21st bomber command tactical mission report 49

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    U IS S I n : N N0 . 4 9F L O W N 30 MAIlCH 1945

    C O P Y N O . . 7

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    No feature of this reportmay be reproaueed or dis-sem inat ed Wit ho ut priorIlpproval of Headquarters

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    HEi.~Ui.RtERSX X I B O M B E R O O M M h N D

    A PO 2:54

    T ~O TI CA L M ISS IO N R EP OR TField Order No. 17313th Bomb~dment Wing Missio n N o . 49XXI Bomber ConunandTorget: M Oj i. l ur e. ~i ro sh im a Wnn. Hiro sh ima. and Sasebo Areas.

    30 March 1945Table of Contents

    T act ica l N arr at i va W I . . .Annex A - Oper ntions ... II- Po rt I - N avigati o n

    Exhibit - Track Chart Plll't II - Mining .' Seo tio n A.- Mining R es ul ts Section B - Charts Sho wing Mine Lo catio ns.Seotion C - Code Designation -of' Mines and

    Mi ne Operatio n Part III - Flight Engineering Gh e. rt Part rI-Radar Report Part V - Gunnery Repo rt \Annex B - Weather.

    Part I -. Weat her Summary Part II - Chort - Forecast Weather VB ObservedWeather

    Part III .. Prognostic MapPart IV - Synoptic Map .. I ..

    'e . .. . . 36 37 :58 5940


    Annex C - Cammun1cations Part I - Radar Oounter MeasuresPart II - Radie

    ..... . . .. ..Annex D - Intelligence .. .. Part I-Enemy Ai r Oppo sitio nPart II - EnemyAntiaircnft . . . .. . ~x E _ Consolidated St~tistica1 Summary . . . . . . ..Annex F - 313th Bomba.rdment Wing Field Order. . . .~x G _ Distributio n. 62

    Prepart;d byIA-2 S e o t i o nXX I Bomber Comma.nd

    .Page N o

    11011131 414212 628292 930:3 1:3 33435


    . . 51

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    20 lIay 1945

    SECRET------ :::::::::::':::::::!::: :. SECRET ": :By 1.uth. of the C.G. ::I XXIBomber CornmEU' l .d: ::; 20 .May 45-J]X';- :~:: D~te Initials I::::: :.:::::I::::::::::::

    H F J ..D Q U . :.R T E R . SXXI BOMBEROWilANDAPO 234

    SUBJECT: Report of Oper~tion8, 30 M~rch 1945TO, CommandingGeneral, Twentieth Air Force, Washington 25. D.C.

    1. IDQlTIFICATIONCF T H E MISSION:a. On basis of XXIBomber Commanddirecti vas dated 23 Jan-uary and 11 March, 1945, the 313th Bomba.rdmentWing continued to carryout plan~d mine-luying operations.b. Field Order Number 17, Headquarters 313th Bombardment

    lUng, do.ted 27 Murch 1945. directed the 6th, 9th, 504th and 505thBontbardment Groups to perform mine-la.ying opera.tions of thh Commandon 30 Ha.rch 1945.c. AOlget.s Specified:

    (1) PrimarY Areas I(n) Mo;l Area: Minefield Love (Force D O & 2 f MainshiIlPing channel through the eastern entranoe to Shimonoseki Kaikyo,

    with the greatest minfll density to be along the channel adjacent toUse Miso.ki. MotoyDl!\aHana, and He Saki a.nd o.t the turn in the channeln.ortheo.st of Moji. The closure was to be to ddes of the waterwayroughly bounded by Motoyama Hana. Miyano Bo.na. Manju Shima, and Ra.S~. '

    (b) Kure.Hlroshima WanAU'; Minefield Item {ForcpI s z A l I l4o.1nshipping channel through Hashluahima Suido, the .1 t,be lo.id a.t the entrlUlce

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    (3) Last Resort A:ce~: Any IIhlpping lane in the Inl andSea of Japan"2. STR":'TEGYND PLAN OF OPERATrONS~

    a. Strategio Importance of Targets:(1) Moji is compar-abLe to Shilno'nosekl in volume of ship

    traffic and in strategic importance at the present stage of the WaF.A large portion of the 500 ships per month that make the passage throughShimonoseki Straits stop at this port, which is 0. convoy assembly pointand a. coaling stati on. Moji central and sou'thern whu"e ha.'6 cppt'Gzt.mately 5000 feet of frontage on the strait, and aze the prinClpo.l wharvesof the stro.i ts area for deep draft vessels. Blockade of the area eus t;of MOji is 0. part of the total blockade of Sh~onoseki Kaikyo.

    (2) ~ is of major importanoe as a Naval baso, being ofgreo.ter va-lue to the Japanese after the 2 !maricnn carrier attacks onYokosukaNaval base, south of Tokyo. The Kura Naval shipyard is Japan'slargest navy yard, With 11ways, docks and refitting pontoons as well~S complete repair shops. It Can handle all classes of nava.l craft.Ships can be completely outfitted and repaired. with most engines beingsupplied from the adjacent city of Hiro. where Japan's principal navalturbine plant is located.

    (3) Hiroshima is the headquarters of the Jap~nese Army's5th Division and a primary port of embarkation" The Army Trnn.sportBase is located only 9 miles from Kure, well situated for coordinatedArmy.Navy convoy movements. Although the largest city on Honshuwestof Kobe. Hiroshima is not as highly industrializ.ed o.B several 0. othercities of comparable size. Most of its indu.stry is of local ~port-c.nce, integrated with army suppiy and maintenance activities. Large,protected unchor-age a, sui table for fleet use, are located in Hlroshi.maVian, sooth of the ci ty

    (4) Slil,sGbo.(me of Japan's :3 principal naval basell, hasmany functions, including repair, maintenance and construction ofnaval vessels for defense and convoy escort throughout the East ChinaSea and down the island chain to Formosa. It is also a. supply basefor the mainland as well a.s the naval administrntive center for Kyushu.Facilities at Sasebo include 3 Shipbuilding ways, 6 drydocks, and Iropai%!basin. A large anchorage area is looated south of Sasebo inOmura Wnn.

    b. Tactiog.l Situation:(1) Mining of the ee.stGrn appronch to Shimonosek1 Straits

    has for its immedia.te taotical objective the prevGnting of waterbornesupplies a.nd reinforcements from being sent to the Nnnaei Shoto duringthe invELsion at Okinawa Gunto by U.S.Forces. Tha n.ormal shipping routewould be from the Lnl and Sea of Ja.po.n through the Shimonoseki Straitsdown the protected waterways on the west side of Kyushu. Blocking ortho stu.! ts paasuge would deny use of this protected Lane and wouldforce use of Bungo Suido, thus exposing shipping to U.S. submnrlnGnttacks.

    (2) Prior to the mine-lnying nt Kure and Hiroshima. photoreoonnaissance of 27 and 28 March 1945 indio~tod that the followingJapanese naval vessels wero at Kure l'lavo.l Base t 6 battlel!lhlps. 3 air ..

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    croXt. onrriers. 4 henvy Ol'u1,s\'lrs, 1 light c rui ser , 13 destroyer", 17submarinesand 15 auxiliaries. In addition, 5 merohl\.nt ve ase1 s,and2 aubmar-fnea were sighted at Ujina port. south of Hiroshima. This min~ing mission was plllJ1ned to blookllile uhis major Jo:pnnesf'l naval forcawhile U.S. na.vClIforMs werI supporting the Okinawa.landi ng,

    (3) ReGollnll.issa.ncein. the Sll.s.eboarea. on 27 March indi ~cntcd that Ilpproxima.tely 100 merchant vessels were nnehored in CmuraWan. ThDpurpose ot:the mininga:t Sllsebo wa.s to dtmy exit :!'rQmOmura.Wan to these ships. and to render tbe use of 'Sa.SiboNaval Base. ho.zJlx-dou.a for lllr ge vasse Is. Tbis weuldcut ort the rep Il.ir f IlC11 i tie" atSasebo from the Japanese No.vyin the event of 0. mo.jorno:v,al engage-ment off Okinawa.

    e. Details of Pl20nnlng:(l) Opere-tiopal Ple.nn~D e : :

    (0,) The directive for Mining Mission #2 from theXX I BomberCommandspeoified areas of attack, approximate number ofsorti.es, density of the minefIelds. preparation of the mines, a.nd gen~er 0.1limi tat ions on the 0. 1ti tude of attack.

    (b) The tact.ical p1e.nning for this operation wascarried out by the 313th BombardmentWing. E.xporienoe gained in Min-ing Mission #1 (XXI Bomber CommandMLssion No, "'7) was put to mllXimumuse in plo.nning this operation.(c) Selection of approQ,ches o.ndminehylng run!! ror

    bhf a operation 'WaS largely influenced by the pos.itions of suitable in-itial points and radar aiming paints and by the most fo.vorable axis ofattack so that the 1in.es of mines would present a. maximumthroat to anyshipping attempting to navigate the mined areas. Antiaircraft defellsGaand heights of terrain were also taken into considoration, The moresignificant decisions made in the planning were o. s follow:!!:

    1. .1J,.:singleinitial point wal5to be used foreach force ,wi th di.rrer('lnt axes of attack for individual ai r~ro.!t i.nthe force. It was believed that this would be mor-e L'lo..tisfo.ctarythanhaving the same axis of attack for each aircraft and different turn-ing points, as waS used by Force Baker on Mission No. 41.

