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If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:1 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular Plural sandwich sandwiches

dress dresses

person people

clock clocks

Underline the verb in the sentence. Rewrite the sentence in PAST tense.

Beverly washes her car on Sunday.

Beverly washed her car on Sunday.

3. 3rd Grade Review 4. 3rd Grade Review

Which adjective best completes the sentence?

(beautifulest, more beautiful, most beautiful)

This rose is more beautiful than the


Underline the adverbs and circle the adjectives in the sentence.

I quietly laid in my bed and looked at

the bright moon through my window.

5. 3rd Grade Review 6. 3rd Grade Review

Add the correct punctuation marks to the dialogue below.

Susan stated, “I am not going to the movies today.”

Is the sentence below simple, compound, or complex?

Although I love reading books about the

stars, the moon is my favorite object in the sky.

Complex Sentence

7. L.4.2.D 8. L.4.2.A

Which word best completes the sentence?

caght, caught, cought, cauht

Missy caught the flu from a boy in her class.

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

This summer we visited the Great Wall of China with Gina and her


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:2 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Write the word sisters as a possessive noun.

The house belongs to the two sisters.

The sisters’ house.

Underline the verb in the sentence. Rewrite the sentence in FUTURE tense.

Frank scores a goal for his team.

Frank will score a goal for his team.

3. 3rd Grade Review 4. 3rd Grade Review

Underline the adverbs and circle the adjectives in the sentence.

The scared turtle slowly tucked himself

in his hard shell.

Which conjunction best completes the sentence?

(and, but, so)

The carpenter was tired, so he went to bed.

5. 3rd Grade Review 6. L.4.2.D

Is the sentence below simple, compound, or complex?

Baily and Owen enjoy going to the baseball

field for games.

Simple Sentence

Which word best completes the sentence?

a lot, alot

Kesha has a lot of homework tonight.

7. L.4.2.A 8. L.4.1.F

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

Victor’s favorite store is Walmart.

Rewrite the sentence correctly.

My cup is empty I will go fill it.

Accept all reasonable answers. My cup is empty, so I will go fill it.


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:3 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular Plural foot feet

cherry cherries

leaf leaves

shoe shoes

Complete the sentence using the correct verb.

(is, am, are)

They are working together on a science


3. 3rd Grade Review 4. 3rd Grade Review

Which adverb best completes the sentence?

(fastest, faster, more fast most fast)

My guinea pig was the fastest of all.

Add the correct punctuation marks to the dialogue below.

“What is that smell?” Kendra asked.

5. L.4.2.D 6. L.4.2.A

Which word best completes the sentence?

agan, again, agian

The show was so good that we are

going to see it again.

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

We visited Mississippi in April.

7. L.4.1.F 8. L.4.4.B

Rewrite the sentence correctly.

Ate all the cookies in the box.

Accept all reasonable answers. Emily ate all the cookies in the box.

What does the prefix im- in- mean?

in, into

What does the word immigrate mean?

To come into a country in order to settle.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:4 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Write the word panda as a possessive noun.

The bamboo belongs to the panda.

The panda’s bamboo.

What pronoun best completes the sentence?

Fiona listened to music while she did

her homework.

3. 3rd Grade Review 4. L.4.2.D

Is the sentence below simple, compound, or complex?

The cowboy gathered all the cattle, but he

didn’t get home in time for supper.

Compound Sentence

Which word best completes the sentence?

beleve, believe, beleive

My mom doesn’t believe I don’t have

any homework tonight.

5. L.4.2.A 6. L.4.1.F

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

We took Cindy’s sister to Pizza Palace for dinner.

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

I rang the doorbell no one was home.

Accept all reasonable answers. I rang the doorbell, but no one was home.

Run-on Sentence

7. L.4.4.B 8. L.4.4.A

Which word best completes the sentence?

Important, impressive, impulsive, immigrant

Mrs. Anderson said my work was _______________. It was the best

project she has seen all year.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

When the boy saw his little brother destroying his science project, a look of fury

and anger crossed his face.

rage or anger


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:5 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

The rainy day stopped us from

playing outside.

Which adverb best completes the sentence?

(taller, tallest, more tall most tall)

Today we are going to climb the

tallest tree in the park.

3. L.4.2.D 4. L.4.2.A

Which word best completes the sentence?

to, too, two

Aunt Petunia said we could go skating


Underline the words that should be capitalized.

Our Toyota broke down on our way to Denver, Colorado.

5. L.4.1.F 6. L.4.4.B

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

My brand-new bike

Accept all reasonable answers.

My brand-new bike is blue.


Which word best completes the sentence?

inhale, implosive, impress

Be careful not to inhale the toxic air outside.

7. L.4.4.A 8. L.4.4.B

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The police officer came to assist us when we called for help.

To help

What does the prefix com, con, col mean?

with or together

What does the word combine mean?

To put things together.

Adj N V P


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:6 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

She danced beautifully in the

talent show.

Is the sentence below simple, compound, or complex?

While playing outside, Martha stumbled

over an old toy car.

Complex Sentence

3. L.4.2.D 4. L.4.2.A

Which word best completes the sentence?

its, it’s

The guinea pig ran in its home to hide.

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

We went to the movies and watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of


5. L.4.1.F 6. L.4.4.B

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th

president he was loved by many.

Accept all reasonable answers. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th

president, and he was loved by many. Run-on Sentence

Circle the words with a prefix that means in or into.


impression cooperate immigrant imprison


7. L.4.4.A 8. L.4.4.B

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Wild animals should never be held in captivity. Instead, you should let them live


held against its will

What does the prefix de mean?

down, away, from

What does the prefix pro mean?

forward, forth

P V Adv

Adj N


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:7 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. L.4.2.D

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

Alice put the important paper on

the large desk.

Which word best completes the sentence?

receved, received, recieved

Jim received a special award for his

kindness to others.

3. L.4.2.A 4. L.4.1.F

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

The first space shuttle to land on the moon was Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969.

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

My very smart friend.

Accept all reasonable answer. My very smart friend aced the test.


5. L.4.4.B 6. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentences.

interior, important, congress, commend

Our congress is an important part of

our government.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The children used carrots to coax the bunny back into the cage.

lure or persuade

7. L.4.4.B 8. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Write the meaning of the underlined word. The boat’s crew was told to debark the

sinking ship.

To get off a boat

Replace the underlined word(s) with a better word.

The man was very mad.

Accept all reasonable answers.


N V Adj N

Adj N

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY - Q1:8 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. 3rd Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

Terrifying tornados sometimes occur

in sunny Florida.

Is the sentence below simple, compound, or complex?

Gina was brave enough to save her sister’s

life during the neighborhood fire.

Simple Sentence

3. L.4.2.A 4. L.4.1.F

Underline the words that should be capitalized.

My report was written on Thomas Jefferson.

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

Had spaghetti for lunch.

We had spaghetti for lunch.


5. L.4.4.B 6. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentences.

impulsive, deformed, proclaim, collect

Amy had an impulsive thought to jump up

and cheer! She wanted to proclaim her

excitement for the movie she had been

waiting so long to see.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Baily’s envy for the girl’s necklace grew until she finally tried to take it from her.


7. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A 8. L.4.4.C

Write a synonym and antonym for the word funny.

Synonym: hilarious

Antonym: dull

Which definition of burrow is being used in the sentence? 2

The rabbit began to burrow into the

ground to get away from the fox.

Adj N Adv. V

Adj N


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:1 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. L.4.2.A

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

She steadily dived into the swimming


Underline the words that should be capitalized.

We are driving to Denver, Colorado to visit Martha and her brother.

3. L.4.1.F 4. L.4.4.B

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

She studied all night she aced the test

She studied all night and aced the


Run-on Sentence

Use the words below to complete the sentences.

interior, decay, combine, produce

The interior of the house began to decay

and fall apart after the fire.

5. L.4.4.A 6. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The fragile statue almost broke because a small gust of wind came through the door.

easily breakable

Replace the underlined word(s) with a better word.

The smart women won an award.


7. L.4.4.C 8. L.4.4.B

Which definition of focus is being used in the sentence? 2

It is hard to focus on the show with all the talking in the audience.

What does the prefix audi, audit mean?

hear, listen

What does the word audience mean?

A group of people who listen to a performance.

P Adv V Adj


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:2 1. 3rd Grade Review 2. L.4.2.D

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, P = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb

My new computer works faster.

Which word best completes the sentence?

off, of

Avery took off her jacket as she

entered the building.

3. L.4.1.F 4. L.4.4.B

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

The gigantic tree.

Accept all reasonable answers.

The gigantic tree covers the yard.


Use the words below to complete the sentences.

auditory, promote, defend, produce

The girl will defend herself against bullies,

and promote students to be kind to each


5. L.4.4.A 6. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The soccer team was so parched they drank an entire case of water.


Write a synonym and antonym for the word clean.

Synonym: spotless

Antonym: dirty

7. L.4.4.C 8. L.4.1.B

Circle the pronunciation of the word focus. Underline the parts of speech.

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive past tense verb.

They were playing (play) in the

treehouse all day.

P Adj N V Adv


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:3 1. L.4.2.D 2. L.4.1.F

Which words best complete the sentences?

there, their, they’re

They’re moving tomorrow. I bet there

will be a lot of work to do.

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

Her phone rang she picked it up.

Accept all reasonable answers.

Her phone rang, so she picked it up.

Run-on Sentence

3. L.4.4.B 4. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentences.

combine, collect, immigrate, imprison

I should collect my belongs before we

immigrate to a new country.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

After Andrea fell, the other students began to mock her by pretending to fall.

make fun of

5. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A 6. L.4.4.C

Replace the underlined word with a better word.

He is sad.

Possible Answer: miserable

Which definition of peer is being used in the sentence? 2

Victor is my peer at school.

7. L.4.1.B 8. L.4.1.D

Tell if the underlined verb is progressive past, present, or future.

We are going to the store after


Progressive present

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

red, new, big

I need to go grab my big, new, red


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:4 1. L.4.1.F 2. L.4.4.B

Fix the sentence. Is it a fragment or a run-on sentence?

My brand new shoes.

Accept all reasonable answers. My brand new shoes got dirty.


Use the words below to complete the sentences.

audition, progression, audiovisual, inaudible

The talent audition was inaudible because

of all the noise.

3. L.4.4.A 4. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

I heard a peculiar sound that I had never heard before and had no idea where it came



Which word is an ANTONYM for the underlined word?

shining, glittering, dull

Her necklace was sparkling.

5. L.4.4.C 6. L.4.1.B

Circle the pronunciation of the word peer. Underline the parts of speech.

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive future tense verb.

The actors will be performing in the


7. L.4.1.D 8. L.4.4.B

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

young, silly, two

My two, silly, young sisters are driving me


What does the root voc/voke mean?

voice or call

What does the root spec/spect mean?

watch or look at


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:5 1. L.4.2.D 2. L.4.4.B

Which words best complete the sentences?

can not, cannot, canot

I cannot believe you got the highest

grade of all the students in our class.

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

advocate, inspect, interior, perspective

Each character in the book had a different

perspective about what happened.

3. L.4.4.A 4. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Her grandmother gave her a precious jewel and told her to keep it safe.

very valuable

Which word is an SYNONYM for the underlined word?

danced, collapsed, skipped

After the race, she fell to the floor.

5. L.4.4.C 6. L.4.1.B

Which definition of limb is being used in the sentence? 1

I nearly lost a limb while riding my


Complete the sentence with the correct progressive past tense verb.

The ants were crawling all over our


7. L.4.1.D 8. L.4.2.B

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

one, vanilla, sweet

For desert, I ordered one, sweet, vanilla


Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

“As children grow up,” mother

explained, “they become more


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:6 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

depend, deformed, proclaim, congregate

The deformed tree was hard to climb. I

don’t want to depend on my rope to help me

climb the tree.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Even though we were interrupted, we should proceed with what we were doing.


3. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A 4. L.4.4.C

Write a synonym and an antonym for the word boring.

Synonym: dull

Antonym: exciting

Circle the pronunciation of the word limb. Underline the parts of speech.

5. L.4.1.B 6. L.4.1.D

Tell if the underlined verb is progressive past, present, or future.

My parents will be leaving in an hour.

Progressive future

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

best, kind, older

My kind, older, best friend is coming over


7. L.4.2.B 8. L.4.4.B

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

Cassie shouted, “I’ll be right there!”

What does the root terr, terra, geo mean?

land, ground, earth

What does the word geology mean?

The study of the Earth’s crust.


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:7 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

retrospect, geographer, audiologist, Mediterranean

The geographer sailed across the

Mediterranean Sea so he could study the

mountains and land.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

After forgetting my science project at home, I had to plead with my teacher to let me turn

it in tomorrow.

To beg

3. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A 4. L.4.4.C

Which word is a SYNONYM for the underlined word?

destroyed, repaired, demolished

Victor fixed the treehouse after the


Which definition of portion is being used in the sentence? 1

That portion of the pizza is mine.

5. L.4.1.B 6. L.4.1.D

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive present tense verb.

Ginny is thinking about what she will

wear to the dance.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

short, broken, old I found a short, old, broken stick, but I don’t

think it will make a good fire.

7. L.4.2.B 8. L.4.5.A

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

“Mr. Potter can stay with us until

school begins,” stated Mrs. Weasley.

Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

She is a giant when compared to the


Metaphor: She is tall

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:8 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

revoke, vocabulary, impulsive, commend

I commend you for having such a great

vocabulary and knowing so many words.

Which word is a ANTONYM for the underlined word?

stared, ignored, viewed

The children looked at the coach

during his speech.

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.B

Circle the pronunciation of the word portion. Underline the parts of


Complete the sentence with the correct progressive past tense verb.

The people were running to get to the


5. L.4.1.D 6. L.4.2.B

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

square, Italian, delicious I ate a delicious, square, Italian cake for


Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

“While we visit my grandmother,”

James explained, “you can stay in

our house.”

