4° medio globlal english


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Libro de inglés de 4° medios Chile


Page 1: 4° medio globlal english


Jolanta Polk Reyes


Page 2: 4° medio globlal english


Jolanta Polk Reyes


Page 3: 4° medio globlal english


Welcome to Global English 4º Medio. This book will be your guide, and hopefully

your friend for the next school year. Enjoy it!

There are two lessons in each unit,

one based on a reading text, and

one based on a listening text.

They are divided into:




The AFTER YOU READsection includes an


help you to develop

your writing skills and

the AFTER YOULISTEN section includes

an APPLICATIONTASK to help you to

develop your speaking


Each unit has an

additional part called


which includes a

specific CHILEAN


are for you to enjoy

and learn new things




ning and speaking activities are recorded.

Listen to the CD with your teacher.

Examine your book and answer these questions.

1. How many units are there?

2. What is there at the beginning of each unit?

3. How are the units divided? What sections can you find?

4. What are the titles of the units?

5. What can you find at the end of the book?

Page 4: 4° medio globlal english

This section provides additional

information on the main topic of the

lesson or on some of the activities.

Did you know that...


Examine the icons below. What do they mean? What kind of activity do

they represent?


The tasks will help you to develop

strategies to improve your understanding

of written texts.

The tasks will help you to develop

strategies to improve your understanding

of spoken messages.

American v/s British English

This section will help you to notice

differences between these two

varieties of English.

This is an additional tool to make

learning more accessible and

contents easier to understand.

Learning tip


Suggested web resources to gather information on various topics or

prepare for a presentation. They provide a good opportunity for

independent work.

This section will help

you to get involved in

your evaluation,

guiding you to discover

your strengths and

weaknesses, and

making you reflect on

your involvement in

the development of


These attractive and

entertaining activities

will motivate you to

study and put into

practice what you are


These tests at the end

of the units will help

you to discover what

you have learnt well

and what you need to


Learning abilities

You will be informed of which abilities

you will develop through the different

activities in each section of the lesson.

Language Note

This section will help you to understandimportant English structures.

MINITESTEach lesson has a short evaluation

activity that will allow you to

analyse your performance.

: Words whose meaning may be essential for your

understanding of a text, but were not included among the key words have been

highlighted in blue. The meaning for that particular context is given at the bottom of

the page, in the form of a glossary.

Highlighted words

You can access the hypertext and do attractive interactive complementary activities.

You can access the hypertext anywhere, anytime, and do the activities as many times

as you want, at your own pace.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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READINGLove in Writing(love letters) ...................10 - 11

WRITINGWrite a love letter ...................13

LISTENINGFrom the Heart(song) ......................................15

SPEAKINGShare love stories ....................17

GRAMMARThe modal verb might ...........12Intensifiers ...............................16

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ........................22


READINGA Book and a Film

(extracts from a book and from

a magazine; a poster).......30 - 31

WRITINGWrite a film review .................33

LISTENINGDark Fantasy(interview)...............................35

SPEAKINGPrepare and present an

interview evaluating other

performances ..........................37

GRAMMAR-ing forms................................32Gerunds ...................................36

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ........................42


READINGPlanet Saving Technology(brochure) ...............................50

WRITINGWrite a brochure ....................53

LISTENINGThe Technology of LivingThings (interview).................55

SPEAKINGDiscuss a scientific issue .........57

GRAMMARThe Subjunctive .............60 / 62

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ........................62

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READINGUrban Rhythms(magazine article) ..........70 - 71

WRITINGWrite an article on a music

or a painting style ...................75

LISTENINGMobile Art(conversation) .........................77

SPEAKINGDiscuss an art form ................81

GRAMMARThe Past Perfect..............72 / 79

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ........................86


READINGThe Magic of DNA(article) ...........................94 - 95

WRITINGWrite a scientific article ..........99

LISTENINGAsking the Right Questions(conversation) ......................101

SPEAKINGDiscuss a scientific topic ......105

GRAMMARReporting verbs .......................97Indirect questions .................103

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE .....................110


READINGBusiness Letters(business letters) .......118 - 119

WRITINGWrite a business letter .........123

LISTENINGDescribing Jobs(conversations) .....................125

SPEAKINGGather information about


GRAMMARReporting verbs ....................121Indirect questions .................127

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE .....................134

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In this unit you will learn to:READING: validate predictions through skimming / classify specific information.

LISTENING: identify the tone of messages / identify stressed words / discriminate

between correct and incorrect information.

ORAL PRODUCTION: express personal attitudes / participate in guided dialogues / ask

and answer questions.

WRITTEN PRODUCTION: complete paragraphs / write a love letter.

FUNCTIONS: express condition, interest, possibility, requests and suggestions.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: the modal verb might / intensifiers.

VOCABULARY: words related to love and feelings.

You will pay special attention to these valuesThe importance of expressing our feelings.

The acceptance of and respect for different opinions.

You will use the following text types:READING: love letters.

LISTENING: a news story / a song.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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Look at the pictures and answer these questions in your group, expressing your personalopinions. Use expressions such as: I think that … In my opinion … I believe that …It seems to me that … From my point of view … According to me… 2 pts.

a. What are the people feeling? b. Why are they feeling like that?


In pairs ask each other five questions about the things you like, dislike, are fond of, hate andreally love. Compare your opinions. 5 pts.

Example: What kind of food do you really love?

Classify the feelings in the box under the correct picture. 12 pts.

Your score:0 - 6: You should look up the words that you don’t know in the dictionary and share your answers with a classmate.7 - 13: You know enough about feelings, but you could try to improve by sharing answers with your classmates.14 - 19: Well done! You are ready to start and enjoy this unit; you could help the classmates who look confused.

Negative:angry, annoyed, hateful, miserable, sad.Positive:cheerful, delighted, happy, joyful, loving, satisfied, wonderful.



· angry · annoyed · · delighted · happy · hateful· joyful · loving · miserable · sad · satisfied · wonderful


: adj / happy, and showing it by the way that you behave.Cheerful

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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8 UNIT 1


How would you finish a personal letter or a love letter? Choose the best options.a. Best wishes, Norma e. Love you and XXXXb. For ever yours, Fred f. Thinking of you c. Kind regards from Patrick g. Yours sincerely, Dr. B. Adamsd. Lots of love, Julia h. Yours truly, Benjamin Jones


Did you know that...a quotation is a repetitionor copy of the words ofanother person, usuallyshowing the origin of thesource? The sentences inExercise 1 are allquotations. What do younotice about all of them?


Talk about these quotations in your group. Which one(s) do you most agree /disagree with? Why?a. “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” Janos Arnay b. “Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.” Robert Browningc. “Love is two souls with a single thought and two hearts that beat as one.”

John Keats d. “Love is the discovery of ourselves in others.” Alexander Smithe. “To love is to suffer, and to avoid suffering one must love.” Woody Allen

How do people usually express their romantic feelings? Exchange opinionsin your group. Use the alternatives provided and your own ideas.a. Being jealous of other people. b. Dedicating love songs on the radio. c. Giving gifts: flowers, chocolates, rings, etc.d. Going out to candle-lit dinners and dancing to romantic music.e. Holding hands.f. Making a blog dedicated to the loved one. g. Not letting the loved one spend time with other people.h. Sending love notes and using romantic words.



1 2

3 4 5

1. To express opinions.

2. To match information andvisuals.

3. To express personal attitudes.

4. To find meaning of words / tomake predictions.

Learning abilities

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Study the words in this web and identify the ones you know. Check themeaning of the other words in a dictionary. Which of them would youexpect to find in a love letter?



Read the letters on pages 10 and 11 and check your predictions in Exercise 4.

Which expressions from Exercise 3 were used to finish the letters?

Read the letters again and write which of them (I, II, III, or IV) has thesecharacteristics.a. __________ is romantic and optimistic.b. __________ has historical value.c. __________ talks about hidden feelings.d. __________ is written by a Chilean teenager to his foreign friend.e. __________ uses sophisticated words.

These chunks (a. – d.) have been removed from the four love letters. Putthem back in the correct places (i. – iv.).a. I’d like you to love me but if not, do you think we might at least be friends?b. in perfume, in harmonious sound: all of these mean you to me, all of

these I see and admire.c. And at other times, you might be doing more important things but you

choose to sit with me.d. We might go to the Lake District and cruise the lakes, camp on the beach

and watch the stars in the evening

Here is a summary of one of the letters. Which letter (I – IV) does itcorrespond to?The writer doesn’t know how to express his / her feelings, he / she cannot findthe right words, but he / she knows he / she is in love. He / She hopes that if theother person doesn’t love him / her, he / she will want to be his / her friend.




















Nouns VerbsCuddle

: verb / to hold sb / sth close in your arms to show love or affection.Cuddle

5. To validate predictions.

6. To find specific information.

7. To identify the tone ofmessages.

8. To locate specific information.

9. To match information.

Learning abilities

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10 UNIT 1

I love you!

Tammy Carter

My beloved Tammy,

I love you! Just writing the words puts a smile on my face. I love you because you are kind, tender

and thoughtful, and because you are my best friend.

I know that sometimes you might want to do other things but you prefer to be close to me.

(i.) ________________________________________________________________________________ in front

of the fire and cuddle as we watch TV.

I love being near you and walking with you on a rainy day. And there are times you might want to have

steak in a fancy restaurant, but you decide to hold hands with me over a hamburger and chips.

I love you because you listen to me as I share with you my small triumphs or the problems of the day.

I love you because in difficult times you hear me out – there’re times when you might not agree with

me, but you listen and try to understand.

And I love you for what you are.

For ever yours,





Dear Chris,

I &am &writing &this &letter &to &let &you &know&that I’m &really &fond &of &you. Unfortunately,&you &just &don’t &know &it. Sometimes I &would&like &to &shout &it &to &the &winds &but I’m &scared.Who &knows &what &your &answer &might &be? My &lips &are &closed, &my &heart &is &silent &and&the &words I &want &to &say &just won’&t &come&out. I &want &to &open &up and &tell you &how I&feel, &but I guess I’m &too &scared &because I’m&afraid &you &might &reject &me.

What &do I &expect? I’m &not &sure.(&ii.)________________________________________________________________Thinking &of &you,


: adj / showing you do not think that you are as important as other people.Humble

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Adapted from: My Beloved Toto, letters from Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo, published by State University of New York Press, Albany. Equipo Editorial.

Beloved Victor,

If I were clever I might describe how you, afamous writer, unite in yourself the beauties ofform and song!

I might tell you that you are the greatestmarvel of all ages, and I would only be speakingthe simple truth.

I love you, my Victor; I cannot repeat it toooften; I can never express it as much as I feel it. I recognise you in all the beauty that surroundsme in form, in colour, (iii.) ______________________________________________________ – and you are all!You are not only the solar spectrum with theseven luminous colours, but the sun itself thatilluminates, warms and revives! This is what youare, and I am the woman that adores you.




My &dearest Susan,

How &long &has &it &been &since I &last &saw

&you? I &will &tell &you: &it’s &been &one &month

&three &days &and 8 &long, &long &hours &since &we

&last &walked &by &the Calle Calle River &holding

&hands &and &looking &at &the &reflection &of &the

&moon &on &the &water. And &then &we &took &the

&little &boat &to &the Huapi Island &where &we

&thought &that &if &we &tried &hard &enough &we

&might &stop &time &for &ever &and &never &return

&to &reality.

But &you &had &to &go &and &now I &miss &you

&very &much, &counting &the &days &till I &see &you

&again. And &when &you &do &come &back, what

&will &we &do &together? (&iv.) ________________

American v/s British English



HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities



________. Or &we might &climb &volcanoes

&and &cross &cold &mountain &rivers. But

whatever we &do, &we &will &do &it &together - &you

&and I. Might I &ask &you &to &come &back

&really &soon?

I &hate &being &without &you, I &miss &you &and

&think of &you &all &the &time.

Your &forever &romantic


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12 UNIT 1

Language Note

1. What do these sentences from the letters you read have in common?a. I’m afraid you might reject me.b. If we tried hard enough we might stop time for ever.c. Might I ask you to come back really soon?d. We might go to the Lake District and cruise the lakes.

2. Which sentence expresses the following?a. A condition. b. A possibility. c. A request. d. A suggestion.

3. Study these other examples. a. She might be in another class.b. Might I go with you?c. If I had time I might help you.d. When you are in London you might visit the London Eye. The modal verb might can be used to express all four options, but it ismost commonly used to express possibility and condition.

4. There are nine more sentences with might in the letters. Copy them intoyour notebook and identify what they express: a condition, a possibility,a request or a suggestion.

The modal verb might


Classify the adjectives in the box as positive or negative. Use some of themto describe letters III and IV, sharing and comparing answers in your group.


Match the sentences in column A in the chart with what they express incolumn B.

Answer these questions using what you learnt in the Language Note andyour own ideas.a. What might you do at the weekend if you don’t have any homework? b. Where might you buy roses in the middle of winter?c. If someone asked you to be his / her pen friend, what might your answer be?

a suggestion


BShe might miss the train if she comes late.


Excuse me, might you speak a little louder please?We might stay at home and watch a film if you want.If the plants don’t get enough water they might die.The teacher said it was optional - we might read it if we want to.

a condition

a possibility

a request


American v/s British English

pen pal

pen friend

: adj / giving pleasure.Enjoyable

· abusive · boring · confusing · dramatic · embarrassing ·· fascinating · funny · gentle · honest · insensitive · interesting · ironic

· joyful · kind · loving · mad · nasty · optimistic · passionate· pessimistic · pleasant · romantic · sad · sensitive · silly


10. To classify words.

11. To consolidate a grammarpoint.

12. To reinforce a grammar point.

13. To evaluate learning.

14. To match information. / Toimitate a spoken model.

15. To write a text.

16. To relate content to personalexperiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 14: 4° medio globlal english

a. Read letters III and IV again and answer thesequestions in your group.i. What do the letters tell you about the

people who wrote them?ii. What does the vocabulary the writers use

tell you about their background, education,the times they live or lived in?

iii. Have you ever written a love letter or note?Why?

iv. What was the result?b. In your group, write down a few ideas that can

help you with your task: to write a love letter!i. A list of words that you can normally find in

a love letterii. Different beginnings and endings.

c. Work individually now and choose the style of alove letter that best suits you – optimistic,sophisticated, sad, etc.

d. Write a love letter (maximum 90 words) to a realor imaginary person using the ideas you wrotedown, the format and the vocabulary in theletters you read.

e. Apart from your own words you can also usequotations from Exercise 1 or others you canfind on the Internet.

f. Check your spelling and grammar. g. Exchange letters with somebody in your group. h. Follow the points suggested to evaluate your

letter. Say Yes or No.




3to 5GOOD JOB!


• I discussed the purpose of letter writing in my group.

• I followed the indicated steps.

• I used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

• My letter follows a coherent sequence.

• I checked my writing for grammar errors and spelling


MINITEST Write one sentence for each situation. 8 pts.a. Your foreign friend is visiting your area and asks you to suggest a place

to visit.b. You want to borrow your sister’s / brother’s brand new T-shirt.c. You want to ask your mother if she knows where your favourite jeans are. d. Your cousin wants to know what food to buy for his / her birthday party.


Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about quotations? Where / When can we use them?b. Which do you prefer, writing or speaking when love is the main issue?c. How would you help a friend who is suffering because of love?d. In the case of a married couple having serious problems, do you think

separation is a solution?


Match the questions (a. – c.) and answers (d. – f.) to form dialogues.Check with the recording and then role play them in front of the class.a. If you organise a party, who might you invite?b. So, what do you think we might cook tonight? c. Where might we find Philip?d. How about some fish and chips?e. I’m not sure - you might try his home address or his office.f. In my opinion, we should ask everybody in the class.

1014 American v/s British English

French fries


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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14 UNIT 1



Look at the cartoon and match the bubbles (a. – c.) with the correspondingpicture (1 – 3).


Did you know that...

accent is connected withthe way we pronouncewords? That is why peoplefrom the same countryspeaking the samelanguage may have adifferent accent, dependingon where they live.Stress is related to whichpart of a word or asentence we emphasise. Itmeans that we do not sayall the syllables or wordswith the same force, butsay some more loudly thanthe others.

American v/s British English




We might be alittle late, but it’s so

wonderful to betogether!

I hopeshe’s not tooangry! Theseflowers might


Terriblylate as usual! I

might as well gohome.

ba c

Listen and read these pairs of dialogues. Which one in each pair do youthink is more intense? Why?a. i. Adam: I love you.

Theresa: I love you too.ii. Adam: I love you so much.

Theresa: I love you very much too!b. i. George: I’m fond of dancing and singing.

Lilly: I love dancing too.ii. George: I am quite fond of dancing and singing.

Lilly: I absolutely love dancing!

You are going to listen to a news story called “Underground love”. What doyou think it might be about? Choose one alternative.a. Prohibited loveb. Love between a miner and his girlfriendc. Love on the subway



1. To match information andvisuals.

2. To identify tone of message.

3. To make predictions.

Learning abilities

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Listen to the news story and check your prediction in Exercise 3.

Listen to the news story again and mark the specially stressed words inthese sentences.a. We have a real life romantic story.b. He developed the very popular Web site.c. He described her really well.d. What better illustration of this unusual love affair?

Listen to the news story again. Which statements are true (T), which arefalse (F) and which are not mentioned (NM)?a. ______ Patrick Moberg is 28 years old. b. ______ Camille, his mystery girl, is a journalist in New York.c. ______ To find his dream girl Patrick developed a blog. d. ______ He did not approach Camille on the train because he was shy.

Listen to the song in the programme and choose the correct alternative.

a. My life’s so / .

b. She / at me on the subway.

c. And I don’t think I might / her again.

d. But it’s time to face the / .

e. I will / be with you.

Listen to the song once more and choose the best description.a. Angry and pessimistic. b. Cheerful and romantic. c. Sad and romantic.


Re-write these sentences using might.9















Patrick and Camille _____________________ _____________________ _____________________might marry. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Example: It is posible thatPatrick and Camille willmarry.

a. I suggest you invitePatrick and Camille tovisit Neruda’s house.

b. Maybe Patrick willtake Camille to thecinema.

c. It is possible thatPatrick and Camillewill travel to Paris.

4. To validate predictions.

5. To identify stressed word.

6. To discrimínate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

7. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

8. To identify tone of message.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 17: 4° medio globlal english

Language Note

1. Read these sentences from the news story. a. We totally clicked.b. They actually had so much to talk about.c. I am quite sure.d. I was terribly nervous.

2. Compare them with these sentences: a. We clicked. b. They actually had much to talk about. c. I am sure.d. I was nervous.

3. Study the sentences in Point 1. What do the underlined words do? a. They make the meaning more intense.b. They make the meaning more general. c. They make the meaning more understandable.

The answer is a. The underlined words are intensifiers; they enhancethe words that follow them.

4. Read some more examples.a. My dad told me an incredibly sad love story.b. It is surprisingly hot. c. You are absolutely right.

5. Listen to the first stanza of the song again and copy three moresentences that contain intensifiers.


16 UNIT 1

Complete these dialogues using different intensifiers.a. A: You’re late again! I’ve been waiting for half an hour.

B: ______________________________________ sorry.b. A: How did your mother feel when you showed her the test?

B: ______________________________________ upset. c. A: I can help you to study for the physics test.

B: ______________________________________ much. d. A: What do you think of the new television programme?

B: ___________________________________ interesting.


The words below appeared in the listening text. Use them to write foursentences. The pictures on the left can help you.

a. ____________________________________________________________.b. ____________________________________________________________.c. ____________________________________________________________.d. ____________________________________________________________.

crowded headline sketch subway






HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 18: 4° medio globlal english

You are going to share love stories with yourclassmates.a. Work in groups of four or five students and

answer these questions about the love storyyou heard in the recording.i. What are your opinions of the two

protagonists?ii. How would you behave in a similar

situation? iii. Would you be embarrassed to go on

national TV or radio to find the person youlove?

b. Work individually and write down a few linesabout a love story you know. It can be aboutyour parents, yourself or someone you know.Use these questions as guidelines. i. What are the names of the protagonists?ii. When / Where did the story take place?

iii. What is special about this love story?iv. How did it end?

c. Use the ideas you wrote and tell the story to therest of the group.

d. Answer the group’s questions providing extrainformation.

e. Choose the most romantic or the most unusualstory, and appoint a story-teller in your group.Help him / her to practise telling the story.

f. Exchange stories with another group.g. Use these ideas to evaluate your performance.

Say Yes or No.


• I participated in the discussion respecting my

classmates’ opinions.

• I wrote my ideas and used them to present my story.

• We corrected each other’s pronunciation.

• We used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.



2to 4GOOD JOB!


Listen to the recording and check your answers in Exercise 11. Practiseand then role play the dialogues for your classmates.

MINITEST Choose six places in this story to use the intensifiers in the box. 6 pts.

This happened a month ago. The day was hot and I wanted a drink. I lookedaround and saw a little kiosk with soft drinks and ice-cream but it wascrowded, I decided to look somewhere else. Then a boy standing right infront of the kiosk waved to me. He was cute! He had a bottle of orange crushin his hand and he was offering it to me. I was impressed. Now, a monthlater, we are dating! I still think he is fabulous.


· absolutely · quite · really · terribly · so · very


Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What do you think of making a blog dedicated to the person you love?b. What would be the perfect words to say to someone that you are deeply

in love with?c. Would you show respect or make fun if you received an anonymous

love letter?


9. To reinforce a grammar point.

10. To consolidate vocabulary.

11. To consolidate a grammarpoint.

12. To imitate a spoken model.

13. To evaluate learning.

14. To create a new text.

15. To reflect on the contents ofthe lesson and relate them topersonal experiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 19: 4° medio globlal english

Dear Gloria,

Thanks so much for offering to look after my pets while I’m in Brazil.

There are three of them:

Spike, the dog , Winnie, the cat and Bella, the parrot .

Each of them is (a.) a character and needs special

attention. Please see the indications below for their care.

Spike is (b.) of eating socks so please make sure that

there are none lying around.

Winnie (c.) hates the darkness so make sure that you leave

the lights on when you leave.

Bella (d.) loves fresh seeds and water so give her a fresh

portion every morning.

Spike and Winnie are (e.) good friends that they are

always taken for a walk together.

And finally, because Bella is (f.) small, make sure that the

windows are always closed so she cannot get out.

Once again thank you for offering to help. See you after I’m back from my


Love Helen


18 UNIT 1

CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIESHelen is asking her friend Gloria to look after her pets while she is away on holiday. Fill in the gaps inher note with the intensifiers in the box.

· absolutely · quite · really · such · terribly · very


: adj / of doing sth, finding sth pleasant or enjoyable, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time.Fond

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 20: 4° medio globlal english


Now that Helen has left her pets in goods hands, she is planning her holiday activities. Look at the pagefrom her diary and see what activities she might do. Write the sentences in your notebook.


MondayArrival, unpack, phone Gloria

TuesdayVisit Christ the Redeemer or Sugarloaf

WednesayGo to Ipanema or Copacabana beach

ThursdayVisit the botanical gardens or the

national park

FridayTake a bus to Florianopolis or to Buzios

SaturdayA boat ride or hang gliding

SundayFlight back and arrival home








a. Well, I worked awfully hard this summer, and I absolutely must have it. b. Mum is going to get quite with you for spending so much. c. It’s really fantastic, don’t you think? d. And it’s outrageously expensive too!


1 2 3 4

: adj / very angry.Mad

Read the sentences below (a. – d.) and put them in the right order, following the cartoon (1 – 4).Practise and role play the dialogue with a partner.


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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20 UNIT 1




Who are these famous love couples? Match the names (a. – h.) with the pictures (1 – 8).a. Adam & Eve e. Homer & Marge Simpsonb. Barbie & Ken f. John Smith & Pocahontasc. Bella Swan & Edward Cullen g. Pablo Neruda & Matilde Urrutiad. Frida Khalo & Diego Rivera h. Romeo & Juliet


Which person in the couples in the pictures (1 – 8) could have said these statements?a. “I am scared to tell you who I am. My name, dear boy, is hateful to myself, because it’s an enemy

to you.”b. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems

or pride: I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving”.c. “Is that what you dream about…being a monster?” “Not exactly, mostly I dream about being

with you forever.”d. “Just a little bite of the apple to show me how much you love me!” e. “Remember, my love - as far as anyone in Springfield knows, we’re a nice normal family.”


Page 22: 4° medio globlal english

Commandment 1: ___________ accept change and support growth in yourself

and your partner.

Commandment 2: ___________ call your partner 20 times a day or follow

him / her to all his / her activities.

Commandment 3: ___________ give 100% of yourself.

Commandment 4: ___________ listen to your partner.

Commandment 5: ___________ nag and bother your partner with your

problems all the time.

Commandment 6: ___________ often remind your loved one how much you

care about him / her.

Commandment 7: ___________ remember important dates and anniversaries.

Commandment 8: ___________ remember that you partner is a separate

individual with his / her own likes and dislikes.

Commandment 9: ___________ share love, problems, work, and play.

Commandment 10: ___________ treat your partner with jealously and suspicion.

Ten Commandments of Love

Adapted from: www.romancestuck.com

CHILEAN CONNECTIONTeresa Wilms Montt was born in Viña del Mar in1893. As a young woman, Montt was sent to aconvent as punishment for falling in love with aman while being married. There, she wrote her firstliterary work, “Diario Intimo”, where she talked abouther life, her love and her passion for a different,more liberal life. In 1916, helped by the Chilean poetVicente Huidobro, she escaped from the conventand moved first to Buenos Aires and then to Paris.She died in 1921, when she was only 28.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many talentedChilean women writers were censured by a societythat mistrusted women who engaged inintellectual pursuits. In most cases, their works werelost forever after their deaths, and their names wereomitted from literary annals. Today, Teresa Wilms’works can be found in old book stores.

Her life and romantic love and her willingness tosacrifice everything for it became the subject of aChilean film called “Teresa”. Directed by TatianaGaviola and starring Francisca Lewin, the film madeTeresa Wilms national news again.

Adapted from: Teresa Wilms Montt: A forgotten legend. Original Research Article, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 13,

Issue 3, 1990, Pages 195 - 199 by Marjorie Agosin.

Complete these 10 Commandments of Love with You should or You shouldn’t.3


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22 UNIT 1



Dear Krissy,

I sit here in sorrow, wishing I could hold you.I’ve realised that I’ve tried to replace youover and over since I made (ii.) _________________, but no one can makeme laugh and smile like you do. You are theonly one that ever made me so happy; noone could ever take your place. I feel as ifmy soul has stolen my heart and left me tocry myself to sleep each and every nightwith guilt in my heart of how I hurt you. Iguess you just don’t realise what you haveuntil it’s gone; I was so stupid to leave you! Iknow sorry is just a word, but for what it’sworth I am very, very sorry and I ask you toplease forgive me!

Love foreverBrian II

Adapted from: http://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/thank_you/letters/173.htmlhttp://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/i_am_sorry/letters/177.htmlhttp://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/confessions_of_love/letters/36.html

Read the three letters. What type of letter is eachone? 3 pts.a. A letter of apology.b. A love confession.c. A thank you letter.

Read the letters again and find the answers tothese questions. 6 pts.a. Why does Jessica cry sometimes?b. Why does Brian cry at night?c. Does Marco love Simona?

These chunks (a. – c.) have been removed from the letters. Put them back in the correct places (i. – iii.). 3 pts.a. the foolish decision to leave youb. really good friends, and I don’t want to ruin c. you make me feel like I can touch the sky




Dear Brad,

I &know we’ve &been &busy &lately with &school,

&tests and what not. I wanted &to &send you

&this &letter &to &let you &know &that I’m &thinking

of you and &love you very much. I’m very

&lucky &to &have &such a wonderful &boyfriend

and I wanted &to &say &thank you &for

changing my &life. You make my &life complete

and (&i. ) ________________________________

___ a million &times. You make me &laugh and

&sometimes &so &hard I cry. For all of &that, I

want &to &say &thank you.

I can’t wait &until our work &schedules change

&and we can &spend more &time &together.

Love always, Jessica


Dear Marco,

We can never &be &together. Why? Because we

are &just &friends, (&iii. ) ____________________

_____________________ &that. You &said &that

&being with me was very &special &for you and

&that you &really &respect our &friendship.

I &love you and &if you have not &seen &that &by

now &then you are &blind. You make my &life

worth &living. Maybe &this &letter &is all I need

&to &put you &behind me - I doubt &it, &though.

You will &be &in my &heart &forever, Marco,

&even &if &it &is &just as &friends.


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Listen to the recording. What kind ofprogramme is it? 1 pt.a. A news programmeb. A game programme.c. An interview.

