalist

Teresa C. PuenteAssistant Journalism Professor

Columbia College Chicago

Hot Topics Marisol Bello

National Reporter USA TODAY

Michele Salcedo Editor

Associated Press

Management/LeadershipMichele Salcedo

EditorAssociated Press

Online/Multimedia Hiram Enriquez

Product DevelopmentUnivision Interactive Media

Robert N. HernandezAssistant Professor of Professional

PracticeUSC Annenberg School for

Communication & Journalism

Joe L. RuizAssociate Producer-Lead for News


Photography Natalie Genevieve Guillen

Photographer Santa Fe New Mexican

Marcio J. SanchezStaff Photographer

Associated Press

Print/Design Severiano GalvanGraphics JournalistThe Denver Post

Tina Marie Griego City Columnist

The Denver Post

Professional Development Angela ClemmonsSports Copy ChiefThe Denver Post

Maria Burns OrtizSports Writer/freelance journalist


Spanish Language Salvador U. Morales

ReporterWSBS MEGA TV (Miami)

Lucia NavarroReporter/Producer/Freelance Univision’s “Aquí y Ahora”

Young Journalists Cristina Fernandez Barreto

Assistant EditorEl Nuevo Día



Elizabeth AguileraAnnenberg Fellow in Specialized Journalism

University of Southern California

Angela ClemmonsSports Copy ChiefThe Denver Post

Programming Co-Chairs Michele Salcedo

EditorAssociated Press

Manny Sotelo, Jr.News Project Supervisor

KUSA - TV (Denver)


Programming ManagerMichele Gonzalez

Parity Project Associate Director/Convention Manager

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SUNDAY, JUNE 20/domingo, 20 de junio 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Student Projects/Student Campus

Networking Reception

TUESDAY, JUNE 22/martes, 22 de junio 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Exhibitor/Recruiter Registration Only

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23/miércoles, 23 de junio 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Exhibitor/Recruiter Registration &


8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Registration Open

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ñ Media Training Series *Pre-registration required

6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Opening Plenary/Town Hall*(open to the public) Latinos, The Newest Demons? The Need for Accurate Coverage to Abate the Hate

8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Opening Reception

THURSDAY, JUNE 24/jueves, 24 de junio 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Registration Open

8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Plenary—“The War at Home: Mexico’s Drug Wars Coming toYour Town Soon”

8:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cyberlab@NAHJ

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Career Expo Open

10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Workshops

Noon - 1:30 p.m. Membership Meeting

5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Career Expo Networking Reception

8 p.m. - Midnight Social Event (TBA)

FRIDAY, JUNE 25/viernes, 25 de junio 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Registration Open

8:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cyberlab@NAHJ

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Workshops

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Career Expo Open

Noon - 2 p.m. Newsmaker Luncheon—Claiming our Home: The Politics of Immigration Reform in 2010

8 p.m. - Midnight Social Event (TBA)

SATURDAY, JUNE 26/sábado, 26 de junio 8:30 a.m. - Noon Registration Open

9 a.m. - Noon ñ Media Training Series (all-day sessions) *Pre-registration required

Noon. - 2:30 p.m. World Cup Lounge

6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Hall of Fame Pre-Reception

7 p.m. - Midnight Hall of Fame Gala & El Gran Baile


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Tech Corner:Google for Journalists: Getting the Most from theWeb

Thursday, 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Friday, 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Every day, millions of people around the world use Google's searchengine to find what they're looking for. Editors, journalists,producers, and others in the media have long known just howessential it is to be able to find and use information efficiently andeffectively, and this "Google for Journalists" session demonstratesways to work more efficiently and effectively on the web. Learnhow to get the most from Search and other free tools fromGoogle. Whether you're in broadcast, print, or digital journalism,this session will introduce ways you can search smarter, keepbetter tabs on your beat, see what's hot and what's not, add avisual edge to your online content, and use Google on the gowhen you're reporting in the field. Walk away with tips and tricksand an online resource -- for Google Search, News, Trends,Insights, Maps, and more.

All Platform Journalism: The Good, Bad & Reality

TBABackpack filled with the right gear. Story assignment in tow. Deadlinejust became deadlines - plural. Now what? CNN All PlatformJournalist Project Manager Victor Hernandez provides an up close lookat CNN’s multimedia journalism initiative and advice for overcomingthe array challenges of delivering content across mediums. Learn howto produce digital packages that are well executed visually andtechnically, while maintaining journalistic purpose and a dedication tocraft. Pick up on the ‘tactical and practical’ as well as be inspired bythe industry's top multimedia practitioners and experiment with howto incorporate elements of notable work into your own.

Rough Waters Ahead: Proceed With Excitement!

TBASocial networks, mobile-casting, geo-tagging content, blogs, flipcameras and more! At some point New Media reaches a tippingpoint in Journalism and just becomes Now Media -- welcome totomorrow! Never before has New Technologies andBreakthroughs in Advanced Storytelling been so influential acrossour field. Delivering content across platforms, integrating user-


2010 CAREER EXPO NAHJ’s Career Expo is the premier networking hub for convention’s attendees. The Expo is the crossroads of theconvention where media executives, editors, reporters, producers and cameramen all go to discover newtechnologies, job opportunities, get career advice and catch up with old friends.

• Technology Demo Corner—The journalism industry isembracing new technology, developing new distribution modelsand working to satisfy a new readership base. At ourTechnology Corner, come check out the latest tech gadgets,newsroom and design software, and services that will help youbecome a versatile, more tech-saavy journalist.

• Financial Services Corner—During these trying economictimes, financial concerns are at the forefront of everyone’smind. Whether you are a freelance journalist/photographer,considering starting your own digital media firm, or wonderinghow to invest properly, stop by and speak with financial servicesprofessionals to get sound advice.

• Coca-Cola BreaksThursday, June 24th - 12:30 pm & 3:30 pmFriday, June 25th - 11:30 am & 3:30 pm

Sponsored by:

Thursday, June 24th, 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

• Career Advice Corner—The Radio Television Digital NewsAssociation (RTDNA) will be available to offer critiques of radioand television reels. Spaces are limited, so sign up early at theExpo to reserve your time.

• Resume Database Center – Looking for a job? Search ouronline Career Center, with hundreds of job postings, uploadand print your resume, and apply onsite!

• Cyber Cafe—Need to check your email? Need to research acompany before speaking to their recruiter? NAHJ is providingcomplimentary internet access to our attendees at the Cyber Cafe.

• Career Expo Networking Reception—This high-energy eventbrings hundreds of participants to the Career Expo during theconvention’s peak, elevating the networking buzz amongreporters, editors, producers and other executives.

What you will find in the Career Expo:

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Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)American Federation of Television and Radio ArtistsAmerican Public MediaAmerican University – School of CommunicationAssociated PressAssociation of Health Care JournalistsBloomberg LPBorderzine (University of Texas – El Paso)Casey Family ProgramsCBS NewsCity University of New York - Graduate School of JournalismCNNColumbia University – Graduate School of JournalismDow Jones News FundEl National – The MovieESPNFamiliesUSAFree PressGannett Co., Inc.GlobeNewswireGobiernoUSA.govGoogleI-HispanoLillyMarketwire, IncNational Public Radio

NBC UniversalNews CorpNewsdayNews-Press & Gazette BroadcastingPoliticoPost – Newsweek StationsState Farm – featuring 2010 NAHJ Student CampusTexas Association of BroadcastersThe Boston GlobeThe Detroit NewsThe McClatchy CompanyThe McGraw-Hill CompanyThe New York TimesThe Walt Disney CompanyThe Washington PostTime Warner CableTV ContractU.S. ArmyUSA TodayU.S. Census BureauU.S. Department of StateU.S. Department of State – Office of United NationsUNITY: Journalists of ColorUniversity of California, Berkeley – School of JournalismUniversity of Colorado, BoulderUniversity of Florida – College of Journalism


generated content/participation and building multimedia readynewsrooms has become the new default.

Sounds daunting, but no need to reach for the life preserver andflare gun just yet- CNN New Media "skipper" Victor Hernandezwill help you navigate these rough, but treasured-filled waters.From seasoned sailors to the most green of apprentices, we couldall use a greater understanding for how to better leverageemerging technologies to arrive at better-told stories.

Career Corner Thursday, June 24th Life Coaching – 15 minute sessions

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM - Cate Gerstberger, Vice President,TAP Resource Development Group, Inc.

RTDNA Broadcast Critiques

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Friday, June 25th Life Coaching – 15 minute sessions

TBA - Mariela Dabbah, Media Contributor; author of severalbooks including: The Latino Advantage in the Workplace andCómo conseguir trabajo en los Estados Unido

TBA - Jackie Jones, Life Coach, Jones Coaching, LLC

RTDNA Broadcast Critiques

9:00 AM -5:00 PM

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WEDNESDAYOpening Plenary/Town Hall: Latinos, The NewestDemons? The Need for Accurate Coverage to Abatethe Hate

WEDNESDAY 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Korbel Ballroom 1

Sponsored by:

A potent mix of cultural fear and economic anxiety—is helping tofuel increased attacks on Latinos on all fronts. Day laborers arepushed out of communities. Undocumented immigrants arearrested at work and split from their families. Teens on Long Islandgo “beaner hopping” with deadly results. Hate crimes againstLatinos are on the rise. Chicano studies are outlawed on theborder. Anti-immigrant rhetoric fills the airwaves and the Internet.A new Arizona law thrusts racial profiling and the battle overimmigration reform into the political and social spotlight.Community and news leaders examine how a clash of concernsabout the country’s future and misperceptions about Latinos haveled to a climate of discrimination and violence; and the need forthe community to demand, and for journalists to lead strong,accurate coverage to fight hate. This year NAHJ’s Opening Plenaryis open to the public and converted to a lively town hall discussion.

Opening Reception

WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Korbel Ballroom 2

Right after the vigorous conversation in the Opening Plenaryand Town Hall, don’t miss this first chance for conventionregulars to see one another again, share a drink and catch up.The relaxed atmosphere and casual conversation make it theperfect place for hundreds of friends, colleagues and new facesin the crowd to start the week’s major networking.

THURSDAYMorning Plenary: The War at Home: Mexico’s DrugWars Coming to Your Town Soon

THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Korbel Ballroom 1

The drug wars along the Mexico-U.S. border are heating up.Posses are shooting it out, prison gangs have emerged on bothsides of the border as enforcers. Journalists in Mexico and theUnited States are being killed and intimidated as effortsintensify to silence them. Now the violence is starting to claimAmerican lives--a rancher killed in Arizona, an American

consulate worker and her husband in Ciudad Juarez, a Texassheriff's deputy. As America's insatiable appetite for drugsshows no signs of abating, drug gangs are becoming bolderand are marching farther north. Their reach is already wellestablished in every state. Is the violence on the border thefuture for our communities?

