22 simple steps€¦ · for me, preparation is the key. sunday evenings are my time to get my diary...

Simple Steps to a Healthier You 22 www.nutriadvanced.co.uk

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Page 1: 22 Simple Steps€¦ · For me, preparation is the key. Sunday evenings are my time to get my diary out and plan when I’m hitting the gym or going for a run that week. If it’s

Simple Steps to a Healthier You 22


Page 2: 22 Simple Steps€¦ · For me, preparation is the key. Sunday evenings are my time to get my diary out and plan when I’m hitting the gym or going for a run that week. If it’s


Whether you’re trying to get fit or are simply struggling to maintain the levels you have against a barrage of

temptation and demotivation, you already know how hard it can be. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be!

We’ve asked some of the UK’s top health, fitness and diet bloggers to share their single key nugget of advice, with

one stipulation: it must be simple to achieve.

The result is this super little handbook divided into four sections: fitness and workouts; motivation; wellbeing; and

healthy eating. All the tips can be achieved with minimum disruption to your busy life. So dive in and start feeling

the benefits!

“Find a role model, then

become a role model to

those around you.”

Page 3: 22 Simple Steps€¦ · For me, preparation is the key. Sunday evenings are my time to get my diary out and plan when I’m hitting the gym or going for a run that week. If it’s

ContentsHealthy EatingPages 01 - 04

MotivationPages 05 - 11

WellbeingPages 12 - 17

Fitness and WorkoutsPages 18 - 23

What the experts sayPages 24 - 27

Get Back to BasicsPages 28 - 29

Page 4: 22 Simple Steps€¦ · For me, preparation is the key. Sunday evenings are my time to get my diary out and plan when I’m hitting the gym or going for a run that week. If it’s

Healthy Eating

Everybody understands the benefits of good eating, but how many of us really, truly, follow the advice we

pick up? Often it’s just a case of breaking bad habits or finding quick, simple plans that don’t mean shopping

in obscure retailers. Listen to our experts’ priceless healthy eating tips – they’re so simple it’s easier than not

following them!

“Never skip meals, as

it actually slows down

your metabolism.”


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Tess Agnew



AdviceI have a weekly calendar which I fill in with my planned runs, gym sessions and

fitness classes, and spend a couple of hours on Sunday prepping healthy recipes

and freezing them for the week’s dinners. I also try to make batches of soup, egg

muffins and quinoa for lunches, as well as protein pancakes and overnight oats for

pre or post-workout breakfasts.

If you’ve planned your training and food it’s easy to stay on track. Follow my

training and (mostly) clean eating escapades at thefitbits.com.


Be organised. That means everything from your training and meals/snacks right through to your sleep.

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Lottie Moore



AdviceAfter a night’s sleep, your body is ready to be revitalised for the day, and water is the

best way to start things off. Instead of grabbing a coffee first thing, or eating breakfast

before you leave for work, fill up your 1 litre BPA-free reusable bottle with water, and

start sipping. The water will slowly hydrate your body and fill you up, meaning you’ll

be ready to have breakfast later in the morning, which will lead to a later lunch, which

will lead to a later dinner, and can help cut out those snack cravings you usually get in

between meal times. Don’t forget to keep that bottled filled up throughout the day!


Drink a litre of water in the morning to avoid those pesky snack attacks!

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Hedvika Pavelcova



AdviceEvery morning as soon as you get up or before you have anything to drink or to eat

have a cup of hot water with lemon. You need half of lemon and a cup of hot water. Just

squeeze the lemon in and sip away. I have been drinking this for many months now and

can’t remember when was the last time I had a cold or flu, so say goodbye to your coffee

and hello to hot lemon drink.

