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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study Language as a means of communication plays very important role in social relationship among human beings. English as one of the international languages is very important since it requires as a bridge of communication. In Indonesia, English is one of the compulsory subjects which are taught in kindergartens, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and adult learners (university) as the first foreign language. English is the first foreign language taught to the students of elementary school. Teaching English in the elementary school has been accepted in Indonesia in line with the government’s plan on the nine years basic education. In teaching learning process vocabulary at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat, English is to be taught as one of the local content. The aim of teaching 1

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1.1. Background of the Study

Language as a means of communication plays very important role in social

relationship among human beings. English as one of the international languages is

very important since it requires as a bridge of communication. In Indonesia,

English is one of the compulsory subjects which are taught in kindergartens,

elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and adult learners

(university) as the first foreign language.

English is the first foreign language taught to the students of elementary

school. Teaching English in the elementary school has been accepted in Indonesia

in line with the government’s plan on the nine years basic education. In teaching

learning process vocabulary at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat, English is to

be taught as one of the local content. The aim of teaching English at MIN Slipit

Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat is to motivate them to be ready and have self confident

in learning English of education. The students of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.

Stabat especially grade fifth, it is learned English in the simple pattern like

vocabulary, grammar, etc since they learn it for the first time.

There are four skills in language learning, namely listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. This is line with the aim of English learning as stated in the

Education Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: KTSP

or Curriculum 2006) that is, the students should have written and spoken ability


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communication. The ability to communicate is the ability to understand and

produce spoken and written text realized in the four language skills. Besides the

skills, vocabulary is one of language components that can not be separated from

language learning.

Vocabulary is one of the elements of the language that should be learnt

and taught. It will be hard to master language without mastering or understanding

certain number of vocabulary. There are some experts who give explanation about

the importance of vocabulary. (Nation, 1990: 117) argues that acquisition of an

adequate vocabulary is essential or successful second language used because

without an extensive vocabulary, students will be unable to use to structure and

function students may have learned for comprehensible communication.

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical

language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate

effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written form. Having a limited

vocabulary is also barrier that precludes learners from learning a foreign language.

With the vocabulary skill, the students will get a lot of ideas to speak using the

correct vocabulary.

Wilkins (1978: 79) states the importance of vocabulary for language

learning; without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed. This point of view is strengthened by Thornbury (2002 :

13) :

“If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much . You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words!”


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There are many factors that make the students’ vocabulary is low. They

came from the internal factor and the external one. The internal means factors

from the inside of the students themselves such as motivation, interest,

intelligence etc., and the external is factors from outside of the students that affect

their learning process such as economic background, learning materials, and

teachers’ performance including their teaching methods.

The teaching method is assumed as the factor that causes the students’

vocabulary is low. The method used by the teacher has often been said to be the

cause of success or failure in language learning for it is ultimately the method that

determines ‘the what’ and ‘the how’ of language instructions”. It is not easy to

teach a language without using suitable method because each method has

advantages and disadvantages. Teaching English, especially vocabulary is like

teaching other social science, which needs suitable techniques and method in

order to get the successful learning. So, why it should be done the research about

teaching vocabulary related to the method that is in order to know the

effectiveness of the method in teaching vocabulary.

Teaching English to children, in this case is the MIN Slipit Desa Mangga

Kec. Stabat, she states that inadequacy of vocabulary knowledge is the main cause

of students’ school failure in language learning. It was revealed by the students’

average of second semester scores in English of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.

Stabat, which is considered low as presented in table 1.1:


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Table 1.1 The Averages of Second Semester English Scores

School Year 2012/ 2013

(Class V)

Semester/ Class I II

V – A 50 60

V – B 55 65

From table 1.1, it can be explained that there are four different classes. The

average scores of each class are divided by the total number of the students that

results the average scores of each class of semester. Different ways are usually

applied by students to enhance their vocabulary. Most students complain that they

forget words soon after learning them.

Teacher of this level need to plan a range of activities for a given time

period, and be flexible enough to move on to the next exercises when they see his

students are getting bored. In order to make the teaching English at MIN Slipit

Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat be successful, it should be considered some factors

such as the quality of the teachers, students’ interest, motivation, and etc which

are involved together in teaching and learning process. Besides that, there are

other important factors; they are teaching technique and teaching media which

play important role.

If the teachers can not teach the adult learner properly, the students may

not enjoy their learning. Consequently, the teaching learning process may fail.

The students, teachers need appropriate methods to teach the students. The


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proportions of the materials for adult learner are different from that of the young

learners. Generally that teaching material emphasize on the ability to enrich their

vocabulary of English language. The way of teaching vocabulary is not the same

as teaching vocabulary to adult learners. They have different motivation and

characteristic. It will be difficult when the teacher can not motivate adult learner

intensively. Through motivation from their teacher it will increase their interest to

learn better, so the students’ interest in learning will be same as their interest in

playing. To find out the best technique for teaching adult learner need an intensive

analysis, especially for the teacher. They should create alternative of techniques to

teach young learners in order to make them interested to what they are going to

learn and avoid boredom.

The problems were also found by the researcher as a teacher of English in

MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat. Through her observation there were still

many students faced difficulties in getting vocabularies. This problem was also

faced by the students in MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat. The researcher can

see the fact through the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary of the test

through the researcher observation and interview, the students face some

problems in mastering the vocabularies.

There are many methods used in teaching language to children. Keyword

method, it is developed by Pressley and Miller (1982), is one of methods in

teaching language that may support to realize the expected situation. Keyword

method is a mnemonic method that has been especially designed as an effective

strategy for learning foreign vocabulary (Pressley and Miller, 1982: 52).


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Menemonics are techniques for remembering information that is otherwise quite

difficult to recall. The idea behind using mnemonics is to ease difficult to

remember unfamiliar words in a way that is much easier to remember.

The previous research, which was conducted by Siregar (2011), has

proven that there is a significant difference of the students’ achievement in

mastering English vocabulary by using keyword method. Besides that, the writer

also adds the method of mind map in teaching vocabulary. Mind mapping strategy

is a diagram that is used to represent words, ideas, tasks, thoughts, and numbers or

other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea in a simple

form that connects all the ideas together (Buzan, 2005: 112). Teaching vocabulary

as linguistic competence, such as note taking is ineffective. Students usually write

down the new word that comes up in class. They will write it down with the

translation next to it. Of course, writing things down is necessary if they want to

review later.

Therefore, the writer will focus in applying keyword method, mind map and

students’ motivation in teaching vocabulary for SD MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.

Stabat in order to prove the previous research. Nevertheless, the method she used

in this study is different. By using the keyword method and mind mapping

method, it is hoped that the teacher will be able to motivate the students to learn

and pay attention to the material presented by the teacher, and finally, they are

able to master English well.


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1.2 Identification of the Study

Based on the background of study above, the researcher could identify the

problem would be determined on the study, as follows:

1. The internal means factors from the inside of the students themselves such as

motivation, interest, intelligence etc., and the external is factors from outside

of the students that affect their learning process such as economic

background, learning materials, and teachers’ performance including their

teaching methods.

2. The teaching method is assumed as the factor that causes the students’

vocabulary is low. The method used by the teacher has often been said to be

the cause of success or failure in language learning for it is ultimately the

method that determines ‘the what’ and ‘the how’ of language instructions”.

3. If the teachers can not teach the adult learner properly, the students may not

enjoy their learning.

1.3 Problem of the Study

In relation to the background of the study that has been presented

previously, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. Is achievement in teaching vocabulary of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.

Stabat students taught by using keyword method higher than mind mapping



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2. Is there any different achievement in teaching vocabulary betwen students

who have low motivation and high motivation at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga

Kec. Stabat?

3. Is there any interaction between teaching methods and motivations in

vocabulary students achievement?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to answer the research questions,

especially in the implementation of keyword method, mind mapping method and

students’ motivation in teaching vocabulary for MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat.

The main objectives of this study are :

1. To find out achievement in teaching vocabulary of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga

Kec. Stabat students taught by using keyword method higher than mind

mapping method.

2. To find the different achievement in teaching vocabulary betwen students who

have low motivation and high motivation at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.


3. To find an interaction between teaching methods and motivations in

vocabulary students achievement.

1.5 Scope of the Study

In line with the background of the study in the previous discussion, there

are some problems in teaching vocabulary at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.


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Stabat. This study focuses on the implementation of keyword method and mind

mapping method in in teaching vocabulary at the grade fifth students, second

semester 2012/ 2013 in MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is expected to be relevant and useful for the

students and the teachers of English theoretically and practically. Theoretically,

this study intended will contribute some advantages for theoretical knowledge to

develop teaching vocabulary at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat, students as

well as for the teachers, and the base for further research in conducting a research

that is related to the improvement of teaching vocabulary.

Practically, this results of the study are expected provide some valuable

information for English foreign learners in overcoming their problems and

difficulties in establishsing and increasing their vocabulary. Meanwhile, this study

will provide some information for the English teachers in order to decide and

choose the best method in teaching English to develop students’ ability in

increasing the vocabulary mastery.

1.7 Operational Definition

1. Keyword method is a two-stage procedure for remembering materials that

have an associative component. Additionally, keyword method as a more

complex cognitive process than rote memorization, in which learners

proceeded through a multiple-step process to acquire vocabulary.


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2. Mind mapping method is a diagram that is used to represent words, ideas,

tasks, thoughts, and numbers or other items linked to and arranged around a

central key word or idea in a simple form that connects all the ideas together.

3. Motivation as internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it

direction, desire or want that energizes and directs goal oriented behavior, and

influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior.

4. Vocabulary is a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group,

individually or in work, in relation to a subject.


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2.1 Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary

Achievement is the act of accomplishing or finishing; something

accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, or practice.

Djamarah (2000: 23) argues that achievement is an activity that has been done,

created, either individually or in groups. Similarly, Poerwadarminta (2003: 11)

argues that achievement is the results achieved or done. Besides, Hamalik (1994:

110) says that achievement is the result of one's attempt to transform himself by

way of obtaining new skills and the change is obtained through training and


From the definitions, it can be concluded that achievement is the result

achieved of an activity that already done through a hard exertion, skill, training or

practice, or knowledge either individually or in groups. Achievement is the act of

accomplishing or finishing; something accomplished successfully, especially by

means of exertion, skill, or practice.

In the teaching-learning process, students’ achievement is an indicator in

measuring the successful of study. Bloom (1956) asserts that the achievement

shows the capability development in someone which is categorized into three

aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The cognitive domain

involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the

recall or recognition or specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve


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in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. Cognitive covers

knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Knowledge is the ability to recall the data or information. Comprehension

is the ability to understand and interpret the information. Application is the ability

to use and apply a concept in a new situation. Analysis is the ability to separate

the concept into component parts and distinguishes among them. Synthesis is the

ability to build a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Evaluation is the

ability to make judgments about the value of ideas or materials. The categories

can be thought of as degrees of difficulties, the first ones must be mastered before

the next ones.

The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, & Masia, 1973) includes the

manner in which deals with things emotionally, such as feelings, values,

appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. Skills in the affective

domain describe the way people react emotionally and their ability to feel another

living thing's pain or joy. Affective objectives target the awareness and growth in

attitudes, emotion, and feelings. Affective covers receiving, responding, valuing,

organizing, and characterizing. In receiving, the student passively pays attention.

In responding, the student actively participates in the learning process; not only

attends to a stimulus, but also reacts in some way. In valuing, the student attaches

a value to an object, phenomenon, or piece of information. In organizing, the

student can put together different values, information, and ideas and accommodate


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them within his/her own schema; comparing, relating and elaborating on what has

been learned. In characterizing, the student holds a particular value or belief that

now exerts influence on his/her behaviour so that it becomes a characteristic.

The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes physical movement,

coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Psychomotor objectives usually

focus on change and development in behavior or skills. Development of these

skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance,

procedures, or techniques in execution. Psychomotor covers perception, set,

guided response, mechanism, complex response, adaptation, and origination.

Perception is the ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity. Set is

readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets. These three sets

are dispositions that predetermine a person's response to different situations.

Guided Response is the early stages in learning a complex skill that

includes imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is achieved by

practicing. Mechanism is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill.

Learned responses have become habitual and the movements can be performed

with some confidence and proficiency. Complex Overt Response is the skillful

performance of motor acts that involve complex movement patterns. Proficiency

is indicated by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring a

minimum of energy. This category includes performing without hesitation, and

automatic performance. Adaptation is skill that is well developed and the

individual can modify movement patterns to fit special requirements. Origination


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is the ability to create new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or

specific problem.

Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly developed

skills. An Achievement is gained from the combination of the three aspects. It can

be concluded that achievement is an indicator in measuring the successful of study

which is shown by the development of intellectual skills, the growth in attitudes,

emotions, and feelings, and the development in behavior or skills. In line with

this, it can be said that the students’ achievement in vocabulary, especially for

young learners, is the students’ ability in recalling, understanding, interpreting,

and using vocabulary which is shown by their attitudes in receiving and

responding it mentally, physically, and emotionally.

2.1.1 The Nature of Vocabulary

The word vocabulary simply means a list of words Flexner (2001: 41).

The vocabulary of the English language contains more than a million words,

many of them scientific. About 200,000 of these are in common use. Flexner

(2001: 41) an American lexicographer says that the average well-read person

probably knows roughly 20,000 words, but uses only about 1,500 to 2,000 in a

conversation. According to him, vocabulary is the knowledge of words and words

meaning. Stahl (2005: 121) states that, vocabulary knowledge is the knowledge of

a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the



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Vocabulary is a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group,

individually or in work, in relation to a subject (Finocchiaro, 1974: 73). One who

masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer

vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they will easily get the information

from it since they can understand every word in the text. Mastery of vocabulary

will be useful for the process of achieving language skills (Listening, Speaking,

Reading, and Writing).

According to Murcia (1978: 242) Vocabulary is a cultural phenomenon as

well as a linguistic one, that students must learn the social meanings of words in a

foreign language, not just the equivalent word in their native tongue. In addition

Kamil & Hiebert (2007: 29) in their article, they broadly define; vocabulary is

knowledge of words and word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex

than this definition suggests.

Vocabulary is words whose meanings people know or do not know; the

number of meanings people know of a particular word. (Crawley & Merritt :

2000). Vocabulary is important, it means that vocabulary is the basic needs that

has to be had by the students themselves. They will find it difficult to speak up

without having many vocabularies as it is difficult to understand someone else

speaking. Moreover, vocabulary will let them know about a culture education by

looking at its meaning, where vocabularies product learned is completely different

from Indonesian language. Vocabulary is the fundamental part of language, which

is used in any situation either; it is in the form of spoken or written language.


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Mastering vocabulary is an important and should be developed by a learner,

without having enough vocabulary; it would be hard to convey the ideas or

opinion. River (2002: 125) says “vocabulary is essential for successful second

language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use

structure and functions, we may have learned for comprehensible communication.

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of

the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write (River, 2002: 255.

Therefore develop learners’ progress in understanding English, learners should

keep on learning new vocabulary items every day. It means that the development

of a rich vocabulary is an important element in the acquisition of a second


Besides that, Schmitt (2000: 151) argues that “vocabulary is systematically

recycled and added to as the reader works through the series”. It means that

learning vocabulary is a cyclical process of meeting new words and initial

learning, followed by meeting those words again, each time extending knowledge

of what the mean and how the tone used in the foreign language. In this case, the

learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and what it looks

like (it spelling). These are fairly obvious characteristics, and one or the other will

be perceived by the learner when encountering the item for the first time. In

teaching, we need to make sure that both these aspects are accurately presented

and learned.

Talking about vocabulary, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the

knowledge of words and word meanings. It is about the words in language used to


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express meaning. Therefore, learning vocabulary is a crucial matter in developing

their English.

To get further, writer took in an article Young Mind (Young, 2007), a

writer and publisher of article vocabulary explains that vocabulary is the study of:

a. The meanings of words

b. How the words are used

c. Word Decoding

d. Analogies

e. Antonym

f. Synonym

2.1.2 The Meaning of Words

In language, a word is the smallest element that may be uttered in isolation

with semantic or pragmatic content (with literal or practical meaning). This

contrasts with a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of meaning but will not

necessarily stand on its own. A word may consist of a single morpheme (for

example: oh!, rock, red, quick, run, expect), or several (rocks, redness, quickly,

running, unexpected), whereas a morpheme may not be able to stand on its own as

a word (in the words just mentioned, these are -s, -ness, -ly, -ing, un-, -ed). A

complex word will typically include a root and one or more affixes (rock-s, red-

ness, quick-ly, run-ning, un-expect-ed), or more than one root in a compound

(black-board, rat-race). Words can be put together to build larger elements of


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language, such as phrases (a red rock), clauses (I threw a rock), and sentences (He

threw a rock too but he missed).

The term word may refer to a spoken word or to a written word, or

sometimes to the abstract concept behind either. Spoken words are made up of

units of sound called phonemes, and written words of symbols called graphemes,

such as the letters of the English alphabet. Many words have several different

meanings each, study the meanings of the words and the part of speech.

According to Saussure (1959: 126) this approach, every word is involved

in a network of associations which connect it with other terms in the language.

Some of these associations are based on similarity of meaning words and others

are purely formal, while others involve both form and meaning.

As a conclusion of word is an element that carries meaning. In everyday

life it difficult to apply the meaning of words contained in the dictionary, because

the meaning of a word is often shifted if it is in units of the sentence. In other

words, any words sometimes have broad meaning. That is why sometimes people

are not satisfied with the meaning of words contained in the dictionary.

2.1.3 How the Words are Used

Words are the tools learners use to think, to express ideas and feelings, as

well as to explore and analyses the world around them. A large, rich vocabulary

gives them the right words to use at the right time. (Finocchiaro, 1974: 75) affirms

that without words that label objects, actions, and concepts, one cannot express

intended meanings. “The more words one is able to use correctly, the better one


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will be able to express oneself easily and with self-confidence and to understand

the world one lives in”. The words are used for proposing that the aspects of

knowing words mean:

1. to understand it when it is written and/or spoken

2. to recall it when we need it

3. to use it with the correct meaning

4. to use it in a grammatically correct way

5. to pronounce it correctly

6. to know which other words we can use with it

7. to spell it correctly

8. to use it in the right situation

9. to know if it has positive or negative associations

These words depend on who you are, what your needs are, and what you

want to do with them For example, if you are getting ready to write a standardized

exam that contains a vocabulary test, there are many books available to help you

identify the words you will need to know to pass. On the other hand, if you are

starting a new course, your instructor or the textbook will provide you with a list

of new terms to add to your vocabulary study. Most often, however, the words

you choose to learn should come from things you read and hear every day.

Many vocabulary building programs and books present long lists of words

that the writers think students need to know. Some eager students even try to build

their vocabulary by sitting down in front of a dictionary and starting to memorize

definitions at page one. Learning new words just because they are on a list is more


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difficult than it has to be. The best way to start building a better vocabulary is to

focus on words that match your own special circumstances.

That idea becomes a conclusion the more words one is able to use

correctly, the better one will be able to express oneself easily and with self-

confidence and to understand the world one lives in. The words are used for to

understand it when it is written and/or spoken, to recall it when we need it, to use

it with the correct meaning, to use it in a grammatically correct way, to pronounce

it correctly, to know which other words we can use with it, to spell it correctly, to

use it in the right situation, and to know if it has positive or negative associations.

2.1.4 Word Decoding

Word decoding is simply a way of breaking up a word into understandable

parts (Young, 2007). Through learning root words, suffixes and prefixes, you can

give yourself a “code book” that not only helps you navigates around English. The

root word “hyper” means “high or excessive” and a moderately versed reader

could see the word “tense” inserted in the middle or they might look at the suffix-

“-sion” and recognize that this suffix often accompanies a profession or a state of


Likewise, the root word “demo” means people, as in “demo/cracy,”

meaning rule by the people,” and “demo/graphics” would give you a picture of

how people are physically spread out over a given location. In a final example,

look at the word predicted; “pre” meaning before and “dict” meaning to speak as

in the word diction. Thus, prediction is a word or words spoken about the future.


