3rd international congress of integrated paediatric drug development

© sonya etchison - Fotolia.com To Register T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E [email protected] | www.paediatrics-congress.com/SS INTEGRATED PAEDIATRIC DRUG DEVELOPMENT Writing a PIP • Preparing comprehensive clinical studies • Conducting successful clinical trials 13th – 15th April 2011 | Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam | Germany 3rd international congress Researched and developed by Media Partners Supported by Hear international case studies from leading companies and institutes: Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland Almirall R&D, Spain Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Germany Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, United Kingdom Astellas Pharma Global Development Europe, The Netherlands Paul-Ehrlich Institute, Germany Granzer Regulatory Consulting & Services, Germany Omnicare Clinical Research, Germany University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg, Germany Dutch Patent Office, The Netherlands INTERLAB central lab services – worldwide, Germany Only for children pharmaceuticals, France Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland Learn how to develop a successful Paediatric programme in line with EMA and FDA requirements Benefit from your peers' experiences in successfully translating a PIP into clinical trials to ensure a smooth implementation Find out key requirements from pharmacology for the successful implementation of your trials in neonates, infants and children to avoid high failure rates Examine the practical challenges from preparing your trials such as toxicology, informed consent and palatable formulations Visit our download center for free white papers, articles and much more! www.paediatrics-congress.com/SS "Excellent package of interesting and relevant topics together with well experienced speakers!" Dr. Frank Hoffmann, Manager Regulatory Affairs, Grünenthal GmbH Chairmen: Dr. Klaus Rose, Principal Consultant, Granzer Regulatory Consulting & Services Join our interactive workshops: A The PIP process – an operative hands-on workshop B Clinical pharmacology in neonates, infants and children C Outsourcing the paediatric investigation plan: How to optimise the cooperation in developing the PIP D Practical considerations in regards to paediatric studies: design, challenges, strategies and operational tips Learn from these experts amongst others: Dr. Dirk Mentzer, Head of Pharmacovigilance, Paul-Ehrlich-Institute & PDCO Dr. Pauline Walstra, Director Regulatory Affairs Development, Astellas Pharma Global Development Europe Dr. Gonzalo de Miquel, Director Respiratory Therapy Area, Almirall R&D Dr. Corina Becker, Expert Clinical Pharma-cokinetics, Clinical Pharmacology representative in the BSP Pediatric Task Force, Bayer Schering Pharma AG SAVE up to € 290,- with our Early Birds if you book by the 28th January 2011! Special case studies on: • Paediatric inhalation devices • Paediatric leukemia • Paediatric organ transplantation medicine Dr. Bruno Reigner, Senior Clinical Pharmacologist, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. CanBiotech R&D Outsourcing Capital Sourcing Competitive Intelligence

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© sonya etchison - fotolia.com

To register T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | f +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E [email protected] | www.paediatrics-congress.com/SS

Integrated PaedIatrIc Drug DevelopmentWriting a PIP • Preparing comprehensive clinical studies • Conducting successful clinical trials

13th – 15th April 2011 | Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam | Germany

3rd international congress

researched and developed by

media Partners

supported by

Hear international case studies from leading companies and institutes:

• Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany

• F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., switzerland

• Almirall R&D, spain

• Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Germany

• Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, united Kingdom

• Astellas Pharma Global Development Europe, the netherlands

• Paul-Ehrlich Institute, Germany

• Granzer Regulatory Consulting & Services, Germany

• Omnicare Clinical Research, Germany

• University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

• Dutch Patent Office, the netherlands

• INTERLAB central lab services – worldwide, Germany

• Only for children pharmaceuticals, France

• Novartis Pharma AG, switzerland

• learn how to develop a successful Paediatric programme in line with EMA and FDA requirements

• Benefit from your peers' experiences in successfully translating a PIP into clinical trials to ensure a smooth implementation

• Find out key requirements from pharmacology for the successful implementation of your trials in neonates, infants and children to avoid high failure rates

• examine the practical challenges from preparing your trials such as toxicology, informed consent and palatable formulations

visit our download center for free white papers, articles and much more! www.paediatrics-congress.com/SS

"Excellent package of interesting and relevant topics together with well

experienced speakers!"

Dr. frank Hoffmann, Manager regulatory Affairs, Grünenthal GmbH


Dr. Klaus rose, Principal Consultant, Granzer Regulatory Consulting & Services

Join our interactive workshops:

A the PIP process – an operative hands-on workshop

B Clinical pharmacology in neonates, infants and children

C outsourcing the paediatric investigation plan: How to optimise the cooperation in developing the PIP

D Practical considerations in regards to paediatric studies: design, challenges, strategies and operational tips

Learn from these experts amongst others:

Dr. Dirk Mentzer, Head of Pharmacovigilance, Paul-Ehrlich-Institute & PDCO

Dr. Pauline Walstra, Director regulatory Affairs Development, Astellas Pharma Global Development Europe

Dr. Gonzalo de Miquel, Director respiratory Therapy Area, Almirall R&D

Dr. Corina Becker, Expert Clinical Pharma-cokinetics, Clinical Pharmacology representative in the BSP Pediatric Task force, Bayer Schering Pharma AG


up to €


,- with



Birds i

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ook by







Special case studies on:• Paediatric inhalation devices• Paediatric leukemia• Paediatric organ transplantation medicine