7. L.4.5.A 8. L.4.5.B

Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

He was as cool as a cucumber during the

spelling bee competition.

Simile: He was calm

What is an idiom?

It is a saying that does not mean what it literally says.

What is the meaning of the idiom below?

It’s time to hit the hay.

go to sleep


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:9 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

audition, decay, prologue, audiometer

During the audition for the school play, I read

the prologue from the beginning of the story.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

After eating lunch, my stomach felt queasy, so I went to the school nurse.

sick, nauseated

3. L.4.1.B 4. L.4.1.D

Tell if the underlined verb is progressive past, present, or future.

She was working to pay for a new car.

Progressive past

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

rusty, American, old The rusty, old, American car was still able

to be driven.

5. L.4.2.B 6. L.4.5.A

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

Bethany questioned, “Why are there

so many roses and only one


Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

Her fingers were icicles, so she put on her


Metaphor: Her fingers were cold.

7. L.4.5.B 8. L.4.4.B

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

The person who complains the most gets the attention.

What does the root trac or tract mean?

pull, draw, drag

What does the word attract mean?

To be pulled toward something because you like what it is or what it looks like.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:1 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

attractive, terrain, aspect, attract

The terrain was covered in beautiful trees

and flowers. I’m sure it will attract lots of


Which word is a SYNONYM for the underlined word?

usual, uncommon, common

The jeweler said my purple stone is


3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.D

Which definition of address is being used in the sentence? 2

The president is going to give a live

address tonight.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

wood, beautiful, brown The beautiful, brown, wood table was made

by my mom.

5. L.4.2.B 6. L.4.5.A

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

“I didn’t see anything,” stated the

witness, “even though I was there the

whole time.”

Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

Emily was as sweet as pie to give me these


Similes: Emily is nice

7. L.4.5.B 8. L.4.1.C

What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?

Can you give me a hand with these heavy books?

Asking for help

Underline the modal auxiliary verb in the sentence.

You can borrow my book.

What is the function of the modal auxiliary verb? Ability, willingness, or necessity?


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:2 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

provoke, evoke, audiotape, proclamation

I listened to an audiotape of the president

making a proclamation that all people must

be treated equally.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Sarah is a novice tennis player. It’s her first week of practice.


3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.2.B

Circle the pronunciation of the word address. Underline the parts of


Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue. “My dad is cooking spaghetti tonight

for dinner,” said Celia.

5. L.4.5.A 6. L.4.5.B

Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

My soup was lava.

Metaphor: The soup is hot

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.

People often think that others are better off than they are.

7. L.4.1.C 8. L.4.1.C

Underline the modal auxiliary verb in the sentence.

I will help my sister with her homework.

What is the function of the modal auxiliary verb? Ability, willingness, or necessity?

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

who, whose, whom, which, that

The girl who made me this bracelet is my best friend.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:3 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

defend, debris, cohere, important

Martha said it is important that we stand up

and defend others against bullies.

Which word is a ANTONYM for the underlined word?

inaudible, silent, talkative

We were all still and quiet during the


3. L.4.1.B 4. L.4.1.D

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive past tense verb.

My sister was stirring the soup on the


Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

red, many wooden Ms. Sharp has many, red, wooden pencils.

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?

That television will cost me an arm and a leg.

Something is expensive

Underline the modal auxiliary verb in the sentence.

You should fix your bike before riding it

again. What is the function of the modal auxiliary

verb? Necessity, suggestion, ability?

7. L.4.1.C 8. L.4.4.B

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

where, when, why

I can’t remember where I put my glasses.

What does the prefix trans mean?

across, change

What does the root inter mean?

between, among


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:4 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

Intermission, interject, transcribe, desiccate

Wait until the intermission of the show before

you interject and say what you are thinking.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

It is essential that you remember to bring your violin to music class tomorrow.


3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.2.B

Which definition of alert is being used in the sentence? 1

The alert dog began to bark at the sudden noise.

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue.

“Make sure you return your books

tomorrow,” requested the librarian.

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Each person has a different opinion of what is beautiful.

Underline the modal auxiliary verb in the sentence.

I can hold my breath underwater for one

minute. What is the function of the modal auxiliary

verb? Ability, obligation, possibility?

7. L.4.1.C 8. L.4.1.E

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

who, whose, whom, which, that

The room is filled with many women, all of

whom are doctors.

Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

We jumped into the pool.

She crossed the rode before her brother.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:5 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

congress, connect, imprison, irrevocable

Even though she was sorry, her crimes were

irrevocable. The judge will decide if he must

imprison her.

Which word is a SYNONYM for the underlined word?

accurate, incorrect, wrong

Her answer in the spelling bee was


3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.D

Circle the pronunciation of the word alert. Underline the parts of speech.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

three plastic broken Those three, plastic, broken rulers are of no


5. L.4.5.A 6. L.4.1.C

Are the underlined words a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

The soccer team was like a tornado in the

soccer tournament.

Simile: They were “storming” through, or winning.

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

where, when, why

That scary movie is the reason

_____________ I now can’t sleep.

7. L.4.1.E 8. L.4.4.B

Add a preposition to complete the sentence.

Accept all reasonable answers. My cat loves to leap over his ball of


What does the prefix per- mean?

through, thoroughly

What does the word permanent mean?

lasting forever


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:6 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

persuade, perimeter, interstate, transformation

I had to persuade my sister to take the

interstate instead of our usual route, because

of heavy traffic.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The severe storm had thousands of people without electricity when it was all over.

very bad; intense

3. L.4.1.B 4. L.4.2.B

Tell if the underlined verb is progressive past, present, or future tense.

Victor will be making the costumes for

the show.

Progressive future

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue. “Carlos is a great friend,” explained

Ava, “and he has always been there

for me.”

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?

Don’t beat around the bush. Tell me what is wrong.

Avoid the main topic

Which modal auxiliary verb shows ability?

could, might, would

I could lend her a pencil for the test.

7. L.4.1.E 8. L.4.4.B

Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

She put her book in her backpack.

We ran inside her house.

What does the prefix auto- mean?


What does the word autopilot mean?

self-steering, self-driving

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:7 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

automatically, autocrat, distract, extract

My brother was able to distract me by having

me look the other way. I then automatically

knew he was up to something.

Write a synonym and antonym for the word halt.

Synonym: stop Antonym: continue

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.D

Which definition of tidy is being used in the sentence? 1

Her tidy room was organized.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

silver, shiny, new

Do you like my shiny, new, silver ring?

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Just because someone else does something wrong, doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to do

something wrong.

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

who, whose, whom, which, that

Whose car is blocking the school bus?

7. L.4.1.E 8. L.4.2.B

Add a preposition to complete the sentence.

Accept all reasonable answers. The trumpets will play after the violins.

Add a comma to the compound sentence.

Gina knows how to make me upset, but I try not to let her get to me.


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:8 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

retrospect, spectrum, irrevocable, auditory

In retrospect, I now wish I had gone to the

doctor about my auditory problems with my


What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

The winner of the race was so modest. She just continued to say what a great job

everyone did.

shy; humble

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.2.B

Write a sentence using the word tidy as a verb.