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In each of these cases, knowing just part of the word or knowing the root of a

similar word might help you guess at the meaning of the whole word. Root Words

are where many of our common English words originate from. Often a root word

is a word in itself or is easily recognizable as the origin of other words. Prefixes

help to form longer words, but are not words in themselves. Prefixes only come at

the beginning of words and usually have one distinct meaning. And a suffix is a

word ending. It is a group of letters you can add to the end of a root word, e.g.

walking, helpful. A root word stands on its own as a word, but you can make new

words from it by adding beginnings (prefixes) and endings (suffixes). For

example, 'comfort' is a root word. By adding the prefix 'dis' and the suffix 'able'

you can make new words such as 'discomfort' and 'comfortable'.

It can be concluded that word decoding is short words inside longer,

multisyllabic words that is, words with two or more syllables and, in so doing,

working out how to read those words or at least making a guess at their meaning.

Word decoding can help struggling students conquer their fear of reading aloud

and help them to read confidently and independently.

2.1.5 Analogies

Analogy (from Greek analogia) is a cognitive process of transferring

information or meaning from a particular subject (the analogue or source) to

another particular subject (the target), and a linguistic expression corresponding to

such a process. In a narrower sense, analogy is an inference or an argument from


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one particular to another particular, as opposed to deduction, induction, and

abduction, where at least one of the premises or the conclusion is general.

It has been argued that analogy is "the core of cognition". Specific

analogical language comprises exemplification, comparisons, metaphors, similes,

allegories, and parables, but not metonymy. Phrases like and so on, and the like,

as if, and the very word like also rely on an analogical understanding by the

receiver of a message including them. In cognitive linguistics, the notion of

conceptual metaphor may be equivalent to that of analogy. An analogy is

comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are

similar, but it’s a bit more complex. Rather than a figure of speech, an analogy is

more of a logical argument. The presenter of an analogy will often demonstrate

how two things are alike by pointing out shared characteristics, with the goal of

showing that if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways

as well. This is comparing two pairs of words and choosing the pair that goes

together. Analogical guides and feature analysis are literacy strategies that help to

increase students’ interactions with the science concepts and ideas that are

presented in various texts and help the students acquire and retain important

content information. This literacy strategies and variations of these may be used

prior to reading, during reading, and after reading.

The analogical guide is a form of a study guide developed for application

in science classes while reading text. It can also be a useful tool for the teacher to

share with students as special vocabulary and concepts are introduced. Feature

analysis is a literacy strategy that helps to organize specific information about the


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concepts by providing a synopsis of the ways the identified technical concepts

may be similar or different

Based on the definition of analogies above, we can say that an analogy is a

relation of similarity between two or more things, so that an inference (reasoning

from premise to conclusion) is drawn on the basis of that similarity. An analogy is

either the cognitive process of transferring information from a particular subject

(the analogue or source) to another particular subject (the target), or a linguistic

expression corresponding to such a process.

2.1.6 Antonym

Antonym are words or expressions which are opposite in meaning. Or two

forms with opposite meaning. They can share an aspect of meaning but opposite

or incompatible in some other aspect of meaning. There are three kinds of

antonyms; they are Complementary Pairs, Gradable Pairs, and Relational


Complementary pairs, it means the items complementary to each other.

The items belong to the set of incompatible terms. We can also say that the

negative of one word is synonymous with the other. For example: male X female

and clean X dirty are complementary pairs. If not male = female and if not female

= male and also if not clean = dirty, if not dirty = clean. Complementary pairs are

predicates which come in pairs and between them exhaust all the relevant

possibilities. If the one predicates is applicable, then the other cannot be and vice



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For instance, the words married and single, these two words cannot be

used to refer the same individual at the same time. There is only one possibility of

the fact, such as in the sentence Peter is married or Peter is single. If married is

application, then single is not, and vice versa. It means, to say Peter is married is

to say that He is not single. So, to say something is Not the one is to say that is the

other. It is really important for the students in improving their vocabularies. They

will have them to find the meaning of difficult words in the text and help them to

understand more about the context of the text.

Gradable pairs, it means the pairs of words have gradation of width, age,

size, etc. All are indicated by the adjectives. For examples: old X new and hard X

soft are gradable pairs. If we say not old, it is not necessarily equal with new

because when someone is not old, it doesn’t mean he is new. Gradable pairs also

means the negative of one word is not synonymous with the other. Gradable pairs

can be graded into comparative and superlative degrees by adding the word more

or most and inflection -er or –es to which are being compared. For example, the

word big is the opposite of word small.

The word big can be graded into comparative degree bigger or superlative

degree biggest, and the word small can be graded into comparative degree smaller

or superlative degree smallest. It is also true of gradable pairs that more of one is

less of another. For example: longer is less short, , wider is less narrow, and more

bigness is less smaller. There are two characteristics of gradable pairs, they are

marked term and unmarked term. Marked term means that the term is not so used

by the speaker. In contrary, unmarked term means that the term of the pairs is


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commonly used by people in speaking of their language. For example, the

expression How high is it? or How wide is it? are commonly used than How low is

it? or How narrow is it?.

Relational opposite is a quite different kind of ‘opposite’ found with pairs

of words which exhibit the reversal of relationship between items (Palmer, 1976:

81). It means we can find the relationship between the opposite pairs of words or

two-way contrast where one number presupposes the other, symmetry,

transitivity, and reflexivity are the characteristics of relation. Relational opposite

comes from verbs: buy/sell, lend/borrow, rent/let, own/belong to, and


There are also nouns: husband/wife, fiance/fiancee, parent/child,

debtor/creditor, and teacher/pupi; in a number of terms referring to spatial

position: above/below, infront of/behind, north of/south of; and in grammar too,

active and passive such as: if Tom hits Harry, Harry is hit by Tom. It is clear that

if A gives Y to B, then B receives Y from A ; if A is B’s teacher, then B is A’s

pupil. Pairs of words ending in –er and –ee are usually relational opposite. For

instance, if Ann is Bob’s emlpoyer, then Bob is Ann’s employee. Other forms to

form antonyms are by adding the prefix un-, prefix non-, prefix in- before the


Refers to the explanation above, we can find antonyms is when two words

are opposites such as up and down, yes and no, top, for examples: equal X

unequal, important X unimportant, fiction X nonfiction, stop X nonstop, direct X

indirect, and capable X incapable.


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2.1.7 Synonim

Synonymy means the words can not be subtitle for one another in all

context without distinction of meaning. However, in a given context, it is possible

that one item may be subtituted for another with the overall meaning of the

utterance remaining the same (Wilkins, 1978: 27). The term synonymy is derived

from Greek word synonymy syn which means with together and onyma means

name. So, synonymy means name together. Two words or more (together) name

the same object, action, event or quality. Synonymies are words from the same

language and grammatical category, which have similar or almost similar meaning

but different spelling, sound, connotation, or application. It is identical in sense to

another word or has the same or nearly the same general sense as another word

but it is perhaps use in different context. Examples of synonyms are the pairs:

kingly = royal

world = universe

buy = purchase

brotherly = fraternal

almost = nearly

Nevertheless, it has been aid as well to remember that no two words ever

have exactly the same meaning (no perfect synonym). Two words might be

synonymous in one sentence but different in another. It seems to be very little if

any differences between the expressions. Both of the following expressions have

difference to be considered. For examples:

a. Marry is sitting in the sofa


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b. Marry is sitting in the couch

Some individuals may always use sofa and couch, but if they know the

two words, they will understand the sentences with either word and interpret them

to mean the same thing. The degree of semantic similarity between words depends

on great extent on the number of semantic properties they share. Sofa and couch

refer to the same type of object and share most, if not all, their semantic


Synonymy means the words can not be subtitle for one another in all

context without distinction of meaning. However, in a given context, it is possible

that one item may be subtituted for another with the overall meaning of the

utterance remaining the same (Wilkins, 1978: 27). So, the understanding above

synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings and have meaning.

2.2 Vocabulary Types

Language experts classify vocabulary based on its types. Butler (1978: 70)

classifies the vocabulary into working and recognition vocabulary. The first type

consists of the words that people use daily in their writing and speaking. On the

other hand, the second type consists of words that people recognize in the context

of reading matter, but does not actually use in daily life. Meanwhile, Butler (1978:

70) has a different classification of function and content words. The function

words are a closed class; we cannot add to prepositions or auxiliaries or modals or

any other structure word of the language. The content words on the other hand,


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can be added to at any time as new scientific advances make new words and

communication about new invention necessary.

Different classification of vocabulary also stated by Charles B Jennings,

Nancy King and Marjorie Stevenson. They divided the vocabulary into active and

recognition vocabulary, which is made up of the words that people use in

speaking and writing. Meanwhile, the second type is a vocabulary which is

composed of the words which people understand when they hear or read them, but

which they do not ordinarily use in speaking and writing.

Ann and Mary (2003: 52) also had a different point of view about

vocabulary types. He divided vocabulary into writing and meaningful vocabulary.

Writing vocabulary consists of words that people hear or they use in writing,

whereas the second type is the sum of all words that people can understand or use

correctly whether in listening, speaking, reading or writing.

Finocchiaro (1974: 73) explains that students’ vocabulary can be divided

into two kinds, they are “active and passive vocabulary”. Active vocabulary

consists of words which students understand, can pronounce correctly and use

constructively in speaking and writing. While passive vocabulary consists of

words those students recognize and understand when they occur in a context and

they never use them in communication. They understand them when they hear or

read them, but they don’t use them in speaking or writing.

According to Nation (2000: 43) the basis of frequency, vocabulary can be

divided into two kinds; there are high frequency vocabulary and low frequency



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a. High frequency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in

normal language, use in all four skills and across the full range of situation of

use. High frequency vocabulary consists of 2000 word families, which are

about 87% of the running words in formal written text and more than 95% of

the words in informal spoken texts.

b. Low frequency vocabulary on the other hand, covers only small proportion of

the running words of a continuous text, it means that low frequency

vocabulary is rarely, used in common activity of English language. This group

includes well over 100.000 word families.

Nation (2000: 53) calls those vocabularies as motivated vocabulary and

unmotivated vocabulary. Motivated (active) vocabulary consists of all the words

we need to use and feel no reluctance in using in our everyday life. While, the

unmotivated (passive) vocabulary can be divided into two groups; (1) Words

which are only partly understood and are not well known enough to use actively,

and (2) Words which are not needed in daily communication.

Ann and Mary (2003: 139) classify into active vocabulary and passive

vocabulary, they are:

a. Active vocabulary refers to put item which the learner can use appropriately in

speaking or writing, and it is also called as productive vocabulary, although in

fact it is more difficult to put into practice, its means that to use the productive

vocabulary, the students must to know how to pronounce it well, they must be

familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the word.

This type is often used in speaking and writing skill.


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b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive


Besides receptive and productive vocabulary, Ann and Mary (2003: 54)

also classified vocabulary into topic-specific or content specific vocabulary.

Topic-specific or content-specific vocabulary is the words that appear frequently

in a particular text because they are related to the topic of the text. For example, in

a text on the topic of ice cream, the words flavor, texture, cone, toppings and

carton might appear frequently. So, those words can we call as topic-specific or

content-specific vocabulary.

Meanwhile Enong (2000: 81) divided vocabulary into two, namely general

vocabulary and special vocabulary. General vocabulary is of the words that are

used in general. There is no limit of field and user. Special vocabulary is that the

words that are used in the certain field and job, profession of special science and


Additionally according to Kamil & Hiebert (2007: 29) words come in two

forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that they recognize

and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that they

recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in

two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that

they recognize when they hear or see them. Productive vocabulary is typically

larger than productive vocabulary and may includes many words to which they


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assign some meaning, even they do not know their full meaning ever use them as

they speak and write.

From the explanation above, we know that every experts in every book is

different in classifying the kind of vocabulary, because every person has different

way in showing and telling their opinions and ideas. Some of them who

emphasize vocabulary to the items which the learners can use appropriately in

speaking or writing and to the language items that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading and listening and some of them classify

vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the same, because

their classification are based on the different sides and aspects.

2.3 Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is one of the first steps of learning a second language,

yet one never reaches the last step of vocabulary acquisition Harmer’s (2007:

211). According to Kamil & Hiebert (2007: 29) learning vocabulary is one part of

language learning strategies which in turn are part of general learning strategies to

encourage greater overall self-direction for learners. Learning

vocabulary is a continuous process, but it changes in nature as it continues. It

means that vocabulary should be re-used in the classroom at reguler interval. The

learner should revisit the words in the following day or week, in different

activities with new knowledge of the words. Revisiting the words in the next

meeting can help the children to memorize the words, in which they can use the


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words later on in the appropriate context since they have been familiar with those

words (Cameron, 2001: 84).

To retain the memorized words, Brown (2003: 377) states that the learner

should allocate specific class time to learn vocabulary. By allocating certain time,

children will have survival level of communication since they continuously string

the words together without applying any grammatical rules. Certain context are

also needed to help children to learn vocabulary. Students will then associate the

new words they learn with meaningful context to which they apply since the best

realization of understanding vocabulary comes from the words within the context

surrounding discourse rather than focuses on dictionaries definitions. Through

context, students can find out the meaning of words which appear in a text

passage when the other words are already known.

Harmer’s (2007: 215) argues that memorization does not typically require

the complex cognitive processing that increase retention. It does typically require

a plethora of repetition. Cognitive processes in learning vocabulary is a

knowledge acquisition simply some conditions, which teachers and teaching

materials must meet. One of them asks not only for the presentation of new words,

but also for opportunities to encourage and facilitate repetition. To reach such a

goal, textbooks must be adequately planned regarding vocabulary distribution,

firstly allowing for the presentation of new lexical items and promoting, in a

second stage, abundant instances for repetition of the items previously presented.

In addition to that, course books should also provide opportunities for

explicit and implicit vocabulary acquisition. The role of consciousness is


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emphasized in explicit activities, while language usage (both receptive and

productive) is at the base of implicit activities. Both types should be at work in

vocabulary learning; the method claimed by the textbook will define the

prevalence of one or the other type of activities.

Other methods typically require more time and longer to recall. Some

words cannot be easily linked through association or other methods. When a word

in the second language is phonologically or visually similar to a word in the native

language, one often assumes they also share similar meanings. Though this is

frequently the case, it is not always true. When faced with a false cognate,

memorization and repetition are the keys to mastery. If a second language learner

relies solely on word associations to learn new vocabulary, that person will have a

very difficult time mastering false cognates. When large amounts of vocabulary

must acquired in a limited amount of time, when the learners needs to recall

information quickly, when words represent abstract concepts are difficult to create

as a mental image, or when discriminating between false cognates, rote

memorization is the method to use.

In addition conclusion of learning vocabulary is a rather more complex

process than it might at first sight appear. It does not mean acquiring the same

amount of knowledge foe every word in a language. After all, we must take into

account that event native speaker of a language can understand many more words

than they actually use. As a result there is an important for learning vocabulary.


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2.4 Teaching Method

Teaching methods are the procedures of instruction selected to help

learners achieve the objectives (Smaldino, 2005: 79). In line with these

definitions, it can be concluded that a teaching method is the procedure of

teaching instruction which help learners achieve the learning objective. In this

case, the teaching method used in this study was cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning is defined as students work together to "attain group

goals that cannot be obtained by working alone‖ (Johnson, & Holubec, 1986).

Cooperative learning refers to a variety of teaching methods in which students

work in small groups to help one another learn academic content (Slavin, 1995).

The methods share the idea that students work together to learn and are

responsible for their teammates’ learning as well as their own. It emphasizes the

use of team goals and team success, which can be achieved only if all members of

the team learn the objectives being taught. Each member of a team is responsible,

not only for learning what is taught, but also for helping his or her teammates

learn—thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.

Slavin (1995) says that cooperative learning is not only for increasing

achievement, but it is also a way of creating happy, and pro-social environment in

the classroom. It can be concluded that through cooperative learning, students

acquire both knowledge and social skills. Then, in behavior psychology,

cooperative learning can enhance self-esteem (Jacobs, Lee & Ball, 1996).

According to Johnson, & Holubec (1986), there are some principles of

cooperative learning. They are positive interdependence, face-to-face interaction,


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individual and group accountability, interpersonal and small group skills, and

group processing.

1. Positive interdependence.

Positive interdependence is successfully structured when group members

perceive that they are linked with each other in a way that one cannot succeed

unless everyone succeed.

2. Face-to-face interaction.

Students need to do real work together in which they promote each other's

success by sharing resources and helping, supporting, encouraging, and

applauding each other's efforts to achieve. There are important cognitive

activities and interpersonal dynamics that can only occur when students

promote each other's learning. This includes orally explaining how to solve

problems, teaching one's knowledge to others, checking for understanding,

discussing concepts being learned, and connecting present with past learning.

Each of those activities can be structured into group task directions and


3. Individual and group accountability.

The group must be accountable for achieving its goals and each member must

be accountable for contributing his or her share of the work. Individual

accountability exists when the performance of each individual is assessed and

the results are given back to the group and the individual in order to ascertain

who needs more assistance, support, and encouragement in learning. The

purpose of cooperative learning groups is to make each member a stronger


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individual in his or her right. Students learn together so that they subsequently

can gain greater individual competency.

4. Interpersonal and small group skills.

Cooperative learning is inherently more complex than individual learning

because students have to engage simultaneously in task work and team work.

Leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, and conflict

management skills empower students to manage both task work and teamwork


5. Group processing.

Group processing exists when group members discuss how well they are

achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships. Groups

need to describe what member actions are helpful and unhelpful and make

decisions about what behaviors to continue or change. Continuous

improvement of the processes of learning results from the careful analysis of

how members are working together and determining how group effectiveness

can be enhanced.

Systematically structuring those basic principles into group learning

situations helps ensure cooperative efforts and enables the disciplined

implementation of cooperative learning for long-term success. According to

Slavin (1995), there are nine cooperative learning methods, they are: (1) Student

Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD), (2) Teams-Games- Tournaments (TGT),

(3) Jigsaw, (4) Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), (5)

Team Accelerate Instruction (TAI), (6) Keyword Method (mnmeonics), and (7)


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Mind Mapping. All methods share the idea that students work together to learn

and are responsible for their teammates’ learning as well as their own. The

methods use in this study are keyword method and mind mapping.

2.4.1 Keyword Method

Keyword method is a mnemonic method that has been especially designed

as an effective strategy for learning foreign vocabulary (Pressley and Miller,

1982: 52). Keyword methods are manner for remembering information that is

otherwise quite difficult to recall. The idea behind using keyword method is to

ease difficult to remember unfamiliar words in a way that is much easier to


According Pressley and Miller (1982: 52) that keyword method is a two-

stage procedure for remembering materials that have an associative component.

Additionally, keyword method as a more complex cognitive process than rote

memorization, in which learners proceeded through a multiple-step process to

acquire vocabulary. They described the initial process as linking the foreign

language word to a keyword and then creating an image to connect the two words

together as Atkinson explained the method however, the cognitive complexity

emerged in the recall process (Pressley and Miller, 1982: 52).

Pressley and Delaney (1882: 78) state that keyword method works based

on association and visualization. Association is relating a new word to be

remembered into a word or idea has already been known while visualization is

creating a visual image that is commonly happened after students have made an


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association. It helps tudents to memorize the unfamiliar word into its picture. In

this case, mind plays ann important role to think word’s picture to case

memorization of the word and retrieve. Keyword method facilitates deep

processing due to the additional meaning generated by association with the

learning material.

The basic principle of keyword method is to use as many of the best

functions of the human brain as possible to code information. The human brain

evolved to code and interpret complex stimuli images, color, structure, sounds,

smells, tastes, touch, spatial awareness, emotion and language using them to make

sophisticated interpretations of the environtment. Human memory is made up of

all these features.

Pressley and Miller (1982: 52) describe that the principle of keyword

methods are imagination and association. Imagination is what students use to

create and strengthen the associations needed to create effectiive keyword method.