    ~ For Force Dog, . the 1m tial point used af-forded the best possibili1

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    (d) Tho largo number ot o.ircro..ft omp:loyed in thi.soperation made the use ofa sQheduU!lgsy.stem otr,ro.rhe Vo.riOQB m1.ne-fields desirable. J. . I-minute to,ke..o.f'f' intervd between a1rcrllf't wassp eoifi edt and Ilpproprio..te int

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    lS/04N - 145/38E24/S0N - 141/'l.5E32/30N - 132/30E33/1lN - l32/18E33/22N - 1:51/30E

    (e) AU cre w n avi ga to rs we re instructed to plotaecuro..toly th e positions of o..!l.lmines r.eleo.sed. including t h o s e jet-t i s o n e d nnd th ose rele nsed i n Case of emergency. Details of rpdarscope photegrnphy nacessnry to id .entjf y t he post tion of the rirstm in e re le as ed f ro m e ac h a ir cr af t we re gi ve n in the f ield order.

    ~. Routes P la nn ed - O u t lA. Foroe Dog:

    Bo.se1st Che~k Point2nd CbeckPoint3rd Check PointI.P. Individual R.A.P. f o r

    'linia.nI wo Ji mo .Coordinate sHiburi Shima.Toyooknench aircraftJl. Force Eo.sv:

    BlUle Tinhnlilt C he ck P oi nt I wo Ji mo .2nd Check Point UsnI.P. N o to kunn Sh1mo .I n d iv i du a l R . A. P . fo r each aircraf t.,2. Force Fox:

    B a s e T i n i a n1st Check Point Iwo Jima2nd Check P o i n t OoordinatesI.P. Coordino.tes'

    Individual R.~.P. for each aircraft.~ Forge George:

    Bnaa!at Check Point2nd Cheek PointI.P. I nd iv id ua l R .A .P .

    Tiniaft1wo J i m o .Coordina.teBCoordinate.for each aircraft.

    15/04N ... l45/38E24/50N Bl/15E3:5/26N l33/28E33/58N l32/42E

    lS/04N .. 145/38E24/50N 141/1SE32/30N - l32/30E33/28N 132/18E

    l5/04N - 145/38E24/50N ... 141/15E32/24N - 132/30E32/ 45/30N ... 132/02E

    ~ Ro u te! Plqpned ... eturp:A . l o r c G Dog ... M o . n e u v e r atter o.tta~k: Rightturn mo.into.iningminimum. alti tude of TOoo feet a nd 0. m o .x i mu m o f 9500t e e t . Turns to be made to avoid ant1o.1roraft defenses of Tokoyama.

    bt Check Poi nt2nd C he ck P oi nt3rd Check Po intBa.ao

    Nanr KibeCoordinatosCo ord.1nntesTin1nft

    34/06N 13l/15ES3/40N 132/00E3J?!30N 132/20E

    ~. Force Enax - Maneuver atter attack: leftt QT ft m ai nt ai ni ng m in im um o .lt it ud e o f 10.000 f ee t. t urn in g where necea-aa.ry to o.void o .n ti nl rc ra ft d ef en se s o f Tok~Y!lDla.

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    let Check Point2nd Cheek PointBa.se

    Northwest of Hiroshim~North of ShiraichiTininn

    34/30N l3A/20E34/BON l32/S0E

    s. Force Flo?)- Mcmeuver after o.tt'nck: leItturn nfter mine release mo:intnining minimum altitude of 10,000 feet.Turns to bemnde to nvoid antiaircraft defenses at Tokayama.1st Check Point2nd Check Point Northwest of HiroshimaNorth of Shirnichi

    34/30N - 132/20834/30N - 132/S0EBase Tinio.n

    .I i. Force 'George - Rnneuver atter Q,ttack:left turn nfter mine relea.se.1st Check Point2nd Check PointElo.se

    NomoSakiKo Shima.Tlnio.n

    32/34N - 129/44E3l/25N - 131/23E

    (6) Rp.dar Plnnning: All mine-laying runs were plannedand briefed as ro.dllr runs.(7) RQ,do.rCounter Meqsures: Routine search by 3 ROM

    o.ircraft w~s plnnned on frequencies betWeen 70 and 3000 mc.(e) Air-Sea Rescue flqnnlng:

    (o.) ~: The N~vyWllS furnished with details ofthilS mission and wnS requested to provide avai1o.ble facilities foro.ir..sea rescue purpoaea, The following were made available I

    1. One submarine was statiGned at 3000N ..135.00E fran 301200Z to the end of the mission

    .& . Two surfo.o& veUElls were stationed as fol-low,,' 2600N l3700E from 301700Z to 311022Z, and l a o o N l4~30E from300900Z to 311022Z.



    A.. One Dumboaircraft wo.s stationed a.t 2000B -14200E tram 302~OZ to the end of' the mission.~ Crash boats were stationed off Tinl~n during

    cruci0.1 periods of tOoke.ofr o.nd landing.(b) XX I Bomber COIDlDQAd: This Commando.lSigned 1

    Super Dumboo.lrcraf't to orbit the srune position cmd for the srune timeas the Navyplo.ne.

    3. E X EC U T IO N O F T I l 14ISSIONI0.. TAKe-orrl 'Force E n a y W~8 scheduled to take-orr a t 300600Z.Forces Fox and Dog at 300820Z. Ilh.Q Porc& George a.t 300906Z. Aetuo.l

    take-off was o.ccomplished o. S followslAi rcraft Fir ItAirborne A~rcrnft43 300620Z11 sooeooz31 300822Z--2 3009001

    3l3th Wing Total 94 30oaOOZ

    ~D o gE l l s yfox

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    b. Route Out: With the exception of uircrnft turning back,0.11followed 'courses as briefed. One p'lane of Force Dog, with radarinopero.tive, could not make the proper radar run on the 'briefed drop-ping position in Minegield Love. This aircrnft turned back dong thecoa.st arid dr opped in Minefield Jig. Celestial nnviga.tion wa.s hinderedby D . high ovorc:;l.st. Devintions in mining runs m:ty be, seen on cho.rtsof mining runs, (Annex;", Part II.)

    c. Over To.rgct:(1) Primqry J,.reo.s:

    (oJ Or the 94 nircrcrft uirberne, 87 mined primaryMd 800on~ usa;>. The 85 planes 1l1iningprimC1.r-yreas dropped 0. to-ta.l of 603 M l l l " k 26-1 or 36-1 a r i d 2011Ma.rk 2 5 mines fitted with C '_ va-riety of mo.gn.etic and o.coustic mechnnisms. ;., dGto.ilod breakdoQ atthe types of mines and their loco.tions is given in Annex A, Po.rt II.

    (b) Times of roleo.se of mines by Force Dog werefrom 301534Z to 301645~, by Force Easy from 301453Z to 301541Z, byForce Fox from 301524Z to 301748Z, and by Force George from 301602Z. to301l702~. Altit.ude ranged f'rol::.4.700 to 8200 feet and he.a.d.lngsvaried inc .ooOTdcmoo. with o . x . e s of atta.ck. l'ho l.e.l)gth of mine runs w as from 1.5 toIe ' f.u.nu~s and .i.ndit'lte.d air speeds avorf:ged 18 13 knots ..

    (~) Secondarv AreaSl Two aircraft placed 12 Mark 26-1iand M a r k 36-1 a n d 6 M a r k 2 5 minas in second~ry areas.

    (3) Jettisoned: The following 79 mines were dropped injettisoning ar eaS specified in the field order:

    ~ 1i!ik 25 M!!J:k 26..:366:tsh 6 09th 6 27504th 0 2505th _Q ~12 67

    d . Route Back: Briefed route was followed substantially byall aircraft. Ten aircraft landed at Iwo Jima. 9 for refueling and 1because of engine fira.

    follows.e. tanding: Airoraft of the main force landed o.t base a.s

    . 9 I . 2 ! m .6th9thS04tb505th

    First Landing302145Z302151Z302300Z302303Z302145Z

    Last Landing310026Z310025Z310104Z310048Z310104Z

    f. Lo~sea: TwoB-29's were lost; 1 crashed short of the run-way while nttempting to land with 2 engines out, und 1 was lost wbenit wns jettisoning mines shortly after take-off becnusa of engine fireand 1 of the mines exploded ..


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    1 5 _ Rp at nt ions SUllttllpry:(1 ) Nt\,vi go.tion': (See. Annlilx #., Part I, ford eto.ils. )Routes, .initi!l.l points and aiming points Vlere good. or the 01 runSplatte,d, annlysis ofre.do.r scope 'Photogra.ph!> anewed 73.7 per cent

    we,e w1th! n 1 mil II of bTl eted 10c (1ton.(2) Mini.p!';: (See Annex J.., Pnrt II,. for detnils.) InMinefield Love the plo.nned d.ensity in the esto.blished o!Jl1ippjng lanewv.ssoeu red i ccomp1et e closure Wo . s not a:ttdne d in Mi.n_efe 1d Jig; inMinef iald lta.m comp Ie teclo.sure \'ins mnde, and in Minerield Geol'gGmov~ment of enemy shi.pping was e'x:pected to be reatr!:cted.

    cbo.rt. )(3) Flight U;iQering: (See Annex A, Port III, .for

    1. Clinjb to Bombing hI titud.e = Th~ climb to8000 feet was effected immediately after talce~off by individua.l ail'craft.

    .. InitialCp,li"e:. The cruise to the mnln-Land WOo Snwn v. t bombing 0.1ti tl:\de, 8 000 fea t , by ind ividual a irer a ft ,No formati on a.s sembly was made.