What is the general topic of the recording? 1 pt.a. How a missing letter brought two lovers

back together.b. The reason two foreigners decided to marry

in London. c. Why two lovers stopped loving each other.

Listen again and identify the word you hear. 10 pts.a. Steve Smith and Carmen Ruiz-Perez, both now

/ , fell in love / years ago.

b. Their relationship / after she

moved to / .

c. Smith sent a letter to her

/ home in / .

d. When he / the phone

she knew it was the / decision.

e. Within / seconds of setting eyes on

each other they were / .








picked upanswered










Match the sentences in column A in the chartwith what they express in column B. 5 pts.

Use a different intensifier to fill in the blanks ineach of these sentences (a. - d.) according tothe pictures (1 – 4). 4 pts.

a. Philip’s baby daughter Flo is ______ cute!b. That dessert looks ______ delicious. Yummy!c. Pablo and Gonzalo are ______ good friends.d. Thank you. These flowers are ______



A suggestion

A possibility

A request

A BWhat time might it be? I’m notsure. It might be around 5 p.mShe might miss the plane if shedoes not hurry.Where might we go at theweekend?Whatever you prefer - you mighthave salad or pasta.Might I take this chair if you arenot using it?

A condition






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24 UNIT 1


A new classmate, Jerome is asking forsuggestions. Answer his questions usingsentences with might. Role play your dialogue in front of your classmates. 10 pts.

Jerome: So where do you think I could havemy lunch?

You: ________________________________.

Jerome: Which of our classmates should I talk to if I need help?

You: ________________________________.

Jerome: And what can you suggest for after school activities?

You: ________________________________.

Jerome: Who do you think I should call if I want more information?

You: ________________________________.

Jerome: What do I have to do to join a club or the library?

You: ________________________________.

9 Complete this letter expressing your feelings(maximum 90 words). Pay attention tovocabulary, spelling and grammar, and don’tforget to use appropriate intensifiers. 10 pts.

Dear ________________,

It’s been ten long months since we were last

together. This time ________________________



I know we can ___________________________

____________________, but it’s not the same as



When you come back _____________________

________________________ and we will never



Please, _________________________________


All my love,




HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 12 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

6 to 9 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered some of the questions correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few of the questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 12 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

6 to 9 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I identified some of the general and specific information.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced just a few bits of the general and specific information.

SpeakingYou are expected to be able to complete and participate in a guided dialogue. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation.

5 to 7 Good Good pronunciation and a minimum of hesitation.

3 to 4 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and with hesitation.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation.

WritingYou are expected to complete a letter using alternatives and your own ideas to start and finish. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I included all the right alternatives and my own ideas.

5 to 7 Good I included two of the right alternatives and my own ideas.

3 to 4 Not too bad I included one of the right alternatives and one of my own ideas.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I included none of the right alternatives and none of my own ideas.

LanguageYou are expected to apply and identify two language items. Your score

7 to 9 Excellent I understood and applied the language items in all cases.

4 to 6 Good I understood and applied the language items in most cases.

2 to 3 Not too bad I understood and applied the language items in some cases.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I deduced and applied the language items in very few cases.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never

I grasped the main ideas of the texts.

I used different strategies to help me to understand.

I made myself understood even if I made some mistakes.

I interacted with other students to do the exercises.

I expressed my point of view appropriately.


Page 27: 4° medio globlal english



In this unit you will learn to:READING: identify type of text / find general and supporting information.

LISTENING: find the meaning of key words / transfer relevant information to a visualorganiser / identify speaker.

ORAL PRODUCTION: ask and answer questions / role play a dialogue following a model.

WRITTEN PRODUCTION: complete paragraphs / write a film review.

FUNCTIONS: express possibility, certainty and doubt / express opinions / ask and answerquestions.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: -ing forms: gerunds and present participles.

VOCABULARY: words related to books and films.

You will pay special attention to these valuesThe importance of expressing our personal opinions about films and books.

The acceptance of and respect for different opinions.

You will use the following text types:READING: extracts from a book and amagazine / a poster.

LISTENING: an interview.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 28: 4° medio globlal english



Which of the following films are based on books? Use the expressions in the box to introduceyour answers. 6 pts.

· I am sure · I believe · I am not quite sure · I am quite certain · I am not certain · _____ certainly is… · I think


What are the similarities and differences between books and films? Classify the statementsbelow (a. – i.) in a Venn diagram. 9 pts.a. They are reasonably priced. b. They entertain us.c. We can enjoy them at home. d. We can enjoy them on a beach.e. We can enjoy them on a plane. f. We can enjoy them when we are in a group. g. We need a long time to finish them. h. We need a printed text. i. We need special equipment to enjoy them.

Match the words in the box with the definitions below (a. – f.). 6 pts.

a. A fictional work of prose that is shorter in length than a novel.b. A love affair or a story about one. c. A piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio. d. A series of moving pictures recorded with sound, that tells a story, and is shown on television or at

the cinema.e. A story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.f. The written text of a play, film, broadcast, talk, etc.

Your score:0 - 6: You should look up the words that you don’t know in the dictionary and share information with a classmate.7 - 13:You know enough about literature and films, but you could try to improve by sharing answers with your classmates.14 - 21:You are ready to start and enjoy this unit; perhaps you could help the classmates who look confused.

1. 2, 3, 4 and 6. 2.Books:d., g., and h.Films: a., f., and i.Both: b., c.and e. 3. a.Short story. b.Romance. c.Play. d.Film. e.Novel. f.Script.

· film · novel · play · romance · script · short story



1 2 3 4 5 6





HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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28 UNIT 2



Match the names of the authors in the box with their books in the pictures (1 – 6).

· Isabel Allende · Roberto Bolaño · María Luisa Bombal· José Donoso · Baldomero Lillo · Pablo Neruda


American v/s British English






Have a look at the texts you are going to read on pages 30 – 31. Which oneis a film review, which one a poster and which one a part of a book? Justifyyour choices.

The words in the box are from the texts you are going to read. Match themwith their definitions (a. – h.) and then check with a dictionary.

a. Sadness that you feel and show because somebody has died.b. The form or structure of a person or animal’s body.c. The way in which somebody holds and moves their head and body.d. To denote, to indicate, to show.e. To do something to reduce or prevent the bad effects of something.f. To keep a permanent account of facts or events by writing them down.g. To succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem.h. Very unpleasant or evil.

What kind of information about a film do you think you can find in a film poster?a. Information about the actors. d. Who the director is.b. The the film was made. e. Where the film was shot.c. How much the cinema ticket costs. f. Who wrote the screenplay.



· bespeak · carriage · counteract · despicable · frame· mourning · overcome · record (v.)



: noun / a particular day of the month, sometimes in a particular year, given in numbers and words.Date

1. To match information andvisuals.

2. To identify type of text.3. To identify meaning of key

words.4. To make predictions.

Learning abilities

Page 30: 4° medio globlal english

a. Place______________________ Event map



Read the poster and check your predictions in Exercise 4.

Indicate in which text you can find the required information (a. – f.).Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Read Text II again. What’s the film critic’s opinion of items a. - g.? Choosefrom the options in the box.

a. Isabel Allende. e. The first story in the film.b. The acting. f. The film adaptation.c. The book “The House of the Spirits”. g. The second story in the film.d. The first half of the film.

Read the film review and the plot description that appears in the poster. Tickthe correct statements.a. The review expresses the writer’s personal opinion. b. The plot description is a summary of the film. c. The plot description provides lots of details.d. The review compares the original book with the film.e. The plot description is more convincing. f. The review discusses both the characters and the actors who play them.

Read the plot of “The House of the Spirits” that appears in texts II and III againand complete this event map.




· Excellent · Fabulous · Fairly good · Great· Less convincing · More interesting · One of the best



I II IIIa. A detailed description of Barrabasb. Information about Clara, one of the protagonistsc. The author of the book

e. The genre of the movief. Where filming took place

d. The film cast

5. To validate predictions.6. To find general and supporting

information.7. To match information.8. To interpret information. / To

discriminate between correctand incorrect information.

9. To synthesise information andtransfer it to a graphicorganiser.

Learning abilities

b. Time______________________

c. Characters_______________________________________________________________

d. Brief summary of story._______________________________________________________________

e. End_______________________________________________________________

: noun / all the people who act in a play or film.Cast

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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30 UNIT 2

Chapter one

Rosa the Beautiful

Barrabás came to us by sea, the child Clara wrote in her

delicate calligraphy. She was already in the habit of

writing down important matters, and afterwards, when

she was mute, recording trivialities became very

important. She never suspected that fifty years later I

would use her notebooks to reclaim the past and

overcome terrors of my own. Barrabás arrived on a Holy

Thursday. He was in a despicable cage, dirty with his

own excrement and urine, and had the lost look of a

defenceless prisoner; but the regal carriage of his head

and the size of his frame bespoke the legendary giant he

would become. It was a bland, autumnal day that gave

no hint of the events that the child would record, which

took place during the noon mass in the parish of San

Sebastian, with her whole family in attendance. As a

sign of mourning, the statues of the saints were covered

in purple robes that the pious ladies of the congregation

unpacked and dusted off once a year from a cupboard

in the sacristy. Beneath these funereal sheets the

celestial retinue resembled nothing so much as a

roomful of furniture awaiting movers, an impression

that the candles, the incense, and the soft moans of the

organ were powerless to counteract.

Adapted from: “ The House of the Spirits,” Isabel Allende, Chapter 1,

official translation by Cedric Belfrage


Page 32: 4° medio globlal english

Director: Billie August

Screenplay: Based onIsabel Allende’s book,written by Billie August

Release Date: 1 April 1994


Genre: Drama / romance

Cast: Jeremy Irons, Glenn

Close, Meryl Streep, Wynona

Ryder, Antonio Banderas

Awards: 11 awardsincluding Best ,Best Design, BestProduction, Best Editing,Best Screenplay.

Plot: Chile, 20th century.

Marrying Clara makes

Esteban Trueba a happy man.

He works hard and gets the

money to buy a hacienda and

become a local patriarch.

Esteban becomes very

conservative and is feared by

his workers. When his

daughter Blanca grows up,

she falls in love with a young

revolutionary, Pedro, who

urges the workers to fight for

a better life. Esteban tries to

stop the love affair between

Pedro and his daughter, but

loving Pedro means too

much to Blanca, who must

choose between her family

and her love. Love wins and

she stays with Pedro.


The movie is an adaptation of the book with the

same title by Isabel Allende, one of the best South

American authors (she was called Gabriel Garcia

Marquez’s heir). The movie features Jeremy Irons and

Glenn Close (in their good days) Meryl Streep (who

does not have bad days, movie- wise, ), Wynona

Ryder and Antonio Banderas, and presents the story of

a family, as it stretches over four generations, with the

good, the bad, the funny, and at times, the surreal. It is,

in my opinion, a fairly good movie, made after a

fabulous book. Filming took place in Denmark and

Portugal and the European setting takes away from the

sweeping Latin American landscapes, the majestic

Andes and the general atmosphere.

The movie can be divided into two stories – the

first and more interesting, the study of Esteban’s rise

at least

to power and of his cruelty and hypocrisy; the second

and less interesting (and less convincing), the

romantic story of two lovers set against the

background of the revolution. The first half of the

movie is excellent. Jeremy Irons, despite appearing to

be talking through an ill-fitting set of dentures, gives

a performance of cruel power and tyranny that

dominates the entire movie. It is a beautifully written

and acted piece of characterisation. Unfortunately,

the second half of the movie almost entirely mitigates

the character.

If you want to see a good movie, with great acting

and an enjoyable, yet very “serious” story, watch the

movie. If you want to fully understand the story, and

understand why certain things happen the way they

do, read the book first.


Taken from: “ The House of the Spirits,” Isabel Allende, chapter 1,

official translation by Cedric Belfrage. Equipo Editorial.

Adapted from: www.flixter.com



: adv / not less than. : noun / the clothes worn by actors in a play or film.At least Costume

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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32 UNIT 2


Use your notes in Exercise 9 to complete this conversation about the plot of“The House of the Spirits”.A: Where does the action take place?B: ____________________________________________________________.A: When do the events happen?B: ____________________________________________________________.A: Who are the main characters?B: ____________________________________________________________.A: What happens?B: ________________________ marries ________________________ and

________________________, but ________________________________.Blanca, ________________________ who _________________________.

A: What happens then?B: ____________________________________________________________.

Listen to the recording, compare with the conversation you completed inExercise 10 and then repeat it. Then change the answers to talk about a filmyou have seen. Practise and role play the new conversation with a partner.



Examine the sentences below. Identify the gerunds and the present participles.a. Frank was swimming in the pool when I saw him.b. Denise likes dancing and singing.c. They were dancing and singing in the rain. d. Cooking with my mum is lots of fun.


Language Note

1. Compare the pairs of sentences below paying special attention to thewords in bold. What similarities and differences do you notice? Whichword is a noun and which one is a verb?a. Filming took place in Denmark and Portugal.

They are filming a new movie. b. Marrying Clara makes Esteban Trueba a happy man.

We first see Esteban Trueba when he is marrying Clara. 2. All the words end in -ing, but the words in the first sentence of each pair

are acting as nouns and we call them gerunds. The words in the secondsentence of each pair are acting as verbs, and we call them presentparticiples. When gerunds are used as nouns, they can be used in the same way thatany other noun can be used: subjects, objects, objects to prepositions, etc.

3. Go back to the texts and find more examples of both gerunds andpresent participles.

-ing forms

10. To ask and answer questions.11. To imitate a spoken model.12. To consolidate a grammar

point.13. To evaluate learning.14. To write a text.15. To reflect on the contents of

the lesson and relate them topersonal experiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 34: 4° medio globlal english

You are going to write a group review of a film youhave all seen recently.a. Agree on a brief summary of the film. You can

use the event map in Exercise 9 to help you.Make notes.

b. Describe what each of you thought of the film,giving reasons and examples. Make notes. Thesequestions can help you.– Did you think that it was interesting / boring /

thought-provoking?– Did it have lasting images and ideas that you

particularly liked?c. Divide the film into relevant parts: acting,

directing, setting, costumes, music, etc.; expressyour opinion and make notes.– Was the setting successful / the atmosphere

appropriate?– Was the cast good and adequate for the film?– What was the sound track like?

d. Brainstorm and write down a list of adjectivesand expressions you can use in the review:Example: amazing scenery / excessive violence /good atmosphere / hair-raising suspense /

hilarious / phenomenal/ plenty of details /spectacular visual effects / unexpected plot twists.

e. A person from the group must be the groupscribe. Develop a draft of your review (95 words)including the following parts.– Title of the review – make it catchy!– Paragraph 1: summary and your general view. – Paragraph 2: positive things about the film.

What did you like? Why?– Paragraph 3: negative things about the film.

What didn’t you like? Why?– Paragraph 4: final comments.

f. Read your review and check for spelling andgrammar mistakes.

g. Use these points to evaluate your group work.Say Yes or No.



MINITEST Complete the following paragraph with the correct form of theverbs in the box, a gerund or a participle. 8 pts.

It is 7:00pm and Bill (a.) _________________ at the dinner table in front ofthe TV. (b.) _________________ and (c.) _________________ TV are the twothings he really loves. His mother (d.) _________________ his sister with herhomework. The girl doesn’t really like (e.) _________________ homework.Bill’s mother loves (f.) _________________ new things so she (g.) _________________ herself.Bill’s father opens the front door. (h.) “_________________ home at night isthe best thing in the world!”, he says.


3to 6GOOD JOB!


· arrive · do · enjoy · help · learn · read · sit · watch


•We discussed our personal views of the film.

•We prepared a draft of our review.

•We used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

• Our review follows a coherent sequence.

•We checked and corrected grammar and spelling mistakes.

•We listened to and respected each other’s opinion


Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about Isabel Allende’s first famous novel? Can you

express your opinion about it or other books you have read or films youhave seen?

b. How important is the opinion of your family when you choose aboyfriend / girlfriend?

c. What would you do if you were in Blanca’s situation?


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34 UNIT 2


1 2 3 4 5 6


What do all the films in the pictures have in common? Choose from thealternatives given.a. The subject is fantasy. d. They are films for young people.b. They are / were all bestsellers. e. They have historical characters.c. They are all based on books. f. They were written by British writers.


Answer these questions about the films in your group.a. What is the plot of each of them?b. Who are the main characters and actors?

Listen and repeat these words associated with film making. Which onessound similar in Spanish? What do they mean? Find the meaning of the restin the dictionary.



actor adaptation animation cameraman cast

costume director extralocation

producer screenplay sequel soundtrack stunt

Classify the words in Exercise 3 under the correct heading.

Which words and expressions from Exercises 3 and 4 would you expect tofind in an interview with the author of books about vampires on which twofilms have been based?

People in films Film-making process



1. To connect pictures andcontent.

2. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

3. To identify cognates. / To relatewritten and spoken version ofwords. / To practisepronunciation. / To findmeaning of words.

4. To classify information.5. To make predictions.

Learning abilities

Page 36: 4° medio globlal english



Listen to the interview and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

Listen again and choose the best option.

a. The author began writing after / .

b. “Twilight” and “New Moon” sold / .c. Bella, the protagonist is popular with readers because she is

/ .

d. The location of the vampire saga is / .

Listen again and write down who said these statements, theInterviewer or the Author.a. ____________: I had a dream about a human girl meeting a vampire.b. ____________: Readers loved it immediately.c. ____________: Both “Twilight” and “New Moon” were filmed.d. ____________: The film and its soundtrack became really popular with

young people.e. ____________: Both need dedication.

Listen again and answer these questions.a. How many children does this author have?b. What is the name of the third book in this saga?c. How long did the author take to write the first book of the saga?d. What is the first name of the director of “Twilight”?


Think about the text you listened to and decide which statements are trueabout an interview.a. An interview is a conversation between two people - the interviewer and

the interviewee.b. An interview consists of a series of questions and answers.c. An interview is conducted in order to make the interviewee feel

uncomfortable and angry. d. The purpose of an interview is to obtain information from the interviewee.

In pairs, choose two films you have both seen recently and compare theaspects suggested (a. – f.). Use the expressions in the box.

a. Characters c. Location e. Subjectb. Length of the film d. Sound track f. Type of film

watching a horror filmhaving a dream


· as good / bad as · better / worse · rather different· more / less / terribly / incredibly amusing / boring / interesting / popular






a normal girla hero


13 million copies1.3 million copies




Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight.

6. To validate predictions.7. To discriminate between

correct and incorrectinformation.

8. To identify speakers.9. To find specific information.

Learning abilities

10. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

11. To consolidate vocabulary / Toexpress personal opinions.

12. To consolidate a grammarpoint.

13. To match information andvisuals.

14. To role play dialoguesimitating a spoken model.

15. To evaluate learning.16. To role play an interview.17. To reflect on the contents of

the lesson and relate them topersonal experiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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36 UNIT 2

Complete these sentences with information from the interview and agerund. Can you identify the function of the gerund?a. ___________________________ was quite a surprise for the interviewer.

b. After ___________________ about a human girl___________________ avampire, Stephanie started _____________________________________.

c. Stephanie didn’t expect such success because _____________________she had planned to do.

d. Stephanie thinks that ________________________ could ruin her books.

e. Next year, Stephanie will dedicate more time to ____________________.

Match the questions in column A (a. – d.)with the answers in column B(i. – iv.). Then match the dialogues with the pictures on the left (1 – 4).

Listen and practise the dialogues in Exercise 13 with a partner. Role playthem in front of the class.19

A Bi. I’m absolutely certain I’m right. The

answer is “Of Love and Shadows”.a. Are you sure it’s the right size for me?

ii. I’m not sure, but I think it’s the firststreet on the right.b. Is this your final answer?

iii. Lovely! Your girlfriend’ll love theseroses.

c. Can I have three of those flowers,please?

iv. Well, actually, it looks a bit too big foryou.d. Excuse me, where is Dalton Street?








American v/s British English

movie theater


Language Note

1. Read these sentences from the interview paying special attention to thewords in bold.a. Wearing fashionable clothes is not important.b. I love raising kids and I lovewriting books.c. I will dedicate more time towriting vampire stories.

2. Study these examples and those in Point 1 and try to identify thefunction of the gerund.a. Driving a car is quite difficult. b. Kenny loves driving his father’s car.c. Mrs. Adams is really tired of driving.

3. As gerunds function as nouns, they can take the role of subjects, objectsand objects of a preposition in a sentence.In both sentences a. the gerund is the subject of the sentence; insentences b. it is the object of a sentence and in sentences c. it is theobject of a preposition (in this case to, but it could also be after, before,between, from, of, etc.).


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 38: 4° medio globlal english

You and a partner are going to prepare and presentan interview. a. Each of you must choose a topic, one of these

ideas or one of your own: a favourite type offilm / a favourite writer / a person in your family / a place to go on holiday / your likes anddislikes / your future plans.

b. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask yourpartner. Consider these aspects.– Questions should start with what, when,where, who, why, which.

– Avoid questions that require a yes / no answer.– Be as neutral as possible and don’t offer your

opinions or ideas in the questions. – Avoid wording that might influence answers,

like: “So why don’t you like Isabel Allende’sbooks?”

– Don’t ask questions that you know might beembarrassing to the .

c. The first interviewer should ask all his / herquestions and then you must change roles.– Ask the questions one at a time and wait for

the answer.– Encourage responses with occasional nods of

the head, comments, polite noises, etc.d. Change roles.e. Discuss both interviews. How did you feel as an

interviewer and as an interviewee? Which rolewas more comfortable?

f. Use these points to evaluate your performance.Say Yes or No.



•We followed the suggestions offered in the instructions.

•We wrote our questions and used them in the interview.

•We corrected each other’s grammar, vocabulary and


•We used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

•We were respectful of each other’s ideas.


MINITEST Use gerunds to complete the second sentence so that it has asimilar meaning to the first sentence. 8 pts.a. My father repairs all kinds of things.

My father is good at ___________________________________________.b. I’m sorry I didn’t arrive on time.

I’m sorry for ______________________________________________ late.c. Fruits and vegetables are good for our health.

__________________________________________ is good for our health.d. My sister usually does her homework and then watches TV.

My sister usually watches TV after ________________________________.


Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What’s your opinion of films based on novels? Can you give more examples?b. Would you change the way you are in order to be with someone you love?c. What would you do if the boy or girl that you love belonged to an urban

tribe that you really dislike?d. Would you marry a physically disadvantaged person? Why? Why not?



3to 5GOOD JOB!


American v/s British English



: noun / the person who answers the questions in an interview .Interviewee

Page 39: 4° medio globlal english

Living in Privet Drive with his

uncle and aunt is very hard

for young Harry. His parents

died in a car crash when he

was still a baby, and he is

being brought up by Vernon

and Petunia Dursley.

For some unknown reason, Harry is living in the closet

under the stairs, and the Dursleys treat him more like a slave than like a family member. His cousin

Dudley’s favourite activity is bothering (*1) Harry all the time.

On his eleventh birthday, upon receiving a mysterious letter from a certain Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry finally discovers the truth about his origins. His parents were a wizard

and a witch. They were killed protecting him from the evil wizard Voldemort. Harry still has a lightning-

shaped scar on his forehead from that event. Since he survived the attack as a baby, and also

somehow deprived (*2) Voldemort of his powers, he became famous in the world of wizardry. The

Dursleys, strong disbelievers in magic, never told Harry anything about his true self.

Harry is surprised but happy and his training as a wizard begins. At Hogwarts, Harry makes friends

with teachers and two other youngsters, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The three of them

accidentally find out that the potions master, Severus Snape, is plotting to

steal something that a three-headed dog is guarding jealously(*3)

. The three

youngsters’ quest for the truth (*4) leads them

across many obstacles: everyday school life,

a bewitched Quidditch match (Quidditch is a

popular wizard sport), Fluffy, the three-

headed monster dog and many other

problems to overcome to get to the guarded


Luckily for young Harry and his friends the

situation is cleared up and Voldemort is

defeated once again.

Adapted from: www.imdb.com/title/tt024152/plotsummary

38 UNIT 2

CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIESRead the plot below. Do you know the name of the film? 1

Glossary: (*1) molestar(*2) quitar, arrebatar(*3) celosamente(*4) búsqueda de la verdad

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 40: 4° medio globlal english


Find all the gerunds and present participles in the story. List them separatelyin your notebook, copying the complete sentences.

Read the plot again and use the diagram below to summarise it. Write thesummary in your notebook. The pictures in Exercise 2 can help you.



Which gerund would you use to complete the instructions for these traffic signs?


a. Pedestrian____________.

b. Animal____________.

c. _____________prohibited.

d.No U-____________.

e. No____________.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Read the plot carefully again and put these pictures in order.2

American v/s British English



Event map

a. Where did the action happen? b. When did it happen?

c. Who participated? d. What happened? e. How did it end?

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 41: 4° medio globlal english



a. Never use no double negatives.

b. Reserve the apostrophe for it’s proper use and omit it

where its not needed.

c. Verbs has to agree with their subjects.

d. No sentence fragments.

e. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

f. Avoid commas, that are, not necessary.

g. When you reread your work, you will find out when you

reread your work that a great deal of repetition in

your work can be avoided by rereading and editing

your work.

h. Do not overuse exclamation marks!!!! (In fact, avoid

them whenever possible!!!!).

i. And do not start a sentence with a conjunction.

j. Don’t use contractions, as they’re not necessary.

k. Avoid modernisms that sound fishy.

l. Never, ever use repetitive redundancies.

m. Always avoid awkward or affected alliteration.

n. “Avoid overuse of ‘quotation’ marks.”

o. Awayz check you’re spelling. (Your spellchecker would

only pick up one of the three errors here.)

p. Every sentence a verb.

Adapted from: http://www.abctales.com/forum/2007/01/24/worth-a-read—-funny-writing-tips

40 UNIT 2

Can you detect the contradictions in these writing tips? Can you correct them?1

Page 42: 4° medio globlal english

Il Postino is a 1994 film directed by Michael Radford.It tells a fictional story of Chilean poet Pablo Nerudaand a simple postman - Mario Ruoppolo - wholearns to love poetry. The young postman deliversmail to only one customer, Neruda, exiled to Italybecause of his views.

In the meantime, Mario meets a beautiful younglady, Beatrice, in the village’s only cafe. With the helpof Neruda, Mario is able to better communicate hislove to her through the use of metaphors. Mario andBeatrice are later married, and at the same timeNeruda and his wife are allowed to return to Chile.Some months later, Mario makes a nostalgicrecording of island sounds for Neruda, including theheartbeat of his unborn son.

Several years later, Neruda comes back to the islandand finds Beatrice and her son in the same old cafe.

She tells him that Mario had been killed just beforethe birth of the child, at a rally in Naples. He hadbeen selected to read his poetry, dedicated toNeruda, for the crowd, but police stormed the placebefore he could reach the stage.

Beatrice gives Neruda the recording of islandsounds, which also includes the sounds of Mario’sdeath at the rally.

The of the film was adapted from thenovel Ardiente Paciencia by Antonio Skármeta.

Adapted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Il_Postino



Enjoy these cartoons and comment them in your group.2


a b

So you say onyour application thatyou are fluent in twolanguages. English



One of thepeople who

applied for theposition of journalist atour newspaper wants

to know why hedidn’t get the


: noun / the words that are written for a film, together with instructions for how it is to be actedand filmed.Screenplay

Page 43: 4° medio globlal english

42 UNIT 2


By Lea S. “Twilight”– based on the first bookin the best-selling series byStephanie Meyer – is a faithfuladaptation that will captivate fansand new audiences.

The film follows the story of BellaSwan (Kristen Stewart), a normalgirl who moves into a secretsupernatural world when she fallsin love with her mysteriousclassmate, Edward Cullen (RobertPattinson), who just happens tobe a vampire. This is not a typicalvampire tale; if you are looking for clichéd stereotypes with fangs, coffins, and stakes

through the heart (*1), this is not the film for you. Director Catherine Hardwicke and

screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg stay true to Meyer’s vision and show a story of the

ultimate forbidden love (*2).

Hardwicke once again proves her knack for portraying raw teenage experiences, as she

did in “Thirteen” and “Lords of Dogtown.” She directs a young cast of phenomenal talent.

Kristen Stewart gives a fresh, honest take on Bella. Her simple interpretation allows

viewers to live vicariously through Bella and experience what she does. Pattinson

conveys Edward’s inner troubles really well; his complex perception of the character

creates a believable Edward.

The film also has an outstanding supporting cast. Billy Burke as Bella’s father, Ashley

Greene as Alice Cullen, and Michael Welch as Mike Newton offer excellent interpretations.