The more strongly students imagine and visualize a situation, the more effectively

it will stick in their mind for later recall. The imagery they use in their keyword

method can be as violent, vivid, or sensual as they like, as long as it helps them to

remember. Association is the method by which students link a word to be

remembered to away of remembering it. It is to relate between new word an the

word that are familiar. Connect new word to the word students have already

remembered. When word is associatioted in memory, thinking of one helps bring

the other to mind.


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At present, students commonly use memory techniques to remember

vocabulary in their first language, example in remembering the number of days in

each month. Unfortunately, a lot of the information they have to remember in

modern life is presented differently, example words printed on a page. Our brains

do not easily encode written information. It is difficult to remember. Keyword

method will help learners or foreign language to remember words in a highly

efficient way.

In this section the researcher would like to design of keyword method as

opening in learning, warm up to students, and presentation in their tasks. Beside

of that, to propose a model of procedure in teaching vocabulary through keyword

method at SD Negeri 064036 Kecamatan Medan especially grade fifth. This

method builts in several aspects, which are found in the classroom procedure

example, the number of students, time allocation, and students’ motivation.

According to Pressley and Miller (1982: 54), the following is a model of

procedure in learning vocabulary through keyword method:

1. Opening

The researcher enters and opens the class by greeting the students, asks them

how they are doing and checks the students’ attendance list. After that, before

the lesson shorted, the researcher asks the chairman of the class to lead the

students for praying together.

2. Warm up

The researcher leads the students to the topic that will be discussed by

showing the pictures of “things in the classroom and home” story, the


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researcher asks the students like as; “what is this?”, “could you spell it?”, “can

you mention them!”.

3. Presentation

Step 1

The researcher asks the students to open textbook, she reads a text about

“things in the classroom and home” by reading aloud, repeated by students.

After the that the researcher asks the students to find out the difficult names of

things in the classroom that the do not memorize.





egg pot






After that, the researcher asks the students to find out difficult names or

vocabulary example; blackboard, desk, knife, egg pot, table and envelope, ,

that they do not memorize.

Step 2


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Researcher writes the names of vocabulary above on the whiteboard including

the meaning and says the names of the words by the students to say properly.

The researcher gives some corrections if there are students making mistakes in

saying or pronouncing words.

Step 3

Researcher begins to explain the material and gives them some questions

orally, based on material. In order to know that the students have understood

the narrative text well. Then the students asked to close their textbook and


Step 4

Researcher telss the students that they will have a fun activity in the class.

Researcher distributes the worksheet containing some words to all students.

Researcher asks the students to fill in the blanks with their own words that

have similarity to the target words as a key to remember the words, they have

to finish it in several minutes, and researcher limites the time because it

challenges the students and makes competitive situation.

Step 5

The teacher collects the worksheet when the fifth grade of SD Negeri 064036

Kecamatan Medan have finished thir work, then she asks the students’ one by

one about the meaning of the target word according to each students’

worksheet by mention their own words. The teacher takes the score each

students by mentioning the names.

And the steps to use keyword method can be described as follows:


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1. Define the target words and its meaning

fat = gemuk

2. Think of the association for the target words

Say; to help the students remember the meaning of the word fat, the

students are asked to remember one of their teacher is named Fatimah. To

make them remember the words make abbreviation of the teachers name

into Bu Fat berbadan gemuk.

3. Link the association and the meaning of the target words

Bu Fat berbadan gemuk.

4. And the last, recall the meaning of the target words.

Tell the students when they see a Fat person they should first think of Bu

Fat and then try to remember the picture of the words meaning.

Commonly, keyword methods are verbal, such as a very short poem or a

special word used to help person remember something, but may be visual,

kinethetic or auditory. Keyword method rely on associations between easy to

remember constructs that can be related back to the data that is to be remembered.

This is based on the principle that the human mind much more easily remembers

spatial, personal, surprising, sexual, humorous, or otherwise meaningful

information than arbitrary sequences.

Another sample of keyword method can desrcibed, such as:

1. Define the target words and its meaning

sofa = sofa (tempat duduk)

2. Think of the association for the target words


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Say; to help the students remember the meaning of the word sofa, the

students are asked to remember one of their teacher is named Sopha. To

make them remember the words make abbreviation of the teachers name

into Bu Sopha sedang duduk di sofa (Mrs. Sopha is sitting on the sofa.

3. Link the association and the meaning of the target words

Bu Sopha sedang duduk di sofa.

4. And the last, recall the meaning of the target words.

Tell the students when they see a sofa person they should first think of Bu

Sopha and then try to remember the picture of the words meaning.

Based on the exxample above, the researcher has a keyword method in

teaching vocabulary, like as; the material is “things in the classroom”. Researcher

used acronym of pencil, alphabet, pen, eraser, and ruler. We can described:






Avila and Sadoski (1996: 380) gives two versions of Keyword method one

on the construction of visual images and the other on the construction of

sentences. The most common version of the technique based on the construction

of interactive visual images. Pressley and Delaney (1882: 70) demonstrates how

both these versions can be used, for example, the Spanish word carta meaning


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postal (letter). Using the keyword cart, a learner might generate an image the cart

carries the letter.

Through on the theory of keyword method in teaching vocabulary,

students who use keyword method five gain strengthness in the long run (Pressley

and Miller, 1982: 54), they are:

1. First, they can memorize lists of facts more efficiently, freeing their minds for

tasks that involve thought and creativity.

2. Secondly, because they are good at remembering facts, they can develop a

strong base of information to draw on when reasoning and solving problems.

3. Keyword method is fun tools to help remind you of word sequence. It is much

easier to remember short phrases than fully comprehend the full volume of

work these devices represent.

4. Keyword method is also an effective strategy for increasing student

comprehension test scores in Language Arts and Science. On average,

students who have been trained in keyword method outperform students

without training on comprehension exams.

5. By using keyword method, spectacular displays of memory have been

demonstrated with results that have specific applications to educational


Pressley and Miller (1982: 54) states keyword method can be influenced to

students as the weakness of keyword method, such as:

1. They must be recited and practiced in a precise manner in order to work



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2. They require time to create, learn, and practice.

3. They require time to create, learn, and practice.

4. They rely more on rote memory than on elaborative rehearsal, so your actual

understanding of the concepts may be inadequate.

Beginning of standards competence in the worksheet when the fifth grade

of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat, researcher will demonstrate the use of

the keyword method in syllabus as follows:

Standard of Competence : Listening, speaking, reading, and writing 1. To understand transactional/ instruction in saying things in the classroom and home easily.

Basic Competence : 1.1 To respond transactional/ instruction saying things in the classroom and home easily

Indicator : 1. To respond in saying things in the classroom and home easily

Material Activity TimeSource/MaterialTeaching Aid

Things in the classroom and homee.g: This is a cupboard.

1. OpeningThe teacher enters and opens the class by greeting the students, asks them how they are doing and checks the students’ attendance list.

2. Warm up3. Presentation

- The teacher asks the students to open textbook, she reads a text about “things in the classroom and home” by reading aloud, repeated by students. After that the teacher asks the students to find out the difficult names of things in the classroom and home that the do not memorize.

- After that, the teacher asks the students to find out difficult names or vocabulary example; blackboard, desk, knife, egg pot, table and

3 minutes

2 minutes

25 minutes

English Book for 4, 5, and 6 by S.A Susanna, S.Pd


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envelope,, , that they do not memorize.

- Teacher writes the names of vocabulary above on the whiteboard including the meaning and says the names of the words by the students to say properly. The teacher gives some corrections if there are students making mistakes in saying or pronouncing words.

- Teacher begins to explain the material and gives them some questions orally, based on material. In order to know that the students have understood the narrative text well. Then the students asked to close their textbook and notebook.

- Teacher telss the students that they will have a fun activity in the class. Teacher distributes the worksheet containing some words to all students. Teacher asks the students to fill in the blanks with their own words that have similarity to the target words as a key to remember the words, they have to finish it in several minutes, and researcher limites the time because it challenges the students and makes competitive situation.

- The teacher collects the worksheet when the fifth grade of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat have finished thir work, then she asks the students’ one by one about the meaning of the target word according to each students’ worksheet by mention their own words.

5 minutes


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The teacher takes the score each students by mentioning the names.

4. Post Activities- Students with the teacher

makes the summary of the material today.

- Teacher tells about the material for next meeting.

- Teacher gives individual assignments to the students.

Based on the explanation above, we concluded that the keyword method is

the most effective and adaptable keyword method. It is effective because it

increases concreteness and meaningfulness of newly obtained information. It also

connects the new information to prior knowledge. The keyword method enhances

learning of both concrete and abstract vocabulary, as measured by tests of both

recall and comprehension. Deep word knowledge learning is accomplished by

helping students to link new word meanings to prior knowledge, providing

multiple practice opportunities to aid students’ retention of the new vocabulary,

and by engaging students in meaningful, memorable ways that require

applications of word meanings across situations.

2.4.2 Mind Mapping Method

Mind mapping method is a diagram that is used to represent words, ideas,

tasks, thoughts, and numbers or other items linked to and arranged around a

central key word or idea in a simple form that connects all the ideas together

(Buzan, 2005: 112). Teaching vocabulary as linguistic competence, such as note

taking is ineffective. Students usually write down the new word that comes up in


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class. They will write it down with the translation next to it. Of course, writing

things down is necessary if they want to review later.

However, at the end of one lesson, the students have some pages of new

words that are completely at random, for example, lecturer, happy, gun, gloat,

keyboard, violet, and ect. It is impossible to retain a list of words like this. Even if

they tried to memorize them because they are irrevelant to each and make it

difficult to remember them but mind mapping method provides the learning


According to Windura (2008: 52) states mind mapping method is an aid to

recall of existing memories. For example, the students acquire some new English

words and later retrieve the words they learned when needed. Given (2002: 54)

ensures that students are easier to memorize new words when they are classified

based on specific characteristics such as colors, pictures, genre, field, variet, and

ect. It will help the students understand the new words they learned because they

are displayed into a map.

Windura (2008: 55) also explains that mind mapping method could be an

important and effective asset to anyone who wants to learn a language because it

can enhance and retain the foreign vocabulary by exploiting the brain ability for

learning purpose. When students use language activities, such as writing, reading,

speaking, and listening means they are using their left side of their brain. In

another word, left brain is short term memory that is easy to forget. On the other

hand, right hemisphere related to picture, cloro, rhyme, gestalt, dimension,

imagination and daydreaming. Right hemisphere is long term memory that is


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longer in retention, for example, it is easier to remember someone’s face than her/

his name. Face is a picture but name is a word.

Most students are much depended on writing, taking note, listening

teacher’s explanation in their learning strategy. Many activities in language

learning use left hemisphere. Right hemisphere is rarely used since playing music,

drawing, painting, ect are as extra curricular activities at schools in Indonesia.

In conclusion, more activities use left hemisphere than right hemisphere

and as the result imbalance on the usage both of the two sides of brains. This

imbalance causes left hemisphere works inefficiently. Many students have studied

in hours, reading, writing, memorization, ect but they do not understand what they

study because they are rote learning that means they do not involve their right

hemisphere in their learning activity.

There are basic principle of mind mapping method according Buzan

(2005: 112), can be applied; the main topic of the mind mapping method is

summarized as a central image, word or phrase, the main themes of the subject

radiate from the central image as branches, branches comprise of a key word,

image or topic presented on an associated line they divide out into further higher

level sub branches, and the branches and sub branches from a connected structure.

To aid the design of mind mapping method can be shown write topics, to

mind the material, present for discussing, putting information, and list of the

words. The steps of the using mind mapping method in teaching vocabulary for

students’ MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat as below:


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1. First, researcher writes the topic of piece of writing in ahort form in the

middle of the board, for example things in the classroom and home.

2. Second, the students of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat in the fifth grade

are asked to think of other words that come to mind when they read the key

word. It is also appropriate for the students to write down a list of these words

to be shared with their class.

3. Third, the students share their recorded words, if any of the teacher’s new

words are not suggested, the researcher presents them for discussion.

4. Fourth, after the list of the words is completed, the words are grouped by

category. Then, students discuss why certain words go together. Category

names are assigned.

5. Fifth, a class mapp of the words is created by putting the information on a

large sheet of paper. And then, the map is discussed. At this time, students are

encouraged to add items to the categories or even to suggest new categories.

6. And the last, as other new words that relate to the topic are discovered through

the reading of the text, additions are made to the map.


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According to (Buzan, 2005: 114) to compare with linear methods of taking

notes and recording ideas mind mapping method have the following strengthness:

1) They allow a large number of complex ideas to be compressed into a single


2) Mind mapping method is created in an organic and flexible way links can be

drawn between any items or sections. New ideas can be added in any

direction, so they are good for brainstorming.

















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3) Because it mirrors the way in which the brain works and incorporates colour,

visual images and compressed ideas, a mind mapping method is much easier

to memorise and recall than a linear list.

4) Mind mapping method can interest in the student, thus making more receptive

and cooperative in the classroom.

5) Mind mapping method present only relevant material in a clear and

memorable form the students tend to get better marks in examinations.

Mind mapping method can be shown of the weakness in teaching

vocabulary, such as:

1. It can not cut "chunks of notes" to paste into an essay, but what information

you do use from your mind mapping method will sound like your own work

and ideas.

2. You may want to redraw the maps later, but that shall help you remember the


3. Your map may be so personal it could be difficult for others to understand.

mind mapping method are a great help when preparing essays and

presentations, but they may be inappropriate as the final piece of work.

However, mind mapping method can avoid the problems on learning

which only dominantly function on one side of brain, left hemisphere. Using both

sides the brain substantially increases the brainpower and memory. The way brain

works naturally tends in the form of picture or image than written or spoken

verbal language. In fact, almost everything around the student is in the form of

written or spoken verbal language. Such as book, note, hand books, teacher’s


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explanation of the lesson. Mind mapping method uses many pictures and use both

of brain’s sides along together in balance. In this syllabus of mind mapping

method as follow:

Standard of Competence : Listening, speaking, reading, and writing 1. To understand transactional/ instruction in saying things in the classroom and home easily.

Basic Competence : 1.1 To respond transactional/ instruction saying things in the classroom and home easily

Indicator : 1. To respond in saying things in the classroom and home easily

Material Activity TimeSource/MaterialTeaching Aid

Things in the classroom and home

1. Teacher writes the topic of piece of writing in ahort form in the middle of the board, for example things in the classroom and home.

2. Students of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat in the fifth grade are asked to think of other words that come to mind when they read the key word. It is also appropriate for the students to write down a list of these words to be shared with their class.

3. The students share their recorded words, if any of the teacher’s new words are not suggested, the teacher presents them for discussion.

4. List of the words is completed, the words are grouped by category. Then, students discuss why certain words go together. Category names are assigned.

5. Class mapp of the words is created by putting the information on a large sheet of paper. And then, the map is discussed. At this time, students are encouraged to add items to the categories or even to suggest new categories.

6. New words that relate to the topic are discovered through

35 minutes English Book for 4, 5, and 6 by S.A Susanna, S.Pd


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the reading of the text, additions are made to the map.

7. Post activities- Students with the teacher

makes the summary of the material today.

- Teacher tells about the material for next meeting.

- Teacher gives individual assignments to the students.

Mind mapping method work based on imagination and association

(Buzan, 2005: 18). Mind mapping strategy works the same as brain works and it is

in accordance with the natural need of brain because it uses word to trigger

imagination and association, for example, if we think about the word things in the

classroom and home, our brain will imagine many kind of colorful fruits and

associate the colors with the taste of fruit, not the letter of fruit. This happens

because the brain works by using mental pictures completed with link and

associatio derived from it.

Mind mapping method is a simple and natural, it can be drawn by hand,

either as rough notes during studying. This involves writing a single word, the

theme, in the centre of the page and linking words that go with it. Mind map is

even more effective if student adds little drawings and lots of color since brain

likes to be entertained (Buzan, 2005: 22).

Both keyword method and mind mapping method are specifically

designed for acquiring, remembering and recalling newly and existing vocabulary,

the difference of the two techniques can be seen on the table 2.1.

Table 2.1 The Differences between Keyword Method and


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Mind Mapping Method

Teaching Strategies

Keyword Method Mind Mapping Method

- It is an effective technique to

memorize the unfamiliar word into

its sound and imagination.

- It helps students to remember by

connecting a foreign word to its

mother tongue translation through

the mediation of a keyword.

- It makes use of acoustic and

imaginary links. The foreign word

is linked to a keyword by a

similiarity in sound (acoustic link),

and the keyword is linked to the

foreign words translation by mental

image (imaginary link).

- It helps the students to enchance,

understand, remember and recall

vocabulary existed in the memory.

It also processes the information not

only in the working memory but

- It is the technique for vocabulary

acquisition and retention into

visual link by categorizing word

into its group.

- It helps students to remember by

linking words and images in an

intuitive way.

- It has a natural organizational

structure that radiates word from

the center with further

subcategories until an exit is

found by using lines, symbols,

words, color and images.

- In converts a long list of

monotonous word into a colorful,

memorable and highly organized

diagram that works in line with

the brain’s natural way. Some


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deeper into the long term memory

so it can produce long term results,

that is the ability to retrieve the

vocabulary after a prolonged period.

The students with auditory and

visual learning style can absorb the

words learnt easily.

students are visually oriented and

using words, color, and images

will balance left and right brain


In the summary mind map is an activity that might be very familiar with

those who understand that they are visual learners, though it could help many of

us. Mind mapping method could be a very effective way for us to develop a more

efficient process to develop our ideas. Students, entrepreneurs, and group leaders

can use this tool to learn, develop business plans, and even break down group

projects visually. There are lots of ways to learn and remember information.

2.5 Students’ Motivation

Educational and psychological research has identified several factors that

play a role in predicting adolescent motivation such as family background,

individual characteristics, and school experience. Furthermore, parental level of

education, parental educational expectations and encouragement, school climate,

and teacher’s educational expectations and support, transition from elementary to

the middle school can all have an affect on motivation.

Franken (2000: 94) describes that motivation as internal state or condition

that activates behavior and gives it direction, desire or want that energizes and


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directs goal oriented behavior, and influence of needs and desires on the intensity

and direction of behavior. Franken (2000: 95) provides an additional component

in his definition; the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior.

Motivation can be described as behaviors that illustrate interest,

enthusiasm, appreciation, or dedication. Motivation in general, is the process that

plays a major role in an individual’s choice of and continued engagement in

particular activities (Gredler, 2005: 114). According to Urdan and Schoenfelder

(2006: 67) say that teachers describe students who simply lack motivation and

often attribute these motivational deficiencies to causes that are beyond their

control such as poor parenting or weak personality characteristics. Also, teachers

often see individuals as semi autonomous beings with stable personalities that are

resistant to environmental influences.

In teaching learning process, there are some elements which affect

learning motivation. The elements that affect motivation to learn are: (1) the ideals

or aspirations of students; motivation to learn appears on the students’ desire since

chilhood such as walking, reading, singing, the success of that desire will lead to

aviable and increase the willingness and enthuasiasm for learning in achieving the

goals that strengthen than motivation to learn beacuse it will realize the ideals of

self actualization, (2) the ability of students; the desire of students accompanied

by ability, (3) the students’ condition include physical and psychological, (4) the

environmental condition.

According to Urdan and Schoenfelder (2006: 67) there are two different

types of motivation among students; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.


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Intrinsic or autonomous motivation means that a student shows self determination,

curiosity, challenge, and effort. Instrinsic motivation comes from inside the

students, such as low motivation. Students who are instrinsically motivated

engage in many activities.

Extrinsic or controlled motivation involves external incentives for the

students to do well such as rewards and punishments. In contrast, extrinsic

motivation comes from outside the students. The ouside factors same of high

motivation, such as watching television, reading books, teachers method, parents,

rewards, or punishment. The ways to motivate students are: give the praise of the

students who give the right answer, reduce critique that can extinguish students’

motivation, make a good competition among the students, and make coorperation

among students.

