2k15 as fine art unit2

Towns and cities Laura Barnard Stephen Wiltshire- Autistic artist who draws entire cities in complete accurate detail from memory! Colourful city scapes - Karl Haglund Richard Estes

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Towns and cities

Laura Barnard

Stephen Wiltshire- Autistic artist who draws entire cities in complete accurate detail from memory! Colourful city scapes - Karl Haglund

Richard Estes

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M.C Escher

Diego Velazquez- Las Meninas The King and Queen (parents) reflected

showing their power and influence whilst not taking the limelight. Pol Bury

Paul Nash- Landscape of a dream

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David Hockney- Patterns of light reflecting on water Richard Wilson

Georges SeuratClaude Monet- London


Akseli Gallen-Kallela

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Reflections- the artist including their own reflection

Manet- Bar at the Folies Bergere

Jan Van Eyck- Arnolfini portrait.

MC Escher

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Objects and artefacts

Grayson Perry- The tomb of the unknown craftsman.

A ship made using imprints and recreations of objects from the British Museum.

John Chamberlain-making sculptures from crushed metal objects such as old car doors

Tony Cragg- Making art from thrown away plastic


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Objects and artefacts

African tribal masks used for ritual and ceremony

Totem poles play a key role in Native American culture and ritual

and could be a starting point for your investigation.

Celtic crosses-

these intricately patterned

crosses play a significant

role in Celtic ritual and tradition

Illuminated manuscripts- in medieval times Bibles- the most precious of objects-

were often intricately decorated.

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Significant events

Diego Rivera- Mexican Revolution murals

Shephard Faery- Political

Banksy -Political and social

Barbara Kruger - social commentator and political


Jose Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros

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Light, weather and landscape

JMW Turner

Andre DerainClaude Monet

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Light, weather and landscape

Emil Nolde- Watercolours

Vincent Van Gogh

Graham SutherlandAert van der Neer

Thomas Cole

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Light, weather and landscapeAndy Goldsworthy- makes temporary land art, in the full knowledge the effects

of weather will soon destroy it.

Albert Bierstadt

Childe Hassam- focused on rainy scenes