The benefits:

1. Detoxifies your body and helps flush out toxins

2. Speeds up your digestion process and helps your metabolism to work faster which supports weight loss…RESULT!

3. Boosts your immune system thanks to vitamin C , potassium, calcium and magnesium

4. Helps to fight bad breath and clears your skin (my skin has never looked any better)

5. It tastes great, but you can even add a touch of honey, cinnamon or cayenne pepper for extra boost!


Say goodbye to your coffee and hello to hot lemon drink

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Whether you’re an elite athlete or someone trying to burn off your Christmas excesses, you’re going to have days

when you’d rather do anything than work up a sweat. While some high-energy nutrition will certainly put a spring

in your step, these inspiring tips will put a little method in the madness.

“Once you’ve decided on

your goal, work backwards

and figure out how to

achieve it.”


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Joel Snape



AdviceWillpower is overrated - but fortunately, you don’t need it. Instead, re-program your

brain when you’re feeling inspired - and then, when you’re tired and hungry, you don’t

need to make any difficult decisions. ‘If/Then’ thinking is the best way to do this, and

the more specific you are the better. So: ‘IF I have to grab a snack from a service station,

THEN I’ll have a banana and some beef jerky’ is good, but so is ‘IF I don’t get to hit the

gym, THEN I’ll do 10 sets of 10 pressups when I get home.’ Grab a pen, plan it now: and

then, when you’re short on willpower, you won’t need it.


Use ‘If > Then’ planning to save on willpower

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Natalie Goodchild



AdviceMy ultimate workout tip is to always find something that you enjoy. For example, don’t

force yourself to run seemingly endless miles several times a week if you hate it, just

because you think that you should. There are so many options that you should be able

to find something that you find fun, that feels natural to you or that you are determined

to improve at. Whether it’s joining a sports team, or trying spin class, weight training,

dance sessions, running, swimming, pilates or HIIT, there will be something for you!

Finding what you enjoy is crucial to your fitness regime being sustainable.


Find something that you enjoy!

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Pixie Turner



AdviceMy top tip to stay motivated: find a role model, then become a role model to those

around you. That feeling of having people look up to you and come to you for advice is

such a strong motivating factor, and in turn inspires you to become a better person and

achieve your goals.


Find a role model

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Hayley Gradwell



AdviceIt’s easy to get carried away when setting yourself a goal. Us humans are great at

dreaming big. But what you need to remember is the bigger the dream, the harder the

work required to get you there and as such, much greater determination is needed.

Determination is a bit like money in gambling. We start with lots so bet with it freely,

gambling on the outsiders with the hope of winning big against the odds. If we don’t

win straight away, caution sets in and the little money that remains becomes the most

precious, it’s the bit you won’t entirely commit to a bet unless you’re 100% sure you will

win, even if you do, you will only win a small amount.

Apply this to your health & fitness goals, this little bit of money is a reflection of the

determination you have within. You start with plenty, lose some along the way, but if

you adjust what it is you’re striving for and focus your determination more cautiously,

those little wins will make you feel epic.

A little goes a long way so they say. So take baby steps.


Baby Steps

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Chloe Hodgkinson



AdviceFor me, preparation is the key. Sunday evenings are my time to get my diary out and

plan when I’m hitting the gym or going for a run that week. If it’s written down I’m 100%

more likely to do it. Eating-wise I’m even more prepared; prepare your lunch and snacks

for the next day. This way you’re less likely to give in to temptation as you already have

food with you. I tend to prepare two days in advance: Sunday evening I prepare for

Monday and Tuesday; Tuesday evening I prepare for Wednesday and Thursday, and so

on. Some prepare for the whole week but I love my food fresh.


If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail

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AdviceSometimes it can be really hard to stay motivated with your new gym and healthy

lifestyle especially when you’re not seeing instant results. Committing to your new

lifestyle with a friend (or two!) will help you to remain focused as it makes exercising a

social occasion. You’re less likely to flake out on a 6am gym session if you arranged to

meet your friend there. Consistency is key! So keep going!