    , 2 " . Qruis@ to toe Targ.et: The bombing run W . o .smade at speeds sOlJ1.ewhat higher than cruising, necessitating automatiorich power settings,

    10,000 to 20,000 feet.I

    i. Return to Snsa !RGturn o.lt.itude ro.nged from(b) G:omroenta-AA lMsa1Oh! No. a.1:('plM~s eo.rl'1ed bomb

    bt".y tanks and res'erval!! we.re ample.(4) Ro.dar I. (Sae Annex A. Part rv, for deto.ils.) Ro.do..requipment operated well on tbis mission. Thl ro.do.r ot'f'he.-t;method was

    wsed in 84 of the 87 mi.ne relea.ul!I.($) GunllElry I (See Annex Ai .~s.rt V, fa r deta1ls.) Only450 %'ounda of ammunition were expended on this mission.(6) i!.ir~Se9. Res gy,el No ditchlngl.'l were reported.

    he Weather ,(See Annex B for dotD.1la.) WOQ . t h e r WQ.S o.lmOlJt0.8 predicted o.ndd.ld not interei'ere with the execution of the mission.

    i. Communieo.1ilonp 1(1) Rnsigr CoSnter Meg.surel; (See Annex C,fEtl't I, .fol'deta.lla.) Nooffensive counter mensures were employed. Twenty dit-

    f'orent dgnc.lswe.re logged.(2) ~;hundred per cent of HF/DFpIinG was excellent.

    (See Anne,xOf Put II, for deta.ils.) O~bearlnlj8 r1)quEisted were obtained. D:l..sol

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    dz..?eIN~C URTIS E. LeMAY

    MELjor General. U.S.A.Commanding

    j. lntellic;encc SUmmo. ry l(1) Enemy Air Oppositionl (S~e .d.nnex 0, PQ.l't I, for

    detail". ) or the 27 enemy atNl'e,ft IIit;hted, 0nly 1 attaok ed,(2) En emy .ri.ntip.irerat"t: (Se~ Annex D, Part II . fol" de-

    tails .. ) A.ntiai rcraft oppca iUon was ,sxespt.ionally weak. Only a fewsearohlights were observed.(.3)M1.ning Results: Detailed analyses of the missionre5ul t.s are given in Annex A, Part II, Sections A nnd B.

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    Pert 1- Navigation arrl. Track ChartPart II -Mining

    Sectiri>n A ~ Mining R.esultsSectiol1l B _ Charts ShORing Mine LocationSection C Code Designation of Minesand Mine b~eration

    Pert III Flight Erlgi1'l.eer1ngChert,part IV - Ra~ar Reportpart V - Gunnery Report

    M~saio:aNo. 4930 ~h 1945

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    1. Routes selected proved to be well pLanned.2. Navigation was good. Lonan and celestial being used inconjunction to enable all crews to make landfall within a !O..milearea.3 . Mining:

    a. Visibility over the targets was good. with eloud cover-age being zero to 2/10.

    b. Init"ial and aiming points were well selected and couldbe picked. up in the radar sco pe . The only eanpl$int reported wasfrom 1 Group which stated that ~ts initial point of Mine Field Jigwas difficult to locate.c. The majority of aircraft laid their mines by radar.Radar equipment worked satisfactorily.d. Each aircraft was assigned an individual aiming point

    as described in the field order.e. Malt'unctions:

    (1) 6fb BombGroup:(a) Ale 9 667 - Rear bombdoors did not open. last3 mines were sal voed 45 seconds later on primary target.(b) A le 3887 - Early return due to engine failure.all 6 mines were jettisoned in preseri bed area.(c) A le 4776 - 11.116 mines were salvoed wherefirst mine was seheduled to be laid ~ This was a personnel error;intervalaneter had not been set.

    (2) S04th Bomb Group; Alb 863 - Rear banb doors failedto open. Six mines were salvoed in seeondary mine fields.(j) io5tb BombGroup:

    (8) A /e 484 . 517. 764 jettisoned their mines inthe designated area..

    (0) A le 508 - Mines were dropped approxi.mately 7miles west of the briefed A.P.(e) A/e 821 r Bombbay doors tailed to open n~-mally; mines 'were salvoed a fef'! seeonds later.(d) A le Bl,2~ Radar was inoperative; mines weredropped visually on secondary t,arget.(e) Ale 79~ - ,Rackmalfunction caused a return

    to base with 1 minej shackle was bent.


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    ( 4) 9th BombGroup:(a) A le 283 - Electrical trouble eaused this Ale tojettison mines. It erashed and burned on landing.(b) A le 789 Engine failure resulted in jettisoning

    mines end returning to base.(c) A le 822 --This A le had mechanical trouble andjett.i soned its mines.

    4. Radar Scope Photo Results:a . Force Do g ( 4 5 aircraft) ~ Plotting data was not availablefor 11 aircraft, ai ther because there nere no scope photos or becausethose available were not plottable. Nine aircraft dropped as hrie.tedor within imile o f briefed position, and 10 within 1 mile of briefedposition. The remaineder dropped within from I t to 4 * miles a t thebriefed pOflitions. Four aircraft were non-effective.b. Force Easy (14 aircraft) Plotting data was not available

    for 3 aircraft, and 2 aircraft were non-effective. Trto aircraft dropped ae briefed, 5 within imile, and 1 each within It and 3milesrespectively.c. Foree Fax (33 aircraft) - Plotting data was not availablefo r 16 aircraft, either because there were no plottable scope photosor because the aircraft were non-effeet ive. Seven aircraft droppedas briefed. and the rem9.ining 8 ai rcraf t within 1 mile except for 1aircraft that dropped Ii miles beyond the A.P.d. Foree George (10 aircraf t) - Plo tt1mg data ~as:not avail-able for 3 aircraft, Three aircraft dropped as briefed. 2 within 1

    mile, and 2 within 1imiles. There were no non-e:ffeetive Ale.e. Results of the analysis are shown on the charts in Section

    B of this annex. Errors again were of a COIT:pensatingnature. Openingsappearing in the minefields were caused more by non-effective aircraftthan by errors in dropping.

    f. A ta bula.tion of the accuracies obtained follows:Apcuraey No. Runs Percentage

    2 6197432tl

    imile1 mile2miles3 miles5 miles10 miles4 2 . 731.011.56 . 550--1rJ100.0

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    a MISSION NO~4:;:=:.9_DATE 30 MARCH"'45XXI BOMCOM._-

    ~ .W I.., LEGEND--

    ~--- -- -- - -- GEORGE 3-----. DOG.... " . ..... , F OX~~ll" " ' l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    1. The following repor i8 submitted in accordanee wIth WarDepartment letter. AG4-76.1 (20 October 1943):a. The eharts following this section show the. position!!

    of all mines planted in this operation. The preparation of individ-ual runes in a string was specified in annex 2 to Field Order 17.A legend on these charts further indicates the method of plottingso as to differentiate between positions established b Y radar seopephotogr'El.phs.by the navigator. or by the assurnption that the t!rewplanted mines as briefed (where no other data was available). ~osi-tiona established by radar scope photographs were believed aecura'teto 1/2 mile. and those by the navigator were between 1/2 and I mile.there was no way of e!!timating the accuracy of the other positiona.b. The number of B-29 aircraft scheduled for this operationwas 102. Of these. a failed to take off; 7 additional aircraft didnot plant their mines in primary or secondary areas. One of thelatter crashed when attempting to return to base.c. The marks and modifications of all mi.ne s planted in thisoperation ere listed i.n Table I, Section B, while those jettisonedor not planted in prilJ'.ary target area are shown in Table II in thesame section. A total of 825 mines of all types was planted infields Love. jig, Item, and ROGliR (primary target for 807 mines andsecondary target for 18 mines). Of these,. 210 were Mark 2 5 and 615were Mark 26-1 or 36-1 mines. The distribution was approxilrately

    as follows:(1) Field Love (Shimonoseki~oji area): 4-63mtnes ofthe 1000-lb. si~e were planted in this field, 80%being acousticmi.nes with A-.3Mod. Iml mechanisms, and the remainder magnetictypes with M '9 Mod. 1 mechanisms. Nine per cent of the mines had8.0-seeo~ interlock dead period, 11%ha~ 10.5-second interlook deadperiod, o:t'l'1hieh % were also set coarse. The magneticl5 were dis-

    tributed between Iand 2 ship counts in the ratio of 3 to 1. Nodelayed ~ing or sterilizers were used on these mines.(2) P'ielol Jig (HiroShima Area): Eighty-aU: mines wereplanted in this field. ot these. 5 6 were lOOO.lb. size and 30 were2000-lb. size.

    (a) Sixty-six per cent ot the 1000 pounders wereacoustiee (A-3 Mod. 1 MMl). and the remainder magnetic type. withM e; Mod. 1 meebanicls. Half ot the magnetics were set at S.O-secondinterlook dead period, halt at ).0.5 seconds. A.pproximately 1/'3 otall magnetics were coarsened with a 20-ohm shunt aeross the sensit-rol operating coil. Nodelayed arming or ship counts were used onthe acouatic mines, but the mgnetics were set to arm in groups atintervale of 1, 3. 5, 7, 10. 1.5 and 20 days. and ware also set at1 and 3 ship counts in the ratio of 2 to 1.

    (b) Of the 2000.lb. mines~ 57%were acoustic.(A-3 Mod. 1 NM1). am the remainder magnetics with M-ll mechanism.No delayed arming or ship counts were used on the eeoust te mines. butthe ne.gnetics were :!Setto arm in groups at intervals of 1, 3. 5. T,10. 15. and 20 d~ys. and Were further set on ship counts 1. 2, and3 in the ratiO ot 3:2:1 respectively.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    (3) Field Item (Hiroshin:ta'rlan-lUIreMea): 204 mi.neswere planted in thi~ field. Of these. 8 4 were IODO-lb. size and120 were 20DO-lb. size.(a) Of the 1000-lb. mines, 66% were aooustics (A-$

    Mod. 1 MMl)and the remainde~ magnetic types with M9Mod. 1 mechanisms.About half of the magnetics had 8.0-s-econd interl.ook dead periods, andhalf 10.5 seconds. Roughly 1/3 of all magnetic l1lineswere coarse-nedwith a 20-ohmshunt across the sensitrol operation coil. No delayedarming or ship counts were used on the aeoustic minesI but the mag-net ics were set to arm in groups at intervals of I, 3I 5. 7. 10. 15.and 20 days and had ship count settings of land 3 in the ratio of2 to 1 respectively.(b) Of the 2000-1b. mines, 58 % 'I'Ioreacoustics (A-3Mod. 1 MMl)and the remainder magnetic types with M-ll mechanisms.No delayed ~rming ar ship counts were used on the acoustic mines, butthe magnetics were set to arm in the same intervals as above. and hadship counts of I, 2, and 3 in the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively.