Accept all reasonable answers.

Write a sentence using dialogue and the correct punctuation.

Accept all reasonable answers.

5. L.4.5.A 6. L.4.1.E

Does the sentence contain a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

The baby laughing is music to my ears.

Metaphor: They enjoyed the sound of the baby laughing.

Add a preposition to complete the sentence.

Accept all reasonable answers.

Tina glued the shapes onto her


7. L.4.2.B 8. L.4.3.B

Complete the compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction and a comma.

I love to play soccer, yet (or but) I don’t enjoy watching it on television.

Add parentheses to the sentence for effect.

Tell Amy we will see her tomorrow (I can’t wait).

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:9 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

Interrupt, interpersonal, permit, automobile

My mom will permit me to drive her

automobile, but only with an adult.

Which word is a SYNONYM for the underlined word?

calming, stressful, difficult

The relaxing atmosphere made the

baby fall asleep quickly.

3. L.4.1.B 4. L.4.1.D

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive present tense verb.

They are drinking plenty of water.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

blue, large, square You will find a large, blue, square paper on

your desk.

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?

This disaster might be a blessing in disguise. Something good may come from something

that seems to be bad.

Which modal auxiliary verb shows possibility?

might, would, shall

The Falcons might win the Super Bowl if

they stay focused.

7. L.4.3.B 8. L.4.4.B

Add a comma to the sentence for effect.

Wow, I can’t believe tomorrow is the big day.

What does the prefix tele- mean?

far, from afar

What does the word telephone mean?

A device that transmits sound from far away.


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:1 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

telegram, telepathy, transparent, extract

A telegram was sent to the soldiers to tell

them they should extract their troops and

send them home.

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

We were careful not to cut ourselves on the jagged glass.

sharp, rough

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.2.B

Which definition of fair is being used in the sentence? 1

It wasn’t fair that she won because

she is older than everyone else.

Write a sentence using dialogue and the correct punctuation.

Accept all reasonable answers.

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

A fool and his money are soon parted.

If you are foolish with money, you will lose it.

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

where, when, why

This is the location where the Civil War was

won by the North.

7. L.4.2.B 8. L.4.1.G

Complete the compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction and a comma.

I really wanted my own XBOX, so I worked extra jobs to earn more


Complete each sentence using the correct work.

accept, except

Brian cannot accept that he is not going to be able to play soccer this year.

I really enjoyed all the activities except jump


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:2 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

terraces, respect, auditorium, deprive

I have a lot of respect for the actors that can

perform on stage in the auditorium.

Which word is a ANTONYM for the underlined word?

ecstatic, delighted, disappointed

I was thrilled to get a high score on

my spelling test.

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.D

Write a sentence using the second definition of the word fair.

Accept all reasonable answers.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

yellow, big, old

We slid down the big, old, yellow slide.

5. L.4.5.A 6. L.4.1.E

Does the sentence contain a simile or a metaphor? Explain its meaning.

Melanie was as happy as a clam when she

saw the balloons for her birthday.

Simile: She was very happy

Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

We walked through the trees.

We saw the lion sleeping in the cave.

7. L.4.1.G 8. L.4.4.B

Complete each sentence using the correct work.

to, two, too

We are going to the zoo this Saturday.

It was so great to see you too.

What does the suffix ible or able mean?

able, capable

What does the word flexible mean?

able to be bent


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:3 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.4.A

Sort the words by the meaning of their root.

plausible, interior, combine, impression, teleplay, gullible, telepathic, cooperate

in, on, into with, together interior

impression combine


able, capable far, from afar plausible gullible

teleplay telepathic

What is the meaning of the underlined word? Underline the clues that helped you

determine its meaning.

Our vast universe is larger than you can imagine.


3. L.4.1.B 4. L.4.2.B

Complete the sentence with the correct progressive future tense verb.

She will be watching her brother in

the play.

Add the correct punctuation to the dialogue. Gina thought to herself, “I wonder how

he did that magic trick.”

5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?

Be sure not to cut corners or our project will be horrible.

Doing something to save time or money.

Which modal auxiliary verb shows necessity?

would, must, should

You must drink water every day to stay healthy.

7. L.4.2.B 8. L.4.4.B

Complete the compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction and a comma.

I hate the smell of chocolate, nor do I like the smell of vanilla.

What does the suffix ology mean?

The study of

What does the word zoology mean?

The study of animals

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:4 1. L.4.4.B 2. L.4.5.C, L.4.3.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

zoology, interpersonal, translate, geode

My sister went to college to study zoology

because she loves animals. She also loves

crystals and got a geode for her birthday.

Write a synonym and antonym for the word normal.

Synonym: ordinary Antonym: irregular

3. L.4.4.C 4. L.4.1.D

Which definition of cover is being used in the sentence? 2

We can take the cover off the swimming pool now that it is summer.

Put the adjectives in the correct order in the sentence.

new, white, shiny

I just got a shiny, new, white phone for my


5. L.4.5.B 6. L.4.1.C

What is the message of the proverb/adage?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

A person often realizes how much they care for someone when they are apart.

Which relative pronoun best completes the sentence?

who, whose, whom, which, that

My teacher, whom I respect, is going to be

a judge at the science fair.

7. L.4.1.G 8. L.4.4.B

Complete each sentence using the correct work.

its, it’s

It’s my birthday today!

My dog always eats its food quickly.

What does the suffix orium, arium, ary, ory mean?

place, room

What does the word aquarium mean?

A place for aquariums that hold water and



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:1 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition

Katie forgot her nonfiction book

on the desk.

Correct the possessive noun in each sentence.

The baseball team's victory was well deserved.

I cleaned out my dog’s bowl before filling it with water.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. 4th Grade ReviewCorrect the dialogue.

Mrs. Neal said, “Your projects are

due tomorrow.”

Use the correct comparative or superlative adjective to complete the sentence.

Her science fair project was the

largest (large) in the class.

5. 4th Grade Review 6. 4th Grade ReviewIs the sentence simple, compound, or


Although they were tired, the baseball team fought until the last inning.

Complex Sentence

Rewrite the sentence correctly.

abraham lincoln were the sixteenth president of the united states of america

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States of America.

7. 4th Grade Review 8. L.5.4.B Which word is a SYNONYM for the

underlined word?

repeated, changed, tossed

Gina altered her speech, taking out her opening joke, just before she got on stage.

What does the prefix di-, dif-, dis- mean?

apart, in different directions, not

What does the word discontinue mean?

to not continue

N V PN Adj N


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:2 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb,

P = Preposition

His vanilla cake sat on the

wooden table.

Add the correct plural noun to complete the sentences.

The snake’s fangs (fang) are


He cut the pizza into halves (half) before sharing it with his friend.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. 4th Grade Review

Which adjective best completes the sentence?

most intelligent, intelligentest, more intelligent

Out of all the scientists receiving an

award, she was the ____________.

Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex?

Fiona encouraged her team to do their best,

and her team made it to the finals.