The film itself is visually dynamic; it is shot in crisp blue tones and the costumes are pallid,

not the traditional vampire attire. Filmed in Portland, Oregon, the film features stunning

views and beautiful landscapes. Using extreme close-ups and unusual angles, the camera

work gives the film an intimate, realistic feel. The music ties in to the story perfectly;

consisting of moody rock songs, the soundtrack fits the tone.

The book and the film are equally satisfying but in different ways, and neither is better.

While you can imagine the detailed story unfolding in your head when reading the book,

the film creates a sweet condensed version for the big screen. Both allow you to lose

yourself in this passionate, unorthodox romance.Adapted from: http://www.teenink.com/Movies/article/65635/Twilight


Glossary: (*1) colmillos, ataúdes y estacas(*2) amor prohibido

Page 44: 4° medio globlal english


Read this film review. What is the writer’sgeneral view of the film? 1 pt.a. Positive.b. Negative.c. Neutral.

Read the review again and match the names incolumn Awith the roles in column B. 6 pts.

Read the review once more and answer these questions. 3 pts.a. Is the film a typical vampire story?

Why/why not?b. Where was the film shot?c. What is the reviewer’s opinion of the music

of the film?


ABella SwanBilly BurkeCatherine HardwickeMelissa RosenbergRobert PattinsonStephanie Meyer

Author / WriterFilm directorMain female characterMain male actorScreenwriterSupporting actor



1 Identify the gerunds and the present participlesin these sentences. 5 pts.a. He was playing football when I saw him

yesterday. b. There is only one great passion in his life:

writing books.c. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift.d. What is she doing here?e. I hate doing the same thing twice.



Listen to the recording and choose the best option. 5 pts.a. The young man in the conversation is a film

director / a librarian. b. Some readers like to add a little adventure /

romance as well c. The teenager’s favourite type of book is

fantasy / romantic fiction.d. The teenager saw a film based on her favourite

book last month / last week.e. It was fun watching the rest of the actors /


Who said these sentences, the British teenager (BT) or the Russian young man (RYM)? 5 pts.a. _____: Teens in my country normally like

books with a little bit of mystery.b. _____: I’ve read all the books and remember

even the smallest details.c. _____: What did you think of the film?d. _____: Was there anything about the film

that you didn’t like?e. _____: There were also things that I missed.






Complete these sentences with a gerund andyour own ideas. 5 pts.a. I’m not interested in ____________________


b. ________________________________ is thebest form of exercise.

c. ________________________________ is notvery good for your health.

d. I really enjoy _________________________________________________ in my free time.

e. The teacher talked about the importance of____________________________________.


Page 45: 4° medio globlal english

44 UNIT 2


Use the expressions in the box to fill in thespaces in the conversation below. Practise androle play it with a partner. 8 pts.


· I am sure · that’s right · I am not really sure· I am quite certain · I am not certain if· certainly are · I think · You are right

Choose a film you have seen or a book you haveread recently and write a short review (max. 90words). Remember to include the plot, youropinion about the director and the cast and afew words about the soundtrack. 10 pts.


Juliet: __________ I’ve seen that James Bondfilm before.

Brenda: __________ you’re wrong. You’ve seen“Casino Royale”, but not “Quantum ofSolace”.

Juliet: __________ about “Casino Royale” but__________ if I saw the other film too.

Brenda: The two films __________ quite similar.Juliet: Now that I remember “Quantum of

Solace” was filmed in Latin America,wasn’t it?

Brenda: Argentina, I think.Juliet: No, __________ it was a different

country. Let me think…Chile! Yes,__________ it was Chile.

Brenda: __________. They filmed it somewherein the desert, didn’t they?

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 46: 4° medio globlal english


YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

9 to 10 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

6 to 8 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

4 to 5 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered some of the questions correctly.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few of the questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

9 to 10 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

6 to 8 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

4 to 5 Not too bad I identified some of the general and specific information.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced just a few bits of the general and specific information.

SpeakingYou are expected to be able to complete and participate in a guided dialogue. Your score

6 to 8 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation.

4 to 5 Good Good pronunciation and a minimum of hesitation.

2 to 3 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and with hesitation.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation.

WritingYou are expected to write a short film review. Your score

9 to 10 Excellent I wrote a review including all the required details.

6 to 8 Good I wrote a review with most of the required details.

4 to 5 Not too bad I wrote a review with some of the required details.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I wrote a review with very few of the required details.

LanguageYou are expected to identify and apply two language points. Your score

9 to 10 Excellent I understood and applied the language points in all cases.

6 to 8 Good I understood and applied the language points in most cases.

4 to 5 Not too bad I understood and applied the language points in some cases.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced and applied the language points in very few cases.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never

I reflected on the issues of love, family opinions and diversity raised by the texts.

I used different techniques to help me to understand.

I made myself understood even if I made some mistakes.

I interacted with other students to do the exercises.

I expressed my points of view appropriately.


Page 47: 4° medio globlal english



In this unit you will learn to:READING: find and classify information / deduce the meaning of new words.

LISTENING: identify information provided prior to listening / discriminate between correct

and incorrect information.

ORAL PRODUCTION: imitate model dialogues / complete conversations with provided


WRITTEN PRODUCTION: prepare a brochure / summarise information.

FUNCTIONS: introduce yourself and others.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: the Subjunctive with different verbs.

VOCABULARY: words from the areas of technology and

scientific inventions.

You will pay special attention to these valuesThe importance of “green” technology and the conservation of our environment.

You will use the following text types:READING: a brochure.

LISTENING: an interview.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 48: 4° medio globlal english



Match the speech bubbles (a. – d.) with the people in the pictures (1 – 4). 4 pts.1

Which of the following were invented in the 20th century? Mark with a tick (√). 7 pts.a. ____ The aeroplane. e. ____ The microwave oven.b. ____ The diesel engine. f. ____ The telephone.c. ____ The Global Positioning System. g. ____ The typewriter.d. ____ The karaoke machine. h. ____ Velcro tape.

Match the sources of energy in the box with their pictures (1 – 4). 4 pts.

· Geothermal · Nuclear · Solar · Wind




Your score: 0 – 5: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you. 6 – 10: Your knowledge of technology is good, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words. 11 – 15: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

1.a.- 4. b.– 3. c.– 2. d.– 1. 2.a., c., d., e., h. 3.Geothermal – 2. Nuclear – 3. Solar – 4. Wind – 1.


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Hi everybody!My name's Ursula

and I'm a computerengineer

bI'd like you to

meet Laura, who isan astronomer.

cLet me

introduce Dr. GlenJackson. He is a


dMeet Giovanni;

he is an agronomist.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 49: 4° medio globlal english

48 UNIT 3



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What is the most important technological invention of all time?b. What technological invention in your house could you not live without?c. How does technology affect our lives and our planet?

Classify the words in the box under the corresponding category.

Which words in Exercise 2 look or sound similar in Spanish?

Which words from Exercise 2 would you expect to find in a text about“green” technology?


Read the text on pages 50 and 51 and check your predictions in Exercise 4.

What kind of text is it? Choose one option.a. A newspaper article. b. A brochure. c. A web page.

This text has some scientific words such as photovoltaic and phyto-remediation. Read the text again and find at least 5 other scientific terms.Can you deduce their meaning? Check the meaning of the other words ina dictionary.

Read the text again and choose one heading (a. – d.) for each part of thetext (I. - III.). There is one heading you do not need to use. a. Fresh from Salty Water c. Making the Sun Work for us b. Harnessing the Power of the Wind d. Natural Disposal of Toxic Waste

Discipline / Field People who work in it







· astronomer · astronomy · chemist · chemistry · design · designer· ecologist · ecology · engineer · engineering · geneticist · genetics

· physicist · physics · research · researcher · science · scientist


11. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To classify key words.

3. To identify cognates.

4. To predict content fromcognates and familiar words.

Learning abilities

5. To validate predictions.

6. To identify type of text.

7. To infer meaning of words /expressions.

8. To match information.

9. To transfer relevantinformation to a visualorganiser.

10. To identify textual references.

11. To find, support and classifyspecific information.

Learning abilities

Page 50: 4° medio globlal english

12. To participate in a guided oraldialogue.

13. To apply new vocabulary andstructures.

14. To practise a structure.

15. To evaluate learning.

16. To create a new text.

17. To reflect on the content of thelesson and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

“Green” inventions

Solar cells ______________,______________, ______________.

Conventional inventions

Calculator ______________,______________, ______________.


Read the text again. Find and classify at least 3 more inventions of each type.

These words are highlighted in the text. What do they refer to?a. it (I, paragraph 1, line 6) It refers to _________________.b. they (I, paragraph 3, line 4) It refers to _________________.c. we (II, paragraph 2, line 5) It refers to _________________.d. it (II, paragraph 4, line 3) It refers to _________________.e. it (III, paragraph 2, line 1) It refers to _________________.f. they (III, paragraph 4, line 2) It refers to _________________.

Read the text once more and list at least one advantage and onedisadvantage for each invention.


Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of certain inventions.Choose the answers from the options below. Check with the recording. Thenlisten, practise with a partner and role play the dialogue.

a. I prefer food cooked and heated on conventional cookers.b. I think it has improved our communications.c. It is really very dangerous for humans and animals.d. To use it you need a place with a lot of sunshine.e. Yes, but we must be careful with our environment.

Jordan: What do you think is the biggest disadvantage of nuclear energy?Alice: _______________________________________________________.Jordan: And what do you think is the problem with solar energy?Alice: _______________________________________________________.Jordan: Do you think that the invention of the Internet has improved our lives?Alice: _______________________________________________________.Jordan: And what’s the advantage of heating up food in microwaves?Alice: _______________________________________________________.Jordan: Should we use more geothermal energy in Chile?Alice: _______________________________________________________.




Advantage DisadvantageInventionI.II.III.


Did you know that...

a brochure is a pamphletor booklet, especially onecontaining summarised orintroductory information oradvertising?

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 51: 4° medio globlal english

Solar energy is thesun’s rays (solarradiation) that reachthe earth; it can beconverted into otherforms of energy, suchas heat and electricity.

In fact, as far back asthe 1830s, British astronomer

John Herschel proposed that a solar thermal

collector box be used to cook food during an

expedition to Africa.

Today, energy specialists suggest that the energy of

the sun can have other uses, for example converting

it into thermal energy to heat water for use in

homes, buildings, or swimming pools, and to heat

spaces such as the inside of greenhouses, homes,

and other buildings.

Solar energy can be converted into electricity in two


• Photovoltaic devices (PV devices) or solar cells

change sunlight directly into electricity. PV

systems are often used in remote locations that

are not connected to the electric grid. They are

also used to watches, calculators, and

lighted road signs.

• Solar power plants indirectly generate electricity

when the heat from solar thermal collectors is

used to heat a fluid which produces steam that is

used to power generators.

Even though the rays of the sun are readily

available, there are still some disadvantages: the

amount of sunlight that arrives on the earth’s

surface is not constant and depends on location,

time of day, time of year, and weather conditions.

Today electrical engineers recommend that we

install solar panels in areas with stable solar

conditions such as deserts and sunny areas.




Technology is important in our lives and in times

when the earth is getting warmer, the ozone layer

more depleted and natural resources very scarce, it is

important to promote technology that will make the

world greener. Some well-known “green” technology

includes wind turbines, recycled plastic and bio-

fuels. Here are three more examples.

50 UNIT 3

: verb / to supply a machine or vehicle with the energy that makes it work.Power

Page 52: 4° medio globlal english

Humans cannot drink saline water, but saline water

can be made into freshwater; this process is called

desalination. As long as we have lots of salty water,

we can make plenty of freshwater supplies.

As the world population continues to grow, shortages

of fresh water will occur more often, and not only in

certain locations. In some areas, salt water (from the

ocean, for instance) is already being turned into

freshwater for drinking. Chemists advise that we set

up more desalination plants in areas where there is

water .

Desalination / Distillation is one of mankind’s earliest

forms of water treatment, and it is still a popular

solution throughout the world today. In ancient

times, many civilisations used this process on their

ships to convert sea water into drinking water. In

nature, distillation is a basic process responsible for

the hydrologic cycle. The sun causes water to

evaporate from surface sources such as lakes, oceans,

and streams. The water vapour eventually comes in

contact with cooler air, where it re-condenses to

form or rain. This process can be imitated

artificially, and more rapidly than in nature, using

alternative sources of heating and cooling.

Provided that we have salty water available, we can

distil or desalinate it. However, the main

disadvantage is that it is still an expensive process.



Ecologists urge that we plant forests to help us

breathe better, and scientists insist that we plant

forests to clean up toxic waste. That is the idea

behind phyto-remediation, technology that uses

vegetation to absorb dangerous waste from industrial

plants and other polluters.

The technique has been around for years, but it has

not been very effective. However, there is a new twist

that promises to make toxic dumping grounds green

in more ways than one. Researchers at York

University in Britain have identified bacteria living in

the roots of certain trees that produce an enzyme

that eats up residue from RDX, a chemical compound

used by the military and industry. The scientists are

working on ways to genetically engineer the enzyme

to increase the tree’s ability to absorb toxic waste.

Meanwhile, a team of geneticists from the University

of Georgia has transplanted a gene from bacteria that

helps neutralise mercury contamination into a

common flower - the result is a bio-remediation

system that smells nice too!

Even though these technologies are really interesting,

there is a little problem: they are still not available on

a large scale.




Adapted from: Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, Second Edition,Hardcover, Aldo V. da Rosa

: noun / a situation when there is not enough of the people or things that are needed.

: noun / the very small drops of water that form on the ground, etc. during the night.Dew


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 53: 4° medio globlal english

1 2 3 4

52 UNIT 3

Go back to the text and find sentences that mean the same as these.a. Although solar energy is quite common, there are still some problems.b. It was, in reality, a British scientist who used solar energy for the first time.c. If we have plenty of salty water, we can turn it into fresh water.


Match these sentences (a. – d.) with the pictures below (1 – 4). Rewrite themin your notebook using the Subjunctive.Example: “Eat more vegetables,” he urged.

He urged that we eat more vegetables.a. “Why don’t we all go to the beach,” Sonia suggested.b. “How about going to the cinema?” I proposed.c. “Brush your teeth after each meal,” dentists advise. d. “Take off your shoes before entering the temple,” the sign requests.


Language Note

1. Read these sentences from the text paying special attention to the partsin bold.a. British astronomer John Herschel proposed that a solar thermal

collector box be used to cook food.b. Ecologists urge that we plant forests.c. Chemists advise that we set up more desalination plants.

2. What do you notice about all these sentences? Choose two correct options.a. They are all in the past tense.b. They all use the structure verb + that + infinitive without to.c. They all express a recommendation, importance or urgency. The correct answers are b. and c. The structure is called the Subjunctivemood. The Subjunctive is used after the following verbs:

3. Go back to the text and find two more examples of the Subjunctive.

· advise · ask · command · demand · desire · insist· propose · recommend · request · suggest · urge

The Subjunctive with that

We use certainconnectors to link partsof sentences and to makeshort sentences intolonger ones. Some ofthem are:Even though, even if.They mean although. Wealso use even if toindicate somethingtheoretical orhypothetical.Example:Even though he isChilean, he can speakEnglish very well.In fact means in reality.Example:Sandra is not veryfriendly. In fact, she isnot nice at all.As long as, provided thatindicate a condition andmean the same as if.Example:I will help you as long asyou ask me politely.

Learning tip

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 54: 4° medio globlal english


MINITEST Use a verb from the box in the Subjunctive and your own ideas tocomplete the sentences below. 6 pts.

a. The teacher suggested _______________________________________ asa good example of Spanish literature.

b. The doctor recommended ______________________________________.c. I demand ___________________________. The computer is not working!d. She insisted __________________________________________________.e. I propose _______________________ and once there we can rent a car.f. The President urges ___________________________________________.


3to 4GOOD JOB!


· drink · fly · read · return · take · vote


You are going to write a brochure in your group.a. Go back to the brochure on page 50 and look at

its format. What are its parts? What’s its length?b. Choose one of the topics below (i. – iv.),

thinking about an area you feel comfortablewith and where you know you can findsufficient information.i. What should we do about global warming

and climate change? ii. The most important inventors and

inventions of all time.iii. The importance of computers and the World

Wide Web.iv. Another topic of your choice.

c. Determine the purpose of the brochure yourgroup will design by answering these questions.i. What do I want to achieve?ii. What message do I want to get across?iii. Who is my target audience?iv. What is the purpose of my brochure? For

example, if you choose global warming, isyour message to offer a warning or simply toinform?

d. Plan the layout of your brochure carefully.Remember first impressions are lasting. Addgraphs, charts, pictures, etc.

e. Keep your sentences short and to the point.Give only necessary information - most peopledo not want to read long texts. Use theSubjunctive you have learnt in this lesson.

f. Use headings to draw attention to sections inyour brochure. These headings should stand out- a bigger font, a different colour or bold print.

g. Proof read your brochure and make sure thereare no grammar or spelling mistakes.

h. Ask your teacher to help you evaluate yourbrochure. Follow these points and say Yes or No.


• We analysed the topics and the message of the brochure.

• We agreed on the design of the brochure.

• We divided our brochure in sections.

• We included appropriate information.

• We used expressions and structures learnt in the lesson.

• We checked and corrected errors and punctuation.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about “green” technology? b. How can it affect us and our planet? c. Has your opinion about the best invention of all time changed? Why?

Why not?d. What is your personal contribution to protecting the future of our planet?


Page 55: 4° medio globlal english

54 UNIT 3



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What do you think the word biotechnology means? b. What is DNA? Does every living organism have it?c. What kind of instruments can you find in a science laboratory?

Match the pictures (1 – 4) with the bubbles (a. – d.).2


To which of these words can you attach the prefix bio? What do the newlyformed words mean?

Listen and repeat these words. Check their meaning in a dictionary.

Mark with a tick (√) the areas of life in which you think biotechnology can be used.a. ____ Agriculture d. ____ Healthb. ____ Education e. ____ Financial services c. ____ Energy f. ____ Mining



· boost · breathe out · crop · drought · increase (v.)· ore · rise · spoil · wrinkly · yeast

234Did you know that...

a prefix is a part of aword that is attached tothe word at the beginningto either give it a newmeaning or to modify it? Examples: uninteresting,dishonest, impatient,mispronounce, etc.


1 2

3 4

b c dSusan, I'd likeyou to meet my

friend Bill.

I don't thinkwe've met before. I'm

Jenny Jones.

Mum, this isJudy - my new


Ladies andgentlemen, let meintroduce Professor


cake chemistry dentist fuel logical mass physics technology

1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To match information andpictures that represent it.

3. To infer the meaning of keywords.

4. To find the meaning of keywords and identify theirpronunciation.

5. To predict content from thecontext.

Learning abilities

Page 56: 4° medio globlal english



Listen to the programme and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

Listen again. Which of the introductions in Exercise 2 are used in theprogramme?

Listen again and choose the best option.a. Where does the word biotechnology come from?

i. From three Latin words. ii. From three Greek words.b. For how long has biotechnology been around?

i. For more than four thousand years.ii. For more than fourteen thousand years.

c. What is the effect of yeast on bread?i. It makes it rest. ii. It makes it rise.

d. What were fruits such as apples like before biotechnology? i. Extremely sour. ii. Extremely soft.

e. What do Lactic bacteria do to milk? i. They keep it from spilling. ii. They keep it from spoiling.

Listen once more and answer these questions.a. What is the meaning of the word biotechnology?b. How can biotechnology be used in medicine?c. Why is it important that we plant drought resistant plants?d. Why is it imperative that scientists are careful when doing their



What is the main conclusion you can draw from the text?a. Humans haven’t noticed the presence of biotechnology in their lives.b. Biotechnology is essential to improve food quality.c. It’s very important that scientists take care when doing their experiments.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with these words from the listening text.

a. Humans ___________ such as rice, wheat and potatoes. b. Lemonade is a ___________ of water, sugar and lemon juice. c. Most copper ___________ is mined from large open pit mines.d. My favourite food is a ___________ cheese and ham sandwich.e. There is still no ___________ for cancer and the common cold.



rely on

crops · cure · mixture · ore · toasted






American v/s British English



: verb / to need or be dependent on sth. / sb.Rely on

6. To validate predictions.

7. To find specific information.

8. To find specific supportinginformation.

9. To find general and supportinginformation.

Learning abilities

10. To draw conclusions.

11. To consolidate vocabulary.

12. To consolidate a grammarpoint.

13. To imitate a spoken model.

14. To consolidate grammar andvocabulary.

15. To evaluate learning.

16. To consolidate vocabularythrough a game.

17. To discuss an issue.

18. To reflect on the content of thelesson and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 57: 4° medio globlal english

56 UNIT 3

Match the two parts of the sentences. Write the complete sentences in yournotebook.

Work with a partner and try to put these sentences in order to form aconversation. The first sentence of the conversation is in red. Compare withthe recording. Listen, practise in groups of five and then role play theconversation for the class.Clive: Hello, Gina.Gina: Hello, Clive.Gina: Hi, everybody.Gina: Nice to meet you, Naomi.Gina: Not too bad, and you? Gina: Tony, aren’t you going to introduce me?Naomi: Nice to meet you too.Steve: How are you doing?Tony: And the girl on your left is Naomi.Tony: Finally, the guy sitting next to Naomi is Steve.Tony: Hi, Gina.Tony: Sorry! Well, first, the guy on your right is Clive.


i. you pay attention to the traffic signs.a. Christmas is approaching so it’s a good idea thatii. you practise every day.b. Your test is next week so it’s vital thatiii. you begin studying now.c. Our planet is in danger! It’s urgent thativ. we all try to save it.v. we start buying gifts.vi. you take some extra vitamins.

d. As you are an athlete it’s recommended thate. When you drive a car it’s imperative thatf. To be a good musician it’s important that


Language Note

1. Read these examples from the listening text, paying special attention tothe parts in bold.a. It’s essential that we add a living organism.b. It is urgent that we plant crops resistant to droughts.c. It is imperative that scientists take care when doing their experiments.

2. What do the examples have in common? Choose two correct options.a. They are all in the future tense.b. They all use the structure to be + adjective + that + infinitive without to.c. They all express a sense of urgency and importance. The answers are b. and c. and they are another use of the Subjunctivemood in English. Other adjectives that we use in the same way are:

The Subjunctive is also used with the expressions it is a bad / good idea that …

3. Write sentences about the uses of biotechnology mentioned in thelistening text using these adjectives and the Subjunctive.

· best · crucial · desirable · essential · imperative· important · recommended · urgent · vital (that)

The Subjunctive (continued)

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 58: 4° medio globlal english


Use the linking expressions in the Learning Tip on page 52 to join thesesentences into one. a. He is not an expert. He knows a lot about biotechnology. b. It is safe to do experiments. We follow specific safety measures. c. We still need other sources of energy. We reduce the use of fossil fuels.

MINITEST Finish the sentences using the Subjunctive. 8 pts.a. It is urgent _______________. c. It is a bad idea ______________.b. It is a good idea ___________. d. It is recommended ___________.

Play Tic-Tac-Toe with a partner using the subjects below (a. – d.). Use theInternet or the library if necessary. a. Game 1 - inventors c. Game 3 - strange inventionsb. Game 2 - biotechnology d. Game 4 - useful inventions



3to 5GOOD JOB!




You are going to discuss an issue in your group. a. Choose one person to take notes. b. Read what Dr. O’Hanlon said about safety in

biotechnology: “It’s imperative that scientists takecare when doing their experiments in safelaboratory environments”.

c. Discuss why it is important that we take carewhen doing experiments in a laboratory. Talkabout possible dangers and their consequences.

d. List the equipment that helps to prevent accidentsin a lab ( , fire extinguishers, etc.)

e. Talk about actions that should not be done inany laboratory. Use the subjunctive.Example: It’s a bad idea that students eat or drinkin the laboratory while doing experiments.

f. List actions that should be done in the laboratory.

Example: It’s essential that we pay attention tothe risks.

g. Ask the note-taker to read his / her notes aloud;add, check, correct and then choose a person tobe the presenter of the group’s conclusions.

h. Join another group and compare conclusions. i. Ask your teacher to listen to the presentations

and correct errors and pronunciation. j. Use these points to evaluate your performance.

Say Yes or No.goggles


• We followed the suggestions offered in the instructions.

• We wrote our ideas to use them for the presentation.

• We corrected each other’s grammar, vocabulary and


• We used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What does a biotechnologist do? What subjects must you study if you

want to become one? b. Can you name at least four areas in which biotechnology is important? c. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of

biotechnology in connection with food?d. If you could choose the sex or any other physical characteristics of your

child, would you do it? Why? Why not?


: noun / a pair of glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from the wind, dust, etc.Goggles

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 59: 4° medio globlal english

58 UNIT 3


Match the situations (a. – d.) with the introductions (i. – iv.). Then, add two more situations with theircorresponding introductions.


Form pairs of sentences with similar meaning. Then match them with the pictures.1

It's a good idea thatwe cycle more.

aI think it would

be good if we used ourcars less and our bikes


bIt's important

that we take care whenhandling dangerous



It's recommendedthat you switch off the

lights when you are notusing them.

dWhen working

with dangerous chemicalmaterials we should be

really careful.

eYou should turn

off the lights when youleave the room.


1 2 3

IntroductionSituationi. Children, let me introduce a new student. She’s Bella Young and she is from a school in Oregon.ii. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen; this is your captain speaking.iii. Good morning, Miss Jenkins. You requested an electrician. I’m Danny Lamb from Blue Electric. iv. Hello? Can I speak to Irene Carter? My name is Helen Bingham and I’m calling from British Telecom.v. ____________________________________________________________vi. ____________________________________________________________

a. On the phoneb. On a home visitc. On a flightd. At schoole. __________f. __________

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 60: 4° medio globlal english


Read the letter below and put this information (a. - d.) back in the correct places (i. - iv.). a. I propose that we use the magic roundabout on other continents such as South America and Asia.b. It is important that I first tell you why I invented it.c. “It is a good idea that they use their carousels to pump water from the holes”.d. That is why I thought it is vital that we help Africans to access water easily and cheaply.


Which of the three pictures (1 – 3) corresponds to the magic roundabout? Why? Explain your choice.4

1 2 3

28 March, 2010Cape Town,South Africa

Dear Suomi,

Thank you very much for your letter where you are asking about my invention, the magic roundabout.

It is quite simple and it is based on one of children’s all-time favourites, the carousel. How do I start to

explain it? (i.)_____________________________. The fact is that parts of Africa are some of the driest

areas of the world so water for drinking and irrigation is really scarce.


In many rural areas of developing countries the only access to water is from bore holes. These holes are

usually operated by hand pumps and it is really very hard work! My idea was to make the work much

easier. Every day children play on roundabouts and they love it. So I thought:


This is one time when parents do not mind their children “wasting time” playing, especially when it

saves them - usually the mothers – spending hours walking long distances to the nearest water hole or

well to collect only what they can carry, perhaps 25 litres, every day.

Now many nations such as Uganda, Mozambique and Zambia are using my invention and about 650

have been installed in South Africa. (iv.)______________ In fact, the system could go all over the world.

I hope that I have answered your question. It is essential that in times when our planet is in danger, we

take care of our resources.

Yours Trevor Field

Adapted from: The Times, 17 April, 2005 by Christina Lamb.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 61: 4° medio globlal english

Read the descriptions of the products (a. – g.) and match them with the pictures (1 – 7).a. When it is sunny it keeps the sun off your head. When it is raining it keeps the rain off your face.

It is easy to use and folds up neatly when you are not wearing it.b. It is temporary and you can remove it any time you want. You can tear off a long piece and put it

around your entire arm, or a small piece for your leg, shoulder or... well, anywhere.c. Any time you want, you can soothe your tired muscles and rub away your tensions. Easy to use,

it runs on long-life batteries.d. Tired of the mess a real tree can make on your carpet? Here is the answer! Thanks to the magic

of digital technology, your TV screen will display a life-like beautiful tree – so fresh you canpractically smell it.

e. Hey kids, what time is it?! That used to be an easy question to answer. But why make everythingeasy? Have some fun with this wonderful invention.

f. What can be simpler than preparing a glass of chocolate? Well, now it is even easier. Just pushthe button and the Moo Moo Mixer will do the work for you.

g. Want to feel over the Moon? You can now. Just order a pair of Moon Boots and you will reallybelieve you are walking on the surface of our only satellite. No need to travel into space!

Adapted from: www.sillygifts.com



60 UNIT 3

Look at the pictures. Do you think that the products they advertise are real?1



Page 62: 4° medio globlal english



Complete these sentences with your opinion of the products.a. I think _________________________________ is the most useless. b. I think _________________________________ can be quite useful.c. I would buy ____________________________________ for myself.d. I would buy __________________________ for my friend _______.