    (4) Field Roger (Sasebo Naval Ease)~ 54 mines of the2000-lb. si.ze ~ere planted in this field. Of these, 9 2 % were acoustics(A-3 Moo.1 MU) and the remainder were M.ll magnetics. Nodelayedarming was used on any of the acoustic mines" but one each of the mag-netics was set to arm at intervals of 3 . 7 , 1 5 . and 20 days.

    d. ~ith the ap~oval of the Comrnander-in..chief. U.s. PacificFleet, no sterilizers were used on any of the above mines.e. All mines Used in this operation were obtained tran Mine

    Assembly Depot:No. Four. Tinian.f. The Mark 2 5 M M 4 mines plant ed in this operation were equip..ped with 9-ft. parachutes; all other mines had 6-ft. parachutes. Twomines were observed to explode on impact with the water I 1 parachutewas se~n to fail by the crew members, and 2 short static cords werereturned in the aircraft. Oneaircraft jettisoned 12 Mark26-1 or 36-1 wines after take-off from an altitude of 300 feet and indicated airspeed of 190 mph; although exact details were lacking. it appeared thatI o f the mines exploded on impact with the water. thereby causing majordaJmge to the aircraft and seriously wounding the tail gunner.g. The ba8ic tactics used in this operation were the same asthose described in XXI BaQ,be r OanmandMission No. 47. The same lP was ;assigned to all aircraft mining a particular field, with the resultthat individual aircraft had separate axes of attack as well as separaterad.ar aiming points. Thio!!method was tound to yield greater accuracyin the first mining mission than that of having the individual airera1't

    wi th the sameaxis otattaek but different radar turning points. Allinitial points, radar aim~ng pOints, a.nd_es of attack were specifiedin Field Order 1 7 .

    h. Casualties sustained in this operation include 1 ai.rcrattlost (crashed on landing just short of runway with 2 engines out), 1aircraft damaged by mine explosion, 10 men killed and 3 injured.i. Critique of Minefiel~s_:

    (1) Field Love (Fastern approach to Moji...shimonoseki)I Thebest a~ilable data on tbe final positiOns of all mines planted in thisfield are plotted on a c.hart in Section B. In general, the pattern was-15-

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    n.s briefed. ui1;h the ae curaey as cQl)firmed by ra_dar scope photographybeing ex.ceptional in this field. Only Iof the 5 airera1'1; that.: failedto reach the tariet area was scheduled to mine the maw channel. TheareBS to both sides of"the main channel ;reJ'e well covered, a m theplanned density in the established shJpping lane was at

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    SECRET----- . . .

    FIELD .TIG (HIR.CSHI' : ' : " .-J lE ii..) - B_QrceWyMark 26.l"01"!;Jt;U"k 36,..}(1000 1'b;'siZ'e) M inE. t4Q .rk 25 (2000 re, ai.:ae)

    No~ Mines %: ID1eb .Type No.Mines %Each TypeN o. Mine~ Pl_ant~ _in PI;.:.nt ed. ill Ne. Mines Planted Planted in~ :2 s

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    No. lIrun.es %Each Type No. Mines %Each TypeNo. Mire s Planted Planted in No. Mines Planted Planted in~ Scheduled in Tarset Tare;et Code Sehedu~ed in Tar/ljet Tars,etD11-19 2 1 1.19 Ml?L9 3 3 2-5lD13-.l9 2 1 1.19 Ml3-L9 1 1 0.84-011-L9 3 2 2 . 3 8 hnl-N9 4 3 ~ . 5 1013-L9 1 1 1.19 MlI,2.N9 3 - " 2.51D21-E9 2 2 2.38 Ml3-N9 2 2 1.67D2l-H7 2 1 1.1~021-:r9 2 1 1 . 1 9021-N9 _! ..! 1.18

    TOl'A.L 10e 8 4 100.00 1 4 4 120 100.00Total Mines : Scheduled -252 Planted Target - 204'rotal Sorties: Scheduled - 33 Over Target - 28

    FIElD ROGER(SABEBONaval Blse) .. Foree GIDRGE

    Mine Mark 25 (2000 lb. size'

    Total Mines: Scbeduled - 60Total Sorties': Seheduked - 10UMARYMark 36-1 or Mark 26-1 (1000 lb, size)

    Planted Target - 54Ov:er Tar get - 9

    No. Mines No. Mines Plant ed % Each Type Planted~ Scheduled in Target in TargetQ.21-B9 5 6 50 92.00Mll..c.9 1 1 2..0MIl-I9 1 1 2.00M11-L9 , 1 1 2.00MlI-N9 . . . . 1 _,! 5 . 00

    TOTAL 60 5 4 100.00

    Mark 25 < g o o o lb. size)i

    ~ Scheduled PlantedLOVE 5 4 . 0 463JI G 64 5 6ITEM 106 84Room - - -Total 732 6 0 3Sehedul~Total Mines Sl'ARVAT:j:ONI; 978

    Scheduled Planted

    4 2 30l44 12060 _Sk2 4 6 204Pla.nted in Tars,et8 0 ;Total Sorties STARVATIONU: 102 87

    NOI'E: The following mint;!3 Wl;re included. und.er Planted in Target-in the above table:1. A l e 907 rpn # 5 6 - ~achute failure on No. 10 mine.2. Ale 76 0 run #49 - One mine exploded.3. Twoshort static lines were reported.

    For code designation see See~ion C to this Annex.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    . E Q E 'E!WLE n,TO SEC'l'IQ'E' A;;

    S umma ry o f Mi nes N o t Plan tpd 1n T 9~ge tNo 'Run or :~ Sortie NOa Mark Mine Code=!' lAtihde Longitude R:ectlX'Jm3 92 MK 25 t~21B9 2 6 . .5 8N 139-D5E Jettisoned1 ~ ~ MllN9 26 - 58N 1390SE ft1 " " Ml2-I9 26_!1S8N l39-0SE 1 Ml2-G9 26 - 5eN 139-0SE I1 46 Ml2-E9 1.5-03N 146-26E "4 " Q.21-B9 1.5-03N 146-28E1 It Mll-I9 lS ..03N 146.28E It1 S4 MK36-1 or 26-1 Cll-J'9 33-5SN 132-24E ,1 " ' " Q.2l-B9 33-S5N l!,32.24E 1 Q.2l-B9 31-40N 134-03E "1 66 D13-I9 IS-0S-30N l45-54-30E 7 Q21-B9 15-0S-,30N 14S-54-3o.,E 1 It D21-H9 15-o5-30N 14.5-54-30E 1 II n;I.l-19 I5-0S-30N 145-54-30E "1 II Dll-L9 I5-05-30N 14S-54-30~ "1 " It C l l - N 9 ~-o5-30N 145-54-30E B 65 , Q.21-B9 IS-50N 146.o0E n1 It C13-J9 IS-SON 146-00E "1 " Dl,3...G9 1.5-5DN 146.00E "1 ~ C23-L9 IS-50N 146.00E ' "1 " D2I-J9 IS-50N 146-00E It2 11 It Q.21-BSl 31-17N 132-37E It10 23 " Q.21-:69 2S-4,W 139-31E 91 " :1)21-89 25-47N I39-3lE II1 It " D12-:a9 25-47N 139-3lE 10 1 6 Q.21-B9 I5-16N 146-13E 1 If C12-B9 IS-I6N 146-13E "1 Dll-B9 I S - 1 6 N 1 4 6 - 1 3 E "10 40 " Q.21-B9 I5-07N 146.03E II1 It C l l - B 9 I5-07N 1 4 6 - 0 3 E It1 R " Dll-B9 lS-07N 146-03E 1 4 5 " Q.21-B9 30-39N 133-56E w1 42 " Q21-B9 31-36N l33-51E It1 21 II Q.21-B9 Returned9 43 Q.21-B9 Planted in alt-ernate target.3 " ft C11-B9 Planted in alt-ernate' target.1 S7 Cll-J'9 iXploded'3 7 5 MK25 Q.21-B9 Planted in alt-ernate ta;rget.1 " Mll-E9 Planted in alt-ernate target.2 ft " M l I - H 9 Planted in alt-ernate target.9 33 M E : 36-1 or 26-1 Q.21-B9 A l e failed totake off.1 Cll-B9 1 " ft DlHB9 "1 n ,D21-B9 6 93 Mk25 Q.21-B9 "9 14 Mk 36-1 or 26..1 Q.21-B9 1 " C 1 2 - 1 3 9 n1 n D11-B9 "1 D12-B9 ft3 73 Mk 25 Q21-B9 1 " M l l - G 9 1 " M13-J'9 .. . Fo r co de d esi gnat io n see S Qct i on C to t his Apnex



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    No. Run or~ Sortie No. ~rk Mine Code>l: J...ntitude Longitude Ret::iDXks1 73 : M I t 2 .5 M12~I9 .A/C failectto take o f f .3 88 a Q2bB9 , .1 11 11 Ml3-.H 9 "1 n M l 3 - E 9 ft1 ft 11 Mll-I9 "7 4 8 M It J6-1 or 26-1 Q.21-B9 ft1 11 " Dll-09 ft1 II " D23-N9 _ .. . ~ft1 II C21-L9 . . . .-1 " 11 C13-3'9 ~1 n n cn ....9 118 55 " Q21-B9 111 Cll-H9 ft1 ft Dll-I9 !I1 11 n Dll-L9

    , .1 " " D23-J"9 n4 59 Mk 2 5 Q.21-B9


    1 11 Ml2-L9 "~ n MlI-E9 ft171 Torl'l.L>l: For eode designation, see Section C to this Annex.