NAHJ Membership Meeting

THURSDAY Noon – 1:30 p.m. ROOM 505

NAHJ invites its members to attend its membership assembly todiscuss the state of the association with our board of directors.Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and ask questions of theassociation’s elected representatives and hear from thecandidates aspiring to become part of the board in 2010.

Career Expo Networking Reception

THURSDAY 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Expo Hall F

Sponsored by:

Take a break from a hard day of training, business and careercounseling, fruitful discussions and job hunting to have a drink,some hors d’ouevres and keep networking. Continue and closeout the day’s work as you lead in to the evening’s play.

FRIDAYNewsmaker Luncheon: Claiming our Home: The Politics of Immigration Reform in 2010

FRIDAY Noon - 2 p.m. Korbel Ballroom 1

In a fickle election year for incumbents, the new Arizona“papers, please” law has thrust the controversial issue ofimmigration reform to the top of the news and to the turf ofraw politics. Despite strong support from Latino voters thathelped put Barack Obama in the White House, the issue wasput on the back burner in Washington. Now the hot mix ofpassionate protests and political spin have even forced Obamato put an overhaul of the country’s broken immigration systemon his crowded agenda. Congress remains ambivalent asdivisions in both parties run deep. And with every passingweek, activists on both sides complainabout border enforcement, more people are detained anddeported and more families are split, giving rise to fear andanxiety. After a bruising battle to reform health care,



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heightened polarization in Washington and increasing influenceof Latinos at the ballot box, will the hot-button issue ofimmigration reform finally be addressed? We explore thepolitics of immigration reform and the likelihood of changecoming in 2010.

Co-Sponsored by:

SaturdayWorld Cup Lounge

SATURDAY Noon – 2:30 p.m. Blue Bear Café andAdjacent Lobby

Sponsored by:

Come chill out, nibble on some nachos, have a drink and relaxbefore five flat screens and cheer on the world's teams battlingit out in the World Cup, the world's largest sporting eventtaking place in South Africa. The World Cup Lounge will be anice break from so much intensive training and great adviceoffered all week.

Hall of Fame Gala Pre-Reception

SATURDAY 6 p.m. – 7p.m. Korbel Ballroom 1 Foyer

Hall of Fame Gala & El Gran Baile

SATURDAY 7 p.m. – Midnight Korbel Ballroom 1

Hall of Fame Gala Sponsored by:

El Gran Baile Sponsored by:

Join NAHJ for a special evening as we induct two veteranjournalists and two very special people to the NAHJ Hall ofFame. Gloria Campos, longtime anchor at WFAA-TV in Dallas,and Ray Suarez, senior correspondent of PBS’ The NewsHour,will join the 25 other colleagues and pioneers who form thisselect group the organization has chosen to honor for blazinga trail for Latinos in journalism and for being an advocate andchampion for diversity in news. Along with these award-winning journalists, NAHJ will also present its President’s Awardto Rodolfo José Cárdenas, one of the most well-known Spanishtelevision personalities in the state of Colorado, a fixture for 20years on the local Telemundo and Univisión news teams.

Follow this special gala with El Gran Baile with music, dancingand some dancers as sponsors the Walt Disney Companywelcome NAHJ to next year’s convention at the CoronadoSprings Resort in Orlando.

2010 Hall of Fame Inductees



Gloria CamposAnchor, WFAA-TV(Dallas)

Ray SuarezSenior Correspondent “The NewsHour,” PBS

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WEDNESDAYFinal Cut 1.0 University of Colorado, Denver

Downtown Campus, 1250 14th Street, Room ARTS 273

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

This session is a day-long hands-on workshop to teach techniqueson developing multimedia content with Final Cut software. Therewill be particular emphasis on photo and video production for theWeb. Participants will discuss file management and workflow,basic and advanced editing techniques, and they will prepare afinal presentation for web display.

INSTRUCTOR: Paul Daugherty, School of Journalism and MassCommunication, University of Colorado at Boulder

Hands-on Photography Training ROOM 404WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Has an online editor ever handed you a still camera, and you realizedyou had no idea what to do with it? Award-winning photojournalistswill teach the basic skills of photography, photojournalism ethics,software tips, and basic Photo Mechanic workflow. Participants willhit the streets of Denver with mentors and produce a photo package.Must provide your own camera, point & shoot or otherwise.

Participants are asked to bring the appropriate USB cables for theircameras and their laptops for viewing photos. Also pleasedownload the trial version of PhotoMechanic @http://www.camerabits.com/site/downloads.html

INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Group Leader &Director of Diversity Programs, The Poynter Institute

Interactive Graphic Bootcamp ROOM 405WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Interactivity is what makes the Web stand apart from all other media.But, in the past, this has meant mastering coding or tackling Flash.This all-day boot camp harnesses the latest technology to help youget interactive without being a code head. Participants will be

introduced to how to use Google tools and will learn how tovisualize data, generate slideshows, share video and createtimelines, all by using free tools. Instructors will also explore howto market and building your brand using social media and searchengine optimization and creating maps from databases.

INSTRUCTORS: Len De Groot, Technology Training Instructor,Knight Digital Media Center at UC Berkeley Graduate School ofJournalismRobert Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice,USC Annenberg School for Communication & JournalismJerry Monti, Technology Training Instructor, Knight Digital MediaCenter at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

Mining Your Beat: Tools to Take ROOM 501Your Reporting to the Next Level

WEDNESDAY 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Documents. Data. Sources. Three ingredients for finding stories onyour beat that readers want to read or see and will keep publicofficials on their toes. Four nationally-recognized experts inFreedom of Information Act requests, database reporting andsourcing will share their tips and secrets for high-impact journalismthat your audience will love and your bosses will notice.

INSTRUCTORS: Ted Bridis, News Editor, Associated Press EnterpriseTeam Karen Kaiser, Assistant General Counsel for News Governance,The Associated Press McNelly Torres,Independent Journalist; Stimulus Team Leader,EdMoney.orgRicardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Reporter, The Associated Press

Audio Storytelling Workshop ROOM 505Coordinated by NPRWEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What makes a good audio story? Whether your goal is to do afull-blown radio story, use audio clips in your blog, accompanyphotos on the web, or create a podcast, this one-day workshopwill show you how to understand audio’s storytelling strengths,select the best sound, write for the ear, and write to sound. You’ll


ñ MEDIA TRAINING SERIESThese intensive four or eight-hour sessions offer the convention’s most fruitful professional development experience. The ñ Media TrainingSeries sessions will be held on Wednesday, June 23 and Saturday, June 26.







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also get an opportunity to use audio recording equipment and todo digital audio editing. You will need to bring your own laptopand to download audio editing software in advance (We willadvise you on the process.)COORDINATOR: Sora Newman, Training Producer, NPRINSTRUCTORS: Rolando Arrieta, Production Trainer, NPR Jason DeRose, Senior Editor, NPR

Multimedia Photojournalism ROOM 503from A to ZWEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The industry is changing fast, but that doesn’t mean change is bad.What it means is that this industry has become more challenging aswe all try to improve and learn a different skill set to keep up with thechanges. If your job description now includes shooting, writing andediting, no matter what your skill level may be or the platform youcurrently use, this workshop will benefit you. Change is inevitable. Solearn what it takes, from veteran journalists, to become a betterstoryteller, work efficiently, and stay motivated.

COORDINATOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist, KUSA-TV (Denver)MODERATOR: Regina McCombs, Instructor/Faculty, The PoynterInstitutePANELISTS: Joe Vasquez, Multimedia Reporter, KPIX-TV (San Francisco)Dave Delozier, Multimedia Reporter, KUSA-TV (Denver)Kevin Torres, Multimedia Reporter, KUSA-TV (Denver)

NAHJ E-J Series: Journalism ROOM 502Entrepreneurs of the FutureWEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Journalists today are operating in an evolving news andinformation landscape that has made many consider striking outon their own. NAHJ will select candidates for a day-long trainingworkshop on starting a news and information business online. Apanel of academics, online news site operators, business advisors,and funding agents will guide a small group of self-startersinterested in the future of journalism, commercial or nonprofit.

The goal of the program is for attendees to understand start-upjournalism and to begin formulating or solidifying a workable plan.What they learn in the NAHJ E-J Series is complemented by three daysof training at the convention on a myriad of multimedia and career

skills including starting a web site from scratch, a tech corner andfinancial corner at the Expo, and discussions open to everyone on howLatino startups already out there got started, and what foundationsand venture capitalists are looking for in projects they support.

The day-long training includes a session with entrepreneurs whohave already founded or run a start-up or a website, and somesmaller group counseling and advice sessions on several issuesrelating to creating a start up business. The pre-selectedparticipants to the new NAHJ E-J Series will also receive training ondeveloping a business plan, branding and marketing, effectivelyseeking advertising, creating a good revenue plan, selecting theright legal business structure and content management system fortheir start up, and analytics or using social media to build traffic.

Trainers and panelists for the day include:

Jennifer Deseo, TheHyperlocalist.com, New YorkFernando Díaz, Managing Editor, Hoy, ChicagoScott Schaefer, Publisher, Editor, B-townBlog.comAnn Imse, Editor, Colorado Public NewsVictor Landa, Project Coordinator, NOWCastSA.com, San AntonioMarkos Moulitsas, Founder, dailykos.com

Michael Chesnut, SCORE CounselorBob Douthitt, SCORE CounselorSeveral expert counselors and business developers with SCORE“Counselors to America’s Small Business”, a nonprofitassociation dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helpingsmall business start, grow and succeed nationwide.

El Todo Reportero (The One Man Band Reporter) ROOM 404Wednesday 9 a.m. – Noon

Un dia completo aprendiendo nuevas tecnologias y modos decontar la noticia con resultados no imaginados. (New descriptionwill be inserted.)

A day’s worth session of how to use new technologies to improvestorytelling skills and polish your trade

INSTRUCTOR: Luis Alberto Gonzalez, President, NewsroomCoaching and Consulting (San Juan, Puerto Rico)







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SATURDAYFinal Cut – 2.0 University of Colorado,

Denver Downtown Campus, 1250 14th Street, Room NC1407

SATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

Expand your skills with advance techniques for video editing andmore shortcuts to speed up production time on deadline. Thissession is ideal for journalists who took the beginner course lastyear, or have previous experience with Final Cut.

INSTRUCTOR: Paul Daugherty, School of Journalism and MassCommunication, University of Colorado at Boulder

Flash 101: Get Flashy With One of ROOM 405the Most Powerful Tools on the WebSATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

Flash is perhaps one of the most powerful applications inmultimedia storytelling. From interactive graphics to games tosimple animations, explore this complex tool and get anintroductory lesson with multimedia storyteller and DigitalJournalist Handbook author Mark Luckie.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Words blog

Multimedia Photojournalism ROOM 407from A to ZSATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

The industry is changing fast, but that doesn’t mean change isbad. What it means is that this industry has become morechallenging as we all try to improve and learn a different skill setto keep up with the changes. If your job description now includesshooting, writing and editing, no matter what your skill level maybe, this workshop will benefit you. Change is inevitable. So learnwhat it takes, from veteran journalists, to become a betterstoryteller, work efficiently, and stay motivated.

