5/7/10 - 5/19/10 draft monitoring logs - monitoring …drilling company: boart longyear...

iCial.e Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 brilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic Northing: 216072.33 Easting: 68998'l .27 : Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl Descriptions By: David Heuer Well/Boring ID: MW-11D Client: Public Well TCE Site Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE DRAFT TT CL Q Q.. StratigraphicDe'scription Well/Boring Construction 37- 4711 47- 57 n 57- 67 ft 67- 77 rt i^-.f„ Tan VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel Orange VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel. Grades to VF-F SAND, trace l^-C Sand and F Gravel at 52 ft bgs. Tan-light orange VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace F Gravel Tan-light orange VF SAND, little Silt and F Sand, trace F Gravel, rounded Orange Silty VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F Gravel, subrtxjnded, loose Orange VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace M-C Sand and F Gravel, loose ( a ARCADIS Wilt inftSiSV'. ictur,}, enviro.nvent biji!cli!''ai R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-1 IS - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-1 IM - 9.45 ft bgs; MW- 11D-8.40ftbgs. Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:- Template:-- Page: 2 of 6 Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer SDMS DocID 2121923 AR000442

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Page 1: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

iCial.e Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 bri l l ing Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216072.33 Easting: 68998'l .27 : Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 1 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE




Q Q..





47-57 n

57-67 ft

67-77 rt

i^-.f„ Tan VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel

Orange VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel. Grades to VF-F SAND, trace l -C Sand and F Gravel at 52 ft bgs.

Tan-light orange VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace F Gravel

Tan-light orange VF SAND, little Silt and F Sand, trace F Gravel, rounded

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F Gravel, subrtxjnded, loose

Orange VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace M-C Sand and F Gravel, loose

( a ARCADIS Wilt

inftSiSV'. ictur,}, enviro.nvent biji!cli!''ai

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-1 IS - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-1 I M - 9.45 ft bgs; MW-11D-8.40f tbgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:-

Template:-- Page: 2 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer

SDMS DocID 2121923


Page 2: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

.Di!t.? Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216072.33 Easting: 689981 27 Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 I D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE


z g I-

I > 0 . UJ LU _J • Ui

2? 0)

Stratigraphic • Description



Orange {tannish near top) VF-F SAND, trace Silt, M-C Sand and F Gravel

7 7 -87 ft


Orange VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace M-C Sand

Gray Silty VF-C SAND, little F Gravel, rounded

87-97 ft

Gray Silty (30 to 40%) VF SAND, trace M-C Sand and F Gravel

Gray (slightly purple) VF SAND and SILT. Clayey, cohesive, seml-stift, wet. \«x3d fragments present ,

Urr Dark gray Silty (30 to 40%) VF SAND, v/et

Darit gray VF Sandy SILT, trace F Gravel, Clayey, semt-stiff and cohesive, -.vet

97-107 ft

Daht gray Clayey SILT, very stiff, highly moist

Dartt gray VF SAND and SILT, slightly stiff and cohesive, wet

Gray-black SILT and CLAY with white shells present, very stiff, tow moisture


Dark gray Clayey SILT,.stiff, low moisture


w 4

rf il i

I i M m mi

m 'J

MW-1 IS well screen 80 to 90 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-11Dbymud •rotary method.

^ ARCADIS iritiaiinj^njr,^ en-rn iinnieii!. txjililina'i

R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/IO: MW-1 I S - 14.70 fl bgs; MW-1 IM - 9.45 ft bgs; MW-, 11D-8.40f tbgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Template:-Data File:-- ;

Page: 3 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 3: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

,bat*Start /Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: iF^otosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by4 in (ID) Core Barrel.' Rig Ty[3e: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216072.33 Easting: 689981.27 Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl

• ' • • . 1 ' . , • • ' : . • • • . ; : . .

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 1 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE



stratigraphic Descriptiori



117-127 ft

127-137 ft

137-147 ft


Dark gray VF SAND and SILT, slightly cohesive, wet


Gray Clayey SILT, stiff, low moisture

Ttrr Gray Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, loose, wet

o Light gray-brc^n Clay and SILT, very stiff, low moisture,

m Gray VF Sandy (25 to 35%) SILT, trace Clayey Silt lenses, wet. semi-stjff

r= Gray Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, loose, wet

E: Gray Clayey SILT, stiff, low moisture

Gray Silty VF SAND, loose to semNoose, wet

i ^ Dark gray SILT and CLAY with lignite and wood fragments, very stiff


m i t

r m P

M If

MW-1 IM well screen 122 to 127 n bgs. Well installed next to MW-IIDbymud rotary method.

^ A R C A D I S inlissvii'cwrti, eiivir-onmeni Uaildmgi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-1 IS - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-1 IM - 9.45 ft bgs: MW-11D-8.40 ft bgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:- -•

Page: 4 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 4: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

rP£t?Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 ' Drilling: Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drill ing Method: : Rotosonic , - . - ' • •

Sampling Method: l O f t b y 4 in (|D) Core Barreh^ :Rig Type: Track-mounted Rbtosdnic

z o

I < H > Q. Lli

. LU _1 Q Ul


- 155


- J J 5 -

- 1 6 0 .

- J 4 0 -

- 1 6 5

-- 1 4 5 -

- 170

-15-0 -

- 175


-155 -

- 180


-/ - 160 -

- I b 5

- J 65 -


•A .:

"E" ' Q.



147-157 ft

157-167 ft

167-177 ft

177-187 ft


£-a> Q

cij (£






' • : •

( § ARCADIS Infrastruito,-.^, environment buikUnc


• o • ( J

O) o


u. ^]<m\


: i . \ ' : : ^ ' . - ' . :

: i : :M :


Northing::216072.33.: : Easting: 689981.27: Casing Elevation:, 2284 ft ms l .

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl ;

Descriptions By: David Heuer

• • - ' - • y • ' - - ' . : ; ^ ^

. stratigraphic Description • : - -

. ; . . • • . ' . . . ^ • • • •

-Gray Silty VF SAND, wet loose

Gray-light gray Silty VF SAND. Less silt witti depth.