Kashdan (2009: 71) identified some characteristic of students with high

motivation toward learning, they are: 1) students always interested in new things

and prosessing an open receptive attitude toward whatever is the target of

attention, 2) students will devote more attention to an activity, process

information more deeply, remember information better, and are more like likely to

persit on tasks until the goals are met, 3) students will have the ability to

effectively cope with or make sense of the novelty, ambiguity and uncertainty

being confronted during explorations, 4) students like to express the exploration

as the willingness to embrace the novel, uncertain, and unpredictable nature of

everyday life, 5) students like is spending time with novel stimuli is exposed to


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some degree of information and experience, 6) students actively seeking

understanding about something that unknown.

Meanwhile characteristics of students with low motivation toward learning

are: 1) students have sequencing difficulties are evidence in a failure to grasp time

concept, 2) students will lose track of assignments and attendance and struggle to

concentrate, 3) students have experience cognitive confussion in the presence of

distructing stimuli, demonstrate poor organizational skills, and find it hard to

refocus after loosing concentration, 4) students have low interest in non

participation in class activity, 5) students have difficulty to solve the problems

that puzzle them, 6) less of the sense of wondering and challenging to explore an


2.6 Conceptual Framework

2.6.1 The Different Effect of Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method

Strategy on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

In order to achieve student’s competence and oriented to a good learning

results, keyword method and mind mapping method are very good to be applied in

vocabulary learning. The method is based on the importance of working together

to solve the problem. Each individual in the group has the responsibility to resolve

the problems faced. Besides, this method also teaches students learn to give,

accept and respect the rights of others.

In keyword method the students working in teams and each team must

ensure that asks the students to find out the difficult names of day that the do not


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memorize. After that, the researcher asks the students to find out difficult names

or vocabulary. The researcher gives some corrections if there are students making

mistakes in saying or pronouncing words. In order to know that the students have

understood the narrative text well. Then the students asked to close their textbook

and notebook. To finish it in several minutes, and researcher limites the time

because it challenges the students and makes competitive situation, then she asks

the students’ one by one about the meaning of the target word according to each

students’ worksheet by mention their own words.

These methods are generally aimed at improving student achievement,

because in addition to improving students' cognitive aspect, this method can also

enhance affective and psychomotor aspects such as the motivation, leadership,

independence, responsibility, value of mutual cooperation, willingness to give and

receives the opinions of others student, productivity, and activity.

The second method that can improve and enhance student learning

outcomes is mind mapping method. It concepts are writing the topic of piece of

writing in ahort form in the middle of the board. Appropriate for the students to

write down a list of these words to be shared with their class. The students share

their recorded words, if any of the teacher’s new words are not suggested, the

researcher presents them for discussion. And then, students discuss why certain

words go together. Category names are assigned.

If related to vocabulary learning outcomes, it is suspected that the keyword

method will more enhance student learning outcomes in vocabulary compared by

using mind mapping method. Based on this description, it can be predicted that


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vocabulary achievement which are taught by using keyword method is higher than

vocabulary achievement which is taught by using mind mapping method.

2.6.2 The Different Effect of High and Low Motivation on Students’

Vocabulary Achievement

Learning vocabulary needs stimulation. Motivation can be stimulation. It

is important to arouse, sustain, and increase the students’ curiosity, interest and

achievement in learning. There are four major dimensions of motivation: a)

arousing and sustaining the learners’ curiosity and interest, b) making instruction

relevant to the learners’ personal needs and goals, c) enabling the learner to have a

successful experience, and d) helping the learner to have a satisfying experience

through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be an inside and outside

stimulation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when students are internally motivated to

do the best for their own teams. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation occurs

when students are externally motivated to get reward as a Super Team, Great

Team, or Good Team. High or low the motivation that students have, affects on

their learning result. In what level their motivation is, can be seen from their

characteristic. The students who have high motivation shows the characteristics:

(1) display interest in activities, (2) feel self-efficacious, (3) expend effort to be

succeed, (4) persist at tasks, (5) typically use effective task, cognitive, and self-

regulatory strategies to learn, (6) and have high confidence in learning.


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Moreover, the students who have high motivation tend to like the

challenges. For them, a challenge must be faced well. In general, they can

complete the challenge well. Likewise, the settlement of problems in learning,

they tend to show better in solving the problem. The students with high

motivation to learn are more creative and active in learning. They do not only

prefer working individually, but also working in groups. High confidence makes

them more eager to follow the lessons.

In contrast, the students who have low motivation show the characteristics:

(1) do not have interest in activities, (2) feel shy and tend not to do something, (3)

there is no effort to be success, and (4) do not persist at tasks. Further, they lack of

confidence in making decision, nothing can be done to the environment. In

learning process, students who have low motivation tends to be quiet, there have

not any opinion. If they meet problems, they solve it with pessimism. The students

with low motivation are less creative in learning. It makes them less successful in

any learning. In connection with the description, it can be it can be assumed that

the students’ achievement with high motivation will be higher than the students’

achievement with low motivation.

2.6.3 The Interaction between the Keyword Method, Mind Mapping Method,

and Motivation on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Mastering vocabulary is a cognitive process that the result can be seen in

concrete. By mastering vocabulary, the student will have ability to speak, read,

and write. Vocabulary mastery has a close relationship with teaching methods.


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Appropriate teaching methods will be able to make students active, able to foster

creativity, and can create a fun learning. If students have fun learning atmosphere,

then the expected outcome will be better. Therefore the more appropriate teaching

methods implemented, the more vocabulary is reached.

It can be understood that keyword method can change the monotony of

cooperative learning situations to be more active-interactive. This is a two ways of

learning, teacher and student-centered. However, students are more active than

teachers. The teacher is active as well as the students when demonstrate the lesson

in class presentation. But after the class presentation finished, the students will be

more active, and the role of teacher in learning here is as a facilitator, who

attempts to guide/direct the students. It can be said that student centered is more

dominant than teacher centered. As a result, learning will be more active, more

fun and more challenging for students, such as creative thinking, express thoughts,

and solve problems independently, and so on.

The using of keyword method brings in relaxation and fun for students,

thus help them learn and retain new words more easily. The learning involves

friendly competition and it keeps students interested. It creates the motivation for

students of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning

activities. It also brings real world context into the classroom. Through

experiences which situation in which a language is used by the students, they will

be easy to learn and use the language. Therefore it can enhance students' use of

English in a flexible and communicative way.


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A student with high motivation has a high desire to be success in learning

and s/he has a high IQ too. With a high desire and IQ, student will be able to

develop his thinking, able to motivate himself to more actively discover

knowledge. They will be challenged to learn to be independent, and ultimately,

students are richer in knowledge, new knowledge. From the description, it can be

predicted that a student with high motivation will get more vocabulary when she/

he is taught by using keyword method. It is due to the students who have a very

high motivation have the same characteristic with keyword method. For students

who have a high motivation, keyword method will be more attracting them,

because it challenges them to develop their knowledge. They will attempt to

discover new knowledge, analyze, solve their own problems with the help of

teachers, and compete with others. Students who have high motivation, they will

feel bored, because they have to be patient waiting for his friends that have low

motivation and skill.

This condition is different from the students who have low motivation.

The main issue for them is the ability to recall what was taught. In connection

with their characteristics, they found difficulties to be active in keyword method.

It is caused by the keyword method demands the students to be able to answer the

questions spontaneously, quickly, and correctly. They are better in mind mapping

class. On the other hand, the students who have low motivation were better taught

by using mind mapping. It is caused by their characteristic was the same with

mind mapping, they will get more information and knowledge from team and



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Therefore, it is believed that the result of learning will increase.

Conversely, if they are taught by using keyword method, they will lead to

saturation and loss of self confidence, because they are not able to find

themselves, less able to develop his creativity, and can not be active, interactive

learning in the vocabulary. With reference to the description, it is clear that

keyword method is better applied to the students who have a high motivation.

Otherwise, mind mapping method is exactly better applied to the students who

have low motivation. Thus, it is assumed that there is an interaction between the

teaching methods with media and motivation in giving effect to the results of

student vocabulary.

2.7 Hypotheses

Based on the theoretical and conceptual framework above, hypotheses can

be drawn which will be scientifically examined and researched as follows:

1. Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method the most significantly affect

the Students’ achievement in vocabulary.

2. Low and high motivation significantly affect Students’ achievement in


3. There is a significant interaction between keyword method, mind mapping

method; and motivation to students’ vocabulary achievement.


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3.1 Research Design

The applied design in this study was quasi - experimental research. It was

used due to the tratment class in this research is a formerly formed class or

without changing the class situation and condition which had been formed

previously. This is supported by Wiersma (1991:135) who conveys that quasi-

experimental research involves the us of intact groups of subject in an experiment.

The research design use in this study was a 2 by 2 factorial (simple

factorial ddesign). In a single 2 by 2 factorial design, information can be gained

about the effects of each of two treatments and the effect of two levels withon

each treatment, and the interaction of the treatment.

This study was aimed to find out the effect of the two independent

variables on the dependent variables. The first independent variables were the

teaching methods, namely Keyword Method (KM) and Mind Mapping (MM). The

second independent variable was motivation, which also has two levels of low and

high motivations. Meanwhile the dependent variable was the students’

achievement in vocabulary. Thus, the design of this study was presented as in

Table 3.1.


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Table 3.1 Factorial Design of the Study

Students’ Motivation

Methods MeanKeyword Method

(A1)Mind Mapping

(A2)Low (B1) µA1B1 µA2B1 µB1High (B2) A1B2 A2B2 µB2

Mean µA1 µA2


µA1 = The result of students who are taught by using Keyword Method (KM).µA2 = The result of students who are taught by using Mind Mapping (MM).µB1 = The result of students who have a high motivation.µB2 = The result of students who have a low motivation.µA1B1 = The result of students who are taught by KM on students with

high motivation.µA2B2 = The result of students who are taught by using MM on students

with high motivation.µA1B2 = The result of students who are taught by KM on students with

low motivation.µA2B2 = The result of students who are taught by using MM on students

with low motivation.

3.2 Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat. It was

done on July until September 2012. Length of the time for the treatment is 2 x 45

minutes. The treatment was concucted eight meetings in a month. The time for the

experiments were based on the schedule at the school.


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3.3 Population and Sample

3.3.1 Population

The population of this study was the students of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga

Kec. Stabat. These students study in the second semester of the fifth grade. The

students consist of 60 students in two classes.

3.3.2 Sample

The sample constitutes a representative cross section of induviduals in the

population (Ary, 1979:130). To determine the sample, cluster random sampling

technique was applied. Having done the technique, Grade V was selected as

sample. To choose the treatment class, purposive sampling technique was applied.

The Grade VA was chosen as the experiment class taught by using KM. The

Grade VB was chosen as the experiment class taught by using MM.

3.4 Research Variables

The variables in this research are :

1. Independent variables ; the independent variables are teaching methods,

namely Keyword Method (KM), Mind Mapping (MM) and motivation

- Teaching Methods is the main variable

- Motivation is the moderator variable

2. Dependent variable, the dependent variable is the students’ vocabulary



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3.5 Validity and Reliability

In relation to this study, the research will use content validity to establish

the validity of vocabulary test. In this case, the writer will take this kind of

validity as the instrument because it refers to the extent to which the 60 items of

vocabulary test represents the content of interest to measure what should be


The reliability of a measuring instrument is the degree of consistency with

which it measures whatever it is measuring. This quality is essential in any kind of

measurement. Therefore, this study is required to obtain the reliability of test by

applying this formulation as below:



Sx−∑ P . Q



r = reliability of the testn = total item testSx = total of varianceP = the proportion of subjects who answered correctly (those who get

the score 1)Q = the proportion of subjects who answer incorrectly (those who

get the score 0)

3.6 The Procedure of Data Collection

The students will be divided into three groups before doing treatment in

order to collect the data. Two groups are experimental groups and one another is

control group. The steps of procedures in collecting the data are; preparation,

pretest, treatment, and posttest.


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3.7 Procedure of Giving Treatment

3.7.1 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Keyword Method

One of the experimental groups (A) will be treated by using keyword

method. This group will be taught many new words on vocabulary at MIN Slipit

Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat especially grade fifth. The researcher will enter and

open the class by greeting the students, asks them how they are doing and checks

the students’ attendance list. After that, before the lesson shorted, the researcher

will ask the chairman of the class to lead the students for praying together.

The researcher will lead the students to the topic that will be discussed by

showing the pictures of “what is this” story, the researcher asks the students like

as; “do you know what is this?”, “can spell it?”, “can you mention them!”. For

step 1, researcher will ask the students to open textbook, she reads a text about

“days” by reading aloud, repeated by students. After that the researcher will ask

the students to find out the difficult names of things in the classroom and home

that the do not memorize, but finding out difficult names or vocabulary example;

blackboard, desk, knife, egg pot, table and envelope , that they do not memorize.

Step 2, researcher will write the names of vocabulary above on the whiteboard

including the meaning and says the names of the words by the students to say

properly. The researcher will give some corrections if there are students making

mistakes in saying or pronouncing words. In step 3, begins to explain the material

and gives them some questions orally, based on material.

In order to know that the students have understood the narrative text well.

Then the students asked to close their textbook and notebook. Researcher (step 4)


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will tell the students that they will have a fun activity in the class. Researcher

distributes the worksheet containing some words to all students. To fill in the

blanks with their own words that have similarity to the target words as a key to

remember the words, they have to finish it in several minutes, and researcher

limites the time because it challenges the students and makes competitive

situation. And step 5 researcher will collect the worksheet when the fifth grade of

MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat have finished thir work, and then she will

ask the students’ one by one about the meaning of the target word according to

each student’s worksheet by mention their own words. The teacher will be took

the score each students by mentioning the names.

3.7.2 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Mind Mapping Method

The second experimental group will be treated by using mind mapping

method, researcher will write the topic of piece of writing in ahort form in the

middle of the board, for example things in the classroom and home. Students of

MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat in the fifth grade are asked to think of other

words that come to mind when they read the key word. It is also appropriate for

the students to write down a list of these words to be shared with their class.

Students can be shared their recorded words, if any of the teacher’s new words are

not suggested, the researcher presents them for discussion. After the list of the

words is completed, the words are grouped by category. Then, students will

discuss why certain words go together. Category names are assigned. For the class

mapping of the words is created by putting the information on a large sheet of


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paper. And then, the map is discussed. At this time, students are encouraged to

add items to the categories or even to suggest new categories. And the last, as

other new words that relate to the topic are discovered through the reading of the

text, additions are made to the mapping.

3.7.3 Influence of Low and High Motivation in Teaching Vocabulary

In this program of influencing high motivation to teaching vocabulary will

better prepare themselves to engage the process of teaching and learning in the

classroom. Teachers, parents or observer will be easy to recognize student with

high motivation to learn and will also be easy to differ them with one with low

motivation. Students with high motivation will prefer to read more books, ask

many questions to teachers, do the exercises, expose themselves to English

language using, trying to use their English skill to communicate with others, or

happily engage in the process of teaching and learning English.

Meanwhile, students with low motivation usually have no strong will to

engage in the process of teaching vocabulary. They rarely ask questions even

though they do not understand the subject. They will have to be forced by teacher

or parents to read the book, do the exercises, and or do the tasks from teacher.

Students with low motivation usually assume English subject as a difficult or even

the most difficult subject to be learned.

The low or high motivation to teaching vocabulary finally influenced the

result of teaching vocabulary. The higher motivation will result in higher

achievement, while the lower one will also result the lower achievement. It means


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that the high motivation has encouraged and supported students to put all of their

effort to master English subject. It leads them to get better result in the test or

examination. Intrinsically motivated students do much better in classroom

activities, because they are willing and eager to learn new things. Their learning

experience is more meaningful and they go deeper into the subject to fully

understand it.

3.8 Technique and Instrument of Data Colection

In this research, there are two kinds of data ; they are students’ vocabulary

achievement and students’ motivation. The techniques applied in this research are

test, both achievement test and questionnaire.

3.8.1 Achievement Test

The conceptual definition of achievement test is an exam designed to

assess how much knowledge a person has in a certain area or set of areas.

Achievement tests are often used in an operational definition to determine what

level of instruction for which a student is prepared. High achievement scores

usually indicate a mastery of grade-level material, and the readiness for advanced

instruction. Low achievement scores can indicate the need for remediation or

repeating a course grade.

In this achievement tests there are specification of achievement test as


1. The construction of scales for achievement test


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2. The selection of items for achievement test forms, example; test construction

3. The construction of customized test, and

4. The investigation of the influence of instruction on achievement tests

Specification of achievement tests do not only test preparation will be very

helpful as a guide or user, but also the information for students about what will

face in the exam meraka and how they can prepare themselves as a well as

possible. This will give more meaning to a test as a motivator in learning.

Achievement test measures the mastery and proficiency of individuals in different

areas of knowledge (Ary, D., 1979:179).

The calibration of achievement test to measure instrument test reliability

and validity. Reliability is the ability of a measuring instrument provides

measurement results are relatively fixed. Moderate validity is its ability to

measure accurately reflects the measured phenomenon. To measure students’

achievement in vocabulary, vocabulary test is used. In this case, the curriculum is

considered as the starting point of making the test. Form of the test is an objective

test (multiple-choice test( by four (4) options. The test consists of 40 items. Each

true answer will be given a score of one (1), and the false answer will be given a

score zero (0). For mote deatils, the aspects that being measured can be seen in

Table 3.2.


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Table 3.2Indicators in vocabulary

No Indicators Number of Questions Total







A. Noun


Parts of the Body

Things in the classroom and home




B. Singular and Plural Form

A/An, -s/-es. This, These

C. Pronoun (Subjective Pronoun)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

7, 10, 11, 12, 14

15, 16, 25, 26, 27

28, 29, 30, 31, 32

33, 34, 35, 36, 37

38, 39, 40,

17, 18, 19, 20, 21,

22, 6, 8, 9, 13, 23, 24









Total 40

This table indicated the measurement of vocabularies by Primary Students

in the Fifth Grade. These materials are adjusted based on the Education Unit

Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: KTSP or Curriculum

2006) that is, the students should have written and spoken ability communication.

The ability to communicate is the ability to understand and produce spoken and

written text realized in the four language skills. Besides the skills, vocabulary is

one of language components that can not be separated from language learning.


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3.8.2 Questionnaire

Conceptual of a questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a

series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information

from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the

responses, this is not always the case. In operation definition questionnaire is a

method for the elicitation, and recording, and collectingof information. The

instrument of motivation test used is a questionnaire.

Most of us know the importance of questionnaires in collecting survey

data from a large audience, but are uncertain about the placement of different

types of questions in questionnaire. Specification of questionnaire, open-ended

and closed-ended. Open format questions or open-ended questions give your

audience an opportunity to express their opinions in a free-flowing manner. These

questions don't have predetermined set of responses and the respondent is free to

answer whatever he/she feels right. By including open format questions in your

questionnaire, you can get true, insightful and even unexpected suggestions. A

qusestionnaire present respondents with items or questions printed or typed that

ask about their activities, beliefs, or motivations in learning English. Closed

questionnaire is used, because its administration and scoring are straightforward

and the results lend themselves readily to analysis. In order to get easier analyzing

it in a quantitative form, Likert Scales is used.

In a Likert Scale, the students as respondent were asked to respond to each

of the statements in terms of five degree of agreement or disagreement. In

responding to the items on these scales the subjects indicate whether they strongly


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agree, agree, not quite agree, disagree, and strongly disagree with each statement.

The least favourable degree is given the least score. In its application, it was use in

Indonesian because the sample was the Elementary School Students.

Calibration questionnaire as an evaluation after questionnaire was given to

the students, then it was analyzed. The scores were counted to get the mean. The

student who got the score lower than mean is decided as student with low

motivation. And The student who got the score highet than mean is decided as

student with high motivation.