In pairs, choose one of the products and design a publicity campaign for it. Consider the following aspects:a. Where to advertise it (TV, radio, newspapers, billboards).b. Who would be your target audience.c. What would be the slogan you would use.

Example: Essential – no teen can do without it!d. Where you would sell it (department stores, supermarkets, by catalogue, etc.).



Use the Internet or books from the library tofind out the meaning of the three names ofthe bacteria mentioned in the text.

Everyone knows that copper is the most important Chilean export and that the country’s economylargely depends on it. In recent times, the technology to get pure copper from copper ore has changedsubstantially. The new process, called bioleaching, is based on biotechnology.

Millions of years before the human species appeared on this planet there already existed organismscapable of extracting metal from rock. These are a group of bacteria known as chemoautotrophs (liveentities that harvest energy through simple chemical reactions between inorganic compounds such asiron, copper and sulphur). These micro organisms are truly living fossils and are extremely successful asa form of life, as they are found in almost all the Earth’s crust, including places with extreme conditionswhere no other type of organism can survive.

The eyes of the biggest Chilean copper producer, the state-owned Codelco, are on three tiny bacteriaidentified by their indigenous names: Wenelén, Licanantay and Yagán. The bacteria feed on nutrients inthe mineral, separating the sterile material from the metal, which is then collected in a solution.

Bioleaching is much cleaner and more environment-friendly than the traditional method which uses apowerful poison called cyanide to extract the metal from the ore. Besides, bioleaching produces less airpollution and little damage to geological formations, since the bacteria occur there naturally.

Adapted from: http://www.codelco.cl/english/desarrollo/reporte/2007/mira_mineriafuturo_texto.htm And R. Badilla, September 2005, PowerPoint presentation “Biotechnology for Mining”, by Codelco and Bio-sigma.


: adj / living, not dead.Live

Page 63: 4° medio globlal english

62 UNIT 3



Special ships that create clouds by spraying

seawater into the air could be the most cost

effective way of tackling climate change, new

research has found.

The technique, known as marine cloud

whitening, would create clouds above the Pacific

Ocean that would have a cooling effect by

reflecting sunlight away from Earth.

A wind-powered fleet of nearly 2,000 ships

would criss-cross the sea, sucking up sea water

and spraying it upwards through tall funnels.

‘When you spray saltwater into the air, you

create nuclei that clouds condense around,

creating bigger and whiter clouds, this way

bouncing more sunlight back into space,’ said

David Young, a scientist in charge of the study.

The study found that cloud

whitening could effectively

wipe out the effects of

climate change this century

with a cost of not more

than £5.3 billion. This is a

fraction of the £150 billion

that leading nations are

considering spending on

the reduction of CO2

emissions each year.

It is also more than 25 times

cheaper than the £140 billion

cost of developing the alternative of stratospheric

aerial insertion. This scheme would mimic the

cooling effect of volcanoes by creating a hazy

layer of particles like , which would

and absorb sunlight, creating a cooling effect for

at least a year.

The final suggestion considered was a plan to

launch tiny sunshades into space to shield

Earth from some of the Sun’s rays. However,

this was discounted due to its astronomical cost

of £236 trillion.

The authors also compared the overall cost of

the schemes with the cost / benefits that

reducing temperatures would have. These would

include the human costs on health, impact on

different industries such as agriculture and

tourism and the effect of flooding.

They found every £1 spent on

stratospheric aerosols would

£15 of benefits; however every £1

spent on cloud whitening would

bring £2,000 of benefits.

They added that developing non-

fossil fuel energy sources will take

a very long time. Although hybrid

and electric vehicles are available

in Britain, they are still a niche

market despite government

incentives to ‘go green’.



Taken from: Daily Mail, 7 August, 2009.

: noun / black powder that is produced when wood, coal, etc. is burnt.

: verb / to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground.

: verb / to obtain sth., especially sth. good, as a direct result of sth. that you have done.Reap



Page 64: 4° medio globlal english


Read the text and choose one of these titles for it. 1 pt.a. Cheap Measures To Eliminate Global Warmingb. Global Warming – The Latent Dangerc. Green Ships Fight Global Warming

Read the text again and match the numbers incolumn A with what they correspond to incolumn B. 4 pts.

Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? 4 pts.a. The cost of cloud whitening is lower than

any other way of fighting global warming.b. The cloud whitening project would be

developed over the Atlantic Ocean.c. An alternative way to combat global

warming is to use giant umbrellas.d. There are no hybrid or electrical vehicles in


Read the text once more. What are the two main advantages of using marine cloud whitening? 2 pts.a. ____________________________________.

b. ____________________________________.





152,0005.3 billion

150 billion

The total cost of cloud whitening.The number of ships to be used in the project.The cost governments are consideringspending on the reduction of CO2 emissions.Benefits for each pound spent on stratosphericaerosols.


1 Listen again and tick (√) the inventionsthat are mentioned. 2 pts.a. ___ Cutting edge computer programming.b. ___ Genetic manipulation of skin cancer cells.c. ___ Laser technology for medical use.d. ___ Tiny scissors for laboratory use

Listen to the interviews again andcircle what you hear. 4 pts.a. They are opened and closed with laser

rays / light.b. We use them to hold and even to cut / divide

molecules, genes and other tiny objects.c. I saw it in a magazine / on TV the other day.d. Doctors rub a small / tiny amount of special

cream into the skin.

Listen to the interviews once more andcomplete these sentences. 3 pts.a. A nanometre is ________________________.b. Invention 1, the ________________, is useful

because ______________________________.c. Invention 2, the ________________, is useful

because ______________________________.

6 26

7 26

8 26


Listen to two short interviews. Wheredoes each one take place? Choose fromthe options provided. 2 pts.Interview I: _______ Interview II: _______a. In a coffee shop. c. In the street. b. In a laboratory. d. In a university classroom.

5 26

Page 65: 4° medio globlal english

64 UNIT 3

Rewrite these sentences using the providedopenings. 4 pts.a. “Drink lots of water and have three light

meals a day,” the doctor suggested.The doctor suggested __________________.

b. “Submit the paper on Monday at the latest,”the teacher insisted.The teacher insisted ____________________.

c. “We should sell the tickets at 3 pounds each,”Marie proposed. Marie proposed ________________________.

d. “We must take the necessary steps to reduceglobal warming now!” the scientistrecommended. The scientist recommended _____________.

Use one of the linking words in the box tocomplete the sentences. 3 pts.

a. He didn’t study for the test. ______________,I was surprised that he passed it at all.

b. I will help you with the dishes ____________you dry and put them away.

c. ______________ she looks oriental she wasborn and brought up in Toronto.

Finish these sentences using your own ideas. 3 pts.a. It’s essential __________________________.b. It’s vital ______________________________.c. It’s urgent ____________________________.



· as long as · even though · in fact

9 Match the introductions (a. – d.) with thepictures (1 – 4). Then practise them with apartner and role play them in front of another pair. 10 pts.a. Claire: Tom, I’d like you to meet my

parents, John and Susan.Tom: Nice to meet you.

b. Gareth: Hi everybody, my name’s Gareth Fitzgerald and I’m from Ireland.

Friends: Hello, Gareth.

c. Ben: Mrs. Gibbs, may I introduce my boss, Mr. Palmer?

Mrs. Gibbs: How do you do, Mr. Palmer?

d. Diana: Jenny, meet John, my husband.Jenny: Delighted to meet you, John.


Go back to the brochure on page 62 andsummarise it in about 100 words. Include a shortdescription of the three inventions and theadvantages and disadvantages of each one. Usethe Subjunctive wherever possible. 10 pts.





1 2

3 4

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 66: 4° medio globlal english


YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

9 to 11 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

5 to 8 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

2 to 4 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered some questions correctly.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just one or two questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

9 to 11 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

5 to 8 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

2 to 4 Not too bad I identified some general and specific information correctly.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I deduced a few bits of the general and specific Information.

LanguageYou are expected to apply the subjunctive and three connectors. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I applied all the items in all cases.

5 to 7 Good I applied most of the items in most cases.

2 to 4 Not too bad I applied some of the items in some cases.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I applied the items only in one or two cases.

SpeakingYou are expected to role play dialogues of introduction. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent Good pronunciation and intonation, and no hesitation.

5 to 7 Good Acceptable pronunciation and intonation, and minimum hesitation.

3 to 4 Not too bad Some pronunciation and intonation mistakes, and some hesitation.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation and intonation mistakes, and a lot of hesitation.

WritingYou are expected to write a summary. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I wrote the text following all the indications, with no grammar, vocabulary or spelling mistakes.

5 to 7 Good I wrote the text following most indications, with very few grammar, vocabulary or spelling mistakes.

3 to 4 Not too bad I wrote the text following some indications and with some grammar, vocabulary and spelling mistakes.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I wrote the text but followed very few indications, and with a lot of grammar, vocabulary and spelling mistakes.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never

I reflected on my personal contribution to preserving our planet.

I actively participated in the discussions related to technology issues.

I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises.

I used different strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

I showed respect for other students' opinions and ideas.


Page 67: 4° medio globlal english



In this unit you will learn to:READING: locate and classify specific information.

LISTENING: identify speakers, find specific information.

ORAL PRODUCTION: talk about art forms and preferences.

WRITTEN PRODUCTION: write an article on art.

FUNCTIONS: express likes and preferences.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: the Past Perfect tense (affirmative, negative and


VOCABULARY: words related to art forms such as music,

painting, sculpture and others.

You will pay special attention to these valuesPaying attention to, respecting and creating art in different forms.

You will use the following text types:READING: an article.

LISTENING: a conversation.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 68: 4° medio globlal english



Match the descriptions (a. - e.) with the pictures (1 –5). 6 pts.a. Circle - a perfectly round shape.b. Hexagon - a geometric shape with six sides.c. Oval - a round, flattened shape. d. Rectangle - a geometric shape with four sides that are at right angles to each other. e. Triangle - a geometric shape with three sides.


What shapes are these instruments? 4 pts.2

Classify the words in the box under the corresponding category. 6 pts.

Your score:0 – 4: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you. 5 – 10: Well done, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words. 11 – 16: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

People Instruments Styles

1. a.- Picture 3. b.- Picture 2. c.- Picture 1. d.- Picture 5.e.- Picture 4. 2. 1 The violin is an oval. 2The tambourine is acircle. 3The harp is a triangle. 4The keyboard is a rectangle. 3. People:cellist, composer, disc jockey, singer, vocalist.

Instruments:accordion, drums, flute, piano, recorder, trumpet. Styles: ballad, classical, country, gospel, jazz, reggae.

· accordion · arranger · ballad · cellist · classical · composer · country · disc jockey· drums · flute · gospel · jazz · piano · recorder · reggae · singer · trumpet · vocalist



1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 69: 4° medio globlal english




Heavy metal




Hip hop




Rock and roll

68 UNIT 4



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. Why do you think people like music? b. Why do you prefer some kinds of music to others?c. How many musical instruments can you name in one minute?

Put these music styles along the time line according to the pictures and yourprevious knowledge. Do the pictures help you decide? How?



Compare the types of music in Exercise 2 using the sentences provided.a. ____________ music is older than hip hop.b. ____________ music is louder than classical music.c. ____________ is newer than rock and roll.d. In my opinion ____________ is better than pop music.e. ____________ is as good as pop.f. ____________ has more interesting lyrics than rock and roll.g. ____________ is as entertaining to watch as heavy metal.


Did you know that...

scientists believe thatthousands of years ago,before people learnt howto speak simple music wasa means ofcommunication? Ancientpeople communicatedimitating animal sounds(for example the roar of alion to tell their tribe thatdanger was approaching)or the sound of wind orwater to say that a riverwas near.

1. To connect topic and personalexperiences.

2. To match information andpictures that represent it.

3. To express opinions.

4. To identify cognates.

5. To predict using previousknowledge.

Learning abilities

Page 70: 4° medio globlal english

6. To validate predictions.

7. To identify type of text.

8. To find and match specificinformation.

9. To find and transfer relevantinformation to a visualorganiser.

10. To identify synonyms.

Learning abilities


Read the words in the box. Which of them look / sound similar in Spanish?Do you know their meaning? Check in a dictionary.

You will read an article called The Rapping Years. What do you think it will beabout?a. The best age to learn to play rap music.b. The history of rap music.c. The years when rap music was most popular.


Read the text on pages 70 - 71 and check your prediction in Exercise 5.Explain your choice.

Where do you think the text came from?a. A music magazine for teens.b. A daily newspaper.c. A magazine dedicated to fine art studies.


Read the text again and tick the corresponding paragraph.

Find synonyms for the following words in the text. The number in bracketsindicates the paragraph.a. Connection (I)b. Source (II)c. Bad name (III)d. Differentiate (IV)e. Words of a song (V)f. Locality, area where one lives (II)

· audience · captive · dimension · explosive · lyrics · popularity · rhyme



a. Mentions different types of music.b. Mentions female rappers.c. Mentions what a “toast” is .d. Lists the bad sides of rap. e. Describes the typical rapper look.







Did you know that...

one of the oldestinstruments on Earth is thedidgeridoo - the traditionalinstrument of theAboriginal peoples ofAustralia used for over40,000 years?You can find informationabout instruments, with abrief history of each athttp://www.dsokids.com/2001/instrumentchart.htm

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70 UNIT 4

Every so often a new style of music emerges that takes America bystorm and comes to represent the generation that grows up with it. Inthe 50’s it was rock’n’roll, followed by the pop of the 60’s; the 1970’sbrought folk music and disco, and in the 80’s it was rap. Perhaps noother form of music has crossed as many boundaries and become abridge between America’s many cultures as rap has. Today, the art ofrapping has evolved into something that cultural and lifestyledimensions and appeals to all kinds of people all over the world. Before rap became popular it had evolved from African people ingeneral and black people born in the U.S. in particular. Its origins can betraced to West Africa, where tribesmen held “men of words” in highregard. When slaves were brought to the New World, the captives mixedAmerican music with the beats they had heard in Africa. Another originof rap is a form of Jamaican folk stories called “toasts.” These are narrativepoems that tell stories

in rhyme. Over ahundred years later,rapping was a street art.Although it had firstbeen sung in the 1950’s,three decades later ittook over inner-cityschoolyards and streetcorners. Before theslightly violent and aggressive rap of the eighties andnineties, early raps had been tales and insults directed atother rappers. This music style was slowly growing inpopularity among black teens in New York City, Washington,D.C., and Philadelphia. As early as 1974 neighbourhoodblock parties in New York featured early forms of rapping.


The development of rap music from its inner-city roots to its breakthrough in the 80’s with rapperslike the Sugar Hill Gang and artists like Salt-n-Pepa.

: verb / stretch over; extend from one point to another.Span

Page 72: 4° medio globlal english

Adapted from: The Music Library - The History of Rap and Hip-Hop, The Music Library, Hardcover by Soren Baker.


But it wasn’t until the commercial success of “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugar HillGang in 1979 that major record labels took notice of this explosive new sound.Rap’s audience started to grow tremendously and gain notoriety with acts likePublic Enemy, N.W.A., and Ice-T. More than 30 years have now passed and rap stillhas a huge following among people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.From its origins in the gang dominion of Bronx and the dancehalls of downtownghettos, rap music soon found its way into the music scene. Soon, notonly African-Americans were dancing to rap music. Rap music evolved into a lyricalreflection of urban life. Rastafari-clad youth wore oversized shirts and jackets pairedwith low-riding oversized jeans that exposed their underwear. Heavy chainaccessories also became part of the rapper look.

Rap music, while considered by some to be afad that would eventually lose its appeal, is really a form of musical art thathas become a way of expression. Elements of rap music like modern mouthpercussion, vocal improvisation and stripped down melody make it aunique musical experience. However, the musical style is not without itscritics. In the 80’s many raps were commentaries on the hardships of ghettolife, warnings about drugs and about teenage love or lust. Those topics ledsome parents to fear that rap encouraged youths to turn to violence andillegal substance use. Organisations such as the Parents’ Music ResourceCenter had fits over lyrics in rap and hip-hop which contained explicitreferences to sex, drugs and racism. The performers don’t deny that rapmusic speaks openly about harsh topics. But they argue that audiencesshould be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality, right and wrong.

Rap historians cite young Jamaican Clive Campbell as one of the proponents of rap music. After hehad migrated to the Bronx he brought with him the art of Jamaican rapping. In the Bronx, Campbell wasknown by his nickname, Kool Herc (short for Hercules). Other earlyrappers had been Jamaicans such as U Roy, Duke Reid, and SirCoxsone, followed by the next decade of rappers like MelleMel,Fatback Band, Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Flash, and Run-D.M.C.The early nineties saw the entry of white American rappers like IceCube to the African-American-dominated world of rap music. Evenwomen rappers surfaced in the mainstream rap music scene. Womenrappers like Salt-N-Pepper, Monie Love, and Queen Latifah rappedover R&B melodies and expressed lyrics that touched on women-related issues. Presently, rap and its close relative hip-hop are enjoyingits largest popularity ever as a result of its mainstream acceptance.And thanks to artists like Kid Rock and Eminem, African-Americansare not the only ones listening anymore. Also, the female audiencehas grown steadily with the emergence of ladies behind themicrophone like Salt-n-Pepa, Queen Latifah, and Li’l Kim.


: adj / normal, typical.Mainstream

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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72 UNIT 4


Complete this diagram with information from the text you read.a. General topic.b. Three types of music in three different decades. c. Two different origins of rap music


Language Note

1. Study these examples from the text paying special attention to thewords in bold and the different colours used.a. After he had migrated to the Bronx he brought with him the art of

Jamaican rapping.b. The captives mixed American music with the beats they had heard

in Africa.c. Although it had first been sung in the 1950’s, three decades later it

took over inner-city schoolyards.2. Read the verbs highlighted in red and blue. Both of them express an

action in the past but one of them indicates an action that happenedbefore the other one. Decide which action was first.Answer: the action expressed by the verb form in red happened first.

3. The Past Perfect expresses the idea that an action occurred beforeanother action in the past.

4. Read these examples. In which of them can you notice which actionhappened first? How?a. We went to see Queen Latifah’s latest film. We discussed the film in class. b. We went to see Queen Latifah’s latest film. We had discussed it in class.

5. Change sentence b. above to indicate that the other action happened first.6. Go back to the text and find more examples of the Past Perfect tense.

Copy them into your notebook using different colours and compare withother students.

The Past Perfect tense




11. To summarise information in agraphic organiser.

12. To consolidate a languagestructure.

13. To consolidate vocabularythrough a game.

14. To consolidate grammar andvocabulary.

15. To participate in a guideddialogue imitating a spokenmodel.

16. To consolidate a grammarpoint in writing.

17. To evaluate progress.

18. To write a new text followinginstructions.

19. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 74: 4° medio globlal english


Which action happened first? Complete with the Past Simple or the PastPerfect tense of the verbs in brackets. The pictures can help you.a. He only ___________ the film because he ___________ the book.

(understand - read)

b. After we ___________ at the cafeteria we ___________ to class.(eat – go)

c. Marie ___________ TV once she ___________ her homework.(watch – do)

d. Carlos ___________ English before he ___________ to New York.(study – travel)

Play the Guess the Song game (this game requires previous preparation anda CD player).a. Choose one person in the class, who is very fond of music, to be the

game master.b. The game master should bring a CD of a well-known singer or a band to

the classroom. It should have at least 15 songs. c. The game master plays just 15 seconds of the first song and the group

that guesses the title of the song first scores a point.d. The winner is the group that collects the highest score.



HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 75: 4° medio globlal english

I can’t believe I (a. get) that flat. I (b. submit) my application last week, but I

didn’t think I had a chance of getting it. When I (c. show) up to have a look at

it, there were at least 20 other people who (d. arrive) before me. Most of them

(e. already fill) in their applications and were leaving. The landlord said I could

still apply, so I did.

I (f. try) to fill in the form, but I couldn’t answer all the questions. They

(g. want) me to include references, but I didn’t want to list my previous

landlord because I (h. have) problems with him and I knew he wouldn’t

recommend me. I (i. end) up listing my father as a reference.

It was total luck that he (j. decide) to give me the flat. It turned out that the

landlord and my father (k. go) to school together! He decided that I could

have the flat before he even (l. look) at my credit report. Thanks, Dad!

74 UNIT 4

Complete the conversation using the Simple Past or the Past Perfect ofthe verbs in the box. They are in the order they should be used to fill in theblanks. Check with the recording

Joanne: So, Eric, are you a music fan?Eric: I wouldn’t call myself that. I just like music. Joanne: Do you like pop music?Eric: Not really, but I _____________ to it before I _____________ rap.Joanne: What do you mean, “_____________” rap?Eric: I _____________ a great rap musician when I _____________ in

New York.Joanne: Yeah? Who is he?Eric: His name’s Sean Paul.Joanne: Is he American?Eric: He _____________ in Kingston, and _____________ to New York

after he _____________ in Jamaica for more than twenty years.Joanne: What’s so special about him?Eric: Before he _____________ a rapper in the Bronx he _____________

a “toaster” in Kingston.Joanne: A toaster?Eric: Yes, a singer who tells stories in songs. Joanne: I think I know him. He’s the singer who _____________ his money

to charity after he _____________ a Grammy.Eric: The same one. Joanne: You’re right. He’s a great musician.

Practise the conversation with a partner and then role play it for the restof the class.

Copy this text into your notebook putting the verbs in brackets (a. - l.) in thecorrect form.


· listen · discover · discover · meet · live · be born· move · live · become · be · give · win



Sean Paul (born in 1973 in Kingston,Jamaica)

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 76: 4° medio globlal english


You are going to write an article on the history of apainting style or some type of music (not rap orhip hop).a. Work in groups of four or five students.b. Choose a type of music (pop, classical, rock, etc.)

or a painting style (impressionism, cubism,realism, etc.) and one person to take notes.

c. Brainstorm what you know about the subject.List all the contributions from group membersand then organise the gathered information insome meaningful way (for example, by dates).

d. Decide what tasks still need to be carried out,for example, investigate the subject using theInternet or the library, collect and classifypictures, etc.

e. Prepare a time line for your chosen style andplan your article by using all the informationand the visuals you have gathered.

f. Decide how many paragraphs your article willhave and choose one heading for eachparagraph.

g. Finish the article with a conclusion: what wasthe reason you chose to write about this style?Why is this style especially important for you?

h. Remember:i. Keep it simple. Do not use “flowery

language”, or too complex sentences.ii. Write about the past in the past tense.

Remember the sequence of events. iii. Avoid writing in the first person (I, we).

i. Check your work. Reread your article and makesure that it makes sense.

j. Evaluate your work following these points. Say Yes or No.


• We analysed the topics and the information.

• We divided the tasks before writing.

• We discussed the structure of the article and agreed on the

title and paragraph headings.

• We used expressions and structures learnt in the lesson.

• We checked and corrected errors and punctuation.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. What vocabulary related to music and music styles have you learnt? b. What have you learnt about the history of rap?c. What is your opinion of rappers who insult other singers? d. There are some people who think that rap is a social tool which young

people use to express themselves. Do you agree? e. What do your parents say about the kind of music you like?


MINITEST Complete the sentences using the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. 10 pts.a. The fans ____________ very angry with the football players because they

____________ the match. (be - lose)b. Before he ____________ to Valdivia my father ____________ in the

north. (move - work)c. He ____________ with the Rolling Stones after he ____________ the

other band. (play - leave)d. Great grandpa Dennis ____________ excellent Italian because he

____________ in Rome. (speak - study)e. Karen ____________ very tired this morning because she ____________

to bed very late last night. (be - go)


3to 6GOOD JOB!



Page 77: 4° medio globlal english

Going to art


lectures on artGoing toconcerts Reading a book


picturesListening to


Looking atpaintings on

the web



76 UNIT 4



In pairs talk about these activities. Which ones do you enjoy doing? Use theexpressions in the box to express your preferences.

· I prefer · I like · more / less than · better than · I don’t like · as much as


One of the pictures below is painted in a style called cubism and the other ina style called futurism. Can you guess which one is which? What do you thinkthe words mean? What shapes were used to paint the pictures? Which onedo you prefer? Compare the pictures using expressions such as: as _____ as,not so _____ as, more / less _____ than, bigger, smaller, etc.


Listen and repeat these words. Do you know what they mean? Whichones sound similar in Spanish? Check all the meanings in a dictionary.

· affordable · application · brush · canvas · cheerful· colourful · saturation · stroke · thumb · walker


1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To express personal attitudesand opinions.

3. To get general meaning fromcognates.

4. To predict messages usingnon-verbal content.

Learning abilities

Page 78: 4° medio globlal english



Listen to the conversation and check your prediction in Exercise 4.

Listen again. Which of these two paintings does the speaker have onthe wall of her living room? How do you know? List the key words thathelped you to decide. Compare with another student.



Listen again and write the corresponding name: Belinda, MatthewWatkins, Jorge Colombo or Renata.a. _______________ bought one of the paintings.b. _______________ is the painter of the picture on the wall.c. _______________ used the iPhone to paint a cover of the New Yorker.d. _______________ is the owner of the gallery that sells iPhone paintings.

307 American v/s British English



You will hear two people talking about a new art form that involves a devicewe use in everyday life. Which of these do you think it is?


a. A microwave oven. b. An iPhone. c. An iPod.

1 2

5. To validate predictions.

6. To find specific supportinginformation.

7. To match specific information.

8. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

9. To find specific information.

10. To infer information.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 79: 4° medio globlal english

78 UNIT 4

Listen again and choose the correct option.a. This painting is __________ many posters.

i. cheaper thanii. as cheap asiii. not as cheap as

b. Unlike canvas, you can undo and redo strokes __________ you like.i. as rarely asii. as often asiii. more frequently than

c. It looks as if iPhone is becoming __________ iPod.i. as hot asii. not so hot asiii. hotter than

Listen once more and answer these questions.a. How much did Renata pay for the painting on her wall?b. Where did she buy it?c. How long did it take the painter to paint Renata’s picture?d. Where did he paint it?

What probably happened after this conversation?a. Giovanni bought an iPhone to replace his iPod.b. Giovanni bought some futuristic paintings at the gallery.c. Giovanni made a futuristic painting on his iPhone.


Match the words from the recording in box A with their synonyms in box B.A


Fill in the gaps in these sentences with some of the words in Exercise 11.a. Brushes from an iPhone uses different painting ____________.b. First she wanted to buy a rectangular table but then chose a

____________ one.c. I’d rather be a good ____________ than a bad professional.d. Paola used this ____________ for her first oil painting.e. This ____________ is designed to perform editorial functions.f. We bought the car from the ____________.g. When he went to London, he visited the National Portrait ____________.




· exhibition room · fabric · non-professional · program· proprietor · round · technique · ultramodern · visual artist

· amateur · application · canvas · circular · futuristic· gallery · owner · painter · style



308Did you know that...

a mobile phone works bysending radio signalsthrough the air? Whenyou talk on a mobilephone the messagedoesn’t go straight to theperson at the other end; itgoes to the nearest cellphone tower and into thetelephone network. Then itis connected to the phoneof the person you want tospeak to. Each cell phonetower only covers acertain area so as youmove from one place toanother you move fromone cell phone towerranger to the next.

11. To identify synonyms.

12. To expand vocabulary.

13. To consolidate vocabulary andstructures.

14. To expand content expressingopinions.

15. To imitate a spoken model.

16. To evaluate learning.

17. To talk about art forms andpreferences.

18. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

Page 80: 4° medio globlal english

Language Note

1. Read these sentences from the listening text.a. Matthew Watkins told me he had already made 20 and sold most of

them. b. Watkins explained he had painted the one I bought while on the

underground.c. He said he hadn’t needed more than 30 minutes to finish it.

2. What is the first verb in the three sentences? What do they have incommon?

3. We use the Past Perfect to indicate an earlier event in the past insentences that start with words such as: said, told, explained, answered,indicated, etc. The action of saying, telling, answering, etc. takes placeafter the action we are talking about.

4. Read some more examples.a. Renata said (second) she had bought (first) the painting in London.b. Giovanni told us (second) he had seen (first) this film before.c. The painter explained he had sold the painting to someone else. d. The accident victim answered that he had lost control of the car.

The Past Perfect tense (continued)

Match bubbles to form four sentences and then match the sentences withthe pictures below.



1 2 3 4

a b cRenata said he had lived in

Paris as a child.he had

painted the picture onthe subway.

d e fshe had goneto school with


gThe painter

told us

hthey had

played football in thepark.

