4 day power muscle burn workout split

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Home » Workouts » Muscle Building » 4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split

4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split

This building workout by Steve Shaw is designed to maximize Progression

and muscle gains by hitting each muscle group with power sets, muscle sets

and burn sets.

Workout Summary

Main Goal: Build Muscle

Workout Type: Split

Training Level: Intermediate

Days Per Week: 4

Equipment Required: Barbell, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines

Target Gender: Male & Female

Author: Steve Shaw

Workout Description

Back in 1986 my mentor, Dr. Mike, taught me to train in multiple rep ranges. I was young, trusting

and did what he said. After all, Dr. Mike was a big natural bodybuilder. And he was a professor. It just

made sense to do what he said. Over the next 3 years I used his style of training and made amazing

progress. I continued to use Dr Mike's training philosophies for nearly a decade, and they never let me

down. This style of lifting made me big and strong. What more could you ask for?

This workout is based on the Dr. Mike system. I have tweaked it a bit over the years. I hope that

you find some use for it, and if you do end up running it for 10+ years...well, feel free to make

changes. No system is perfect unless you adapt it to your individual needs.

Dr. Mike was ahead of his time. He approached training routine design from a scientific standpoint in

an era where everything was Weider Principles this and Weider Principles that. Simply stated, muscles

tend to respond differently to different rep ranges. Dr. Mike believed that by training in all reasonable

rep ranges, you could maximize muscle hypertrophy while boosting strength. This approach worked for

me, and I hope it works for you.

For more information on the impact of rep ranges on hypertrophy, please read the article Hypertrophy

and Muscle Growth.

For more information on the Power Muscle Burn training approach, please read:

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Your Goal

Build Muscle/Strength





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11/07/12 4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split | Muscle & Strength


Power Muscle Burn 5 Day Powerbuilding Split. This 5 day split is for intermediate lifters who are

hungry for rapid size and strength gains.

Power Muscle Burn Bulking Diet And Supplement Plan. Ready to grow? It's time to get your bulk

on! Maximize Power Muscle Burn training by following this diet and supplementation plan.

The Power Muscle Burn System

My Power Muscle Burn training system will help you build muscle and strength by focusing on three

different training approaches, all used in the same workout. You will be performing the following types

of sets for each muscle group:

1. Power. You will perform power sets to lead off the workout. Power sets are performed in the 3

to 5 rep range. Use the same weight for each of the sets. When you can perform 5 reps for all

power sets, move up in weight. Major muscle groups will perform 2-4 power sets per workout,

and minor muscle groups will perform 2 power sets per workout. Please note that for some minor

muscle groups, power sets do not make sense, or they are not realistic. For example, it is

difficult to perform extremely heavy resistance abdominal sets.

2. Muscle. Muscle sets are performed in the 6 to 12 rep range. Use the same weight for each of

the sets. When you hit the upper rep limit of 12 for all muscle sets, move up in weight. Major

muscle groups will perform 4-6 total muscle sets in each workout, using 2 different exercises.

Minor muscle groups will perform 2-4 total muscle sets in each workout, using 1 to 2 exercises.

You can also perform a single exercise for 3 sets.

3. Burn. You will perform 1-2 burn sets for each muscle group - generally using isolation

movements. Pick a weight that allows you to hit 15 to 20 reps, and then perform 40 total reps.

How? Do as many reps as possible, then take a slight rest and perform more reps. Rest only long

enough to regain the energy and willpower to perform 1 to 3 more reps. Keep pushing yourself

through the pain until you hit 40 total reps. When you can hit 25+ reps from the start without

stopping, add weight. Major muscle groups will utilize 2 burn sets, minor muscle groups will use 1-

2 burn sets.

Power Muscle Burn Notes

Failure - I do not recommend training to failure. Try to perform each set until you feel like you

may fail on the next rep, then stop. It's ok if you occasionally fail on a set, but do not purposely

try to train to failure on every set.

Progression - You must have the goal of progressing on every set of every workout. Sets

performed with a half-hearted effort are wasted. If you lack energy or are pressed for time, it's

better to perform fewer quality sets then it is to waste sets.