Gray-light gray VF SAND, trace Sift


Gray-light gray VF SAND, trace Silt, silt seems at 182 ft and 187 ft



Light gray VF SAND, wet, loose

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 1 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, D E ' • . • • . • '



• Construction


w 1 1 A ^

1 d K ' ^ € Rt i iN%^

i i i A *

4 w^

§.'. ^1

k m

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-11S - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-1 IM - 9.45 ft bgs;MW- | . 11D-8.40f tbgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:-

Template;-- Page: 5 of-6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 5: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Lpat<?Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 Drill ing Conipany: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drilling Method:, Rotosonic: ^

• K

Sampling Method:: 10 ft by 4 in (iD) Core Barrel RigiType: Track-mounted Rotosonic

, . : ' • '


X 5 fc- > Q- ', LU LU ~J

1 a Ul p 190


r , ^ , 1

r 195

_ L

t -175

\ U 2or,



-- 205

L •

r -1S5 -

-- 210


r - 190 -

r "^ -115

\ - 220


y- - 200 -

^ U225



• -

. Q -


187-.197 ft

197-207 ft

2 0 7 -217ft

217.-227 ft

. : 0 - ,





• ^ ;


c .. E


0 0 . 0

0 0 IB u

: • . : • • ; • • : • :

• : , • ; • ! •


- ' / ' . - • . - ' . -

- • ' . - . ' . - ' . - ' . -

'SS-::-: '^py:.



Northing: 216072.33 , ' Easting: 689981.27 Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl

- • . . • • • • • • • . . - . : . •

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs' Surface Elevation: 23.10 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer


Stratigraphic Description

• • > • • • . • • ' • • • . • ' : • .

. - . . - • . ' . : . - ' . ' . ' • . • . '

. -\


l ,


{ • • ' '


Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 1 D 1

Client: Public Well TCE Site-

• • ; .

Location: -WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE


• . .



V - "

• 1


Mf | « 1 S |



t ^


1$ f^f'


^ i » i

i i m =


: ^


screen 210 to 220 n bgs.

L •


(S ARCADIS infrasrructuK, envr-onnienr,- biiilainqs

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-1 IS - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-11M - 9.45 ft bgs; MW-11D-8.40f tbgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Template:-Data File:~

Page; 6 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 6: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

DAiB Start/Finish: 5/17/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear. Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling, Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215860.80 Easting: 690125.06 1 Casing Elevation: 26.07 ft misi •

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 26.32 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 2 D

Client: Public Well TOE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Parki Millsboro, - D E



•- Stratigraphic Description



0-7 ft

7- 17 ft

17-27 ft

27-37 ft

Hand cleared location to 5 ft tigs - Brown-light brown Silty VF SAND

mm Light gray-tan-orange Silty VF SAND, little to trace Clay, slightly cohesive

Light brown-tan-light gray-orange Silty (20 to 30%) VF-F SAND, little .to trace M-C Sand and F-M Gravel, subfounded. sift seem (6" thick) at 12 ft bgs

Light gray-tan-orange Silty (20 to 30%) VF-F SAND, trace M-C Sand and F Gravel

Tan-orange Silty VF-M SAND, little to trace C Sand and F Gravel

y Tan-orange Silty VF-C SAND and F-M GRAVEL, trace C Gravel, sub angular to round /

Tar>-orange Silty VF-M SAND, trace C Sand and F Gravel

Tan-orange Silty VF-M SAND, little to trace C Sand and F Gravel, Sand (F-C) and

^ ARCADIS infrastructvre, enwonment, baiklinqi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/IO; M W - 1 2 S - 17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M- 13.28 ft bgs; MW-12D-11.10 ft bgs. , " ;

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template:--Data File;- .

Page; 1 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer

; AR000447

Page 7: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Daik Start/Finish: 5/17/2010 Drilling Company: Boart [.ongyear I Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drill ing Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by:4 in (ID) Coi-e Barrel Rig Type: Track-nhounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215860.80 Easting: 690125.06 Casing Elevation: 26.07 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs r • Surface Elevation:: 26:32 ft rhsl ;

Descriptions By:: DavidiHeuer j

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 2 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park. Millsboro,


a CC O

Stratigraphic Description



37-47 ft

47-57 ft

57-67 ft

67-77 ft

Gravel (F-M) lens (4" thick) at 38 ft bgs

Tan (trace orange color) Silty VF SMiD

Tan-orange Silly VF-M SAND, little to trace C Sand and F-M Gravel

Tan-orange Silty VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F Gravel

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, trace tvl-C Sand and Cobble

Light orange Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, trace F Sand

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, trace Ivl-C Sand and Cobble

Light orange Silty VF-F SAND, trace M-C Sand and F Gravel

Orange Silty (15 to 26%) VF-C SAND, little F-M Gravel

Orange Silty VF-C S/V^D and F-C GRAVEL, little Cobble

^ ARCADIS •.nfraitruauK, ei'<V'raninein, buildings

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-123 12D-11.10 ft bgs.

• 17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M - 13.28 ft bgs; MW-

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-

Page: 2 of 6

Date; l i /9/2010 David Heuer


Page 8: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Daife Start/Finish:, 5/17/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan- : Drilling Method:' Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 iri (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215860.80 . . Easting: 690125.06 Casing Elevation:- 26.07 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs. Surface Elevation: 26.32 ft msi

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 2 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, . D E - • . • V .


• •• z


f > CL LU LU _1 Q ai

> 8 <u X

Stratigraphic Description



, Construction

- 5 0 -

7 7 -87 ft

87-97 ft

97-107 ft


S S ^ Light orange Silty VF SAND

Light orange-orange Silty VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel

i M Light brown to dark brown VF-C SAND and F GFtAVEL

Gray VF Sandy SILT to Silty VF SAND with rounded F Gravel (quartz) and black lignite and brown wood



Gray to dark gray VF Sandy SILT/Silty VF SAND, trace to little Clay, Clayey Silt lens (1ft thick) at 98 ft bgs

m . Gray Clayey SILT, stff, moist

Gray VF Sandy SILT

\ Dark gray-black CLAY and SILT with white shells

Gray Clavev SILT stiff moisi VF Sandv SI I T al bottom 4" of interval

lvlW-12Swell . screen 85 to 95 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-12D by mud rotary method.