I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

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That feeling of wellbeing comes from within and without. Our experts talk about the benefits of a good diet and

finding your own personal balance. One talks about her secret alter ego who blasts into being every time she

dons her fitness gear. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you’re en route.

“The only time you should

look back is to see how far

you have come.”


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Amy Puglia



AdviceSometimes it’s easy to forget when we are trying to make a change, get fit or develop

a habit, that food can play a huge role in our success and mind function. It’s worth

remembering that whole food can have profound effects on your happiness levels,

energy, motivation, concentration and overall well-being. I am not a qualified nutritionist,

but I have spent a while learning about how nutrition affects our mind. Eating foods rich

in B vitamins for example, help our brains focus and function! When we diet, skip meals

or consume processed ‘diet’ foods that offer no vitamins, we starve our bodies of super

vitamins and minerals that keep our brains ticking. When our brain has all it needs it can

provide us with energy, focus, determination and ultimately happiness. When we are

happy and operating at a ten, we can be bothered to come home and cook, go for a long

walk or to the gym and that makes a difference. All calories are not equal and your body

processes them in very different ways; avocados are high in calories but really high in

awesome benefits that your body requires to be AWESOME.


Focus on calories less and eat whole food, as close to its natural state as possible to increase your motivation and happiness.

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Katie Franklin



AdviceIn my opinion one of the easiest, most maintainable ways to create a healthy,

sustainable lifestyle and attitude to food and fitness is to incorporate realistic balance.

For me, that balance translates to roughly an 85/15 approach. 85% of the time I eat as

clean as I possibly can. The other 15% of my diet is more relaxed and I’m less concerned

if it’s organic, vegan or clean - that’s not to say I binge excessively, I just eat exactly what

I want. It’s the same with exercise; I aim to workout 5 to 6 times a week, balancing yoga

with HIIT, weight lifting and running, leaving one day for rest.

At the end of the day it’s about finding a balance that suits you; the perfect balancing

act should mean that it doesn’t feel as though you are restricting yourself - if you’re just

starting out try 70/30, 75/25, 80/20 - whatever feels most appropriate for your goals,

and I promise, clean eating and looking after your body won’t feel like a chore!


Balance Your Life 85/15

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Nik Naidon



AdviceWhen people set goals on wanting to get fit, healthier and in better shape, they

generally think it’s going be easier than it is, and upon realising it’s not, quitting seems

to be the only solution rather than riding out the grind. Solution? Train your mind as

much as you train your body. In fitness, there is no quick fix. Expect a hard challenge

from the off, and rather than worrying about not seeing instant change, thrive off the

situation by constantly setting yourself realistic targets to hit. Continual progression

is key, so keep things interesting, and the only time you should look back is to see how

far you have come. Self-belief is crucial to your progress, and remember – enjoy every

bit of the journey!


Train your mind as much as you train your body

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Clare Coyle



AdviceI’m sure you weren’t expecting my top piece of advice to be a quote from the Wizard of

Oz, but it actually makes a lot of sense.

In any aspect of your life where you doubt yourself or don’t quite feel ‘good enough’, it

is too easy to make excuses to not do something, when all you really want is to show

you CAN do it. This is where the choice to do, or not, comes in to play. Whichever

option you decide upon is a choice, and only you can make it. Taking that first step

however, especially into the unknown, can be scary, but that is not always a bad thing.

I can wholeheartedly vouch for this, as it’s exactly how I felt when I started my fitness

‘overhaul’ two years ago. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely yes! As cheesy as this

may sound, taking on anything new has to be your decision, and yours only, as only then

will you realise that you did indeed have the power all along.


‘You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.’ Glinda the Good Witch quote

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Mara V-H



AdviceWe all have our days when staying motivated with a healthy lifestyle and fitness regime

can be hard. Maintaining it at first can hard, but there are ways in which you can ease

yourself into a healthier lifestyle and make it a permanent fixture.