COORDINATOR/MODERATOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist,KUSA-TV (Denver)PANELISTS: Luis Treto, News Anchor/Reporter, Azteca América(Denver)Andrea Lopez, Multi Media Journalist, KCNC (Denver)

Web Publishing ROOM 406SATURDAY 12:00 p.m. – Noon

Whether you are looking, or already have, a job, you need to buildyour presence on the Web. From buying a domain to learningsome HTML/CSS to having a themed Wordpress blog, this hands-on session takes you through the entire process to get your digitalbrand started. Walk in with $20 (for expenses) and walk out withyour place on the Internet.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor ofProfessional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication& Journalism








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THURSDAY, JUNE 24Audio Slideshows 101 ROOM 405THURSDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

You’ve acquired your audio interviews, ambient sound and takenpowerful pictures, but what's next? One of the more powerfulforms of storytelling is the audio slideshow. Attendees will learnhow to weave a story using these multiple forms and how bothforms compliment the other.

INSTRUCTORS: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor ofProfessional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication& JournalismSteve Saldivar, News21 Carnegie-Knight Fellow, UC Berkeley

Podcasting 101—Audio editing and podcasting ROOM 405THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon.

This session will help you feel more comfortable recording audio,recording your voice and editing all of it to produce a qualityproduct. What are some of the tools you'll need to accomplish aquality podcast and what will you need to do to promote your work?

INSTRUCTOR: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach, Knowledgewebb.net

Twitter 101 ROOM 406THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – NoonSponsored by:

Still wondering about Twitter? Why and how can it be useful andshould you attempt to use it? Not only will this session teach youthe basics of Twitter, it will also show you how to use it in a mobilesetting and whether it's right for you. The session will also includebest practices and techniques to using the service correctly whiletreating your audience and yourself in a professional fashion. Someof the ethical issues about using Twitter will also be discussed.

You Are Here. Geocoding Solutions ROOM 405THURSDAY 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

So there's the content you have, but where did it take place?

How can you use the location information provided in many newapplications to sniff out a hidden story? How do you put all thatinformation together so your audience can see what happenedwhere?

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Words blog

Social Media Reporting ROOM 406THURSDAY 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Social media has changed our communities and culture. It has alsochanged the way we can do journalism. It gives you more accessto your community, allows you to distribute your content moreeffectively and empowers you to build your brand. In this work-shop youll learn the skills and tools for social network reportingthat gives your traditional content more depth and context, keep-ing you relevant.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor ofProfessional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication& Journalism

Blogging 101 ROOM 405THURSDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

So you’re moving online or integrating it into your reporting. Great!This session will show you the tools and services available to you aswell as some basic best practices for blogging. Why is it importantto link, how do you keep your journalistic ideals and ethics and howcan you invite your audience to engage and assist along the way?This session will also focus on the various services available, includingmobile blogging and microblogging.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Words blog


Back by popular demand! We emerged from last year’s NAHJ Convention in San Juan having trained hundreds of Latino journalists and othersin a variety of multimedia skills needed to excel at storytelling in today’s changing news media. The new CyberLab@NAHJ was a big part ofthat success, so we’re doing it again this year in Denver. This collection of sessions on Thursday, June 24 and Friday, June 25 will helpjournalists enhance their portfolio and continue growing that critical mass of NAHJ members becoming well versed in multimedia storytelling.


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Mobile You-Cell Phone Gear and Apps ROOM 406THURSDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Whether you have an iPhone, BlackBerry, Pre or other mobiledevice, there are tools available to help perform your reportingduties a little easier. This will be an open contribution session inwhich attendees can share the tools they use and help others usethem properly.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News,SeattleTimes.com

Live Webcasting ROOM 405THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Those journalists out-and-about should be able to stand out whennews breaks. What tools can you use to go live anywhere there'sbandwidth? From Ustream, Qik and other tools to Voice over IPtechnology, this course will show how a small financial investmentcan help you go live when you need to most.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News,SeattleTimes.com

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ROOM 406THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m. Sponsored by:

Despite your best efforts and quality reporting, the story you wrotemay not be the first indexed page when people search for the latest.Proper search engine optimization techniques can complement yourreporting and ensure your audience finds your hard work.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Wordsblog

FRIDAY, JUNE 25THPodcasting 101—Audio editing and podcasting ROOM 405FRIDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

This session will help you feel more comfortable recording audio,recording your voice and editing all of it to produce a quality product.What are some of the tools you’ll need to accomplish a qualitypodcast and what will you need to do to promote your work?

INSTRUCTOR: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach, Knowledgewebb.net

Web Journalism On The Cheap ROOM 406FRIDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

What are some of the latest, free tools available? We can’t eventell you because this might change before the session. You’ll haveto show up to find out, but rest assured the tools will be veryuseful.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor ofProfessional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication& Journalism

Audio Slideshows 101 ROOM 405FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

You’ve acquired your audio interviews, ambient sound and takenpowerful pictures, but what's next? One of the more powerfulforms of storytelling is the audio slideshow. Attendees will learnhow to weave a story using these multiple forms and how bothforms compliment the other.INSTRUCTOR: Steve Saldivar, News21 Carnegie-Knight Fellow,UC Berkeley

Geek Out! ROOM 406FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – NoonSponsored by:

This session was one of the hidden gems of the 2009 convention.Attendees shared information and asked questions about the latesttech innovations and how they could be used by journalists. Whatwill we talk about this year? Who knows? You'll have to show upto find out.

Live Webcasting ROOM 405FRIDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Those journalists out-and-about should be able to stand out whennews breaks. What tools can you use to go live anywhere there'sbandwidth? From Ustream, Qik and other tools to Voice over IPtechnology, this course will show how a small financial investmentcan help you go live when you need to most.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News,SeattleTimes.com




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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ROOM 406FRIDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by:

Despite your best efforts and quality reporting, the story you wrotemay not be the first indexed page when people search for the latest.Proper search engine optimization techniques can complement yourreporting and ensure your audience finds your hard work.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Words blog

Twitter 101 ROOM 405FRIDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.Sponsored by:

Still wondering about Twitter? Why and how can it be useful andshould you attempt to use it? Not only will this session teach you

the basics of Twitter, it will also show you how to use it in a mobilesetting and whether it's right for you. The session will also includebest practices and techniques to using the service correctly whiletreating your audience and yourself in a professional fashion. Someof the ethical issues about using Twitter will also be discussed.

Un-conference ROOM 406FRIDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

What subjects would you like to discuss? These sessions will bepitched and voted upon by conference attendees in Denver. They canbe discussions, trainings, etc. They can include multiple people or be asingle person instructor. The beauty of these two sessions is that theconference attendees will decide what they want to learn about themost. Details on a selection process will be given at the conference.




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Final Cut 1.0 University of Colorado, DenverDowntown Campus, 1250 14th Street

Room: ARTS 273

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

This session is a day-long hands-on workshop toteach techniques on developing multimediacontent with Final Cut software. There will beparticular emphasis on photo and videoproduction for the Web. Participants will discussfile management and workflow, basic andadvanced editing techniques, and they willprepare a final presentation for web display.

INSTRUCTOR: Paul Daugherty, School ofJournalism and Mass Communication, Universityof Colorado at Boulder

Hands-on Photography Training ROOM 404

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Has an online editor ever handed you a still camera,and you realized you had no idea what to do withit? Award-winning photojournalists will teach thebasic skills of photography, photojournalism ethics,software tips, and basic Photo Mechanic workflow.Participants will hit the streets of Denver withmentors and produce a photo package. Mustprovide your own camera, point & shoot orotherwise.

Participants are asked to bring the appropriateUSB cables for their cameras and their laptops for viewing photos.Also please download the trial version of PhotoMechanic @http://www.camerabits.com/site/downloads.html

INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Group Leader &Director of Diversity Programs, The Poynter Institute

Interactive Graphic Bootcamp ROOM 405

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Interactivity is what makes the Web stand apartfrom all other media. But, in the past, this hasmeant mastering coding or tackling Flash. This

all-day bootcamp harnessesthe latesttechnology tohelp you getinteractivewithout being acode head.Participants will

be introduced to how to use Google tools and will learn how tovisualize data, generate slideshows, share video and createtimelines, all by using free tools. Instructors will also explore howto market and building your brand using social media and searchengine optimization and creating maps from databases.

INSTRUCTORS: Len De Groot, Technology Training Instructor,Knight Digital Media Center at UC Berkeley Graduate School ofJournalismRobert Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice,USC Annenberg School for Communication & JournalismJerry Monti, Technology Training Instructor, Knight Digital MediaCenter at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

Audio Storytelling Workshop ROOM 505

Coordinated by NPR

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What makes a good audio story? Whether yourgoal is to do a full-blown radio story, use audioclips in your blog, accompany photos on the

web, or create a podcast, thisone-day workshop will show youhow to understand audio’sstorytelling strengths, select thebest sound, write for the ear, andwrite to sound. You’ll also get anopportunity to use audiorecording equipment and to dodigital audio editing. You will


Paul Daugherty

Kenneth Irby

Len De Groot RobertHernandez

Jerry Monti

Rolando Arrieta Jason DeRose







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need to bring your own laptop and to download audio editingsoftware in advance (we will advise you on the process).

COORDINATOR: Sora Newman, Training Producer, NPRINSTRUCTORS: Rolando Arrieta, Production Trainer, NPR Jason DeRose, Senior Editor, NPR

Multimedia Photojournalism from A to Z ROOM 503

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The industry is changing fast, but that doesn’tmean change is bad. What it means is that thisindustry has become more challenging as we all try

to improve andlearn a differentskill set to keepup with thechanges. If yourjob descriptionnow includesshooting, writing

and editing, no matter what yourskill level may be or the platformyou currently use, this workshopwill benefit you. Change isinevitable. So learn what it takes,from veteran journalists, tobecome a better storyteller, workefficiently, and stay motivated.COORDINATOR: Manny Sotelo,

Photojournalist, KUSA-TV (Denver)MODERATOR: Regina McCombs, Instructor/Faculty, The PoynterInstitutePANELISTS: Dave Delozier, Multimedia Reporter, KUSA-TV (Denver)Kevin Torres, Multimedia Reporter, KUSA-TV (Denver)Joe Vazquez, Multimedia Reporter, KPIX-TV (San Francisco)

El Todo Terreno ROOM 504(The OneMan Band Reporter)

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

En esta sesión de adiestramiento intenso, aprendaa utilizar la tecnología (Twitter, Skype, Livestream)e incorpórela en sus técnicas diarias para reportaro producir las noticias. Encuentre soluciones yfuentes relevantes en su comunidad para entregaruna historia sólida y excelente a tiempo.

