426 c1 osce

OSCE Ophthalmology C1 426 Dr.no0p C1 .. 426 Dr.no0p

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Page 1: 426 C1 OSCE

C1 .. 426 Dr.no0p

OSCE Ophthalmology

C1 426


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A. What is the diagnosis? B. What is the type of refractive error ?


A. Accomidative esotropiaB. Hyperopia

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A. What is the type of refractive error ? B. How would you correct it?

A. HyperopiaB. Convex lenses


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A. Name this sign ? B. Give 2 Differential diagnosis?

A. leukocoriaB. Cataract, reitnoblastoma


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A. pinhole testing deviceB. determine if a problem with acuity is the result of refractive error

(and thus correctable with glasses ) or due to another process. [explanation : In testing distant visual acuity, looking through a

pinhole is useful for patients with blurred vision .Vision can be improved if the defective vision is due to refractive error.

It cannot be improved if it is due toorganic eye disease ].

A. Name this device ? B. What is the value of it?


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A. Lesion on 2 what visual field defect ?B. Give one most common cause?

A. Bitemporal hemianopiaB. Pitutary adenoma


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A. Optic tractB. Optic radiation

A. identify 3 ? B. identify 5?


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A. A 30 year old obese female , with normal BPthe presentation is bilateral what’s the diagnosis B. How would you manage this patient?

A.PapilledemaB.Ask the patient to reduce her weightDecrease the intracranial pressure


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A. cataractB. 1- endophthalmitis ,

2 -inflammation , hemorrhage , ... etc

A. What is the diagnosisB. Give 2 post surgical complications?


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A. identify 1 ? B. identify 2?

A. choroid B. Ciliary body




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A. Describe what do you see?B. Name the disease which cause this?

A. Tunnel vision B. glaucoma


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A. Patient with sinusitis and fever what is your diagnosis? B. How would u manage her?

A. Orbital cellulitisB. Admission and give her IV antibiotic


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A. Patient has Hx of iris operation, name this operation?B. What is the indication for this operation?

A. Laser Peripheral IridotomyB. Acute closed angle glaucoma


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A. Diabetic patient, what is u diagnosis?B. How would you manage this patient?

A. Proliferative diabetic retinopathyB. Control the blood pressure and do PRP


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A. Patient came to the ER with Hx of finger nail trauma (can’t remember the exact question but it was something like that) how would you manage this patient?B. What is the complication ( write only one)?

A. Topical antibiotic , NEVER patch this lesionB. scarring, secondary iritis


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A. Identify this lesion? B. What is the name of the dye?

A. Herpetic ulcer (dendritic ulcer)B. Fluorescein dye


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A. This patient has Hx of wearing contact lenses, what is your diagnosis?B. How would you manage this patient?

A. Corneal ulcerB. Remove the lenses and culture first then topical antibiotics every hour


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A. What is the diagnosis?B. What are the visual field defects?

A. Optic disc cuppingB. Arcuate scotoma , paracentral scotoma, and nasal step

defect .


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A. Patient came with sudden painless redness, What is the diagnosis?B. Give me 3 or 2 causes ( can’t remember)?

A. subconjunctival hemorrhageB. 1- Anticouglants (OCP ) 2- Trauma , 3-Old age


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A. What is the diagnosis?B. Give me 3 or 2 causes ( can’t remember) << I’m not

sure of this Q?

A. Preretinal hemorrhage or BRVO <<< I’m not sure of it B .


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