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    _t:..~I:.NO1000 L B . ' " ~ c . of1 f11 i\ t ot t !o . ,. . RADt \A . SCOf'! PHI)-"CGRAP lGTAKtM Ilr ~ .PGSmOr t CW.MT MII'1I!i IN "fH& 8'fIIING ORALDHG"''''. . 4TTA(;M1000 LlM.,tIPilE I,OCA'f1ONUTMLIWD W ~. .o c. rm D H C OM l'l AM fO. ., MM I I I C ON - "" ':looeu ....MJI!''''''~ MUf .C J ~ 1 'O Im C IM ..... ,.. ., ~ " " _ A OIlMOMTIII ..... M r 1 I I ! II C : K , _1000 La. MII'1I!!~LI!IGMI'\Iln 1!!n'... ~1IHII) ." 1'ftI~M L v om . . . . . . 'Ml:lMUIA.S DtHGIt NIl 01' ..... CKi.2

    "'_"" 'lI"U' 11\1..,. ~ 111LOG iIII'IOM.


    10'"- ~:o m Slt IIId.tfe4 :pNH-..)t] II'I1IiR" 411iu. IIBUut.~

    8i~.8f~i "t _!Ii> I iI lft l t ilS:J !I I .DM~-~~ .,

    ~i 49"-.-T'.I!I.,,",-I!..AI!Io O"T ..~IID ...,.. .......

    (joj\, Q5I -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    SJOC :TION C - CODE DE3IGN \TION FOR M INE PREPiIRA'l'IP!I1. The type mechanism and the preparation and setting of th~ e~-ponents in all minesware specified by the foliowing code:

    a. F IRST SYMBOL (Letter) - M EH AN lS M A ND PR EPA RA TIO N.Code Letter Meehan~sm Dead Period me kooks(Seconds)~ M-9 3 2 Loo~ Reverse!I . , 5i- " "C e II ~ D " l o i n " "E w 3 2 took RandrmF 5i , , G 8 n IIH w lO! Ii nI 3 3 Look Rever-se:1 II 5 i i n IK a . , nL l o t " nM M.l Norrre,l 2 Look ReverseQ , A-3 ModI MMlR A-3 Mod2 (4Mtcrofared condenser in'iringchannel)S A-~ Mod2 (2 Microfared e ondenaer in tiringehannel)V A ..X A-6

    b. SECONDSYMBOL(Numtrer) - SEmITIVITY SEITING_Acoustic Mechanism Induetion MeehanismCode No. Sens. switch setting: Sensitivity123

    FineMediumCoarseFine (Normal)Medium (20-0hm Shunt)Coarse

    c. TH IR D S YM BO L (Number) - SHIP COUN!'SETTING (Not PDMS~tting) .Actuations to Fire Act'uations to Fire(Numba- on TB) Code No. (Number on TB)1 - 6 62773 8 e4995 0 10

    Code No.12: 345d. DASH BEI'1'IEEN THIRD SYM BOL J.ND j 'O IRTH S 'l liBOL

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    -e. FOURTH SYMBOLlLetter) - D ELAY J ! D ARMIliK } S E rT IN ;- Code !,:et'l;er Armi~ Dela;r Code Let ter Arming De1a~'A 45min. N 20 Days

    B 3 bra. 0 2 5 wc 12 hr s , P 30 "D 18 nrs, Q 35 E 1 day R 40 F 2 days S 50 G 3 days T 6 Q H 5 days U 7 0 I 7 days V 80 IIJ 10 days ti' 9 0 K 13 days X 100 L 15 days Y 110 "M 16 days Z 120 "f. FIFI'H SYMOOL(Number)

    Code Number1234t789

    - S TE RI LIZ AT IO N TDr'!E Ar tER ARMIN}.Sterilization 'rimeAfter ArmiM0-15 days15-30 days.30.50 days50-80 days80-110 days110-140 days

    140.170 days170-200 daysN C l O e

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    Ft.1611 T ;;-tY GI/v'FER IA/6-21), 000

    : : . + . . . . i . . . ; " j . . - " ' ) " " . . - 1 " . . " . . " .

    (rovNPs) :::::.~~~fJ; 5, Q ( J : , r ' . ' T 1~OOO

    ~ ;

    ~ ~(FEEr)MIN ING -ATI T{/tJc=5;000 I

    FaE L 12 00 _ 1 " / " t ; i [ .1000 ; ~ ~RESERVE - ' r . : : ~ : . T

    (GALLONS) goo , d~ -..bOO : J ; I i i .400 1 1 : : j

    SPREAD 1600 ..._..~ .j...J - ! i - J ~ r ~ IN i: ! ol : lF L J E 1200 ..~11 . . . . . .L l . . . . . . ~ . . : . . . . ~ . . - . . .. . . . . ! .. . .. . - . . .RES~V E 6'IJOL f . t 1 , Li...IL.(GRoUps) i [)lI l : l' l

    40() -. I . . . . . . . [ .t . . . . . . . . I . . . 1 . . .. . . . .. . 1 . . .~ ~ ~ ~


    ..8 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    SECRET--'--- . . .P A R T I V - R A D A R

    1. Of the 9 4 aira:raf't taking off. 9 2 (9 8% ) had operative AN IAPQ.-13equipment. Over the target. 8 4 aircraft ( 97%) had operat iveAl{/AFQ.-13.and 8 3 (9 5% ) of the aircraft landing had o:perative AN!APQ,-13

    2. Totals of 87 radar w;iOOruns and 641 radar fixes were takenwith average maximumpicku~ ranges of radar sighting points i n naut-ical miles as follows: laril.fall: .50; Iwo Jima; .50. Chiehi Jima: 40;Saipan: .55; and Saipan R&iPn: 170.

    3. A total of 1213Loran fixes was taken at an average Il'.axim\.lll1range of 1200 nautical miles.

    4. 'ilia radar of:Cset methGd was used in 64 o.f t.h-e 87 mine releases,with results believed to be generally as briefed .5. Comments of crews and interrogators:

    a. Several crews report'ed that the IF for Force Easy wasunsatisfactory because mountains shadowed the IP and prevented recog-nit ion exc ept at near ranges ..

    b, Several crews had trouble ma.tching Loran sky \vaves.c. Initial Point and Aiming Point Were good and easily

    identified on scope.6. Malfunctions:

    a. AN/APQ,-13: 1. no crystal current; It operator.'s scopeout; 2. poor Selsyn alignment; 1 AFC out. inverter out; I, modulat orburned out after takeoff; 1, targets foruard 180 degree seeotr only;1. antenna stuck; 2. short range; and 1. ant.enne meter out.

    b. A.N/APN-4: 4. inverler .malfunetions i and 1 t set Ol.lt.reason unknown.

    c. SCR-695: None


    1. Of the 87 aircraft over the target no malfunctions werereported, chiefly due to the fact that the majority of the gunnersnever opened fire.

    2. Almnunition expended:6th 2YL 504th .' .lli!h.

    UF none none none noneUA none none none noneLF none none none noneLA none 200 none noneT 5 0 200 none none

    3. It was recommended that in the future Groups be allowed toload ammunition in all tm-rets to shoot at searchlights. It hadbeen reported on 5 or 6 ocreasions that when the gunners shoot atsearchlights, the lights a r e tu+ned out ~edlately.

    -29---~---.------- -. .~.-.

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    PO.l't I - Wea.ther SummaryPort II ... Chart - Forecast Weather vs Observed Weather

    Part III - Prognostic MapPo.rt IV -Synoptic Map

    / 30 Ma.rch 1945Mi!!Uilion No 49

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    F i J t T I - W E A T H E R Y M M b R Y

    P L A N N IN G F O B J O O A S TBJ~E: ~I 7/10 low cloud, bas e HoOOft, tops 7-9000 ft. 4/10middle oloud, b ase 13,000 ft, top 15,000 ft i 5/10 high clo ud ,

    OccD.sione.lmodero.te showers from 6o.rly morning becoming sCat-tered m od er o.t e t o li gh t showers otter 1400K an d s ligbt reduc-tion in cloud amounts.'inign: SDlne l\S GUClm , except showers lighter o.nd less f,requent.ROUTE I To 190N: Same 0.8 Tlnio.n base;T o 21 0N: 6/10 low clo u d , bllee 1400 ft, t ops 8-12.000 ft; 6/10

    middl e cloud, baae 12, 000 f t, top a 15,000 f t in thin lnyer s,Light showers.To 270Hz 4/10 low cloud, bo.se 1600 r-e, tops 6000 ft; 5/1.0 mid-dle cloud, base 12,000 f t , tops 15,000 f t in thin layers.T o coast: 4-5/10 low clo ud, base 2000 f t. ~ops 5000 ft exceptnear Tokyo in 11ght co Id front where increased to S/10 wi t-hto ps to 6000 ft. 6/10 middle cloud. 14,000 t to 17,000 f t ,

    TARGET: KYUsbu: 4/10 lo w cloud, ba.se 2500 f t, tops 5000 f t; 4/iO highcloud, 27,000 rt with increllsed likelihood of low clo ud co ve ron we s t facing sl~pes.At 2o o0K f or eca st ch nn ge d to add 6/10 middle cloud, thin ntbase, 16,000 rt in Kyushu aren.