INSTRUCTOR: Luis Alberto Gonzalez, President,Newsroom Coaching and Consulting (San Juan,Puerto Rico)

Mining Your Beat: Tools to Take ROOM 501Your Reporting to the Next Level

WEDNESDAY 12:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Documents. Data. Sources. Three ingredients forfinding stories on your beat that readers want toread or see and will keep public officials on their

toes. Four nationally-recognizedexperts in Freedom of InformationAct requests, database reportingand sourcing will share their tipsand secrets for high-impactjournalism that your audience willlove and your bosses will notice.

INSTRUCTORS: Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Reporter, TheAssociated Press Ted Bridis, News Editor, TheAssociated Press Enterprise Team Karen Kaiser, Assistant GeneralCounsel for News Governance,The Associated Press

McNelly Torres, Independent Journalist; Stimulus TeamLeader, EdMoney.org

NAHJ E-J Series: ROOM 502Journalism Entrepreneurs of the Future

WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Journalists today are operating in an evolvingnews and information landscape that has mademany consider striking out on their own. NAHJ

Manny Sotelo ReginaMcCombs

Kevin Torres Joe Vazquez

Dave Delozier

Luis AlbertoGonzalez

Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Ted Bridis

Karen Kaiser McNelly Torres





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will selectcandidates fora day-longtrainingworkshop onstarting a newsandinformationbusiness online.A panel ofacademics,online newssite operators,business

advisors, andfunding agents will guide a small group of self-starters interestedin the future of journalism, commercial or nonprofit.The goal of the program is for attendees to understand start-upjournalism and to begin formulating or solidifying a workable plan.What they learn in the NAHJ E-J Series is complemented by three daysof training at the convention on a myriad of multimedia and careerskills including starting a web site from scratch, a tech corner and

financial corner at the Expo, and discussions open to everyone on howLatino startups already out there got started, and what foundationsand venture capitalists are looking for in projects they support.

The day-long training includes a session with entrepreneurs whohave already founded or run a start-up or a website, and somesmaller group counseling and advice sessions on several issuesrelating to creating a start up business. The pre-selectedparticipants to the new NAHJ E-J Series will also receive training ondeveloping a business plan, branding and marketing, effectivelyseeking advertising, creating a good revenue plan, selecting theright legal business structure and content management system fortheir start up, and analytics or using social media to build traffic.Trainers and panelists for the day include:

Jennifer Deseo, TheHyperlocalist.com, New YorkFernando Díaz, Managing Editor, Hoy, ChicagoScott Schaefer, Publisher, Editor, B-townBlog.comAnn Imse, Editor, Colorado Public NewsVictor Landa, Project Coordinator, NOWCastSA.com, San AntonioMarkos Moulitsas, Founder, dailykos.com


Jennifer Deseo, Fernando Díaz Scott Schaefer


Ann Imse Victor Landa

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Michael Chesnut, SCORE CounselorBob Douthitt, SCORE CounselorSeveral expert counselors and business developers with SCORE“Counselors to America’s Small Business”, a nonprofitassociation dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helpingsmall business start, grow and succeed nationwide.

Opening Plenary/Town Hall Korbel Ballroom 1

WEDNESDAY 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Sponsored by

Latinos, The Newest Demons? The Need forAccurate Coverage to Abate the Hate

A potent mix of cultural fear and economic anxiety—is helping tofuel increased attacks on Latinos on all fronts. Day laborers are

pushed out of communities. Undocumented immigrants are arrest-ed at work and split from their families. Teens on Long Island go“beaner hopping” with deadly results. Hate crimes against Latinosare on the rise. Chicano studies are outlawed on the border. Anti-immigrant rhetoric fills the airwaves and the Internet. A newArizona law thrusts racial profiling and the battle over immigrationreform into the political and social spotlight. Community and newsleaders examine how a clash of concerns about the country’sfuture and misperceptions about Latinos have led to a climate ofdiscrimination and violence; and the need for the community todemand, and for journalists to lead strong, accurate coverage tofight hate.

This year NAHJ’s Opening Plenary is open to the public andconverted to a lively town hall discussion.



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Opening Reception Korbel Ballroom 2

WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.

Right after the vigorous conversation in the Opening Plenary andTown Hall, don’t miss this first chance for convention regulars tosee one another again, share a drink and catch up. The relaxedatmosphere and casual conversation make it the perfect place forhundreds of friends, colleagues and new faces in the crowd tostart the week’s major networking.

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2010Morning Plenary Korbel Ballroom 1

THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

The War at Home: Mexico’s Drug Wars Coming toYour Town Soon

The drug wars along the Mexico-U.S. border are heating up. Posses areshooting it out, prison gangs have emerged on both sides of the borderas enforcers. Journalists in Mexico and the United States are being killedand intimidated as efforts intensify to silence them. Now the violence is

starting to claim American lives--a rancher killed in Arizona, an Americanconsulate worker and her husband in Ciudad Juarez, a Texas sheriff'sdeputy. As America's insatiable appetite for drugs shows no signs ofabating, drug gangs are becoming bolder and are marching farthernorth. Their reach is already well established in every state. Is theviolence on the border the future for our communities?


Audio Slideshows 101 ROOM 405

THURSDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

You’ve acquired your audiointerviews, ambient sound andtaken powerful pictures, butwhat's next? One of the morepowerful forms of storytelling isthe audio slideshow. Attendeeswill learn how to weave a storyusing these multiple forms and

how both forms compliment the other.



Steve Saldivar

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INSTRUCTORS: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor of ProfessionalPractice, USC Annenberg School for Communication & JournalismSteve Saldivar, News21 Carnegie-Knight Fellow, UC Berkeley

Podcasting 101—Audio editing and podcasting ROOM 405

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

This session will help you feel more comfortablerecording audio, recording your voice and editingall of it to produce a quality product. What aresome of the tools you’ll need to accomplish aquality podcast and what will you need to do topromote your work?

INSTRUCTOR: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach,Knowledgewebb.net

Twitter 101 ROOM 406

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Sponsored by:

Still wondering about Twitter? Why and how can it be useful andshould you attempt to use it? Not only will this session teach youthe basics of Twitter, it will also show you how to use it in a mobilesetting and whether it's right for you. The session will also includebest practices and techniques to using the service correctly whiletreating your audience and yourself in a professional fashion. Someof the ethical issues about using Twitter will also be discussed.

Conventions Do’s and Don’ts: How to TakeAdvantage of What NAHJ Offers ROOM 502

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

You’ve justopened theconventionprogram bookand you’reconfused. Toomany panels,programs,receptions. In this

session, learn how to make the most of the conference. This panelof reporters—from print to multimedia—promises to share theirtricks for making successful connections, attending the most

beneficial programs that suit your career needs; as well as makingthe best impression at the Career Expo and maintaining contactsafter the conference has ended.

MODERATOR: Crystal Ayala, Anchor, Puerto Rico TVPANELISTS: Elaine Aradillas, Reporter, People MagazineRussell Contreras, Reporter, The Associated PressAnabel Marquez, Freelance Journalist (Los Angeles)

Mining Your Beat: Freedom of Information Requests ROOM 501

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Public records can be the sourceof high impact watchdogjournalism. But getting thoserecords isn’t always easy. The keyis an effective Freedom ofInformation Act request. In thisworkshop, you will learn how tocraft an effective FOIA request

from Ted Bridis, investigations editor for The Associated Press’Washington Bureau and nationally recognized expert on FOIA.You'll learn how to frame the request, how to interpret theresponse, and how to work through the responses that don't giveyou what you want.

INSTRUCTORS: Ted Bridis, News Editor, The Associated PressEnterprise Team Karen Kaiser, Assistant General Counsel for News Governance,The Associated Press

Mining Your Beat: Database Reporting ROOM 504

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

High impact journalism is often a numbers game.And government and agencies love to measurethe effectiveness of their programs. The data theycollect can be massaged and offered to readers orviewers as searchable databases. McNelly Torres,the first Latina to sit on the board of InvestigativeReporters and Editors (IRE), is a pioneer ofdatabase reporting in South Florida. She’ll show

you which stories lend themselves to database reporting, what itmeans to clean the data, and how to set up a searchable databasethat will bring readers to your paper and hits to your website.

INSTRUCTOR: McNelly Torres, Independent Journalist; StimulusTeam Leader, EdMoney.org



McNelly Torres

Ted Bridis Karen Kaiser

Crystal Ayala Elaine Aradillas RussellContreras

Doug Mitchell

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Building the Winning Portfolio ROOM 404

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Photojournalists Ray Chavez (TheOakland Tribune) and CarlosGonzalez (San Francisco Chronicle)talk about what it takes to build aportfolio that will catch the eye ofcontest judges and prospectiveemployers. Chavez was namedPhotojournalist of the Year byNAHJ in 2008 as well as the thirdplace winner in the PhotographyPortfolio category by the NationalHeadliners Awards. Gonzalez is aphotojournalist as well as amultimedia producer. He won 3rdplace with the Bay-Area NewsPhotographer’s Association for

best portfolio and has covered the world series, baseball in theDominican Republic, elections in México, and a myriad of otherassignments in Africa, Nepal and Iraq.

INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Group Leader &Director of Diversity Programs,The Poynter InstituteMODERATOR: Natalie Guillen, Staff Photographer, The New MexicanPHOTOJOURNALISTS: Ray Chavez, Photojournalist, The OaklandTribuneCarlos Gonzalez, Photo/Video Journalist and MultimediaProducer, San Francisco Chronicle

Teamwork on a Deadline – TheReporter/Photographer Relationship ROOM 503

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Newsrooms arefilled with manydiverseindividualsworking understressfuldeadlines. Oneof the most

important relationships is the one between the reporter and


Manny Sotelo Lynette Romero John Romero

Kenneth Irby Natalie Guillen

Ray Chavez CarlosGonzalez

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photographer. It means the reporter has to think like aphotographer, looking for memorable moments, good sound andimages that will help tell the story. It means the photographer hasto think like a storyteller, by being flexible, communicating whileshooting and anticipating what might occur around him/her. It’s arelationship that is essential to the daily on-air product. Hear andlearn from veteran reporters and photojournalists about somesimple strategies to help build and maintain that workingrelationship.

COORDINATOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist, KUSA-TV (Denver)MODERATOR: Lynette Romero, Anchor/Reporter, KTLA (Los Angeles)PANELISTS: John Romero, Reporter, FOX 31 - KDVR-TV (Denver)

More panelists to come

Turbo Charge Your Career with a Journalism Fellowship ROOM 407

THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

In an era ofmedia mergersand layoffs,blogging andcitizen media,what shouldjournalists bedoing to update

their skills and expand theirhorizons to meet the challengesof the future? A key strategyshould include a plan forretooling, rethinking andsharpening your digital mediaand entrepreneurial skills tobecome leaders of your own

journalistic destiny. Journalism fellowships are changing with thetimes—and can provide the place, the time and the support tohelp you experiment and launch your journalistic dreams. Restoreyourself—and journalism, too! Learn the benefits of fellowshipsand how to apply from program decision makers, and hear fromNAHJ members who have won fellowships tell you how it changedtheir lives. Find out why a journalism fellowship is the bestinvestment you can make in your journalistic future.

COORDINATOR/MODERATOR: Dawn Garcia, Deputy Director,John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford UniversityPANELISTS: Elizabeth Aguilera, recent graduate of the

Multimedia Reporting and Convergence Workshop at the KnightDigital Media Center at UC Berkeley's Graduate School ofJournalism Kim Kozlowski, Science Reporter, The Detroit News(Knight-Wallace Fellowships at University of Michigan alumna)Frances Robles, Correspondent, The Miami Herald(Knight Fellowships at Stanford alumna)Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News, seattletimes.com(Fellow at the Knight Digital Media Center’s News Entrepreneur BootCamp 2010 at the USC Annenberg School for Communication)

NAHJ Membership Meeting ROOM 505

THURSDAY Noon – 1:30 p.m.

NAHJ invites its members to attend its membership assembly todiscuss the state of the association with our board of directors.Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and ask questions of theassociation’s elected representatives and hear from the candidatesaspiring to become part of the board in 2010.

You Are Here. Geocoding Solutions ROOM 405

THURSDAY 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

So there’s the content you have, but where did ittake place? How can you use the locationinformation provided in many new applications tosniff out a hidden story? How do you put all thatinformation together so your audience can seewhat happened where?

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author,10,000 Words blog

Social Media Reporting ROOM 406

THURSDAY 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Social media has changed our communities and cul-ture. It has also changed the way we can do journal-ism. It gives you more access to your community,allows you to distribute your content more effective-ly and empowers you to build your brand. In thisworkshop youll learn the skills and tools for socialnetwork reporting that gives your traditional contentmore depth and context, keeping you relevant.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor of ProfessionalPractice, USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism



Dawn Garcia ElizabethAguilera

Frances Robles

Mark S. Luckie

Kim Kozlowski

Joe Ruiz

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3D Workshop! ROOM 501

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

This session takes a look at the world of 3D, the3D basics and its use in a fast-deadlineenvironment. Highlights will include modeling andtexturing basics, lighting and animation, usingCinema 4D.

PRESENTER: Jonathan Moreno, an award-winning visual journalist and illustrator in the

publishing business for the past 20 years

Producing the Award-Winning “American Soldier” Project ROOM 404

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

The Denver Post’s photographerCraig Walker, multimedia photoeditor Meghan Lyden and directorof photography Tim Rasmussendiscuss their commitment to followthe Pulitzer-Prize-winning story,“American Soldier,” over 27months. They detail the process ofcreating both a print and onlineversion to showcase the story andtell what it takes to pull off.INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby,Visual Journalism Group Leader& Director of DiversityPrograms,The Poynter Institute

PRESENTERS: Meghan Lyden, Multimedia Photo Editor, The Denver PostTim Rasmussen, Director of Photography, The Denver PostCraig Walker, Photographer, The Denver Post

Somos pocos y la noticia no espera ROOM 505

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Trabajar en un periódicopequeño o en una estación detelevision o de radio con recursoslimitados no quiere decir que suaudiencia tiene que sufrir. Serversátil y creativo con lasdestrezas periodísticas

tradicionales y con la nueva tecnología puede constituir ladiferencia entre mantener un empleo o no.

COORDINADOR/MODERADOR: Sal Morales, Content Manager,WSBS MEGA TV (Miami)PANELISTAS: Luis Cruz, News Director, KYMA NBC 11 (Yuma, Arizona)Alan Rivera, News Director, Independent News Network (Des Moines, Iowa)Luis Treto, Anchor/Reporter, Azteca América (Denver)Karina Dalmas, Freelance Television Reporter (Los Angeles)

Why Sourcing is Like Dating ROOM 504

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Sourcing is like dating. You meet. You talk. You talksome more. Over time, you build a relationship oftrust. They know they can tell you what's REALLYgoing on in their agency without getting burned,and you know you can go to them when your editorwants something confirmed first and accurately. Thisworkshop will lay out sourcing etiquette, so you canget any story you need on your beat.

INSTRUCTOR: Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Reporter, The AssociatedPress

Beyond Baseball and Soccer: Appealing to the Latino Sports Audience ROOM 502

Coordinated by the NAHJ Sports Task Force

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Yes, lots ofLatinos likesoccer. Yes, it’sideal to have aSpanish-speakingreporter whencovering baseball.We know that.Virtually every

professional sports league realizes the power of the Hispanicmarket and is trying to tap into it, but what are media outletsdoing to appeal to the Latino sports audience? What can they bedoing better? Leading sports journalists and editors from bothEnglish and Spanish-language outlets will explore this idea.

MODERATOR: Jorge Arangure, Senior Writer, ESPN The MagazinePANELISTS: Angela Clemmons, Sports Copy Chief, The Denver PostMario Fraticelli, Director of Editorial Integration and DeputyEditor, ESPNdeportes.com Paul Gutierrez, Senior Writer, The Sacramento Bee; co-author,



Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Luis Cruz Luis Treto


Eric Ortiz Paul Gutierrez

Kenneth Irby Meghan Lyden

Tim Rasmussen Craig Walker

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”Tommy Davis’ Tales from the Dodgers Dugout with Paul Gutierrez” Eric Ortiz, Senior Editor of New Media, NESN.comKarina Dalmas, Freelance Television Reporter (Los Angeles)

Media Law in the Digital Age: Practical Tips for Avoiding Legal Liability and Using the Law to Improve Your Work ROOM 407

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

This session will give you an overview of the legal issues that you arelikely to face as you embrace new technologies and publish yourwork online. In today’s rapidly changing media environment, the legalissues journalists have to be aware of get more complex every day.This panel will help you understand important legal concepts such ascopyright and fair use, libel, privacy, and sunshine laws. We'll also talkabout the legal concerns that arise from new technology such asTwitter, social networks, news aggregation, and cloud computing.Other topics to be addressed may include reporters’ shield billprotections for online journalists, the effect of recent developments inFirst Amendment law, media reform and government policy, and

access to public information anddocuments. Come prepared withyour questions, whether you workfor a big media organization oryou are just beginning to work onyour own blog.

COORDINATOR: HiramEnriquez, Product Development,Univision Interactive MediaMODERATOR: David Ardia,Director, Citizen Media LawProject at Harvard’s BerkmanCenter for Internet & Society PANELISTS: Jon Hart, partner,Dow Lohnes; Counsel, Online

News Association Geanne Rosenberg, Founding Chair, Department of Journalismand the Writing Professions at Baruch College of the CityUniversity of New YorkSteven Zansberg, Partner, Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz, LLP


David Ardia Jon Hart



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News Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age ROOM 503

THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Former journalistsand othersinterested innews andinformation havebecome newsbusiness owners.Learn how and

why they created their own sites,and how they are faring. Panelistsinclude hyperlocal founders, newjournalism thinkers and anonprofit news representative.

COORDINATORS: Jessica Durkin,Founder, InOtherNews.us; Knight

Media Policy Fellow, New America Foundation and Teresa Puente,Assistant Journalism Professor, Columbia College ChicagoMODERATOR: Jessica Durkin, Founder, InOtherNews.us; KnightMedia Policy Fellow at New America FoundationPANELISTS: Jennifer Deseo, Founder, TheHyperlocalist.com (NewYork City)Ann Imse, Editor, Colorado Public NewsJesús Sanchez, Founder, theeastsiderla.com (Los Angeles)Scott Schaefer, Founder, B-TownBlog.com (Burien, Washington)

Blogging 101 ROOM 405

THURSDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

So you’re moving online or integrating it into yourreporting. Great! This session will show you thetools and services available to you as well as somebasic best practices for blogging. Why is itimportant to link, how do you keep yourjournalistic ideals and ethics and how can youinvite your audience to engage and assist alongthe way? This session will also focus on thevarious services available, including mobile

blogging and microblogging.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author, 10,000 Words blog

Mobile You - Cell Phone ROOM 406Gear and Apps

THURDSAY 2:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Whether you have an iPhone, BlackBerry, Pre orother mobile device, there are tools available tohelp perform your reporting duties a little easier.This will be an open contribution session in whichattendees can share the tools they use and helpothers use them properly.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Leadfor News, SeattleTimes.com

No Callbacks? Create a Portfolio, Promote Yourself and Get a Job ROOM 502

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m.

In this tougheconomy,countless jobseekers areitching to makeit big in themedia industry.Where does thatput you in your

quest to become the best contender? How can you stand out froma crowd of thousands in today’s competitive market? Do peoplestill ask for clippings? Should you create a website with your worksamples? Top media executives and an experienced recruiter havesome solutions. Get the lowdown on the do’s and don’ts of thejob search process and learn how to showcase your interpersonalskills in order to land that dream job.

MODERATOR: Cristina Fernández, Assistant Editor, El Nuevo Día(San Juan, Puerto Rico)PANELISTS: Fernando Díaz, Managing Editor, Hoy (Chicago)Jorge Friguls, Director of News Operations, EntravisiónCommunicationsHenry Lescaille, Vice-President, Human Resources, Time Inc.



Mark S. Luckie

Scott Schaefer

Joe Ruiz


Fernando Díaz Jorge Friguls

Jessica Durkin Ann ImseJennifer Deseo

Jesús Sanchez

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Rocky Mountain Photographers ROOM 404

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Former staff photographers ofthe Rocky Mountain News willdiscuss their experiences whenthe newspaper shut down. Thepanelists will talk about what arethey doing now to keep theirpassion alive and their new lifeoutside of the newspaper.

INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby,Visual Journalism Group Leader &Director of Diversity Programs,ThePoynter InstitutePRESENTERS: Joe Mahoney,Matt McClain, Evan Semon,

former photographers for the Rocky Mountain News

Lighting: The Art of Controlling Light ROOM 503

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.

With the new technology in today’s videocameras, lighting seems to have become a lost artin television news. This session is intended to helpyou understand how one light or a three-lightsetup can be used to create a variety of lightqualities to enhance your story. Not only will thissession help the television news photographer,but also the video journalist and the multimedia

journalist producing content for newspaper and television websites.

INSTRUCTOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist, KUSA-TV (Denver)

It’s Not Just Talk: Build Your Network ROOM 501

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.

In a relationship industry, do you know how to build yournetwork? Relationships are key to our industry, not only to developsources but to advance as a successful professional. Many peopleonly think of their network when they lose their jobs—andalthough that is a critical time to focus on networking, learninghow to evaluate, expand and strengthen your network year-roundis key to never having to look for a job again. This hands-onsession will provide participants with a different approach tobuilding relationships, which they will be able to apply right away.