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-12S - 17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M - 13.28 ft bgs; MW-12D-11.10 ft bgs.

® ARCADIS InfrastfiictuK, envir-onment. buildings

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template:-Data File:-

Page:3o f6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 9: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

D2*e Start/Finish: :5/17/2010 -Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney. (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: l6:ft.by4 in (ID) Core Bar^l,, Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215860.80 Easting: 690125.06: Casing Elevation: 26.07 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs : Surface Elevation: 26.32 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring,ID: M W - 1 2 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: ,WB Atkins Memorial Pari<, Millsboro, .- > DE


, .L 1 -0 . LU U

z o 1 -

< • • >


Stratigraphic Description



117-127 ft

127-137 ft

137-147 ft

m Gray VF SAND and SILJ, trace Clay, cohesive, semi-stift, wet

5= 2


Gray-dail( gray Silty (20 to 30%) VF SAND, little F Sand, loose, wet

- T T

_ ' . - r

¥ •

fc] Gray Silty VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F-M Gravel and sand concretions (gravel size)

Gray Clayey SILT, trace VF Sand, stiff, moist

Gray-dark gray Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, wet. loose

£? Gray CLAY and SILT, stiff, moist

Light gray Silty VF SAND, loose, wet

Gray Silty CtAY. very stiff, medium-tow moisture



1 P

m P



m m mi

i m I 11

fVlW-12Mwell screen 127 to 132 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-12Dbymud rotary method.

infianri ARCADIS 1CU.1K, e:)vironir<enc bu-ldings

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/IO; MW-12S- 17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M - 13.28 ft bgs; MW-12D.-11.10 ft bgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-

Page: 4 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 10: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Dj i> Start/Finish: 5/17/2010 Drill ing Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: .10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215860.80 Easting: 690125;06 Casing Elevation: 26.07 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 26.32 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring:ID: M W - 1 2 D _

Client: Public Well TCE Site '

l o c a t i o n : WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, .DE


Stratigraphic Description



147-167 ft

157-167 ft

167-177 ft

177-187 ft

.-•:f :::.

Gray-dar1< gray Silty VF SAND, loose, wet, wood fragments at 154 ft bgs

• Gray-light gray Silty (15 to 25%) VF SAND, wet, loose

Gray-light gray Silty (15 to 25%) VF SAND, wet. loose..Clayey Silt seem (4" thick) near bottom of interval

Light gray VF SAND. 2" thick silt seem near bottom of interval

Light gray VF SAND


m ll I 4

I > i

(^. ARCADIS nfiasirvcture. en-.'-'onn^eni. b-uila::iqs

R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-12S • 12D-11.10 ft bgs.

17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M- 13.28 ft bgs; MW-

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File;-

Template;- Page: 5 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 11: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

1 D -.ie Start/Finish": 5/17/2010 I Drilling Company: Boart Longyear

Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Banel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

: ; •







- 1 9 0

-165 -

- 1 9 5

- 1 7 0 -

- 20n

1 - J 7 5

- 2V5 •

- 1 8 0 -

- 210

-1S5 -


- 1 ° 0 -

- 2 : u

-205 -

- \

- 200 -


? a. -

a CL

187-197 ft

197-207 ft

207 -217f t

217 -227 ft

1 X





• c ' E • o O . o



Northing: 215860.80 ^ Easting: 690125.06 , , Casing Elevation: 26.07 ft msl •

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 26.32 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Stratigraphic Description

• -

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 2 D 1

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari<, Millsboro, DE






l l


1 1


- •

( •

screen 210 to 220 ft bgs.

ra ARCADIS .LnfraslrtJC'Lurti. en'/i.-on;)ie.'!!, Ixuldtngi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-12S - 17.60 ft bgs; MW-12M - 13.28 ft bgs; MW-1 2 0 - l l . l O f t b g s .

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-

Page: 6 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 12: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

D;-jJe Start/Finish: 5/7/2010 to 5/9/2010 Drillirig Company: Boart Longyear ~ Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft,by4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

• (

Northing: 216072:33 Easting: 689981.27. Casing Elevation: 22.84 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs . Surface Elevation:: 23.10 ft msi

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 1 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site \

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, DE .


2 g

Q. -LU

a UJ O.

Stratigraphic Description

. Well/Boring


0-7 ft

7-17 ft

17-27 ft

27-37 ft

Dark brown Silty VF SAND

Light brown Silty VF SAND

Tan Silty VF-F SAJ^D, trace to little Clay, trace C Sand, cohesive

Tan Silty VF S/ ND. semi-loose

Light orange-tan VF-M SAND, little Sift and C Sand

Light greenish gray VF-F SAND, little Silt, trace C Sand and F Gravel

Light greenish gray-orange Silty VF SAND, semi-loose

Tan-orange VF Sandy SILT, little Clay, semi-stiff and cohesive

«SsS Light greenish gray VF-M SAND, little Sift, trace C Sand, loose


i l St

Light gray-tan-orange VF-C SAND, little Silt and F Gravel, subrounded

Orange VF-C SAND, little Silt and Gravel, subrounded

Light gray-tan-orange VF-F SAND, little Sill and M-C Sand

Light gray-tan-orange VF-M SAND, little Silt. C SAND, and F-M Gravel, subrounded.

m M m

i i

M mi nP'l


' ^ At' 'A-t n

/5§ S'A'j,

( ^ ARCADIS infrasuuavre, envr-ontneni. buHdinai

R e m a r k s : water levels'measured on 5/21/10; MW-1 IS - 14.70 ft bgs; MW-11M - 9.45 ft bgs; MW-11D-8.40f tbgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-

Page: 7 of 6 Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 13: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

^Stete Start/Finish: 5/9/2010 to 5/11/2010-Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 iri (ID) Core;Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

0-7 ft

7-17 ft

17-27 ft

27-37 ft

Northing: 215757.39 Easting: 690222.03 : Caising Elevation: 23.31 ft msl

• • • . . . . - r

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs

Surface'Elevatioh:' 23.54 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer :

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 3 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

:Location:. WB Atkins'MemoriaLPark, Millsboro, . ... DE : . •


stratigraphic Descriptiori

Gray-tan-brown Silly VF S/kND, little M-C Sand, F Gravel, and Clay, slightly cohesive-.