    Operntionnl Forecast '.!ieo.therncounteredansa at 4/10 low cloud. base 1600T ak e - o f f : f t . top 6000 ft; 7/10 mid-d le cloud. base 12,000 ft, t op 13, 000ftl 4/10 high cloud o .t 30,000 f t .~ T o ?SON: 5-6/10 lo w cloud. base T o 190N z 4/10 low cloud, base~. 1800 f t, to p 6000 rt with tops 1800 f t, top 6000 rti 5/10 middleto 8000 ft at 160N and 2:a

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    Tnt'get: 3/10 low cloud. base 2000 ftJtop 5000 ftj. 3/10 middle cloud, base .16,000 rtj 3/10 hi~h cloud at 30,000ft; visibility 15 mi.~Returning: Snm&lli!lRoute Outgoing.

    BMenD 7/10 low cloud. base 2000 .ft,Returns top 6-7000 .ft; 2/10 middlecloud, bnee 11.000 ft, top 12.000 fti2/10 hi.gh cloud. bas e 30, QOO ft.

    2/10 low cloud, base 2000 ft, top5000 fti 1/10 middle cloud. between10,000 ft and 12,000 ft; visibil-ity 10 milSa.mens RQuteOutgoing.

    5/10 low cloud, bas e 1500 ft, top6000 ftj vi si bi li ty l owe ri ng f ro m15 mi to Imi in Ught shmwrB.

    W INDS ALOFT - FORECASTBMa tc 25N &sON to IgOn 290N t o 340N Target

    20,000 240/25 -11 270/45 -13 270/55 -1715,000 210/16 -01 270/30 -03 270/40 -07 270/50 -12l O t 000 160/18 09 270/20 as 270/30 02 27'0/35 - O ~5,000 117/20 18 240/15 13 290/25 10 280/25 032,000 095/23 22 120/15 17 310/20 15 280/15 05Surface 087/18 26 100/12 20 300/12 16 270/10 07

    WINDS .A lOFT - OBSERVEDBase to Ig0N Target

    5.000Surface 090/12 270/12

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    V I~ I t . -O) ~ I t .w< [ '- " R J '~

    Q : ~.'t I ~jI : t :~

    I]< 1C J~

    ~ t V~! II:. . ~ . . .z ; = \ . A '. i III f : 1II ~. . A -10 1= ;: \J \ e nCI)U = .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    ,I TRUK ....." ' 1 ; ; ,

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    SEC] ! !_ . _

    , C


    C ter Measuresort 1 - Radar OUQ.Part II - Ra.dio

    30 March 1945, .


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    1. General:!!.. On this mission 3 R e M search aircraft participated. All

    f re qu e n ci e s between 70 me and 3000 me were searched.b. The ro ute o f the mission permitted search o ver the so uth-west part of Shikoku, the western part of Honshu.. and ea.stern Kyushu.c. A to tal of :31 signals was lo gge d. bu t after analysIs isr

    repetition and r:unbiguity. t he se we re resolvt;ld into 20 d if f er en t s 1g on la .d. N o o ff en si ve counter measures w er e e mp lo ye d.

    2. Results o f S earch :a.. A s ign al wi th 1000/1500/5 characteristios was .iqtercept..ed

    at 3415N - 13140E n ea r S hi mo no se ki . Thh signal hers s troilarcharacter-istics to the Japanese Al FD-21 equipment and had no regular sweep rate.It appeared to track intermittently, faded nnd then reappeared. Twoother signals which were euspec ted Al were intercepted in the Kobe-Os~k~ ~e~s. These previo us intercepts had the f o l1 ow ih g c hn ra ct er is t ic s.

    (l) 1300/--/2 at Kobe.( 2) 1 3p O/ 1000/ 1. 5 at O sa ka.

    b. Signals intercepted en route to tQrget (these Mark CHl ra-dcu-s 'WI9reprobably based along the Coastline of southwest Shikoku a.ndenstern Kyushu in an east-west Chain) :

    Che.racter1sttcs: Ooordinates:(1) 73/300/40(2) 74/300/50(3) 74/500/-10(4) 76/300/40(s) 76/900/35-40(6) 79/1500/40(7) 80/300/S0(8) 96/500/20(9) $6/500-1250/30

    (10) 152/550/25(11) 155/1500/20(12) 157/1250/U(13) 191/1000/35

    3 11 0N 1 35 00E3 15 0N 1 M2 0E3J15N 13210E3200N 13415B! S2 3 0N 1 32 3 0E .3230N 1335SE31aON 13450E3205N 13410E Co~st ShikokuMark 1 Model 13 11 5N 1 34 10E Southeast Shi ko ku -M o .r k 1 Model 13 l5 0N 1 33 30E Southe~st Sht~o ku -Mark 11 X3300N 13230B ' S ou the as t Sh iko ku -Mark 11 I32lSN 13400E Sh~o d a Mark 1 Mo d33305N 13225E I I I . . 2

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    c. Signals intercepted on return from target:(1) 74/1000/60 Z245N 13240E Shikoku 1 1 K C H I( 2) 74/500/30-50 3245N 13301E (3) 80/700/60 3335N13320E (4) 93/600/12 3425N 13125E Hiroshima Mark 1 Mod1(5) 146/1500/3.5-11-12 34l0N 132l0E TokuyamaMark 1 Mod :3(6) 153/500/8-,16 3300N1330QEShimada Mark 1 Mod:3Signals (4), (5) and (6) were traoking the drcraft~

    3. CON CLUSION S AN D AN ALYSIS:a. The pin-pointing of any intercept Was not accomplished due tolack of D/F'ing equipment. The coordinates given were the positions of air-

    craf't at point of intercept and were only suspected lOCations obtainedfrom the proximity of the route flown and previous intercepts of: similarnature in the same general area.b. The lack of gun-laying and searchlight radar oontrol signalsagreed with observations of the non effective searchlights a d meager

    t~ moderate, i~ccurate to accurate flak.c. Numerous signals with early warning characteristics were

    heard in the 74-79mc band. This indicated the Mark CHI equt pmerrt WaSemployed in this area.d. It was suspected that the Al si.gna.l characteristics in-tercepted on this missian tellded to 151ve more proof that previous sim-

    ilar intercepts were from rilght~fighters. The intercept on this mission,h0Y16veF,was not correlated with any fighter activity.

    e. The first intercept was picked up approxim.ately 120 milesfrom the coast and started tracking 110 miles from the coast. TJoI.ie:gavea rough range limit of the Japanese lOW-frequency early ..warnlng equip-ment, assuming the sets were land based.


    1. No Strike Reports were called for on this mis~i()n.2. Fox transmdsslons: w . x : and time.3. Fr6g!.tencies: A ! l . & : R-4 S-5, 8%; 731&!~R.s S-5, 78%; H16:

    R-5 S-4, 14%.4. Navigation Aids: D/F contacts attempted were 19 and a.ll were

    completed.5. Net Discipline and Security: Very Satisr~ctory.6. EnemyTransmissions: Very little significant interference was

    reported7. Distress Messages: None.a. KRHO and itA homers: Good -KilO was plc1(ed up a.t enemy landfa.ll!

    K R g O was jammed between Jap mainland and Iwo Jima on the return trip . . e -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    ,30 March. 1945



    Part 1 - EnemyAir OppositionPart II .:.EnemyAntiaircraft

    Missipn No, 4 9


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    * * * * * *


    1. There waa only 1 inaccurate and unaggressive attack byan unidentified enemy fighter.2. Approximately 26 other enemy aircraft were sighted.. Twoof these followed the B . 2 9 ' s for 30 minutes without attacking.7Woothers broke off at 600 yards without attacking when the B - 2 9tail gunner opened fire. The other ai. rcraft sighted appeared to

    have no interest in the B - 2 9 formations.3. The sighted enemy aircraft included 1 Ze.ke. 5 T/Es. 7S/Es t1 T I E tnin boom, anq the others were wholly unidentified.


    1. Anti aircraft opposition was e:xcept:i.:onal1yweak. Bothmedium and heavy flak were meager to nil and very inaccurate.2. Only a few searchlights were observed.3. No aircraft were hit by flak.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49





    Mission No. 4 930 Marc~ 1 9 4 . 5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    ~ ll:; 't,~~ ' - : 1 c ; . . , e,) 'H o ~e(lI H C i ' l Htl b : . !-r Cl il' .~0 -1 o p. .iB 1- , H Ii)m '-j . . , l 3:E 0 , 10 "0 fJ)H" " . [ : I '1L . ..:;t P -C 0 !I 4'" 0Z r- - ,- (I) - ,.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    f l o !H81 0P ' l i HP : ; I 801 P : ;1 ' < 1 1 - 1C I l I f l o !

    8f< !-1p:;0p:;H-1

    1 ~ ~~~~e3 0 : : > e- ~~H~ - 1--.-&-~- f-.~~~0fj t!.......... H l . . o : t1~ ~ ~ IN IN80~S ~~ N N -=t ';. . . : I f < !-1

    ~ : : - - .f ! 1 ~ S N ~ f : :,oj .-I~rr,N N8 0 : : > 4; 0 0g; .-4; 0._--_..-_,_~ N Np:; ~ c t r ~H 0~'"I C \l N

    ~8 ~

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    ~ ~0 : : > 0~ 00 : : >~ 0 0 -f< !