MODERATOR: Gustavo Reveles-Acosta, Enterprise Reporter,El Paso TimesPANELISTS: Rebecca Aguilar,Freelance Television/MultimediaReporter; Founder, Wise LatinasLinked Mariela Dabbah, MediaContributor; author of severalbooks including: The LatinoAdvantage in the Workplace andCómo conseguir trabajo en losEstados Unidos Kevin Olivas, Parity ProjectDirector, NAHJ

My Story Needs a Graphic! ROOM 504

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.

This session takes a look at what makes aneffective graphics department in today'snewsrooms and how reporters and editors caneffectively collaborate with the graphicsdepartment to create rich, information-packed,story-telling packages.

PRESENTER: Jeff Goertzen, Graphics Editor, The Denver Post; award-winning international graphics consultantfor 30 years

How Do You Fund a Startup? ROOM 505

THURSDAY 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Entrepreneurial journalists need funding. There are various sourcesyou can tap, from grant makers to loans to venture capitalists. Amix of funders and entrepreneurs and founders of websites whohave been through the process discuss funding tips andexperiences. In a true, frank discussion, they discuss what isworking and what isn’t.



Manny Sotelo

Jeff Goertzen


Rebecca Aguilar

Mariela Dabbah Kevin Olivas

Kenneth Irby Joe Mahoney

Matt McClain Evan Semon

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Live Webcasting ROOM 405

THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Those journalists out-and-about should be able tostand out when news breaks. What tools can youuse to go live anywhere there's bandwidth? FromUstream, Qik and other tools to Voice over IPtechnology, this course will show how a smallfinancial investment can help you go live whenyou need to most.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Leadfor News, SeattleTimes.com

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ROOM 406

THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Despite your best efforts and quality reporting,the story you wrote may not be the first indexedpage when people search for the latest. Propersearch engine optimization techniques cancomplement your reporting and ensure youraudience finds your hard work.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author,10,000 Words blog

Transition from Print to Online ROOM 404

THURSDAY 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

When the Seattle Post-Intelligencerceased to be a print newspaper,photojournalist Josh Trujillo was kepton staff to help in its transition to anonline-only newspaper. Trujillo speaksabout his new working environment,changes in his shooting style toaccommodate the new workflow,

and adjustments to his job description as a visual journalist. He alsoshares his experiences on how this online-only publication handles thecompetition from other online sources in the area.

INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Group Leader &Director of Diversity Programs,The Poynter InstitutePRESENTER: Josh Trujillo, Visual Journalist, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com

Sound Salon ROOM 504

THURSDAY 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Join NPR’s Mandalit del Barco in a fun, enlightening,interactive showcase of audio storytelling. Theannual “Sound Salon” features creative stories byLatino reporters and producers from public andcommercial radio, websites, podcasts and otheroutlets. Participants are encouraged to get in touchwith the moderator before the salon, or they canarrive with recordings of their own work to share.

This popular session is “ears-on” and informal, yet designed toexchange ideas and techniques, and also to get you excited about thebest in today’s audio storytelling.

PRESENTER: Mandalit del Barco, Correspondent, NPR News

Social Media: From Novelty to Fact of Life ROOM 407

THURSDAY 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Social media is now a pervasiveforce, and journalists have gonefrom discovering Facebook orTwitter to incorporating them intotheir daily work. What are thebest practices out there? Aresocial networks always friends orfoes of journalism? This panel willlook at how media organizations

and independent journalists are using social networking to enrichthe way they do their jobs. From crowd sourcing your assignmentdesk tasks to shaping up your own personal digital brand, we willdiscuss what the latest trends are, what they mean for you, andthe ethical issues arising from these developments.

COORDINATOR/MODERATOR: Christine Maddela,Anchor/Reporter, WKRN-TV (Nashville)PANELISTS: Davar Iran Aldaran, Civic JournalistJoe Cole, VP News Director/Anchor, KXRM (Colorado Springs)Regina McCombs, Instructor/Faculty, The Poynter Institute


Joe Ruiz

Mark S. Luckie

Kenneth Irby Josh Trujillo

Mandalit del Barco



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Getting Your Interviews with the VIP’s ROOM 501

THURSDAY 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Possessing sources is an art and ajournalist is only as good ashis/her sources. Learn how to goabove and beyond in reachingout to the best sources in yourmarket. Seasoned reporters andhigh profile celebrity publicistswill teach you how to surface tothe forefront of a professionalrelationship selectionconsideration so you can get thatmost desired interview thatothers are longing for. Find outwhat to do in order to make themost out of your interview.

MODERATOR: Crystal Ayala, Presenter, Puerto Rico TVPANELISTS: Elaine Aradillas, Reporter, People MagazineGabriela Frias, Anchor, CNN En EspañolJocelyn K. Allen, Vice President of Public Affairs and CorporateCommunications, OnStar

Freelancing 101 ROOM 505

THURSDAY 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

So you want to be a freelancer?Learn how to use your contacts toland paying assignments. Hearwhat editors look for. Find out ifqueries ever work. Successfulprint, broadcast and onlinefreelancers will share theirexperiences and insight. Whetheryou're looking to supplement yourincome or embark on a newcareer, this panel will give you thebasic knowledge you need to getyour freelance career off theground.MODERATOR: Maria BurnsOrtiz, Freelance Journalist;contributor, ESPN.com

PANELISTS: Sandra Gonzalez, Freelance Television Reporter,WGNO-ABC26 (New Orleans) Monica Ortiz Uribe, Freelance Radio Reporter, National PublicRadio and Public Radio International

Carolyn Salazar, Freelance Print Journalist, New York Post;contributor, MSN Money Geoff Van Dyke, Deputy Editor, 5280 Magazine; former freelancejournalist

The End of the Internet as we Know it? ROOM 503

THURSDAY 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Should telecomcompanies likeAT&T andComcast beallowed to favortheir owncontent and Websites on the

Internet over others or should the Federal CommunicationsCommission pass rules to prevent broadband providers fromdiscriminating online?

This is the central question being debated in Washington. The FCC iscurrently considering rules to preserve an open internet. Supportersof an open Internet—or Network Neutrality—believe the FCC mustprotect consumers from telecom companies that want to discriminateonline. Telecom companies believe they should be allowed to enterinto exclusive business agreements with companies so they can earnmore money which would lower the price of broadband.

Meanwhile, a federal court ruling in April has stripped the FCC ofits current authority to regulate broadband, including preventingcompanies from discriminating online.

Coordinator: Joseph Torres, Senior Advisor, Government andExternal Affairs, Free PressMODERATOR: Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent, PBS’ “TheNewsHour”PANELISTS: Alex Nogales, President, National Hispanic MediaCoalitionJames Rucker, Executive Director, ColorOfChange.orgJoseph Torres, Senior Advisor, Government and External Affairs,Free Press


Crystal Ayala

Gabriela Frias

Elaine Aradillas

Jocelyn K. Allen

Maria BurnsOrtiz


Monica OrtizUribe

Geoff Van Dyke

Joseph Torres Ray Suarez Alex Nogales

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Career Expo Networking Reception Laptop Lounge inthe Career Expo

THURSDAY 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Take a break from a hard day of training, business and careercounseling, fruitful discussions and job hunting to have a drink,some hors d’ouevres and keep networking. Continue and closeout the day’s work as you lead in to the evening’s play.

GLBT Caucus Mixer JR’s Denver Bar and Grill

Thursday 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. 777 East 17th Street

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010

Podcasting 101—Audio editing and podcasting ROOM 405

FRIDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

This session will help you feel more comfortablerecording audio, recording your voice and editingall of it to produce a quality product. What aresome of the tools you'll need to accomplish aquality podcast and what will you need to do topromote your work?

INSTRUCTOR: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach,Knowledgewebb.net

Web Journalism on the Cheap ROOM 406

FRIDAY 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

What are some of the latest, free tools available? Wecan't even tell you because this might change beforethe session. You’ll have to show up to find out, butrest assured the tools will be very useful.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, AssistantProfessor of Professional Practice, USCAnnenberg School for Communication &Journalism

Illustrating with Photoshop: ROOM 501Using PS for Good, Not Evil

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Jeff Neumann of The Denver Post willdemonstrate how to use Photoshop to createillustrations that will not be mistaken forphotojournalism and explain why Photoshopillustration is an important part of the newspapergraphic design toolbox. Participants will learn thatPhotoshop is more than a “digital darkroom”program and explore different types of collage

techniques and visual themes as they go step-by-step through twoillustrations.

PRESENTER: Jeff Neumann, Lead Designer, The Denver Post

Photography Portfolio Critiques ROOM 404

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Top editors andphotographerswill critiqueportfolios, live, asthe images areshown on a largescreen. Thisroundtable

discussion of photography workis an open forum for anyone tosit in and listen. Participants’work will be accepted on site forreview by the coordinator.

COORDINATOR/MODERATOR:Natalie Guillen, Staff Photographer, The New Mexican PANELISTS: Ray Chavez, Staff Photographer, Oakland TribuneKenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Director, The Poynter Institute forMedia StudiesTim Rasmussen, Director of Photography, The Denver PostJosh Trujillo, Visual Journalist, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com


Doug Mitchell


Jeff Neumann

Tim Rasmussen Josh Trujillo

Natalie Guillen Ray Chavez Kenneth Irby

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We’re Not Gonna Take It: ROOM 503The Art of Negotiation

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Even in a time of layoffs, it’simportant to realize you still haveleverage. Know what to ask forand how to ask for it. Whetheryou are taking a new job,improving your current terms,being reassigned or taking abuyout, you don’t have to takejust what’s offered. Learn what

terms and conditions are negotiable and techniques you can use tonegotiate those terms yourself.

MODERATOR: María Leticia Gómez, Anchor/Reporter, NoticiasUnivisión 14 – KDTV (San Francisco)PANELISTS: Rick Carr, Broadcast Employment Attorney, TVContract.comHerta Suarez, Executive Director and Contract Negotiator, AFTRAMiami LocalKaren Wang-Lavelle, Executive Vice President and Agent, Ken Lindner & Associates

Essential Tools for the Backpack Journalist ROOM 407

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Sponsored by:

Are you a journalist always on the go or awayfrom the newsroom? Find out about the tools andgear you need to know about to publish dynamicmultimedia stories on the road. You'll also learnhow to multitask, prioritize, and respond tobreaking news situations.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author,10,000 Words blog

¿No hay trabajo? Sé tu propio jefe ROOM 504

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Descubra cómo te puedes“reinventar” sin tener queabandoner tu pasión por elperiodismo. En esta sesión, seexplorarán otras formas decanalizar tus energías y hacer loque puedas y no decaer. Varioscolegas que han pasado por estaexperiencia también discutirán

maneras en que los periodistasbilingues pueden mercadear esasdestrezas linguísticas como unaventaja en estos tiempos de muchincertidumbre.