Splits - You can split this system numerous ways, but remember that training more then 4 days

per week is generally not beneficial for natural bodybuilders. What is the best split? The one you

will use and stick with.

Small Tweaks - What if I don't like training in the 6 to 12 rep range, and want to train in the 6

to 10 rep range? Then train in the 6 to 10 rep range. What if I don't like training in the 3 to 5 rep

range? Then train in the 4 to 6 rep range. 40 burn reps are too difficult!? Then aim for 30 burn

reps. Note: small tweaks are ok, as long as you are using the core mechanisms of this program.

Don't obsess about the details - obsess about moving weight and getting bigger!

Alternating Exercises - It is not a bad idea to alternate exercises every other week. You can't

possibly fit every exercise into every workout. For example: for muscle sets you could hit

dumbbell bench presses one week and chest dips the next week.

Total Sets - It is better to start with the minimal amount of sets, and build in to this routine by

adding sets if you find you need more work.

Calves - Please note that there are no power sets for calves. I am not convinced that calves

respond effectively to lower rep training.

Quads - If you love pain, you can do a single 20 rep set of squats for your quad burn work.

4 Day Power Muscle Burn Split

The 4 Day Power Muscle Burn split:

Day 1 - Chest and Biceps

Day 2 - OFF

Day 3 - Quads and Hamstrings

Day 4 - Shoulders and Triceps

Day 5 - OFF

Day 6 - Back, Calves and Abs

Day 7 - OFF

Note: This is a sample template. Feel free to "swap" in any appropriate (and favorite) exercises.

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11/07/12 4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split | Muscle & Strength


Chest and Biceps


Exercise Sets Reps

Bench Press - Power 4 3 to 5

Incline Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Flys - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Pinwheel Curls - Power 2 3 to 5

Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Cable Preacher Curl - Burn 1-2 40

Quads and Hamstrings


Exercise Sets Reps

Squat - Power 4 3 to 5

Leg Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Front Squat - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Leg Press - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Romanian Deadlift - Power 2-4 3 to 5

Romanian Deadlift or Leg Curl - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Leg Curl - Burn 1 40

Shoulders and Triceps


Exercise Sets Reps

Seated Barbell Press - Power 4 3 to 5

Seated Arnold Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Barbell Front Raise - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Closegrip Bench Press - Power 2 3 to 5

Seated French Press - Muscle 2 6 to 12

EZ Bar Skullcrusher - Muscle 2 6 to 12

Cable Tricep Extension - Burn 1 40

Back, Calves and Abs

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11/07/12 4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split | Muscle & Strength


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Exercise Sets Reps

Deadlift - Power 2-4 3 to 5

Barbell Rows - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Lat Pull Down - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Seated Cable Row - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Seated Calf Raise - Muscle 2-3 10 to 15

45 Degree Calf Raise - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

**Perform Ab work of choice***


Lyle C. Monroe III

Posted Tue, 05/11/2010 - 19:07

If doing this workout at home without machines, what would a good exercise be to

replace cable tricep extension for burn set?


Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 08:58

I workout at home and use skullcrushers for my burn set. You could also do

dumbbell kickbacks.

Lyle C. Monroe III

Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 16:19

Power Muscle Burn 5 Day

Powerbuilding Split

Pack on mass in only 3

days per week!

Take the next step and

continue your gains!

4 Day Rest-Pause Muscle

Building Workout



Average: 4.6 (675 votes)


Steve Shaw

Steve is a powerlifter who has also spent 20 years training

in bodybuilding. He is a national level competitor training

for a raw 700 deadlift and 500 bench.

View all by Steve Shaw »

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Do you use skullcrushers as a muscle set and burn set or just burn set?


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:21

I personally use French Presses as a muscle set and skullcrushers as a burn.

But you can use any preferred exercise for either.