Tan-orange Silly VF-F SAND, little to trace M-C Sand and F Gravel, subrounded, texture generally gets finer with depth

Tan-orange VF Sandy SILT, little Clay, cohisive. wet. Clayey Sift lens at 18 lo 18.5 ft bgs .

Tan-orange Silty VF SAND, semi-loose

Tan-orange Silty VF-M SAND, little C Sand, loose, wet, color turns gray at 22 ft bgs

Tan-orange Silty VF-F SAND, little to trace M-C Sand and F Gravel

Tan-gray-orango Silty VF-C SAND and F-C GRAVEL, very loose

Grayish Ian Silty VF SAND, trace F-C Sand and F Gravel

Grayish tan Silty Vf -C SAND and F-C GRAVEL

Orange VF-M S/kND, little to trace C Sand and F-C Gravel, slightly silty

Grayish tan VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand, trace F-C Gravel

i l ARCADIS i.iftairructure, eiv.ar-oninnni. boildiiigi






R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-13S - 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M - 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs. '

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:-

Page: 1 o f 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 14: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish: 5/9/2010 to 5/11/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Par Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215757.39 Easting: 690222.03 Casing Elevation: 23.31 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.54:ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer;:

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 3 0

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Millsboro, DE


stratigraphic Description



Grayish tan Sifty VF SAND, little F Sand

37-47 ft

I S ^ Orange VF-C SAND, some F-C Gravel

M i •Mr

Orange VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand, trace F-C Gravel, subrounded

Orange-grayish tan VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F Gravel, Sandy F-C Gravel lens at 50 ft bgs

4 7 -57 ft

Light orange Sifty VF SAND, semi-loose

Orange Silty VF SAND, semi-loose

57-67 ft

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F Gravel

Orange Silty VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel

67-77 ft

- i-Ui


Orange Silty VF-C SAND and F-C GRAVEL

ARCADIS ••ifr:Kirv(.tur,--, eiivT-omitent bmldingi

R e m a r k s : Waterlevels measured on 5/21/10: MW-13S- 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M - 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:-

Page: 2 of 6

.Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 15: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

aate Start/Finish: 5/9/2010 to 5/11/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method:. 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215757.39 Easting: 690222.03: ,* Casing Elevation: 23.3Tft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs ,: Siirface Elevation: | 23.54,ft msl ;

Descriptions By: iDavid Heuer;

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 3 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari<, Millsboro, " DE .


stratigraphic Description



i mi A'


77-87 ft

8 7 -97 ft


97-107 ft

107-•117 ft

Orange Sifty VF S/ ND, trace F-C Gravel and C Sand

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, little to trace M-C Sand and F Gravel

Gray Silty (30 to 40%) VF SAND, little Clay, cohesive, wet

Gray CLAY and SILT, stiff, moist

a g j g Gray VF Sandy SILT, little Clay, cohesive, semi-stiff, w^ to highly moist

Gray CLAY and SILT, stiff, moist

Gray VF Sandy SILT, little Clay, cohesive, semi-stiff to semi-loose

m Gray VF Sandy (30 to 40%) SILT, little to trace Clay, wet, cohesive to semi-loose


Gray Clayey SILT, stiff, low moisture

Gray VF Sandy (10 to 20%) SILT, Itttle Clay, cohesive and semi-stiff

^ B Gray-black CLAY and SILT with wtlite shells, stiff, low moisture

Gray Clayey SILT, trace VF Sand, stiff, low to medium rrwisture



Iii... Ml

$ 1



MW-13Swell screen 84 to 94 ft bgs. Well installed next to ltflW-13Dbymud rotary method.

^ ARCADIS infraxti-O'jture, ei V'r-onineiH, bmldind'i

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/2I/IO; MW-13S- 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M- 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs .

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-' --

Page: 3 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 16: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish: :5/9/20i0 to 5/11/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr : ,; Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by4 in (ID) Core Barrel-Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic -

Northing: 215757.39 . Easting: 690222.03' ' Casing Elevation: 23.31 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs, Siirface Elevation: 23.54 ft msl

Descriptions By: V David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 3 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, : DE


t > Q. . LU UJ. _J • • . UJ

> o o 0) X


stratigraphic Description'


! Construction


117-127 ft

127-137 ft

137-147 ft

Gray VF Sandy (10 to 20%) SILT. little.Clay. cohesive, soft, wet to highly moist

Gray VF Sandy SILT, trace Clay, semi-loose to slightly cohesive, wet




Gray Silty (20 to 36%) VF SAND, semi-loose to loose, wet. Clayey Sift seem (3" thick) present

fc» * t *T r

Gray Silty VF SAND, semi-loose, wet

Gray Clayey SILT, trace VF Sand, stiff, medium to low moisture

Gray Silty (35 to 45%) VF SAND, semi-kjose, highly moist to wet

T " » _ ~*5T

Gray Clayey SfLT, stiff, medium to low moisture


Gray Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, little F Sand, wet, loose to semi-loose

Gray Silty (30 to 40%) VF SAND, loose to semi-loose, wet



am m ijpj

M il U

l i^i


i '


MW-13M well screen 119 to 124 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-13Dbymud rotary method.

^ A R C A D I S Infrasirucuire, environment, btiildingi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-13S - 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M - 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:-

Page: 4 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 17: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish: 5/9/2010 to 5/11/2010 Oirilling Company: Boart Longyeai-

: Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr ! ; Drilling Method: Rotosonic:;: Sampling Method: 10 ft by4 iri (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic '

• z

o 1 - > CL LU UJ _J • LU

- - 130 -

- 1 5 5


- IJ .5 -

- 160 .