Find the sport that’s right for you. There are hundreds of different sports out there that

are vying for your attention. Try them out and see what you think. It can be hockey, pole

dancing, trampolining, Crossfit, Parkour or running. It can be anything you want.

Goals: Once you have found the sport that is for you, set yourself goals. For me,

having recently completed my second half-marathon this year, I have set my eyes on

completing two full marathons next year. Goals are limitless. Once you have achieved

one goal, you can set yourself another goal, and another, and another….

The new wardrobe: There are so many active-wear brands out there more than ever, so

find the brands that suit your personality. When I working out, my alter-ego comes out

to play and for me, she has a completely different style and personality to my normal

self. She is bold and confident.


Leading a healthier lifestyle means it is not a short-term fad diet; it is for the long term

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Fitness and Workouts

Fitness isn’t a goal in itself – it’s an ongoing effort punctuated by mini-goals. It takes research, patience, perseverance and

perhaps a little investment to scale the curve and stay fighting fit. Nutrition plays its part too – a protein-packed diet will do

a lot of the work for you. Absorbed alongside the top tips on the following pages, you’re onto a winner.

“Be realistic with your

fitness capabilities and build

everything up slowly.”


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Paul Stainthorpe



AdviceMy advice would be to invest in an all-in-one piece of gym equipment, for example

the Loxley Suspension Trainer (http://www.loxleysports.com/suspension-trainers).

For less than £50 you can use this at home, at work and even outside. It’s an all-in-one

piece of kit that allows you to perform bodyweight exercises such as suspended push-

ups, squats, chest presses and much more. I currently have one in the gym and I can’t

recommend it highly enough.


Invest in an all-in-one piece of gym equipment

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AdviceThe saying “failing to plan is planning to fail” is so true. Whether you prefer to work out at

the gym, at home or outdoors, having a workout plan will ensure you know what you’re

doing, use your time effectively and push yourself for the best results. Having a workout

plan will help with your motivation too. It feels great to tick off a day on your plan when

you do the workout. There are plenty of free and affordable workout plans and training

plans online, or if you have personal trainers at your gym, ask them to help you.


Have a workout or training plan

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Bethan Taylor



AdviceEverything is more fun when you’ve got your buddies at your side, so don’t slog

out those long runs alone! Likewise, things are so much easier if you’ve got friends

supporting you and holding you accountable when it comes to making healthy lifestyle

choices. Know friends who fancy getting active? Try joining a run club; you’ll find loads

of like minded, sociable people who will motivate you to success!


Get your friends involved!

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AdviceAs part of our healthy lifestyle, we enjoy a variety of exercises including yoga, HIIT

training and running. We always find it helpful to set ourselves regular goals such as

10k fun runs in order to stay motivated during training. We also recently trained for

a half marathon which was a big goal but such a rewarding achievement that we’ll

forever be proud of.


Set Yourself Goals

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Annie Bean



AdviceDon’t go off like a bull in a china shop when you’re starting out. It’s sometimes hard

especially when the adrenaline rush comes over you! Always, always pace yourself!

Often injuries occur when we push too hard too early, and if you’re not careful you’re

left with the frustrations of not being able to exercise at all. My best advice is to be

realistic with your fitness capabilities and build everything up slowly.


Be realistic with your fitness capabilities

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Nutri Experts Speak

Everyone who understands health and fitness recognises the need for a nutritious diet. Nutri Advanced’s experts explain

how a balanced, clean diet, the avoidance of fads and the correct blend of supplements keeps them at peak performance.

“Get back into the kitchen

and eat real food!”


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Katherine Pardo BSc (Hons), Dip ION


Nutrition Team Manager

AdviceRemember that it’s all about balance and variety, not about restriction and denial.

Include more foods in your diet, not less, and eat more real food, eat lots of different

foods, eat more colours of the rainbow, and make sure it is whole food (not refined), so

it’s got more of the nutrients and fibre that allow your body to function optimally.