The indicators from Pintrich & Schrauben (1992) and Supriadi (2004) can

be seen in Table 3.3

Table 3.3Indicators in Questionnaire

No Indicators

Number of items

TotalFavourable Unfavourable

1 Frequency of Presence at School 1, 8, 19, 25, 37 4, 12, 16, 22, 47 10

2 Frequency in Learning 6, 29, 33, 41, 50 2, 9, 14, 27, 39 10

3 Commitment to fulfill the task 3, 11, 18, 35, 43 5, 13, 21, 31, 45 10

4 Willingness to be success 7, 20, 24, 32, 49 23, 30, 40,44, 48 10

5 Persistence in Learning 10, 15, 26, 34, 46 17, 28, 36, 38,42 10

Total 25 25 50

3.9 Try Out the Instrument

Before conducting the real research, it is important to try out the

instrument first. The aim is to determine whether the isnstrument that were used in


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this study were valid and reliable or not. Through the try out will be obtained the

information on the quality of the instruments will be developed. The extend to

which these instruments can measure something that should be measured

(validity) and how much the level or reliability. With the valid and reliable

instrument, an accurate research data will be obtained.

The instrument was given to Grade V at the school ; they had been given

the material at the previous year. The test was performed three times. The

vocabulary test consists 40 questions and the questionnaire onsists of 50 items.

After the test was conducted, then the test item analysis was conducted. The test

item analysis was conducted to find difficulty index, discrimination index,

validity, and reliability of the test.

3.9.1 Difficulty Index

Difficulty index is a numeral that shows difficulty level of each question.

A good question is a question which is not too difficult and not too easy. To

calculate the difficulty index (Arikunto, 2002), the formula is :


Where :

P = Index Difficulty

B = The number f testee who answered correctly

JS = The number of testee

The criteria of difficulty index (Arikunto (2002) is classified, in Table 3.4


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Table 3.4Difficulty Index Criteria

No Proportion Value Description

1 < 0.30, The test item is difficult

2 0.31 – 0.70 The test item is moderate

3 >0.70, The test item is easy

After calculating the Difficulty Index, there are 2 easy items, 32 moderate

items, and 6 difficult items (see Apendix E1).

3.9.2 Item Discrimination (ID or D)

Item Discrimination (ID or D) was used to differentiate between the smart

and less smart student. To count Item Discrimaniton (Arikunto, 2002) the formula

is :



Where :

D = Itme Discrimination

JA = The number of testee A

JB = The number of testee B

BA = The number of testee A who answered correctly

BB = The number of testee B who answered correctly

According to Arikunto (2002), the criteria of Item Discrimination as in Table 3.5.


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Table 3.5The Item Discrimination Criteria

No Discrimination power Description

1 If, D > 0.70, The test item is excellent

2 If, 0,40 ≤ D ≤ 0.70, The test item is good

3 If, 0.20 ≤ D ≤ 0.39, The test item is moderate

4 If D ≤ 0.20, The test item is poor

After calculating the Item Discrimanition of vocabulary test, there are 12

excellent items, 14 good items, 7 moderate items, and 7 poor items (see Appendix


3.9.3 Validity

Validity refers to the extent to which an instrument measures what is

intended to measure (Ary, 1979). A test could be valid if it has measured what

should be measured. In relation to this study, the reseach used content validity to

establish the validity of vocabulary test. In this case, the writer took this kind of

validity as the instrument because it refers to the extent to which 40 items of

vocabulary test represents the content of interest to measure what should be

measured based on Education Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan: KTSP or Curriculum 2006). To determine the test validity, the

Pearson product moment coofecient of correlation (Arikunto, 2002) was used. The

formula is :


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r xy=N ∑ XY−(∑ X )(∑Y )

√N ∑ X2−(∑ X )2¿ (N ∑Y 2− (∑Y )2¿ )¿

where :

r xy = the Pearson Product moment coefficient of correlation

∑X = the number of item score (the testee who answered correctly)

∑Y = the total score of the testee who answered correctly

N = total of testee

The criteria (Arikunto, 2002) : If r observed > r table, the items is valid.

After calculating the try out data, there are 30 valid items and 10 invalid items for

vocabulary test. While there are 31 valid items and 19 invalid items for

questionnaire (see Appendix E 3 & E 4).

3.9.4 Reliability

The reliability is the characteristics of a good test. It refers to the

consistency of the measurement. It it intended to see how far the measurement can

give the same result if it is tested to the same subject. To obtain the reliability if

the vocabulary test, the Kuder Richardson’s 20 formula (Arikunto, 2002) was

used, as formulated below :

rn = Reliability coefficient of KR-20

n = The number of items

∑ pq = The total of p and q product


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p = proportion of correct answers testee to gain items being searched for


q = proportion who answered wrong testee against the grain items being

searched for valiity

S2 = Tge total Varian

While the reliability of questionnaire was computed by using Cronbach

Alpha formula (Arikunto, 2002), as follows :

Description: r: Instrument Reliability

rn = Reliability coefficient of Alpha

k = The number of item

∑α62 = Varians of each item

α12 = Varian total

To inteprete the coeffecient (Arikunto, 2002) the criteria is :

1. 0.800 – 1.000 : very high

2. 0.600 – 0.800 : high

3. 0.400 – 0.600 : moderate

4. 0.200 – 0.400 : low

5. 0.000 – 0.200 : very low

After calculating the try out instrument, the reliability of vocabulary test is

0.929, it means that the vocabulary test has a very high reliability. Then, the


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reliability of questionnaire is 0.879. It means that the questionnaire has a very

high reliability (see Appendix E 5 & E 6).

3.10 Techniques of Data Analysis

The techniques of data analysis are descriptive statistics and inferential

technique. Descriptive statistics is used to describe the data, they are : mean,

median, mode, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics is used to examine the

research hypothesis by using two ways Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Before doing the two ways ANOVA, it is important to determine the

analysis requirement first, they are : Normality and Homogeneity. Liliefors test is

used for Normality, and Bartlett test is used for Homogeneity. To prove there was

an intereaction between KM and MM. Scheffe test was computed. Scheffe test

was used due to the sample at each sell is different.

3.11 Statistical Hypotheses

Based on the hypothesis statements in the previous chapter, statistical

hypothesis of this research can be formulated as follows :

Hypothesis 1 Ho : µ A1 = µ A2

Ha : µ A1 > µ A2

Hypothesis 2 Ho : µ B1 = µ B2

Ha : µ B1 > µ B2

Hypothesis 3 Ho : A X B = 0

Ha : A X B ≠ 0


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Where :

µ A1 = the mean of the students taught by using KM

µ A2 = the mean of the students taught by using MM

B1 = the mean of students’ achievement with high motivation

B2 = the mean of students’ achievement with low motivation

A X B = the interaction between teaching methods (KM and MM) and

motivation on students’ vocabulary achievement.


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4.1 Data Analysis

4.1.1 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword


From the data, the highest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Keyword Method is 29, whereas the lowest score is 14. The mean

is 22.2. The median is 23. The mode is 24. The standard deviation is 3,83. Then,

the result of the students’ score in vocabulary taught by using Keyword Method is

described in table 4.1 and histogram 4.1.

Table 4.1The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Keyword Method

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 14 – 16 2 6.67%2 17 – 19 7 23.33%3 20 – 22 4 13.33%4 23 – 25 12 40.00%5 26 – 28 4 13.33%6 29 – 31 1 3.33%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.1 shows that there are 17 students (58%) who have score above

the Mean (22.2) and 13 students (43%) who have score under the Mean.


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14 - 16 17 - 19 20 - 22 23 - 25 26 - 28 29 - 310








Histogram 4.1 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword Method

4.1.2 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind

Mapping Method

From the data, the highest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Mind Mapping method is 27, whereas the lowest score is 13. The

mean is 21.1. The median is 20.86. The mode is 20. The standard deviation is 3.2.

Then, the result of the students’ score in vocabulary taught by using Mind

Mapping method is described in Table 4.2 and histogram 4.2.

Table 4.2The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 13 – 15 2 6.67%2 16 – 18 2 6.67%3 19 – 21 14 46.67%4 22 – 24 7 23.33%5 25– 27 5 16.67%

Total 30 100%


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Table 4.2 shows that there are 12 students (40%) who have score above the

Mean (21.1) and 18 students (60%) who have score under the Mean.

13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 21 22 - 24 25 - 270









Histogram 4.2 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method

4.1.3 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement with High Motivation

The sample was 38 students (20 students from Keyword Method class and

18 students from Mind Mapping method class). The highest score of the group is

29 and the lowest score is 19. The Mean is 23.87. The Median is 24.06. The Mode

is 25. The standard deviation is 2.66. Then, the result of the students’ vocabulary

achievement with high motivation is described in Table 4.3 and histogram 4.3.


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Table 4.3The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

with High Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 19 – 20 5 13.16%2 21 – 22 7 18.42%3 23 – 24 9 23.68%4 25 – 26 11 28.95%5 27 – 28 5 13.16%6 29 – 30 1 2.63%

Total 38 100%

Table 4.3 shows that there are 23 students (61%) who have score above the

Mean (23.87) and 15 students (39%) who have score under the Mean.

19 - 20 21 - 22 23 - 24 25 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 300







Histogram 4.3 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement with High Motivation

4.1.4 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement with Low Motivation

The sample was 22 students (10 students from Keyword method class and

12 students from Mnd Mapping class). The highest score of the group is 23 and


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the lowest score is 13. The Mean is 18.41. The Median is 18.5. The Mode is

18.75. The standard deviation is 2.6. Then, the result of the students’ vocabulary

achievement with low motivation is described in Table 4.4 and histogram 4.4.

Table 4.4The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

with Low Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 13 – 14 2 9.09%2 15 – 16 2 9.09%3 17 – 18 7 31.82%4 19 – 20 8 36.36%5 21 – 22 1 4.55%6 23 – 24 2 9.09%

Total 22 100%

Table 4.4 shows that there are 11 students (50%) who have score above the

Mean (18.5) and 11 students (50%) who have score under the Mean.

13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 20 21 - 22 23 - 240










Histogram 4.4 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement with Low Motivation


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4.1.5 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword

Method with High Motivation

From the data, the highest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Keyword method with high motivation is 29, whereas the lowest

score is 20. The mean is 24.6. The median is 24.6. The mode is 24.56. The

standard deviation is 2.04. Then, the result of the students’ score in vocabulary

taught by using Keyword method with high motivation is described in Table 4.5

and histogram 4.5.

Table 4.5The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Keyword Method with High Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 20 – 21 1 5.00%2 22 – 23 3 15.00%3 24 - 25 11 55.00%4 26 – 27 4 20.00%5 28 – 29 1 5.00%

Total 20 100%

Table 4.5 shows that there are 16 students (80%) who have score above the

Mean (24.6) and 4 students (20%) who have score under the Mean.

20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 290







Histogram 4.6 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword Method with High Motivation


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4.1.6 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword

Method with Low Motivation

From the data, the hishest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Keyword Method with low motivation is 21, whereas the lowest

score is 14. The mean is 17.30, the median is 17.1, the mode is 16.84, and the

standard deviation is 1.69. Then, the result of the students’ score in vocabulary

taught by using Keyword Method with low motivation is described in Table 4.6

and histogram 4.6.

Table 4.6The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Keyword Method with Low Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 14 – 15 1 10.00%2 16 – 17 5 50.00%3 18 - 19 3 30.00%4 20 – 21 1 10.00%

Total 10 100%

Table 4.6 shows that there are 4 students (60%) who have score above the

Mean (17.30) and 6 students (40%) who have score under the Mean.

14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 20 - 210







Histogram 4.6 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Keyword Method with Low Motivation


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4.1.7 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind

Mapping Method with High Motivation

From the data, the highest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Mind Mapping Method with hogh motivation is 27, whereas the

lowest score is 19. The mean is 20. The median is 22.5. The mode is 21.5. The

standard deviation is 3.76. Then, the result of the students’ score in vocabulary

taught by using Mind Mapping Method with high motivation is described in table

4.7 and histogram 4.7.

Table 4.7The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method with High Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 19 – 20 4 22.22%2 21 – 22 5 27.78%3 23 – 24 4 22.22%4 25 – 26 3 16.67%5 27 – 28 2 11.11%

Total 18 100%

Table 4.7 shows that there are 14 students (77%) who have score above

the Mean (20) and 4 students (27%) who have score under the Mean.

19 - 20 21 - 22 23 - 24 25 - 26 27 - 280







Histogram 4.7 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method with High Motivation


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4.1.8 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind

Mapping with Low Motivation

From the data, the highest score of the students’ vocabulary achievement

taught by using Mind Mapping Method with low motivation is 23, whereas the

lowest score is 13. The mean is 19. The mode is 20. The standard deviation is

2.95. Then, the result of the students’ score in vocabulary taught by using Mind

Mapping Method with low motivation is described in table 4.8 and histogram 4.8.

Table 4.8The Distribution of Frequency on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method with Low Motivation

No Interval Class Frequency Absolute Relative Frequency1 13 – 15 2 16.67%2 16 – 18 2 16.67%3 19 - 21 6 50.00%4 22– 24 2 16.67%

Total 12 100%

Table 4.8 shows that there are 8 students (67%) who have score above the

Mean (19) and 4 students (33%) who have score under the Mean.

13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 21 22 - 240








Histogram 4.8 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught by Using Mind Mapping Method with Low Motivation


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4.2 The Test Requirement of Analysis of Variance

4.2.1 Normality Test

The normality test was used to test whether the data of a study is normal or

not. The normality test was conducted by using Liliefors test at 5% significance

level. The normality test data of this study included 3 groups, namely; 1) the

results of normality test on the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using

Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method, 2) the results of normality for

students with high and low motivation, 3) the results of normality tests for

students in each group (Keyword Method with high motivation, Keyword Method

with low motivation, Mind Mapping Method with high motivation, and Mind

Mapping Method with low motivation). If Lobserved (Lo) < Ltable (Lt), thus the data is

normal. The normality test results for the sample group taught by using Keyword

Method and Mind Mapping Method is presented in table 4.9.

Table 4.9The Results of Normality Test on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Taught by Using Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method

Sample Group N Lo Lt (α = 0.05) RemarksKeyword Method 30 0.1165 0.161 Normal

Mind Mapping Methdod 30 0.112 0.161 Normal

Table 4.9 shows that Lo in the sample group taught by using Keyword

Method is 0.1165 (Lo = 0.1165), Lt at 5% significance level with N = 30 is 0.161

(Lt = 0.161). By comparing scores between Lt and Lo, shows that Lo is less than Lt

(0.1165 < 0.161). Similarly, Lo in the sample group taught by using Keyword

Method is 0.1120, and Lt = 0.161. It shows that Lo is less than the Lt (0.1120 <

0.161). Thus, it can be concluded that both of the data rae normal at 5%


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significance level. Next, the results of normality for students with high and low

motivation is presented in table 4.10.

Table 4.10The Results of Normality for Students with High and Low Motivation

Sample Group N Lo Lt (α = 0.05) RemarksHigh Motivation 38 0.1004 0.144 NormalLow Motivation 22 0.1345 0.19 Normal

Table 4.10 shows that Lo in the sample group of students with high

motivation is 0.1004 (Lo = 0.1004), Lt at 5% significance level with N = 38 is

0.144 (Lt = 0.1004). By comparing scores between Lt and Lo, it shows that Lo is

less than Lt (0.1004 < 0.144). Similarly, Lo in the sample group of the students

with low motivation is 0.1345, and Lt = 0.19. It shows that Lo is less than the Lt

(0.1345 < 0.19). Thus, it can be concluded that both of the data are normal at 5%

significance level.

Furtheremore, the results of normality test for vocabulary in each group

(cell) can be seen in the table 4.11.

Table 4.11The Results of Normality Test for Students in Each Group

(Keyword Method with High Motivation, Keyword Method with Low Motivation, Mind Mapping Method with High Motivation, Mind Mapping

with Low Motivation)

Sample Group N Lo Lt (α = 0.05) RemarksKM with HM 20 0.170 0.190 NormalKM with LM 10 0.171 0.258 NormalMM with HM 18 0.201 0.206 NormalMM with LM 12 0.200 0.242 Normal

Table 4.11 shows that, firstly, Lo in the sample group of students taught by

using Keyword Method with high motivation is 0.170, Lt at 5% significance level


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with N = 20 is 0.190. It shows that Lo is less than Lt (0.171 < 0.190). Secondly, Lo

in the sample group of students taught by using Keyword Method with low

motivation is 0.171, Lt at 5% significance level with N = 10 is 0.258. It shows that

Lo is less than Lt (0.171 < 0.258). Thirdly, Lo in the sample group of students

taught by using Mind Mapping Method with high motivation is 0.201, L t at 5%

significance level with N = 18 is 0.206. It shows that Lo is less than Lt (0.201 <

0.206). Fourthly, Lo in the sample group of students taught by using Mind

Mapping Method with low motivation is 0.200, Lt at 5% significance level with N

= 12 is 0.242. It shows that Lo is less than Lt (0.200 < 0.242). Thus, it can be

concluded that all data are normal at 5% significance level.

4.2.2 Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test was used to see whether the variance of the data

compared in this study is homogeneous or not. It was conducted by using F test

and Bartlett test. F test was used to compare the variance between Keyword

Method and Mind Mapping Method and compare the variance between students’

vocabulary achievement with high motivation and low motivation. Meanwhile

Bartlett test was used to compare the variance of the four groups (four cells) that

were presented in this study.

F test calculations had been conducted to Keyword Method and Mind

Mapping Method groups by dividing the largest variance to the smallest variance.

Thus, the result is presented in table 4.12.


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Table 4.12The Calculation Results of Variance Homogeneity of Keyword Method and

Mind Mapping Method

Sample Group Variance Fo Ft RemarksHigh Motivation 14.64

1.43 1.85 HomogenLow Motivation 10.23

Table 4.12 shows that Fo = 1.43, whereas Ft at 5% significance level and df

(29.29) = 1.85. Thus, Fo is smaller than Ft (1.43 < 1.85). This means that the

sample variances are homogeneous.

Then, the F test calculations had been conducted to the students with high

and low motivation by dividing the largest variance to the smallest variance. The

result is presented in table 4.13.

Table 4.13The Calculation Results Variance Homogeneity of High and Low Motovation

Sample Group Variance Fo Ft RemarksHM 7.1

1.05 1.96 HomogenLM 10.23

Table 4.13 shows that Fo = 1.05, whereas the Ft at 5% significance level

and df (37.21) = 1.96. Thus, Fo is smaller than Ft (1.05 < 1.96). This means that

the sample variances are homogeneous.

Futheremore, homogeneity test was used to compare the variance of the

four cells by using Bartlett test. The summary of the homogeneity test is presented

in table 4.14.


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Table 4.14The Results Summary of Results of Vocabulary Homogeneity Score

No Sample Group Variance The Combine of


Score B

Xo Xt Remarks

1 KM with HM 4.2S2 = 7.70 Log S2 =

0.8949.67 6.86 7.8


2 KM with LM 2.843 MM with HM 15.884 MM with LM 8.73

Table 4.14 shows that the total variance = 7.70, log 0.89, and B = 49.67.

Having done the analysis, χo < χt. Thus, it can be concluded that the vocabulary

score in each cell in this study is considered homogeneous, as χo < χt (6.86 <


4.3 Hypothesis Testing

To prove the hypothesis, it is need to do a hypothesis testing. The

hypothesis testing was conducted by using Two Way ANOVA. It is used to test

the difference between two or more variance. The data in this study should be

analyzed by using descriptive analysis previously (see table 4.15).


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Table 4.15Research Summary Data

Teaching Method with Motivation

Teaching Methods with KM and MM (A)









n = 20

X = 24.6ƩX = 360ƩX2 = 12183

N = 18

X = 20ƩX = 360ƩX2 = 7440

n = 38

X = 22.3ƩX = 852ƩX2 = 19623


n = 10

X = 17.3ƩX = 173ƩX2 = 3018.5

N = 12

X = 19ƩX = 228ƩX2 = 4428

n = 22

X = 18.15ƩX = 401ƩX2 = 7446.5


n = 30

X = 20.95ƩX = 665ƩX2 = 15201.5

N = 30

X = 19.5ƩX = 588ƩX2 = 11868

n = 60

X = 20.225ƩX = 1253ƩX2 = 27069.5

After the data in Table 4.15 has been analyzed by using Two Way

ANOVA, the result is presented in Table 4.16.