Compound Sentence

5. 4th Grade Review 6. 4th Grade Review

Rewrite the sentence correctly.

we visited utah arizona and navada during our last vacation

We visited Utah, Arizona and Nevada during

our last vacation.

Are the underlined words an example of a simile or a metaphor?

After a long day of birthday surprises, Emily

felt like a princess. Simile

Explain its meaning: It means she felt special.

7. L.5.4.B 8. L.5.2.B

Which word best completes the sentence?

different, disable, disapprove

It is obvious the screaming, angry crowd of people ________________

of the mayor’s ideas.

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

Although, I do enjoy scuba diving just as much as parasailing.

PN Adj N V P

Adj N


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:3 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition

Orca whales often live in cold


Use the correct comparative or superlative adverb to complete the sentence.

The red pen wrote smoother

(smooth) than the black pen.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. 4th Grade Review

Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex?

There are various types of animals

that live happily at the zoo.

Simple Sentence

Correct the dialogue.

“The movie is starting in five

minutes!” shouted Gina.

5. 4th Grade Review 6. L.5.4.B

Which word is an ANTONYM for the underlined word?

cautiously, hurriedly, thoughtfully

Jeffery carefully placed the glass vase on the


Write the meaning of the underlined word.

Even though I drew both pictures, they differ in so many ways.

not the same

7. L.5.2.B 8. L.5.1.A

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

Meanwhile, I hadn’t eaten all day.

What is the function of the underlined word?

She left her pencil on her desk.

The preposition tells the location of the pencil.

Adj N Adv V P Adj


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:4 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb,

P = Preposition

Baily quickly completed her math

test before the bell.

Rewrite the two sentences as a compound sentence.

Hailey wants to get a new dog.

She only wants one that is brown.

Hailey wants to get a new dog, but she only

wants one that is brown.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. 4th Grade Review

Are the underlined words an example of a simile or a metaphor?

Life was a piece of cake for Anabel. She

never worried about a thing. Metaphor

Explain its meaning: Life is easy

Make the verbs past tense to complete the sentence.

Victor denied (deny) seeing my report

and claimed (claim) it was never on

my desk.

5. L.5.4.B 6. L.5.2.B

Which word means

not organized

dismantle different disagree disarray divorce

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

After dinner, I finished my homework.

7. L.5.1.A 8. L.5.4.B

Underline the conjunction. What is its function?

Katie realized she was wrong, so she

apologized to her friend.

to join the two ideas

What does the prefix a-, ab-, and abs- mean?

away, from, away from

What does the word abnormal mean?

away from normal

N Adv V PN Adj



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:5 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition

The Amazon rainforest is the

largest rainforest in the world.

Correct the dialogue.

“While I don’t understand you

kids,” grandma exclaimed, “I

sure do love you.”

3. 4th Grade Review 4. 4th Grade Review

Which word is a SYNONYM for the underlined word?

mild, room temperature, boiling

She was almost burned by the scorching cup

of coffee.

Use the correct comparative or superlative adjective to complete the sentence.

Some people say a tiger is more

ferocious (ferocious) than a lion.

5. L.5.4.B 6. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

abduct, abnormal, disapprove, dissect

It isn’t abnormal to not want to dissect a frog

during science class.

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

For example, I can bend my thumb behind my other fingers.

7. L.5.1.A 8. L.5.6

Underline the Interjection. What is its function?

Hey, I didn’t get a piece of pizza!

It expresses an emotion.

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

Although, For example, In fact

I have never enjoyed watching

cartoons. _______, I did enjoy Shrek.

Adj N V

Adj N P N

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:6 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun,

Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition

The hot pizza burned my mouth

during lunch.

Rewrite the two sentences as a complex sentence.

I am not a fan of scary movies.

I will watch it anyway.

While I am not a fan of scary movies, I will watch it anyway.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. L.5.4.B

Make the verbs future tense to complete the sentence.

I’m not sure I will see (see) the play

tonight, but I will try (try).

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

dismantle, absorb, diversion, abstract

The artist is going to dismantle the engine

of the car and create a piece of abstract art

with the metal.

5. L.5.2.B 6. L.5.1.A

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

In fact, I read my book every single night.

Underline the preposition. What is its function?

Matthew hid behind the table.

It tells us the location.

7. L.5.6 8. L.5.4.B

Which word best completes the sentence?

Before, However, While

I love chocolate ice cream. ____________, strawberry is my


What does the prefix super- and sur- mean?

on top of , over, above

What does the word surtax mean?

An extra tax on top of a normal tax.

Adj N V PN N



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:7 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition, C = Conjunction

The warm summer breeze quickly

blew in and disrupted our picnic.

Rewrite the two sentences as a compound sentence.

The wires were tangled.

I couldn’t get them apart.

The wires were tangled, and I couldn’t get

them apart.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. L.5.4.B

Correct the dialogue.

“My best summer days were

spent sipping lemonade and

chasing frogs,” said Nana.

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

survive, supersize, supernatural, disarray

We will never survive a natural disaster if

everyone is in disarray instead of staying

calm and organized.

5. L.5.2.B 6. L.5.1.A

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

As a result, she won eight Olympic medals in swimming.

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence?

The water boiled over the pot. (preposition)

Stop! That stove is burning hot. (interjection)

7. L.5.6 8. L.5.5.C

Which word best completes the sentence?

Finally, Overall, While

Overall, I would say the trip was a success.

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


Joey knew it was critical he get a hit for his

team to win the game. However, it was unimportant for him to score a homerun.

Adj Adj N Adv


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q1:8 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition, C = Conjunction

The magician chose a volunteer

to help her with the trick.

Make the verbs past tense to complete the sentence.

She waved (wave) her magic wand

and sparks flew (fly) across the table.

3. 4th Grade Review 4. L.5.4.B

Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex?

While many magicians use cards to

perform tricks, this magician uses other small objects.

Complex Sentence

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

disconnect, abnormal, superior, diversion

The magician’s abnormal and strange

behavior was just a diversion so she could

make her escape.

5. L.5.2.B 6. L.5.1.A

Write a sentence starting with the word meanwhile.

Answers will vary.

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence?

I’m sorry you missed the show, but you

should have arrived on time. (conjunction)

You may not go behind the curtain.


7. L.5.5.C 8. L.5.4.B

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


Later this evening, my dad is going to work

on evening the legs of the bookcase so that it doesn’t fall over.

What does the prefix ad- mean?

to, toward, add to

What does the word adverb mean?

A word that “adds to” or describes a verb.




If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:1 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition, C = Conjunction

The window suddenly closed and

made a loud sound.

Make the verbs past tense to complete the sentence.

I tried (try) to get to the play on time. I

saw (see) an old friend and talked


3. 4th Grade Review 4. L.5.4.B

Rewrite the two sentences as a complex sentence.

I washed the dishes.

Then I cleaned my bedroom.

After I washed the dishes, I cleaned

my bedroom.

