#37: 15 april 2016 bakri baharom

Bakri Baharom [email protected] /www.polimas .edu.my/ 019-488-1430 Designed & Edited by: Azlida Ahmad (PTSS) #37: 15 April 2016

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Bakri Baharom [email protected] /www.polimas .edu.my/ 019-488-1430

Designed & Edited by: Azlida Ahmad (PTSS)

#37: 15 April 2016

110116 (Mon,02): Our TVET English Camp in

Sukhothai came out in the newspaper again.

This ti e, the writi g is all i Thai. Do ’t ask me, I neither speak nor read Thai. L-R:

Songkhla VC Director, Sukhothai VC Director,

Sukhothai Governor, Bakri (POLIMAS Deputy

Academic Director), Rahman (POLIMAS

Internationalisation Officer) and Sukhothai

VC Deputy Director.

160116 (Sat,01)):)We have quite a

sizeable Malaysian Thais studying at our

poly. They organised an outing to

Langkawi over the weekend. Ms Somsi

(UPLI) was in-charge of the trip. The

best thing about the program is that

Wat Namram Langkawi sponsored their

ferry tickets, accommodation and food.

We just provided their transport to and

from Kuala Perlis. By the way, Langkawi

is my birth place.