Terrence said The childrenexplained

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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80 UNIT 4

Camila: Which art form do you prefer, painting or sculpture?

Andy: I much prefer ____________________________________________________.

Camila: Which do you prefer, modern or traditional art?

Andy: I think modern art is ______________________________________________.

Camila: Do you think that the colours used in futuristic paintings are more or less vivid thanin traditional paintings?

Andy: They’re definitely _________________________________________________.

Camila: Are foreign artists better than national ones?Andy: In my opinion, foreign artists _____________


Camila: Which is more interesting: the Fine Arts or the Modern Arts museum?

Andy: I think that ______________________________________________________.

Camila: Who do you think is a better painter, Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso?

Andy: It depends, but __________________________________________________.

Camila: And if you could buy one painting, what style would you choose?

Andy: I would choose __________________________________________________.

Listen to the recording and then practise the conversation with apartner, using your own ideas. Role play the conversation in small groups.


Finish the conversation using your own ideas. Tick your choice in thepictures and then compare with the recording.


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 82: 4° medio globlal english


You will discuss the art form you prefer with your partner.a. Prepare a set of cut-outs with different art forms

or use an art book from the library. Each of youwill need at least 1 pair of pictures. Each personshould take 2 pictures to compare.

b. Make a list of adjectives for each picture. Dividethe list into two categories: one to describe thepictures and one with adjectives that describeyour feelings while looking at them. Here aresome examples:Description: bright, colourful, dull, elegant,magnificent, ugly.Feelings: bored, curious, depressed, excited,indifferent, joyful.

c. Take turns to describe and compare the first pairof pictures, talking first about what you can see.Then say how the pictures make you feel. Youcan ask questions such as: What are yourimpressions of…? Which picture is more /less…? Which one would you buy? etc.

d. Now compare your likes / dislikes andpreferences. Do you both agree on all thepictures? Why? Why not? What is different?

e. Finally get together with another pair andcompare your pictures, descriptions and opinions.

f. Ask your teacher to listen to the presentationsand correct errors and pronunciation.

g. Use these points to evaluate your performance.Say Yes or No.


• We prepared for the exercise very carefully.

• We followed the suggestions offered in the instructions.

• We helped each other to express our preferences showing

respect for our differences.

• We corrected each other’s grammar, vocabulary and


• We used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about art in this lesson? b. Can you name at least five famous artists? c. What do you think about paintings done with an artist’s own hands and

paintings done using some type of software?d. If you could choose between a painting by Leonardo da Vinci and one

created on an iPhone to put in your living room, which would youchoose? Why?


MINITEST Write sentences in your notebook reporting what thesepeople said. 8 pts.a. “I saw Casino Royale on TV”, Laurie said.b. “ I sent the packet three days ago”, the man told me.c. “The Neanderthal lived thousands of years ago”, the scientist explained.d. “We have uploaded the exam results on our website”, the university

authorities announced.


3to 5GOOD JOB!



HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 83: 4° medio globlal english

82 UNIT 4

CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIESComplete the diagrams below. In groups or pairs choose four adjectives from the box to describe eachcentral idea. Write four sentences comparing rap with other types of music and iPhone painting withother forms of painting. Use expressions such as I prefer ______ to ______, I like ______ more than______, ______ is better than ______, ______ is more interesting than ______, etc.

· African · appealing · boring · colourful · disappointing · expressive · futuristic · happy· incomprehensible · loud · modern · multi-cultural · mysterious · original · popular


________________ iPhone art



________________ Rap music



a. _____________________________________________________________________________.

b. _____________________________________________________________________________.

c. _____________________________________________________________________________.

d. _____________________________________________________________________________.

a. Rap is more appealing than pop because it talks about everyday things.

b. _____________________________________________________________________________.

c. _____________________________________________________________________________.

d. _____________________________________________________________________________.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 84: 4° medio globlal english

No other artist is more associated with the term ModernArt than Pablo Picasso. He a. (paint) ______________thousands of paintings, prints and ceramics before hewas 50 years old. After he left Malaga where b. (live) ______________ as a young boy, he joined theBarcelona School of Fine Arts at the age of only 14.According to one of many legends about the artist’s life,his father, also a painter, gave him all his brushes andpalettes after he c. (see) ______________ his son’s firstpainting.

During his lifetime, the artist went through differentperiods of characteristic painting styles. The Blue Period d. (come) ______________ before the artist started the so-called Rose Period. But after he e. (see) ______________the works of Paul Cezanne, he developed, together withGeorge Braque and Juan Gris, the style called cubism.

In 1937, after the painter f. (learn) ______________ aboutthe barbaric air raid against a Basque village during theSpanish Civil War, he created his landmark paintingGuernica. In Guernica, Picasso used symbolic forms suchas a dying horse or a weeping woman.


Complete these questions using the Past Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.a. ________________________ your homework before you surfed the Internet? (finish)b. ________________________ breakfast before you left for school? (have)c. ________________________ in Canada before she moved to Mexico? (live)d. ________________________ his hands before he made the sandwich? (wash)e. ________________________ this guy before he came to the party? (meet)

Complete this biography using the Past Perfect tense.3


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 85: 4° medio globlal english

An artist who cannot spare the time to travel is using Google

Street View to visit stunning locations around the world and

capture them in paint. For the past year, the virtual globe-

trotter Bill Guffey, 45, has spent hundreds of hours travelling

thousands of virtual miles to visit places he feels he will

never get to see in person. But using the Internet giant’s

mapping tool, with which web-surfers can visit locations

across the globe, Bill, from Kentucky in the U.S. has been

able to capture iconic landscapes far from home.

Creating his amazing set of paintings through their street

view counterparts, the 45-year-old graphic artist has walked

through every state in his home country as well as England,

Italy, France, Switzerland, China and India. And after

electronically hiking through some of the planet’s most

beautiful spots, this father-of-two sits down to paint them at

his home studio.

He said: ‘Having to look after my family and hold down a job

have meant that I cannot travel very much. But Street View

has really changed everything for me because it means I can

go to all of those places I am in love with, sit and paint them

as if I am really there.

‘Travelling is what really does it for me. When I was younger

and single I travelled around Europe and other countries

across the world and it is the best thing I have ever done.

‘Now that I have become a painter I would love to revisit

some of those places and capture them in paint. But for the

present, Google is an amazing substitute.’

‘Working like this I can look for those views I think are still

iconic of their countries, but not necessarily their most

famous buildings,’ he said.

To find his perfect places, Bill uses the odd method of

beginning his Google search looking for certain businesses.

‘By picking a type of business that fits the kind of location I

want to find, I end up in places that would be difficult to

discover on foot. For example, if I pick a tattoo parlour in a

certain US state, I seem to have a pretty good feel of the

architecture that will come up on street view.’

On other occasions, Bill simply picks a place name out of a hat

and virtually walks around until he finds an inspiring view.

He has so far created over 100 paintings and in his series has

captured a red phone box in Trafalgar Square, London, a

lonely house in Scotland, a yellow taxi in New York, and a

canal boat in Holland. His pieces range up to 76x102

centimetres and sell for up to £1,500.


84 UNIT 4

Which of these countries has Bill visited virtually (V) and which of them has he included in hispaintings (P)?____ China ____ England ____ France ____ Holland____ India ____ Italy ____ Switzerland ____ The USA


Taken from: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212494/Vincent-Van-Google-Artist-uses-Street-View-website-travel-world-virtually.html

Vincent Van GoogleHow an artist uses the Street View website to

travel the world virtually

Page 86: 4° medio globlal english


CHILEAN CONNECTIONTalk about graffiti in your group. Do you think it is an art formor vandalism?Can you name a few examples of street paintings you haveseen recently?

MURALS IN CHILEChile has long been a centre for radical muralpainting and it is a place where many colourful andquality murals can be seen in the streets ofValparaiso, Santiago and other cities. As early as1940, leading Mexican and Chilean artists, includingDavid Alfaro Siqueiros, Fernando Marcos andGregorio de la Fuente, were painting murals in Chile.Today, Latin American street art is as innovative asany in the world, and Chile plays a leading part.

At present, Chile is part of a very ambitious projectcalled Murals Around the World. This project is aworldwide collaborative effort that began in 2003. Itis produced through submission of muralphotographs by supporters of the decorative artsworldwide.

The goal of the project is to document murals fromaround the world. Only commissioned, private orcommunity murals, produced with permission fromthe property owner, are accepted. The project isalso looking for documentation regarding the muralartist or artistic group, and any facts related to anymurals on this site. Art is often temporary and assuch, the project’s goal is to document as manymurals as posible from both the past and thepresent. Some of the murals have alreadydisappeared, since the project began. On March 10, 2009 the project managers releasedtheir first Windows Media Player version and themurals, from Chile and other countries can be seenon video.

Adapted from: www.danfulwiler.com/muralsaroundtheworld

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Match the countries in Exercise 1 with the typical views in these pictures (1 – 8).2

Page 87: 4° medio globlal english

86 UNIT 4



I. He is perhaps the most famous, or infamous, artist alive. To some, he is a genius; to others, a vandal. Always controversial, he inspiresadmiration and provokes outrage in equal measure.

II. Since Banksy made his name with his trademark stencil-style‘guerrilla’ art on walls, subways, buses and other public spaces - onwalls in London, Brighton, and even on the West Bank barrierseparating Israel from Palestine - his works have sold for hundreds ofthousands of pounds.

III.He has dozens of celebrity collectors including Brad Pitt and ChristinaAguilera (1) ________________ For example, Banksy’spainting of a monkey wearing a sandwich board sold for £228,000this year. He has also painted murals including a Mona Lisa with arocket launcher – sold for another outrageous amount.

IV. Yet his most provocative statement, and the one that generates themost publicity, is the fact that Banksy’s true identity has always beena jealously guarded secret, (2) ________________. Somemyths have grown around him. That his real name is Robin Banks.That before he became a painter (3) ________________. Thathis parents don’t know what he does and think that he is anunusually successful painter and decorator. Then there’s thesuggestion that Banksy is actually a number of artists or that he doesnot exist at all.

V. Such is the curiosity about Banksy that when the great man issupposed to have thrown away a pizza box into a bin in Los Angeles,(4) ________________, with the seller suggesting that thefew anchovies left inside might have traces of his DNA! But trying toestablish just who the elusive Banksy is has proved as difficult aspredicting the location of his next work.

VI.Banksy has supposedly been photographed a few times but eachphoto appears to be that of a different person, so who knows? But does it really matter who Banksy is? Is art about the artist (5) ________________? The people who buy his art think that the person behind it does not really matter. It seems to supportthe statement: art, in the end, is only about art.

Adapted from: Daily Mail by Claudia Joseph, 12 July, 2008.

Page 88: 4° medio globlal english


Listen to this conversation and choose thebest option. 4 pts.a. Who is going to the concert?

i. Dani and Carol.ii. Dani, Carol and Jen.iii. Dani and Jen.

b. When is Jen’s maths exam?i. Tomorrow. ii. On Monday. iii. Today.

c. How is Jen doing in maths?i. It is her worst subject.ii. It is her favourite subject.iii. It is her most important subject.

d. How is Nelly Furtado described?i. A fantastic jazz singer.ii. The best ballad singer.iii. A wonderful singer.

Listen again and write the name of thespeaker, Dani or Jen. 4 pts.a. _______: I’m studying for my maths exam.b. _______: I have a spare ticket to a Nelly

Furtado show.c. _______: Her guitarist and drummer are tops.d. _______: I’m a concert fan!

Listen once more and choose theword you hear. 4 pts.a. This is your only chance / choice. b. My maths exam is more important / difficult

now.c. You cannot / mustn’t miss her.d. I can / can’t help you with maths tomorrow.




CONCERT FANSLISTENINGRead the text. Parts of some sentences havebeen cut out (a. – e.). Place them back in thecorrect positions in the text ((1) – (5)). 5 pts.a. he had been a butcherb. known to only a handful of trusted friendsc. or is it about the art itselfd. the box was sold on eBay, the auction sitee. who buy his art without actually meeting

the man!

Read the text again and mark with atick the paragraph where you can find this information. 6 pts.

Read the text once more and answer thesequestions. 4 pts.a. What are some things that Banksy has

painted?b. Who are some of Banksy’s collectors? c. What object supposedly belonging to the

artist was sold on eBay?d. Do people who buy his art care about his


a. A truth about art.b. Difficulty to prove

Banksy’s identity.c. Famous collectors and

pricey paintings.d. Invented information

about Banksy.e. People’s reactions to

Banksy’s work.f. Places he has painted.





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88 UNIT 4


John arrived late at different places yesterday.What had happened by the time he arrived at each place? Write the correct sentences using the clues provided and the correct verb form. 4 pts.a. (the station - train - leave)

_____________________________________.b. (the theatre - play - start)

_____________________________________.c. (his friend’s house - she - go out)

_____________________________________.d. (football stadium - game - finish)


Rewrite these sentences using theopenings provided. 4 pts.a. John: “The phone rang at three o’clock in the

morning!”John complained that __________________.

b. Tina: “The exam began ten minutes late.”Tina told us that _______________________.

c. Fred: “I lived in Dublin before moving to LosAngeles.”Fred said that _________________________.

d. Marian: “The doctor asked me to describe mytypical day.”Marian explained that __________________.


7 One of these pictures is an example ofsurrealism by Chilean painter Roberto Matta and the other one is an example of pop art byAmerican artist Andy Warhol. Work with apartner and compare the two paintings,expressing your preferences. 10 pts.





Choose a singer or a band that you like. Write three paragraphs about the artist / artists. Include information about the points below (a. – c.) 10 pts.a. A brief history / biography of the artist(s). b. The type of music he / she plays / they play,

giving examples of his / her / their hits.c. Why you think this type of music is worth

listening to.


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 15 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

7 to 9 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

4 to 6 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 12 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

7 to 9 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

4 to 6 Not too bad I identified some general and specific information correctly.

0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced a few bits of the general and specific information.

LanguageYou are expected to apply and identify two language items. Your score

7 to 8 Excellent I understood and applied all the items in all cases.

4 to 6 Good I understood and applied all the items in most cases.

2 to 3 Not too bad I understood and applied the items in some cases.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I understood and applied the items in very few cases.

SpeakingYou are expected to be able to compare two paintings expressing your preferences. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation.

5 to 7 Good Good pronunciation and minimum hesitation.

2 to 4 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and hesitation.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation.

WritingYou are expected to write three paragraphs following instructions. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I wrote the text about my favourite band following all the indications.

5 to 7 Good I wrote the text following most of the indications.

2 to 4 Not too bad I wrote the text following some of the indications.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I wrote the text following very few of the indications.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never I critically thought about different types of art, expressed my opinion and showed interest and respect for other people’s ideas.

I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises.

I used different strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

I actively participated in the discussions and conversations related to art and artists.


Page 91: 4° medio globlal english



In this unit you will learn to:READING: fill in graphic organisers with specific information / identify the source of a text /identify scientific language.

LISTENING: find specific information / transfer information to a graphic organiser / identify

Internet language.

ORAL PRODUCTION: discuss a scientific topic.

WRITTEN PRODUCTION: write a scientific article.

FUNCTIONS: forming and substantiating hypotheses.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: reporting verbs and indirect questions.

VOCABULARY: words related to science and scientific


You will pay special attention to these valuesWhy and how science can change our lives for the better.

You will use the following text types:READING: a scientific article.

LISTENING: a web cam lecture.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 92: 4° medio globlal english



Match the names of scientists in the box with the pictures that represent them (1 – 6) and theirareas of study (a. – f.) Say / write definitions like this: A(n) ________________________ is a scientistwho studies ________________________. 12 pts.

· Archaeologist · Astronomer · Enologist · Entomologist · Geneticist · Ornithologist



a. Ancient cultures and periods of history. d. Heredity and variation in organisms. b. Birds and their behaviour. e. Insects.c. Celestial bodies and the universe. f. Technique and art of producing wine.

Classify the nouns in the box under the corresponding heading. 9 pts.

Your score: 0 - 6: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you.7 -13: Well done, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words.14 - 21: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

Instruments People Disciplines

1. Archaeologist – 2 – a.Astronomer – 6 – c.Enologist – 4 – f.Entomologist – 5 – e.Geneticist – 4 – d. Ornithologist – 3 – b. 2. Instruments:barometer, microscope, speedometer, stethoscope, telescope, thermometer. People: geologist, inventor,

palaeontologist, researcher, scientist. Disciplines: astronomy, biotechnology, chemistry, geography, microbiology, neurology.

· astronomy · barometer · biotechnology · chemistry · geography · geologist· inventor · microbiology · microscope · neurology · palaeontologist · researcher

· scientist · speedometer · stethoscope · telescope · thermometer


1 2 3

4 5 6

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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92 UNIT 5



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. Why do you think we use scientific terms? b. Do the words in the box look or sound similar in Spanish? c. What do you think their origin is? d. What do they mean? e. In which science discipline are they normally used?

Classify the animals in the pictures under the corresponding category, livingor extinct.


· biologist · carnivore · DNA · dinosaur · geneticist · genome· molecular · ornithologist · permafrost · zoologist


According to their origin,scientific words in Englishcan be:a.taken from ordinary

English words: energy,power, womb, etc.

b.taken from anotherlanguage: nimbus,cortex, pelvis, helix, etc.

c. Invented: polonium,uranium, watt, etc.

While scientific words aresometimes long anddifficult to pronounce,Internet users havecreated netspeak orchatspeak, which is veryoften abbreviated orsimplified. The sameabbreviations appear intexting and instantmessaging or in socialnetworking websites.Examples: Blog - the publication ofone’s thoughts on theInternet.To tweet - to writecomments on the Twitterwebsite.To unfriend - to removesomeone from Facebook. PAW - parents arewatching.2day - today. b4n - good bye for now.

Learning tip

2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15

1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To connect pictures and topic.

3. To express opinions.

4. To predict content from thecontext.

Learning abilities

Page 94: 4° medio globlal english


In your opinion, which word in each line does not correspond to thecategory? Why?a. animal - beast - creature - dangerousb. egg - mother - species - womb c. alive - endangered - extinct - happyd. baker - biologist - geneticist - zoologist

You will read a text about scientists cloning extinct animals from their DNA.Which animals from Exercise 2 do you think will be mentioned?


Read the text and check your predictions in Exercise 4.

What is the purpose of this text? Choose the best alternative.a. To describe. c. To instruct.b. To inform. d. To persuade.

Read the article again. Which of the animals are represented in thesepictures? Which key words helped you decide?





3 Did you know that...

according to scientists,more than one and a halfmillion species exist on theearth today? However,recent estimates state thatat least 20 times thatmany species inhabit theplanet. There are morethan 1,000 animal speciesendangered world-wide.

1 2 3

4 5 6

What do these words in bold in the text refer to?a. it (paragraph 4, line 1) d. it (paragraph 10, line 3)b. he (paragraph 5, line 3) e. its (paragraph 11, line 2)c. she (paragraph 8, line 1) f. he (paragraph 13, line 5)


5. To validate predictions.

6. To identify purpose of a text.

7. To find specific supportinginformation.

8. To identify references.

9. To transfer relevantinformation to a visualorganiser.

10. To differentiate between factand opinion.

11. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

Learning abilities

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94 UNIT 5

THE MAGIC OF DNA may bring back extinctanimals

The recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So when geneticists

recently published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long extinct woolly

mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this

creature back to life.

Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome sequence that exists only in a

computer’s memory is not possible right now. “But someone, some day, is sure to

try it” says Stephan Schuster, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State

University and a driving force behind the mammoth genome project. “After all, 50

years ago, we could have only dreamt we would now be capable of reading the

instructions for making humans or clone animals such as Dolly the sheep!”

Schuster added.

Besides the mammoth, what other extinct beasts might we bring back to life?

Schuster explained that it was only going to be possible with beings for which we

can retrieve a complete genome sequence. He added that without one, there was

no chance. The revival recipe also requires a living and closely-related species to

act as a mother, donating an egg and her womb to bring the project to

completion. In this case, we can forget about dinosaurs.

So, what does the potential “resurrection list” look like? Schuster explained that it

included some ten creatures either already extinct or about to disappear.

Woolly MammothThese giant woolly creatures first appeared around 4.8 million years ago but

mysteriously disappeared around 5,000 years ago, possibly due to climate change

or hunting. Schuster told us that their DNA had already been decoded. He added

that if this could be turned into fresh material, the creatures could be cloned with

the African elephant acting as a surrogate mother.

DodoHunting and habitat destruction led to the bird’s demise in the late 17th century.

However, the phrase ‘dead as a dodo’ has meant it lives on in the imagination.

Ornithologists predict that if suitable DNA is found it could be used to create

clones nursed through pregnancy by pigeons.

The Sabre-toothed Tiger.

Despite becoming extinct 10,000 years ago, likely due to environmental changes

or over-hunting at the end of the last Ice Age, this beast with dagger-

sharp fangs has remained a source of fascination.

Can it be resurrected? Apparently yes. Zoologists announce that DNA samples

preserved in permafrost or tar could be used to create clones which would be

grown inside an African lion.



: adjective / awful: causing fear or dread or terror. : noun or adjective/ one that takesthe place of another.


American v/s British English



Page 96: 4° medio globlal english


: noun / the horny toe of a mammal such as a cow or a horse.Hoof / pl. hooves

Tasmanian TigerTissue samples of this marsupial, which was hunted toextinction in the 1930s, are stored in museums aroundthe world.

“How easy is it to clone it?” we asked Jenny White, ageneticist. She replied that once sequenced, the DNAcould be used to create clones, brought into the worldwith the help of Tasmanian devil surrogate mothers.

Irish ElkOnce found across Europe, the Irish elk had antlersalmost four metres wide and stood two meters tall atthe shoulder. It became extinct 7,700 years ago.

Its closest living relative is the much smaller Europeandeer, which could be used as a surrogate for this elk.

Short-faced BearDespite its name, the short-faced bear, which becameextinct 11,000 years ago, dwarfed the polar bear - theworld’s current largest living land carnivore.

“Any chance of bringing it back?” we asked Prof.Schuster from Pennsylvania. He responded that therewere specimens encased in permafrost from whichDNA could be recovered. The species’ closest livingrelative is the spectacled bear of South America.

The NeanderthalThe Neanderthal, a distant relative of the humans,disappeared 25,000 years ago, although a draft of itsgenome is expected to be published later this year.

Modern humans would provide ideal egg donors andsurrogate mothers, but as New Scientist says: ‘It is hardto imagine even the most crazed of mad scientistsentering such taboo territory’.

Woolly RhinocerosThe woolly rhinoceros became extinct 10,000 yearsago.

Many specimens are preserved in permafrost and hair,horns and could provide DNA. Ironically, thesurrogates - modern rhino species - are on the brinkof extinction.

Giant Ground SlothThe giant ground sloth stood nearly six metres tall andis believed to have weighed four tonnes. Itdisappeared some 8,000 years ago.

“How feasible is it to resurrect it?” we asked an expert.“Several specimens have been found with hair, butfinding a suitable surrogate mother would be achallenge, as its nearest living relative - the three-toedtree sloth - is tiny by comparison,” he answered.

MoaThis huge bird was a distant relative of the ostrich fromNew Zealand and disappeared only 508 years ago.

It might be possible to ‘boot up’ the Moa genome in anostrich egg, but no bird of any description has yet beencloned.


Adapted from: Ten extinct beasts that could walk the Earth again, by Henry Nicholls.New Scientist Magazine, issue 2690, 07 January 2009.

Page 97: 4° medio globlal english

Name Became extinct DNA availability Surrogate

Late 17th Century

11,000 years ago.

508 years ago.

DNA samples preservedin permafrost or tar couldbe used to create clones.

A draft of its genome isexpected to bepublished later this year.

Tasmanian devil.

Moderm rhino.

96 UNIT 5

Read the text again and fill in the missing information in the table. 9

Read these sentences and then read the text again. Do the sentencesexpress a fact (F) or an opinion (O)?a. ______ The “resurrection list” includes ten different creatures.b. ______ But someone, some day, is sure to try it.c. ______ The European deer is smaller than its ancestor species.d. ______ It is a crazy idea to use humans to clone the Neanderthal.e. ______ The Moa disappeared in the 16th century.


a. Woolly mammoth




e. Irish elk




i. Giant ground sloth


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 98: 4° medio globlal english


Language Note

1. Examine these pairs of sentences from the text, paying special attentionto the parts in bold.a. “It is only going to be possible with creatures for which we can

retrieve a complete genome sequence,” Schuster explained.b. Schuster explained that it was only going to be possible with

creatures for which we can retrieve a complete genome sequence. c. “Without one, there is no chance,” he added. d. He added that there was no chance without one. e. “If suitable DNA is found it could be used to create clones nursed

through pregnancy by pigeons,” ornithologists predict.f. Ornithologists predict that if suitable DNA is found it could be used

to create clones nursed through pregnancy by pigeons.2. What do you notice about sentences a, c and e? How are sentences b, d

and f different?3. Notice the verbs in bold in the sentences. We call them reporting verbs

and we use them to communicate what someone said more accuratelythan using say or tell.Other reporting verbs are:

4. Notice that if the reporting verb is in the Past tense the rest of thesentence experiences some tense changes.Present Simple Past SimplePresent Continuous Past Continuous Future Simple (will) wouldPresent Perfect Past Perfect

5. Go back to the text and find more examples of sentences reporting whatsomeone said. Write them in two groups in your notebook.“_________________” _______________ that _______________

· add · admit · agree · announce · answer · claim · comment· complain · confirm · consider · deny · doubt · estimate · explain

· feel · insist · mention · observe · persuade · propose · remark· remember · repeat · reply · report · reveal · say · state

· suggest · suppose · tell · think · understand

Reporting verbs

Read the text once more. Are these statements true or false? Correct thefalse statements.a. _____ To clone any creature we need its DNA. b. _____ The Neanderthal was a relative of humans. c. _____ The modern three-toed sloth is an ideal surrogate for the giant sloth.d. _____ Tissue samples of the Tasmanian tiger can be found in many

museums around the world.



12. To apply new vocabulary andstructures.

13. To consolidate grammar andvocabulary.

14. To participate in a guided oralactivity.

15. To evaluate learning.

16. To create a new text.

17. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 99: 4° medio globlal english

98 UNIT 5

Write what the people said exactly.Example:Schuster explained that it included some ten creatures either already extinct orabout to disappear.“It includes some ten creatures either already extinct or about to disappear,”Schuster explained.a. She replied that once sequenced, the DNA could be used to create clones,

brought into the world with the help of Tasmanian devil surrogate mothers.b. He added that if this could be turned into fresh material, the creatures

could be cloned with the African elephant acting as a surrogate mother. c. We asked an expert how feasible it was to resurrect it.d. He responded that there were specimens encased in permafrost from

which DNA could be recovered.

Read what Wanda told her friend (a. – e.) and match each situation with oneof the pictures (1 – 6) Then re-write the sentences using different reportingverbs + that. Be careful to include any necessary changes.



a. “Jack, I can’t go to the party on Wednesdaywith you,” I told him.____________________________________________________________________________.

b. “I have some really important homework todo,” I explained.____________________________________________________________________________.

c. “But we have to go out some time soon”, he insisted.____________________________________________________________________________.

d. “I will go to the cinema with you on theweekend,” I promised. ____________________________________________________________________________.

e. “Call me on Friday to decide on the film,” I suggested.____________________________________________________________________________.

f. “Yes, the best films are romantic comedies,” I agreed.____________________________________________________________________________.

Listen to the recording to check your answers. Listen and practise thedialogue. Then role play it for the class.









HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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In your group, you are going to write a scientific article.a. Choose a subject you are currently studying in

your biology, physics or chemistry class. Forexample, if you are currently studying the cell,choose one specific type of cell such as thenerve cell, or the blood cell, etc.

b. Distribute research tasks among the groupmembers: parts of the cell, reproduction,ageing, etc.

c. Think about and develop a list of points to beincluded in the article.

d. Think what title you would like to give thearticle. Scientific articles do not have catchytitles but rather informative ones.

e. Consider these important suggestions whenwriting your article.i. Be clear and concise; write briefly and to the

point.ii. Use the right terminology; scientific articles

do not use colloquial expressions.

iii. Do not use contractions: for example, “don’t”must be “do not”, “isn’t” must be “is not”, etc.

iv. Use the appropriate tenses; the Past tense toreflect work that has been completed, thePresent tense to indicate permanentprocesses, etc.

f. Write the article as a group; check each other’sgrammar and spelling.

g. At the end of your article, provide the referencesyou based your article on. For example: Cellreproduction - http://anthro.palomar.edu

h. Follow these points to evaluate your work. SayYes or No.


• We analysed the topic and the information required.