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    ~~ o~ C I " \ 0 : : > .-I'~HE-1~ .-I~ .~~~ 'fl N e-a a. . . . .-I C\ l1I l-~~ 0, ...0 ...0~ ~ 0C I " \

    1-- 8 a a j:: j.; ~ ~ ~Y) C I " \-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49




    f 3 C\ IH~ g :]~ d

    81FlIp : o l0. 1r~ 11 1 1 1


    (\I (\I .::I' \---1


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    ZE - I I p~ p:jp:jl( . ) 1 ' "'ill Zl ' I . l l H


    'I A I, '1 8~~~ I~ . . . . . . " " , IN ...... -.0 r - -. . . . . . . . . . . .,1 rt.l(:Q~ t - : 1i: : : I . . . . . . . . . . . . N f" l.-I ............ I " "o~ l = !~ I '1 N..::t -..0 ; : : j I I I . . . . . . r - -N N . . . . . . " "f ~;H N

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    ~'--~-r-i E - . . D com " ' " rl ~.Io

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    ~~ I I I I I I I I I I~0HE ~, ~

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    ~ ~i : - 1 ~ H1- 1q i : Je r 08 (\J4 -.0 I I I I r-t . . . . . r - -p.f~I 1 . l

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    . ~~ I I I I I I , N C \I1-1 A~ C I+E -< ""SH1 ~ ~ IC l

    81 P E - i l ,_\J \(/]~I ~ ; i ~~I _~.~ ~ ~ ~ p : ; 1 ,,.Jp : ; 1 . , U> - \ . > l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    ~~< o : j : = . l~~~ ~!~~Ul~~ I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    --------- ----. .~ :=::. :. _--------- ------- _MISSION 47 &49DATE 27 & 30 M~,rch 1945

    F1IGH'f DA'fA & F UE L C ON SUMPTIO NMISSION 00. #47 #49UNIT 313th Wing 313th Wi~_A L e COMP LE TIN G U IS SIO N 97 78FLIGHT DATA

    AVG. FLYIN G TIME 14:42 1 4 : 4 2AVG. D IST AN CE F LO I'.rN 2828 2785(Nautical Air r!liles)

    j It rl !: L CO&1SUr :IPT ION iIAVG. F U 'J1 L USED 5766 I 5873~ ,1AVG. F UE L R E.i1 l1 UN I 1 ! 976 I 8 79,I IAVG. GALS . CON3Ui1;1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    '113Tg B OM FA RD MEN l't ill{ } F IE ID C RD l!R


    Mis'sion No 4 9 30 Mar~ 1945

    -:51 ...

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    Fa 17 313th Bomb1i1ingAPe 247I B o OK 2 7 March 1 9 4 5!I.p5: 8-502 Long Range Navigation ChartL'J! il.eroMuticals 1 :500,000JAPANAviation Chart 1: 218,880Individual Charts.

    1. A. Onitted.B. emitted.Any Info reference 731'd and 314th " g strikes will be fur.nishedlater

    2. 3l3th Bomb t1g with Forces DOG. EASYAND FOX will m'ine the rernatnd-at' of LOVEField and will mine JIG and IT~ Field~ on "D" Day.(Reference Annez 1 Photostats at LOVE. JIG and ITEIiI'iield desib'J,and location)A, Prmary 'l'gt:

    (I ) Force DOO: Mine Field LOYE(2 ) Fore e EASY: Hi ne Fi eld JIG-(3) Force FGx: : Mine "Field ITEM

    B. Jettisoning Areas: Same a13 those in Field Order 16.C. Takeoff: 1 Min interval bemeen A/C . SOP Traffic Procedure~D. Mine Load: See Annex 2.~. FUel Load: 6800 Gals.F. Route altitude: 5(;)00 .feet at" 500 feet on top of clouds it

    practicable.G. CAS on Mining Run: 230 r J I P HH. Return route altit ude: As desired.

    3. I ns tru ct io ns t o Un its :A. Force EASY:( 1 ) 9th Gp dispat ehes 1 4 A/a to take off on Runway .9 begin-

    ning Zero Hou:r. Flies sorties 46 to 59.(a) Route: .BasemOJIlI1A33261\1-1332BE3358N-13~42E (IF)R AP (See Annex: 3 )Target3430N-13~220E3430N-13~50EEase .

    (b) Axis of ..i\tk: See Annex 3(c) Mining A..ltitude: 8000 feet(d.) Maneuver after Atk:: Right turn. afterl::line release

    maintain;ing mini1llum altituo.e of Booo feet croasingSHI . I {OKU. Turn will be lClade 80 as to avoid . A l > . defensezone at IKUREand HIRCSHIMA.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    SECRET------B. Force Fax:

    (1) 9th Gp dispatches 9 A/e to take off on Runway 3 begin.ning Zero Hour plus 20 minutes. Flies sarties 60 to 68.(2) 6th Gp :with 24 Ale take off on Runway 3 beginning ZeroHour plus 30 Min. Flies sCIX'ties 69 to 92.(3) (a) Route:

    Base!WO JlMA3230N.13230E3326N-13218E (IF)RAF~ee Annex 3Target3430N-13220E3430N-13250EBase

    (b) Axis of Atk: See Anfiex 3(c) Mining Altitude: 5000 feet(d) Maneuver after Atk: Right turn af'ter mine rellJ:l seelimbing to mini.li'lumaltitude of 8000 feet crossingSHIKOIID. Turn will be made so as ta avoid IIdef ease

    zone at Kl IRE and HIROSHIMA.e. Force DOG:

    (1) 504th Gp dispatches 15 A/e to take off on Runwar 1 begin-;!loing Zero Hour plus 20 Min. Flies sorties 1 to 15.(2) 505th Gp dispatches 30 Alc to take oU on RUl1\'1sy1 oegin-

    ning Zero Hotlr plus 3 5 min. Flies sorties 1 6 to 4 5 .(3) .(8) Route:Base!W O JrMA3230N-l3230E331lN-13218E3322N-13130E (IF)RAP-CSee Annex 3)Target3408N-13115E3340N.13200E3230N.13220EBase

    (b) Axis of Atk: See Annex 3(..) Mining Altidude: 5000 feet(d) Mineuver after Atk: Right turn after mine releaae

    climbing to mir.lilIl1.lIIl altitude of 7000 feet. Turn willbe made so as to avoid AA defense "Zoneat TO~.x. (1) - D oayand Zero HoW': To follow:

    (2) Mining Instructions:(a) Mines will be l.aid by one of two metbods depemingupon pOSition Qf mine run for each sortie. (S~ Annex,3)

    1. Forward slamt range to RAP.2. Time run.o~t fran RAP.(b) In jettisoning aerital mines itmust be emphasiaed thatthe mines can \:Ie a serious h.azard to friendly Ships

    and lead to loss of friendly lives if necessary pre-eautions are net follcmed..

    (c) Jettisoned minas must be dropped in deep water (over600 feet) and !;losition accurately fixed. It shouldbe remembered .hat jettisl!med mines will be aliveand. dangerous o.nl.ess dropped in deep water.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    (d) In the event it becomes necessary to jettison minesshortly after take off, release Trill be made as faroff' share as practicable. A distance of five milesor more off shore o f SJ\I~AN or TINlAN is considereda sa f e distance f a r dropping mines.

    (3) 1000 Lb mines (Mk26 and Mk 36) and accessories will beobtained fz:octn MAD 4 and D ,mgf :l LOO ll Ibmb I l u T J l p upon ~c. :mm-tatiol'l_' of l:im; LoadiDG FUi.nSheet N(!).1.

    (4) 2000 Lb mines (Mk25) and accessories win be obtainedfrom N TAS OL AG Bom b D um p upon presentation of Mine :LoadingPlan No.1.(S) Naval p6rsonnel will be present to direct loading crewst o p ro pe r r ev et me nt s and to direct leading o f t ra il er ~.Ordnance personnel nill be stationed at entranee to bothstorage areas to che.k trucks and trailers for properloading.

    (6) M.icrophones of all ac oust Lc mines mu.st be pr ot ect sd fromsunlight during t he trip from stora~e areas to the planesand u hi le o n the hard stands a ~a iti ng lo ad in g.

    ( 7 ) Hemispherical plastic covers o f clock starters and ex-tenders must be removed from the m;ines and turned in tothe Wing Mine Ordnance Officer. Flat plastic covers ofMk 14 extenders must, be replaced on extenders aftersoluble uashers have been installed.

    (8) White soluble washers will be used on all mlnes ,(9) A/e will carry maxtrmzn load of mines carnnensurate with

    characteristics of individual A/C. Minimtnnmine loadis 10000:Lb. :Maximumoad is 12000 Lb.

    (10) Ammunition up to 200 rounds per turret may be ~arried ,ifdesired.(11) Each A/e will be equipped with one each Radar Scope

    Carnera. A/b ma.king a fCll"'Wardslant range release i1illtake a minimlJm of three scope photos; one 15 mile priorto radar aiming pOint one ten miles prior to radar a~In'g po.int nnd one at poin.t of mine release. ;.Je makingC o time releuse run will t:lke a minimum of thre& scopeP~.. One photo 1l1; !l point ten I!li le.! previous to r",_dar1I.11!!1ngoint. one at 0. pOint fi va lJ.lles previous to r,,:dal'ai~lng point, ~~ one at'point of first mine rGle~~e.He'_ding linc. range marks, and track lines wIll be on,

    4. Adm 0 1 Dd, 10 Jan 1945 and a.nwndments thGT'e'to app1y witn thefcllowing ~ddltions;A . i600 Lb mines will be obt,~inea from HAD4 - o.nd ~~SOLO&Bomb'

    dump beginning l"~t 120011 2S Mo.r-ilh1945.B. 2000 Lb l1Iines will be o'btfl;1ned from (>1~\S,,_I.OGar.'ll!J)ul:1pbsgin-'

    ning 12001 9$ }".reb :1945.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    5. Communications = SOPwith follOli"Ting. eoc,ceptions:A. (I) No contact rep.orts will be made.