Table 4.16Summary of Variance Results

Source Variance Sum of Square

Df Mean of Square (MS)

Fobserved F table (α = 0.05)

Between ColumnBetween Row






Between ColumnWith Group (Galat)







Based on the table 4.16, the statistical hypothesis can be tested as follows:

First Hypothesis: Ho: µA1 = µA2

Ha: µA1 > µA2


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The analyses show that Fo is greater thatn Ft (12.54 > 4.02). The null

hypothesis (Ho) has been succesfully rejected. It means that the hypothesis

formulated “the students” vocabulary achievement taught by using Keyword

Method is higher than that of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by

using Mind Mapping Method is really true in this research.

Second Hypothesis: Ho: µB1 = µB2

Ha: µB1 > µB2

The analyses show that the Fo is greater than Ft (31.09 > 4.02). The null

hypothesis (Ho) has been successfully rejected. It means that the hypothesis

formulated the students vocabulary achievement with high motivation is higher

than that of the students’ vocabulary achievement with low motivation is really

true in this research.

Third Hypothesis: Ho: A x B = 0

Ha: A x B ≠ 0

The analysis show that the Fo is greater than Ft (14.9 > 4.02). The Null

hypothesis (Ho) has been succesfully rejected. It means that the hypothesis

formulated “there is a significant interaction between the teaching methods with

media and motivation on students’ vocabulary achievement is really true in this


Due to the data in this research are different in each cell, it is necessary to

do the Scheffe test. The summary of Scheffe test result is presented in table 4.17.


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Table 4.17Summary of Scheffe Test Result

No Group Values were Compared F observed Ftable (α = 0.05)1 µ11 with µ12 18.19 2.782 µ11 with µ21 10.27 2.783 µ11 with µ22 12.06 2.784 µ21

with µ12 2.41 2.785 µ21 with µ22 0.37 2.786 µ12 with µ22 0.81 2.78


µ11 = Keyword Method with high motivationµ12 = Keyword Method with low motivationµ21 = Mind Mapping Method with high motivationµ22 = Mind Mapping Method with low motivation

From Scheffe test results above, conclusions can be drawn:

a. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using

Keyword Method with high motivation is higher than the average students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method with low


b. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using

Keyword Method with high motivation is higher than the average students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method with high


c. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using

Keyword Method with high motivation is higher than the average students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method with low



Page 102: 28 juli 13(1)


d. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using

Keyword Method with low motivation is higher than the average students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method with high


e. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind

Mapping with low motivation is higher than the average students’ vocabulary

achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method with high motivation.

f. The average of the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind

Mapping Method with low motivation is higher than the average students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Keyword Method with low


For clarity, these interactions are presented in Figure 4.1


















Keyword Method

Mind Mapping Method



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Figure 4.1 The Effect of Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method and Motivation on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

4.4 Research Findings

After anlyzing the data, the research findings are in the following:

1) The students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using Keyword Method is

higher than that of the students taught by using Mind Mapping Method.

2) The students’ vocabulary achievement with high motivation is higher than that

of students with low motivation.

3) There is a significance interaction between the teaching methods with media

and motivation on students’ vocabulary achievement.

4.5 Discussions

4.5.1 The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement taught by Using Keyword

Method is Higher than the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Taught

by Using Mind Mapping Method



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The result of this research have proved that the students’ vocabulary

achievement taught by using Keyword Method is different from the students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method. The students’

vocabulary achievement taught by using Keyword Method is higher than the

students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using Mind Mapping Method. This

may caused by Keyword Method more increase and affect the students’

motivation to learn as well as their achievement.

In Keyword Method, the students learn from the teacher’s presentation.

When the teacher presents the lesson by using the magnetic board media, the

students pay attention to the lesson. The using of keyword method in presenting

the lesson in presentation has created the interaction between the students and

teacher and between the students and the method. Beside it facilitates

communication and learning (Smaldino, 2005: 71), it enhances th eteaching

learning process and makes learning experience far more concrete and memorable

(Kariman, 1990: 155). Then, the using media in teaching learning process can rise

up students’ interest, motivation, and stimulus in learning (Hamalik, 1994). In

addition, this media can also encourage the students’ creativity by allowing them

to manipulate it, the effect is shy students many particularly profit from this kind

of activity (Smaldino, 2005: 71). Thus, the media make the students more active

and creative in learning.

After the teacher’s presentation, the students sit in team to learn the

worksheet with their teammates. The students help each other to understand the

course materials in the form of students worksheets. They work in teams and each


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team must ensure that all team members have mastered the course material

provided by the teacher. In this occassion, the students will share their knowledge

and mutual help between fellow friends in the team, if there are team members

who have not mastered the material or have not been able to complete a task given

to him, another friend in the team should help the group for their achievement. If

students want to be success as a team, they will encourage their teammates to

excel and will help them to do (Slavin, 1995).

Then, in this method students are encouraged to interact with fellow

members of the group, giving each other encouragement and support to his

friends, so the goal is reached in the learning process. Thus the cooperation and

interaction among fellow students in the group occured. This is supported by

Johnson, Johnson & Holubec (1993) and Lie ((2001), who said that this method

bring positive interdependece among students in the group, fostering individual

and group responsibility, a direct face to face, the communication between fellow

friends on the team, so there is mutual interdependence to achieve the goal.

According to Yulidar (2010) that Keyword Method have better

achievement in vocabulary than students taught by using Mind Mapping. She said

that because vocabulary is taught in list and through memorization by using key

word method as a result it is satisfied. Commonly, there are several techniques

concerning the teching vocabulary by using Keyword Method (Harahap, 2006).

Relating to the use of Keyword Method clarifies that this method combine sounds

and images so that the students can more easily remember what they hear or read

in the new language.


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Based on the Sari (2012) result of data analysis, the research findings are:

(1) the Keyword method is more effective than Direct Instruction to teach

vocabulary for the second grade students of elementary school; (2) the vocabulary

mastery of the students having high creativity is better than that of those having

low creativity; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and

students’ creativity. Based on these research findings, it can be concluded that

Keyword method is an effective technique to teach vocabulary mastery of the

second grade students of SDIT Salsabilla Baiturrahman Prambanan. The research

result of this study suggests that: (1) English teachers are suggested to use

Keyword method to teach vocabulary; (2) students could use Keyword method to

improve their vocabulary mastery as it can help them to produce the newly

learned words effectively; and (3) the future researchers can conduct research of

the same kind with different population characteristic and different variables.

The use of keyword method devices as a tool to improve spelling worked

for almost all participants from different nationalities, different language level,

native language, different academic degrees, parents’ educational background, and

different genders. It also worked with both students who studied or used the words

between the pretest and the retention test and students who did not (Shaman,


Furthere, every student has equal opportunity to contribute to the group, so

that some underprivileged students will not feel inferior to their friends because

they also contribute to the group. Instead they will be encouraged to increase their

efforts to improve their ability to learn.


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After mastering the material in a group, the students play an academic

game. Each game table consists of students from different groups who have

similar academic achievements that have been estabilished previously. The using

of games in this method creates and sets a positive tone in the classroom because

of the students’ excitement over playing. The game is amusing, interesting, and

challenging. It is effective because they motivate the student (Ersoz, 2000). It

helps student more relaxed. If students are relaxed and comfortable they will

retain things better and faster (Ubermann, 1998) In (Pettinger, 2007). Games help

students to maintain their interest in the language A(Wright in Pettinger, 1984).

They help students to participate and it gives them a real context to use their

English (Huyen and Nga, 2003). On the other hand, the tournament itself

challenged students to do their best, so that it motivates them to retain more of

vocabularies which are presented during class. As Pettinger (2007) says that

competition or team work play a big role in eliciting and maintaining student’s

motivation and participation.

Furtheremore, Mind mapping method (Sutrisno, 2012) from the results

above, it can be concluded that Mind Mapping is an effective method to teach

vocabulary for the fourth grade students and this research implies that method

have a strong influence on students’ vocabulary mastery. In order to get maximum

result and effect on students’ vocabulary mastery, the writer suggests English

teachers to apply Mind Mapping by considering students’ psychological aspects

especially their language attitude.


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Based on the analysis on the results in thesis (Huda, 2010), it can be

inferred that teaching vocabulary using Mind Mapping Method is more effective

than teaching vocabulary without using Mind Mapping Method.

So, researcher can conclude and choose Keyword method as method to

teach vocabulary for students. These methods are generally aimed at improving

students achievement, because in addition to improve students’ cognitive aspect,

this method can also enhance affective and psychomotor aspects such as the

motivation, leadership, independence, responsibility, value of mutual cooperation,

willingness to give and receive the opinions of others student, productivity, and

activity. It also enhances students’ interaction with their teacher, students’

interaction with the students in tehir team, and also the interaction between

students with students of other team.

In cognitive perspective, the visual pictures, words on the magnetic board

media, and the academic game directly stimulate the child left, mid, and right

brain development (Rismawati, 2012). So that the information saved will be a

long term memory.

In Mind Mapping method, too, students learn from friends through group

work or discussion. It has the same concept with Keyword method learning. The

difference is on the presence of a quiz after the group work as a substitute for

game and tournament. Quizzes which are given at every end of the lesson may

cause students feel burdened, fear to learn like a fear in facing an exam. Besides,

students’ interaction is only limited to group discussions. Therefore, the

interaction among students is less.


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4.5.2 The Differences between the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement with

High and Low Motivation

These analyses have proved that the average of students’ vocabulary

achievement between the students with high motivation is higher than students’

achievement that has low motivation. These differences can be accepted, because

motivation affects students’ achievement. Djamarah (2008: 155) says that

motivation affects achievement. High or low the motivation is always be an

indicator on the students’ achievementl likewise, Suprijono (2010: 162) argues

that motivation affects learning each other.

The students who have high motivation shows the characteristics: (1)

display interest in activities, (2) feel self efficacious, (3) expend effort to be

succeed, (4) persist at tasks, (5) typically use effective task, and self regulatory

strategies to learn, (6) and have high confidence in learning (Pintrich and Schunk,


Moreover, they tend to like the challenges. For them, a challenge must be

faced well. In general, they can complete the challenge well. Likewise, the

settlement of problems in learning, they tend to show better in solving the

problem. The students with high motivation to learn are more creative and active

in learning. They do not only prefer working individually, but also working in

groups. High confidence makes them more eager to follow the lessons.

Specifically, the difference between the students’ vocabulary achievement

with high and low motivation. According Firdaus (2010) in her thesis that the


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students who have high motivation were better taught by using Keyword Method.

It is caused by their characteristic was the same with Keyword Method, they will

get more information and knowledge from team and teacher. Therefore, it is

believed that the result of learning will increase. Conversely, if they are taught by

using Keyword Method, they will lead to saturation and loss of self confidence,

because they are not able to find themselves, less able to develop his creativity,

and can not be active, interactive learning in the study.

The students with high motivation are more creative and active in learning.

They do not only prefer working individually, but also working in groups. High

confidence makes them more eager to follow the lessons. On the other hand, the

students with low motivation are less creative in learning. It makes them less

successfully in any learning.

Relating to the role of achievement motivation in foreign language

learning, Gardner (2001) in his socio-educational model states motivation to learn

the second language is viewed as requiring three elements. First, a motivated

individual expends effort to learn the language. That is, there is a persistent and

consistent attempt to learn the material by doing homework, by seeking out

opportunities to learn more, by doing extra work, etc. Second, the motivated

individual wants to achieve the goal. Such an individual will express the desire to

succeed, and will strive to achieve success. Third, the motivated individual will

enjoy the task of learning the language. Such an individual will say that it is fun,

challenging, and enjoyable, even though at times enthusiasm may be less than at

other times.


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While the students have low motivation show the characteristics: (1) do

not have interest in activities, (2) feel shy and tend not to do something, (3) there

is no effort to be success, and (4) do not persist at tasks (Firdaus, 2010). Further,

they lack of confidence in making decision, nothing can be done to the

environment. In learning process, students who have low motivation tends to be

quiet, there have not any opinion. If they meet problems, they solve it with

pessimism. The students with low motivation are less creative in learning. It

makes them less successful in any learning. In connection with the description, it

can be it can be assumed that the students’ achievement with high motivation will

be higher than the students’ achievement with low motivation.

By considering how important the role of achievement motivation in

learning foreign language is, the teachers should be able to create learning

conditions that can raise students’ achievement motivation in foreign language

learning. In other words, the teachers play main role in creating conducive

condition that facilitates the students to learn (Narayan, 2008). Creating classroom

climate in which there is a sense of belonging and everyone is valued and

respected is one way that can be applied. It is expected that the teachers must be

close and give their attention to their students, so that, the students feel secure in


4.5.3 The Interaction between the Teaching Methods with Motivation on

Students’ Vocabulary Achievement


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Teaching method is very important in increasing the achievement of the

students’ in vocabulary, especially in this research it will improve the

achievement of the students in vocabulary. The appropriate method will result

good result too.

Keyword method is a mnemonic method that has been especially designed

as an effective strategy for learning foreign vocabulary. This method encourages

students to be active and thoughtful readers. This method focus on the

involvement of the students with the vocabulary because the students predict and

proof it when they read and think.

Narayan (2008) explains that teacher can motivate the effort and the

students‟ concentration by involving them and also generate them to formulate

the questions and hypotheses, to process the information, and to evaluate the

temporary solution. Keyword method directed to achieve the general goal. This

method will work well for the students who have higher learning motivation since

this kind of students have strong desire to participate and to be active in the

learning process, show greater perseverance and sustained effort n their activities.

While Mind Mapping method is difficult in teaching vocabulary on

motivation students. This method is used to assist students who struggle to answer

teacher-generated or end-of-chapter-type questions, the teacher provides explicit

instruction in identifying and differentiating between various question types. In

Mind Mapping Method students learn to categorize questions by the type of

information that is used to answer them.


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Motivation is a combination of many different aspects that comprise a part

of teachers' pedagogical knowledge. Teachers must realize that to maintain and be

successful with all of the techniques at all times is impossible. Gaining experience

and using some of these techniques will help any teacher feel a little better about

the quality of his or her teaching. As a professional educator, the teacher must

realize that the quality of a learning experience lies in the teacher's ability to

create that quality. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is

interaction between Keyword Method and Mind Mapping with motivation on

students’ vocabulary achievement.

4.6 Research Limitation

Due to the limited ability of the various aspects, this study has some

limitations, they are:

1) The implementation of this research was carried out according to the

schedule which had been formed previously, therefore the implementation

was not the same. Because of the implementation was not at the same, there

is a possibility that the implementation.

2) The data were obtained in the form of the multiple choice test. The problem

is there was the possibility the student to cheat the test. So, the actual

mastert has not been accommodated correctly.

3) The sample in this research was only two classes containing thirty students

in each class. The numbers of meetings were only 6 times. With the number

of samples and a limited number of meetings, there was a possibility of


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getting different result if another study with the larger samples and in a

lorger meeting conducted. Therefore, to obtain more comprehensive results,

the number of samples and the meeting needs to be improved, and.

4) The statistical analysis was calculated only by using a calculator FX 3600; a

manual calculation process.



5.1 Conclusions

After nalyzing the data, some conclusions are drawn as the following.

1. The average score shows that the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by

using Keyword method is significantly higher than that of the students taught

by using Mind Mapping method. Therefore, Keyword method is better applied

in teaching vocabulary.

2. The average score shows that the students’ vocabulary achievement with high

motivation is significantly higher than that of the students’ with low

motivation. Therefore the teacher should make an effort in order that the

students have high motivation in learning English vocabulary.

3. There is a significant interaction between the teaching methods with

motivation on students’ vocabulary achievement. It means that the interaction

of methods, and motivation significantly affect the students’ vocabulary


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achievement. The students with high motivation to learn will get better

achievemnt if they are taught by using Keyword method. Otherwise, the

students with low motivation to learn will get better achievement if they are

taught by using Mind Mapping method.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, it is suggested that:

1. The English teachers of the fifth grade at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec.

Stabat who want to improve their students’ achievement in vocabulary apply

Keyword method in teahcing learning of English vocabulary.

2. The teachers have to motivate their students in order that they have high

motivation in learning.

3. The teacher must concern to the students high or low motivation. If teachers

know their students’ motivation, it is easier to plan the appropriate method and

media. The students with high motivation tend to be better taught by using

Keyword method, otherwise the students with low motivation tend to be better

taught by using Mind Mapping method.

4. The school practitioner is hoped giving attention and equips both the teachers

and the students with the facilities needed especially the media and books.

5. Other researchers who are interested in this study do the further research in a

larger sample and a different variable.


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5.3 Implications

One of the efforts to improve and increase the wuality of language

teaching learning is the used of varied learning activities and determination of an

appropriate teaching methods and media based on the students’ ability, condition,

needs, characteristics and age. The use of varying activities, teaching methods and

media is needed to help students achieve the maximum results, improved and

increase the effectiveness in learning. It is also used to stimulate their motivation

and interest to the lesson. In addition, it involves students to be active mentally

and physically. Thus, Keyword method and Mind Mapping method can be applied

in improving the students’ vocabulary achievement for fifth grade.

The fifth grade at MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kec. Stabat, the young

students are not realizing yet that English is very important. The importance of

Englis is still handled by the English teachers at the school. So, it is hoped that

English teacher needs to motivate their students in learning English, because the

learning process will less success without any motivation. Besides, the teacher

needs to be aware of their students’ characteristics as the base to maximize the

applying of Keyword method and Mind Mapping in improving and increasing

students’ vocabulary achievement.


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Young, Donna. 2007. http://donnayoung.org/forms/help/vocabulary.htm. accessed on September 21st, 2012

Wilkins, D. A. 1978. Linguistics in Language Teaching. London: Edward Arnold.

Windura, S. 2008. Mind Map Langkah Demi Langkah. Cara paling mudah dan benar mengajarkan dan membiasakan anak menggunakan mind map untuk meraih prestasi. Jakarta: Gramedia.


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Appendix – A


School : MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kecamatan StabatSubject : EnglishClass/ Semester : V/ 1Meetings : 2 x 35 minutes

1. Standard CompetenceListening, speaking, reading, and writing1. To understand transactional/ instruction in saying things in the classroom and home easily

2. Basic Competence1.1 To respond transactional/ instruction saying things in the classroom and home easily

3. Indicator1. To respond in saying things in the classroom and home easily

4. Teaching MaterialThings in the classroom and home

5. MethodKeyword Method

6. Classroom Meetings


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Activities Time Method4. Opening

The teacher enters and opens the class by greeting the students, asks them how they are doing and checks the students’ attendance list.

5. Warm up6. Presentation

- The teacher asks the students to open textbook, she reads a text about “things in the classroom and home” by reading aloud, repeated by students. After that the teacher asks the students to find out the difficult names of day that the do not memorize.

- After that, the teacher asks the students to find out difficult names or vocabulary example; blackboard, table, and desk , that they do not memorize.

- Teacher writes the names of vocabulary above on the whiteboard including the meaning and says the names of the words by the students to say properly. The teacher gives some corrections if there are students making mistakes in saying or pronouncing words.

- Teacher begins to explain the material and gives them some questions orally, based on material. In order to know that the students have understood the narrative text well. Then the students asked to close their textbook and notebook.

- Teacher telss the students that they will have a fun activity in the class. Teacher distributes the worksheet containing some words to all students. Teacher asks the students to fill in the blanks with their own words that have similarity to the target words as a key to remember the words, they have to finish it in several minutes, and researcher

2 x 35’ Mind Mapping


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limites the time because it challenges the students and makes competitive situation.

- The teacher collects the worksheet when the fifth grade of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kecamatan Stabat have finished thir work, then she asks the students’ one by one about the meaning of the target word according to each students’ worksheet by mention their own words. The teacher takes the score each students by mentioning the names.

4. Post Activities- Students with the teacher makes

the summary of the material today.- Teacher tells about the material

for next meeting.- Teacher gives individual

assignments to the students.