- 140 -

- 165

-145 -

- 170

-150 -

-- 1 7 5

- 1 5 5 -



-16-0 -

~ 185 •.

, - 165 -

• • . : • :

• • ' ' " " .

. Q. . - • &

.a 1 " - .

147-157 ft

157-167 ft

167-177 ft

177-187 ft

f V






' • • • • • • , . '

•.: c •

- 'R--,:-0::.

; o . .8

: ^


Northing: 215757.39 Easting: 690222:03 i Casing Elevation: 23.31 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs :^ ; Surface Elevation: 23.54 ft msl

Descriptions By: / David Heuei;

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 3 D • , . . • • • •

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Millsboro, DE


• • • : : - ' • ' : % • • • ' - y - - ^ - - , ' • ; . ; . ; • • • ; • : • " : : • : . . - • • • .

Stratigraphic.Description. ,.-:

• • : . - . - . 1 . . • . '

. . . • : • . • • ' • . • ; • : - . • . • . • • ' • • • • . • • • . . - • • . •

. •

Gray Silty (10 to 25%) VF SAND, weL loose

Gray Silty VF SAND. wet. loose. Clayey Sill lens (3" thick) at 177 ft bgs


Light gray VF SAND, little to trace Sill, wet. loose . "


Light gray VF SAND, trace silt, wet,.loose


( g ARCADIS initastriKiura, ei -.-ir-onm.ent, buildings

Wel l /Bor ing ' •


-0} fe li 5A^ 1 , ^ ' : /

feif/ m i



K * ^ ' «w


m U'

l | 1 'Bi

i ' ^ ^ P j

m i4 A S /

X*'\ 1 A ^ / «»i

• ^ '

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10;'MW-13S - 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M - 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs .

' • .

Project; NPd00686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:-

Page: 5 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 18: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Sate Start/Finish: .5/9/2010 to 5/11/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drilling Method: .Rotosonic Sampling Method: J_10 ft by 4 in'(ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

• • ' • ; • ' ; • • • • - : ' . • : : . • : ; ' ~ ' ' . [ ., ' ; ' . . j ;

: • . : ' • ' ' . ' •

- o

fr • > Q. LU LU . J O . LU

- 150


• .

- 195


- i 7 5 -

- 2on

. - l e o -

- : u 5 ^ "

- 1 8 5 -

- 2 1 0

. - 1 9 0 -

-195 -

- 220

' .

• - 200 -

- 2 : 5


• ' : • ; , ; ; : • ; ;

•I: Q.-. Q.

187-197 ft

197.-207 ft

2 0 7 -217f t

2 1 7 -227 ft

• o -

^ ' X .







: c • • • : - e - -

3 -

o : 6 •

. o . 8.. :0..:

; ; • - ; • : • ; • ;

; • - ; . • ; : ; • ; . •

' • : - : ' : ' - : - l

Northing: 215757.39 Easting: 690222.03: :•:•>.-.--.' Casing Elevation: 23.31 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 23.54 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

y y '^y-'z y y Q • -r-y Z:y . ;i

-. Stratigraphic Description

. ' . • • ' • . ; • ' : : • • ' - .


Light gray VF SAND, wet, loose




Well/Boring ID: . - • • • • • ; •• . .


Client: Public Well TCE Site 1

• . • - •

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Park, Millsboro, | DE

^ • . • ' • . ' ' i ' V ' • • • " . • •


-''••-- Wel l /Wing


if. A &

i i ' ^ A-'s;

n ^ ^ ' mi w, •m

i 'k 'il<; m i'A',

AS) A S }

i m Af<l


P m wm <\=1

screen 210 to . 220 ft bgs.


^ . ARCADIS irtfrasifLKture, env.romnent, iMildinqi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/IO; MW-13S- 15.02 ft bgs; MW-13M- 10.08 ft bgs; MW-13D-9.00f tbgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;~

Page: 6 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 19: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

^ • • r > - • . . . . • • '• :

Date Start/Finish: 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID)'Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216189.93 Easting: 690015.21 Casing Elevation: 24.13 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24.51 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuisr

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Millsboro, , DE • ?>


F a.^ a. a a.

S-o g ffi X

Stratigraphic Description



7- 17 ft

17-27 ft


27-37 ft

Light brown Silty VF SAND

Light orange-tan Silty VF-F SAND, trace Clay and M Sand

Light orange-orange-tan Sifty VF-F SAND, trace Clay and M Sand, slightty cohesive

Light greenish gray F-M SAND, some C Sand and F Gravel, trace VF-Sand and Sift, loose, subrounded gravel

Light greenish gray-tan VF SAND, trace F-M Sand and Clay, slightly cohesive

Light greenish gray-tan VF-F SAND, trace M-C Sand and Silt, loose


Light greenish gray VF Sandy SILT and CLAY, stiff and cohesive, seems of orange Silty VF-M Sand throughout

Light greenish gray F-C SAND, some F-M Gravel, trace VF Sand and Silt, loose, subrounded gravel

m-j- Light gray-tan VF-F SAND


F t A ^ l


i A m

m ^ A



pi i?fi

^ A R C A D I S Inlraiiriiitare, e;"/"-o/!,'ne.'ii. bmldingi

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-14S - 16.40 ft bgs; MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-14D-9.79f tbgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:~

Template;-- Page: 7 of 6 Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 20: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish: 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 Drilling Cornpany: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by:4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: TrackTmounted Rotosoriic

Northing: 216189.93 • Easting: 690015.21 Casing Elevation: 24.13 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24.51 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D ,

Client: Public Well TCE Site .

, . • • ' . - ' .

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Millsboro, DE


z ;: g

a . LU LU ^ a ill

a OL




3 7 -47 ft

4 7 -57 ft

57-67 ft

6 7 -77 ft

Light gray-tan-orange F-M SAND, some C Sand, little F-M Gravel, trace Silt, loose, subrounded gravel

Orange F-C SAND, little Gravel, subrounded, loose, grades to a VF-F Sand with trace M-C Sand and F Gravel at 56-57 ft bgs

Orange-tannish orange VF-F SAND, little M Sand, trace C Sand and F-M Gravel, subrounded

Orange-tannish orange VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F Gravel, trace M-C Gravel, Silt, Clay, few seems of relatively coarser material (M-C Sand and Gravel)

I S ARCADIS infrasuoclurr!, envi.-onment. building.