    (2) No strike reports will be made.B. ROM: See Annex 4.


    WILSOND ciS OPJiEAnnex 1 PhotostatsAnnex 2 .. :Mine Loading (Not included in this report:)Annex 3 - Mine Run Approach.Mine Laying Data (Not included in this rept)Ann.e:Jt4 .. ROM .Ahnex . 5 . . Air Sea Rescue .. To follow (Not inc"lluded in this report)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49





  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49



    OE51GN O~ I\III"U:~I~LOS JIG Ano ITEM("'I~OS,l-4IM"'" " . "q_I! " "

    F'I!:LO . l ' " ~ FORCE. E"'",yFIELO ITE.M - FORCE FOllf i, .11,

    ~~r :, .., :

    [.~t :, : ~I :IF!'r ' -, ~'le

    LEG.ENDI)""- S..L. .. .o " i"WII: l .\ I'E lOCOr. .B.SIZE MINESol2..o ~IX '1.0001. .8. ~,I!!: MU'.,e;.S

    C;AL1I!!iq ....T,IEO Incu::.6,TI!'D.QCI SPEeD :!!O 1'.Ul'~ALTrTuO!! !500C - '8000 I = " " f .

    NU:,.,.RA.& I t " IC IC . i ICT I . ~R ~ Aun. CIoIti.An.=c~C~TIOI" I ~ " " ' 1 I " " I i 1 E . . 'ntJtCATI!D 01" ' 1 a."T" fAOoe;o" " I r T . _IIKAltl"lC..D -ro ~E.Q""" AO.lA,ce.r'H"O


    . lII1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    S E C R E T

    STARVA nON TWO1U51&'N ()F FlEiD ROC,/f''l

    FMc:{ U(JRt;t!', . . r i PAN

    W( I; " C:_d r " ' I f ; i ! , 'r'1i':'-HU~pp~QACHe..s T O

    :3AS[BO KOCAi, ~PlCA'nf" -Al~S~~EO ~?.DMNJl.r,rt.lp~ ~-~~~~;..

    o [, ro :~ lWo. t. l " " . ' C ; : " " TIIIl1r~.I/.j., .'J(AI.l I, J~2 ,tJ~

    o ""CD," AC 0 " o 5 ' r : . MI ~ . -

    . . . .

    ,_ . . . . . _ _'.~.~~-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    Annex 4 to FO l7 ]13th BombWingAPO247

    1. The following R C~ S ea rch will b e r eq u ir ed :A. Plan 1 by 6th Bomb Gp:

    2 eac h APR-4. l eac h APA-6. Primary ]8-95 ~Ci .Second:::.ry74 -!2 0 M G.B. Plan 2 by 6th Banb Group:

    1 each APR-4. APR-5t and APA-6. Primary 74-320 MJ; Secondary1000-3,000 1C Plan 3 by 504th Bomb Group sI each J..PR-4, Affi." ' t5A. and APA-6. PI'imary 74-320 and 38-95 Me;Secondary 1,000-3.000 :MC.

    2. Procedure: Same as previous missions. and as briefed byWingRCM Officer.3. The 6th and 504th BombGroups will make one installation each for_monitoring VHF channels, USing SCB~522and Am-2. The 6th BombGroup will cover channel B, 504th BombGroup channel C. Monitor-

    ing will start 20 minutes be.fore est imated time over target andfor forty minutes~. Release from this requirement is givenif installations cannot be made in time. Monitaring is in aecord-ance with XXI Bomber Commandtelecon.


    inl.SOND c iS OFN3

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    H E AD Q UA R T' !; l \S3 13 T H B O MB A RD M EN T W I N GAPO 247. of oP ea tmas terS a. n F ra nc is co . O al if o rn ia300.45 A LO PN 31 March 1945SUBJECT: Amendments 1. 2. 3, ~. 5 and 6 to Field Order 17

    1. Following are Amendments to F IE LD O RD .E lR1 7.

    e. . Amendment 11Amend Par 3X to add 3X(12): Pilots should be caution~dthat no mines should be planted at ClAS of greater than 230 MPH. Thepar(lchutes on the mines are subject to failure when opening at speedsgreater than this.

    b. Amel!ldment2:A me nd pa ra gra .ph s 5" ", 3 1 3 , 30 IlS follows:SA C D )altitude of 10.000.

    e.t TOKOYAMA.Left tarn after mIne releasema.into..:i:ning minimumTurns will be made so as to avoid A/A defenses

    3B C D )altitude of 10,000.a t T OK OY :A MA .Left turn after mine release maintaining minimumTurns will be made so aB to avoid A l A defenses

    3C (~) Right turn after mine release maintaining minimuma Lti tude of 7.000 and maximum of 9500. Turns will be made ao IlS toavoid A lA def enses at TOKOY_~.c. Amendment 3:Amend paragra.ph 20 to read I T li lk e- o fr : 1 l !1 n i n te rv al

    b e t w e e n A le - all airc r aft will made a left turn af ter take -of'f, Air-craft taY ~ng off on Runway 'I' will hold runway heading for four min-utes before makill! a ninety degree turn to the left. Aircraft takingoff on Runway '31~ll hold r~way heading for five minutes beforemaking a ninety degree turn to the left. All Aircraft will use WARPlPOlr~T as a departure point.d. Amendment ,:A me nd p ar ag ra ph :5 to includ.6:

    D. , oree GEORGE I(1) 504th O p dispatches 4 A l e to t~e off on RUDW~Y'I' beginning Zero Hour plus 1 Hour and 6 minutes, Flies sorties 93to 96.(2) 9th G p dispatohes 4 A le to 'tnke-o rf o n Runway'3' beginning Zero Hour plus 1 Hour. Flies sorties 97 to 100.(3) 6th Gp dispatches 2 A le to take orf o n Runway'3' beginning Zero Hour plus o ne Hour and 5 m1nutes. Flies sorties

    101 and 102.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    (4) (n) Ro ute: B~solwo Ji m!l3224N~13230E324530N-13002E (IP)RA PT G T3234N.12944E3l25N-1312:.5EBns6

    (b) AxiB of Atk I Sea addit'o n to Annex :3sorties 93 to 102.(c) Mining ~ltitude: 7,000 f eet.(d) M an eu ve r a ft er Atk: Left turn n ft er m in erelease.

    e. Amendment 5: Zero Ho ur f o r Mission Starvatio n 2 is 1800K,30 March. Request Eom Com 21 notify ASR a ge nci es by d is pa tch.

    f. .Arn.andment5IA m e n d Par 1 b to a d d :1 b (1) 73 Wing Atks TACHH.RI Machine Wo rks o n :3 1 March.

    TaIte off time to be 310315K. Altitude of Atk 15,000 f eet. In eventRndnr bo mbing is necessary, targets will be 01ruRA Airf ields installa-tio ns. Assembly po ints a r e l W O J I i, l A . n d KITA-Elm J I l d A .( 2 ) 314 Wing Atka OM~RA A i r f i e l d i ns ta ll at io n s b yvisual o r Ra.dar methods o n 31 March. Take o ff t im e 3102501. Altitude

    of AiX 16,000 f eet. Ass~mbly po int is MINAMI n v c J l MA .BY COMMAN D OF BRIGADIER GEN ERAL DAVIES,



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49





    Kia,i pa lfp t930 lIarch 1$45

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 49


    COPy No.123456789 - 101112 .. ISH1515 - 20212 22324 .. 535 4 -55565' 76859606162IS S64.65666 '7686970 - '75

    D I S T R I B U T I O l iT h C T I C ~ L M I S S I O N R E P OR T S


    Comm~ndlng General, Twentjeth Air ForcoCommanding Gener al, XXI Bomber CommandDeputy Commander, Twentieth Air ForceChief of Staff, Twentieth Air ForceChief o r Starf, XXI Bomber CommnndDeputy c i s , Opns, XXI Bomber CQmmnndDeputy CIS, Sup & : Maint, JOtI Bomber (llommandAlC or S, A.. 2, XXI Bombe CommandMine W~fare Officer, X X I Bomber CommandTactics & : Training Secti.on, );.-3, XXI Bomber Oommo,ndHistorical arficer, X X I Bomber OommandComnl!;!Jlding Gener 0 . 1 , 58th Bombnrdment WingCommanding General, 73rd Bombardment WingCommanding Genernl, 313th Bomb~rdment W1n~Commanding Genet's.l, 314th Bombo.rdment WingCommanding Genera.l, 315th Bombardment WingComanding General, Army Air Forces, ATTN, AC/ AS,Into 111genoeCommanding Genero.l, Army 1.11' Forces, ATTN : AC/AS,Intelligence, Collection DivisionCommanding General. U. S. Army Foroes in For EastC~anding Gene~nl, Fur East Air ForossCommanding General" XX Bomber CommandCommanding General, Seventh A~r ForcoCOMmMding Gene"rll.l. Twentieth AIr FercSt :for, Cble!" ofNnvnl Operations. OP-15-VOOMmll.nder in ChIef. Pacific Oc.eah Areo.lS (Adv Hq)Commander 1n Chief t Pacif'lc OO~no AreQ..$ (Reo.rHq)Joint Intelligence Center. Pacific Oeean AreasCommander .Air Forces. Pa.cific FleetComnw.nder. Fifth FleetCommunder. First Currier Tnsk ForoeComm~nd~r, Forwurd AreuQommnnder, SUbmarine Force, Pll.cifio FleetO o m m a n d e r , Minecrnft Pacifio FleetAdln1n1stra.t1ve 11omm.and, M111eQ;rDf't P.o,Qo1f'loFleetReporting Ullt t. A-2, XXI BQmber COlllllnnd ('Ue Oopy).Reporting Un! t,1,.-2. XXI Bomber Oommo.nd