3. what makes a good leader


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Page 4: 3. what makes a good leader

• When you take a look at the worlds most successful businesses, it’s more often than not an inspirational, passionate leader who is the driving force behind their achievements.

• It’s their commitment to want to succeed that helps to inspire and encourage the team to want to work together and strive towards achieving the same desired goals.

• Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and the wealthiest man in the USA,

believes that “Leaders will be those who empower others.”

• A leader has a true sense of responsibility to motivate, empower and engage their employees. A team leader is the crucial cog that can make or break a team’s productivity.


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• There are many leadership styles to adopt, but what qualities should you focus on embracing to make you a great leader, which will enhance employee productivity?

• Here’s our guide to the 5C’s to what makes a good leader…

5 C’s of leadership and types of leadership power

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Leaders possess power and as a result, are able to influence people.

•Legitimate power is "the authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in an organization's hierarchy.“• Reward power is described as "the ability of a manger to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards." •Coercive power is "the ability of a manager to punish others.“• Expert power is "power that is based on the special knowledge, skills, and expertise that a leader possesses," •Referent power is "power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty."

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• Effective team leaders communicate clearly using verbal and written skills to convey a message in a way that the team of workers can understand.

• A leader must interact clearly, concisely and coherently in order to prevent any misunderstanding of what is required by the employee.

• Two-way conversation is vital in order to ensure clarity and eliminate any barriers.

• Plus listening to the team will allow the leader to include any input or ideas from others into the project at hand.


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• First Lady and political activist leader Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.”

• A leader requires a personal level of confidence to know that the decisions they are making will drive the team forward and succeed in the desired business goals.

• This in turn will inject a level of confidence amongst the team members, which will improve their standard of workplace productivity.

• If an employee doesn’t believe in their leader, the leader will lack any form of authority and will often be second-guessed when a decision is made.

• The team will not carry through the activity they have been tasked with, with any conviction, as they don’t believe that what they have been asked to do is correct.

• This will lead to hostility between you and a breakdown of communication.


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• A leader must show their commitment to the goal, the team and the business, if they want to succeed and achieve workplace productivity.

• If a leader can convey this commitment and determination to prosper, then it will encourage others to help them reach their vision.

• When the team trusts that the leader is committed to wanting to achieve, it will encourage the rest of the team to be focused on the same goal, then progress will be sweeter.

• If a leader doesn’t show their commitment, it just demonstrates to the rest of the team they shouldn’t either and that the vision isn’t worthwhile.


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• As a leader you won’t have all the creative ideas, but it is your responsibility to be the mastermind behind sparking and igniting the creativity within your team.

• Creative thinking encourages innovation and working together to bounce ideas off one another, will generate the best of comprehensive strategies.

• Working within a culture where the team are rewarded and valued for their ideas and input, will engage employees and encourage them to contribute more in the future.


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• It should be pretty obvious that the more credit you give your team members when they have successfully achieved a goal or a great result, the more respect and trust you will gain as a leader amongst your peers.

• Unfortunately, some leaders feel the need to take the credit for their team member’s good work and pass it off as their own. Not only is that ethically incorrect, it shows lack of confidence in yourself and your team will disrespect you and become unengaged altogether.

• Praising your employees for their great performance and informing senior management will reflect well on your abilities as a leader. It will show that you have created a solid, trustworthy workplace environment and with your skills, advice and guidance, you have effectively developed that individual to a level that makes them capable of achieving the desired results.

• A productive workforce will achieve when they trust, respect and value your opinion that you will give credit where credit is due.


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• Iconic business magnate Richard Branson, leader of over 400 companies within the Virgin Group states “You can’t be a good leader unless you generally like people.”

• How apt this statement is.

• You can’t expect a great workplace and a productive workforce to occur when the person in charge of creating this, isn’t a people-person.

• A leader is relied upon to drive the team to achieve results, if they don’t connect with the team, how are they going to empower them?