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-14S • 14D - 9.79 ft bgs.

16.40 ft bgs; MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File;~

Template;- Page:2of6 Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 21: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish': 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 , Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drill ing Method: Rotosonic ' Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216189.93; , . Easting: 690015.21 Casing Ejevation: 24.13 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24.51 ft irisl

Descriptions By: .David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site ^

Location: W B Atkins Memorial Part^, Millsboro, : DE


Stratigraphic Description



Tan VF-M SAND, some C Sand, little Gravel

Tan-orange VF-F SAND, some M Sand, little C Sand and Gravel

77-87 ft Tanish orange VF-F SAND, trace M Sand, little c Sand

>•>«,• • ^ ^ Tanish orange VF-MS/^D, little C Sand

Orange VF SAND, some F Sand, trace M-C Sand

Orange Silty VF-F SAND, trace M Sand

Gray Silty VF-F SAND, trace M Sand 87-97 ft

Gray Clayey SILT, little rounded quartz F Gravel, trace lignite and decomposed wood, stitt

Gray VF Sandy SILT, some Clay

Gray Clayey SILT, trace lignite, stiff

Gray VF Sandy SILT with varying Clay and VF Sand content, wetness varries

97-107 ft

Gray Clayey SILT, very stiff

Dart< gray Clayey SILT, stiff

W* Gray VF Sandy SILT


Dark gray-black Clayey SILT with white shells

Dark gray Clayey SILT, stiff

SEr-a grayYFSanjYJILT

MW-14S well screen 80 to 90 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-14D by mud rotary method.

R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-14S - 16.40 ft bgs; MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-14D - 9.79 ft bgs.

^ ARCADIS Infiasinjcture. ei vironmen.t. buildings

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;~

Page: 3 of 6

Date; . 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 22: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Date Start/Finish: 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 : Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 iri (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216189:93 "• . Easting: 690015.21 Caising Elevation: 24.13 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24.51 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari<, Millsboro, DE



I > CL • U l UJ _ l a UJ

> " • •


Q Q.

ir ID


Stratigraphic Description



I i i 1 (CSti





127 -137 ft

137-147 ft

Dark gray Clayey SILT, stiff

H Gray very Silty VF SAND, v/et, semi-loose

mW E: Gray Clayey SILT, moist

t"- m m

Gray very Silty VF SAND, wel , semi-loose

Gray Silty VF SAND. wet. loose

Light gray-brown CLAY and SILT, low moisture, stiff, tew seems of VF Sand SILT (2-3" thick), more VF Sand and Silt with depth





Gray very Silty VF SAND, wet, semi-loose

1 Gray CLAY and SILT, very stiff, low moisture

Gray very Silty VF SAND, highly moist, semi-loose

^ Gray Silty VF SAND, wet. loose

Gray SILT and CLAY, very stiff, wood fragments present throughout




i m m m

MW-14Mwel l screen 122 to 127 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-14Dbymud rotary method.

^ A R C A D I S irifrastructuK, envi.-onment. buildings

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-14S • 14D-9.79f tbgs.

16.40 ftbgs; MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:~

Template;-- Page: 4 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 23: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

• b-ste Start/Finish: 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Beaj-) Parr Drilling Method: Fiotospnic : Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic



I < 1 - > CL a i UJ _J -Q • LU


- 1 3 0 -- 155


-1.35 -- 160


- 140 -- les

- 145 -- 17U


- 1 5 0 -- 175


-- J 5 5 -

- 180


- 105

• -




147-157 ft

157-167 ft

167-177 ft

1 7 7 -187 ft


^ (B O





. 100

• ; • ; • • •

. J



• c

E •. 3

o O

'o) • o

• o 0) O

§SS--^|fK| i .V ' ^^


• . ; • : • ; • ; • ;

;i;^i:i;i; ;";?;;;i;?

Northing: 216189.93 Easting: 690015.21 Casing Elevation: 24.13 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24 51 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Strat igraphic Descr ip t ion

. . . - ' •

Gray Silty VF SAND, wel , semi-loose, vooa fragments at 154 ft bgs

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Milisboro, . DE

.; ,;^; ;?:;,:;w-PRAFT

Gray Silty VF SAND, wet, loose, 5" Clayey Sift seem at 165.5 to 166 ft bgs


Gray Silty VF SAND, wet. loose

• /


/ • '

, • ^

^ ARCADIS i.nfrasiructure, environment, buildings

• - Well/Boring




i u ^> Awl ^^i

1 Pi m

m f/i.i m KHz

i 1 ' ^ 5

(>!;( 1 ^^ 1 f ^ i

i m m W' i S|!




R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-14S - 16.40 ft bgs;.MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-| 14D - 9.79 ft bgs.


- • • •


Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:-

Template;-- Page; 5 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 24: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

:-Oate Start/Finish: 5/5/2010 to 5/7/2010 Drill ing Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic ( Sampling Method: 1 0 f t b y 4 i n (ID) Core Banel Rig Type:; Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 216189.93 Eastiriig: 690015.21 Casing Elevation: 24.13 ft nisi,

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 24.51 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 4 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari(, Millsboro, . DE


. 0) X o.

stratigraphic Description




187-197 ft

197-207 ft


217-227 ft

Light Gray VF SAND, trace to no Silt, wet, loose



w. fd,


m m Im


MW-14Dwell screen 210 to 220 ft bgs.