• We divided the research tasks and did what we were

expected to do.

• We discussed the structure of the article and agreed on

the title.• We used expressions and structures learnt in the lesson.

• We checked and corrected errors and punctuation.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. What new scientific terms have you learnt? b. What are the main characteristics of a scientific article? c. What is your opinion of science and its importance in our lives?d. What do you think about bringing back extinct animals?e. Would you visit a Jurassic park with dinosaurs which are fed with

hundreds of live cows? What would be the consequences of that feedingsystem?


MINITEST Read this story and complete sentences a. - d. according to thecontext. Then re-write the sentences in blue (i. - iv.) using the correspondingreporting verbs. 16 pts.



5 to10GOOD JOB!


This happened last summer. I was walking down the beach when I saw this pretty girl. I approached her

and asked her name. She answered (a.)________. “Carla! (i.) You have a lovely name,” I said. I followed

her and asked her if she lived there all year round. She looked back at me and replied that

(b.)________. “Great!” (ii.) “I’m from Benton City too.” I added.

She seemed more relaxed now and asked me which school I went to. I told her that (c.)________.

“What a coincidence! (iii.) My boyfriend goes to that school, too.” she exclaimed. I was also amazed by the

coincidence and asked her boyfriend’s name. She answered that (d.)________. Now I couldn’t believe

it. (iv.) “My name is George too!” I shouted. I looked at her again and saw that she was laughing. I was

laughing too. I took her hand and we ran down the beach together, laughing at our little joke.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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100 UNIT 5



Which of the following processes (a. – e.) do you think we use in science? a. Classifying - arranging or organising according to class or category.b. Experimenting - carrying out tests to check a hypothesis or an assumption.c. Hypothesising - making suppositions about something. d. Measuring - establishing dimensions such as weight, length, height, etc.e. Observing - looking at objects or phenomena in order to form hypotheses.

Can you identify an example of each of the processes above (a. – e.) in thesepictures (1 – 5)?



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. In what other areas of life can we use the processes in the pictures? b. Have you ever used them? What for?

Listen to these words. What do they mean? Which ones sound similar in Spanish?

You will listen to a lecture by science professor Digby Jones, who will betalking about a scientific method. Which words from Exercise 4 would youexpect to hear?


· analyse · conclusion · experiment · hypothesis· journal · method · palaeontologist · universe



1 2 3

4 5

1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To connect the topic andexperience.

3. To express opinions.

4. To infer the meaning of keywords and identify theirpronunciation.

5. To predict content fromcognates and familiar words.

Learning abilities

Page 102: 4° medio globlal english

If hypothesis is ________

Ask _____________

Communicate ________

If hypothesis is ________

Think again

Analyse your ________and draw __________

Test your __________

Construct __________

Listen again and complete this diagram that represents the steps of ascientific process.




Listen to the lecture and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

Listen again. What question did each of these people ask?367


a. Columbus ________________________________________________________________

b. Newton _________________________________________________________________

c. Darwin __________________________________________________________________

d. Paleontologists ___________________________________________________________

e. Lemaitre _________________________________________________________________

6. To validate predictions.

7. To find specific supportinginformation.

8. To transfer information to agraphic organiser.

9. To find special words.

10. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

11. To identify textual clues.

Learning abilities

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 103: 4° medio globlal english

102 UNIT 5

Listen again and tick (4) three words taken from Internet slang thatProf Jones uses.a. ______ bloggerb. ______ chilaxc. ______ cu soond. ______ to texte. ______ to tweetf. ______ to unfriend

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements.a. ____ For the scientific process to start people should ask themselves one

of these questions: how, what, when, who, which, why, or where?b. ____ A hypothesis is a presumption about how things work.c. ____ You should never do an experiment more than once.d. ____ If your hypothesis is wrong construct a new one.e. ____ Scientists usually do not communicate the results of their work.

Listen to the lecture very carefully once more, and find out what thewords in bold in these sentences refer to.a. You asked me to explain.

It refers to ___________________________________________________.b. It must be about something that you can measure.

It refers to ___________________________________________________.c. In such cases they’ll construct a new hypothesis.

It refers to ___________________________________________________.d. Text them to your colleagues.

It refers to ___________________________________________________.


Match the words from the listening text in box A with their synonyms in box B. A


Fill in the gaps in these sentences with some of the words in Exercise 12. a. If you work hard and prepare yourself you can expect good ___________.b. The _______________ provided by the computer programme must now

be analysed.c. There are several _______________ you can use: measuring, testing,

analysing.d. The most important _______________ to consider is temperature of the






· aspect · consequence · examine · find out · information · method

· data · discover · factor · process · result · test




12. To consolidate vocabulary.

13. To apply new vocabulary.

14. To consolidate key words andexpressions.

15. To consolidate a languageitem.

16. To consolidate a language itemand imitate a spoken model.

17. To evaluate learning.

18. To discuss a scientific topic.

19. To practise and consolidatelanguage through a game.

20. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

Page 104: 4° medio globlal english


Choose the best option to fill in the gaps in these sentences. a. The anthropology professor _______________ a few more comments on

historical analysis.i. added ii. predicted iii. said

b. The librarian _______________ a few more databases specialising inEnglish literature.i. debated ii. said iii. suggested

c. Geologists _______________ that the rocks were “younger” than what thecarbon dating ultimately showed.i. asked ii. wondered iii. said

d. The students _______________ useful questions while revising for thefinal exam.i. alerted ii. asked iii. said

e. The job applicant _______________ his relevant experience andeducational background.i. described ii. requested iii. told

f. The announcer _______________ the most important instructions several times.i. admitted ii. complained iii. repeated

g. The accused strongly _______________ that she had sold stolen goods.i. announced ii. denied iii. commented


Language Note

1. Read these sentences from the recording.a. Darwin wanted to know why caterpillars were sometimes so

beautifully coloured.b. Columbus wondered what the shortest way to India was.c. Newton asked what made an apple fall.d. Palaeontologists wanted to discover when exactly dinosaurs

disappeared.e. Lemaitre asked where the universe was expanding to.

2. Compare the sentences with their direct speech equivalents.a. “Why are caterpillars sometimes so beautifully coloured?” Darwin asked.b. “What is the shortest way to India?” Columbus wondered.c. “What makes an apple fall?” Newton asked.d. “When exactly did dinosaurs disappear?” e. “Where is the universe expanding to?” Lemaitre asked.

3. What do you notice about all of them?They all lost the typical “interrogative order”. They no longer look likequestions, the question word (why, when, what, where, which) is movedto the middle of the sentence and none of them has a question mark.

4. These reporting verbs are generally used to introduce indirect questions:

· ask · enquire · wonder · want · would like to know · discover · find out

Reporting verbs – indirect questions

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 105: 4° medio globlal english

104 UNIT 5

Re-write these questions using the corresponding reporting verbs. a. “Why does the teacher get angry so often?” the child asked.

_____________________ why _____________________.b. “When do we use a microscope?” I wondered.

_____________________ when _____________________.c. “When should I talk to the coach about the match?” I enquired.

_____________________ when _____________________.d. “How much meat do we need for the meat pie?” my mother wanted to

know._____________________ how much _____________________.

e. “Which colour does Susan prefer: blue or green?” Georgina wondered. _____________________ which colour _____________________.

Re-write the questions below as indirect questions using the openingsprovided in the dialogue. Check with the recording and then practise androle play the dialogue with a partner.a. Could you give me some information? b. What time do museums generally close?c. Where can I buy a map?d. How can I get to a handicrafts centre from here?e. Who designed that magnificent building?

Tourist: Excuse me, I wonder if you (a.) ____________________.Guide: Of course, what would you like to know?Tourist: First, I'd like to know (b.) __________________________.Guide: At half past five.Tourist: Then do you happen to know (c.) ___________________?Guide: You can get one at the Tourist Information Centre on the corner.Tourist: Great. And could you tell me (d.) ___________________ to a

handicrafts centre from here?Guide: Walk along this street and turn right at the corner. There is a small

handicrafts market very near the big building you can see there. Tourist: Do you have any idea (e.) ___________________ that magnificent

building?Guide: Yes. It was designed by Juan José de Goycolea y Zañartu.

MINITEST Look at the pictures and finish the sentences. 10 pts.17




3to 6GOOD JOB!


a. My son asked me why ________________________________________________________.

b. I wanted to know when _______________________________________________________.

c. My young wife wondered where _______________________________________________.

d. I asked my dad how much ____________________________________________________.

e. My teacher enquired how many ________________________________________________.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 106: 4° medio globlal english


You will discuss a scientific topic in groups of sevento ten students. You will need to prepare for thediscussion beforehand using your own knowledge,available literature, articles from the Internet ortalking to your science teacher.a. Choose one of these topics.

i. The Earth is in danger of being hit by anasteroid.

ii. The dangers of the swine flue pandemic.iii. Making fuels from plants.iv. Animals in danger of extinction.

b. Sit in a circle.c. It would be good to establish some ground

rules such asi. Everyone should listen respectfully to the

others (even if they disagree).ii. The person who is speaking should not be

interrupted.iii. No more than one person should speak at

the same time.

iv. No one’s ideas should be made fun of. v. If you disagree with someone, disagree with

their ideas, but don’t attack the person.d. Choose a moderator who will decide on the

order of speaking. As participants offer theirviews, he / she can encourage group membersto respond to each other by asking questionslike: “What does everyone else think?” or “Isthere anyone else who agrees?” “Anyone elsewho disagrees?”

e. Start the discussion with setting the purposeand what and why you are discussing.

f. Use these ideas to evaluate your discussion.Answer Yes or No.


• We followed the purpose of the discussion.

• We were able to present our arguments logically.

• We handled disagreements and conflicts well.

• Everyone in the group got a chance to


Play the radio interview game in groups of 6 students. a. Choose a famous character you would like to interview.b. On separate pieces of paper, write the questions you would

like to ask your character. Put them face down on the table.c. On other pieces of paper, write openings for indirect

questions, like: would like to know / wonder / ask, etc. Putthem on a separate pile face down on the table.

d. Choose one person in the group to be the famous person,to answer the questions.

e. To act out the interview, the rest of the players must taketurns to pick up a piece of paper from each pile and ask thecorresponding question, inventing the name of the listener of theprogramme who asked that question. Example: Martha Bravo, from Linares, would like to know where youwere born.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about the scientific process?b. Has the lesson changed your perception about science?c. If important leaders in history, either positive or negative, could be

cloned, what would be the consequences of such an action?d. If you had the possibility of choosing the physical characteristics of your

future child or cloning all his / her vital organs, what would you prefer todo? Why?



Page 107: 4° medio globlal english

106 UNIT 5

CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIESProfessor Digby Jones was interviewed by Teen Science Blog. Read the blog and write the questions hewas asked.


a. __________________________________________________________________________________?

b. __________________________________________________________________________________?

c. __________________________________________________________________________________?

d. __________________________________________________________________________________?

e. __________________________________________________________________________________?

The sentences on the left (a. – d.) are written using scientific terms. Match them with their everydaylanguage equivalents on the right (i. - iv.).

a. The hypothesis that dinosaurs becameextinct because of a fallen meteorite isnow widely accepted.

b. The marsupial was created by the geneticmanipulation of its DNA.

c. Some animals are carnivores and someare herbivores.

d. The ornithologist examined the fossilisedremains and established it was a dodo.

i. Some animals eat meat and some eatplants.

ii. The bird specialist looked at the old bonesand said it was a dodo.

iii.What scientists believe about theextinction of dinosaurs is now acceptedby most people.

iv. The kangaroo was cloned in a lab.


In his interview, Professor Digby Jones explained that

palaeontology is a science that studies fossil organisms; he

said that we cannot clone dinosaurs because we do not have

their DNA.

He told our journalist that the film Jurassic Park was just a

fantasy and revealed that he was working on a new

hypothesis about dinosaurs.

Finally, he suggested that we should visit him at his


Page 108: 4° medio globlal english

1 2 3 4 5


a. John asked the waiter what the soup of the day was.

John: ____________________________________________________________________________?

Waiter: ___________________________________________________________________________.

b. Belinda asked the mechanic when the car would be ready.

Belinda: __________________________________________________________________________?

Mechanic: _________________________________________________________________________.

c. Emily asked the doctor how many pills she should take.

Emily: ____________________________________________________________________________?

Doctor: ___________________________________________________________________________.

d. Fred asked the police officer why she was arresting the young man.

Fred: _____________________________________________________________________________?

Police officer: ______________________________________________________________________.

e. Gillian asked the usher what time the film would start.

Gillian: ___________________________________________________________________________?

Usher: ____________________________________________________________________________.

Nelly is going to the USA on holiday. All her friends and relatives gave her some advice. Re-write theiradvice using reporting verbs.a. “Take your digital camera with you,” aunt Sybil recommended.


b. “Don't talk to strangers”, Ursula's father warned her.


c. “Send me en e-mail when you arrive”, Vivian's mother told her.__________________________________________________________________________________.

d. “Buy a Yankees T-shirt”, Richard's brother suggested.



Match the sentences (a. - e.) with the pictures (1 - 5). What questions were these people asked? Writethe dialogues using the clues and your own ideas and then role play them for the class.


HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 109: 4° medio globlal english


108 UNIT 5

Do numbers control your destiny?Do numbers control your destiny?You know the saying – there is power innumbers. What people want to say bythat is that the more people get togetherthe more powerful they become. Buthere we will talk about an alternativepower. One that you might think is trueor not – it really depends on you. We aretalking about the strange art (because itis far removed from science) ofnumerology. On this page we explainhow numerology works. Have a penciland paper handy? Great! Start bywriting out your full birth name (first,middle, and last). Now assign numbersto each letter using the chart as a guide.(Note: This chart is read downwards sothat 1 is A, J, S; 2 is B, K, T; etc.) Later youcan analyse other variations of yourname (nicknames, married names), butfor now let’s just stick with your birthname. Does it sound confusing? It reallyisn’t. Just take a look at the followingexample and you’ll get the idea.

In this example, we will use HenryQuincy Mathers as the birth name.What’s more, we’ll say that old Henry wasborn on November 11, 1922. Or11/11/22, the way it is usually written.(By the way, “11” and “22” are generallyconsidered master numbers innumerology. So Harry’s an interestingcharacter, judging by his day of birthalone!).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Now let’s assign numerical values to Henry’s full nameat birth.

H e n r y = 8, 5, 5, 9, 7 =34 = 3+4=7

Q u i n c y = 8, 3, 9, 5, 3, 7 =35 = 3+5=8

M a t h e r s = 4, 1, 2, 8, 5, 9, 1 = 30 = 3

Sum the numbers up = 7 + 8 + 3 =18 = 1 + 8 = 9

So Henry’s full name is reduced to 9. Okay, you haveyour Destiny Number. Now what does it mean? On thechart below is a quick interpretation of the numbers 1through 9 and the two master numbers (11 and 22). Youshould be aware that some numerologists attach specialsignificance to other two-digit numbers. However, theyare not universally recognized in numerology circles.

The Numbers Revealed!

Adapted from: Numerology and the Secrets of Your Name! http://www.astrology-numerology.com/numerology.html

1 is ambitious, independent, and self-sufficient.

2 is supportive, diplomatic, and analytical.

3 is enthusiastic, optimistic, and fun-loving.

4 is practical, traditional, and serious.

5 is adventurous, mercurial, and sensual.

6 is responsible, careful, and domestic.

7 is spiritual, eccentric, and a bit of a loner.

8 is money-oriented, decisive, and stern.

9 is multi-talented, compassionate, and global.

11 is enlightened, intense, and high-strung.

22 is goal-oriented, a global planner, and inspired.

Page 110: 4° medio globlal english


CHILEAN CONNECTIONWhat do these numbers in the text refer to? 1.2 - 2.2 - 3.58 - 3.6 - 4 - 27 - 100 - 160 - 300 - 600 - 1960 -2,400 - 67 million.

The La Silla Observatory, 600 km north of Santiagode Chile and at an altitude of 2,400 meters, has beena European Southern Observatory stronghold sincethe 1960s. Here, ESO operates several of the mostproductive 4-meter class telescopes in the world.

La Silla is a mountain bordering the southernextremity of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It islocated about 160 km north of La Serena, 27 kmsouth of the Las Campanas Observatory, and 100km north of the Cerro Tololo Observatory.

The 3.58-meter New Technology Telescope (NTT)broke new ground for telescope engineering anddesign and was the first in the world to have acomputer-controlled main mirror (active optics), atechnology developed at ESO and now applied tomost of the world’s current large telescopes.

The ESO 3.6-meter telescope is now home to theworld’s foremost extrasolar planet hunter: HARPS(High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher), aspectrograph with unrivaled precision.

The La Silla Observatory is the first world-classobservatory to have been granted certificationfor the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) 9001 Quality ManagementSystem. The infrastructure of La Silla is also usedby many of the ESO member states for targetedprojects such as the Swiss 1.2-meter Eulertelescope, as well as more common user facilitiessuch as the 2.2-meter Max Planck telescope. The67-million pixel Wide Field Imager on the 2.2-meter telescope has taken many amazingimages of celestial objects, some of which havenow become icons in their own right.

With about 300 refereed publications attributableto the work of the observatory per year, La Sillaremains at the forefront of astronomy. La Silla hasled to an enormous number of scientificdiscoveries, including several “firsts”. The HARPSspectrograph is the undisputed champion atfinding low-mass extrasolar planets. It detected thesystem around Gliese 581, which contains whatmay be the first known rocky planet in a habitablezone, outside the Solar System (ESO 22/07). Severaltelescopes at La Silla played a crucial role in linkinggamma-ray bursts — the most energetic explosionsin the universe since the Big Bang — with theexplosions of massive stars. Since 1987, the ESO LaSilla Observatory has also played an important rolein the study and follow-up of the nearest recentsupernova, SN 1987A.

Adapted from: the European Southern Observatory, www.eso.org and the AndeanWorld http://www.mundoandino.com/Chile/La-Silla-Observatory


American v/s British English

meter - organization - standardization - unrivaled

metre - organisation . standardisation - unrivalled

Page 111: 4° medio globlal english

110 UNIT 5


The moon is not the dry dull place it seems; scientists said they had found traces of water

in the dirt. Three different space probes found the chemical signature of water all over the

moon’s surface, surprising the scientists who at first doubted the unexpected measurement

until it was confirmed independently and repeatedly by several experiments and tests.

Scientists revealed that it was not enough moisture to foster life on the moon but if

processed in mass quantities, it might provide resources — drinking water and rocket fuel

— for future moon inhabitants. The water comes and goes during the lunar day.

It is not a lot of water. If you took a two-litre soda bottle of lunar dirt, there would

probably be a quarter of a tea spoonful of water in it, said University of Maryland

astronomer Jessica Sunshine, one of the scientists who discovered the water. She said the

water was simply sticking to the surface.

The discovery, with three studies published in the journal Science on Thursday and a NASA

briefing, could refocus interest in the moon. The appeal of the moon dropped after

astronauts visited it 40 years ago and called it “magnificent desolation.”

The announcement comes two weeks before a NASA probe purposely smashed near

the moon’s South Pole to see if it could kick up buried ice. Over the last decade,

astronomers have found some signs of underground ice on the moon’s poles, but this

latest discovery is quite different. It finds unexpected and pervasive water clinging to the

surface of soil, not absorbed into it.

The water was spotted by spacecraft that either circled the moon or flew by. All three

ships used the same type of instrument. At first, scientists thought that something was

wrong with the instruments because everyone knew the moon did not have a drop of

water on the surface.

“We argued literally for months amongst ourselves to find out where the problem was,”

one scientist said. But then they used a different probe that belongs to NASA and the

result was the same. Finally, the team also looked back at the records of NASA’s Cassini

probe, which is circling Saturn. It has the same type of instrument and it passed by the

moon ten years ago. Sure enough, the same result was revealed. Experts say that

the chance that three different instruments malfunctioned in the same way on

three different spaceships is almost zero, so this confirms that it is water.

Scientists testing lunar samples returned to Earth by astronauts did find traces of

water, but they had figured it was contamination from moisture in Earth air.

Lunar and Planetary Institute senior scientist Paul Spudis called the new find

“exciting” and said it raised the logical question: Where did that water come from?

There are two possibilities: It came from comets or asteroids that crashed into

the moon and those crashes freed up trapped water from below the surface, or

the solar wind carries hydrogen atoms that bind with oxygen in the dirt, thus

forming water molecules.

Adapted from: AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, AP Science, September 23, 2009.


Page 112: 4° medio globlal english


Read the article. Which of these is the mainconclusion you can draw from it? 2 pts.a. The presence of water on the moon means

that life existed on the moon before. b. If there is water on the moon people might

one day install human colonies there.c. If there is water on the moon we might one

day bring it to Earth.

Read the text again and complete thesesentences. 5 pts.a. Scientists said they were surprised ________.b. They also revealed that _________________.c. Scientists argued for months ____________.d. Lunar senior scientist Paul Spudis called the

new finding __________________________.e. He also asked the question where ________.

Read the article once more and answer thesequestions. 3 pts.a. What did astronauts call “magnificent

desolation”?b. Why did the NASA probe smash into the

moon?c. What are the two explanations for the

presence of water on the moon?




Listen to two people talking about somemysteries of science. Tick which of the twospeakers mentioned these points. 6 pts.

Listen again and circle the word you hear.4 pts.

a. Jesús Martínez-Frías, a planetary geologist,went to investigate the accident / incident.

b. Ice balls have fallen in other parts of theworld, some up to 100 /200 kilograms inweight.

c. The phenomenon is clearly caused by anacoustic resonance / response.

d. In many booming dunes, the sand grains areunusually uniform in shape / size.

a. A Spanish geologist

b. A British researcher

c. Low ozone levels

d. Global warming

e. Acoustic resonance

f. Various instruments

Speaker I Speaker II



Complete the sentences in column Awith your own ideas. Then ask your partner the appropriate questions to complete the same sentences in column B with his / her answers. 10 pts.




You Your partnera. In our chemistry class I

discovered that _____________________.

b. Our English teacherexplained that ______________________.

i. In our chemistry class_________ discoveredthat _____________.

ii. Our English teacherexplained that ______________________.

You Your partnerc. I clearly remember when


d. My parents complain that_______________________________.

e. I have learnt how much_______________________________.

iii._____clearly rememberswhen ___________________________.

iv. ____ ’s parents complainthat ____________________________.

v. _________ has learnthow much ________________________.

Page 113: 4° medio globlal english

112 UNIT 5


Change these sentences into Reported Speech. 4 pts.a. Jane: “What programme did you see on

Saturday?”b. Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”c. Customer: “How much does the computer

cost?”d. Sandra: “It’s not a good idea to leave so late.”

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 4 pts.a. A: What did the tourist ask you?

B: ___________________________________.

b. A: What did you tell Susan?B: ___________________________________.

c. A: What did the policeman say?B: ___________________________________.

d. A: What did the astronomer explain?B: ___________________________________.




Write two short paragraphs (maximum 150words) with the information in the interview below. Use the reporting verbs in the box. 10 pts.

Reporter: Can you tell me a little about theNazca Lines?

Prof. Maine: The Nazca Lines are an enigma.No one has proof who built themor why.

Reporter: Is it true what some people say, thatthey are old landing sites forextraterrestrials?

Prof. Maine: Some people say so, but wescientists are sure that it is nottrue.

Reporter: What is the specific location of thelines?

Prof. Maine: They are located in the NazcaDesert, a high arid plateaubetween the towns of Nazca andPalpa on the pampa.

Reporter: And how big are they? Prof. Maine: They cover nearly 400 square

miles of desert. Reporter: What is the scientific name for

such structures?Prof. Maine: Figures produced on the ground

by the clearing of stones are calledgeoglyphs and they can be foundin Egypt, Malta, the United States,Chile, Bolivia and several othercountries.

· asked · answered · enquired· explained · indicated · replied· said · told · wanted to know





HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 114: 4° medio globlal english


YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions/tasks correctly.

6 to 7 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

6 to 7 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I identified some general and specific information correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced a few bits of the general and specific information.

LanguageYou are expected to apply and identify two language items. Your score

7 to 8 Excellent I understood and applied all the items in all cases.

4 to 6 Good I understood and applied all the items in most cases.

2 to 3 Not too bad I understood and applied some of the items in some cases.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I understood and applied very few of the items in very few cases.

SpeakingYou are expected to be able to ask and answer questions using reporting verbs. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation, structures well applied.

6 to 7 Good Good pronunciation and minimum hesitation. Structures applied.

3 to 5 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and with hesitation. Some structures applied.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation. No structures applied.

WritingYou are expected to write a short text based on an interview. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I wrote the text following all the indications. I used the verbs correctly.

6 to 7 Good I wrote the text following most indications. I used some reporting verbs correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I wrote the text following some indications. I used a few reporting verbs correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I wrote the text but followed only very few indications. I did not use the reporting verbs.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never

I analysed and considered the consequences of some hypothetical scientific experiments.

I reflected on the implications of genetic manipulation and cloning.

I actively participated in discussions and conversations related to science issues.

I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises.

I used different strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

I showed respect for other students' opinions and ideas.


Page 115: 4° medio globlal english



In this unit you will learn to:READING: define and infer.

LISTENING: identify specific information.

ORAL PRODUCTION: discuss professions and occupations.

WRITTEN PRODUCTION: write a business letter.

FUNCTIONS: complain / disagree / apologise / warn.

You will also learn:GRAMMAR: reporting verbs – questions / indirect questions.

VOCABULARY: words related to business activities and

commercial letters.

You will pay special attention to these valuesThe importance of following specific procedures in formal situations.

You will use the following text types:READING: business / commercial letters.

LISTENING: conversations.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 116: 4° medio globlal english



List two jobs for each category. 5 pts.a. They require great physical strength. b. They require long years of study. c. They require a lot of patience.d. They require spending a lot of time away from home.e. They are really dangerous.

Match each of these situations (a. – d.) with the cartoon that best represents it (1 – 4). 4 pts.a. A complaint. c. A disagreement. b. A warning. d. An apology.




Why do people normally write letters? In pairs, list four reasons. 4 pts.

Your score:0 - 4: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you.5 - 9: Well done, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words.10 - 13: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

1. Possible answers (any two of these): a. Athlete, builder, luggage handler, lumberjack, miner. b. Doctor, lawyer, musician,scientist, teacher. c. Artist, nurse, secretary, shop assistant, teacher. d. Pilot, soldier, tourist guide, train driver, travelling

salesperson. e. Diver, fireman, stuntman, window cleaner, zoo keeper. 2. a. Cartoon 1.b. Cartoon 3. c. Cartoon 2. d. Cartoon 4. 3. Possible answers (any four of these): To apply for a job, to provide / ask for information, to complain about something, to

keep in touch, to apologise, to confess something, to declare love, etc.


1 2 3 4

Excuseme, there seemsto be somethingwrong with this


Youngman! I'll haveto give you a

fine if you don'tget up fromthe grass.

I'm very sorryfor interrupting.

I don’t likeyour idea of buyingnew earphones for

the iPod.

HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

Page 117: 4° medio globlal english

116 UNIT 6



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. In what situations do people complain? b. Have you ever had to return an article you bought? c. What was the reason? How did you do it? Were you satisfied with the result?

Match the informal expressions in column A with their formal equivalents incolumn B.

Which of these words sound or look similar in Spanish? Find the meaning ofthe rest in a dictionary.

A Ba. Ask your dad to help you with your


b. I totally agree with you, but there’snothing I can do to help you.

c. John, there is a guy waiting for you tocomplain.

d. This thing is broken, so I want it changed.

e. Will you come to my birthday party?

i. I request the pleasure of your company atthe party to be held on the occasion ofmy birthday.

ii. Mr Jensen, a young gentleman is waitingfor you to make a complaint.

iii.The item is not working; therefore Iwould like you to replace it.

iv. I thoroughly understand your position;however, there is nothing I can do to helpyou.

v. You should request your father’s help todo your homework.




When using formalEnglish we often use theexpression: I’m afraid… Itmeans something like “Iwould help you if I could,but I can’t”.Examples:I’m afraid the train is late.I’m afraid I can’t offeryou a refund.I’m afraid Mr Smith is outof the office at themoment.

Learning tip

Match the names of letters in the box with their definitions (a. – e.).

a. _______________: you write it when you are not satisfied with a product or a service.

b. _______________: you send it to your employers when you can no longer work for them.

c. _______________: you offer your gratitude for something done for you.d. _______________: you ask for a product or a service to be delivered. e. _______________: it shows you are sorry and says that you value your

relationship with the other party.

· Letter of apology · Letter of complaint · Order letter· Resignation letter · Thank you letter




1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To differentiate betweenformal and informal language.