7. ReferencesEnglish Book for 4, 5, and 6 by S.A Susanna, S.Pd

VIII. Assessment : - assessment is done during the teaching-learning process

The teacher assess the affective aspect in the assessment form below:

No ItemsRange

Always Often Seldom Never

1Listen to the tape/ friends/teacher seriously

2Respond/ give comment to the problem

3 Do assignments4 Give opinions5 Appreciate friends’ opinion


No Aspects scored Positive statements scores Negative statements scores1 Always 20 52 Often 15 103 Seldom 10 154 Never 5 20


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Note:0-60 (low) 61-80 (middle) 81-100(high)

IX. Achievement Analisis and Follow-Up Programa. Enrichment: The students who has achieved the competence will get

additional assignmentsb. Remedial: The students who has not achieved the competence at

certain indicators will have a remedial at the certain indicators Appendix – B


School : MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kecamatan StabatSubject : EnglishClass/ Semester : V/ 1Meetings : 2 x 35 minutes

I. Standard CompetenceListening, speaking, reading, and writing1. To understand transactional/ instruction in saying things in the classroom and home easily

II. Basic Competence1.1 To respond transactional/ instruction saying things in the classroom and home easily

III. Indicator1. To respond in saying things in the classroom and home easily

IV. Teaching Materialthings in the classroom and home

V. MethodMind Mapping

VI. Classroom Meetings

Activities TimeMethod

Pre Activities:8. Checking students attendance9. Asking question about the material in


Main Activities:1. Teacher writes the topic of piece of

writing in ahort form in the middle of


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the board, for example things in the classroom and home.

2. Students of MIN Slipit Desa Mangga Kecamatan Stabat in the fifth grade are asked to think of other words that come to mind when they read the key word. It is also appropriate for the students to write down a list of these words to be shared with their class.

10. The students share their recorded words, if any of the teacher’s new words are not suggested, the teacher presents them for discussion.

11. List of the words is completed, the words are grouped by category. Then, students discuss why certain words go together. Category names are assigned.

12. Class mapp of the words is created by putting the information on a large sheet of paper. And then, the map is discussed. At this time, students are encouraged to add items to the categories or even to suggest new categories.

13. New words that relate to the topic are discovered through the reading of the text, additions are made to the map.

Post activities1. Students with the teacher makes the

summary of the material today.2. Teacher tells about the material for

next meeting.3. Teacher gives individual assignments

to the students.

2 x 35’ Mind Mapping

VII. ReferencesEnglish Book for 4, 5, and 6 by S.A Susanna, S.Pd

VIII. Assessment : - assessment is done during the teaching-learning process

The teacher assess the affective aspect in the assessment form below:

No ItemsRange

Always Often Seldom Never1 Listen to the tape/ friends/teacher


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2Respond/ give comment to the problem

3 Do assignments4 Give opinions5 Appreciate friends’ opinion


No Aspects scored Positive statements scores Negative statements scores1 Always 20 52 Often 15 103 Seldom 10 154 Never 5 20

Note:0-60 (low) 61-80 (middle) 81-100(high)

IX. Achievement Analisis and Follow-Up Programa. Enrichment: The students who has achieved the competence will get

additional assignmentsb. b. Remedial: The students who has not achieved the competence at

certain indicators will have a remedial at the certain indicators


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Appendix – C

Research Instrument Vocabulary Test

Choose the correct answer!

1. Mr. Gunawan is a .......

a. gardener c. securityb. headmaster d. doctor

2. Mrs. Rita works in the library. She is a ......a. teacher c. librarianb. farmer d. administrative

3. Mr. Badrun sells meat at the market. He is a ....a. barber c. teacherb. butcher d. carpenter

4. I am a ..... I fly an aeroplane a. doctor c. pilotb. farmer d. cobbler

5. Mr. Darwis drives a car everyday. He is a ....a. farmer c. butcherb. driver d. lawyer

6. Mata, hidung, dan telinga, in English is .........a.    eyes, nose, lip                c. ears, eyes, cheekb.    nose, lip, ears                d. eyes, nose, ears

7.    I have two ......... (mata)a. stomach        b. eyes         c. cheek          d. nose

8.    This ....... chest


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a. are             b. am             c. is             d. your

9.    Those ........ earsa. are             b. am             c. is             d. your

10.   I can smell with my ....... (hidung)a. nose            b. eyes         c. ears             d. lip

11. My book on the ..... (meja)a. wardrobe         b. blackboard        c. shelf         d. table

12. She wants to make a line. She needs a ........ a. eraser c. blackboardb. ruler d. vase

13. What is this?a. this is a tableb. this is a chairc. c.this is a blackboardd. this is a Cupboard

14. What is the translation of ‘Pen’?a. buku c. pulpenb. kursi d. penggaris

15. What is this?a. this is a tableb. this is a whiteboardc. c.this is a blackboardd. this is a Cupboard

16. What is this?

a. this is an apple c. this is a tomatob. this is a grape d. this is a banana

17. The colour of grape is ........a. blue c. purpleb. yellow d. red

18. The colour of banana is .......a. orange c. redb. yellow d. green


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19. What is this?

a. this is an apple c. this is a tomatob. this is a grape d. this is a banana

20. What is this?

a. this is an apple c. this is a tomatob. this is a grape d. this is a banana

21. The first day of a month is ....a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday d. Friday

22. The last day of a month is ....a. Monday b. Sunday c. Friday d. Saturday

23. Before Tuesday is ....a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Sunday d. Friday

24. Today is Friday, yesterday is ......a. Monday c. Tuesdayb. Thursday d. Wednesday

25. is a. Sunday c. Fridayb. Saturday d. Wednesday

26. I like to eat......a. fish c. fried eggb. fried chicken d. chicken

27. My brother likes to eata. chocolate c. biscuitb. apple d. watermelon

28. I like eating .....a. banana c. watermelonb. apple d. papaya

29. The cat is sitting on my ........



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a. bed b. beds c. a bed d. the bed

30. There are five ........ on my deska. pencil b. some pencil c. pencils d. the pencil

31. I have two........ a. sister b. many sister c. many sisters d. sisters

32. There is one ........ on the floora. pen b. some pen c. many pen d. pens

33. My mother has a new ......a. computers b. computer c. compute d. computing

34. My mother has a new ......a. computers b. computer c. compute d. computing

35. Painting is my favourite hobby. is an interesting hobby.a. Its b. It c. They d. Them

36. My parents love animals. have two dogs and one cat.a. They b. Them c. Their d. We

.37. Thomas is a baker. _________wakes up every day in the morning at 3 o

´clock.a. They b. He c. His d. Him

38. John and I stay in the garden._______ play a funny game.a. They b. We c. His d. Him

39. Maria likes to read. ______________________________reads a history book.a. She b. Her c. Hers d. Him

.40. Peter is very famous. _____________________is a very good painter.

a. He b. Her c. She d. Him


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Appendix – D


Isilah data – data berikut ini sesuai dengan keadaan diri siswa/ i!

1. Nama :

2. Usia :

3. Sekolah :

4. Kelas :


Petunjuk1. Bacalah pernyataan di bawah ini dengan baik dan cermat!

2. Jawablah semua pernyataan di bawah ini dengan cara memilih:

SS = Bila merasa SANGAT SETUJU dengan pernyataan yang diajukan

S = Bila merasa SETUJU dengan pernyataan yang diajukan

KS = Bila merasa KURANG SETUJU dengan pernyataan yang diajukan

TS = Bila merasa TIDAK SETUJU dengan pernyataan yang diajukan

STS = Bila merasa SANGAT TIDAK SETUJU dengan pernyataan yang


3. Siswa/ i diharapkan untuk bersikap jujur pada diri sendiri dan tidak

merekayasa jawaban.

4. Berilah tanda (x) pada setiap jawaban yang sesuai dengan pilihan anda.

5. Jika ingin mengganti jawaban yang salah, berilah tanda sama dnegan(=) pada

pilihan yang telah anda jawab, kemudian silanglah kembali jawaban yang

menurut anda benar.


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6. Gunakanlah pulpen yang berwarna hitam atau biru untuk memberi jawaban

yang benar.

7. Setaip jawaban yang diberikan tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap nilai mata

pelajaran manapun.

8. Jika pekerjaan sudah selesai, periksalah kembali jangan ada jawaban yang


No Pernyataan PilihanSS S KS TS STS

1 Saya akan hadir di sekolah tepat waktu wlaupun tidak disuruh oleh guru maupun kepala sekolah

2 Saya tidak pernah ada waktu untuk belajar di rumah

3 Saya selalu menyelesaikan tugas atau PR tepat waktu

4 Daripada terlambat, lebih baik saya tidak datang ke sekolah

5 Saya mengerjakan PR di rumah hanya jika disuruh orang tua

6 Saya selalu berusaha untuk meraih prestasi di sekolah

7 Saya selalu tekun memperhatikan guru ketika memberikan pelajaran di kelas

8 Saya sering absen di sekolah9 Saya selalu mempersiapkan diri belajar

bersungguh – sungguh dalam menghadapi ujian

10 Saya selalu bermain atau bercerita dengan teman ketika guru memberikan pelajaran di kelas

11 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas ataupun PR sendiri tanpa bantuan teman

12 Saya merasa rugi jika tidak hadir di sekolah karena akan ketinggalan pelajaran

13 Belajar giat untuk meraih prestasi adalah diatas segala – galanya bagi saya

14 Saya malu dan takut bertanya kepada guru jika saya mendapat kesulitan dalam belajar

15 Saya merasa sangat malu apabila prestasi saya menurun

16 Saya tidak merasa rugi jika saya malas


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belajar17 Di sekolah, saya selalu mempergunakan

waktu belajar dengan sebaik – baiknya18 Jika guru berhalangan hadir, saya belajar

sendiri mandiri di kelas19 Saya malas untuk mengulang pelajaran,

karena belum tentu pelajaran tersebut keluar saat ujian

20 Saya tetap hadir di sekolah walaupun hujan21 Tanpa belajar orang pasti akan pintar juga22 Saya tidak merasa malu ataupun kecewa

apabila prestasi saya menurun23 Saya selalu belajar tanpa disuruh guru

maupun orang tua24 Saya tidak akan bersaing dengan teman

untuk mendapatkan nilai terbaik di kelas25 Belajar tidak serius akan membuat saya

tidak berhasil didalam belajar26 Saya yakin akan sukses dengan usaha

belajar yang saya lakukan saat ini27 Saya sering mengganggu teman, jika guru

tidak ada di dalam kelas28 Orang tua saya sering dipanggil, ketika saya

melakukan sebuah kesalahan29 Saya malas belajar, ketika ujian masih

belum ditetapkan di sekolah30 Untuk menjadi pintar, maka saya harus

banyak belajar


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Appendix – E


The achievement test was tried out to grade V students at MIN Slipit Desa

Mangga Kec. Stabat who were not as the experimental subject, they have got the

material at the previous year. After the test was conducted, the test item analysis

conducted. The test item analysis was done to find difficulty index, discrimination

index, validity, and reliability of the test.

1. Difficulty Index

To calculate the difiiculty index (P), the formula was used:


Where:P : Difficulty IndexB : The number of testee who answered correctlyJS : the number of testee

The example of Difficulty Index calculation for item number 1 as the


N : 30, thus n = 27% x 30 = 8BA : 6 ( the number of testee A (high) who answered correctly)BB : 1 (the number of testee B (low) who answered correctly)B : BA + BB = 6 + 1 = 7JS : 2n = 2 x 8 = 16


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= 716


According to Arikunto (2002), the criteria of diffficulty index is classified

as in Table 1:

Table 1The Criteria of Difficulty Index

No Proportion Value Description1 If P < 0.30, The test item is difficult2 If 0.30 ≤ P ≤ 0.70, The test item is moderate3 If P > 0.70, The test item is easy

Based on the calculation result, the item number one is classified as a

moderate item. For other results of difficulty index can be seen in appendix – E1.

2. Item Discrimination (ID or D)

Item Discrimination is used to differentiate between the smart and less

smart student. To count item Discrimination (D), the formula was used:





Where:D = Item DiscriminationJA = The number of testee AJB = The number of testee BBA = The number of testee A who answered correctlyBB = The number of testee B who answered correctly

According to Arikunto (2002), the criteria of Item Discrimination as in

Table 2:

Table 2The Item Discrimination Criteria


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No Proportion Value Description1 If, D > 0.70, The test item is Excellent2 If, 0.40 ≤ D ≤ 0.70, The test item is good3 If, 0.20 ≤ D ≤ 0.39, The test item is Moderate4 If D < 0.20, The test item is poor

The result of Item Discrimination can bee seen in the appendix – E2

3. Validity

To determine achievement test and questionnaire validity, the Pearson

Product Moment Coefficient of correlation was used. The formula is:

r xy N ∑ XY−¿¿¿

Where:rxy = the Pearson Product Moment coefficient of correlationƩX = the number of item score (the testee who answered correctly)ƩY = the total score of the testee who answered correctlyN = total of testee

The criteria : If r observed > r table, the items is valid

Appendix – E3 had shown the analysis of each item test. There were 40

items on the analysis. From the calculation of the test, there were 30 items that is

valid. While 10 items are invalid, they are: item number 2,3,11,12,18,26,27,33,35,

and 40. Then, there were 31 items valid 50 items for questionnaire.

4. Reliability

a. Reliability of Vocabulary Test

Reliability of the test means consistency degree of the test items in

measuring the behavioral objectives. The researcher had applied KR 20 formula to

analyze the achievement test. The formula is:


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rn = [ nn−1 ] .[ S2−∑ pq

S2 ]rn = Reliability Coefficient of KR – 20n = The number of itemsƩpq = The number of itemsp = proportion of correct answers testee to grain items being

searched for validityq = proportion who answered wrong testee againt the grain items

being searched for validityS2 = the total varianFrom the calculation on appendix – E4

n = 40,Ʃpq = 9.075

Based on the data, the total varian is:

S2 = n∑ y2−¿

n (n – 1)

= 40 (13618 )−¿¿

= 198976


= 127.549

Then, the value was substitued in KR – 20 Reliability coefficient as:

rn = [ nn−1 ] .[ S2−∑ pq

S2 ]rn = [ 40

40−1 ] .[ 127.547−9.075127.549 ]

rn = [ 1.026 ] [ 118.474127.549 ]

rn = 0.929

the calculation result showed that the reliability of the vocabulary test is

0.929. to interprate the coefficient, the criteria is:


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1. 0.800 – 1.000 : very high

2. 0.600 – 0.800 : high

3. 0.400 – 0.600 : moderate

4. 0.200 – 0.400 : low

5. 0.000 – 0.200 : very low

The reliability of vocabulary test is 0.929, it means that this value has a

very high reliability.

b. Reliability of Questionnaire

To analyze the questionnaire, Alpha formula was used. The reliability of

the questionnaire is 0.879.

rn = [ kk−1 ] .[1∑ α n2

α t 2 ]rn = reliability coeeficient of Alphak = the number of itemƩαn

2 = varians of each itemαt

2 = varians total

k = 50αn

2 = 61.279αt = 442.967

rn = [ kk−1 ] .[1∑ α n2

α t 2 ]rn = [ 50

49 ] . [1 61.279442.967 ]

rn = (1.020) (1 – 0.138)rn = 0.879

The calculation showed that the relibiality of questionnaire is 0.879, it

means that the questionnaire has a very high relibiality.


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Appendix – F




No Initial Score1 AH 292 MR 273 SW 274 IMS 275 RR 266 AA 257 AF 258 HS 259 FA 2510 FS 2511 IM 2512 KR 2513 AN 2414 DD 2415 JA 2416 RA 2417 AW 2318 SS 2219 BM 2220 RAG 21


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21 LS 2022 IL 1923 SK 1924 MN 1825 M 1726 MS 1727 AZ 1728 RAM 1729 YS 1630 AS 14



No Initial Score1 DD 272 HS 273 RS 264 H 265 RSI 256 SDA 247 RAM 248 MKS 239 MAA 2310 P 2311 RSA 2312 N 2213 MR 2114 YS 2115 W 2116 IR 2117 K 2018 HS 2019 FE 2020 AD 2021 NA 1922 MH 19


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23 KWP 1924 JT 1925 F 1926 SD 1927 EN 1828 MSA 1829 AW 1530 MSI 13


High Motivation Low MotivationNo Initial Score No Initial Score1 AF 135 1 F 1012 HS 134 2 SD 1003 FA 130 3 EN 994 FS 129 4 MSA 985 IM 129 5 AW 956 KR 128 6 MSI 927 AN 125 7 AW 928 RAM 124 8 SS 909 MKS 122 9 W 8910 MAA 121 10 IR 8811 P 12112 RSA 11913 N 11714 MR 11715 M 11716 MS 11617 AZ 11518 RAM 11519 YS 11520 AS 114


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High Motivation Low MotivationNo Initial Score No Initial Score1 AF 137 1 F 1082 HS 137 2 SD 1023 FA 133 3 EN 994 FS 130 4 MSA 995 IM 129 5 AW 986 KR 127 6 MSI 977 AN 127 7 AW 958 RAM 124 8 SS 949 MKS 124 9 W 9410 MAA 120 10 IR 9211 P 120 11 YS 9112 RSA 117 12 AS 8013 N 11714 MR 11615 M 11516 MS 11317 AZ 11318 RAM 113

Mean : 112.43


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≥ 112.47 : high motivation≤ 112.47 : low motivation


No Initial Score1 AH 292 MR 273 SW 274 IMS 275 RR 266 AA 257 AF 258 HS 259 FA 2510 FS 2511 IM 2512 KR 2513 AN 2414 DD 2415 JA 2416 RA 2417 AW 2318 SS 2219 BM 2220 LS 20


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No Initial Score1 RAG 212 IL 193 SK 194 MN 185 M 176 MS 177 AZ 178 RAM 179 YS 1610 AS 14


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No Initial Score1 AH 292 MR 273 SW 274 IMS 275 RR 266 AA 257 AF 258 HS 259 FA 2510 FS 2511 IM 2512 KR 2513 AN 2414 DD 2415 JA 2416 RA 2417 AW 2318 SS 2219 BM 2220 LS 20


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No Initial Score1 RAG 212 IL 193 SK 194 MN 185 M 176 MS 177 AZ 178 RAM 179 YS 1610 AS 14


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No Initial Score1 DD 272 HS 273 RS 264 H 265 RSI 256 SDA 247 RAM 248 MKS 239 MAA 2310 N 2211 MR 2112 YS 2113 W 2114 IR 2115 NA 1916 MH 1917 KWP 1918 JT 19


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No Initial Score1 P 232 RSA 233 K 204 HS 205 FE 206 AD 207 F 198 SD 199 EN 1810 MSA 1811 AW 1512 MSI 13


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The Summary of Research Data


KM with LM

MMM with HM

MMM with LM

1 29 27 29 21 29 21 27 232 27 27 27 19 27 19 27 233 27 26 27 19 27 19 26 204 27 26 27 18 27 18 26 205 26 25 26 17 26 17 25 206 25 24 25 17 25 17 24 207 25 24 25 17 25 17 24 198 25 23 25 17 25 17 23 199 25 23 25 16 25 16 23 1810 25 23 25 14 25 14 22 1811 25 23 25 23 25 21 1512 25 22 25 23 25 21 1313 24 21 24 20 24 2114 24 21 24 20 24 2115 24 21 24 20 24 1916 24 21 24 20 24 1917 23 20 23 19 23 1918 22 20 22 19 22 1919 22 20 22 18 2220 21 20 20 18 1321 20 19 27 1522 19 19 27 13


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23 19 19 2624 18 19 2625 17 19 2526 17 19 2427 17 18 2428 17 18 2329 16 15 2330 14 13 22

Appendix – G


Basic statistics in this appendix is a measure of central tendency include Mean ¿, Standard deviation (S), Median (Me), and Mode (Mo). To calculate the basic statistics, the data were arranged in a frequency of distribution list, add more columns to the middle value (Xi), the numbe rof times Fi and Xi, and columns Fi and product X. The following statistics will presented the results of vocabulary achievement which is taught by using both Keyword Method and Mind Mapping Method.