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

adhesive, abnormal, addicted, abrasion

She had an abrasion on her knee after

falling out of the tree. The doctor used an

adhesive to keep the bandage from falling


5. L.5.2.B 6. L.5.1.A

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

Furthermore, Instead, Above all

Fish are very affordable pets.

____________, they are easy to care for.

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence?

We moved the art projects near the window

so they could dry. (preposition)

I painted a vase and a mural for my wall. (conjunction)

7. L.5.5.C 8. L.5.5.A

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


You cannot avoid your sister all day. Ignoring

her will not help you both get along.

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

One should not cry over spilt milk.

Adage: There is no use thinking about

something that has already happened and can’t be fixed.

N Adv V C

V Adj N

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:2 1. 4th Grade Review 2. 4th Grade Review

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition, C = Conjunction

The warm sunlight shined through

the open window and onto my

cozy bed.

Use the correct comparative or superlative adverb to complete the sentence.

Randy always types faster (fast) than

I do.

3. L.5.4.B 4. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

diverse, different, surpass, surplus

My brother did surpass my expectations when

he sat through the entire movie. Usually,

watching a movie with my brother is different.

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

In addition, Then again, For instance

I am always practicing my skills for soccer. For instance, yesterday I

practiced for two hours before dinner.

5. L.5.1.A 6. L.5.5.C

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence?

Yay, I cannot wait to visit my cousins this

summer. (interjection)

We will be staying near their house. (preposition)

Which word can mean a short distance away and to cover an opening.

near, close, hide, down

7. L.5.5.A 8. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

It was as easy as pie.

Simile: It is simple to do.

Expand the sentence by using more descriptive language.

Jason saw a dog.

Answers will vary.

Adj N V P

Adj N C P PN

Adj N


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:3 1. 4th Grade Review 2. L.5.4.B

Label all the parts of speech in the sentence. N = Noun, V = Verb, PN = Pronoun, Adj = Adjective, Adv = Adverb, P = Preposition, C = Conjunction

My tiny robot quickly overtook his

huge metal robot.

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

adjacent, dismantle, absorb, abnormal

Tim placed his robot adjacent to mine.

Once the Robot Wars began, I was able to

dismantle his robot.

3. L.5.2.B 4. L.5.1.A

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

Consequently, Ultimately, In contrast

My sister loves studying math in

school. ______________, I prefer reading.

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence?

Wow, I can’t believe he can hold his breath

for that long! (Interjection)

I would try to beat him, but I’ll probably lose. (conjunction)

5. L.5.5.C 6. L.5.5.A

Which word could replace the underlined word?

thrilling, incredible, dull, exciting

Reading the same book every day is becoming mundane. I wish I could pick my

own book.

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

You have a chip on your shoulder.

Idiom: You are upset about something;

holding a grudge.

7. L.5.3.A 8. L.5.4.B

Reduce the sentence by taking out unnecessary words.

On Monday, I saw a bird and I saw a beaver while I was eating in the park and having a


Answers may vary. On Monday, I saw a bird and a beaver while I

was having a picnic at the park.

What does the root scrib/script mean?


What does the root dict mean?


PN Adj N Adv V PN

Adj Adj N

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:4 1. 4th Grade Review 2. L.5.4.B

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Greg didn’t understand why he was

grounded for painting his little brother


Use the words below to complete the sentence.

describe, inscription, dictator, contradict

The dictator of the country did not allow

anyone to speak against him or contradict

anything he said.

3. L.5.2.B 4. L.5.1.A

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

After all, Additionally, As a result

Mr. Jacobs should be allowed to attend the field trip to the zoo. ___________,

he is the one who planned it.

Write a sentence using an interjection.

Answers will vary.

5. L.5.5.C 6. L.5.5.A

Write the homograph that completes both sentences.

1. I need a nail to hang this picture on the


2. My sister painted her nails pink.

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

My life is a roller-coaster.

Metaphor: life has ups and downs; it feels

crazy at times.

7. L.5.3.A 8. L.5.2.A

Combine the sentences.

We drove three hours to see our aunt. We had a great time.

We drove three hours to see our aunt, but

had a great time.

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

Mr. Hanson sells flowers, candy, and

drinks at the corner store.


V Adj


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:5 1. L.5.1.A 2. L.5.4.B

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Hey! That cupcake fell on the floor, so

don’t eat it!

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

predict, adhesive, scribble, inscription

I asked the author not to scribble his name,

or I wouldn’t be able to read it. The

inscription in the front of the book was hard

to read, too.

3. L.5.2.B 4. L.5.5.C

Correct the sentence by adding a comma.

Unfortunately, we are all out of flour for the pizza recipe.

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


I would like to reduce the amount of garbage

we throw away each week by decreasing the number of plastic bags we use.

5. L.5.5.A 6. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Adage: To have something that is guaranteed is better than wanting more of something you

may not get.

Expand the sentence.

We played with the dog.

Accept all reasonable answers.

7. L.5.2.A 8. L.5.4.B

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

I need to finish my homework, clean

my room, and eat a snack before I can

come over to play video games.

What does the root pon, pos, posit mean?

to place, to put

What does the root sed, sid, sess mean?

sit, settle



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:6 1. L.5.1.A 2. L.5.4.B

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Oh no, I know I left my homework on

my desk!

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

reside, deposit, exposed, sediment

Once my friend moves, he will reside in my

neighborhood. His new house will be

exposed to my house once the trees are

cleared out.

3. L.5.2.B 4. L.5.5.C

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

First of all, In contrast, As a result

Jimmy plays soccer every day.

_____________ his brother only wants to play video games.

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


I thought Ms. Johnson’s talk about The Civil War was fascinating. However, her lesson

on Plants was boring.

5. L.5.5.A 6. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

She was as cool as a cucumber

Simile: She was calm

Reduce the sentence by taking out unnecessary words.

Wendy opened up the large stained huge glass window and saw the evergreen trees that were in front of the window she was looking out of.

Answers will vary. Wendy opened the large, stained window

and saw the evergreen trees.

7. L.5.2.A 8. L.5.1.E

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

Fiona, Katie, and Jamie joined the

baseball team this season.

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

_____________ you need to give me back

my soccer ball _________ I’m going to tell

your mom.




If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:7 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

script, abstract, disapprove, subscription

The writer wrote an amazing script for the

play. I am sure the actors won’t disapprove

once they read it.

Which word best completes the sentence?

However, After, Although

Javier built a bird house at the local fair. After, he was able to paint it.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.5.A

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


We had to climb up twelve stories to get to the library. Once we got there, the librarian

read us a funny story.

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

You are on fire tonight!

Idiom: you are doing great.

5. L.5.3.A 6. L.5.2.A

Improve the sentence by expanding, combining, or reducing.

Gina hates green beans. She also hates brussels sprouts. She loves broccoli.

Accept all reasonable answers.

Gina hates green beans and brussels sprouts, but she loves broccoli.

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

We must clear off the table, gather

supplies, and read the directions

before we can perform the


7. L.5.1.E 8. L.5.2.D

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

_______________ my mom __________ my

dad can drive me to softball practice today.