COORDINADOR: Sal Morales,Content Manager, WSBS MEGA TV (Miami)MODERADORA: Lilliam Martinez, Professor of Journalism, FloridaInternational University PANELISTAS: Hugo Balta, Senior Producer, MSNBC; former VicePresident of News, Telemundo 47Eduardo Blancas, Owner, Al Aire News public relations firm, LosAngelesMariela Dabbah, Media Contributor; author of several booksincluding The Latino Advantage in the Workplace and Cómoconseguir trabajo en los Estados UnidosTonny Velasco, Freelance Producer/Reporter (Bristol, Connecticut)

The Business of Freelance ROOM 505

FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Congratulations,your freelancingcareer is takingoff. But gettingyour workpublished or airedis only thebeginning.Whether you

freelance fulltime or on the side, you are now your own smallenterprise. This workshop will examine the business basics offreelancing. How do you file a 1099? What can you write off as abusiness expense? How much should you put away for taxes? Areyou planning for your financial future? Experienced freelancers andfinancial experts will fill you in on all you need to know.


María LeticiaGómez

Rick Carr

Mark S. Luckie

Hugo Balta

Tonny Velasco


Mariela Dabbah




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MODERATOR: Ricardo Sandoval, Project Manager, InternationalConsortium of Investigative Journalists PANELISTS: Vicente Calderón , Director and Founder,www.tijuanapress.com Sandra Gonzalez, Freelance Television Journalist, WGNO-ABC26(New Orleans) Sergio Quintana, Freelance Broadcast and Online Journalist

How to Be the Wizard of All Media: ROOM 504Managing a Multiplatform Newsroom

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

You came intojournalism with apassion for printor broadcast.Now yournewsroom servesnot only thoseaudiences, but

also the web, mobile, social mediaand more. Top news professionalswill tell you how they movedbeyond the medium that broughtthem into the business to producetop-notch multifaceted,multiplatform coverage.

COORDINATOR: Michele Salcedo, Editor, The Associated PressMODERATOR: Sarah Nordgren, Deputy Managing Editor, TheAssociated PressPANELISTS: Dino Chiecchi, Hispanic Publications Editor, SanAntonio Express-NewsManny Garcia, Executive Editor, El Nuevo HeraldYvette Miley, Executive Editor, MSNBC

Geek Out! ROOM 406

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Sponsored by:

This session was one of the hidden gems of the2009 convention. Attendees shared informationand asked questions about the latest techinnovations and how they could be used byjournalists. What will we talk about this year? Whoknows? You’ll have to show up to find out.

INSTRUCTORS: Robert Hernandez, Assistant

Professor of Professional Practice, USC Annenberg School forCommunication & JournalismJoe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News, SeattleTimes.com

Audio Slideshows 101 ROOM 405

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – Noon

You’ve acquired your audio interviews, ambientsound and taken powerful pictures, but what’snext? One of the more powerful forms ofstorytelling is the audio slideshow. Attendees willlearn how to weave a story using these multipleforms and how both forms compliment the other.

INSTRUCTORS: Steve Saldivar, News21Carnegie-Knight Fellow, UC Berkeley

Photography Portfolio Critiques ROOM 404

FRIDAY 10:30 p.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Top editors andphotographerswill critiqueportfolios—live, asthe images areshown on a largescreen. Thisroundtable

discussion of photography work isan open forum for anyone to sit inand listen. Participants’ work willbe accepted on site for review bythe coordinator.

COORDINATOR/MODERATOR:Natalie Guillen, Staff Photographer, The New Mexican PANELISTS: Ray Chavez, Staff Photographer, Oakland Tribune Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Director, The Poynter Institute forMedia StudiesTim Rasmussen, Director of Photography, The Denver PostJosh Trujillo, Visual Journalist, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com



Michele Salcedo Sarah Nordgren Dino Chiecchi

Manny Garcia Yvette Miley

Steve Saldivar

Natalie Guillen Ray Chavez Kenneth Irby

Tim Rasmussen Josh Trujillo


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Video Storytelling—Creating that Memorable Story ROOM 502

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Memorablestories oftenmake up the besttelevision newshas to offer. Mostof the time, thosemoments happenright in front of

us unexpectedly. On other occasions, it’s the writing or the image thecamera captures that makes it a memorable moment. As storytellers,we take our viewers to places they normally would not visit andintroduce them to people they normally would not meet. And wehelp them experience events they normally would not get toexperience. Listen, learn and see how some storytellers go beyond thefacts and figures to tell a memorable story.

COORDINATOR and MODERATOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist,KUSA-TV (Denver)PANELISTS: Viviana Hurtado, Former Correspondent, ABC News David Puente, Producer, CNN’s AC360

Marketing Yourself in a Multimedia World ROOM 501

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Sponsored by:

You can blog.You know how toshoot and edityour own video.You understandthe importance ofsocial media, thevalue of the

Internet and producing cross platform content. Where do digitaljournalists fit in the newsroom? What opportunities are out there?Once you’re in the job, how do you maintain a competitive edge?What types of stories work for digital journalists? Whether you’restarting your career or reinventing yourself as a multimediajournalist, this panel brings together industry leaders to discuss therole that convergence continues to play in newsrooms and how youcan be at the forefront as the field evolves.

MODERATOR: Ramon Escobar, Executive Vice PresidentTelemundo Network NewsPANELISTS: Paula Madison, Executive Vice President, Diversity,NBC Universal & Company Officer, General Electric

Hugo Balta, Senior Producer, MSNBC Fernando Díaz, Managing Editor, Hoy (Chicago) Russell Contreras, Multimedia Reporter, The Associated Press

Newspaper Narrative in a Twitter World ROOM 503

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

We’re all familiar with the litanyof obstacles to narrativejournalism in the incredible-shrinking newspaper world. Lackof space. Competition for readerattention. One hundred-and forty-character attention spans. Butnarrative journalism—the storiesthat transport the reader throughcharacter, detail, dialogue,conflict—is still being done everyday. The art of the tale remainsvital. Our panelists talk about howto engage as well as inform.

COORDINATOR ANDMODERATOR: Tina Griego, City Columnist, The Denver PostPANELISTS: Kevin Vaughan, Staff Writer, The Denver Post;Pulitzer-Prize finalist for “The Crossing” Robert Sanchez, Senior Staff Writer, 5280 magazine

From Panic to Peace: Finding Approaches ROOM 505to Cope with Work Stress and Job Anxiety in a Time of Upheaval

FRIDAY 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

As the news industry haschanged, journalists have foundthemselves clinging to jobs orbeing pushed into news ones.The stress in either seat can beoverwhelming. If you have notlost your job how do you keep itand what happens when it goes

away? If you were unceremoniously dumped by your formeremployer, well rejection is tough. Life coaches offer advice on howto cope and how to turn that worry into positive energy.

PANELISTS: Cate Gerstberger, Vice President, TAP ResourceDevelopment Group, Inc.Linda Hampton, Life Coach, Highview CommunicationsJackie Jones, Life Coach, Jones Coaching, LLC



Manny Sotelo Viviana Hurtado David Puente

Ramon Escobar Paula Madison Hugo Balta

Fernando Diaz RussellContreras

Kevin Vaughan Robert Sanchez

Linda Hampton Jackie Jones

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Newsmaker Luncheon Korbel Ballroom 1

FRIDAY Noon - 2 p.m.

Co-Sponsored by:

Claiming our Home: The Politics of ImmigrationReform in 2010

In a fickle election year for incumbents, the new Arizona “papers,please” law has thrust the controversial issue of immigration reform tothe top of the news and to the turf of raw politics. Despite strongsupport from Latino voters that helped put Barack Obama in theWhite House, the issue was put on the back burner in Washington.Now the hot mix of passionate protests and political spin have evenforced Obama to put an overhaul of the country’s broken immigrationsystem on his crowded agenda. Congress remains ambivalent asdivisions in both parties run deep. And with every passing week,activists on both sides complain about border enforcement, morepeople are detained and deported and more families are split, givingrise to fear and anxiety. After a bruising battle to reform health care,heightened polarization in Washington and increasing influence ofLatinos at the ballot box, will the hot-button issue of immigrationreform finally be addressed? We explore the politics of immigrationreform and the likelihood of change coming in 2010.


New Manager's Survival Guide: ROOM 407How to Shine Despite a Demanding Boss, Diva Reporters and Tsunami of Tasks that Come When You're in Charge

FRIDAY 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Through the magic of yournewsroom's downsizing andreorganizing, Voila! You're amanager! Suddenly you'redealing with performanceevaluations, endless meetings,scheduling and the demands ofyour boss and staff. Managerswho have been there, done thatand came out better for it willshare their secrets to developingthe skills you need to keep allthose balls in the air and all theplates spinning

COORDINATOR: Michele Salcedo, Editor, The Associated PressMODERATOR: Elizabeth Zavala, Reporter/Editor, Fort WorthStar-TelegramPANELISTS: Alfredo Carbajal-Madrid, Editor-in-Chief, Al DíaChris Peña, News Director WMAQ (Chicago)Jeorge Zarazua, Criminal Justice Editor, San Antonio Express-News

Photography Portfolio Critiques ROOM 404

FRIDAY 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Top editors andphotographerswill critiqueportfolios, live, asthe images areshown on a largescreen. Thisroundtable

discussion of photography workis an open forum for anyone tosit in and listen. Participants'work will be accepted on site forreview by the Photo coordinator.

COORDINATOR/ MODERATOR:Natalie Guillen, Staff Photographer, The New Mexican PANELISTS: Ray Chavez, Staff Photographer, Oakland Tribune Kenneth Irby, Visual Journalism Director, The Poynter Institute forMedia StudiesTim Rasmussen, Director of Photography, The Denver PostJosh Trujillo, Visual Journalist, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com

Getting Your Story Between the Covers ROOM 502

FRIDAY 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

It’s a naturalprogression to gofrom reporting tostorytelling.Come listen tothose of us whotook thatstorytelling to thenext level—a

book! Whether fleshing out a daily beat into a full-length book ordipping your toes into fiction, there are ways to go about thebusiness of becoming an author.