1. Study result Statistical calculations of learners’ vcabulary achievement by using Keyword Methoda. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Largest data : 29Smallest data : 14So, the range (range): 29 – 14 = 15

b. determining the number of class intervals with the rules Stargesmany classes = 1 + 3.3 log n. For n = 30

= 1 + 3.3 log 30= 5.87 (made 6)

c. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses


= 2.5 (made 3)


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d. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 14

With these data, the distribution tables can be made as in Table 1.

Table 1The distribution List of Score Vocabulary Test by Using Keyword Method

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

14 – 16 2 15 225 30 45017 – 19 7 18 324 126 226820 – 22 4 21 441 84 176423 – 25 12 24 576 288 691226 – 28 4 27 729 108 291629 – 31 1 30 900 30 900Total Ʃfi = 30 ƩfiXi = 666 ƩfiXi2 = 15210

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑❑ fi66630

= 22.2b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 30 x15210−¿¿

= 456300−443556


= 12744


= 14.65 S = 3.83

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class median


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f = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained

b = 22,5 p = 3 n = 30F = 13 fMe = 12

By obtaining the data, the median can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

22.5+3 [ 12


12 ]¿22.5+3( 15−13

12 ) = 22.5 + 0.5 = 23

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 22.5 p = 3 b1 = 12 – 4 = 8 b2 = 12 – 4 = 8

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿22.5+3( 88+8 )


2. Study Results Statistical Calculations of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Mind Mapping Method


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a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Largest data : 27Smallest data : 13So, the range (range): 27 – 13 = 14

b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules SturgesMany classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 30

= 1 + 3.3 log 30= 5.87 (made 5)

c. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 145


d. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 13

With these data, the distribution tables can be made as table 2.

Table 2The distribution List of Score Vocabulary Test by

Using Mind Mapping Method

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

13 - 15 2 14 196 28 39216 – 18 2 17 289 34 57819 – 21 14 20 400 280 560022 – 24 7 23 529 161 370325 - 27 5 26 676 130 3380Total Ʃfi = 30 ƩfiXi = 633 ƩfiXi2 = 13653

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i66630

= 22.2b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 30 x13653−¿¿


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= 409590−400689


= 8901870

= 10.23 S = √10.23 = 3.2

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained

b = 18,5 p = 3 n = 30F = 4 fMe = 14

By obtaining the data, the median can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

18.5+3 [ 12


14 ]¿18.5+3( 15−14

14 ) = 18.5 + 2.36 =20.86

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded it


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b2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 18.5 p = 3 b1 = 14 – 2 = 12 b2 = 14 – 2 = 12

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿18.5+3( 1212+12 )


3. High Motivation (HM)a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 2 9 – 19 = 10b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 38= 1 + 3.3 log 38= 6.21 (made 6)

c. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 106

=1.67(rounded ¿2)

d. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 19

With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 3.

Table 3High Motivation

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

19 – 20 5 19.5 380.3 97.5 1901.2521 - 22 7 21.5 462.3 150.5 3235.7523 – 24 9 23.5 552.3 211.5 4970.2525 - 26 11 25.5 650.3 280.5 7152.7527 – 28 5 27.5 756.3 137.5 3781.2529 – 30 1 29.5 870.3 29.5 870.25Total Ʃfi = 38 ƩfiXi = 907 ƩfiXi2 = 21911.5

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i


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= 23.87b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 38 x21911.5−¿¿

= 832637−822649


= 99881406

= 7.10 S = 2.66

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the distribution is obtained: b = 22.5 F = 12 p = 2 fMe = 9 n = 38

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

22.5+2 [ 12


9 ]¿22.5+2( 19−12

9 ) = 22.5 + 1.56 =24.06

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula


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Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 24.5 p = 2 b1 = 11 – 9 = 2 b2 = 11 – 5 = 6

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿24.5+2( 22+6 )


4. Low Motivation (LM)a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 23 – 13 = 10b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 22= 1 + 3.3 log 22= 5.43 (made 6)

c. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 106

=1.67(rounded ¿2)

d. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 13

With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 4.

Table 4Low Motivation

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

13 – 14 2 13.5 182.3 27 364.515 – 16 2 15.5 240.3 31 480.517 – 18 7 17.5 306.3 122.5 2143.7519 – 20 8 19.5 380.3 156 304221 – 22 1 21.5 462.3 21.5 462.25


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23 - 24 2 23.5 552.3 47 1104.5Total Ʃfi = 22 ƩfiXi = 405 ƩfiXi2 = 7597.5

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i40522

= 18.41b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 22 x7597.5−¿¿

= 167145−164025


= 3120462

= 6.75 S = 2.6

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the distribution is obtained: b = 16.5 F = 4 p = 2 n = 22 f = 7

By obtaining these data, the median can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

16.5+2[ 12


7 ]¿16.5+2( 11−4

7 )158

Page 159: 28 juli 13(1)


= 16.5 + 2 =18.5

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 18.5 p = 2 b1 = 8 – 7 = 1 b2 = 8 – 7 = 1

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿18.5+2( 11+7 )


5. Keyword Method with High Motivation a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 29 – 20 = 9b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 20= 1 + 3.3 log 20= 5.29 (made 5)

e. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 95=1.8(rounded ¿2)

f. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 20

With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 5.

Table 5Keyword Method with High Motivation

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

20 – 21 1 20.5 420.3 20.5 420.25


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22 – 23 3 22.5 506.3 67.5 1518.7524 – 25 11 24.5 600.3 269.5 6602.7526 – 27 4 26.5 702.3 106 280928 – 29 1 28.5 812.3 28.5 812.25Total Ʃfi = 20 ƩfiXi = 492 ƩfiXi2 = 12183

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i49220

= 24.6b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 20 x12183−¿¿

= 243660−242064


= 1596380

= 4.20 S = 2.04

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained: b = 23.5 F = 4 p = 2 f = 11 n = 20

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

23.5+2 [ 12


11 ]160

Page 161: 28 juli 13(1)


¿23.5+2( 10−411 )

= 23.5 + 1.1 =24.6

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 23.5 p = 2 b1 = 11 – 3 = 8 b2 = 11 – 4 = 7

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿23.5+2( 88+7 )


6. Keyword Method with Low Motivation a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 21 – 14 = 7b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 10= 1 + 3.3 log 10= 4.3 (made 4)

g. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 74=1.75(made 2)

h. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 14

With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 6.

Table 6Keyword Method with Low Motivation


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Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

14 – 15 1 14.5 210.3 14.5 210.2516 – 17 5 16.5 272.3 82.5 1361.2518 – 19 3 18.5 342.3 55.5 1026.7520 – 21 1 20.5 420.3 20.5 420.25Total Ʃfi = 10 ƩfiXi = 173 ƩfiXi2 = 3018.5

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i17310

= 17.3b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 10 x3018.5−¿¿

= 30185−29929


= 25690

= 2.84 S = 1.69

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained: b = 15.5 F = 1 p = 2 f = 5 n = 10

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]162

Page 163: 28 juli 13(1)


15.5+2[ 1


5 ]¿15.5+2( 5−1

5 ) = 15.5 + 1.6 =17.1

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 15.5 p = 2 b1 = 5 – 1 = 4 b2 = 5 – 3 = 2

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿15.5+2( 44+6 )


7. Mind Mapping Method with High Motivation a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 27 – 19 = 8b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 18= 1 + 3.3 log 18= 5.14 (made 5)

i. Determining Length of Class (P)

P= RangeClasses

¿ 85=1.6(rounded¿2)

j. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 19


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With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 7.

Table 7Mind Mapping Method with High Motivation

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

19 – 20 4 15 225 60 90021 – 22 5 18 324 90 162023 – 24 4 21 441 84 176425 – 26 3 24 576 72 172827 – 28 2 27 729 54 1458Total Ʃfi = 18 ƩfiXi = 360 ƩfiXi2 = 7440

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i36018

= 20b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 18 x7440−¿¿

= 133920−129600


= 4320306

= 14.12 S = 3.76

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class medianf = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained: b = 22.5 F = 9 p = 2 f = 4 n = 18


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Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

22.5+2 [ 12


4 ]¿22.5+2( 9−9

4 ) = 22.5 + 0 =22.5

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 20.5 p = 2 b1 = 5 – 4 = 1 b2 = 5 – 4 = 1

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿20.5+2( 11+1 )


8. Mind Mapping Method with Low Motivation a. Determining Range (range), the largest data minus the smallest data.

Range (range) : 23 – 13 = 10b. Determining the number of class intervals with the rules Sturges

Many classes = 1 + 3.3 log n, for n = 12= 1 + 3.3 log 12= 4.56 (made 4)

c. Determining Length of Class (P)


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P= RangeClasses

¿ 104

=2.5(rounded 3)

d. Choosing the lower end of the first class interval. The smallest data = 13

With these data, it can be made frequency distribution table as table 8.

Table 8Mind Mapping Method with Low Motivation

Interval fi Xi Xi2 fiXi fiXi2

13 – 15 2 14 196 28 39216 – 18 2 17 289 34 57819 – 21 6 20 400 120 240022 - 24 2 23 529 46 1058Total Ʃfi = 12 ƩfiXi = 228 ƩfiXi2 = 4428

a. Calculating Average ¿

X=∑ fiXi

∑ f i22812

= 19b. Calculating the standard deviation

S2=n.∑ f i X i2−¿¿¿= 12 x4428−¿¿

= 53136−51984


= 1152132

= 8.73 S = 2.95

c. Calculating Median (Me)

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]b = lower limit medium classp = length of median classn = sample size/ lot dataF = number of frquency with smaller classes than the class median


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f = frequency of median class

Based on the above distribution is obtained: b = 18.5 F = 4 p = 3 f = 6 n = 12

Thus, the mode can be calculated as follows:

Me=b+p [ 12


f ]

18.5+3 [ 12


6 ]¿18.5+2( 6−4

6 ) = 18.5 + 0.99 =19.49

d. Counting Mode (Mo)Mode is used to calculate the following formula

Mo=b+ p ( b1


b = lower limit capital class (mode)p = length of the mode classb1 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class interval class that

preceded itb2 = difference frequency mode with a frequency class intervals next class

thus, b = 18.5 p = 3 b1 = 6 – 2 = 4 b2 = 6 – 2 = 4

Mo=b+ p ( b1


¿18.5+3( 44+4 )



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Appendix – H


Test data for normality using Liliefors test aims to check whether the sample frequency based normal distribution or not. For the calculations, carried out with step as follows:1. Sort the data from the smallaest to largest, then determine the absolute

frequency (f abs) and cumulative frequency (f Cum).2. Changing the sign of a number of raw score, by using the formula:

Z1 X1−¿S

X ¿ where : X = The Average

S = Sample Standard Deviation3. Determining F (Zi) by using the table below Normal Value area.4. Determining of S (Zi) by calculating the proportion f Cum completely divided

by all f.5. The fifth step is to determine the difference between F (Zi) and S (Zi).

Having obtained the difference F (Zi) with S (Zi), the largest absolute value was taken, called Lo is less than L table, then the data revealed normal. Further testing will be done for normality for each group of data, as follows:

1. Data normality test of Keyword Method

Table 1Data normality test of Keyword Method

No Score f abs f Cum1 14 1 12 16 1 23 17 4 64 18 1 75 19 2 96 20 1 107 21 1 118 22 2 139 23 1 1410 24 4 1811 25 7 2512 26 1 2613 27 3 2914 29 1 30

Zi X1−¿S

X ¿


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= (-2.14)

Zi to -2.14 (seen in the table Territory Area Under Normal Curve) of

0.4838 so F (Zi) = 0.5 – 0.4838 = 0.0162. Next, find the value of S (Zi). Thus, Zi

obtained = 0.0333. The next step is to determined the value using largest absolute

value. So, F (Zi) = 0.0162 – 0.0333 = 0.0171. Then for N = 30, L obtained by

viewing L Critical chart which is 0.161. The data revelaed a normal distribution if

Lo (L observed) is less than L (L table). In the same way, the other data can be

obtained as shown in Table 2.

Table 2Summary of Lo Data Calculation Keyword Method

No Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 14 1 1 -2.14 0.0162 0.0333 -0.01712 16 1 2 -1.62 0.0526 0.0667 -0.01413 17 4 6 -1.36 0.0869 0.2000 -0.11314 18 1 7 -1.10 0.1357 0.2333 -0.09765 19 2 9 -0.84 0.2004 0.3000 -0.09966 20 1 10 -0.57 0.2843 0.3333 -0.04907 21 1 11 -0.31 0.3783 0.3667 0.01168 22 2 13 -0.05 0.5199 0.4333 0.08669 23 1 14 0.21 0.5832 0.4667 0.116510 24 4 18 0.47 0.6808 0.6000 0.080811 25 7 25 0.73 0.7673 0.8333 -0.066012 26 1 26 0.99 0.8389 0.8667 -0.027813 27 3 29 1.25 0.8944 0.9667 -0.072314 29 1 30 1.78 0.625 1.000 -0.0375

n = 30X = 22.2

∑ X = 666 S = 3.73 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1165 Ltable for n = 30 is 0.161 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1165 < 0.161)

The conclusion: the data is normal


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From the table the highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1165. With N = 30

obtained L table = 0.161. This means that Lo < L table (0.1165 < 0.161). This

value can be interpreted that the data in this study normal.

2. Data normality test of Mind Mapping Method

Table 3Summary of Lo Data Calculation Mind Mapping Method

No Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 13 1 1 -2.53 0.0057 0.0333 -0.02762 15 1 2 -1.91 0.0281 0.0667 -0.03863 18 2 4 -0.97 0.166 0.1333 0.03274 19 6 10 -0.66 0.2546 0.3333 -0.07875 20 4 14 -0.34 0.3669 0.4667 -0.09986 21 4 18 -0.03 0.488 0.6000 -0.11207 22 1 19 0.28 0.6103 0.6333 -0.02308 23 4 23 0.59 0.7224 0.7667 -0.04439 24 2 25 0.91 0.8186 0.8333 -0.014710 25 1 26 1.22 0.8888 0.8667 0.022111 26 2 28 1.53 0.937 0.9333 0.003712 27 2 30 1.84 0.9671 1.0000 -0.0329

n = 30X = 21.1

∑ X = 633 S = 3.2 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1120 Ltable for n = 30 is 0.161 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1120 < 0.161)

The conclusion: the data is normal

The highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1120. With N = 30 obtained L

table = 0.161. This means that Lo < L table (0.1120 < 0.161). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

3. Data Normality Test for Student with High MotivationTable 4

Summary of Lo Value for students with High MotivationNo Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 19 4 4 -1.83 0.0336 0.1053 -0.07172 20 1 5 -1.45 0.0735 0.1316 -0.05813 21 4 9 -1.08 0.1401 0.2368 -0.0967


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4 22 3 12 -0.70 0.242 0.3158 -0.07385 23 3 15 -0.33 0.3707 0.3947 -0.02406 24 6 21 0.05 0.5199 0.5526 -0.03277 25 8 29 0.42 0.6628 0.7632 -0.10048 26 3 32 0.80 0.7881 0.8421 -0.05409 27 5 37 1.18 0.881 0.9737 -0.092710 29 1 38 1.93 0.9732 1.0000 -0.0268

n = 38X = 23.87

∑ X = 907 S = 2.66 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1004 Ltable for n = 38 is 0.144 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1004 < 0.144)

The conclusion: the data is normalThe highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1004. With N = 30 obtained L

table = 0.144. This means that Lo < L table (0.1004 < 0.144). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

4. Data Normality Test for Student with Low MotivationTable 5

Summary of Lo Value for students with Low MotivationNo Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 13 1 1 -2.08 0.0188 0.0455 -0.02672 14 1 2 -1.70 0.0446 0.0909 -0.04633 15 1 3 -1.31 0.0951 0.1364 -0.04134 16 1 4 -0.93 0.1762 0.1818 -0.00565 17 4 8 -0.54 0.2946 0.3636 -0.06906 18 3 11 -0.16 0.4364 0.5000 -0.06367 19 4 15 0.23 0.591 0.6818 -0.09088 20 4 19 0.61 0.7291 0.8636 -0.13459 21 1 20 1.00 0.8413 0.9091 -0.067810 23 2 22 1.77 0.9616 1.0000 -0.0384

n = 22X = 18.41

∑ X = 405 S = 2.6 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1345 Ltable for n = 22 is 0.190 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1345 < 0.190)

The conclusion: the data is normal


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The highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1345. With N = 30 obtained L

table = 0.190. This means that Lo < L table (0.1345 < 0.190). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

5. Data Normality Test for Student Taught by Using Keyword Method with High Motivation

Table 6Summary of Lo Value for KM with High Motivation

No Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 20 1 1 -2.25 0.0122 0.0500 -0.03782 22 2 3 -1.27 0.102 0.1500 -0.04803 23 1 4 -0.78 0.2177 0.2000 -0.01774 24 4 8 -0.29 0.3859 0.4000 -0.01415 25 7 15 0.20 0.5793 0.7500 -0.17076 26 1 16 0.69 0.7549 0.8000 -0.04517 27 3 19 1.18 0.881 0.9500 -0.06908 29 1 20 2.16 0.9846 1.0000 -0.0154

n = 20X = 24.6

∑ X = 492 S = 2.04 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1707 Ltable for n = 20 is 0.190 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1707 < 0.190)

The conclusion: the data is normalThe highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.170. With N = 20 obtained L table

= 0.190. This means that Lo < L table (0.170 < 0.190). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

6. Data Normality Test for Keyword Method with Low MotivationTable 7

Summary of Lo Value for KM with Low Motivation DataNo Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 14 1 1 -1.95 0.0256 0.1000 -0.07442 16 1 2 -0.77 0.2206 0.2000 -0.02063 17 4 6 -0.18 0.4286 0.6000 -0.17144 18 1 7 -0.41 0.6591 0.7000 -0.04095 19 2 9 1.01 0.8438 0.9000 -0.0562


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6 21 1 10 2.19 0.9857 1.0000 -0.0143n = 10X = 17.3

∑ X = 173 S = 1.69 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1714 Ltable for n = 20 is 0.190 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1714 < 0.190)

The conclusion: the data is normalThe highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1714. With N = 10 obtained L

table = 0.190. This means that Lo < L table (0.1714 < 0.190). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

7. Data Normality Test for Mind Mapping with High Motivation

Table 8Summary of Lo Value for Mind Mapping with High Motivation Data

No Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 19 4 4 -0.27 0.3936 0.2222 0.17142 21 4 4 0.27 0.6064 0.4444 0.16203 22 1 9 0.53 0.7019 0.5000 0.16194 23 2 11 0.80 0.7881 0.6111 0.17705 24 2 13 1.06 0.8554 0.7222 0.13326 25 1 14 1.33 0.9082 0.7778 0.13047 26 2 16 1.60 0.9452 0.8889 0.05638 27 2 18 1.86 0.9686 1.0000 -0.0314

n = 18X = 17.3

∑ X = 173 S = 1.69 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.1770 Ltable for n = 20 is 0.200 So, Lo < Ltable (0.1770 < 0.200)

The conclusion: the data is normalThe highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.1770. With N = 10 obtained L

table = 0.190. This means that Lo < L table (0.1770 < 0.200). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.

8. Data Normality Test for Mind Mapping with Low Motivation

Table 9


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Summary of Lo Value for Mind Mapping with Low Motivation DataNo Score f abs f Cum Zi F (Zi) S (Zi) F(Zi) – S(Zi)1 13 1 1 -2.03 0.0833 0.0833 0.06212 15 1 2 -1.36 0.1667 0.1667 0.07983 18 2 4 -0.34 0.3669 0.3333 0.03364 19 2 6 0.00 0.5 0.5000 0.0005 20 4 10 0.34 0.6331 0.8333 0.20026 23 2 12 1.36 0.9131 1.0000 0.0869

n = 12X = 19

∑ X = 228 S =2.95 Lo (taken the biggest value) = 0.2002 Ltable for n = 20 is 0.242 So, Lo < Ltable (0.2002 < 0.242)

The conclusion: the data is normalThe highest value obtained or as Lo is 0.2002. With N = 10 obtained L

table = 0.2002. This means that Lo < L table (0.2002 < 0.242). This value can be

interpreted that the data in this study is normal.