Which title of work below should be italicized?

A poem titled The Ghost

A book of poems titled Spooky Poems

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:8 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

superior, surpass, addicted, adherent

I am totally addicted to my new video game. I

won’t sleep until I surpass level twenty-five.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Martha quickly jumped on the boat,

and the captain left.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

Her eyes were daggers.

Metaphor: Her eyes were staring fiercely.

Improve the sentence by expanding, combining, or reducing.

This oatmeal is great.

Accept all reasonable answers. This apple-cinnamon oatmeal tastes


5. L.5.2.A 6. L.5.1.E

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

We will need oats, maple syrup, milk,

and apples to make breakfast.

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

My sister is ______________ a soccer

player ___________ a ballerina. She

dislikes both.

7. L.5.1.E 8. L.5.4.C

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

How to Build a House in Minecraft (An article on the internet)

“How to Build a House in Minecraft”

Which definition of defect is being used in the sentence? Circle the pronunciation in

the dictionary entry. 1

My new robot dog had a defect that kept it from working.

N Adv. P



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q2:9 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

composed, contradict, manuscript, postal

The book is composed of twenty hand-written

poems. The writer’s manuscript can be hard

to read at times.

Which word best completes the sentence?

Unfortunately, Before, However

I have been home with the flu all week. ____________, I didn’t have to

do any homework.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.2.A

Which word could replace the underlined word?

preserve, eliminate, keep

My teacher would probably like to abolish pencil sharpeners from the classroom

because they are so messy.

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

I ordered a salad with tomatoes,

cheese, and croutons for lunch today.

5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.1.E

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

If you want to apologize, you should

_________________ talk to your friend

_________ write him a note.

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

Entertainment Magazine

Entertainment Magazine OR

Entertainment Magazine

7. L.5.4.C 8. L.5.4.B

Which definition of second is being used in the sentence? Circle the pronunciation in the

dictionary entry. 2

I second her nomination for president.

What does the root cur/curs/cour/cours mean?

run, go

What does the root aqua/hydro mean?


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:1 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

course, courier, aquatic, aquarium

My brother took a course in college about

aquatic animals and the bodies of water they

live in.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Uh oh, I dropped my ice cream on the

floor, but the dog quickly ate it.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

Don’t put the cart before the horse.

Adage: There is a certain order things must


Improve the sentence by expanding, combining, or reducing.

Every summer Emily visits her Grandma. They have picnics. The also go swimming.

Accept all reasonable answers. Every summer Emily visits her Grandma

where they have picnics and go swimming.

5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.1.E

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

________________ of us enjoy eating

spaghetti, ___________ do we like other

types of pasta.

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

George’s Mistake (Chapter in a book)

“George’s Mistake”

7. L.5.4.C 8. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C

Which definition of dismount is being used in the sentence? 1

There is only one safe way to dismount from a bicycle.

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT past tense verb.

We had read (read) this book before.


C Adv


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:2 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

surplus, surpass, adequate, abnormal

The grocery store has a surplus of canned

fruit left over this month. The manager said

this is abnormal because normally they run


Write a sentence beginning with the word although.

Answers will vary.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.2.A

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


Once the sun goes down, lamp posts

illuminate our street. Before they put in lamp posts, our street would darken as the sun


Correct the sentence by adding commas.

Mrs. Cranston placed a red, white,

and blue flag on the front of her


5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.4.C

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s


Which definition of display is being used in the sentence? 2

The firework display was magical.

7. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C 8. L.5.1.D

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT future tense verb.

Cathy will have run (run) twelve miles.

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

I loved the movie and the popcorn is delicious.


I loved the movie and the popcorn was delicious.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:3 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

hydraulics, concur, cursive, different

There are many different types of machines

that use hydraulics to work.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

The young bicyclist remembered to

carefully look both ways before

crossing the busy highway.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

He was as old as time.

Simile: He was very old.

Improve the sentence by expanding, combining, or reducing.

Every summer, I climb the old willow tree’s old branches and I climb as high as I can.

Every summer, I climb the old willow tree’s

branches as high as I can.

5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.4.C

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

Kathy was ____________ quick ______

skillful in today’s game.

Which definition of permit is being used in the sentence? 2

Do you have a permit to build a treehouse?

7. L.5.1.D 8. L.5.4.B

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

Her dance team is talented and is still getting better.


What does the root leg, lig, lect mean?

pick, read

What does the word elect mean?

pick someone to hold a position by voting

Adj V

Adv P



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:4 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

legislation, eligible, legalize select

If you work at Disney World, you are not

eligible to win the grand prize. However, you

can select a member of your family to win


Add a comma to correct the sentence.

At noon, we will go to art class.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.2.A

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


The minute insect was only able to be seen under a microscope. We only had a minute

to look at it.

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

We collected starfish, shells, and

coral at the beach.

5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.4.C

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

The Mad Tea Party (scene in a play)

“The Mad Tea Party”

Which definition of decline is being used in the sentence?

The decline in absences is due to students staying healthy. 3

7. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C 8. L.5.4.B

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT present tense verb.

Alice has made (make) herself a cup of


What does the root dent, dont mean?

teeth, tooth

What does the root ped, pod mean?

foot, feet

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:5 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

podiatrist, dental, pedestal, dentist

After breaking my ankle, I immediately went

to the podiatrist to have it checked out. Then,

I went to the dentist to have my teeth


Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Stop, you forgot your Nike backpack

on your desk.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.3.A

Write the meaning of the underlined phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

That car will cost you an arm and a leg.

Idiom: It is expensive.

Improve the sentence by expanding, combining, or reducing.

My test is tomorrow. I should study.

Accept all reasonable answers.

My test is tomorrow, so I should study.

5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.4.C

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or

My mom said I should _________________

try out for the swim team ________ the

soccer team, but I must pick one.

Which definition of suspect is being used in the sentence? 1

After my mail went missing, I started to suspect my neighbors.

7. L.5.1.D 8. L.5.4.B

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct the

sentence if needed.

Emily’s jacket doesn’t fit me. It was too small.

Incorrect: Emily’s jacket doesn’t fit me. It is too small.

What does the root tempor, chron mean?


What does the root sol, mono mean?

alone, only one




If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:6 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.2.B

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

sole, monochrome, temporary, chronology

We studied the chronology of events for the

Civil War and made a temporary battle scene

in our classroom today.

Add a comma to correct the sentence.

In the meantime, I’m going to continue growing vegetables in my


3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.2.A

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


I knew she disapproved after seeing the look

on her face. She really disliked our performance for the talent show.

Correct the sentence by adding commas.

She brought a soccer ball, shin

guards, and a bottle of water to her


5. L.5.1.E 6. L.5.4.C

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (book title)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Which definition of compact is being used in the sentence? 2

We are going to have to compact our clothes if we want them to fit in the suitcase.

7. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C 8. L.5.2.C

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT past tense verb.

The students had collected (collect)

twice as many cans for the food drive

last year.

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Randy, you are going the wrong way.

It is lunch time, right?