Posted Fri, 01/27/2012 - 20:52

I like to use skull crushers after I take a heaping scoop of ravage and then I

squat 35lbs with my nutsack


Posted Mon, 06/14/2010 - 22:14

Is it wrong if you cant do the split exactly the same? Like can i do Chest/ arms on

monday rest on tuesday, Wednesdy do squats and all that and thursday shoulders,

but what if Friday is the only day you could do back? is that ok? and then rest



Posted Mon, 06/14/2010 - 22:52

That looks ok.


Posted Mon, 02/14/2011 - 20:15

hey steve! this workout looks great... I have a problem though... in my gym there is

no barbell... only cable machines. what exercises can I do to replace the barbell

ones? thanks in advance!

Ripped Muscle X

Posted Sat, 05/12/2012 - 03:40

It's amazing designed for me to have a web page, which is good for my experience.

thanks admin


Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 03:37

can this work out be done as

Monday, Tuesday-On


Thursday,Friday- On

Saturday,Sunday- Off

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Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 08:38

Absolutely. Just make sure your pushing days (chest-shoulders) are at least 3 days



Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 04:52

so if i was to do it like this;


Tuesday- Hamstring/Quads

Wednesday- OFF



would it be fine?


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 08:25

That looks good.


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 08:26

awesome, thanks a lot for the help!!


Posted Wed, 06/30/2010 - 15:19

thats looks good to me too I train mon-fri only wed off


Posted Thu, 07/22/2010 - 14:01

Hi Steve.

I Run Around 20 To 30 Miles Per Week, Can You Tell Me Is This Program Suitable

For Me As I Want To Built Muscle As Well As Progress With My Running And

Another Question Can I Do Chest And Shoulders On The Same Day.

Thanks, By The Way Great Website.


Posted Fri, 07/23/2010 - 09:22

Hi Gary,

As long as you have a solid bodybuildind diet, and are eating to gain weight,

this workout will help you reach your goals.

You could perform chest and shoulders on the same day. I would work

biceps and triceps together on day 4.


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Posted Tue, 12/14/2010 - 20:04


I am in the same boat as far as running but wanting to add muscle while

burning fat. Can you be more specific about eating to gain weight and

what or where I could find the body building diet that would cover this




Posted Thu, 01/13/2011 - 16:10

Hey Steve im in that boat too. I run 3 miles and try to mix it up with

hills, sprinting, slow jogging. Sometimes I'll run 2 miles than do a mile on

the step machine before my workouts. Should I be doing that much work

before my lifting or will it hurt my gains?


Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 17:06

How will i decide the right weight?


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 08:26

Use as much weight as you can with good form on each exercise without training to



Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 18:55

Thanks for this template to get started. I just started weight training last week.

Haven't done it since my teens, early twenties. 48 now, but in good shape, anything I

should do differently?


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 08:52

Hi Chris. I would take it easy for a couple weeks just so you're not too sore. Maybe

run through the workout with a little lighter weight just to get used to the

movements again, and then gradually start to add more weight.

Enoc Ayala

Posted Wed, 05/12/2010 - 18:56

I just started this workout routine and I'm loving it. I'm a City Police Officer and am

trying to keep up with my strength and fitness. I told one of my fellow officers about

this workout and he's really diggin it too. I was trying to find a workout that would

push me to my limit and this one is it. thank you for posting this workout. Now the only

thing I have to do right is eat right. Im spanish and Im all about the rice and beans.lol.

Thanks again.


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 08:50

You're welcome. At least you have the training down. Best of luck with the dieting.

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Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 10:14

I was just wondering if for exaple on chest and bicep days, if i should do all the chest

exercises first then the bicep exercises, or if I should alternate between them


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 14:34

You could alternate if you like. I don't see anything wrong with that approach.


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 10:34

Just want to give props to this routine. On my 2nd week now and love the chest and

leg day. I use lighter weight for the squats and front squats because of a knee surgery

in the past, but doing the leg press burn is a great feeling.

Should this routine be done in the 8-12 week range?


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 14:31

I did it for 10 years or so...

You can continue using it as long as you'd like.


Posted Tue, 05/18/2010 - 01:15

how long should we breaking between each set for power, muscle and reps?