ARCADIS J infrastructure, environment, buildings

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-14S - 16.40 ft bgs; MW-14M - 10.70 ft bgs; MW-14D-9.79f tbgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File:- v

Page; 6 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 25: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

.pSe Start/Finish: 5/18/2010 to 5/19/2010 dr i l l ing Company: Boart Longyear -Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr ; Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method:; 10 ft by4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

Northing: 215363.58 ' •-, : Eastiffg: 690697.47 Casing Elevation: 22.66 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 22.99 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 6 D

Client: Public Weli TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial.Parit, Millsboro, DE


. z Q

Q. LU Lii _ l a LU

Stratigraphic Description



0-7 ft

7- 17 ft

17-27 ft

27-37 ft

Hand clear to 10 ft bgs - Silty VF SAND

* ' - ^ > Light tan-orange Sifty (15 to 30%) VF SAND, trace Clay, slightly cohesive. Silt seem (3-thick) at 13 ft bgs ' . .

Light tan-orange Silty VF SAND

Light tan-orange Silty VF-F SAND, loose

Light tan-orange Sifty VF-C SAND, trace F-M Gravel


1**^3 •

^ Tan-orange Silty VF-M SAND, some lo little C Sand, liftle F-M Gravel, subrounded

ill m A'

th m M


m ^

. t l iA'*i

I iiA<

t i l «5,


l l i

1 ^^ A * ;


( a ARCADIS Inffastructure, env'ronrn.eni buildings

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-16S - 14.85 ft bgs; MW-16D - 9.25 ft bgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File;-

Template;- Page: 1 of 6

Date: 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 26: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)




dsffeStart/Finish: 5/18/2010 to 5/19/2010 Drilling Company: Boart Longyear: v : , ; Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drill ing Method:; Rotospi^ic Sampling Method: 10 ft by;4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

. • ' ' : - ' . . . • ^ . ' . . / . .

:. z o

I . < H > D. UJ UJ _J Q . LU

- i o

- 2 0 -

- 4 5

. - 2 5 -

- 5 0

- 3 0 -

- 5 5

- 60

- 4 0 -

— 65''

- 4 5 -

- 7 0

- 5 0 -

- 7 5

• (


' • • ;

?. Q.-: -S'

. j Q . . • a . : ;

- 37-47 ft

47-57 ft

57-67 ft

67-77 ft

• s . : - fl)'.

• • • >

•:..:: O

: fg •..::-;X





• l




• ^


. o O .9 Ol

. o




y * • » ' • .v**-'.

m ^ »

f " '••la"

ft \iii # ,


Northing: 215363.58 , ' ;, Easting: 690697:47 Casing Elevation:! 22.66:ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 22.99f tmsl ,

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 6 0 •

Client:-PublicWell TCE Site

; Location::wBAtkiris,Memorial Parte, Millsboro, - . • ^ : ' • D E . '•. ' -

DRAFT] • - : . ' . : ' • ; : ' : ' • • • • ' • ; • : • • - ' • - • . : . •• '.

: K > , , .Strat igrajahiciDisscript ion '•• .^ ' -

• • • - . • ' • ' • . - ' • • : • : • • • • ' : ' ' • ' • : : ' • \ . . ! . . - : :

i ' -- ' • ' - : - : . - . . - : • : • • • • ! • • : ' • • • : - '

• - "

-) '' Orange Silty VF-C SAND, some to little F-M Gravel, subrounded

\ -Tan-orange Silty VF-M SAND, little C Sand and F-M Gravel, subrounded

• ' ) •

.' Tan-orange Silty (10 to 20%) VF-F SAND, grading to a orange Silty VF SAND witti trace F Sand

• '


^ A R C A D I S !ritfi)<:iriici'jre, env'romvent builaings- •

" . > Well/Boring


/; 1

V •


s 41/h

A " .

k <' < ' /,"/

. ' .

1 fl $ 1 1 1 1 M:i

m i





R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/10^ MW-16S-14.85 ft bgs; M W - 1 6 D - 9 . 2 5 ft bgs.


Project; NP000686,0001.00010 Data File:--

Template;- Page: 2 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 27: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

Dare Start/Finish: :;5/18/20ip to 5/19/2010 . Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drill ing Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by4 in (ib) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosoriic

Northing: 215363.58; ;; Easting;:690697.47 V : : / Casing Elevation: 22:66 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 22.99 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 6 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site 1

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Parte, Millsboro, DE



I i CL LU UJ _1 Q LU

0) X

Stratigraphic Description


• Construction

7 7 -87 ft

8 7 -97 ft

97-107 ft


Orange Sifty VF-F SAND, little M-C Sand and F-C Gravel

Brown Silty VF-C SAND, subrounded Gravel at 93 ft tigs

Gray VF-F SAND and SILT, wel, semi-loose

Gray Clayey SILT, trace VF Sand, wet, semi-strtt

Darlc gray VF SAND and SILT, trace Clay, semi-stiff, wet

4 , , .

Gray CLAY and SILT, very stiff, medium moist

Gray VF Sandy (20 to 30%) SILT, little to trace Cfay, cotiesive. semi-stiff, highly moist

Black-darit gray Clayey SILT vvith white shells

Gray VF Sandy SILT, little to trace Clay, cohesive, semi-stiff

Gray CLAY and SILT, very stiff, medium moist

u m


K'Al A'



^ / ! . i

m ftii A«;


MW-16S well screen 82 to 92 ft bgs. Well installed next to MW-16D by mud rotary method.

^ ARCADIS infrasiructure, environment, Uuildii

R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-16S - 14.85 ft bgs; MW-16D - 9.25 ft bgs.

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Data File;-- .

Template;- Page; 3 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 28: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)



r^—'—•- '— 1 Date Start/Finish: 5/18/2010 to 5/19/2010 .Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan-Drilling Method: Rotosonic ^ Sampling Method: 10 ft by4 in (ID) Core Barrel Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

. z






- 115

- 9 5 -

- '.2(1

- 1 0 0 -

-105 -

- 130

- 1 1 0 -

- 135

-115 -

- MO

- • - 220 -

- U 5

-125 -

- 1 5 0 -


.! Q.

• s


• 117-127ft

127-137 ft

137-147 ft

m •

; » • •






. • • ,


(S ARCADIS inlrasirudure, enviror.inent. buildint

- E •. 3

o p.

. O . 0)


1 ^

5 c^^s l » -

J l . - . ^ 1 ! ^ '


-p . v j » .