Also, try and eat cleaner by buying organically wherever possible. If you’re on a budget,

then shop smarter by prioritizing the “dirty dozen” – a list of the 12 most contaminated

fruits and veg published by the Environmental Working Group. Even if you only buy

organic for those 12 foods on the list, it will significantly reduce your pesticide load and

any associated health risks.

Food should be fun, not a burden, and sometimes it can be counterproductive to

focus too much on what you’re not allowed to eat. By giving your body the proper

nourishment it needs, cravings for unhealthy foods usually start to disappear and

energy levels quickly start to rise, making you more motivated to stick with the plan

and make healthier choices. Supplementing with good quality nutrients can of course

enhance this effect.


Eat more, not less

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Louise Joyce ND


Naturopath & Practitioner Consultant

AdviceUnsubscribe from dietary fads. I’m not suggesting there isn’t benefit in individualising

your food program – far from it. Just get back into the kitchen and eat real food!

By avoiding highly processed foods we are encouraging ourselves to consume foods

that our grandparents would recognise, foods that are higher in nutrients and contain

less chemicals, that also encourage us to slow down, prepare and connect with our

families. Home food skills are diminishing, seeing us reach for less healthy options

and our busier lifestyles are also fuelling this.

I often recommend that people should shop the perimeter of the supermarket. This

will see you focusing on phytonutrient-dense foods, fresh quality proteins, some grain

if this suits you and maybe even a little red wine. Batch cooking and freezing can help

for those moments when we all get short on time.


Healthy food need not be complicated

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Rachel Bartholomew BA (Hons), Dip ION, BANT


Nutritionist & Health Writer

AdviceGetting organised around snacks is one of the best ways to keep on track with a healthy

diet. Snacking used to be something that was frowned upon in the dieting industry.

Feeling hungry and ignoring it was considered a great achievement. Thank goodness

times have changed and we now know that eating regularly (breakfast within an hour

of rising and eating every 2–3 hours afterwards and throughout the day) is one of the

main foundations of a healthy diet.

Snacks are a great way to add more nutrition into your day and a brilliant way to keep

blood sugar levels balanced too. Blood sugar balance supports many different aspects

of health including energy levels, hormonal balance, stress reduction and the ability to

achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Intelligent snacking doesn’t have to mean hours of preparation. Homemade granola

bars and mini protein balls make great portable snacks but there’s also lots of grab and

go options that you can simply add to your weekly shopping list. Combine together

fresh fruit and plain nuts, carrot sticks and houmous, cheese and wholegrain crackers or

nut butter and oatcakes.


Get organised around snacks

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Get Back to Basics

“Make sure you choose the

right supplements!”


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Katy Petter BSc (Hons)


Senior Nutritionist

AdviceMake sure you choose the right supplements! The HFMA Health of the Nation Survey

revealed that a lot of us have no idea what vitamins and minerals do or how to tell if we

are deficient. There are so many products out there that it’s difficult to know where

to start. If you really want to get 2016 off to a great start then think about stripping nutritional supplements back to the basics.

• Support your liver with nutrients like NAC, lipoic acid and green tea extract.

• Find a product to address your acid/alkaline balance. You are probably acidic which

can result in chronic disease and accelerated ageing. Something with lots of parsley

is ideal.

• Take a good fish oil. The more expensive ones tend to be purer and fresher. Check

the label for one that supplies around 600mg omega-3 fish oil per capsule with at

least 200mg of EPA and 200mg DHA.

• Choose a one-a-day multivitamin. Have a closer look at levels of vitamin D and E.

You should be getting around 1000iu and 200mg respectively but be careful as they

are often much lower.


Choose the right supplements

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Nutri Advanced have been at the forefront of nutritional research and development for over 30 years providing high end supplements and support to professionals. Due to popular demand they have recently launched their first website allowing

consumers access to their exclusive range of products and to their comprehensive library of health notes including technical and review papers.