3. To infer the meaning of keywords.

4. To deduce the communicativepurpose of texts.

5. To predict general informationusing previous knowledge.

6. To identify format of businessletters.

Learning abilities

Page 118: 4° medio globlal english


In your opinion, which of these are characteristics of business letters? Markthem with a tick (4).a. _____ They are fairly short and to the point.b. _____ They are usually handwritten.c. _____ They are usually rude and offensive.d. _____ They are written to express personal feelings.e. _____ They follow a strict format.f. _____ They have a very specific purpose such as a complaint, an enquiry,

a request, etc.g. _____ They use formal language.

These diagrams show what a one-page business letter should look like. Havea look at the letters on pages 118 - 119 you are going to read and decidewhich style they are.a. Block Style b. Semiblock Style c. Modified Block Style




Read the letters on pages 118 - 119 and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

Match the letters (I – V) with the definitions in Exercise 4 (a. – e.).

Mark with a tick (4) the letter that mentions the following points.


a. A product required by a certain date.

b. An inconvenience caused by a new staff member.

c. A request for an explanation.

d. Someone’s plans for the future.

e. Someone’s positive qualities.



77. To validate predictions.

8. To identify definitions.

9. To find and support specificinformation.

10. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

11. To identify explicit and implicitinformation.

12. To infer information.

Learning abilities

Page 119: 4° medio globlal english

August 12, 2011

Mr Ray DanielsTeen Delight226 Oak Tree AvenueMaryland

Dear Mr Daniels,

Last Friday, my 16-year old son, Andrew, went to your shop to buy a few products. It was his

first shopping trip alone and he was looking forward to buying a pair of pants and a sweater –

all paid for with the money he earned working in a local fast food restaurant. He had high

hopes for his first shopping trip alone and did not want any adults to accompany him.

Unfortunately, after an hour or so he came back without any of the things he wanted to buy

and he was also extremely upset. While he was looking at different clothes he was

by one of your guards who questioned him extensively on matters I find difficult to

understand. First of all the guard asked him what his name was. Then he asked him what the

purpose of his visit to the shop was. He then wanted to know where his parents were. These

questions made my son really upset and he left the shop without making any purchases.

I feel that your guard acted incorrectly. My son was simply looking around a shop with the

intention of buying a few things. He felt watched and discriminated against in a place that is

supposed to specialize in products for teenagers.

I would like some kind of explanation as to what the reason for this kind of treatment was.

You will understand that I feel justifiably upset given that the situation affected my son, who

now does not want to go shopping on his own.

Will you please investigate the issue and inform us your findings?


Michelle Ortega


118 UNIT 6

: adj / happening or continuing without problems. : verb / come near someone.ApproachSmooth



January 30, 2010Marina StanleyHRM ManagerVanguard Telecommunication Inc. 1, High StreetGlasgowDear Ms Stanley,Please accept this letter as notification that I am leaving my position as Call Center Agent with VanguardTelecommunication Inc. on March, 1 of this year.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for being able to work for such an important companyas Vanguard Telecommunications. I feel that I have learnt a lot as a member of your staff. One of the most importantbenefits is that thanks to my interacting with international clients I have enormously improved my English. I now feelconfident talking to people, I am familiar with client services and I have learnt how to work in a team - all this thanks tothe opportunity you have given me over the past year. I will try to use all these new skills in my future positions.The reason for my leaving is that I have decided to take up my studies again. I will be starting a course in informationtechnology on March, 13. I hope to become a computer engineer in the future.I will be happy to train my replacement or do anything else you feel will help make the transition . Please letme know if you find this arrangement satisfactory.Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, Sincerely yours,Valeria Santos


Page 120: 4° medio globlal english

March 19, 2011Mr. Steve Reavis

225 Gilbert RoadLoves Park, IL 61111

Dear Mr. Reavis, I would like to apologize for the mix-up on your lastorder. We recently hired a new sales person who was notfamiliar with your systems. We have corrected your orderand shipped it out this morning. We understandyour and appreciate the inconveniencethis must have caused your organization, which is whywe have applied a 10% discount on your order.Again, I apologize for our mistake and regret anyinconvenience caused as a result.Yours faithfully,

Gerald BelknapCustomer Service Manager




Adapted from: Shocked, Appalled and Dismayed!How to Write Letters of Complaint that Get Results (Paperback),by Ellen Phillips, Randomhouse, 1999 edition.

June 22, 2010

Karen Bewley

Human Resources Manager

Royal National Hospital

1400 Jackson Street

Denver, Colorado 80206

Dear Karen,

Just a quick note &to &thank you &for my

&interview on June 21. I &found your &interviewing

&style &very &refreshing, and I appreciate your

openness and &honesty.

I am &very &excited about &the accountant

assistant &position at &the &hospital’s Human

Resources Department and &the chance &to work

with &such a great &team. This &position &is &exactly

what I &have &been &looking &for, and I &sincerely

&hope I am &the &person you are &looking &for as &well.

If you &have any questions or , &please

&feel &free &to &contact me at 736-7374.

Thank you once again, and I &look &forward &to

&talking &further.

Yours &sincerely,

Samuel H. Morgan


IIIAugust 6, 2010

Mr. Joey Derwin 415 Greenhills Street

San Fernando, TexasDear Mr. Derwin, Will you &kindly &send me &five (5) &boxes of A4, white&printing &paper, &suitable &for &use with &both &inkjet and&laser &printers as advertised &in your July catalogue on&page 23 &under &the number TP0987? Please charge &this&purchase &to my &bank account, details of which you will&find &in a &previous &invoice, as I have made other&purchases with your company &in &the &past (&inkcartridges, &printing &paper and office &stationery).

I &shall &especially appreciate your &usual &promptdelivery, as I’m currently working on &several &important&projects and must &print a &large number of documents &byAugust, 25. Please deliver &the &five &boxes &to my &usualaddress: 124 Meadow Street, San Juan, Texas. I wouldappreciate &it &if you could &let me &know &the date of &thedelivery &in advance &to make &sure &there &is &someone &to&receive &it. Please &send &the &invoice with &the &boxes. Sincerely yours,

Christina Hamilton


: noun / sadness because sth has not happened or been as good as expected.

: noun / feeling of worry.Concern


Page 121: 4° medio globlal english

120 UNIT 6

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?a. ____ The sender of Letter I was very happy with her job.b. ____ The name of the recipient of Letter II is Michelle Ortega.c. ____ The sender of Letter III would like to work as an accountant’s assistant.d. ____ The sender of Letter IV does not have a bank account.e. ____ The sender of Letter V is asking for a 10% discount.

Read the letters again. Do these sentences express explicit (E) or implicit (I)information?a. _____ Christina Hamilton is often out.b. _____ Valeria Santos is going back to university.c. _____ Michelle Ortega’s son did not buy the clothes he wanted.d. _____ The sales person has been working with Gerald Belknap for a

short time.e. _____ Samuel Morgan will be delighted to get the job.

What can you infer from these sentences in the letters? Choose the bestalternative.a. Letter I:

i. Valeria's boss is very demanding.ii. Valeria is willing to help the company and her replacement.iii. Valeria is relieved to be leaving the company.

b. Letter II:

i. Ms Ortega does not agree with the guard's actions.ii. Ms Ortega finds the guard's attitude correct.iii. Ms Ortega is unhappy with her son's reaction.

c. Letter III:

i. Samuel disliked the interviewer.ii. Samuel felt uncomfortable at the interview.iii. Samuel liked the interview.

d. Letter IV:

i. Mr Derwin knows Ms Hamilton very well.ii. Ms Hamilton has made purchases from this company before.iii. Ms Hamilton's bank account details are public.

e. Letter V:

i. An employee caused the problem.ii. Computers and an employee caused the problem.iii. Computers caused the problem.

“We recently hired a new sales personwho was not familiar with your systems”.

“You &will &find &the details of my&bank account &in a &previous &invoice”.

“I &found your &interviewing &style &very &refreshing,and I appreciate your openness and &honesty”.

“I feel that your guard acted incorrectly”.

“I will be happy to train my replacement or do anythingelse you feel will help make the transition smoother”.




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Use some of the words in Exercise 3 to fill in the gaps in these sentences. a. You have bought another video game! It’s such an unnecessary

_______________________.b. If you need more information please contact the Human Resources

_______________________.c. What must I do to open a bank _________________________?d. One of the most important _____________________ people talk about is

global warming.e. It is very important to answer the complaint letter sent by one of your


The words in the first column of this chart appeared in the letters you read,which are in American English. Complete the chart with the correct word inBritish English and tick the correct column (Spelling or Vocabulary). Then,add two more examples of your own for each type of difference.

Spelling Difference Vocabulary Difference




Language Note

1. Read these sentences from Letter III and the original direct questions. a. He asked him what his name was.

“What is your name?” the guard asked. b. The guard asked him what the purpose of his visit to the shop was.

“What is the purpose of your visit to the shop?” the guard asked. c. He also wanted to know where his parents were.

“Where are you parents?” the guard wanted to know. 2. What do you notice about the indirect questions?

a. The tenses change.b. The word order changes.c. Nothing changes.

3. The answer is a. and b. If the reporting verb is in the past then the rest ofthe sentence also undergoes a verb change (see Language Note Unit 5,Lesson 1, Page 97). There is also a change of the word order.Direct question: “Why is she late?” he asked.Indirect question: He asked why she was late.

Reporting verbs – questions (continued)

13. To consolidate key vocabulary.

14. To identify and classifydifferences between Americanand British English.

15. To practise a language item.

16. To use information tocomplete a conversation.

17. To imitate a spoken model.

18. To evaluate learning.

19. To write a new text following amodel.

20. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

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122 UNIT 6

Change these direct questions into indirect ones.a. “What time is it?” Sally wanted to know.b. “Who is your maths teacher?” my brother asked. c. “Where is the bathroom?” the child asked his father.d. “How tall are you?” the doctor enquired.e. “How much are these Coldplay CD’s?” I wanted to find out.

Use information from Letter I and the visual clues on the left to complete theconversation between Valeria and her boss, Marina.Marina: So Valeria, I understand that you are leaving the Call Center.Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And when exactly are you planning to leave?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: What are your plans for the future?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: I believe that you liked working for us.Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And what is the most important thing that you learned here?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And what other skills have you learned from working with us?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: Do you think you could help us train your replacement? Valeria: _______________________________________________________

Now listen to the conversation and check your answers. Then practiseand role play the dialogue for the class.

MINITEST Report what these people asked. Use a different reportingverb for each sentence. 10 pts.a. Molly’s mother: “Molly, where is your father?”

____________________________________________________________.b. The teacher: “How did you find the information to write the report?”

____________________________________________________________.c. Sarah: “How many languages can you speak?”

____________________________________________________________.d. Kelly: “Why don’t you answer my messages?”

____________________________________________________________.e. The interviewer: “What is your experience with learning disabilities?”





3to 6GOOD JOB!




American v/s British English

center / learned

centre / learnt

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You are going to work with a partner to write abusiness letter.a. Choose one of the following situations:

i. You have ordered a PC for your brother’sbirthday, which is in four days. The companyyou ordered it from is: PC Quick Deals, 12Dalton Street, Minneapolis, USA. The salesmanager is Ms Edna Carrow.

ORii. You are leaving your job because you found

another one closer to your home. You workfor QMC Department Store, 234 GardenAvenue, Wicklow, Ireland. The HumanResources Manager is Miss Kiara Spencer.

ORiii. You went to your local Municipal Office to

obtain a driving licence. You found theservice exceptionally good and quick. Youwould like to thank the Customer Servicemanager, Mr Steve Soames, for the service.The address is: 17 Coleman Parade,Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150.

b. According to the situation you have chosen,decide what type of letter you are going towrite – apology, order, resignation, etc. In pairs,discuss the details: format of the letter, whatinformation you should include, and what kindof language to use.

c. One of you should write the letter on a cleansheet of paper following the agreed format.

d. Keep the letter brief and to the point. In a one-page letter, you will usually need only three orfour paragraphs, single spaced. Use a doublespace in between paragraphs.

e. Remember not to use shortened verb forms(don’t instead of do not; it’s not instead of it is not).

f. Finish the letter with a salutation (Yourssincerely, Yours faithfully, etc.).

g. Always sign the letter by hand.h. Proof-read the letter and then read it aloud. Ask

and answer these questions: Does it makesense? Does it sound polite? Does it have all therelevant information? Does it follow a businessletter format?

i. If you answered yes to all the questions above,write the letter on a clean sheet of paper.

j. Ask your teacher to read the letter and give youhis / her opinion. Do not tell her / him what typeof letter you were going to write. Does she / heconsider that you have achieved your objective?Evaluate your performance. Say Yes or No.


• We read and followed the instructions.

• We determined the purpose of our letter.

• We wrote the letter keeping the relevant format and purpose.

• We checked spelling and grammar.

Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about writing business letters? b. Can you name two situations in which you would use formal and

informal language? c. What would you do if one of your best friends needed a job, but he / she

didn't have a good CV? Would you send a letter recommending her /him to your boss?

d. What do you think of these quotations? How much do you agree with them?


“A friendship founded on business is better than a business

founded on friendship.John D. Rockefeller, Jr.(1874 - 1960)

“Success is never final.”

Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

“Competition brings out the best in products and the

worst in people.”David Sarnoff (1891 - 1971)

Page 125: 4° medio globlal english

124 UNIT 6



Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. How do people know what to do in a specific job before they start

working?b. Why do you think we need a job description?c. What information should a job description include?

Look at the pictures (1 – 4) and complete the short job descriptions for eachone (a. – d.).



a. A security guard is a person who ________________________________.He or she usually _____________________________________________.

b. A postman is a person who _____________________________________.He or she usually _____________________________________________.

c. A pilot is a person who _________________________________________.He or she usually _____________________________________________.

d. A sports commentator is a person who ___________________________.He or she usually _____________________________________________.

Work with your partner. Each of you must choose a job and describe it. Usethe descriptions in Exercise 2 as a model. Can your partner guess the job?These pictures can give you some ideas.


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

American v/s British English

Mailman /woman

Postman /woman

1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

2. To connect pictures andcontent.

3. To describe and guess jobs.

4. To infer the meaning of keywords.

5. To predict content.

Learning abilities

Page 126: 4° medio globlal english


Listen to the words and indicate which ones look or sound similar inSpanish. Find the meaning of the rest in a dictionary.

You will listen to three conversations. What do you think the commonsubject of the three will be?a. Looking for a job. b. Jobs people like and dislike. c. How to apply for a job.


Listen to the three conversations and check your prediction in Exercise 5.

Listen again and tick the jobs mentioned. Three of them are not mentioned.

· applicant · committee · loan · maintenance · qualifications · require · salary · supplies





: verb / keep together with staples (staple: a piece of metal in the shape of a square bracket).Staple

Listen again and fill in each blank in these sentences with ONE word.Then write the corresponding name of the jobs you identified in Exercise 7.a. ____________: this person usually ____________ loan ____________,

analyses ____________ reports and ____________ and reviews loan ____________.

b. ____________: this person will investigate ____________ and suggest preventive ____________; he / she will examine potential unsafe working ____________, direct the activities of a ____________ committee and may providesafety ____________.

c. ____________: this person will run the photocopying ____________ and perform special ____________ such as ____________, binding, cutting and ____________.He / she will be ____________ for the maintenance of the ____________ and ordering ____________.


8 42 American v/s British English

High school


a. ____ Accountant b. ____ Loans officer c. ____ Office assistant

d. ____ Pilot e. ____ Receptionist f. ____ Safety officer

6. To validate predictions.

7. To find specific information.

8. To find and match specificinformation.

9. To match non-textualinformation and visuals thatrepresent it.

10. To find and classifyinformation.

11. To find specific supportinginformation.

Learning abilities

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126 UNIT 6

Tick which conversation mentions each of these points.

Listen again and choose the best answer (i. or ii.) for these questions (a. – f.)Conversation Ia. Who are the participants in this conversation?

i. A job counsellor and a job seeker. ii. Two friends. Conversation IIb. Where does this conversation take place?

i. At a job centre. ii. In a school. c. What does the man in this conversation think of the job?

i. It is ideal for him. ii. It is too dangerous.Conversation IIId. Where did the girl in this conversation find the job advertisement?

i. On a bulletin board. ii. In a newspaper.e. What did she do immediately?

i. She phoned. ii. She sent her CV.f. What is the situation of the girl in this conversation?

i. She needs some experience. ii. She doesn’t need any experience.




I II IIIa. A diploma.b. A job counsellor.c. An application form.d. Maintenance.e. Maths skills.f. The salary.g. Training.h. Two years’ experience.


Listen to the conversations again and match each one with a picture(1 – 3). Identify two details (clues) that helped you to decide.


Conversation _________Clues: _______________________________________________________

Conversation _________Clues: _______________________________________________________

Conversation _________Clues: _______________________________________________________

1 2 3

American v/s British English



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Language Note

1. Read these examples from the recording. a. She wanted to know if I was good at any specific school subjects.b. I asked her if I had to take a special course.c. They asked if I could start next week.d. I enquired if I needed any experience.

2. Can you match the indirect questions above with their directequivalents?a. “Do I have to take a special course?”b. “Do I need any experience?” c. “Are you good at any specific school subjects?” d. “Can you start next week?”

3. Which of these statements is true about the indirect questions?a. They all include the word if.b. They don’t have a question mark at the end. c. They all use the word ask.d. They look like a sentence in the affirmative form.

4. a., b. and d. are true. Notice that we use the word if when the directquestion does not have a question word (what, when, where, etc.) andrequires a simple yes / no answer.

Indirect questions

When you want to ask aquestion that is quitesensitive, difficult orembarrassing, try usingone of these openings:Can / Could you tell meif …?I’d be interested to hear/ know if …I’d like to know if …Would you mind tellingme if …?

Learning tip

Change these direct questions into indirect ones.a. “Can you take me to the station?” Emily asked. b. “Do you have a spare pen?” the man enquired.c. “Does the new employee know anything about computers?”

Annie wondered.d. “Did we switch off the lights at home?” Helen asked.e. “Are you coming to my party?” Stephen wanted to know.f. “Have you ever applied for a scholarship to study abroad?” the

interviewer asked me.



Use some of the words from Exercise 4 to complete these sentences.a. If you want to work in program analysis you must have the right

_____________________.b. She applied for a bank _____________________ but did not get it.c. Tammy sent a letter to order some _____________________.d. The interviewing _____________________ will meet today and decide

who will get the job. e. There were over 500 _____________________ for the job we advertised.f. David is in charge of the general _____________________ of the

building and the gardens.

12 12. To use new vocabulary.

13. To use new vocabulary andstructures.

14. To reinforce a grammar point.

15. To participate in a guidedconversation.

16. To evaluate learning.

17. To summarise (ideas,information) throughdiscussion and oral work.

18. To reflect on the content of thetext and relate it to ownexperiences.

Learning abilities

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128 UNIT 6

Read and complete the indirect questions in these conversations.14

IRosa:Can you tell me if _________________________________?Assistant:Sorry, Mrs White is not in at the moment. Rosa:Would you mind telling me what time ________________?Assistant:Yes, she will be back in about half an hour.Rosa:I was wondering if ________________________________.Assistant:Of course you can leave her a message. Tell me.

IIPeter:I’d like to know if __________________________________.Tourist guide:Sorry, the Fine Arts museum is closed right now.Peter:Can you tell me if _________________________________.Tourist guide:Yes. It opens at 10 am on Mondays. Peter:I can’t remember if ________________________________.Tourist guide:No, it’s not in the city centre. It is in Marylebone. Peter:I’d also like to know if ______________________________.Tourist guide:Yes, you have to pay an entrance fee, but it is not much.

Listen to the recording and check your answers. Practise and role playthe two conversations.

MINITEST Complete these sentences using your own ideas. 8 pts.a. George asked Fred and Myra if they ______________________________.b. The doctor asked me if I ________________________________________.c. The Finance Minister asked if the President ________________________.d. The hairdresser wanted to know if Frances _________________________.e. The Japanese tourist wondered if anyone _________________________.f. Teresa would like to know if you _________________________________.g. The children asked if they ______________________________________.h. Mr Thomas wanted to know if the band ___________________________.


3to 5GOOD JOB!




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Gathering information is a critical step in making aneffective career decision. Work in pairs. a. Make two copies of the worksheet opposite for

a job you think you would like to have.b. Read the form through and find out the

meaning of any words you do not understand. c. With your partner, discuss each heading and the

points provided. For example, if your chosen jobis an accountant (job title) what responsibilitieswould be the most important?

d. Make notes of the relevant information in theanswers.

e. Make a presentation to the class about the jobof your choice. Use the notes you have taken tohelp you.

f. Did anyone else choose the same job? Are his /her findings the same as yours? If not – what isdifferent?

g. Now that you have researched the profession youliked and talked about the positive and negativeaspects – do you still see yourself doing it?

h. Ask your teacher and classmates to evaluateyour presentation using these points. Say Yes or No.

1. Occupation / Profession / Job title:________________________________________

2. Primary responsibilities• What do people in this occupation do?• Mention at least two specific responsibilities

for this occupation.3. Requirements

• Key skills and abilities required.• Personality traits that are important for this

occupation.4. Employment

• In what setting is this occupation found?Indoors? Outdoors? Both?

• In what kind of organisations? (smallbusinesses, public schools, hospitals, etc.)

5. Educational preparation• What programme of study or training is required

or suggested for entry into this occupation?• What licenses or certifications are required?

6. Salary range• What is the typical salary for someone

entering this occupation?7. Job characteristics

• How many working hours are there in anaverage week for this occupation?

• Is shift work involved?• Is travel involved? How often? Short / Long

distances? Overnight?8. Positive features

• Mention two positive aspects of this occupation.9. Negative features

• Mention two negative aspects of this occupation.10. Related occupations

• Mention two occupations that are similar tothe one you researched.


• I filled in the form according to the instructions.

• I included all the relevant information.

• I used words, structures and ideas from the lesson.

• I checked and corrected grammar and spelling


Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. Can you now describe jobs? b. What information must you include in a job description? c. Why is it necessary to list someone’s duties and tasks before he or she

starts working?d. If you had the opportunity to earn a lot of money doing something that

goes against your principles or is very controversial, would you do it?


Page 131: 4° medio globlal english

Mr. George GulliverTrenton Hospital 87 Delaware Road, Hatfield, CA 08065 17 January, 2011

Dear Mr. Gulliver,

I am writing to apply for the position of Head Nurse as advertised in the New York

Times. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my

resume and three references from previous employers and teachers.

130 UNIT 6

CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIESRead the beginnings of three letters (I – III). What type are they? Choose from the alternatives in the box.

· a follow-up letter · a letter of complaint · a resignation letter· a thank you letter · an application letter · an order


Avicom Computer Company

Sales Department 23rd Street,Washington,Washington DC

29 January, 2008

Dear Sirs I’m afraid that the enclosed software doesn’t work. It is the second time I have had to

return software this month (see attached correspondence). I bought it from the Avicom

store at Newtown Street, Washington. While installing the software I was careful to

follow your instructions.

19 February, 2010

Dear Frederick,

Thank you &for all &the &help you &have given me with my &job

&search. I &especially appreciate &the &information and advice you

&have &provided, and &the contacts you &have &shared with me. Your

assistance &has &been &invaluable &to me during &this &process.




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Dear Sue,

I really appreciate your letter. I am glad that you could use my help and that it

has assisted you during your search.


a b c d

Dear Tom,

I am terribly sorry you have had so many problems installing the software you

bought at our store. I can assure you that you are a valued customer and we would

like to offer you a home installation service. We will send an IT technician to see to

the installation and to additionally check that your PC does not present any


Dear Ms Stevens

I would like to confirm the receipt of your application letter. However, I must inform

you that because the application period for the nursing job closed the day before we

received your letter we cannot consider you for the position.


Re-write the direct questions (a. – d.)in these cartoons (1 – 4) in indirect form.3

1 2 3 4

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________

Match these answers (a. - c.) with the three letters in Exercise 1 (I - III).2

Whereis the nearest post


Areyou having agood time?

Howmuch does it


Howold areyou?



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132 UNIT 6

Read the text and fill in the blanks completing the calculations.1

So you want a day off? Let’s take a look at what you are asking for.

There are 365 days per year available for work.

There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week. That means that 52 weeks

by 2 gives us (a.) ________. If we subtract it from the 365 days we will have only (b.) ________ available

for work.

Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only

(c.) ________ days available.

You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only

(d.) ________ days available.

With a 1 hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only (e.) ________ days available

for work.

You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave.

This leaves you only (f.) ________ days per year available for work.

We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to (g.) ________ days.

We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only (h.) ________ day available for work.

There’s no way I’ll let you take that day off!

Match the cartoons (1 – 3) with the punch line (a. – c.). 2


a b c

His heart istoo soft to be a good


I hatesummers! It always

means unemploymentfor us.

I know thatyou are a teacher; that is

why I will give you a shortSENTENCE!


Page 134: 4° medio globlal english


CHILEAN CONNECTIONHow do you think foreigners see us behave in business activities, formally or informally?In which months are business meetings in Chile not advisable?

This guide to doing business in Chile highlightssome key areas for consideration when doingbusiness in Chile.

Meeting and GreetingWhen meeting someone in Chile a handshake iscustomary. You may see women patting each otheron the right forearm or shoulder rather than shakinghands. When meeting large groups, it is goodetiquette to shake hands with all those present.

When addressing people, start formal and wait foran invitation to go informal. Address people bytheir surnames and Mr, Mrs or Miss.

GesturesIn Chile, people leave little space between each otherwhen interacting. Do not be surprised if the personyou are speaking with places a hand on your shoulderwhen talking with you. Eye contact is important inChile as it conveys trust, sincerity and interest.

EntertainingBusiness entertaining usually takes place at hotelsor restaurants. If you are the one inviting them youshould pick up the bill. If you are invited to aperson’s home in Chile, it is good etiquette to sendflowers or chocolates to the hostess in advance. Ifyou wish to convey your thanks after the meal, doso by phone rather than in writing.

Business Meetings and NegotiatingAppointments should be made a few weeks prior toarrival in Chile. January and February are thesummer holidays, so try to avoid them.

Chileans negotiate in a serious and straight talkingmanner. Be upfront, but not overbearing. Hard selltactics or pressure never work. Always be prepared tocompromise as this shows you value the relationshipmore than the financial aspects of the deal.

Adapted from: http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/etiquette/doing-business-chile.html


Page 135: 4° medio globlal english

134 UNIT 6



Dear Sir,

I would like to say that people usually do not take the chance to write and congratulate companies on the

excellent service they received.

However, after vacationing at your St. Petersburg campsite I have to say I am quite pleased with your

operations and personnel. I don’t believe I have ever been at a more efficient and welcoming place. Upon

our arrival we were greeted by cheerful staff members who made our check-in short and comfortable.

All of your employees were extremely courteous and went out of their way to explain various functions of

the campsite, which was clean and nicely kept.

My family and I had a lovely time while staying there. I am pleased to say I will recommend the St.

Petersburg site to my friends.

Sincerely yours,

John Davis and family


Dear Mr Castle,

It was distressing to learn that the Easy Spin

washing machine you bought from us last

month did not work properly. I am also sorry

to hear that the manager of the store in Essex

did not attend to your needs properly. This

issue will be taken up immediately and

investigated further and I will keep in touch to

let you know the outcome.

I have now instructed the store to replace the

item. Please turn over the damaged goods to

the driver at the time of delivery of the new


I am sincerely sorry that this unfortunate

incident occurred and kindly ask for your

understanding. Please believe me when I say

that each customer is highly valued by Easy


Easy Spin Washing Machines

General Manager

Dustin Cole

Re: Replacement of washing machine

Dear sir or madam,

This letter is to notify you about a problem

I am having with the Easy Spin washing

machine that I bought at your Essex store

last October.

I am dissatisfied with your product

because it does not heat up water

correctly and when it washes it does not

remove all the detergent. I have already

attempted to solve this problem by talking

to the store manager, but without any

results. I also found him quite rude and

unwilling to find a satisfactory solution to

my problem. I hope that you can

investigate this matter further.

Having received no satisfactory solution

from your store I am hereby requesting

that you replace the faulty machine or

refund my money.

Yours faithfully,

Jordan Castle.

Adapted from: The Encyclopaedia of Business Letters, Fax, Memos, and E-Mail (Paperback),

By Robert Bly, February 2009, ISBN-10: 1601630298, Published by Career Pr Inc.


Page 136: 4° medio globlal english


PLACING A JOB ADVERTISEMENTLISTENINGRead the letters (I – III) and match themwith these types of letters (a. – c.) 3 pts.a. A letter of apology.b. A thank you letter.c. A letter of complaint.