\i^r X

\ -


Northing: 215363.58;: Easting: 690697:47 ; Casing Elevation: 22.66 ft msl

Borehole Depth: 227 ft bgs Surface Elevation: 22.99 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

• L

r -Stratigraphic Description

• • ^ • • ; : ' •

Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 6 D

Client: Public Well TCE Site

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Part<, Millsboro; : . " D E :-• •


Gray Silty (25 to 35%) VF SAND, semi-loose, wet

Gray SILT and VF SAND, semi-loose, wet

Gray Clayey SILT. VF Sand laminations and lignite laminations

Gray Silty VF SAND, loose, wet

Gray Clayey SILT, VF Sand laminations and lignite laminations

Gray VF SAND, trace to no silt, loose, wet


Gray CL-AY and SILT, very stift, low to medium moist

Gray VF SAND, trace to no sift, loose, wet

Gray CLAY and SILT, very stiff, low to medium moist

Gray VF SAND, trace to no sill, loose, wel


• Well/Boring


i i 1 s i m i



1 pi i i If 1 1 i i th

i %Vi



R e m a r k s : Water levels measured on 5/21/10; MW-16S - 14.85 ft bgs; MW-16D - 9.25 ft bgs. 1

Project: NP000686.0001.00010 Template:-Data File;~

Page.- 4 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 29: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

w 'V^

D^atfe s t a r t / F i n i s h : 5/18/2010 to,5/19/2010 .

D r i l l i n g C o m p a n y : Boart Longyear

D r i l l e r ' s N a m e : Rodney (Bear) Parr

D r i l l i n g M e t h o d : Rotosonic

S a m p l i n g M e t h o d : 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Bane l

R i g T y p e : T rack-mounted Rotosonic

• • • z

o T &• H > Q_ LU UJ . r i D LU

--130 -

- 155


- 1 3 5 -

~ 1 £0

-140 -

-~ 165

-145 -

- n o


-- 1 7 5

/ • •

- 155 -

-- l e r .

. -

- 1 6 0 -

-- 165

• -

- 1 6 5 -


.... ..


E Q.

Q Q.

147-157 ft

157-167 ft

167-177 ft

177 -187 ft

.1 e- •

^. 9

• 0) X






•• F -

9 O

;• o O) o • o

- 0)


• ; - ; • : • ; ' . ;

' - • • • M

;ili • ; • ! • : • ; • ;

•• /Mr

; • ; , • ; • ; • ; •



N o r t h i n g : 215363 .58

E a s t i n g : 690697 .47 •

C a s i n g E l e v a t i o n : 22.66 ft msl

B o r e h o l e D e p t h : 2 2 7 ft bgs

S u r f a c e E l e v a t i o n : 22.99 ft ms l

D e s c r i p t i o n s By : ; Dav id Heuer- ; , ' ; ;

/ .:• . i . . '

•. Strat igraphic Descr ipt ion



Silty (10 to 20%) VF SAND with'some sift seems

W e l l / B o r i n g ID : M W - 1 6 D

C l i en t : Publ ic Wel l T C E Site

L o c a t i o n : W B Atk ins Memor ia l Part<, Mi l lsboro, -


. • . . : • • •


Ligtit gray VF SAMD, trace lo no sift, sill seems (2" ttiick) at 177 ft bgs and 182 ft bgs

- '

^ ARCADIS infrasirutture, eiYvronn)e:)l, tiu-latngs

. • ^ '



Wel l /Bor ing

Const ruc t ion

m i li^A

/ ^ i \ A'*/



A ^

f'* A*«f

i 1 1 1 1 f ^ f w, lUin

m. w W.I

i *•<*>


'"i AW,


R e m a r k s : Water levels measu red on 5/21/10: M W - 1 6 S - 14.85 ft bgs; M W - 1 6 D - 9.25 ft bgs.


Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Data File:~

Template;- Page: 5 of 6

Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer


Page 30: 5/7/10 - 5/19/10 DRAFT MONITORING LOGS - MONITORING …Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Parr Drilling Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: lO.ft byAin (ID)

- \ , ^ • : '• — '

D«e Start/Finish: 5/18/2010 to 5/19/2010' .bri l l ing Company: BoartLorigyear Driller's Name: Rodney (Bear) Pan Drill ing Method: Rotosonic Sampling Method: 10 ft by 4 in (ID) Core Banel, Rig Type: Track-mounted Rotosonic

' • ' z O

• I . " < ••tr • >

Q. LU U i . _J Q LU

- 190

- •

- 1 7 0 -

- 195

-17.5 ^

'r- 2 0 0 •

L . -

-- ISO -

-- : o 5

I . - 1 S 5 -

h ^


I - 1 9 0 -

r ~}^^ '

r ^-"

L V - 2 0 0 -

-- l i e _


. . r


p. : . a . •


187-197 ft

197-207 ft

2 0 7 -217ft

217 -227 ft

| -£>

: • ! ! ; ' : .









- .

; • • . . . . -

.c E 3 •-

o .o O) o


< • : : - ' : • :

• ; • • ; • ; • ; • ;


• M

Northing:.215363:58:^ v Easting: 690697.47 Casing Elevation: 22.66 ft nrisl

Borehole Depth: 227 ftbgs ,; Surface Elevation: 22.99 ft msl

Descriptions By: David Heuer

- ' - y y / - , '•' . - / - y y - - ' '••'••!:

• = stratigraphic Description .. ;•




) •


• ^

, ' •

. / • •


Well/Boring ID: M W - 1 6 D .

Client: Public Well TCE Site .

Location: WB Atkins Memorial Pari^, Millsboro, DE • .


• i ' - y . -

- . ' . . - . • •



. Construction


i t !>$ f , 4 .


1 m, i iv?"/

A*J ^




screen 208 to 218 ft bgs.

< i ARCADIS infrastructure, environment., buildinas

R e m a r k s : water levels measured on 5/21/10: MW-16S - 14.85 ft bgs; MW-16D - 9.25 ft bgs.

Project; NP000686.0001.00010 Template;-Data File;-


Date; 11/9/2010 David Heuer