Dr. Bruno reigner, Senior Clinical Pharmacologist, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

CanBiotechR&D Outsourcing

Capital Sourcing

Competitive Intelligence

13th – 15th April 2011 | Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam | Germany

Integrated PaedIatrIc Drug Development

3rd international congress

If undeliverable, please return to: IQPC GmbH | Friedrichstraße 94 | D-10117 Berlin, Germany

Cancellations and Substitutions

CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS DeleGates may Be suBstItuteD at any tIme. IQPC GesellsCHaFt Für manaGement KonFerenzen mBH Does not ProvIDe reFunDs ForCanCellatIons. However, save wHere wrItten notICe oF CanCellatIon Is reCeIveD more tHan seven (7) Days PrIor to tHe ConGress, a CreDIt to tHe value PaID at tHat Date wIll Be IssueD, wHICH may Be useD aGaInst anotHer IQPC GmBH ConGress For uP to one year From Its Date oF Issue. For CanCellatIons reCeIveD seven (7) Days or less PrIor to an event (InCluDInG Day seven), no CreDIt wIll Be IssueD. In tHe event tHat IQPC GmBH CanCels an event, Payments reCeIveD at tHe CanCellatIon Date wIll Be CreDIteD towarDs attenDanCe at a Future IQPC GmBH ConGress or, In tHe event oF a PostPonement By IQPC GmBH, a resCHeDuleD Date. IF tHe DeleGate Is unaBle to attenD tHe resCHeDuleD event, tHe DeleGate wIll reCeIve a CreDIt In lIeu oF Payments maDe towarDs a Future IQPC GmBH event, valID For one year From tHe Date oF Issue. IQPC GmBH Is not resPonsIBle For any loss or DamaGe as a result oF a suBstItutIon, altera-tIon, PostPonement or CanCellatIon oF an event Due to Causes BeyonD Its Control InCluDInG, wItHout lImItatIon, natural DIsas-ters, saBotaGe, aCCIDent, traDe or InDustrIal DIsPutes or HostIlItIes.yOUr DETAILS Please ContaCt our Customer servICe manaGer (tel: +49 (0)30 20913330 or [email protected]) anD InForm tHem oF any InCorreCt DetaIls wHICH wIll Be amenDeD aCCorDInGly or IF you PreFer not to Get InFormatIon Per Fax emaIl or PHone anymore.SPEAKEr CHANGES oCCasIonally It Is neCessary For reasons BeyonD our Control to alter tHe Contents anD tImInG oF tHe ProGramme or tHe IDentIty oF tHe sPeaKers.DATA PrOTECTION Personal Data Is GatHereD In aCCorDanCe wItH tHe Data ProteCtIon aCt 1998. your DetaIls may Be PasseD to otHer ComPanIes wHo wIsH to CommunICate wItH you oFFers relateD to your BusIness aCtIvItIes. IF you Do not wIsH to reCeIve tHese oFFers, Please tICK tHe Box Below.

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Fax: +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12

Post: IQPC Gesellschaft für

management Konferenzen mbH

Friedrichstraße 94

10117 Berlin, Germany

online: www.paediatrics-congress.com/ss

email: [email protected]

For further information

Phone: +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30

4 Ways to Register

© IQPC GesellsCHaFt Für manaGement KonFerenzen mBH

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I agree to IQPC Gesellschaft für management Konferenzen mbH payment terms.

yes, I would like to receive information about products and services via email.

only one discount applicable per person.


Payment Methods

Please indicate choice of workshop on Wednesday, 13th April 2011Workshop A I Workshop B I Workshop C I Workshop D




s co

de D




yOUr DETAILS: Please ContaCt our DataBase manaGer ([email protected]) anD InForm tHem oF any InCorreCt DetaIls wHICH wIll Be amenDeD aCCorDInGly

Early Bird(Book and pay by the 28th January 2011)

Standard Price

Platinum Package 2 day congress plus 2 workshops Save € 290,- € 2.609- +vat € 2.899,- + vat

Gold Package 2 day congress plus 1 workshop Save € 260,- € 2.339,- +vat € 2.599,- + vat

Bronze Package 2 day congress € 2.199,- + vat

Workshop Day € 1.399,- + vat

Congress Packages

A: The PIP process – an operative hands-on workshopB: Clinical pharmacology in neonates, infants and childrenC: Outsourcing the paediatric investigation plan: How to optimise the cooperation in developing the PIPD: Practical considerations in regards to paediatric studies: design, challenges, strategies and operational tips


Venue and Accommodation

Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam Jägerallee 2014469 Potsdam, Germanytel.: +49 (0)331 2740Fax: +49 (0)331 2741005email: [email protected]/potsdam

Potsdam: city of Prussian kings, of palaces and gardens – a historic city with many stories

to tell. and right in the heart of things – the Dorint Hotel sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam. Here you will expect comfortable rooms, daylight-filled meeting rooms, culinary delights and a team of employees that go the extra mile to make sure that you feel happy. whatever draws you to Potsdam, our team looks forward to welcome you in the Dorint Hotel sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam!

Accommodation: a limited number of reduced rate rooms are available at the conference hotel. accommodation canbe booked by calling the central reservation number.Please always quote the booking reference IQPC-Berlin. Hotel accommodation and travel costs are not includedin the registration fee.