What can you infer from these sentencesin the letters? 3 pts.a. Letter I: I hope that you can investigate this

matter further. i. The writer expects the Essex store

manager to be congratulated.ii. The writer expects the Essex store

manager to talk to the General Manager.iii. The writer expects the General Manager

to deal with an employee’s bad attitude.

b. Letter II: I have now instructed the store toreplace the item immediately.i. The customer will get his money back.ii. The customer will receive a new machine.iii. The customer will receive further


c. Letter III: (Your employees) went out of theirway to explain various functions of thecampsite.i. The employees got lost.ii. The employees were very helpful.iii. The employees worked outside the camp.

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?6 pts.

a. _____ The writer of the first letter has a problem with a clothes dryer.

b. _____ The writer of the first letter will accept a new machine or his money back.

c. _____ Mr Castle bought his machine in Essex.

d. _____ Letter II is offering a satisfactory solution to a problem.

e. _____ The writer of letter III went to the campsite alone.

f. _____ The staff at the campsite were very friendly.




Listen to the conversation and choosethe best answer to the questions. 5 pts.a. Where does the person want to place an

advertisement? i. In a newspaper. ii. On a website.

b. What position is the ad for?i. A pilot. ii. A flight attendant.

c. How many words does the ad have in total?i. 80. ii. 65.

d. What must the ideal candidate for the job have?i. Experience. ii. A high school diploma.

e. When will the ad be published?i. Next week. ii. Tomorrow.

Listen again and fill in the contactdetails of the person placing the ad. 5 pts.Name: __________________________________Surname: _______________________________Position: ________________________________E-mail address: ___________________________Telephone number: _______________________



Listen to a conversation and choosethe picture that best represents it. What clues did you hear? 2 pts.




Page 137: 4° medio globlal english

136 UNIT 6

Change the direct into indirect questionsusing the provided openings. 5 pts.a. Has Sean been to New Zealand?

I wonder __________________________________________________________________.

b. Is Manchester United winning the match?

The football fans asked the commentator__________________________________________________________________________.

c. Have I left my umbrella at home?

I can’t remember ___________________________________________________________.

d. Can you play the accordion?

The music teacher asked _____________________________________________________.

e. Did you learn English at school?

Our new friends enquired ____________________________________________________.

Fill in the blanks in this paragraph with thephrases in the box. 5 pts.

The police found the little boy wondering aloneon the beach. They asked him where

(a.) ________________ but he looked scaredand did not answer. They took him to the policestation and gave him something to eat anddrink. Then a police psychologist asked himwhat (b.) ________________ and how(c.) ________________. The psychologist alsoenquired if (d.) ________________ but the boywas quiet. It was only after a while that apolicewoman asked in three differentlanguages where (e.) ______________.Whenshe at last spoke in Portuguese the boy smiledand said he was Brazilian.



· he knew his home address · he was from· his name was · his parents were · old he was

Use the expressions in the box to complete theinterviewer’s part, and your own ideas tocomplete the applicant’s part of this interview(a. – l.). Then practise and role play it with apartner. 6 pts.

Interviewer: (a.) __________________________________________________________________.Applicant: Well, my name is (b.) _____________and I’m (c.) _____________ years old.Interviewer: (d.) _________________________________________________________________.Applicant: Yes, I sent my application form by e-mail last Wednesday.Interviewer: (e.) __________________________________________________________________.Applicant: I’m sorry that you cannot find it but Ihave another copy with me.Interviewer: (f.) __________________________________________________________________.Applicant: Yes, I have some experience. I workedas a(n) (g.) ____________ for (h.) ____________.Interviewer: (i.) __________________________________________________________________.Applicant: I’m applying for the job because(j.) _____________________________________.Interviewer: (k.) __________________________________________________________________.Applicant: I could start work next (l.) _______________________________________ if necessary.

· Can you tell me · I can’t remember · I wonder if· I would like to know · I’d like to ask you · I’m afraid



You ordered five (5) boxes of A4, white printingpaper, suitable for use with both inkjet and laserprinters but the order did not arrive. You phonedonce and spoke to the secretary but did not get apositive answer. Write a letter of complaint(maximum 150 words) requesting that the order bedelivered as soon as possible. 10 pts.



HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities

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YOUR TEST RESULTSReadingYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 12 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

6 to 9 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few questions correctly.

ListeningYou are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. Your score

10 to 12 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly.

6 to 9 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly.

3 to 5 Not too bad I identified some general and specific information correctly.

0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced a few bits of the general and specific information.

LanguageYou are expected to apply and identify two language items. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I understood and applied all the items in all cases.

5 to 7 Good I understood and applied all the items in most cases.

2 to 4 Not too bad I understood and applied all the items in some cases.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I understood and applied all the items in very few cases.

SpeakingYou are expected to be able to ask and answer questions using reporting verbs. Your score

5 to 6 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation, structures well applied.

3 to 4 Good Good pronunciation and minimum hesitation. Structures applied.

1 to 2 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and with hesitation. Some structures applied.

0 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation. No structures applied.

WritingYou are expected to write a letter of complaint. Your score

8 to 10 Excellent I wrote a letter following all the indications. I used indirect questions / reporting verbs correctly.

5 to 7 Good I wrote a letter following most indications. I used some indirect questions/ reporting verbs correctly.

2 to 4 Not too bad I wrote a letter following some indications. I used a few indirect questions / reporting verbs correctly.

0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I wrote a letter, but followed only very few indications. I did not use indirect questions / reporting verbs.

YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Never

I reflected and gave my opinion on moral issues related to work and business.

I actively participated in the discussions and conversations related to business issues.

I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises.

I used different strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

I showed respect for other students’ opinions and ideas.


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Letter I – c. Letter II – a. Letter III – b.

a. Because Brad makes her laugh really hard.b. Because he left Krissy / because he feels guilty.c. Probably yes, but only as a friend.

a. - ii. b. - iii. c. - i.




a. 42 / 17. b. ended / France. c. mother’s / Spain.d. answered / right. e. 30 / kissing.


A BWhat time might it be? I’m not sure.It might be around 5 p.m. A possibilityShe might miss the plane ifshe does not hurry. A possibilityWhere might we go atthe weekend? A suggestionWhatever you prefer - youmight have salad or pasta. A possibilityMight I take this chair if youare not using it? A request

(Other sensible answers are acceptable).a. so. b. absolutely. c. such. d. really.


(Other sensible answers are acceptableaccording to your reality).You might have lunch in the school cafeteria.You might ask Carlos.You might join the drama class.You might call Jenny.You might need to fill in a form.Assign points to the activity according to thefollowing criteria.

• Student completes the dialogue with four or five of the correct alternatives and role plays it with good pronunciation and no hesitation. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student completes the dialogue withthree or four of the correct alternativesand role plays it with good pronunciationand a minimum of hesitation. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student completes the dialogue withtwo or three of the correct alternativesand role plays it with some pronunciationmistakes and with hesitation. 2 - 4 pts.

• Student completes the dialogue withone or two of the correct alternativesand role plays it with a lot of pronunciationmistakes and a lot of hesitation. 0 - 1 pts.


The students complete the letter with their ownideas, using the vocabulary and structures leantin the unit.Assign points according to the following criteria.• Student completes the letter expressing

his / her own feelings, using the vocabulary and structures learnt in the unit, withoutgrammar or spelling mistakes. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student completes the letter expressing his / her own feelings, using most of thevocabulary and structures learnt in the unit, with a few grammar or spelling mistakes. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student completes the letter expressinghis / her own feelings, using some of thevocabulary and structures learnt in theunit, with some grammar or spelling mistakes. 3 - 4 pts.

• Student does not expresses his / herfeelings to complete the letter, does not use the vocabulary and structures learnt in the unit, and makes a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes. 0 - 2 pts.









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P. 13Possible answersa. You might visit (interesting place in student's

area).b. Helen / Ian, might I borrow your T-shirt?c. Mum, I have looked everywhere. Do you

know where my favourite jeans might be?d. You might buy crisps, biscuits and soft driks.

P. 17Possible answersThis happened a month ago. The day wasterribly hot and I really wanted a drink. I lookedaround and saw a little kiosk with soft drinks andice-cream but it was so crowded I decided tolook somewhere else. Then a boy standing rightin front of the kiosk waved to me. He was verycute! He had a bottle of orange crush in his handand he was offering it to me. I was quiteimpressed. And now, a month later, we aredating! I still think he is absolutely fabulous.




Bella Swan – main female character. Billy Burke –supporting actor. Catherine Hardwicke – director.Melissa Rosenberg – screenwriter. Robert Pattinson –main male actor. Stephanie Meyer – author / writer.

a. No. There are no clichéd stereotypes with fangs, coffins and stakes through the heart.

b. In Portland, Oregon.c. It ties in to the story perfectly; the soundtrack fits

the tone of the film (with its moody rock songs).


Answers will vary.

a. He was playing football when I saw him yesterday. (present participle)

b. There is only one great passion in his life: writing books. (gerund)

c. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift. (gerund)

d. What is she doing here? (present participle)e. I hate doing the same thing twice. (gerund)


a. librarian. b. romance. c. fantasy. d. last week. e. people.

a. RYM. b. BT. c. RYM. d. RYM. e. BT.


(Other sensible possibilities are acceptable).Juliet: I'm sure I've seen that James Bond film before.Brenda: I think you're wrong. You've seen “Casino Royale”,

but not “Quantum of Solace”. Juliet: You're right about “Casino Royale” but I'm not

certain if I saw the other film too.Brenda: The two films certainly are quite similar.Juliet: Now that I remember; “Quantum of Solace” was

filmed in Latin America, wasn't it?Brenda: Argentina, I think.Juliet: No, I am quite certain it was a different country. Let

me think…Chile! Yes, that's right, it was Chile.Brenda: I'm not really sure. They filmed it somewhere in

the desert, didn't they?Assign points to the activity according to thefollowing criteria.• Student completes the dialogue with seven or

eight of the correct alternatives and role plays itwith good pronunciation and no hesitation. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student completes the dialogue with fiveor six of the correct alternatives and roleplays it with good pronunciation and aminimum of hesitation. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student completes the dialogue with three or four of the correct alternativesand role plays it with some pronunciationmistakes and with hesitation. 3 - 4 pts.










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• Student completes the dialogue with one or two of the correct alternatives and role plays it with a lot of pronunciationmistakes and a lot of hesitation. 0 - 2 pts.


Assign points according to the following criteria.• Student writes a coherent review including all

the required elements, with no grammar orspelling mistakes. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student writes a fairly coherent review includingmost of the required elements, with very fewgrammar or spelling mistakes. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student writes a simple review including a fewof the required elements, with severalgrammar and spelling mistakes. 3 - 4 pts.

• Student writes a few sentences that do notinclude the required elements, with a lot ofgrammar and spelling mistakes. 0 - 2 pts.


P. 33Possible answersa. is sitting. b. Eating. c. watching. d. is helping.e. doing. f. learning. g. is enjoying. h. Arriving.

P. 37a. repairing all kinds of things.b. arriving late.a. Eating fruits and vegetables.a. doing her homework.




a. True. b. False. c. True. d. False.

a. It is much cheaper than other methods.b. The impact it has on different industries.


Interview I: b. — Interview II: c.

c. d.

a. light.b. cut.c. on TV.d. tiny.

a. A nanometre is 1 billionth part of a metre.b. Invention 1, the molecular clippers, is useful

because we can use it to hold very tiny objects.

c. Invention 2, the mini laser, is useful because it is used to cure skin cancer.


a. The doctor suggested that I drink lots of water and have three light meals a day.

b. The teacher insisted that we submit the paper on Monday at the latest.

c. Marie proposed that we sell the tickets at 3 pounds each.

d. The scientist recommended that we take thenecessary steps to reduce global warming now.









2,0005.3 billion150 billion

The amount of benefit for each pound spenton stratospheric aerosols.The number of ships to be used in the project.The total cost of cloud whitening.The cost governments are consideringspending on the reduction of CO2 emissions.





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a. He didn't study for the test. In fact, I was surprised that he passed it at all.

b. I will help you with the dishes as long as you dry and put them away.

c. Even though she looks oriental she was bornand brought up in Toronto.

Answers will vary. Check that students use thatand the Subjunctive.


Assign 1/2 points for each correct matchpicture - introduction. a. Picture 2. b. Picture 3. c. Picture 1. d. Picture 4.Assign the rest of the points according to thesecriteria:• Student role plays the introductions with

good pronunciation and no hesitation. 7 - 8 pts.• Student role plays the introductions with

good pronunciation and a minimum ofhesitation. 5 - 6 pts.

• Student role plays the introductions withsome pronunciation mistakes and withhesitation. 2 - 4 pts.

• Student role plays the introductions witha lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation. 0 - 2 pts.


Refer students back to the brochure on page 62and tell them to summarise it in no more than100 words. Tell them to use the subjunctivemood in the summary. • Student writes a summary that contains all

relevant information, with no grammar orspelling mistakes. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student writes a summary that containsmost of the relevant information, with afew grammar or spelling mistakes. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student writes a summary that contains someof the relevant information required, withsome grammar or spelling mistakes. 3 - 4 pts.

• Student writes a summary that contains verylittle of the relevant information required, witha lot of grammar or spelling mistakes. 0 - 2 pts.


P. 53Possible answersa. The teacher suggested that we read Don

Quijote de la Mancha as a good example of Spanish literature.

b. The doctor recommended that I take thecough mixture after I eat.

c. I demand that you return my money! Thecomputer is not working.

d. She insisted that we drink some milk beforewe set off.

e. I propose that we fly to Mexico and there wecan rent a car.

f. The President urges that we all vote in thenext elections.

P. 57Will vary. Check that the Subjunctive is used correctly.



a. (3). b. (2). c. (5). d. (4). e. (1).

a. VI. b. IV. c. III. d. IV and V. e. I. f. II.

a. A monkey wearing a sandwich board, MonaLisa with a rocket launcher.

b. Brad Pitt, Cristina Aguilera.c. A pizza box.d. No, they don’t.


a. ii. b. ii. c. i. d. ii.

a. Jen. b. Dani. c. Dani. d. Jen.

a. chance.b. important.c. cannot.d. can.










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a. By the time he arrived at the train station thetrain had left.

b. By the time he arrived at the theatre the playhad started.

c. By the time he arrived at his friend's house she had gone out.

d. By the time he arrived at the football stadium the gamed had finished.

a. John complained that the phone had rungat 3 o’clock in the morning.

b. Tina told us that the exam had begun 10 minutes late.

c. Fred said that he had lived in Dublin before moving to Los Angeles.

d. Marian explained that the doctor had asked her to describe her typical day.


Give students a short time to prepare. Allowthem to take notes but do not let them readthe written sentences - they should use theirnotes as props only.Assign points according to these criteria.• The student compares the two paintings

and expresses his / her preferences withcorrect sentences, appropriate pronunciationand a minimum of hesitation. 8 - 10 pts.

• The student compares the two paintings and expresses his / her preferences, butmakes some grammar and pronunciationmistakes and hesitates. 5 - 7 pts.

• The student compares the two paintingsand expresses his / her preferences, butmakes several grammar and pronunciationmistakes and hesitates. 2 - 3 pts.

• The student cannot compare the twopaintings or express his / her preferences,makes several grammar and pronunciationmistakes, and hesitates a lot. 0 - 1 pts.


Historical truth is not the objective of theactivity, so correct dates and real names are notessential. Students should use their previousknowledge of the band or singer. Assign points according to the followingcriteria.• Student writes appropriate information

in all the corresponding paragraphs of thearticle, with very few grammar or spellingmistakes. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student writes appropriate information inmost of the corresponding paragraphs of the article, with some grammar and spellingmistakes. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student writes only a few pieces ofinformation in the corresponding paragraphs of the article. There are severalgrammar and spelling mistakes. 2 - 4 pts.

• Students writes very little information and noparagraphs can be noticed. There are a lot ofspelling and grammar mistakes. 0 - 1 pts.


P. 75a. were / had lost.b. moved / had worked. c. played / had left.d. spoke / had studied. e. was / had gone.

P. 81a. Laurie said she had seen Casino Royale on TV.b. The man told me he had sent the packet

three days ago.c. The scientist explained that the Neanderthal

had lived thousands of years ago. d. The university authorities announced that

they had uploaded the exam results on their website.







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(Be flexible to accept other correct answers).a. Scientists were surprised to find out there

was water on the moon.b. They also revealed that it was not enough

moisture to foster / support life.c. Scientists argued for months to find out what

the problem with the instruments was.d. Lunar senior scientist Paul Spudis called the

new find exciting. e. He also asked the question where the water

came from.

a. The moon.b. To see if it could bring up buried ice.c. (1) The water came from comets or asteroids

that crashed into the moon or (2) The solar wind carries hydrogen atoms that bind with oxygen, this way making water.


This exercise draws on what students learnt inthis unit and links it to their own experience,asking them to use their imagination.Students work in pairs. First both studentscomplete column A with their own ideas andthen they ask each other questions to completecolumn B. Assign points according to these criteria.• The student asks and answers the

appropriate questions correctly, withappropriate pronunciation and a minimum of hesitation. 8 - 10 pts.

• The student asks and answers the appropriate questions correctly, but makessome grammar and pronunciation mistakes and hesitates. 5 - 7 pts.

• The student asks and answers someappropriate questions correctly, but makes several grammar and pronunciationmistakes and hesitates. 2 - 3 pts.

• The student cannot ask and answer theappropriate questions correctly, makes several grammar and pronunciation mistakes, and hesitates a lot. 0 - 1 pts.


a. incident. b. 200. c. resonance. d. size.


a. Jane asked what programme I had seen on Saturday.

b. The shop assistant asked if she could help me. c. The customer asked how much the computer cost.d. Sandra said it was not a good idea to leave so late.

Check that the students use the correct tensesand appropriate pronouns.Possible answersa. The tourist asked me where the museum was.b. I told Susan I was happy.c. The policeman said he wanted to see my

documents.d. The astronomer explained that the telescope

was working again.


Ask students to read the interview and thenrewrite it in no more than 150 words, using thereporting verbs provided in the box. Tell themto pay attention to word order in the sentencesand to include any other necessary changes.








a. A Spanish geologistb. A British researcherc. Low ozone levelsd. Global warminge. Acoustic resonancef. Various instruments








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Assign points according to these criteria.• Student reports all the required

information, using different reporting verbs and incorporating all the necessarychanges, with very few spelling mistakes and grammar errors. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student reports most of the requiredinformation, using several reporting verbs and incorporating most of thenecessary changes, with a few spellingmistakes and grammar errors. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student reports some of the requiredinformation, using a few reporting verbs and incorporating some of thenecessary changes, with some spellingmistakes and grammar errors. 2 - 4 pts.

• Student reports very little of the requiredinformation, using very few of the reportingverbs and incorporating very few of thenecessary changes, with several spellingmistakes and grammar errors. 0 - 1 pts.


P. 99a. that her name was Carla. b. she did.c. I went to Alexander Fleming schoold. his name was George.

i. I told her / I said she had a lovely name.ii. I added that I was from Benton City too.iii. She exclaimed that her boyfriend also

went to that school.iv. I shouted that my name was George too.

P. 104Possible answersa. My son asked my why I was so tired / sad.b. I wanted to know when we would go on

holiday. c. My young wife wondered where we would

buy our first home.d. I asked dad how much the TV cost.e. My teacher enquired how many students knew

the answer.



I - c. II - a. III - b.

a. iii. b. ii. c. iii.

a. False.b. True.c. True.d. True.e. False.f. True.



a. i. b. ii. c. i. d. ii. e. ii.

Name: Pauline. Surname: Brown.Position: Human Resources manager.E-mail address: [email protected] number: 44 028 786765.


a. I wonder if Sean has been to New Zealand.b. The football fans asked the commentator if

Manchester United was winning the match. c. I can’t remember if I left my umbrella at home. d. The music teacher asked if I played /

could play the accordion.e. Our new friends enquired if we had learnt

English at school.

a. his parents were b. his name was c. old he was d. he knew his home address e. he was from








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Ask students to work in pairs, taking turns to bethe interviewer and the interviewee. They bothlook at the suggestions for an interview andthe interviewer prepares the questions whilethe interviewee prepares the answers. They roleplay the interview.Assign points according to these criteria.• Student uses his / her own ideas and the

information provided to complete the jobinterview, with good pronunciation and nohesitation. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student uses his / her own ideas and theinformation provided to complete the jobinterview, with good pronunciation and aminimum of hesitation. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student uses his / her own ideas and theinformation provided to complete the jobinterview, with some pronunciation mistakesand with hesitation. 2 - 4 pts.

• Student uses his / her own ideas and theinformation provided to complete the jobinterview, with a lot of pronunciationmistakes and a lot of hesitation. 0 - 1 pts.


Students read the instructions carefully andthen write a letter of complaint with amaximum of 150 words. Check each letterindividually. Assign points following these criteria.• Student writes a letter of complaint

that contains all the required informationplaced in its correct location and respects the word limit, with no grammar orspelling mistakes. 8 - 10 pts.

• Student writes a letter of complaint thatcontains most of the required informationplaced in its correct location and the wordlimit slightly under/over limit, with a fewgrammar or spelling mistakes. 5 - 7 pts.

• Student writes a letter of complaint thatcontains some of the required informationoften placed in its correct location and theword limit slightly under/over limit, withsome grammar or spelling mistakes. 3 - 4 pts.

• Student writes a letter of complaint thatcontains very few pieces of information in the corresponding parts, does not respectthe word limit -(the text is too short), with alot of grammar or spelling mistakes. 0 - 2 pts.


P. 122(Accept variations in the reporting verbs).a. Molly's mother wanted to know where her

father was.b. The teacher asked how we had found the

information to write the report.c. Sarah enquired how many languages we

could speak / spoke.d. Kelly wondered why I didn't answer her

messages.e. The interviewer wanted to find out what my

experience with learning disabilities was.

P. 128Check each student´s answers individually orask them to exchange minitests with a partnerand correct each other's answers.





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A biography: Pablo Picasso. 83

A brochure: Planet saving technology. 50

A conversation about iPhone art. 77

A conversation between two girls. 87

A film poster. 31

A film review: Unusual Vampires. 42

A film review. 31

A news story. 23

A song. 15

A web cam lecture: Asking the right questions. 101

An article about science and technology. 62 - 109 - 110

An article on numerology . 108

An article: Vincent Van Google . 84

An article: Who is Banksy? 86

An interview with a famous person. 35

Business letters. 59 - 118 - 119 - 130 - 131 - 134

Chilean Connection. 21 - 41 - 61 - 85 - 109 - 133

Extract from a novel. 30

Gerunds. 36

Indirect questions. 103 - 127

-ing forms. 32

Intensifiers. 16

Job interviews. 63

Love letters. 10 - 22

Magazine article: The Rapping Years . 70 - 71

Reporting verbs. 97 - 121

Scientific article: The Magic of DNA . 94

Page 148: 4° medio globlal english


Teen Science Blog. 106

Telephone conversation: placing a job advertisement. 135

The modal verb might. 12

The Past Perfect tense. 72 - 79

The Subjunctive with that. 52 - 56

Three conversations about jobs. 125

To apply new vocabulary and structures. 52 - 98 - 127

To ask and answer questions. 32

To classify information. 34

To classify words. 12 - 48

To connect content and previous knwoledge. 34 - 48 - 54 - 69 - 76 - 76 - 92 - 100 - 116 - 124

To connect pictures and content. 34

To connect pictures and topic. 92

To connect the topic and experience. 100

To consolidate a grammar point in writing. 74 - 128

To consolidate a grammar point. 12 - 17 - 32 - 35 - 56

To consolidate a language item. 104 - 122

To consolidate a language structure. 73

To consolidate vocabulary. 17 - 35 - 55 - 57 - 73 - 74 - 79 - 98 - 102 - 121

To create a new text. 17 - 53 - 75 - 99 - 123

To deduce the communicative purpose of texts. 116

To describe and guess jobs. 124

To differentiate between fact and opinion. 96

To differentiate between formal and informal language. 116

To discriminate between correct and incorrect information. 15 - 29 - 35 - 78 - 97 - 102 - 120

To discuss a scientific topic. 105

To discuss an issue. 57

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To draw conclusions. 55

To evaluate learning. 13 - 17 - 33 - 37 - 53 - 57 - 75 - 81 - 99 - 104 - 122 - 128

To expand content expressing opinions. 80

To expand vocabulary. 12

To express opinions. 7 - 35 - 68 - 93 -100

To express personal attitudes. 7

To find general and supporting information. 29 - 55

To find meaning of words / to make predictions. 8 - 14 - 34

To find specific information. 9 - 49 - 55 - 69 - 77 - 78 - 93 - 101 - 102 - 117 - 125 - 126

To find the meaning of key words and identify their pronunciation. 54 - 100

To identify and classify differences between American and British English. 121

To identify cognates. 34 - 48 - 69 - 76

To identify explicit and implicit information. 120

To identify format of business letters. 117

To identify purpose of a text. 93

To identify references. 93

To identify speakers. 35

To identify stressed word. 15

To identify synonyms. 69 - 11

To identify textual clues. 102

To identify textual references. 49

To identify tone of message. 14 - 15

To identify type of text. 48 - 69

To infer information. 120

To infer meaning of words / expressions. 48 - 78 - 116 - 125

To infer the meaning of key words. 54

To match information and visuals. 7 - 14 - 35 - 54 - 68

Page 150: 4° medio globlal english


To match information. 29 - 48 - 77

To participate in a guided oral dialogue. 49 - 98

To practise a structure. 52

To predict content from cognates and familiar words. 48 - 100

To predict content from the context. 54 - 93 - 125

To predict messages using non-verbal content. 77

To reflect on the contents of the lesson and

relate them to personal experiences. 17 - 33 - 36 - 53 - 57 - 68 - 75 - 81 - 99 - 105 - 123 - 129

To reinforce a grammar point. 12 - 17

To relate content to personal experiences. 17

To role play an interview. 37

To role play dialogues imitating a spoken model. 17 - 32 - 37 - 56 - 74 - 80 - 104 - 122

To summarise (ideas, information) through discussions and oral work. 129

To synthesise information and transfer it to a graphic organiser. 29 - 72

To talk about art forms and preferences. 81

To transfer relevant information to a visual organiser. 49 - 69 - 96 - 101

To use information to complete a conversation. 122

To validate predictions. 29 - 35 - 48 - 55 - 69 - 77 - 93 -101 - 117 - 125

To write a text. 17 - 33

Two presentations about mysteries of science. 111

Unit Test 1 22

Unit Test 2 42

Unit Test 3 62

Unit Test 4 86

Unit Test 5 110

Unit Test 6 134

Writing tips. 40

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MURPHY, R.M.; 1997. ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR IN USE; 2nd Ed. Great Britain,Cambridge University Press.


Ed. Mexico, s.e.

SEVERAL AUTHORS; 1997. THE MACMILLAN VISUAL DICTIONARY; 1st Edition.USA, Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana.

RINVOLUCRI, M. et al; 1995. MORE GRAMMAR GAMES; 1st Edition. GreatBritain, Cambridge University Press.

JARA, H. et al; 1995. TECHNICAL ENGLISH 1; 3rd Ed. S.l, Salesiana.


PEREGOY. S.F. et al.; 2005. READING, WRITING AND LEARNING IN ESL; 3rd Ed.England, Allyn & Bacon.


BLANDHCARD, K.R.; ROOT C.T.; 1996. FOR YOUR INFORMATION; 1st Edition.USA, Addison Wesley Longman.

WEB SITEShttp://www.ingles.mineduc.cl/









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© 2011 Ediciones Cal y Canto®Original text Jolanta Polk Reyes

Teaching English as a Foreign Language,Dublin, Ireland.Teacher training, translation and English Literature, University of Silesia, Poland.

Original illustrations Ediciones Cal y Canto®Design Ediciones Cal y Canto®General Publisher Jorge Muñoz Rau.Publisher Alicia Manonellas Balladares.Assistant Publisher Gloria Caro Opazo.

Ly-Sen Lam Díaz.Designed by María Jesús Moreno Guldman.Cover designed by María Jesús Moreno Guldman.Layout by Cristina Sepúlveda Aravena.Proofreading Kevin Towl.Illustrations Venus Astudillo Vera.General Production Cecilia Muñoz Rau.Production Assistant Lorena Briceño González.Recording Producer Rodrigo González Díaz.Photos Banco de Fotos Ediciones Cal y Canto.

ISBN: 978-956-8623-97-5N˚ de Inscripción: 197.520

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