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:7 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

pedicure, pedal, lecture, illegible

You must step on the brake pedal to make

the car stop. You will hear a lecture from

your mom if you hit something with the car.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Jose waited at the park, but his best

friend never came.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.1.E

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

He slept like a dog.

Simile: He slept well.

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or, both/and, whether/or

I like ___________ sugar cookies

____________ chocolate chip cookies.

5. L.5.4.C 6. L.5.1.D

Which definition of clear is being used in the sentence? 3

Can you please help your sister clear the table before dinner?

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

Now that Jack is eleven years old, he wanted wants to stay up late.


7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Jason, can I use your pencil?

No, you may not use my pencil.

That’s my pencil, isn’t it?

What does the root rupt mean?


What does the word eruption mean?

a sudden outbreak of something

V P C Adj.


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:8 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

corrupt, hydrogen, corridor, abrupt

I knew the student government had become

corrupt when they wouldn’t let me in their

meeting. My abrupt entrance shocked them.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Wait, I need to put my math

homework in my backpack.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.1.E

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


It was difficult for her to ride her bike barefoot. Once she got her sneakers on, it was simple.

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

Shake it Off (song title)

“Shake it Off”

5. L.5.4.C 6. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C

Which definition of incline is being used in the sentence? 2

It was difficult to ride my bike on the incline.

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT present tense verb.

He has practiced (practice) all day for

the performance.

7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Yesterday, I broke my leg falling out of a tree.

Casey, are you okay?

It will get better soon, right?

What does the root duc, duct mean?

lead, take, bring

What does the word produce mean?

to bring forth

Int Adj


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q3:9 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

reduce, introduce, deduce, produce

To prevent waste, we should reduce the

amount of paper we use each day. I am

going to introduce my little sister to recycling.

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

The ocean waves crashed against the

shore and the dolphins jumped.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.1.E

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

A penny saved is a penny gained.

Adage: Saving money is just as important as

earning money.

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or, both/and, whether/or

You must do your school work

____________ you like it ________ not.

5. L.5.4.C 6. L.5.1.D

Which definition of light is being used in the sentence? 1

The light passed through the doorway and shined on my face.

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

The birds flew over the mountain tops while the deer run ran through the valley.

7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.A

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Victor, are you going to help me paint the house?

After all, it was your idea.

Yes, I’ll help you.

Write the meaning of the underlined word and underline the clues that helped you.

Dumbledore used his tool to illuminate the streets by giving light to the street lamps.

to light up

Adj. P



If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:1 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Sort the words by the meaning of their root.

diversion, superior, abnormal, dispose, addicted, abduct, survive, disapprove

apart, in different away, from diversion dispose


abnormal abduct

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Yippee! I am going to the zoo this

weekend, so I’ll take some pictures.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.1.E

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


Her science project was about sound and

tools that can project sounds further.

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

Mama’s Italian Meatloaf (a recipe title)

“Mama’s Italian Meatloaf”

5. L.5.4.A 6. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C

Write the meaning of the underlined word and underline the clues that helped you.

She chose to sit in solitary while studying for

her test. She didn’t want any distractions.

alone; private

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT past tense verb.

My class had voted (vote) for the

theme of our party last week.

7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

The school year is almost over, correct?

Randy, what are your plans for the summer?

I’ll see you at the pool, Nina.

What does the root stru, struct mean?


What does the word construct mean?

to build

Int P


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:2 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Sort the words by the meaning of their root.

construct, extracurricular, position, aquatic compost, hydroplane, instruction, course

build to place, to put construct instruction

position compost

run, go water extracurricular

course hydroplane


Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

The swooshing winds steadily soared

through the great plains and swayed

the long grass.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.1.E

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is a simile or a metaphor.

Today was a dream.

Metaphor: Today was wonderful, unreal,


Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or, both/and, whether/or

I knew today was going to be tough because

I ______________ ate breakfast ________

did I sleep very well.

5. L.5.4.C 6. L.5.1.D

Which definition of digest is being used in the sentence? 2

I am going to read my book about World War II and try to digest everything the author wrote.

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

Although I admire his sense of humor, his joke isn’t funny.


7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

First of all, we can’t go to the movies because Ella has a soccer game.

On the other hand, we could arrive a few

minutes late.

What do you think, Ella?

What does the root cracy, crat mean?

rule by; ruler

What does the word democracy mean?

A form of government with ruling officials chosen by the people.

Adj Adv




If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:3 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Sort the words by the meaning of their root.

chronometer, quadruped, monotone, temporary, plutocrat, pedometer, democrat, solitary

rule by, ruler foot, feet democrat plutocrat

quadruped pedometer

time alone, only, one chronometer temporary

monotone solitary

Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Yeah! We are excited for your visit,

yet we must wait a month.

3. L.5.5.C 4. L.5.1.E

Are the two underlined words synonyms, antonyms, or homographs?


She was embarrassed when her little brother

waved to her in the hallway. She was mortified when he ran up and hugged her.

Rewrite the title using the correct formatting.

News Day Official (title of a newspaper)

News Day Official

or News Day Official

5. L.5.4.A 6. L.5.1.B, L.5.1.C

Write the meaning of the underlined word and underline the clues that helped you.

Francisco was so independent that he wanted

to learn to ride his bike all by himself.

able to do things yourself

Complete the sentence with the correct PERFECT future tense verb.

The dog will have eaten (eat) an

entire bag of treats.

7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Jason, what time does the show start?

It starts at 7 o’clock, right?

Either way, we should get going.

What does the root phobe, phobia mean?

fear of; one who fears

What does the word dentophobia mean?

fear of the dentist

Int PN P


If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop

Weekly Language Quiz ANSWER KEY – Q4:4 1. L.5.4.B 2. L.5.1.A

Sort the words by the meaning of their root. disapprove, abundance, acrophobia, substructure,

pyrophobia, dissect, misconstrue, avert fear of build

acrophobia pyrophobia

substructure misconstrue

apart, in different away, from dissect

disapprove avert


Label the part of speech for each underlined word.

Oops! She clumsily knocked over the

ancient vase and the statue.

3. L.5.5.A 4. L.5.1.E

Write the meaning of the phrase below. Tell if it is an idiom or an adage.

I’m so hungry I could eat an alligator.

Idiom: They are very hungry.

Which pair of correlative conjunctions best completes the sentence?

neither/nor, either/or, both/and, whether/or

I cleaned up ____________ your room

__________ my room before mom came


5. L.5.4.C 6. L.5.1.D

Which definition of capture is being used in the sentence? 2

He is upset because of his capture during our game of tag.

Look for any SHIFTS in verb tense. Tell if the sentence is correct or incorrect. Correct

the sentence if needed.

I had more energy during my soccer game than I have had during the relay race.

7. L.5.2.B, L.5.2.A, L.5.2.C 8. L.5.4.B

Add a comma to correct the sentences.

Mary, you would make a great team captain.

Although, Chris would also do a great job.

Who should be captain, Diana?

What does the root ate, ation mean?

to make or do

What does the word punctuate mean?

to mark a sentence to make the meaning clear

Int. Adv. P

Adj C