Posted Tue, 05/18/2010 - 08:25

Generally you want to rest about 2 minutes between sets. You may need to

rest 3 to 5 minutes between heavy sets of squats, deadlift and bench pres.

That is ok.


Posted Mon, 01/31/2011 - 03:22

hi, i've been doing this routine for about 2 months now, was just wondering if i

should change some of the exercises or not. Awesome routine by the way


Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 17:12

Hi Steve -

How much rest should we get between sets? Exercises? This questions applies to all of

the PowerMuscleBurn routines....

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Posted Thu, 05/13/2010 - 19:13

How would this routine compare to a 1 body part/day scheme? That has worked well

for me over the past 2 years, but I tried and liked the Power, muscle, burn leg split you

posted. What are your thoughts?


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:17

One body part per day is more of a steroid-based split system. Naturals don't have

the same recovery benefits, so they should generally stick to training no more then

3-4 days per week.


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 03:08

Hi how could i adjust this to 3 days split training?

Please advise



Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:14

I would train every other day. You could use the following splits:

Workout 1...Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Workout 2...Back, Biceps and Abs

Workout 3...Legs


Workout 1...Chest and Arms

Workout 2...Back and Shoulders

Workout 3...Legs


Posted Tue, 08/17/2010 - 17:52

I plan on doing the 3 day split with Chest and arms on day 1. Which should I do

first triceps or biceps?



Posted Wed, 08/18/2010 - 14:45

I would suggest biceps first. This will allow your triceps to rest a bit after



Posted Wed, 03/07/2012 - 12:10

Hi steve, should i combine this program with something else or do i only

repeat this one every week?


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Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 03:21

Could i split to 3 days?

Mon-Chest & Back




I will do my 2sets x 15to20reps of my abs workout (body weight e.g. hanging leg

raise)on mon,tues and thurs


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:12

Absolutely. I used a 3 day split for many years.

Richard M.

Posted Fri, 09/10/2010 - 14:34

I follow this “Power, Muscle, Burn” principle and it seems to work I use it on a day

day slit and is as followed: Monday: Chest/Biceps --- Wednesday: Delts/Legs ---

Friday: Back/Triceps

On the burn exercise I pick an isolation movement and pick a weight that I can get

20 reps and I push it pass 20 for as many as I can.

Working back and chest together… I’ve heard criticism about that combo, let me

know if it works for you.


Posted Sun, 09/12/2010 - 08:52

Hi Richard,

Your split looks solid. Regarding working back and chest, that's a great

combination. The most important thing is to find a sensible split that works for



Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 04:12

i have been working out before and going back after 1 year. The products i took while

working out was - macule tech(protein), NO explode(creatin), and mega

man(vitamans). I just lost 20 lbs due to stress but slowly gaing it back. I am 24 and my

metabolism is fast. Need to know what to do to slow it down and what type of work

out should i do to gain mass because I am slim and lean weaighting about less then 145

lbs. I want to be about 160 and be able to keep it. What should my diet be? Please

email me back I am greatful. Thank You


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:11

You need to learn to out eat your metabolism by 300 to 500 calories per day. I

can't say for certain just how many calories per day this is, so it will require you to

tightly monitor calories and the scale. If you're not gaining weight at a certain

calorie level, then add 500 daily calories for 2 weeks and see what the scale does.

You want to make sure you eat at least 30 grams of protein every 2.5 to 3 hours,

and fill the rest of your diet with nutritious, quality foods.


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Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 05:19

My question is- for How much time rest should be taken in muscles sets or power sets?

This is not mentioned in your prog. so pls reply soon becoz i m following your prog.


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:06

Rest "about" 2 minutes between sets. You may need 3 to 4 for some power

sets...that is OK.


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 10:09

My question is how can i accomodate cardio with this 4 day split muscle workout and

how much amount of cardio can be incorporated with this 4 day workout.Or can I do

cardio on my day off from muscles??


Posted Fri, 05/14/2010 - 18:46

Cardio is really personal choice. Some do it early in the morning and some post-

workout. Some like it on off days. I hesitate to recommend one way over the other.

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