Ada Alvarez Yvonne Latty

Natalie Guillen Ray Chavez Kenneth Irby

Tim Rasmussen Josh Trujillo

Michele Salcedo ElizabethZavala


Chris Peña

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MODERATOR/PANELIST: Ricardo Pimentel, Editorial Page Editor,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; author, “House with Two Doors” and“Voices from the River”PANELISTS: Ada Alvarez, Freelance Journalist; author, “Lo que nodije” and “Mudanza constante” Yvonne Latty, Professor of Journalism, New York University; author,“We Were There: Voices of African American Veterans, from WorldWar II to the War in Iraq” and “In Conflict: Iraq War Veterans SpeakOut on Duty, Loss, and the Fight to Stay Alive” Kristin Nelson, President and Senior Literary Agent, Nelson LiteraryAgencyNancy Trejos, Staff Writer, The Washington Post; author, “HotBroke Messes: How to Have Your Latte and Drink it Too”

Ch-ch-ch-changes: How to Think Clearly About Leaving the Business, and Deciding What to Do Next ROOM 505

FRIDAY 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Whether you have been laid off, bought out or decided on yourown to leave journalism it was a tough choice. Thousands ofjournalists are facing this decision now. Go or stay. Making thechoice requires clarity. Listen to the outstanding panelists discusstheir decisions to move out of journalism and how they decidedtheir next steps.



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MODERATOR: AngelaClemmons, Sports Copy Chief,The Denver PostPANELISTS: Vicki Adame, formerjournalist, now in public relationsMichelle Dally, former journalist,went into public relations andnow attends veterinary school Manny Gonzales, formerjournalist, now doing CensusOutreach and Communications

Live Webcasting ROOM 405

FRIDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Those journalists out-and-about should be able tostand out when news breaks. What tools can youuse to go live anywhere there’s bandwidth? FromUstream, Qik and other tools to Voice over IPtechnology, this course will show how a smallfinancial investment can help you go live whenyou need to most.

INSTRUCTOR: Joe Ruiz, Associate Producer-Lead for News,SeattleTimes.com

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ROOM 406

FRIDAY 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Despite your best efforts and quality reporting, the story you wrotemay not be the first indexed page when people search for thelatest. Proper search engine optimization techniques can



Joe Ruiz

Michelle Dally MannyGonzales


Vicki Adame

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complement your reporting and ensure youraudience finds your hard work.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark S. Luckie, Journalist/Author,10,000 Words blog

Managing Up/Managing Down: ROOM 504The Keys to Success in Your Newsroom

FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

You’ve landed that promotion andnow you're set to work. Butmanaging isn't only the art ofdirecting those you supervise. Howwell you manage your boss andeven your boss’ boss can determinewhether you continue moving upyour organization's ladder or stayon the rung where you are.

COORDINATOR: MicheleSalcedo, Editor, The AssociatedPressMODERATOR: MichelleMorgante, Assistant Chief ofBureau (Miami), The AssociatedPress

PANELISTS: Dino Chiecchi, Hispanic Publications Editor, SanAntonio Express-NewsRicardo Pimentel, Editorial Page Editor, Milwaukee Journal SentinelMichele Salcedo, Editor, The Associated Press

Photography Portfolio Critiques ROOM 404

FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Top editors andphotographerswill critiqueportfolios, live,as the imagesare shown on alarge screen. Thisroundtable

discussion of photography work is an open forum for anyone to sitin and listen. Participants’ work will be accepted on site for reviewby the coordinator.

COORDINATOR/ MODERATOR:Natalie Guillen, StaffPhotographer, The New Mexican PANELISTS: Ray Chavez, StaffPhotographer, Oakland Tribune Kenneth Irby, Visual JournalismDirector, The Poynter Institute forMedia Studies

Tim Rasmussen, Director of Photography, The Denver PostJosh Trujillo, Visual Journalist, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com

“You’re Live!”– Story Critiques for Live Television ROOM 501

FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Join a lively discussion as a panelof top TV journalists observe anddiscuss memorable live shots thathave appeared over the pastyear. Reporters, bring your videorésume and get real-timefeedback from your peers.Panelists will also discuss howthe new technology is changinghow we tell stories – for betterand worse!

MODERATOR: Soledad O'Brien,Anchor and SpecialCorrespondent, CNN PANELISTS: Catherine Anaya,Reporter, KPHO-TV (Phoenix)

Sid Garcia, Reporter, KABC-TV (Los Angeles )Anne Trujillo, Reporter, KMGH-TV (Denver)

Las redes sociales: ¿Ventaja u obstáculo? ROOM 407

FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

En esta sesión se exploraránmaneras de utilizar las redessociales como recursos en susperiódicos o en los noticierostelevisivos. Las redes socialespueden ofrecer buenas fuentes eideas al buscar y producir lasnoticias, pero también sepresentan retos al tratar de

determinar la credibilidad de esas fuentes. Además, se tratará el


Natalie Guillen Ray Chavez Kenneth Irby

Tim Rasmussen Josh Trujillo



Sid Garcia Anne Trujillo

Mark S. Luckie

Michele Salcedo MichelleMorgante

Dino Chiecchi RicardoPimentel



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tema de las dificultades y la falta de adiestramiento que enfrentanalgunos periodistas al tratar de utilizar programas electrónicoscomo Twitter y Livestream para poder realizar reportajes másefectivamente.

COORDINADOR: Sal Morales, Content Manager, WSBS MEGA TV(Miami)MODERADORA: Verónica Villafañe, Freelance Reporter/Producer/Columnist/Blogger (Los Angeles)PANELISTAS: Christine Maddela, News Anchor, ABC 2 (Nashville)Ernesto Mourelo, Director of Digital Content, WLWT (Cincinnati,Ohio)Judith Torrea, Journalist/blogger, El Paso/Ciudad Juárez

Reinventing Yourself: From One-Track Journalist to 21st-Century Hybrid ROOM 505

FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Staying in journalism requirestenacity, commitment andevolution. What used to work forprint, broadcast or radio reportersseparately are now the skillseveryone needs to know. Astraditional news outlets shrink andonline outlets crop up enterprisingjournalists must grow and changeto remain relevant and working.But what does that mean now?Find out from panelists who havegrown with the times and who areproducing exceptional work for auniversity, online and as afreelancer.


Rebecca Aguilar Hugo Balta

Barry Gutierrez Yvonne Latty

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MODERATOR: Rebecca Aguilar, Freelancer and Blogger; formerbroadcast journalistPANELISTS: Hugo Balta, Senior Producer, MSNBC; former VicePresident of News, Telemundo 47Sarah Cohen, former journalist who is now teachingBarry Gutierrez, former photojournalist, now a freelancer with hisown business, working on a variety of projects including movie stillsYvonne Latty, former print reporter, turned author and professor,now producing a documentary film

Twitter 101 ROOM 405

FRIDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Still wondering about Twitter? Why and how can it be useful andshould you attempt to use it? Not only will this session teach you the basics of Twitter, it will alsoshow you how to use it in a mobile setting and whether it's rightfor you. The session will also include best practices and techniquesto using the service correctly while treating your audience andyourself in a professional fashion. Some of the ethical issues aboutusing Twitter will also be discussed.

Un-conference ROOM 406

FRIDAY 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m.

What subjects would you like to discuss? These sessions will bepitched and voted upon by conference attendees in Denver. Theycan be discussions, trainings, etc. They can include multiple peopleor be a single person instructor. The beauty of these two sessionsis that the conference attendees will decide what they want tolearn about the most. Details on a selection process will be givenat the conference.


Final Cut – 2.0 University of Colorado– Denver Campus

Room 1250 14th StreetRoom: NC1407

SATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

Expand your skills with advanced techniques forvideo editing and more shortcuts to speed upproduction time on deadline. This session is idealfor journalists who took the beginner course lastyear, or have previous experience with Final Cut.

INSTRUCTOR: Paul Daugherty, School ofJournalism and Mass Communication, Universityof Colorado at Boulder

Flash101: Get Flashy With ROOM 405One of the Most Powerful Tools on the Web

SATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

Flash is perhaps one of the most powerfulapplications in multimedia storytelling. Frominteractive graphics to games to simple animations,explore this complex tool and get an introductorylesson with multimedia storyteller and The DigitalJournalist’s Handbook author Mark Luckie.

INSTRUCTOR: Mark Luckie, Journalist/Author,10,000 Words blog

Multimedia Photojournalism ROOM 407from A to Z

SATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

The industry ischanging fast,but that doesn’tmean change isbad. What itmeans is that thisindustry hasbecome more

challenging as we all try to improve and learn a different skill set


Paul Daugherty

Mark Luckie




Manny Sotelo Andrea Lopez Luis Treto

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to keep up with the changes. If your job description now includesshooting, writing and editing, no matter what your skill level maybe, this workshop will benefit you. Change is inevitable. So learnwhat it takes, from veteran journalists, to become a betterstoryteller, work efficiently, and stay motivated. COORDINATOR/MODERATOR: Manny Sotelo, Photojournalist,KUSA-TV (Denver)PANELISTS: Andrea Lopez, Multi Media Journalist, KCNC (Denver)Luis Treto, News Anchor/Reporter, Azteca América (Denver)

Web Publishing ROOM 406

SATURDAY 9 a.m. – Noon

Whether you are looking, or already have, a job,you need to build your presence on the Web.From buying a domain to learning someHTML/CSS to having a themed Wordpress blog,this hands-on session takes you through theentire process to get your digital brand started.Walk in with $20 (for expenses) and walk outwith your place on the Internet.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Hernandez, Assistant Professor ofProfessional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication& Journalism

World Cup Lounge Blue Bear Café and Adjacent Lobby

SATURDAY Noon – 2:30 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Come chill out, nibble on some nachos, have a drink and relaxbefore five flat screens and cheer on the world's teams battling itout in the World Cup, the world's largest sporting event takingplace in South Africa. The World Cup Lounge will be a nice breakfrom so much intensive training and great advice offered all week.

Hall of Fame Gala Pre-Reception

SATURDAY 6 p.m. – 7p.m. Korbel Ballroom 1 Foyer

Hall of Fame Gala & El Gran Baile Korbel Ballroom 1

SATURDAY 7 p.m. – Midnight

Hall of Fame Gala Sponsored by:

El Gran Baile Sponsored by:

Join NAHJ for a special evening as we induct two veteran journalistsand two very special people to the NAHJ Hall of Fame. GloriaCampos, longtime anchor at WFAA-TV in Dallas, and Ray Suarez,senior correspondent of PBS’ The NewsHour, will join the 25 othercolleagues and pioneers who form this select group the organizationhas chosen to honor for blazing a trail for Latinos in journalism andfor being an advocate and champion for diversity in news. Alongwith these award-winning journalists, NAHJ will also present itsPresident’s Award to Rodolfo José Cárdenas, one of the most well-known Spanish television personalities in the state of Colorado, a fix-ture for 20 years on the local Telemundo and Univisión news teams.

Follow this special gala with El Gran Baile with music, dancingand some dancers as sponsors the Walt Disney Companywelcome NAHJ to next year’s convention at the CoronadoSprings Resort in Orlando

2010 Hall of Fame Inductees

2010 President’s Award Recipient



Gloria CamposAnchor, WFAA-TV(Dallas)

Rodolfo José Cárdenas

Ray SuarezSenior Correspondent “The NewsHour,” PBS

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